#i used a picrew game for reference for the clothes and colors
graveilexxy · 3 months
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deesblanketfort · 15 days
Activities for a fem aligning* caregiver ☆´ˎ˗ ︶︶︶
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(*First things first, I'm not a fan of pointlessly gendering things, so of course anyone can do these regadless of gender or gender expression)
I'm making this post mainly because I feel like there's a lack of fem leaning caregiver content, and since my partner is very girly, I believe reassuring her gender expression through caregiving would be encouraging for her!
Plus, it's fitting for a mother's day post! Happy late mother's day for all mamas and fem caregivers!
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🍨: Bake with them! My partner loves baking and I've been wanting to get us into cake decorating since colorful pastries make my regressed self excited!
🌷: Give them flowers! Flowers are often gifted to femmes, aside from being regarded as a symbol of tenderness and beauty. You can also make flower arrangments for them or put flowers on their hair.
💝: Pamper them with fem nicknames! If they enjoy being referred to with fem language they'll likely be happy to be called mom, Mamma/mommy, sis/sister, aunt/auntie, miss, madam/ma'am or lady.
🌈: Play dolls with them! Aside from it's sheer versatiliy in typing (fashion dolls, baby dolls, paper dolls, action dolls) dolls are suitable for several play pretend scenarios, and they're more fun to play with someone else.
💄: Give them a makeover! Paint their nails, do their makeup and hair, choose their outfit and let them enjoy their new look!
🍬: Have a spa day! Be it with skincare, haircare, bubble baths or manicure/pedicure, a home spa day is a good way to practice self care and bond with your caregiver.
🌺: Make accessories for them! From bracelets to necklaces and hair accessories, those can be made with a wide range of materials (beads, fabric, paper, EVA foam) and most are pretty easy to craft.
👑: Play royal court with them! They can be a princess or queen and you're their prince/princess or knight. Make a royal schedule and give them the princess treatment, pretty dresses included!
🎀: Style their hair! Grab a brush and all kinds of hair accessories and let your creativity flow! Short hair can be styled with headbands, bows and hairclips, while longer hair can also be tied into braids, buns, or anything!
🍡: Make dressup games and picrews of them! Picrews and other dressup websites are an amazing alternative to physical fashion dolls, since you can make them look just like your caregiver and dress them up in all kinds of pretty clothes. Don't forget to show them the finished pictures!
🩰: Play fashion runway! You can either both play as runway models, or one of you can be the stylist while the other is the model. Fashion runaway is also an opportunity to express and experiment with outfits.
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alter-soup · 7 days
Hello! Here i come, asking for inspiration ^^
In the answer to that ask about 2D (gorrilaz) one of the mods used this gif and its the perfect representation of what im asking for! I think we (our system) need a more joyful and carefree headmate, someone very sweet and kind, if a bit shy.
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If you need more inspo, here are some emojis 💖🌟💕🐰🌸🦄🪻+ the colors pink primarily, purple, and cyan. Kawaii af please!!! Fairykei fashion is a good reference point, or just google yumekawaii ^^
Name(s): uhhh, anything cute, extra points for an option starting with D
Pronouns- she/her and they/them
Would you like suggested neopronouns that
aren't included in the above column?- yes
Gender(s)- Demigirl, cutegender, genderfluff, bungender.
Would you like suggested Xenogenders that
aren't in the above column?- yessss
Orientation- Pan lesbian
Age- 19
Species- bunnygirl (kemonomimi)
Source: (N/A)
Role(s)- Delight, joy holder, Dpd holder.
Kins- Fluttershy, bunnies,
Personality traits/details- Shy, kind, empathetic, joyful, and gets excited easily.
Likes- bunnies, animals in general, cozy oversized clothes, cozy games, etc.
Dislikes- bugs, the dark, being alone,
Sign Off- 🐰 + another emoji please
Extra details- Maybe pink or white hair? Up to you! Also, light skinned please on the picrew, as is our body.
