#idv victor grantz x reader
teabreakpancakes ยท 1 year
omg okay so could you maybe write headcanons/a scenario for victor, naib, eli, and norton where the reader takes on a motherly role to the little girl? where she like adopts the reader as her mom! maybe a lil bit of robbie in there too if you want ^w^
The Traits Of A Mother Victor, Naib, Eli and Norton with a Motherly GN S/O
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Genre: Fluff
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๐•๐ˆ๐‚๐“๐Ž๐‘ ๐†๐‘๐€๐๐“๐™
you handle kids so well, he thinks it's so charming
you're the entire package, you can even cook well !
it's funny because you, weirdly enough, fuss over the hunters as well
"Mr. Hastur! please stay for a while, you must be tired after your match, please have some of this stew that I made, I hope it's to your taste" you offered, pulling him by his sleeve towards the large couch made for hunters. The Eldritch god didn't dare oppose, knowing you only wished to aid him in feeling well. Though, he couldn't say the same for the survivors gawking at you, their faces said it all, 'You idiot! he can kill you with one swipe and you still decide to go near him?!?!'โ€”admittedly, he found it odd as well, but it's not like you allowed any of themโ€”yes, them to refuse.
everyone either sees you as wifey material, a parent figure, or an older sibling: he just thought you were a parent figure to most people
๐๐€๐ˆ๐ ๐’๐”๐๐„๐ƒ๐€๐‘
he finds it endearing, yet amusing at the same time
you remind him of his mother when you fret over him and everyone else, except you're a version that came from heaven itself
he loves it when you cook for him
you cook a LOT for him, knowing his appetite
imagine seeing a survivor telling off a hunter because they didn't finish their food, rather bizarre don't you think? he won't say that out loud though
Naib stifled his laughter behind his closed fist, eyes fixated on the scene of you forcefully spoon-feeding Mary carrots. "I don't care if you were a high ranking noble previously or if you're older than me! that does not mean you are dismissed from eating vegetables just because you dislike them" you berated the hunter, handing her a cup of water. Mary hesitantly chewed the carrot, imaginary tears in the corners of her eyes as she fought the urge to throw up. "Don't worry, I'll give you your favourite dessert if you manage to finish your vegetables" you comforted, smiling at her.
everyone either sees you as wifey material, a parent figure, or an older sibling: mf just didn't care much abt you until you began to dote on him as well
๐„๐‹๐ˆ ๐‚๐‹๐€๐‘๐Š
he thinks it's lovely !
he rlly wants a family with you :((
his brainrot is finally having one with you
eli often assists you in caring for the kids, especially robbie; the hunter is a bit cheeky and hard to handle, similar to other kids his age
"Eli! hand me a towel, Robbie is dripping water all over the carpet!" you hollered, running around frantically in search for "Memory", the other child that so graciously decided to join the little undead boy in playing in rain. Eli could only smile fondly as he wrapped the towel around the hunter, "They're losing their head again" he joked, drawing out amused giggles from the hunter. Eli guided towel-clad Robbie towards the bathroom, looking back once more to see you carrying a towel-covered "Memory".
everyone either sees you as wifey material, a parent figure, or an older siblingโ€”he "saw" you as his one and only
๐๐Ž๐‘๐“๐Ž๐ ๐‚๐€๐Œ๐๐๐„๐‹๐‹
you're so sweet to kids and yet you nag him like his own mother
"ยฟMi madre resucitรณ de entre los muertos?" (Did my mother rise from the dead?) Norton deadpanned, nearly regretting his decision of baiting the hunter away so his team would be able to open the exit gate. "You really need to be more careful, what if the dungeon hadn't been in the areaโ€”the hunter had detention for 50 more seconds!" you rebuked incessantly, Norton wished to tell you that he'd prefer to kite a hunter with detention just to hear you worry about him but he wished to be able to eat your cooking so he didn't proceed ^^;
he can't help but smile when he sees you take care of little girl or robbie
everyone either sees you as wifey material, a parent figure, or an older siblingโ€”he thought his mother sent you to him as her replacement
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acosmicblizzard ยท 1 year
Romantic ghost manor au Victor headcanons
For base info on this au goย here!
Warnings: Mentions of the mafia ig? it's only like one sentence though. Other then that nothing else.
Story type: Fluff, Au
Pairings/Characters: Victor Grantz - โ€œPostmanโ€ x Gender neutral Reader
(Sighh the writers block be coming back folks, possible ooc)
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Victor revealed himself to you surprisingly relatively early, however you didn't have a friendship with the postman till much later even if you tried interacting with him commonly. He never vanished on you but never put much effort into getting to know you either, mostly just listening to you talk while rarely writing anything on notebook paper or through letters in response unless you asked for his input.
However, if you start using letters as a way to communicate with him he'll start to bond with you more. Through life he's generally had social anxiety despite wanting to bond with others, and that whole thing with the mafia didn't make it any better. So communication through letters and papers passed to one another when you walk past each other became a normal thing. Almost everyone else thought you two were keeping a secret, but in reality it was just the form of communication Victor was more comfortable with.
Very veryyy touch adverse at first, you aren't allowed to even poke him until he trusts you. But he's basically like a puppy once you do gain his trust. He absolutely adores any sort of hugs, hand holding, anything that allows him to have some sort of physical contact with you even if it does make him slightly blushy.
Oh yeah i forgot to mention, Wick absolutely loves you. The more you care for Wick the more Victor falls in love with you. It makes him extremely happy that the person he loves also loves the things and beings he loves.
Once Victor realizes his feelings for you he'll start appearing less, but it's not like he's trying to avoid you! He's just extremely busy trying to make the perfect confession letter. If you were to see his room there would be paper balls all over the floor of scrapped letters. Wax seals on the standby just in case he finally feels a letter is good enough for you. Every now and then he pops in and out of his room but he mostly just stays in there. Eventually when he gets enough confidence he'll send wick to deliver the letter, the ghost dog happily running up towards you. You thank Wick and give her some pets as she happily barked at you. Fingers traced over the wax seal and soon broke it too open the letter, your eyes scanned over the contents of the letter and the curiosity of what was wrote soon turned to shock as you read... It was a confession letter. You continued reading it and once you finished and looked up from it you saw Victor standing there, bashfully looking away from your gaze with a awkward smile on his face.
You smiled and walked towards him, taking his hands into yours and holding them tight. Softly whispering "I love you too" to the postman. Victors face lit up with glee as the awkward smile he had earlier vanished. You couldn't exactly kiss him due to the stitches on his mouth but you could still peck his lips, so that's what you did. Giggling as his face lit up bright, embarrassed, he covers it.
As your relationship continues you can expect basically daily letters from victor. He also has started to teach you sign language so you two can communicate easier and not have too take so much time writing out what you two want to say constantly. Taking Wick out for walks has become the usual, well walks as in strolling around the large greenhouse because you know people would flip out if they saw you with a ghost human and dog. But you're happy like this, and you wouldn't trade it for anything.
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chuuyasfanboy ยท 5 months
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look at me and TELL ME you wouldn't let him do anything even if that includes his less than savory fantasies of murder. Guys I know i havent finished the game but the shit he says to Victor is WIIIILD
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But its okay, he gets to be crazy, he has pretty privilege.
I should write like a full Nord Express x reader fic because I adore basically everybody in that game-
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turbulentscrawl ยท 17 days
Some Body Type HCs
Hey ho!! I'm back (kinda maybe). Life has been really hectic, and frankly I just haven't had time to write much. BUT some of the friends I've made through IDV got me back to drawing, so now I have some headcanons WITH VISUALS for you. I'm putting this under the cut for partial nudity on the drawings.
(You'll have to forgive me for making it small and watermarking the hell out of it. I'm paranoid.)
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-Pale, and not a lot of body hair. Unlike some of the others, this is normal for him. He has trouble growing facial hair, which is a blessing for him because he hates having it almost as much as he hates having to shave.
-Aesop is averse to several textures, and this causes some issues for him at mealtimes. He's more of a grazer, as far as his eating habits go. He's underweight and a bit malnourished as a result of these, and so he has a slight hour-glass shape.
-He's very hyenic. He hates the feeling of lotion on his skin, but he uses good-quality soaps when he bathes, so his skin is fairly soft.
-Very hairy. (Full disclosure-this hc of mine was born partially as a spiteful counter to those in the fandom who tend to infantize him) Ada shaves his face and neck for him about once a week, but they don't bother with the rest of his body hair.
-Has quite a but of scarring under all that hair, too. His back, wrists, and legs have the worst of it, from old dog attacks and pulling against restraints.
-Not overly muscular, but he is a little stronger than average in the arms and core from his parkour-like hook maneuvering.
-The growth of scales across his body have made his body hair sparse and inconsistent. He will still grow some on his chest and legs, but he shaves it off because he doesn't like the patchiness.
-He's health-conscious and, despite his busy schedule, still finds time to work out. He's muscular and lean due partially to this fact, as well as his ongoing mutations keeping his body fat percentages really low.
