#ill piss on the floor and walk away
jyoongim · 3 months
Heya! I found your account a couple of days ago and I am obsessed with your soft Alastor fics, they're just so beautifully written! You are crazy talented, I love your writing.
I was wondering if I could request a soft!Alastor x reader fic where Alastor does something scary like threatening someone in his big demon form, and reader witnesses it and just gets a little fright. When he finds out he's really apologetic and holding them and it's all just really fluffy.
Thank you, and have a wonderful day!
- a new anon: 🌻
🌻 anon that’s so cute! Welcome to my shit show!!!
Your request was so cute! And just what i needed to get out of writer’s block.
You walked beside Alastor as the two of you trailed behind Charlie as she showed Lucifer around. You  hadn’t noticed Husker behind the two of you until he called out to Alastor.
”Hey boss a word” You paused and watched as Alastor’s eye twitched. He spun his neck like owl to acknowledge the cat
”What is it?”
Husker’s eyes drifted to you and Alastor turned his attention to you “Dearest why don’t you go on ahead without me, ill catch up in a few”
You smiled and nodded, letting them have their privacy.
You hadn’t gotten too far when you heard Husker talking about Mimzy’s sudden appearance at the hotel.
”Me and you both know Mimzy only show her ass when she needs you to clean up her mess. That bitch is trouble”
you hear Alastor laugh “Don’t worry about it Husker! Its nothing I can’t handle besides who would dare cross me?”
The flickering of the hallway lights caught your attention and Husker’s yelp made you turn back.
Rounding the corner, your eyes widened as you see Husker cowering on the floor and Alastor is pissed.
He has a green chain in his hands and he’s slowly approaching Husk, wrapping the chain around his arms
”If you EVER mention that again I will tear your soul apart and broadcast your screams FOR EVERY DISRESPECTFUL WRETCH WHO DARES CHALLENGE ME!”
Alastor transforms just big enough to fill the hallway and towered over the shaking cat
”Do you understand?” He tilted his head
Husker nodded frantically and in a flash Alastor was back to normal “Lovely” before he could turn around you ran.
You were shaken up. Alastor had joined you again and you couldn’t help but distance yourself from him.
You didn’t understand what had made him so angry to threaten Husker.
You had never seen Alastor upset and you didn’t like that he acted like nothing had happened.
It was rather late when Lucifer had left and everyone had gone off to do their own thing.
You usually spent your nights with Alastor in his radio tower, but you opted to be alone in your room.
A knock at your door pulled your attention from your book and the door opened to reveal Alastor.
“I thought you would be keeping me company tonight my dear” he had a soft smile on his face as he approached your bed.
You scooted away from him before he could pull you to him and he quirked his brows,  confused.
”Darlin? What’s got you so spooked?” He asked as he settled on your bed.
You felt guilty being afraid of Alastor, the Overlord had never once made you feel scared, but his actions towards Husk made you feel unsure of him.
”You scared me earlier” you said softly, fiddling with your hands. “I had overheard you talking to Husk and-and I saw you. You were scary Al”
Alastor's eyes widened.  He didn’t know you had witness him lost his composure and now you being distant the whole night made sense.
His ears furrowed against his head as he took in your nervous expression.
He reached for your hands, bringing them to his lips and letting out a soft purr to soothe you. 
You softened as you let him pull you into his lap.
”Oh my dear I’m sorry I gave you a fright. That you had to see me in such a distasteful light” he apologized nuzzling you.
You giggled as he peppered kisses all over your face.
“Just never get big and scary unless absolutely necessary” you poked his chest, trying to be stern.
