#if i get too cloooooose
youngpeachenthusiast · 4 months
you build a boat, you build a life
you lose your kids, you lose your wife
you settle down, you're feeling lost
you're getting stoned, then kicking rocks
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ftmpreg1 · 8 months
Getting closer!
Contractions keep getting closer, more intense and longer. I can really feel my body opening up and getting ready to push this baby out. Waters haven't broken but I think they will soon. Midwife is nearly here now.
I've been waddling around the house between contractions to help bring baby down. Taking breaks every now and then to sit back on the chair, legs spread, rubbing my belly. My clit has gotten so hard too. I'm really getting cloooooose! Ohhhh yeah, contractionnn~!
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just shy of 3000 words (2966) and ch 12 is complete!! it’s also 5 am which is. not good bc i need to study for a test tomorrow but lmao lmao lmao
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sunflauer · 2 years
okay so
I woke up at around 9am and placed the cookies I baked for him inside the Tupperware ↓↓
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And when he came to pick me up at 10am, I opened the door and we both went "HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!" me with the Tupperware with cookies and him with a red rose on his right hand.
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anyways, I put the rose in water and he took me on the adventure I had been waiting for.
We walked to the train station and I gave him his valentine's day present: the little bell that says "ring for a kiss" and kisses in an envelope.
To this day, this boy won't stop ringing the bell and I love him for that.
We took the train and listened to music on the ride, the playlist I'd made for him a few months ago. Once we arrived, he took me to this coffee shop that I love and that we've never been to together and we ordered a salmon bagel and a strawberry smoothie.
We then walked around this wonderful park, one of the biggest we know. I even remember the first time we saw it on a bus ride and he said "we should sit down there some time" and we've done it a few times since then :)
anyways so, we finally sit down at this little park bench and we eat the cookies that were about to melt and talk about life and about the people that crossed our path. we then saw this beautiful couple dancing ↓↓
and another couple of people boxing a few feet away lol. that felt magical to watch and listen to :)
after recording that, we walked a little further hoping to find a sprinklers-free spot so that we could sit down for a while. and we found the perfect spot under a tree.
we kept listening to our music as we played cards and laughed at how bad we were playing. he then took the notebook, the one I'd made for him almost 7 months ago and began reading the new things I added to it as I took out the massive bagel sandwich. eating that bagel was the most disgusting thing I've ever done in front of him.
"we're so gross" I said with cream cheese on my lips
"does that bother you?" he asked with sesame seeds on his chin.
"not at all :)"
we cleaned our faces as we kept reading the book for a little while, laying down on the blue blanket and facing the sky.
literally, our UP moment
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the best part about this moment is that he showed me this little video he had made a few days before. a video of us, our memories, saying how much he loved me and cared about me. And I assure you, I'm still dying over that.
after eating and reading, we kept on walking around the park, exploring and looking at the couples we found along the way. he kept on pushing me towards the sprinklers but I had my good dress on and I didn't want to get wet... at first hehe.
"meh screw it. it's too hot" *walks up to the sprinkler*
we kissed as the water fell on us and I think that was kind of like a movie moment :)
"so ... what now? what is the next stop?" I asked. And I think he had no idea what to do next lol. We were thinking of going to the rose garden, BUT IT WAS CLOOOOOOSED (such a bummer)
so we started to walk around, hoping to find the river, but we only got more tired and made our feet hurt. so we took the train back to his apartment and we played a little.
we then had some tea with pastries as we watched Gilmore Girls (yes, I made him watch it and I'm pretty sure he likes it :) )
and then
*dramatic music*
he began to fill a bit sick. even if it was just a headache, I'd never seen him like that. (the cute part was that he fell asleep next to me tho♡) he felt so bad that we didn't have dinner. he took an aspirin and we just laid there together until my sister came to pick me up at 10pm, when he miraculously recovered and apologized for the whole thing. poor creature.
