#i was like 'what if we went to a fun BAR that has good cocktails and music??'
maybege · 3 days
Drunken Words Are Sober Thoughts - FBI 11
Summary: The birthday celebration continues but the morning after does not look as fun.
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x fem!Reader
Wordcount: 2.7k | Rating: E (18+ only!)
Warnings: alcohol consumption, hopeless yearning, Josh is annoying af and so are “your” parents
I am not dead and neither is my Hotch obsession, so I am slowly (very slowly!!!) trying to get back into this fic. Let me know what you think, your comments these past months were always an absolute joy to read 🥺
masterlist | crossposted on AO3
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You did not know how many cocktails you already had thrown back, each one more colourful than the last.
What had started with a Kiwi Splash had turned into a Sex On The Beach and something else that Emily had pushed into your hand with a grin and a wink. It was hot pink and tasted like sour candy on your tongue. Delicious.
The night went on, the music got louder and you did not know a lot of people in this karaoke bar that the group had chosen but with Penelope and JJ on the dancefloor, you were certainly in good company.
Someone was blaring an offkey rendition of Britney Spears’ Toxic but you could not care less. Your dress was twirling around you, you screamed along with your friends and the rest of the bar for a moment you finally felt like you had found your people. Like you had settled in this strange city away from home with a group of colleagues with whom you had always wanted to fit in.
And how could you not feel welcomed when Penelope threw her arms around your neck and professed her undying love to your dangly earrings?
“Let the birthday girl breathe, Pep,” JJ joked, rocking her hips to the beginning tunes of Get Busy.
“I just think you are beautiful, darling!” Penelope shouted over the music, “Inside and out and you are so lovely and nice and you deserve the best things and I hate to think that you think you don’t deserve the good things this life has to offer you.”
Trying to hide how close her words hit home, you swallowed back the heavy feeling in your chest.
“All right, Garcia,” Emily interjected, taking your blonde friend into her arms, “I think that is enough drinks for tonight. How about we go looking for your hunk somewhere, huh?”
You grinned, pressing a wet kiss to Penelope’s cheek before making your way back to the table the rest of the group was occupying. While drinking all night may be a fun distraction from your usually so boring life, you knew yourself enough to know you needed to drink lots of water if you wanted to function tomorrow.
Though “function” might be too big a word.
The glass of cool tap water – condensation pearling off at the sides – was calling your name and you fought your way through the crowd. It had not seemed this packed with people when you were dancing with your friends but the moment you tried to get to a specific place, your way was blocked by dozens of people just as (if not more) drunk than you.
You were about to squeeze your way between two people (the last hurdle to your table) when they suddenly stepped away from each other. You almost toppled over, squeaking in surprise when your heel got caught in a gap in the creaky floorboards.
It would have made for a nasty fall if it had not been for two strong arms catching you around your waist, gently helping you into your chair.
“There,” Aaron Hotchner's amused smirk greeted you as you looked up, “Drank a little too much, did we?”
“Me?” you asked, finding yourself in the mood to joke, “Never!”
A real, genuine laugh escaped the man before you and you were sure you had never seen anything more beautiful than him laughing. His entire face lit up and the crinkles next to his eyes deepened. You grabbed the fabric of your dress, keeping yourself from tracing the lines of his face with your finger.
Not appropriate, you reminded yourself, So not appropriate.
“Pretty sure you are, though,” he teased back, pushing the glass of water towards you. You smiled in thanks, quickly gulping down a few sips. “You are laughing more than usual, entertaining Reid’s monologues on aviation in the early twentieth century and I am pretty sure,” he looked down between you, “Just like I thought. You are wearing the heels I only ever saw you wear when we celebrated Emily’s birthday at that high-end sushi place.”
“Are – are you drunk profiling me, Agent Hotchner?” you gasped in shock, unable to hide your smile.  
“What happened to Sir?”
Hoping he did not notice the heat spreading through your face, you fiddled with the neckline of your dress, trying to get some air on your body. “Don’t tease me!”
He looked … relaxed. Open. A slow smile spread on his lips as he turned the half-empty glass of scotch in his hand. He was the epitome of confidence and relaxation with how he was leaning back in his chair. You tried to remember the last time you had seen him so … not on edge. No moment came to mind.
You crossed your legs, trying to satiate the pulsing need that had formed in your core. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you tried to remind yourself to not give him anything to read you by. Which seemed impossible considering the man could read you like an open book.
You just hoped you could hide at least a few essential chapters.
The dark-haired man leaned forward then, resulting in his head hovering right next to yours. The proximity was dizzying and intimate and you could not help but breathe him in. He smelled of the scotch and something so masculine it made you daydream about burying your head in the crook of his neck.
 “You sure?” he mumbled, his lips dangerously close to your ear and you audibly gasped for breath, the back of your neck feeling warm as you stared up at him, “Because I have the feeling you rather like me teasing you.” He was so close, looking down at you as his nose almost touched yours and shit you wanted nothing more than to –
“Whatcha doin’?”
“Pen!” you gasped in shock, plastering a big grin on your face in the hopes that she would not see the sheer need written all over your face.
Luckily, your friend seemed to focus on your lack of dancing to notice anything else. She did not even spare a glance at Hotch when he slowly pulled away from you. “Oh, don’t tell me you are getting tired,” she whined, grabbing your hand and dragging you up, “C’mon, let's go back to dancing! Swing those hips, sweetie, we have all night!”
You followed her with a laugh, happy to have the distraction, but not without looking back at Hotch.
And seeing that he still looked at you with a smile.
Waking up with a headache was not normally a cause for joy but the morning after your birthday, you still woke up with a smile on your face.
Never in your wildest dreams had you expected the night to turn out the way it did.
The team had shown up with you, not once but twice and even then, continued to make you feel celebrated the entire evening. Hell, Rossi had insisted on covering your tab on the condition that you brought your self-made banana bread to work again. Emily and Derek (and a very drunk Penelope) had sung you the loudest rendition of Happy Birthday you ever heard with Reid and JJ acting as backup dancers/singers.
And Hotch had been the one to see you to your cab when the night had come to an end, making sure you were before nodding at you with a small smile.
A smile that was now on your face as you made your way to the kitchen. You caught a glimpse of the chaos in the living room. Chaos that had not existed when you had left last night. Empty bottles and glasses stacked on top of plates that were not quite as empty and the remnants of the pizzas Josh seemed to have ordered yesterday.
The smell of stale leftovers hung in the air and you hoped that a few slices were left over so you did not have to meal prep for the week.
The kitchen greeted you with much of the same sight and you took a deep breath when you saw your roommate already sitting at the table, a few slices of pizza before him. It wasn’t that you were unhappy to see him, really. You had just hoped to have a few more moments to yourself before being confronted with the events of last night.
“Morning,” he greeted you, chipper as ever.
“Hey,” you greeted back, browsing through the tea drawer. Peppermint? Berries? Earl Grey? You settled on a ginger and lemon brew, hoping that it would help you to wake up.
“That was one hell of a night, huh?”
“It was,” you agreed, “The bar we went to had like three birthday parties at the same time, it was a lot of fun.”
A moment of silence followed and you did not need to look at him to know he did not know what you were talking about. “Oh good,” was what he finally settled on and you closed your eyes, trying to hide your annoyance.
How could it be that the person you had long considered to be your best friend suddenly just … wasn’t the person you knew?
Remembering Derek’s comment from the night before, you decided to take another deep breath and do something you had avoided for a long time: Confront your best friend.
“Josh,” you started carefully, turning around and leaning your hip against the counter, “Can we talk about last night?”
“Sure,” he took another bite of his toast, “What about it?”
“The comment you made in front of my colleagues … That was not okay.”
“What comment?”
For a moment you could feel the doubt creeping up. Was this the right path to go down? Was this worth a conflict with not only your best friend but also your roommate? Was it really as bad as you thought it was? What if he had meant well?
My experience is that the people we need to clarify that about usually don’t care if they mean well or not.
Derek's words echoed in your head and you knew you were right.
“The comment where you implied that I was bad at my job. In front of your friends, my colleagues and my boss,” you recalled, feeling, “That was humiliating and hurtful, Josh.”
A frown formed between his brows. “Why are you so angry? Yeah, so I made a misplaced comment, I am sorry, but didn’t we talk about this already? Besides, it was at a party I organized for you, I think I am allowed to have some leeway here.”
You could feel your eyes bulge out of your head. Was he for real?
“I really appreciate what you were trying to do,” you said calmly, wrapping your hands around the mug and focusing on how the ceramic was warming against your skin, “Really, I do. But did it not occur to you that the only people you invited were your friends?”
“You know them too.”
“I do and they are very nice, I'm sure. But you could have asked if I would have liked someone to join. I left before midnight to celebrate somewhere else with people that I invited.”
He scoffed. “Look, I'm sorry you feel that way,” he threw his hands up, “I was just trying to do something nice and apparently that backfired.”
It did not escape you that the language he used was manipulative as fuck and you bit your tongue from throwing words in his face you would not be able to take back.
“I don’t think this is very productive,” you finally said, “I am going to take a shower and I would really appreciate it if we could talk about this sometime when we are both more clear-headed.”
Though as you made your way to the bathroom, the steaming mug still in your hands, you had the sinking feeling that any following conversation would not bring the closure you hoped it would.
As if your day could not get any better, your phone rang just as you stepped out of the shower and into your bedroom.
Recognizing the picture on the screen, you accepted the video call, wrapping your bathrobe a little tighter.
“Happy birthday, honey!” your mom appeared on the small screen. The living room wall behind her looked just like it had done your entire childhood and you spotted the variety of family pictures she took great care of dusting every week.
“Thank you.”
“Did you have fun?” she asked, “Did you get to go out with Josh and your friends?”
“Yeah, uh,” you hesitated for a moment, “Josh organized a little party here but I ended up going out with the team later. We went for karaoke and it was awesome.”
“You certainly look like you had an awesome night,” she teased and you bit your lip to keep from grinning.
“So … how are you feeling?” she asked and you immediately grew suspicious. You knew that tone and you knew when she was worried.
“Good,” you replied carefully, “Like I said, I had a fun night.”
She hummed and avoided looking at you for a moment and you knew what was about to happen when you saw your father sitting down next to her. Even hundreds of miles apart, you still felt like a child when your parents sat together on the sofa like that one time when you accidentally put a dent in the family car.
“Remember our conversation from a few weeks ago?”
You nodded. “Yeah, I am feeling a lot better now.”
“And I am so glad to hear it,” she smiled and you could tell the genuine worry from where the crease never quite left her forehead, “I talked with your father and we – we think it might be best if you come visit us for a while. Come back home, check
“Just because you don’t think I can't make it as an agent –“
“Hey,” your dad interrupted you gently, “No one is prouder of you than we are, sweetheart, and we know you make for one hell of an agent. But the fact remains that you were miserable for the last couple of months and it might not be a bad idea to try and get to the root of things.”
And by the root of things they meant that you re-discover your passion to become an English teacher at your local middle school.
“I am an adult woman,” you tried again, “I love you and I love that you worry about me. But we need to keep in mind that I made a big move for a job that I was not wholly prepared for. The adjustment period was … longer than I wanted, for sure. But I finally feel like things are moving for the better and this makes me feel like you do not believe in me.”
“We do love you, honey,” your mum assured you, “And I apologize for making you feel like we don’t trust your decisions. I know you are incredibly proud of the work you do and you should be! But I am worried and I would feel better if you took some time off and came to visit us. Allow yourself the grace to breathe, you have been working non-stop since you moved away. There is no way that is healthy.”
You ran your hand over your face, trying to get yourself some time to think over your answer. The horrible thing was you knew your mother was right. Even if you did not want to admit it, you knew that you had been overworking yourself, that ever since Dr Johnson had voiced her doubts, your brain had been on edge and that a break might not be the worst idea.
Especially considering you had not taken any time off since you started your position.
“I hear you,” you started, feeling your eyes sting with tears. But you refused to cry in front of your parents lest they thought they were right and insisted that you come home as soon as possible. The last thing you wanted was to worry them.
“Can you just give me some time to think it over?” you asked, “Taking time off is not as easy as it sounds and I want to make sure that I don’t miss anything important at work.”
“Of course, darling,” your mother agreed, “Let us know anytime.”
But you knew that her anytime meant that your time was running out.
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heich0e · 2 months
i'm going to a club for a friend's birthday tonight and you would literally think i'm going to the guillotine the way i'm moping around morosely in the lead-up
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Dance With Me
Prompt: You ask Gibbs to be your date to a friend’s wedding.
You’ve known Gibbs almost as long as Tony has and you two had grown to be very close friends and colleagues over the years but that still wasn’t enough to calm the anxiety pooling in your gut as you gathered up the courage to ask him to be your date to your friends wedding.
You didn’t want to show up alone and you also didn’t want to show up with one of the girls, knowing your friends would make fun of you for not being able to snag a man. McGee and Jimmy had their wives and you weren’t close enough with Torres to ask him, although you’re not sure you’d be able to handle his egocentric attitude anyways.
Going with a stranger just seemed tacky so Gibbs was your answer. You just needed to suck it up and ask him.
“Got that BOLO out yet Agent L/N?” you heard him ask you, pulling you out of your thoughts. You hadn’t realized you had been staring at him the entire time, your face getting hot in embarrassment.
“Uh, yes. Sorry Gibbs. It’s been sent to local authorities and agencies. He won’t get far.”
He just nodded and went back to typing on his computer, shaking his head in confusion.
It wasn’t until hours later once the whole team was gathered at a crime scene that you went through with it.
“Gibbs, can I talk to you for a second?” you asked , finishing up the photo snapping. McGee and Bishop were talking with a witness and Torres was getting information from the local authorities.
“Go for it L/N.”
