#yunhyeong x reader
binikon · 2 years
iKON imagine : you making them a playlist
It was another one of your date nights where both of you got dressed in your favorite neutral matching hoodies styles in your own unique ways and just decided to stay back at home and enjoy each other’s company rather than going out in the chilling november night. Jinhwan suggested cooking at home rather than ordering out because he was sick of all the delivery food they usually ate back at the dorm. You connect your phone to the speakers while jinhwan rummaged through your fridge only finding a can of spam and instant rice that he wanted to eat, skipping all the veggies because why not. You play the last playlist you made while thinking of your lovely ppuyo, filled with all kinds of ambient ghibli songs especially joe hisaishi, his favourite from all the ghibli movies you’ve watched with him. You trudge back to him to look at what he picked out to eat, and hugged your boyfriend from behind kissing his soft jawline right under his ear.
 “I made you a playlist” you smile and nudge your nose into his heart shaped mole on his cheekbone.
“i love when you do that for me, I’ve been waiting for a new one for 3 weeks now” He giggled and sat on the kitchen stool looking through your playlist and exploding on the insides with all the cigarettes after sex songs you’ve added while you start working on your spam musubi you decided on right after you looked at the ingredients.
you wait for the spam to caramelize with the sauce and seasonings when jinan pushes your back to the counter kissing your neck swaying your pressed bodies slowly to the rhythm while Truly played through your apartment’s kitchen. the melodies flowing like a sweet scent entangling with the savoury flavoured scent of spam and furikake in the rice.
“let’s cancel dates more often please” he smiled between the kiss as you reciprocated him.
As caring as yunhyeong is to you you could not stop thinking about him the moment you heard “Those Eyes”. you swore you could feel your eyes water ar the chorus remembering all the smallest and softest moments with him.like the time he just simply made an eye contact act smiled at you, or the time when je sat you down at a cafe when you went out with him and the boys just to come back with a new pair of cute sandals and a spare handkerchief because your socks were wet from the rain that you didn’t notice. You added the song a new playlist and adding a few more until you felt the playlist justified your feelings for him. 
you wait for your boyfriend to get back home from donghyuk’s studio and decide to sketch and listen to the playlist you just made for him while it rained outside.
Yunhyeong walked into his apartment late that evening and straight to his bedroom when he heard songs playing. He walked in to see you sleeping on the desk over your sketchbook, hair a mess, wearing his hoodie and a half drunk cup of chamomile tea. He immediately picked you up and carried you to bed. cleaning up after you, he looked through your sketchbook proudly admiring every stroke of pencil that was etched on the page. He started closing the tabs of your laptop showing your art reference board, and opening the spotify tab to close it and broke into the sweetest smile when he read the playlist knowing exactly what it meant--- ‘to my nivea prince’. He read through the song titles leaving it to play in to background as he washed up and joined your sleepy self for a cuddle session in bed.
It was bobby who proposed doing a road trip would be a good idea. Both of you felt awkward going somewhere you potentially had noting to do that you could plan of, so bobby with your approval asked the boys out with both of you, except donghyuk and jinhwan who had to stay back for work the other three boys agreed to join in. Yunhyeong suggested goin to the nearest beach and you all could burn sparklers and watch the sunrise and come back.
You, as someone who could never function without music, HAD to make a “road trip playlist” with all the songs you and bobby loved to sing along to.
The others were in the backseat the next morning, arguing over a window seat, while yunhyeong just gave up and sat in between flicking their foreheads. you and bobby laughed at them .
“kimbap!! I made us a playlist” you cheer at him as he quickly connected your phone to the car. His smile only getting bigger as if it was physically possible recognizing all the songs you both usually jam to with praises and “OH THIS ONE TOO omg you’re the best babe” everytime a new but familiar song came up.
You look out of the window breathing in the slightly salty fresh air of the beach while Bobby sang along to tonguetied with all his might and junhoe joined along smiling as you look back at the silly little smile on the face of your silly little boyfriend who you silly little heart could never get enough of.
You could never get enough of the way donghyuk was never lacking at showing how much he loved you with signs of his subtle affection. His hugs? heaven. His voice? the sweetest even when he woke you up in the morning with kisses and humming your favourite songs. Did he really need to be so damn perfect?
You knew he was home late from choreographing iKON’s performance on kingdom. You woke up before him and called jinan to know his schedule so you could wake him up in time. Learning he had no work until late afternoon. you decided to make him some freshly brewed coffee and toast with eggs because you were not someone who wakes up early forget making a proper breakfast and not just living off cereal. But for him? bet you did. you search for an old playlist you had made for him and and add the splash of espresso into your glasses waking up donhyuk while bluberry eyes played in the background.
Waking up a grumpy and tired donghyuk was tiresome but donghyuk’s frown changed into a smile with lightning speed as soon as you layed down on topo oh him, you head in the crook of his neck kissing his sleep away. He smiles and wiggles up from bed as your kisses are accompanied with tickles. You smile and get up too.
“you almost have the half day free, and i made breakfast also i used the machine to brew the coffee myself ALSO DONG do you remember this playlist i made for yo-” you feel his drag you into bed laying down on your chest and shutting you up with a kiss all in one swift motion.
“shut up and cuddle me now, we can reheat the breakfast, and the next song is I like me better by LAUV” he says as the playlist just plays the same.
Junhoe was on his desk with his journal for poems and In the rain  by lee moon sae playing on loop, while you were reading a book. You decide to stop when your eyes feel strained and call his name a several times. he finally turns around finishing his doodle at the end of the page and throws some punches.... at you..? and goes “mwo?” with a satoori dialect followed by a goofy grin with his entire set of teeth on display. Not at all surprised by your boyfriend’s very questionable behavior, you scoot away and call him to join you in bed because you were, well, bored or maybe you wanted to cuddle him, you had no idea. 
Junhoe quickly nods and goes for a snack run tp the kitchen with some dry chocolate cereal to snack on, it was a weird thing both of you enjoyed, snacking on dry cereals. After the same song played for the 14th time in a row you turn it off.
“June-ya let’s make a playlist together” 
“OH OFCOURSE YESSS” he agrees pulling out his phone almost as soon as you finish your sentence.
Both of you add one song each by taking turns and after a while you both are two giddy little kids play fighting over how both of you wanted to add just the same songs because your music tastes are so similar. The ‘listening to playlist we just made” session transforms into a karaoke session where both of you sing teenage dream in your best voices (according to junhoe) when a wild sleepy donghyuk knocks into junhoe’s room with wierd hair and and a blanket that was sweeping the floor and barely opened eyes asking both of you to keep it down and almost fell back asleep on junhoe’s floor as both of you laughed your asses off at the “dongttopi” that had showed up.
You coudn’t sleep and you knew your boyfriend and also best friend was definitely up typing away on his pc playing animal crossing. Not expecting him to reply while gaming you just got more bored and sulked, rolling around on your bed. You open and close the same apps for the next 20 minutes and finally decide to play a song, My type  by iKON. You smiled to yourself wondering if chanwoo ever thought about you listening to that.
You kept listening to ikon songs and randomly made a playlist of all these cutest love songs mostly kpop. 
Finally satisfied with your work you decided to text chanwoo the link with a caption “i made you a playlist :]”
surprising you he immediately texted back and that was followed by a call about 15 minutes later.
“why’d you call this late chanu”
“hii to you too (Y/N), *laughs* and i just wanted to hear your voice i’ll hang up if you don’t wanna sing to me while i play”
“I didnt mean it like that i was ju-”
“so you’re gonna sing to me now? you can’t say no or i’ll show up as your sleep paralysis demon in yunhyeong’s blue armaani swimming shorts”
“oh my god chanwoo *laugh* okay but i don’t mind such a adorable demon showing up tho” 
“aight bet i’m turning off my computer and coming over but don’t hang up sing me your favourite song from the playlist i loved it” 
“wait really?what? uhh- chan- okay ig it is SAVIOUR then” you smile through the phone and feel him smile back softly, singing Saviour by LeeHi through the phone to him hearing him exit the dorm and get into the elevator to come visit you at 2 am. Silly Chanwoo.
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bbugyu · 2 years
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no one could be prouder or more pleased to be by your side.
classic | epilogue
2.9k | joshua x afab enby!reader, fluff, humor, swearing, eating, josh is the literal sweetest human alive
this is a quick one! i've actually had this written for about a year LMAO but i never posted for some reason 🤕 anyhow, i threw together a title card and cleaned it up a bit to post as a thank you for 1500 followers! i seriously can't believe so many of you find me worthy of a follow, and i genuinely appreciate it so much. thank you! thank you thank you thank you!!!!!! also yes i pulled the name from THE 00s romcom of all time starring ryan reynolds and sandra bullock and YES i used a joshua picture from canada because that movie is set in alaska (it's as close as i could get without using the gum wall pics ok)
sometimes, days were just bad. there was no real cause, and nothing to be done about it, but sometimes small things piled up in ways that you couldn't stop thinking about. you stubbed your toe on the dresser first thing in the morning after not sleeping particularly well or long. your subway car was more crowded than you liked, and when you stopped at a cafe to get a coffee a block away from the studio, you realized you had forgotten the memory card for your camera and had to resort to filming on your phone instead. you only worked at maji studio once a week these days, and you were always excited to spend some time with yunhyeong, but he hadn't been able to make it in because his sister and her wife dropped in for a surprise visit, so you didn't even get to see him. it was slightly too hot for spring and you could feel it under your arms. the pollen count was too high and you could feel it in your nose. your shoes were too new to be fully broken in and you could feel it in your achilles.
all this, and one of your best friends had just gotten engaged.
it went without question that you were extremely happy for the couple, and absurdly excited to celebrate with them, but krys had asked her half-brother to be her "maid" of honor (leaving you relieved, karol indignant, and sending joshua into a manic and panicked research spree), and asked you to make the cake. she had shown you pictures of things she liked, you knew her color scheme, and you had spent the last four years getting to know her tastes, so all in all, she was going to be the easiest client you had ever worked with. however - and you would never let her know in fear that she would retract the responsibility - the added baking you had to do for the cake tasting appointment you scheduled with her put just enough on your plate to have a looming stress over your entire week. 
a recipe for disaster, as it were. and when you dropped your lunch leftovers on the sidewalk outside the loft, the pad see ew and swimming rama that you had ordered in an attempt to brighten your mood splattering over the concrete like a crime scene, you just let out a groan in frustration and planted your palms over your face.
"well, diaz-" you slid your hands down to view the source of the familiar voice, joshua walking up to you from where you saw his car parked down the street and studying the food, hands on his hips to imitate the tv detective from one of your favorite sitcoms. "looks like we got a homicide on our hands."
"fuck today," you whined, your foot stomping against the concrete in that cutesy way you only did around him, and he caught the glimmer of tears in your eyes, immediately dropping the joke.
"aw, baby," he cooed, stepping over the food and gathering you in his arms. "don't cry over spilled thai."
you choked out a laugh as you settled into the hug, sniffling and willing the tears back into your ducts. "i'm not crying."
"you okay?" joshua asked, hand rubbing up and down your back, effectively wiping away your stress with his touch. "do you wanna talk about it?"
you buried your face in his neck, fully succumbing to the embrace despite the fact that you were standing outside, and you had a pretty strict aversion to indulging in intimacy in public places. it felt too nice to let go, joshua's warmth and comfort a welcomed juxtaposition to your awful mood. you sighed. "wouldn't even know where to start."
he breathed out a laugh, squeezing you. "long day?"
"really long."
he pulled away slightly to waggle his eyebrows at you, and you laughed, swatting at his chest. he nodded at the door of your apartment building. "you go wash up. i'll deal with the crime scene."
you pouted at him. "are you sure?"
"of course," he said, letting you start towards the door despite holding onto his arms. "best boyfriend ever. don't you forget it."
you tried to hide a smile. "only because seokmin's a fiancé now."
he pointed at the door. "shut up and get inside before i change my mind."
you giggled at him, making him break and smile at you, but you took the instructions nonetheless, after planting a kiss on his cheek.
the shower felt like therapy, scalding water stripping your skin of grime and your brain of pressure. you took a little longer than normal, water dripping down your face from where it was spraying against the back of your head and neck, letting the incessant noise of it make your mind go blank. after your moment of meditation, you shut off the water and went to find something comfy to wear, but joshua intercepted you at the bathroom door.
"hey," he said, a gentle smile on his lips. "do you wanna go get something good for dinner?"
you blinked at him, towel wrapped around you. "like what?"
