#i.n reactions
feelbokkie · 1 year
Random texts with bf!Jeongin
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☀️Feelbokkie M.list☀️
genre: fluff
pov: 1st/2nd person (depends on how you view it)
description: random text with your boyfriend Jeongin (some texts are inspired by pinterest)
pairing: jeongin x reader
warnings: feet and blood (idek)
word count: n/a
screenshot count: 9
©feelbokkie (2023) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
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Buy me a coffee?
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itgirlgyu · 1 year
when you catch the stray kids smoking!
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Ⳋ.𐬹 stray kids x gn! reader. GENRE ! ˏ`crack, hc.
WARNING!!! well there's smoking, and some of the kids lie sauurr
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Doesn't smoke actual cigarettes.
Vapes instead.
When he was caught with it, he tried to act like it was a mouth organ instead.
His vape flavors are absolutely horrendous tho
Like bro got one that's organic and another one that's like spinach flavor or something because it's the safest.
Doesn't give two shits about getting caught to be honest.
Will try to flex his skills though.
Tries to make smoke rings in your face.
But fails and has a whole coughing fit while arching his back and hand on the waist with his tongue out.
Yeets it off in the distance.
Tries to gaslights you into thinking it's a herbal vapor treatment for sore muscles.
tries to get away by saying the only thing that is smoking, is his body and love for u.
Tried to smoke for the aesthetics.
Was like bro, 'I'm such a smoker.'
Was shocked to find out that you have to inhale the smoke.
Turns out he never smoked properly ever
So you're legally not allowed to reprimand him.
Straight up denies that it's a cigarette.
Acts like someone has lied to him saying that it's some good stuff that will help him relax.
Feigns innocence and starts clinging to you.
Promises to never touch one again
Have you listened to his voice?
man sounds like he's a chain smoker from the past 5 lifetimes.
No one is going to be surprised if he's caught with one if we're being honest.
Blames it on Minho for being a bad influence.
He's caught the moment he holds his first cigarette.
Starts panicking.
Swallows the unlit cigarette whole.
Cries at night when he suffers from a stomach but refuses to come clean.
Clings to a pillar with tears rushing down his eyes to prevent you from dragging him to the E.R.
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an... sometimes i get dumb ideas and i just have to write it even tho idk what to write and im feeling very delirious bc of the fever hahaha.
©ITGIRLGYU '23, feedbacks are appreciated.
'PERM TAGLIST / @full-sunnies, @impureperhaps @1921choi @wonioml @jisungsdaydreamer
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angelsvoice1love · 2 years
His reaction to see you smile
"Stray Kids"
Bang Christopher Chan (Bang Chan)
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Lee Min-ho (Lee Know)
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Seo Chang-bin (Changbin)
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Hwang Hyunjin (Hyunjin)
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Lee Felix (Felix)
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Yang Jeong-in (I.N)
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Kim Woojin
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ignooy-nim · 2 years
Life Update / A/N : I cannot express just how excited I am to be back! I never thought that the fourth chapter was always the hardest to write, but this mf chapter really handed my ass to me on a silver platter :-) before the chapter goes live tonight at 9pm est, I just wanted to thank you all for the constant support during my hiatus — I really appreciate your understanding and loyalty during this time. just the thought of this story has kept me motivated, and I cannot wait to continue writing for you all! I hope to get back into a decent posting schedule again, but I am a full time college student, as well as a part time worker in retail, so finding the time to write these chapters is a little difficult (but of course very rewarding). 
alongside this, I have been in a relationship with my bf for the past 7 months, so being cynical and pessimistic about romance and love has been a little difficult, but thankfully he has been very supportive during these past 9 months of knowing him. without him, I would have not even been anywhere close to being mentally ready to publish any of my works online, so I am very thankful!!! 
I hope you are as excited as I am for chapter 4 — this chapter will go more in-depth with who each of the characters I am portraying through mia and jeongin are, and how juxtaposed their life situations really are, yet how similar they both are as adolescents. again, this chapter isn’t anywhere close to perfect, but I like it, and just getting it done and out of my drafts makes me feel so much more relieved.
thank you, and see you later tonight!! - mars🧍🏻‍♀️
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“That’s all it is with you, isn’t it, Miyeon?” He rolled his eyes, slinging a dish towel over his shoulder. “You’re still so young, you think the world revolves around you, and only you. Well, guess what, cousin; it doesn’t. Time doesn’t stop just because you need extra sleep, and people don’t stop living their lives just because you broke a nail… Even Jiwon sees it, and he’s sixteen!”
A pink-haired Jiwon poked his head into the backroom momentarily, “Don’t bring me into this.”
tag-list : (dm / comment if you want to be tagged for updates! I will be adding as soon as requested!) @lovely-manette @jeonstresour @yeongstar @mariafeh @super-btstrash-posts @stray-kids-goddess @yenjunsleftoverchicken​
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astraystayyh · 5 months
please fall before i fall
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jeongin x reader. best friends to lovers. they think it's unrequited love so a bit of angst. but they're just idiots. happy ending :))
summary : 3 times you saved jeongin's ass and the 1 time he saved yours (and ended up confessing along the way). holidays themed.
winter falls masterlist.
a.n. : i am very happy to finally post my first fic for the winter falls collab with my author xi hehehehhe i hope you'll enjoy this one <333 it's very light and fluffy she's the cute one!! oh and my song rec is i bet on losing dogs by mitski
Jeongin’s thumb hovers over your contact name, his rosy lip pulled tightly between his teeth. He hesitates for a few seconds before finally dialing your number. 
“What do you want?” you start which makes an incredulous snort escape his lips, a gust of powdery air materializing before his mouth from the cold. 
“How much do I have to pay you for you to come over?” 
“Ten thousand dollars. Cash,” you precise as he mouths along to what you say, already guessing what your next words would be. 
He's come to know you at an abhorrent speed these past few months; since you sat right next to him in your biology class, head buried in an oversized navy hoodie. Your perfume knocked into him like a gentle breeze— Sicilian lemon and white bouquet notes, nostalgic summer amid an unforgiven autumn. Memories of sticky fingers from molten ice cream and feet soles meeting the warm sand wafted in the air, alluring him to the kindness of a long-gone summer, you. 
That is why he talked to you at first, because you smelled nice, incredibly so. He tells you it's because he liked the pair of shoes you were wearing. 
“What if I brought you your favorite coffee?”
“Are you outside my dorm?” you squeal and he imagines you must be scrambling to get up, opening the curtains. He knows he's right as your figure materializes behind the window. “Hi,” you wave, a small giggle escaping your lips. He can't help the fond smile that draws upon his lips. 
He thinks he likes you a little. 
“Hey, please help me wrap my family’s gifts,” he pouts, waving the coffee in the air. Your order that he memorized by heart, not even meaning to, it was just natural for him to order you coffee every day, to remember your preferences as if they were his own. 
“Why are you here if we're going to your dorm anyways?” you laugh, leaning against the window. 
“Because I know I need to bribe you,” he sighs, angling his head to the side. “Are you not going to hang up and come downstairs? The coffee will grow cold.”
“I’m coming!”
An hour later, four gifts are resting beside Jeongin's figure, perfectly wrapped thanks to your skilled hands. He's lying on the warmed tiles, and you're right beside him, so close your knee brushes against his thigh now and then. 
He is keeping count, well, more so his heart, constricting in his lungs each time you touch. 
He's so aware of you, so much he's sure you’ve crawled into his skin, morphing him into nothing but a shell of you. 
Perhaps he likes you a lot. 
“You're an insane man. Who leaves gift wrapping to the last minute?”
