#idv eli clark x reader
teabreakpancakes · 1 year
omg okay so could you maybe write headcanons/a scenario for victor, naib, eli, and norton where the reader takes on a motherly role to the little girl? where she like adopts the reader as her mom! maybe a lil bit of robbie in there too if you want ^w^
The Traits Of A Mother Victor, Naib, Eli and Norton with a Motherly GN S/O
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Genre: Fluff
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you handle kids so well, he thinks it's so charming
you're the entire package, you can even cook well !
it's funny because you, weirdly enough, fuss over the hunters as well
"Mr. Hastur! please stay for a while, you must be tired after your match, please have some of this stew that I made, I hope it's to your taste" you offered, pulling him by his sleeve towards the large couch made for hunters. The Eldritch god didn't dare oppose, knowing you only wished to aid him in feeling well. Though, he couldn't say the same for the survivors gawking at you, their faces said it all, 'You idiot! he can kill you with one swipe and you still decide to go near him?!?!'—admittedly, he found it odd as well, but it's not like you allowed any of them—yes, them to refuse.
everyone either sees you as wifey material, a parent figure, or an older sibling: he just thought you were a parent figure to most people
he finds it endearing, yet amusing at the same time
you remind him of his mother when you fret over him and everyone else, except you're a version that came from heaven itself
he loves it when you cook for him
you cook a LOT for him, knowing his appetite
imagine seeing a survivor telling off a hunter because they didn't finish their food, rather bizarre don't you think? he won't say that out loud though
Naib stifled his laughter behind his closed fist, eyes fixated on the scene of you forcefully spoon-feeding Mary carrots. "I don't care if you were a high ranking noble previously or if you're older than me! that does not mean you are dismissed from eating vegetables just because you dislike them" you berated the hunter, handing her a cup of water. Mary hesitantly chewed the carrot, imaginary tears in the corners of her eyes as she fought the urge to throw up. "Don't worry, I'll give you your favourite dessert if you manage to finish your vegetables" you comforted, smiling at her.
everyone either sees you as wifey material, a parent figure, or an older sibling: mf just didn't care much abt you until you began to dote on him as well
he thinks it's lovely !
he rlly wants a family with you :((
his brainrot is finally having one with you
eli often assists you in caring for the kids, especially robbie; the hunter is a bit cheeky and hard to handle, similar to other kids his age
"Eli! hand me a towel, Robbie is dripping water all over the carpet!" you hollered, running around frantically in search for "Memory", the other child that so graciously decided to join the little undead boy in playing in rain. Eli could only smile fondly as he wrapped the towel around the hunter, "They're losing their head again" he joked, drawing out amused giggles from the hunter. Eli guided towel-clad Robbie towards the bathroom, looking back once more to see you carrying a towel-covered "Memory".
everyone either sees you as wifey material, a parent figure, or an older sibling—he "saw" you as his one and only
you're so sweet to kids and yet you nag him like his own mother
"¿Mi madre resucitó de entre los muertos?" (Did my mother rise from the dead?) Norton deadpanned, nearly regretting his decision of baiting the hunter away so his team would be able to open the exit gate. "You really need to be more careful, what if the dungeon hadn't been in the area—the hunter had detention for 50 more seconds!" you rebuked incessantly, Norton wished to tell you that he'd prefer to kite a hunter with detention just to hear you worry about him but he wished to be able to eat your cooking so he didn't proceed ^^;
he can't help but smile when he sees you take care of little girl or robbie
everyone either sees you as wifey material, a parent figure, or an older sibling—he thought his mother sent you to him as her replacement
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rosemaze-reveries · 3 months
During an interview, the manor guests suddenly get a question about you.
this is def an experimental format!! i got this idea while reading the character letters. in the POV of an unknown interviewer (not reader). reader uses they/them.
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Q. Could you describe your relationship with (Y/N)?
🔗 Ada - "Yes, that's my lover. I would say our relationship falls within the typical scope of that sort of thing. Of course, I believe we share something special, but everyone does when they're in love, don't they?" She covers all her bases in one decisive breath, leaving little room for me to comment.
⚰️ Aesop sits perfectly upright, fingers threaded at his knees. His eyes drift to the side and he seems to begin speaking mid-thought. "I had... cautioned myself not to upset their perception of me," he explains. "But they pried, and stayed, regardless of what they found... For that, I'm grateful."
📰 Alice has kept a sharp eye on me the entire time, but it's at this question that she drops the formalities. "I wasn't aware you would be prying into my personal affairs. Where did you learn that name?" Her frankness pins me in place. For some reason, I end up apologizing.
🔮 Eli can't help a sheepish smile from blooming across his face. "Well, truthfully... I don't use this term lightly, but they might be the love of my life." He has been consistently grounded with his responses, so I'm surprised to catch him flustered, however subtle it is. Personally, I'm touched.
❤️‍🩹 Emil considers for a moment. He doesn't meet me in the eye, instead pinning his gaze on nowhere in particular. A faint smile ghosts his lips. After a while, he answers, simply, "Safe."
💉 Emily's hands are folded neatly on her lap. At the mention of that name, her shoulders tense, but she otherwise maintains her composure. "Someone I trust." Her answer is vague and cautious, but acceptable. I'll try to uncover a deeper meaning behind that 'trust'.
🌪️ Ithaqua - "Mine." He is curt and to the point. Yours? I echo, hoping he'll elaborate. His head tilts to the side, and while I can't see the face behind his mask, a sense of dread suddenly overcomes me. I decide not to press further.
✂️ Jack stretches out his hand of blades, flexing each finger in front of him. I can't deny the cold sweat that drips down my spine just by being in his presence. "May I respond with a question of my own?" he says to me. "Suppose a butterfly loses its way, and winds up caught in a spider's web. Wouldn't you agree that the more it writhes and struggles, the more exhilarated the spider becomes?" I don't have the courage to hear out the rest of this analogy.
🍀 Lucky - "I've always been known as a pretty lucky guy, but the luckiest day of my life was when I met them! I remember it was the—" He drags me down a long-winded story about their life together. I get the idea. Eventually I'm forced to cut him off.
🩰 Margaretha twirls a curl of hair, a meek blush dusting her cheeks. "Have you ever been in love before? You're never prepared for the magic of it all. I feel a new rush with them everyday. I know, realistically, all good things come to an end, so I tried to remind myself to expect the worst, but they've proven over and over that... I'll never feel safer than in their arms." After rambling for some time, a look of surprise flashes across her face. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go off like that. Oh, but I've just never met someone who feels so much like true love before."
🔫 Martha doesn't miss a beat. "Sorry, I don't know anyone by that name." I look down to double-check the name written in her file. Her watchful gaze follows my line of sight. Are you sure? I try. "Must've been some confusion somewhere," she insists. The next day, I realize all my files on her and (Y/N) have gone missing.
🪡 Matthias - "Wh-What?" he starts, but keeps going before I can repeat the question. "Oh, uh, an ally, I guess." Well, I gathered that much. When I press for more details, his head sinks low, fingers grasping at the armrest. "I don't know what they saw in me. Was it out of pity?"
🤹 Mike's eyes light up and he blinds me with a contagious smile. "(Y/N)'s a sneaky one, and I mean it—they've got me under the trickiest spell of all. Guess what happens every time I think about them?" Egged on by his grin, I take the bait. You get lovesick? I guess. Suddenly, he tosses a handful of butterfly glitter in my face. "I get butterflies!" Very funny, I sigh, exasperated with these carnies. Why did he have that on hand in the first place?
🧲 Norton leans back in his chair, scowling. "What's that got to do with anything?" He snaps a couple times in my face, urging me to "stay on topic." It's hard to say if this question struck a nerve, as he's been uncooperative for most of this interview, but my suspicions point me to prod further. After all, it'd have been much easier if he just said he didn't know them.
🦋 Vera's face contorts into a leery, hostile glower. "Why do you ask that?" Before I can say anything to mitigate the rising tension, she catches herself, and her expression softens slightly. "I'm sorry. That's... someone quite dear to me, so your question took me by surprise."
🐍 Yidhra's follower goes pale, clearly unnerved. "She won't answer that," she tells me through shallow breaths. "Th-This isn't my place to say, but I'd advise you not to involve yourself with that person." As if on cue, I get a sensation I can only describe as a hand slowly wrapping around my neck. It disappears when I move to scratch it. Must've been my imagination.
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Part 2
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meowordeath · 2 months
A/N: I love Identity V!! especially Eli Clark!! I attempt to make it as gender ambiguous as possible, besides one having the word boob just replace it with pec! i didn’t know a gender neutral term for boob, sorry! :3 btw I'm not sure if someone else has already done this!
Characters | Eli Clark , Ganji Gupta , Naib Subedar and the lovely lady Patricia Dorval
Content warning : fluff , reader with boobs but no specific pronoun, not too inappropriate, jack the ripper And Breaking wheel if those count?
Identity V characters reacting to their s/o clothes getting ripped! :3
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Eli Clark
Before the match started Eli got to view your new costume. It looked very ninja like, the clothes were very skin tight. You two chatted while preparing for the match “Remember, just called out and I'll send brooke to your aid, okay?” He whispered to you laying his gloved hand atop yours. “I know, don't worry if I need you I’ll shout”
You smile before pecking him on the cheek. Brooke hoots happily, as Eli gives you one more loving look, before everyone's sight fades.