Alastor let out a low laugh, nodding “I will do my best to not let my anger get the better of me”
You held out your pinky “Pinky promise”
He looped his claw around yours bringing it to his lips, bright green smoke swirling around the digits
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propertyofwicked · 4 months
sea sick | harry lewis
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content warning - mentions of sick and throwing up
short, fluff <3
you usually didn’t mind helping the boys with filming. it wasn’t often - only for big videos where the boys split up - and since you were the only girlfriend who wasn’t publicly known, it made it easier to avoid suspicion if you and harry were seen together. it wasn’t a big deal at the end of the day you’d just rather avoid the hassle of having a big online presence.
today, however, made you wonder who you’d pissed off in a past life to deserve this. in hindsight, you should’ve realised that when harry said it was a fishing video that it would involve being on a boat. you’d suffered with bad travel sickness your whole life in cars, boats and planes, so getting on a boat and filming could not have been a worse plan, especially with the hot sun and loud men screaming into the lens. so far, you’d been on the boat for close to an hour, trying to distract yourself from your stomach doing backflips by focusing on filming the boys fishing. as long as you stayed in the centre of the boat you weren’t rocked about too much and it became manageable. but every time you had to move locations, sitting on the side of the boat began to bring your breakfast up to the back of your throat.
as long as you could keep it together for the next hour, no one would suspect that you felt violently sick, and you could maintain some aspect of professionalism. focus on the content, and not the blood draining from your face. and it was going so well.
the boat hit into a wave, sending the boat rocking a little to much for your liking. your response would’ve gone unnoticed had harry not been talking directly into your camera with a direct view of your eyes widening and you swallowing a lump in your throat.
“you ok?” he asked, eyes softening and his voice lowering at the sight of you pale and clearly lost in your own head.
“yeah, don’t worry i was just thinking.” at the end of the day, it was easier to lie - you don’t want to take him away from the video.
“hey, you don’t look great, ill take the camera just sit down for a minute, yeah?” he said, reaching for the camera before you could even respond.
“harry, i promise you im fi-”. suddenly it was all coming up and out of you without a moments notice. thank god he had taken the camera or it would be covered in your breakfast.
he put the camera on the bench and walked behind you, holding the sides of your waist to manoeuvre you to the edge of the boat. you’re hands grabbed the railings and your head stayed over the side, eyes screwed shut. harry’s hands come up to your hair, pulling it back and rubbing small circles on your back until you were done saying goodbye to any food you’d eaten that day.
after wiping you mouth on the back of your hand you turn around and rest your forehead on harry’s chest, tears falling down your cheeks. you didn’t mean to cry, it’s just something that happens when you throw up.
“im sorry i just, i hate boats.”
“don’t apologise. it’s my fault, i knew you got sea sick and i still got you to film for us,” he said, hand on your chin pulling your face up to look at him and using his thumb to wipe away a tear, “don’t cry, it’s ok, you’re ok. i think we’re stopping soon. i’m sorry.”
“it’s not your fault, i could’ve said no - i should’ve said no,” you respond as he presses a kiss to your forehead. at the same time, you hear the sound of someone else being sick, and look over to see tobi sat on the floor.
“oh for fucks sake, not another one,” kon laughs, zooming his camera in on tobi.
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rosezza · 5 months
࿐Silent treatment
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Warnings: strong language, violence, mentions of drugs, drug use kinda dark!rafe
You were pushed against lots of other sweaty bodies that jumped around as the loud music and flashing lights surrounded the entire room. You were at one of Rafes house parties again. You and Rafe had an arguement before the party started. And he had been ignoring you since, silent treatment.
Usually Rafe had his arm wrapped around you or had you sitting on his lap as he snorted cocaine. But not today. He knew the silent treatment triggered you, which is why he always used it whenever you made him mad.
He was seated at a table with a couple dollar bills around him. Aswell as lines of white substance. Doing coke as usual with a couple of his friends. You had memorized 2 boys since they were always with him, Kelce and Topper. You were out on the dance floor, dancing with a few new friends of yours that you had made at the party. Trying to forget about Rafe for a while.
You didnt like that Rafe did cocaine. But he got pissed everytime you brought it up, telling you to mind your own business. So you decided to let him do whatever he wants. Even tho it hurt you.
"Hey y/n! Grab us another drink will ya?!" Your new made friend Ariel asked loudly with a smile so you could hear it over the loud music and crowd screaming in your ears. You nodded and began pushing yourself through the sweaty bodies. Making your way to a less crowded area. As you got there you placed your hand in your back pocket to check your money before going to pay for some drinks.
But your eyebrows frowned as you didnt feel any money in your pocket at all. You kept searching moving from one pocket to another, desperate to find it. But then you gave up and groaned, someone had probably snatched the dollar bills out your pocket as you were dancing.