-For the same reason, aside from the areas with scale growth, Luchino's skin is well-kept. He uses many lotions and balms to ease the itching of said scales, so his entire body is well-moisturized and has a golden, dewy glow.
-The tallest survivor.
-Lean and lankey. He's strong, but still bulking up after years of near-starvation, so his muscle mass and body fat seem low.
-Has an average amount of body hair. His chest, legs, and arms all have a fair amount. (his head hair and pubes are much thicker) The burn scars left from the accident have prevented hair growth in certain areas of his body. He grows facial hair reasonably fast and has to shave at least every other week.
-One of the tallest survivors.
-Vaguely dorito-shaped with broad shoulders. He's quite strong in general, as a result of years of hard labor like digging and throwing about coffins (and corpses). He has some body hair--but less than average--but it is thin and fine, so difficult to see without being up-close. The hair on his head is a bit thin too, he doesn't have much volume there.
-Very pale (obviously.) It's painfully obvious when he blushes--it goes all the way from his ears, down to his belly.
-He has some faint, scattered scarring just from accidents over the years. Nicking himself on sharp wooden edges, his own shovel, etc.
-Very thin. Luca hyperfocuses on work and forgets to eat a lot, and was malnourished during his time in prison. He's very physically weak.
-He grows very little body hair, and the hair on his head tends to be thin. Not many people know this, but he has a small bald patch from where he worries and pulls at his hair during moments of frustration.
-Has faint electrical scarring across his shoulders, chest, and back. Always has circles under his eyes due to his poor sleep schedule.
-Bulky and column-shaped. He's very lean and muscular from years in his various services. One of the shortest survivors (as well as one of the widest lol.)
-Covered in various scars. Life's been rough for him.
-He grows a fair amount of body hair, but he shaves it all off. This is something he does as a "leave-no-trace" sort of precaution for work, rather than as an actual preference. He's considered shaving his head, too, but he is a bit fond of his hair for personal reasons. The hair on his head is thick, but a bit dry. He doesn't always have the chance to use good products.
(My love for Victor has grown exponentially since I took my unintentional break. You heard it here, folks, I have new favorites. ask me about it lol)
-Has a fairly average, fit body type. He doesn't work out, specifically, but does a LOT of walking, running, and hiking so he's in good-standing with his cardio. He has a very slight softness around his tummy and arms, since his legs do the most of the work.
-Has a t-shirt tan from all his time outside. He's very rosey, too. Isn't that blush adorable?
-Has a very small amount of chest hair, and some on his legs. Similar to Andrew, his body hair is fine and difficult to see. He has trouble growing a beard--much to his holiday displeasure.
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funkynumaki ยท 2 months
Identity V fingering headcanon (PT.1 (?))
Characters included; Luca Balsa, Andrew Kreiss, Mike Morton, Victor Grantz
A/N: this is my first post + my first time writing smut so I apologize if it's not the best!
Warning: fingering (g), praise (r, g), dacryphilia on Andrew and Victor's!, dom!reader x sub!characters
|| Luca Balsa
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- when you first brought it up he'd be surprise, but he's thrilled to try it out.
- the first time, he'd fidget a lot trying to get used to the feeling of your fingers inside him but when he's comfortable enough he's really into it.
- he wouldn't even hide his noises, it really shows how much he enjoys it.
- "are you sure you're okay with this?" You ask, still a bit uncertain. Giving him a chance to back down if he's uncomfortable with it. But, instead Luca nod looking at your lube covered fingers as it line itself on his hole. ".. Yeah.. Go on" He said, already out of breath. You nod at his approval, your finger find themselves sliding inside his hole. You could almost immediately feel him clench around you as his grip tightened. "F-fuck-..." He let out a small moan at the feeling trying to get used to it. He leaned his head to the crook of your neck, his dick throb at the sensation of being filled by your fingers. "Did it hurt?" You ask, willingly to stop if the pain is unbearable for him. Your fingers stopping their movement inside him. "Yeah.. A bit.. Don't stop. Please.." He whine when he feel your movement stopping inside him which followed by your smile of relief that you didn't hurt him. Your fingers pick up its pace again with each passing second he grow more and more comfortable with having your fingers inside of him. Starting to let out louder breathy moan as he lean in to get more contact with you.
"O-ohh fuck-! Please.. S'fuckin-good-..!"
|| Andrew Kreiss
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- would be very hesitant, so getting him comfortable enough to agree will need a trustful relationship.
- he's so sensitive, he has no experience with any intimate moment so it's best if you start slow with him.
- the first time he feel your finger inside him, he's already shaking from pleasure. Moaning and whimpering your name while at the same time trying to covered his mouth to prevent himself from making noise.
- "a-ahh... Ple-ase-.." He whine as your finger continues to thrust in and out of his hole. Your movement is still slow and gentle, as he hide his face on the crook of your neck. Trying to mask the noises that's about to fall from his lips. "Please what, love? I want to hear you say it.." You cooe in his ear, your tone can be heard as a need for him to just tell you his desire that he's been trying to mask. Andrew's dick twitch as he feel your finger slowly starting to thrust a bit faster. "I- need y-you.. Please... Ne-need you s'bad..!" He begged feeling you fasting up your movement. His head fall back as he let out a soft cry. "Does it make you feel good, love?" You smirk feeling him clench around your fingers not wanting to lose contact to it. "Use your words" You whisper in his ear, reminding him.
"Y-yes... Love it-love it s'much--! Please... I-i need it-"
|| Mike Morton
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- he was actually the one who brought it up, mostly because he had been edging in his seat to ask you to try it with him since forever. Which of course, you agree.
- feeling your finger inside him, he'd let out a choked moan. He was expecting it to feel good, but not this good.
- would buck his hips to get more sensation of your finger inside him.
- "oh shit..-" Mike let out a choked moan as he throw his head back, your finger sliding in and out of his hole in a faster pace than before. "You enjoy this way more than I expect you to" You whisper in his ear, loving his reaction. Mike mosn loud as he lean in closer to you, his teeth sinking on your skin. His body shake from the pleasure. "S'good-! Fu.. Ck-! Please-please-!m-more-nh" He whine out, bucking his hips lower to get more friction from your finger, watching his desperate plead you chuckle. Mike lean in closer to you wrapping his hand around your shoulder as he nip your neck. His mind too clouded to form an actual sentence. You smile fasting up your pace, your finger brushing against his prostate "Beg more then, love" You cooe softly.
"Please-pl-ngh-ease.. -! Want you s'bad--! S'good-..!a-ahh--"
|| Victor Grantz
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- he was surprised when you ask him to try it, but there's almost nothing Victor wouldn't do for you.
- he's eager to please you, so when you decide to change up a notch and please him he was taken a back, but he'll do it as long as it makes you happy.
- he wasn't expecting what he just feel being fingered by you, the way his mind starts to get numb. And how it felt so good he can't even registered it for a moment.
- "aww.. Look at how adorable you are like that, f'me?" You cooe, trailing kisses on Victor's neck to his collarbone. If it was possible, there would be small hearts flying on top of his head, he was at pure bliss. "S'good... I-ilove-yo-mu.. Ahh--! Ch!" He cries out, eyes rolling to the back of his skull as your finger thrust deeper. "Be a good boy for me and tell me how much I'm pleasing you, right now, why don't'cha?" You grin, nipping on his neck, leaving some love marks on his neck. His head thrown back, as he arch his back when your finger brush against his prostate. "S'good.. Please-- L-love.. You-so mu-angh--!" You chuckle at his attempt at forming a sentence. Teasing him even more you lean in closer to his ear. "What's that? I don't bear you the first time, love"
"Ple-ahh-! It's s'good.. -you're s'good--! I-loveyou.. so-mahh-uch...--!"
request are open!
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otakusparkle ยท 2 months
Today is the 6th anniversary day of Identity V, and it is also the 6th year that visitors have met and accompanied us. Thank you old friends and new partners for your tolerance and support.
The 6 years have left us with many precious memories. I hope that in the future, we can continue to share our hearts and create more beautiful memories that belong to you and me. Next, the anniversary concert brought by the manor partners is about to start - enjoy the wonderful anniversary time~
Happy 6th birthday, Identity V.
Happy 6th anniversary of meeting, manor visitors.
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ch6douin ยท 7 months
> Dแด‡แด แดแด›ษชแดษด. โ€” IDV! SELF AWARE AU (5)
THIS IS PART FIVE OF MY IDV!SELF AWARE AU! I love this au but i cannot bring myself to do anything other than brainrot every single day. i would love to hear brainrots, feedbacks or anything related to this au in my askbox, so feel free to mark your presence there.
cw: obsessive behavior; mentions of feeling/being watched; romantic someway; religious behavior; idk what else
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Fiona loved the mystic. That's something not so surprising as she was given the title of a Priestess. She swore upon the Lakeside Village to adore the one and only Yog Sothoth, to be worthy of his blessings.
