#ichika hoshino x reader
nian-7 · 4 months
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Project Sekai x gn!reader
✧January 28th - Confession of Love (how do they confess to you?)
✧valentines event
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They are very shy and uncertain about it. Would you accept their confession or would you decline it? Would you even hear them out?! Their mind is panicking and they're nervous. They get even more nervous when they see you approaching while they fidget with the card they made for you in their hands. It's a very quick and sweet and they're all smiles when you accept!
-Ichika, Honami, Minori, Kohane
Straightforward and to the point, they're not going to waste time and honestly they just want to hear your answer so these feelings can stop eating at them every time they see you. It's so annoying that they get these butterflies whenever you laugh or smile! They want to be the one to make you smile like that. And kiss your face if you'd let them...
-Shiho, Akito, Ena
They're nervous but in a different way. Their nervousness is on the inside rather than showing it on the outside. They're ready for whatever answer you give them and have prepared themselves for rejection. Though, their confession ends up being a little forward because they wanted to beat their anxiety and just say it outright to you rather than beating around the bush. They mean well though!
-Toya, Nene
Very nervous and excited. This time, they're very excited to confess even though they haven't really prepared or thought about rejection. They're just too excited to tell you about their feelings and although rejection does cross their mind while they wait for you to arrive. If you do reject them, oh well! At least you guys can be friends, right? They very excitedly tell you after mentioning they have something to tell you.
-Saki, Shizuku, An, Tsukasa, Emu, Mizuki
A little more reserved with their feelings, they are forward and don't beat around the bush but they are cautious about it. They know rejection is a possibility and they wanted to be completely sure in their feelings for you before even thinking about confessing. Even then they were still a bit iffy when you arrived, thinking of not telling you just yet but, they don't regret it when they do end up confessing and you accept!
-Haruka, Rui, Kanade, Mafuyu
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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mizu-nights · 3 months
♬ now playing: "you're blushing!"
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-> perhaps some 'harmless flirting' isn't so harmless after all . . .
★ — chars ; ichika , airi , saki , tsukasa
★ — notes ; I HAVE NOW OFFICIALLY WRITTEN FOR EVERY PJSK CHAR!!!!! hoping nobody is SUPER ooc here......... prompt list can be found here >0< REQS WILL OPEN IN A FEW DAYSSSS WEHEHEHE
★ — warnings ; reader being flirty (ichika), hospital and saki's backstory mentioned once, established relationship (saki)
★ — requested by ; none
★ — taglist ; @akitosheart , @mintchocaur (tsukasa!!)
affiliated with @virtualbookstore ★
★ hoshino ichika :
it started off simple: ichika being her usual self, complimenting how you looked today. she was always the type of person to praise people for certain aspects, and you always thanked her for it, but today, you wanted to try something different.
"aww, you're such a sweetie, ichika, you know that?"
the tone of your voice had teasing written all over it, which stunned the girl that was standing right before you. she managed to fix her composure after a moment or two, nodding her head and smiling at you.
"ah... thank you, [name]-"
"not to mention pretty."
just like that, ichika was starstruck once more, only this time with a light blush spreading around her cheeks. her gaze darted around the room, stuttering and spamming while avoiding eye contact at all costs.
"oh, did i fluster you?"
"well... i'm..."
... seems like you broke her. perhaps if you tried a more... physical approach, you might just make her melt.
★ momoi airi :
making a girl like airi blush is very worth it. considering her personality, she acts absolutely adorable whenever you successfully fluster her!
but... what if it's the other way around for once?
you had asked airi to help teach you certain dance moves from more more jump songs, and surprisingly, she agreed!
and for today, she decided to teach you how she danced 'romeo and cinderella'!
"then, for this part, we have to get close to each other like this..."
she pointed to her and shizuku in the music video. at the moment, it seemed easy. just some arm movements and looking at each other, right?
"mhm, got it, got it."
wrong. you were a complete mess when you were actually doing it. this whole practice was just supposed to be for fun... and now you're-
"[name], are you blushing?"
"what..? no way, it's just the cold!"
"yeah. sure."
there was an awkward silence for a moment, with your face turning redder and redder by the second. eventually, airi spoke again, with an amused tone to her voice.
"you look cute, by the way."
"you're making it worse."
★ tenma saki :
considering saki was always at the hospital as a child, she never really got to try a few things. and of course, you wanted to show your girlfriend some of your favorites!
there was a brand new ice cream shop that opened, with dozens of flavors to choose from! and you'd be a fool not to bring her.
"saki, you've got some ice cream on your cheek..."
you giggle, watching your adorable girlfriend eat her ice cream so happily. despite how silly she looked, you couldn't help but fall for her even more.
"hehe... could you help remove it for me, sweetie?"
with such a simple request, how could you ignore it? but why wipe it off normally when you can help her in a special way, right?
you giggle and nod, now leaning in and making it seem like you'll use a tissue, but instead, you surprise her by kissing her on the cheek. maybe not as effective as wiping with a tissue, but so much cuter.
... which earned the even more adorable sight of your lover having this red hue to her face.
"are you alright, saki? you look a little..."
"i'm fine!"
you caught the poor girl off-guard, but... you really can't help it with how cute she looks like this.
★ tenma tsukasa :
rambling sessions with tsukasa aren't uncommon. your minds always seem connected—you say one thing, he agrees and says another... an endless cycle.
this time was... a different case, however.
it happened as it normally did. one of you initiated a topic, then both you kept yapping, yapping, and yapping... until tsukasa suddenly went quiet. not that you noticed, you were too busy talking about something that had piqued your interest.
that was until you noticed tsukasa stopped talking, though. instead of hearing his voice, laughing and agreeing with you, you were met with an adoring gaze from the boy in front of you.
"...stoooop, you're making me all..."
"hm? all what?"
but he was genuinely curious! he really had no clue what you were talking about, and you weren't helping by being so mysterious about it!
a light pink fills your cheeks, and once the future star right in front of you notices, he can't help but match with you.
"you, uh... i didn't mean make you- i mean..."
this was new. sure, he gets flustered around you at times, but to this extent? a sight to behold indeed.
"you're blushing."
"so are you!?"
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wabatle · 1 month
can i req mafuyu, airi, an, akito, shiho, and rui with a super affectionate s/o?
sorry if that's too many characters, feel free to just ignore this
tysm, I love your work! ♡♡♡
so just for u anon i will put hearts instead of stars
♡~Mafuyu, Airi, An, Akito, etc, with a super affectionate s/o
(wa)batle nonsense (author's note):
this took me forever but I worked really hard on it, so ty for the request! and don't worry, currently i don't have a character limit, and i even added more!
warnings: none/all fluff
taglist: @stellas-starry-stove13, Rui and Akito are waiting!
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♡~Mafuyu Asahina
The idea of being showered in affection is a foreign topic for her since her mother is a terrible person
She feels a subtle warmth when you’re being affectionate with her, like something that could never be replicated by someone else
Although she doesn’t understand what she’s feeling, she does know that when you put your arm around her or put your head on her shoulder she feels a sense of security and relief
I can see her as not minding innocent PDA, like holding hands in public or small cheek kisses, but save the more affectionate stuff for home
I think she sees your affection almost as a safe space, so she will always drop her good girl act around you so she can feel like the affection she’s getting is real
When she sees you attached to her, if you look close enough, you might be able to see a real smile
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♡~Airi Momoi
Airi probably thinks it's really cute, and returns it whenever she can!
