#ikemen vampire hc
spoopy-fish-writes · 1 year
Okay, so I’m originally a Fate/GO fan but recently I’ve gotten into Ikevamp and there are a few overlapping characters(cause both are based on historical people). So, my request is some headcanons on basically Ikevamp guys meeting their Fate counterparts. Specifically: Leonardo, Jean/Jeanne, Napoleon, Mozart, Shakespeare, Vlad, and Charles.(I think Vincent is in Fate too but I can’t remember) Also… Holmes is in fate, and I really wanna see Arthur meeting him.
Mainly curious cause they are so different in Fate. Like, for example, Mozart in Fate is sociable and a pervert. If it’s too many characters I guess just whichever you choose, I am mainly morbidly curious about Arthur meeting Holmes and Charles and Mozart meeting their heroic spirit selves.
Thank you for indulging me, I hope you have a nice day! ☺️
| | Mozart, Charles and Arthur reacting to their Fate G/O counterparts | |
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Suitor(s): Mozart, Charles and Arthur
TW: Disgust, a tad bit of self depreciation and angst
Notes: I hope you have a nice day too 😌😌 || Fate Charles and ikevamp Charles are kinda similar actually did not expect that 🤔 It's just that ikevamp Charles stopped acting how fate Charles acts when he became a vampire (mostly kind of) || Doing all of those characters wasn’t working out for me so I ended up just choosing three
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Disgusted, appalled, horrified, don't even say that they share the same name, who is that man?!
If he isn't at least initially horrified at his clothing and hair (which he very much is), then he's glaring right at him the moment that he opens his mouth, he doesn’t even have so much self restraint as to force himself to even try and be polite in this situation
He's not this sociable! This man absolutely isn't him, why would anyone say that?!
About to verbally shred him to pieces the second that he hears a dirty joke come out of his mouth, he's supposed to be a composer! Composers are supposed to be the epitome of social standards to be able to gain people's favour, he can't just be this casual with everyone!
He doesn't even try to sugar coat it when he flat out refuses his offer to shake his hand, he detestes the idea of touching him in any way shape or form. He doesn’t so much as want to be in the same room as him, Arthur is having a blast watching Wolfe ask Comte to install several locks on the piano room so that the other him could never even dream of coming in
And he didn’t even do anything like that for Arthur!
Where he had had some semblance of respect for him before he'd spoken due to being told about his reputation and talent as well as his more heroic tendencies, there is none now
He reminds him of Arthur and he cannot take it and the thought of that being him in another world just about sends him spiralling
Absolutely horrified at him, he genuinely feels disgusted whenever someone refers to them by the same name during their meeting please have some mercy on this man
He’s actually pretty excited to meet his other self as one would expect and doesn’t find himself too disappointed when he meets him
He blabbers on so much that you wouldn’t think him and the other Charles are supposed to be different versions of the same person
“Isn’t that coat uncomfortable?” “Do you use magic for the modifications that show up on it?” “If you’re me, then is your life similar to mine?”
It takes a while after all of the questions, but they settle into a kind of mutual understanding of one another
He thinks of fate Charles of being like him before he’d met Vlad, understanding of his duty but more willing to do it than he ever was. He doesn’t know how to feel about that part at least
He even offers to have other Charles live with him with Vlad in the hopes that it will help him - not that Vlad agrees - but he doesn’t regret the meeting but is definitely a bit uncomfortable seeing what he feels like is his human self and bringing back one too many memories that he doesn’t quite enjoy
Internally begging and praying that he doesn’t have to meet this alternate reality Sherlock Holmes please don’t force him
The only reason he goes somewhat willingly is so that he can find out a bit more about the whole alternate reality thing since he’s heard that there’s another Mozart, Leonardo and so on and his writer’s curiosity got the better of him
Upon meeting him, however, and getting over the initial shock of all of the magnifying glasses and calling in Leonardo to take a look at how the strange contraption around his torso works, he can - with absolute confidence - say that he has never hated a person more
He acts exactly like Arthur wishes he could
He’s everything that he was written to be and thereby everything that Arthur couldn’t be and he wants to set the man aflame
He has never been so impolite and curt and insistent for a person to leave the mansion and the restraint that he exhibits when Sherlock deduces exactly why Arthur wants him to leave so badly - the fact that Arthur wishes so badly to be him and yet also wishes to tear the man apart - is something that Leonardo mentally applauds him for
He almost manages to get Comte to promise not to bring any more people to the mansion, he’s so distressed by the whole meeting
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Tags: @a-chaotic-dumbass @otome-scribbles @laito---sakamaki @kaeyas-beloved @shad0cat @alby-rei @rurifangirl @daisiesandshakes @lucyw260 @simplycuriouscourage @namine-somebodies-nobody @shameshomalo @ikesenfangirl @your-local-ikemen-simp @wtf-0w0 @notapinklasagna @grumpybunny14 @fangirlinindia @obeyme4life @endity13 @skatercashew @cilokgoang @roses-of-rosalie @character-design-who @ikesimp100 @kisara-16 @aceuuuuu @alureasoley @and-then-she-died-tm @foxlady99 @apric-t @joy-the-reader
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lordhelpme0-0 · 2 years
Love headcanon with Olga of Kiev:
Somehow you won her over despite her oath…and as a widower so congrats!!🎉
Before confession time/ drama of 90% of love route
Olga didn’t really expected to fall in love..in love with a woman of all things
Then again, she has access to the most ancient texts
Despite feeling this is a forbidden fruit, she was a Saint of Vengence (I don’t know how that work…but it did..you now have a Christian saint of vengence)
After the trials of tribulations if where they were now, if was hard not to says she didn’t fall in love
After starting to date
Do expect lots of flowers
A LOT!!!!