"Rafe?.." you asked as you approached the table he was at. He looked to where your voice came from but he ignored you and went back to counting up the money he had in his hands. You sigh as you slide your hand onto his shoulder. Tired of this silent treatment already. He shrugged your hands off his shoulder and you let your arm fall to your side
"What." Rafe said calmly. Still not wanting to talk to you.
You cleared your throat before speaking "Someone stole my money i had when i was dancing and-.." you started as you brought your hand up to the back of your neck as you watched Rafe continue to swipe through his money.
"Mhm" Rafe hummed. Clearly not listening to you trying to give him the hint of giving you some money since you didnt have any. You sighed.
"Rafe i need money" you said akwardly and Rafe pouted his lips. "Ah, thats sad. Go work or something yeah?" Rafe joked which earned a laugh from his friends which just embarassed you. You shook your head and rolled your eyes. Giving up on this. He was clearly not listening to you at all.
You sighed as you turned and began walking away from the table. Giving up on it all to go back and dissapoint your friends with no drinks, and no money.
Even tho they were probably just using you for money because they knew your boyfriend was rich.
But just as youre about to go back into the crowd an unfamiliar arm snakes around your waist. Pulling you closer and into their body. You turn your head, thinking its Rafe. But instead its a middle aged man, probably in his 30s.
You immediately begin feeling uncomfortable and you try to move away from him but that just results in him pulling you even closer, forcing you close. His mouth lowers down to your ear. His lips ghosting over your earlobe as he whispers.
"Boyfriend aint giving you money huh?.. ill give you some for a piece of change" the middle aged man whispered seductively in your ear as you got even more uncomfortable. It felt wierd if it wasnt Rafe who was saying it. Your eyebrows frowned and you shook your head.
"Get your fucking hands off her." You heard Rafes voice sneer before you could answer. You felt the man behind you being pulled away from you forcefully. His arms finally leaving your waist.
The man stumbled a bit and before he could regain his balance again, Rafes fist collided with the mans jaw forcefully. The man stumbled back but Rafe followed after, pushing the man into a table and staring emotionlessly into his eyes.
Your lips parted as you watched the situation unfold infront of you. But too scared to do anything about it. A few people close by walked away from the scene.
The man brought a hand to his jaw as he held himself up by the table with his other. Blood ran down the mans chin. But without saying another word the man stumbled to the side before making his way out of there like a scared dog.
As the man walked away Rafe turned back to you and walked closer to you, placing a hand on your hip as his other hand tucked in a few dollar bills in the waistline of your skirt. His fingers digged into your side.
You looked up at Rafe. "Thank you" you said softly. Which in response you only got a small "mhm" from him.
Rafes gaze moved down your body. Checking you out. You had a short skirt on. A little too short actually. Just a few centimeters shorter and your panties would be for everyone to see. The top you had on was tight. Making your curves more noticable. And Rafe didnt like that one bit.
"Go change. You look like a slut" Rafe said calmly. His face straight showing no emotion what-so-ever. Even tho his pupils were dilated. Showing that he was on coke.
You bit down on your lower lip. Your teeth biting at your skin. You looked back at where your friends were. Remembering you had promised them drinks. Rafe looked down at you, waiting for a nod and for you to obey and go change.
"No. Go change or ill force you to it." His voice calm and serious as he looked at you. You shook your head. "Rafe i dont-" but before you could finish your sentence Rafes cold hands gripped onto your waist. Pulling you closer and lifting you up and over his shoulder. His arm wrapped over your ass. Making sure the skirt stayed down as he began walking towards the staircase that led to his room.
"Rafe youre embarassing me i look like a child-" you said as you hanged over his shoulder. Your hands holding onto the back of his shirt.
"Act like a child, get treated like one." Rafe said calmly as he continued his way to his room to get you changed into something more appropriate then what you were wearing.
"But i think i deserve something for saving you, yeah?"