“Um. A good friend of mine from high school is getting married this weekend and I just know all of my friends will give me so much shit if I don’t show up with a date and-
“Are you asking me to be your date to your friend’s wedding Y/N?”
You fumbled for words as he waited. “Uh, yeah. I guess I am.”
“Is there a dress code?”
You weren’t expecting that as his next question but didn’t challenge it.
“Just a suit. I’ll be wearing a dark blue cocktail dress.”
“What time?”
“Gotta be there by 5. It’s about a 40 minute drive from my house. Hoping to be out of there by 8ish.”
“I’ll pick you up at 4.”
You were at a loss for words at how fast and easily he agreed to everything and you thought you should say something but he was already walking away to join McGee and Bishop.
The sound of your doorbell ringing almost had you jumping out of your skin. The last half hour, your mind was racing with questions. Was it a bad idea for to be taking your boss as a date to a wedding? What are you two going to talk about for 40 minutes on the drive? What if you make a fool of yourself?
Having no choice but to push all those thoughts to the back of your mind, you walked over and opened your door, seeing Gibbs standing there looking dashing as ever. He was dressed in a crisp suit, all black pieces except the navy blue pocket square and tie tied perfectly around his neck.
“Wow Gibbs. You look amazing,” you couldn’t help but blurt out.
“Ah, it’s just a suit,” he downplayed. You smiled and grabbed your clutch and keys before leaving.
The car ride wasn’t too bad, the both of you managing to make enough small talk in the traffic until you arrived at the place. Gibbs parked and you both walked into the cute little industrial style venue.
“We just wanna say thank you and enjoy the drinks, music and food!”
We all raised our glasses in cheers and drank. Almost immediately, everyone scattered. Some headed to the dance floor, others to the bar.
“You don’t seem like a champagne kind of guy. Why don’t we get a real drink?” you asked Gibbs. He gave you a look and you knew what he was getting at.
“We’re not gonna drink all night Gibbs. Just one. I’ll make sure we’re both good to drive by then.”
You got up and he followed you to the semi crowded bar. Looking at your options, you chose whiskey for Gibbs and a vodka soda for yourself. While waiting for your drinks, you noticed a man constantly glancing over at you. You weren’t in the mood to be flirted with, that was one of the reasons you brought a date.
Gibbs hadn’t noticed what was going on so when you intertwined your arm with his and leaned into his firm frame, he looked down at you with questioning eyes.
“Just keeping the vultures away,” you explained, grabbing your drinks once they were ready and giving Gibbs his. The two of you walked over to the little outside area that played the music from inside, softly out of speakers. The DJ went back and forth from slow and steady to fast upbeat rhythms but nothing had caught your attention so far.
“So why me Y/N?” Gibbs asked, taking a sip of his whiskey. You knew he was asking why you asked him to be your date instead of anyone else.
“You don’t believe you were my first option Gibbs?”
He let a small smirk appear and you couldn’t help but smirk back.
“More like only option,” he replied.
You looked at him with a tilted head, him staring right back at you, giving slight goosebumps. You wish you knew how to stare into people souls like Gibbs did. Every time he looked at you like that, you always had one of two thoughts. One was to spill all your secrets big or small and two was to just kiss him. Luckily, you’ve never resorted to either one of those.
“My only options really were you, Torres, or a random man online. I’ve known you for years and feel the most comfortable with you so it was a no brainer.”
Before he could say another word, your all time favorite slow song came on. Putting your drink down on the little table, you reached out your hand to Gibbs.
“I don’t dance,” he stated, taking another sip.
“C’mon Gibbs. Live a little. There’s no one around. They’re all inside. Just one dance.”
He stood there as you gave him your best puppy dog eyes until finally he finished his drink and set it down on the table. When he took your hand in his, you practically squealed in joy. You couldn’t believe you were about to dance with your brooding boss.
He showed off his secret dancing skills quickly as he pulled you in close, one hand wrapped around your waist and the other holding your hand up as his feet led you two in a slow paced sway.
The butterflies in your stomach fluttered as you focused on your feet, making sure you didn’t step on his toes. The close proximity between the two of you was suffocating but in a good way. You hadn’t felt like this since your first kiss with your ex-husband.
“Don’t look down,” Gibbs instructed softly. You decided to look at his tie instead but that quickly became a dumb idea as you let out a nervous laugh and defeatedly rested your forehead against his chest.
“I can feel your heart pounding. Are you nervous Y/N?”
You closed your eyes and took a breath.
“A little.”
You felt him release your hand and tilt your head up to look him in the eyes.
“Me too.”
This was it. This was the moment. The moment you thought about from time to time while working with him. Never in a million years had you ever thought it would actually come true. Your hands moved at their own accord and wrapped themselves around his neck, gently caressing the back of his head, his eyes occasionally glancing down at your lips.
“I’m glad you agreed to come to the wedding with me Gibbs. I honestly thought you’d say no.”
He chuckled and licked his lips, now causing you to glance at them.
“You really think I could say no to you?”
You could’ve been hallucinating but you swear he stepped closer to you, holding you just a little bit tighter. No words were spoken as he slowly dipped his head down and you met him halfway for a kiss that made your body numb. All the what if questions and the terrible scenarios you had created in your head just dissipated and in the moment it was just you and him.
When you pulled apart, his face was apprehensive as if almost expecting you to take off running but you did no such thing. Instead, you smiled and pulled him in for another kiss which he willingly reciprocated.
Parking on the street, he walked you into the lobby, into the elevator and down the halls to your apartment door.
“I had a great time Gibbs-
“You can call me Jethro when we’re alone,” he offered which made you smile.
I’ll see you at work tomorrow Jethro?”
He just nodded with kind eyes and waited till you were in your apartment before turning to leave. Going over the whole night in your head, you eventually came to a conclusion. He might not have said anything but there’s no way he didn’t feel something for you. He wouldn’t have kissed you like that otherwise.
Unlocking your door and opening it, you stepped out into the hallway.
“Jethro, wait.”
He stopped and turned to you.
“Do you want to come in for a little bit?”
He walked back over and stepped close enough that it wouldn’t have taken much to lean in for another kiss.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
His tone was almost teasing as you got lost in his icy blue eyes.
“I don’t know..what do you think?” you asked honestly, not sure how this would all work out.
“I think whatever you want to do, I won’t deny you it.”
A few seconds of thinking and you had your answer. Opening the door a little wider, Jethro stepped into your apartment.
Note: Ahh! The angst! I love it, sorry. 😝
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Five Ways To Love
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Hi guys :)
I’ve got several asks for a McFoord, I’m sorry it took so much time to write this one.
But here it is :) So please enjoy ❤️
TW : Alcohol.
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The first time they almost kissed, it wasn’t very far from Katie’s break up. To cheer her up, Jordan proposed to go out and to have fun. It was during spring 2022, Lia and Caitlin have break up only one month before, just like Jordan and Leah, and it’s maybe what make them so close from the others.
Jordan went away since half an hour with a random girl, but Caitlin decided to stay with Katie. Just to be sure that she’s ok, after all she was the newest in the single club. It has nothing to do with how much she took her breath away when she saw her getting out of her bedroom when they collect her to come here, of course.
“Are you having fun?”
Caitlin suddenly raises her eyes from the glass she was looking at, to look at her friend. Katie is looking at her too with attention, so Caitlin gives her a sincere smile before answering.
“I am. Why?”
“Dunno. You seem distract.”
Caitlin shrug and answer something like “Meh” before finishing her drink. Katie’s glass being empty too, the Irish girl takes Caitlin’s hand to drag her to the dancefloor.
“Come on, let’s dance!”
Caitlin isn’t a good dancer honestly, as much as she is awful about singing. But she decides to let it go, enjoying her time with Katie. The younger girl is dancing at a rather appropriate distance from her, but soon there is more people on the dancefloor, so she has to get closer not to lose sight of Caitlin.
It’s seems natural when Katie put a hand on her hips so Caitlin doesn’t even react to it. They get closer every song though and soon Caitlin has her eyes in Katie’s eyes and their body are glued to each other.
But then Katie’s eyes drop on Caitlin’s lips briefly, not even one second. But the Aussie saw it, and it almost without thinking anything that she leans in Katie’s direction. The midfielder follows the movement, and their lips are only a few millimeters away from each other when a voice that they both know very well is shouting next to them.
“There you are! I was looking for you!”
Jordan is completely obvious of the moment she just interrupts, taking Caitlin’s hand to drag her to the bar and made her try some random cocktail. Caitlin just has the time to take Katie’s by her arm to take her with them, to not losing her in the crowd.
When Jordan put a green strange-looking glass in her hand, she looks up to Katie to see her smile. She seems amused by the disgusting look on Caitlin’s face even if Jordan swears that the cocktail is “so damn good”. But when their gazes cross, her smile get softer. Caitlin doesn’t have time to think a lot about it though, her small friends almost putting the straw in her mouth now.
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The second time they almost kissed was during their trip, always with Jordan, in Ibiza. They are here with several other friends that Caitlin doesn’t really know. She just sticks with Katie almost all the time, enjoying having time with her. The Irish girl doesn’t seem to mind though, coming herself looking for Caitlin when they aren’t together.
“Can I ask you something?” Katie suddenly ask Caitlin, taking her away from the half-sleepiness she was in.
They are chilling around the swimming pool, in the house they rent, next to the beach. It was early in the afternoon and after a brunch some of them decided to go back to sleep, others went to the town. Katie and Caitlin chose to enjoy the swimming pool, even if they are tanning now.
“Sure” Caitlin yawns, turning her head to the other woman.
“Are you and Lia still talking? Because Rue is still writing to me and I don’t know what to do with it.”
Caitlin frowns, looking at her friend. She seems uncomfortable, but she appreciates the fact that she chooses her to confide her feelings.
“We are, but it’s not a daily thing. We are talking during training obviously, but clearly not messaging each other every day. What is she saying to you?”
Katie shrugs, looking away. Caitlin doesn’t want to press her, but she knows that the question doesn’t come from nowhere. She raises her glasses on her forehead to be able to better observe her friend before talking again.
“If you don’t want her to write you, why don’t you block her?”
“I tried” Katie sighs, laying down again on the big chaise longue they are sharing. “But then she starts to write to my mam, and I don’t want her to disturb my family.”
“Well, that’s creepy.”
Caitlin never liked Ruesha, but she was Katie’s girlfriend, so she always has been polished with the other Irish. They don’t really have compatible traits of character.
Katie doesn’t answer and just sighs. Feeling the other girl struggle, Caitlin gently put a hand on her arm, dragging Katie’s attention on her again.
“Hey, it’s going to be ok. Do you want me to talk to her?”
“Nah” Katie laughs, coming closer to Caitlin. “She will rip your head off. If she sees I don’t answer she will stop at one point.”
“If you say so.”
Caitlin feels strange when Katie put her head on her shoulder, even she knows that she shouldn’t. Katie is tactile with her friends, and this is what they are. Friends.
“Thanks, by the way” Katie says after a moment of silence.
“I haven’t done anything, but you are very welcome” Caitlin snorts.
“You are here for me. It means the world to me.”
Katie went to kiss her cheek, but Caitlin turns her head at the same time, and they are face to face, again. The sight is different of the one in the club, this time Caitlin can perfectly see Katie. There is the same powerful need to press her lips against Katie’s that the other day, but she doesn’t know if the feeling is reciprocated.
She loses several seconds to search in Katie’s eyes for a form of consent and when she thought she found it, someone is going out to where they are. Katie backs up to look who it is, and Caitlin briefly closes her eyes in frustration.
But it’s maybe better that way.
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The third time they almost kissed, it was on Katie’s birthday, in September 2022. The girls went out for the Irish girl’s birthday, a party being held and organized by some of her closest friends. Almost attached by the hips now, Caitlin and Katie arrive together at the party.
Nothing has happened between them, more than time passed together, hugs, laughs or nights to talk to each other before falling asleep. It’s obvious for the people looking closer at their bond that there is more than friendship between them, but none of them had made any move for now.
Once again, they drink maybe a little too much, but Katie seems to have the time of her life and there is nothing more Caitlin want for her. She’s happy to have an excuse to be able to look at her the way she is, even if she has to share her with other people tonight.
Katie still chose to sit next to her for the meal, even if she’s been drag on the dancefloor as soon as they’re finished. Someone put some Irish music, Caitlin strongly suspects one of Katie’s siblings, so there is no way that she’s able to see Katie soon again.
To pass time, she talks with her friends, the one she knows thanks to Arsenal. Even if Katie starts to take her with her when she goes out, making her meet some of her friends.
But soon the alcohol makes her head fuzzy, and Caitlin really need to go out to have a fresh breath of air. She excuses herself to the people she was talking with, taking her jacket to go out. There are in London during the end of September after all. It’s cold outside at night now.
She lost herself in her thoughts, losing the idea of the time too. She’s happy to have her jacket though, the night being cold. Even if she’s here for several months now, she still misses the Australian heat she grows up with.
“There you are! I was looking for you!”
Caitlin would recognize Katie’s voice everywhere, especially because of her Irish accent, it’s true. She smiles when she turns her head to look at her friend coming for her, sitting on the wall she is lying on.
“What are you doing here all alone?” Katie asks Caitlin.
“It was too hot inside, with all the people and the alcohol.”
The answer is genius and Katie doesn’t seem to think otherwise. She looks at Caitlin with a pout anyway, crossing her arms on her chest.
“You should have asked me to come with you.”
“It’s your party, Katie. I wasn’t going to take the star of the night away of the others.”
Katie just grumbles something Caitlin doesn’t understand, but it makes her smile. Katie’s eyes are shinning and it’s not only because of the happiness. Those Irish beverages are something else.
“You haven’t given me my present, by the way.”
Surprised, Caitlin looks at Katie. They are making this party sooner in the month, because at the right date, they will all be in national camp. She wanted to give the bracelet she bought her on the right day.