Would you like a picrew?- yes please <3
Sorry if too detailed, i just need help with a couple details and thought it would be worth it to ask for help.
Please tag as "Kawaii gif request" or alike in the pinned post so i know it wasn't deleted.
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Names : Doodle, Bunmette, Bun, Lopsie
Pronouns : she/they
Suggested Neopronouns : bun/buns, ear/ears, flop/flops, fluff/fluffs, cute/cutes
Gender : demigirl
Suggested Xenogenders : cutegender, genderfluff, bungender
Orientation : pan lesbian
Age : 19
Species : bunnygirl
Source : N/A
Roles : delight/joy holder, dpd holder
Kins : fluttershy, bunnies
Personality Traits/Details : shy, kind, empathetic, delightful, silly, energetic
Likes : bunnies, animals, cozy things, pillows, cozy games, stardew valley, fluffy things
Dislikes : bugs, the dark, being alone
Sign Off : 🐰💕
Extra Details : 
Faceclaim :
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paradoxiii · 1 year
I keep thinking about how one of my twitter/mastodon mutuals was like "I'm super jealous of artists who make super interesting & unique character designs", and I replied like "I feel like that too! I feel like I reuse the same design elements a lot & wish I could do more unique designs but when I try I inevitably dislike it & go back into my comfort zone"
And then they were like "You're one of the artists I was talking about"
And I just
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(Rambling under the cut)
Like, when designing characters it often feels like I have this little box of "things to design a character with" & I'm just rummaging around in it & when I find something I like for that character I spin a wheel for color or whatever lol
And sometimes I add something new to the box! Lately I've taken to giving characters multicolor hair to make them more interesting. Freckles and beauty marks have also been more common in my designs over the past year or so.
But I also like to use picrews/dress up games when I'm having a hard time with a design. Like, I'll use a few different picrews and dress up games to put together stuff for the character & pick & choose what I like from each result before I draw them. This helps me with moving just a *little* but outside what I usually think of, like rummaging through yard sale boxes for stuff instead of just my own I guess?
And as bad as pinterest is for artists wrt stolen art... I like using pinterest for inspiration as well. I'll make boards for characters, & I have boards for different kinds of clothing to reference as well. It's an easy way to drift outside my design comfort zone, and if I do heavily reference a particular image I'll try to find the original so I can link back to that at least.
But I do often feel a bit self conscious about my character designs. I'll see more professional character designers posting such unique & interesting designs & think "I want to make characters like that", but like I said, whenever I try to venture out & do designs that are unusual for me, I often end up disliking them. I don't usually ruminate much on it because ultimately I am my own target audience & don't care much about drawing in new followers & whatnot, but I guess part of the lingering self-consciousness is that I feel like as a kinda skinny white woman I *need* to branch out more. Like 99% of my OCs have very similar body types (usually based on my own, some skinnier, some more toned) and probably like 80% have white skin (I've gotten better at not making them all SUPER pale but still). But at the same time, I'm just one person who draws for fun, so while part of me feels like I have a moral obligation to make more darker skinnined characters and different body types, even if I did do that it's not like I have much influence on people. I do try to boost art of those kinds of characters as some sort of attempt to make up for it I guess? Idk. And this ramble is turning into something other than what I initially was thinking.
So TL;DR: seeing "I was thinking of you as someone who comes up with unique outfits, and also great hairstyles" (actual quote) was just kinda surreal lol. My imposter syndrome isn't as bad as it used to be but it's definitely still hanging around.
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ghostingfee · 2 years
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My OC: Gideon Bates
Picrew used
Character Sheet, description and worldbuilding under the cut!
