phlve · 9 months
Socionics Quadras — Delta
Delta, or the ‘fourth’ quadra, includes LSE, EII, IEE, and SLI.
Reinin caracterises this quadra as Judicious, Serious, and Aristocratic.
Dominant elements
The dominant IM elements of the Delta Quadra are Te, Fi, Ne, Si. Grouping together the elements of the Ego blocks of the Delta Quadra types, we get a picture of what aspects of life Delta Quadra types strive to bring to the forefront of life, as well as the kind of group atmosphere and lifestyle they pursue.
Te blocked with Si
Delta types make a point of talking about the rationale behind their actions and emphasizing the productiveness or unproductiveness of different ways of doing things - even in such emotional areas as personal relationships.
Delta types value peaceful, refreshing activities where they are doing something useful and balancing out their inner world at the same time.
Delta types have the philosophy that they will have to rely on their own industriousness to achieve their goals rather than on luck, speculation, group effort, or strong leadership.
Ne blocked with Fi
Delta types love to share personal experience mixed with their own sentiments regarding their experiences, but all in an insightful and non-dramatic manner.
Delta types like to talk about new beginnings, opportunities for personal growth, and their plans and prospects for the future.
Subdued elements
The subdued IM elements of the Delta Quadra are Fe, Ti, Se, Ni. Grouping together the elements of the Super-Ego blocks of the Delta Quadra types, we get a picture of what aspects of life Delta types strive to keep hidden, avoid, not focus attention on, and keep at the periphery of their lives.
Fe blocked with Ni
Delta types rarely display their deep passions and vision, preferring instead to talk in more neutral terms about what they want to do and why.
Delta types reject dramatism and emotional affect in favor of wry humor and understatement.
Delta types don’t tend to form or maintain groups based on fun, emotional interaction, but only take groups seriously that perform some common productive or restful activity.
Delta types generally dislike using poetic wording when describing their inner state, but talk simply about what they feel or their bodily sensations.
Se blocked with Ti
Delta types do not fare well in high-pressure situations where they are being forced to do things, are facing threatening opponents, or are submitted to rigorous discipline, but wear out quickly and look for a more peaceful and welcoming environment.
Group behavior
Groups made up of primarily Delta types tend to be focused on working on projects, enjoying physical recreation, or finding out interesting things about each other. Laughter is usually subdued and brief; instead, people smile a lot and try to be witty and welcoming. Groups need to be focused on some specific productive activity or topic of discussion, or else they fall apart. In Delta groups, there is a lot of splintering and decentralization. This allows for more focused and productive interaction with only those who share your particular interests or sentiments. People jump from small group to small group easily to keep up their interest level. No one demands that the entire group listen to one person or that everyone do the same thing. Delta Quadra types believe that if everyone just pursues their own interests and makes some accommodations for others, the group will be better off anyway. Delta Quadra types do not focusing on building group identity or unity of purpose, but prefer for the group to remain splintered and decentralized.
Romance styles
Delta romantic relationships usually begin simply as the encounter of two individuals interested in a relationship and each other in a particular moment, with very little in terms of outward demonstrations of “romance” in the “wooing” sense of the term or in strong external demonstrations of emotions. Deltas are more focused on the present moment than Gammas, and therefore even relationships of very strong attachment do not lead to constant concerns as to their longer-term practical feasibility. Deltas see as optimal romantic relationships those where partners spend time together on fun activities and sharing ideas of potential practical application. Romantic atmospheres are low-key, based on comfort but practicality.
Perception of other quadras
Deltas tend to see Alpha types as fun company and interesting people to discuss ideas and prospects with, but naive and inconsistent in their personal and business relationships. Alpha types seem to lack the common sense to turn their fun and creative energy into something productive and often seem overly idealistic.
Deltas tend to see Beta types as people who “dream big” and always want to turn things into grandiose endeavors, yet can’t manage day-to-day affairs effectively. Also, Beta types seem unwilling to consider things from the point of view of others, which gives them a streak of meanness and cruelty.