I liked my first valentine's day. I think I have to plan next year's valentine's tho... any suggestions?
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readbythestarlight · 4 years
Oh Sam xD
What are you wearing
I want the ornaments real bad
Sorry I don’t know what’s happening because WTF @THE SUPERNATURAL WRITERS
Lucien, THE Nonagon
See y’all, Molly wasn’t Lucien. He’s gone.
A valid question
He’s very charming and I hate him
And they’re all seething deep down I bet and they’re gonna kill him so hard
I don’t like hiiiiiim
Skeevy as fuck this boy
Eh fuck you Lucien
Can’t wait for them to kill him
"Truly gone" okay don’t be a dick
But I’m also kinda glad we have confirmed that for sure
"You’re real cute; I’ll ask that you stay a bit back because you are getting a bit annoying." Fuck you, bitch.
I hate him
And I hate that Yasha is still talking to him like Molly’s still in there somewhere
Yeah so what DO we do next
Do we follow? Can they handle him + the rest?
Nine Betrayer Gods
But it’s not connected right or Matt would have known off the top of his head and wouldn’t have needed to look
They should have mentioned the city and seen how he reacted
Oh god Dagon please be safe and don’t die
Y’all, Molly is GONE
Why are y’all deluding yourselves? Like I get it, you always want to hope you’re loved ones can come back
But I don’t think Molly was a piece of Lucien
Yasha treating spider Caleb like a pupper xD
I mean obviously they need to follow him right
This is where Matt and the plot have led them and god only knows what could happen if they just let him do his thing
god I miss Essek PLEASE call him
Maybe he can come with you
I just miss him guyssss ;~;
And we’re walking
Idk about scrying on Cree
I think they’d expect that
It’s so creepy that they can just SEE
Also Lucien is just the creepiest
Good FjordJester convo
Awww Jester checking in with our boy! That’s good actually, people sometimes forget to check in on him after things
Anyway I ship FjordJester so
Oh shoot I forgot about the bounty
I love his little smile when Jester suggests messaging someone
holy fuck
God Travis and Laura are so fucking adorable
Beau and Dagon bonding with Yasha over the big pie xD
Yeah I wondered how Dagon would react when they let that one slip
Poor Dagon
Aw jeeze, poor guy
Why don’t we just ask Essek to come hang out for a bit huh
Plz bring him somehow
And I love that they’re reaching out to him for help
I hope he’s okay
Guys I love Essek so much and I worry about him
Ooo the magician
I’m very glad you checked in on him too ;~;
Thank you Cad
God I’m so excited please go find him
lol poor fjord
He missed them
Huh, why is he overseeing an outpost outside of the Dynasty? Is he in trouble or is he there to take care of something?
Please don’t let this fight take up the rest of the episode I want them to get close to my BOY
I get excited when I notice Hamilton references now
lol a bunbun, very nice. Laura with the save!
Arbuckle Wilderness?? I KNOW WHERE THAT IS
Fjord sitting there stunned but internally going “fuck fuck it’s a turtle fuck”
Poor Matt, he comes up with all these encounters and they just keep polymorphing them away
Y’all are such morons
It’s gonna be like the dragon turtle and just follow them
[Dagon liked that]
Right okay well I’m glad it didn’t end on like a huge cliffhanger or anything since we have a 2 week break!
I hope we see Essek when we come back tho
Anyway happy break everyone!
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soft---darkness · 5 years
Business Trip, Part Four
Part four people!! We're getting cloooooose ;)
Lots of violence in this one. Abuse and other sadist stuff so please proceed with caution!
I hope you all enjoy!
Eric whimpered as he was thrown on the ground for the upteenth time that week. His father was yelling again, but Eric couldn't hear him through the foggy noise of his own pain. He was being punished for “dropping” one of the more important boxes earlier that day. Or more accurately, for a heavy box falling on his head. He couldn't see straight and everything was swaying as he laid on the ground, but he could feel. His father repeatedly kicked at his already bruised ribs and Eric let out a wounded noise, trying to form the words to beg for forgiveness.