For first few minutes of the match you had been decoding. Feeling more relaxed as Luca shouted the hunter was on him, making him first kite. Your cipher was a little over half way done, as Luca started kiting toward you. At first you assumed he was just kiting in the area so you didn't bother to get off the cipher.
Your heartbeat started to get more prominent, but you were still very lax, thinking Luca and whoever the hunter was were just getting closer, when a shout rang out through the map. “Beware! Hunter has changed target!” You lifted your head abruptly from your cipher, accidentally messing up a calibration in the process making you shield your face from the explosion.
Soon after you messed it up you felt blades run from your back to your side. You cry out in pain bumping into the cipher as you sprint away, unfortunately the cipher snagged one of the slashes he had made in your shirt. A dark chuckle sounded behind you as you ran.
“This chase is already way more exciting than chasing that decoder,” Jack said licking the blood from his blades. You ran vaulting windows, throwing pallets for distance, you even led him back to Luca. Luca had a flustered look watching you pass him.
Eli knew you were currently kiting and trusted that you’d call out for help, so he didn't want to waste his spectate. “Help me!” Your shout rang out through the map. Eli was quick to send brooke to your aid. Looking through brooke's eyes he was shocked at the condition of your current costume. His face turned a little red.
Jack had only meant to slash your back, but since you messed up the calibration his slash went down your side, slicing open your shirt. It would've been fine with thin slashes, if your crash into the cipher hadn't caused your shirt to snag. It tore and your right boob was pretty much exposed.
You were trying to hold onto some dignity pulling the shreddings of your shirt over to cover it, but vaulting and pulling down pallets. You needed both your hands. Jack definitely had a great view of you each time you pulled down pallets. Eli was quick to find the teams other assist, William, and asking for his help to get The Ripper off you.
William was quick to assist. He stunned Jack allowing you to escape and hide, forcing him switch targets. Eli set brooke to find you, so he could help.
When he did find you, you were crouched behind a pallet, making a pathetic attempt to save your shirt. Eli crouched in front of you, not looking at your chest, instead checking over the wound. “It’s gonna be okay s/o, you can have my trench coat” His voice was slightly flustered, as he shed his coat.
He was left in his white long-sleeve button-up and black tie. You couldn't be more thankful for him wearing his recluse costume. “Thank you, Eli. God, this is pretty embarrassing!” Both your guy's faces have a faint blush, as you button up his trench coat finally covering your exposed flesh.
Eli's nervousness faded as he smiled. Lifting his hand to cup your cheek. “Don't worry, if they say anything, I'll have brooke rose peck out their eyes” he jokes, brooke hoots in agreement.
Ganji gupta
You and Tracy are both hanging out in the manors workshop. She was originally tinkering until you came in, wanting to show off your new costume to her. It had this futuristic theme, and Tracy was quick abandoned her invention to mess with the small gadgets they stuck to you as accessories.
On the front-side of your shorts, you had some sort of tablet with buttons and fun looking controls. It was attached to some belt that had other gadgets, they were all locked to the belt, which was attached to the shorts. Tracy was crouched down messing with them all.
“How mad do you think Miss Nightingale would be if I started taking this stuff apart?” Tracy said with a small grin. You look down and it seems she had already took her screwdriver to a few things. “Well, I guess we will find out” She laughed at your words.
Everything was going fine you were standing as you watch Tracy dismantle each piece of futuristic tech on the belt. Ganji knocked before entering the workshop. He sighed looking at Tracy crouched next to you. “How much longer are you gonna keep my s/o, Reznik?”
Ganji was told this was only gonna be a quick visit to show off the costume. Yet He’d been left waiting out there for at least 20 minutes. “Calm down ‘Gupta’ your s/o came here to show off their costume to me not you!” Tracy taunted, while saying his name is a mocking tone. Ganji scoffed, setting his cricket bat down at the door.
“Who do you think they showed it to first, Reznik.” Ganji sounded like he was subtly bragging, at being the first person to see you in the new costume. Tracy rolled her eyes. “Darn, the screen to this thing just doesn't want to come off!” She said trying to get the screen off, to get the wiring.
Ganji started to walk toward them reaching to pull Tracy off his s/o. “Okay Reznik, I’ve had my fair share of sharing my s/o.” Before He could reach Tracy she had fell back as her force caused your shorts to rip.
Tracy honestly didn't see anything with how fast Ganji was to cover you, He scowled down at Tracy. “I'm sorry...?” She said with a sheepish smile. “Find my s/o something to cover up with Reznik” He said firmly. She was quick to bolt out of the room. “Right! I'll be right back!”
She didn't look back in fear of seeing Ganji's harsh gaze. You could help but rest you forehead against his back laughing. “What are you laughing at? You’re currently in your underwear, if you hadn’t noticed.” He said turning toward you with a slight frown.
“I can’t help but laugh at the silliness of this situation my love. I never expected Tracy to rip my shorts, all so she could get the tablet!” You found this situation pretty funny. Ganjis frown turned into a small smile with your amusement.
“Glad you find this amusing. Though I’d rather be the only one to see my lover without pants on.” His words made your face slightly red. “Okay, perv.” His gaped slightly. “… I’ll remember that the next time your clothes rip. I won’t cover you.”
You smile squeezing his cheeks. “Yes you will, because you love me!” He sighed as you squeezed his face passive-aggressively. “… Yes I will.”
Naib Subedar
You know your lover hates Murro with an burning passion. Mostly because he hates boars, but you thought Murro’s boar was kinda cute.
Unfortunately Murro stayed very far away from you, making it so you barely saw his boar outside of matches.
It was a very nice day at the manor, survivor matches going smoothly, not that you had any matches to participate in today, Naib had about one or tw. With him on the team you didn’t doubt they would win.
In the manor there is an outdoor area, and due to you not having any matches today you want to go walk around in the sun for a bit.
On your way out you were wearing loose fitting loungewear. Not being in a match you didn’t want to put effort into putting on one of your usually costumes.
The sun felt good especially after being inside for most the day, you would take what you can get before Naib decides to ‘lowkey’ glue himself to your side. The outdoor part of the manor was pretty big enough to have a small forest, with a gate surrounding the whole area of course.
In the distance near trees you saw a tail and decided to investigate. Upon getting closer you realized its nust Murro's boar.
“Oh, I wonder why you’re out here by yourself. Is Murro around?” You said crouching down in front of the boar. It kind of just stared at you chewing on grass.
“Right, you’re an animal you can’t talk…” You felt a little awkward as the boar stared you down. “Well… I’m gonna go back that way…?” You stand dusting yourself off. As you stand the boar approaches you. You got back down wanting to pet it.
It did let you pet it for a moment, you got to even rub its stomach. It was fun, until you decided to go back inside and it grabbed ahold of the back of your shirt.
You and the boar had a short staring match. “Hmm, as much as I would love to spend more time with you Murro’s boar i’m sure my boyfriend is done with his match.” You said trying to tug the shirt from its mouth.
The boar refused turning it into a game of tug-a-war. “Let. go!” You huffed out fighting against the animal, you could hear the fabric starting to tear from you two pulling on it.
With one last tug you fell backwards, grunting in pain. It had a good chunk of fabric in its mouth as its trophy. You heard hurried footsteps. looking up you saw Murro. “I’m sorry! I didn't realize my boar had wandered away, forgive me!” He reached out to help you.
Unfortunately Naib had just arrived at the scene to see Murro’s boar with some of your shirt in its mouth, and Murro himself standing over you. In a moment a blade whizzed past, slicing Murro’s cheek causing him to fall on his butt in fear.
Looking behind you, he could see a very angry Naib hauling ass toward you all. In fear he quickly abandoned you. Hopping on his boar he left, running in the opposite direction.
Naib almost ran past you to chase Murro if you hadn’t gotten up quickly to grab the back of his shirt. “Wait, don’t chase after him!” You struggled to hold on to the man.
“I’ll gut him and that boar. How dare he sica damn animal on you.” His voice wasn't a shout but he was definitely furious. He was very strong actually draggjng you as he tried to pursue Murro.
You pull on his ponytail dragging his head back. “Hold your horses, who said anything about him siccing his boar on me?!” You let go of his hair as he stopped for a moment. “What do you mean, his boar was standing over you with some of your clothes in it mouth. How could that not be an attack on you?” He finally turned toward you head tilted slightly in confusion.
Sighing, you lightly pat Naib's cheek. “I wouldn't say it was an attack, I was originally playing with the boar. It only was trying to stop me from walking away, and Murro said he ran over after noticing it was gone.”
Naib’s eyebrows were still furrowed, eyes slightly closed, as of he was trying to see if you were lying for the sake of Murro. “Fine, I won't chase after him, for now.”
You grin pinching your lovers cheek. “Good! Now lets go inside you smell like shit” You say looping your elbow with his to lead him back to the manor. He rolled his eyes. “Whatever dear.”
Patricia Dorval
“Breaking wheel...! That son... sons? Of a bitch!” You say irritated, cursing his name to the sky quietly. He had been chasing you for most of the match before you lovely, kind, sweetheart patricia, took kite.