Deltas tend to see Gamma types as driven and reliable in personal and business relationships, but not sufficiently understanding of people who want to pursue their own individual path in life. Gamma types sometimes become too demanding and can have a streak of vindictiveness or spitefulness which prevents them from being accepting and forgiving.
Source: Wikisocion
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askcreepiebelle · 1 year
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Click click- KA-BOOM!!!
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windudemon · 1 year
difference between infps, infjs and enfps when it comes to extraverted thinking
INFP policy: i will learn about this person, i will understand from where they are coming AND THEN i will customize my suggestions or advices based on that. i won't use basic recipes, i won't objectivify them which is the direct opposite of te. as a result, they will never order people around without first listening what exactly is the problem and gazillion other factors. they do value te though and they are open to te advices themselves.
ENFPs has te in the third slot. they will say it nicely for sure, but they can totally and easily tell you what to do, using te. (te in that slot is bold and mobilizing in socionics). they take initiative when it comes to making things efficient at workplace without anybody giving them that responsibility, without anyone asking their help. they are te catalysts, they make gears START turning with their energy, they do not fall into analysis paralysis but of course their te is not consistently there. it doesn't have long durability but they use their te psychic reserves in bursts and that's the explanation of catalyst analogy.
INFJs, in comparison to these two would almost totally ignore te and instead use ti to explain you how the system works. for example, an infj would tell you “well, if you do this, x happens and if you do that z happens.” and then they leave the choice to you. they imply though, you obviously need to chose x here.
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dustbunnybell · 3 months
Couples With Duality in Socionics: IEE (ENFp) & SLI (ISTp)
Ellie x Carl (Up)
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Jules Vaughn x Rue Bennett (Euphoria)*
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Scott Pilgrim x Ramona Flowers (Scott Pilgrim Takes Off)
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(Platonic) Honorable Mentions
Reki Kyan + Langa Hasegawa (SK∞ the Infinity)
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Kirari Moroboshi + Futaba Anzu (IDOLM@STER)
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itypeyou · 1 year
"When you're a teenager you change your entire personality every 3 months."
-NeFi Shawna Simon
Leading Ne flows like a river of change
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vive-le-phantom · 3 days
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adiariomx · 7 days
Acción Nacional respalda denuncia por violencia política de género contra Secretario Ejecutivo del IEE. Chihuahua, Chih. (ADN/Staff) - El Partido Acc...
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gamboagarcia · 10 days
Gracias de antemano por sus comentarios Acoso escolar y violencia en el hogar sufre niñez chihuahuense Reveló la Consulta Infantil y Juvenil. Chihuahua, Chih, (ADN / Adriana Saucedo) .- Los caso de bullyng se presentan en todas las etapas del desarrollo infantil, según reveló la consulta a niñas, niños y adolescentes, impulsada por el diputado Benjamín Carrera, de Morena. La consulta llevada a cabo por el Instituto Estatal ... Sigue leyendo: https://www.adiario.mx/estado/acoso-escolar-y-violencia-en-el-hogar-sufre-ninez-chihuahuense/?feed_id=154328&_unique_id=66370da7b68e4
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streetfunk · 2 months
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Streetfunk Leipzig CANDIE Part 2
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phlve · 5 months
Functions in Socionics — Extraverted Intuition
Extraverted Intuition according to Aushra Augustinavichiute
Information about potential energy of objects – for example, someone’s physical and psychological abilities and capabilities. This perception provides an ability to understand the structure of objects and phenomena, to figure out their internal content. It determines one’s ability or inability to see real potential forces of the environment.
When this aspect of perception is in the leading position, the individual has pronounced cognitive interests. They are constantly busy studying profound phenomena, which they quite successfully explain to others by making complicated things simple. Such an individual likes to explain to others what they themselves understood. In favorable conditions becomes a scientist or a writer. Able to find optimal ways of increasing the object’s potential energy. “Charges” others with their own understanding of the surrounding objects’ capabilities.
