#i was upset about overwhelming errands and obligations
ovsilenceandblack · 2 years
nothing like getting violently ill to change your perspective on the horrors
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vilevenom · 16 days
hurt comfort for fem branch please 😭
I hc her as autistic so maybe male poppy reassuring her
Ik u don't really care ABT the genders, but I'm heavy projecting on branch cause I kin him and I am DYING today
Thank you SO SO SO much for writing it if you decide to
I am SO sorry that you sent this ask around a week ago and I'm only able to give you something now. I also hope I'm not posting this too late for you 😕 (This is the first night on my vacation I've managed to dig my laptop out) I wrote this pretty quick, and I didn't give it a good read over to properly edit it, but I hope you like it, and that you're doing okay ❤️❤️❤️ P.S-I'm not well verse in regards to austism, so I'm not super comfy writing it. I used my own experiences with overstimulation and sensory overload to write this
It had been…a day. An overwhelming, awful day. And it wasn't even close to being over yet.
Branch had woken up feeling like today wasn't necessarily going to be a bad day, but she knew it wasn't necessarily going to be a good day, either. Of course, that had been before she'd even gotten out of bed. Once she'd pushed herself up and threw her legs over the side, she'd near instantly knew the day was going to be a struggle. The floor was too cold under her feet, none of her clothes felt like they fit on her body quite right, every light was either too bright or too dark, and none of the food in her bunker was appetizing.
Things only got worse when Poppy showed up to drag her out for the morning music routine. She'd gone, of course. She couldn't let Poppy down. However, stepping outside had proven to be the worst decision she'd made yet. The sun was far too bright, and everyone in the village was so loud. And there were just so many trolls participating in the music number, it made her feel like she was in a teeny, tiny room, instead of out doors.
Thankfully, once the song was done and over with, she managed to sneak away quickly to catch her breath and recenter herself somewhat, before Poppy found her once again. She was invited to breakfast with the Snack Pack, which she felt obligated to accept, despite her negligible appetite. She thought, perhaps, she could get away with picking at a muffin while sitting next to Poppy so the King of Pop could direct and hold conversation without needing much, if any, input from her. Unfortunately, that was not to be the case, as Poppy kept prompting Branch to speak. It was exhausting.
Finally, once breakfast was over Branch thought she was at last free and clear. She bid farewell to the snack pack and tried to sneak away, but Poppy wasn't having any of it. He appeared in front of Branch just as she thought she had made it to safety.
"CUPCAKES! Poppy," Branch wheezed, patting at her chest as her heart felt like it was trying to escape her chest. To say that the surprise had also caused her irritation and irritability to spike was also an understatement. She scowled without thought at the pink troll, a low growl escaping her. "What is it?!"
Poppy looked distraught at Branch's anger, shrinking in on himself a little. "Sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I just wanted to know if you wanted to come with me while I go take care of some errands around the village before lunch with Nova Swift to talk about an upcoming fashion show."|
Branch immediately deflated at Poppy's apology, though she still felt like she might explode if prodded just the wrong way. "No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap," she sighed, rubbing at her forehead, "You know I would normally love to join you around town, but today I just-" She groaned and waved her hands through the air. "I don't know how to describe it. Today everything just feels like too much. I don't think I can handle any more…anyone."
Poppy blinked, obviously a bit surprised by Branch's response. Which was to be expected, really. What troll didn't like to socialize and make plans for big events? Branch knew, even after all the work she'd put in to being a better troll, she was still very much an odd one out.
"Oh," Poppy hummed, rubbing his hands together for a moment, before giving a little nod. "Okay."
It was Branch's turn to blink in surprise, not having expected Poppy to take her at face value so easily or quickly. "Wait…really? You're okay if I skip out on today?"
Poppy's face melted into a warm smile, offering a quick nod. "Of course, Branch. You've been doing so much around the village lately, you deserve a day to relax."
"Oh, thank you," Branch felt her shoulders slump as her chin fell to her chest. She heard Poppy chuckle and only jumped slightly when she felt his hand land on her shoulder.
"Of course! You know I just want you to be comfortable and happy."
"Thanks, Poppy," Branch hummed, offering Poppy a strained smile.
"Any time. Now, let's get you back to the bunker," Poppy said as he moved behind Branch to gently take her by the shoulders and direct her towards her bunker.
Everything seemed like it was going relatively well after that, and Branch shuffled towards her bunker with Poppy following shortly behind. That was, of course, until a random troll suddenly jumped from the bushes in front of them screaming about an impromptu dance party. Branch bristled as Poppy froze behind her and music erupted from every direction, while trolls hurried into the area to start dancing and singing along to the music.
Branch felt like her head was going to explode, quickly lifting her hands to her ears to try and block out some of the sound. She squeezed her eyes shut, a quiet whimper leaving her even as he breathing began to quicken, along with her heart beat. The world felt like it was closing in around her as she curled in on herself, crouching down and just barely resisting the urge to wrap herself protectively in her hair.
It took a solid minute for Branch to register hands on her shoulders again, let alone the fact that someone was even talking to her. She blinked a few times, feeling like she was clearing her vision of static until she could see Poppy crouched in front of her.
"There you are! C'mon, Branch. I'm going to get you out of here," Poppy said over the din of the other trolls in the area partying.
Branch simply nodded, watching in mild confusion as Poppy turned and gestured towards his back. "Up you get, come on," Poppy urged, finally making Branch realize that the King was offering her a piggy back ride. Sluggishly she moved, struggling to get her limbs to cooperate.
Once Branch was settled over Poppy's back with her face buried in bright pink hair, the King began to move quickly through the crowd, easily and effectively dodging around anyone that tried to get him to dance. Somehow, he managed to get away from the spontaneous party and got Branch back to the bunker. He didn't let her down, however, until the two were down the elevator and in Branch's living room. Carefully, he deposited her on her couch, quickly whisking away to fetch a glass of water, pressing it into her slightly shaky hands when he returned to her.
"You okay?"
Branch shook her head, feeling like her voice was stuck in her throat, unable to verbally respond.
"Okay. What would you like to help make you feel better?"
A quiet whine escaped Branch, her shoulders shifting up to her ears, eyes downcast, wishing she could force her voice to work, but nothing was forthcoming. She would love nothing more than to respond to Poppy, who was being so kind and caring, only to receive silence back.
After a beat Poppy snapped his fingers, causing Branch to jump and stare at him with wide eyes. "Oops," he laughed awkwardly, "Sorry. But, uh, how about we stick to yes or no questions? That way you can just nod or shake your head?"
Branch perked up and gave a little nod, a wobbly little smile making its way onto her face.
"Okay, perfect! Would you like a blanket?"
Branch thought for a moment, before giving a short nod. Poppy grinned and was off like a shot, returning not a minute later to carefully drape a thick, cozy blanket around Branch's shoulders. It took her a moment to recognize it was one of her favorites to snuggle up with. Poppy must have noticed one of the times he was over to hang out.
"All right! Now, you've got water already. And it's nice and quiet down here. Would you like company? And by company, I do just mean me," Poppy said with a little grin. Branch let out a near silent laugh, before nodding slightly, thought she frowned after a beat, opening her mouth, only to snap it shut again a moment later with a little look of concern on her face.
Poppy frowned, only to chuckled and move to sit next to Branch on the couch. "Oh, don't worry about the village. I'm sure they'll be fine without me."
Branch let out a breath, humming quietly with a nod, forever grateful that somehow Poppy could read her like an open book. She took a few tentative sips of her water before setting the glass aside, then turned a mild look of trepidation towards Poppy. It lasted for only a moment before she let out a huff of breath, a mild scowl of determination settling itself on her face. Poppy offered a lopsided, confused smile as Branch shifted around on the couch, tossing half of the blanket over Poppy's shoulders, before curling up next to his side.
"Oh," Poppy breathed, a slow grin working its way across his face, before he settled his arm around Branch's shoulders and tugged her more firmly into his side. "Yeah, you know I'm always good for cuddles," he sighed, resting his cheek against Branch's hair, more than pleased to feel her breathing even out where she was pressed against his side.
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adarlingwrites · 4 years
noun: formal release from guilt, obligation, or punishment
The Capital Wasteland lauded the Lone Wanderer as a hero, a Messiah, a savior who's willing to give her life for the Good Fight. Beyond the legends, the propaganda, and the mythification that surrounded her legacy, there is only one person who knew her bare soul. She gave him his absolution, and now he will fight for hers.
September 20, 2277.