But she's incapable of escaping from this manor and honoring his name properly, incapable of escaping from you.
She knows you, to a certain extent because of the gossip and whispers around the survivors but you know her all too well, every single flaw and trait. Her devotion to Yog Sothoth didn't budge at that time, since at the end of the day, Fiona did not acknowledge you.
Skepticism could be her middle name, scripted to be deep into her heart, protecting it from any dangers. But you sneaked in, clueless of your effect on her. And so suddenly, her offerings to Yog Sothoth lacked sincerity.
She doesn't want to...be like this, be indecisive, she always criticized one for such weakness. But every time she thinks about choosing between you and the eldritch god, she is sent into a spiral of sentiments and beliefs, and anxiety settles deep within her bones. You're taking up too much space inside her, and she can't do anything besides hope that you give her enough room for breathing.
Yog Sothoth's presence is cold as ice and almost frightening, it is something Fiona thought that she was used to it. But she got way too comfortable with the feeling of your unique presence, safe as the embrace of a lover. It makes her dizzy, her heart is filled with tenderness but her brain tugs on it like a warning. Sometimes, it makes her sick in the stomach to sense that she failed to do something simple as to follow one god.
Little by little, her makeshift shrine with tons of trinkets for the ancient god is emptied. The overwhelming amount of items almost spilling out from the shrine are nowhere to be seen. Her loud murmurs from her requests to "Hastur" that every survivor could hear when passing by her door (which for a curious motive, is filled with thick locks and chains) are nothing now but a faint whisper of your name, so silent and soothing as if she is afraid to startle you or make you annoyed by her wishes. But did you hear her prayers? You must have, she likes to believe you do. That's the only explanation for her wardrobe full of luxurious clothes and accessories, silky materials that she would never even dream about touching.
She dreams of you, every night. It must be because she thinks about you almost all the time, but she fools herself into thinking it's you infesting her dreams despite the mindset being incredibly irrational. And every time you appear, her brain creates an individual that could only be described as breathtaking, because any idea that Fiona had about your appearance however you looked like was nothing short of ethereal, divine. She would kneel and worship you regardless of people's opinions.
The others be damned. They never gave her such a strong feeling.
And may you also give her enough patience to not wrap her fingers around that Mercenary's throatโ€”when he stands with a look of nonchalance and crossed arms as if he didn't fuck up everything. She couldn't care less about the hint of regret in his sharp eyes, and she started blinking fast as if to dissipate the sudden urge to pounce on him. But you wouldn't want that, would you? After all, you graced him with your presence more times than one could count with their hands, even if his mouth was always kept shut, she knows because there was nothing that could justify his fidgety behavior when the subject was you.
"Any explanations for your foul behavior, Mr.Subedar?" Just like him, her arms are folded tightly on her chest as she spits out her words, cutting through the palpable tension in the room. And by the way he looks at her through the corner of his eye, she really has the impression of not even deserving his attention.
"It's simple, I don't trust them." Indeed, a simple and short answer followed by his thick accent doesn't satisfy Fiona that much. But that's just Naib Subedar, the mercenary is always stubborn and will feed you nothing but crumbles of information until you go crazy for good.
"Oh for god's sake. You don't trust anyone, Subedar." She sighs heavily, rubbing her forehead in annoyance. "The day you do, pigs might fly!" The woman walks around the dimly lit room with impatience, and he remains still as a statue. Aside from a twitch of his brows and a brief glare, there is no reaction to her words.
"Who I trust or not is none of your business, Gilman. Just like you being an obsessive freak with this person, if we can even call them that, has nothing to do with me." He is good at pretending to not be fazed as if he didn't experience goosebumps all over his body five minutes ago when he could finally hear your voice clearer than ever. And when the thought of how you looked from the other side of the screen went through his head for a fleeting second, he swears his heart rate did not increase. Why do you have this effect on him? On everyone? You were able to swoon the hearts of even the most reserved men and women in this manor, you even made him feel somehow special initially.
Emma plants flowers that you might like, Frederick and Antonio create tunes and songs inspired by you, Demi has confessed her admiration for you countless times in her drunken stateโ€”Hell, Naib is sure that he had a glimpse of Edgar Valden himself stressing over a painting and mumbling how he 'just had to see you in person, his lost muse'.
His thoughts are interrupted by a loud groan. "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that for the sake of our partnership." He had hit a nerve, didn't he? It's written all across her face, eyebrows furrowed, lips in a firm line, eyelids twitching...It almost brings a smile to his lips how worked up she got. His eyes trail down to her hands for no particular reason, they are gripping her robe tightly in between her fingers.
"Whatever makes you sleep at night.." His mouth has a small pout of indifference as he shrugs, heavy boots accompany him when he walks away to finally leave and have some rest. There is nothing that he wants more than to forget about all of this for at least a few hours, that is if he doesn't end up having you appear in his dreams and waking up with wide eyes filled with evident embarrassment. Maybe he wasn't so different from the other survivors and hunters...
Twisting the doorknob and looking up through his eyelashes, much to his dismay, a person that he knows all too well stands proud. With his black and white clothes, it's Luca Balsa in the flesh. Even with the shaky postman wiping away his tear-smudged cheeks behind the prisoner's back like a shadow, his toothy grin never faltered. He must be sure of himself if he still remains unperturbed by the problems ahead. Naib steps away to give them enough space to enter the room and then vanishes without a word, not before noticing how the postman's irises followed him till he was no longer within eye's reach. If Naib was able to gain the hate of someone so calm, he indeed might be a jerk.
It doesn't take long for Luca to speak up. "Long short story, an unexpected error happened, and now no one knows how to turn it on without my help?" He's casual with it, maybe overconfident in his abilities as an inventor but some optimism was very much needed right now. After all, he should not disappoint in their pursuit to contact you!
There's a short silence, followed by the loud crack of his knuckles as he takes a long stride towards the machine. "Alright, this might take some time. I recommend for you two to take a break and have a little debate with the others in the main hall. Everyone is starving for good news."
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OBS: When Fiona mentions "luxury clothes" she's referring to the A/S tier costumes from the game.
naib wants u so bad bro ๐Ÿคจ a lot of characters may appear next chapter but of course half of it may be a little more luca centered, and maybe if i make it long enough we will come back to reader's pov๐Ÿ˜†
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oletusfragments ยท 11 months
i heard requests were open and i scampered over as quickly as i could, i hope i made it in time ๐Ÿ™
๐ŸŒ : joseph, victor and mike (seperately) with a gn! reader who got hurt badly during the match and he has to take care of them (for joseph you could make the injuries be from a nasty fall or getting hit by the trolley or something)
Thank you for your time!
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You and an injured teammate are running away from the photographer, circling around the hospital to buy time for the decoder of your team to decode the remaining two cipher machines. One of you has already been sent back to the manor deleteriously early in the game. Your team was quite at a disadvantage especially with Joseph's ability to slow down your decoding progress.
Currently, you're supporting your injured teammate as much as you can by shielding them against Joseph's hits. You and the photographer are aware and has accepted the consequences of loving someone from a faction with an opposite purpose from each other. You are to survive and he is to kill. But your lover can't exactly find it in him to hit you, the love of his life even if it costs him the match. And do you take advantage of it. He loathes you for that sometimes.
He's trying his best to find an opening through your body block to hit the other survivor but to no avail. You are quite persistent in taking the hit for them. Shielding them so closely to the point that it looks like you're hugging them.
The chase of cat and mouse, two mice in this situation, continues between all of you. All desperately aiming for victory even with the given situation. But perhaps Joseph should've paid more attention as to how long your body would last at the repeated jumping off the two-story building of the hospital.
You jump down following your teammate from the destroyed wall of the hospital's second floor. And Joseph follows after. But this time, the sight of you and your teammate running isn't what greeted him but instead the sight of you desperately trying to stand up from the ground with your teammate trying to support you as much as they can. But with the hits they've taken from Joseph's sword, their body doesn't allow them to help you to get off and run as the photographer inches closer to the two of you.
"My dear, what happened?" Joseph kneels beside you. He puts away his sword and inspects your body for injuries and puts an arm around you.
You shake your head "Don't worry, it's not that bad." But the hiss of pain you let out when you try to move one of your legs says otherwise.
He takes your hand away that was wrapped around your ankle to see the injury for himself. Your skin is littered in purple and red. His irisesโ€“wait he doesn't have thoseโ€ฆ He glances on your ankle to your face. "Does it hurt that much? You must have hurt your ankle when you fell."
"Oh we don't know that, my ankle just probably decided to dislocate while I'm mid-air." You replied to his obvious statement.
Joseph gives you a look and you decide to change the topic "So, uh, what about the match?"
"I don't think it's a good idea to continue it when you're in this stateโ€ฆ maybe we should just call it a draw and go back?" Your teammate speaks up. Joseph gives an approved hum and picks you up, fighting back a grin when your cheeks turn pink at the gesture.