And then, all of a sudden, it stopped. The pressure and sharp blows of Derek’s boots were abruptly gone and Eric struggled to lift his head and find out why. He groaned and struggled to his knees but quickly laid back down. Something was very wrong. The room turned upside down and Eric gagged sharply. Someone was talking but Eric couldn't hear them. He struggled to stay latched on to consciousness but his vision quickly faded to white.
Dark snarled lowly as he walked up to the entrance of the gloomy looking warehouse. His aura was telling him that Eric was here. Not that he didn't know that...he could hear the screams from all the way outside. He could feel anger and aggression rising in his chest as he sped up his pace and looked for an entrance. He knew they were Eric's screams, and the knowledge scared him more than he would ever admit.
He spotted a door quickly and yanked at the handle. Perhaps a bit too hard considering how the handle flew off, leaving the door shut and without any point of access. Dark growled in agitation and instead kicked open the door, not wanting to waste any time. The door swung open violently and threatened to fall off its hinges at the pressure.
Dark quickly strode in the room, looking around frantically for Eric. His aura rose threateningly around him as he spotted a yelling man kicking at a crumpled figure on the ground. The figure, his Eric, was whimpering and moaning in agony as his body jerked at the pain. Dark let his eyes turn black as he felt the primal anger manifest into an acute growl. He stalked up to Derek and lashed his arm out, catching the father by the back of his throat.
Derek let out a strangled noise of surprise and fear and struggled briefly before meeting Dark’s cold black eyes. Dark grinned sadistically at the sight of Derek's face going ghostly white. At least the man was aware of what danger he was in. Dark dragged Derek over to the nearest wall and slammed him into it, his hands still tight as a vice on the man’s throat.
“Do you have any idea what I am going to do to you?” Dark purred the question out lowly, the power of having a persons’ life in his hands intoxicating. He loosened his bruising hold for a moment, wanting an answer before he tore this monster apart.
“Please don't kill me! I'll do-” Dark cut the blubbering short by strengthening his hold on the other again. He smirked darkly and leaned in, putting his mouth next to Derek's ear.
“Oh no,I'm not going to kill you...I'm going to pull you apart limb from limb, put you back together, and then do again. I want you to feel it.” His breath ghosted over the others ear and got a terrified noise in response. Dark couldn't help the thrill of excitement he felt in his chest as he got to work.
Dark left the excuse of a father laying in a bloodied heap, please with himself. He has enjoyed that emissly, but had made it quick. He knew that he had much more important things to be tending to. He glanced back over at Eric, who was still wound up in a tight shaking ball.
Dark approached slowly, not wanting to cause his bunny anymore distress than he was already in. He kneeled down slowly when he got close enough and reached out to gently touch Eric's shoulder. Eric reacted violently, yelping and trying to twist out of Dark’s gentle grip. Dark startled and took away his hand quickly, watching as Eric struggled to drag his damaged body away.
“N-no more! P-p-please, please n-no m-more...it h-hurts…” Eric whimpered and slumped, stopping his escape attempt due to the firing pain shooting up his spine and head. Dark came closer very slowly, keeping himself at Eric’s level and trying to keep his aura calm.
“Darling, it's me. It's Dark. You're okay...it's going to be okay…” He spoke lowly and softly, trying to calm the frantic ego. This time, Dark gathered the other egos in his arms. He held Eric firmly but gently as he tried to get him to relax.
Eric stopped trying to get away when he was held, instead going limp and accepting his fate with a soft sob. He still couldn't see much more than blurred colors and fuzzy shapes and his head throbbed painfully. He knew someone was talking to him, but he didn't know what they were saying. It felt like someone had stuffed cotton in his ears and he couldn't make out much more than sounds.
Eric could see the outline of a hand stretching out to his face slowly and he cringed away. He couldn't do much more than try to shift his head away, which made him gasp in pain and stop. He closed his eyes and tensed as the hand continued its decent, ready to take whatever punishment it administered.