“How many drinks did you had?” Caitlin giggles.
Katie smirks and shrugs for any answer. She doesn’t know who thought about bringing Irish beverages, but it was the best idea ever in her opinion. But she’s definitively drunk.
“It doesn’t matter. You still can give me a present now and the real on the right day.”
“I don’t have anything right now, Kat’.”
The Irish woman bites her lips thoughtfully several seconds before answering and Caitlin has to really concentrate herself to think about something else than Katie’s lips.
“Give me a kiss”
She must have heard wrong. There is no way that Katie is suggesting that she kisses her here and now. Not with the light tone she used.
“Kiss me.”
“Katie, you are drunk. You won’t remember any of this tomorrow.”
Katie pouts again but she’s looking at Caitlin with determination. The Aussie feels herself getting softer, maybe Katie really wants that kiss. As much as she does herself.
“You know what? If you remember that talk tomorrow morning, just tell me. Maybe you’ll get your present at that moment.”
“Great” Katie grins.
“Let’s go inside again, yeah?”
Katie nods and takes Caitlin’s hand in hers to go inside. The heat is still not really pleasant, but more supportable for Caitlin. Katie doesn’t let her hand go right away, only when they are at their seat again.
“Cake time!” someone shouts, and the lights are suddenly off.
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The fourth time they almost kissed, it was during Caitlin’s birthday. The Australian girl chooses to go out with a lot less friends that there was for Katie’s birthday. A lot of them are from Arsenal, like Beth and Viv, Steph Catley and her boyfriend or Leah but Mackenzie Arnold is here too with her girlfriend, just like Alanna who made the trip from Manchester. Caitlin invited Lia too, but the Swiss woman is in Barcelona, to see her friend Ana.
Well, that’s the official version, Caitlin knows that there is a special someone for Lia there and she’s nothing but happy for her.
They went to a restaurant to eat something and then chose a nightclub Leah knows apparently very well. And it was great to be honest, Caitlin is having a very good time. The place they chose is very close to some of their houses, so they can go home walking if they want to.
Caitlin is looking thoughtfully at Mackenzie dancing with Kirsty when Katie comes to sit down next to her after having dancing herself.
“Hi there” grins Katie, taking a sip from Caitlin’s glass.
They never talk again about the discussion they had outside at Katie’s birthday, so Caitlin assumed that Katie was effectively too drunk to remember. She doesn’t have any regret not to kissed her, even if she still wants it very much.
“You ok?” Katie asks.
“I am. What about you?”
Their table isn’t very close to the dancefloor, they are in the VIP section thanks to Leah. So they don’t have to shout to be heard by the other, which is very pleasant in their opinions.
“I am too. Aren’t you sad that Lia isn’t here?”
“Nah, I mean she’s probably having a better time where she is.”
Katie shoots her a strange look and Caitlin remember that Lia’s relationship with Mariona isn’t known by anyone in the team, except Leah and herself.
“Has she met someone?”
“Kinda” Caitlin shrugs.
“Doesn’t it bother you?”
Caitlin just shakes her head and smile. Lia talked to her about Mariona as soon as she realized that it might have something between them and they kind of talked about Caitlin and Katie too, but there is no need for Katie to know that for now.
“No. I’m happy for her, really. She deserves the best.”
Katie just hums, looking at Caitlin from the corner of her eyes.
“What?” Caitlin laughs. “Would you mind if Ruesha find someone else?”
“Oh God, no. At least it would help her relax a little bit.”
Caitlin snorts and Katie smirks. The older Irish still comes sometimes in their discussions, usually because she’s still writing to Katie. Sometimes being very gentle and sweet and other times pretty mad. Maybe because Katie still doesn’t answer to her messages.
After that, Beth proposed to them a shot contest and Katie almost jump from her seat with enthusiasm. Smiling, Caitlin follows them as close as possible from Katie.
Several hours later, they are going to Caitlin’s home, very more than tipsy. They are giggling about something they don’t even remember, and Katie is holding Caitlin’s hand to help her not to fall.
“You are wracked” Katie laughs while looking at Caitlin.
Caitlin laughs this time, looking for her house keys in her purse. She misses the way Katie is looking at her, passing her tongue on her lips.
She waits for Caitlin to find her keys, helping her to climb the big stairs going to her house’s door. But at the last stair step, Caitlin trips and almost take Katie in the fall with her. Thanks to Katie’s reflexes, they only finish against the wall. Caitlin’s back against it while Katie faces her, her hands on either side of her hips.
“Fuck, are you ok?” Katie asks with concern.
She’s pretty sure that Caitlin hits her head hard.
“You are so beautiful it hurt.”
It wasn’t the kind of answer she was waiting, and she’s so taking aback that she feels herself blushing. Sober Caitlin isn’t as frisky as drunky Caitlin. She smiles nevertheless, looking at the other girl’s face with attention.
“I remember, you know?” Katie says suddenly. “The discussion about the kiss on my birthday.”
“I thought you forgot” Caitlin mumbles.
Katie smiles softly and shakes her head. Caitlin passes her hand around the younger’s hips, holding her even closer than before.
“I wouldn’t mind a gift like this. Just saying.”
Katie is still smiling and press gently her forehead against Caitlin’s. The latter can smell her perfume and the heat of her skin.
“Not now. Not like this. I understand now how you felt on my birthday” Katie whispers.
Her breath is stroking Caitlin’s lips and the Aussie really think she will lose her mind. She can’t hide the disappointment she’s feeling. But she melts when she feels the Irish girl cupping her jaw with a softness that would surprise people who only know Katie as the hard midfielder.
“Let’s do things right, ok?”
Caitlin nods after some seconds, still looking into Katie’s eyes. The younger one smiles and kiss Caitlin’s cheek softly before backing up.
“You’re still sleeping here, right?” Caitlin asks when her breath is normal again.
Katie smiles and nods before taking the keys from Caitlin’s hand to open the door. It was what were decided before anyway and she had too many drinks to drive at her house. And she loves to wake up knowing that Caitlin isn’t far away.
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For Christmas, Arsenal organised a gala, inviting every single player of their senior teams. It means that they are mix with the men’s team, which Katie doesn’t like very much. To help them to talk to somebody they maybe never talked before, they organize a draw to know next to who they will sit.
Needless to say, Katie found herself across the room from Caitlin’s table. She pouted the whole night, much to Viv’s and Noelle’s amusement, both sharing the table with Katie and some random male players. She sulks even harder when she saw that Caitlin seems to have fun, laughing at a joke of one of the men.
She mechanically takes her phone out of her pocket when she feels it vibrate, not really interested in the others’ discussions.
From Caitlin 🦘 💛 Why is there a pout on that pretty face?
Katie looks up from her phone to look at Caitlin, just to see that she’s already looking at her. She’s smirking at her and she raises an eyebrow when she see that Katie is looking at her too.
From Katie 🐈💚 Because the most beautiful girl in here is too far away of me Plus an asshole is definitively hitting on her
From Caitlin 🦘 💛
Dunno who’s that girl but she’s lucky to be called beautiful by you
Katie rolls her eyes and looks at Caitlin again. The Aussie is still smiling, and Katie realize that she’s smiling too. She sends a wink to the other girl who sent her a kiss back.
True to her words, Katie took Caitlin in two different dates since November, and they had a very good time. No kisses, but the flirting is on point. And Katie loves it.
What she doesn’t love anyway it’s the thought that tomorrow they will be separated by almost all the globe, Caitlin going home in her family for Christmas. She’s going herself in Ireland to celebrate, but she will miss the other girl like crazy.
“Who are you texting?” Noelle asks her.
“No one”
She puts her phone again on her pocket, but the look she throw in Caitlin’s direction talk for her. Viv just have to follow it to understand and she smiles softly.
“I always thought that Caitlin’s second name was Jade, not No one”
Katie throws a napkin at her, making the Dutch woman laughs. Luckily for Katie, the diner is soon finish and they are invited to go to the adjoining room, where pictures of the previous years are hanging on the wall.
Katie makes a beeline for Caitlin, putting delicately her hand in the lower back of the Australian woman. Caitlin was looking at a picture of the first woman team, but she quickly turns her attention on Katie when she feels her next to her.
“Fancy seeing you here” Caitlin jokes.
Katie feels herself relax a little bit, she’s next to Caitlin and that weirdo isn’t near them. She knows that Caitlin isn’t attract in men, but still. She doesn’t like the idea of someone being interested in her.
“Did you have fun?” Caitlin asks.
“Not really. It would have been better to be with you.”
The striker smiles and Katie just have to look in her eyes to know that it’s reciprocal. Their exchange of looks lasts a few more seconds, during which Caitlin finds herself sticking as much as possible to the other woman.
“Can we get out of here?”
Katie is dying to have a least several minutes alone with her. Caitlin looks around them, realizing that no one seems to be interested in them. The girls of the team are maybe a little too used to their behavior and the other people don’t seem to mind either.
“Let’s go.”
Caitlin has the impression to be a teenager again, running away with the girl she’s in love with during a party. But she likes the feeling. She likes everything Katie makes her feel. She likes Katie.
Katie who takes her hand to drag her outside. Caitlin shivers violently outside, struck by the cold. It makes Katie smile, but she doesn’t wait to give her her jacket. Which seems to disturb Caitlin.
“Katie it’s freezing, you’ll catch a pneumonia” Caitlin tries to protest.
But the Irish woman doesn’t listen, enveloping the other woman in her clothe. She likes the sight of Caitlin in it a little too much.
“I don’t feel the cold” she remembers Caitlin with a smirk.
The latter rolls her eyes but open her arms wide.
“Come here at least.”
Katie doesn’t wait one second before accepting, getting in Caitlin’s arms. It’s definitively not the first hug they share, but not a lot felt so intimate. She feels Caitlin passes her hand around her, seeking to protect her from the cold. And just because she could, she closes the last centimeters between them, hiding her face in Caitlin’s neck.
“I’m going to miss you so much” Katie whispers.
It makes Caitlin smile, even if she’s sad herself. Katie is happy to be able to catch up with all of her brothers and sisters, that she can’t see enough to her liking. But she knew it would be the case when she joined Arsenal.
“I’ll miss you too” Caitlin sighs. “But we can call each other, right?”
“Of course.”
There is a moment of silence but it’s comfortable. Caitlin is bigger from only several centimeters and there isn’t a big difference of height between them. Which the Australian girl love.
“It’s snowing.”
Caitlin’s voice is only a whisper, like she’s scared to break the sweetness of the moment. Katie gently lifts her face from her hiding place to look at the sky and see that indeed, small flakes began to fall.
“It’s beautiful” Caitlin smiles softly.
“Not as much as you are” Katie smirks.
Caitlin is still smiling, more than used to Katie’s sweet words, and when she when she gently removes snowflakes stuck in Katie’s hair, she realizes that the other girl is looking at her. Her hand passes from her hair to her neck, and she feels the goosebumps on Katie’s skin.
She knows what would happen and her heart beats faster in anticipation. They wait for this moment way too much not to be sure about it. Katie leans in and this time, there is nothing to stop them. Nothing to come between them.
Their first kiss is sweet and soft and delicate, making both of them forget everything that isn’t related to the other. They could have been interrupted by someone, but it’s apparently too cold for anyone to come outside. Not that they mind.
Caitlin can’t help but smile against Katie lips. They are softer than she imagined and the kiss is addictive.
They never reappeared at the party, preferring to slip away at Katie’s to enjoy their last hours of the year together. More than a kiss will be exchanged that night and they passed once again the night enjoying each other company, deciding to sleep in the plane they both will take separately the day after.
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damnedbeauty77 · 2 months
leon kennedy x fem!reader
cw: smut, p in v, reader a little traumatised, vanilla and protected, swearing. idk how to do this
summary: reader meets leon, her possible future boss, in a bar with jill and chris.
notes: this is my first time writing smut, did proofread and edit before publishing, if u have any ideas for improvement just dm me x
words: 2.1k
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i sit at the bar, leaning over to ask the bartender for a pink gin. what can i say, it looks pretty. my friend went home with some girl already, leaving me with myself at 10.30 at night.
it's fine. it's whatever. i could meet someone. i could have fun.
"hi there."
a guys takes the stool next to me.
i smile. he's cute. he has light, silver-y hair, parted to the side in a messy style. very much, my type.
"hi there." i respond lightly. i might be little drunk.
"i'm leon. what's your name?" he asks, putting an elbow on the bar to tap his fingers on his wood. i have to stop myself from giggling.
"y/n... are you going to buy me a drink?" i twirl my my hair lazily and leon almost copies my movements, brushing his hair back with his left hand. i wonder if he has a bald spot.
"of course. what are you having?"
"well, i'm actually looking to try something new. ive been drinking gin since i was 16. what would you recommend?"
"well, for a pretty girl like you, id have to say a cocktail. vodka, maybe... sex on the beach?"
"you work in the bsaa? i literally applied there yesterday!" i laugh. "yeah, well, kind of. i work with them in the dso."
my mouth drops a little in shock. "no way, you're leon kennedy? one of the—"
"founders, yes." leon sighs, laughing. "i really didn't expect all of this to come up when i decided to come talk to you."
i stop and blink a little. i forgot what he was really here for, at least for a moment. "well, shit. sorry. i mean like.. we can still go somewhere, if you want." his eyes widen a little. "no, no i'm sorry. i like talking to you. i was going to ask for your number- my friends are still here." he signals to a table in the corner of the bar. a man and a woman laugh together as they drink.
i smile. "oh, i've been keeping you from them."
"not at all, they told me to talk to you - encouraged me."
"well i hope you don't have a bet going, because i was starting to like you."
leon laughs. "really?"
"don't be smug. do you still want my number?" it feels so normal. "yes."
i wrote it out on a napkin and gave it to him.
