#ikon fake texts
myromanholidays · 2 years
do ur girl a solid and register a (perhaps fake) name, email, and phone number using this referral link https://arep.co/svfDo it’s for kamp la 2022 pre-sale ticket access (so no purchasing involved and they can’t send text/email campaigns w/o your consent) and I desperately wanna see kai, monsta x, Zion.t, ikon, bambam 🙈🙏
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99liners · 4 years
ikon reaction to: playing what’s in the box;
concept: ikon members play “what’s in the box” and the guys have mischievously put the member’s s/o’s lingerie in the box.
kim hanbin (b.i):
he is tired of the disrespect. it has become like he is eating, breathing, drinking disrespect in this dorm from morning to night and now your panties in a box? what even?
“i wake up everyday and ask myself why i have to suffer like this everyday? at the hands of dumbasses like y’all? why?”
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kim jinhwan (jay / jinan):
he is angry that the members touched your personal items. items only he’s supposed to be ever touching or even come near. but on the outside he turns to andy samberg’s character jake peralta from brooklyn 99. internally he’s planning war. 
“cool, cool, cool, no doubt, no doubt, noice, noice, noice,”
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song yunhyeong:
he found is extremely childish and stupid. he stared at the members laughing as if they pulled a million dollar prank and sighed shaking his head.
“i’m going to cover my eyes so i don’t see the stupidity that is your idea of this game. i’m so done.”
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kim jiwon (bobby):
he was the only one who was genuinely shocked. he started laughing with the members and commended them. but inside, he was planning his own revenge. 
“okay okay, this was a good one. you guys got me.”
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kim donghyuk:
he was embarrassed. his cheeks were turning red along with his ears. he couldn’t stop blushing and whining at the members who kept making fun of him
“hey look.. the ceiling is so nice.. i never noticed huh..”
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koo junhoe (june):
the most shy one out of them, he never imagined the members would pull such a prank and he couldn’t stop blushing. hell he was too busy blushing to even say anything.
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jung chanwoo:
he never brought you in the dorm so he frankly doesn’t know how your bra got here. the members knew this and had personally asked you for it but they kept insisting to chanwoo that they found it in his sock drawer. chanwoo was both flustered and worried cause he didn’t do anything but the members wouldn’t let him go or believe him.
“i SWEAR i never brought her in the dorm. i’ve no idea how this got here!”
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nct version | bts version | seventeen version | btob version | monsta x version | exo version | ateez version | bigbang version | got7 version
feedback is deeply appreciated.✨
witb series masterlist | masterlist | ikon masterlist | rules | ask box
- jaimie
© 𝟫𝟫𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓇𝓈, 𝟐𝟎𝟤𝟢. 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐃.
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peacefulmoonflower · 5 years
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💖Boyfriend! Bobby Instagram au💖
(Requested) iKon insta aus were requested a while ago and I might have forgotten about it🥺
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yournextdoorwriter · 5 years
junhoe college au // bad guy (4/?)
pairing: junhoe x oc
words: 1.5k
The loud thunder was roaring. You looked up and saw dark clouds spreading in the night sky, threatening to spill its contents any moment now.
You felt Junhoe’s motorcycle speed up, obviously trying to reach the destination before rain starts to pour.
You started seeing a familiar neighbourhood and you’re quite impressed at how Junhoe managed to know your place just by giving him your address.
But then again, maybe you shouldn’t be quick in giving out your address right? Especially to boys.
You realise it late though, Junhoe already heading towards a road leading to your address, when you thought that you should’ve just asked him to drop you off three blocks away from your place.
Once again, you failed to notice your arrival due to the fact that you were drowned in your own thoughts.
“Hey, is this the right place?” Junhoe asks again, a little bit louder this time in an annoyed tone.
Or maybe that’s just how the way he speaks.
“Huh? Oh, yeah. This is it. Well thanks fo-“ before you could even finish your sentence, the rain stared to pour, drenching the both of you in just mere seconds.
Junhoe swiftly puts on his helmet again and was about to ride his motorcycle but you stopped him.
“What in the hell are you doing?!” You screamed at him.
“Jesus, are you blind? I’m going home of course!” He screams back.
“In this kind of weather?!! The road is slippery and it will be dangerous for you to drive!” You say, “come inside and wait for the rain to stop!”
It seemed like Junhoe didn’t hear you because he remained standing there, until you called him out again, motioning for him to enter your apartment.
“I’m home.” You said to nobody, a habit you’ve never learned to quit even though you started living alone two years ago.
You felt Junhoe’s figure following you so you turned around to face him, which was probably a bad idea,
Because he looked so fucking hot with his hair wet from the rain, the water dripping from his face down to his neck, his shirt sticking on his body outlining his perfectly toned abs.