Instead, Eric felt a gentle hand caress his cheek repeatedly. He blinked open his blurry eyes slowly, confused and still slightly scared. He watched the hand for a moment before the colors registered in his brain. Blue and red danced around the hand, a hand which was gray. Eric gasped again, this time not in pain but in shock and relief. “D-dark?” He rasped out, hope filling his heart.
Dark smiled softly and spoke in a low whisper, relieved that Eric could recognize him. “I'm here sweetheart...I'm going to take you home, okay? I'll make sure you get all fixed up.” He doubted that Eric could understand him right now, he only looked half conscious and most likely had a concussion, but he spoke anyway. Dark hoped that if anything, at least hearing his voice might relax Eric further.
Eric attempted a small nod but winced and ceased the movement quickly, the pain shooting back up his neck before becoming a dull throb again. Dark gave him a look of sympathy before shifting his hold on Eric. “I'm going to pick you up now, okay? I'll be careful.” He waited a moment to make sure Eric registered his words and then slowly stood up. He went slowly and made sure that he didn't jerk Eric around or shift him to much.
As he walked, Dark looked down to check on him and frowned when he saw the tears gathered around Eric's eyes, concern edging into his mind. “What's wrong Eric? Did I move you to much?” He didn't want to put Eric in anymore pain obviously and needed to make sure he was doing alright.
Eric just shook his head slightly, a tiny smile gracing his face as he looked up at Dark. “I just k-knew you would come s-save me…” He murmured softly, eyes slipping shut before he could see Dark’s tiny smile. He fell asleep feeling safe for the first time in nearly a month.
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knockbeforeyouspeak · 6 years
cavity cavity boom
tom hiddleston x reader this is for @justsomewritingprompts writing challenge (which you can find right here). the prompts i use are listed below:
scenarios: 12. Cold Night, No Heater
quote: 6. “I’m going to get a cavity because you’re so sweet."
items: 14. Blankets
summary: Tom and pick-up lines didn't happen together.
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“I’m going to get a cavity, because you’re so sweet."
It was the dead at night. Like, really really dead. It was two freaking a.m. and the third day of you not being able to sleep before dawn. Which was, kind of a big deal considering a long-ass list of things you should get to finish in the morning. You have to wake up—that if you even be able to actually catch some beauty rest. You have to do some chores. You have to go to the store across the traffic. And this you-have-to list would lose its real value if you didn't announce the most important event real soon:
You have to bake gingerbreads.
Not only a jar, but several. About ten, if you remembered it right. You thought you were right. For God's sake, you never knew running a small business of making cakes during the holiday season could inflict such huge appeal. You even only had advertised it on your social media, through the Instagram story, because it's holiday and it meant having a break from work, and you were a very energetic person who couldn't stand still without doing anything. People said, "Grow your hobby! Turn it into business! Make money from it!" One time you were wisdom enough to put that inspiring life advice into the real world.
And then your very best friend ordered ten jars of gingerbreads. At D-minus-two Christmas. And you accepted it happily, mistaking the number 10 on her message for 2.
Incredibly dedicated. Ambitious. And, stupid. Why would one person order ten jars of gingerbreads anyway? Why? How could you do this to me? I thought we were friends???
But why not. Challenge accepted, buddy!
It was the dead at night. Like, really really dead. You were to start baking like superman—woman—in only few hours. You had been determined to blink your insomnia away, focusing on your breathing and the quietness surrounding you, trying hard to fall asleep. The last thing you could possibly need was a distraction in the form of Tom cracking a cheesy pick-up line.
And yet he did.
He literally did.
He just. Did.
A huge pause settled over. The kind of silence with a giant level of awkwardness, as if someone had shouted that he had been an alien all his life and finally got reunited with his beloved lost-for-centuries space ship. Okay, not the best analogy, but you've made your point.