She will tend to you tenderly, but unsure how to with a woman
Will be low key teasing you while Vlad is grumpily staring at his porridge
Since she is a pureblood, she will be very careful unless you pull the “BITE ME!” Move
Though doting, she will fuss over you constantly
Basically leads to her having to put you over her shoulder as she walks down to the library
Ỷ Lan will be amused at this which leads to Olga having tinted ears
She is fine with PDA, but not fine when you suddenly grab her by the waist without warning
She will have Olga.exe has stooped moment
This is awfully sounding like a certain Lan Wangji….
If your taller than her, expect her to grab your collar to kiss you
If you shorter than her, expect her to kiss on the forehead and cheeks
Lip to lip is for steamy time. Yes. Steamy time. She is very crea-
Expect money to flow down your feet cause she rich..like richer than Vlad and Comte
Yay! Congratulations! You got a sugar mommy!!
Nicknames you will give you is: Tsarytsia [princess], Yangoliatko [angel] <- Ukrainian nicknames, Милая [honey, darling], and Зайка [precious] <- Russian nicknames
She will definitely will a lot sweeter and cuddly when in the bed
After all, she is a cuddle bug
Definitely expect sweet treats and soothing tea after a night of distress
When traveling back to the mansions, expect lots of fauna and flora around
She will be amuse and smitten if you wear some of her clothes
Even if it’s big, fits, or small on you
Expect lots of kisses after that
Steamy time/ NSFW lol
Oh damn, your having the sexy times with a saint? How scandalous! I’m joking I’m joking~!
Foreplay will be slow and enticing
She is a pure on Dom
Expect lots of kisses and nibbles with no fangs on the hip and chest area
She will whisper sweet nothing while her red eyes trail every inches of your body
She is gonna be teasing
Expect lots of toys
Cause there will be overstimulation going on down there
She will give lots of kisses and tongue whenever she wants
Will be doing light BDSM cause she is kinky as hell
Definitely expect lots of temperature play and blindfolding
Expect lot of roughness and bruises around the body
She is merciless
It’s a way of moving the senses up a notch
Aftercare will be gentle
Expect lots of bath, chocolate, some tea, water, cuddles, and you name it
She will be attentive you, and will fuss even more
Cause her eyes will darken and snap to unleash that sinful desire
Definitely have to reassure her your fine
Olga will scoff, but she will big spoon you
Now for my many fans and simps of Olga herself: @pieground @a-chaotic-dumbass @spoopy-fish-writes @vio-simps-for-purple-characters @evilquartett @evil-quartett @sange-de-romane
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klutzyroses · 21 days
Hello I just wanted to ask if I could request a fanfic of mc having a boy friend and the suitors are jealous. is it okay if it is in the suitors Pov. can you do Mozart comet Arthur and Leonardo. thank you ☺️
IkeVamp HCs: Jealous Suitors
How do they react to reader having a boyfriend?
Suitors: Leonardo, Mozart, Arthur, Comte
Warnings: Slight angst
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Frankly? Nobody would even notice, because it wouldn't change anything.
In his mind, he wasn't good for Y/N anyway. So its just as well.
Doesn't really give away any signs of acting different. By all accounts, he is either supportive or indifferent to her relationship.
He will even advise her on it if things get rocky. Yes, he will give her actually helpful advice.
No, he will not sabotage the relationship. Come on, Cara mia.
He loves her. He won't deny it to himself, he thinks with a slightly bitter laugh.
But that's exactly why he is letting her go. Her happiness comes first and she has no future with him.
Its for the best.
Likely, Y/N and her boyfriend won't see much of Mozart to begin with...
He wouldn't be malicious, but he wouldn't put in the work to be friends with this fellow.
He would also hold Y/N at arm's length. Not avoidant necessarily, but just...distant.
He is a jealous man and he worries that eventually, he will do something that he'll do something he'll regret.
Despite how he feels he doesn't want to behave in anyway that might jeopardize her relationship with her beloved.
And as much as he resents the relationship...he cares about her more. And if she is happy with this other man, so be it.
He won't get in the way. Even if it hurts. If the relationship were to come to an end, he still wouldn't act on anything for a long time.
Arthur is many things, a flirt, a playboy, a tease, among other things.
A homewrecker is not one of those, despite what others might think.
Once Y/N is off the table, he would stop seriously pursuing her, though still remaining very much flirtatious, in a joking manner.
Except he isn't really joking.
The man is a bit...salty, to be honest. Not to her though, to the other man.
He would treat him a similar way he treats Dazai. Not trying very hard to hide his disdain for him and is a bit...short with him.
He is probably one of the most obvious in his jealousy, it bleeds into his behaviour quite clearly, according to Theo.
That said, he finds that sometimes he secretly hopes for the man to mess up in some way...and he is rather disgusted with himself for even wishing for that.
But those are just the woes of unrequited love.
This gentleman will take it in stride, much as it might sting.
He, as a pureblood, knows there are far too many barriers between him and Y/N for a relationship to work, so this was probably for the best.
But even without those barriers, he still would never potentially jeopardize her happiness for his own selfish desires.
He would be extremely supportive of the relationship, though perhaps just a tad...tense whenever it comes up. But he would never be hostile or unkind to Y/N's lover. He's better than that.
He may or may not hint at his feelings in subtle ways, maybe casually stating that he envied the other man, but nothing too...concrete.
Really, if Y/N is happy, he would never get in the way of that.
Even if it means she won't ever be with him.
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natimiles · 4 months
Bringing Mozart into the 21st century and making him travel by modern transportation
Tags: lots of cursing; spoilers from his route?