"well, i was thinking," he started, letting you step past him into the bedroom to begin digging through the closet. "you were telling me about that high end beef place in gangnam the other day-"
"woo tender?" you asked, eyes big. "isn't that a little fancy for a wednesday?"
he pointed at you. "i knew you'd say that. but i looked into it, and turns out they give free dessert if you get engaged during dinner."
you stared at him for a second, thinking about how you had told him in the past that if he even tried to ask you to marry him before year five you would break up with him, and the further caveat that if he tried to propose in public you would say no on principle. "joshua."
"not for real," he said, making a face like you were insane for even thinking he would suggest it. "i just thought you might like today more if we could put on the 'can't wait for marriage' act to get free food."
you pushed our lips to one side of your face, fiddling with your towel and giving him one of those looks that he could never look away from. "that actually sounds really fun."
he made a fist in victory, backing towards the door. "pick out something nice to wear, i'll match you. i have to make sure they have a table real fast. you don't happen to have a ring, do you?"
you looked over to the dresser, where a tray of jewelry sat. "yours wouldn't fit any of my fingers, huh?"
"well, it's only the one finger that matters," joshua pointed out, eyebrows raised, and you giggled at him. "it's fine, we can find a shitty one on the way."
that made you laugh out loud. "so romantic," you said, shoulder popping up to your chin sassily.
"only the best for you," he winked, finger gun being the last thing you saw as he left.
the statement was repeated later, joshua's tone facetious and teasing as he shoved coins into a gacha machine in your local mall, the pair of you being massively overdressed to be betting on which squishy gudetama your spare change was going to gift you. you wanted the rolled omelet - of course, who wouldn't? - but that was exactly why joshua was positive you would never get it. you had already placed the almost convincing ring that had popped out of the previous machine on your finger, it's greatest giveaway being the plastic seam you could feel between your knuckles, but glittered vaguely in the light in a way that you were sure emulated a real stone. if you kept moving, no one would be able to notice that the silver had no depth to it.
joshua sucked his lips between his teeth, exerting much more effort on the reusable capsule than one would think it needed. he huffed when it popped open, displaying the contents as you both peeked in.
"oh my god!" you giggled, immediately picking the little rolled omelet out of the capsule and tearing open the plastic packaging. "gudetamagoyaki!"
joshua stared at you. "that's insane. i've watched seokmin pull eight of the steamed egg squishes out of this exact machine."
you thought for a second. "well, yeah. we're each others' good luck charm."
he laughed, an endeared light in his eyes as he watched you gesture between the two of you. he put the capsule in the provided bin on top of the machines and fell into step beside you as you left the gacha arcade. "please elaborate."
"your promotion," you said immediately, hooking your arm under his as he took the inanimate animated egg from you to squish between his fingers. "you got the editor position because you came back for a proper kiss."
he turned his head to you, and there was a laugh just threatening to burst from his lips at the sight of your proud face. "right, nothing to do with my years of dedicated work, aggressive networking, and sheer ambition. not like i went to college for this exact reason or whatever."
"exactly," you agreed, as if he had just stated that the sky was blue, displaying your ringed finger in front of you as you exited the mall and headed towards the car. "and you were my first viral video."
joshua's head cocked as he stared at your hand. "now that's true."
you looked over to him. "so was the other one."
he smiled at you. "right."
you looked back at the ring. "this is so goofy."
he laughed as you pulled it off your finger, putting it in his outstretched palm as he led you across the parking lot. "it only has to be convincing for half an hour."
you chewed your cheek, spotting joshua's car right where the two of you had left it. "and i have to say yes to get the dessert?"
joshua rolled his eyes dramatically. "alright, you can walk home."
"i'm kidding!" you laughed, tugging on his arm, and he let a sly smile sneak through his annoyed facade, hand fishing in the pocket of his pants to unlock the car. "i won't be able to say no when you ask me for real, so i might not get the chance again."
a smirk stretched across his face as he pulled open the passenger door. "you act like we won't absolutely pull this scam again."
you laughed, telling him he was so right, and rewarding his chivalry with a quick kiss on his upturned lips before dropping into the car.
joshua's hand always found you. it wasn't even a conscious action for him anymore, you were pretty sure - a habit at this point, a natural proclivity to brushing his fingers over the small of your back to prompt you to distractedly step up in line at a café, or rubbing his thumbs into your shoulders when he checked on you while you edited on the weekends. today, his hand slid over your thigh as soon as he had navigated back to a main road, a sign that he had settled into the drive. he peeked over at you when you put your palm over his hand, squeezing at his fingers, and he squeezed your thigh back when you gave him a tiny smile.
"feel any better?" he asked, checking his side mirror quickly as he merged.
you let out a breath. "a lot better. thank you for this."
"i'm being selfish," he said quickly, making you sputter out a laugh that got him to join you. "have you seen their sweets platter? i need to eat those donuts." 
and while the dessert was the purpose of visiting gangnam on this particular wednesday, everything else about the meal was just as beautiful and delicious as you hoped it would be. you felt ridiculous, absolutely, spending way too much money for a gourmet meal on a random week night just for the idea of a free dessert, but perhaps that inside joke was part of what made the evening so fun. being able to make quick eye contact that only had meaning between the two of you, stifling a giggle that made him smile and clear his throat. the plates you had been sharing were almost empty, signifying a nearing end to your stay in gangnam and the question you had been waiting for all night.
"here," joshua said, pushing the entree plate towards you lightly. "the steak was good, you eat the last of it."
you pouted at him. "are you sure? you can have it."
he shook his head at you. "saving space," he said, hand on his stomach and giving you a subtle wink. you giggled and picked up your fork to make the last perfect bite. he watched you stab the last bit of greens and meat, scooping up as much of the sauce as you could before depositing the whole affair in your mouth, and he grinned when you made a noise of enjoyment. "it looks tastier when you eat, anyways."
"this is why i like eating with you," you said after you swallowed, fully savoring the rich sauce and tender meat. "usually i'm the one making other people take the last bite."
he gave you a look - the look, you realized, the one he gave you when he was about to say something brain meltingly cheesy that would always make you giggle and hit him playfully. your name dripped with honey, a sweet song from his lips, and despite knowing exactly what was coming, having already rehearsed your parts of the act in your head before getting seated, you couldn't help but feel slightly caught off guard, heart racing when his hand reached for you across the table and when his eyes met yours. "can you promise to share meals with me for the rest of our lives?"
you blinked helplessly at him, his smile widening at how shell shocked you looked. he slid off his chair, hand still holding yours as he gently got down on one knee beside your table. "joshua, what are you-"
"darling," he interrupted, eyebrows raised playfully at you, one hand reaching back to fish the trinket out of his sports coat's pocket. "i'll always let you have the last bite, so," he paused a second, looking up at you, and you could have sworn there was something genuine behind the almost awe struck chuckle that fell from his curved lips. "do me the honor of staying by my side."
your breath caught, and if you didn't feel the eyes of neighboring tables on you, you probably would have smacked the shit out of him for flustering you like that in public. but you fancied yourself an actor, so instead, you pushed your palm to your face as you conjured tears to your waterline. you even let yourself get caught up in the magic of the moment as he pulled the ring forward, the dim lighting of the restaurant making it even more believable than you had expected, your eyes flashing between it and joshua. you started to nod, small at first, then firmer when you finally laughed out a yes.
people were clapping, you were pretty sure, when joshua scraped the plastic ring onto your finger, grinning wide as you both stood, his arms naturally running up your body and catching you in the kind of hug that could make your knees go weak. and even though you had an innate distaste for the relationship checkpoints society projected on romance, and even though joshua had agreed instantly that he didn't think you were the kind of couple that needed a ring and a piece of paper to prove that they love each other, and even though this was all just a scam to get free dessert, you still broke your rule about public affection. your fingers combed through the hair on the back of his head, and you pulled away from the hug just enough to kiss him.
joshua seemed shocked for just a second by your vigor, and if he commented on it later you would absolutely tell him it was just for the performance, but he sunk into your lips, his hand running over your waist. 
he hummed when you pulled away. "that steak sauce was really good."
"gross, joshua," you laughed, gently pushing him back to his seat with a cheesy grin on his face.
it took less than three minutes for the prophesied dessert platter to arrive, complete with chocolate writing that congratulated you on your (fake) engagement and an assurance that it was on the house from the waitress - though joshua was more interested in the donuts than the sentiment. he immediately swiped the pastry through the chocolate ganache script for the flavor benefit, and for just a moment, a sweet thought floated through your head as his entire face dropped in shock before he solemnly told you they were absolutely insane. you giggled before selecting one yourself, swiping it similarly through the ganache, and though you would never say it out loud, there was no one on the planet you would rather devote the rest of your sweet thoughts to.
even if the engagement was a scam.
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noona-clock · 1 year
The Flight Attendant - Part 6, Final Chapter
Genre: Flight Attendant!AU
Pairing: Yunhyeong x You (Female!Reader)
Warnings: None
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | Words: 2,580
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"What should I get?" you inquired, lowering your voice as much as humanly possible so only Yunhyeong could hear you. Even though you were a tourist and this was your first time here, you didn't exactly want it to be obvious. The restaurant was tiny enough that eavesdropping was inevitable, but you could at least try to keep your conversation contained to your charming table for two.
"I had the Quiche Lorraine last time, and it was fantastic," Yunhyeong replied, his eyes still surveying the menu. "But this is absolutely one of those places where there are no wrong choices."
You nodded silently, biting the inside of your cheek as your gaze flitted back and forth between the menu and your dinner date -- partner. Sorry. Dinner partner sitting across from you.
"And," Yunhyeong continued, his grin peeking through in his voice when he spoke. "We can actually order alcohol this time."
You knit your brows in confusion, letting your eyes settle on him for more than a half-second. "What do you mean?"
Yunhyeong's smile grew just a fraction wider before he gently set down his menu, crossed his arms over the marble top of the table, and leaned toward you. (To put into perspective just how small the table was, by the way -- his cologne was now invading your sense because he was so close to you.)
"Remember your first day on the job?" he began, murmuring like he was revealing some confidential information.
You nodded, resisting the urge to copy his movements and lean in yourself.
"We were on the flight together, you had your nose pressed to the taxi window all the way into the city, we had a meal together -- just like today. But a year ago, we couldn't order any Sake because you had another flight later that day. Today, we can," he told you earnestly, though he ended his sentence with a blink-and-you-missed-it wink.
"How do you remember all that?" you whispered, frankly a bit flabbergasted that his memory was so good.
Yunhyeong simply shrugged before lifting his hand casually to wave over a server.
"Une bouteille de vin, s'il vous plait. Chateau Cos d'Estournel," he requested once the server arrived, the language flowing beautifully from his lips.
"Oui, Monsieur," the server muttered with a nod before turning on their heel and dashing elegantly toward the back of the restaurant.
You honestly weren't quite sure what to make of all this. First, Yunhyeong had arranged for you to fly to Paris as a friend-aversary gift. Second, he had told you that you look fantastic. Third, he had remembered virtually every detail of the first day the two of you had met. Fourth, he had just ordered a bottle of wine in nearly perfect French. In an incredibly romantic restaurant. In Paris.
"What kind of wine did you order?" you asked after clearing away the anxiety stuck in your throat.
Yunhyeong shot you a smirk, one so pleased and adorable that the anxiety you'd just cleared away came back with a vengeance. "Only the best," he replied.
Correction: he had just ordered a bottle of the best wine in nearly perfect French. In an incredibly romantic restaurant. In Paris.
The server returned, bottle and glasses in hand, only a couple of minutes later, deftly setting the wine glasses down in front of each of you and pouring the dark red liquid expertly.
"Merci," Yunhyeong murmured as the server left the bottle on the bottle on the table. "Encore quelques minutes avant de commander, s'il vous plait."
Again, the server nodded, turned on their heel, and dashed away.
Before you got the chance to ask what he'd said, Yunhyeong reached for his glass, lifting it gently by the stem and locking eyes with you. "To a full year of working together and, more importantly, being friends. And to, hopefully, many more to come. Many, many more," he toasted with that sparkle in his eye you knew so well.
"Many more," you managed to say, clinking your glass with his before surreptitiously taking a rather large gulp. After setting your glass down carefully, you pushed your chair back from the table. "I will -- oh, god, that wine is delicious. I just need to powder my nose, I'll be right back. If the server returns while I'm gone, I would like the boeuf bourguignon."
"Mm, yes, of course, go ahead," Yunhyeong replied quickly, his eyes on you as you swerved around the table to get to the restroom.