You took a deep breath and silently wished that he didn’t notice all that staring.
“Wait here, I’ll get you some towel.”
When you returned, Junhoe was still standing there at your doorstep, looking like a lost baby, except that he was holding a helmet.
“Why are you just standing there? Remove your shoes and come inside.” You say in a calm manner.
I guess the fact that this is your place helps you deal with the situation rationally. You felt safe and warm, even though a guy you barely know is in your living roam, soaked in the rain.
Junhoe choose to sit down at a wooden stool, how thoughtful you thought, he must have not wanted to soak your sofa as well.
He then proceeded to dry his hair and holy fuck how the hell is he doing that in such a sexy manner?!
Is ‘looking good while drying yourself’ part of the basketball team’s training?
“Hey.. I’m just gonna take a quick shower. I’ll also find you some dry clothes to change into.” You say and Junhoe just nods in reply.
You take a shower as fast as possible, and chose your least revealing outfit to wear. Damn it, why are all your clothes shorts and tank tops?
You glanced at your laundry basket and saw your oversized shirts and pyjamas. Of course, they have to be dirty at this moment.
You had no choice but to wear a short and a tank top, and you grabbed one of your jackets in an attempt to cover yourself more.
You also got that extra large PE uniform you ordered by mistake during your first year. You knew it would come in handy one day.
“Here. It’s the only thing I can find,” you say as you hand Junhoe the clothing.
“You can take a shower at the bathroom next to the kitchen or you can just change. Just get out of those wet clothes or else you’ll catch a cold.”
Junhoe takes the clothes from your hand and stood up from his seat, as he silently makes his way to the bathroom.
He’s become unbelievably quiet since he got here, but you decided to just brush it off.
As you wait for Junhoe, you started to boil water for some lemon tea, you read that it prevents cold symptoms.
“Hey, do you have some paper bag I can put my wet clothes into?”
Your heart slightly jumps at the sound of his voice. “Yeah, wait a minute.” You say, rushing to your room to get him a bag.
You hand a paper bag to Junhoe without a word.
“I got you a hanger as well. Figured you could just hang your leather jacket for a while.. that dries up fast anyway. But, uh, only if you want to.” You start to stutter but Junhoe just takes it from your hands and did what you said.
The kettle then makes a shrill noise, breaking the deafening silence between the two of you.
You grab two mugs and stared preparing the tea. It was still awfully quiet, the only sound you can hear was the clinking of the mugs and utensils and you closing your kitchen drawers.
“Here.” You place the mug in front of him. Junhoe mumbles a quick “thanks” before drinking it.
When you woke up this morning, you definitely didn’t think you would be in this position right now. It seemed like everything that happened today was straight up from a K drama. Him picking you up after class to eat dinner, riding his motorcycle, and now him sitting in your kitchen with only the counter separating the two of you.
“You know you shouldn’t just let strangers come into your place.” He speaks, finally saying something more than one word since he stepped inside your apartment.
“I know. It’s really scary nowadays. But you’re not a stranger anyway.” You reply, sipping your tea.
“Are you not afraid of me?” He asks as he look at you with his dark eyes - those eyes which feels like its staring at your soul, not in a bad way, but in a ‘I can totally read whats on your mind’ way.
“Why would I be afraid of you?”
He raises his eyebrows at that, as if he knows you’re not completely telling the truth.
“Okay fine..” you give up. “I was scared of you.” “At first.” You quickly added.
“Especially when we first met. In my defense, you did looked beaten up. But.. after our second encounter, I realised maybe you weren’t so bad after all. I mean, you won’t help me deal with my asshole ex if you’re a bad guy.”
“Good point.” He says.
“Hey.. the rain looks like it won’t stop soon.” You begin to say. “You can crash on my couch for a bit. I’ll get you some blanket. I just really have to do my essay now.”
“Yeah, sure.”
Junhoe goes back to your living room, now choosing to sit in your couch. You come back holding a blanket for him.
“You can watch the TV if you want. Water and some snacks on the fridge if you get hungry. I’ll just be in my room doing my work.” You say to him before completely drowning yourself in school works.
The ringing sound of your alarm wakes you up, you reached for your phone with one eye closed to turn it off.
“Shit!” You sit up quickly as you discover that there’s only 45 minutes left before your first class starts.
You suddenly remember the events that occured last night, it was around 3AM when you finished writing your essay and... Junhoe!
You immediately went out to the living room only to find it empty. The only thing that’s left was a half full glass and short note scribbled in a small piece of paper.
“Thanks for letting me crash. Don’t let any guy come inside your apartment again.”
You chuckle at his letter and headed to the kitchen to place the glass in the sink.
There you found his leather jacket, hanging at one of the handles of your kitchen cabinet.