If you play with or style her hair, she might protest a little, but she won't complain after its done
She might get flustered if you're being really affectionate, but most of the time she'll be okay
I can see her as someone who is also very affectionate, so you two would probably cuddle a lot after school or streams
She probably also wants to be spoiled with cuddles and kisses after a show, so make sure you do that
Gonna be honest— movie nights are a must, she loves to be close to you and loves that you love to be close to her
You probably also play-fight all the time, often resulting in one of you hurting yourselves, but not a bad injury
Overall, she would be a really cute and affectionate girlfriend if you were also affectionate with her
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♡~An Shiraishi
Another who would think it's cute and return the favor!
I cannot even describe how much An loves this
You probably pinch each other's cheeks a lot (I know it's cringe, but I just feel like that would happen)
If you're shorter than her, she will wrap her arms around your waist while you cook
If you're taller, she'll put herself in between your arms in front of you while you cook
Same thing for you but vice versa
I can see you being kept up late because you guys can't stop giggling and complimenting each other, and constantly cuddling each other so much one of you almost falls off the bed
You probably sit on each other's laps all the time. I'm sorry but it's true
Idk why, but I can see you two cuddling and writing down lyrics or thoughts for songs and shows
An loves to tease and make you all red, so you should do the same for her
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♡~Akito Shinonome
He…likes it
Akito really likes being able to go home and cuddle with you after a long day, and watching a movie with you
He enjoys being showered in affection from you, because it means he gets to spend meaningful time with you
Ena hears about you nonstop. To the point where she has to forcibly change the subject to get him to stop talking about you
Akito would return your affection through gifts, I think
He would ask Ena what he should get you, or he’ll find something he just knows you would like, and he'll buy it on the spot
When you're cuddling or play-fighting, you might get him to tell you that you’re cute
Kisses. So. Many. Kisses.
For some reason, I see Akito as someone who is easily influenced by his s/o in some ways, so I think when you're being extra affectionate with him, he’ll be extra affectionate with you too
So I can see you sitting in his lap, or with in between his legs, or vise versa
If you're sitting like this, he will kiss the back of your head over and over again
He also would lay with his head in your lap and have you play with his hair (or vice versa, he would play with your hair too)
He will hug you from behind at home
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♡~Shiho Hinomori
Shiho likes to be alone.
Let me specify, she likes to be alone with you.
PDA is a no-go with her, not even holding hands
Shiho really isn’t a person to like any type of affection, yet somehow she was able to fall in love with you, the most affectionate person she knows (even more than Saki!)
Shiho will hug you back and kiss you back, but only if you do it first so she knows what she’s doing
As much as she would hate to say it, she would ask Shizuku for advice on how to…relationship?
She would return your affection by letting you sit as close as possible and practicing her bass for you
She doesn’t really like clinginess, but she will accept pretty much anything from you
Shiho does appreciate your company, though
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♡~Rui Kamishiro
Rui will 100% return it tenfold.
He will carry you around the house, outside, wherever you want to go
You can sit on his lap while he works on new blueprints for robots he’s working on
He’s very sweet to you and lets you be affectionate in anyway you want to to him
Slow dancing. I can see you two slow dancing at home randomly
You also sit in between his legs sometimes
He will let you cling onto him while he tells you about his ideas for shows or concepts for inventions
He probably can’t not cuddle you when you’re being affectionate, and that’s when the seating positions come in
It’s hard for you two to fall asleep because you keep whispering compliments in his ear and he keeps doing the same for you
If you go to the same school you have lunch on the rooftop everyday where you will cuddle together
If you don’t go to the same school then you’ll have to be like Emu and infiltrate
Not to mention kisses
He will kiss you anywhere on your face, the back/top of your head, even ears or neck
He likes to hold you close to him and stroke your head
Idk why but I feel like when you kiss it’s like something out of disney movie
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♡~Ichika Hoshino
Ichika will get flustered very quickly depending on what you’re doing
If you’re flirting, expect her face to get red
If you’re just hugging her a lot, she’ll still get red but she’ll hug you back
Like Shiho, one of the ways she’ll return your affection is by playing her guitar while you’re curled up next to her
Yet another who would stay up late by complimenting you
She practices singing around you, and when she gets nervous practicing she’ll squeeze your hand
She’ll ask you for your ideas for lyrics while you’re clinging onto her
She’s fine with pretty much any way you sit, as long as it’s not on each other
She’ll happily hold hands with you anywhere you go, and maybe even link arms!
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♡~Shizuku Hinomori
She loves it!
You cling onto each other when you’re walking around, and cuddle together 99% of the time you’re at home together
You sit with your arms around each other and either one of you has their head on the other’s shoulder
When you hug her arm while she’s putting her miso soup in her thermos, she probably drops everything and hugs you back
When you go out shopping together you’re linking arms or one of you is clinging to the other’s arm
She’ll also let you sit with your head in her lap while she plays with your hair
She would love it if you sat behind her and styled her hair however you want! And then she’ll tell you how much she loves it and how good of a job you did, even if it doesn’t look good.
want to know the word count?
1,360 words
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enamation · 1 year
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whatever you do, dont think about . . . (final part !)
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dont think about how you stare at ichika in such awe, as her hands strums her guitar, filling the room with music ✰
dont think about going out for ice cream with saki, both of you unable to stifle your laughter when she gets some on her nose ✰
dont think about baking apple pie with honami, the smell making the room 10x cozier, listening to her small giggles at the sound of your stomach growling ✰
dont think about the peaceful silence that occasionally happens when you're with shiho, the sound of her music giving you peace as you finish your homework ✰
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dont think about watching the worlds with miku, grinning as the feelings of people who've completed each other create another song ✧
dont think about dancing with luka, the tune of luka luka ✰ night fever in sync with your dancing and claps. ✧
dont think about len pouting at you angrily as you prance around singing his banana song ✧
dont think about screaming the lyrics to ROKI with rin, headbopping until your head hurts ✧
dont think about hugging meiko, her body warm against yours, rubbing your back up and down in an attempt to calm you ✧
dont think about having to defend kaito with everything you have from the immense teasing of his friends and fans ✧
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and i BETTER not find you daydreaming about how lucky you are to have them ♡ .
→ previous ←
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nogenderbee · 4 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕓𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕤 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕔𝕣𝕒𝕫𝕪 ₊˚ˑ༄
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ not a request
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ I couldn't hold any event for Valentine's this year because of lack of motivation so I just picked my favorites (or the ones I felt like writing atm) out of all groups and wrote different classic prompts for them! Hope it's also a decent celebration!
And happy being in love with someone, your pet or yourself! Whatever suits you haha
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff, TW: mentions of scars and scratching in An part, amnesia and mentions of coma and hospital in Rui's part
Affiliation with @virtualbookstore
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✧ soul mates (scars show on both)
You weren't really the ugliest nor did you lack any charm. So you went through lot of relationships, but every single one had something wrong with them... They either only cared about looks and profits from your relationship, couldn't accept you as you were or you just didn't felt like they were the ones you wanted to spend rest of your life with.
Maybe it was nice to have experience in dating, but it was also disappointing with time... how hard can it be to fine your life partner? Do they even exist?