Percy paces around in the room, looks for something to write on, then settles on the couch again. “Charon… you were saying something about your orders from General Chase in your dream. General Chase was a prominent figure in the Sino-American War 200 years ago. My God, were you there during the Battle of Anchorage?”
Hearing ‘Anchorage’ felt like wires crossed in my brain. The itch in my brain when I saw her in the stealth armor for the first time started to make sense. Anchorage is where I first saw it, worn by enemy troops. Crimson Dragoons, some of them snipers, just like her. My throat feels tight, and I cannot answer. I just nod.
“Charon, I won’t be asking about the details of the dream, but was the dream showing a traumatic event? Like, someone dying, or you getting hurt?”
“Yes. It’s... weird,” I manage to rasp. “There are some parts that I know did not happen recently. Then, there are events which happened within the past week.”
“I see. Did you feel like you were living in that moment again, instead of being at my house, on this day?” she asks me, and I nod. She continues to scribble on the piece of paper that she found.
“Any idea what might’ve triggered it?” she asks me, and I shrug. “Anything? Like a sound, or an object that reminds you of the event?”
I pause for a second. I remember the feeling I had looking at the power armor in my room before my body forced me to sleep.
“The power armor, in the room you gave me,” I tell her, and her eyebrows perk up. “I think I used to wear one of those.” Percy puts her pen and paper down, and stands up.
“I’ll refrain from discussing it further unless you want to talk about it, but holy shit,” Percy exclaims, running a hand through her hair, back turned from me. “I’m so sorry for exposing you to that, if I only knew…” Percy sits back down and her eyes drift to her stealth suit that she stripped for maintenance. “Did my armor remind you of Anchorage too?”
“Yes,” I tell her the truth.
“I’ll stop wearing it, if it makes you relive those memories. I’ll remove the power armor from your room too.”
“I appreciate it, but your armor does not upset me, miss. Please, keep it. You have a higher chance of surviving combat situations with it.”
Percy sighs. “If you’re sure that it doesn’t upset you, okay.” She clears her throat when she realizes the professional facade she’s been putting on slipped off.
“Anyway, I’ve yet to observe arousal and mood symptoms, but, Charon, you’re showing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder,” said Percy after a few minutes of tense silence, who’s now looking at the book she was occupied with earlier. “I still need to observe you further. I don’t want to make a hasty diagnosis. If you do have it, I can assure you that it’s possible to get better, and I can help you.”
“It is not necessary, miss.”
“You can’t keep saying that whenever something concerning is happening to you,” the mistress scolds me. The dog jumps between us and starts burying his head on my lap.
“Miss, it is not your responsibility to look after my well-being. It is my own. You should not concern yourself with such things.”
“As someone who’s training to be a doctor, I just can’t ignore someone who’s clearly in need of professional help. What kind of doctor would that make me?”
“As my employer, however, it states in the contract that it is not your responsibility. You would know that if you’ve read it in its entirety,” I argue back, and Percy’s frustration grows. She rubs her hands against her face, and throws it up once again.
“But I- what if we weren’t… Why is it so hard to talk to you?”
My throat hitches at her outburst. This is the first time she raised her voice at me while I’m under her employ. Percy sags in front of me, eyes wild in her frustration, but it isn’t anger I am seeing in her face. Frustration. Worry. Sadness.
“If you think having me in your employ is more than you bargained for, you can sell my contract.”
“Wait, no! No. I can’t do that. I can’t just sell you like, like a rifle or-or a piece of armor,” Percy exclaims, holding her forehead with one hand.
“You are not selling me, miss. I belong to no one. You will be selling the ownership of my contract that entitles the holder my services in combat, and my full loyalty.”
“You’re not making it sound any better. Plus, we’re straying from the topic.”
Putting her legs on the couch and crossing her legs, she turns to me.
“How do I put this in a way that you’d understand? Charon, you and I are lucky that this happened in the safety of my home. I can’t have you slipping into an episode in the middle of the wasteland. You won’t be able to protect me, or yourself. You'd become a liability instead of an asset.”
“I think I understand now. Very well. I shall allow you to treat me,” I tell her, and she gives me a sigh of relief. I look at her expectantly, and she gives me a questioning look.
“If you have any procedures to do, I’m allowing you to do so.”
My mistress rubs her face. “This isn’t like the time I patched up the wounds on your back, Charon. This process could take months, or even years. It’s a gradual thing.”
I didn’t respond. I didn’t feel the need to.
“But we can take small steps. Just one thing at a time,” she continues, a slight smile on her face. Percy picks up her book again, and scoots a little closer, the dog nestled between us.
“Do you have any hobbies? Things you do for fun or leisure?” she asks me, that expectant look on her face again. I pause to think. I couldn’t answer. “None.”
“None? You do nothing in your spare time?”
“I wasn’t given the luxury of having ’spare time’ by my previous employers, miss.”
Percy’s shoulders sag further. There’s a look on her face that I haven’t seen in anyone in a long time. Pity. Most people would have fear on their faces when they see me. Not this one. She smiles. She feels worried for me. It relieves and overwhelms me at the same time. But pity? I don’t need it. Especially not from an employer. My function is to serve them.
She must’ve realized the look on her face, because she clears her throat and shrugs her shoulder. “Well then, we have plenty of time to look for activities you’ll enjoy.”
As my mistress continues to flip through her book, Dogmeat perks his head up and gives my ruined face a lick. His fur is no longer as dirty as it was when he found him. Probably Percy’s doing. I couldn’t stop myself. I ran my rough hands on his head to pet him, and the dog started wagging his tail. I glanced at Percy, and she was looking, that smile on her face again, and looked away just as I saw it. She clears her throat and flips to a page.
“Let’s start with grounding techniques.”
December 26, 2277.
It’s the day after Christmas. I can’t remember if I even celebrated it before the war, but Percy’s father insisted we stay with him to celebrate. Percy pulled me aside and told me that her father is religious, and though she never was, she still celebrates religious holidays with him and asked me to play along. My mistress looked uncomfortable and on edge the entire time. Though James was all smiles the entire time, there’s a scrutinizing look on James’ face; Percy shares the same look when we talk to strangers. It makes me feel wary.
Hours before James’ death, I was returning from an errand Percy gave me when I can vaguely hear her argument with her father from another room, muffled by the walls of the memorial.  I wasn’t supposed to listen to a private conversation between a father and his child but I heard my name being mentioned by the doctor.
“Persephone Zhou! That is malpractice! And you’re living under the same roof too?!”
“He has no one else! What, just because I patch him up and I help him cope with his problems -” Percy’s. Her father cuts her off before she can finish.
“Honey, you are Charon’s doctor. And from what you’ve told me, you’ve been providing him services as a psychiatrist too. I can’t even find the words to describe how unethical this… dalliance of yours with him.”
“Dad! Oh my God, we’re not in a relationship! Where are you even hearing those rumors?!”
Though the mistress had been good to me, I can imagine the look of disgust on her face when her father suggested such a thing. Ghouls and smoothskins don’t do relationships, no matter how kind a smoothskin may be. That’s just the way things were.
“I’m sorry, Percy. Word travels fast. I’ve heard some concerning rumors about you and your ghoul friend.”
“Dad, if I did stay in the vault and became the head physician because you left and they killed Jonas, would I be disallowed to pursue any sort of connection because I’m the only doc in that hole? I’d be married to the job like you were after mom died? Is that it?”
“The circumstances are different and you know it. The vault is a very insular community so we had to rely on each other for social support. It would die out if its members did not reproduce or adapt to changes.”
“Dad, you’ve been in the wasteland. There’s just pockets of settlements here in DC, and doctors are scarce. Psychs and people training to be one are even scarcer. Would you call it unethical if they pursued friendships or fell in love with someone who they patched up so many times from being shot at by raiders? Or someone they counseled from all the violence in the wasteland? Jesus, dad, the American Psychiatric Association doesn’t even fucking exist anymore. It’s in ruins. I can even take you there.”
“Watch your language! I didn’t raise you to be disrespectful, Persephone.”
“I’m sorry. But how I say it doesn’t change the fact.”
“The fact is it’s still highly unethical. There are still institutions that exist that teach medicine and they would not approve of your point of view. How did you think I became a doctor?”
“I’m not arguing with you any further, dad. I’ll go run your errands now.”
“Fine. But we’re not done talking, young lady.”
December 27, 2277.
It’s two hours past midnight. Percy’s screams and the sound of her baseball bat crashing against the metal of an old car echo through the scrapyard.