Taglist: @necroflame ♡
I need ideas/requests bc i have no idea what to write
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mxqdii · 4 months
pt 2 to note into you m.s. plsss
can't say im nott into you - m.s (part 2)
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pairings: mattheo riddle x nott reader
summary: read part 1 first! you can find that here
warning(s): make outs, mentions of blood and fighting
not proofread
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my hands tangled in his hair, the smell of his cologne and cigarettes filling my senses, everything just feels right.
an abrupt knock interrupts us, mattheos hand covering my mouth
"dude come on, snape is pissed you missed class and his lecture, we gotta go" a voice comes from the other side of the door.
fuck, it's my brother.
i pull away from mattheo, my panicked state clear to him
my eyes scream "what do we do" and he knows it
"mattheo?? come on we're gonna be late." theo yells again
i run towards his closet, trying to find a place to hide, accidentally tripping in the process
"fuck!" i yell, immediately using my hand to cover my mouth afterwards
"you got a girl in there, riddle?" theo says from the other side of the door
eventually theo breaks his way inside, letting out a scoff at the sight of mattheo's messy hair and unbuttoned shirt
"so.. where is she?" he says, scanning the room
"uhh she left" mattheo says, unconvincingly
"right, through where? the window??" he says sarcastically, looking out the window, showing nothing but lake far beneath them
"dude just let it go, lets go to class" mattheo says, grabbing theos arm
"no i wanna know who this girl is, you seem a little too secretive over her. what is it pansy or something?" he says laughing, looking under the bed and in the bathroom
"just drop it" mattheo says again, more agressive this time
i have my hand over my mouth, trying to be as quiet as i can.
theo looks around more, gaze shifting towards the floor, seeing my bookbag
he glances back up and mattheo, picking up the bag
"huh.. y'know whats funny is that my sister has this exact same bag... coincidence?" he says sternly
"uh- yeah, i mean its a pretty common bag-" mattheo starts, before the sound of stuff knocking over in the closet interrupts him
"fuck" i mumble, quiet enough for only myself to hear
theo looks at the closet, then mattheo, quickly walking towards it, opening it as fast as he can
his face drops at the sight of me with smudged lipstick and my tie taken off
"oh you're fucking dead" he turns around, punching mattheo
i bolt up, screaming
"theo stop!" i try to pull him away from mattheo, his elbow hitting my eye in the process
fall to the floor, clutching my eye "ow! fuck!" i yell
they both immediately stop, turning to me
"oh shit i'm so sorry" theo says, bending down to my level
"what the fuck did you do?!?" mattheo yells, gently taking my hand off my eye to examine it
theo watches intently, noticing the gentleness and how mattheos gaze instantly sofented
"does this hurt?" he says, pressing down lightly
i wince, not needing to say more
"i have stuff in my bathroom, ill get you cleaned up" he says, grabbing my arm helping me stand up
theo scoffs, walking out of mattheos dorm with his arms crossed
"thanks again mattheo, seriously." i say, walking down to the common room with him
"of course lo-" he stops at the sight of theo sitting on the couch staring at us
"sit." he says, causing us to look at eachother
we sit on the couch across from him, the silence filling the room for a few minutes
"listen, i dont care what you do, as long as you dont do that nasty shit around me, but riddle, if you hurt my sister ill actually fucking muder you, got it?" he says sternly and mattheo nods
theo then glances at me "hows the eye?" he asks
"bruised, thanks to your bulky elbows" i say sarcastically and he chuckles
"whatever, see you two later" he says, walking out of the common room
that leaves me and mattheo, alone, and sure we hooked up before getting rudely interrupted. but me and mattheo.. dating? i guess i just didnt think he'd see me that way.. theo sure thinks otherwise
i abruptly stand up, excusing myself and heading back to my dorm
"wait-" mattheo starts, but i rush off
we've been friends for so long, and yes, he's hot as shit.. but in hindsight i cant help but think
what are we?