To forget about your worries, you went to your favorite cafe on Vivid Street, Weekend Garage.
"Hey An... some strong coffee please..."
"Woah! That's not like you at all! Are you alright? Don't tell my you had another break up..."
"Yeah, unfortunely I did... I'm starting to doubt there is person right for me... available at least..."
You added last part on purpose, since you always felt a bit warm around An and it wasn't necessarily thanks to the amazing coffee she could make. She was like your comfort space. We're you falling for her? Maybe. Did it felt like she cared more about her singing partner than you? Yes... And you couldn't blame her. She deserves more than anyone to be happy!
"Have you thought of using the soulmate method? It's enough if you scratch your cheek enough to make it a bit red and it'll show."
"Maybe but... I don't want to hurt my soulmate..."
"You too?! Yeah, I'd already check but I don't want to cause problems for them..."
"Well... would you be willing to do it with me? Just small scratch? I'd feel more confident with friend next to me..."
"You know what? Sure! I'll do it on left cheek and you do it on right. Remember not to overdo it, just a little red space!"
You both brought your nails to cheeks, shutting your eyes and gently scratching your cheeks gently. When you opened them, you saw An staring at you with small shock and both of her cheeks slightly red.
"Are you blushing...?"
"No. I'm actually not... But it may be the case too I guess... because if I am then... you're too..."
You looked at your reflection in the glass and did notice both of your cheeks slightly red. It was her! The girl you found too perfect for you for this whole time, being your soulmate!
You both smiled at each other as if you just as a miracle. It was her who finally broke the silence.
"How about I take a break and we can both calmly catch up? Coffee and cake on me!"
@bleachtheidiot @badwhole @qxmmi - come get your star girl!
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✧ love from first sight
Ichika was just hanging around in the music shop. She was looking through Miku shelve, looking for the newest album that recently dropped.
Though she couldn't find it even tho she looked through whole shop 6 times if not more! So she decided to approach a worker there with hopes of getting the album she came here for.
"Excuse me... I'm guessing you work here... Do you maybe have... uh..."
You turned around once you heard someone calling for you. It was long blue haired girl. She surely didn't lack any charms but you had to swallow the urge to flirt or ask for her number since you were during your work hours.
She couldn't make up any words, stuttering. You thought she's just shy and wanted to encourage her a bit.
"Yes? What may I help you with? I assure you I can definitely at least try finding your album."
She cleared her throat and tried fixing her composure. Sure, she was a bit shy on daily basis but when she saw you? It's like her words stopped at her lips and instead turned into pink hue on her cheeks.
"I-I wanted to know if you maybe have... Miku... albums... album! A... recent album. Miku album. Heh..."
She scolded herself in her thoughts for ruining her chances. She wanted to just grab that album and leave at this point.
"Ah, I think I know which one you mean! You have a good taste I just admit! Follow me, it should be somewhere in the corner area..."
Girl followed you while avoiding eye contact. Once she saw the album she wanted, she hesitantly grabbed it. She couldn't shake off the thought you also liked Miku... That's of course not uncommon but she was charmed by you from the beginning.
"Thank you. You helped me a lot... I'll... head to pay and... hopefully we can meet again!!"
After these words she rushed away. She couldn't believe how emberassed she was in that moment, she even said things that she normally wouldn't. Now afraid to come back because she might make things even more awkward, but on the other hand, she also wanted to see you again... And you did! You just didn't knew you both fell for each other at the same time and couldn't admit to it because of different obstacles.
@bleachtheidiot @prsk-krow - come get your Miku lover!
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✧ enemies to lovers
You and Ena were in the same art class and you were enemies almost everywhere when art came in the way. In classes you were always asking teacher who's drawing is better or which had less flaws. In media you were comparing your followers and likes count just to rub it into other ones face.
Though soon enough your competition changed into... wanting to impress another. You both felt the same but none of you knew about it. Too proud to admit it, you covered your desire to impress another with simply being a bit mean.
"Ha! Would you look at that! Your drawing is so much worse than mine!"
"Oh shut up!! At least I didn't made grass yellow like you did!"
"It's shade of green! Not yellow! It's you making composition mistake 3 times in a row!"
"And you messed up the lightning 4 times in a row!"
"And you have pretty face and I'm not mentioning it somehow!!"
"And you-!! Wait what..."
Both of you stopped in your tracks. Suddenly the childish fight was replaced by silence. She wanted to say something but her thoughts were filled with you complimenting her.
"Um... last photo you posted... it was... pretty..."
"(Last photo I posted...? Do they mean my selfie with night town in background?!)"
Brown haired girl blushed gently as she argued with herself what to tell. You weren't in the public eye so maybe it was alright to say something opposite to insulting for once?
"Well I... found a nice cafe I wanted to go but I didn't wanted to go alone..."
She put a strand of her hair behind her ear as she looked away. Now small blush appearing on your face as well... she've never spoken so softly to you before!
"And... what if we went there together?"
You looked up awkwardly, looking her in the eyes with small hope. It was rather awkward talk of yours since you're usually competing against each other and now you're both trying to ask another on a date without saying it out loud.
"Sure. I guess it's alright since... I can check it right away instead of waiting for others..."
@bleachtheidiot @qxmmi @modyuki - come get your cheesecake lover~
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✧ forbidden love
Shizuku was an idol and a model, and you were her manager. You had to look as friends because rumors would spread in blink of an eye and you'd loose your job, while she'd have to deal with not only new manager but also all the messages from her fans.
But both of you weren't friends, in fact you were dating for 3 months now and none of you felt even slightly bit like it's not working out!
"Y/N!! What are you doing here standing with head in clouds?"
You felt someone hugging you from behind and could only chuckle as you knew well who it has to be.
"Hey Shizuku. Are you done with your practice now?"
"Mhm! I thought we might visit a cafe nearby?"
"Well... are you sure? We both know we often tend to be affectionate and forget about other people... we can't just show off like that even if we'd want to..."
"Ah right... we could ask for to go cakes from there then and I'll make us drinks!"
"Hehe~ Sounds good to me. We can go to my place then and I can get blankets ready while you make drinks."
"Sounds perfect~!"
She immidietly hugged you tighter and kissed your cheek. It was obvious she was excited to start your little date, but so were you!
You exchanged one last kiss before you left without even letting your pinkies touch. You wanted to seem like just 2 friends on a hangout and ordering some sweets for movie night! Nothing out of the ordinary!
Your relationship wasn't even supposed to exist and it unfortunely was an obvious fact. But you didn't wanted to listen to any of it and made it real either way! You just kept it a secret from everyone outside of MMJ~
@bleachtheidiot @qwnelisa @miya-akane - come get your beautiful model~
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✧ amnesia
Rui was an inventor not only for WxS but also for his own benefits. He didn't care much how dangerous the robots in his room are as long as he gets to have a bit of fun while making them and showing them off when they're finished!
Though one day... he let you come a bit too close to one of his robots... and now there he was. Coming to your hospital bed every day with one flower, now forking bouquet on your desk.
Today he came with no other intentions, to see his loved one asleep and tell them about the show he did at Phoenix Wonderland this afternoon.