Only after accompanying the scientists to the Citadel, getting in a fist fight with a Brotherhood paladin for almost not allowing us inside because of my presence, and locating a thing called a GECK on the Brotherhood’s computers, did she finally allow herself to grieve her father. And she grieved hard.
At the sound of the bat snapping, she let out another scream and threw the broken weapon across the threshold. On her hands and knees, her glasses fell from her face, then she bruised her knuckles punching the dirt. Only then did I intervene, gently holding her arms and keeping it to her side. To my surprise, she doesn’t thrash or fight back. She froze for a minute, before curling into a ball and crying out as she settled against my chest.
The events that led to James’ death play over and over again in my head. If I hadn’t slowed her down…
“Percy, may I say something?”
She looks up to me, nodding, fresh tears staining her cheek. Her lips are trembling. She finally allowed herself to cry.
“I slowed us down. If I had overcome my episode faster, we would have gotten back to the rotunda and prevented the incident. It cost your father’s life. If you should punish me, or sell my contract, I will accept-”
The word came out of her mouth as a broken cry.
“Don’t blame my dad’s death on yourself, Charon. It’s the fucking Enclave’s fault, and no one else’s. You- we, we did the best we could,” said my mistress, sniffling.
“I understand.”
She draws closer and puts her arms around my neck, and my brain misfires at the gesture. It’s like someone set me on fire, but it doesn’t hurt. I had carried and held her before, but nothing like this. My heart was jumping to my throat. Warm against me, she buried her wet face at the crook of my neck. Another sob wracked her body and before I could think, my arms pulled her in an embrace, stilling her.
This isn’t the first time she sought comfort from my presence. She did so every time there were thunderstorms. I never dared to touch her, though a part of me wanted to draw circles in her skin and watch it bounce against my finger instead of flaking off, like mine does.
This is the first time I allowed myself to hold her too.
We remained like that for the next twenty or so minutes, then Percy breaks the silence.
“Don’t ever leave me. Please?”
“I’ll stay by your side as long as you will have me.”
Her arms stiffened in response.
“Are you saying this just because of the contract, or do you mean it? Please. Be honest.”
There it goes again. My breath hitching in my throat. I didn’t know how to respond. My mistress looks at me expectantly with her bloodshot eyes.
“It doesn’t matter.”
She pulls away from the embrace, and she doesn’t look at me as she picked up her glasses and collected herself. Dogmeat, who was terrified by her venting, finally sidles up to her side again and licks her hand. Percy pets him and embraces him in return, burying her face in the mutt’s fur and planting kisses on his forehead.
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t wonder what that would feel like every time Percy does it to the dog.
On the way to Megaton, she tinkers with the radio on her Pip-Boy, and a broadcast neither of us ever heard before comes in.
“I need to go home.”
When we arrived at the entrance of Vault 101, only then did I realize that she didn’t mean her house in Megaton. She let out a shaky exhale as the heavy vault door started to open after she put a password in the terminal.
“Welcome to my childhood home.”
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hobiwonder · 5 years
For Rha
@jincherie (you dumbass)
Tumblr media
(his hair :((()
"Jimin?" This was odd. Your fluffy roommate was nowhere to be found. You'd left him right here when you'd told him about running by the post office really quickly.
He'd been finicky all morning when you'd mentioned about running some errands. But you didn't question it. With Jimin, there was always something making him fidgety or pouty. Trying his best to get your attention one way or another. Though today especially he seemed a bit more... sulky. Like you were forgetting something. You'd wracked your brain on the way to the post office. Trying to think of all the possible events that could've taken place on this very fine day. A month from now? Six months from now? Or was it a year ago?
It was all very hard to keep track of. Jimin loved celebrating every trivial milestone in both of your relationship. When you'd brought him home from the adoption centre for hybrids, he'd seemed to be all but completely head over heels for you. He followed you around like, well, a puppy. Despite simulating the physical appearance of a very finely grown man, he wanted your undivided attention. And more often than not, you were ready to oblige. Your relationship had progressed very fast and at first it was a bit overwhelming at first. But you wouldn't have it any other way now.
Not to forget you were terrible at remembering birthdays, anniversaries and all the things related. Yet you tried your best to be ready with some sort of present or surprise for Jimin to see that adorable little blush that bloomed on his cherub face. even though you knew that the devious hybrid expected this from the get go anyway. You still indulged him. Until today. What were you forgetting today?
No clue. And that's why you'd gone about your day, not in a rush. Posting some important papers you needed to for work. Picking up some groceries after dropping off your smart tablet off at the repairs shop. Someone (Jimin) had downloaded some sort of sketchy game that kept making in-app purchases without asking for authorisation. Turned out the whole device had to be wiped out and you'd thought it best to have a professional deal with it. The whole ordeal had taken a little more than you'd expected so you were home later than what Jimin was told.
No doubt, he was not going to let this go. But usually he was waiting at the front door to sulk and interrogate you with the whole what, when, where and why.
"Jimin? Are you in the shower, hon?" Tapping loudly on the bathroom door, you don't hear anything back.
"Where is this boy." mumbling under your breath, you venture out in the backyard. Sometimes he liked to just read outside.
Nope. No such luck. Until you hear the soft noises of your pink-haired hybrid's sniffling. Telling your darn heart to steady - it was sort of a reflex now really - you follow the noise. Their was an urgency to your steps, wanting to be with Jimin as soon as possible to alleviate whatever stressor he faced. Walking straight to your room, you stop in the doorway trying to figure out where the noise was coming from.
"Jimin? Baby are you in here?" the next sniffle outs him. now standing right in front of your bed - you kneel down to come face to face with red, blotchy cheeks.
"G-Go away!" Sigh. He was upset.
"Why are you hiding under here? I was so worried when I didn't see you." Your voice may have come off as a little stern. You could tell from the way Jimin turned his back to you, clutching the plushy in his hands, tightly to his chest.
"W-Why do you care! You were gone for four h-hours." His voice cracks after every few words, making it hard for you to not let a smile slip past your lips.
You felt a little awful for finding him absolutely adorable. But not enough to try and completely conceal the laughter from your voice.
"Baby, you knew where I was going and I did ask you if you wanted to come with me. Hm?" Your light tone doesn't dissolve his anger towards you but you were only trying to reason with him.
Who were you kidding though. He just wanted to be chased after a little. Your boy was feeling a little neglected, that's all.
"Yeah w-well. I wanted to make you- No! i don't wanna hug you." his petulant tone only makes you hold him tighter, spooning his warm body from behind. You'd crawled under the bed while he was distracted - there was no way he would've come out anyway.
"No worries. I can do all the hugging." Placing a gentle kiss behind his fluffy ears, you feel his entire body melt under your touch.
"Now, what did you want to make me?" Arms slipping around his waist, pulling him back in to you. Jimin gasps, surprised.
"I-I.. I was making a cake f-for you! You got that promotion l-last week and I-I-" hiccups laced every other word. He was talking too fast and soon he will be completely breathless. Tapping two fingers against his lips, you speak.
"Jimin, take a breath first for me. Slowly." His rambling instantly quietens, obeying you wordlessly as you feel his chest inflate slowly. Your hand around his waist travels to his sides, running up and down - pacing his breaths, feeling his chest deflate.
When you feel his heartbeat to be a little more steady, you softly press another peck on his temple. "Now, tell me again."
"O-Okay." He's much more calm, taking in another breath before talking. "I made a cake for you. It was in the fridge and you didn't even notice at breakfast!"
So that was why he was sulking. Because you idiotically missed the top shelf as a store-bought cake and not a homemade one. You were impressed honestly.
"You made it, Jiminie? For me? I thought it was a store-bought cake maybe Namjoon had dropped off."
You can almost hear him pout at your words. It only makes you laugh, holding your cute hybrid boyfriend tighter. "That's a compliment Jiminie. You did such a great job that you fooled me!"
He shifts in your grasp at the praise. Even though he loved it - thrived on it - he was always sheepish whenever you complimented him.
"R-Really?" Suddenly, the angry puppy who had been loud and talking a mile an hour was meekly looking back at you over his shoulder.
"Yes baby. Really. I'm sorry I didn't say anything." Leaning down, you gently place a soft, chaste kiss on his pouting lips.
A whine escapes past his lips just when your lips seal his. Even if he'd been ready to denounce you and yelled at you to stay away - Jimin was eager to get even closer. Turning around to face you, he chases after your lips when you pull away after a few seconds. His arms go up, holding on to your blouse at the waist while your own arms squash him even tighter against your chest. The smirk on your face at his desperation for contact makes his cheeks bloom even more with the peachy blush.