Inside your head you gushed about your girlfriend as you were trying to remove his spikes from not only your clothing but from your skin, as it had penetrated through the cloth into you.
Pulling them out was a huge pain, It hurt like hell. If only someone could help. You couldn't reach the ones in your back. Your mind drifted to Patricia as you pondered how her kite was going.
“You need help?” A raspy voice spoke out from behind you causing to yell and jump. Quickly turning around your faced wth the sneaky bastard who turned out to be Kreacher.
“Damn it Kreacher, you don't just sneak up on people like that!” You shout at the man hand over your heart. Other one raised as if you were going to hit him.
He back away from your shouts ready to coward out, and run away from your aggression. “Wait! Yes, I need help...” You say embarrassed about having to ask Kreacher of all people, to help you.
He was a little hesitant to come toward you, he had a sketical look toward you as you were just shouting but he did anyways. “Stay still and Ill get them removed” He said hand already painfully pulling one lodged in your back.
You try to hold in your pained shouts, refusing to show that this bothered you in front of Kreacher. They were pretty thin the spikes, but very sharp with tiny barbs that makes sense them hard to get from your skin.
Kreacher doesn't exactly have the gentlest hands while removing these from both your clothes and skin. You couldn't tell if he was trying to hurt you or help you.
“You could slow down damn it! Stop removing them fast you asshole, It hurts!” You hiss pulling away as he pulled another one carelessly out.
“Maybe if you could actually dodge breaking wheel..” You heard him mutter under his breath. “What did you just say!?” You say ticked off. “Nothing!!” He quickly says pulling one out to distract you.
He was pulling out the last one when both your hearts started to beat slightly, though it was barely anything to make you fret, polun didn't even know where you two were.
Coward freaking Pierson on the other hand grabbed ahold of the last spike dragging it down your back as he pulled away, bolting.
The specific spike he pulled was at the top so it tore all the way down, making the shirt go forward almost exposing if you hadn’t held it up with your hands. You grind your teeth slightly, turning to curse out to Kreacher.
As you turned your eyes met Patricia's, who had wacked Kreacher down with her ape skull, making his head bleed as he dizzily sat on the ground.
“Sorry I wasn't here sooner s/o, but at least I crushed this roach.” She said walking past him to you. She pecked you on the cheek getting her lipstick on your face, before looking at your back which was now exposed.
You had some blood drops rolling down from the sprike removals. She cut some more of your shirt so that she could tie a not in the back so it wouldn't fall off.
“I would take Kreachers jacket and give it to you, but I'd rather none of his filthy items touch you” She said as she gently caressed your back, careful of the small wounds.
You blushed at her caring gesture. “I should've warn a different costume one with a jacket, that's my bad.” She put her arms around your neck. “Well, I for one really like this costume, too bad it gonna be temporarily out of commission”
She makes it so hard for you not to swoon when shes this sweet. Kreacher groans reminding you two he was there.
Patricia unhooks her arms from around your neck. “Let's leave that thing and go decode the last cipher. Polun will find and kill it” She says loud enough for him to hear.
She grabs your hand pulling you away toward a cipher, while you follow her happily. Patricia was right about Kreacher as he was found & killed after Ganji led the hunter to him. At least the 3 of them escaped!
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fishermanshook · 4 months
LOVELANGUAGE.com (Suvivors! x gn!reader)
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# day 6 w/ @philomena-propellente ‘s valentines event! , cut 4 length , grammar and spelling warning
You just started dating them, and now it’s your job to figure out just how they show their undying love for you.
꒰wc꒱ 1.4k
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The Prospector 
Norton doesn’t have the money to buy or get you anything fancy. It hurts his heart a little because he would love to splurge a bit on you, but also being stuck in a dangerous manor game doesn’t help either of your situations. (Especially when you are low on clues to get food…)
Norton’s love language is Physical Touch. This man is (already) all over you from the beginning to the end of your relationship. He just loves the way you feel in his arms and it makes him feel a tone better.
You should also make sure to reciprocate these actions. Norton will probably feel even more loved by you knowing that you want to touch him as well.
Please hold this man gently in your hands as he rests his head on your lap.
The Journalist
Alice most likely has her time slots filled with random things she has to get done, so as her partner, she would like you to understand and accept the fact that she can’t spend a lot of time around or with you. What she can do, are Acts of Service.
What she lacks in time management she makes up for in getting things done for you. Too tired to grab your laundry? She’s on it. Need a snack but you're too lazy to go and get it? She’ll be right back babe. And as a last resort, she would take your place in a match for you. ONLY if something bad has come up and the two of you have discussed every possible route you can take. (and only if you promise to heal her up + kiss her bandages.)
Alice adores every part of you and she seems like one to not fall very easily. So be thankful and glad to have someone like her in your life, and don’t take her for granted.
Please be gentle with her cuts and bruises as you heal her back up again.
The Mercenary 
Naib loves his alone time as much as he loves you, and he loves you a lot. Like Alice, you have to understand that he sometimes needs to be on his own for the time being. You search for him if you’d like, but he’d rather only wish you do if it’s an emergency. He will seek you out when he wishes for you to see you. (and that’s often.)
Naib seems like he would also dabble in Acts of Service. He’d do a lot for you, free of charge. Well, as long as you’ll cuddle him later. (Maybe make him something sweet?) The Mercenary would go as far as to kill for you, but would only wish to resort to this if necessary.
Naib is a man of few words and has his walls up at all times. (Like someone else I know… *cough cough* GANJI *cough cough*) You’ve managed to worm into his heart and he doesn’t plan on letting go any time soon.
Please hold this man in your arms when he inevitably wakes up from his recurring nightmares.
Lily can be easily described as a bundle of energy just waiting to be released. She’s a great company and fills any void of loneliness in your bones. She is bright, funny, and overall an amazing person.
Lily has been cheering on others her entire life. Encouraging her brother as she watched him climb the ranks is a fond memory of hers and is cherished deeply. For these and many other reasons, Lily’s love language is Words of Affirmation.
To think that Lily’s enthusiasm would lack or stop when it came to you is just silly. If anything, it grows even stronger. You become her motivation to take on the day and the challenges that come with it. To run for her life if it meant she gets to see you at the exit game waiting for her arrival.
Please cheer her on as well, she needs you just as much as you need her.
The Seer
Eli should have predicted this, should’ve known he would fall head over heels for someone in the manor. But at last, you can’t change the past, or the future. Eli’s learned that the hard way. So while you're here with him now, let him bask in the light you radiate.
Eli Clark is one for Words of Affirmation alongside Physical Touch. Your skin is warm against his and envelops him completely. The Seer has always kept you close to him. Whether it be his hand entangled in yours, an arm around your waist, or anything else, he enjoys keeping you close to him.
Eli knows how words can affect people, so he always tries to compliment you when he can. Your outfit, your match performance, anything, and everything gets a smile and a nice compliment from him.
Please let this man wrap his arms around your waist as he hums an unrecognizable song in your ears.
The Priestess
Fiona is a self-proclaimed devotee to her god, but nowadays, she finds her devotion slipping. Her faith, disintegrating into ashes the longer she’s stuck in here. It’s given her a lot of time to think, but it’s also given her more time to spend with you. To forget about the unknown wonders of the world and just embrace your presence in its entirety.
Fiona Gilman’s love language is undoubtedly Quality Time.  She enjoys nothing more than to spend time with you outside the games. She doesn’t mind what or who it’s with, just that you're there. She also seems like she’s a sucker for picnics. Just the two of you is best, but if you insist on having others then that’s fine as well.
The Priestess has spent most of her days devoting herself to her religion and belief, which you don’t shame her for. She knows that her beliefs may not align with others, but she appreciates that you don’t give her crap about it. If she ever does find her faith in her god restoring, she would love to show you some of her practices.
Please accompany her on walks long after your curfew with only the stars as your witnesses.
 Bloody Queen
Mary was born with wealth and nobility to her name, she knows the power money has over people and the influence it can make. So she more than understands the currency of this strange manor. Not that she’s complaining though, she has more than enough clues and fragments to last a lifetime.
Mary Kriegburg's love language is Gifting. She has the clues too, so why not splurge on a new outfit for her daring? It’s the best way for her to show you that no amount of money can compare to the love that floods her unbeating heart.
If you do end up gifting something back to her, handmade or bought, she will cherish it. It may seem that Mary doesn’t like the handmade doll you made of her, but she sleeps with it during the nights you can’t accompany her. Her bed does feel cooler without you.
Please cherish everything she gives you, as she will do the same for you.
 The Photographer
Joseph doesn't get to see you often, as the two of you have your respective matches you're forced to perform in. And for whom? You'll never know. When your games are done for the day, he'll choose to seek you out. While he does prefer his own alone time, he wishes to be with you.
Joseph Desaulniers's love language has to do with Quality Time. He spends his time wisely so that he can save more for when both of you are available. The Photographer enjoys afternoon tea parties with you. Talk about anything or keep your mouth shut, he won't mind either. Your presence warms his dead body and it's such a welcoming feeling for the man that he yearns for it.
Joseph has already lost his brother in an already tragic manner, the Photographer keeps you close to ensure you don't meet an unexpected demise while he's not there. No, he doesn't want you to go back to your dorm room yet. Just stay by him for a moment longer and let him know you're not going anywhere one last time.