"Hey love... I know I'm late but I just-"
He stopped in his tracks upon seeing you sitting up and your eyes open, accompanied with curious look. He immidietly ran up to you, taking your hand in his as he started to tear up a bit.
"You're awake! Oh I have so much to tell you... there's so much to catch up and-"
"Who are you?"
After these words his smile was wiped away. Did you forgot him? Doctors had told him you have small amnesia and don't remember few recent years of your live but... do you not remember him at all?
But your voice was gentle... you even brought a hand to wipe his tears away. He saw it as act of your kind personality but you... you found him so pretty you couldn't help yourself but admire him a bit. You had no idea who he was but you just felt so safe with him around...
"You're so pretty..."
He looked up at you, regaining small smark of hope. Your words gave him just the push he needed to realize that even if you forgot him, he'll do his best to make new pretty memories with you.
"And so are you, my dear... Will you let me take you to nice cafe after they let you out? I know for one you really like cookies there..."
You nodded your head, not even knowing why. He just felt so safe and familiar, you wanted to be next to him.
@bleachtheidiot @yulikesminori @toyaswif3y @bl4cktourmaline - come get your crazy inventor!
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lovely-showtimes · 6 months
HIHI, could I request a reader who’s a vocaloid producer (like deco*27/Mitchie M) with Ichika, Kanade, Minori and/or Akito???
Hope its not too much TY <3
producer. ♡
characters - ichika, minori, akito, kanade.
type - hcs.
a/n - wow sorry i took so long to get to this !! i thought this req was such a neat concept when i first received it and i'm honestly shocked it's taken this long to get around to it honestly ... also, im fairly sure a couple of these charas have been in events related to learning how to tune vocaloids, so if anything in here contradicts those events please forgive me i have not read them </3 enjoy
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Obviously, Ichika has always admired Vocaloid songs
She's wanted to try it for herself for as long as she can remember, but seeing how expensive the software is, she can't
Until she met you, of course
Learning you were a Vocaloid producer and that you shared her passion for music probably made her love you more than she already did
She will gladly listen attentively as you explain how it works to her, even if she's heard it before from certain videos
She wants to hear you explain it, after all
Seeing the process of making these kinds of songs that she's loved for years is so exciting for Ichika
When you temporarily leave the room to grab something, you come back to see her tentatively making Miku sing a few notes
"...Ah! I-I'm so sorry for touching your things without your permission!" "No no, it's alright. I'd like to see what you make." "If it's really alright, then..."
You two will eventually make a song together, and it will sound amazing, trust me <3
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Minori enjoys quietly watching you work away at the laptop
It's a bit of a toss-up, sometimes she'll be utterly silent and sometimes she'll ask you a billion questions at once
Every single time after you finish making a song, Minori's already crafted choreography for it in her mind and eagerly performs it for you
So if you're the type of producer to use animation/dancing in your mvs, you have a wonderful choreographer to help you plan it out!
Minori always tries to get the rest of MMJ! to cover your songs with her after you release them
Even if they don't want to, she'll probably post solo covers anyway
You'll also catch her humming your songs when she's distracted by something
If you tell her about it, she proudly tells you it's just because your songs are so amazing, they always get stuck in her head!
Minori loves her talented partner so much, after all!
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Akito didn't know much about Vocaloid songs before he met you, really
Yeah, he's listened to a few songs once or twice. Yeah, he covers them constantly. Yeah, he knows Hatsune Miku personally, but that doesn't mean anything
Suffice to say, he learns a lot from you
He's asked if he can watch you make music before, which you didn't really mind
You thought it was boring to him, though - all you really do is sit there quietly as you work, occasionally humming or singing the melody you're trying to create
Until one day, Akito suddenly comments on the creation process as if he's used the software multiple times before
It definitely shocked you, but you're happy to know he does pay attention
If the music you make is his style, he'll probably cover it himself or with VBS too
Although, when they find out he only wants to cover your songs because they're your songs, he gets relentlessly teased about it...
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Kanade is already used to making songs digitally, plus she's used the Vocaloid software before
The two of you end up making songs together a lot
You've probably collaborated with 25ji multiple times, plus Kanade and you often like making songs on your own
Aside from that, you two can often give each other help or criticism when you work
"Hey, Kanade. What do you think of this song so far?" "It flows very well, and your tuning of Rin sounds very unique and refreshing. However, maybe you could tweak this part..."
Although, while Kanade knows how to use Vocaloid, she usually focuses on melodies more than the voice software
So she's learned a lot by being with you
And likewise, you've learned a lot about composing from her
You're each other's biggest fans, really
Your songs are very comforting to Kanade. She'll find herself humming them on instinct when she's stressing herself out from composing
If your songs are on the gentler side, she'll probably put them on when she's trying to sleep
(Usually she doesn't try to sleep though, she just ends up falling asleep on accident...)
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catelismo · 5 months
what a smooth operator! ft. leo/need.
leo/need with a reader that uses cheesy pick up lines!
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© CATELISMO ✶ any actions of plagiarism, distribution and tracing any of my works is strictly prohibited.
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minimallyminnie · 1 year
I can just imagine how everyone hugs you in Project Sekai;
Ichika would probably hug you and let you go when you want to. If you don’t let go then she’ll try to move somewhere to sit so both of you can be comfortable. If you just want some comfort, she’s happy to just listen to your thoughts
As someone who grew up with hugging everyone, Saki would love to give full on hugs for you. She’s a very tight hugger so beware! She would probably just let you cry on her shoulder if you were upset, she would tell you stories to distract yourself and afterwards, eat ice cream and talk about it
Honami didn’t get hugs a lot in middle school but I imagine she would love them from her close friends! Not full on ones like Saki does but just side by side, one arm types. She would sit by your side and wrap her arm around you (not if you don’t want one of course!) If you’re upset about something, she’d just hold you and assure you of anything
Even though she looks like the type to not enjoy hugs, she does just not as much as Saki does. Shiho would be the side hugger like Honami but pretty looser. If you have a bad day, I love to imagine that inside of the usual side hug, she hugs you with both of her arms wrapped around you. She stays silent if you tell her but she’ll assure you afterwards when you’re done talking
More More Jump!
Checkmate, checkmate! Minori would hug you in all ways! Bear hug, flying hug, she would even try to lift you up! (Until she runs out of adrenaline and you fall on her, don’t blame her, she’s still happy) She would always ask first of course if you’re the type to not be into hugs but sometimes she dives straight first! If you’re sad, she’ll be calm but would be panicking on the inside she doesn’t want to see you cry! She’ll hug you and lay your head on her chest so she can assure you of anything you need
Haruka would panic trying to find what hug you like but she doesn’t mind receiving them. She always always ask for permission even if you’re the hugger type. If you’re upset, she’d guide you to a comfortable place to sit and just let you lay your head on her shoulder. She’d hold your hand if you wanted to and would hold you close.