FULL NAME: Gideon Joan Bates
PRONOUNS: she/her
AGE: 27 - 32
SEXUALITY: Asexual / No Labels
APPEARANCE: Tall and thin. Heavy eye bags. Always wears large/baggy clothing with a dark color palette. NEVER wears anything form fitting or revealing. Has a large ‘X’ shaped scar across her chest from top surgery
WHAT DRIVES THEM: A belief she has to “keep soldiering on”.
JOB: Works for the IRS as a Professional Funds Manager. Writes out plans and timelines to convince smaller businesses to work with the company. The job utilizes strategy and thoughtfulness. Gideon finds her work satisfying because she is good at it. (Important Elaboration further down)
PERSONALITY: When out in the world, Gideon is very closed off and serious. When she’s at her home, she’s relaxed and content. When she’s at her office doing her job, she’s stimulated and focused, even enjoying herself.
Gideon feels a sense of stability and competence about being an “adult”. She emotionally matured from a young age due to traumatic events and is very self aware of that fact, even identifying with it to an extent. She takes responsibility and independence very seriously. She isn’t responsible for the sake of pleasing authority, but because she holds herself to a standard of what being an “adult” is or as a way of showing a loved one she cares. Needs to be the one “on top of things”. Because of this, she does not crack in high pressure situations, especially if she is part of a team.
Gideon has severe PTSD from being kidnapped and assaulted by a pair of adults over the course of three days when she was a preteen.
Gideon had surgery to fully remove her breasts. She hated them, and became much happier and felt more like herself once they were gone. She does not mention it to others. If asked about it, she would shrug and say something along the lines of, “It helps my nightmares, and now I don’t have to look at something I hate when I look in the mirror.” The scar(s) on her chest are very large and apparent, which she takes pride in.
If one was to write a list of pieces of media that influenced culture and society, The Wolf of Wall Street would be at the very top, by a wide, wide margin.
No one knew if the creators knew their film would become the phenomenon it was while they were making it. The qualities of the protagonist- Confident, cunning, sly- became the ideal adult to the younger generation. Music and fashion referred to it constantly.
Most importantly, it changed how business was run.
If everyone wants to work on Wall Street, what do companies do? Make their job as similar to Wall Street as possible. If it could be sold on the phone, it was. Competition and ego are all that matters in the workplace. There were two words at the heart of it all:
Productivity and Pride.
Accomplish what will make you look best. Be envied. Envy no one else. If you gamble and lose, you keep it quiet. If you gamble and win, you boast.
As for Gideon’s job: Each employee has their own cubicle and has the same goal, but their way of doing it is entirely self managed. If one succeeds is entirely up to the individual.
Gideon is playing a completely different game then her colleagues. To them, their job is a high stakes bloodbath. To her, it’s a simple office job; She goes in, does her work, and leaves. Because of the independent and anonymous nature, Gideon thrives at her job, consistently pulling in big numbers. She hardly socializes with the others there,  but the office does know how competent she is, and that she gets twice as much work done as them. Because of this, the office uses a nickname when talking about her; “The Sniper”. 
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alelelesimz · 3 years
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izzy's dag-dag the artist... tag
Show us a rendition of yourself in your own art! Can be anything! Sims render? Random stick figure? Picrew? Go nuts! (Just be sure to tag the artist if you use someone else's picrew!!!!) Tag the blogs you want to know, and don't be a dick that's it! Also, feel free to answer as vague or in-depth as you want. And if you don't want to answer a question for any reason just don't vibe with it! Skip it if you wanna! Also make sure you tag me and use #dagdagtheartisttag so I can see it!!!!!!!!
thanks for tagging me @almost-spring!!!
1.) Do you prefer to be referred to by your name or blog name?
they’re the same lmao
2.) Where are you from?
venezuela!! i live in spain tho
3.) Do you have pets? 👀
no i WISH but i don’t have the time to properly take care of a pet
4.) Tell us about your "dream".
i just wanna have a job that doesn’t completely feel like a drag and enough money to not worry too much honestly lol
5.) Aside from art, what are your hobbies?
videogames, sleep.. that’s it i don’t have much more time 
6. )Does anyone irl know about your blog?
nah. however almost everyone in my life knows i play the sims for some reason
7.)Do you know anyone from your blog irl?
no but that’d be nice!