@opheliaofficial07 @stargirlv0id @strniolo @annaisabookworm @theperson-nextdoor  @its-jennarose @thetriplets3 @llama-07 @wietske27 @ye0nvibezzn @sleepygirl45 @itsamusical4lifee @dianalovesm
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amsznn · 3 months
FOOLISH - c. sturniolo
part 2 — part 1 here part 3 here
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warnings: slight cursing, toxic relationship
chris 🚫
your phone illuminated with a text sent by the one person part of you unfortunately still loved and part of you actually despised.
you didn’t bother to answer, even though you really wanted to. you couldn’t be pulled back into the same cycle once again. it’s happened one too many times so you knew his scheme all too well.
this was the thing with chris. you’d catch him cheating, you put on a strong act for a while, then he texts, and you get roped in once again. he knew you too well. he knew how to get you back. but maybe not this time.
you laid flat on your stomach, attempting to get some sleep, before you heard a knock on your door. you groaned while laying there for a moment, hoping whoever it was would go away.
the knocks only got louder and more obnoxious. you swung your legs off the side of your bed and made your way to the front door. you unlocked it to reveal your other best friend.
“what are you doing here?”
“well hello to you too.” nick said while making his way inside. you watched as he kicked his shoes off, then your eyes traveled to the huge duffel bag he was carrying. slightly amused you crossed your arms against your chest.
“nick what are you doing here?”
nick huffed before dropping his duffel bag on the floor. “my two brothers are being fucking idiots as always,” he started before making his way to the kitchen, you followed to hear the rest of his rant. “so me, being the smart person that i am, thought ‘why not just have a sleepover with my best friend?’”
he opened one of your cabinets and pulled out a bag of chips. “hence, why ive graced you with my presence.” you could only laugh at nick, knowing full and well his brothers had to be really pissing him off for him to uber all the way here.
“better for me, i couldn’t sleep anyways.” you said while making your way towards him, to also stuff your face with sole chips.
“great, ‘cus i wanna watch a dance moms marathon.”
you and nick spent the whole night watching shows, making tiktoks, and eating a lot of snacks. in the end you both ended up crashing on your bed, completely exhausted.
now the sun was shining through your curtains. causing you to awake from your slumber. nick on the other hand was still knocked out so you decided not to disturb him.
you were busy doing your skin care when you heard what sounded like nick waking up from his sleep.
“y/n, i think im gonna make matt pick me up,” nick paused for a moment before yelling again. “we have a video to film.”
“okay, ill be out in a sec!” you yelled back. quickly washing your cleanser off. you made your way out of your bathroom and went to the kitchen where you found nick.
“want me to make breakfast?” you asked while looking through your fridge, looking for something to make.
“sure, but im gonna go shower.” nick rose from his seat on the kitchen island then treaded towards the bathroom.
you decided on just making acai bowls for the both of you. while chopping up some bananas you heard a knock on the door, you figured it was matt so you wiped your hands and made your way to the entrance.
cracking the door open slightly you could see matt’s figure. “hey, matt.” you smiled upon seeing your other friend. “hey y/n, is nick ready?”
you shook your head as you could hear the shower still running. “nope, he’s still in the shower.” matt sighed while checking his phone for the time.
“why don’t you come in though , i could make you breakfast too.” matt smiled at your offer and walked inside.
suddenly your eyes landed on another figure you did not know was standing there the whole time.
‘you have got to be kidding me.’ you thought. there stood chris, hands fidgeting with his phone. he was the first to speak up.
“hey, what’s up?”
you scoffed, he always did this. pretending like nothing ever happened. “are you fucking kidding me, chris?” you whisper-shouted so matt wouldn’t hear your dispute. you weren’t sure if they knew what was going on, heck you didn’t know if chris even told them you used to date. probably not since chris wanted to keep your situation ‘private.’
chris sighed and ran his hand through his hair. “lets not do this here, y/n”
“do what here?” you and chris’s attention shifted to nick who was standing in front of you two, wondering what all the whispering was about.
“nothing, are you coming in?” you quickly shifted the topic and your attention back to chris, inviting him inside. chris nodded and stepped inside.
the three of you made your way to matt who seated at the kitchen island, eating one of the acai bowls you made. you didn’t mind though, since your appetite was basically gone.
you sat on the opposite end of nick, leaving chris to sit beside matt. you caught up with 2/3 of the boys. chris was in his own world, but his eyes lingered on you whenever you spoke, which made it somewhat difficult for you to remember your train of thought as your eyes met his.
once the boys were finished, nick grabbed his duffle bag and gave you a hug as goodbye. “i’ll see you this weekend?” he asked while making sure to thank you as well. you nodded and waved goodbye to both him and matt.
