#i want to romance preston...
localplaguenurse · 1 month
Listen he's not my flavour personally but I'm gonna be salty that Nick Valentine isn't romanceable but Preston Garvey is
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I was at Walmart and I was considering buying Gloom Between the Stars and then I saw the authors note-
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And I immediately decided to get it
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sunshineandviolets · 2 years
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the only pretty sophies tbh
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vaultboyenthusiast · 1 year
as someone who is a fallout 4 fan the writing falls incredibly short with every companion at many points throughout the game so I want to know who you think got it the worst!
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emo-dreamboi · 11 months
This is not at all what my page is but I gotta talk about something.
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And you guys do not put ANY respect on his name. This man survived the Quincy Massacre after having been with the Minutemen for presumably a few years, and he STAYED even when every other Minuteman had either died or deserted.
By the time you meet him he had contemplated suicide heavily for a few days at this point, and potentially more even further back. He entrusts you to be the leader the Minutemen need, and I hope he was right for some if not most of you.
YOU GUYS GIVE THIS MAN SO MUCH SHIT when in all actuality he is deeply depressed, terrified, and traumatised.
I romanced him, I got to know him, and by god if I don’t want to keep this man protected and safe with all my heart. He has seen so much it hurt him that deeply and I want to give him peace and safety seriously guys this boy deserves our sympathy and care. All the characters are traumatised but Preston is the one people don’t think about or realise because they brush him off as annoying. He went through so much pain because he just genuinely wanted to help people
Okay rant over I just think about this a lot
EDIT: I’ve literally felt this way about Preston for years and I always defended him verbally, it just got hate
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dorkofclanlavellan · 1 month
Obsessive Cleaning (FO4 Preference)
Fandom: Fallout 4 Request: x x Pairings: Danse x Reader, Hancock x Reader, MacCready x Reader, Nick x Reader, Preston x Reader.
I included Nick because he should be romanceable.
Idk if manic cleaning is the correct term for this so I didn't use it because I didn't want to be offensive.
Zero uses of Y/N or Sole so you can decide if Reader is Sole or not.
Trigger Warning: Reader obsessively cleaning and neglecting their own needs.
Danse wakes up to an empty bed and immediately heads out to find you. He discovers you engrossed in your task of cleaning and making repairs to Sanctuary, impressed by your attention to detail.
He joins in to help, using his military training to streamline the process and increase efficiency.
Danse appreciates your dedication to improving your surroundings and sees it as a reflection of your strong work ethic.
After a bit when he notices that you're showing no signs of slowing or even taking a a break, that's when Danse would intervene. He'd make sure you're okay and encourage you to at least stop long enough for food and water.
"Alright, soldier, you're no good to anyone passed out from hunger. Let's just sit over here and take a brief respite."
Hancock wakes up and immediately notices your absence. He follows the sounds of cleaning to find you fully immersed in your task, determined to make Sanctuary perfect.
He admires your dedication but worries that you're neglecting your own well-being.
Hancock encourages you to take breaks and assures you that Sanctuary already looks great.
He'd even join in once he realizes that you're probably not going to stop until you believe Sanctuary is as good as it's going to get. And he'd do his best to keep the mood light.
"Damn, sweetheart, you keep at it like this you'll make the rest of us look like a bunch of do-nothings. How about we take a quick...nap?"
When MacCready wakes to find you missing and sets out to locate you. He discovers you hard at work, fixing and cleaning various areas of Sanctuary with a determined expression.
He's impressed by your dedication but also concerned that you're pushing yourself too hard.
He offers to help and tries to convince you to take breaks, knowing how important it is to avoid burnout.
He admires your commitment to making Sanctuary a better place and supports you throughout the process, ensuring you take breaks and stay hydrated.
"Sweetie, you need rest...and breakfast. I promise this rubble will still be here in a couple of hours."
Nick Valentine:
Being a synth, Nick doesn't need sleep. He was, however, going over some information on a case he was working when he noticed faint noises. He decided to investigate and found you diligently working around Sanctuary.
He's intrigued by your hyperfocus and deduces that you won't stop until you're satisfied with the results.