“He must’ve forgot about it.” You reached for his letter jacket and went on to get ready for another day.
“Hey!” You called out to one of your classmates, a member of the school publication, as your class ended.
“Do you know what time does the basketball team’s practice start?” You ask.
“Yeah. It starts in around fifteen minutes. Why?”
“Just.. gotta talk to someone there.”
“How did you know?”
“You asked me about him before remember?” She says, and you flashed back to the day you asked around about him after your first encounter.
“You better be careful. I’m telling you, that’s guy’s trouble.” She warns.
“Thanks.” was all you could reply.
You collect your things and made your way to the gymnasium, not a single worry in your mind despite your friend’s warning.
to be continued
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mykpopmood · 6 years
Welcome to YG (info)
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Name: Min Y/N
Age: 22
Birthday: October 15
Nationality: American & Korean (duel citizenship beeches)
Status: Trainee (she will become an idol later)
Position: Solo Artist
Trainee date: October 14, 2016
Hobbies: Painting,photography,piano,sculpting,fashion
On stage: she is very bubbly and hyper and outgoing.
Off stage: she is more on the shy side and enjoys just hanging out,though when she's comfortable enough with someone she can become a loveable 4D weirdo
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ikonislife · 6 years
🌻Mistake part 3
🌻Mistake part 3
🌻Best friend au, enemies to lovers (ish)
🌻Donghyuk had thought it was a simple favor to ask of his best friend, but what happened when he realizes that friendship was long gone.
🌻 part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 4.5 | part 5 | part 6
a/n: The app that I’ve been using to make the fake text and IG is acting up beyond the level of patient I possess so I’m sorry for lagging on this series. I can’t even use emoji in the conversation so I’m gonna have to search for another app to use.
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As the three dots appeared only to disappeared, Donghyuk was beginning to regret his request. It hadn’t seemed so bad just few hours ago, your cold facade had melted away leaving behind the girl he once held so dear in his heart with your gentle smile and the soft touches lingering on his skin. Not that he no longer thought of you as special, it was rather he knew no longer was he special in your heart.
 Then again, deep down he understood it was all for show, an elaborate lie told to sooth the heart of his and your parents. They had always hoped their friendship would turned into the partnership of being in-laws, only to be disappointed by the increasingly distant relationship of their kids. Acting or not, that didn’t stop the tiny bit of hope rising in his chest watching you doted over every little thing he did. Finger gently petting at the little Snoopy bandaid on his palm, the place where he had accidentally brushed against the hot bbq grill, a smile broke the stuffy silent of his room. You had been so caring, at the sound of his wincing, you near dropped your own plate with that concern look washing over your dainty features. You had worn that often when you both were still best friends, God knows how much money you spent on bandaid and antibiotic cream because of him. 
11:11, Donghyuk stared at the illuminated screen glowing in the darkness of his room and wished upon a child’s belief. Any chance, even the tiniest, he just needed to figure out why you had said he was barely friend. At the chime of his phone, Donghyuk prepared himself for disappointment and hurt... Yet none came, much to the delight of his soul. You left his heart blooming.
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He hadn’t at all expect a reply, pushing his luck with how happy you had seemed. And though he had taken and retaken the picture thousands of time, Donghyuk was still in turmoil with his own soul and heart if this was right for him to do. Thumb hovering over the send button for what felt like ages, the memory of your smile from the afternoon finally sent his heart over the edge, tumbling into territories he had definitely been before when it came to you. He was elated, an unbearable excitement thrashed about inside as a new beginning was sure to come out of this stale friendship. And so against all the screaming of his logical side, he pressed send. Once more, defying all expectation and catapulting his entire being into uncharted region of bliss. You replied mere seconds later with the best response Donghyuk could’ve ever ask for.
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As the sandman slowly reigned over the night, Donghyuk drifted off to the ending of what possibly could be the best day of his life in recent history. A smile on his lips, he dreamt of the date to come and hopeful too, that it will be another one for your friendship book. Perhaps if he plays his card right, this whole sham would cease to exist and in place, a much more honest relationship.
🌻 Mistake Masterlist
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f-l-writes · 6 years
Inspiration- Scenario
Warnings: Smut, swearing, degrading talk
Word Count: 3639
Requested: Yes
As always, enjoy and feel free to request!
You released a sigh as you stared at the bright screen of your laptop, the words that decorated the screen beginning to blend together as you tried to think of something to write. You were a fairly well know erotica novelist and you were expected to be releasing your newest book by the end of the following month. As time dragged on, however, you began thinking that it would be best to alert those who were awaiting the release of the novel that it would be postponed.