Extraverted Intuition according to WSS
Aspect: Imagined Possibilities. A possibility is an instance or scenario which has yet to be experienced, but which could happen under the right conditions. These can be events, or alternative explanations, ideas or opinions. Another angle to those already on offer. The range of possibilities available can often be huge, and can bring great intellectual, spiritual and material rewards if considered, but not if they are missed out on, or never thought of.
Metabolism: The individual keeps themselves open to a range of alternative possibilities to those currently being worked on, seeing what could happen and being able to switch to something else if things happening now no longer seem ideal or of interest. Any position has one or more alternative positions and the individual may hold all as potential places to move to depending on the circumstances. In this way, the person's intentions remain flexible, adapting to multiple circumstances.
Strength: The person possesses a good awareness of the different possibilities and alternatives available to them, seeing the potential in each, and is able to readily adapt to unexpected and unlikely changes without great disturbance. Their lives show breadth and variety. They are able to draw from a wide range of different interests and can bolster their activities with creative insight, trying out unconventional and untried ideas that grant an original edge or stand out from others for their novelty.
Value: The person desires a broadening of their horizons and the possibilities open to them, wanting the potential freedom to do whatever they feel like doing, and not wanting to miss out if they change their mind. They like open-mindedness, being willing to consider alternatives to their opinion and not rejecting things in case they might be wrong. They will be willing to try things out, see how things go, and be curious about the variety that life has to offer. Such people want to accept things, giving them a second chance, readily exploring and appreciating the unexpected.
Extraverted Intuition according to SHS
Hypotheses, guesses, insights; innovations, experiments; inclinations, abilities, talents; digestive system.
Intellectually: Intuition manifests as the extraction of information from a person’s subconsciousness. The subconscious storehouse of human information is comparable in size to that of an outside world, so the intuition of possibility is the most intellectual of all thinking functions. A person in an I-state submerges below the line of consciousness and draws from the depths of their intellect to answer paradoxical questions that logic is incapable of answering. Technologically, intuitive thinking tends to operate with visual images. Vague images extracted from the subconsciousness are synthesised into complicated constructions, which, upon reaching certain maturity, get illuminated by a bright flash of understanding–an intuitive guess. A person in the I-state has their eyes freeze at the middle elevation, their pupils dilated, the gaze becomes unfocused.
Socially: A person engaged in a prolonged I-state takes on the role of an intellectual leader—a generator of ideas. I-type shows an increased intellectual activity, striving for new and complex tasks. The idea generator has a hard time performing standard and routine operations. They devote all their energy to rid themselves of the mundane, inventing new approaches. A person in the I-state cares little about what other people think of their proposals and projects. By making new discoveries, they satisfy their own curiosity.
Psychologically: A person in an I-state experiences feeling associated with self-absorption, a detachment from the external world with a strong internal concentration. The I-state is similar psychologically to the effect of breaking of the dam and water rushing out. The first stage of the intuitive process is accompanied by a painful feeling of dissatisfaction: a person cannot find a place for themselves while their ideas are hatching. An idea, it would seem, matures on its own. This slow process, however, requires an intervention so that the necessary images emerge from the subconscious. Eventually, this intellectual tension ends abruptly, replaced by relief and joy—the idea is finally born.
Physically: The I-state turns you into a person with a non-standard behaviour. The face becomes very expressive. You may see a frozen and unfocused gaze, muscles around the eyes getting tense, eyebrows being pushed towards the bridge of the nose, forming vertical folds on the forehead. The body freezes in a fixed position in which you are caught by an intuitive thought. Movements freeze and the body sets into a position. This continues until the moment of epiphany, after which the static freezing is suddenly replaced by a turbulent display of emotions. A strong physical manifestation of the I-state is feeling as if swimming—immersion in water and weightlessness.