Please soak up the sun with him as he takes another picture of you.
note: RAHHHHHH I LOVE THIS (don’t come at me if you thought different love languages for them okay 😭)
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(2024)©️fishermanshook — do not steal, translate, plagiarize, or repost my work on any other platform
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a018233 · 3 months
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Captor! Yandere! Eli Clark headcannons .
Tw: Yandere content, Stockholm syndrome(?), Victim blameish, GN reader.
AN: you guys.. should totally fill my request box.
• Eli tries to justify this, saying how dangerous the world is. Telling you how he can't protect you if your out there.
• Eli loves you, and he wants you to love him just as much as he loves you!
• He knows what he's doing is wrong, but he can't help himself!
• Eli loves you so much it hurts, he eats, sleeps, and breathes for you. He wants you to do the same for him..
• He's feels like God himself is punishing him when you scream and hurl insults at him, when you look at him with both horror and disgust. But he's sure you'll return his feelings soon enough.
• In hopes of making you return his affections, he'd let you have free roam of his home. Of course, with the windows and doors bolted and various locks.
• I don't think he'd keep you restrained with any bindings. He wants you to feel as if this was your home as much as his.
• But if you were to try to escape? That's another story.
• To say he's disappointed would be an understatement. He'd use chains, long enough to walk around, but not long enough to escape.
• You lose some privileges you didn't realize was luxuries previously.
• He used to respect your boundaries by letting you have your own bed, trusting you enough to bathe yourself and dress yourself.
• But now, he sleeps alongside you, spooning you, the chains are off, but your hands and ankles are tied together with soft cotton binds.
• You can't even bathe or dress yourself, he does it for you. You have zero control of your life. He even tries to brush your teeth for you.
• You began to feel immense regret as your seated naked in front of of Eli in the bathtub, he'll hum to you as he messages your scalp with shampoo.
• He thought that you'd fall for him the more this goes on, but he could feel his heartstrings snap when you recoil from his touch.
• Why can't you love him? He's been oh so very patient, hasn't he?
• He tries to cheer you up by bringing you little tickets from town, maybe some pastries too.
• But nothing works, you don't even scream obscenities anymore . You have that vacant look, like your always somewhere else.
• He just wants you to react, to anything. Even if it's hatred towards him. But you don't even have the energy for that.
• He tries to give back your 'luxuries', letting you sleep in your own space, letting you bathe and dress yourself. But you don't even have the motivation to eat these days.
• Now you need him, but even then you still don't *want* him.
• Eli doesn't want to remove your chains or binds, but eventually, he does. Giving you free roam.
• Your eight month anniversary is coming up, your still distant. But at least you aren't spending the majority of the day rotting in bed.
• As a little reward, Eli places an order for a cake with some literature books. He kisses your hand before departing.
• As usual, you only ever wander around the house when he's not here. He's like hawk when you do.
• the soft pitter patter of rain hitting the window. Another ugly depressing day.
• But that's when you spot it, a way out. A window that was unlocked. A window that wasn't fucking deadbolted. This isn't a trick, is it?
• You waste no time before sliding through the window, you took quite a fall, you didn't even bother to grab your shoes.
• You'd wince as you stepped on rocks, sticks, you couldn't care less if your foot was bleeding or not. It didn't matter if it hurt with each step you took. You were out, free. You were actually outside.
• The white clothing Eli gave you all wet and stained with dirt from slipping on the mud, your hair wet from the pouring rain. You couldn't care where you were running, you just needed to get far, far from him. The only real danger was that captor of yours.
• That is until you found yourself face to face with a wolf. It snarls as it corners you.
• The moment your have your freedom back, your faced with death. It was a cruel joke, a cruel joke from life.
• Your going to be ripped to shreds, to unrecognizable pieces of flesh. All because you couldn't stay put.
• The world is dangerous, maybe you should've stayed put. You can't tell if your paralyzed by fear, or if you exhausted yourself from running so much. Even if you could run, you can't even move from all the fear. Genuine fear.
• Fear you've never felt before, you should've stayed put, stayed put in that house you despised so much. Your gonna die, because you couldn't listen.
• Before the wolf could come any closer, a flare goes off. Scaring off the wolf elsewhere.
• Your so exhausted, tired, your eyes watering from relief. To turn to your savior, Eli.
"Are you okay my love? What did I say about leaving? This world is dangerous..--" Before Eli could scold you more, all you could do was sob and fall into his arms, clinging tightly to him after your scare with death.
All he could do was smile, finally. You realized you wanted him, that you needed to be with him. He's the only one who can protect you in this world.
• After your little brush in with death, you put up no fight. Eli wraps his robes around you, carrying you bridal style back home.
• A nice warm shared bath soon follows, filled with suds and bath salts. Your sniffles echoed in the bathroom as he washes you throughly.
• Eli dresses you up in comfortable pajamas, then lays you down in bed. Before he could leave, your found yourself clinging deathly tight to him. Asking him not to leave, much to his surprise as much yours.
Eli's expression softened as your grip tightened around his wrist, so much it was hurting him. Before he could ask what's wrong, he heard the words he never thought he'd hear.
"Please stay.." You whispered through quiet sobs and hiccups, poor you. You hadn't stopped crying from the moment he found you.
Who is he to turn down his beloved? Eli hums in response before joining you under the covers. Wrapping his arms around you, spooning you as you willingly buried your face against his chest. Your tears staining his shirt.
"See? I told you the world is dangerous, as long you remain here, with me. Your safe. That's what you get for not listening, now, now. Go to sleep, alright my love?" He didn't mean to smile, he couldn't help it. Now Eli was certain you wouldn't want to be leaving. It's only a matter of time before you return his feelings.
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turbulentscrawl · 5 months
Kinda going off of your whole process behind matchups, but what do you think the ideal personality would be for some of the survivors (Alice, Norton, Eli, Naib, or whoever else you choose!) Like, what would they want/need in a partner? I feel like some of them could work well with a variety of personality types tbh…
Anyways, keep up the good work!
I don't want to give EVERYTHING way 🤭so these are a bit short. I'm also not super familiar with Alice yet, so her's are a bit more superficial. Added Andrew!
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-HAS to be with someone who respects his alone-time. He does better with someone who’s overall not that clingy, but at the very least you need to be able to let him go when he says he needs space. When he asks for that, it’s largely because he’s nervous about hurting you when he’s not fully in control of his emotions.
-He can’t be with someone rich. If he was, there’s a very good chance he doesn’t have genuine feelings for them. There is a small exception to this in the manor, because it’s something of an equalizer and money doesn’t help anyone here. But outside? Norton (Aus excluded) is always going to be a frugal thrift-er, and he’d be easily annoyed by someone who blows their money like it grows on trees.
-He does better with fellow introverts too. He can do group stuff sometimes, but he prefers intimate, not-noisy environments. He’s spent most of his life alone so big events, public activities, and big social groups just feel foreign to him.
-The main thing for Naib is you not being a nosey nancy. Especially outside of the manor, he needs a partner who isn’t going to ask questions about what he does for work. He brings home the bacon and that’s got to be enough for you.
-It’s also better for him to be with someone who doesn’t mind his paranoid protectiveness. As much as he wants you to stay out of his business, he wants to be IN yours. Not to be controlling, but so he’s always prepared to come running if something happens. He can live without this trait in a partner, but it will be a constant point of tension if you don’t like it.
-Otherwise, Naib can get along with just about anyone who treats him decently. He sees the appeal in several personality types.
-Eli also works with many different types of people! He’s a very patient and calm man who makes and effort to understand everyone’s actions and opinions. The only people I straight-up can’t see him being with are those who intentionally try to bring out negative emotions as tests or pranks. He enjoys some light teasing, but if you try to rile him up or make him jealous, he’s just going to disengage from you because that’s blatantly unkind. He wants to foster good-vibes only with his partner.
-He does very much like skinship, though, so it’s best if his partner likes both giving and receiving Physical Touch as a love language.
-He’s a lot more likely to be sweet on someone who’s kind and generous. And he’s very intuitive, so he knows when this is genuine…if you’re faking it to manipulate/get in his good graces.
-As a journalist, she needs a partner who can keep their mouth shut. Like, you’re more than welcome to gossip TO HER. But she literally pays her bills by being nosey, and exclusivity of information is part of that. So don’t share things you learn from her…but DO share things you learn from others with her.
-She’s brave to a fault. Like Alice sometimes genuinely does not sense danger sometimes, so she would appreciate a partner who looks out for her when she can’t do it herself.
-You have to be open-minded and nonjudgemental. He’s been treated poorly most of his life because of how he looks, and if he sees you treating other people with similar backstories well, his opinion of you skyrockets. (even though he won’t make it known for some time.) If you gossip to him about other people’s superficial stuff, kiss your relationship goodbye.
-Does best with someone patient and intuitive. He’s defensive and has an attitude, sometimes even without meaning to. He requires a lot of grace as far as overlooking the shit he says. His verbal communication will improve with time, and he will apologize for any slipups as his trust in you grows, but you have to be able to wait out the road bumps first.
-He also does better with a fellow introvert than an extrovert. For friendships, it doesn’t matter, but for a romantic partner he has more insecurities and concerns about you leaving him for someone else. If you like to spend a lot of time with other people, like being the center of attention, or feed on other’s approval, Andrew will have a harder time reigning in those thoughts that he’s not important to you.