Airi is the type to love hugs but act absolutely repulsed by them. She likes real bear hugs and could probably kill you with how tight she hugs. When you’re sad though, she’s gentle and calm. She would tell you funny stories about how Minori fell on her face or how Shizuku got kicked out of an Internet cafe to cheer you up
Shizuku would hug you randomly. Airhead would just be standing next to Minori and next hugging you. She gives hugs whenever she wants and doesn’t mind her friends giving hugs either. She’ll let you hug her however you want if you’re upset and would emphasize with you
Vivid Bad Squad
Kohane is a bit picky about her hugs, sometimes she doesn’t mind, or sometimes she doesn’t want one and you’re completely fine with that! She would initiate if she wanted one but of course ask your permission! (Consent is key to her!!!) If you’re upset, she’d hold you and let you cry however long you need
An is a hugger. It’s so so canon! She tackles about every one of her friends to the point where they fell at least twice before. She runs up to you and lifts you up in the air before putting you down and laughing at your startled expression. She would hold you very tightly if you’re under the weather and doesn’t mind how tight you hold her as long as you feel better
Even if he’s not into hugs, Toya doesn’t mind getting them. He never gets them from his family but he always gets them from his close friends and his psu-siblings. His touch starved ass wouldn’t know different types of hugs but he knows some (give him some credit) so if you’re upset, he would just ask your permission and hug you. He’d let you lay your head on his chest and just cry. He won’t say anything but he will try his best to comfort you
Akito doesn’t exactly stray away from hugs but he’s not used to receiving them from anyone but his close friends. He doesn’t care if you hug him as long as you don’t overdo it. If he does initiate a hug, you’ll find out exactly how strong he is when he decides to hug you from behind and almost crack your ribs. To comfort you when you’re upset, he just hugs you and be blunt with whatever you’re upset about. He’ll tell you upright about anything. (He won’t be cruel of course!)
Wonderlands x Showtime
Get ready for a hug fest! Tsukasa loves loves loves hugs! Well, he initiates all the time but if you give him one he’s going to be startled. He doesn’t receive hugs as much as everyone else so he’ll just reciprocate your hug just as much! He comforts you if you’re upset by letting your arms wrap around his neck and cry. He holds you wherever you’re sitting like a baby panda and would assure you of anything wrong
Emu adores your hugs, Nene’s hugs, Tsukasa’s hugs, Rui’s hugs, everyone’s hugs! She hates it when you try to hug her tighter then she does though, she’s the tighter hugger! (This does not fare well when both of you end up breaking your ribs.) She’ll hold you tight but gentle if you’re sad and would tell you stories to cheer you up
Similar to Kohane, Nenes on the fence about hugging. See she likes hugs but she’ll be uncomfortable if you don’t ask permission. If she hugs first, it’ll be a side hug. She’ll let you cry if you’re upset and would lend you half of her headphones so you can listen to some instrumentals with her as you calm down
Rui doesn’t mind if you don’t hug him but he does like hugs. He’ll surprise the people he hugs first and then startle them again from the back or the side. He never got any hugs when he was in middle school but after joining WXS, he wasn’t going to stop just yet to show smiles on faces. To make you smile, he’ll hug you and gently rubs your shoulders to comfort you. Although if there’s something incorrect or wrong in your words he will be straightforward about his reasonings
Nightcord at 25:00
Get ready for touch starved people, Kanade who’s hugs have withered since her father’s coma just doesn’t know how to hug people. So when you hug her gently, she just melts in your embrace. (And of tears escape her eyes, you don’t mention it at all.) She would lay down beside you and hug you, assuring you that she won’t leave you when you’re sad
She doesn’t truly understand what a hug does but Mafuyu prefers to receive them because at least she’ll be able to copy them. Even if she doesn’t give many embraces, when she does try, your arms are around her waist and you’re happily leaning your head on her shoulder. When you’re upset, she’ll stay silent and let you hug her however you want. She’ll speak bluntly about what you should do but in the case of it, she’s less sharp tongued
Just like her brother, Ena doesn’t get hugs often because of their father but instead of having friends that hug a lot, she has friends who don’t know what a warm hug feels like. If anything, she hugs you with her arms around your back and your arms around her waist and she’s pretty happy. If you need some comfort, she’ll just hug you as usual but one of her hands is combing through your hair as she softly hums a song you like
You’d think they would get hugs but they indeed haven’t since a long time. Besides the short embraces between their group and maybe some of their other closer friends, Mizuki doesn’t get hugs often. But when they do, they just melt in your hugs and just has a hard time letting go. They want to keep the warm feeling inside their heart. Feeling upset? They’ll let you wrap your hands around their waist and cry your head on their lap. They’ll brush through your hair and assure you of anything. Maybe even hum an instrumental if you want them to
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This can be read as platonic or romantic but for fast tagging I put romantic but take it however you would like!
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kuroenanan · 5 months
I find the airheaded request very cute and funny at the same time! Can you do it again, but with all of Leo/Need? Thanks!
“what an airhead!”
a/n: first leoni req!! i love them a lot actually. enjoy!
them with an airheaded s/o. featuring ichika hoshino, saki tenma, honami mochizuki, and shiho hinomori.
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# ichika.
she is always worried for you. always. whenever you’re around, ichika literally cannot take her eyes off of you in fear that you’ll wander off and get lost. of course, she never gets upset with you for this, she finds it rather cute.
if you struggle with technology, ichika is always happy to help! “ichika, i tried to click a certain link but it took me somewhere else. can you help me?” “ah, sure. here, hand it to me.” of course, there’s always the scare of you accidentally downloading a virus onto your phone.
if you get lost easily or tend to wander off, ichika either resorts to holding your hand, or installing a GPS device to your phone. ichika loves you, very much, she’s just constantly concerned about you and your airheadedness.
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# saki.
saki thinks you are the cutest thing ever! that little head tilt you do whenever you’re confused, or the way you smile at her when she helps you fix your phone, she loves your airheadedness!
she is always happy to help you if you’re having trouble with your phone. “saki?” “hm?” “my phone won’t turn on. can you help?” “of course! give it here.” and then she proceeds to tell you that it just needs to be charged, and you can borrow her portable one if you wanted!
if you enjoy going on walks and have a bad sense of direction, saki is always a text message away for help! she’ll walk with you wherever you wanted to go, or just around town. sometimes, even she doesn’t notice whenever you wander. “ah, saki, look over there.” as you begin to walk away, “wha- [name], don’t wander off!” she calls, running after you.
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# honami.
the caring girl she is, honami is always one step ahead when it comes to you. she’ll gently steer you away from a pole you’re about to walk into, or hold your hand if you’re walking together in a big crowd.
“honami?” you call, “yes, [name]?” the drummer replies. “i can’t seem to find my phone… have you seen it?” “ah… i think it’s in your pocket.” “oh, right.” she laughs gently. honami can’t help but find your airheadedness endearing.
you don’t need to worry about getting lost, honami’s always with you! wether you’re walking to school, to the store, or just walking around, she’s happy to join you. on certain occasions where she can’t be with you, though, she has faith that you’ll be able to manage!
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# shiho.
whew, shiho really has her work cut out for her. if someone asked shiho to describe you in simple words, she would respond with: “complete and total airhead” — but she’s never actually annoyed. whenever you come to her and say you’ve lost something, and she points out that you’re holding said thing, she’ll laugh softly and say “you’re such an idiot.” with all of the love in her heart.
much like her older sister, shiho doesn’t mind helping you with technology. if you need to look something up, tell her what it is and she’ll search it for you. though, you’re out of luck if you accidentally download a virus.
there’s been many times where she’s had to leave band practice early to find you. “shiho? where are you going?” asks ichika, “[name] got lost again.” is all she replies with before leaving to get you. when she finds you, she’ll hold onto your wrist and sigh. “i seriously need to install a tracking device onto your phone.” and smiles like a lovesick idiot. she adores you.