He carried you to your room and tended to your injury all by himself. But he did call for other medical experts in the manor (such as Emily) to make sure you'd have a stable and speedy recovery.
As much as he'd like to, Joseph would abandon any work or matches he has planned on his agenda just to stay by your side. But let's say due to manor rules, he can't.
The other survivors feel like the photographer has been more aggressive with his matches these couple days. They thought that it might be because you're hurt. Technically they're right, he just wants the matches to be over so that he'd see you again quicker.
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It's not too surprising that you'd get injured. After all, the area all of you are living in aren't exactly safe nor are the people you're sharing under the roof with. Especially when you all are scheduled and obligated to play the "game". In this house, getting hurt is normal.
You weren't feeling it today. The past few days were tireless and you've barely gotten any sleep. But you had a match today. And you can't exactly skip it, even with how exhausted you are. The baron cares only for rules and results you give, they could care less for your lack of rest.
The match was quite peaceful, fortunately. The kiter of your team was doing well and the rest of you three are peacefully decoding the ciphers. Victor was also in the match which gave some comfort in the intense and tiring atmosphere.
But you were tired as hell, and the peace was so boring that it's encouraging you to relax. A bit too much. Your eyes droop and you lose your focus on decoding. You didn't even hear the bell that signifies an upcoming calibration. Your eyelids opened as fast as you closed them when the cipher gave you a shock for your failed calibration.
Luckily Victor has already finished your cipher and was heading to yours when he heard you scream in pain followed by a thud. He rushed to the noise and scrambled beside you to check what had happened to you.
The familiar bark heading your way gives you relief as you lie on the ground hissing and groaning while clutching your wrist. Victor looks at you worriedly as he positions himself beside you. He lets out a surprise yelp when his eyes land on your right hand. Around your palm are black spots and red marks.
"I got shockedโ€ฆ" You say, your voice hinting a slight disappointment towards yourself. "I fell asleep and missed a calibration."
Victor gives you a warm side hug whispering to you "Please don't beat yourself too much because of this. You were too tired and shouldn't have been in this match anyway."
He rubs your shoulders to soothe you. There's no doctor in the match right now and the area the game is set in doesn't seem to have any first aid kits or anything to help to provide. So unfortunately you'd have to sit for now until the match is over to get your wound treated.
A cipher pops from across the map and is followed by another pop. Maybe it was fortunate that there was a certain prisoner in the match to help speed up the cipher progress. There's only one cipher left needed to complete. And yours was more than halfway done. The inventor from across the map sees that too and the light bulb from the switch on the ground lights up signifying that he has made a connection to your cipher to the one near his.
"Stay here, it'll get better soon I promise." His hushed voice says to you and you nod in response. You don't have to do anything but wait right now, seems like the perfect time to take a short nap. But the zap you just had earlier just electrocuted the exhaustion out of you. Well at least you have Wick and your cute blonde lover to accompany you right now and to keep you distracted from what happened. You don't even want to look at your injured hand right now.
Victor doesn't need to take a peek from his letters to speed up his decoding. His love for you and his priority for your health and safety is enough to give him the motivation he needs to slam his fingers on the metal keyboard like his life depends on it (well technically it does I guess?).
When the last cipher popped, Victor rushed you to the nearest gate and typed in the code to get you out of there as fast as possible.
He memorized every advice Emily gave to you for your injury, even writing it down so it won't be forgotten. He also made sure to send a letter of gratitude to the doctor in thanks for her help.
The days you feel insecure or guilty for your accident, Victor was there to reassure you. Saying that any wounds or mistakes you do doesn't make him love you less and that he will always be there and take care of you when needed.
When he's not available or busy with other things, he'd send long letters and gifts to make you feel better while you rest in the meantime you're healing from your injury.
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โ€” MIKE
A risky boyo. He literally plays with bombs. As much as it helps to reduce the hunter's abilities and speed, it's still a bomb. A weapon treated as a toy and could pose a threat to the survivors side if handled wrong (ingame it doesn't do anything to fellow survs but I'm talking in a more realistic sense...does that make sense lol).
The match was just utter chaos. Sounds of bombs everywhere that your own eardrums felt like exploding. Even their ticking was enough to make your ears bleed, not just because they're annoying but also because it's the indicator to your upcoming demise of getting flown to the sky by a rocket.
Your beloved acrobat is heading towards you and the hunter, guard 26. A hunter with a seemingly unlimited stack of bombs that can rain upon you. Around you were a handful of bombs threatening to explode as soon as a foot stepped on their area, something Bonbon can also command despite the timer. Making it harder for your lover to rescue you unscathed.
Mike runs towards Bonbon and leaps above him, dropping a fire bomb. He cartwheels to your chair and stands up immediately to untie you from the binds. But as soon as you get out of the seat, bombs explode on the two of you. He missed.
"Ohโ€ฆ oopsies. Sorry." He gives you a strained smile while his eyes display annoyance. You can't even be mad when he already looks guilty enough for the mistake. Ah, well he tried his best. What's fortunate at least is that you didn't get incapacitated and both of you managed to get away with the help of the speed boost of your will to live. The amount of miracles that happened in the overwhelming situation was absurd but you'd take any chance god gives you.
But unfortunately, your luck ends there. You all still end up getting eliminated and receive a loss for the match.
Both you and Mike are treating each other's burns in your room. It wasn't only you who suffered but him as well. He apologized to you profusely for his mistake at the match.
"If it only landed properly, the match could've gone betterโ€ฆ damnโ€ฆ"
You use your arms to lift your weight to scoot closer to him, wincing when the burns in your legs brush with the fabric of the mattress. "We all make mistakes, don't beat yourself up over it."
"But look at us! We got cooked." He points at both your legs, which are wrapped in dressings.
"There's nothing we can do to change the past now, no matter the amount of regrets we have right now. We just gotta make sure it won't happen next time."
He hums in contemplation before replying to you, "You're right."
His head shot up as if an idea sparked in his mind and you look at him curiously "And next time, I'll do cooler stunts while I explode a bomb on their face! I'll do this cool flip likeโ€ฆ" Mike motions his ideas with his hands in a way that's only comprehensible to him as you nod pretendingโ€“but tryingโ€“to understand.
"Oh, I have a lot of work to do!" He says, giddy with excitement and an earnest look on his face. Seems that he's recovered from his depressed state. You smile at him, glad that he's shining once again. But there's still one thing he needs to considerโ€ฆ
"Mike, you should let your legs heal firstโ€ฆ"
"...Oh, right."
You two spend time with each other while also healing together. He'd caress your injuries and kiss them but they're burns. They hurt when touched so he can't (๐Ÿ˜”).
Mike makes you laugh by telling jokes and silly stories in return for you comforting him. He's even willing to serve you meals in bed if you want him to and no, he won't let you do any work. See it as a redemption for his undignified rescue, he says.
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N: I think I focused more on the scenario than the caring part, especially at Mike's part and you can see very well which parts I gave up on oml ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ Sorry this took long!
334 notes ยท View notes
"iโ€™m not wearing any underwear. thought youโ€™d like to know." for Victor
Destroy this boy with a flirty letter ;)
Picking up postman and squeezing him like a squeaky toy lol
Rated: Mature | Warning: none
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Rarely does anyone send letters between each other, a few times a letter is sent from a hunter to a survivor but none send a letter among the same faction. Postman, Victor, apprentices you using the pen and paper to communicate with him. When you first met him, he would shy away from you, energetic as Luca, he barely could keep up. Then one day you started using your hands to make strange gestures.
โ€œHelena taught me sign language so I can talk to you!โ€ The joy on your face as you thought you created a bridge between him and yourself. You did but not the way you thought. Victor is mute, selectively mute, and he prefers the words on paper rather than verbal words.
The first letter you sent was mostly rambling about the day as you did not see that whole day due to matches and the occasional break to recuperate before once again going to a match.
The second letter asks him questions. Colors, food, a season, anything you could think of that is not invasive. Victor answers them while slipping in a few details you did not ask about him in order to seem more open. You matched it as you spoke about things before you came to the manor.
Then the letters between you both became a common way for you two to communicate until Victor, in his room with you, spoke softly. A small โ€˜thank youโ€™ had you in tears of joy as he trusted you. Few can claim thatโ€” Literally three people outside of yourself.
And as the bond between you both grew so did feelings that started being expressed in the letters. His words are gentle, dancing around cautiously; while yours are to the point and announce your interest.
As someone from a time ahead of his, Victor felt it made things easier.
What is not easy is how you flirt so casually without shame or fear, people of your time move fast compared to his time.
The letter in his hand is held in a furious grip before closing it and facing it down; his face is red as he cannot move his eyes up to look at you across the dining table. Your foot rubs his calf, nearly making him jump.
A simple few words have his mind scrambling: I'm not wearing any underwear. Thought you should know. Love, (Name).