Nick offers his assistance, impressed by the progress you've already made. You were cleaning up trash and rubble, recycling anything that could be repurposed.
He keeps an eye on your well-being, reminding you to take breaks as you work together to improve
"You're definitely impressive but unlike me you do need food and sleep. How about you take a break and while I finish up?"
Preston Garvey:
Preston wakes up in the middle of the night and notices your absence. Concerned, he sets out to find you and is surprised to discover you tirelessly cleaning and fixing things in Sanctuary.
He admires your dedication to helping others but worries that you're neglecting your own needs.
Preston offers to assist you and encourages you to take breaks and rest.
Preston appreciates your commitment to making Sanctuary a safe and comfortable place for everyone and supports you throughout the cleaning process.
"You know, you really are amazing. But even you need water to continue going, honey."
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nukaberries · 1 year
Hey, could I have some reactions to the male companions *coughValentinecough* reactions to seeing a female Sole Survivor outside of their radiation suits for the first time?
This is actually a really cool idea!! and I'm loving the appreciation that Nick's getting right now (Bethesda make him romanceable NOW)
Male Companions React to Seeing Sole Outside Her Radiation Suit
(Includes: Danse, Deacon, Hancock, MacCready, Nick and Preston)
Paladin Danse He can relate to always wearing a suit that hides most of his appearance. However, Sole has seen Danse out of his power armour a fair few times while they've been travelling together, he's never seen Sole in anything but her radiation suit. He won't say anything at first, wanting to keep their relationship strictly professional, but Sole may catch him staring for a little too long from time to time, before snapping out of it and pretending nothing had happened.
Deacon He'd definitely already made his guesses on what Sole looks like outside of the suit. His personal favourite theory - that Glory and Tom got sick of hearing about - was that Sole had six heads and fourteen arms coming out of her stomach. Still, he can't deny that he's somewhat taken aback when Sole eventually does take her radiation suit off. He'll make a comment on how he's relieved she has a normal amount of limbs, to which he'll refuse to elaborate on. If they're in Railroad HQ, Glory will definitely smack him across the head.
Hancock While he never would've openly admitted, despite a few passing comments about Sole's 'interesting get up', Hancock was so curious about what Sole actually looked like under her suit. He would've never outright asked though, not wanting to come off as weird. When Sole does take her suit off around him, depending on how close they are, Hancock might mention how he prefers them without the suit. He won't want to make Sole feel uncomfortable though, especially if they're not very close, so he'll leave it at that.
MacCready He has no idea why Sole insists on wearing her radiation suit everywhere. The Glowing Sea, sure. Boston Commons, maybe. But Diamond City? If MacCready ever brings up Sole's suit, it'll be more about how he doesn't understand why they wear it everywhere. When Sole finally takes off her suit in his presence, he's initially just relieved it doesn't look like he's travelling the Commonwealth with an alien, then he realises how beautiful Sole actually is. It makes travelling with her afterwards a little more awkward - for him - often finding himself quite flustered around her. He just hopes that Sole hasn't caught on yet, or that she ever will.
Nick Valentine With his own get up being rather unconventional - how often do you see a synth detective? - Nick actually appreciates that Sole only ever goes around in a radiation suit. It somehow balances out how unusual they both appear alone and makes him feel just a little less abnormal. Admittedly, he is quite curious as to what Sole actually looks like, but he'd never outright ask or make her feel like she had to show him. When Sole does take her suit off, he's pleasantly surprised, but he won't mention it, wanting to avoid making her uncomfortable, even if he does think Sole's a sight for sore eyes. Whether Sole decides to keep the suit off or she puts it back on right after, Nick won't mind either way, he's just happy to have the company.
Preston Garvey When Preston first met Sole outside the Museum of Freedom, he was almost dead certain she was an alien, seeing her take down all those raiders in her radiation suit. He's only ever mentioned Sole's choice in clothing a few times, mainly wondering how she got into that power armour when she took on the Deathclaw. He'd never actually ask Sole to take her suit off, worrying she might not feel comfortable enough to, so when she finally does, he's relieved that she trusts him enough to take it off around him. Sure, her beauty is a bonus, but he decides to keep that part to himself for now.