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“No fucking way” is his first response when you show him a car and tell him you’ll use it to get around town. He’d walk a thousand miles, but he won’t climb into this... thing.
He ends up having to climb into the thing.
His first ride, he thought it was worse than carriages. The big front window gives him full vision of everything, and HE. IS. PANICKING.
Mozart: There’s another one coming this way! *screeches* MC: Mozart, they’re just changing lanes. It’s fine, you’re fine. Mozart: Oh my God, we’re gonna die… *starts muttering under his breath* MC: … MC: Are you praying???
He’s gripping the seat and the grab handle so tightly that his knuckles are white. He’s not breathing the entire ride.
As soon as the car stops, he opens the door and throws himself out. He’s praying again, but now he’s thanking God he survived this hell. Good luck making him enter the car again to ride back home.
The first time you get on a highway is wild. If he was already losing his mind before, imagine when you’re going faster. He’s gripping the seat, screeching, and praying. All at once. The whole time.
He might’ve passed out. If the sudden silence is any indication...
You can’t make him board an airplane. The first time you tried was to go back to your home country, and he caused a scene at the airport. You had to dope him with sleeping pills. 
He won’t board that huge, dangerous thing that flies again. How the fuck do they even fly???
Once he gets used to cars, things get easier. But it takes him a while, though.
He still yelps when he’s distracted and suddenly sees a car changing lanes.
He will open the window and pick fights. Someone didn’t signal? A car suddenly cuts in front of you? A pedestrian runs in front of your car out of the crosswalk? He’s screaming in German at the person.
You can try to make him ride a motorcycle, but it’ll be worse. He’ll cling to you, probably make you lose balance, and you two fall. And then he’s like “I told you these things are fucking dangerous!”
He won’t let you ride motorcycles again, even if you’re alone.
If you show him a car with autopilot, he freaks out. He’ll remember the time he went to buy a piano and it was playing by itself. Does the 21st century have haunted things too?
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koco-coko · 5 months
psychologist mc
one of my favorite ideas ever is the concept of "what if MC is a licensed psychologist "
On one hand: pure suffering. mc is slowly being driven insane. there's soooooo much wrong with all these people and MC isn't getting paid enough (or at all).
Vincent: is it normal to just be... numb? Like, you just feel nothing but sometimes you feel everything so then you feel nothing to deal with it?
Psychologist!Mc: no. no that's not normal and i'm concerned you need me to tell you that. how long have you feel like this, exactly??
Vincent: :0 really?? huh. probably since theo was born, to be honest.
Psychologist!Mc: *sighs* vincent stay on the couch we're gonna be here a while.
BUTTT on the other hand, mc and sebas are instantly friends because they both have journals filled to the brim about the residents. MC's gone through like six journals in 2 months because of all the notes they have.
About one week in they made a "mental illness checklist/bingo card" that they carry with them so at any given point.
Arthur: *drunkenly talking about his experience in ww1* Psychologist!Mc: *checks something on their clipboard* huh that's a new one. i think you should stop drinking by the way
Probably obsessively follows Dazai around wherever he goes. Literally the first one MC had their eye on.
At some point they approached Comte and just said: "if i keep living here you're gonna have to pay me. why did you choose the most mentally ill historical figures to revive and do nothing ab-" and then squints at him. Hard. Hands him a paper. "i'll be expecting you in my office/study about 7:30 prepare yourself."
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solomons-poison · 5 months
Home Dates with Leonardo HC
Leonardo x reader
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: ̗̀➛ A/N: This was a commission! @rinaririr requested some stay-at-home date ideas with Leonardo. I can definitely see him being able to create a fun date no matter where you are, no money or travel needed. I hope you enjoy!
: ̗̀➛ Warnings: fluff, domestic cuteness, just Leo romancing you every way he knows how lol
: ̗̀➛ Word count: 1089
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Leonardo is well-known to history as the Renaissance man, but he often still surprises others with just how much he can do. For the days when you don’t want to go out and spend money for a date, or there’s nothing particularly interesting in town, Leonardo has no trouble with making up for it with stay-at-home dates. He’s always a wealth of ideas and skills that you’re still discovering well into your relationship together, but he’s happy to either follow your suggestions or assist you with finding something to do together.
If you mention wanting to bake or cook with Leonardo, he is all for it. Even coming from a pureblood family and not having to eat to live, the man was still an Italian first, through and through. There’s plenty of cooking experience under his belt, recipes passed down in his family over the centuries as well as recipes he picked up from all the humans he’s befriended over time. He’s more than happy to teach you all the cooking or baking secrets passed down to him, everything from pasta dishes and soups to warm, herby bread and soft cakes.
Although he doesn’t seem like a cook from the get-go, he gets around the kitchen with practiced ease, ending up with a whole pile of delicious, homemade foods for the two of you to indulge in, not to mention that having two sets of hands makes the process go faster. It also lets him get closer to you, learning about your particular food tastes, your favorite dishes, favorite seasonings, etc., which he’s sure to memorize for next time. It definitely doesn’t escape you that he will be much flirtier than usual, calling you the usual “cara mia” but slipping in plenty of other endearing terms and compliments, too. Just the intimacy and the romance of it all will have you feeling like a married couple.
After food has been made, a painting picnic is in order. Although Vincent is typically the resident artist, Leo has no problems reminding you that he’s just as talented at the arts as anything else. He’ll pack supplies for your date, a couple small canvases, paints, brushes, easels, and of course some of the foods you two had made together. If the weather is good, he’ll take you to an open field to paint the wildflowers together, giving you painting tips or even giving you a painting challenge to see who can paint something the quickest. Of course, it’s not long before that challenge results in smudged paintings and plenty of laughs at your warped creations. You may or may not end up with some paint on your face or your clothes after some teasing jabs with the paintbrush.