You stared at the ceiling for a solid minute before turned your head aside. Tom was still as rock, his gaze glued to the ceiling. You couldn't tell what he was thinking, so you said, "... What?"
To be honest, your voice held a tinge of accusation in it.
Tom took it the wrong way. Insteaf of explaining what exactly he was talking about, he repeated his sentence for you. "I’m going to get a cavity, because you’re so sweet."
"... And I'm going to kick you off the bed, because you just made me cringe."
He blew a raspberry. You watched the corner of his eyes crinkled, and his wide grin wasn't for the ceiling anymore. He turned to face the inside of the bed, mouth half-opened as if to say something. It didn't happen because he bumped his nose against yours first thing. You made a small noise of protest. Not hurt, not at all, but he was so cloooooose from grazing over your right cheek. You had cut your cheek two days ago, the result of your (pointless, worthless, undefined, foolish) experiment with some multiblade cutting devices. It just so happened to slip from your fingers while you were distracted. Then of all it had chosen to jump straight for your face, specifically your cheek, leaving a thin, nice, beautiful, endearing cut and a trickle of blood dripping down your chin in the process.
You remembered that had been horrible. Like, hooooooorible. With a plenty of o's. Sure it had been hurt and stung and whatnot, but the most unnerving hadn't been the wound itself. It was the realization that you could have cut your ... other important body parts. Clue: the one that could see. Okay, eyes, right. YOU COULD'VE CUT YOUR EYES. THAT HAD BEEN SO CLOSE. A few inches upward and—okay, okay, let's just stop right here.
Realized of what he could've done, Tom froze. "Did I touch your wound?"
He let out a breath of relief. "Good. When you get hurt, I feel it too. That must because we share the same fate."
You were too speechless to respond. He said nothing further. Both Tom's and your gaze returned to the ceiling. You decided not to think much of his previous statement. Perhaps he was just drifting off to sleep. Repeat, perhaps he was thinking​ of some pick-up lines when he started drifting off to sleep. That's what people did, right? Mumbling something when they were sleepy enough. Nothing to worry about. Absolutely nothing. People thinking of such trivial things in such improper situation? Nothing wrong!
You blinked. "Yeah?"
"How about some sleep?"
"Exactly what I'm trying to get for the past three hours."
"Another sleepless night?"
You started to think Tom was sharing an equally restless night with you. Just like a couple sharing burdens together. Aww. How sweet. "I think so."
"Are you cold?"
You hadn't given it much thought, but come to think of it, tonight was cold. Really cold. Like, ginormous cold. You were wearing a long-sleeve along with a sweater. You stole Tom's beanie and in exchange gave him your favorite, super-warm, totally-comfy, woolly scarf. You had bought it two winters ago and it hadn't even lost a single strand. Well, it had to, considering the price you had to pay, otherwise you would lash out to the seller.
"It's cold."
That wasn't you. It was Tom answering his own question​. But you had the same answer​, so that didn't matter. Even a man as healthful and good-shaped as Tom couldn't take a better fight against the cold at this degree. He doubled his shirt. He put on a pair of socks. Your scarf wrapped tightly around his neck, making him look like a patient whose neck was broken. Quite amusing to see.
It didn't take long for you to declare that blanket is the most useful invention of all times. The invention in question itself was covering him and you up until your chin. You didn't​know what you would have done in this current situation if someone hadn't invented blanket; best chance was turning on the heater, worst chance was freezing to death.
Cross that turning on the heater. The heater was currently​ out of order, which was the sole reason why Tom and you were forced to bundle up and lay on the bed a little too close than usual.
Man, this was cold.
You gestured to the blanket. "Yes, but not too much anymore though—”
"Because I can warm you up all fast."
... Okay. That's not sweet. At all. That's not breath-taking, let alone made your heart flutter. That was ... ironically​ brain-bending.
Tom must sense your dumbstruck stance because he laughed a little, poking your side it made you jerk slightly. "Oh, come on, don't think so hard."