When you heard your door open, you didn’t even bother looking behind you to see who it was. The only person who had access to your apartment and the only one who bothered to visit was your manager and editor. Within the last week, you were thinking about taking away his key to the apartment but you knew well enough that he would drop you in a heartbeat if you cut off his source of checking up to ensure you were writing effectively. When his voice rang through the apartment, she almost let out a groan.
“You need to find inspiration to finish this novel. We have to have it out by next month. You wouldn’t want to disappoint your fans, would you?” he questioned.
“No, Jinhwan, I wouldn’t. I just can’t seem to find anything. I’ve been in my own dry spell and obviously that’s reflecting on my writing,” you grumbled out the last part, glaring angrily at the only source of light in your apartment.
The man snickered a bit before he spoke up again. “Step away from it for a day or two and see if you can find any inspiration for it within that time. If not, just step into your imagination. Make it wild. Make it realistic in an unrealistic world, just do what you have to do to get it finished.” with that, he left you on your own, though not without turning on the light in your room before walking out, causing you to squint and flinch slightly at the sudden burst of light.
The following afternoon, you had found yourself seated in front of your best friend, Demetri, at a cafe near your house. He had been questioning you about the novel and had taken on a bit of a pity look when you explained that you were in a rut. He had told you pretty much the same thing Jinhwan had told you the night before before he was suddenly called out of the short meeting by his boyfriend, Jinho.
With a sigh, you sat by yourself and finished off your coffee. As you were on your way to throw out the cup, you heard some girls frantically talking about some underground dancer. Letting your curiosity take over, you turned to them and spoke.
“Where’s this show your talking about taking place?” you questioned, eyes glittering in interest as you looked at them, making you look more awake than you had looked over the last few days.
“Uh…” one of the girls started, clearly startled. “It goes on in a couple of hours at Cake Shop…” the woman stated, looking to her friend to save her from the situation. Before the other one could speak up, however, you had already thrown away your cup and were making the trek back to your house, wondering if the club was where you could find you inspiration.
About an hour before the show started, you found yourself staring down at three dresses that laid out on your bed. One was a green/blue velvet, sleeveless dress that kept itself completely up with a choker. The second of the three was a sequined black dress that had thin straps and stopped at about the bottom of the thigh. The final one was a deep, crimson color that had a plunging neckline, and stopped at about mid-thigh.
Within a few seconds, you had decided on the red dress, figuring it would draw the most attention to you that night. If you were going to find any inspiration for the story, you were going to have to pull eyes to yourself and see who would take the bait first. If they were interesting enough, you would just have to bring them home and hope the rest of the night went well.
Now, after changing into the red dress, you found yourself standing in front of the mirror in your bathroom, looking over the dark eye makeup you had on. This consisted of a blackish gray eyeshadow, black eyeliner, and mascara to make your eyelashes look longer. You hadn’t done much for the overall face aside from foundation and you had done your lips in a very complimenting color. Over all, you looked beautiful and readily fuckable.
Finishing with the final touches, you made your way out of your room and into the main part of the flat, grabbing your wallet, phone and keys before walking out.  Quickly hopping into your car, you made your way to Cake Shop, ready to find someone who would hopefully be able to spark your inspiration again.
Upon reaching the underground club, you stepped inside, marvelling at the lights and music that sounded through the place. Checking your phone, you realized you had about twenty minutes before the dancer went up and did his thing. Walking over to the bar, you seated yourself and ordered a drink, using it as a way to to pass the time before the dancer went up on stage.
As time inched on, you were becoming quite disappointed that nobody had even so much as stopped by to talk to you. You also came to notice that a large portion of the bar patrons were there with their significant others, making it additionally more difficult to catch the sheep that you needed and wanted.
When it finally came time for the dancer, whose stage name you picked up on to be “Jay”, you made your way closer to the stage, curious about the hype that came about when the man was spoken about. When he was introduced to the stage by the DJ, the lights didn’t cease to continue moving and instead, you were left wondering who the man was and if you would get the chance to see his face at all during, or after, the performance.
With a beer in hand, you watched as he began to move his body sensually to the mid-tempo beat that was booming through the room. The longer he danced and the longer you watched, you could feel an odd desire for the man building within you. While it may just be that you had been in a personal dry spell and the way he moved seemed to be something that promised a good time, there was also a feeling of… familiarity with the man. Like you knew him from somewhere and the hidden desire was coming to the surface while you watched him.
All too soon, the song and dance was over and he was left exiting the stage. Following him with your eyes, you began to weave through the crowd, meaning to catch him on his way out the door. Unfortunately, you had gotten caught one too many times and he was already out the door, but you had managed to burst out into the chilly night and catch up to him, grabbing his shoulder and turning him around quickly.
What you hadn’t expected to see was your editor and manager, Jinhwan. It had left you in a shocked state but you quickly pulled yourself out of it, as you composed yourself to speak. Instead of your normal voice, however, it dipped down just a bit lower and became extremely sultry towards the man.