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minuteminx · 1 year
My biggest frustration as a Preston fan in the Fallout 4 fandom is not actually the people who make hate content (that’s annoying and awful but my block button is a pretty great balm for that); no, it’s actually the multitude of people who “would like him if…” “would have been more willing to spend time with him if…”
Call me crazy, but aside from the annoying radiant quest mechanic (which can be circumvented if you 1. Listen to Radio Freedom everyone once and a while, 2. Don’t do the quests you’re assigned bc you’ll only get a couple at a time before it stops, and 3. Make sure your settlements are in good shape. You have so much less to do if you settlements are taken care of on the front end. If they have a high enough defense and they’re under attack? THEY DEFEND THEMSELVES. Imagine that. Anyway) I actually LIKE how the game handles Preston and the MM.
Maybe it’s just me coming from Dragon Age fandom, where in the very first game, my fresh out-out-of-orientation Grey Warden is asked to take the lead by someone with more seniority because the more senior person is riddled with grief, survivor’s guilt, and insecurity that they’d be able to do a good job… sound familiar? Preston asks you to be the General because after everything he has been through, he’s not ready to fill that role. He can’t stomach the responsibility because he is afraid he’ll mess it up, that he’ll let people down.
But the thing is, he still does the General Stuff. He is the one organizing, communicating with settlements, strategizing, expanding, recruiting, giving orders, etcetera, etcetera. The sole who agrees to be the General is honestly just a figurehead for the settlers and a sounding board for Preston’s ideas. At the end of the day it is not the Sole Survivor who settlers run to, excited to thank them for all their help and make donations. It’s not the Sole Survivor who is viewed as the face of the MM. It’s Preston.
Do I wish the game came full circle and acknowledged that? Oh yeah I do, which is why I’m writing fanfic. I think that Preston deserved a personal quest where you retake Quincy from the Gunners and get revenge on Clint. I think the end of his story should be the Sole Survivor acknowledging that he’s been the General the entire time and bequeathing that title back to him now that he is recovering and ready for it. That’s really all I would have needed to feel like his story was complete.
As is, I enjoy traveling with Preston in game. He is refreshing. He has a lot of hopeful commentary about the Commonwealth, a lot of sarcasm and dry humor, and it’s great. He actually gives you less quests when he’s traveling with you as a companion, too.
His romance is lovely. It is the only one with some additional dialogue if you do the flirts, successfully initiate, then back out when he asks if you’re sure. He will come back later and say “listen, I know last time we talked, you said you weren’t ready to move on, but it’s been a while now and I still feel the same about you. I was wondering if you thought you might feel the same about me.” He also is genuinely so happy and excited to be with you. He gets a little more flirtatious. talking about MM regulations not covering your little situation (little eyebrow wiggle included). He calls you babe and tells you to be careful. It’s just as rich of a romance as literally any of the others.
I’m not sure where I’m going with this, but I’ve been seeing a number of new posts in this vein lately and I guess I wanted to add my thoughts. 😌
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stoat-party · 8 months
Fallout 4 Companions and Whether They Like Hugs*
*specifically with the Sole Survivor, max affinity, not romanced. Mostly educated guessing but includes canon whenever possible.
Hugs = vulnerability, and vulnerability has historically been something Cait tries to avoid. But you’re someone she deeply, truly trusts. She’ll both give and receive hugs from you — if anyone else tries it, though, there’s a chance they’ll get their nose bloodied.
Canonically does not understand hugs. Would stoically accept a hug if given one. Probably incapable of delivering them, but he would make an effort if asked.
Very excited to use her new body for acts of interpersonal physical contact! Oxytocin does wonders for the mind and body, you know. Will politely ask permission before hugging you, but you’re always welcome to hug her.
Formality and awkwardness keep Danse from doing much hugging — like, maybe a celebratory post-battle brohug if you’re lucky. He’s canonically willing to hold a friend who’s upset, though, so you could try breaking down in his arms if you really needed a hug from that giant strong man. But the armor’s going to get in the way, so you have to be strategic about this.
Only if it’s for the meme. He’s “not the hugging type.”