You kicked his calf under the blanket with all strength you could muster in the middle of a dead night combined with the dropping temperature. You ended up only nudging. "You're aaaaawful."
"I'm not awful," Tom frowned disapprovingly. Only for a split second, because he continued with, "I'm your past, present, and future."
You're going to die. Very soon. You felt like you already saw the pure, white light at the end of the way. You're going to go to Hell and never came back. But if you managed quite hard, your wish might be granted by the Demon. You would come back and haunt Tom for the rest of his life. Perfect plan.
"Can I ask you a question?"
Tom propped himself up on his elbow and looked down at you. "Anything."
"What's with all the cheesy pick-up lines you suddenly come up with?"
He didn't even pause to form an answer. You got the feeling that he had this planned all along. "I'm just trying to lull you to sleep.”
You failed to see the correlation. You weren't one with the smartest and brightest mind, but somehow you were quite sure Tom had mistaken pick-up lines for lullaby. "Is that supposed to work?"
"If you let it to."
"I'm ..." he glanced at his right to look for an answer. He decided to stick with, "I'm making a distraction.”
"Uh huh."
You stared at him with your brain functioning hard. Here's what you said: "Okay, great, distraction."
Here's what you didn't say: "Those are the worst distraction ever. I was about to fall asleep because I finally finished counting the hundredth sheep. And a hundred sheeps wasn't a small number. They were enough to feed this whole block for weeks. Come to think of it, in all honesty, I haven't ever eaten sheep. Have you? But that's not the point. What I'm trying to say here is stop being flattery and sing a lullaby instead. That'll be more useful. Kind of. Or, actually just shut up and let me meditate in silence."
He noticed your death stare and chuckled. "Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I can't help but smile."
"Are you drunk?"
"No, I'm not drunk, I'm just intoxicated by you."
... Oh my God.
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azazelsexile · 7 years
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@fade-steppin I can't believe you caught me Unusual Asks Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Spotify. Premium bitches is your room messy or clean? Messy. If it's clean, something is very wrong. what color are your eyes? Blue!! They're the best part about me do you like your name? why? I hate my birth name, but I adore my chosen name, Maison what is your relationship status? I'm dating a beautiful genderfluid person and I'm in love describe your personality in 3 words or less: hyperfixiating on fandom what color hair do you have? Right now it's kinda blonde with a green tint because of blue hair dye that wasn't ready to leave what kind of car do you drive? color? I actually just sold my car because it wasn't running, but it was a blue Ford Tarus where do you shop? Walmart, Target, Forever 21, Hot Topic. & anywhere my mom drags me how would you describe your style? flower child hobo favorite social media account: twitter, I have to say what size bed do you have? Uhhhh I'm not sure? It's not huge but it's bigger than a twin size any siblings? unfortunately,,,, i have two younger brothers if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? Somewhere rural, with lots of space and lots of cats favorite snapchat filter? I love the dog filter. I don't care if it's the ho filter favorite makeup brand(s): none applicable how many times a week do you shower? 4 or 5, more if I'm sad favorite tv show? right now probably losh shoe size? 7 mens I think? USA sizing? how tall are you? 5'4" sandals or sneakers? Sneakers!!! I have to wear socks do you go to the gym? hahaha I don't even go to the Pokemon gyms anymore describe your dream date: We go out to dinner, probably Steak and Shake. After dinner, we go to the park. It's a bit chilly, but not too cold. We sit on the grass in the dark and spend hours talking. After that, we go home and fall asleep together, cuddling and still talking about life. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? $6 and a ton of pennies what color socks are you wearing? Light blue with little snowmen how many pillows do you sleep with? One, but it's very flat and I need a new one do you have a job? what do you do? Yes! I work after school care at a grade school how many friends do you have? Lots, but only about 8-10 are people I hang out with on the regular whats the worst thing you have ever done? I made Nessa answer all 100 questions and she got me back whats your favorite candle scent? Mountain Lodge Yankee Candle 3 favorite boy names: Archer, Grayson, Lyle 3 favorite girl names: Nora, Zoe, Grace favorite actor? Can I say @wilwheaton and not have it be weird? Good. favorite actress? Can I say Auli'i Cravalho? Because she's rad who is your celebrity crush? @markiplier I'm sorry I'm a ho favorite movie? 