"If... if you want to kiss me a-as an apology...." He can't finish his sentence. Too embarrassed at his demand. Throwing your head back, your frame shakes with a chuckle at his needy personality not being able to stay hidden even for a full half an hour.
"Oh really? That's excellent. Because that's the only way I am willing to repent." Brushing your nose with his in a sweet, eskimo kiss, you envelop his plush lips again.
His leg raises over yours, wrapping himself completely in you. And for the next few minutes - you make out with your adorable, whiny, needy, wonderful boyfriend. Under the bed.
Sometime later on, you're on the bed due to logistical difficulties.
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4th of Sun’s Dawn, Morndas
Having used the shadows to conceal my form and whisper rumors into the night, it was even easier to plant the seeds of the aid’s guilt.
I had a fun time with Tel after I had arrived home. They were thankful for the armor and we enjoyed a bit of jesting and wrestling.
Eventually, Tel dropped off to sleep. I left a note saying I would be back, and headed out into the night. It was easy to reach the secluded spot by the statue in town. Already, my target stood, leaning against the statue, waiting.
When she saw me, she tapped her lips and I returned the meeting gesture by tapping my own.
With a giggle, she threw her arms around me and began to place kisses on my jaw, pulling back the hood I wore. The one entry point to this secluded dead end was behind me, so I let her look at my face, knowing anyone approaching would only see my back.
I whispered to the thief that she should have no apprehensions about any lust she felt and that she should feel free to be as intimate here as she would be in private. She did not hesitate for a moment before lifting her skirts and asking me to take her against the statue.
I obliged. I needed to make sure there was enough evidence left behind to cause a scandal.
As we were finishing, I pulled out the sacred blade and slit her throat. I wiped it off on her skirt before taking a second knife and drawing it across the same path, soaking it in her blood.
I drew the shadows back to me and slipped through the alleys and across rooftops, keeping myself out of sight. I made my way to the home of the politician’s aid, landing on the balcony outside of his bedroom window. The villain lay sound asleep. It was easy to creep in and find an unlocked drawer in his desk. I slipped it far into the back. Then I took the bloodied cloak and stuffed it under his bed.
I went back and cleaned up, then got into bed with Tel, waiting for morning. I spent the time going over the list of things I wanted to accomplish. Already I had set into motion the offerings I needed. I decided that I wanted to have some of my favorite foods, so I asked Watches-By-Day if she would be willing to make me some traditional breakfast. She readily agreed, thanking me for finally making some use of her skills.
I went and told Tel that I would be bringing in breakfast and went and collected the stunning fried fish Watches-By-Day prepared. The sauce she made brought back so many wonderful memories. It was that same comfort food that I ate so many mornings when I was a boy.
Tel seemed to rather enjoy it as well. I was happy that they had liked it. When we get back to Mournhold, I will make sure we have lots of good Argonian food.
Not long after breakfast, I told Tel I had more errands to run. Appointments to make and such. And I headed off to visit with Qau-dar and little Khes, gifts and treats in hand.
When I arrived, I ordered the usual round for everyone with food, and this time, an assortment of bottles of liquor for the table. The patrons have stopped getting quite so quiet when I come in now. They still spend most of the time talking in Ta’agra amongst themselves, but that is normal. Many of them were working on beading projects, so I let them work and talk while I played with little Khes.
I helped little Khes to fill her plate with all her favorite items. Qau-dar told me that the owner made some foods he thought would be more to my taste, so I order some savory sides.
Little Khes wanted to try them as well, which I was happy to serve her up a taste of each of them.
Sadly, she did not enjoy them. She said they tasted like the ocean. I explained that different peoples have different tastes, but when that happens, it just means if they don’t like what you do, that you then have more for yourself. I took a big bite of one of the small pasties and Khes looked at me horrified and made the most adorable grossed out face. Qau-dar scolded us for our behavior.
After we finished eating, Qau-dar turned to me and asked if it was my name day. I said that it was. I was surprised that, despite everything, he would recall. 
He held out his hands, saying he had a gift for me. I did not know what to say I was so overwhelmed. Emotions flared up before I pushed them back down again. But as he placed it in my hands I kissed his cheek and pressed my forehead to him.
Qau-dar told me how it was not much. That he had remembered how upset I was when I lost them. That I seemed to miss them even with replacements.
I was sure that I must have misheard, but as I looked in my hands, there before me was what looked to be the exact earrings I had lost when I had been killed by the worm cult.  I could not speak at all. I was so amazed. My eyes stung and my chest grew tight. Qau-dar had made exact replicas for me.
Little Khes grabbed my sleeve and asked to see what I had. I showed her, then I told Qau-dar how beautiful they were. How overjoyed I was.
Qau-dar joked with me and told me not to get outsmarted again. It took me a moment to recall that he meant when I had lied about Tel and I being at a party and being robbed of all our possessions. I nodded and immediately switched to my new earrings. Then I turned and kissed Qau-dar again and pressed my forehead to his and leaned against him.
Little Khes pushed her way between us and demanded I do the same to her. I smiled and kissed her cheek and pressed my forehead to hers.
When the time came for me to leave, the Khajiit who had tried to protect Qau-dar from me the first time I came in motioned for me to speak with her as I was walking out the door. We stopped outside the door and she asked me if I knew that Qau-dar was married.
I told her that I definitely knew. That I had met all of his spouses before and that they, along with all of Qau-dar’s family, where nothing but the most wonderful of people, welcoming and patient.
She gave me a strange look and continued to drill me about what I knew of Qau-dar and his family. At first I thought maybe it was to do with her intentions towards him, but then I realized that she was trying to see what my intentions were.
I told her that I was in no way trying to harm his marriages. That I myself was already married and I understood what it was like. I told her all about why I thought each of his spouses were nothing but perfection for him. How well they all were as a married unit and that I would never want anything but the best for them all.
Eventually she seemed satisfied and bid me farewell.
I took the long way through the city heading to the tavern. I happened by the home of the politican’s aid. Guards were standing at the front and rear entrances, servants were being spoken to. I overheard one of them say that they were surprised that he had made good on one of his threats.
I was pleased with my work. All of my offerings made, I happily went for a celebratory drink. It was easy to get the entire place to be boisterous and fun. Sing one good song with the crowd and throw in your birth gift and suddenly everyone is having the time of their lives.
Someone gave money to the tavern owner for their largest room and a group of us went upstairs to enjoy one another’s company. It was also a rather boisterous time. 
Best of all, I found myself a particular little gift. A woman with a very dark past. Luring men to spend money on her, fall for her, then stealing everything and then claiming crimes against him. One poor sod she took his house, his horses, and every last coin. Another she rode out to the edge of a cliff overlooking the sea for a picnic, after getting him to sign over the deed to his shop, she told him they would play a game and blindfolded him, spun him around and told him to take 10 steps back. He fell to his death. She packed everything back up and rode back into the town to claim his shop as her own.
I kept her close at hand as everyone began to filter out. I told her to meet me out in the alley. I went out first, then waited for her to join me. She came a few minutes later and ran to me, throwing her arms around my waist and kissing me heavily.
I told her to shut her eyes and not open them until I told her, my birth gift preventing her from disobeying. Then I teleported to the Cathedral of Webs. We arrived in the hall and the initiates there looked at me aghast. I smiled and held up a finger to my lips.
She moved her head around as though she was trying to find out where she was. I told her to be patient and she said she would. I motioned for the initiates to follow me as I lead the woman over to the alter and laid her down atop it.
Without even my prompting she removed her clothing and laid back against the stone. The initiates were very interested in that. Further more as she spread her legs and beckoned for me to join her.
I obliged. Coming forward and taking out the anointing oil that lay nearby. I began to run my hands over her body. She sighed happily at the touches, asking me what I was doing.
I told her I wanted her to be ready for me. Ready for what we would do next.
She told me she wanted me so bad she could hardly wait. That she wanted me to do my worst, to take her however I wanted.
I thought the initiates present were going to lose their eyes, they had them open so widely in disbelief.
I used my voice and told the woman to repeat after me. Then I made her recite the prayer that offers your body and soul to Mephala. I told her to keep repeated it, louder and louder, not to stop until I had spilled every last drop of seed inside her.
I entered her, taking a blade and gently drawing the sacrificial marks across her skin, pledging her to my Prince. Her voice grew louder and more and more needy.
The initiates gathered close around as my own voice rose, saying the rites of offering her over to Mephala’s many open arms.