You smile at him, your fork playing with your food. Luca is beside you talking to Andrew and Aesop, all of them distracted while you are playing footsies under the table with Victor.
โ€œAre you okay, V?โ€ The nickname you gave him, โ€œYou feeling sick?โ€ How can you see that while your foot is rubbing his crotch through his pants!? He should close his legs butโ€ฆ That look in your eyes is drawing him in.
โ€œYour face looks flush,โ€ Comments Andrew, โ€œMaybe you should rest.โ€ It makes sense given Victor has been in back-to-back duo matches recently. Those are a headache.
โ€œGood idea!โ€ Luca chimes in, โ€œ(Name), can you take him?โ€
โ€œOf course.โ€ Smiling as you get up from your seat, โ€œYou guys take care.โ€ You place a small kiss on Lucas's cheek and Victor is standing up grateful for his uniform covering his lower half. The Postman waves goodbye before you tug him away out of the dining room.
Aesop watches the two leave before looking at Luca who is smiling too much, โ€œYou know something.โ€
โ€œMaybe.โ€ He does and completely changes the subject.
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Victor pins you against his door with his hands on your shoulders, his eyes on you as his brows are knit together, โ€œAre you really?โ€ Low but you hear it.
โ€œYes, I'm not lying.โ€
The Postman should have known since you are wearing a skirt, yes, a skirt. You hate skirts! You complain about them especially when in a match. Yet, here you are in a long skirt in his roomโ€ฆ Without underwear.
โ€œShow me.โ€ An edge to his sweet voice, his eyes and head tilting down.
You grin, โ€œOkay.โ€ Grabbing the middle of the skirt and lifting until you hear that gasp of surprise and cool air on your exposed lower regions. โ€œVictor?โ€
He swallows loudly, โ€œCan I?โ€ His one hand off your shoulder, โ€œMay I?โ€
โ€œOf course, this is for you.โ€
You might have underestimated Victor. You expected to be the one guiding and in control, dominant but gentle. No, Victor took over with his mouth on yours, a leg between your legs, and his hand that has your hands gripping the back of his uniform. His mouth never leaves yours, the sharp intake of air only when you both are dizzy, and you are the one making the most noise.
There are sweet whispers between kisses, those three words that have you begging him to touch you more.
Both of you barely get to the bed, fumbling a bit to strip, tripping and falling on one another but luckily on the bed.
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abandonedbun ยท 2 years
I have a Luca Balsa request,,If u write nsfw.. Him with an oral fixation. thats it (if u want u can also add naib, mike, norton, victor and andrew ๐Ÿ’• and whoever else u want) HVE A NICE DAY BUN <3
Bun had to restart this SO MANY TIMES BECAUSE TUMBLRโ€™S MEANNNN! But she finished! Bun loooved doing this, she loves them so much >/////<
Fun fact! Bun thinks Victor would have an oral fixation the most out of the characters! :3 oh and she listened to โ€˜shameโ€™ by Mitski when writing Andrewโ€™s part
Bun did it where the readerโ€™s receiving, sheโ€™s gotta work on her smut more
Content note:Mentions of overstim, edging, face sitting mentioned for Mike, Victor being soft and perfect because heโ€™s the worldโ€™s most perfect man and nobody can tell Bun otherwise, also mentions of wearing Victorโ€™s stuff (hat, shirts, uniform), praising, roughness
Please give Bun tips on how to improve! Theyโ€™re very appreciated!
Nsfw under read more!
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Luca Balsa <333
Luca isnโ€™t the most experienced when it comes to sex in general, so heโ€™d need some guidance for when it comes to giving you oral
He also isnโ€™t the fastest learner, but he tries!
When he gets the hang of things heโ€™s going to be almost addicted to your taste
Loves being between your thighs, one of his fav things
Heโ€™s very skilled with his hands, and has a long tongue, of course he wants to use them to pleasure you!
His tongue would be licking your sex and his hands are only doubling your pleasure
He isnโ€™t gonna stop until youโ€™re fully satisfied
Also this sorta does pleasure him as well
When heโ€™s done his face is going to be covered in your juices
Your thighs are gonna be a mess after, they also have some hickeys, bite marks, and slight scratches
Heโ€™d offer to clean you up after that
Sometimes cleaning up doesnโ€™t just stay as cleaning up and it leads to him giving you head again
He enjoys this more then he ever thought he would
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Naib Subedar <333
He goes pretty fast, for sex it isnโ€™t that different
He loves oral, both receiving and giving
When heโ€™s giving you head heโ€™s sloppy with it, he sets up a sloppy, fast and rough pace thatโ€™ll make you squirm under him
Also somebody who loves how you taste, and he isnโ€™t hiding it
If you try thrusting into his mouth or if you just squirm a lot heโ€™d give a small smirk because he knows heโ€™s doing a good job at making you feel good
More then happy to pin your hips down if he thinks itโ€™s needed
Accidentally overstimulates you sometimes, he gets lost in the taste that he canโ€™t help it
Now this is a bit of a guilty pleasure of his but he loves giving oral in semi public places, happens mainly if heโ€™s pent up or very jealous
When heโ€™s jealous his oral fixation kicks in but itโ€™s a bit more.. extreme if that makes sense
Heโ€™d give you head in the same clothes you wore when you spoke to whoever made him jealous, only thing thatโ€™s off is your pants and underwear (or if you wear skirts/dresses, only your underwear would be off)
Heโ€™ll grab your hips and pull you closer to lick at your sex more
Heโ€™d be more sloppy and quick, wanting you to make a mess and cum all over
The sheets are a mess after, and he apologizes if he hurt you and just lets you relax
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Mike Morton <333
Mike is a little gremlin, but in a lovable way
I can guarantee you that he loves giving oral, one of his top fav things
He can be so cruel sometimes, heโ€™ll have you on the bed with you tearing up and whining!
Reason why is that heโ€™s having the time of his life torturing you, he wonโ€™t let you cum yet! Not until he says so!
Youโ€™ll have to beg for it if you want it so badly
And when he finally thinks youโ€™re allowed to cum heโ€™ll speed up his pace and go at your sensitive spot even more
The gremlin purposely overstimulates you, he knows what heโ€™s doing (also he does it with your consent ๐Ÿ‘)
Heโ€™ll praise you and give you encouragement to keep going
Praising you how you taste so good, how youโ€™re being so good by taking this and that you can take it for a little longer
Also very skilled with his hands so heโ€™s definitely going to use them to make you cum more
One rubbing your sex as he licks it, and the other fingering you
Not showing any mercy as well, heโ€™s making sure heโ€™s satisfied (and that youโ€™re satisfied as well)
But he does like taking his sweet time giving you head, he sees no problem in being slow once in a while
He can be dominant at times and likes having full control when giving you oral, having things his way (unless he thinks you deserve a special reward when heโ€™s pleasuring you <3)
Since itโ€™s Mike weโ€™re talking about heโ€™ll most likely ask you to sit on his face, heโ€™s pulling your hips closer to his face and having the time of his life while youโ€™re cumming all over his face
Heโ€™d like the favor to be returned later though, by you putting your mouth to work <3
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Norton Campbell <333
Heโ€™s decently experienced, so heโ€™d know what to do to make you feel good
And he usually doesnโ€™t take too much advantage of it.. sometimes he does
His oral fixation can be a bit more calm but some other times he shows no mercy
Heโ€™ll purposely avoid the spots you need to be touched the most and when he sees you thrusting your hips up and whining he knows heโ€™s doing a good job
Heโ€™s smirking by the fact youโ€™re almost losing all self control
Doesnโ€™t mean heโ€™ll torture you forever though!
Norton has veeery big hands, theyโ€™re also quite roughed up from his work back in the mine! And strong, he can use them for a long time!
When he does let you squirm as much as youโ€™d like heโ€™ll be licking at your sex while using his hands, one rubbing/stroking it and his other handโ€™s fingering you while going at your sensitive spot
He usually preps you with oral so youโ€™d experience it a lot! And he doesnโ€™t just stop after you came once, not only does he want to make sure youโ€™re ready but he wants to make you feel very good before it while taking his time with you (and this probably gets him more hard just saying)
By the time heโ€™s decided to pull away his hairโ€™s a mess, face is flushed, and covered in your cum
Maybe he should make your face a mess nextโ€ฆ
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Victor Grantz <333
Victor, my fav switch boy, heโ€™s more sub leaning! And honestly such a sweetheart when heโ€™s giving oral
He couldnโ€™t bring himself to go fast, rough and sloppy when it comes to you!
He tries being careful when giving oral, making sure to be soft with it so you can enjoy it and so he can truly take his time tasting you, will go faster if you ask though!