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otakusparkle · 2 months
Today is the 6th anniversary day of Identity V, and it is also the 6th year that visitors have met and accompanied us. Thank you old friends and new partners for your tolerance and support.
The 6 years have left us with many precious memories. I hope that in the future, we can continue to share our hearts and create more beautiful memories that belong to you and me. Next, the anniversary concert brought by the manor partners is about to start - enjoy the wonderful anniversary time~
Happy 6th birthday, Identity V.
Happy 6th anniversary of meeting, manor visitors.
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oletus-writer · 11 months
Joseph, Ithaqua, and Keigan with a hunter s/o that’s like 5’2 (maybe slightly under) and is ready to beat anyone’s ass despite their height? Would probably win too
I’m excited for my first Keigan request! Unfortunately, I have not put Ithaqua on my masterlist and do not intend to write for him, so I’ll have to substitute.
Joseph, Keigan, Eli x reader who is short but could beat them in a fight
Warnings: swearing
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He thinks you’re cute - the way you flippantly challenge him to a fight the moment the two of you disagreed. The fact that you beat him, in fencing, no less, made him quite intrigued. To know fencing in this day and age, one must be a noble, however, your demeanour suggested otherwise.
‘You are quite skilled in the art of fencing - who taught you? May I have another round with you, sir/ma’am?’
Your height isn’t that much of a big deal to him - why does it matter that your short and can beat someone’s ass? Why does it matter that he’s shorter than other hunters? To him, appearance doesn’t matter as much as skill and how you present yourself.
‘Why must we fight all the time? Is there not an option to talk things out? Although I love to see you move so beautifully.’
He’ll be there to scold you and patch you up afterwards, gentle tending to your wounds. Please consider the scare you give the old man before rushing to your enemy.
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She’s another one for reason before violence - it is necessary, sometimes, but it’s better to talk it out than to start throwing fists. When you were ready to fight her, she calmly and expertly deescalated the situation and properly introduced herself.
‘My name is Keigan Nicholas Keogh, the Clerk. Welcome to Oletus Manor, it is a pleasure to meet you. I hope to get along with you.’
She doesn’t find it too impressive that you can beat her in a fight, as she is not the most athletic person, but seeing you face to face with someone like Percy, she has newfound respect for you.
‘Perhaps you shouldn’t fight so many people… here, let me patch you up. That looks bad. Maybe you’ll loose your eye next, hmm?’
She takes no shit and will defend you, even though she knows you could take them down in a fight. She’s an intimidating woman, and she knows it, and will make sure you don’t need to get into danger of being injured.
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Eli, while not a pacifist, does not understand why you are so intent on fighting others. He finds your demeanour rude, although there is a charm to it. He was faultlessly kind, so he found out this behaviour of yours when you get mad at Aesop.
‘May you consider… not doing that? Aesop is quite shy - he means no harm. Please be more patient with him.’
To find Eli mad is quite the phenomenon, which is not going to happen unless you are seriously injured. He will scold you and wrap you up, then call Emily to have your wounds checked out, not leaving your side for a second. He’ll scold you, but is only concerned for your health.
‘Dear, it’s dangerous to be picking fights with others, especially when you’re already in an injured state, or after a match. Not to mention that you’ve been fighting the hunters, too. How do you think that makes me feel? Please, I beg you, at least talk things out first. Then you can fight all you want.’
Your height isn’t a problem to him - he quite likes how you look so cute when your angry, and that he can pick you up when he wants to.
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Ink of Blackest Night
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Alright D.M. ppl listen trust me on this trust me i swear
Rated Mature | Warnings: kidnapping, soft D.M.
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The Lord Professor Désire Mélodis has many enemies, those who see only the cremé de la cremé of society and wish ill will upon him. They see you as a means of hurting him, a way to cripple the secretly devious many who are playing a game of three-tier chest with the detective Mr. Inference.
Yet, in the middle of that match, an interloper had dared to put you in harm's way and Désire had no choice but to call upon Noir to protect you. The mystery man had swooped in and saved you, you could only stare in awe as time for that second slowed down.
The battlefield they foolishly picked is the celebration event held by the Lord Professor, a celebration of the success of your public performance of a play you are the lead of and the success of the opening night. You were excited to share this moment with those you love and those who supported you, along with those who are part of the play! It was a wonderful night until the party crasher came and the night turned into a nightmare when Sir Mélodis is forced to stand helplessly as you are taken away.
You fear for them as you know they will not be given a quick death.
As you are taken and held hostage in some abandoned and frankly unstable manor belonging to a fallen house, supposedly by the hands of Sir Mélodis, you are tied and gagged by the grand staircase as they plot the next phase. Kill the Lord Professor and kill you too if you are not—
The scent strongest on him is rosemary like Mr. White, his expression stoic, yet his eyes are intense as he lands gracefully with you in his arms. You are placed down gently on the floor.
“Tuberose is outside with Mélodis.” Inform you while his owl lands on his shoulder, “You will be safe from here on out. Do not look back.”
You could only nod as you are too in shock to speak as he kneels beside you with blue eyes locked on you, his stare taking in your appearance before standing up and turning around. He leaves to go probably to kill those who tried to kill you.
Désire is not one to let the paperwork of justice handle his affairs when it comes to you.
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Noir, you know that must not be his name but the codename your beloved has given him. Everyone has a codename but no name you know of.
“Curious about him?” Désire asks while you lay beside him in bed. You have not left his side in over a week and not left his manor in the same amount of time. “Such a nosy thing.”
“You promised to be open with me when I ask and I only ask questions when something is presented in front of me.” You brush his hair out of his face, “Who is he?”
“A partner.”
“You kept him hidden from me. Is he important?”
“Yes, very.”
“Does he know about me like the others?”
“... Yes. He knows how important you are to me.” There is weight to those words because you are important, far more important than he could ever voice but his actions always speak for him.
You smile, kissing the tip of his nose, “Can I meet him again?” You try to be on good terms with those your future husband associates with, especially when they are ordered to look after you.
“He wants to meet you as well,” He kisses your forehead, “But I have a request of you, my love.”
“Careful before you promise anything,” He cups the side of your face, “He, like Tuberose, is very close to me, and of equal importance. Tuberose holds no romantic feelings for you but Noir does.”
You look concerned, “Uh?”
“He has watched you, as I ordered and I permitted him to let those feelings grow. I trust him to care for you if something was to befall me. Please, have an open mind around him. He will only respond to what is offered.”
“Do you want me to covet another man?”
“I want you to feel safe with him as you do with me.” He corrects you, “He will be the only man I give you permission to feel comfort in any form from.”
You are confused and worried to the point you touch your beloved’s forehead making sure he does not have a fever, “You… You are serious?”
“You know already how dangerous it is being with me is, I want you to be happy if something befalls me even if it means someone else must care for you too.”
You know like when talks like this but it is a reality you have to face as your wedding day draws closer and closer, the dangers are increasing and the Sir is dealing with affairs that are becoming too emboldening and believes they can harm you in public.
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Noir is not an easy man to find, he can only be found when he wants to be found. His letter details only a time and place, nothing more. The owl is sweet on you, rubbing her head on your finger before taking the gift of a treat of a breadcrumb and flying off.
That night in the long abandoned Observatory, he stands waiting for you with the owl on his shoulder, his arms crossed.
“You came.”
“Of course, it would be rude to ignore an invitation.” You say with a slight bow, “I must admit, you have the advantage here.”
“I do,” He turns around the looks over his shoulder signaling you to follow him, “Come.” You follow behind him.
You follow a secret path in the flooring, he enters first then you go inside after him, and he assists you down the ladder. The place under is a large space well lived in, warm, and smells of fresh food and you see a small table covered by cloth and set for dinner. It makes you very aware of how real this is, that Désire wants you to be courted by another man while engaged to him.
“My apologies if this is not to your standards.” Noir says while pulling out a chair for you to sit.
“Oh no, this is lovely actually. Cozy. Do you live here?”
There are bookshelves everywhere, a curtain divider, and this table. There are three other doors and the third door that is open reveals a kitchen.
“Yes, it is a safe house D.M created.” Seating himself across from you, “I primarily use it.”
“I see.” You examine the food, a simple dish, before eating it, “This is well made.”
“Crimson made it.”
The dinner is mostly quiet, you try to make conversation but he seems not well versed in how to keep one going.
“I… Could you keep talking?” He says while collecting the dishes, “I enjoy the sound of your voice.”
That makes your cheeks heat up a bit, “Would you like for me to talk about my day?”
“Anything. You are enchanting.” Placing them in the sink.
You talk about anything from your day to the play to how thankful you are for him saving you. Then you ask him simple questions, nothing invasive as you know he must keep his secrets too as his line of work— Their line of work requires you to be in the dark.
Noir at some points is unsure what to do, there is only but so much D.M. can tell him to help in this. He was trained to kill, to remove obstacles for Sir Mélodis, romance was not even a thought in his mind until you came along.
He was surprised when felt those strange emotions in his heart stir within, so much so he had to go to the Lord Professor for advice.
It was annoying to laugh at before Désire saw how serious Noir was.