“You're best friends with said insane man.” 
“Remind me how did that happen again?” you ask, propping your head on your elbow, and turning to the side to look at him. Jeongin has to pretend that the sight of you hovering over him doesn't affect him. That his eyes aren't drawn to your lips, heart dissolving at your feet, hoping to brush against your own. 
Please fall before I fall, he nearly pleads.
“Why are you so close,” he feigns disgust, pushing your face away with his pointer finger. 
“What? Does that fluster you?” you question, amused, bringing your face even closer to his. He scrambles away before a blush sprouts on his face, one he wouldn't be able to justify to your scrutinizing gaze. 
“As if. You're ugly,” his eyes squint, lips thinning into that particular smile he knows annoys you. He moves to the side swiftly, anticipating the shoe you throw at him.
“You're literally— remind me to never help you again, asshole.”
“I'm kidding. Thank you for today, seriously. I didn't know wrapping gifts could be this hard.” He falls back to the floor dramatically, banging his head against the tiles in the process.
“Well deserved,” you whisper. 
“I heard that.”
“Good,” you giggle, before gently massaging the spot where he has bumped his head. He purses his lips against one another, afraid of what words might escape the confines of his throat, vocal cords moving to the gentle rhythm of your touch. 
“Will you keep on being this clumsy, Innie? mm?” you muse, tone quieter. 
The nickname makes his insides churn, it is always so tender when it falls from your lips. No one has ever called him this softly before. No one has ever called his heart before you. 
He shouldn't be this clumsy with it. It is a fragile organ, akin to glass, easily breakable, so translucent— it'd be easy for anyone to peer inside and find you in it. 
“Yeah, I probably will.”
He'll stop liking you next year. He hopes. He'll try. 
Next year has come, familiar frigid winds pulling you to Jeongin’s heart, perhaps even more so than before, cementing your being into the nooks and crannies of his soul, perfectly so, as if it was destined for you alone to fill the emptiness inside him. 
Seasons have changed and yet summer remains, its essence stored safely within the notes of your perfume, it tickles his nose as you're seated on the countertop, legs swinging lazily while he scouts through his fridge. 
“Remind me why we're doing this again?”
“Because I made a bet with Yoon.”
“Your sixteen years old brother?”
“You are in college.”
“I know.”
“Why are you taking it to heart?” 
“Because I have my pride,” he says solemnly, hand on his heart and you roll your eyes. 
“You literally begged at my feet fifteen minutes ago to help you.”
A year later, Jeongin stood beneath your window once again, phone brought up to his ear, hand hidden behind his back. You pick up on the first ring. 
“Look out the window,” he quickly says before you can even speak. 
“Hello, Y/n, how are you, Y/n, are you surviving with the cold—” you say sarcastically as you pull the curtains, the words dissolving in your tongue as he brings a single flower before him— you recognize its pink petals easily, Camellia, the rose of winter.
“I did not have time for coffee, but I plucked this off the sidewalk,” he offers, an amused grin on his face. “Help me bake cookies, pretty please, I'll be forever indebted to you. Forever and ever and ever and ever—”
“This is such a poor rendition of Romeo and Juliet, I'm afraid Shakespeare is suffering in his grave right now.”
“Do you think he knows of every theater play that was done to his story?” Jeongin muses.
“That's a good question actually. I hope he didn't see mine,” you shudder before your face pales. 
“You did not tell me you ever did that!”
“I'll bake your cookies and you'll never bring this up again.”
“Deal. My Juliet,” he smirks and you throw a middle finger aggressively to his face before hanging up. He shouldn't find it as endearing as he does.
“Because, my dear Y/n, this is my holiday reputation at stake. I kind of raised the bar last year with my gift wrapping.”
“You did?” you raise an eyebrow promptly at his words and he sighs, taking out the butter before leaning against the fridge.
“We did. Which is exactly why I need your help again. Imagine how embarrassing it would be if Yoon wins,” he shudders and a giggle finally escapes your lips.
The kitchen warms up at the sight of your smile.
“It's cute when you need me once in a while,” you say nonchalantly, hopping off the counter and moving to wash your hands. Jeongin freezes in his place.
“I always need you though,” he confesses quickly, swallowing the words, hoping that this way you wouldn't be able to taste the sincerity coating them, sticky honey dripping from his tongue whenever it speaks of you.
“Good thing you'll always have me then,” you beam, your words hanging into the air, oxygen suddenly harder to inhale.
“Gross,” he fakes a shiver, as his heart drops in his chest, breaks, and twists at the weight your words carry.
He'll always have you, but not in the way he wants to, your eyes would never soften at the mere mention of his name, and you won't think that a season blooms into every room he is in. He has you, but just a fragment of you, not how you have him, as a whole, heart, body, and soul. 
He's already fallen, a terrible, terrible fall.
“Will you help me or just stare off into the distance?” you ask, tilting your head to the side. He smiles bashfully, rolling his sleeves and sidling by your side to mix in the eggs, one by one, per your instructions. 
It smells nice in the kitchen, the caramelized fragrance of browned butter, sweetened by the sugar dissolving into the warm liquid. Tentative sunlight streams through the window, and it falls perfectly on Jeongin's face, highlighting his sharp features. 
Not that jeongin needs any additional light, he reminds you of spring, a flower blooming on his face each time he smiles, his dimples two youthful fountains the roots strive from, brightening his face even more. 
He tentatively glances at you as he adds the chocolate chips to the mix, only to find you staring forward. He misses the fond look on your face by a few seconds, the tinting of your features with soft hues of pink, of spring, of him. He always misses it, always misses you. 
"I can't believe you have 37 pairs of shoes but not one nice shirt.”
“It's 36, please count correctly,” Jeongin retaliates and you snort, flopping around in bed till you land on your stomach, chin propped up by your hand. Jeongin is still rummaging through his closet, head almost disappearing into the dark void of his wardrobe. 
“What do you need this for anyway?” you question, as you scroll through your phone mindlessly. Jeongin’s eerie silence causes you to look up. 
“Um. I have a date tonight.”
His words hang over the room like a heavy cloak soaked with rain, the oxygen sucked out of your lungs and ensnared within that singular gasp.
Jeongin swiftly turns around, before kneeling beside the bed, eyes brimming with a hopeless search— you are too focused on steadying your breathing to notice.
“Should I go?”
“I mean… Why are you asking me?”
“If you don't want me to, I won't,” he speaks in an overflowing sincerity, as though he'd willingly surrender the reins of his life for you to guide, should you only dare to ask. 
A breath, a pause, and he adds, “In case you'll be lonely tonight.” Your hope deflates in an instant, akin to a birthday balloon tossed into the careless hands of children. 
Pity, that's what he feels for someone who hasn't had a date in a year while he went on ones regularly. Although they never transcended beyond that first meeting, always a first date, never a second. He says none of the people he meets are his type. 
“I have a date too.” It was the truth, Suhoo had told you to meet him at the ice rink. You said you'd think about it. You knew deep down that your answer would be no, solely because he isn't Jeongin.
Perhaps it is too late for him to fall for you.  
“Yeah, with Suhoo, you know, the guy in our Economics class.”
“He's nice.”
Could you lose something you never had in the first place?
“You should wear Seungmin’s white shirt.” 
“Yeah. That's what I thought too.”
“And bring them flowers. The rose of winter, maybe.” 
You had preserved the plucked flower he gave you in a vase. The pink of the petals liquefying and bleeding into the blush on Jeongin’s cheeks once he noticed. 
“That one's just for you.” 
You're alone on the ice rink, the frigid winds assail your form, fingers numb from winter's cruel grasp. Suhoo didn't come after all, perhaps he was offended by you calling him at the last minute to confirm your date.