Dogs don’t really interpret hugs the way we do, but Dogmeat is an abnormally smart dog. He’ll accept a hug because he loves being close to you, especially when you’re upset. Would prefer scritches, though.
When you’re a beloved public figure in Goodneighbor, you tend not to develop too broad a personal bubble. There’s less risk that he’ll disapprove and more that you’ll startle him and get stabbed. But he’ll return the hug when you’re conscious again. Mind the hat.
I think MacCready is very affectionate with the people he feels closest to. Especially if he’s drunk.
Unfortunately, Nick doesn’t really get as much from hugs as the fleshfolk do. A good, warm cuddle is something he remembers but can’t fully experience. But he’s unreserved with giving them if he thinks you could use one. Knowing he’s comforted a friend counteracts the roboangst.
Sure! She’d love a hug. Piper is a mostly sane human being, so I don’t actually have much to say about this. She’s normal about hugs.
Nope! In his words, “not really a hugger.” If you desperately wanted to hug that man, you could probably pull rank and he’d roll his eyes and acquiesce. I know, I’m heartbroken too.
Canonically doesn’t know what hugs are, probably not a good idea to teach him. His idea of affection involves friendly violence, which you’ll also want to avoid.
Haha. No. At max affinity, he trusts you enough to set that boundary, and no, it’s not a negotiable one. You’ll have to love the scary terminator man from a respectful distance.
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zirawrites · 1 year
How would romanceable companions react to Shaun telling them that for Christmas he’d like a little brother/sister?
Cait: Cait tossed her head back with a carefree laugh, then lowered on one knee to look Shaun in his eyes. “Well, you tell your daddy/mum to keep wearing that outfit I love so much and you just might.” Then Cait uncharacteristically giggled when Shaun furrowed his brow in confusion.
Curie: Curie was surprised to find explaining her infertility to Shaun was more difficult than when she initially grappled with it herself. “Alas, young Shaun, but I do not think we can have a baby.” Curie gently squeezed his arm. “But the Commonwealth is very big, and maybe one day we might find a child to take in like yourself.”
Danse: The soldier nervously chuckled, moving his eyes between a flustered Sole and their eager son. “A baby is a lot of responsibility, Shaun. And it would be years before they could play with you.” Shaun still insisted, and Danse rubbed his face as if he could physically wipe away his anxiety. “Wouldn’t you rather have another dog?”
Deacon: Deacon rubbed his hands together and looked at Sole with the mischievous glint in his eyes that always meant he was about to put on a show. “Well, I guess it’s a good a time as any to tell the kid, don’t you think?” Sole asked what he meant, and Deacon turned to Shaun with a beaming smile. “I’m pregnant! Congrats, Shaun. You’re getting an alien sibling! Just last week when I was being probed aboard the mothership...” Shaun and Sole bust out laughing, and Deacon’s story was drowned out by their noise.
Hancock: The ghoul shook his head with a cool, even smile. “Ghouls can’t have their own kids, Shaun. But if you ask Santa for a puppy, I think he can make it work.” Hancock desperately hoped Shaun hadn’t heard all the barking last night when he and Sole tried to sneak a dog through Sanctuary.
MacCready: “Well, when Duncan is feeling better, he can make a trip to come visit the Commonwealth. How does that sound?” MacCready knew Shaun wanted a baby sibling, but neither he nor Sole were ready for another mouth to feed when they still didn’t have both their boys home safely.
Preston: “Oh, like a baby brother or sister?” Preston’s face was flushed an adorable shade of deep crimson. “I don’t think, uh... Sole and I have discussed that yet.” Shaun assured Preston that he shouldn’t worry: Santa could make miracles happen.
Piper: “Oh, Shaun. I don’t think so.” Piper tried to explain that he and Nat were already a handful, but Shaun wouldn’t hear it. “Babies cry, kid. All they do is eat and sleep and poop. Are you ready to change all those dirty diapers?” Piper chuckled when Shaun crinkled his nose. “Didn’t think so.”
Nick: “The Commonwealth needs an education overhaul if you really think your dad/mom and I can make a baby.” Nick then tried to explain where babies come from, which horrified poor Shaun.
X6-88: “That’s too bad.”