The most shy about his oral fixation, but also has the most fantasies about giving you head
Loves giving you oral when youโ€™re wearing something like his hat, he can never not love it
And if you were to have the same clothing size as Victor or to be smaller heโ€™d love if you wore something like his uniform or his shirts! (If youโ€™re smaller Iโ€™ll let you know that he finds it so cute when youโ€™re wearing one of his shirts, especially if it slips off your shoulders)
Also could never edge you, wants you to cum on his face, he loves it <3 (or heโ€™d swallow your cum ๐Ÿ‘€)
Victor may not overstimulate you (most of the time) but he does go many rounds with you when it comes to oral
Heโ€™d give soft praise and ask if itโ€™s okay to go again and if you agree heโ€™ll tell you to tell him whenever he should stop/say the safe word, heโ€™ll kiss and rub your thighs softly until youโ€™ve calmed down and youโ€™re ready for another round
Heโ€™s the kind of guy to quietly moan when giving head because he loves how much you taste.. lowkey perfect
After all that he gives a kiss and cleans you up, then cuddles you :)
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Andrew Kreiss
He has absolutely no experience, barely got any with pleasuring himself
Please guide him on what feels good and what doesnโ€™t
He gets the hang of it though! And may be on his mind more often then heโ€™d like to admitโ€ฆ
He thinks heโ€™s a very big sinner for thinking and wanting to do it so often, he gets so flustered at his thoughts
But.. if itโ€™s you it might not matter so muchโ€ฆ
Sloppy! He can be very sloppy! Leaves you aching in a good way <3
Praise him while heโ€™s giving you head, I can guarantee you heโ€™ll go faster because praise does stuff to him
Accidentally rough with you, he doesnโ€™t mean to! Not with his darling!
Accidentally biting, leaving bruises.. he does it without thinking!
Heโ€™s just so used to doing things roughly it tends to slip in to his oral fixation and sex in general! He has a hard time controlling his strength
Also may leave scratch marks on your thighs and hips by accident
Has no shame when his face are covered in your juices, itโ€™s you and he loves every part of you <3
Praise him after praise him after praise him after please itโ€™s so worth it
After he asks if it was too much, if he did good, etc
Gives you a kiss on the forehead and gets you cleaned up
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teabreakpancakes ยท 2 years
Can You do a reaction where Luca, Victor, Andrew, Edgar and Kevin (separately) s/oโ€™s get a new skin thatโ€™s sexy where they have things like spandex, chains, corset, high heels and a whip accessory as well. Maybe the skin also makes them more dominant.
Luca, Andrew, Victor, Edgar, Kevin, and Naib's S/O with an inappropriate costume
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Genre: Fluff, Some NSFW
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Warning: suggestive asf
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Exiting Miss Nightingale's sewing room, (Name) couldn't help but get an ominous feel from the woman's smile as she bid them goodbye, telling them that she had a surprise for them once their match started.
'Oh well, it couldn't be that bad' they thought, taking a seat in the waiting room.
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๐‹๐”๐‚๐€ ๐๐€๐‹๐’๐€
Luca was decoding like normal, that is, until you arrived. A red blush decorated your cheeks. Now, why were you so embarrassed, he wondered, his eyes trailing down.
Red rapidly crept up his cheeks, his eyes wide, ignoring the sensation of the cipher machine shocking himโ€”though, failing a calibration didn't stop him from staring at you.
You hit him lightly with the handle of the whip, "H, hey! snap out of it will you?! Ganji is still kiting so you best get to decoding the last cipher while I rescue Anne" they say in a strict manner, one hand on their hip as they walk away in their stilettos.
Luca nods, face still red as he forces himself to think of something other than you in that damned outfitโ€”he wondered about how it would feel to caress your thighs in those fishnets.
he's very much a pervert but a gentlemanly oneโ€”he's your pervert tho
will squeeze your thighs in those fishnetsโ€”it's very tempting okay
thanks miss nightingale for it, he even sends a fucking letter
although he hates being treated roughly, he lowkey wants you to hit him with that whip please do it once, lightly though since you don't want him to remember being in prison
needless to say, whenever he accidentally whistles, he tells you it's one of his tics but either way, you can't actually tell slick bastard
he begs you to wear the costume again but just for him and no one else
he actually shocked norton because he stared at you for too long
but, how the hell are you walking in those things?!?!
and how are you even able to participate in matches comfortably? isn't that corset suffocating you?
He trails his hands up your thighs, letting out small groans as you tug on his hair. Your thighs wrap around his head, squeezing slightly as his tongue prods at your hole. "R, Right there" they moan out, caressing the back of his head as he works his tongue faster.
๐€๐๐ƒ๐‘๐„๐– ๐Š๐‘๐„๐ˆ๐’๐’
Andrew may be a religious man but he swears he almost drooled when he saw you in such indecent clothing. He wanted to reprimand you but it seemed that he found himself to be rather unwilling.
He snuck up behind you, placing his hands on your waist. "Are you begging for punishment by wearing such revealing clothing dear?" he whispered, the albino's voice an octave deeper than usual.
Andrew places a soft kiss on your nape, admiring the red hue dancing across your face as he cups your face. He smiles, a sadistic teasing look in his eyes as he turns to leave.
Halfway across the church, he turns to them, eyeing the whip on the back of their shorts. "I suggest hiding that from me later lest you want that to replace my hands later on" his voice echoing and leaving (Name) simmering in their anticipation.
this guy... a huge tease, a sadistic one at that
no, he will not let you dominate him, behave yourself or else he'll punish you
as much as he dislikes such scandalous clothing, he finds himself enjoying seeing it on you
if he has to rescue you, i can guarantee that he'll just lift you up instead of watching you run in those high heels, he's stronger than he looks
he will actually use that whip on you, tread carefully dear
he pokes at your butt whenever he passes by you in a match and you're wearing that costume
if anyone dares to lay a hand on you he will hit them with his shovel
he's very very possessive, he doesn't care if it's a sin, if it's you it does not matter
A loud smack echoes within the confines of Andrew's room. Soft whimpers leave your mouth as he caresses your ass, admiring the red markings his hand left. A dark chuckle leaves his mouth as they squirm, his hand steadying them on his lap. "Be good, or else I won't let you cum" he whispers, nibbling on their ear.
๐•๐ˆ๐‚๐“๐Ž๐‘ ๐†๐‘๐€๐๐“๐™
Victor's blush crawled up his neck, reaching the very tips of his ears when his eyes landed on your figure. He obeyed your orders so well, smiling softly at you.
His eyes were filled with adoration, one would've thought he was so innocentโ€”yeah no. (Name) knew from the get go that they'd be in for a lot after the match ended. Victor may be a sweetheart but he enjoys being a tease right after.
They could feel his eyes trailing up and down their figure as they moved, a soft smile being sent their way whenever their eyes met.
Victor's warm hand wrapped around their ankle, a worried look in his eyes as he removed the high heel. He set them on a bench, removing their other shoe before lifting them into his arms. "Let's get to the exit gate while the Dream Witch is occupied" (Name) orders, Victor nodding before running to the open gate.
you'd expect him to be the type that gets dominated right? well, yes and no
he'll let you dominate him but don't be fooled, he'll be much worse later one
he's a sweetheart, an absolute softie... it applies in bed as well but his teasing makes it so fucking unbearable
will massage your legs because he knows they hurt, will offer to carry you if your feet hurt
he isn't really bothered by the clothing, he's mature and in control of his libido
he thinks you look stunning in everything
don't take it too far with dominating him though, he'll be more than happy to switch your positions
will send letters to you singing praises about how good you look using wickโ€”please pet wick when he does
he'll try to cover you up if anyone stares at you
Victor smiles lovingly, gently holding onto your waist as you hold onto his shoulders. He sat on the ground, his back propped up against the wall of his bedroom with you on top of him on his lap. (Name) pulls him close using his collar, "Victor, just take me already" they whine, impatient as they rub against the postman's thigh. Victor hums, "Alright then" he whispered against their lips, reaching into their underwear.
๐„๐ƒ๐†๐€๐‘ ๐•๐€๐‹๐ƒ๐„๐
"Why are you trying to order me around?" Edgar hisses out, arms folded over his chest as he arches his eyebrow. (Name) shakes their head, "It's this stupid skin, I can't control it :(" they reply, a tired and annoyed look on their face as they shake their head.
Edgar sighs, "I'll tell the hunter that we're surrendering so we can fix this problem, we can't have you running around the map in that" he points to your clothing, a scoff leaving his lips. He takes off his capelet, wrapping it around your shoulders before walking in the direction he saw the hunter at previously.
(Name) gushes at their lover, a look of euphoria painting their face as they squeal over Edgar's actions. "Eddy I wuv you so muchhhh" they bang on the worn-down hospital's walls, a vibrant blush on their face.
Orpheus peers at them from above, shaking his head. "Valden, your S/O is just as Liam says, a simp" he deadpans, walking away from the building to decode.
he's a tsundere istg
he's not one to mind such clothing, he's painted people naked after all
he thinks you look attractive in the clothing but that's because his lovely S/O is always beautiful
if anyone even dares to stare at you and make you uncomfortable he'll throw his easel at them, he'll even threaten to poke their eyes out, what's his is his alone, alright?
he prefers seeing you in your usual clothing, his clothing even or be naked, just as long as he's the only one able to see you of course
he tried out your high heels, he hates them, he now looks up to people that wear such things
he's a grumpy cat and you're his loyal simp, quite a lovely pair
he loves you a lot, doesn't really care about anything sexual so if you want him to do something, you're gonna have to make him jealous or even better, just ask him.
