#idk just a thought !!!!
swingingthehatchetnow · 7 months
You know what I find really interesting about Nerdy Prudes versus the other Hatchetfield shows?
In TGWDLM and BF, the events were set in motion by the lords in black. Wiggly and Uncle Wiley unleashed the doll unto the world, causing chaos and calamity. Pokey sent the meteor (? Is that what happened? bc that was Pokey's whole shtick) that caused the Apotheosis.
But in Nerdy Prudes, the events of the story were set in motion by Steph cheating on the quiz. Or by Pete agreeing to help Steph cheat. This could very much have been a timeline/universe where everything went right. Sure, 'right' means nerds still getting picked on, and Pete and Steph probably wouldn't've ended up together, but Max, Ruth, Richie and everyone else would still be alive. The LiB wouldn't have had to be summoned, and Grace would've never gotten her hands on the book.
What caused me to think about this is the scene with Paul and Emma. That scene happens on what would've been the day of the Apotheosis, evidenced by Pete being there, waiting for his hot choccy and Paul and Emma finally taking steps towards a relationship. Pete is now wearing a sweater instead of the suspenders he wears in TGWDLM because of his conversation with Steph. Paul is joining the neighborhood watch because of the increase in killings.
This means that Pete and Steph doomed their universe. And I think its interesting that this musical shows that, because its not just the LiB that have sway over if everything falls to shit
Pete and Steph: Disaster Couple Extraordinaire
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waggledoogledoggle · 1 month
Do I love the idea of Octavius and Jed finally get together and they try to be subtle about their relationship but fail so hard and everyone immediately knows? Yes yes I do.
Do I also love the idea that they aren’t actively trying to be subtle/hide it but because both their societies aren’t big on PDA there isn’t a real visible difference so they date for near a year before anyone figures it out? Yes, absolutely, I need more
Because, again, the Romans and the American West weren’t big on PDA at all, in fact it was considered quite scandalous in both societies. So when Jed and Octavius start dating, they aren’t all over each other, they aren’t cuddling during movie night, at most ever Jed will call Octavius ‘Spark’ and Octavius occasionally call him ‘carissime’. But because no one but the cowboys would know what calling someone your ‘spark’ means and no one- unless you spoke Latin- would know what ‘carissime’ means, on the outside, there is no visible difference.
What the difference is is now when they hang out one-on-one they call them dates, and on those dates is when they will do some romantic gestures, or hold hands, or kiss on cheeks, etc.
They aren’t actively trying to hide their relationship, they’re actually rather open. Like if you asked them, they would be like “yeah, we’re dating, we’re together” but no one ever does because the whole museum is just assuming that they’re both still just pining after each other because of things they do catch.
Like, Nick will catch how Jed looks at Octavius when he isn’t looking
And Ahk DOES know Latin, so he just assumes that Octavius is calling him this pet name/term of endearment in Latin purposefully so that Jed doesn’t catch on what he’s actually saying. (Jed is fully aware of what he’s he actually saying).
And it’s finally ‘revealed’ because they actually do some form of PDA in front of them (something like Jed learns how to say something sweet in Latin for Octavius and Octavius just goes ‘fuck it’ and kisses him, or Octavius tries to use cowboy lingo and Jed is like ‘he’s to cute to not do SOMETHING’) and everyone looses their shit and are like “Finally!” And Jed and Octavius are so confused “what do you mean ‘finally’ we’ve been together for a year”
and then they collectively loose their shit again
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the-darkestminds · 11 days
I honestly wonder if maybe it angers Elain that the gifts she receives from Lucien are so perfect for her. This male, who really doesn't know her at all on a personal level, still seems to have this innate knowledge of what she likes and might choose for herself. She forces herself to reject and ignore the gifts so as not to lend him any sort of credit because how dare he know her so well when she's tried so hard to push him away? To enjoy the gifts on any level probably feels like giving in.
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divine-crows · 2 months
Things that feel magical to me that aren't inherently magical:
The rush of my blood and the burning air in my lungs when I run
The lilting, drowsy feeling as I awaken to the sound of birds chirping
The sound of a conch shell mimicking the roar of waves when I put it up to my ear
Comfortable silence with those I cherish
Rainstorms followed by the shining sun
Sitting (alone) in nature with a hot cup of tea
The warmth of the sunlight on an otherwise cold day
Random, unprompted midday naps
Babbling brooks and crashing waterfalls
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muffingnf · 3 months
ccs trying to deplatform dteam are kind of fascinating to me. to deplatform them u have to get the people actively watching them to stop tapping in. getting the twitter mob who already hated them and never tapped in anyway on your side is not doing anything at all
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starrspice · 9 months
If they HAD somehow managed to find Bonnie in his busted up state and repair him, long after Monty took over the bass
I don't really think it'd be a fight for who is gonna be the bass player now
I imagine one of 3 scenarios happening
1. Bonnie sees how well Monty is doing on base and how much the kids love him and decides its a perfect chance for him to just take it easy only running the bowling alley after everything he's been through
2. Monty doesn't really WANT to be the bass player and is more than happy to go back to merely running gator golf (hence him canonically in game ditching shows to stalk the catwalks above gator golf)
3. The most fun but unlikely option, Monty is already far more popular of a bass player than Bonnie was so management won't put Bonnie back on bass but Bonnie Misses the music and preforming. So what's the perfect compromise? Bonnie now plays drums. Afterall he IS a rabbit and rabbit's are known for stamping their big bunny feet. They could rig him up with an upgrade that helps him hit the bass pedal on a drum set and it'd work out thematically. Bonnie gets to jam with the band and preform, monty keeps playing bass and the WHOLE band is all together again
This has been rotting my brain since the dlc came out so I just HAD to throw it out there
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stiffyck · 6 months
since people like to draw skizz as an angel:
angels have halos, right?