The second you ducked into the minuscule cubicle labeled Toilettes, you closed and locked the door behind you and slid your phone out of your pocket.
You had no time to think about time zones, and the person you were calling kept a very irregular schedule anyway; he could be awake at any hour of the day.
After three and a half rings, your heart racing the whole time, the line clicked, and you heard a somewhat sleepy "Yo," in your ear.
"Jae," you whispered. "I need to talk to you."
"...Where are you, and why are you whispering?"
"It doesn't matter. I mean, where I am does matter. I'm in Paris, and --"
"Dude, in Paris?! Since when?!"
"Since today, and that's part of it."
"Part of what?"
"Just let me explain!"
"Okay, okay, I'm listening."
You took a deep breath, hoping to calm your nerves so you could tell him everything without skipping any important detail. "You know my co-worker, Yunhyeong, right?"
"The dude you had a crush on for --"
"We're friends, okay," you interrupted. "But, yes. That one. Well, he surprised me by changing my schedule behind my back so we could fly to Paris and stay here for a few days. Because it's our friend-aversary -- he said that, not me. He literally used the word 'friend-aversary.' And he's taken me to this little restaurant by our hotel, and it's super romantic and charming, and he told me I look fantastic, and he mentioned something about him being incredibly less attractive than me, and he ordered their best bottle of wine, and he made this toast that was like 'to one year of friendship and many more to come. Many, many more.' And I just -- I don't know what to think."
Jae was quiet for quite a while, and you knew that meant he was thinking.
"I mean..." he began after almost half a minute. "I think you do know what to think, Y/N."
"...I do?"
You knew what you wanted to think. You wanted to think that Yunhyeong was actually being more than friendly. You wanted to think he was flirting with you.
"But he's a naturally friendly kind of guy," you explained. "He's super charming and outgoing, and everyone likes him. That kind of guy."
"Have you ever witnessed him flirting with someone?" Jae asked patiently.
"...I don't think so."
"Has he ever talked to you about anyone that he's romantically interested in?"
"And when I have been romantically interested in someone, have I talked to you about it?"
"...Yes. But that's different --"
"It's not different. I talk to you about that kind of stuff because I don't feel that way about you. No offense."
"None taken," you answered without missing a beat.
"But," Jae continued. "If I did feel that way about you, there's no way I would tell you about other people I'm interested in. Probably because I wouldn't be interested in other people, just you. This is purely hypothetical, by the way."
"Yeah, I know," you huffed, doing nothing to hide your annoyance. That's just the kind of relationship you had with Jae -- the two of you could be completely honest with each other. No holds barred, no hard feelings. "So... you're saying the reason he doesn't talk to me about that is because... he likes me?"
"I mean, it's not a foolproof theory, but I would say it's highly likely."
You stood there, blinking for a few seconds without replying. And then, "...So, what do I do?"
"I dunno, man."
"What do you mean you don't know?!"
"What do you want to do?!"
"I don't know!"
"Do you like him?"
"I've spent the past several months pretending I don't, but yes. I do."
"Then just tell him. Or ask him. Bring it up."
"But what if --"
"'What ifs' will ruin your life, Y/N," Jae scolded. "You either need to tell him, or you need to let it go. And if you don't decide tonight, you're going to let it distract you from having an amazing time in Paris."
You almost wanted to curse him for knowing you so well.
"What does your gut tell you?" he asked.
It seemed cheesy, but in order to answer his question, you closed your eyes. You took a deep breath and let it out slowly. And you listened.
Yunhyeong was a friendly person, there was no doubt about that. He greeted everyone with a smile. He was helpful to everyone. He was, quite literally, the perfect Flight Attendant. But... there was something about that sparkle. The sparkle in his eye you knew so well -- remember that? You had always thought it was just his adorably mischievous side coming out, but... what if you were wrong.
What if that sparkle was just for you? And what if you knew it so well because he'd liked you this whole time?
The more you thought about it, the more you knew Jae was right.
You wouldn't come out and tell him that, of course, but he was right.
"My gut tells me that I need to tell him," you finally said, your voice soft but sure.
"Then go for it, my dude," Jae replied with an obvious smile.
His smile was contagious, and the corners of your lips curved up. "I will. Thank you."
"It's what I'm here for. And also poke bowl cravings. I'm here for that, too."
"Of course," you chuckled. "All right, I'm going to go back out there. Wish me luck."
"You don't need it," Jae assured you before he hung up.
After sliding your phone back into your pocket, you smoothed down the front of your trousers, tugged at the shoulders of your shirt, let out a quick exhale... and opened the door.
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"I'm so sorry about that," you said, chuckling breathlessly as you took your seat at the table once again.
"No, not at all," Yunhyeong grinned. "I just ordered a couple of minutes ago, so you didn't miss anything. Except my expert French."
"I am only letting you order when we go to eat somewhere, by the way." You returned his smile, picking up your wine glass and taking a sip -- not a gulp this time.
"Well, who am I to say 'no' to you?"
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, and you took that as your queue to actually go through with what you'd talked about on the phone with Jae.
"Can I..." you began, trying to maintain eye contact with him but finding yourself glancing at your wine glass. "Ask you something?"
Yunhyeong's brow furrowed gently, and he tilted his head the tiniest bit. "Of course."
"Is... this... a date?"
Four words had never been so nerve-wracking to say.
"Well, yes, of course, it is," he replied without hesitation. "It's our --"
"Friend-aversary," you finished for him. "But I mean... not a friend date. Like... a real date?"
Okay, those were the most nerve-wracking words you'd ever said.
Yunhyeong's expression immediately softened, but you couldn't tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing. He no longer looked curious or confused, and you kind of felt like he should be?
Unless... he wasn't confused about the answer or curious why you'd asked.
It seemed like an eternity before he continued on, though in reality, it was but a few moments.
"...Would like it to be. If you feel the same."
And Jae was right again.
You shifted in your seat, pressing your lips together to stop yourself from bursting into a grin. "I do, actually."
"Really?" Yunhyeong sighed. He reached one hand out, covering your fingers with his and gripping them.
When you nodded in response, Yunhyeong let out another sigh, hanging his head briefly before lifting it up to lock his gaze on you. "I've been wanting to go on a date with you for a long time," he admitted, though he certainly didn't sound shy about it.
"A long time?!" you laughed incredulously. "I've liked you for a long time!"
Yunhyeong quirked a brow at you. "...How long is long?"
"As long as possible. Since the first day. Remember how I kissed you on the cheek? I thought that was a pretty big giveaway that I was interested, but you didn't do anything about it, so I just thought we were going to be friends."
As soon as you'd said 'the first day,' Yunhyeong's jaw had dropped. And somehow, he even managed to make that look attractive.
"The first -- But I thought you were just thanking me!"
"...With a kiss on the cheek?" you chuckled.
"Well, yeah! Obviously! I didn't know it meant anything other than that!"
You lifted your other hand and placed it atop his, sandwiching his hand between your own. "For someone who always knows exactly how I'm feeling, how did you not pick up on that?" you asked, only slightly teasing.
Yunhyeong let out a huff and rolled his eyes at himself. "Let me tell you, I have never been able to pick up on cues like that. Not once in my life have I ever known when someone was flirting with me."
So, all this time... if you had just expressed your interest to his face...
Jae's words on the phone not ten minutes ago echoed in your head: What ifs will ruin your life, Y/N.
"Well," you said," picking up his hand and placing a soft, lingering kiss on his knuckles. "Just so you know, this is me flirting with you."
Yunhyeong threw his head back laughing, and you didn't care that all of the other patrons in the restaurant turned to look. You simply beamed over at him, stretching your legs out to tangle your ankles with his under the table.
Once the echo of his laughter faded away, he squeezed your hand and gazed at you with the most heart-wrenching smile. "I won't lie, I was wondering if you were going to figure it out."
"Figure what out?"
"Paris, the restaurant, the wine, the toast... I didn't think I was being subtle."
"No, you weren't," you chuckled. "Which is why I had to go to the toilettes and call Jae to ask his advice."
"That's what you were doing?!"
You nodded, your chuckle gently evolving into a laugh.
"Well," he said, his thumb skimming over the back of your hand. "Remind me to thank him when we get home."
You nodded once more, but his words -- as dumb as it sounds -- reminded you that you were, indeed, not at home. You were in Paris.
With Yunhyeong.
You were in the City of Love with someone you -- well, you didn't love him in that way right now, but you could certainly see yourself getting there one day.
Maybe even one day soon.
...This was going to be the best layover ever.
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Author's Note: if you're reading this, thank you so much! I know it's been a long, long, long time since I've posted any new fics, so I'm so grateful for anyone who has stuck with me. I can't promise I'll be posting on a more regular basis, but I can promise that I will try! 💜
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ikonislife · 2 years
Soulmate 3.
- OT7 x Reader
- It’s not all honey and sunshine in the world where soulmates are something of God given will. Will the boys be strong enough to get through the day with their better half or will the relationship will tarnish with the tick of the clock.
-Fluff, slight angst, soulmate au, soulmate!iKon
-Chapter 1: Chanwoo - The Boy with the Baseball Glove
-Chapter 2: Hanbin - The Boy in the Red Flannel
-Chapter 3: Yunhyeong - The Boy in the Chef Apron
-Chapter 4: Bobby - The Boy with the Golden Smile
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“Have you ever consider that you might be my soulmate, Y/n?”
You should’ve been flipping table, throwing a fit, destroying your little apartment at the nonchalantness of his question... At the existent of that very question. Yet here you lay, eyes still glue on the white noises spewing from your TV, not even batting an eye at those words. Not to say that it never did... Just, when you had heard that same question falling from the cherry soft lips of your handsome prince of a best friend thousands of times over, somehow, even as magical as Song Yunhyeong is, it had lost its power. 
Face it, the topic of soulmate in this day and age, although no longer what it once was, still very much something that could strike the heart of the toughest guys and color rosy every girl’s cheeks.
“No, not really, never cross my mind.” 
For any onlooker, that respond was formed almost absentmindedly, a bit too heartless even. However, taken in the dynamic of your relationship with Yunhyeong, it’s anything but. You’d without a shadow of a doubt, unashamedly admit that countless time before you’ve considered it, soulmate, just the simple uttering of the word already sending shiver down your spine... Of course you’ve considered it. 
So then why the sarcastic answer?  That question itself nearly as loaded as the one he had asked, the kind of question that had been mulled over for so many moon it had began taking root, twisting and winding its grasp around your heart until it was unbearable to even look at him. Because it’s a question too hard to swallow, and so deep that the only respond you could utter without dredging up physical matters of the heart is sarcasm.
For one, you’ve lost count of just how many time Yunhyeong had brought up that very concern. Any sign, need not be one out of the ordinary, just any old sign of your mundane life could be the sign. Grabbing for the glass of water at the same time? Soulmate. Blurting out the same order at a new restaurant for your monthly food adventure? Soulmate. Even getting up to go to the damn restroom at the same time could be a sign for him. 
“No shit, Song Yunhyeong, you only mention it like every other second.”
“I know, but have you really consider it though? You as my soulmate?” His sweet voice rings out once more, fighting against the bubbling and clanking of pots in your tiny kitchen.
“I mean...” You pause letting the thought once again steeps your brain in its fairytale liked nature, pausing a bit too long for just how pragmatic and casual you had remained at the sensitive subject. “How much considering can I do when the symptom aren’t there.” You say as your heart clenches with every word your lips utter, why can’t he see that you’ve considered it, dreamt it, wished upon the star it. None of that matter if the cosmic is against you and him, against your heart intertwining in a dance of that searing pain of heartbeat syncing then the beautiful breathtaking moments to follow. The universe is as conniving as it is heartless having your heart’s desire reminding you times and times again of what you can’t have. 
You could almost see his heart drops and a frown beginning to form under that dulling smile of his as a soft defeated “you’re right” tumbles from those kissable lips. No matter how hard Yunhyeong tried to hide the disappointment threatening to vomit from the deep corners of his heart and soul with that brilliant smile of his, it’d always be obvious to you because well, you feel the same way. 
There’s no denying the physical attractiveness your best friend possesses that quite honestly stole your breath on so many occasions, down right had you staring now and then in the most random moments of life.  Not to mention, the chemistry between the two of you could fools stranger into believing you were meant for each other, left people closest to you both wondering how it could even be possible for your hearts not to belong to one another. 