The chill of disappointment is more biting than the frost— you want to melt off the ice, you want your spring. You want your Jeongin. 
But he isn't yours, perhaps he will never be. He is too sought after, too captivated by the fleeting chase of someone new to spare a glance at you. 
But in this instant, you need him. You need him to hold your hands in his larger, warmer ones and get you off the ice rink. You need the sight of his familiar dimples and blooming smile. 
So, you call him. He picks up on the first ring. 
“Are you that bored on your date?” He playfully taunts, and his voice becomes a gentle breeze that stirs the emotions you struggle to contain. Tears cascade down your cheeks in an achingly familiar path. 
“I-Innie,” you hiccup, and you’re instantly met with the sound of scraping chairs against the floor, the hastening cadence of footsteps hurrying out into the street. 
“Did he do something to you?” He speaks so coldly, a tone so foreign to the warmth of your Jeongin. He shouldn't be tainted with winter too. 
“He didn't come. Can you p-please pick me up?” 
“I will. I'm coming in a bit, okay?” 
He finds you rather quickly on the ice rink, a sore thumb unmoving between the gliding bodies. He skates over to you, almost falling twice in the process. 
“You're so clumsy,” you snort as he stands before you, sobs racking through your body once more at the sight of him.
You weren't mad at Suhoo. You were heartbroken over Jeongin.
“I'll beat him up for you. I'll tell Changbin to help me too,” he smiles, hands fidgeting as they land upon your cheeks, trying their best to wipe away your tears.
“Please don't cry. I hate seeing you cry, Y/n, I really can't bear it." The tears only fall harder at his words, as if he's stringing them forth with each touch of his.
“Did he do something to you?” an unknown voice startles you and you turn to your right to find a girl looking at you then at Jeongin, a frown etched on her eyebrows.
“No, I'm her friend I didn't-”
“I wasn't talking to you,” the girl cuts him off and you laugh despite you, as Jeongin’s jaw hangs open, before closing once more.
“It's not him, thank you so much though,” you smile gratefully and she nods, eyes wary as she glares at Jeongin one last time, before skating away.
“I can't believe that just happened,” He exhales, a breath tinged with bewilderment, before he delicately encircles a hand around your back. Gently, he guides your head to rest against the comforting refuge of his chest.
“What are you doing?” you mumble against his navy hoodie, the one he borrowed from you. You can still smell your perfume on him. 
“I'm comforting you.” 
“You don't like hugs.” 
“It's different when it comes to you.”
You close your eyes, allowing the tide of his warmth to envelop you like a cascade of spring petals.
“Where is your date?”
“I didn't go.”
“Why is that?”
“Because I love you. I'm tired of looking for you in other people,” he quickly says and you peel yourself away from him, feeling as if his clothes were suddenly made of fire. 
“What?” you whisper, eyes glistening with unshed tears.
“I love you,” he repeats, each word drawn out, much slower this time, his hands cradling your face, tenderly, as though holding the sun between his delicate fingers. “I'm tired of pretending you're not my summer.”
“Don't say things you don't mean,” your voice wavers. 
“I mean it. I've always loved you. You complete me in ways I didn't know were possible, and I know you only see me as a friend but-”
Your lips press against his, a culmination of aching desires that have lingered for two years. Distant laughter echoes in the background, ice cream melting onto your fingers, a soft breeze ruffling your hair, flowers blooming under the soft caress of the sun— two seasons melting sweetly into the kiss.
“You're literally so blind,” you giggle against his lips, and his smile widens, your noses brushing against one another. “I love you too, idiot.”
“You love me?”
“You're my favorite season.” 
“Don't steal my lines.”
“Hey—” he kisses you this time, the winter is long forgotten. 
Was it ever a fall if you caught him in the end?
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snowyquokka · 2 months
Haiii!! My birthday is on the 31st and I wanted to ask if you could do a text ff, which they forget your birthday
Please and thank you 🤗
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skz forgot your birthday
cw: angst, fluff, could maybe be classified as hurt/comfort, swearing
a.n - happy birthday aaliyah!! i hope you have an amazing day <3
p.s - i got a lil carried away with felix and seungmins… oops sorry not sorry <3 SOFT SEUNGMINNIE WILL FOREVER BE IN MY HEART
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tags: @godslino @myseungsunglove @seungseung-minmin @skzstarnet
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emithecharmer · 11 months
Husband!SKZ Reacting to you telling them you're pregnant
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Severe baby fever while watching them with babies- so here's for all of the stays that want to be moms one day :)
Tw: Sex talk (duh, she's pregnant), Changbin wants to have sex with his wife (but they don't), fluff, some hurt/comfort
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Christopher Bang
Chris and you had always talked about having a family, he made it perfectly clear when you two started dating that he wanted to be a father. You had always wanted to be a mom, learning empathy and compassion from your own mother, you'd always had a very strong motherly instinct, which is how you just knew. You had always heard of women who just knew they were pregnant but you'd always just thought that it was a myth, until you felt it. You were walking down the feminine hygiene isle, about to pick up a box of tampons when your mind immediately just said 'you don't need them.' It was like a switch had flipped and your brain chemistry was altered. So instead you walked a bit more and grabbed a pregnancy test.
Now, you and Chris has also talked about how if you suspected a pregnancy, that you would tell him, and he would stay with you and watch the test together. But that was easier said than done, as you as you got home..you choked up.
"Hey baby," He leaned forward and kissed your lips sweetly, "how was the store? Thank you for going by the way, I'm sorry I got held back at the studio later than expected." He explained, going and unloading some of the groceries.
"It's okay, it was um..interesting."
"What do you-" He stopped his sentence and that was when you noticed what bag he was going through. He turned toward you, eyes wide and in disbelief.
"Are you-? When did you.. When did we-?"
"I don't know, but I- Today in the store, I had the strongest feeling about it! And I remember you told me your mom just knew and I just- I feel like I am Chris." He practically tore open the box with excitement.
"Can you take it, please baby, take it!" You nodded and you two walked to the bathroom together.
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"How long does it take to pee on a stick?" You heard Chris whine from outside.
"I have performance anxiety!" You whined back, getting frustrated.
Finally you finished the test and washed your hands before letting your, impatient, husband in.
"Hey.." He sounded serious now, making you look at him. He grabbed your hands before deciding to bring you in for a tight hug instead.
"No matter what the test says, we have to agree to take time for the two of us, I don't want us growing apart at all, okay? If we have a baby..it's going to make us stronger okay? And if we don't just yet, we'll try whenever we're ready okay?" You smiled, pulling away and nodding, brushing a small hair that had fallen into his face and glancing at the test.
"Chris.." He looked at the test and you felt you heart clench at the way his eyes sparkled when he turned back to you.
"Thank you.." He whispered, bringing you in for a passionate kiss.
Lee Minho || Lee Know
"Min, what do you think of having kids soon?" You asked, making your husband turn around and raise a brow.
"Why would we have a baby when we already have three?" He asked, smiling when Soonie walked by and brushed against his leg.
"Ah, yeah." You said half-heartedly.
"..I'm also super busy, you know with our new come back and everything that we have planned- I wouldn't get to be there." He explained, trying to give you a better reason.
"Mm, no that makes sense." He smiled at your answer and turned back to cooking, missing the way you brought your hand to your stomach and the way that tears gathered in your eyes.
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Three months flew by without suspicion, you never drank or smoked to begin with, so Minho thought nothing of it, that was, until you started to experience the horrible morning sickness.