“i’ll be out in a sec.” chris called out to his brothers, to which they both nodded. this only made you roll your eyes in irritation, seeing as he wasnt letting up.
chris moved forward to where you were standing, wrapping his arms around your waist. you stood there frozen, knowing if you reciprocated his action, you’d be back to being wrapped around his finger.
chris frowned at this and moved back to meet his eyes with yours. “are you really gonna stay mad at me, baby?” his voice just above a whisper as his hand caressed your face.
“i saw you chris. i saw you with that girl, i saw everything.” you said trying to keep your tears at bay, not wanting to crumble in front of him.
chris gently wrapped one arm around you, while bringing one hand to softly push your head down on his shoulder. you couldn’t help it anymore, tears started streaming down your eyes in frustration with both him, and yourself. chris listened to your sniffles and occasionally hiccups as he swayed you side to side.
“m’ sorry, baby.”
“it was a mistake.”
he pressed a kiss on the top of your head, while resting his own there. “i’ll be better for you, okay?” he pushed you back and cupped both sides of your face with his hands.
“i promise.”
you knew this was all bullshit. you knew in a matter of time he would just be with another girl, in another bed. forgetting about you. if you knew all this, then why? why was it hard for you to push him away?
chris smiled as you nodded your head, accepting his apology. he closed the gap between you two, gently planting his lips onto yours, bringing you closer with each movement of his lips.
that was when you knew,
how foolish you were.
A/N: sorry guys, i thought i’d be done with this earlier today but i was super busy today. hope you enjoyed this part. part 3 soon, not a set date yet tho!
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serxinns · 2 months
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Ok, so you know this post? Made by @lets-get-kraken-boys I wanted to make an image of another reason why readers went to the big 3 for comfort and help HEAR ME OUT
So imagine one day you weren't in a good mood and didn't wanna deal with your classmates today but their overbearing behavior towards you was just making it worse
"C'mon y/n just one more game!" Mina said while pulling your arm rather strong "Mina I said no please leave me alone I don't feel like it "But it'll be so much fun!" Hakagure said while pulling your arm you "I said NO" you yelled pulling away from hakagures grip harshly and walked away the 2 girls stood there in shock and hurt a bit are u ok? were you hurt!
"Y/n why aren't you coming to eat dinner with us is everything OK?" You groaned just wanting to be left alone and eat in your room but were interrupted by your class rep iida knocking on the door every second you didn't respond "Yes iida I'm fine I just wanted to eat alone" you said not wanting to sound annoyed to make iida leave "but all your friends are worried and want you to be there even Mina and hakagure said you were in a bad mood so-" "I'm fine iida you can go now I don't want to eat dinner with you, especially with all of you today goodbye"
Iida was shocked at your behavior and response you were usually the one who never gets angry or upset which made him more nervous than before he had to go in there and help you out! "No y/n there's Cleary something wrong! You can talk to me ill listen" Iida began banging on your door which made you more overwhelmed and pissed so without any hesitation "I DONT NEED HELP LEAVE ME ALONE YOURE MAKING IT WORSE" You threw a heavy book at the door which surprise Iida as he backed up, defeated he went slowly went back to the dinner table the class looked at him confused and ask how were you doing but he didn't answer just looked down
You just got back from the convenience store to get some snacks Lucky for you they got your favorite snack and brand all at a cheap price with a drink in hand but unfortunately for you, there were some of your classmates in the common room and it and even worse it was bakugo and his gang watching a movie you quietly tried to sneak pass with all your might trying not to make a sound, it was all going smoothly until bakugo saw your shadow figure "Oi! Fuckface!" You mentally cursed at yourself you just had to bump into the worst one and it was Bakugo
"what do you want im not really In the mood to deal with your Bullshit" At the moment you just keep walking ignoring him for the best but it wasn't the best option for Bakugo "Oi don't ignore me!" He was now off the couch "Bakubro that isn't very manly" Kirishima sternly said while but Bakugo scoff "Fuck off shifty hair, hey why aren't you joining us for a movie what are you scared?" He said teasingly like he was trying to taut you to make fun of you "Bakugo I'm not in the mood for your Bullshit today so please just leave me alone" You once again turned away and began to walk to your dorm until a strong handheld you and yanked you