It’s not as if you hated when he brings up this topic, quite opposite actually, you love it with every bits of your soul. The idea of having the boyfriend of all boyfriends being the person to have and to hold for the rest of your life, who in their right mind wouldn’t want that. You love Yunhyeong, no doubt about that, long fallen for the caring man and all of his quirkiness sometimes borderline cringy... Long before the fame and success. 
You’ve even considered just saying yes, to end both yours and his suffering with one simple word, falling into each other arms and get lost in the moment but you love him too much for that, to rob him of his one true love. What’s more, you love yourself too much to bear the thought of maybe a year, a month, or even a day into this fantasy relationship, his soulmate could be strolling down the street to put an end to all this nonsense. That’s not a pain you want to nor did you think to be able to survive. Alas, this is not a world where two people frivolously fall in love and ride off into the sunset without a care for anyone else but themselves. This is a world where everybody is bound by their destiny no matter how much one detest the outcome. If only the soulmate drug works on ordinary matter of the heart also. 
To have him in that moment, to lose yourself in him in that one second is enough for you to be happy for the rest of the days. You love the way he makes you feel as though you’re the most special person in the world, how his smile perks up the moment you step into the room even if he had been dying on the floor from being yelled at by Hanbin for not getting the choreograph right the 10th time that night. It’s comical, stupid even that you’re denying yourself happiness because of some stupid old tradition that meant to ensure the survival of the human race. Aren’t the Earth overpopulated anyways, can the divine stop playing with people’s hearts like sex toys. Life must have a great sense of humor because it had presented you the perfect human being yet all you will ever be allow to call him is best friend. 
A quick wipe of his hands on the white apron so snugly tied around his waist, accentuating his fitted figure a bit too well, Yunhyeong returns his attention to the bubbling pot on the stove, delectable scent permeate through your tiny apartment that was much too peasant-liked to fit his prince image. It was your weekly dinner and as always, Yunhyeong has a recipe or two up his sleeves that he’d like to experiment on you before serving it up to the boys. Although by now, there’s an inkling within your heart that the truth is far from that. Since when has the iKon boys really care what their chef make, they weren’t picky enough of eaters for Yunhyeong to be going through such great length. If anything, they’d love it even more if he experiment more with food at home. 
Sauntering into the boiling hot kitchen, you did your best to peek from the side of the tall man blocking nearly the whole width of your small stove, slaving away with two pots and a few mixing bowls all at once. 
“Yunhyeong, you know we can just do take out, right? You don’t need to work so hard every week cooking for me.”
“Shh, you eat take out too much. Eat some real food for once, plus, I need to practice making these dishes anyways.”
You smile but deep within a sadness lurking about of a future where these weekly “date” will ceased to exist the moment his soulmate comes into play. Cease to exist too will be the flirty banter and carefree playfulness in your words to each other, you will no longer be the only girl he could confide in and snuggle close till you both fall asleep from talking till morning comes. Of course all you want is for him to be happy but you couldn’t help the small part of yourself that want to keep Yunhyeong, to be able to be selfish when it comes to him. You won’t be able to love him any longer and you’re not quite sure how to deal with that, not quite yet. You know Yunhyeong won’t abandon you but the thought of never being anything more than his best friend, it hurts. 
Lost in a world without Yunhyeong, you carelessly pick up the boiling kettle steaming away and shouting by the stout oblivious to Yunhyeong screams of warning. The pain scorching your skin not nearly as intense as the pain still lingering in your heart from the hypothetical world and it wasn’t until far too late that you had let go, clanking of the kettle along with the splashing of scalding hot water sear deep into your arms. The pain slowly sinking in, body curling up to cope with the unbearable pain but the frightful scream stolen from your throat, in place of it, a muted gasping of air. Yunhyeong dives to catch you in his arms, your names tumbling from his lips like prayers, wishing it had been him at the receiving end of the caustic boiling liquid. 
Mind blank and pain unbearable, seemingly all the functioning braincell you’ve managed to control poured into one thing, tears. Tears overflowing like a broken dam blurring away the panic on his face. Your hands clutching desperately, body pressing tightly against his as if Yunhyeong is your last lifeline in the middle of a category 5 storm. 
The how and when seemingly escaped your mind as the next second your frantic mind had gotten a grasp on reality, you were already in a room with blinding lights, kind smiles of the nurse tending to your redden arms sooth just a bit of pain away. Yunhyeong not far behind, feet could barely stay still as he did his best to be out of the way of the nurse. Yet you know, the worry in his eyes, the way he’s balling up the seam of his shirt convey the weight upon his shoulders. No sooner than the nurse had given the poor boy the go head, he flies straight to your side, unsure if it should be a mountain worth of scolding for your carelessness or intense cries of hurt to be first to leave his mouth.
“Yunhyeong, I am literally fine. Cease your worrying!” you chuckle, doing your best to ease the tension off his trembling body but you know that was futile. 
“Y/n, be for real right now. Do you know I almost had a heart attack?? How could you be laughing right now?”  He gripes, hands already grab your bandaged one with the most delicateness as if it was made out of snowflakes. 
“I am serious. I am okay Yunhyeong.” You muttered, although uncertainties ravage your brain. The searing pain in your chest was as real as the first moment you had felt it as your world blurred just a few hours ago. Yet what else could you say but to assure your best friend that all was right in the world. You were convinced his head would explode if you even cough right this second. 
“Really? you’re certain?” He questioned you, a strange tone danced between the worries. He finally settled down on the chair beside your bed with an odd expression painted across his face, uneasiness rose in your chest.
“Yea... I think I’d know if I wasn’t okay, dork.” you quipped and settled down too into your bed. Eyes strained on the bright light above, a twinge of nausea rushed through your body. “Hey, you think we can get out of here anytime soon? I don’t feel comfortable here.” You nudged Yunhyeong with a slight smile, tearing him away from whatever dream that was occupied his thought.
“Right, yea, let me check with the front desk.” 
Yunhyeong scuttled off and for the first time in a long time, you were glad your best friend wasn’t by your side. A long sigh huffed from your lungs to mingled with the sterilized air of the bustling ER. What was this strange feeling heavy on your chest? In the short hours between a dinner anticipated ruined by your carelessness and now, something between you and Yunhyeong had changed. Something major yet so subtle, tangible yet whenever you reached your fingers forward it dissipated in an instant. What did you missed? Your thought cut short as Yunhyeong rushed back to your side, papers clutched in hand. 
“We’re all good to go!” 
Another blink and you were back in the passenger seat of Yunhyeong’s car, fast steading home. The silent that was once peaceful now stuffy, heavy. The lyrics vibrating through the dense air of the car, gibberish, nonsense as your eyes trained to the fast passing road. What compelled you to utter these next few words and break the uncomfortable silent, you did not know. However the can of worm your words opened up was one you were wholeheartedly unprepared for.
“Are we alright?” You muttered reluctantly.
Yunhyeong stayed silent. Lips pursed and you could see his knuckles ghosted white as his grip on the steering wheel tightened. You could almost hear the gears in his brain churning, carefully calculating whatever it is that was about to come out of his lips. 
“You really have never considered us...” Those familiar words breathed from his lips yet it wasn’t a question, it wasn’t a joke, or even a statement. The connotation weighed heavy. 
“Yunhyeong... You only bring it up every other hour, any sane person would considered.” You tried to lighten the boulders that was this conversation yet it only seemed to made the strange expression on his features soured further. “I think enough happened today, is it really the time to bring this up again?”
“Is it really that preposterous, the idea of us being more than this limbo we’ve both lied ourselves into?” Yunhyeong gritted his teeth and shattered your belief that he could never be anything other than sunshine and happiness.
“Limbo- Yunhyeong if you have something to say then just say it. I don’t think either of us benefit from this dance we’ve done thousand times before.” You exasperated, searing pain still dancing through your chest. 
“Is it so impossible, me and you. You’ve never once gave me a straight answer. You keep me around as if I’m an option yet the moment i bring up anything remotely close to suggesting we could be more, you laughed it off as if i’m just a big joke.” The words he spoked, it registered yet it made no sense... a joke? how could he think you thought of him as a joke.
“Yunhyeong, how could you thin-” The words lost within the harsh gasp clawing its way out of your throat, harsh enough to earn concern from Yunhyeong. Fingers hastily pressing at the button to roll down the window, cold air hit your face as tears burned your cheeks. “You think it’s fun for me? To have ever other conversation we have circled the drain right into ‘ha ha what if we were more than just friends’...” Your words fighting, muffling against the wind rushing by. If you could, you’d jump right out the window and evaporate within the wind. 
“Well, you’ve never given me any other indication-”
“Song Yunhyeong, have you so wrapped up in your own mind and heart that you failed to consider what it would mean for me to really considered us?” Exasperated, there was no stopping your pain from rushing out now. “For me to let myself fall into this perfect world of being yours, of being on top of the world and in love with my best friend, and then to watch as you get a better... a real soulmate? We all knew this bullshit cosmic chosen one is inevitable and one day... One day I will have to watch you walk out of my life. There goes all our dinner date, the late night phone calls, there go my heart and soul along with whatever time you chose to give me.” Tear, snot, what have you... It didn’t matter anymore. It was not time to be polite, that was long gone. You’ve tried to protect his feelings and yours for far too long now and it bit you in the ass. Perhaps now you both could move on and whether or not this friendship will survive the pain, who knows... Before you knew it, the car had slowed to a stop. Head hung low, Yunhyeong was silent and emotions indecipherable. One thing you were sure of, he was crying, shoulders gently shrugging against the stale air of perhaps the end of you and him. 
“I’m sorry.” That was the first thing to break the sniffles coming endless from both you and him. For the first time since the car had halted to a stop that he had looked up at you, dejectedly. “I’m so sorry, Y/n... I know it was selfish of me...”
“It’s okay, Yunhyeong... There was never an easy way for this conversation to happen... No matter what, we’d be hurt.” At the worst moment of your life, your body gave out perhaps from stress, perhaps from the uncertainties of tomorrow. Hand grasping at your chest, a ragged breath barely escape your lips before his hand was on your back, caressing comfort into your chilled skin.
“I’m so sorry I lost my temper... I was just, frustrated. I don’t know how else to make you see the way I feel, symptoms or not... But especially after tonight, I just lost it.” That soft smile, the same one you’ve dream of once more bloomed on his lips. “You are literally hunching over in pain and you’re still denying it.” Confusion cold against all your features. It felt as if all the air had vacated your lungs, your brain, your blood. A sudden lightness taken over as you stared at the boy you’ve loved for so long incredulously. 
“What...” That was all you could mustered up. 
“Have you not questioned at all why you ended up in the ER? Gave me the worst fright of my life? I mean yea I nearly had a heart attack watching you grabbed the hot kettle bare hand but I know you’re strong. A little burn would have never taken you out like that! The moment I caught you in my arms, it was as if someone had used a stun gun on me. The pain was the worst i’ve felt but it was electrifying!” A cheerfulness levitated, pushing out the cold air that had staled over. 
“Wait... You’re saying...” The weight of the world suddenly dissipated and it was as if you could fly. A loud cry left your lips, startling the boy who wasn’t sure if he should laugh or join in with your cry. However that smile, the real smile that he hadn’t seen in a bit blossoming on your lips, it was all he needed to know. 
The next second he had draped himself across the middle console and pulled you right into his arms. Cries then laughters emanating from your intertwined bodies. His hand gently running through your hair, caressing away all the worries and all the dreads that had built up over the months, years of pining after him... And yours, gripping tightly on the man that will be yours. There were still much to say, much to hash out before you and him could be “us”. However in this moment, in this second where the realization that what you both had wanted but fear was out of reach was now possible, just silent was enough. You had him and he had you, that was enough. The conversation will be had but it was no longer one that was out of reach. It was one of a certain future, of being together. 
The Boy with the Golden Smile. (Coming Soon)
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faes-land · 1 year
Could you do sex with Yunhyeong iKON X Male Readee?
Hi anon!!
I’m so sorry, but I don’t write for iKON anymore nor do I write male reader. My requests are closed right now also and I’m not sure when I’ll be opening them again. But thank you for the request! Maybe I’ll open my requests again soon
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taexual · 3 years
maybe i | yunhyeong
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pairing: yunhyeong x oc
genre: smut, college au, fwb au
warnings: playful banter, some teasing, a quickie (protected), not a lot of pillow talk because of unexpected circumstances
summary: your friendship with benefits with yunhyeong is threatened when he accidentally tells you he loves you.
words count: 4.4k
requested by anonymous.
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“We don’t have much time,” Yunhyeong said, nearly ripping your jeans off of you in his haste. “My roommate will be back in an hour.”