"can i meet your friends? that guy is pretty hot." i tease him, making him bit his lower lip. a tinge of jealously emanates off of him. "i thought the girl would be more your type." he replies. i nod. "she is."
i follow leon to the table. he introduces me.
"this is y/n." he says to them. "hi. it's nice to meet you." i reply. "that's chris redfield, and that's jill valentine."
"hi." the girl says to me. oh my god, she is actually really gorgeous. "sit with us." she says, opening the seat next to her as leon takes a seat next to chris. i look at chris. he makes eye contact for a second, then looks away as he drinks his beer.
"i love your jacket." i tell jill. she's wearing black leather, i'm assuming faux based on her haircut.
"thank you, i got it from a thrift store, i think..." she replies. knew it. "i love your top. it's really sexy." she says. i look down. i'm wearing a black mesh top with a black bra underneath. "oh shit. i really forget whenever i wear this shirt.. then wonder why everyone is staring at my tits." i take a drink. i notice jill looking at my tits for a second before clearing her throat. "totally. i see the appeal." she says. then she puts a hand to her head in embarrassment. i laugh. "you're very brave."
"chris, y/n said she was applying to the bsaa." leon changes the subject, turning to me. "he works there right now."
i straighten up my posture, "oh well, i hope you forget everything i do tonight and put in a good word for me."
chris nods. "I'll ask about you." he replies. i feel a bit shouldered. is he emotionally unavailable? is that why i'm so attracted to him?
"what do you do, now?" jill asks me. "i was in the airforce, for just about 4 years." i say. "i've been kind of working a bunch of different jobs, i was in the nypd, until last month."
"airforce. you hear that chris?" jill laughs a little, looking at me. "i was in the airforce as well, when i was younger." chris elaborates. "what base were you?"
"active duty. but honestly, they kind of kept me behind the scenes. i can fly a jet, but i guess i'm just better on a computer."
"see, us girls gotta stay together." jill pushes my shoulder. jesus christ, how many drinks has she had?
"yeah, of course. girl." i smile. "what do you guys do?" leon spluffs. "oh, you know. just bsaa stuff. bioterrorism, security..." he trails off. "what are the two a's again?" he asks chris. he laughs a bit, letting out a little sigh.
by around 12am, i start to feel exhausted. we've been talking and drinking for hours, and i just want to... i don't know. go home? but i want to stay with them at the same time...
i check my watch. "it's getting pretty late. i think i might go home." i look at chris for a reaction. he does give me a look of respect, i know when to stop.
"no way, you've drank way too much. i'll call you a cab." leon protests.
"no, no, i only live like a mile from here."
"then i'll walk you home." he insists. i smile. "really? you'd do that?" jill and chris talk in the background. leon smiles in return. "yeah. of course."
i nod.
he walks me out the bar, at one point placing a hand on the small of my waist at one point, making me let go of consciousness.
"you know, i'm staying just down that way." he points with two fingers to a lane next to us. "if you want, you can stay at my place for the night."
my face totally flushes. "um, i wouldn't mind that." not the first time ive fucked someone i met the first night after meeting them. leon's nice though. i think he would call me.
"okay.. good." he says. he turns to me for moment, looking into my eyes. then, kisses me softly. i feel blood rush to my brain in satisfaction and arousal.
"thanks for coming to talk to me tonight. i probably would have left if you didn't." i tell him, putting my arms around his neck as he lets go of my ass... when did he managed to slip his hands there??
he leads me down the streets, his hand around my waist as he flirts shamelessly. then as he's about to open the door to go inside, he stops and looks at me.
"this isn't.. going too fast, or anything, right?"
"i'm fine with it as long as you are. we don't have to do anything you don't want to."
"no, no- i want to. i want to." he almost whines. his tone makes me smile. "good." i repeat him, kissing him again as he fumbles to get the door open.
he tastes like liquor.
i clear my throat, leaning into him. "can i go freshen up?"
he stammers a bit, face red. "yeah, the bathroom is down the hall to the left." he says. i nod, kissing him again before going. i wash under my eyes a bit for makeup, do my business, wash my hands again, then go back out.
leon is on the couch, tv on. he's put on closer. one of my favourites that i mentioned in the bar!
"oh my god, this movie is so sexy." i say, sitting down next to him. "well, i wanted to see what the fuss was about." he says, leaning back and taking a smoke.
"natalie portman, is the fuss." i say, placing my head next to his shoulder on the couch. "wow. you're right. they are all hot." leon laughs a bit, putting a rough hand on my thigh. he draws circles with his thumb over my skin. i look up at him, biting my lip.
i start unbuckling his jeans quickly, kissing him again, this time it looks sloppier, messier. "fuck, y/n." he groans as i palm him through his black calvin kleins. "these are hot.." i comment. "did you know you'd come home with someone to fuck tonight?" i ask innocently. he denies it. "wanted you as soon as i saw you."
i take off the mesh top jill complimented earlier. leon runs his hands all over my hips, waist and plays with the straps on my bra. i take off his shirt before he can do anything with my bra, then strip down my skirt as he pulls down his trousers. he lies sideways on the couch as i crawl over him, kissing his neck, trying to find the spot that makes him moan the most. "do you.. do you have a condom?" leon breathes out.
"yeah, hold on." i say, turning to the side of the couch with my bag leaning on it, opening it rapidly to take out the condom.
i rip it apart, seeing as he's already hard, i put it over his dick without even thinking. it's pretty big. like 7 inches at least. leon fingers me from underneath me, pushing my thong to the side. i moan and kiss his chest, licking a strip from above his dick to before the little line of blond hair at his bellybutton. he loves that, gripping my hair and pulling it up a little. "should i give you head or something, before?" he asks quietly. i shake my head. "i'll be fine. thank you, though." i smile through kisses down his chest, his fingers brushing over my clit. i line myself up as leon takes out his fingers, sinking down on him as i grab onto him shoulders. he sits up a bit, taking my waist with two hands to guide me back and forth on his dick. i roll my hips, kissing him roughly as i run my hands through his hair, combing it through my fingers. his neighbours had to have been hearing us.
leon rubs my clit with one finger as i start lifting myself up and down on him, legs wrapped around him at this point for the best angle. "please, please say my name." he asks quietly. i smile. "what? i can't hear you, baby." i tease him, kissing his ear. he leans his neck back, kissing my lips. "say my name, y/n." he asks again, a bit more commanding this time. and perfectly, he hits my g-spot with a thrust. "leon.. ughh, leon." i moan softly, and he replies by digging his nails into my back. "can i go on top.." he asks a little shy. i nod, letting him push me into my back, landing my head flawlessly onto a loose pillow. he pushes into me again, going significantly faster as he holds up the back of my knees beside his hips.
i see his eyes close for moment, and i feel his dick twitch a little in me. is he about to cum? i can barely read his face.
"fuck, you feel so fucking good." he says. i lean my head back a little, encouraging him to drive as far into me as possible. "oh my god, leon.." i groan, grabbing onto the sofa, scratching the fabric. i moan loud as i cum.
leon quickly follows with a low guttural groan to pair with his stalled thrusts.
i give him a kiss as he pulls out, almost immediately passing out on the couch. he throws the condom in a trash can, collapsing next to me, still naked.
"that was good. you're really good at that." leon says, wiping his forehead a little. i smile, thanking him. "it wasn't your first time, right?" i joke. he laughs, shrugging. "first time having sex with someone i met the same night. also, first time having sex pretty drunk." he confesses, making me laugh a bit. "my apologies if i have trouble remembering this. if i get the job, i mean."
"fuck, i totally forget that you might be working for me in a week... don't mention it to HR, right?" he slides on his boxers again. "so, you're my dirty secret now?" i ask. "if it helps to think of that way, then absolutely." he puts his shirt back on. "you want something else to wear? can't imagine that's comfortable." he points to my tight lace bra and panties.
"if you got a big shirt, i'll take it. want to finish the movie?"
"sure, but you'll have to catch me up." leon smiles coyly.
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bettyfrommars · 9 months
it’s the a7x anon 😘
imagine stripper harlot reader and eddie falls for her (obviously) and he follows her to a club one night. it’s an underground club (got me thinking blood rave from blade) but shes deadly, she sucks the soul out of men in the clubs, poisons them for fun, the club is filled with different types, vampires, wolves, ghouls, but none are more desired or feared than her.
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Sympathy for the Devil
eddie x demon!fem!reader
It's the mid-90's and Eddie has moved to Seattle with the rest of Corroded Coffin to get in on the music scene. He sees you one night dancing at a bachelor party and can't seem to stop thinking about you. His hunt for you takes him to a dark part of town where only monsters dare to go. wc: 2.5k
18+ONLY, grunge!eddie, descriptions of monsters, eventual smut, star-crossed lovers, Gareth, reader described as having thick hips and tattoos, exotic dancers, alcohol consumption, breathing fire. Readers dad is basically Hellboy.
Part 1: Great Balls of Fire
Part 2: Mark of the Beast
Part 3: Burn it Down
A/N: There is just so much I want to explore on this topic, I had to turn it into multiple parts. No smut in this chapter, but there will be in the next two, if there are people who want to read it. I love any reason for a good Blade blood shower. I love this anon, and I hope I did some justice to your idea.
Eddie dropped down into the dark venue on a wing and a prayer, hoping you were working that night.  He didn’t know your schedule, he only knew you from that one night two weeks ago when he was there for Jeff’s bachelor party.  
Out of a sea of beautiful, scantily clad women, you stood out like a flash of  lightning in a pitch black night.
“I can’t believe we’re here again, man,” Gareth complained, swiping his hair out of his face.
“What are you afraid of?” Eddie shouted over his shoulder, hoping to be heard above the throbbing, electronic music. His eyes scanned the crowd for you, or any one he remembered seeing you talk to that first night.  Ahead of them, down the shadowed alcove of the venue were several dancers gyrating on poles and spreading their legs out wide for customers at the rack to hook dollar bills into their g-strings.  
“I’m afraid my girl will cut my nuts off if she finds out I came here with you,” Gareth responded.  
Gareth's hair was shorter than it had been when they were in high school. It was just long enough to tuck behind his ears, but still so full and curly that he had to slick it back.  Eddie’s hair was much longer now, almost to his nipples, and he’d grown his bangs out, so it was more grunge rather than early 80’s metal.  
“We went to see Mudhoney at the Crocodile,” Eddie confirmed. “That’s all you need to tell her.  We only came here to look for someone.”  They had done exactly that, and the Mudhoney show had been amazing. Corroded Coffin’s relocation to Seattle was the best decision Eddie had ever made, and he was grateful his band made the journey with him.  They were all renting this old house on Capitol Hill and getting paying gigs a couple times a month—it was a dream.
But since he’d laid eyes on you—he could barely function.
You had bewitched him in the best of ways.  
So, there he was---dragging Gareth back to the same strip club to look for you.  He honestly didn’t expect to get your number, or even talk to you—he just needed to see you again.   
Once he reached the dimly lit red cocktail bar, Eddie froze.  “She’s not here,” he wet his dry lips, getting on the balls of his feet to scan the crowd. “I mean, I don’t see her.”
“Okay, great, "Gareth tried to avert his eyes from the women on stage so that he wouldn’t feel guilty.  “Can we go now?”
But Eddie wasn’t ready to give up that easily.  
“Hey,” he called over to one of the servers he remembered from the last time. She was about to carry a tray of drinks over to a table when she caught his eye and her face lit up.  
Eddie was awkward when he didn't want to be, but on every other occasion—he possessed a decent amount of charm.  Plus, this particular server was a fan of his band, he just didn’t know it.
Eddie stroked some hair behind his ear and leaned closer, giving her your full description, right down to the color of your eyes, and the details of a few of your tattoos, and then asked if you were working that weekend.
The server shook her head, her cheeks burning hot under Eddie's attention.  “Sorry, she’s not here. I think she’s at the Devils Den tonight.”
Eddie squinted at Gareth and the both of them mouthed “the devils den” with a question mark, like they had never heard of it in all of the 2 years they’d been there.  
The Devil’s Den did not advertise.  You could not find it in the phone book.  It was a word of mouth or friend of a friend only, and security was tight.
“Be careful,” the redhead server offered a warning, passing Eddie her phone number on the inside of a gum wrapper with a wink. Gareth rolled his eyes and headed for the door.
Eddie drove Gareth back to his car first.
“You sure you don’t want me to go with?” Gareth asked Eddie over the hood, strumming his fingers on the metal.
“Nah man, I’m good,” Eddie assured him, twirling his keys on his finger as he walked backwards. “You go home to your girl.  I’ll call you tomorrow.”
He remembered the directions the redhead told him as he sucked down a cigarette with the window open, blowing smoke out into the crisp city night.  It took him down through the east end of town, along a tunnel, and then shot him deep into the industrial district.  Vacant buildings loomed like faceless gargoyles as his van rolled along the dismal expanse, void of human life.
The building was unmarked, but the address was correct; he checked it with the numbers inked on his palm several times.  He parked a block away and walked over with his fists shoved deep into the pockets of his leather while scraps of paper and leaves skidded across the pavement.  His long hair flew across his lips and clung there until he peeled the strand back and tucked it behind his ear again.
He could hear the music now, thudding low from inside the building as he rounded the corner.  
There was a purple light coming from the open doorway, and a minotaur man with a thick tail and broad shoulders sat on a stool blowing smoke out his nostrils.  Eddie heard him ask the couple ahead of him to see their IDs, so Eddie got his ready.
You just happened to be on your way out for a smoke when you saw him—-
The one you couldn’t take your eyes off of two weekends ago. The grungy boy with the long hair you couldn’t stop thinking about.
What was he doing at a monster bar? Did you want him to see you like this? 