“Why don’t we have a talk at my apartment, Jinhwan? I think there’s some things we need to know about one another.” You looked up at him through your lashes, catching the surprised look on his face as he silently nodded, pulling open the passenger door for you.
“I… wasn’t expecting to see you here, Y/N,” he said, shock still weighing down his mind a bit as well as wondering what the hell you were doing looking so devilishly sexy. In his mind, all he could think about was tearing the dress from your body and having his way with you right in the car. What he didn’t know was that you felt very much the same towards him.
When he began to drive, you began to speak. “I didn’t know you could dance so well, Jinhwan. It was certainly a sight to behold…” you purred out, letting your hand drift over to his knee and grip the fabric that wrapped the man’s leg so tightly and perfectly.
His breath seemed to have hitched in his throat a slight bit before he responded, a blush now dusting his cheeks. “T-Thanks, Y/N. I’m glad you enjoyed the sh-” he suddenly clenched his jaw shut as you began to roughly palm his already growing erection.
“You already seem to be enjoying this, Jinhwan,” your said teasingly, leaning over the middle counsel to get closer to him, destroying the distance between you and him.
“And you need to wait until we get to your apartment, Y/N,” he manage to get out without so much as a breathy groan or moan at your continued adminitrastions.
“But isn’t this more exciting?” you breathed into his ear, biting down gently on his ear lobe.
“It is, but you need to wait. This could get dangerous and I don’t want to crash the car because of you,” he ground out sternly, taking up a strong dominant aura.
“Yes, sir,” you said, dropping back down in your seat, now pulling your hands into your lap and remaining obedient until you reached the apartment, though not without the occasional glance in his direction, your eyes clearly portraying what you wanted him for more than your current actions could.
As soon as the two of you stepped into the apartment, it didn’t take very long for you to get to action. After pushing him back into your room and onto your bed, which consequently resulted in crushed papers and papers falling onto the floor, you had positioned yourself to straddle him, teasingly grinding yourself down on him. You grinned as you heard the quiet groans slipping past his lips before you finally dragged the dress, which had decided to pool at your hips, above your head and toss it off to the side. As soon as he was able to take in the entirety of your body without clothes, he almost let out an animalistic growl.
“Such a naughty girl…” he began, “no bra… You really must have been meaning to go all out to find your inspiration tonight,” his voice became more of a purr towards the end as he watched you undo his belt and the button to his pants before pulling everything down.
Your eyes followed as his erection sprang up to settle against his abdomen, leaving you watering at the mouth. He was certainly more than you had expected in every way. He was thicker and longer and you knew you were in for a good night that night.
Quickly, you set to work with first pleasing him with your mouth. Licking a stripe on the underside of his length, you teased the head for a few moments before you took the entirety of his cock in your mouth. Almost expertly, you began to bob your head up and down, delivering Jinhwan with the best blowjob you could manage.
At the moment, you were completely focused on sucking him off until he demanded that you look at him. Immediately, you did so, keeping your eyes trained on his as you continued your administrations. Not much longer after, however, he began thrusting his hips up erratically, fucking your face and causing you gag around his cock and pricks of tears to appear at the edge of your eyes. You pushed on however, ignoring the feeling of saliva spilling from the sides of your mouth and instead focusing on the sound of Jinhwan’s deep groans that let you know how good you were making him feel.
When he finally pulled himself out of your mouth, your were a panting mess. This didn’t put a slow to Jinhwan’s roll, however as he quickly flipped you onto your back, attaching his lips to your neck. He kissed and bit at various places until he found the perfect spot that made you moan slightly. Quickly, he picked up in that area for a few more moments before moving down, kissing down your neck and chest until he reached your breasts. With his teeth, he bit around the surface of your left breast and used his right hand to pinch and roll your harded right nipple in his hand. Finally, after what felt like forever, he took your left nipped in his mouth, scraping it lightly with his teeth before flicking his tongue over it a few times. All the while, he was eliciting quiet moans from your mouth as you tried to urge him to continue down. Already, you could feel that your panties were soaked through with your arousal and you wanted nothing more than him to fuck you on the spot.
“Jinhwan,” you whined out. “Please touch me.” the words left your mouth in a desperate plea as you rolled your hips up into where his torso was pressed against you.
“Such a needy girl. How bad do you need me, Y/N?” he questioned quietly, letting his left hand crawl downwards onto your thigh before stopping there, teasing you through your drenched panties.
“I need you so bad. I would do anything for you to fuck me, Jinhwan. I need it,” you were a writhing mess under his gentle touches and you wished that he would just touch you properly already.