You hadn’t planned to see him today, but Yunhyeong grabbed you – almost literally – when you were on your way home from the campus library, telling you that he missed you and asking if you were free. Which was just a courtesy, really, considering that he was already pulling you towards his dorm.
You wouldn’t have objected anyway, truth be told – you missed him, too. But hearing that you were running on limited time did frustrate you a little.
Nevertheless, you propped yourself up on your elbows, helping him rid you of the denim as his old bed creaked underneath both of your weights.
“I thought he had classes the whole day,” you commented. “And so did you.”
“I’m skipping all of mine,” Yunhyeong replied, tossing your jeans aside and reconnecting your lips in a—hurried—feverish kiss. You broke the kiss another second later to pull his shirt over his head. “And he’s only going to one.”
“The asshole,” you said.
“Right?” he agreed, only half-listening as he rolled you on top of him, until you were straddling his waist. “Come here.”
You lowered your lips to meet his again, finally able to enjoy the moment without worrying about tearing your clothes off of each other as quickly as possible. He kissed you back, cherishing in the familiar taste of your mouth, and struggling—as always—to believe that you’d done this enough times for your taste to become familiar.
Suddenly, you distracted him from his thoughts by bringing your hips over his, the layers of your underwear not providing nearly enough friction for this to feel as good as it could. And yet, in spite of that, a low groan passed his lips, his hands flying to your thighs in an almost desperate attempt to keep you steady while also encouraging you to, please, do that again.
And you complied – your bodies communicating wordlessly – as you rolled your hips into his once again, biting your lip when you felt the growing bulge underneath you. Your faces were inches apart, mouths hovering over each other, as your hips continued to grind into his slowly, the sensation as teasing as it was pleasurable.
“I’m going to need you to take these off now,” Yunhyeong whispered against your lips, hooking his fingers over the waistband of your panties. “We don’t have much time.”
“So impatient,” you rolled your eyes – the playful gesture only killing him a little more, while the pressure of your hips on his hardening length when you sat up, could have easily finished him off right then and there. “We should have gone to my place.”
“So that your neighbors can call the police on us again? No, thank you,” he scoffed while his eyes followed your every move – from the way you lifted your hips slightly to be able to pull your underwear down, to the way you brought one of your legs up, then the next one, and, finally, slid the panties down your right ankle. He swallowed.
“They meant well,” you said, giggling as you remembered the awkward altercation a few months ago when the police showed up to your dorm – at a very inconvenient moment, too – on behalf of your concerned next-door neighbor. She’d assumed—from the sounds? You weren’t sure— that you were getting killed. “In her defense, using ropes in a dorm room probably wasn’t the wisest idea.”
Yunhyeong laughed – the sound coming out strained when you lowered yourself on him again, your naked core brushing against his boxers; still one layer too many between you – before he sat up to meet your lips in a kiss, too impatient to wait.
“We’re trying that again, though,” he said then, hands gently dancing on your shoulders and down the straps of your bra, inching towards the clasp on your back. “Probably in a place with less neighbors.”
Knowing that you would likely never find a secluded enough spot without any people around, you gasped, purposefully overreacting. “You’re suggesting we do that in public?”
Yunhyeong lifted an eyebrow in response because that wasn’t exactly what he was suggesting, but now that you’d mentioned it, he wasn’t really against the idea.
“Might as well try,” he replied, his mind growing hazy as he focused on the feeling of your nearly naked body pressed against his. He still hadn’t mastered the clasp of your bra and you had to reach up to help him.
The moment your fingertips met as you undid your bra, Yunhyeong kissed you again. He refused to let you take your bra off yourself, and took control of the process – sliding each strap down your arms as if you had all the time in the world for this.
“Hmm,” you hummed against his lips, pulling away to warn him, “I thought we were in a hurry.”
Dreamily, Yunhyeong continued the slow, sensual process of removing your bra, the tips of his fingers brushing gently against your breasts once the garment was finally off. He always turned this simple act – that you would have preferred to get over with as quickly as possible; bras weren’t exactly known for being comfortable – into something that was akin to a grandiose procedure that he refused to skip over.
“We are,” he said. “But there are some things you can’t speed up.”
You scoffed at this, but the warmth of his words sent sparks all over your body – he’d always made it a big deal out of removing your clothes; the less there were left on you, the slower he moved.
“Yunhyeong,” you were forced to whine then – he may have been hoping for it – as he caressed your body, his hands not really lingering anywhere very long as he attempted to touch as much of you as possible.
This wasn’t the first time you were having sex, and yet he always made it feel as special as that first time. You didn’t mind that, especially since your first time with Yunhyeong had happened when both of you were drunk, so the memory of it was very blurry in your head. But, as much as you appreciated the care he put into everything he did, you wanted more now.
Pushing his chest gently with your hands, you forced him to fall back on the pillow. The small gasp that left his lips when you suddenly took charge of the situation was quickly replaced by a proud smirk, prompted by your impatience. You ignored it and, instead, pulled down his boxers, making sure to touch him as lightly as possible – on purpose, to tease him right back for taking this so slowly before.
“We’re in a hurry,” he was the one to remind you this time.
Ah, you’d been waiting for this.
With your hand barely grazing the tip of his length, you shrugged your shoulders. “Some things you can’t speed up.”
Yunhyeong rolled his eyes – or tried to – but he was forced to throw his head back and close his eyes altogether when you wrapped one of your hands against his fully-hard cock and gave it a few lazy pumps.
His sensitivity to your touch was one of your favorite things about doing this. Every time you doubted if it was a good decision to include sex in your friendship, you remembered the look on his face, like the one right now: his lower lip between his teeth, his eyes barely open but firmly locked on you, his chest rising and falling in anticipation of what you’d do next – and you knew you really wouldn’t have it any other way.
When your grasp on his length got tighter and your strokes more sensual, Yunhyeong groaned and reached out to stop you, the muscles in his stomach clenching as he sat up and placed his hands on yours. He pressed his lips to yours in a messy, open-mouthed kiss – deciding that not a lot of talking was going to be done from now on – and you leaned into him, allowing him to guide you to the previous position you’d been in: with your thighs on either side of him, your core pressed dangerously close to his length.
He brought one of his hands to your neck to angle your face in a way that allowed him to deepen the kiss. In the mean time, his free hand found your clit as he experimented by bringing his fingers up and down your folds, spreading your wetness and, of course, teasing you until he felt you exhale against his mouth in frustration.
“Yunhyeong,” you spoke, a certain warning noticeable in your otherwise soft voice. He moved his lips to your neck instead. “I’m going to get up and leave if you don’t do something right now.”
He chuckled and the feeling of his teeth against the skin of your neck sent shivers down your spine.
“Fine,” he said then, pressing one more lingering kiss to your neck before reaching over to the drawer on his nightstand. “I thought the risk of getting caught was supposed to feel thrilling.”
“Well, if your roommate does come back soon,” you replied, watching him grab a condom package from his drawer and rip it open, “I’d rather he interrupted us when we were actually doing something.”
Yunhyeong paused for a second to give you a questionable look after you said this, but he decided not to argue, focusing on the more important things at hand.
“But we are doing something,” he said instead, teasing, as he tossed the wrapper on the floor.
“Something more,” you said – pointlessly so, because he was already rolling the condom down his length, his hands shaking lightly. He wanted this just as much as you – if not more – but his excitement was getting the best of him; he never did learn how to completely calm his nerves when he was alone with you.
Finally, he brought his hands down to your hips, slowly moving your body back and forth on his lap, your fold rubbing against his cock, the motion undoubtedly pleasant, but not enough.
When you were about to open your mouth and urge him to do something, Yunhyeong finally lifted your body up just a little and aligned himself with your entrance. His eyes met yours as he pushed the tip in and then stopped, keeping his hands on your thighs, but allowing you to choose the pace.
You lowered yourself on him, the stretch as sweet as it was painful. You closed your eyes at the feeling, so you did not see the absolute adoration in his eyes when you bottomed out. The blissful expression on your face was heaven itself right now and Yunhyeong momentarily forgot that you could also move, further intensifying the emotions he was feeling.
You held onto his shoulders as you ground your hips into his slowly, your walls warm and snug around him. His teeth sunk into his lower lip as he watched your concentrated face and responded to the gentle swaying of your body by bucking his hips – just barely, really, but you felt it, your head automatically falling backwards, heavy breaths leaving your lips.
“That’s—” you started to say, pressing your hips into his harder, faster. “That’s good.”
“Yeah?” he asked – or perhaps agreed with you, it was hard to tell when he tried to muffle his own moans – and then he leaned in closer to you until his chest hit yours, and his cock changed the angle inside of you, suddenly feeling much deeper.
A quiet gasp left your lips at this new, sharper sensation, and Yunhyeong gave you a second to adjust before he lifted your hips and lowered them on his length again, slowly enough so you wouldn’t be in pain, but with enough force so you’d feel all of him. He did everything in an encouraging way, not trying to be in full control and letting you do most of the work as you steadily began to move on top of him.
You felt him so deep inside that you couldn’t help exhaling shakily as you squeezed your closed eyes even tighter. You wrapped your hands around his shoulders to find a more comfortable position, this way bringing your bodies even closer, so that there wasn’t a single spot of your skin that wasn’t touching his. 
He was restraining himself on your behalf, that much was clear in the way he kissed the side of your neck, focusing his attention elsewhere, so he wouldn’t start pounding into you.
Letting him know that you could handle it, you removed one of your hands from his neck. You placed your hand on his and lifted it from your hips to your lower back – so he was still holding you, but no longer had the opportunity to control how fast you moved – and then you returned to holding onto his shoulders as you began to bounce on him, gradually gaining speed until his kisses turned into soft groans against your neck.
“Fuck,” you moaned, louder now that the feeling of his throbbing length rubbing against your walls had grown more intense.
He held you against him, his hand wrapping around your waist for more support, while his other hand slid down to grab your ass, squeezing and kneading it as you continued to ride him.
“You feel so good, baby,” he panted, struggling to catch his breath as you alternated between grinding your hips into his and then moving up and down on his length again.
“Hmmm,” was all you could muster in response as Yunhyeong moved his hips to meet yours halfway, your bodies locked together in a well-choreographed dance, the only music in the room being the sound of your skin slapping against each other to the rhythm of your heavy breaths.
You’ve done this before with him – countless times – and yet each time he held you as close as this, his hands squeezing the softest parts of your body and his length drilling into you, you were still surprised by how good this could feel.
“I-I’m—” you tried, the words dying on your tongue and transforming into a desperate, wordless plea when you felt his kisses on your collarbones, then on your chest, until finally his mouth found one of your nipples, his tongue gentle and electrifying all at once. “Oh, please.”
He hummed, the sensation reverberating pleasantly all across your body as he moved to your other breast, starting off with butterfly kisses all around it before finally bringing his tongue over your nipple, sucking on it lightly and pulling away with a wet kiss. 
Overwhelmed by pleasure, you had no choice but to relent to him as he began to thrust up into you, his hands holding you in place. His pace did not slow down once – he’d gotten enough practice to know the right way to throw you off the edge – as he gripped your thighs, his cock going in and out of you.
“S-so close,” you spoke shakily, your body seemingly a separate entity from your mind now.
With another soft moan, you caught Yunhyeong off-guard when you met his thrusts by rotating your hips in quick, clumsy figure-8s.
Sex between the two of you was always a battle for control – although neither of you minded sharing – but he did not object right now, far too lost in the feeling of being inside of you. And yet the circular motions of your hips were so sweet, he was starting to get worried he’d be the one coming first.
His breath catching in his throat, Yunhyeong licked his lips and watched you, in awe. You looked and you felt so warm, so soft, so perfect – he couldn’t control himself anymore.
“So good to me,” he praised, completely overwhelmed by the feeling of your snug walls squeezing him, and absolutely intoxicated from the way you looked as you chased your high. “Oh, fuck, I love you. S-so much.”
Too lost in the feeling, you didn’t fully register his words – or perhaps you did, but they sounded so fitting in this moment, you found nothing weird with them – and, therefore, you were only able to whimper in response, moving your hips against his faster.
“Fuck,” he whispered, half-aware of what he’d just said, but much, much more aware of the way you were clenching around him, and the increasing sound of your breathing as you inched closer to the edge.
“I’m going to—” you got cut off when he brought a hand between you, rubbing fast circles on your clit with the tips of his fingers as you continued to grind your hips against his. “Ah—! Going to—”
“Come for me,” he whispered lowly. “I got you. F-fuck—”
Moaning loudly when the intense wave of pleasure washed over your body, you thrashed in his arms, but Yunhyeong kept a tight grip on you as his fingers continued to work on your clit.