Self-consciously, you spun around, ducking your head so he wouldn’t see your horns, wondering if you should try to cover them with your hood and retract your claws. 
Eddie handed the Minotaur bouncer his ID.
“What the fuck you want me to do with this?” The bouncer asked, aggressively standing up to his full height which was close to 7ft.  His voice bellowed, “no humans allowed, can’t you read?” Sure enough, there was a black and white sign on the door that said: NO UNAUTHORIZED HUMANS ALLOWED.
Eddie tucked his ID back in his wallet, about to offer to try and pay the guy off when he saw you appear in the doorway.
“Oh shit,” Eddie whispered to himself.  You were even more stunning than the night he first saw you. Now you have horns? He hadn't noticed them the other weekend at the club; maybe you had them tucked under your wig. He could tell you were different, but he had no idea you were what was known in human circles as a Beastly.  
“He’s with me,” you told the enormous Minotaur man, and Eddie watched him cower before you.  He sat back down on his stool and bowed his head, muttering his apologies.  
He had to remember not to let his jaw hang slack as you walked closer, swaying your hips as you did so, plucking a cigarette out of the pack to pop it into your mouth.  He noticed that what he once thought were tattoos were actually designs that seemed like they were burned into your flesh; they glowed orange in the night as if there was lava flowing in your veins.  
Eddie patted his jacket and his back pockets, forgetting where he put his lighter. Once he found it, his hand was trembling, but he took a breath and cupped his palm over the flame, leaning forward to offer it to you.
You hesitated, searching his rich brown eyes.  His very human eyes: you wanted to watch them sparkle.  “Do you want to see something cool?”
Eddie lowered his hands and poked his tongue out between his teeth. “Always.”
“It might freak you out,” you warned.
“I love getting freaked out.”
You held the cigarette out and blew on the end of it, producing a string of fire from your lungs.  It was a soft, blue flame and Eddie watched the tip of your smoke light up and crackle with embers just as the fire disappeared behind your lips again.
“Party trick,” you took a drag, squinting one eye at him playfully.  
“Can you do mine?” Eddie opened the top pocket of his jacket to pull out a smoke from his pack, while a few more bodies shuffled by on their way to the door.  Two had chalk white skin with fangs, one had the snout of a pig and a green mohawk, and the other looked like she could’ve passed as human, until she stuck her tongue out at one of the other men and it was long and forked, falling almost to her chest.  
They each gave Eddie a suspicious look, but when they saw you standing there, they quickly jerked their stares away.
Eddie gripped the cig between his full lips, and his eyes never left you as you leaned in.  You could’ve produced a flame long enough to reach him where he was, but you decided to step in close, so that your mouth wasn’t far from his.
Your eyes met as you breathed a steady stream of fire.  The thought occurred to you that you could take him right then; you could suck his soul out like juice from a Capri Sun and he’d never know what hit him.  You could drink his essence like oxygen and fill your stomach with his charming warmth—but then you wouldn’t have him anymore, and your heart was screaming louder than your hunger.  
“That’s so rad,” Eddie chuckled.  He took a drag and then blew the smoke out sideways.  “What other tricks do you know?”
“I think it’s your turn to do a trick,” you raised an eyebrow. 
“What could a human possibly do to impress you?”
“I’m sure there are lots of ways you could impress me,” your smile was coy, and it made Eddie’s pupils widen with admiration.
“God, you’re so beautiful,” he whispered.
But then one of the ghouls with skin that looked stapled on stepped out of the doorway and said your name.  
“What is it?” You snapped.  Your demeanor changed—your eyes narrowing on her.  
“Sorry,” the ghoul stammered.  “Um, it’s Drucilla—she says there’s a phone call for you.”
“I’ll be right there,” you grumbled, waving her off, but when you turned back to Eddie, your face softened.  “I have to go.  If you’re around later we can—-”
“Yeah, I’ll wait,” Eddie said quickly.  He didn’t know how long the wait would be, and he didn’t care.
You motioned for him to follow you inside, and as he entered, the Minotaur bouncer grumbled: “Sorry about earlier, man.”
“It’s all good,” Eddie clapped him on his big, beefy shoulder.
There was a band at the back of the venue playing something that reminded him of Alice in Chains, and Eddie felt right at home.  Everyone turned in his direction, and he followed close behind as you traveled down a few carpeted steps to the long, low-lit bar along the wall.  Your tail flicked from side to side as you walked, and he smiled to himself when he noticed it.  
You swatted the bar with your hand to get Danny’s attention.  The wolfman bartender stopped the conversation he was having mid-sentence and rushed over, a furry hand swiping hair away from his beard.  
“He’s with me,” you told Danny, motioning over your shoulder to a bewildered Eddie.  “Anyone fucks with him, and I’ll rip their head off.”
You meant it literally, and Danny knew that.  
“I’ll keep an eye on your pet,” Danny nodded as he cleaned a glass with a towel.  He made eye contact with Eddie and ran his tongue over his sharp canines.
Eddie sank down onto a stool at the bar and watched you go, his heart hammering in his chest.  There were two exotic dancers in cages on either side of the dancefloor, and one looked like she had reptilian skin with an alligator tail.  The action on the main floor was more of a mosh pit than actual dancing, and he knew the guys from his band would dig this place.  He wondered what you would think of his music if you saw him perform; maybe he could do a few tricks for you on stage. He wanted to look out and see you in the crowd and know you were his.
“What can I get you?” Danny asked, flipping a coaster in front of Eddie with a flourish.  
Flustered at his choices, Eddie ordered a beer, and then he leaned in.  “Hey, what is her story? Why does everyone seem so…afraid of her?”
“You mean you don’t know who she is?” Danny raised both bushy eyebrows at him as he popped the cap on his beer. 
Eddie shrugged, eyes dancing over the wall of bottles.  “I have no idea, man.  This isn’t my scene.”
Danny came forward and put his hairy forearms on the bar.  “Yeah well, her dad is the head Devil in charge of all of this,” he gestured around.  “He runs the underground Beast Mob, and everyone is scared shitless of him.”  Danny scooted Eddie’s beer forward, giving him a pointed look.  “And you should be too.  He hates humans.”
Eddie swallowed hard.  “I’m pretty good with parents,” he mumbled. 
He sat there for a while and sipped his beer, taking in the scenery and the other monsters, when he caught sight of you weaving your way back through the crowd.  Everyone you walked by seemed to beg to touch you or talk to you; a couple of them even bowed.  He wanted to have you on his arm, to feel the fire from your lungs burn his skin.
“Hey,” the person behind Eddie tapped his shoulder, and Eddie spun around to find an orc-looking guy with two tusks jutting up from his bottom teeth.  
“Yeah, man, what’s up?” 
The orc glanced over Eddie’s shoulder at you, and then regarded him with a serious gaze.  “Be careful with that one, son.  She will feast on your soul and drain you dry.”
Eddie turned to see you watching him from across the way, and you offered a shy wave.  Your short horns looked sharp and ready for battle; the marks in your skin glowed like neon.
Eddie sighed wistfully.  “Damn, I really hope so.”
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cooliogirl101 · 2 months
WTL Deleted Scene
The bar had been closed for an hour and Mitsuo was in the process of cleaning up when he noticed the woman standing by the door. It was raining hard outside but she didn’t seem to notice or care, looking completely lost in thought.
Mitsuo hesitated for a moment before making his way towards the front.
“Can I help you?” He asked politely. The woman jolted slightly, before staring up at him with wide, startled eyes.
“No,” she said after a brief pause. “No, it’s okay. I shouldn’t have come. Sorry for disturbing you.”
She turned to walk away and before he could think better of it, Mitsuo reached out one hand to grab her shoulder. She went alarmingly stiff under his touch and he hastily let her go.
“I apologize, I didn’t mean to startle you. It’s just that, well.” He took in her drenched clothes, the lack of umbrella, the water droplets running down her face. “You look like you could use a place to warm up.”
She glanced at the very blatant ‘Closed’ sign on the door before looking back at him.
“I think we have time for one more customer,” he said, answering her unspoken question, and stepped aside to allow her in.
“So that bad, huh?” The woman, who had introduced herself as ‘Hana,’ asked casually. Mitsuo raised an eyebrow at her.
“What do you mean?” He asked, sliding a cup of tea over to her.
“The way I look.” Her lips quirked up slightly, a touch of humor entering her eyes. “I figure it has to be bad if strangers are taking pity on me and allowing me to take shelter for free after hours. Be honest, on a scale of drowned rat to drenched owl, how bad are we talking?”
He took in her shoulder length sopping-wet brown hair, brown eyes, brown coat. She did look a bit like a bedraggled animal, actually.
“Hmm, more along the lines of wet cat, to be frank,” Mitsuo said, smiling. “How’s the tea?”
She took a sip, then drew back, surprised. “This-- ”
“Not bad, right?” Mitsuo chuckled.
“Well. The standards of tea have certainly improved since the last time I’ve been in Inuzuri,” Hana remarked. “Must mean this place is doing pretty well, right?”
“You could say that.” They certainly weren’t lacking money anyway. “I think we have some food leftover in the back. Let me see if I can scrounge up something.”
“You don’t have to,” Hana protested. “Seriously, you’ve done more than enough.”
“It’s no trouble.” Mitsuo smiled briefly. “Besides, it’d hardly be polite to let a lady go hungry. Why don’t you take a look at a menu and see if anything catches your eye?”
“Absolutely not, I’m not going to—wait, who came up with the names of these drinks?” She asked incredulously.
“Ah yes, I’m afraid my brother had quite a bit of fun coming up with them.” Mitsuo grinned, suppressing a chuckle. “My sister, she was of the belief that we should be trying to attract a more diverse clientele and suggested that creating cocktails designed to cater to both men and women might be a good idea. Kazuki—my brother—thought it was ridiculous and was deeply upset at the idea of serving ‘girly’ drinks in his bar. Unfortunately for him, he was unanimously outvoted. The compromise was that he would be allowed to name the drinks.”
“And K—and they approved these?” Hana’s lips twitched as she scanned the list. “The Red-Hot Pineapple Monkey? Oh dear, the person who inspired that one must be a…character.”
Mitsuo hummed his agreement, hiding his surprise. It wasn’t often that newcomers guessed the cocktail names were inspired by actual people, and that one was a comparatively less obvious one.
“Maybe I’ll try something after all. This one sounds promising—the Flower Power Glower.” She laughed. “I’m sorry, it’s just that one…I mean, I would have loved to—” Her voice trailed off, shoulders slumping slightly. “But I guess that’s not possible anymore.”
Hana glanced up at Mitsuo, a wry twist to her mouth.
“Maybe alcohol isn’t such a good idea tonight.”
“Maybe not,” Mitsuo agreed gently. “And for what it’s worth, I understand. I’ve lost people too. If there’s anything I can do to help, I’d be glad to give it a try.”
“Thank you, that’s very kind of you.” She hesitated. “There is one thing. I just—your family.” Hana looked down at her hands, fiddling with her mug. “They sound like…like an amazing group of people. Would you tell me about them?” There was an odd urgency to her voice now, words coming out just a touch too fast. “Please?”
Mitsuo paused. By all means, he should decline her request. It wasn’t exactly a secret that two highly-ranked Shinigami came from their household and although neither Rukia nor Renji visited frequently these days, it wasn’t unfeasible that someone could come seeking information to use against them. And yet, he couldn’t help but instinctively trust that this woman meant him and his family no harm.
He hadn’t lived this long by ignoring his instincts.
“What do you want to know?” He asked.
They ended up talking for hours. Honestly, they probably could have ended up talking for longer had Kazuki not stormed in, shaking droplets of rain out of his hair.
“There you are! The bar closed hours ago, where the hell have you—who the hell is she?” Kazuki drew up short at the sight of Hana and Mitsuo sitting across from each other at the bar, halfway through their second pot of tea. Hana looked at him with the same wide-eyed look she’d greeted Mitsuo with.
“Manners, Kazuki,” Mitsuo said dryly.
“Shut up, this ain’t the goddamned Seireitei,” Kazuki retorted without taking his eyes off Hana. “So who is she?”
“She is able to hear you,” Hana said, a touch sardonically. “You can call me Hana.”
“Just Hana, huh? No last name?” Kazuki asked, eyes narrowing slightly.
“You’re hardly one to talk, given that you haven’t provided either of yours,” she retorted without missing a beat. He blinked, then grinned.
“Fair enough. You can call me Kazuki then.” His eyes fell onto the mostly-empty plate of gyoza on the table. “Aw man, I was hoping to eat those later.”
“Don’t worry, we saved the smallest one for you,” she replied, tongue-in-cheek. Mitsuo blinked. That had almost sounded like—
“I mean, thank you for the drinks and the food,” Hana said hastily, interrupting his thoughts. “How much do I owe you? And don’t tell me it’s on the house again, I mean the real cost.”
“How much do you want to pay?” At her uncomprehending look, Kazuki smirked. “We operate on a donation-only system here. You pay what you want, and if you don’t want to pay anything, that’s perfectly fine too.” He looked her over. “Actually on second thought, I second what Mitsuo said. It’s on the house—please use any money you have to buy an umbrella.”
“That doesn’t seem like a viable way to run a business,” Hana pointed out.
“Don’t worry about that. Anything that isn’t covered by donations just gets added to Hisana’s tab,” Kazuki shrugged.
There was a pause.
“Hisana’s tab?” Hana questioned. Her voice was very small.
“It’s a system we set up in honor of our late sister,” Mitsuo explained quietly. “Well, us and her fiancé at the time. Anyone who comes to this bar only needs to ask in order to be fed.”
It had been Kuchiki Byakuya’s idea. The amount of money he donated on a yearly basis could feed more hungry orphans than existed in all of Inuzuri.
“Oh.” Hana swallowed. “That’s—that’s a really nice thing to do. I’m sure your sister would have loved that.” She stood up and bowed. “I’ve taken up enough of your time. Thank you for your kindness—I can’t tell you how much it means to me.” 