"To think that you wanted me to do such things to you, how indecent of you doll" he whispered into your ear, tucking a lock of your hair behind your ear as he rubs your sensitive chest. He smiles down at you, "Don't worry, i'll take very good care of you", relishing your soft mewls of pleasure.
๐Š๐„๐•๐ˆ๐ ๐€๐‹๐Ž๐๐’๐Ž
As much as the cowboy thinks you're hot in that outfit, he does not like the stares that come with it. He uses his lasso to smack both survivors and hunters that stareโ€”it doesn't matter if you're a woman, he believes in equality.
He follows you around the entire game, letting you order him around and whatnot. You even stole his hatโ€”did you not know what it meant to steal a cowboy's hat?
"Kevin, carry me to the exit gate, I'm tired" (Name) demands, leaning against the cowboy's chest. Kevin looks away, trying to hide the faint blush on his cheeksโ€”who knew he'd like being ordered around.
He runs to the gate, ignoring the other two that were still in the map. A lopsided smile on his face as he turns to look down on you. You were so mean to him during the match, hitting him with the whip and leaving such painful marks on him, he was not going to let that slide.
will be a flirt the entire match, all while being extremely overprotective
will shower you in compliments because he knows damn well that you have bad thoughts of yourself
he's always thought of how you'd look in such clothing so he thinks it's a blessing that miss nightingale made it
he's a fucking simp, man is so hooked on you
he gives "you'd look good even in a trash bag" type of simp
if you ever decide to steal his hat and wear it, he'll tell you why at night and see if you consent
he kinda wants to see if he can stab someone with those high heels
"Sweetheart, did you know that when you wear the hat of a cowboy," he leaned down, pressing you against his chest as he slammed the door of his room shut, "you ride the cowboy it belongs to" his voice husky and his breath tickling your neck.
๐๐€๐ˆ๐ ๐’๐”๐๐„๐ƒ๐€๐‘
The mercenary whistles at the sight of his S/O decoding. He walks up to them silently, eyes trained on the plumpness of their ass. His hand meets with their bottom, a satisfying smack resounding through the air.
A squeak leaves (Name)'s mouth, they turn to him and smack him with their whip. Naib winks at them, ignoring the stinging sensation on his wrist as he smiles cockily at them.
"NAIB! GO DECODE YOU LITTLE," "What? continue, go on, what were you gonna call me?" Naib teases, watching them stumble over their words.
"Let's talk later... in private" Naib says, not letting them continue as he races off to rescue William. They stand there defeated, their ass still stinging.
he has that stupid shit-eating grin on his faceโ€”HE DOESN'T EVEN HIDE THE FACT THAT HE'S STARING
when he rescues you, he makes sure he's right behind you so he can watch your ass jiggle in those fishnets as you vault over walls and pallets
he thinks your clothes are too thinโ€”he wonders if youโ€™d be able to stand the cold in leoโ€™s memory
a pervert but he's your pervert
he can't help but want his hands all over your body
gets hard during the match, you're his first lover after all, he's never had someone to love and adore beforehand
he likes it when you're a brat, much more fun to break you
admires the fact that you can run and vault walls with those heels
he likes the whip, it's a very good weapon against the hunters, now if only he could use it
Naib's blue eyes stare into your own, a soft smirk on his lips as he rubs your hips. "Do you want me to continue?" he whispers against your neck, his knee rubbing against your clothed sex as you're pushed up against his roomโ€™s door.
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aesopcatt ยท 7 days
Hello! I've come across your post and was curious:)
Luca, Victor, Andrew, Matthias, Norton, Florian, Weepy x reader(not s/o) headcanons/oneshots/anyway you like but if I can be a little more specific, a shy/anxious reader?:)
The characters listed are just examples, you can remove, add, or choose whoever you want^^ I just like being a little specific but I completely do not mind with changes to your personal preferences. Thank you!!<333 Have a wonderful day๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ
Andrew, Matthias, and Weepy With A Shy/Anxious Reader (Platonic)
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Ofcc thank you for the request! I'll definitely make a part two with the other characters! i just wanted to make sure I got your request out in a short time!
Andrew Kreiss
-I feel like Andrew would do better with a shy friend. He likes being able to relate to them.
-But, if their anxious about something, Andrew will try to help them calm down. He'll try his best, using things that help him calm down.
-If anyone tries to make fun of them for their shy nature, Andrew isn't scared to stick up for them. He may have a generally shy deminer, but he can be mean when he wants to.
-In social settings, if they get overwhelmed, he takes them out of the situation.
-If their still kind of quiet even after he gets to know them, he's fine, just sitting in silence and enjoying his time with them.
-However, if they do get more talkative when he gets to know them, he loves listening to them talk for hours.
Matthias Czernin
-Matthias finds that he does better around other shy people.
-I feel like Matthias also gets anxious and quite easily at that. So he prefers someone not as loud.
-Matthias isn't very good at calming himself down, let alone someone else, so he can't help much during a panic attack.
-When they get closer to Matthias, he loves to talk about and show off his puppets.
-He tries to keep Louis away from them. He doesn't want him around since he is scared of him ruining his friendships.
-If their getting made fun of, Matthias won't really know what to do. I don't think he'll say anything, but their definitely not getting saved in matches now.
-Matthias will avoid most big social gatherings in general, so he'll 100% skip anything with them.
-Weepy finds their shyness cute. He's just happy they want to be friends with him he doesn't care if their shy or not.
-If they have a panic attack, he doesn't really know what to do, but he'll try his best.
-Weepy loves listening to anything they have to say. He also loves talking If their not talkative.
-Weepy loves trying to make them laugh.
-If their getting made fun of, Weepy will comfort them, but he probably won't say anything directly. He'll also send them towards the hunter with his rocket.
-Weepy is quite anxious himself, so he relates to how they feel.
(Sorry if it's kinda short or not what you wanted ๐Ÿ˜ฟ feel free to give criticism)
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chuuyasfanboy ยท 6 months
No request with this one, just me being self indulgent because I'm an IDV addict again and I love Postman!!! Wrote this all while doing rank, congratulate me on multitasking
Paperboy x Reader
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I'm an avid believer in all the skins having different personalities
So while default Victor is more reserved (NOT shy, The Prince is the shy one), I believe Paperboy is the most extroverted right behind Keyboard
He's a different kind of extroverted though
He's more focused on his blog than real life people, and so most of the conversing he does is through online forums and the like
DOES NOT mean he's afraid of in person convos!
His whole propaganda gang is trying to get people to STOP relying on tech, of course he doesn't mind talking to people irl
He's way more outwardly neurodivergent than the other variants, could probably rant FOREVER about product design, logos, hmtl and css, etc. He's really passionate about what he does
He's definitely lacking in friends though, despite all that
Other than his Call of the Abyss gang, he really doesn't get to talk to many people
It's pretty saddening, because after the fourth (read: ten-thousandth) rant about Have Fun, the only one who will listen is Luca, maybe sometimes Will
He really doesn't mind, but he does wish he could tell more people about it, people he liked
This is where YOU come in!!!
Someone new to the squad, someone who's interested in what he has to say!
Plus, even if you don't understand any of it, he has a cute puppy, isn't that enough to lure you in?
Speaking of Wick (whomst I will be referring to with all pronouns because I've been told that dog is every gender and I don't know what to believe anymore), he's the sweetest puppy ever!
When she's not ruining Jose's little dj gigs and radioshows, they're the most well behaved dog you will ever meet!
Play fetch with it, he will bring the ball back and give you puppy kisses while she's at it!
Victor LOVES seeing the two of you interact, it makes his heart explode with joy
Yes, he does talk to Wick like they're a real person. No, you cannot stop him. No, he does not use a baby voice, he is entirely serious about it.
Write him letters, he's never gotten one, none of his variants have except for maybe Prince.
He'll be SO SO SO HAPPY he'll love you forever
That's probably what kickstarted his little crush, actually, because he definitely fell first AND harder
You probably sent him an anonymous fan letter, just trying to make sure he knew people liked his blogs
He nearly CRIED running around showing everybody else, and you just laughed all joyfully at his excitement
He vowed he would find out who wrote it and write them back a thousand more word of appreciation
Imagine his joy when he found out (read: doxxed the letter for info) it was you!!
Yeah, he actually cried this time
Happy tears, I swear!