Gasping for air, you dug your fingertips into his skin, feeling so full, so comfortable, so good. Your hips had stilled against his, except for a few sporadic, uncontrollable twitches – that made him see white – as you came down from your high.
“Baby,” he groaned, struggling to hold himself back any longer when your walls continued to squeeze around his length, the feeling so blissful—and so dangerous—he came faster than he would have liked or expected.
Loud groans left his mouth as he thrust into you hard and fast one more time, the sound of your ecstatic whimpers only urging him on. Bottoming out with his final thrust, he emptied himself into the condom with an unintelligible sound, comprised of your name and how good you made him feel.
He was breathless and had to use one of his hands to lean against the wall, so he wouldn’t topple over you or knock you both off the bed – it’d happened before; he was not proud of it – as he tried to return to reality.
You were still recovering, a strange—but not unwelcome—buzzing in your ears from your high. You watched Yunhyeong curse as he thrust into you leisurely a few more times before finally pulling out and letting go of you, albeit very reluctantly.
The two of you stayed still for a second, your bodies still just as close, even if he wasn’t inside of you anymore. And yet even through you were breathing the exact same rhythm, even though your eyes could not look away from each other, cherishing in the afterglow, neither one of you could bring yourselves to kiss the other. Even though you wanted to. Really, really wanted to.
Traces of anxiety were slowly making its’ way to both of your faces. Or, rather, now that you weren’t too focused on something else, you were able to realise that this anxiety had been there from the moment Yunhyeong said those words; you just didn’t want to think about what it meant at the time.
Now, bringing his tongue over his lips, Yunhyeong pulled away from your body first – so he could discard of the condom. When he sat back down on his bed, he no longer lifted his eyes to look at you.
The confession hung heavy in the air as your breathing slowed. He wasn’t sure if he was more scared of you bringing it up, or not bringing it up.
Finally, you exhaled and leaned over the edge of the bed to reach for his discarded duvet. You wrapped it around yourself – not because you were chilly or uncomfortable, but simply because this worked as a sort of shield for when you finally said, “w-we should probably talk about—”
Yunhyeong inhaled so sharply, your sentence faded off in surprise. He got up to put his boxers back on and, taking advantage of the fact that he had his back to you, he replied quietly, “I don’t know what else to add to that.”
Your first – natural, fighting for survival – course of action was an attempt to make light of the situation.
“Was it a spur-of-the-moment kind of thing?” you asked, chuckling nervously. The chuckle was supposed to make this seem even less like a big deal, yet it became the reason why it was suddenly painful for Yunhyeong to turn around and face you again.
“No, I… uh,” he spoke hesitantly. There was really no way back now. “I meant it.”
Your thoughts – usually so long, complicated, and sometimes even difficult to understand – suddenly swarmed in your head in the form of three-word sentences: he meant it. He loved you. That was fine.
Progressing even further, the three-word sentences turned into questions, as your eyes frantically scanned the cheap linoleum flooring in his dorm room: what to say? How to—even—speak?
“Why, um—” you started, clearing your throat when your voice came out unexpectedly groggy. “Why don’t you want to talk about it, then?”
Sighing, Yunhyeong sat down on the bed next to you. “Because I know I ruined everything.”
He hadn’t realised it before – probably because he could always see clearer when you were with him – but it was actually surprisingly dim in his room. He’d closed the curtains after you came over, hiding you two from the afternoon sun and the campus outside. But it had gotten significantly darker now.
He was grateful for that. His face felt too warm and there was only so much of this warmth that he could blame on your previous activity – clearly, he had never been embarrassed after having sex with you, so this wouldn’t work here.
“You… didn’t ruin anything,” you said finally, but a full minute had passed before you spoke and Yunhyeong had already convinced himself that he was right. He’d inserted the finishing nails into the coffin of your friendship.
“I know we’d only agreed on sex, but I—you… well, this happened,” he continued, not sure why his words sounded like an excuse – and a very poor one, at that. He tried again, “I’m—”
The door of his room suddenly opened – so quickly, it nearly got thrown off the hinges – and both of you jumped in surprise.
“Thank fuck you’re home,” Yunhyeong’s roommate was saying – he was drenched; it was probably raining outside – as he tossed his head back to throw the hood of his sweatshirt off his head. When he lowered his face, his eyes widened in surprise at the sight of you two. “Shit. I’m sorry. I’ll leave.”
The boy didn’t give Yunhyeong a single second to come up with an excuse. He backed out of the room as quickly as he came in—barged in, really; even if this was, technically his room, too—closing the door behind him.
Yunhyeong hid his face behind his hands, standing up. “Well, fuck.”
The look on his roommate’s face as he backed out of the room – the relief to be home immediately replaced by downright terror – and Yunhyeong’s distressed reaction had you biting your lip to resist laughing, even despite the tension from the conversation you’d been having before you got interrupted.
“It’s okay!” you called out, hoping his roommate was close enough to the door to hear it. You doubted it, though. So, tossing the duvet off, you reached for your hoodie and told Yunhyeong, “I’m leaving.”
That sounded awfully final to him. In the ten seconds that it took for you to pull your hoodie over your head, Yunhyeong swore his heart almost stopped five times.
“Y-you are?” he asked, eager to see the look on your face. When your eyes finally met his again, there was nothing out of the ordinary in them – if anything, you seemed calmer now that you were no longer talking about what he’d said.
“Yeah,” you replied, standing up, and fishing your panties out from behind his office chair.
“But it’s raining,” Yunhyeong said lamely, shuffling on his feet as he watched you dress up and found the sight – much to his own confusion – just as tempting as when you were taking your clothes off.
“That’s fine,” you replied, looking for your jeans. Yunhyeong spotted them first, on the floor next to where he was standing, and tossed them to you. “Thanks. I have to get home anyway.”
He tried to remember – struggling, for some reason; despite always claiming that he never forgot a single moment from the days you’d spent together – if you always left in such a hurry, or if today was an exception.
“W-well,” he started, hoping that it would sound less desperate out loud than it did in his head, “can I call you later?”
You gave him an incredulous look as you pulled your jeans up your thighs. “Of course. We have plans for Saturday, remember?”
He did remember. In fact, it was the reason why he was so beside himself with anxiety right now – worried that your future plans were already canceled months into advance.
“We’re still on?” he asked. The fact that he sounded surprised squeezed your heart painfully.
You were glad not to speak of what had happened anymore. In just a few seconds, you had managed to convince yourself that you’d be able to move on from this like it was just a minor misunderstanding. But that was obviously just wishful thinking, brought on by a convenient distraction – Yunhyeong’s roommate, who was likely still waiting outside in the hall.
Regardless, there was nothing else you could say. You needed to clear your head or, actually, do the exact opposite of that and get mind-numbingly drunk.
“Of course we are,” you told Yunhyeong in a light voice – or, what you hoped to be, a light voice.
Wishful thinking or not, you and Yunhyeong had been friends since you started college two and a half years ago. You’d been sleeping together for less, but that wasn’t supposed to bring an end to the friendship part of this arrangement. It couldn’t.
So, you pressed a kiss to his cheek – like you always did – and stepped into your sneakers, leaning down to pull them over your heels.
Yunhyeong watched you smile at him one more time before you left his room – apologizing to his still horrified roommate as you went – and he was glad you didn’t bolt at the first given opportunity, but he still felt uneasy. What happened now? What would he have to do the next time he saw you?
And yet, despite all these questions swimming in his head, Yunhyeong focused on the fact that he would see you again tomorrow. He would see you, and talk to you, and even touch you -- even if it was in passing, when you said hello or when he bought you coffee and handed you the paper cup.
He would see you again, and all the rest didn’t matter much because he loved you, and he considered himself capable of keeping that love in check – or suffocating it altogether if that’s what you would have preferred – so long as he still got to be with you.
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milkybonya · 3 years
midnight blue
order 008 for anon: large honey milk tea with mango jelly and fresh taro
Warning: some angst
Summary: idol!boyfriend!Yunhyeong takes you out at night after noticing you feel sad
[a/n]: i'm sad rn so what better thing to do than write this lovely request! also i hope the anon who requested is having an amazing day/night <3
this is such a nice playlist to listen to when you're reading this fic/generally when you're sad :") (its full of shinee songs!!)
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Curled up on the sofa, wrapped in blankets and not noticing that the movie you were watching had ended, you didn't realize that your boyfriend, Yunhyeong had arrived home. He stood in front of the TV, hands filled with groceries that he was waving around to catch your attention while you were still spaced out.
"Babe! I'm home!!" he called out for the third time.
With a sigh, he dropped the groceries and then dropped himself on you, wrapping you in a hug. His coat smelled like the rain and the stubble of his chin tickled your forehead.
"Hm?" you groaned, finally realizing his presence.
"[y/n], what's wrong? Why are you so spaced out?" Yunhyeong asked you, pulling away so he could get a good look at you.
"I don't know... I just feel a little blue," you mumbled, pulling down your boyfriend's black mask, revealing his worried expression.
"Hmm... I'm sorry I haven't been home these days to take care of you, since we're preparing for a comeback, but... I'll make it up to you now, okay?!" Yunhyeong exclaimed.
"Yun... It's 12am!" you pointed out, laughing.
"So? Perfect time for a date!" he said, pulling your arm and forcing you up.
"My face is so puffy right now from being half asleep all day," you groaned.
"And I haven't shaved in a couple of days, but that's fine! Let's go!" Yunhyeong said, pressing a warm kiss to your forehead.
He held out his hand to you and tilted his head, asking you, without saying anything, if you'd join him on this adventure. And you took his hand, letting him guide you to the bedroom so you could get changed as Yunhyeong put the groceries that he bought away.
Once you were ready, he took hold of your hand and whisked you out of your apartment, wisely picking up an umbrella on the way. When you stepped outside, it began to lightly drizzle, and you were thankful for Yunhyeong and the umbrella he brought as he opened it and held it over you. He wrapped an arm around you, pulling you close so both of you would fit under it, but still tilted the umbrella more towards you so you wouldn't get wet, even if it meant his shoulders would get a little soaked.
Luckily, in the dark of the night, no one was out on the streets and Yunhyeong could get away with only wearing a hood, still not being recognized.
"So where are you taking me, Yun?" you asked, your voice just audible over the sound of the rain.
"To the sea!" he exclaimed, excitedly.
"In this weather?" you asked.
"We're already outside... so let's just go all the way!"
Luckily, the Han river was near your house - you always called it the sea - and Yunhyeong was able to take you there.
It was fairly empty of people as you sat right by the water, except for the few people who were running and rushing to get home in the rain. Yunhyeong held your cold hand in his, warming yours up while gazing at you, lovingly.
"[y/n], now that we're here... you know what you have to do," he told you.
You gave him a questioning look.
"Shout all your worries into the sea! Here, I'll go first," Yunhyeong said, facing away from you for a second and turning to the water in front of him.
"I WISH THE IKON BOYS WOULD LISTEN TO ME A BIT MORE!" he shouted, laughing afterwards. You laughed along with him, slapping his shoulder.
"Yunhyeong, be quiet! Someone might hear you..."
"There's no one here, babe," he said, pressing a kiss to your damp cheek.
"Now, your turn!"
You shyly turned to the water before you, taking a deep breath before raising a quiet shout:
"Why is it so damn hard to live!" you yelled, tears forming in the corners of your eyes.
You leaned your head on Yunhyeong's shoulder and he caressed the top of your head with his hand that wasn't holding the umbrella.
"Living is hard, [y/n], but you're doing such a great job," Yunhyeong mumbled into your hair.
Watching the dark water drift by, the soft, yellow light of the city lights and the gentle hue of the sky while being pressed against Yunhyeong made you feel alive, and you let out a sigh of relief.
"Do you feel a bit better, babe?" Yunhyeong asked, and you nodded.
"I'm glad to hear it," Yunhyeong said, reaching up to stroke your cheek with his thumb.
"Do you feel cold? Yunhyeong asked, looking into your eyes.
You nodded, slowly.
"Just a bit," you said.
Yunhyeong flashed a playful, meaningful grin before standing up and touching your shoulder.
"Tag, you're it!" he said before running away.
"In this rain you're gonna make me chase you?" you yelled after him, still standing up to run behind him.