And just as she was close to reaching her peak, I reached mine and drew the dagger across her throat. Still caught in the middle of her passion, she was caught, her back arching, not quite able to reach for her throat.
I told her she could open her eyes. They opened wide and she looked around at everyone presence and where she was. I smiled and told her that this is what happened to those who took advantage of other people for their own gain. She looked as though she was about to cry.
I told her to lie still as though her arms and hands were bound down. She stayed there, wordlessly trying to speak as her blood spilled out upon the altar.
When she stopped moving and the blood slowed, the initiates went to investigate the body. So many of them seemed curious. Some did not seem to believe that she was a real person of that she was really killed. I told them they could do as they pleased, though I would have to dispose of the body soon, unless one of them wished to do the honors for me.
A few of the initiates seemed somewhat faint from the sight. I helped them to lay down and showed them how to breathe so that they could overcome the feeling.
A particularly cocky initiate came forward and volunteered that she would like to get rid of the body. I nodded and told her I would leave it in her hands.
I could feel a sort of electricity in the room. The new spiderlings seemed to all be enamored with my act.
Not one to miss out on the opportunity, I invited that if they wanted to try one more thing that we often did in service to our Prince, we certainly could try.
One of the initiates said that he wasn’t aware that the Earl had approved of such things while he was away.
I smiled and explained that this was a form of prayer. That it was probably why some of them had joined. And explained how the Mephalan orgies usually went.
A few initiates seemed to be apprehensive, but those that were enthusiastic, I encouraged to begin. It took very little time for the others to join in as well. I even taught them all the proper rite to pledge your partner’s soul to our Prince. It was a teaching moment.
We spent the rest of the night talking about how best to send your prayers and the various options to do. By the end, even the mer who had tried to tell me that the Earl would not have approved was on all fours asking me to pull his hair and humiliate him.
I got one of the initiates to take me back to the city and I headed back to the house.
Tel was sound asleep when I arrived, so I curled up against their back and watched the sunlight rising in the distance before I fell asleep.
Tel went to get us breakfast. I feel so satisfied I doubt I will want much to eat. I hope they bring a good bottle of wine.
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Persona 5 | Haru Okumura, Goro Akechi, Akira Kurusu | AO3 Summary: “Are we talking about jealousy, Akechi-kun?” she asks, and he looks at her soberly, lips tight. “Are we?” he counters, and Haru grimaces, just a little. Notes: Something that’s been on my mind for a while/a purely self-indulgent piece.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Haru’s gotten good enough at making coffee that she’s trusted to watch the store for brief periods of time when Sojiro and Akira are both out on errands. The curry she can’t quite get the handle of yet, though not for lack of trying—she wonders now if perhaps she just lacks the proper touch, though the curry she can make is praised for its own flavor.
It isn’t often that she’s behind the counter, and also not often that she actually gets customers when she is. When people do come in, Haru feels obligated to mention that either Sojiro or Akira will be back soon if they prefer to wait. She’s warmed by the fact that they always say they’d like to try what she can make.
She’s grateful for the practice of running a café, even if it’s short, random bursts like this.
At the moment she’s cleaning cups and polishing them to a perfect sheen. The names of coffee beans and blend and procedures are running through her head as she does so; she knows them all, but it’s good to test herself sometimes. She looks up when the bell rings as the door opens, and Goro Akechi steps inside.
He looks surprised to see her there, but she smiles warmly and welcomes him nonetheless.
“Akechi-kun, welcome,” she says, “The Boss and Akira-kun are both out on errands at the moment—I can serve you if you don’t mind, or if you’d prefer to wait they shouldn’t take too long.”
The Detective Prince looks unsure for a moment, blinking, but he smiles back politely and takes a seat.
“I don’t mind at all,” he says, “I’d like a house blend, please.”
“Certainly,” Haru responds, setting the polished cup onto its shelf before she reaches for the proper beans.
It’s quiet, save for the grinding of the beans, the slight hissing of the siphon’s burner, and the soft bubbling of the water. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Akechi watching her closely as she moves around and prepares his drink. Perhaps she should feel unnerved; the two don’t speak very often because they don’t have occasions where they can interact with each other one-on-one. They’re always in a group, and their routes in their personal lives never aligned before. But they’re both people who learn by observing, and so there’s a very quiet and mutual sense of understanding between them despite their infrequent interaction. So she lets him watch, and waits.
She places the coffee down in front of him with a gentle clink once it’s finished. Akechi lifts it and brings it to his nose, taking in the aroma before taking a sip. He’s quiet for a few moments before he takes another sip. Haru watches him this time as she takes up cleaning the materials she just used.
“It’s lovely,” Akechi says once he’s fully savored the blend, and Haru smiles a little.
“I’ve learned from the best,” she says, and Akechi looks thoughtful as he observes her.
“And they’ve brought out the best in you,” he replies.
Haru blinks. Akechi smiles wryly at her expression and returns to drinking his coffee.
It’s silent for a while, the two of them going about their own business with the occasional side glance towards the other. When Haru is finally done with busy work and Akechi is done with his coffee, they face each other.
It’s still a moment before Haru speaks.
“More coffee?” she asks, “It’s on the house.”
Akechi smiles, amused, threading his fingers together.
“You can do that? I suppose they did put you in charge.”
“That’s right,” Haru says, eyes crinkling a little, “And are you saying Akira-kun doesn’t ever do that? I think he’d be upset if I didn’t. Besides, it’s my pleasure.”
She doesn’t miss the way Akechi’s clasped hands tighten ever so slightly. He lowers his gaze and doesn’t respond. Wordlessly, she begins grinding the beans for another cup.
“Kurusu-kun doesn’t need to concern himself with me,” Akechi says, after a significant amount of time has passed.
“And yet he does,” Haru says amiably as she prepares the coffee siphon.  
“I shouldn’t even be here,” Akechi mutters, though Haru isn’t quite sure if he means the café, the Phantom Thieves, or something else.
“And yet you are,” she replies as she adjusts the burner. Akechi looks up at her, raising an eyebrow.
“Are you mocking me?”  
“No,” Haru says, looking over to meet his eyes briefly so that he can see just how serious she is before she has to return her attention to what she is doing. “Though I’m sorry if it feels that way.”
They don’t speak for the remainder of the time it takes for her to brew another cup of coffee. After she sets his cup down this time, she also pours a cup for herself. Akechi looks at her over the rim of his cup as he takes the first sip of his second coffee. She takes the first sip of her own drink as well, savoring the taste. Yes, she’s done a good job, if she does say so herself.
“So tell me how you came to run the café in Kurusu-kun and Sakura-san’s absence,” Akechi says, propping his elbows on the counter as he leans forward a little. Haru thinks the request seems a little too much like he’s changing the subject to be actually changing the subject.
She tilts her head, amused.
“I’m sure you’ve already guessed the story. It’s my dream to open a café of my own someday, and Boss was aware of this. Having frequented Leblanc so much and talked to him so often about the process of growing coffee beans and turning them into the drink and whatnot, he was kind enough to offer to train me. Akira-kun was just about finishing up his apprenticeship at this point, and aided my lessons as well. It’s been awhile since then, and it seems that I’ve gotten good enough to run the store for a few hours if Boss and Akira-kun both have things they need to do. Leblanc’s never terribly busy, as you know, so it’s perfect to further my studies without being too overwhelming.”
Akechi nods, though it is somewhat absentminded. He’s listened and taken in the information, but much of it isn’t of particular interest to him. There is, however, a point that is.
“And how long have you known Kurusu-kun, Okumura-san?”
She smiles.
“Not very, though everyone in the school heard when he transferred to Shujin.”
Akechi nods again, taking another drink of coffee before holding her gaze and pausing before speaking again.
“And yet he likes you very much,” Akechi says.
She smiles again, leaning a closer over the counter, but not so close as to be in danger of violating personal space.
“As he does you,” she says. “And you, him, am I wrong?”
Akechi flinches, almost imperceptibly; had she not been so close, she would have missed it.
“Are we talking about jealousy, Akechi-kun?” she asks, and he looks at her soberly, lips tight.
“Are we?” he counters, and Haru grimaces, just a little. She’s not at all surprised he knows, or has figured it out, but his words are a taste of her own medicine nonetheless.
“We are certainly asking ourselves that question, aren’t we?” she says, moving back and taking a sip of her drink. She pauses before speaking again. “But…no, it doesn’t feel like a matter of jealousy, truth be told. We both like to know things. I believe this is a matter of…confirmation, and information.”