8.) What are some fun facts about you?
 I DONT KNOW ive been thinking about this and jesus christ
9.) What's your day job?
waitress 🙃
10.) Do you have a celebrity look alike?
no one that i’m aware
11.) What's your aesthetic?
grown up emo with oversized clothes only. i’ve been told i dress like a video game character or “kinda punk” which are both correct
12.) What kind of artist are you?
the one that doesn’t do as much art as they should
13.) How did you get into your form of art?
if we’re talking editing in general i started messing around with photoshop when i was 13 i think, but just sims edits idk i just stumbled upon simblr while looking for cc and realized people were doing cool stuff on here so i started doing the same
14.) What do you watch/listen/read/anything else while you create?
sometimes music, but most of the time either podcasts or whatever is on my watch later playlist on youtube
15.) What is your favorite of your own creations so far? 
i think this one and this one turned out really nice
16.) How would you describe your art style?
eclectic?? i just do whatever haha
17.) What is more satisfying to you coloring or outlining? 
18.) What meme would you use to describe yourself?
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everyone i know irl has send me every miyazaki meme cause they know how much i relate
19.) What character from any media form do you most identify with?
every time i see a question like this i can only think of bojack horseman which is a TERRIBLE thing but it is what it is!!
20.) If you were on the run, what would you change your name to?
uhh just anything that is not in spanish i guess
21.) Have you ever or do you want to change blog names?
yea my blog name sucks lmao
22.) God forbid Tumblr decides to pull a MySpace and lets us have page songs, what song would you choose? 
none ugh
23.) Oh yeah, I'm still on the MySpace train and I'm starting discourse! Who's your top 8?
idk? the mutuals i actually interact with 
24.) Did you understand those references or did you have to look them up? (I'm fully away I'm ancient, but are you?)
25.) One last question; why are you like that?
good fucking question!!
Dag dag?
Now tag tag!!!
i’ll tag @aniraklova @ladykendalsims @void-imp @madeofcc @hufflepuff-sim​ and uhh whoever wants to do it :p (also feel free to ignore it!)
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writeanapocalae · 5 years
Surprise it’s a tutorial!
Because @tenacious-scripturient​ and @agnodice-writes​ asked for help making characters earlier and it just so happened that I need to design a character RIGHT NOW I thought I’d do a bit of a tutorial while I do it? I’ve never done something like this so I hope it works. 
1) Inspiration - Last night I watched the original Charlie’s Angels and I remembered my absolute love for the Creepy Thin Man. Since I am always making more evil men and my story needs an evil man I’m taking some of the aspects of that character for my own. I’m going to take the sharp look and the nonverbal characteristics while dumping the hair pulling, screaming, and smoking. 
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You can take your inspiration from just a look, from an art piece, from someone you know, or from other characters you have. If you have a film character that can be helpful to draw you back to the basics if you ever get away from them. You can also combine multiple inspirations and make them one.
2) Image- This part is so much fun for me and I’m hoping that it is for others too! I personally draw my characters but creating some imagery for your character can be done through picrew, pinterest (hiss), faceclaims, or video game character creations! While I draw my character I try to imagine things about them. Here’s a 3 minute sketch of my character
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His face is a lot softer than the inspiration, he’s got a kinder personality and is far more patient. He has terrible posture, which lets me know how he sits and stands and gives me a hint as to how to write his idle motions. He has this loose sort of Bluth hair and he’s not wearing a full suit like the other characters in the story are, so he’s a lot more casual than they are. He’s wearing a turtleneck so there may be something that he’s hiding about his throat or he just knows he looks good in them. If your character has scars or tattoos or anything like that, this could be a good step to figure out where they came from. I definitely find this step the most useful for coming up with backstories and the like. 
