#idia and ortho
ryker-writes · 1 year
hehehe finished it sooner than I thought
Here's the second part! If you didn't see the first part, you can find it here
Warning: spoilers for book 6
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Broken Sibling relationships
Idia as a sibling (Broken relationship continued...)
eventually, you and Idia ended up at NRC together
your parents even decided he could bring the fake Ortho with him
all three of you got assigned to Ignihyde
still, Idia avoided you, and you avoided the fake Ortho
it was difficult since Idia always had the robot doing things for him around Ignihyde and the rest of the school
there was one time that it tried to talk to you
"I wanted to try and find a way for you and big brother to make up! We're family, and I think it would make you both much happier if you did. Then we can all play video games together, just like we used to. I really miss that and I know he does to. Don't you miss it?"
of course you did
you wanted nothing more than to play games with Idia and Ortho
but as the Ortho look-alike said that it missed playing games, you could help but think of the real Ortho
and once again, you're brought back to the scene of Ortho being ripped apart in front of you
a memory that served as a constant reminder that this was not the real Ortho
despite the robot's nice request, you couldn't do it
as long as Idia saw that robot as Ortho, you would never be able to be near them
months later, Charon broke into the school and took many students
a few even stopped you saying they needed you back at Styx
if you had to go then your parents must not be at the facility
which meant Idia and Ortho would be going too
not having much of a choice, you went with them back to the Island of Woe
the goal was to gather more data on the overblots at NRC
though you didn't need to do much work, your presence was still required
if anything went wrong they needed a Shroud to help fix the facility
that was your role
to sit there just in case something went wrong
Idia was the one working and running the tests
you were required to be near or in the main control room just in case
so when Styx started having an emergency lockdown, you were there
Idia had disappeared and the staff were saying that they couldn't override it
you quickly entered the Shroud authorization into the system, but it didn't work
the fake Ortho appeared as a hologram in front of you
"Sorry! I can't allow you to stop this."
"What's going on?"
"Me and big bro are working together. We're going to be heroes, just like we said when we were younger! All we have to do is open the underworld and release the phantoms to reset the world. Once that's done, we can do whatever we want! We can all play together again and be happy! You should help us!"
"You can't reset the world! Idia of all people should know that the real Ortho wouldn't want that!"
The robots expression shifted to one more...familiar, and he spoke in a much calmer tone
"I know. But I want you and big bro to be happy. My death has torn you two apart, and I'm sorry. You two deserve to be happy, no matter what it takes."
the hologram then disappeared
that didn't seem like it was the robot talking...it reminded you of Ortho
could he really have been talking to you?
that should be impossible but some part of you was saying that it was the truth
that was the real Ortho talking
he wanted you and Idia to be happy
of course he did
that's just like Ortho
you could feel tears running down your cheeks, but you didn't care
you got to talk to your brother again
you want him to be happy too
but is resetting the world really the way to do it?
no, that would only make things worse
you had to help the other NRC students stop him
But there was no way you could face Idia and Ortho like this
What would you even say to help them?
After so long of Idia and you avoiding each other, what could you even say?
You wouldn’t be much help going down into Tartarus with the others anyway
Ever since what happened to Ortho, you can’t bring yourself to face the phantoms
So, you did your best to help them from the main control room
And you watched everything from the cameras
…including Idia’s overblot
You didn’t even think it was possible because of the Shroud family curse, but there he was
and he was attached to a giant phantom
but it wasn't just a phantom
it was Ortho
it used his voice and personality
some of it may be the robot, but you know the real Ortho is also in there
has the blot reached him too?
even though you were just watching through the cameras, you felt terrified
Were you about to lose both of your brothers for good?
but there was nothing you could do aside from watch the others battle Idia
thankfully, they were able to beat him, but Idia and Ortho both fell down into the underworld
Vil jumped after them and pulled Idia out
...but Ortho couldn't be saved
once again, Ortho had died
and it hurt all over again
but at the very least, you got to talk to the real Ortho again
Vil and the other students were talking to Idia about everything, and he closed the gate to the underworld
the others ended up coming out of Tartarus, and leaving, but Idia and you had to stay and fix Styx
he spent some time down in Tartarus before finally coming up
even then, he didn't talk to you
Styx was back up and running pretty quickly after that
and Idia shut himself in his old room again for a few hours
you dreaded what was happening
would he just make another replacement for Ortho?