“Forgive me, I did as much research as possible before this,” He touches your face after removing his gloves, “Tell me if anything I do is not to your liking.” His eyes open while you close yours preparing for his kiss.
You kiss him, a quick kiss, “Let me show you. We can learn as we go, okay?”
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kohabielnin · 6 months
Truth & Inference headcanons working together
It's been a while since I wanted to put down on paper all the knowledge I have about the Truth & Inference universe, so… here it is
D.M/Désire Mélodis
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• As a famous nobleman and art teacher, in front of others he treats you well and pleasantly, not so much when behind closed doors,
• He often sends you on missions with Noir or simply to come if Gatto is okay,
• Even though it doesn't seem like much, he actually cares about you, always teasing you and things like that,
• If you stay in the same environment as him, Noir and Tuberose, the only one who will defend you will be Noir because both Tuberose and D.M will provoke you,
• D.M is like a devil in human skin, but anyway he thinks you are a very important person in his life and will take care of you,
• He often likes to show you off as his, even though you are just an employee at his service, he is very proud of the little mouse he has in his hands
Gatto/Aesop Carl
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• Gatto is by no means a person who enjoys company other than four-legged furry ones, but after so long he has learned not to care so much about you,
• Cat and the other kitties seem to just love you, so it makes Gatto feel a little better around you,
• Both you and him share the fear of being left alone with Tuberose,
• As you have a degree in chemistry, he usually asks for your help when he has some difficulty in an experiment,
• Usually trusts you to make his coffee and look after Cat while he's away,
• You are the only person he trusts to tell you that he has been leaking information about D.M to Sir Inference and you don't really care about it, but you still promised to keep it secret from the others for the safety of the Silent Rebel
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• As soon as D.M told him that you would be his partner, be sure he held back a lot until the day he could have your confidence to tease you,
• Generally he likes to talk about Lady Rosemary and you can be sure that this conversation only ends when you end up sleeping,
• Even though he is an idiotic provocateur, he is very kind when he wants to be,
• As I said, he has his moments of kindness, presenting you with flowers, but then he goes back to teasing you again if he sees your face flushed,
• Pray you never have him and D.M in the same room, they both love to tease you,
• We all know that Tuberose is a hot man, and he clearly knows that so the normal tease he uses on you is just how you look at his six-pack on display.
Noir/Saphir Mélodis
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• You and him always worked together because you both wanted to, not at D.M's request,
• Since you've known each other since you were children, it's as if you two can read each other's minds and that helps a lot when it comes to getting your hands dirty,
• It's not just him who has a certain affection for you, Leon your falcon also likes you a lot and likes to receive affection from you,
• D.M lets the two of you stay together because he says Noir is happy in his company and performs great on missions when he's by his side,
• Of course, not everything is a bed of roses, after all, there isn't a day that goes by that Tuberose doesn't tease you because of his childhood relationship with Noir,
• In the same way that Tuberose provokes you, Noir always appears at the right times to save you, of course, not before giving beautiful answers to Tuberose
Lady Truth/Emma Woods
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• You, her and Mr. Inferece met at the orphanage and have been together ever since.
• She is very affectionate and dedicated to her two childhood friends, so there won't be a day that goes by that you are sad that she doesn't try to make a smile appear on your face,
• Unlike Mr. Inference, she is not as serious and is more relaxed, trying her best to make the agency's atmosphere light,
• She loves to surprise you with her favorite snack at least one day a week, it only changes when it's your birthday week which is every day and on your birthday she throws a surprise party for you,
• When it comes to investigations, she relies heavily on her deductive potential, so while she looks for clues, she usually lets you come up with the line of reasoning to solve the case,
• Once a month she changes the flowers in the vase on her table, always to her favorite flowers.
Mr. Inference/Naib Subedar
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• He always saw you as a little brother/sister,
• Even with his serious demeanor, he cares a lot about you and often asks if you're okay,
• When the two of you are alone, he often shares his concerns about D.M.
• Usually you, him and Lady Truth go to events as guests and you can be sure that you are the only person who can calm him down when they meet D.M,
• D.M, in turn, really likes to provoke the detective and you, which clearly doesn't come very cheaply to the count,
• As your relationship with him is long-standing, you understand each other without needing words and he also trusts your deduction a lot.
White/Saphir Mélodis
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• He is always extremely affectionate with you,
• You two haven't known each other long, but you feel like you've known each other for a long time,
• His owl also loves to sit on his shoulder and receive affection,
• He usually sleeps at work, according to him it's a nap to work better, but he usually keeps muttering things like "I really like your company" and things like that while he calls your name in his sleep,
• On his days off he loves going out with you to a park and being able to sleep under a tree on your lap, according to him it's a moment of peace for him,
• There's no denying that he's extremely cute, and sometimes he uses that to his advantage to get your attention.
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teabreakpancakes · 1 year
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Kinktober: Day Twenty-Eight
Can’t Help It (Eli Clark x GN Reader)
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Eli trembled, letting out shaky breaths as he palmed at his aching erection. His cock stood tall, practically begging for attention; his back was propped up against the wall, head resting against it as he stroked his member.
His darling let out an inaudible gasp at the sight of him, heat crawling up their face. They watched intently as his hand went up and down up and down up and down—god, it was driving you insane.
The pink tip of his cock excreted more and more pre-cum, the slick substance shining because of the light. They rubbed their thighs, feeling the area between their legs ache for attention. A soft whine is drawn from their lips when they rub at their sex.
Their eyes never leave his shaking form, pleasuring themselves while looking at him—it didn't take long until they were close, leaning against the door frame. Eli groans, rubbing the base of his dick, wishing that it was his darling stroking him, oh how he missed their touch.
"(Name)” he cums with a rough groan of your name, spurting out thick white ropes. You cum with him, crying out softly in your hand.
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rosemaze-reveries · 4 months
― enclosed with love
spending valentine's day with you eli, mary, michiko, naib, norton, percy, philippe
i adored this year's vday café designs so i wrote some hcs for them ^^
⚠️ modern AU
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♡ Mary
With a delicate and highly sophisticated palate, Mary is always searching for something new to satisfy her. For Valentine's Day, she books a private tour at a high-end champagne house.
Her driver is scheduled to pick you up in the early afternoon. She arranged your date so “late” to give herself ample time to settle on an outfit. Her room is littered with hat boxes and empty hangers and piles of ‘maybes’. Everything must be perfect for you. But, every second without you feeds into her restlessness, and she ends up calling you to fill the time. Hours go by on the phone & she still refuses to hang up until she pulls outside your residence.
When she first greets you from the backseat of her car, her hands are on you immediately. She smoothes out the collar of your jacket and peppers a couple of warm kisses all across your face, somehow never quite landing on your lips. She quickly dabs away all the lipstick stamps she left with her handkerchief and apologizes for being so forward,,, only to end up doing it again.
Mary takes high pride in her outfits and never compromises on looking classy. But somewhere in the back of your head, you think: All white? To a wine tasting? What if she gets red stains on her dress? From anyone else, this comment would insult her ― she doesn't take kindly to the insinuation that she's a klutz. Coming from you, she laughs it off saying she's always looked better in red anyway.
She waits until arriving for your tour to present her gifts. Mary gives VERY generously. There's an entire table prepared for you. Mountains of roses, desserts, tickets to that trip you've always wanted to take, luxury spa packages -- she has everything.
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♡ Norton
This Valentine's Day is the first Norton will be spending with someone. He'll act like he's not that invested in it, that he's just indulging you.
He keeps up a haughty smirk when you first meet for your date. You had a love letter delivered to him that morning, and he's 100% taking the opportunity to tease you about it. You wrote some pretty embarrassing things about him. How's the real deal living up to your expectations? Dying to bring some of those thoughts to life already? Unfortunately, you insisted on having a traditional date for Valentine's, so you'll have to keep yourself in check until tonight. ← He knows he makes you crazy & he loves having that effect on you.
He gives you chocolates as a gift. They're clearly homemade, shaped like rocks of various sizes with a little gold-dusted heart hidden among them. But just in case you wouldn't be able to recognize them as rocks, he also provided a little toothpick "pickaxe."
Presenting something homemade is a little embarrassing, even if he hides it with that big grin of his. He gives your present a little too fast before switching back to teasing you again.
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♡ Philippe
As a perfectionist, Philippe starts planning for Valentine's Day very early. He experiments with all sorts of gift ideas. You're not sure what's going through his head, but he has a highly specific vision and won't rest until he achieves it. He seems to find it important that he gives you something handmade.
Matching photo lockets? A decoden case (if you're into fun phone cases)? Not meaningful enough. A flower vase modeled after his own hand, to sit on your desk? Too tacky. A wax figure? Maybe, but that's too predictable on its own. Maybe he should learn guitar to serenade you.
His final choice is ambitious, but Philippe always is. He builds a little table out of resin, and preserved inside it are your favorite flowers, with detailed wax figurines of you and him dancing among them. It sits in a corner of his favorite room, where he often does dance with you ♡
On the day itself, Philippe would prefer to stay home. It's one of the rare times he gets to have you to himself free of work constraints.
He's the type that always needs to be doing something with his hands. He'd enjoy making chocolate sculptures together -- it's a cute idea, he thinks, to watch you make something so passionately. Whatever your skill level, he loves anything you make.