If the weather is poor and rainy, then he’ll settle for painting at home. He’ll plan to either borrow Vincent’s room for the space or risk painting under the gazebo with you, listening to the sounds of the rain around you as he shows you some of his painting techniques. It may result in getting up close and personal, Leonardo coming up close behind you and guiding your hand, stating he’s only doing this to demonstrate effectively, teasing you if you get flustered. He’ll definitely let the sounds of the rain cover up any sneaky kisses he gives you.
It’s easy to get lost in the world of art with Leonardo as he keeps you distracted with plenty of town gossip and discussing plans for projects or what have you. As the day moves into evening, his next plan is for backyard camping. He’s always aware of the messy state of his room, so the camping idea is partly to avoid his room but also an excuse to keep you to himself. No need for fancy hotels or traveling very far, just a tent and some pillows and blankets brought out to a remote corner of the property to have some privacy.
There, hidden away from the world– and particularly, the other residents– Leonardo can cuddle with you as much as he’d like without any interruptions. He can complain about Comte to you, or silly things that the other mansion residents have done when they thought he wasn’t looking. Or he may borrow an instrument from Mozart and serenade you, give you your own mini concert. He’s picked up plenty of romantic songs over time, and it becomes his mission to woo you so completely until you’re thinking of nothing but him.
As it gets darker outside, he may borrow Isaac’s telescope to do some star watching with you. He’s learned about numerous constellations, both from his own studies as well as from the many books he’s read, and the difference in light pollution from this era versus modern day means you can see the stars wonderfully. If you’re interested, he’ll even tell you about some of the mythology connected to the constellations, surprising you with his boundless knowledge on Greek myths, Egyptian myths, etc. Regardless of whether you can see those particular constellations from where you are, his descriptions of the stars are enough to make an image in your mind. You can definitely tell when he steers towards any romantic mythology, but for the most part, he gets absorbed into sharing his knowledge with you, just rambling on until he’s done.
Finally, as the night gets cold and he’s run out of things to share with you, he of course recommends finishing your home date with a visit to Le Thermae. It’s practically like a spa date, with Leonardo bringing you scented items such as oils to make you smell good and help you relax. He even has a pair of fluffy robes to wear afterwards, the very height of luxury. Whether you two want it to end on a spicy note or not, he’s okay with either, but mostly, he just wants to hold you close in his arms as the water warms you both up from the chilly night air. However, if things between you two start to get a little handsy, he’s not complaining. Regardless, so long as the night ends with you two warmed to the core and in each other’s arms, he’s happy. And once you two are out of the bath, clean and dry, he’s making sure to bundle up with you in either his room or yours, delivering some final kisses before settling in to sleep. All in all, he’s making sure that your stay-at-home date is as fulfilling as anything you could do outdoors.
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Comments and reblogs are appreciated! If you'd like to commission me, please send me a DM!
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misty-moth · 6 days
I have a hc that due to vampiric healing, Arthur’s need for reading glasses (which are light prescriptions by default) went away when he was turned.
He keeps the glasses because he’s accustomed to them when writing.
Glasses wearers know that feeling when you reach up to adjust them and the jolt of panic when they’re not there. If Arthur was in the zone while writing, it would throw off his concentration if he didn’t have that familiar weight on his nose and frames to fidget with while working. It would be a small thing, something he could grow accustomed to not having anymore… but it’s a comfort, too. A little bit of normalcy to his new life.
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yanderepuck · 6 months
How long do you think it would realistically take for all of the guys to fall in love and want a relationship? Vincent is the only one I can see falling quickly.
This is more or less my version of the guys rather than in canon so remember that
Napoleon I feel like would want a relationship...but not the commitment of a relationship. He wants everything about it but he's not making any promises
Mozart doesn't want a relationship but damn he probably falls head over heels for someone and gets into a relationship bc of it
Leonardo??? He definitely falls in love easily but tries to keep his distance because he knows he's going to end up hurting you in the end
Theo needs to catch some kind of feelings before considering a relationship. But it's also not easy for him to catch feelings. But when he does they are STRONG
Arthur? Well same with Napoleon. He's got the commitment issues. He wants a relationship and everything that comes with it but it's not going to be a long term relationship.
Isaac has no thoughts on a relationship, or even gaining feelings. Actually. He's going out of his way to not gain feelings. He doesn't want that. He wants to focus on his research and that's it. But he's going to fall in love slowly if you do things for him
Jean is so hard to say. He's so numb imo. I feel like he would start feeling love but not realize what he's feeling. He's never really thought about a relationship, so it's going to take some time and a lot of trust
Dazai is running away from all emotions if you didn't guess already. He's a little scared to love imo?? He believes he doesn't deserve it and honestly would probably rather hurt your feelings in the beginning than get into a relationship because he knows it will end badly
Shakespeare probably also has some commitment issues. He's a huge flirt but in a way that he doesn't mean it. He says such sweet things bc that's how he talks. But he would probably try a relationship before cat hing feelings to see how it goes.
Comte????? Too many issues. He doesn't want to admit he's in love let alone think about a relationship. It's going to take a few heart to heart conversations to get him to open up about how he feels
Sebastian is going to try to avoid a relationship bc of his illness. He wouldn't be one to hide his feelings. I wouldn't say it's a commitment issue, more so as it is him being realistic.