He let out a mock of a thoughtful hum before his hand left your mound and slowly began to drag your lacey panties down your thighs before taking them off completely and tossing them with where your dress was.
“You look so beautiful spread out before me like this, Y/N. A needy, desperate little whore who would fuck anyone for inspiration. Isn’t that right?”
“Yes, Sir,” you let out in a high pitched moan to his answer. Just as you were going to ask him to touch you again, you let out a gasp as he wasted no time in using two fingers to stretch you out. You let your eyelids flutter shut before snapping them back open at the feeling of a stinging pain on your thigh.
“Keep your eyes open,” he scolded as he continued to pump his fingers inside of you. He praised the way you felt around his digits as well as the moans that you failed to stifle from falling out of your mouth and were surely annoying your neighbors.
“Ah, f-fuck,” you moaned out, meaning to tell him that you were about to cum. All the sudden, however, he pulled his fingers from within you, earning a whimper from you due to the loss of contact.
“You’re not allowed to cum just yet, baby girl. I’m not out of my shirt,” he teased, using his clean hand to tug lightly at the collar. As you kept your eyes on him, he moved the hand he just fingered you with to his mouth, popping his fingers in and licking them clean from your arousal. For whatever reason, this made you want him inside of you even more and you couldn’t help but to voice that to him.
“Please hurry up and fuck me, Jinhwan,” you whined out, letting you own hand creep down in hopes of finishing the job yourself before he swatted your hand away.
“You’ve gotta be a good girl, Y/N else I can’t. Can you be a good girl for me?”
“Yes, sir. I can be good. Just please, please fuck me,” you continued to beg, looking him dead in the eyes as you did so, hoping to elicit some sort of reaction.
Though there was nothing visible on his face, when you let your eyes wander South, you were able to note the angry red color to his cock and he was clearly in need of a release as much as you were.
He didn’t take much longer to jump back onto the mattress, further crumpling and knocking pages off of the bed, before he had himself placed just at the edge of your entrance, teasing you for a moment before he slipped, easily done through the amount of juices that coated you and were slicking your thighs at this point. For a moment, he refused to move, letting you adjust to his size before he began to thrust slowly.
He kept the pace up for a few more seconds before he began to speed up, letting the room fill with your moans and the sound of skin slapping skin. He filled you and stretched you perfectly and it was a wonder you hadn’t found yourself trying to seduce him earlier on in your working relationship.
At this point, he was fucking you so hard that the bed was rocking back and forth and he was panting and grunting with each thrust, his hot breath tickling your ear. You felt the previously ruined knot in your stomach return as he continued to rock into you and, before long, you felt the need to let him know you were going to cum.
“J-Jinhwan, I’m gonna cum,” you moaned out, your hands finding their way to his shoulder and your nails digging into the skin lightly.
“Good. Cum around me, baby. Cum on my cock,” he whispered in your ear as he continued to thrust inside of you. Just before you were about to do so, he managed to hit your g-spot and cause you to let out possibly one of the loudest moans you had ever heard from your own throat. Not much longer after, however, he let himself empty inside of you. You could hardly care from how well you felt after that, but somewhere in the back of your mind you made a mental note to remember to take your pill the following morning.
Jinhwan didn’t immediately drop beside you, like you were expecting. Instead, he headed to the bathroom and grabbed a rag, using it to first clean himself up before cleaning you. Once he was done, however, he moved the rest of the papers from his side before crawling into bed with you and deciding it time to fall asleep.
The following morning, you had expected him to slip out when he woke up. Instead, however, you found him in the kitchen making food for the two of you. With a slight release of breath, you stepped into the kitchen and hopped onto the only clear part of the counter you could find. “I want you to be my inspiration until I finish this novel. If I’m lucky, I can have it done in a couple of weeks and you can be free to do your own thing but… last night… I had such a good time that I couldn’t think of giving it up when it suddenly hit me with some ideas for the novel,” you blurted out after a moment. Jinhwan turned to you, rather calmly, and nodded.
“Alright. I can do that. It’s a fair request as long as it doesn’t turn out that world-renowned erotica novelist and her editor are fucking,” he responded.
“Of course not. This is strictly between me and you.”
“Then we have ourselves a deal,” he finished with a smirk as he scraped your part of the food onto a plate, passing it to you before making his own. “I’m sure I can give you plenty of ideas for your novel,” he muttered with a smirk, watching as a gentle blush rose to your cheeks as you ate.
Over the following weeks, you and Jinhwan had had quite a few exciting moments from fucking in a public bathroom, to him finger fucking you at a company dinner, to him having you against a window and pounding into you as the sun set, daring anyone to look up and see him having his way with you.
Over these weeks, you had found the best inspiration for your novel and, about two weeks before it was supposed to be published, you finally finished it. When you did, you let out a happy squeal, prompting Jinhwan (who had previously been in the living room) to come rushing to your room.