In the evening, he'll take over all the cooking. A quiet night with steak and good wine (or your preferred drink) is a little cliche, but you both deserve it. Plus, he loves nothing more than casually chatting with you while he works in the kitchen.
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♡ Naib
Naib isn't really into the idea of Valentine's Day. He might not even realize it's coming up unless you tell him about it. You'd have to be explicit that you're looking forward to spending the day with him, and even then, he's totally unprepared.
Gifts have never been his forte. Neither have grand romantic gestures. But he's good at working his pragmatic side into the little things: so rather than push himself to be this lovey-dovey, chocolates-and-roses type of lover for the day, he focuses on being 'present' for you.
He brings you breakfast in bed. He's a mean cook, and knows all your favorites. Everything he makes tastes like home, warm and full of love.
Most couples give each other flowers, he knows that, so he goes shopping for one. You're surprised when he presents you with a bouquet of lemons. In his mind, they're cool and refreshing like you, everyone could find a use for some lemons, and personally he finds the colors to be appealing. It doesn't occur to him that lemon bouquets might be an unusual thing to give.
He relies on you to direct the date. Whatever you say, he'll agree. In public, he never leans in for kisses but wouldn't oppose yours. You can try to stand closer to him & he'll slink an arm around your waist briefly, as if to reassure you that he'll always have a secure hold on you, but he'll pull away again before long.
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♡ Percy
In spite of all of his eccentricities, Percy is surprisingly traditional when it comes to romance. He invites you to a nice dinner date & arrives much earlier than you, waiting with a bouquet and chocolates. When he first sees you, he wraps a secure arm around your shoulders to tenderly kiss your forehead.
Getting to see this side of him is the payoff of building such a deep relationship with him. Percy is a difficult person to get through. He's obsessive to a fault and cloisters himself away in his studio for days at a time ― no one else would have been able to breach his heart like you have. He will take proper measures to express your importance to him.
His first real kiss leaves tiny particles of something on your lips, but they're sweet in taste. He laughs at the startled look on your face and reassures you it was just a sugar cube. At first he says he was just fishing for a reaction, but later confesses: he was afraid the lips of an undead man might have an odd taste, so he crunched a sugar cube to sweeten it.
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♡ Eli
Eli spends the morning delivering roses to other couples on his bicycle. People tend to get especially flattered when their flowers arrive via owl, so his services are very popular this time of year.
He enjoys the little bouts of happiness he can bring to others, but of course you are the one he wants to spend this day with most. With every bouquet he delivers, his mind wanders to you, imagining your reaction when he finally gets to deliver his gift.
He asks you to meet him at an ice cream parlor when his shift is done, around noon. Before you even see him, Brooke Rose flies over to tuck a thornless rose behind your ear, and you turn to find Eli already waiting at a table.
He gives you a small homemade cake and a letter he won't let you read until he's gone. He's a pretty sappy guy even in person, so you aren't sure how his letter will be much different. But having something to be excited about, even after you have to say goodbye, makes it worth it.
His bike rides have left very familiar with all the best spots around town. After splitting ice cream, he takes you for a ride to all the little places he thinks you'll love. A flower meadow, a bridge with a superstition attached: if you whisper the name of your love while crossing it, you'll be bound for life. Part of you suspects he made that up, but the way he says your name over and over makes your heart skip a beat.
Once the sun goes down, he brings you to a forest. Somehow he manages to time it just right. He gestures for you to stay very quiet, gently takes your hands, and suddenly you're encircled by hundreds of fireflies.
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♡ Michiko
Since losing her ex-husband, Valentine's Day has become a bitter thing for Michiko, especially since it's so close to their anniversary. She has treated it as a day of mourning for some years. Of course, she keeps up a smile for you ― it's not in her character to impose her struggles on others.
The morning goes by slowly and comfortably. You wake up to a gentle massage and the smell of fresh baked pastries. She writes you a sweet letter in her neat script, and she adorns her letter with pressed flowers & a mini bouquet of your favorite candy.
She makes sure to get you a proper gift, too. She follows a rule of getting 1 indulgent and 1 practical thing: a box of luxury chocolates alongside a fine new coat.
Her ideal date would be something intimate and relaxing. Maybe the theatre, in a box reserved for two, or a shaded flower garden where you can enjoy a cup of tea.
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sleepingcup · 1 year
Asking out for a date while your working
Characters: Aesop Carl, Eli Clark, Naib Subedar, Norton Campbell, Mike Morton x Reader (Separate)
Game: Identity V (Modern Au)
Genre: Fluff
Summary: You are the manager at a cafe that was recently popular for a pure reason, you recently received customers who you recognized since high-school and university.
Aesop Carl
As much of an introvert as he is, he went out of his comfort zone just to check on you, he is the rarest customer you can ever get.
You honestly appreciate that he was here to see you, just be patient with him. But you swore that you saw red on his ears despite he was trying to keep a straight face yet he is hiding a smile.
You made sure that your cooking made Aesop happy. Although he is a picky eater on what meals he chooses, if it’s you Aesop won’t mind. He’d honestly appreciate that you really know his taste preferences and food balances, he doesn’t want a heavy meal.
You rarely see him smile so seeing it was pretty successful for you. He evenly decided to ask you out on a date without any hesitation or stammering before paying and leaving.
But it seems that as much as you are dense you are in a daze when the staff tells you that the pretty boy Aesop is asking you out on a date.
That is something that you were not expecting.
And yet you said yes to his invitation.
Poor Aesop, he was trying to contain his heartbeat including his blushing face once he is at home.
But in the end, he is extra happy when you are willing to go on a date with him. Who knows, he would give you a kiss on the cheek?
Eli Clark
He often visits you every time he finishes his work, and the staff often teases you that Eli is your lover. Of course, they were joking since he was handsome to have a girlfriend, but, you were not expecting him to show up just to visit you.
He was genuinely excited to see you, so you decided to let him take his time to order before you cook the food for him.
Although most of the cooking was Eli talking to you about “How are you?” or “Are you doing well in this job?” Mostly Eli’s concern and gives you the energy that you didn’t ask for but actually needed it.
But he would go out of his way to ask you out once he manage to get the timing right, that alone made you blush once you realize that he wanted to ask you out on a date.
Of course you would have to get use the staff teasing you about going on a date with Eli, then again that is also something that you are pretty much looking forward to.
Although you would need to make sure that the shift is finished, but you can be thankful to know that Eli was waiting for you.
Plus he made sure that the date went well, he made sure that you are comfortable, less stress, and mostly happy and romantic.
As a bonus part of the date, his pet owl Brooke Rose loves to nuzzle her feathers to your head as a sign of affection. Which Eli was struggling to not cry of happiness at the adorable sight.
Poor Eli, he is trying not to resist the temptation of giving you a hug and a kiss.
Naib Subedar
He visits you from time to time, but he mostly visits you in the early morning since he prefers pure peaceful silence rest assured that he will protect you.
Not only that he secretly enjoys the food that you made for him, Naib made sure that you are comfortable with your job. There are times where he often passes by the cafe just to make sure that you are still safe from harm, which you would need to explain the staff that Naib is there to keep an eye on you.
Then again one of the staff pointed out that you and Naib should REALLY go out on a date, they do have a point but you were not sure if he would really obliged.
One day Naib decided to ask you out on a date since he was told by his friends to ask you on a date, of course the man doesn’t have a good ideas about dating so he would need to adapt to something new.
And if you are wondering, you did say yes of his invitation to the date.
But the idealistic date went from eating to a restaurant was a place to a quiet relax place, have a picnic, and have a nice conversation with Naib which it was pretty romantic when you also include holding hands and feeling butterflies.
But once the date was over, Naib was hoping that he would invite you more to dating with him.
Norton Campbell
Funny, unlike Aesop, Eli, Naib, and Mike. Norton is your co-worker.
His visits are rare but he visits you during the afternoon, pretty much when you already know that he was the supplier carrying the stuff for restocking the cafe.
But in his free times he went out of his way to see you from time to time in the break room. You and Norton really do have a nice conversation from time to time but not really closer enough. While you were focusing on your job you didn’t noticed that Norton was staring at you from time to time and yet he didn’t have the chance to say it when the timing was worse.
One day you were working at the counter taking care of the cash register, and Norton decided to be your assistant.
The staff was trying to tell Norton to ask you out on a date, and yet he face shows that he needs to be paid extra for that to happen.
Till…. YOU decided to ask him out on a date.
He was surprised and yet tried his best to hide his flustered face while avoiding the laughter from the staff, but luckily he said yes.
You may not-no you DID noticed that Norton was VERY happy that you ask him out on a date. As a result he gave your head a kiss. Plus at the end of the shift you and Norton really had a good date at the restaurant, movie, and a sleepover at the 
Just be aware that he can be playful in the date.
Mike Morton
Well, that is interesting, he is one of your regular customers who arrive JUST FOR THE FOOD YOU MADE FOR HIM.
He would like to talk to you from time to time, like it would be something that he won’t mind wasting his time just to hang out with you. Although when he comes to you, it was extra tips for you from him like he is asking you to return the favor even if you barely do anything.
That alone never stop him from going near you just to get closer, even if it would be a restriction but never to you, after all he DID help you out behind the scenes on getting the customer’s opinions.