He laughed, looking up at the sky while running and slowing himself before almost falling in a puddle, giving you time to catch up and wrap your arms around him from the back in a tight bear hug. After kissing the top of your hand lightly, Yunhyeong let you run away so he could chase after you this time. When he caught you, he held your face with both hands and peppered it with a million kisses using those soft lips of his, stirring butterflies within you.
The two of you giggled a lot under the rain, running in circles after each other by the water until you were tired, but in a good way. It was the kind of exhaustion that you feel after you know you've had a good day - the kind of exhaustion that tells you you'll be sleeping well tonight.
"Are you ready to head back to bed?" Yunhyeong asked you, taking your hand and guiding you away from the water.
You nodded.
"But let's shower first! I'm drenched," you said.
"Does a warm bubble bath sound okay?" Yunhyeong excitedly suggested, swinging your hand in his.
"It sounds lovely," you replied.
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ikonct95 · 5 years
ikon’s reactions to playing 7 minutes in heaven with their crush/best friend
k-pop-trashx said: Ok so could u write an reaction 4 ikon where they react to having to play 7minutes in heaven w/ their crush/best friend?
A/N: thank you for requesting once more! ^^
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Jinhwan was nonchalant about the whole thing at first. However, once the two of you entered the closet, he began to stutter on his words. He thanked the heavens that it was dark otherwise you would’ve seen his blush. Jinhwan went still once he felt your hands cupping his cheeks and your breath hitting his lips. He gulped and felt his whole body tense only to instantly loosen once your lips connect to his. When the 7 minutes were up, Jinhwan was a blushing mess.
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When the bottle pointed at you, Bobby smiled and winked. Causing you to roll your eyes playfully at his attempt of being flirty. You and Bobby have been best friends for years but still had the playful flirtationship going on. Bobby confidently walked to the closet after you got up and went in first. Nothing happened at first except for Bobby flirting with you by uttering the most horrible puns he could think of. Once he heard you laugh, he attached his lips to yours and drank up all of your laughter. The party outside of the closet may or may not have heard your giggles.
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Hanbin was panicking. His nervous smile reaching from one ear to the other. His ears turned a bright red when you smirked his way and he shyly followed after you to the closet. Once inside, you asked him if he was nervous and Hanbin nodded his head...until he remembered that it was dark so he let out a small ‘yes’. “Don’t be.” You told him with a soft voice, “If you don’t want this then we don-” Hanbin interrupted you by repeatedly saying ‘no, I want it!’ smiling, you leaned in and kissed his lips. You sighed when  you felt his fingers tangle with your hair.
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It was hard to know what Yunhyeong was thinking because he kept having this friendly smile all the way to the closet. Neither of you said any words at first, sitting in awkward silence in the dark. “If you want someone else, I can go back out and ask for a replacement?” You quietly asked, feeling a bit self conscious. “No, It’s not that.” Yunhyeong replied, “It’s just that...I’ve had this crush on you for a year now and I’m a bit nervous.” That made you blush, luckily Yunhyeong couldn’t see it. “Can I kiss you?” he asked you politely. “Yes.” You breathed out. The kiss was shy and delicate. But sweet all the same.
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“I know that we’ve been best friends for years now and best friends don’t usually do this but I’m going to kiss you now.” Once he heard your consent, he leaned in and captured his lips with yours. It was a bit awkward at first considering that Donghyuk is your best friend. But as the minutes pass by, the more addicting his lips became. It was slow, painfully slow, but it was so delicious. Neither of you heard Hanbin calling the time and you didn’t break apart until Bobby opened the door causing the both of you to tumble out. “So...I guess a new relationship is born?” He asked slyly while looking down at you both.
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The minute the doors closed, Junhoe’s lips were all over you. Kissing your neck, jaw, cheeks and then, finally, your lips. Your hands roamed each other’s bodies and you kept knocking onto the walls due to the small space of the closet. As the minutes went by, the temperature went up. It was hot and you were getting sweaty, it felt like you were in a sauna and you were about to suffocate from the heat. Jinhwan had to open the door before the 7 minutes were up because your moans were too loud. 
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“You go first.”
“No, you go first.”
“It’s ok, you go first.”
“No, no. I insist, you go first.”
Sighing for the tenth time, you said, “How about this, we both go at the same time?”
Slowly, you inched towards each other until your lips connected. It was a shy peck rather than a kiss really. But when the both of you agreed to again, it was a full on kiss with tongue and teeth. Neither of you have felt this way before and it was amazing. After the 7 minutes were up, you ditched the party to go to his room and continue where you left off.
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vernonluver · 6 years
Christmas Cookies- Yunhyeong
prompt- Could I request a really fluffy and cute Christmas baking and decorating scenario with Yunhyeong please? “
I LOVE YUNHYEONG SO MUCH IM SO EXCITED TO WRITE THIS LETS GO edit: i was very excited to write this and then i completely bullshitted my way through this im so sorry i still hope you enjoy this 
The cold winter air nipped at your skin as turned to face Yunhyeong. You smiled at his messy hair and the soft snores that left his mouth. One of his hands rested on your back and the other gripped his hair. He looked so peaceful and you hated to wake him up but, you two had tons of baking to do for a Christmas party. 
“Yunhyeong,” You shoved his shoulder lightly and he let out a whine. “You need to get up we have stuff to do.” He moved his hands to rub his eyes while letting out a series of high pitched noises that probably couldn’t be called whines. 
“It’s so cold please don’t make me get up,” He still hadn’t opened his eyes and his hands had moved back to your waist to pull you closer to him. 
“You have to, if we don’t make these cookies your mother will kill us.” You ran your hands through his hair and smiled when he moved his head closer to your hand. 
After a few minutes you finally dragged him out of bed and into the kitchen despite his loud complaints. You had set everything you needed out the night before so the process wouldn’t take as long. You started adding in every ingredient while Yunhyeong wrapped his arms around your waist and placed his head in the crook of his neck. He held you so tightly it was difficult to move but you smiled at his affection. 
When the dough was done you had to slap Yunhyeong’s hand away from the bowl. You knew he loved the dough but he would easily eat too much and his stomach would end up hurting to the point he couldn’t move. You placed the raw cookies on the baking sheet and put them into the oven for about fifteen minutes. 
In the fifteen minutes that it took for the cookies to cook you had made your way onto the counter top and Yunhyeong had stepped in between your legs. His arms were wrapped around your waist and his head rested on your shoulder. His breathing slowed and he fought the urge to fall asleep on your shoulder. The ding from the timer made him jump, you laughed at his wide eyes and startled expression. He grumbled and took the cookies out of the oven. He quickly placed them on the cooling rack and then pulled you down from the counter. 
“Come on,” He tugged on your hands and pulled you towards your shared room. “We need a few more hours of sleep.”  
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textmybias · 7 years
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Sexting W/ Yunhyeong
Thanks for requesting ❤️
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kyuala · 3 years
» ikon masterlist
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[a] angst | [f] fluff | [m] mature | all works are gender neutral unless stated otherwise!
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» scenarios
relaxation [m] | hanbin | fem!reader | 1.3k words | after a day of lying around and watching tv, your boyfriend has one more thing in mind for his day off.
» headcanons
ikon as friends with benefits [m] | fem!reader ikon as sugar daddies [m] traveling with ikon [f] ikon as dads [f] ikon as sugar babies ikon as bad boyfriends ikon as college boyfriends [f] ikon as frenemies ikon as college students ikon as ghosts ikon as werewolves ikon as frat boys ikon on truth or drink [a] [+ getting back together after the video] best to worst communicators ikon and fake dating ikon as bad roommates biggest to smallest crybaby about relationship problems ikon waking up with amnesia [a] [+ 50 first dates style] comforting an s/o after they wake up from a nightmare [f] big spoon vs little spoon [f] greatest weaknesses and strengths in a relationship [a] | [f] greatest weaknesses and strengths in bed [m]
» timestamps
03:25 [m] | hanbin
» miscellaneous
thoughts when they’re kissing you for the first time [f] hanbin’s personality
[updated 02.06.21]
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main masterlist
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sanghyukstattoos · 3 years
iKON masterlist
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👑 iKON: when it becomes difficult for you
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🟧🟥 Kim Jinhwan
👑 'Ambivalence': fluff-fluff; smut-smut
You rest in Jinhwan's room at their dorm, trying to cool from the intensely prevailing summer heat and the enclosure of the heat rekindles gestures of like-wise affections
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🟧🟥 Song Yunhyeong
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🟧🟥 Bobby | Kim Jiwon
👑 Care (feat. B.I I Kim Hanbin): crime au; fluff-fluff; smut-smut-smut (spanking and submissive behaviour, amongst others)
Almost any day now.
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🟧🟥 B.I | Kim Hanbin
👑 Care (feat. Bobby I Kim Jiwon): crime au; fluff-fluff; smut-smut-smut (spanking and submissive behaviour, amongst others)
Every day spent with each of them is significant
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🟧🟥 Kim Donghyuk | DK
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🟧🟥 Koo Junhoe | Ju-ne
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🟧🟥 Jung Chanwoo
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thatmissfit · 3 years
Tiktok Prank 1
You lay in your bed as Bobby is getting ready in the bathroom to leave for early morning practice. He leans his head out of the doorframe with his toothbrush in hand; “do you want anything when I come back later, candy, ramen, chicken?”
Always the caregiver type, my boyfriend; if he could be with me twenty/seven he would be but regardless he still takes such good care of me while also fulfilling his duties to Ikon. “Ooo could you get some food from that chicken place we both like down the street,” you reply when he slips a black beanie over his head and looks towards you from the closet.
He walks towards the side of the dresser to get his backpack, “alrighty, I should probably be back around 8 but I’ll text you if not.”
He grabs his bag and leans over the bed to kiss you, “love you.” You kiss him back and respond with “okay, have fun.” He gets off you and leaves the room only to shout, “love you!” You chuckle softly and yell back, “okay, Bobby!”
He walks back into the room and leans over you while staring you in the eyes and asks you, “are you feeling okay?” You simply smile and reassure him, “yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” He holds your face in his hands and smiles back, “okay.”
He walks out of the room again and shouts out, “love you!”
“That's nice!”
He stomps back in with a pouty look on his face, “babyyyy, why won’t you say you love me?”
He walks over to your bed, kneels down beside it, “I love you, y/n.” Now how could you continue this cruel prank when your beautiful boyfriend is melting your callous soul with those sweet eyes telling you those words that every person wants to hear. Gushing quickly you concede, "oh my gosh you big baby, I love you too," and with that, you kiss him.
You push him up and towards the door, because now, "you're gonna be late, baby." Just as he opens the front door he shouts, "don't worry, I'll just tell the guys that you wanted me in bed longer."
You know that comment had him smirking as he shuts the door on his way out. Just for that comment, you might have to pull out that picture of Bobby's adorable sleep face last night, emergency blackmail and all that. You send it in your big group chat with the boys and their partners. Now satisfied with yourself you lay back in your bed but before you fall back asleep you hear the ping of your phone which makes you quickly check.
It's a text for Bobby. You laugh loudly at the message, it's a gif of him being angry, cutely though. That's your Bobby though, but knowing him you'll probably find a photo of yourself in the group chat later today.
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noona-clock · 1 year
The Flight Attendant - Part 4
Genre: Flight Attendant!AU
Pairing: Yunhyeong x You (Female!Reader)
Warnings: None
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | Words: 1,968
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One Year Later
If Yunhyeong hadn't brought it up during your text conversation this morning, you would have completely forgotten it had been a whole year since you'd started your job as a flight attendant.
But Yunhyeong, being the incredibly thoughtful and considerate person he was, had brought it up. He'd actually remembered the exact date of your first meeting and had told you it was a cause for celebration.
It had been several months since you'd felt that pang of romantic disappointment in your heart... but there it was again. It was hardly noticeable at this point -- thrumming ever so slightly and trying to hide in the deepest corner of your chest, but you were familiar enough with the feeling to recognize it instantly. And Yunhyeong remembering the day the two of you had met was, apparently, enough to trigger it.
To be fair, you couldn't remember the last time one of your friends brought up the fact it was your friend-iversary. And certainly, none of your male friends ever had. One of your closest male friends, Jae, barely ever remembered your birthday. So, the fact that Yunhyeong knew the exact day you had first met was actually a pretty big deal.
If you weren't absolutely, positively sure that Yunhyeong only had friendly feelings for you... his text this morning would make you think otherwise.
But, like I said, it had been several months since you'd wished that were true. You had basically given up on ever becoming more than friends and co-workers -- and that was fine!
Totally and utterly, positively, completely fine.