sure enough, when he came out there was another robot following him
when you and Idia saw each other, he froze
he wasn't avoiding complete eye contact, but he wasn't saying anything
feeling nothing but disappointment in him for making another robot, you left
left him in the hallway, left Styx, left the Island of Woe, and went back to the school
not to long after, the both of them came back too
and things were back to normal for a while
you avoided the robot, and Idia avoided you
except, he didn't completely avoid you anymore
he (or sometimes his tablet) would hover in the same room as you, before sighing and leaving
that was pretty much the extent of it
until one day, there was a knock at your door
when you opened the door, Idia was standing there with the game you all used to play together in his hands
"I...I know that isn't Ortho. He knows it too, and I'm not going to force him to be Ortho anymore. He's developed his own personality...but he still wants to be part of our family. You don't have accept that right away...I just figured...the real Ortho wanted us to be happy. So, uh, do you maybe want to...play a game or two?"
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miosko-art · 2 years
The history of flowers.
The first page was made by my sister, so don't judge!
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I'm still not used to drawing the manga format...
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pawnyao · 6 months
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Always an angel never a God
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wriospersonalworm · 1 month
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twst charas side profile hcs 🤞🤞🤞🤞
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kenchann · 3 months
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doodling the shrouds fam cause i love them
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ryuichirou · 2 months
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fisheem4mmal · 3 months
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Happy 4th Anniversary Twisted Wonderland!
Thank you for 4 years of fun, I've played since it came out and I can't wait for what's in store for the future <3
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egophiliac · 3 months
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don't think I'm not still deep in the episode 7 brainrot. because OH BOY AM I
(also one more extremely, obnoxiously self-referential thing, I'm -- I'm so sorry)
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yoha-oa-art · 4 months
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This time I'm 100% happy with the results 😭💙 GOD both are SOOO CUTE😭💙💙💙
Thanks for 800 followers🔥
Drip marketing background from Chie Minako
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celestiaxoxo · 5 months
THE SILLIES ‼️‼️ who are overdue for theraphy ( is it too obvious who my favorite dorm is )
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r-aindr0p · 4 months
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Man the jury is unhinged on those culinary crucible event
I genuinely thought for a few seconds that Ortho would idk casually nuke the food
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ryker-writes · 1 year
Can I please request "I'm telling Mom!" with Idia and Ortho with the reader that is their sister?
hehe of course!
Request rules and Masterlists
1k follower event
Idia was in a bit of a pickle
He had spent a lot of time building a new type of pet: a robot cat
but not like those ones you can buy in stores
no, this one was better
it acted more like a cat
both him and Ortho worked on building and programming the cat together
it worked very well
so well in fact that they let it roam
the problem was: they made it too much like a cat
the cat had somehow found it's way into your your room
your room...where you had a pet fish
Ortho found the cat in your room sitting next to your now empty fish bowl
water had even spilled onto the table and floor, and covered the cat's metal paw
he quickly ran to go get Idia
and Idia was horrified
the cat had eaten your fish?????
he ran to your room to see it, and the cat was still there
thankfully, you weren't there
surely you would be devastated if you found out your fish was eaten
he had to figure something out
could he buy a new fish? how could he get one delivered without you noticing? There was no way he was going out to buy one
but then he had an idea
what if he built you a new one
that way the cat and fish could get along and he wouldn't have to worry
so he and Ortho got to work on the small robot fish
it didn't take long to make
fish don't do much and follow simple patterns
so it was done in about an hour
but when he went to your room, you were there
and so you saw Idia standing there in your doorway, holding a small robotic copy to your missing fish
"Did you make my fish a robot?!"
"What? No! This isn't your fish!"
"Then where is my fish?!"
"The cat has it!"
"The cat?! What cat?!"
and of course at that moment, Ortho walked in with the cat in his arms to check up on how Idia was doing
you gasped
"I'm telling Mom!"
"Wait! Please no!"
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miosko-art · 2 years
I'm not missing, I'm just doing a little comic! 🌊
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Here is one of the pages.
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ventique18 · 18 days
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Viltsum didn't want Malletsum to be the star of the show so he also broke into a tsum tap dance 😭😭😭
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So Vil tells Epel to dance with his Viltsum, Sebek asks to dance with Malletsum because he didn't want Viltsum to one-up it, and it became a wholeass dance party. Idia is stressed out from what's suddenly happening, but Ortho thought it was fun and tried to convicne Idiatsum to dance with him too.
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stripedpouch · 4 months
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"I'll never lose as long as I'm with you"
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pawnyao · 7 months
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Just finished book 6 and it destroyed me into pieces
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