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Review: A Study In Drowning (Ava Reid)
Rating: ★★★★★/5
"The danger was real. Effy and Angharad had both proven that, with their wits and their mirrors. The danger lived with her; perhaps it had been born with her, if the rest of the stories about changeling children were to be believed. The danger was as ancient as the world. But if fairies and monsters were real, so were the women who defeated them."
I am OB. SESSED. This was so excellent and so much more than I expected.
Effy Sayre has been haunted by visions for her whole life. She sees the Fairy King everywhere; she can't sleep unless she takes a pill, and she just knows that he is out there, waiting for her. She's an architecture student, but only because women aren't allowed to study literature in Caer-Isel. All she truly wants is to study Emrys Myrddin and his famous work, her favourite book, Angharad. When an opportunity arises for Effy to redesign Emrys's home after his death, to go to the place where he lived and wrote, she jumps at the chance. But all is not what it seems at decrepit Hiraeth Manor...
I went into this book expecting some kind of dark academia-esque story. The cover and the blurb certainly give it that air, and I do enjoy that genre, but it's not typically my end-all, be-all. This has some elements of it, for sure, but overall, it's instead this mash-up of DA and fantasy and horror and magical realism and romance, and I just loved how everything fit together in such a unique, interesting way.
I absolutely loved Effy, so, so much. She's been THROUGH IT and she has survived, but she feels it's not enough, and my heart just immediately went to her and stayed with her through her story. Her story is at once original and the story of so many women. She has survived, but she feels it's not enough, that she needs to do more, that she needs to be more, and the feminist message of the book just hit me so hard because it's done so seamlessly and so emotionally.
Equally, Preston stole my affections from the moment we meet him, gruff, snobby guy that he appears to be; he just feels so genuinely sweet, and just so right for Effy, without it ever feeling like Ava was trying too hard.
This quote sums things up for me (and made me clutch the book to my chest and my heart ache):
"Effy laughed again. 'I thought you weren't a romantic.'
'I wasn't,' Preston said, cheeks still pink. 'Until you.'"
And the world-building! The lore! I was so taken into this story for the world alone. It's modern-ish, with televisions and phones and cars, but high-fantasy-ish at the same time with some divisive politics at play and a history that I wish we got to explore more. I love how literature is most important here, and though feminism still feels a long ways off, I'd love to find out how Effy contributes to its inevitable rise.
I just. I loved this so much. I can't say enough about it.
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off-the-heezys · 3 months
Since you’re the Spacemax train ya got any headcannons for them?
hello I’m late to this ask
Max has such a soft spot for Space Kid it’s not even funny
This is gunna sound so dumb but I day dreamed an episode where max and space kid had a silly fake wedding bc preston wanted to have a romance play and max just. Let it happen bc he was just so over everything and they were wedded with ring pops and space kid still calls max his husband and max is too tired to do anything about it
Their love language is head bonks. Like they’ll just be existing and one of them will bonk their head on the others shoulder or back
Max would be caught dead before he was seen publicly being extra nice to space kid
In high school space kid mellows out and he enjoys talking to max bc max likes to hear about how weird nasa was back in the day
Space Kid is much more affectionate, just in general
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thegroovywitch · 1 year
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I: “Did the members of the band comment with you on the shots?”
Neal Preston: “Funny you ask. I always thought that Jonesy and Bonzo never even looked at the tryouts. Robert would make some observations: ‘I like it. I don’t like it’. Jimmy would comment laconically, like: ‘Crow’s feet’. He was worried about crow’s feet and bellies, ‘Look here. Look there.’ A famous anecdote, moreover true, tells of one evening when I went to Jimmy’s suite to show him a series of color slides. With the huge carousels on the projector, I gave a show in the corridors of the hotel. We used a large blank wall as a screen and we looked at the images. Jimmy rejected all the impeccable ones, the most beautiful ones, the ones that in my opinion were perfect, technically successful shots. He preferred the more bizarre ones, the ones with a spectral aura... I’ve never managed to figure out what he liked. He seemed to change his mind from hour to hour. He wanted to look handsome and charming, then he wanted to give a strange and dark image of himself... Well, I didn’t understand his choices. At one point I turned off the projector and asked him: ‘Tell me which ones you like. Give me some pointers, because I feel lost.’ And Jimmy replied: ‘I seek power, mystery, romance and the hammer of the gods.’