(A secret step to this that I find helpful is having a friend who you know will find the character super hot. Instant validation)
Things to keep in mind
the world - there are blogs and pinterest folders and all sorts of things based off of aesthetics! If you’re writing a western, you should keep an eye on western blogs! If you’re writing fantasy, keep an eye on @armthearmour​ and blogs of that ilk! Having a character that greatly clashes with the setting can work but it has to be shown as an oddity or you’re writing about space travel or something. 
the story - If you’re writing an action/adventure story, having your character in a dress and heels doesn’t really make sense. Writing a story about the rise and fall of corporate life could be awkward if your lead always wears baggy lounge wear. Keep in mind what they’re going to be doing and the pros and cons of their outfitting for the setting. 
the character’s aesthetics - What is your character like and what sort of things do they carry with them? Do they wear clothes that they should probably get in trouble for? Are they trying to distract or bring attention to something? Do they always wear the same color? Is there something sentimental that they always have with them? 
the character’s job - My personal aesthetic does not pair well with my work uniform but I understand the importance of my work clothes (sometimes). The fact that I wear a button up, a name tag, and nice jeans makes it easier for customers to recognize me as an employee. Can I sneak some jewelry and as many skulls as possible into there? Not always. A character may not like what they have to wear, but that can tell us a lot about them and can come into play if they are working in the story. 
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3) Names - There are a lot of different ways to go about naming your characters.There are a million baby names sites and there’s also generators. Usually, by this point of the character creation I have an idea as to what I want their name to be, just from learning about them, but I often make my names up instead of going with realistic ones. If you’re making up names though, you have to make up everyone’s names, or most of them, otherwise it will be jarring every time your character’s name is said and can create a “spot the protagonist” situation. Since my character is a hitman, he needs both a name and a code name. Luckily the code name was super easy since all of the other guards that he’s blending with have animal code names so he became Jackal. 
Remember that friend that thinks our character is hot? They can be super useful here. Come up with a couple names, for this guy I’m thinking.... Jack (duh), Jacopo, Raffaele, or Giorgio. And just like that he became Italian! That’s a new development! For the main character of the story Jackal is from I ran a poll on twitter and 15 out of 16 people voted for Anson, so that’s why I went with that for the main characters name!
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4) Worksheets - I haven’t seen people use worksheets for their characters but when I was new to writing I filled out worksheets for my characters obsessively. I still do now, I guess, but without the actual form. They make you think of all these little details for your character, including their backstory! A worksheet can also be useful as a quick reference guide for your characters in the middle of the story if you forget the name of a spouse or of some location they’ve been. Here are a few worksheets to fill out if you find that useful! epiguide | novel software | freelance writing
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5) Backstory - For this I would recommend working backwards. For Jackal here, I know that he’s a hitman, he’s nonverbal, he is terribly soft but that’s all hidden away, and he’s gay (of course). So I have to explain how he came to be these things or how he came to realize them. Most hitmen take on the job for economic reasons, so I have to figure out what the factors were for that. I’m going to go with a family member being terribly sick with no hope of recovery with the families current finances, which also explains his secret softness. He will kill, it’s business, he doesn’t see his targets as people as such since that will make it hard to complete a contract, but all of his money is going to the hospital and, if he has to deal with someone in a similar situation it may affect him differently. He’s nonverbal because (just researched this and I’m sorry if I’m wrong) he suffered some brain damage before he was born which affects his breathing. This leads to my decision that this damage occurred when his mother came down with the disease aforementioned and now I know that there are breathing problems involved with this form of nonverbalism which may come into play in the story. His being gay? Well, I don’t need to figure out how that came to be since that’s not how being gay works, but he probably realized that he was gay while on a job, falling, not for a target, but for an employer. And just like that I have a slightly cliche but still decent start to a backstory!