“You have a place to stay?” Mitsuo asked, concerned.
“Of course. You don’t have to worry about me,” she smiled. “I’ll be fine.”
Mitsuo pursed his lips, studying her closely. There was something oddly familiar about her, something that had been bothering him all evening. Not her features—no, Mitsuo was quite certain he’d never seen this woman before in his life—but in her tone of voice, the way she tilted her chin up—
He shook off the sense of déjà vu and smiled at her.
“In that case, please feel free to come back at any time. You’re always welcome,” he said sincerely. “I hope to see you again.” 
Her smile softened into something a little more genuine.
“As do I,” she murmured. “Take care, Mitsuo, Kazuki.”
“So. Hana, huh?” Kazuki commented as soon as the door shut behind her. “Someone you know?”
“Not at all. I’ve never seen her before tonight,” Mitsuo replied honestly. “Why?”
He shrugged, staring off into the same direction Hana had left.
“Nothing. Just feel like I’ve met her before.”
Hisana: “You don’t have to worry about me, I’ll be fine” while very much the opposite of fine
Mitsuo and Kazuki, immediately: wait why does this girl seem so familiar
Deleted this scene because I decided Hisana wouldn't risk going back to her family until Aizen was no longer a threat, no matter how much she missed them. But I figured I'd share this snippet anyway, hope you guys enjoy!
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mr2swap · 1 year
Fun day at the beach by ZOLTAR
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-This is better than I thought! Damn, my stepbrother really looks angry! - I took the can of beer to my mouth and drank it completely, after drinking the cocktail I released a stinky and loud burp from my mouth -mmm strawberries?- it made me feel dizzy but in a good mood, I thought it would be a shitty day when my older brother dragged me to the beach with him and his girlfriend after my stepdad gave him $100 to get rid of me for a while and spend his anniversary alone with his new wife, my mom.
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Who the hell knew that the old mechanical genius on the beach really was magical? When we get out of the car and park near the beach at an old restaurant bar, I have to admit that her girl is really cute, but my stepbrother is a jerk, she deserves better, her and my mother.
-Listen little brother we are going to be here a long time so take 5 dollars and get lost, I don't want you to bother us or be a pain in the ass, see you in a few hours little brother-
My new stepbrother always treated me like this ever since mom married that idiot my life has been hell, I went into the restaurant and ordered a coke, there wasn't much else to do but play a bit of the dusty old video games that were on the restaurant, really none of them interested me except one, it was an old-fashioned mechanical genius, as soon as I stood in front of him his eyes lit up, and he began to move and talk.
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-My name is Zoltar and I will make your dreams come true!-This thing is great, it's like…retro! I really didn't think that thing was magical but it was really hot and I was bored.
-Well, if you can give me a fun day at the beach for 25 cents, it's a deal- I put a coin into the device and his eyes lit up with a red glow, he began to recite some strange words while making robotic movements with his fingers, in a simple blink my wish came true although not in the way I expected.
I was no longer in that restaurant or in my body, I was in the hot and muscular body of my stepbrother, I recognized my brother's tiny swimsuit as well as the necklace that was now around my neck. I put my hands on my bulging pecs trying to figure out if I was dreaming or hallucinating from the heat, then I lowered my hands playing with my long hard fingers caressing my rock abs.
And of course I got my hands on my new thick cock, I'm not gay, or so I think... but when you see this cock that is now in my hands every morning while my brother walks around my house with just a pair of boxers it is impossible not to want to touch it.
After a couple of minutes I saw my old body glaring at me totally furious from afar and from my little teenage body…hey I have an idea, what if I wish my stepfather away from my mother would I end up in his body? I guess I have a lot of time to figure it out and 95 bucks, well I have to admit I'm really having fun now.
Hey! You can support me to continue creating stories, see similar stories on my patreon, you can also join my discord if you are interested in role-playing about bodyswap, possession and transformation, m2m!
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secretkittywolf · 5 months
High Life
Chapter 2
Martyn made a mad dash towards the penthouse on his left. As soon as he entered the building, he was greeted to a club. "Oh wow. Grian definately went all out on this" He walked around the ground floor, taking in everything. "Okay. So we own a penthouse, have one life, a backstory and a motive to kill another player. This is a lot" he ponders out loud. He makes his way into the club area and its lit up with chandelier's and some small colourful lights to add to the ambience and atmosphere. "Damn. All this for me? Aren't I a lucky guy?" Martyn smirks, looking around some more. He makes his way to the penthouse and his jaw hit the floor when he opened the doors. "Holy shit! Wh- What is this?!" He was in awe at the size of the room. Martyn walks aimlessly around, taking in everything. He ends up hitting his back on the vanity table where he spies a book. "My backstory, I assume?"
"You and Impulse are childhood friends. The two of you grew up together and have formed such an amazing friendship. But after a bad fight a week ago, you're bitter and your trust for Impulse has diminished Your motive? Kill your once best friend"
"Oh damn. That's- That's intense. So... We had a fight and now I must kill him? Why can't we make up and I kill someone else?" Martyn says frowning. He soon begins to feel a sharp pain in his head as whispers began to flood it. "Must kill..... Do not disobey...... Do not fail us...... Like last time"  "Alright, alright!" I hear ya! Jeez" The whispers fade and the pain disappears. Martyn sighs. Because he lost in Secret Life, the Watchers decided to take out their anger on him, especially for teaming up with the canary, Jimmy. He stared at the book with anger. Killing Impulse because they had a fight?! Isn't that extreme? And what was the fight about? Martyn shakes his head. He'll worry about them at a later date. He heads to the wardrobe and finds a classy suit as well as a dress. "Nice suit. Definitely wanna feel fancy" After he changes, he heads back down and heard some voices. "Oh, hey Martyn!" Calls Scott, waving at him from across the room. "What are you guys doing here?" "It's a club, ain't it? Can't we have fun?" Asks Scar. "True. But it is a club in my building so" he walks over to the bar, hops over the counter and smirks. "Can I serve you some drinks?" Cleo walks up to the bar. "So what drinks so you have, Martyn?" He looks behind him. "No alcohol... sadly. Fuck you, Grian" he mutters the last part under his breath.
"I can either give you: water, milk or mix you a potion and you can all pretend it's an alcoholic drink" "The third one, please" "Coming right up!" He finds that Grian has given him fancy cocktail glasses. Martyn groans but begins to mix up a healing option and pours it into the glass. "Here you go" he slides the pink drink across the counter as others came over to order. "Seriously, Grian? You give me fancy glasses, an exquisite bar but no alcohol?! Really?" Grian chuckles. "Do you really want to complete your motive whilst flat out drunk?" "Would make it interesting" The avian laughs and orders a regeneration drink. As Martyn begins to mix it up, Skizz walk in. Skizz waves to Scott and heads over to him. Martyn watches from behind the bar and due to his good hearing, he eavesdrops in on their conversation. "Hey Scott" "Skizz..." "Hey. What's wrong handsome?" He sees Skizz place a hand on Scott's arm. "Nothing. Everything's fine" snaps Scott. Skizz removes his hand from the other. "You know whatever it is, you can talk to me. I'm here for you" "I don't fancy talking right now so could you leave me be. Please?" Skizz doesn't say anything and walks away.
Skizz/Scott drama is starting!
Grian's being a lil shit with the no alcohol rule and can Martyn kill Impulse or will he have to be punished again by The Watchers?
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thebreadvansstuff · 6 months
"Say, there's mistletoe... How convenient."
Ever since Harry met Louis, he's broken every single rule in his book.
For example, it was never his intention to get caught fooling around in a public library. Or a fitting room. Or a car park.
So, Harry has broken many rules (and laws), but the one that stands out is his complete lack of self respect around Louis.
Harry had gone into this whole friends-with-benefits thing on one condition; don't catch feelings.
For some reason, that was not the broken rule that made Harry snap. It was the fact that he vowed not to act on those feelings, especially when Louis gave him so many mixed signals.
One day he would be all clingy and cute, cuddling Harry and spoiling him with attention, and the next one he'd leave him alone as soon as they both had come.
After sleepless nights of confusion and overthinking, Harry made a promise to himself to stop giving in to the temptation. If a fuck was all Louis was looking for (a mind-blowing one at that), then that was all Harry was going to give.
Even if Louis was in an affectionate mood, Harry was determined to put a stop to it, if only to protect his feelings.
And it was hard taking his promise seriously, when Louis' attention on him was so addicting. But it helped make those sleepless nights a bit more bearable.
Naturally, he had his slip-ups, but the holiday season gave him hope for a break, for some distance between him and Louis.
Little did he know that Louis had different plans.
Harry arrived in Manchester with a clear mind and a deep breath of fresh air. He hugged his family, opened presents and made plans to go to Santa Baby Bar with his sister and a few friends.
And he'd gone in there with his head held high, and an unopened message from Louis.
He got a Christmas-themed cocktail and sipped it slowly, preferring not to be drunk in the presence of his sister.
He was having a good time, up until he decided to go to the bathroom. As he was making his way to the loo, he bumped into someone with a too-familiar cologne and silhouette.
"I'm sor-" he started, but then Louis turned around and greeted him with a smirk.
"What are you doing in Manchester?" Harry asked, frowning.
"You never listen to me when I talk, Harold..." Louis said, clicking his tongue in disappointment. "Visiting my sister?"
"Oh right, she goes to uni here," Harry remembered.
"You didn't reply to my text."
Harry widened his eyes in feigned surprise. "Oh what message?"
Louis rolled his eyes, like he could see right through Harry's bullshit -- he probably could. "Just Merry Christmas."
Harry's shoulders had slumped at that, because there Louis went again, acting all cute and considerate. "Merry Christmas, Lou," Harry said, voice softening noticeably.
Louis smiled. "Do I get a hug? Or a kiss or -"
Harry put a hand up to interrupt him. "Nope. Don't even think about finishing that sentence. I'm with my sister here."
"Me too, but we could go to the bathroom." Louis shrugged.
"Or, we could part ways and see each other again back home?"
Louis shook his head. "That doesn't sound good. What about a kiss? It's not too much trouble, is it?"
Harry's heart leaped in his chest, stomach filling with butterflies. But. He made a promise.
"I think I'll pass."
Louis' eyebrows jumped up towards his hairline; he wasn't used to Harry turning him down.
"What's going on?"
And, Harry could be a coward, come up with an excuse and run back to his sister. Or, he could come clean once and for all.
He went for the latter.
"I just," he sighed, "I think I need some distance from you."
Louis' brows furrowed, and he stepped back. "Oh." If Harry didn't know any better, he'd say he even looked hurt.
"It's just that I need to breathe for a while, because this thing between us... it's harder than I thought it would be."
Louis bit his lip, seemingly confused. "Are we not having fun?"
"No, we are. I just think I want more, and obviously that's not what you want so I don't - I need to keep my distance."
"You want more? As in -"
Harry nodded. "I have feelings for you. Jeez, never thought I'd say it on Christmas day, but what can you do."
It felt like a weight being lifted off his shoulders.
And then -
"Oh god, you're so stupid!" Louis exclaimed.
"Thanks, I guess," Harry deadpanned, failing to read Louis' joyful expression.
"Obviously I have feelings for you, too!"
Harry blinked. "What?"
Louis' smile reached as far as his ears as he rambled, "You idiot, I've been pining for months, sometimes I thought I was too obvious and had to tone it down. Thought it bothered you."
Harry's heart was racing, fingers buzzing with excitement. "Are you serious?"
"Yes!" Louis exclaimed. He grabbed Harry's shoulders, crowded into him. "What about that kiss we were talking about?"
Harry's cheeks heated up, and he bit his lip. "I'm not sure..." he teased, playing coy.
"Say there's mistletoe..." Louis said, pointing up where, sure enough, mistletoe hang above their heads, "How convenient."
Harry shook his head and leaned in for a kiss.
Two rules were broken that night; Harry fell a little more in love and got caught blowing Louis in the restroom.
They got kicked out of the bar with the biggest smiles on their faces.
Send me a line, and I'll write a snippet! - X-MAS edition!
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idealspawn · 1 year
im so happy. im so happy i barely even come on tumblr anymore... i met up w the guy im seeing. he kissed me when we were sitting on a large swing :D he told me he actually already wanted to kiss me the last time we were together. we also went out to eat. i let him pick what i ordered and got the bar to make me a surprise drink so it would be fun and challenge my ed. they made a cucumber tom collins w reduced sugar(the only instruction i gave them was to not make the drink too sweet bc i dont like sweet things all that much). and!! tom collins is my fav cocktail btw!! :DD. ate a vegan burger and fries. which is also pretty cool bc i avoid bread generally. but i didnt die and it was so good. we walked around a lot and then climbed on top of this climbing pyramid?? at a playground. we lied down and just talked. i was supposed to go back to my sister's place but he asked if i wanted to stay over at his for a while. he sang to me and played his guitar and showed his cool posters and told me the stories behind them. our first KISS KISS like make out kiss was so cute too... he played a song i knew but had weird memories attached to it. i told him im glad im making new ones w it. when the chorus came on he spontaneously kissed me :D we stayed silent w our foreheads touching till the end of the song. now i can associate the song w good memories :D we cuddled and kissed a lot. i ended up accidentally falling asleep and my sister thought sth had happened to me bc my battery had died too. but it was so nice. it was all so innocent and had no implications that it had to go any further than cuddling and kisses. we were all over eachother and tbh i dont think ive ever felt this comfortable w physical touch w anyone else before. he looks at me w such adoration too.. its so sweet. he said he has discovered so much good music from looking at my spotify which is cute.. our shared playlist now shows that the songs only i listened to before are the songs in common to us. thats sweet... he is so gentle and vulnerable and open. and he likes my quirks and doesnt view them as weird. lol i have that neurodivergent rizz. no but truly. so much more happened. i wish i could talk abt everything but im so exhausted i havent slept at all for the past week bc ive been so busy w diff events. saw my ex at this one party btw. she made long awkward eye contact w me but i looked away very fast but i saw from the corner of my eye that she didnt. at the last party the roles were reversed, i couldnt stop staring at her but she broke the eye contact fast. cool to know im over her completely now. anyway, im in such a great mood that i dont think even she can ruin it. she didnt look like she was having a great time and im glad. i had so much fun and i now think she truly did me a favour by leaving me. i have glow-upped so much and she hasnt. :) i feel so loved by everyone. i cant wait to meet up w the guy again next week. we have so many fun things planned. i cant stop thinking about our goodbye kiss. it was so passionate :D and our chemistry is so good. like truly one of the best. i layed my head on his chest and listened to his heart beating. when i wrapped my arm around him i felt how his heart started beating extremely fast. it was so adorable. :) we have so much in common too, its insane. like literally already starting from our childhood.