"Ha!? What do you mean you're not in the mood jeez are ready to cry or something because of my comments why are you even trying to be a hero if your feelings get hurt so easily!?" Now he was pushing it, your hand was gripping the plastic bags Hard now shaking... tears threatening to swell up "Bakugo that's enough! You're making it worse it's okay sweetie" Mina said hugging you even tho you tried to push her off but she kept insisting trying to hold on to you to the point that didn't cause comfort but rather discomfort
"Aw, now you need an alien to hug you, wow you're really that weak I can already see the tears haha! If your gonna be a hero your gonna have to suck it u-" "SHUT UP"
You breathe heavily seeing your blonde classmate, butt on the floor, stunned holding his bloody nose but you weren't done you tackle him, pinned his arms down with your legs, and decided to punch him repeatedly "YOU THINK *thud* YOUR SO BETTER THEN ME *thud* ALWAYS TOSSING ME AROUND LIKE SOME DOLL *thud* MAKING COMMENTS ABOUT HOW I LOOK *thud* ABOUT HOW I FIGHT *thud* ABOUT...ANYTHING* bakugo face was already caked with blood and bruises and a black eye
Bakugo tried to pry you off telling you to stop but his face was so beaten up and his throat hurt from your punching it hurt for him to try, but you made her his arms were pinned, and all the anger, the frustration the memories the everything that happens to your life plus adrenaline was making you keep going
every single one of your classmates was screaming panicking and begging to stop Kirishima tried to pull you off telling you thats enough but you used your quirk making him crash to the wall a bit causing a dent and him having a bloody nose, everyone watched in horror, shocked some even amused the girls mostly hakagure, Mina, and momo cried and begged desperately for you to stop they didn't want you to get more house arrest days or worse expelled, Iida managed to get out of his shocked and pry you off of him
It should've made Bakugo angry at you and PISSED even cause the great Bakugo katsuki was getting beaten by an "extra" like you but it strangely made him giddy...? Was he more determined to be the big bad wolf or Was he enjoying you berating and beating the absolute shit out of him, proving to everyone how insecure and stupid he was for underestimating you?
When Iida Finally pried you off of Bakugo you stood up ready to say even more stuff to him but you froze in shock, fear, and confusion a passed-out blonde caked with blood and bruises all over his face red and purplish spots forming on his cheeks his nose oozing out blood like a waterfall but fortunately no teeth have been knocked out you looked at your work in horror you slowly raised your hand shuddering seeing that it was full of bruises and blood and your clothes covered in blood his blood
Every classmate was looking at you it wasn't in hate nor disgust but pity, worry, and scared as much as they were worried about Bakugo they were worried about you more, Iida slowly tried to come to you to talk to you or to at least comfort you "y/n... I" before he could speak you ran pushing past your classmates not caring if they fell, Iida stood there in disbelief while Kirishima and Denki carefully grabbed bakugo by the shoulder escorting him to recovery girl
while the rest of your classmates were still in shock they wanted to go find you!! they do if they all talked about it nicely and you behave and force Bakugo to apologize then everything is ok!! They banged on your dorm room but you weren't there they searched all around the school the bathrooms, the halls everywhere but you weren't there!! where could their darling be!?
You crouched down in an empty hallway and managed to get some of your snacks you held the snack in hand still bloodied, you slowly took a bite out of it while a big glob of tears was finally released you were crying now like a fool, like you didn't just beat the shit out of your classmate, just when you were about to take another bite and just mope alone 3 familiar voices made you lift your head they ran up to you worriedly when they saw your bloody clothes and knuckles
The big 3 crouching down to your level Neijire on one side rubbing your back Tamaki giving you a handkerchief to blow your nose and dry your eyes and Mirio couching down at your level rubbing your shoulders giving you a smile
" What's wrong lovebug why all the tears," Neijire said looking sympathetic
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dilvuc · 2 years
their last argument w/ you
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❥part 2
❥characters: kaeya, diluc, childe
❥plot: (character) reacted to the news of male!reader passing away after a huge argument and their last words to the reader was something really hurtful
❥genre: angst
❥gender: male
❥warnings: mentioned of death and disease
❥requested: from wattpad
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you two got into a huge argument. you started the argument first when the male was looking down on you.
the hurtful words were: “you're not suitable for a knight. if only i hadn't fallen in love with you.”
after hearing those words, you just leave without a word, ignoring your boyfriend's protest. diluc will probably know that you will come back, but he has yet to realize that it will be his last argument with you.