You first woke up at 3 am, rushing to the bathroom and heaving into the toilet, you were trying to be quiet before remembering that your husband has chosen to stay at the dorms that night. After you were finished you shakily stood up and brushed your teeth. When you stood up from bending over, you noticed it, Minho's t-shirt tried its best, but there was no doubt, you had a bump. You had a baby bump and when you saw it you collapsed on the floor at the realization that you were hiding your child from your husband. You sobbed on the floor, not hearing the door open and Minho call out your name. You only noticed when he entered the bathroom with his jaw slack and a look of confusion on his face.
"W-What happened? What's wrong baby?" He asked, immediately going to bring you into his arms, lifting you up and taking you to your shared bed. You didn't know if it was from pure exhaustion of the hormones, or if you were just tired of keeping it a secret, but you just blurted it out to him.
"I'm- I'm pregnant Minho. I'm so sorry! I'm sorry!" His heart broke as you wailed your apologies, he hadn't realized that he'd come across not wanting children.
"Y/n- you- Oh God, please don't be sorry, precious." He whispered, pulling you in for a hug and rubbing your back.
"I hid it from you though.." You whimpered as he shook his head.
"No, no, that was my fault, you should have never felt that you couldn't tell me anything, especially this..You're- We're going to have a baby." His smile was even wider than it was on your wedding day as he brought you in for a kiss and then peppered kisses all of your face before he tilted your head up so he could kiss behind your ear.
"Thank you, so much, honey" He whispered as he squeezed your hands.
Seo Changbin
"Changbin!" You screamed, running to your husband whom you hadn't seen for almost 3 months.
"Y/n." He said, closing his eyes as you two hugged, he wanted to breathe you in for this moment. They were on tour and you'd decided to come and join them.
"I missed you." You said, smiling as he pulled away and grabbed you two suitcases, showing you where the elevator was.
"I missed you too, baby. I can't wait to show you the hotel room, it's insane!" You chuckled at his excitement.
"And we can go see the boys in a little bit too, if you're not too tired." He offered as the door opened and you two stepped out.
"Mm, I'm not tired, I actually slept for most of the flight, so I think I'll be okay." He smirked as he entered the key into the door and opened it.
"Not tired?" He asked, making you shake your head as you looked around the room.
"It is pretty here, I like the-" You we're cut off by your husband, who brought you in for a long-overdue kiss. You felt his arm wrap around you back, caressing your spine before reaching for your shirt.
"Mm, I should warn you, the doctor said that intercourse while pregnant is okay, as long as it's vanilla." You informed him.
"Huh?" You giggled at his reaction, staying quiet as he wracked his brain for a few seconds before his eyes widened.
"But that would mean-"
"Right before you left, yeah." He frowned.
"I left you.." He said.
"Neither of us knew, and I only found out when I saw..this." You lifted your shirt to show him your stomach, which now sported a small bump.
Your husband dropped to his knees and cradled your bump so soft that it almost tickled before he looked back up at you, tears in his eyes. He stood back up, bringing you in for a deep kiss, never once letting his hand fall from your stomach.
Hwang Hyunjin
"Jinnie." You smiled at your husband as he sketched the landscape in front of you. He hummed, looking down at you as you laid on the blanket you two had laid out.
"You'll never guess who's pregnant." You said.
"..You?" He asked warily, making you sputter a laugh.
"No, my sister in law." You said, giggling at Hyunjin's sigh of relief.
"What, you don't want to have a baby with me?" You pouted in a joking manner.
"What- No! No, I do! I do, I want to have like 10 babies with you-"
"Woah bro, slow your roll." He cackled at the hand you held out to him as a sign to stop and the look of utter horror on your face.
"Just not right now, I'd want to be there, not caught up in schedules." You nodded and hummed.
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'Pregnant' You had to have read it wrong.
'Pregnant' Okay one faulty test, but four? You sighed and held your head in your palms as you tried to figure out how to tell your husband.
"No time like the present." You told yourself, grabbing the four tests and unlocking the door and walking into your guest room, which was more of an art room now.
"Hey, love, you okay? You were in there for a while." Hyunjin asked as he put down his brush and turning to you.
"What are those?" he asked, pointing to your hand.
"They're-.." You took a shaky breath before continuing, "They're pregnancy tests..and they're positive." You tried to decipher the look on his face as he stood up and came to you, holding out his hand, which you put a test into. He looked at the screen, 'pregnant,' for a few seconds before he looked back to you, that's when you noticed he was about to cry.
"Aw, Jinnie." You cooed, opening your arms to comfort him.
"You're pregnant.." He said.
"You- You're going to have a baby. And we'll be parents." You nodded again, chuckling at your husband.
"You're going to be the best mom." He said, eyes watering a bit.
"And you're going to be an amazing dad, Jinnie."
"Power couple." He winked, a tear falling as he did, making you two giggle.
Han Jisung
You'd gone shopping right away after you read the positive result on the small screen. Jisung had always told you that he wanted kids, and being his wife, you knew he'd make a great dad. After finding out that you were expecting, you knew you had to make telling him special. You went to the store and bought a, blank white, newborn onesie and some fabric paint, painting in small words 'STAY' on the front and 'HAN' on the back. You put the onesie and the test at the bottom of a small box before filling it with other mementos you'd collected since the two of you had started dating.
"Jagi! I'm home, and I got us some sushi!" You heard your husband announce his arrival and quickly shut the box, making sure it was ready.
"In the kitchen!" You said, smiling when your husband's face popped out from behind the wall.
"You somehow get prettier every time I see you." He said, setting down the food and kissing the tip of your nose and nuzzling into your neck, hugging you close.
"Mm, missed you." He cooed at you, pulling away to kiss you properly, cupping your cheek softly.
"I have something for you." You said giggling as you pulled away, snickering at the slight pout he momentarily had.
"Ooh!" He accepted the box from your hands, setting it down to open it.
"Woww, this is from our first date! And is this in Japan?" You nodded as he increasingly got more excited.
"That's me at your first Stray Kids concert,- wow am I hot or what?" You giggled as he kept digging. You held your breath as he picked up a set of keys that you two had kept after locking your locks on the bridge, and then picked up your wedding photo.
"You look stunning in this photo. What was this all for, baby?" He asked, kissing you again.
"There's more, babe." You smiled, pointing down at the box.
"Oh, oops!" He looked back into the box, freezing when he saw what was inside. He picked up the onesie, setting it on the counter, before picking up the test. He turned back to you, taking one look at your face, making sure it wasn't a joke, before hugging you.
"I love you," kiss, "I love you," kiss, "and I love you." He said, poking your belly softly.
"I love you." Jisung said, kissing your forehead.
"I love you more, Ji."
Lee Felix
"Practice is kicking my butt." Felix groaned, flopping onto your bed and sighing as he felt the plushness under him.
"New comeback?" You asked softly and he nodded.
"Yeah, just- need something good you know? Not that you aren't good, baby." You smiled, setting your book down and leaning down to brush his hair with your fingers. He sighed at the feeling, he'd missed your presence for a few weeks, being so held up in schedules, he'd decided he'd go back to his old dorm for the time being, just so he wouldn't disrupt your sleep schedule, you being a nurse and all.
"Can you kiss me?" He asked.
"Course, bub." You said, choosing to move up, letting him scoot up as well and sit between your legs. He leaned forward, kissing your lips and the down your neck, and then back to your lips. A few minutes later he noticed that you weren't as into it as you usually were, so he stopped.
"You okay, pretty girl?" He asked, rubbing your hip.
"I'm a little tired.." He pouted, kissing your cheek before leaning over and turning off the lamp. The moonlight outside still illuminated the room, coming through the curtains and giving the room a soft glow.