“I finally finished the novel!” you said happily, spinning in your chair to face him.
“Oh wow! Glad to hear!” he said. However, you could hear the false positivity, which confused you greatly.
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s just… I was kind of getting attached. Not just because of the sex but… emotionally. I was able to see a side of you that I couldn’t have seen as just being your editor…” he muttered, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
“How about we stay together then. You can be my continued source for inspiration and it doesn’t have to be just about sex anymore. We can be together as a normal couple,” you responded, standing up and placing a hand on his shoulder, looking into his eyes. “I don’t want to let you go either.”
When he finally looked into your eyes, he nodded. “Then that’s what we’ll do. I love you too much to let go just because you finished your novel, Y/N,” he responded before pressing his lips to your mouth. “I love you…”
“I love you too, Jinhwan.”
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kyufiber-moved · 6 years
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— bffs to lovers w/ jinhwan 
[a/n: ignore the times at the top of the screen!! i messed up while making these so the times aren’t right]
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monbebe-4-life · 6 years
iKON fake texts: you reacting to their Killing Me mv
This is my first ever fake texts so I hope you guys like it, I had a lot of fun writing it and I want to say thank to @katrina-noona for helping me work out how to actually make fake texts it's a lot harder than they look haha ❤❤
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Thanks for reading ❤❤
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topbap · 6 years
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Hii, can you do some ikon fake texts when you’re friends with them and have a group chat together but one day you accidentally send a pic of you in lingerie to the group? (Maybe someone has a crush on you?) Thanksss!
sorry this is terrible, it almost makes no sense? Idk?
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soft-imagines · 6 years
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jinhwan [feat. donghyuk] | unbelievable | 15
synopsis: y/n goes out late at night without her boyfriend, jinhwan, to stock up on ice cream. the night ends up leaving y/n confused and broken. from there, y/n has to figure out who her true friends are, and who she really loves.
a/n: this isn’t even the last part 👀😉
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99liners · 6 years
terms of endearment: ikon;
request: Anonymous said: Ikons preferred names in the bedroom for you and them? Thank you xx
kim hanbin / b.i:
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he likes to call you:
when he’s eating you out: cara ~  it’s latin for "beloved"
when you’re giving him a blow job: angel
when he wants to express that he wants to be inside you: “come here, slut”
what he moans when he cums: baby girl
what he coos when you guys cuddle: kitten
and he loves it when you call him:
papi (yeah, do not ask me why...)
kim jinhwan (jay / jinan):
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he likes to call you:
when he’s eating you out: bonita ~ spanish word “beautiful”
when you’re giving him a blow job: baby
when he wants to express that he wants to be inside you: “rock that dick, sugar plum”
what he moans when he cums: baby doll
what he coos when you guys cuddle: princess
and he loves it when you call him:
daddy (you’re lying to yourself if you think he doesn’t has a daddy kink)
song yunhyeong:
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he likes to call you:
when he’s eating you out: dove
when you’re giving him a blow job: mon cherie ~ french for “darling”
when he wants to express that he wants to be inside you: “baby, let me  spread you like a sweet peach”
what he moans when he cums: baby
what he coos when you guys cuddle: boo bear
and he loves it when you call him:
hunk / handsome or sometimes even both.
kim jiwon (bobby):
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he likes to call you :
when he’s eating you out: amorcita ~  it’s spanish for "little love"
when you’re giving him a blow job: doll
when he wants to express that he wants to be inside you: “you’re a vixen and i love it”
what he moans when he cums: mine (not a name necessarily)
what he coos when you guys cuddle: honeybee
and he loves it when you call him: 
amor ~ spanish for “love” (he’s a softie okay)
kim donghyuk:
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he likes to call you:
when he’s eating you out: sugar
when you’re giving him a blow job: sexy
when he wants to express that he wants to be inside you: “your body is made for me to love it, goddess”
what he moans when he cums: duchess
what he coos when you guys cuddle: baby love
and he loves it when you call him:
jaan ~ urdu for “life”
koo junhoe (june):
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he likes to call you:
when he’s eating you out: sweet love
when you’re giving him a blow job: lolita
when he wants to express that he wants to be inside you: “are you ready babe / bebe?”
what he moans when he cums: kitten
what he coos when you guys cuddle: munchkin
and he loves it when you call him:
lover boy (again, i repeat, do not ask me why)
jung chanwoo:
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he likes to call you:
when he’s eating you out: bon-bon
when you’re giving him a blow job: sweetcheeks (because he fills your cheeks)
when he wants to express that he wants to be inside you: j’ai envie de toi ~  french for "i want you”
what he moans when he cums: tight (not a name necessarily)
what he coos when you guys cuddle: cupcake
and he loves it when you call him:
daddy (it’s time you acknowledge his daddy kink, sweetheart)
bts version | got7 version | bigbang version | nct version | btob version | monsta x version | seventeen version | exo version | ateez version | park hyungsik version | tvxq version
feedback is deeply appreciated.✨
t.o.e series masterlist | masterlist | ikon masterlist | rules | ask box
- jaimie, jokes on you if you think i’m sorry for this hahahaaa (also, idk if i’m cringing or crying at the names)
© 𝟫𝟫𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓇𝓈, 𝟐𝟎𝟣𝟪. 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐃.