Akechi inclines his head.
“I think you are correct.”
There is a moment of silence; though the terms of their conversation are clearer, Akechi still seems reluctant to speak of the subject directly. Haru finishes her cup of coffee, places it in the sink, and then goes to sit in the chair next to Akechi.
“Akechi-kun, forgive me, but I’m curious to know why you haven’t said anything to Akira-kun yet. I’m sure you can tell how fond he is of you—and I am not speaking of platonically, if that isn’t clear, though he does value your friendship, as well.”
He turns to face her directly, their knees almost touching in this position.
“I don’t believe I have to explain that to you,” he says, his voice a little cold. Haru doesn’t look affronted or hurt at his tone.
“No, you don’t,” She agrees, and his eyes widen in surprise. She smiles. “That told me enough. It’s complicated, isn’t it? And deeply personal. Forgive me for prying. I wanted to see the both of you happy, but perhaps things are fine as they are, in their own way.”
Akechi stares at her, and she meets his gaze calmly.
“When did you tell him?” he asks after a while, and she smiles wryly.
“Somewhere towards the end of my apprenticeship, I suppose. But not in so many words, and he responded in turn.”
There’s a pause as Akechi stares at her.
“What a foolish thing he did,” he says, voice quiet, “How could he…?”
Haru stares at him before she laughs, bell-like and entirely mirthful, without any hint of bitterness or mockery.
“Truly?” she says, eyes twinkling, “He likes me enough, yes, but surely you know just who it is who has his heart more?”
She looks at him pointedly to further erase any doubt should there be any, and Akechi tries not to blush. She resists the urge to pinch his cheeks, just as so many of her friends have done to her before.
“But you can tell, yes? It would be a shame if all his gestures didn’t communicate properly, though I think Akira-kun enjoys that in his own way, too.”
“Yes, I can tell, though I rarely respond in turn,” Akechi says, with a touch of irritation as he remembers some of the more extravagant methods Akira has used to make his feelings known. They’re funny, in hindsight, but more often than not Akechi chooses to act like Akira hasn’t said anything unnatural. It’s easier that way—and safer.
Haru’s eyes crinkle around the edges at his expression.
“You’ve gotten more comfortable with us, Akechi-kun,” she says fondly, “I’m glad. We should talk like this more often.”
Akechi raises an eyebrow, lips quirked up in amusement.
“I think it’s only you that I can speak this freely to, Okumura-san,” he says, “You’re rather good at eking the information you want out of someone. You’d make a fine detective—have you ever considered a career change?”
Haru laughs.
“Not at all—I’ll leave the detective work to you, thank you. But if I can help you in some way, do not hesitate to let me know.” she glances at the clock, noting the time. “The Boss and Akira-kun will be back soon, I should wash up. May I take that for you?”
Akechi hands her his empty cup, and she rounds the counter to clean the workspace to impeccability before the other two return. Once more she notes Akechi watching her as she performs the simple tasks, but this time it’s more comfortable, more companionable, with less intent waiting to make itself known.
“Haru…san,” Akechi tries after a while, with a hint of embarrassment. Haru looks up with a smile, pleased at his use of her first name. “I…that is…even if things between Kurusu-kun and I were to…advance…I do not believe there would not be a place for you still,” he says.
Haru’s eyes widen slightly before she smiles at him again warmly.
“Thank you, Goro-kun,” she replies, and Akechi ducks his head at the sound of his first name. It’s been a long time since he’s been called that. “Regardless of what happens, your words make me happy.”
It’s only a few minutes later that Akira and Sojiro come through the door, the latter holding a bag of groceries. They stop, surprised at the unusual pairing alone in the café together.
“Welcome back,” Akechi says when the other two don’t say anything, and Akira grins after a moment.
“Honey, I’m home,” he says airily, and Akechi resists the urge to roll his eyes. “Well isn’t this a rare sight? Akechi, you haven’t bullied my favorite apprentice, have you?”
“Idiot,” Sojiro grumbles as Haru giggles, “You’re still an apprentice too, kid—you’re up to par but haven’t surpassed the master. You’re a hundred years too early to be taking an apprentice.”
“Sojiro—you’re over a hundred? You don’t look a day over fifty,” Akira says, and Sojiro groans.
“I have been nothing but delightful company to Haru-san,” Akechi says, with mock affront, “And she makes wonderful coffee. Why would I bully her?”
Akira raises an eyebrow at the use of Haru’s first name. Sojiro smiles to himself as he goes to put the groceries into the refrigerator.
“Yes, Goro-kun is a fine customer. Not fussy at all and a fine conversationalist, as well,” Haru replies. Akechi almost snorts at the last part, hiding his amusement behind his hand, and both of Akira’s eyebrows go up.
“Well now,” he says, “It seems like something perfectly dangerous bloomed in my absence. What did you plot, you two?”
“Nothing,” Haru and Akechi say at the same time, with perfect innocence, and Akira smiles at the harmony of their voices.
“Looks like I’ll have to pry it out of both of you in due time,” he hums. “And don’t doubt that I will, by the way.” He tilts his head to look at them over the rims of his glasses, his tone joking but his intent quite serious. “Anyway—you seem to have had enough coffee, how about some curry? Sojiro just bought some good meat. Haru, you can take a seat. But no more plotting, you two.”
Haru laughs and Akechi smiles. When Haru takes a seat at the counter, she and Goro share brief look, a new bridge forged between them. Together, they turn back to observe Akira as he prepares the ingredients for curry.
Together, they sit, they watch, and they wait.  
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oh-beyond · 7 years
Peek-a-boo, I can see you AU - Part 2 of 3
EXO as animals series: D.O
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Kyungsoo had haunted the house you bought, he made it impossible to live there aiming to scare you till you gave up, falling in love wasn’t in his plans.
Owl AU/Romance/Fantasy/Scary… kind of?
D.O x reader
EXO hybrid series
< Part 1 - Part 3 >
Those voices... they kept ringing in your head, you had to open your eyes, there was definitely someone in the house with you and he wasn’t invited.
“Please go away, go away”  you cried in desperation.
“This is my house, no one will live here but me, you are an intruder, leave before I turn to something you won’t like”
You shut your eyes open, your limbs were weak from the lack of sleep, you took a backpack and took just the necessary, your tears fell down in desperation to get going as soon as you could.
The owl watched you, he strangely felt sorry for the first time, he’s been haunting the house for over 60 years and he never felt sorry for anyone.
“I will leave, I spent all the money I had, I finally thought I’d be happy and now this, even ghosts hate me, what did I do to deserve this?”
You stepped a step backwards stumping on something... or someone.
“Please please leave me alone I am leaving, don’t hurt me” you cried again closing your eyes “I will try getting my money back and leave”
“No! Don’t! I don’t want to see Seo Minsu again”
You buried your face in your hands when you heard the stranger’s voice too close to you, it was overwhelming just the thought of a ghost directing you talk was just not sinking in.
You titled your head to one side to meet the same guy as the day before.
“C-can you see me?” asked the ghost you nodded terrified to lie “like you can see my shape as a man?” you nodded again but when a little smile drew in his face your fear diminished “really!?” he asked enthusiastically “and the owl?”
“What owl?” you stuttered.
“I am not a white owl?”
“I can’t believe my ears, she can see me!”
“Is that a good thing? Does that mean you will kill me?”
“You think I’m here to kill you?”
“No you don’t look scary, just a normal guy”
Oh but he didn’t like that last statement and his gaze turned dark again as he frowned knitting his eyebrows together.
“I’m sorry no no I didn’t mean that”
Too much to deal with, too dizzy, too incoherent… your head was spinning from the thinking, but it was nice feeling to be back on your pillow.
~~~ Do Kyungsoo built the house in hill all by himself, every inch of the house for his beloved Seo Minhae, the oldest off the Seo sisters, they looked fantastic together, they were the cutest young couple in town.
But were they? Kyungsoo loved Minhae ever since she was 12 when he saw her buying milk, her sister Minsu was only 4, her father died in war and her mother was very sick, Minhae run the errands apart from taking care of her sister, Kyungsoo followed them and learned their address, he used to wait for her bringing everyday 2 candies for the girls, they fell in love and finally after 6 years they got engaged.
Kyungsoo’s family was wealthy, but not as much as Kim Jungmo's who had an eye for Kyungsoo’s fiancee Minhae, her mother pressurised her to dump Kyungsoo and marry Jungmo instead, she was weak so ended up accepting, Kyungsoo couldn’t take it and killed himself inside the house he gave Minhae who in reality never stopped loving haunting it ever since, he saw her every time she visited the house but she couldn’t see him, and that made him bitter towards her, he couldn’t understand why she couldn’t se him, soon he learned that no one could, he couldn’t be seen and he couldn’t die when he was already dead.