101 Dalmatians do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? I used to read lots!!! Currently it's The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater money or brains? Money, probably do you have a nickname? what is it? Abbles, Mais/Mace, Mai. Or Rose how many times have you been to the hospital? Like 3 top 10 favorite songs; Rock n Roll Thugs- Icon for Hire American Boy- Estelle (feat Kanye West) What You Own- RENT Kids Again- Artist vs Poet Halo- Starset This Too Shall Pass- Danny Schmidt Pretty Little Head- Eliza Rickman Thunder- Boys Like Girls Vanilla Twilight- Owl City I Really Like You- Carly Rae Jepsen I also have a public Spotify playlist if any of y'all are actually interested in my music tbh do you take any medications daily? Yeah, but just my bc what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc): I'll go with oily what is your biggest fear? Being forgotten how many kids do you want? The dream is four, but there's some stuff going on that might mean less whats your go to hair style? Chop It Off what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc): it's average sized who is your role model? I don't really have just one, I look up to Finknor from wtnv tho what was the last compliment you received? Something about how great I am, from a coworker what was the last text you sent? "I love you" to my partner how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? Like 13 or 14 lol what is your dream car? A white VW bug with black Dalmatian spots opinion on smoking? No to tobacco, u do u on weed do you go to college? I dropped out after last semester but might go back what is your dream job? Professional Hermit. Also, bigwig book series author would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? Rural do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? Duh. Not more than they give me do you have freckles? When I actually go outside, the answer is apparently yes do you smile for pictures? Yes. I cheese it hard. how many pictures do you have on your phone? 155 have you ever peed in the woods? Yes do you still watch cartoons? Yes!! do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? I haven't tried them from Wendy's yet Favorite dipping sauce? Ranch and bbq what do you wear to bed? Sweats/yoga pants and a t-shirt have you ever won a spelling bee? Nope what are your hobbies? Singing, reading, writing, disassociating can you draw? Yes do you play an instrument? Slight piano what was the last concert you saw? WinterJam lol tea or coffee? No Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Starbucks, for their cake pops do you want to get married? I do, I have wedding fever right now what is your crush’s first and last initial? E.R. and M.F. are you going to change your last name when you get married? Probably. what color looks best on you? Red. do you miss anyone right now? Yes, my partner!!! do you sleep with your door open or closed? Cloooooosed do you believe in ghosts? I do what is your biggest pet peeve? When people don't use their turn signal last person you called: my mom, to tell her my brother is a dumbass favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate chip cookie dough, or just chocolate regular oreos or golden oreos? Regular chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? Rainbow! what shirt are you wearing? A Madrigals concert shirt what is your phone background? A TAZ art are you outgoing or shy? Shy with extrovert tendencies do you like it when people play with your hair? YES I DO do you like your neighbors? Yes I do do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? Nope lol have you ever been high? No have you ever been drunk? No last thing you ate? Pizza roll bosco sticks favorite lyrics right now: We're all so fake happy, and I know fake happy summer or winter? Winter day or night? Night dark, milk, or white chocolate? Dark! favorite month? October what is your zodiac sign: Gemini who was the last person you cried in front of? Jupiter
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myth-and-mischief · 7 years
More Overwatch comp teammate shenanigans
So @assassin-yuki and I are still grouping up to get her into Platinum (she’s soooooo cloooooose).  And still running into.... for lack of a better term... interesting teammates:
Game 1:  Attacking on Eichenwalde.  My friend goes D.Va and I go Pharah, since we like flanking from two different sides to start capturing the point, since some defenders still won’t know what to do (as long as the rest of the team is good / good team comp).  Capture the first point, manage to push the payload ALMOST to the door/second point.  Granted, our team wasn’t that great.  We had a Ana that did nothing except spawn and die, and a Zarya who wouldn't bubble.  And most would be too distracted trying to get kills than to push the payload.  To the point that I as Pharah, you know, the harasser in the sky, have to land and move the payload.