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hrmitena · 11 months
I love your writing sm! Can i please leo/need where their s/o accidentally falling asleep in their room while they were hanging out?
; dreaming of you.
a/n ; thank you so much!! i hope you enjoy <3. (p.s the honami bit may be a little self indulgent… apologies)
when their s/o accidentally falls asleep ; ichika, saki, honami, and shiho.
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# ichika.
you two were having a sleepover, it became a thing between you both. ichika was watering her cactus while you were laying on her bed, when she put the water sprayer down; “[name], i’m gonna go get a snack, do you want anything?” you look at her, smiling. “no thank you.”
she’s gone and back again within a few minutes, entering her room with a tray of snacks and a smile plastered on her face. “i brought more than i anticipated, but more for us— ..oh.” she’s cut off by the sight of your sleeping figure, placing the tray on her desk, she giggles softly and makes her way over to you.
she calmly moves your body under the covers, careful to not wake you. she then enters the bed herself, holding you close and kissing your forehead; “good night, [name]. sleep well.”
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# saki.
you were in saki’s room, eating a random snack you got from the kitchen while she wrote down ideas for a new song to perform with leo/need. she turned to you, showing you the paper. “[name], read this! and give your honest, honest answer!”
you took the paper from her, and blinked a few times before realizing you were awake enough to read what she had written. you handed the paper back to her after a minute, smiling. “sounds good, though you should probably send it to shiho and the others for confirmation.” she smirked proudly, setting the paper down and standing up; “i’m gonna go get a water, i’ll be back!” and she was off. her bed was so comfortable… maybe resting your eyes until she returned wasn’t such a bad idea…
until the time she returned. “i’m back! i didn’t know if you were thirsty or not so i brought you your own drink to save you the troubl— ah…” her bright smile turned into a soft one, giggling softly at the sight of you sleeping. “you could’ve just said you were tired, silly.” she says to herself. covering you with her bedsheets and kissing the top of your head, she sat back down at her table, continuing her writing.
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# honami.
honami was over at your house, finishing cleaning the area of your room covered with clothes — it wasn’t the best of days for you, you felt..sad. and you called the one and only person you knew who would make you feel better. “you didn’t have to clean for me, honami. i’m not one of your clients.” she turned to you, kissing your cheek while grinning softly; “don’t worry about it, dear. i’m gonna prepare a meal for you — how does that sound?” “that’d be great, thank you.” was your reply, and her soft smile before she left was a good enough “you’re welcome”.
you found yourself becoming a bit sleepy while waiting, you hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before… so, maybe a small nap before she finished would be good. you didn’t bother covering yourself with the blankets, far too hot on a summer day to be under a bunch of sheets.
upon her return, honami opened the door as gently as ever. “i’m back, and i made your favourite— oh.” she noticed your figure, sleeping… in a certainly awkward position. you were half on, half off the bed, sheets blankets and even pillows slipping from the mattress as you moved around. she giggles to herself, setting the tray down before moving to fix your bed and your position. she then sat beside you, hand in yours; “sleep well, you deserve it.”
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# shiho.
you had gone to her house to hang out, which she didn’t deny from happening. shiho was tuning her bass while you laid sprawled on her bed, shifting positions ever so often. “shihoo… you pay attention to that bass more than your own partner!” you whined, “well, maybe i like it better.” she joked, and you could feel the divorce papers materializing in your hands.
“don’t be sad when i divorce you because of your love for that bass.” you replied, teasing her. the mix of laughter coming from her and you faded as she heard the sound of a door unlocking; “that must be shizuku. i’ll be back.” she set her bass down and exited her room, leaving you alone with said object that you accuse your girlfriend of loving more than you.
when she returned, she held a bag of food in her hand; “she said she bought food for us on the way home, that’s… hm..?” her voice faded as she noticed you asleep, smiling gently. placing the food down, she entered her bed—pulling you close. “you’re cute…sleep well.”
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4-leaf-cloverr · 5 months
omg :) anon has to get in requests box quick cause you’re like really cool and popular now
ok can I get something for Poly Leo/Need with a quiet S/O where all of Leoni have a sleepover in sekai? I feel like it would be cute having them all bundled up together with a load of fluffy blankets and cushions covering the floor, cuddling and watching movies together :)) You can include the Vocaloids too if you’d like! Sleepover with Girlfriends and technically robot besties lol
Thank youuu!!! :))
-:) anon!
:) anon I have no idea what you're talking about I am not popular compared to all of the other big writing blogs that inspired me to make this 😭 hope you like this tho!!
☆.×*tags : @hearts4saki*×.☆
Sleep over with l/n!!
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"Alrighty! Everyone is in the Sekai now, right? Now commences the first Leo/Need Sekai sleepover!!" Saki rolls her sleeping bag out, grinning widely. "I brought all these other blankets and pillows too!"
"I brought some plushies. I thought that they would be cute, and they would enjoy the sleepover too." Shiho smiles bashfully, dumping out all the plushies she had.
"Woah, Shii, that's a lot of plushes, but they're really cute," Ichika says.
"I brought CD's for movies, and I brought some pastries I made," Honami adds.
"I brought some chips, I guess. Not much compared to you guys." You admit.
"Don't worry y/n, you brought yourself, and that's good enough!" Saki embraces you. "Lets start the movie!!"
So you were cuddled up with all your girlfriends, watching Ratatouille.
"Isn't Remy cute???" Honami remarks, "He believes that he can be a chef and he sticks to his goals, even if people look down on him."
"Honami, please don't do a character analysis on a rat." Ichika laughs.
And as the different movies play, the five of you all slowly drift off to sleep, warm in each other's arms.
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nian-7 · 9 months
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Various x gn!reader
✧random headcanons w/ some of my favs (cause its my birthday.)
✧fluff, mild language & mention of alcohol
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Rei (Layer) Wakana is such a sweetheart and is so easily embarrassed when it comes to romance. It's endearing just to see her blush when you offer her your hand or a flower.
Ran Mitake can't handle any of the playful teasing. Her face erupts with blush when you do playfully tease her and she's not sure how to act when you give her a kiss on her bright red cheeks.
Shuhei Hisagi has no clue how to react sometimes when you make those teasing comments towards him. They make his brain spiral and he can't help but get all red in the face. He doesn't realize that it's the reason why you do it in the first place.
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez has no clue what the meaning of your affection towards him is. It genuinely confuses him that he has this odd warm feeling inside of him whenever you jump and give him a hug or kiss whatever you might be able to reach. He's not sure if he likes the feeling or not.
Meguru Bachira always makes days fun when you're around. He can't help but just let loose around you and simply have fun! Doesn't matter what the two of you do, as long as you're both doing something together.
Yakumo Murai always gives you that goofy grin of his when he's about to ask you for something. Whether that be beer or just to come sit by him, you'll never know. It's a coin toss but he always makes sure it's worth your while by giving you a kiss afterwards.
Michizou Tachihara loves to come home after a stressful day and just falling into your arms. It calms him down and that's all he'd rather do. Being in your arms is the best place he could be.