"You should've said something, baby, we can sleep."
"It's okay, really, I think it's just the pregnancy hormones, my sex drive will fluctuate a lot through pregnancy."
"Ahh, yeah that makes sense." He said, laying down with you and wrapping his arms around you, pulling you closer to him.
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"Wait what." He said a few minutes later, making you burst into laughter.
"It took you that long?" You asked, watching him reach over and turn the lamp back on.
"You're pregnant? Like with a baby? Our baby, like one that we made?" You blinked at him.
"..I'm going to say yes?" He started to cry as he pulled you up to hug you, muttering thank you's and I love you's as he rubbed your back softly.
Kim Seungmin
Right when he gets home, you were going to tell him, right when he walks in, there was no stopping you.
"I just want today to be over, can no one do anything right?" Nevermind. You said to yourself as you heard the door slam and your husband walked in, slinging his coat onto the back of a chair before he took a deep breath.
"I'm sorry..I shouldn't bring work in with me, I'm sorry baby." He apologized, walking up to hug you in greeting.
"Hi Minnie." You said, nuzzling into his chest.
"You should just come in with me, just hearing your voice makes everything better." He said as he ran his fingers through your hair, kissing the top of your head every few seconds.
"Happy to be of service." You giggled, looking up at your husband, all of whose tension was released upon seeing you.
"I have to use the bathroom." He said, pulling away, making you chuckle.
"Okay, I'll start on dinner."
"Thank you, baby, I'll help you when I'm out." He promised.
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"..Babe?" You turned around to see your husband holding something.
"Is this- Are you pregnant?" He asked, looking up at you, seeing your reaction, he knew you were.
"Ah- I was supposed to tell you when you came home- I kinda chickened out.." You looking down at the floor.
"Oh my gosh..Baby- Babe- Y/n- We're going to be parents." He smiled, walking over to you.
"Yeah, we are." He lifted you onto the counter, making sure you didn't hit anything before he kissed your softly, lifting his hands to your stomach and rubbing it softly.
Yang Jeongin (I.N)
"Innieeee!" You called as you knocked on Chan's studio door. Jeongin was with Chan and Jisung today going over some lyrics, but he'd texted you to come over for lunch so he could see you.
"Come in, it's only me." He said but opening the door anyway.
"Ooh, what'd you bring?" He asked.
"Cookies, but we have to eat lunch first, I brought subway." He gasped, holding out his hands as you handed him the bag.
"Thank you, love." He said coyly, kissing your cheek quickly.
"I got you two since you started working out again." You said, making him flush.
"Ah, you didn't have to." He said.
"But you wouldn't have been full if I hadn't, hm?" He nodded shyly. Despite you two being together for around two years, you still had your shy moments.
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"Mkay, cookie time, gimme gimme." He said, throwing his trash into the empty bag. Chan and Jisung were back and their eyes lit up.
"Cookies?" Jisung asked with wide eyes.
"Jisung." Chan shoved his arm, making Jisung sit up straight.
"Sorry." You laughed.
"You can have some too, I got a batch."
Jeongin opened the box and shut it immediately, not even letting the boys see the cookies. As fate would have it, the rest of the boys arrived at the door, wanting to say bye before heading home, but now they were confused in the scene.
"You're a liar. You're literally lying." Jeongin accused, tears in his eyes.
"Innie, what happened?" Chan asked, trying to figure out what was happening.
"Uh-uh, I went to the doctor today to confirm." You said. Jeongin sniffled loudly as he stood up and walked to you, quite literally falling to his knees to hug you.
"So..Is everything good?" Hyunjin asked as he stood awkwardly outside the door. Jisung, the impatient man he was, had opened the cookie box and gasped, pointing at you.
"She's pregnant!" Chaos followed after the revelation that their youngest member was on the road to fatherhood.
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jeonginsleftcheek · 1 month
Cuddling with Stray Kids
pairing: ot8 x reader
genre: fluff, suggestive
a/n: mentions of sex, mentions of anxiety, this is just my opinion, not proofread, hope you enjoy!🤍
additional notes: i have 12 things in my drafts and they're all over the place but i wanted to post something
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I feel like Chan gives the best and biggest hugs so you will probably be drowning in his arms with your face buried in his chest or neck. It's probably late at night when you cuddle, and first you talk about your day and complain about your work or studies. Chan will listen to you and throw in a few quips here and there as he holds you and caresses your hair. Then you ask him about his day and he'll talk about his members and funny things they did or said. As it gets later, you both get quieter and Chan's favorite thing is when you put your leg around him and pull him even closer, leaning in and leaving kisses everywhere on his face. Every time you do that it makes him blush, no matter how long you've been together. Even though he usually says he can't sleep, he will fall asleep first in your arms because he feels relaxed and safe. Then you can admire his beautiful face before you drift off to sleep too.
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I feel like Minho would also love facing you and talking to you while cuddling, but he would love to bury his face in your chest and leave little kisses everywhere. Most of the times he will also leave small bites and nibbles and you always warn him not to start anything cause you really want to take some rest. He always smirks and leaves a few more kisses on your neck. I think he would also love pressing his lips into yours, as his hand slides under your shirt and rests on your back. He would draw little patterns on your skin and his hand would always without a doubt slide down to grip your ass. Can you blame him though, you're hot and he loves you, he just can't help himself.
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Changbin would love it if you lay on his chest. He would put his arms around you and caress your hair and face. The sound of his heartbeat will always calm you down, any anxiety of the day will be wiped away as soon as you feel his big arms wrap around you. He would kiss your hair and forehead gently and ask you if you were okay and if you had a good day. You would talk with him but your eyelids would get heavy, it's hard not to fall asleep when he's touching you so gently like he's afraid to disturb you. His presence is calming to you and you feel so loved and safe.
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Hyunjin would love to be the big spoon and he'd hold you so close to him and so tightly that you think he might want to merge into you. His face would be buried in your hair, he just loves to inhale your sweet shampoo because it calms him down. His hands would be roaming around your body, and he would squeeze you gently a few times. But, Hyunjin can't help himself being this close to you while your perfect ass is pushed up against his middle so cuddling sessions almost always end with lazy sex.
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I think Jisung would love being both the big and the little spoon. If he's the little spoon, he'd love it if you held him real tight and also hold his hands at the same time. But, if he was the big spoon, I feel like he'd just grab and hold your boob. Nothing sexual, he just finds it relaxing to hold it and squeeze it like it's a stress ball. On some days, I feel like he wouldn't stop yapping while you cuddle and you would be playfully annoyed at him, so he would annoy you even more on purpose. He'd probably start talking nonsense or he'd start singing with an annoying voice. You would smack his butt and he'd just laugh because he enjoys teasing you. On other days, when he's really tired and in his head, he'd be quiet and he'd let you talk about everything and anything because the sound of your voice calms him down.
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I think Felix would love to rest his head on your chest or tummy. This boy will be clinging to you like a koala, limbs all wrapped around you so you don't ever think of escaping. He would nuzzle his face in your chest or neck, and if he's laying on your tummy he will bury his face there and leave kisses on your skin. His hands will be all over you as will his lips, he can't help it, he adores you. I think cuddling sessions with him can go either way. Either he's falling asleep as you caress him or because he's a horny little thing he will end up with his face buried between your legs.
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Okay so, I feel like Seungmin would love facing you while cuddling. Even though he's shy and it's hard to maintain eye contact for him, he loves the way you look at him, the admiration in your eyes. He loves the way your eyes crinkle when you smile at him, and the way you caress his cheek and hair. He would hold your waist and run his fingertips on your skin gently. If it's late at night, he'd probably sing you a gentle lullaby, especially if you had a bad day. He'd sing for you whenever anyways. I feel like he'd also love to exchange a few gentle kisses before both of you drift off together, holding onto each other tightly.