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triviareads · 11 months
Can you recommend any books where they get right into the sex?
Either historical or contemporary
Sure! I'm all for an instant gratification moment (and for the purpose of this ask I stuck to early sex scenes between the main couple because there's a decent amount of het romances out there that begin with the hero and another woman..... though predictably not many with the heroine having good sex with another man :/).
Minx by Sophie Lark: There's some fabulous, very hot sex (and pet play) a few chapters in, after Blake agrees to take on Ramses as a client. And once the ball gets rolling, it really doesn't stop.... and only gets better from there.
Lush Money by Angelina M. Lopez: Roxanne basically *mounts* Mateo (if there's one thing Angelina loves, it's a mounting moment) right after their agreement that she'll get her pregnant in exchange for money is finalized. It's very.... economical and Mateo hates it, but gets off on it. He's soooooo conflicted and I personally loved that.
After Hours on Milagro Street by Angelina M. Lopez: The other mounting moment sex scene; Alex hops on Jeremiah literally two minutes after arriving in the dead of the night at her family's bar. It's honestly made hotter because Angelina writes a (kinda hilarious) premature ejaculation coupled with Alex getting off after. It works and I'm all for it.
Sherwood by Sierra Simone: Such an underrated book imo; the prologue has our "Robin Hood" (she's a woman here) about to be deployed, and "Maid Marian" tries to dissuade her by eating her out. Very emotional, very hot.
Asking for Trouble by Tessa Bailey: An early face-sitting scene after she's cuffed him in her foyer. Brent puts his "middle-class mouth" to gooood use.
Scorching to the Touch by Ofelia Martinez: There's hate sex about two chapters in; Erica makes Friedrich eat her out in the bathroom of an event and when he whips out his dick and is all "what am I supposed to do with this?", she points to a stall. Honestly, a winner.
The Risk by Caitlin Crews: She's a ballerina pretending to be a stripper-escort who gets her fantasy of being "bought" fulfilled and she and her billionaire have sex pretty much right after.
Crashed Out by Tessa Bailey: Like a couple chapters in, Jasmine sees Sarge's dick and books it to her car and tries to get off, but then Sarge catches her and lends a helping hand all while asserting he's a Grown Man now.
Desperate Measures by Katee Robert: Jafar kills Jasmine's mob boss father in the beginning and within the next chapter, there's a CNC scene where he chasing her down while she pretends she doesn't want it.
Give Me More by Sara Cate: Sara immediately sets up the throuple by having the married couple, Hunter and Isabel, have anniversary sex while listening to their friend Drake have sex with two other women, with Drake also getting off while listening to Hunter and Isabel.
The Bride Goes Rogue by Joanna Shupe: A fabulous anonymous encounter with neither Preston nor Katherine realizing who the other person is (right after Preston rejected his arranged betrothal to Kat) and they're pretending to be Louis XV and Madame Pompadour while they get each other off at a French Ball.
Her Husband's Harlot by Grace Callaway: The book starts with Helena following her husband to a brothel disguised as a prostitute, and Nicholas fully doesn't recognize her when he (successfully) has sex with her for the first time.
Passion by Lisa Valdez: An erotic romance; the literal first lines describe Mark groping Passion during the Great Exhibition, and he has her "pinned to the wall like a butterfly" within the next few pages.
The Virgin and the Rogue by Sophie Jordan: Charlotte is (allegedly) under the influence of an aphrodisiac when she mounts Kingston (can you tell I have a thing for this) in the library in the middle of the night, dry humps him, and runs away. Unironically one of my favorite Sophie Jordan sex scenes.
The Rake Gets Ravished by Sophie Jordan: The story begins with Mercy breaking into Silas's bedroom to retrieve the deed to her family home, and when Silas finds her, she seduces him and fucks him into such a deep sleep that when he awakes, all he's left with is an apology note and her *virgin blood* on the sheets.
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anathemafiction · 1 year
Inflation prices
Hosted Games is going to raise the price of all of their games on January 19th — it's been years, but it seems inflation has caught up with them. This won't affect newer releases much, like the Rose, but it may have a pretty substantial price increase in some of the older titles. 