He promised you he would never ever forget it, and you KNOW he didn't, because he still brings it up years later as the happiest day of his life
Since the Call of the Abyss movement advanced and began making a motion, he'd received so many more fan letters, messages on his blog, and other things of that nature
But yours? Pinned up on his wall, FRAMED in gold
Takes every chance he gets to show it off, even if everybodys seen it before
Back to more general headcanons, Victor is completely nonverbal
He communicates through his lil mask thing, projecting words on it
He also uses it for more practical things
Like spreading more anti-Metropolis propaganda!
When he wants you to understand some niche thing he's into, he projects a video essay on to the screen, makes you watch it like a movie
Even with his eyes obscured and his words filtered, he's still extremely expressive, and its easy to tell what he's feeling
His face goes REEEEED when he's flustered or embarassed
And his lips are so so cute when he pouts
The only person he actually talks to is Wick, he does it in private, very few people get to see it
Even with you and the others, he's never spoken, only grunted or giggled or something small to acknowledge what you've said
When the plan to expose the Aurora finally closed in, and the final day was approaching, he excitedly ran around showing off his latest design
The first real print he'd made, he'd been banned from most shops and had to be careful entering them because of the guards, so he hadn't gotten the chance to bring them into reality
But finally, after Luca managed to get him a nice printer and a lifetime supply of ink, he did it
They were gorgeous- or- not the right word
They were effective.
He's really a genius in the graphic design department, slaving away hours over his laptop creating the perfect logos to draw in attention
He was incredibly excited that he finally got to spread it the way he's always wanted to
And he really hopes its as effective as he's been told
Hopes that it will encourage people to go find the sun once more
Back to the cute fuzzy romance!
It's a little awkward to kiss him, considering he almost NEVER takes off his little mask
Sometimes he does, but he really wants to save it for when the sun rises on Metropolis, it's a big dream he has
You really have to tilt your head, but its very worth it
He's soft all around, hands, arms, lips
And also, he smells like lavender
Dont ask me how I know, but its canon, I was his perfume
He really likes flowers, even though he's only seen pictures
He thinks they're gorgeous, and he believes they'll smell even better in person, better than any scent a cheap perfume shop could provide (sorry Vera!)
While he may be hard to kiss, he loves hugs, the tighter the better
Even if he feels like he's being squeezed apart, the closeness makes him feel safe
He hopes sunlight feels that warm
Sometimes, he takes you out to the theatre to watch the Aurora
"To research," he'll tell you
But really, he's just a hypocrite
Even if she's false, she does have a beautiful voice
He would never deprive you of beautiful things
He figures two extra tickets can't do too much harm, right?
Take that unsure answer as you will.
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turbulentscrawl ยท 6 months
Most to Least "how often they say I love you" please! Can you include Ithaqua and Antonio in it? I don't care who else, surprise me!
Yup yup yup!
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Emma says it regularly throughout conversation, and with most hellos and goodbyes. For some people, it might be too much, but she means it every time.
Ithaqua says it several times whenever either of you has to go, to kiss up when youโ€™re upset with him, and as part of his case whenever he wants to convince you not to do something.
Victor signs off every letter to you, big or small, with some form of it. He says it less verbally, but always during meaningful moments.
Eli doesnโ€™t want to go overboard and says it just a little above average. Heโ€™s a bit of a romantic and has a very good sense for when are the best times to lay it on you. Itโ€™s very sweet!
Antonio probably sets the standard for this, honestly. Once a day is his average, but he also says it whenever heโ€™s exasperated with you. (Both as a reminder to himself to be patient, and as a signal for you to ease up on him.)
Aesop is also pretty average, though it sounds choked about half the time. He finds it a little embarrassing to say it, but since he knows itโ€™s an important part to romantic relationships, he forces himself to say it more than is natural for him. But donโ€™t feel bad, youโ€™re worth the discomfort.
Naib is a little scared to. โ€œI love youโ€ makes it real, and real hurts even more if something happens to you. That said, he knows he canโ€™t let his fear rule over an important aspect of the relationship like that. He takes longer than most to say it for the first time, but after that says it reasonably often, like once every few days. He always says it before one of you enters a match, too.
Kevin is perhaps a bit shocking because he is such a flirt. He just busies his mouth with so many other compliments that โ€œI love youโ€ doesnโ€™t get to slip out as much. If you ever mention that itโ€™s been a while since heโ€™s said it, he starts tripping over himself to shower you with it.
Norton just forgets a lot of the time. Actions speak louder than words, as far as heโ€™s concerned, so telling you verbally isnโ€™t something that crosses his mind. He will get better with time if you communicate that itโ€™s an issue for you.
Joseph thinks youโ€™re just supposed to know, honestly. He says it only in private, deeply meaningful moments and nothing more than that. He doesnโ€™t really care if itโ€™s an issue that he says it so sparinglyโ€ฆunless you cry. Then he might care a little.
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sleepingcup ยท 1 year
Happy Valentine's Day - Idv x Reader Headcanons
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Genre: Fluff/Platonic (Be aware of the friendzone)
Source Image: Identity V owns that picture, it is used at the event.
Summary: You are the store assistant from the owner Emma Woods, tending to the store especially in the middle of the night. But one night you were not expecting something from your client...
Note: I added Emma to this headcanon since she is the owner of the shop. So you can consider that she is an additional route.
Jack the Ripper
Although you know how sinister he is, that won't stop him from greeting you "Happy Valentine's Day."
He gave you the product he purchased but you were not expecting that he also gave you a rose he bought for himself the other day.
He did had a polite chat with you and know that you are the reason why he was in a good mood. As a reward he offered you to go on a hang out with him to a cafe that serves delicious chocolate there.
Norton Campbell
Sure he is sassy, sure he is greedy and a bit of an angsty. You might find yourself catching you off guard when he ask you to go on a date with him for food.
Of course, he will be asking you to pay him money since he liked to be a rich person.
However there are times where he does want to get closer to you. You may not see it but he was making sure that you are safe and not harmed, just be aware that you might want to pay him in return...
Unfortunately, he has a lover and he doesn't want to cheat on his lover Ada once you found out about his relationship. However Emil gave you a friendly card so the thought counts.
There might be a day that you would talk to Ada and Emil but something tells you to give them their space.
Tip of the day: Don't steal their lover.
Annie Lester
A shy timid girl she is, but was honestly flattered when you wanted to have a nice time with her over a cup of hot chocolate.
You would often find her staring at you from the distance and yet she just wanted to show you her wares about what she wanted to show. Yet again you two did talk about that with interesting ideas.
At the end of the night she had a good time and gave you a nice hug before exiting the store. She was once shy but she was actually happy to have fun with you.
Victor Grantz
He is shy but his buddy Wick was there to keep you company. It was a nice hang out with him that you might catch him blushing when he is having too much fun.
Plus Victor gave you a letter that indicates his appreciation towards you, it was a very sweet letter that you gave him your gift for free.
Be prepared for a long letter chat from him from time to time.
Aesop Carl
He arrived to your store just to have a conversation with you over a cup of hot tea about deep dark conversations. Knowing him, he knows that you talk too much but it really caught his attention to hear a different opinion.
The hang-out was actually enjoyable for the both of you while watching the snow falling slowly.
But once it was time for him to go home, he gave you his rose from his breast pocket telling you that he was fond of talking about deep conversations with you before leaving.
Emma Woods
Your owner aka boss decided to hang out with you just for a simple hang out. Talking about businesses but also about what type of flowers that she wanted to bring to the store.
She was enjoying herself talking about various new types of flowers that she started talking about having a greenhouse at the side of the store for sight seeing or a mini garden.
Seeing her that happy makes you want to work hard for her, and yet Emma actually appreciates you for the chat and hot chocolates for the night.
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identity-lovecore ยท 1 year
hi !!! could i request victor, ganji, emil (which can be poly with ada, if you'd like to) with an s/o who can like cook the most aperitive, divine, scrumptious, mouth-watering food ?? like im talking the one scene in ratatouille where the food critic get flashbacks to his childhood energy
ganji... mwah . literally one of the best little guys. response under the cut!! poly emil and ada x reader, too! separate for all three (four?) of course.
Victor always gets super excited when he sees you working in the kitchen. His whole face literally lights up. He'll run into the kitchen, just to watch you work. He certainly isn't a picky eater, so he'll be super excited to try just about anything. Sometimes, Victor will wrap his arms around your waist and lay his jaw against your shoulder while you cook. He likes watching and observing what you do!!!
Ganji, on the other hand, would be super embarrassed whenever you cook him a meal. He gets all flustered, his face heating up. He's never exactly sure why you like to cook for him, and insists that you shouldn't have. He certainly adores when you do cook him food, though. He'll enjoy it even more if you sit down and eat with him as well.
Emil... definitely cannot cook. He just can't get the hang of it. Ada, on the other hand, is a nice cook, but doesn't exactly have the time to prepare meals when she has work to do. So, that leaves you to do the cooking. Emil will want to watch you work, while the two of you plan to go surprise Ada with the dish later. Emil is fascinated by how well you cook. And, if you and Ada work on the dish together, it's always a wonderful dinner for the three of you.
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