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Two old gays talking shit about the new guy after the meeting
I love these two disasters…
Just needed something light and fun between bangs, which will be posted on my main (@olives-and-lilies), so I busted out the boys being petty.
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olives-and-lilies · 3 years
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The Link Directory
Ko-fi: Commissions currently Open
RedBubble: Let me know if you want any of my pieces put up for you! My florals are pretty popular.
Iridescence’s home blog: Side blog for my story Kingdoms of Ieesea
ArtFight Page: You can find me here every ArtFight season!
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Time for another series! I’ve been loving working on this one, it’s very different from my usual work and has been a fun challenge! I allowed myself one texture per portrait, and no shading. Trying to capture their attitudes and personality from BEHIND was a treat in and of itself.
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Me: Says I’ll share how Max and Damari met literally MONTHS ago
Also Me: Forgets until I’m flipping through my own blog
I’m so sorry. Here you go. Little gorey, I’ll tag it as such.
“I literally stabbed you through the chest!” Maxton growled, rounding on his partner.
“We were kids!’ The man laughed, “Gods, I wasn’t even Odell’s age yet when we met, and you were even younger.”
“I grew up in a cult that truly thought we were the first of Life’s blessed mages on this land, and that unfortunately meant that they taught us to hunt those that ended lives, for whatever reason,” he paused, “like the Wolven.”
“Wasn’t your fault.” Damari hummed.
“Through. The. Chest. Damari.”
“It takes more than some light stabbing to kill a wolf like me.” He winked and Maxton groaned, hiding behind his hands. “Besides, it only took a moon or so for you to realize how wrong you were.”
“I was far more dangerous than you to the lives of those around me. That cult had such awful teachings…” he sighed and tugged on his moustache.
Damari ran his hand over his mates back, “Still not your burden, love. Some folk just use whatever excuse they can to hate others. If it wasn’t because they thought my kind were rabid murderers, they they would have gone after someone else’s kin. Accused the merfolk of drowning boats, or the fairlings for the caravans that get lost in the woods.”
Damari is a “Natural” Wolven, born able to slip between forms ever since he was young. Wolven are either born or bitten, the bites are exceedingly rare, as you have to be bitten by a hound of some variety (Grim, Shuck, Hellhound, etc), not another Wolven. This is how CJ becomes a Wolven, btw.
Maxton, on the other hand, was raised in a cult to believe they were the first generation of the Life blessed (one of the four gods that DONT give blessings because their existence is so intwined with the act of living) and are raised to hunt down and kill those that are “inherently” evil/deadly/a bane on the creations of Life. Essentially they’re hella racist against anyone predator coded, such as wolves, big cats, and essentially hybrids of any predator creature.
Damari thought that Max was stalking him cause he was cute, NOT to stab him in the chest and try to prove himself to his cult.
They end up head over heels in love, and are a sappy old married couple with cute pet names that chase each other through the halls like teenagers sneaking around. They’re disgustingly sappy and romantic and it’s really cliche.
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Continuing the theme of cutting back the time without sacrificing quality, I present just shading with minimal color! I also really wanted to play with Gilli and Odell, with how tiny Gilli is compared to their lover, with how delicately Odell handles them. Gilli is a treasure, but also such a chaotic little fucking gremlin. Odell is weak, and I love that for him.
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Working with expressions, playing with a touch starved Rodina.
I like to think this is immediately after she cuts all of her hair off.
I imagine that hair is status, long hair with complex braids show who you are and all you’ve accomplished. After promising to take Priya away from the island, to go south to the mainland and let her live free of the laws of the North, she cuts all her hair and braids off. A sign of disgrace, of banishment, the ultimate disownment of being stripped of all her life’s accomplishments.
And she does it to herself, for Priya, the night they run away.
I don’t think she’s told Priya yet, how deeply she cares, but how can she not know when Rodina looks at her so sweetly like that?