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sweetheartbtsateez · 6 years
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Link to version 1
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yournextdoorwriter · 5 years
junhoe college au // bad guy (2/?)
pairing: junhoe x oc
words: 700
It’s been a week since your encounter with Junhoe, aka the most annoying guy you’ve ever met.
It’s probably an exaggeration but, he did set a record of making your blood boil in less than five minutes.
Oh well. The campus is big so the chances of you bumping into him again is slim, you thought to yourself. And if you ever did, you’ll just stay away from him and pretend he’s non-existent.
Or so you thought.
As you wait in line at the cafe, you saw a familiar face entering. The second most annoying guy you’ve met — your ex boyfriend.
To make the matters worse, he’s with his new girl. While you’re.... in your sweatpants and hoodie plus a messy bun, looking like you haven’t got out of your room for weeks.
“SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!!” You started to panic as you see the both of them walking towards the counter.
Going out of the cafe is not an option because that means you’ll have to pass them by. The empty seats are also behind them.
You look behind you frantically, and as if the gods answered your prayers (or punished you - you’ll deal with it later),
You see Junhoe there standing at the other side of the counter, most likely waiting for his order.
You had second thoughts, but decided you’d rather interact with him again than let your ex see you like a loser.
You ran towards him and muttered a quick “don’t move” before hiding behind his back like some kid running away from a bully.
“What the-“ before Junhoe could even confront you, you already hear your ex calling out for you.
“Hey! How have you been?” He says as he walk towards you and the now confused as hell Junhoe.
“Fine.” You replied meekly. “You?”
“All good as well. Still handsome, still hot..”
You can totally imagine the expression on Junhoe’s face right now even if you’re not looking at him.
“But hey, aren’t you going to introduce me to your uh... companion?” Your ex then says.
“This is Junhoe. He’s m-“
“Boyfriend.” Junhoe finishes the sentence for you, as he reach out his hand to your ex.
“Oh. Nice to meet you.” He says shaking Junhoe’s hand. “You didn’t tell me you were dating again already.”
“Already?” You roll your eyes at his statement.
“Well yeah. I’d think you out of all people would follow the three month rule.”
“Don’t you start with me with that stupid three month rule. Cause as far as I remember, you were already seeing other girls even when we were still together.” You reply calmly, but your tone was firm.
“Ohhhh damn, sick burn babe!” Junhoe puts his arm around you laughing.
In a different situation, you would’ve shoved his arm off but this moment calls for different measures.
“Hey. Easy, girl. I already apologised for that right? Well, I gotta go now.” Your ex says hastily before leaving the cafe with his new girl. They didn’t even bother to order anymore.
You let out a sigh of relief as soon as they stepped out. Junhoe’s arm was still around you and it was a super awkward situation but, he was the first one to break the ice.
“Asshole ex huh?”
“Yeah. Thanks a lot, Junhoe.” You said as you put some distance between the two of you. “I owe you.”
“Oh yeah, you do owe me big-time now, baby girl.”
He’s back at it again with his pet name givings.
“Well, I gotta go to practice now. I’ll see ya real soon.” He says, ruffling your hair before he leave, just like the last time.
As soon as the class ended, every student rushed out of the room. A long weekend was ahead, and nobody wanted to stay inside the building any second longer.
You grab your things and walk towards the exit of the building, mentally listing all the Netflix series catching up you gotta do as soon as you get home.
“Where do you think you’re going babe?” A tall figure stood on your way, and you didn’t even need to look up to know who it is.
“What are you doing here Junhoe?” You try to sound as nice as possible, given that he helped you this morning.
“It’s payback time. Wear this and hop on.” He tosses a helmet in your hand and started the engine of his motorcycle.
Look’s like payback’s really a bitch.
to be continued
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kpopscenarihos · 6 years
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//jealous ikon texts// 
part 1 of 2
(note: the song one is a joke b/c we’re incapable of being serious 100% of the time, sorry haha)
 -admin mckenna💕
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chanxoo · 6 years
Bobby: God you smell like upsexy
Hanbin: what the fuck is that
Bobby: this... this is not how its supposed to go
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