The Golden Rose will go up 15% percent — so if you want to buy it, now's the time to do it! Outside of Steam sales, it'll never be this low price again.
However, some old gems will have bigger price changes, and I wanted to take this opportunity to shine some light on a few of my old favorite HG games. If the summaries interest you, give the free demos a try!
(I'll be linking the COG page, where you can find the links to Steam, Google Play, the App Store, and Amazon at the bottom of the screen).
Tin Star (50% price increase) — Step into the shoes of a US marshal in the old, wild west. It's a very big game, full of hard decisions and a great cast of characters (Preston, you cocky bastard, I love you). You can be a terrible person, a saint, or anything in between. 
Zombie Exodus (60% increase) — Try to survive a zombie apocalypse. There are dangerous missions to navigate, complicated power dynamics between survivors, and, of course, friends and lovers to remind you what it is you're fighting for. This is an old game, but it was one of the first IFs I read, and to this day the story and characters hold a special place in my heart. 
Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven (40%) — This one isn't really an old game, but I want to include it since the price increase is still substantial and, if you enjoy the first ZE, you will LOVE this. The author took everything from the first game and made it better. You can see how much he has improved. From customization (it's mind-blowing), to relationships, to writing atmospheres - I was legitimately scared in some parts! Plus, the different prologues are so good and... just try it! I adore this game so much. 
Way Walkers: University (40%) — Play as a student in a prestigious magic school. The magic system is super interesting, as is the world at large. But, by far, the best thing about this game and its sequel are the characters. It has one of my favorite ROs in any IF games, Semryu, and the way your friendship develops into a tentative romance is so well done. There's also mystery and tension, and I cannot wait for Book 3! 
Double/Cross (60%) — Okay, I'll admit: I don't remember a lot about this game. It's been years since I read it, but I do remember, however, really liking it! You work as a bodyguard for the richest man in England, and not everything is as it seems. I like it because it subverts your expectations, and when I got my "happy ending" I... did not feel happy at all. It's really interesting and not very long, so I encourage everyone to give it a try!
So, You're Possessed! (50%) — Oh, how to explain this game? You start as a pizza delivery person, and then you meet a demon and your life is thrown upside down. It's been years since I've played it but it has always remained a special little gem. I don't want to spoil the story too much, so just give it a try!
Evertree Inn (40%) — Again, not exactly old, but I think the price increase warrants it on the list. I also think most of you are familiar with the game and its sequels, but I want to mention it anyway. Solve a mystery in a secluded tavern and watch out for the murderer! You can play as a number of fantasy races — dwarf, elf, etc— and interact with a cast of colorful characters. It's just such a fun game, and it leads to a great adventure in the sequel. 
Fallen Hero: Rebirth (40%) — Okay, okay, I know. You all have the game already plus, it isn't technically "old". Well, may this serve as an announcement that Fallen Hero is about to get 40% more expensive, and if by some chance some of you haven't played it yet, you should absolutely do so now. The sequel is coming, and it's held as one of the best IFs ever published. A reputation that, in my opinion, is more than deserved. 
Happy reading! I hope you find at least one game that'll bring you joy.♡
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devilsrains · 11 months
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led zeppelin, by neal preston
NEAL: [...] I had a huge carousel tray loaded in the projector and it was like a small traveling show. We used the white wall as a screen and sat down to watch the slideshow. Jimmy rejected all of the beautiful and pure photos that I considered the prettiest and technically perfect.
He rejected them, you know, saying he liked the weird and phantasmagoric photos better… I never tried to understand what he really liked. It looked like he changed his opinion each minute. He wanted to look pretty and glamorous, and then wanted something weirder, ghostly, sinister and… I didn’t get the choices he made.
CYNTHIA: Was he creating a mythical figure?
NEAL: I don’t know. At a certain point I turned off the projector and said: “Tell me what you like. Give me some pointers because I’m getting lost.” And he said: “I want power, mystery, romance, and the hammer of the gods''. This story ended up becoming the Hammer of The Gods, the title of the most famous book about them.
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