Faust is like Isaac in wanting neither, but he's also not actively avoiding it. He gives the vibe that he doesn't realize that he can feel love, so when he starts catching feelings even he is surprised
Charles doesn't have commitment issues persay, but he's not quite sure what to do with everything he is feeling. (I feel like his route actually covers this exact question)
Drake is avoiding a relationship at all costs but is letting his feelings go wild and letting himself fall in love with anyone. Gives me flirty/hook up vibes like Arthur tbh
Galileo is similar to Isaac and Faust (science boys). But he is avoiding feelings and relationships. He doesn't want to feel either. Give him some drinks and I'm sure he'll open right up though
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sunshineyuuji · 2 years
Surprising Facts (pt.2)
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IkeVamp suitors with an s/o who randomly says interesting facts (pt.2)
Characters: Vlad, Theodorus Van Gogh, Vincent Van Gogh
Warnings: first grade English (lol), ooc suitors?, gn!reader/fem!reader
Notes: Guys, I got another request OMG! I'm jumping like a child who sees something they like (/⩾ ω\). So @vanadeyeira asked me if I could make this prompt with Vlad, Theo, and Vicent and who am I to deny? So here I am writing this at 5:30 am (Nov 16) and God knows when I'll finish lol. Anyhow, hope you enjoy! (Update: I finished this today at 10:00 am lol)
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Vlad has been alive for centuries, darling, so he knows quite a lot.
But like Le Comte, he's not fully aware of things from the modern era so you might as well surprise him with "modern" facts.
"The Vatican City is the smallest country in the world."
"Vatican City?"
"You'll know in... a few years, hehe."
He's not surprised you know so much. Actually, he's happy!
Just... try to keep the creepy facts for yourself.
"There are around 150 bodies of dead hikers on Mount Everest and they're used as landmarks."
"Interesting way to use a body..."
Could gladly hear you all day telling him random facts and also explaining. He just loves listening to you.
Especially when talking about flowers.
"Is this... a gardenia?" You asked, looking at the flowers Vlad gifted you.
"It sure is." Vlad smiled at you.
You looked at the flowers with a smile and carefully picked them up.
"Did you know that gardenias mean love, purity, and refinement?"
Vlad chuckled softly and kissed your hand.
"I do, that's why I chose to gift you them."
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Theodorus Van Gogh
"Did you know women can lactate without being pregnant?"
"You're getting on my last nerve, hondje."
Now what's with the random information?
Why are you telling him that? He didn't ask, so why are you telling him?
He doesn't get annoyed over the fact you know stuff, he's annoyed because you say it out of nowhere and he can't expect what you'll say.
“Did you know that buttermilk doesn’t contain any butter?”
“Ok, that’s it. Get out.”
There was a period of time where you stopped telling him the random information you know.
He got genuinely worried and rushed into your room.
You explained it was because you knew it annoyed him so you decided to stop.
“...You’re way too silly, hondje.”
It may catch him off guard, but it’s you who’s telling him. How can he say no to you?
Even if he says it annoys him, he secretly hears and tries to remember everything you say.
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Vincent Van Gogh
"You know, neuroscientists say that love is as strong as illegal drugs."
"Oh? Well then, guess I'm always high for you."
He either chuckles or asks more about what you're talking about.
Loves hearing you talk. That little sparkle in your eyes and the excitement you have when explaining is adorable to him.
Though he's always interested in what you say, he shows way more interest when you talk to him about art facts.
"Apparently, studying and pursuing art is closely linked to improved reading and math skills."
"Huh, really? That sure is interesting... I wonder how people associate reading and math with art."
Getting a little more romantic, he sits you on his lap while you continue to tell him about random things you know about art and other stuff.
"I could listen to you all day, sunshine. I can never get bored when I'm around you."
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niintendoqs · 1 month
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Ikemen Vampire sexuality and gender HCs 🫶 Waow I love LGBT+ HCs of the boys so much…
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lukkabloom · 24 days
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Imagine if ikevamp residents actually used telephones tho… The shenanigans the residents will be exposed to. I'm sure Comte would have one since he's rich. maybe he'll have one at Will's house too
maybe Comte'll call Will every once in a while but their conversation ends up taking hours bc it'll end up being a one-sided conversation with Comte talking 99% of the time and Will not knowing how to end conversations (since Comte is so polite and everything).
or every time Vincent hangs out at Will's house, Theo will call up Will from the manor. After Will gets used to this, he'll learn the best and fastest way to finish calls with Theo. It'll be like:
- Theo: "Shakespeare" - Will: "Good morning, younger brother. Yes, Vincent is with me. We had planned to view a play today. Oh, he seems to be calling me. Til morrow, brother" cuts call - Theo's so pissed
telephone boxes are yet to be popularized at this time (according to my quick google search) so the residents probably can't prevent any of their route-exclusive-vampire-past-incidents from occurring
maybe if the castle trio also has a telephone, there could be some blackmailing/manipulation via calls
ok not completely related, but I feel like Dazai would one day make a tin can telephone. Like Arthur would find one outside his room, with the string connected to the inside. He won't be able to go in (it's locked from the inside) so he'll have to communicate with Dazai (who is inside) via tin can. Of course, this is Dazai we're talking abt and he'll probably leave the room from the window, sometime later, preventing anyone from going in. He'll get a scolding from Comte, probably. (totally did not get this idea from that one Promised neverland scene... yea totally....)