That's what you told yourself, at least, as you typed out a text to him.
I can't believe it's been a whole year 😲
After pressing 'send' on your reply, you closed the lid of your just-barely-full suitcase and zipped it up expertly.
After all, it had been a whole year since you'd been flying all over the country. You were an expert by now! And your flight was leaving in just two hours -- something that would have absolutely terrified you a year ago. But now you could pack, get to the airport, and get onto the plane in an hour and a half, tops.
You were rather impressed with yourself if you were being honest.
When the taxi arrived in front of your apartment building, you quickly slipped into your uniform heels and grabbed the handle of your bag. You waited until you'd slid into the backseat of the car before sliding your phone out of your pocket, a smile coming to your lips when you saw another message from Yunhyeong.
I may have a present for you.
OMG you do not. It's not that big a deal, I don't need a present!
...Well, too late.
...what is it?
You'll get it soon! See ya!!!
You pressed your lips together, keeping in a soft chuckle of amusement so the taxi driver wouldn't get distracted from the road.
You also tamped down a flutter in your heart and stomach so you wouldn't get distracted from... everything. Your upcoming flight, your friendship, acting like a fairly average person and not someone who was stupidly in love with their best work friend.
But then another text message interrupted you, and your insides snuck in about three flutters as you clicked on the notification.
Actually, tell me when you get to the airport. And don't go anywhere until you hear back from me.
Immediately, your forehead wrinkled with slight confusion.
Yunhyeong wasn't really one for surprises -- at least not during the year that you'd known him. He frequently did things for you and even bought small souvenirs for you when he flew to fun places, but they were never a surprise. He always texted you Hey, I made dumpling stew, come over and have some or I saw this pen with your favorite animal character on it so I got it for you.
So, for him to be this covert about something just seemed kind of odd.
I wish I could tell you, but that would absolutely ruin the surprise. And it's a good one, I promise.
I mean... you really had no choice but to trust him. He had never -- not once -- given you any reason not to.
So, trust him you did.
Okay... I will... even though this is very nerve-racking and unlike you...
He simply replied back with three innocent angel emojis, and one corner of your lips quirked up in amusement as you slid your phone back in your bag.
As with any other kind of surprise, you tried to keep your mind off of it for the remainder of the taxi ride.
The soft music on the radio, the passing scenery of the city, the other cars whizzing by you. You attempted to focus on one or more of those things... but the idea of a surprise from Yunhyeong was too novel and, frankly, tempting to not think about it.
And the fact that you were on your way to work? That piqued your curiosity even more. How could this surprise not interfere with your schedule?!
And why would he need to know when you arrived at the airport? Why would he not want you to go anywhere until you heard back from him?
Once you were only about five minutes from the airport, you finally admitted to yourself that you had no earthly clue what this surprise could be. You finally gave up.
The next five minutes were the tensest minutes you could recall in your recent history, and when, at long last, you texted Yunhyeong that you were here, you let out a huge sigh of relief.
He replied less than a minute later, while you still had his conversation open.
Come to Gate B16 and don't you dare look up to see which flight it is.
...Okay, things weren't any clearer.
Why was he telling you to come to a different gate? You'd been assigned to flight 9787 to Chicago, gate A9.
He wanted you to just... not get on that plane? Get on another plane?
You shook your head slightly and clicked on the button to call him rather than reply to him in a text.
"Just do it!" he chuckled as soon as he picked up.
"What is going on?!" you whined, your eyebrows knit together in distress.
"Y/N," Yunhyeong said confidently. "Just trust me. Gate B16. Come straight here."
He hung up before you could point out that he had said 'Come straight here' and not 'Go straight there' which implied that he was currently at gate B16.
Well, there was nothing much more you could do, was there? After sliding your phone into your bag and letting out a deep, relenting sigh, you took hold of your suitcase handle and headed to the tram for concourse B.
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In reality, it took less than ten minutes for you to wait for the tram, board the tram, ride the tram to concourse B, exit the tram, and walk down to gate B16.
But it absolutely did not feel like less than ten minutes! It felt more like ten hours, and your stomach was in anxious knots the entire time.
You walked down the concourse as quickly as you could without actually jogging, your eyes glued to the gate signs as you passed by.
B11... B12... B13... B14...
Looking up ahead, past gate B15, you squinted slightly to try and make out what was listed underneath B16, on the flight information screen.
And when you were able to read it clearly enough... you stopped in your tracks.
Because it said --
"Y/N!" Yunhyeong cheered, suddenly appearing in front of you and taking your suitcase. He also took your elbow gently and led you closer to the gate. "Don't worry, I got your schedule changed and everything worked out. I really wanted to tell you to pack more, but that would've given it away. But there will be plenty of opportunities to shop where we're going!"
"Paris?!" you wheezed, eyes wide as you stumbled along toward the boarding area. If Yunhyeong didn't have a grip on your elbow, you weren't sure you'd be able to move.
Yunhyeong squeezed your elbow a bit, and when you blearily glanced at him, you saw his lips pursed in the most adorable of smug grins.
"I knew that's been on the top of your list for a whole year, so I wanted to make it happen for you," he said.
And, honestly, you had no idea how to respond to that. For maybe the first time in your entire life, you were actually -- quite literally -- speechless.
It wasn't until you'd walked with Yunhyeong through the waiting area, down the connecting ramp, and into the plane that words finally came to you.
"...I --"
Okay, well, one word. And it was barely even a word.
"Are you okay?" Yunhyeong chuckled, finally releasing your arm so he could stow your suitcase up in the very last overhead compartment.
A deep exhale poured through your lips before you replied, "Yes, I just -- I don't know what to -- How? And -- and -- and why? Paris? How?"
"It was fairly easy, actually," he assured you as he hefted your bag up over his head. "I spoke with Liah about it two months ago and she went along with my Top Secret Plan."
So... your supervisor had known about this for two months?! And had put the Chicago flight on your schedule fully aware that you would actually be going to Paris?!
Now you really had to hear his answer for your second question.
"But why?" you asked, the fact that you were utterly dumbfounded still very apparent in your voice.
Yunhyeong closed the overhead compartment and stood up straight, reaching out to put his hands on your shoulders.
Of course, your stomach flipped over, and when he smiled at you it flipped over two more times.
"Because you're my friend!" he told you with a soft laugh, a laugh that clearly stated this was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Yes, but -- but -- Paris! I thought you would make my favorite noodles and pack them in a lunch for me!" And, really, the only reason you thought that was because he'd done it before!
But this was on a whole other level!
Yunhyeong just laughed again, shaking his head slightly as he squeezed your shoulders. "Y/N, you are a flight attendant. You will go to Paris again, more than once."
"Well, yeah, when you put it like that it doesn't sound like a big deal," you sputtered.
"No, no, no, no," he tutted. "It is a big deal, but only because you've wanted to go and now you finally are. And I will take you everywhere, to all of the good places, I promise."
If you continued to be all flabbergasted about this, you would probably just feel silly. Plus, you were fairly certain passengers would start boarding within the next half hour, so you had to get started on your pre-flight duties.
So, you simply let out another sigh, briefly reached up to cover Yunhyeong's hands with yours, and said, "All right, let's do this. Thank you. I can't even begin to express how grateful I am, this is the best present ever."
Yunhyeong's lips spread into a full-on grin, and somehow, you had forgotten just how cute he is when he smiles.
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Then, he let go of your shoulders, turned around, and headed back to help unload all of the meals for the flight. When you turned around, you saw three more flight attendants enter the aircraft, so...
It was time to go to Paris, I guess!
Part 5
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amindofstone · 3 years
Until I come back...
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Warnings: None (maybe grammar or spelling mistakes. (I apologize. English is not my mother tongue and I´m trying to improve.) Have mercy)
a/n: picture is not mine. Credits to the rightful owner. & I would love to see what y´al think about this. I would also really appreciate it if this gets a like. Thank you in advance. Have a nice day/eve.
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me please if this is shared or published in any other platform. !!!
Hey, love. 
Long time no see. How have you been? What are you up to these days? 
I'm honestly really curiuos about what you've been doing lately. You know, I saw you a while ago and coudln't bring myself to stop staring at you. You look beautiful as always. You know I really wanted to approach you and talk to you but I was to scared. To scared to look into your eyes. Those eyes I always loved and always will. I'm really sorry that I wasn't brave enought to come and talk to you. I just couldn't bring myself to come and look back into those eyes of yours I made cry more than just once.
Tell me are the boys treating you right? Are they giving you the love and attention you deserve? I really hope so, because you deserve the world. You suffered enough. You sheed enough tears you need to smile from now on. You deserve to be happy. And I really hope that the boys will do that. But don't worry because I know that they will. They will take care of you and love you. More than I did or ever could. 
Love, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not being able to protect you and keep you save. I hope that you can forgive me. Not now but one day. I won't lose hope. 
I know it might be hard to believe. And some of your friends might tell you that I'm just lying but trust me and please believe me when I say that I'm thinking about you everyday and everynight night. Love, I miss you from the bottom of my heart. 
Remember the day I left. Remember the day I had to say goodbye. From that day on I was praying and hoping to see you again. 
I'm wondering when the day will come, where I can see you again. The day I will be abel to look back into your eyes and tell you, I love you.
Darling, I miss you. I love you. 
Please don't you think about me. Don't you dare to cry because of me. Promise me that you will be staying strong. Keep living your life and make sure to enjoy it. Stay happy and take care of yourself. "I know that the word happines is to vague but I hope that you find life worth living everyday."
Don't worry about me because I'm alright. I'm alive and I'm doing just fine. I'm living my life with a small amout of people around me that are taking care of me. 
Just give me a bit. Just a bit more until I can come back to you again. So I can come back to you again stronger and better. But until then let's live our lifes to the fullest as long as we can and have the time to. 
Take care of yourself, love. But promise me that you won't forget me. Let's get back together in the near future. Until then let's see what destiny has prepared for us. 
In love, your Kim Hanbin.
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key201303 · 4 years
smut for the yunhyeong one pls
Okayyyy, here you have it <3 thank you so much for requesting <3 Hope you enjoy it <3
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Word count: 570 words
Warnings: oral (giving) and smutty things
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“You better shut that pretty little mouth before I put it to work, doll” Yunhyeong said tired of hearing how you teased him for the past hour. Even if you didn’t want to admit it you were getting turned on as time passed by and he whispered sweet little nothings into your ear as you teased him by sitting on his lap in his studio. Those sweet little nothings started to become some kind of dirty talk as he trailed wet kisses down your neck gaining soft moans from you. “Already horny babygirl?” He asked against your skin. Even if you couldn't see his face you could tell by the tone of his voice he was smirking against the skin of your neck having all kinds of dirty thoughts that involved the both of you.
Neither of you could hold it anymore. At this point your panties were completely wet and his member was pressing on his boxers begging to get out of it. As you both kissed roughly trying to get as much as you could from each other you removed your clothes mutually. As Yunhyeong said at the very beginning he was willing to put your mouth to work. Somehow, you always managed to give him an indescriptible pleasure whenever you had his member on your mouth and everytime you did so you drove him crazy. “Get on your knees and make sure not to mess it too much, it would be a shame if members got us.” He said, smirking at you. The grin of his face was fulfilled with lust as he watched how you got on your knees and placed your hands on his boxers. You started rubbing the hem of his boxers teasing him. “Do it already, you know how impatient I am, doll.” He said, pulling his boxers down for himself. You perfectly knew how needy he was by the hurry in his actions and even though he would never admit it he was willing to have his hard member inside your mouth. You couldn’t help smirking at his neediness as you lowered your body and took it inside your mouth keeping eye contact. The moment his tip got in contact with your tongue he couldn’t help tilting his head back in pleasure. You started off slow, sending chills down his spine as you licked his member and gaining soft moans from him. “Shit, (Y/N) it feels so good.” He said, smirking down at you and closing his eyes because of the pleasure.
 After some more time of your mouth working on his member and after he got your hair pulled up on a ponytail as he removed it from your face so he could make eye contact with you he started to reach his orgasm. “W-wait, I-I’m about to cum baby.” He said with a shaky voice.  “Then let’s go to the bedroom and continue there.” You said getting up from the spot on the floor. “Forget the bed, let’s fuck right here” He said pulling you in for a rough kiss and making you sit on his lap. “Let’s have some fun babygirl.” He said pulling your panties down and sliding one of his fingers inside your wet core. By the way he was acting you knew it was going to be a long night of make out sessions and that tomorrow morning you wouldn’t be able to walk properly.
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