Source: PDB Wiki
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jessiangravelblr · 1 year
EVANESCENCE - "My Heart Is Broken" (Lyric Video)r
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windudemon · 1 year
if your fi is blind then your fe would be myopic
if you don’t see the fi consequences by shutting it down (knowingly or not), then you would go for fe good but fi bad options. such as humiliating somebody with a joke and making people laugh.
does this apply to other types? sure does. ixfjs would be mystical (way too subjective) with their myopic ti since they block te trends and stats and standards and practical and pragmatic and feasable.
esxjs with their myopic ne would be extremely hacky with their intuition. they can’t see long term consequences but only insta gains..
if you are an inxp blocking your se eye, then you would lose yourself in si details missing the se actual. this might also make you a perfectionist in a stupid way. you might say something like if the shit i’m doing is not si perfect then i won’t try it at all and make something se crude or raw. and maybe even you would need way too much time preparing yourself with si details so you would fail to se start in time.
isxps would be the opposite of esxjs and their case specific intuition would be blind. they would have problems coming up with quick hacks. sometimes speed is the most important thing.
enfps and esfps would be the opposite of infjs and isfjs so their myopic te would be just trendy and basic and too general since it lacks ti depth.
entjs and enfjs here maybe the luckiest since being se myopic and si blind means they can work their asses off. being si blind can make your se too impactful though. just remember that entj drill sergeant who keep bossing you around while you are trying to si adapt to things. for enfjs this usually manifest in the form of “woke” stuff in our age, pushing public too se hard to forget their si past. cancel culture, identity politics, crazy (and not very smart) feminist archeype. btw, hitler was an enfj too, not infj. watch any hitler speech and notice the energy level. this is not inferior se: this is not cautious fe but an extremely bold one: this is not yesenin but hamlet:
and finally intjs and istjs are the opposite of extps. they will be perceived as elitistic and people will think they have a stick up their asses since they reject playing with fe rules and willing to go fi deep only which is kind of hard to differ from elitism.
check my main blog @ demonwindu.wordpress.com
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Araceli Brown cumple 18 de 20 compromisos asumidos
Araceli Brown cumple 18 de 20 compromisos asumidos
Carmen Acebo Playas de Rosarito, 14 de diciembre de 2022.- La alcaldesa de Rosarito, Araceli Brown Figueredo presentó ante autoridades del Instituto Estatal Electoral, los resultados obtenidos al frente del Gobierno Municipal, y las respuestas certeras a los compromisos de campaña que le confiaron la reelección. “Me siento muy orgullosa del trabajo que hemos realizado, porque de 20 puntos que…
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itypeyou · 3 months
“I wanna find a guy who talks about his emotions. Matt talks about his emotions but he hasn’t admitted to himself that he has emotions.” -ENFP
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noticieropoblano · 2 years
¡Habemus presidante! Blanca Yassahara Cruz García es nombrada nueva presidente de IEE Puebla
¡Habemus presidante! Blanca Yassahara Cruz García es nombrada nueva presidente de IEE Puebla
Blanca Yassahara Cruz García es designada presidenta del IEE Puebla por un periodo de 7 años. El consejero General de INE avaló la designación de Blanca Yassahara Cruz García como presidente del Instituto Electoral del Estado (IEE) por un periodo de 7 años, y quien será la responsable de arbitrar los comicios al gobierno de Puebla en las próximas elecciones del 2024 en el estado. Cruz García…
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oceanstriology · 2 years
Taca taca tapa tapa
Mapa mapa taca tapa
Safa safa acata n ataca
Saca saca tapa tapa
Rato n rata rato n rata
Dois lábios ou vários
Sistemas precários
Avisem os desavisados
Só se apanham otários
Códigos extraviados
600 estragos nos extratos
Cartões viram tazos
Cuidado com encalços
Flutuem sem passos
Ponham em nuvens os maços.
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