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erin-gilberts · 9 days
Getting to know you asks 🤗....
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1. What's your go-to treat/snack (coffee/tea, cake/ muffins/cookies, etc)?
2. Would you rather hang out with friends indoors (shopping, arcade, hanging out at home, etc) or outdoors (goof off at the park, take a hike and chat, go to flea markets, etc)?
3. What are 5 of your favorite movies?
4. What are some artists you can listen to on repeat?
5. What's a fun/interesting fact about you?
Sincerely that drive-in mutual 😌👻🚫🎟
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Hello @wanderingnelipot! I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to answer your lovely ask. It's been a particularly rough couple of months, but I would still love to chat and get to know you better if you're interested!
1. My go-to treat is an iced latte! I used to have a pretty regular routine that on Fridays, I would always go to a local cafe after spin class and have an iced latte and an avocado toast. Cookies are always a good cozy snack for me, and I'm also partial to niche baked goods...whatever a cafe or restaurant considers their specialty and is really proud to be known for. I'm back in my hometown now and my favorite lil place currently has some phenomenal seven-layer bars.
2. I'm down for all kinds but I definitely love adventures. This week, I had a friend over and we made friendship bracelets while marathoning the Ghostbusters movies, which was lovely but a little more stationary than I usually am on my own. Wandering the woods and chatting, exploring a flea market, or goofing off at the park all provide a great opportunity to leave the house and have new experiences in new settings.
It's why I was delighted to see Frozen Empire for the first time in a place far from home - it felt like an adventure!
3. Ghostbusters Answer the Call
Jurassic Park
Both of the live-action Scooby Doo movies - I think they're such a spiritual ancestor of Answer the Call 😂 I love them unironically; they are so goofy and were so panned but so much fun.
4. I'd most accurately describe my style of music as "crooning lesbians" lol. MUNA has been a staple in my playlist for years. I also associate a fair lot of Taylor Swift's songs with Erin Gilbert / ATC so she gets replayed often, too!
Best introduction to MUNA: "What I Want," "Home by Now," "Everything"
Most Erin songs by Taylor Swift: "Antihero," "All Too Well," "Cassandra"
5. I'm a pretty bold person who has a storied history of doing super wild things to really meaningful ends.
As a young hate crime survivor, I decided to unlearn my fear of the woods and the violence that happens to women within it by making an emotional trek 15 miles into the mountains to the site where another lesbian hate crime victim was killed.
The next year, I drove 12 hours to Toronto to see a 15 minute short film at its premiere. The short film was about the above woman's ^ story, following her partner who survived the attack, and I gambled that the director would be present. He was - his crew actually found the cairn of stones I left at the site. He was moved as hell that I came so far to see the film, and called me out on stage.
In 2022, Paul Feig was launching his cocktail book in the barely post-pandemic landscape, and on about three weeks notice, I impulsively booked a trip to NYC to attend his talk. Again, it was a gamble I'd get to meet him - they weren't announcing he'd be signing books; I just assumed and took the chance. He was! And I got to emphasize to him exactly how much GB: ATC meant to women and queer people, and he was so absolutely moved and chuffed that I brought a copy of Erin and Abby's book for him to sign.
He's since followed my friends and I as we went on a big trip tracing the footsteps of where all they filmed ATC and now recognizes our wee group by name.
So I'm 100% impulsive as hell, but I think it's always to some pretty incredible ends. 🥰
I'm going to leave you some questions in return xx
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pinkplushprincess · 2 years
Girls night
Pairing: spencer reid x reader
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Established relationship 
Content warning: dom sub relationship, swearing, Smut talk, alcohol consumption 
Word count: 1.2k
Summary: the bau girls finally get a night out alone and end up talking about more than what y/n intended to let slip.
Have fun, be safe, no dancing with anyone other than the girls, don’t drink too much, and I love you. Spencer said, wrapping his arms around me kissing me before I left. I will spence, I love you too, I will be back at 9 maybe 10 I am not sure I will text you if we stay any longer. Ok be safe I love you. I start to walk out the door as Spencer stops me.
Oh and be a good girl I don’t want to have to spank you tonight.
Ok I will try. Alright now get going you don’t want to be late to girls night. I kiss him goodbye and start walking to my car climbing in the driver's seat.
Tonight the girls chose to go somewhere different than the bar we usually go to. This one is farther away but Pen said she went there with Derek and had a great time. She even said they played good music instead of the usual country or new viral music. 
I arrive at the bar and park the car closest to the entrance. I walk in and the bar is beautiful, the walls are red and velvet, the floor is black marble and everything is clean. I can see what pen was talking about now.
y/n over here! The girls motioned for me to come over. Damn girl you look sexy as hell, em said making me smile as i sat down next to tara. Well thank you em you look fucking edible in that leather. Where's jj? I asked. She went to go get some shots. And just then jj comes back with five shots of vodka. y/n you're here I thought you and Spencer were busy? Jj asked. Yeah we were busy but plans changed. 
Anyways shots tara said, cheers to you sexy bitches tara said as we clinked are shots together. I don’t think I will ever get used to that taste, jj said as she put her shot glass down. 
After many rounds of shots and dancing we go back to our seats with some fruity cocktails. So p i heard you had a date a couple of days ago how was it? Tara asked with a smirk on her face. Oh it was so good he took me out to this nice restaurant just out of town and he got me flowers and called me beautiful. He was so sweet I think I am going to go on a second date with him. Pen said with a huge smile on her face. What was his name? Jj asked. His name is kol. So is it big? Em asked. I don’t know we didnt have sex. Oh he is a keeper he sounds sweet.
Speaking of sex I went out with this girl I met last week at the bar and it was mind blowing, em said. I have not had real sex in months the kids are keeping me busy. Jj said. I am sorry jj maybe its time to invest in a vibrator. I said. I have! But it isn't the same I want real sex with will not a vibrator and a bottle of wine. What is sex like with spencer y/n, he is scared to touch you isnt he? Em said. 
No not at all sex with spencer is so so good, I have never had bad sex with him, he is not scared to touch me actually it is the exact opposite he touches me anywhere and everywhere.
Wow I need to know more, tara said. Like what do you want to know? How big is it? Umm I am not sure off the top of my head but I think anywhere from 9.5 to 10 inches i think. 10 inches! Pen said, no way. Yes way that boy has the biggest dick I have ever had. I have so many questions I need to know everything, pen said. No way guys this is literally spencer we are talking about. Jj said. Oh please jj you act as if you have never been interested in what the genius is like in bed. Anyways please continue.
So is he like kinky? Em asked. Very kinky. Has he ever handcuffed you? Tara asked. Yes and tied me up. Shut up Spencer reid is a kinky mf. What does he like to be called in bed? What does he call you? Pen asked. Oh god umm he likes to be called many different things but usually its daddy or doctor, he calls me many names in and out of bed like princess, angel, sweet girl, little girl, whore, slut, my little slut, fucktoy, and a couple other names. Shut the fuck up daddy reid! Whore! Daddy Reid does not play,Tara said.
Omg i can’t hear this i am going to the bathroom, jj said walking to the bathroom. So do you do BDSM? Em asked yes, he is usually dominant and I am usually submissive but I am dominant sometimes. Is he rough? Pen asked. Yeah most of the time i like it rough. I like his hands so he chokes me alot. HE DOES WHAT! Jj said from behind me. It's normal that a lot of people do it, it makes me horny and he likes it. Does he spank you? Tara asked. Yes all the time because i get “bratty” omg omg omg reid is a freak! Oh yeah totally but i am pretty freaky too so it works out well. What are his kinks? Em asked. Umm breeding, choking, dirty talk, orgasm denial, impact play, edging, marking, daddy kink, exhibitionism- exhibitionism! Where have you done it, pen asked. 
The library, the bar, a restaurant, a wedding, work- work! Where at work and which wedding, jj asked, the file room, the bathroom the round table- the round table! I have eaten my lunch on that table. And so has spencer. OMG what wedding, ummm your wedding…. MY WEDDING! I am calling spencer to get your drunk ass. Ughh your no fun, im calling him right now. 
Can i speak to him please! Fine here. y/n! What did you say! Spencer said as I hear his keys jiggling in his hands. Nothing daddy i have been a good girl like you said. Oh really than why did jj call me asking to pick you drunk ass up? I don’t know i think she is just jealous. Jealous of what exactly, spencer asked starting his car. I think your breaking up i love you daddy i got to go bye. 
45 minutes later we are still laughing when i feel spencer tap me on the shoulder. Daddy i missed you i get up hugging him and kissing him on the cheek. Ohhh daddy reid looks upset. Tara said. He picks me up carrying me over his shoulder, thank you for calling jj, all of you be safe tonight, spencer said walking out of the bar. He put me down on the seat next to me. 
Da- shut the fuck up you slut. 
I hope yall enjoyed the story, i love you all thank you so much please like and repost this took me forever have a good day yall :) 
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alliluyevas · 9 months
hey fun fact, my girlfriends coworker just quit and is going to Utah for a while. this guy smokes, drinks, does drugs, he's a real hippie. he's going for the nature and national parks and stuff. we had to be the ones to tell him he might have a hard time finding coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, etc because it's a predominantly mormon state! he had no idea!
he's just like...going to chill in the national parks? honestly good on him. i will say, my experience might be skewed because i don't use any substances (or drink coffee, I had to go back and add that because coffee is not A Substance unless you're Mormon) but when I went to utah I was with 2 people who do drink both alcohol and coffee and they had no trouble acquiring those in slc or around zion/bryce canyon national parks. slc has a large secular population and there's a lot of tourist traffic around the two parks so they know how to cater to non Mormons.
my friends don't smoke and no one was looking to do drugs so idk about that, and it might be harder to find even alcohol in areas that aren't the far north or far south of the state and are predominantly mormon without a lot of tourist traffic. i imagine you could probably get grocery store ground coffee at a supermarket but coffee shops would be pretty scarce.
that being said omg how did he not know that? I feel like Utah is so polarized in terms of its population/pop culture presence because it's like Outdoorsy Hippie Place but also Mormon Central.
also just musing but--the interesting thing about visiting Utah as someone who doesn't drink alcohol or coffee but isn't Mormon and was traveling with people who do is that establishments feel really polarized--they either don't offer things that don't conform to Mormon consumption standards (like those soda shops, they may have juices or flavored water or something lighter but they don't also offer coffee), or they are very obviously catering to non-Mormons and don't offer a lot of variety for either practicing Mormons or people who just choose not to drink.
Like we went to a restaurant that had a wine list, extensive cocktail menu, big bar right in the center, etc, and I feel like an equivalent restaurant in most of the cities I've been to would have had mocktails offered, something a little more fun and upscale for non-drinkers. This place had Coke, Sprite, or water. Similarly, we stopped at a trendy-looking coffee place that was either independent or a local chain so my friends could get a coffee. They had lots of different types of coffee preparations and a few different tea options and the only thing that a Mormon guest could have gotten was Swiss Miss hot chocolate. (Which is what I got, lol). These places were both in Salt Lake City. We did go to one place near Zion that had beer and wine but also a wider range of options for non-drinkers including this giant prickly pear lemonade that I ordered which was bright purple and unfortunately not very good kjesdfhdas I thought it was too sweet. Utah moment.
It kind of made me feel a bit weird personally...I felt like I was going to that coffee shop and the barista was thinking oh look at this cringelord Mormon ordering the Swiss Miss. but also on a sociological level it's really interesting because it's a real reflection of cultural polarization in utah, like I'm sure there are plenty of mixed friend groups that have some Mormon and some non-Mormon members, but some Mormons I think would prefer not to go to a restaurant that has a bar or to a coffee shop in general. (Appearance of evil, etc). And I think also like...some people who do drink may kind of look down on those who don't especially because of the religious context so you end up with establishments that basically offer the bare minimum in non-alcohol/non-coffee.
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Love Potion - Roman Sionis X GN Reader
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Title: Love Potion
Roman Sionis X GN Reader
Part 1 (Could be read alone)
Additional Characters: F/N, (OC) Fergus, (OC) Beth, (OC) Claire, (OC) Charles, (OC) Sosha, Victor Zsasz, Mr. Morganson (Mentioned), and Mr. Koil (Mentioned)
WC: 2,380
Warnings: Not as good as the first fic, Roman, slightly suggestive, blink-and-you-miss-it mention of torture/death, alcohol, and slightly ooc Roman
It has been a couple weeks since you went to the Black Mask with your friends. Here you were, sipping a Love Potion cocktail, in the same booth with your friends. They were all slightly shocked that you even suggested going out to the club in the first place, but after your meeting with the Roman Sionis, they got the picture. You're not one for the spotlight, and being around other people makes you nervous. But, the idea of seeing Roman made the nervousness worth it.