And I mean, the only reason we didn’t quite capture the door was that I had to land to move the payload, everyone else dead except me and Zarya.  We get enemy Gravitoned, I can’t escape or survive since SOMEONE isn’t bubbling me, and we get blown up by enemy Riptire.
Ok, no biggie.  Most of the time teams can’t even capture the first point on Eichenwalde.  And Eichenwalde is where I am QUEEN of the defenders.
One of our teammates (who was silent and not in team chat the entire time) suddenly gets on mic and RIPS into us.  He is pissed, and whines that it was our fucking fault for not pushing the payload.  And then LEAVES THE MATCH.  Trust me, with the timing of ranting at us and disappearing, he purposely left.  Again, what’s your deal, we could have easily defended this, except now its going to be 5v6. 
I go Symmetra (golden weapon hello~) and friend goes Mercy.  And for almost the entirety of the defense round we hold them off 5v6.  Then the ranter SUDDENLY returns and plays for like the last 30sec of the match.  My highlight of the match is me throwing myself into the enemy team as Symmetra and killing four of them (although it cuts off during the fourth).
Game 2: Attacking on Hollywood.  My friend goes Mercy and I go Ana, and note that we are the first people to choose.  The team fills in and looks good so far.  The LAST person to choose goes Symmetra.  That... is a pretty bad choice considering we are on the attack side.  But the team decides to give player benefit of the doubt.
It goes VERY WRONG.  We can barely make it past the choke point most of the time, Mercy and I (Ana) struggling to stay alive ourselves and keep our team alive.  Because... you know.... lacking a DPS to take our enemy.  I don’t know what our Symmetra was going most of the time, except that they barely got their Teleporter twice in the entire attack round.  And of course, they aren’t on mic or team chat, so we have no idea when/where Teleporter has been placed other than in-game cues.  And the other problem was the instant they put it down, the enemy team swarmed and immediately killed it.
Don’t capture any percent of the first point at all, so switch to defender side.  The Symmetra player is now suddenly in teamchat and suddenly on mic, and starts ripping into how trash our team was and our fault we lost.  Our Rein player very politely points out that much of the reason we lost the attack round was that the person played Symmetra, who isn’t suited most of the time to attack side of maps.  The player then starts ripping into how we’re morons for not using their teleporter (and rest of team still politely pointing out that we couldn’t use it since (1) we didn’t know where it was and (2) it was instantly destroyed both times).
Again, we’re being a rather polite team for having just lost due to this player.  He then starts ripping into my friend and I “well the Mercy and Ana f*ckers were morons and should have switched because we didn’t need three supports; I already picked Symmetra”.  My friend and I have finally had enough and pointed out that he was the LAST person to choose, so it was in fact him that made it three supports.  And again that Symmetra is not suited most of the time for attack sides of maps.  The player then spends the rest of the very short defense round chant-screaming into mic “go look at my win percentage as Symmetra; its your fault we lost”.  (Of course we lose the match)
Afterwards I take a look at their stats and.... they barely have a 51% win percentage as Symmetra.  Blizzard MAKES MATCHMAKING so most of the time you’re only supposed to have a 50% win rate.  So if you have a 50% win percentage as a certain character, its not that big of a deal.
What I really wanted to throw in their face/message them was, GUESS WHAT, I HAVE A 61% win percentage as Symmetra because oh, GUESS WHAT, I understand when to use her and when not to. (I also have a 89% win percentage as D.Va and I can’t explain why its that high)
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