Seo Minhae died… and Kyungsoo remained in the house waiting for the next visitor to terrify…
You woke up in your bed, was it a dream? Were you just stressed from the moving? The money you spent? What was it?
You looked around and found your backpack in the chair adjacent to your bed, you went to open it and it was still full with the stuff you put the night before when you were running away, you pressed your head with both hands trying to think a coherent explanation to all this.
“You weren’t dreaming if that’s what you were wondering” 
You jumped on your tracks when you heard the same familiar voice, you turned around this time he was smiling.
“Peek-a-boo? Hi!” he said his heart-shaped lips coming to life.
But that was the moment when it culminated, all the stress all the fainting lately, the scary feeling of having someone watching you in your house, you bursted in tears and crouched on the floor holding onto your knees, your sobs were loud and desperate, Kyungsoo didn’t know what to do, he was very rusty treating with humans, especially trying to be nice to them.
“Wait, I-sorry, did I scare you?”
“I-I don’t want you to leave, I’m sorry I scared you”
“What makes you think I’ll stay? You are a ghost that apparently I’m not supposed to see living in my house excuse me ‘your house’”
You kept crying until you felt his hand over your shoulder, strangely you really weren’t scared of him, it was the idea of him being a ghost that wasn’t of your liking.
“Who are you?”
“I’ll tell you everything, just… please don’t go”
You really sat opposite to this ghost as he told you his story, you held your pillow onto your chest and buried your face only your eyes peeking up to watch him as he talked, it was a very sad story, nonetheless having a conversation with a ghost didn’t seem coherent in any way.
“So what do you want Do Kyungsoo-ssi?”
“Please just Kyungsoo, it’s fine... and answering your question, could you maybe stay? And…”
“So you are giving me the house, are you going to be liberated and go to the place all ghost should go or however this thing works?”
“I’m not leaving my house!”
“So you are asking me to share my house with a ghost? Is that fair to you in any way? I paid good money for it, and I am obliged to pay for the next 25 years”
“And you bought it from someone who doesn’t even own it, I’m the owner!”
“You are dead Kyungsoo!”
He vanished, enraged and frustrated he disappeared in thin air, you thought that perhaps upsetting a ghost wasn’t the best of ideas, where was he? Was he watching you? Did he go? If so... will he be back? How much did he really see of you? Was it safe to shower and so on?
You kept packing to leave, the electricity went off again, Kyungsoo wasn’t being convincing at all, you saw the white owl sitting on the tree branch with big eyes watching everything you did, you knew he wasn’t happy… and you weren’t brave enough to close the curtains either...
You kept packing as if nothing.
“I can see you…”
Just ignore it and keep going, you knew it was him, he wasn’t menacing he was perhaps lonely, you were the first person he interacted with in 60 years, yes that’s it, he wanted a friend.
You took your bag and tried opening the door which seems to be locked, but it wasn’t… he was behind it, he was not letting you leave.
“Kyungsoo please, just let me go this is too overwhelming for me, I think I need a break, just please let me go!”
He let go of the handle causing you to fall on the floor.
You stared at his shadow, it was dark but his eyes glowed, they were very big and he was opening them that extra bit to look scary, and scary he looked.
“Do you enjoy this Kyungsoo? So after you freak people out you feel good about yourself?”
“Yes” he said firmly.
“Even the only person who can see you? Do I deserve this treatment? Is this the way you are convincing me to stay?”
“So can I try again?” he said now all the lights of the house working again.
You gasped at his proximity, how was he dead feeling so real? It seemed as if he breathed just like you did, his fringe on top of his head moved just like any regular person’s hair, he blinked and his eyelashes were so real, his lips, those that were never given attention as they deserved...
“You like me?” he said as you shook your head coming back to reality.
“What? W-How? What do you mean?”
“You were watching my face, my eyes... my lips...” he said with a wide open smile.
“I-no! I-just it seems you are so real, it’s strange, I never saw a ghost before”
“I’m flattered I’m your first, but you were totally checking me out, don’t worry I don’t blame you, I remember I always had the attention of all girls” he said his grin growing.
You cleared your throat and looked around to room trying to look casual.
“So will you stay?”
“Will you scare me?”
“Absolutely not, besides, I will save you the money for the alarm system, you know... let any burglar enter the house, he will regret it for the rest of his existence”
That was funny, you actually smiled and laughed covering your mouth, when Kyungsoo saw your smile a weird feeling sat on his shoulders, he felt as if his heart beat, that unfamiliar feeling of being a regular boy, he felt warmer and he felt happy, for those 2 seconds he felt alive.
“Alright Kyungsoo, I will stay, really I have no other place to go, my best friend is getting married I know she will not host me for long”
“Thank you ____”
“But you cannot come into my room, or the bathroom”
“I am a gentleman, don’t worry about it, I promise”  
“So OK then” you looked at him you just made a deal but he was still standing inside your room.
“Oh yes! I’m sorry haha, I guess I will leave then”
“That sounds good to me” you replied.
“OK so I will see you later”
“Alright Kyungsoo” you closed the door behind him.
You closed the curtains and went to bed again you needed to sleep, that was al you needed you tried to think that this ghost was friendly, nothing will happen you just need to sleep...
It smelled delicious, there was actual food scent that came all the way to your room, it felt too close, dreams don’t smell this good.
“Can I come in?”
It was him...
You jumped out of bed way to quickly, your head was just not copying with this too well.
“Are you awake? the soup will get cold”
“Yes who else?”
Damn right, who else would be in your house and pathetic life but a lonely ghost?
You turned the door handle and you were welcomed again with that full smile, he was holding a tray and a bowl of a really appetising looking soup and 2 slices of bread with butter.
“Did you-can you cook?”
“I can, not that there was much at home but I went and got some mushrooms from the hill behind us and you had meat in the freezer...
“Kyungsoo you will never fail to surprise me, you picked mushrooms for me?Please come in, I’m starving I don't remember the last time I had a hot home cooked meal” you said gracing the tray sitting down on bed and almost moaning at the taste.
“I’ll cook for you, everyday”
It sounded too real, too intense, too freaky, but he was desperate, desperate for attention, and you strangely were willing to live with this cook ghost with heart-shaped lips.
“I would very much like that Kyungsoo”
He took your left hand and covered it with both his hands, he looked at your scared face that wanting to get it back but afraid he might do something.
He slowly opened his hands looking at yours between his, he lowered his face until you felt his incredibly soft lips on the back of you hand, he slowly pressed a soft kiss, you watched his eyes blink and his eyelashes flutter, he lifted his gaze at you again gifting you a lazy smile that held sadness but hope at the same time.
“Thank you, I will make it unforgettable”
A/N: Kyungsoo~~~ isn’t he allowed to have hope?
Thanks for reading, feedback always appreciated ^_~
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katzirra · 7 years
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Overwhelm lurks in the minds of the common human like the proverbial monster in the closet. We know it is there, and we cling to our daily routines and soft addictions as if they were a spotlight to cut through the darkest night.
Ahh, overwhelm, it is just off the main topic on our minds as we sip our double mocha Frappuccino with the whip cream and cinnamon sprinkles. It isn’t real, not completely anyway. We think we could just a walk, a moment to ourselves, a night on the town or a night of Netflix with the phones off, and we are in the clear once more.
But, is that really all it takes? No, not really, but what is it and what can we do about it?
Denial is a huge thing, it really is. So is responsibility to ourselves. Here, let me explain.
Overwhelm is a wonderful little creature on its own. It’s as warm and cuddly as a cockroach and just as friendly. It likes you. It wants to be with you. You’re it’s person. Overwhelm in its infant state, is small and kind. It is born with the words, “Sure, I can do that, let me pencil it in.” It is cuddled and loved as it is shuttled off to obligations such as overtime a few nights a week, the extra pick up or drop off of a friend’s child, the dinner for the perpetually ill relative and her cats, or the coffee break with the coworker that is experiencing the worst divorce in the history of prime time tv. It feels good to go the extra mile for someone and they are very appreciative.
At this point it’s still normal. Life is in balance.