You, this time around, bought your own outfit a week prior to asking your friends to come with you. You wore a black suit, paired with the same black, heeled boots. The jacket was tight and showed off your figure nicely which you liked. Underneath, you wore an elegant sheer black blouse featuring a dramatic bow-tie neckline and cuffed long sleeves, with a plain black spaghetti-strap top under that. You felt confident in the outfit, and when you walked into the club, unlike last time, you didn't feel too uneasy.
Looking around the club, you tried to spy as to where Roman was. But, you found him, sitting at a booth, not too far away. He was wearing a black suit with gold details, and instead of his glasses, he had on black eyeliner. Which pleasantly surprised you. He was talking with two men at the booth, his eyes were harsh as he looked at the men, a deep frown on his face. Whatever they were talking about, Roman was not happy about it. He huffed, raking a gloved hand through his hair.
You wondered what his hair felt like if you ran your fingers through it. Would it be as soft as it looked?
"You are smitten, Y/N." F/N teased from beside you, nudging your side.
Blushing, you quickly looked away, taking a quick sip of your drink. "I am?" You asked softly.
F/N nodded, smiling. "Yes, you are." They whispered. "He's quite the charmer."
You bit your lip, "He is." You agreed.
"We know you only wanted to come to see him, right?" Sosha spoke and you just shrugged, a bit embarrassed.
"Well, I'm glad we came," Claire smiled, and the others agreed, nodding.
Looking back to where Roman was, you frowned slightly, he was gone. And so were the two men.
The night went on quite nicely, you had almost finished your drink. You hung back at the booth with Sosha while F/N, Fergus, Charles, Beth, and Claire went to the bar for more drinks. Sosha turned to you, placing a hand on your shoulder.
"I'm heading to the bathroom, don't have too much fun without me." She spoke before sliding out of the booth and towards the bathrooms.
You sighed, feeling a bit nervous now that you were alone. You sat there, listening to the music, sipping your drink.
"You came back..."
At the sound of his voice, you looked up, finding Roman standing beside you.
"I did." You spoke softly.
"Did you come by yourself?" He asked, before sitting across from you.
You shook your head, "No, my friends are over there." You pointed to the bar, where you could see them all laughing.
Roman's eyes followed your finger, "They're having a good time."
You nodded, "Yeah, they are."
His gaze lingered on yours for a moment, before he stood up, offering you his gloved hand.
"Well, they can't have all the fun, now can they?" He asked, giving you a charming smile.
You took his hand, biting your lip as he once again led you to the dance floor, and again changing the music to a more slow one. As he pulled you close, you felt butterflies in your stomach, and your heart raced. He took your hand that was already in his and held it in the air beside you two, and with his other, he wrapped it around your waist. You slowly slid your hand up onto his shoulder, loving the feeling of the fabric of his suit against your skin.
|<>| |<>| |<>|
"What made you come back?" He asked slowly, staring into your eyes.
You bit your lip, "I... I couldn't stay away." You admitted, looking down.
Roman smirked, leaning in and placing his cheek against yours. You could feel his stubble tickle your cheek.
"Good." His lips brushed against your ear, sending shivers through you.
You hesitantly leaned into him, resting your head on his chest. You felt his arm that was wrapped around you, pulling you closer. You closed your eyes, enjoying the closeness.
"You like it here, don't you?" He whispered into your ear.
You nodded, "It's nice." You murmured back, tilting your head to look up at him.
His lips curved into a smile, and he kissed your forehead.
"I'm glad." He spoke softly.
"Are you?" You questioned, tilting your head.
"I am." He confirmed.
He moved his hand from your waist, and slid them slowly up your back, pulling you in tighter. You could feel his breath against your face, and the heat radiating off of him. He was intoxicating. Looking at you up and down, Roman sighed breathly.
"You look amazing," Roman spoke softly with half-lidded eyes, wetting his bottom lip.
You blushed, "Thank you."
"Your friends won't notice you're gone, will they?" He asked and you turned to look at your friends, who were still at the bar, laughing.
"No, probably not for a while." You answered.
Roman chuckled, "Then, let's go." Roman spoke, and he led you away from the dance floor.
Following him into an elevator, you noticed he was still holding your hand. Roman pushed the third-floor button, and the doors shut.
"Where are we going?" You asked curiously.
"To my penthouse," Roman replied, his voice low.
You blinked, "Oh, okay." Becoming a bit more nervous.
The elevator opened, and Roman stepped out. You looked around in awe, the walls were a nice dark cream color, and a way in front of you was a long table, and around the room were masks and humanoid statues of various kinds. Roman pulled you along beside him, giving you a little tour of the masks and art around the room.
"Here is a shrunken head I got on my most recent trip. It's just so ew, but he has a little haircut." He spoke, causing you to giggle lightly.
You just loved his personality.
Continuing the tour, arm placed around your waist securely, he brought you over to his plethora of statues.
"These are some of my acupuncture models," Roman spoke, pointing at them.
"Interesting." You spoke before looking over at the statue of Roman himself.
You were incredibly impressed by the workmanship of the piece. The detail was amazing, and it was a full-sized statue. Roman had a small smile on his face, and you felt a blush creeping onto your cheeks.
"It's incredible..." You muttered and Roman nodded.
"I'm glad you think so." He replied, his tone gentle.
He walked you into the living area, and there you saw a large red couch. Roman went over to the couch, sitting down and pulling you down beside him. Turning towards you, he placed his arm across the back of the couch, his gloved hand playing with the strands of your hair.
"So, tell me, Y/N," Roman spoke softly, his eyes staring into yours. "About yourself..."
You blushed, "I'm uhm... I went to college for art, got my MFA a few years ago, and I like to read." You told him, and he nodded, a smirk growing on his face.
"Art, you say?" Roman questioned, his voice low and husky.
You nodded, "Yeah, I love to paint." You admitted.
Leaning in closer, Roman couldn't look away from you. "I so happen to have a blank wall that needs a little something," Roman spoke, his breath hot against your skin.
You swallowed thickly, your pulse racing as Roman continued to stare into your eyes.
"An art piece from you would be lovely," Roman whispered.
You felt your heart skip a beat, "Are you sure?" You questioned, your voice a bit shaky.
"One hundred percent," Roman stated simply, his thumb brushing your cheek.
"Why me?" You asked, your voice coming out more breathy than you expected.
Roman chuckled, "Because, I want you to be mine."
"Yours?" You asked, confused.
You've only met him twice, but you felt something when you looked at him. You felt like he was the only person who understood you, or maybe he was the only one who wanted to understand you. You weren't sure. All you knew was that you wanted to spend more time with him, and if he wanted to see you, then you'd do whatever it took to make that happen.
"Yes, Y/N. Mine." Roman stated firmly.
This was all happening so fast, but you couldn't pull away. You were completely caught up in him, in his presence.
"I don’t understand" You spoke, speechless, and Roman smirked, his thumb moving to your chin, tilting your head up.
"It’s simple, I can’t stop thinking about you, and I want to know everything about you," Roman spoke, his eyes darkening.
You bit your lip, "Okay."
"And I want you to know everything about me," Roman added.
You nodded, "I'd like that."
Roman leaned in, nose brushing against yours. He smelled faintly of cologne and his natural musk, but also something else, something sweet and inviting. Roman placed his hand behind your neck, pulling you closer, and you tilted your head up, looking into his deep, green eyes.
"I really like you, Y/N," Roman spoke, his voice low and seductive.
"I like you too." You replied, leaning in closer.
Roman was just about to close the remaining gap when the man with bleached blonde buzzed hair came in.
"I... Uh... Sorry, boss, but uh Mr. Morganson and Mr. Koil are downstairs."
You pulled back, completely embarrassed and Roman sighed frustratedly, closing his eyes he breathed out an angry sigh.
"Fine, fine," he growled, opening his eyes and looking at you. "I have to get to some business, darling. I'll take you back to your friends." He spoke and your eyes widened slightly.
You forgot about them.
Helping you up off the couch, Roman walked you over to the elevator, pausing at the man.
"Take the back stairs, keep them company while I'm gone." He seethed and the man nodded and quickly headed down to the back stairs.
Once the elevator door opened, the two of you walked in. Roman pressed the button for the first floor and you looked up at him. He was standing there, hands on his hips, his jaw clenched tightly. You took a step towards him, and he sighed, turning to face you.
"I'm sorry," He spoke softly.
You shook your head, "It's alright."
"It isn't." He spoke, and you frowned.
You were slightly disappointed. You really wanted to kiss him. Biting your lip, you eyed the number three turn into a two. You have time.
Taking a deep breath, it was either now or never. "Roman?"
Roman turned to you as you softly placed a hand on his cheek, his eyes widened slightly, his tongue coming out to wet his bottom lip. Roman leaned in and gently kissed you, his lips soft against yours. You brought your hand up, wrapping it around his neck and gently tugging on his hair. It was as soft as you thought it would be.
He broke off the kiss, breathing heavily, his eyes locked on yours.
"Will I see you again?" He asked, grabbing your hand, and bringing it up to his lips before kissing it softly.
"Maybe," You answered softly.
He smirked, "Good."
The elevator doors opened and Roman led you back to your table where all your friends sat. F/N immediately turned, eyes widening a smirk on their face.
"There you are! We've been looking for you." They exclaimed.
"Sorry," You apologized, rubbing your arm, embarrassed.
F/N was still smiling at you, "We were wondering what happened to you." She spoke, looking between you and Roman.
"I have to get back to business, you all have a good night," Roman spoke to your group before turning to you.
"I'll see you later, my darling." He spoke, bringing his hand up to brush his finger against your bottom lip.
You smiled at him, "I hope so."
He winked, and turned away from you, walking off back towards the elevator. You watched him leave, feeling a strange sense of disappointment.
"So, did you enjoy yourself?" Sosha teased, as you sat down.
You nodded, "Yeah, I guess so." You answered.
F/N and Fergus both laughed, "Well? What happened?" F/N asked.
You shrugged, "Nothing much, we danced and he gave me a tour of his penthouse."
F/N's eyes grew wide, "You didn't?" She asked, looking shocked.
You nodded, "Yes, he showed me his masks and acupuncture models."
F/N smirked, nudging you, "That's not the only tour you got. I saw the way he was looking at you."
You blushed, "What look?"
F/N rolled her eyes, "You know exactly what look I mean."
You just sighed, crossing your arms, face red in embarrassment.
"Nothing happened, if that's what you're alluding to." You spoke, trying to play it cool.
"You know he's a player, right?" Claire asked, sipping her drink. "I've seen it. He loves the attention."
"I didn't seem like it when he was just with me. You spoke, your thoughts becoming conflicted.
Before you or your friends could say anything else, you got a tap on the shoulder. Looking up beside you stood the almost awkward man with the buzzed hair.
"The boss said to give this to you." He spoke, handing you a small note before rushing off.
"What does it say?" Fergus asked and you shrugged, flipping it over.
"It's from Roman." You spoke, silently reading the note to yourself.
'Thank you for spending time with me, love. I will be waiting for you. -R. '
Your heart skipped a beat, "Well, it seems I just can’t stay away.” A smirk on your face and a glint in your eyes.
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bonesandthebees · 9 months
Hi Bee, hope your train ride is fun!
Fun fact: one of our smoke detectors decided it needed to let hs know the batteries were getting low at 4:30 yesterday and we did not figure out which one it was (and that it wasn’t stuck to the ceiling, so easy to get) ‘till 6 a.m.! I did not go back to bed after ripping the batteries out of its wretched carcass and it was a long day so despite getting a decent amount of sleep tonight, I am still tired.
Anyway, tell me about your day. You did Edinburgh, right? (Please tell I read the correct name) The picture we’re very beautiful and it looked like a really pretty day. Did you do anything other than visiting castles. Also what museum did you go to?
Hi spruce ty!!
Oh NOOO literally there is almost nothing worse than a smoke alarm going off bc of low batteries. There’s basically nothing you can do till you figure out which one it is and even when you do sometimes taking the batteries out still doesn’t make the noise stop. It’s happened to me at like 2 am before it sucks so bad 😭 I’m so sorry spruce we are both running on very little sleep rn
Yes I was at Edinburgh yesterday!! It’s such a pretty city. But tbh I’m glad I spent most of my time in Scotland in Glasgow. Edinburgh is pretty but it doesn’t feel like a real place people live if that makes sense?? Like I know plenty of people do live there but it’s so touristy it just feels like a prop piece as Firesnap described it. Glasgow feels like more of a real city
I still had a lot of fun in Edinburgh tho!! I actually didn’t visit any castles bc the big castle in Edinburgh requires you book your tickets in advance and I didn’t know that 😭 all the pictures I posted where pics of cathedrals and other random monuments around the city. The buildings literally just Look Like That.
I went to two museums while I was there! The National Museum of Scotland (which was fun but the stuff they had on display isn’t really the kind of stuff I like to go to museums to se except for the fashion they had a whole fashion exhibit I was obsessed with), and then I went to the National Gallery. The Gallery was where I got to see all the gorgeous art and that’s definitely up there with the museums I went to. It was a smaller art museum compared to the Rijksmuseum and the Kelvingrove but the paintings they had on display were huge and stunning.
Also I went to this visual illusion museum type place that was really not worth the £20 admission price so the TripAdvisor reviews lied to me a bit. They said it was fun for kids and adults but it was definitely geared mostly to kids. But the staff working there were really funny and I got some cool pics out of it so I still enjoyed it
Oh also after the national museum of Scotland I went to this whisky and gin bar nearby and I had the best cocktail I’ve had in ages. Also I ordered a scotch egg there and it has to be one of the best things I’ve eaten on this trip. Scotch eggs are so good wtf
So my final rating of Edinburgh was very good for a day trip, glad I didn’t spend more than one day there though Glasgow definitely is a better place to spend your time at
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