To return the favor is asking him out on a date.
Do you have any idea that would make him even happier.
He is willing to look forward for the date you manage to ask him out for, so it was the movies, live show watchings, and having a good time window shopping. It was one of his expectations when he clearly wanted to hang out with you.
Just like Norton, he is playful and flirty but he is the mixture of both for at least 100% of the time during the date, but be mindful that he can get protective at all times. After all he doesn’t want someone taking you away from him.
And if you manage to give him a kiss as a bonus for his reward, he won’t really hesitate to give you hugs and kisses as well. Plus he did want more PDA sooo.....good luck with that.
But don’t worry, he made sure that you actually enjoy his company.
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fishermanshook · 2 months
( batter , first officer & forward relationship h/c's ) + gn!reader
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# think of this as a pt. 2 to this fic , grammar and spelling warning
How these men show their undying love for their one and only—you.
꒰wc꒱ 1.1k
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Ganji Gupta didn’t dare dream of the day he’d find his one and only, his true love, someone to grow old and tired with until his heart gave out on itself. Unfortunately, his newfound situation halted any progress he could’ve made.
That was until you arrived at the manor with a letter to hell in your hands. That was until he got to know you better. That was until you shared your first kiss on New Year’s Eve. Ever since then, he’s been completely and utterly yours.
Ganji Gupta is the type of man to show his love and devotion to you through meaningful Acts of Service. There’s little to nothing the Batter wouldn’t do for you. He isn’t above taking hits for you in matches when needed, and he will use his last ball to save you from getting sent back to the manor.
Ganji Gupta who, as much as he loves being on his own, gets a bit lonely at times. Therefore, he loves nothing more than to spend some Quality Time with you. He prefers long walks around the perimeter of the manor and also enjoys getting to rest his head in your lap as the two of you lounge about.
Ganji Gupta teaches you the recipes passed down to him by his Mother. It makes for a great way to spend time together whilst making sure he doesn’t forget them in the process. Cooking with you brings back bittersweet memories and reminds him of his Mother all too much.
Ganji Gupta frequently wakes up from relentless night terrors. He’s heard of other Survivors describing their own experiences with them but didn’t think it would happen to him. Now he finds himself waking up in a cold sweat and alone in bed with nobody to calm him down. This leads to him sleeping in your dorm room more often than not in a way to help combat these nightmares. Hopefully, he can get some rest tonight thanks to your help.
Who doesn’t know the brave young man Jose Baden? The Sea Knight who wields a pocket watch said to have been blessed by Posiden himself, the artifact that always ensures smooth sailing? The First Officer is punctual, humble, and always knows what he wants. He just didn’t expect it to be you.
Nonetheless, the heart can guide a man better than any map can. He may indeed have fallen for you first, but you undeniably fell harder. Although, who wouldn’t with the way he constantly sweeps you off your feet?
Jose Baden is always true to his words when it comes to you, and therefore showers you with Words of Affirmation. It makes communication between the two of you much easier when there’s nothing to hide. And there are only so many words to describe his love for you, so we’ll have to start from the top and work our way down.
Jose Baden, who cannot keep his hands off you. No matter where the two of you are. Physical Affection is this man's specialty and has been embedded into his DNA. It's the simple things like his pinky finger being entwined with yours or his arm around your shoulder, holding you close.
Jose Baden isn’t afraid to show his love for you in front of others and would never shy away from it. It’s truly a gift to be head over heels, so why hide it? Why not show off what he’s got and everything that’s so precious about ‘em?
Jose Baden who can’t help but take a hit for you in games. He doesn’t ever want to see your blood spilled, and would rather have his coat on the map instead. He’s ready to face the stern talking you’ll give him after the match, but you’ll patch him up anyway.
Jose Baden doesn't like admitting the fact that he misses the sea badly. The things Jose would do just for an evening back on the ocean are wild and many. The closest thing he's got is Lakeside Village, but even the calming waves that brush upon the shore can't heal the pain in his heart. The Officer will admit his feelings to you in an act of desperation and comfort. And comfort he receives from you. From cuddling and listening to him rant about the ocean for the 100th time to peppering his face with soft kisses that seemingly never stop.
Said to have been the creator of Rugby himself, you always want William Ellis on your team. He successfully lifts the spirits of all his teammates while headbutting into the Hunter just before they use excitement. It's the thought that counts, right?
To have William in your corner means to have someone who is with you through thick and thin. Someone who will stick by your side until the end of time itself. And until you can finally realize just how much the Rugby Star adores you.
William Ellis who can’t help but hold you close. Physical Affection is this man’s go-to for showing how much he loves you. Like Jose, he will never feel embarrassed or ashamed when showering you with his form of love and affection. He’s either got an arm around your waist or your hand in his—there’s no in-between.
William Ellis loves Giving Gifts just as much as he loves Receiving Them. While the Forward’s not the best at picking out pre-made gifts, he is the best at making ones straight from the heart. Using his clues and fragments, he’ll craft something he finds worthy of gifting you. Whether it be something like a small, red box in the shape of a heart or a bracelet that has your and his initials on it, the gifts are all made with you in mind.
That being said, William Ellis will treasure anything you gift him in return. And that can be anything. Silly little notes passed underneath the table during dinner. A beaded anklet that has left a tan mark because he never takes it off. Or a smaller version of his Ruby ball with every stitch being almost exact.
William Ellis who’s afraid he might not be good enough for you. Who fears that one day he may be forgotten by everyone he’s ever loved. Maybe that’s why he works so damn hard. To prove to himself (and others) that he’s worth remembering. Fortunately, there’s no need to go the extra mile when it comes to you. William’s proven himself more than enough already, hasn’t he?
note: a little gift for all my Ganji, William, and Jose lovers out there. made 4: @rieuvie + @williamkisser + @ch6douin +@jklovu + @5ku11h34rt
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(2024) ©️fishermanshook — do not steal, translate, plagiarize, or repost my work on any other platform
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a018233 · 28 days
My original idea was that the reader only became a rental partner because they were inlove with a host that influenced them to join the industry. But I wanted it to be more open so people can self project on the reader, so I scrapped that.
I'll spoil you some of the asks I got:
Luca is one of Andrew's friends, he got too suspicious and went through Andrew's cellphone and found out that reader is from a rental service. He thinks it's funniest thing ever, in his humble opinion. He kinda figured you were out of his league. So as a joke he decided to rent reader out but now he can understand why Andrew is always bringing you up in every conversation and creepily mumbling your name under his breath.
Ithaqua is one of your very first clients, he only rented you out because a fancy indoor rock climbing place offered a couples only get in free event, and he really wanted to go. But then he found himself enjoying your company, so he keeps renting you out. You guys had more a friend relationship that formed out of the rental service, he gained a crush on you and had a close relationship with you, but soon his jealousy catches up with him and he realizes he wants more and doesn't want you to a be rental anymore.
Joseph is also one of your longterm clients and also formed a relationship with you out of the rental service. It's more of a sugar daddy situation. He's one of the few yandere's of the harem that *isn't* delusional.
Eli just got out of a longterm relationship, and Norton cheers him up by letting him use his rental date with you, and quickly Eli finds himself booking you time and time again where the the lines are blurred between what's real and what's not. He actively believes your into him just as much as he is into you.
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turbulentscrawl · 6 months
Most to Least "how often they say I love you" please! Can you include Ithaqua and Antonio in it? I don't care who else, surprise me!
Yup yup yup!
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Emma says it regularly throughout conversation, and with most hellos and goodbyes. For some people, it might be too much, but she means it every time.
Ithaqua says it several times whenever either of you has to go, to kiss up when you’re upset with him, and as part of his case whenever he wants to convince you not to do something.
Victor signs off every letter to you, big or small, with some form of it. He says it less verbally, but always during meaningful moments.
Eli doesn’t want to go overboard and says it just a little above average. He’s a bit of a romantic and has a very good sense for when are the best times to lay it on you. It’s very sweet!
Antonio probably sets the standard for this, honestly. Once a day is his average, but he also says it whenever he’s exasperated with you. (Both as a reminder to himself to be patient, and as a signal for you to ease up on him.)
Aesop is also pretty average, though it sounds choked about half the time. He finds it a little embarrassing to say it, but since he knows it’s an important part to romantic relationships, he forces himself to say it more than is natural for him. But don’t feel bad, you’re worth the discomfort.
Naib is a little scared to. “I love you” makes it real, and real hurts even more if something happens to you. That said, he knows he can’t let his fear rule over an important aspect of the relationship like that. He takes longer than most to say it for the first time, but after that says it reasonably often, like once every few days. He always says it before one of you enters a match, too.
Kevin is perhaps a bit shocking because he is such a flirt. He just busies his mouth with so many other compliments that “I love you” doesn’t get to slip out as much. If you ever mention that it’s been a while since he’s said it, he starts tripping over himself to shower you with it.
Norton just forgets a lot of the time. Actions speak louder than words, as far as he’s concerned, so telling you verbally isn’t something that crosses his mind. He will get better with time if you communicate that it’s an issue for you.
Joseph thinks you’re just supposed to know, honestly. He says it only in private, deeply meaningful moments and nothing more than that. He doesn’t really care if it’s an issue that he says it so sparingly…unless you cry. Then he might care a little.
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