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I love doing redraws…
Barne needed an update for ArtFight, he looks much better now. I tried, and I did good for the skills I had, and I’ve improved. Looks good, I’m happy with it~!
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Hey guess what??? It’s PRIDE!
Friendly Reminders cause I cant yell at the fucking white guy at work without losing my job…
Pride started as a Riot, the Stonewall Riot, where the community finally, massively, publicly decided that enough was enough. (There were several movements before this one, but this was the Big One) The “parade” the following year was in remembrance of the riot, and was once again a not-so-friendly reminder that we exist and you dont get to kill us and jail us for just existing.
On a side note, Joouen is a Straight Ally who loves a very chaotic Bi CJ.
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So I realized it was time to sit down and look at each of my characters as kids. What was childhood like for them? What were their hardships? What built them? Rodina grew up always fighting, that was the way of her people. They learned to grapple before they could walk. Priya was a captive, a chess piece in her fathers larger plans. Gillidu grew up in the forests of the Latibule Mountains, raised by the Fairlings there to protect the woods and their ways, honoring ancient treaties not to interact with magekind and the city folk. Odell worked, he worked the docks and the taverns, trying to get stronger and learn magic and be just like his father. Joouen was one of two, a twin, but was no good at magic and hated her horns and her half Guilded blood. CJ was a street kid, poor, with a loving family that turned him out when the trouble he found almost cost his sister her life. Jin is Joouen’s twin, loving every ounce of power and authority being a taboo halfbreed gave her. She revels in her silks and the luxuries of growing up in the House of Zuri.
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Do you ever START something and then IMMEDIATELY regret committing to it? Yeah… Yeah I am feeling that right now.
First two of a HUGE gif I am building. Self taught. Would appreciate pointers…
Edited as we go to include the rest of them
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Cue the Getaway Music
I don’t know what trouble these two got into but they’re having a hell of a time getting back out of it, and Gilli lost their coat somewhere in the scuffle.
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Another prompt was to redraw a meme with your OCs, so here’s Odell and Wolf Form CJ. This felt… too accurate. Original under cut
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I’ve never drawn a room layout like this before… sketched and used them as sets sure, but to actually build one is a WHOLE different ballgame. Some serious lessons learned today!
This is Rodina and Priya’s room, btw. The round bed is better for Rodina’s wings, which she let’s out of their glamour at night. Priya likes to curl up under them. There’s no light bulbs, so they use charged crystals and the occasional luminous plant to light space. Rodina insisted on a balcony after getting back to the House late after a mission and not being able to get to their room for HOURS because she had to get past all the other members of the House and the Healers (seriously, she just wanted to sleep it off before going to medical, leave a bird be) so the balcony was installed to shortcut the trip when it happened again. Priya likes it during the warm seasons for doing paperwork with the door open.
Another prompt from OCtober by yamiiino!
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Do I know why I drew Odell as some sort of circus ringleader? No. Do I regret my choice? Not at all.
This was fun, pushing perspective without reference to lean on was fun. I was jamming out to Chunky by Trampsta, which has a bunch of old dance footage, and the idea wormed its way into my brain and I haven’t been able to shake it, so here. Y’all get a treat too. Still working on drawing big bellies, we’ll get there.
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This has been stuck in my head all week. A college AU where Damari is head of HR, Maxton is the Dean, and Rodina is a department head somewhere (History? Social Justice? Idk). Everyone else hasn‘t been hashed out yet in my head, but I had to get Damari down before I went nuts.
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I did some more Maxton and Damari, with the Sun and Moon motif kinda hinted at. I think I’ll share their first meeting soon? It was… violent. While Damari grew up a well adjusted young wolf, Maxton is a cult baby that had to be re-educated. But now they are hopelessly and childishly in love and rule a whole kingdom together. When they started they worked opposite shifts, trying to massively overhaul all the things they hated about the Kingdom’s previous Heads of House.
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