Tecchou Suehiro is so sweet and even when you know his food combos are weird, he likes it when you try them sometimes. Even if they are the... less.. weird ones. He still appreciates that you don't just look at him weirdly when he eats them.
Kazuha Kaedehara is so gentle and caring with you. He's always there to be a gentleman to you. Taking your hand in his to kiss the top of it, saying loving words to you, or even just simply walking along side you.
Xiao, even when he says he doesn't want to be around mortals, he can't help but be drawn to you. He'll always check in on you whenever possible, just to make sure you're safe. Since you are a mortal after all, that's all there is to it, right?
Cyno, god, he loves it when you laugh along with him at something stupid. It doesn't even have to be at one of his jokes, he just likes that you have a sense of humor that he can work with when he does make jokes.
Mona can't help but feel all warm and fuzzy inside when you care for her. She gets embarrassed and denies it but, she loves it when you buy her something more than a salad to eat to make sure she's eating enough or when you give her affection without her having to ask for it.
Jing Yuan gets a lazy smile when he sees you walk into his office. His day just gets better when he sees you and although he may not get as much work as Fu Xuan would like him to when you're around, he doesn't particularly mind putting it off till later.
Ichika Hoshino enjoys watching the stars with you. Going to a hill where you can see stars clearly is her favorite kind of night you both could be having. It's so peaceful and she gets to spend it with her favorite person.
Akito Shinonome rolls his eyes at romance till you came along. Something about you just struck his heart and now he can't keep you out of it. He hates that he can't but he comes to terms with it little by little every time he sees you.
An Shiraishi loves to go to karaoke with you. Whether it's just you or with the rest of VBS, she loves it so much. It's always a blast and you both end up smiling when you do leave the place.
Chifuyu Matsuno can't help but think about how you might react if he were to try those cliche shoujo manga things on you. He knows it'd be embarrassing and so he never truly attempts it. Sometimes he really thinks about it though and backs out at the last moment.
Shinichiro Sano likes it when you help him. Doesn't matter how or how much you're doing or not doing, he appreciates when you help and he can't help but feel happy inside that you're showing interest in helping.
Tsuchigomori likes his alone time. Especially when it's with you. When he gets to sit and read a good book with you beside him, it's where he's most content.
Gen Narumi is the most clingy man you'll ever know. You can't seem to keep him away from you and you're not sure if you should be flattered or not that he's chosen you.
Nazuna Nanakusa can't even talk about love! She kisses you and then immediately gets red. It's those bursts of confidence that she has then they go away right after she tries to use that confidence to make a 'romantic move' on you.
Alma is such a sweetheart. He's so wholesome that you can't ever say no to him with his adorable face. Yes, he can handle himself in a fight when needed but he's just so adorable when he's having fun!
Uda is like your housewife. But he's not. He's a great lover and honestly you can't ask for more from him. Such a caring guy and he always takes care of you, even if you're sick! <3
Masato Kageura hasn't really done any sort of 'love' related thing. Yeah, he loves his family but that's different. He's not even sure how to express his love for you other than rough and random words that he feels like saying in the moment.
Reiji Amamiya... The guy is an annoying bastard to say the least. He'll tease the life out of you all while still somehow assuring you inside that he does in fact love you a lot.
Yuen is such a hard guy to get along with it yet, you and Mei-Mei do it easily. He cares about the both of you, no matter if you are a human or alien. You are precious to him and nobody can tell him otherwise.
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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pjsk-writin · 11 months
can i request Mizuki, Ichika, Akito and Shizuku with an s/o who have piercings please?
anyway love you and take care of yourself <3
yaya ofc !! love ya guys/p, take care of yourself too and i hope u like this!!
♡ PIERCINGS - Mizuki Akiyama, Ichika Hoshino, Akito Shinonome and Shizuku Hinomori x Reader
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Mizuki absolutely LOVES piercings, they think they're so cute and fashionable!
They know a lot about different piercings and how to treat them, mostly due to their friends/their own want for piercings. They definitely share this knowledge with you!
If your ears are pierced, they think it's the cutest thing! Whether you switch between pairs or not, they always insist on you having at least one from their collection <3
They also think a tongue or nose piercing is cute if you have them! You'll definitely catch them staring from time to time...
They take you shopping for your piercings all the time! It might feel like they're shopping for themself instead of you
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Ichika doesn't really think much about piercings, but she'll always find yours cool!
She doesn't know much about taking care of piercings, you've caught her looking up how to on multiple occasions. She just wants to make sure it's not infected!
She definitely wouldn't mind getting her ears pierced if you had yours pierced, she would really love earrings that match with you and/or the rest of Leo/Need <3
She would find a tongue or nose piercing on you a super cool look, but she's scared that it would hurt
She's always asking questions about your piercings, simply wanting to know more about this fun part of yourself!
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Seeing as Akito already has earrings, he finds that your piercings are pretty neat!
No matter what kind of piercings you have, he's making sure you keep them clean. He speaks from experience when he says an infected piercing is not good
If your ears are pierced, you can expect him to play with them from time to time, especially if you have dangling earrings <3 He doesn't notice most of the time though
If you have a nose or tongue piercing, he likes to poke it. He's just compelled to mess with your piercings for whatever reason
The two of you would definitely like to compare piercings though, he's thinking about getting more with you!
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Shizuku is really only used to traditional earrings, but she finds your piercings cute!
She usually makes sure to take care of her favorite pairs of earrings, and checks up on you to ensure that you do the same with whatever piercing you have!
She's definitely willing to let you borrow her earrings if your ears are pierced, and she'd be stoked to buy matching earrings with you! She wears them with pride <3
If you have a nose or tongue piercing, she always asks how it felt. She might be compelled to get a tongue piercing...Maybe
Either way, she's definitely going out with you to buy new earrings and anything else you need for other piercings!
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d0enti · 11 days
Hiii this is my first time requesting on your page and I absolutely LOVE your work! ❤️
Can I request a yandere alphabet a,d,j,t with An Shiraishi and Ichika Hoshino from prosekai? No rush take your time :D
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PJSEKAI—"Mindset is everything"
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➵Summary:IchiAn with the Yandere Alphabet A,D,J,T
➵Warning:mention of murder
➵A/N:I'm glad you love my work,and honestly you request caused me to panic because I didn't have a Yandere alphabet but I found one (link) and I hope you like it, and you too dear reader enjoy~!
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⎯ 〈An〉
An shows it quite normally I say, cuddling and kisses and all that you wouldn't even think she's a yandere, An loves you a lot and whenever she wants affection from you she gets it mean who wouldn't want to give affection to someone like her? Full of passion and still going through the loss of Nagi-san, she just needs your love
Not really, An wouldn't go as extreme, as she doesn't want you to know after all, I don't think she would even abduct you unless you find out, and that pretty much won't happen because she's careful about what she does, she's not that stupid while getting rid of her rivals
Of course she gets jealous, who does this person think they are?! An wouldn't lash on you that's for sure, it's her reputation as normal girlfriend on the plate but she will still kill that person in an alleyway when nobody is looking, An would probably find a way to cope by saying you didn't want to talk to them and she's doing the right thing
An feels heartbroken, she understands you that's how she felt when Nagi-san died, she would comfort you as much as she can and if possible kill the person who made you cry, the same goes for screaming but she's more aggressive while killing the person as if she's letting out you anger, now if you isolated yourself she would try to get you out with stuff like watch her perform or go on a date to her father cafe
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⎯ 〈Ichika〉
Quite similar to An, Ichika likes affection but shows it a normal amount so you won't know she's a yandere, I mean think about it a girl that has a band with her childhood friends it's cute isn't it? And it's especially cute if you can cuddle to her while she plays the guitar, and even better it doesn't seem intense!