his halo being full and complete while on green
slightly cracked when on yellow
and then just broken apart pieces around his head when on red
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chaosbc45 · 5 months
So episode 5 right? We got to see Hepaestus which omg he looks sssooo cool & hear the words seaweed brain for the first time (I screamed & ran around)
First off he takes what Ares says about satyrs in stride & absolutely backhands him
I mean he calls nature brutal & as a child of nature respects Ares for his brutality and then goes to say his favorite wars are the mellow ones, the deep cuts. This may have been sweet talk to get Ares to trust him
BUT I think it's interesting because the image of nature slowly taking over after ppl are gone would count as mellow? Also how overwhelming force sounds alot like volcanos erupting or tsunamis flood cities and how a quick surrender sounds alot like death?
I mean nature is brutal
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arminsumi · 8 months
do u think gojo brags and shows off that pencil trick to u
ur just chillin in class and he's smirking over at u... dumb catty cute face and all (😼) with a pencil going fwoosh fwoosh fwoosh in between his fingers. totally showing off. desperately trying to grab ur attention.
and even if u give him an eye roll, he still continues to do the trick as if it actually works and somehow seduces u or makes u think he's cool
and if u rlly ignore it then he POUTS.
"what the hell! watch me do the thing... look it's cool i promise."
gasppp imagine this but like... nerd!gojo with cute round glasses instead of sunglasses 🤭💗
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mariejordans · 7 months
kinda dumb theory but like…what if they aren’t vought’s prisoners in that cell, but they’re being held there for their own protection by someone like victoria neuman, who has expressed a vested interest in marie and her wellbeing…
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mirrornetsblog · 2 months
imagine if all the eah blogs on here made a tumblr group chat and just discussing various topics or giving out some fanfic ideas or recommendations how fun would that be?
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bagely · 2 months
Me and my husband but is pissa
"And I am the idiot with the painted face
In the corner, taking up space
But when he walks in, I am loved, I am loved"
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waggledoogledoggle · 1 month
Ok but just imagine for a sec;
Jed puts his hat on Octavius because he’s talking to Lancelot and Jed is still very protective/jealous abt that and in ACTUAL cowboy culture, putting your cowboy hat on someone essentially means that they’re yours. Not in an “i own you” way but in a “they’re mine/off limits” way. It means you mean a whole lot to them and also that everyone else needs to keep their hands off and their eyes away cause they are yours
like lowkey, its essentially claiming them as your spark publically, and is lowkey a pretty romantic thing to do especially if the recipient knowns the real meaning
however, internet culture only knows one of the very minor options of what it means (as in it rarely means this) which is the “save a horse, ride a cowboy” meaning
So Nicky sees Jed plop his hat on Octavius’s head and he is just flabbergasted
because holy shit Jed that is not appropriate
So Nick takes Jed aside and is like
“Dude you can’t do that”
“Do what?”
“Look, I know about the cowboy hat rule, and it’s cool if you wanna do that, but you can just say you want to go and do that in front of everybody like that, especially if Octavius is in mid-conversation”
And Jed just looks at Nick so confused because what the fuck is he talking about so eventually he winds up asking
“ok, Nick, wait a sec, …what do you think the cowboy hat rule is?”
“You know… ‘save a horse, ride a cowboy’…?”
“Wait really?”
“YES! Ok, only on the rarest RAREST of occasions does it ever mean that! Where did you even learn that!?”
“The internet!- oh I see my mistake now.”
Idk that idea is just funny to me
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polyamorousmood · 9 months
"Mine" not as a child who is holding a toy close to their chest but "mine" in the same proud voice -- in the say way as saying "I am as much theirs as they are mine -- as "these are my people."
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mershellscape · 20 days
remus not knowing what periods are so when the girls are talking about their time of the month he starts thinking they're werewolves
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im-doing-good · 3 months
The future king and queen. I bet they'll be friends
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I think these three would have an interesting sibling-like dynamic.
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Lorena, Aurelia, and Fred
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