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I feel like he'd be the most restless out of everyone while cuddling. He would love to spoon you, but after some time he would just start feeling jittery so he would play with your hair, poke your cheek or start tickling you. Your cuddling session would probably turn into play wrestling, as you both tried to tickle and annoy each other. When you're both almost breathless Jeongin will lean down to kiss you and let's just say that you're not going to sleep soon.
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taetr4ck · 4 months
stray kids x reader, no warnings — crack
a/n : i saw that one doordasher texts I FORGOT WHERE THEYRE FROM BUT THEY GOT ME LAUGHING FOR THE WHOLE HOUR LMFAOOOOOOOOO THEYRE SO RIDICULOUSLY FUNNY ICB (nct ver here LOL) (also seungmin’s and felix’s aren’t mine!)
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⋆ taetr4ck, est may 2023. / requests open
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minminyoonjii · 13 days
Hii, i would like to request a stray kids aftercare types or smth like that 🥲🥲 (srry im really bland i struggle with words 😭😭)
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❤️Ultimate Masterlist
💜Rules and Guidelines
🧡Stray Kids Scenarios Masterlist
Fem! Reader|Cry Baby! Couple|Smut Fluff|Body Worship|Crying|Heavy Teasing And Mocking|Condesending Tone|Dom Drop|Marking and Hickeys|Degrading Praise Kink|Act Of Service|Confessions|L-Bomb|Foodie Moments|Pussy Worship
💌 This is a work of fiction, I by all means don't force ship anyone. They have the right to love whomever they want.
🍄Wordcount: 1.1K
Bang Chan
"You feeling alright, pretty?" he asked, holding you tight. You nodded, running your fingers through his hair, "Ahm. More than alright," you said, kissing his cheek. Chan chuckled, easing your legs off his shoulder, "I know, baby. I know you're sore," he cooed, rubbing your calves when you hissed. "Don't talk to me like that, Chris," you whined, mind barely off the clouds. Chan smiled, "Okay, okay," he said, massaging your legs. You groaned into the pillow, melting at the firm pressure. Chan hummed, "How about a warm bath, yeah? I'll let you drop in a bath bomb," he said, wiping down your inner thighs. You lifted your head, "Thought you didn't like the glitter ones," you said, looking at him. He chuckled, "Yeah, but I'd do anything to make you feel loved little one," he reassured, kissing your forehead.
Lee Minho
Minho gulped, catching his breath, "Good kitten. Fuck, you did so good for me," he mumbled, nosing your hair. You shuddered, rubbing his back, "Did good?" you whispered, avoiding eye contact. He held your jaw, "Yes kitty. You did amazing," Minho praised, stroking your cheek in his palm. You sighed, nuzzling into it. Minho chuckled, "That's my good kitty. So precious and perfect," he whispered, holding you close to his chest. "You've never been this vocal before," you said, kissing his collarbones. Minho smirked, "Well, I can't go and cut fruits all of a sudden can I?" he teased, knowing he already did. You held his face, licking his lips, "I already saw the bunnies (bunny apples)," you said, kissing him deeply. Minho chuckled into the kiss, easing his tongue against yours.
Seo Changbin
"Deep breaths, bun. Take deep breaths," Changbin coaxed, easing out his girthy cock from your cunt. You shuddered from the sensation, "Bin," you whined, stretching out your arms. Changbin cooed, pulling you onto his lap, "Binnie's got you, hm? My baby bunny," he chuckled, pampering kisses on your face. You squirmed at the kisses, "No," you whined with a smile etched on your lips. Changbin smirked, pressing his kiss against yours, "No? Bunny is denying Binnie?" he gasped, pecking your lips a few more times. You giggled, laying your head comfortably on his chest. Changbin hummed, rocking your aching body, "What do you feel like eating, bun?" he asked, feeling his tummy grumble. You smiled, scrolling through his phone, "Can we order this?" you asked, showing him the dish. Changbin chuckled, "Go ahead," he said, hooking his chin over your head.
Hwang Hyunjin
Hyunjin kissed down your arm, "Shh. Relax, love," he hummed, nosing your skin. You shivered, staring at him with half-lidded eyes, "Hyune," you moaned. Hyunjin chuckled, shifting to kiss down your sternum, "Melt into it, lovely. I have you, hm?" he smirked, kissing your chest. You whined, bucking your hips as he blew on your sensitive nipples. "My lovely muse," he sighed, kissing your tummy, paying attention to the pouch where your womb would be. "Hyunjin," you gasped, brushing his hair. Hyunjin nuzzled inner thighs, "Can't believe you took me so well, love. Your pretty pussy was just meant for my cock," he praised, wiping your swollen cunt with careful and precise hands. You sank into the warmth, letting him take care of you fully.
Han Jisung
"Aww, my precious crybaby. Did it feel too good again, sweetheart?" Jisung asked, wiping the stray tears streaming down your cheeks. You hiccuped, burying your face into his palms. Jisung chuckled, tucking your body against his, "I know, sweetie. My cock made you feel all vulnerable, hm?" he asked, hearing your soft babbles in return. "Yes, yes. My cock pleased you very well, I know," he chuckled, kissing the top of your head. You jutted your bottom lip, looking up at him. Your eyes were glossy with tears, and your nose was red from sniffling. Jisung cooed, tucking your hair behind your ears, "Gorgeous. So stunning," he whispered, leaning forward to sync your lips. You melted into the kiss, hands brushing his waist. Jisung pulled away, "Time to bathe, sweetheart. Maybe afterwards we could binge a show or two," he chuckled, lifting you.
Lee Felix
Felix sniffled, emotions running high after an intense session. You held his face, "Lix, are you alright?" you asked, brushing away the tears threatening to drop. Felix shook his head, "You know I didn't mean those words right? You know it was just a scene, right sunbeam?" he asked, lips wobbling with each word. You pulled him close, "Of course, I know that sunshine. You treat me with the utmost respect daily," you reassured, rubbing his back. Tears soaked your bare skin, "I got scared. Scared of unintentionally hurting you, sunbeam. I would never forgive myself for that," Felix whimpered, holding you firm against him. Tears pooled in your eyes, "Don't cry, sunshine. You know if you cry, I'll cry," you sniffled, rocking each other's sensitive bodies until you both relaxed.
Kim Seungmin
Seungmin tossed his head back, chest rising and falling, "Fuck," he sighed, groping your plump ass. You whined, "Min," you said, shifting forward. Seungmin hissed as the chill air grazed his slicked cock, "Come on, pup. Let's wash up," he chuckled, lifting you. "We look like a mess," you grumbled, looking at the blooming bruises and hickeys coating your skin. Seungmin winced, turning around only to see nail marks down his back, "We did quite a number, didn't we?" he smirked, turning on the shower. You rolled your eyes with a smile, "You were the one who wanted to switch positions midway," you teased, melting under the water. Seungmin chuckled, wrapping his arms around your waist, "If I remember correctly, who was the one that kept begging to feel me deeper, hm?" he whispered, nipping your earlobe. You leaned back into him, "Hah, hah. Fine," you whined, lathering his body with soap.