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6) Asks - ask games, talking about your characters, and just open conversation can help you come up with minor details about your character. Yesterday I was asked what kind of candy my characters like and how they feel about Christmas in November. Will my characters celebrate Christmas in story or eat candy? Probably not but having to come up on the spot with an answer for these questions still taught me things about the characters. I learned that Anson loves nostalgia and has no interest in decorating for himself. And I learned that Jackal has very good control over his sugar intake, is more fond of bitter flavors, and is annoyed by the inequality of America’s Christian obsession. These are aspects of personality and those will effect the story more than what the actual answer to the question was will.
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That’s a lot longer than intended! Hopefully me walking through my process for creating this character will be helpful for you! I know I know a lot more about this guy than I did before I started!
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paperboatsystem · 4 years
henlo y’all
we finally made a system blog and i thought it would be nice to start things off with a short introduction about our system and its members! the descriptions are gonna be brief, and we’ll be posting individual introductions after this.
we are the Paper Boat System, an osdd-1b system with no official diagnosis (yet). we discovered our plurality just recently, some time last month, and so we’re still figuring things out. we’re slowly getting the hang of things though! 
we’ll be using this blog mostly to reblog stuff and write our feelings, probably post some art of us here too! 
this system consists of five people and counting, with two of them being fictives and one of them being a factive.
now that general stuff is out of the way, here’s our headmate introductions under the cut!
i’m Rou, the current host of the system. i’m the same age as the body (18), and i’m a genderfluid lesbian. i like drawing, writing, and listening to music. basically, i love the arts no matter what medium! i also like furbys with a passion!! honestly, i’m better at describing everyone else but me slkdfsjdf i’m also the one currently writing this post, so when the pronoun ‘i’ is used here, it’s referring to me.
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next up is B, a factive of an irl friend whom i thought i had a crush on bc of comphet. because of both of our muddy complicated feelings with his source regarding my past “attraction”, B prefers to not disclose his actual name. he is one year younger than the body. aside from being a factive, he’s the co-host of the system and he takes care of the body during school or similar responsibilities. when he’s not fronting he’s just chilling beside the current fronter, silently judging. as for his personality, basically he’s a virgo. he likes books, coffee, and being proven right. he’s a jackass but we love him anyways. oh he’s also the only cishet person in the system lmaooo
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Linda is one of the protectors of the system. she’s a queer cis female who loves riot grrrl and punk culture with a passion. she also likes politics and activism. she’s in her early 20′s and usually has the single braincell in the entire system. she doesn’t front most of the time, and only does so when she’s going to do her part. she’s intimidating and she always stands her ground. she’s a no-bullshit person and she will snap back if you try to argue. Linda is nice if you aren’t an asshole, though!
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picrew by alohasushicore
Marvin is one of two fictives in the system and the reason we found out we were a system. he’s a cis gay male in his late 30′s to early 40′s. he’s not an age slider, we’re just unsure of his specific age (especially since it wasn’t mentioned in the source). Marv is also a protector. he likes games, including video games, because he’s competitive (in a healthy way) and also books and coffee. he’s basically the dad of the system because the body’s father is an asshat. he also likes comfy clothes (esp sweaters and hoodies) and the color red. he loves his partner Whizzer very much.   
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last but not least, we have Whizzer. he’s also a factive, from the same source as Marvin. he’s younger than Marv, being somewhere in his late 20′s to his early 30′s. he’s the third ANP of the system aside from me and B, dealing with the body’s hygiene and helping with social interaction. he’s a cis gay male and he’s Marv’s partner! he likes sports, fashion, and teasing Marvin about everything. he’s peppy, talkative, and confident of his identity. Marv is his partner and he too loves him very much.
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one day i’ll find a picrew that perfectly captures his face and aesthetic
okay, i think that’s all of our headmates for now! thank you for reading this, and i hope we meet new system friends here 💕
- Rou 💜
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