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spoopy-fish-writes · 2 years
Absolutely self serving 🏳️‍🌈 dazai
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Dazai that doesn't explain why you have a chicken and are wearing a matching chicken suit 🤨
I have a feeling that his everything changes all of the time. He never sticks with one label whenever he tries to find which one fits him so abro and genderfluid it is for him 😌
Click for HQ. Do not repost or claim. Only reblog 💜
@edensrose @a-chaotic-dumbass @shad0cat @rurifangirl @kaeyas-beloved @daisiesandshakes @simplycuriouscourage @namine-somebodies-nobody @101waystobeadumbass @shameshomalo @ikesenfangirl @mellohyi @your-local-ikemen-simp @wtf-0w0 @themysticalbeing @fangirlinindia @skatercashew @character-design-who @ikesimp100 @and-then-she-died-tm @joy-the-reader also @ndoandou
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ikesenwritings · 2 years
What I think the Ikevamp mansion boys would do for MC’s birthday:
Comte would take MC out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner—only the best restaurants and cafes in Paris—sprinkled between shopping for clothes, furniture, and trinkets for MC’s room. Really any excuse to spend the wealth he’s accumulated over the many many centuries for one of his top three favorite residents.
Leonardo would sketch MC with all the other residents gathered in the dining room, having a wonderful time at her celebratory dinner—eating, drinking, laughing—causing Theo to go off on one of his begging sprees for Leo to get back into painting.
Theo would purchase a painting that reminds him of MC. He would also consider buying a very large painting of a dog and leaving it in front of her room just for the joke.
Vincent, catching MC taking a nap in the garden, would paint an ethereal portrait of her laying among the flowers.
Arthur would a write a collection of short stories featuring a smart heroine, remarkably familiar to the mansion’s own favorite caretaker, who outwits Holmes on every case. He’d also slip in a coupon he made on a scrap of paper that’d say: “One free night with a sexy mystery writer.”
Dazai would write poetry and recite it to MC while on an outing to their favorite spot—the collection of hydrangeas—and some home-cooked Japanese food made by Sebastian. He’d even narrate some folktales as if she was one of the children in the park.
Mozart would compose a piece and then transcribe a whole other copy of sheet music for MC when she inevitably asks for it as a prized possession from a very special occasion.
After a late-night conversation one time about traditional Japanese attire, Jean would think to craft some type of kanzashi to the best of his limited knowledge while at work in town.
Isaac would design a watch for MC so she’ll have one token from both the past and the future; it’s adorned with mini constellation patterns they talked about that very first time they stargazed together.
With perhaps the most knowledge of cooking out of all the vampires in the mansion, Napoleon would bake macarons at Jean’s suggestion.
Sebastian would force MC to take the week leading up to her birthday off so that he can get ready to plan and prepare her birthday dinner while the other residents can present their gifts. He’d make sure to cook all of her favorite meals that entire week.
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klutzyroses · 1 month
Sorry to bother I adored your panuck attack headcanons and was wondering plesse van you do it for the other suitor as well ? 🙏 Thank you Have a wonderful day 😍
I wasn't entirely sure which suitors you wanted in particular so I picked 4. Have a wonderful day~
IkeVamp HCs: Panic Attack pt.2
Suitors: Arthur, Isaac, Comte, Vlad
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As frivolous as one may have the impression he is, when the time really calls for it, he will step up.
When the woman started to get anxious, he picked up on it immediately. Being as observant as he was, he noticed the telltale signs.
Jittery movements, agitated breathing, flushed face, all the signs of an incoming breakdown. The mystery author has had anxious patients before, it was nothing all that foreign to him.
Stopping a panic attack as it begins is no easy feat, so he knows its better to either prevent it, or do damage control.
He would gently guide her away and sit her on his lap, rubbing her arms as he whispered soothingly to her.
"Let's breathe luv. Deep breaths, there you go, my darling..."
He cupped her face and encouraged her to focus on him. When she calmed, he praised her and made sure she was alright, having her drink something warm and keeping an eye on her mood afterwards.
He would basically be the best comfort.
Okay...he is a bit hopeless here at first...
He genuinely felt at a loss when she started to hyperventilate and quivering, behaving like a cornered animal ready to attack and defend herself.
To be honest, he had half the mind to find Napoleon, he always knew what to do but...
He couldn't allow another man to take care of his woman.
So, to the best of his ability, he tried to handle the situation himself. He took her to his room and sat alone with her, holding her hand. He hoped the quiet place would sooth her frayed nerves, drawing circles on the back of her hand with his thumb.
He kept this up until her hand tightened around his, indicating she was regaining her control.
"Are you...okay now?"
He hesitated to tell her that seeing her like that had been scary, he had thought for a moment she was having a heart attack.
From then on, he would be just a tad more wary about things that could frighten or unsettle her.
He had seen so many tragedies, disasters, horrors that had jaded him to that sort of anxiety, to the point he nearly forgets that his cherie was not quite of the same metal.
When she started to fall apart, he reacted immediately, taking her in his arms when her legs gave out, shielding her in his embrace.
He had her listen to his calming voice, tenderly brushing her hair from her face as he pressed his forehead to hers, bring one of her hands to his lips.
His eyes never left her teary, wide ones as his presence started to ease her anxiety. Her vulnerability both hurt and touched him at once, feeling a surge of protectiveness.
"Mon diamant, your tears make my heart ache, tell me what can I do for you?"
Once he had her breathing calmly, he asked her if she wanted to leave, quick to comply when she says she does, cradling her to him as he wrapped her in his coat. As soon as they were at home, he has Sebastian make her a relaxing tea.
He would not leave her side until he knew she was completely at ease again.
If he were to be honest, he himself was no longer familiar with the concept of panic and anxiety. Perhaps, after living so long, through the things he had, he was numb to that sort of thing.
That didn't mean that he wasn't quick to react when his love started to succumb to fear.
Trembling, whimpering, labored breathing, erratic movement.