Yang Jeongin
"Angel. My angel. All mine," Jeongin rambled, nuzzling your chest. You gulped, catching your breath, "Yours, all yours," you slurred, patting his head. Jeongin chuckled, rubbing your sides, "Was I too rough at any point?" he asked, tracing circles on your tummy. You shook your head, "Nope. Loved it all," you said, rubbing his ears. Jeongin sighed, pulling you by the waist, "Sit up, angel," he said, handing you a glass of water. You gulped it down, not realising you were that thirsty. He smiled, "Give me a minute," Jeongin said, bringing in cup noodles. "By the time we're done washing up the noodles would be ready," he said, pouring hot water into them. You giggled, taking his hand after he finished preparing, "I love you," you said, kissing his cheek. Jeongin twirled your waist, hips pressed against each other, "I love you more," he said, kissing your lips.
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aclowntiny · 8 months
Things Stray Kids Do That Make Your Heart Flutter
My true Stray Kids debut! Been wanting to do this for a while 😁
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Bang Chan
♡ Walks with an arm around your waist, pulling you a little closer if anything or anybody passes by you
♡ Texts you to make sure you arrive and get home safe every night you go out late
♡ Lets you know he’s proud to he yours, whether it’s with the notes he leaves around for you to find or with his words as he holds you tight
♡ Holds onto the ends of your sleeves for you when you put on your jacket so they don't roll up uncomfortably
♡ Smiles into almost every kiss you share
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Lee Know
♡ Takes your coat off slowly and purposefully, eyes never leaving yours
♡ Smirks whenever his arms begin winding around you
♡ Pulls you deeper into kisses with a gentle tug to your bottom lip
♡ Reminds you just how oh so irresistible you are, whether it’s when he caves to your request or as his tongue is swiping to your lips
♡ Presses kisses to the backs of your hands
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♡ Shamelessly checks you out, then blushes and waves at you when you catch him
♡ Tells you with a proud smirk that he’s bored, let’s kiss
♡ Nips lightly at your earlobes to see how you react
♡ His hands fall onto you whenever he bursts out laughing, as if to draw you into the mirth
♡ Cups your cheeks and tells you sweet nothings in a cutesy voice before pulling your lips into his
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♡ Has a whole page in his sketchbook dedicated to you and adds to it sometimes when he can’t help but capture your beauty
♡ Makes eye contact across the room as he’s running a hand through his hair
♡ Absentmindedly traces patterns on your back as you sit together
♡ Squeezes your hand when your fingers interlace
♡ Tells you he could get lost staring at the stars in your eyes
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♡ Puts his guitar pick in his mouth, eyebrows raising in surprise at your gaze upon him
♡ Plays with the rings you wear when you’re holding hands
♡ Nuzzles into your neck when you pull him close
♡ Calls you every variation of gorgeous he can think of, often as a whisper between repeated kisses
♡ Remembers all your favorite things so he can surprise you by pulling them out when you least expect it
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♡ Tugs your hand into his lap like it’s his precious treasure
♡ Surprises you with a batch of brownies he tells you he made just for you
♡ You tell him you like his necklace and as soon as the words are leaving your lips he’s unclasping it, asking if you'd like to try it on
♡ Zips you into his coat to keep you warm, giggling as you walk in unison
♡ Covers your cheeks with kisses before moving down to your lips
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♡ Playfully cups your cheeks
♡ Pulls blankets up tightly around your shoulders when you lay down
♡ Reminds you when you’re stressed out that you can tell him anything you know, he wants to be your safe place
♡ Slides a teasing hand up the back of your shirt whenever he’s been out in the cold, chuckling at your reaction
♡ Fixes your hair for you whenever he can, running a hand gently through the strands of it to move it back into place
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♡ Tells you every single time he sees you that you look so pretty
♡ The biggest smile spreads across his face and his arms open wide whenever he sees you unexpectedly
♡ Comes up with creative excuses to get you to wear his clothes, ranging from the temperature to seeing how that color would look on you
♡ Pecks your lips a few times for good measure before leaning into a more passionate kiss
♡ Holds both of your hands in his, gently running his thumbs over the backs of them as he looks at you
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quokkareactions · 2 months
Stray Kids text reaction
To him revealing your relationship on live
Maknae line
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houpss · 3 months
𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐒𝐊𝐙 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬
aggression, a little angst, vanilla and fluff
Some members will have not only points, but also background. Some won't have it (!)
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𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧
This man is possessive and quite jealous. Chan is an adult man with formed emotions and convictions, and one of his convictions is that he never shares his own, be it members or his personal belongings.He, of course, knew personal boundaries and understood what was possible and what was not. But when it came to jealousy...
It was the evening of a closed fashion show in France, where SKZ flew and you flew with them. You were also a significant figure in the modeling industry and that is why you were invited to the show. K-pop stars and American industry stars gathered there: singers, directors, models and actors. Absolutely everyone was there. Chan knew that this was a noisy event and that's why Stray Kids fit in perfectly there. There was a fashionable party, an atmosphere of fun filled the halls and Chan liked it, until the moment he saw that you were surrounded by male attention.
This man will literally become overprotective and he will follow you with his eyes unless you are near him.
No, Chan didn't get jealous often. He has 8 members, Chan has a big and generous heart!
Only small children of their parents are jealous when they pay attention to someone other than their child. But Chan, after all, could and knew how to be jealous, he did it.
You felt his cold and patronizing gaze from meters away in the hall, this aura hovered around you.
As soon as you are near him, he will immediately calm down.
He will immediately return to the state of the kind and smiling Chris!
"Awww my Y/N is so beautiful todaay"
"My princess stole the show here."
He's literally very soft.
After such a scene he will be your "bodyguard", when you talk to someone, he is nearby. He quietly check that no one is doing unnecessary things.
When you return to your hotel room, Channie will become very soft and clingy.
"Y/n! Chris is tired and wants your hugs!"
"Chris wants Y/n's soft kisses"
You laugh softly at him and you clearly give him what he asks for.
𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰
Minho wasn't one to get jealous a lot. He was deeply convinced of his and your feelings. Jealousy is too stupid. But this was only the case up to a certain point.
You were also a dancer and for a large-scale show you were given a dance number with your colleague. The dance was quite energetic, sexy and literally amazing. Minho saw your training and didn’t pay much attention to it. You would never cheat on him. You talked about it so much that it made Minho nervous, but he remained silent. He knew it was important to you. There was a show tonight where you performed with your colleague. Minho sat in the hall with Jisung and Jeongin. Some time passed before your number began, it was the middle of the show. Oh, it seems this fellow colleague is too close to you, this was not planned.
Minho's eyes instantly narrowed as he watched this creep touch and dance with you.
The muscles in Minho's face began to flex as he clenched his jaw.
He arches an eyebrow and snorts, he could have done it much better.
By the end of the performance, jealousy consumed him.
He wanted to kill this guy. Minho was cruel.
After the performance, he left Jisung and Jeongin in the hall while he went to your dressing room.
He urgently wanted to see and feel you.
You sat in front of the mirror and took off your makeup.
"That guy allowed himself too much, my dear."
"What are you talking about, Ho?"
"No one dares to touch you the way I touch you."
He leaned towards you and buried his nose in your hair, his hands on your shoulders.
“Next time, I’ll dance with you myself.” He would like to add to his sentence: “I’ll fuck you in front of that guy so that he understands everything himself,” but he remained silent.
Your gentle kiss will even improve the situation somewhat. Minho is your home cat again.
𝐒𝐞𝐨 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐛𝐢𝐧
You and Changbin go to the gym together, he works out his muscles, and you do stretching and yoga. You and Changbin were passionate about sports, it was an integral part of your couple! There were many men and women in the room, Changbin was always a little jealous. He just loves you too much!
But this time it turned out that you were training in different halls of the same sports complex. You worked out in the gym with other women, but Changbin was paranoid that men were staring at you.
This man will not be able to train normally and will only think about you.
