#i would've made this an animatic but i don't think i can make another one of those for a while lol
kiisaes ยท 2 years
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how could you be so cruel?
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simplepotatofarmer ยท 3 years
techno & doomsday as a deliberate choice
aka 'it makes sense that this is the fight c!techno chooses on his own'
i've been thinking about this a lot, about c!techno and the fights he's been in, and how he's felt used and lied to about most of them. the imagery from the recent sad-ist animatic definitely inspired some of my thoughts here.
through some wild miscommunication, c!techno genuinely believed that the reason he was called in to support pogtopia to get rid of the government, especially after c!wilbur said that he was on board with the whole anarchism thing. so while techno went into this fight of his own choice, it wasn't for the reason that he thought. if he had been approached and told, 'we're going to overthrow this government and set up a new one, without an election, in its place', he wouldn't have agreed in the first place. the goal and the end result of this fight wasn't one that he would've chosen himself.
unsurprisingly, there aren't many conflicts/fights that c!techno has been in but those also conflicts that fall under 'for someone else' or 'not by choice'. the pet war was something techno wasn't involved in except through c!tommy, who called on him to back him up in the fight. techno certainly did it and he did it willingly (though i don't doubt that it influenced his opinion; when techno says 'you only ever saw me as the blade', he's not just talking about nov. 16th) but it was for someone else.
the next example would be the confrontation with the butcher army. this is one that techno was quite literally forced into. he begged them multiple times to leave, that he didn't want to fight, and only resorted to violence when it became clear they wouldn't leave him alone. this was not a fight he entered by choice. (and arguably i'd say that, while i've been leaving 1v1 conflicts off the list, the fight between him and c!quackity is the same.)
but doomsday is different.
doomsday is something c!techno had been planning since his execution. it was personal, it was revenge, and while if certain things hadn't occurred his involvement might have been different, it was something he chose.
at the green festival, c!dream asks techno if he wants to help him destroy new l'manberg and techno asks if dream is 'calling in [his] favor' to which dream says no, because techno would do it anyway, something that techno readily agrees with.
there is no hidden motivation: dream is clear he intends to bring the city down to bedrock. it'll be gone. all the resources used by techno are things that he had already gathered for the same purpose. techno brings his ally and friend, c!phil, into the plan despite dream's initial attempt to keep him out of it.
all three of them have equal part in the plan: phil is given the wither skulls by techno so that he can act as a distraction (a smart move because it effectively stopped them from focusing on dream), techno is on the ground because his hound army is pretty much exclusively affective there and because his reputation is one that will draw a lot of focus (during the battle they call out to focus on the withers and then 'the blade', never focusing on dream), and dream focused on the redstone to bring l'manberg to bedrock.
(the risk is also equal, tbh, and there's a bit of irony in the fact that people erase both techno and phil's part in doomsday, that dream is essentially the only one to face consequences, and that people think of doomsday as another instance of someone using techno as a weapon when it's the battle he's picked.)
techno chooses this fight; it not only aligns with his ideals (getting rid of the government) but also his personal grudges (which is more of a factor). and it's clear that techno himself feels this way.
'i'm choosing what i fight for now', he says.
and what i find really interesting about that line is the fact he's stayed true to it.
the red banquet was a choice that techno made. he didn't want to team up with c!quackity but this was a moment to truly fight for his ideals and nothing else. he made that choice, to put any discomfort he felt by working with quackity aside because it was the right thing to do. it's what he wanted to fight for, what he's always said he wants to fight for.
to me, there's something interesting about how techno came into the story, called in to serve as a weapon for a cause that wasn't exactly what he thought it was, fought for his agency and to be seen as a person, and now is able to decide what he fights for. and the how of it as well, now able to change his tactics as seen with the syndicate.
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