Behavior that reminded him that his beloved was just a human being. She seemed to fragile and breakable.
Leaning down to her, he brushes her forehead, using his abilities to fill her mind with pleasant sceneries, flowery meadows and mesmerizing lakes, anywhere to take her mind away from what so frayed her nerves.
When she was calmer, he pressed his lips on her forehead.
"I am here, my flower, don't be afraid."
He would shower her with love long after the attack passed, simply because he felt she needed that extra bit of doting.
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natimiles · 5 months
Natiii hiii
If your requests are open, is it alright if I request a part 2 of the platonic sibling headcanons for your favourite Ikevamp boys? Where they find out that reader, their precious beloved little sibling, is actually in love with/dating Dazai. I think it would be hilarious xD
Take your time, and remember to put your own health first! ❤
Hi hoooo, Silveeeer! (if you don’t get it, you don’t get it; and it means I’m really old)
Platonic relationships are so cute! Half of them would die if the reader dated anyone, to be honest, HAISUEHSAUIEHSAUIEA. But oooohhh, it was fun to imagine my dearest Isaac! 🤍
I'm sorry it took so long and I hope you liked it! 🤍
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gn!reader with a sibling-like relationship with them starts to date Dazai | Isaac, Mozart, Jean, Arthur, Theo and Vincent, and Napoleon
Tags: minor spoilers for Dazai’s route; platonic relationships; sibling-like bond; teeny-tiny suggestive parts for Mozart, Jean, and Theo and Vincent (but still sfw, don’t worry!)
Notes: kind of a part 2 of this post, where gn!reader has a sibling-like relationship with them. 
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“I’m dating Dazai.” — Do you hate him? He feels like you do now.
He was never overprotective or one to pry into your business, but he felt like he should tell you something about it. You are his dearest younger sibling, after all.
He won’t try to separate you not exactly. He just wants to make sure you’re okay — stop glaring at him!
He will ask for Napoleon’s help to have a talk with Dazai. Napoleon is there just giving moral support because he has nothing against the writer. Isaac is in such distress after this talk, he probably got some gray hair. Dazai teased him, and Napoleon didn’t help.
He will tell you about this and every other time Dazai teased him or pulled some kind of prank on him. Might he remind you it was Dazai who gave him wine and said it was juice at the last banquet?
He can finally have a proper talk with Dazai — without being embarrassed or teased — a few weeks later. He can see now that Dazai really cares for you, and his teasing has lessened (but didn’t stop; it never stops).
Just remember your brother is a contrarian, okay? He’ll complain and grimace when he sees you two kissing, but he’ll help you out if Dazai ever tries to avoid you again. He really hopes you two stay together forever; he wants to see you happy.
Now stop bringing him apples every day with the excuse that you’re taking care of your family, Dazai!
No, Dazai, he doesn’t need someone too! Stop trying to set him up with random people!
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“Dazai asked me out and I said yes.” — “Pfff, no, you didn’t.”
And it’s not because it’s Dazai. It’s because you’re dating. That’s it.
Overprotective brother activated successfully. Every breath you take, every step you take, he’ll be watching you.
Seriously, he’s watching you two like a hawk. You thought Theo had brother issues? Pff! He won’t leave you alone. Or he’ll try to not leave you alone, but Dazai is too cunning and he always finds a way to evade Mozart and take you with him. Your brother might be fuming by now.
He doesn’t even try to talk with Dazai; he just knows he’s not worthy of you. No one is.
You end up having ‘the talk’ with Mozart. Does he remember when he was having a composer’s block, and Dazai helped? That’s how you start your list of “why Dazai is the safest vampire you could date”. You end the list playfully asking if he’d prefer if you dated any of the other writers, like Arthur, and you swear his eyes twitch with only the thought of it.
He tries to keep his pettiness in check for you. Keyword: try. Spoiler alert: he’s not good at it.
He never sees bite marks on your neck, so he thinks everything is okay and still… decent. He freaks out when Arthur points out that Dazai might be biting you on other parts of your body that don’t show when you’re fully dressed. You want to kill Arthur, while Dazai is just giving that closed-eyes smile of his.
Congrats, overprotective brother is back again at full force.
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“I’m dating Dazai.” — “Alright.”
Chill brother ftw!
Sweet, clueless, and innocent brother doesn’t see anything wrong with your relationship.
He’ll just make sure this is what you want and that you’re really happy. He doesn’t need much assurance. He trusts you, and he knows you never lie to him.
He doesn’t have a problem with Dazai, so why should he be worried? 
However, he will miss spending more time with you in the beginning of your relationship. So Dazai makes sure to include him in your plans sometimes. He might even help you teach Jean how to write and read. (This is too wholesome to imagine)
Jean doesn’t even know what ‘the talk’ is. The roles are reversed: Dazai ends up having it with him, and you’re freaking out. It ends well though; it seems your new boyfriend didn’t say anything weird. This time.
His only problem might be if he sees you two leaving the same room in the morning. He won’t think much of it until Arthur makes some comment about it. And now Jean thinks you two need to get married. Congrats and thank you, Arthur.
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“Dazai asked me to date him.” — “Oh, hell no!” — “Oh, hell yes!”
Anyone but him! Seriously! If you don’t want any of the other residents, he can introduce you to someone! He has some acquaintances downtown... That’s when you hit his arm and glare at him. Okay, message received.
He won’t have ‘the talk’ with Dazai, he can’t stand the idea of having this conversation with Dazai. 
Again, are you sure you don’t want someone else? If you want a writer, even Shakespeare could be acceptable… You hit him again. Fine! Shakespeare wasn’t acceptable either anyway; he was just desperate.