He won't be able to continue training until he checks on you.
He will spy on you 🥷
From time to time he will run from gym to gym and watch you do yoga surrounded by other women.
It calmed him down...
After your training, he will hug you tightly and kiss the top of your head.
This man will become very loud and happy in your presence.
"My Y/n is so sweet! Binnie is happy again"
𝐇𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐧
Hwang Hyunjin was perfect, such a guy had everything he wanted, but most importantly he had you. He wasn't overly jealous, but "you're mine" and that wasn't discussed. He hated the idea that there was someone else who could touch you the way he touched you and tell you the things he told you.
When he left SKZ on tours or events in another country, he would definitely become overprotective from a distance. He's just afraid that someone will take his place, maybe you can find someone more ideal than him? Expect constant video calls and unobtrusive questions from him, he may be too dramatic or whiny, this is normal. One evening you will be talking via video call, because you stayed in Seoul and Hyunjin in France.
"I saw your posts on Instagram, are you hanging out with someone?? 🥺"
"Yeah,Jinnie, I finally met a friend I haven't seen for a very long time."
"Let him not allow himself too much—"
Hwang Hyunjin and jealousy? never.
"She was holding your hand too tightly in that photo! This woman allows herself a lot."
"You're literally jealous right now~"
"This is not jealousy, but ordinary boundaries 😡"
"You're very cute when you're jealous, I love you"
He will turn into a puddle after these words.
𝐇𝐚𝐧 𝐉𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠
Han Jisung doesn't know how to be jealous.
He is absolutely confident in both you and himself.
But some trainee from JYP ENTERTAINMENT became interested in you and showed you signs of attention.
At first he didn't pay attention to it.
It didn't bother him because you were always near.
But then he began to notice that you would either smile at this guy or talk to him in the corridors of the company.
He, he'll get worried.
You will notice this.
Jisung will become less cheerful or tender with you, slowly moving away.
You sit him next to you and make him talk.
"Have you found someone better than me?"
"Why do you think that, Hannie?"
He will look at you sadly, now he is not happy and will not joke.
"You spend so much time with that trainee guy...–”
"Oooh...he doesn't know Korean, so he asked me to help him! but between us there is only a working relationship"
will this calm him down?
Not really.
He will reach out for your hug and sigh softly when you hug him back.
"Tell me right away if he bothers you 😡"
𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐱
This boy is very shy and touchy :((
When he is jealous, he will be like a pet...In the sense that he will follow you everywhere and he will look so sad.
He just overheard your talk on the phone and didn't like the content.
"Do not you love me anymore?"
He sniffled, it seemed the boy had been crying for a long time.
He was a flower, and you were his sun.
He will sit next to you on the couch and press against your side. His head is now on your chest and his legs are wrapped around yours, he's like a koala.
He's just afraid that you'll leave.
"Why do you think that, freckle?"
You haven’t really changed into your home clothes, because you just came from the street.
You stroke Felix's blond hair, looking at his tear-stained face.
"You...you...went somewhere, before that I heard your telephone talk...sorry"
He literally wouldn't be able to speak properly because the tears were choking his throat again.
He will cry and bury his nose in your chest. Please don't leave him.
"Baby, I was at a meeting of directors, I was urgently called there"
You chuckle quietly and tuck his hair behind his ear.
He is your gentle angel.
"Really...?you won't leave me?" his eyes brightened as he sniffled and looked at you.
You nod affirmatively and kiss his forehead.
He will cry even more because he will be ashamed...
𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐒𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐦𝐢𝐧
Seungmin wasn't someone who got jealous a lot or often, he didn't care about that. But he reacts quite brightly when Someone allows himself too much towards you.
He would be angry and not understand alone, he would come up with a lot for himself and would be even more offended by you. He would pull away and give you freedom. Moreover, you can not communicate like this for several days, that suits him.
It really made you nervous that Seungmin could leave so easily and then come back as if nothing had happened, he never explained the reasons. The boy did as he saw fit. You may be able to catch him and get him to talk, he will be quite rude, but eventually he will break down and quietly admit that he feels insecure because of your actions. You felt so offended because Seungmo didn’t tell you right away, but only confessed now. Now you will agree to immediately talk about your jealousy and fears every time. Seungmin will really try his best for you.
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧
Maknae is also quite jealous, due to the fact that his hyungs are loving guys, this extends to you, but Jeongin doesn’t like it. You spend time with boys a lot, which can cause Jeongin to get nervous and say something like "Hey! Don't touch her", then SKZ will turn their attention from you to Ninnie.
In general, you and Jeongin are like two big children for SKZ, even if you are older than Jeongin. You are a sociable, bright and talkative person, people are drawn to you. Jeongin notices this and tries to tone it down a bit, he wants all your attention. He just gets a little angry when there is increased attention to you and tries to immediately concentrate your attention on himself!
"Why Hyungs coming at you like that..."
"They just love me too much~"
The maknae is furious, you are his only one.
You immediately start laughing and kiss him on both cheeks, making him squint like a fox.
No one will want to offend this beautiful little fox.
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smuttyassholes · 3 months
Stray Kids reaction to you flashing them?
I.N: *Smiles at you cheekily, then inches closer to the cam. Giving you his full attention*
"I like what I see..."
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“You enjoy teasing me, hmm? Wait until I tease you.”
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Hyungjin: *Watches to see if you'll do it again, but you don't. Debating if he should leave practice early, and come visit you*
*laughs* “What was that?”
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/an hour later/
"I'm about to leave now... Are you ready?"
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Minho: *Not liking the teasing, he’d demand to see again. Feeling like it’s unfair*
"Wait, what just happened?"
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*scoots back* "Let me see again. Or else.”
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Changbin: *Smiles widely at you. Trying to hold back, and accept your teasing for now*
"I'll see them in person soon anyway. It's fine. For now. Just wait.”
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Felix: *Smirks at you tiredly. Knowing how much you miss him, and thinking about the things he would do to you if he was there*
“Such a bad girl…My bad girl.”
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Chan: *Becomes frustrated with you. Knowing he can't touch you for a couple of weeks*
“Ahh! *laughs and hits the desk* You're lucky. The things I would do to you right now...”
/a few moments later/
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Han: *Raises his brows with his mouth wide open. Wanting to see more of you quickly*
"Do you know what you just have done to me? I might stop by..."
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Seungmin: *Clenches and hits his chest, like his heart is beating slowly. Loving this side of you*
“I think you made my heart stop. It’s your fault…”
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tinystarsthing · 10 months
SKZ reaction to:
𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚗𝚎𝚛 𝚋𝚞𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝚜𝚔𝚣𝚘𝚘 𝚊 𝚌𝚞𝚝𝚎 𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚏𝚒𝚝!!
Genre | 𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏, 𝚌𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚔, 𝚜𝚘𝚏𝚝𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜
Warnings: None!! Just a wee bit of cursing but that's normal
Admin: 𝙷𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙼𝚊𝚔𝚗𝚊𝚎 𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚖𝚢 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜!!! ♡
Hyung vrs Maknae vrs
𝙷𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚎 ~
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𝙻𝚒𝚡𝚒𝚎 ~
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𝚂𝚎𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚎 ~
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𝙸𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚎 ~
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{I.n has one more photo ill post on its own}
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snowyquokka · 2 months
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based on this request !!
cw: horny texts, gn reader, swearing, embarrassed reader, mentions of edging, some of them are cocky mfs, bold hanji (non-sub energy can i get a round of applause. it was a struggle), uhhhh i think that’s it, lemme know if you spot something else !!
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ʟᴇᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ
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tags: @godslino @skzstarnet @seungseung-minmin @myseungsunglove @azuna-sz
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