Just like An nothing big really, actually now that I think about it, it is big if you realize that a few of you friends just hate you out of nowhere why? Is it because you spend more time with Ichika or she just told them to back off or else something bad happens, it's not like you believe them Ichika is a sweet girl
Occasionally she does get jealous, though not because of Leo/need she knows they won't steal you from her, I mean everyone knows the best friend code don't they? About dating your best friend ex or flirting with your best friend lover, now let's say someone flirting with you even though you told them to back off, well just a missing person not important they definitely not tied to a tree god knows where
Ichika also feels down together with you, she even tries to cheer you up playing you favourite song or singing it to you, and it the stars are going to show that night she takes you stargazing, but now if she finds out who is it they will either get their reputation destroyed until they commit suicide or just get killed by her, she will definitely murder them if you angry because of them, now if you try to isolate yourself she will join you cuddling you and singing to you to help you get better
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bl4cktourmaline · 5 months
Can I please request Ichika with a s/o that's really stressed because of exams and keeps telling Ichika they're okay but they're not and Ichika is really worried about their health? Thanks!
..・ヾ(。><) — hoshino ichika
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✿ — ♬ ⌨️ᶻᶻᶻ : yue is typing... ✉!
✿ — ↻ SYNOPSIS : How does Ichika handle with a s/o who is stressed from their upcoming exams?
✿ — ♯ GENRE : fluff
✿ — ↠ NOTE : yahoo~! I didn't know how to write this one for a long time so I hope it's still come okayish for you, anopyon><
✿ — ♪ REMINDER : reblogs & likes are appreciated, in doing so will motivate us to continue delivering stories to you, thank you for all of your supports ~ !
✿ — ♭ ⁿᵒʷ ᶜᵃˡˡⁱⁿᵍ... : @msith
✿ — ► ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : hoshino ichika with a stressed s/o...
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𝅘𝅥𝅮 Ichika would notice a sudden change in your behaviors almost immediately, she tends to pester you about whether if you are actually keeping your health in check or not...
𝅘𝅥𝅮 She get so worried when she saw the dark circles under your eyes so she started texting you to remind you that you need to rest and eat because she get so restless and worried sick about you when she isn't there to help.
𝅘𝅥𝅮 On days when she can be there are days where she helped you with your studies by quizzing you, helping you to memorize stuffs and revision notes so you would have an easier time to study.
𝅘𝅥𝅮 She always tried to lifted up the burden you put on yourself, she know that she can't stop you from studying completely since it's not a bad thing but she still want to help you to get the heavy weight off your shoulders about your exams...
"(name)-san, it's time for a short break" Ichika said with a kind smile as she open your bedroom door while holding a tray of sweetie and tea.
"Ah, it's that time already?" You glance over your shoulder towards her, putting the pencil down on the book with its pages wide open.
"I got you a few slices of macha cheesecake from a bakery on my way here" She said calmly, placing the cake box and tea set onto the chabudai table in the middle of the room.
You snapped at the mention of the dessert "YOU GOT SOME CAKE??"
She couldn't help but laugh at the look of your face "Yes, do you want to eat it now?"
"Yeah, I do!!" You exclaimed, excitedly hop off your chair and completely forget your studies now as you quickly went to sit down on one of the curtains that laying next to the table.
Ichika place a slice onto a small plate before giving it to you to which you immediately take a bite of the sweetness that you couldn't help but melted as you let out a delight noise "It's so good!"
A wide smile is plastered on your face, turning to meet her blue eyes to which took her by surprise "Ichika, thank you"
There were some creams around the corner of your mouth...
She couldn't hide the pink hues spreading her cheeks at the adorable image and your intense stare on her "Y-You're welcome..."
...she is always there for you no matter what and you adore her for that reason.
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nogenderbee · 6 months
i love your works and writing sm!! aahhh >o< may i request for kanade, nene and ichika singing the song "Therefore you and me" with their s/o who is a guitarist? tyyy!!
Awwwh thank you! And of course you can! Also I hope you don't mind one-shot, I just thought it'll be more interesting like that ^^ I honestly still have no idea if I got the right song but hopefully I did and it turned out alright!
Also so sorry if it turned out a bit too short-
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♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕞𝕖 ₊˚ˑ༄
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Ichika, Nene, Kanade singing "Therefore you and me" with guitarist!reader
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @bleachtheidiot @prsk-krow @bl4cktourmaline @hearts4gf @modyuki @hakulivesformusic
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You and Ichika were having your classic practice date when both of you just played ransoms songs which happen to be mostly Miku songs on guitars and sometimes even singing them!
You decided to surprise your girlfriend by randomly playing one of the songs that always caught your heart, "Therefore You and Me", also known as "Yueni Yuu en Mi". At first she looked at you in slight confusion but soon recognizes the song and grabs her own guitar swiftly joining your play. As for singing, she let you finish first verse with admirable smile and joined you in the chorus.
As for second verse, it was you who let her take the main part as you sang side lines.
"hitori no ohashi ♪~~"
"sun tarazu de ♪~"
"hitori no kutsu ♪~~"
"chikara busoku de ♪~"
It's easy to say both of you had lots of fun doing so! And surprisingly, you didn't even talked about who sing what part in song and yet you were guessing extremely well! As if you had plenty of practice when it was just random song you thought of in the moment.
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You managed to convince Nene to do a mini concert with you! You know she's not the most confident when it comes to private concerts like that, and it's rare to even catch her humming when she knows there's someone else around. But since she asked you to help her with confidence a bit... that's actually a great practice!
The moment you two were together, you grabbed your guitar and notes.
"Ready Nene?"
"Y-Yeah... I think so..!"
And that was the moment when you began to play! It was a while untill she began to sing along. In fact, it was a bit awkward at first but soon she got comfortable and you could hear she was singing a bit more confidently now.
"eien ni eien ni eien ni raburabu? ♪~~"
It was honestly admirable sight because you could for once see her relaxed. Maybe it wasn't anywhere need public solo concert but it definitely was your special moment and one big step forward for your girlfriend!
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The idea of singing something together was honestly just a random thought that popped into your mind... You were just hanging out at Kanade's place with your guitar on your lap since you wanted to have some sort of entertainment as your girlfriend creates her music, and maybe even help her get some nice ideas!
"Hey Kanade! Wanna sing 'Yueni Yuu en Mi' with me?"
"Ah- sure, why not! I guess it's time for small break..."
And that was honestly the answer you wanted to hear! So as soon as you hears it, you grabbed your guitar and without second thought began to play the well known song. And your girlfriend for one, was more than happy to sing it along with you!
"yueni yuu en mii yuu en mii yuu en mii, raburabu ♪~~"
You knew the gray haired girl hat soothing voice but this song was literally perfect for her voice! You had to be careful not to fall asleep or loose the tempe to her voice.
Well... maybe if you ask she'll agree to hum this song as you nap next to her?
Affiliation with @virtualbookstore
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