Dazai doesn’t tease Arthur, so your brother will bring up the times Dazai teased you, like that time you two got stuck downtown because of the rain.
And you bring up the times Dazai helped you, or when he tried to cheer you up. You even list all the times he tried to help him, and Arthur was rude to him.
Canonly, he wants to see you breaking Dazai’s masks. So he might accept your relationship just so he can see it and finally be able to read him. Spoiler alert: he still can’t read Dazai, and it drives the sore loser him crazy sometimes.
But you can, so he has to shut his mouth and support you. He’ll be happy for you, eventually.
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Theo and Vincent
“I’m dating Dazai.” — “You’ve got the worst taste in men.” — “Oh, congrats! Can we all have lunch together sometime?”
Guess who said what.
Vincent is really happy for you! He already knows Dazai, so he doesn’t need to make sure he is a nice person for you. 
Theo is not happy for the exact same reason: he knows Dazai.
He protects you like he protects Vincent and sometimes even more because you are younger. Did you know Dazai goes to the casino? What else does he do downtown? Do you know? Do you seriously trust him?
You have to throw back at Theo that he goes to the pub with Arthur all the time. What does he do there? Why does he only come back in the morning? … Okay, he got it.
Theo promises that he’ll try to contain his brother issues if you’re too upset with him. He doesn’t promise he’ll succeed. Vincent is gladly there to scold him every time.
Vincent will ask if two can pose together for a new painting, while Theo will glare and curse a lot. It’s a lovely painting that you hang in your bedroom.
They’ll both be mad if you shed a single tear because of the writer. Dazai better run, and he better run fast because an angry Vincent is even worse than an angry Theo.
“Sleeping with Dazai is one step removed from sleeping with Arthur.” (he actually says it in Dazai’s route) WAIT. You haven’t slept together yet, have you? HAVE YOU? Vincent had to drag him out of the dining room because Dazai gave that signature smile of his and said, “Oh my, I can’t remember.”
(Imagine Theo lashing out, and Vincent just goes, “Calm down, they just slept together! What’s wrong with sleeping?”)
Theo will try to find a way to have ‘the talk’ with Dazai without you and Vincent knowing. It’ll turn out surprisingly fine, and he starts to trust Dazai a little more. A little.
Arthur is talking about the bite marks not being visible when you’re fully dressed again, just so he can see his best friend losing his mind. Vincent doesn’t understand what’s the problem; he thinks it’s in your arms or some innocent place. God bless this angel.
Theo is back at glaring and cursing.
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“Dazai asked me out.” — “Alright, have fun.”
Chill brother ftw! #2 
He knows Dazai and he has nothing against him.
He trusts you and your decisions, so he won’t pry or be an overprotective brother mode.
He taught you self-defense and he knows you’ll come to him if you need something anyway.
He will talk to Dazai, but it won’t be exactly ‘the talk’. He just wants to make sure he’s not just killing time with you, even though that’s not something he believes the writer would do… But he’s gotta make sure. It was nice, like friends chatting to catch up on their lives, y’know?
If Dazai runs away from you like he does on his route before you start dating, he will not be pleased. But he will try to help you out, if you ask.
If a single tear is seen in your eyes, you bet he throws the chill-brother-state-of-mind out of the highest window of the mansion along with Dazai.
Seriously, he won’t freak out about your relationship, and he won’t do anything unless you ask him to. He really just wants you to be happy.
He’ll try to read Dazai’s books. Gotta support family.
(Can we imagine him ruffling your hair and then ruffling Dazai’s hair? Okay, sorry…)
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koco-coko · 4 months
Ikevamp Vampire Headcanons
Cybrid doesn't like making lore or keeping it consistent do I'll so it myself
This isn't about any of the 3 purebloods specifically but more like... what I think pureblood life is like since they never delve into the differences
Newborn purebloods don't get breastfed or need milk, but instead just have a HUGE appeitite for rouge. I mean more than Isaac's bloodlust on the daily, at least for the first few months. Sometimes they feed off their parents, but usually just drink rouge or blanc from the bottle.
Purebloods aren't born with fangs, they grow in like the rest of their teeth, albeit a bit quicker. Ya know what this means?-
TEETHING. Vampire teething lasts for yearsss... if there is a baby vampire in a household, expect furniture, shoes, toys etc to be chewed up.
From infancy to about 8~10 years old teething lasts, and that's just for baby fangs.
Oh yeah. There's adult fangs and baby fangs that function pretty much the same to baby-teeth.
Except having adult fangs grow in and push the baby ones out is painful (tooth and body aches, fevers), and causes another round of teething.
Vampire chew toys are basically a required otherwise everything gets destroyed.
Thankfully the adult fang teething stage only lasts about a month.
Sooo vampires are a bit animalistic but learn to hide it
Young vampire's are a lot like cats. They hiss, they bite, bare their fangs, swat at people, and they even play with each other like kittens do nipping and tackling each other.
Usually they grow out of it, but it's not an urge that's completely gone. Adults can still hiss and play-bite of course, they just don't for secretcy and maturity's sake
Purebloods don't get the uhh lets say lustful or turning quality of their bites until they've reached maturity (i'd say 18-25?) Meaning that until then, their bites just hurt like hell.
This one's NSFW -> this also means their sex drive for a couple months just SKY-ROCKETS. (Probably the only time in Comte's life he insisted he do his own laundry)
All in all: young vampires are chaos incarnate and Leonardo probably raised hell for his parents as kid, maybe more than he does now...
Comte definitely had a "rebellious teen" phase at one point so use complied info for whatever you may desire
Also if anyone else has any other hcs or ideas for how vampires act and their biology and all your free to add it!!
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