Overwhelm is so small it fits in your pocket. In fact, it looks a little lonely. At this point overwhelm is still cute but is powerful and already wrapped up in your heartstrings. It whispers, “you still have availability, you have a minute, you have a free day, it’s not out of our way too much, we can reschedule that other thing…” Suddenly you have a pocket full of overwhelm. There is six or seven of them rolling around in there looking all cute and helpless. They look so cute you can’t choose which one means more to you, but luckily, they don’t take up much room, so, heck, keep them all.
This should be a red flag, but to many it isn’t. How can we choose between the wants or needs of the people in our lives? Won’t they be upset?
Overwhelm grows in stages. It can stay small for a really long time. They are similar to their cousin, nagging doubt, in this way. But they do actually grow. They start slipping from your pocket and dropping onto the floor. You forget them in the car and they start to smell. You find them in the washer and dryer clogging up the lines. They start tapping at the back of your mind. Tap. Tap. Then its like fingernails on a chalkboard. The overtime increases. Your friend drafts you for her child’s class helper for field trips.  The relative needs dinner 4 days a week but the cats suddenly have dietary restrictions. The coworker, clingy and needy, has shifted focus to needing easier work or is taking a closer look at your life to see if it’s a good fit.
The time crunch gets tighter. The time management skills you used to brag about now feel like a prison sentence as you set reminders and alarms. Meals become hurried events eaten over the sink that are quickly forgotten. Long baths become a midnight luxury for nights you can’t sleep because the washer and dryer are running as a favor to a friend.
It suddenly dawns on you as you speed walk with your dog, or rather you run, and he pees at a slow jog, you feel like a stranger in your own world. It takes your breath away. It feels like helplessness with purpose. You can’t stop, if you did, everything would fall apart. Everyone that depends on you would be let down. The world, their world, would stop spinning.
Now you are faced with the realization that overwhelm is no longer a micro thought in the bottom of your pocket. He is well over seven feet tall, carries a baseball bat with spikes and wants revenge for his creation and abandonment. You, you failure of a parent you, let him grow on his own, get away with anything he wanted and now wonder if you have the RIGHT to say no and reclaim your life.
This is the point where overwhelm cracks his knuckles and calls all his buddies together. He is going to remind you; you no longer have a life of your own. Its just a series of errands and empty tasks that no longer feel good, aren’t appreciated or even matter to the people you do them for.
But what do we do now? Well, grab your club because we are about to go full on caveman. Smash the expectations. Smash the time constraints. Eat the relative’s cats. Run off the clingy coworker. Develop an aversion to your friend’s children. Does it have to be that drastic? Probably not but dropping hints will not work at this point. Repeat the words, “I don’t have time anymore.” Practice it. It’s called a boundary.
Extend your arm. Turn slowly in a circle. This is your area. Sit in your car. Check your mirrors. This is your area. Sit in your living room and look at your walls. This is your area. No one has the right to infringe upon your area unless you spawned them, and even then, it is doubtful. If you will not die unless you do that favor, then it is not essential to your wellbeing or development as a human. Imagine you are a separate person; that there are two of you. Your job is to take care of that other person. What do THEY need? Now, go do that.
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fengshuiitems-blog · 7 years
Feng Shui Items Double Wulou with 5 Dragons and 100 Cranes Feng Shui
Feng Shui Items Double Wulou with 5 Dragons and 100 Cranes Feng Shui
This five star pearl joins a "twofold wulou" sitting on a round base. Each wulou has the photographs of "5-Element Dragons", the Sun and the Moon. There are two daze compartments inside the wulou. The best compartment is stacked with "tridacna gigas circles" while the base compartment is regarded with without question rollings of mantras. The round base has two "Dui Trigrams", pictures of 8 Immortals, White Tara Mantra and Medicine Buddha Mantra. Secured under it are 100 Cranes. These satisfying mixes keep all defilements, torments and clobbering stores from taking without end your life drive. It is what's unequivocally a strong diminisher against month to month wiped out breezes and a wide mix of hurting torments. Other than vivifying ones safe structure and clearing "yin parasites", it satisfies colossal succeeding, finds you the best possible cure, Feng Shui Bestbuy wholes settling force and shields the body from any perplexity. This is unmistakably what is relied on to oblige cover the negativities from Illness Star #2. The striking features and the centrality of the promising pictures can be cleared up and lit up as takes after: 1. 5-Element Dragons mean enormous achievement beginning from all presentation. The winged serpent is a hypnotizing picture of thriving, and makes acclaimed recovering energies in the Feng Shui Products Year of Rooster in light of how the staggering savage is the dissipate amigo of the chicken (as showed up by hypothesis of Liu-He). Unequivocally when the 5 winged serpents get together to union and security, they will share one beginning vein together to make a shockingly high kind of centrality which is key for conspicuous right hand of good thriving and future for the family. 2. Sun and Moon pictures develop the lunar and sun impacted surges to out of the year. 3. In light of the I Ching, the "DUI trigram" yields the Heavenly Doctor (Tien Yi) that holds the best approach to manage supervise oversee control enable produce pull in charge arrange curing Illness Star #2. On a to a mind blowing degree key level kept couple of good 'ol formed controller who know the floor of this Feng Shui USA (especially those from the standard school) would join the DUI Trigram unmistakably to cure the Illness Star genuinely. 4. The 8 Immortals catalyzes divine powers to pull in help one with positive centrality, with bringing bewildering succeeding, Feng Shui see boss conditions, wealth, request luckiness, life get two or three information about and mind blowing relatives. 5. The White Tara Mantra is unendingly particular while the Medicine Buddha Mantra cures upsets. 6. 100 Cranes will give you the most required wish especially in doing assistant with against spreads. The crane has for a long time been a photograph in Asian social outlines paying unmistakable character to amazing succeeding, Feng Shui Items life study, truth and commitment. The huge, upright carriage of these perfect flying animals reflects their superior to standard status as the respectable winged creatures most justifying filling in as errand individuals to the old immortals. The delightful crane can go to the heaven and is contributed with various stupefying qualities and is the photograph of everlasting status, fulfillment and future. The fillings gave join the rollings of the accompanying mantras. Two rollings will fill each of the base compartments: 1. Long Mantra of Medicine Buddha - Feng Shui Elements Medicine Buddha has sensible affectability for all. He shields everyone from physical and mental tribulation and unmistakable hazards and gets, and requests that they wreck the three horrifying substances – collusion, seriously abhorrence, and nonappearance of thought – which are the wellsprings of all torment and hazard. Pharmaceutical Buddha helps in recovering what's more to vanquish inside wretchedness of facilitated exertion, Free feng shui tips truly mind blowing revultion, and nonappearance of respect. In like way Medicine Buddha can help reduce physical and broken lead and continuing. The Medicine Buddha mantra is held to be significantly manager for repairing of physical issue and cleaning of negative karma. Any person who is stricken by weight can channel for restores from Medicine Buddha for curing. 2. Seen Mantra King of Great Breath Mantra - it is seen that torments are caused by the breath passed on by the focal pioneer of the stunning number of spirits of all the three Best feng shui websites landmasses called Grinning Teeth (sekpa). All individuals and spirits living on the planet may contract unmistakable tribulations and having their lives taken away once the dangerous breath finish off the whole world and touches careful animals. Likewise, it was revealed that the story to the torments is through the sharpening of this mantra called the "Lifted up Mantra King of Great Breath". At whatever point it is depleted, sentiant animals won't be harmed by the breath. The mantra when worn or proceeded with ones neck, head or body will be secured against Ebola Virus and amassed overwhelming corruptions, getting no dangerous edge or torments (tongney) from wind, bile, standard fluid et cetera. 3. Heart Sutra Siddam - it benefits you by clearing 84,000 obscurations, illuminate the way and make fulfillment. It gets out diminishing, lessen, reduce, lacking, diminish, unnoticeable, secured, Yin Yang feng shui remote, astonishing, dull, scattered or diminish vision. It drives you to a positive structure for change. 4. Four Dharmakaya Relic Mantras - are key mantras that give power and make the demand favored. Six "Recovering Pills" will in like way be given. These circles of "Tridacna Gigas Shell" are a demand settling made utilizing the stupefying and kept up mammoth shellfishes from principal oceans. They are recorded in buddhist messages as having the capacity to flush energies and take off shades of harming incline. Its balanced shape and white shading both address metal part, and its material have energies more unrivaled than the metal. It can truly make and store a centrality air with a cross of around 2 meters. This condition can shield one from scramble centrality when shown neighboring the bed. Three pills will fill each of the best compartments. http://www.fengshuibestbuy.com/ http://www.fengshuibestbuy.com/newrelease2.html
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