"What do you want? I'm busy." Diluc snarled while continuing to write something.
"...Hopefully this isn't the bad time to tell you this…but…" Kaeya frowned.
"...The Grand Commander of the Knight Of Favonius…is gone." Kaeya expressed.
"...? I…What do you mean…?"
Kaeya bit his lips, "...I mean…he's passed on…"
The sound of the books dropping to the floor captured Kaeya's attention. He looks up at the red haired man glaring at him.
"You're lying…" Diluc glared. "You're lying! There's no way!"
"He went on a dangerous mission with one of the knights yesterday, but…this morning, only the knight returns. Not Commander [Y]..."
"You…! What happened…?!" The red haired man hollered.
"...The knight told us…that the grand commander died while protecting the knight. He was mentally injured and lost a lot of blood." Kaeya expressed. "His last word was “I'm sorry”..."
"..." Diluc's eyes widened with horror after hearing the news. He turned his back towards the periwinkle, "...Leave…"
"DON'T CALL ME THAT! LEAVE!" Diluc snapped. Before Kaeya could speak, he kept quiet and left. Diluc slammed his fist on the table, knocking the ink on the paper he was writing on. "DAMNIT!!"
diluc just wishes he can take back those hurtful words he ever said to you. it could have been him.
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you and kaeya argue sometimes, but quickly make up with cuddles.
this one is different. kaeya noticed that you were more focused on your work rather than him. you are the stylist in mondstadt, working on clothing, make-up, hair, etc.
kaeya been trying to get your attention, but you just ignore him and continue working.
it was the last straw.
kaeya being a brat, started arguing with you about how you were only focused on your work and not him. it captured your attention.
you had to turn away from your work and argue with the male and was annoyed at how whiny he is when you're not paying attention to him.
it pissed kaeya off. those words made your heart drop: “no wonder your parents never want you…”
you were both pissed off and heartbroken by those words, leading you to storm out of the house and walk off into the rain, ignoring kaeya calling your name.
kaeya had to go to the tavern to drink, just to forget about the argument until he's drunk. rosaria had to take him home and rest.
the next day…
"...Damnit…" Kaeya mumbled as he leaned up and rubbed his temper. He looks to his side and notices that you're still not in bed. "...He'll come back. Maybe…I can visit the shop."
what he didn't know that is going to be tragic. he went to visit the shop, but it was closing down.
"Eh? What's going on? Why is the shop closing down?" Kaeya asked the man.
"Sorry, sir, we– Ah, you're Kaeya, correct?"
"Yes, I am. Can you explain to me what's going on?" Kaeya asked.
"...He hasn't told you…?"
"Who told me what? [Y]...?"
"So, he hasn't…Ah…Sorry for breaking the news to you, but your boyfriend had a serious illness when he was a child." The doctor told the periwinkle.
"What…? So, those pills are…"
"Yes. He was told that his last day would be in his mid-20s. I wasn't expecting it to be today." The doctor frowned.
"W-what…?" Kaeya's eye's widened in horror. "It can't be…! There had to be a mistake! He would have told me all of this, but why did he hide it from me?!"
"Sorry, Sir Kaeya…" the doctor frowned.
"...no…" Kaeya shook his head. "It can't be…Damnit…"
he really wishes he knew…
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the struggle of keeping childe from causing a fight is torture. the orange haired harbinger always put himself in the unwanted danger. as the 11th harbinger, it's your job to keep the 12th harbinger from getting caught into trouble.
you had to be involved in this type of danger. if he's in trouble, then you'll go with him. there's no escaping.
that's when you had enough. you argued that the male was being childish despite being the youngest harbinger. childe wouldn't care less about how you scolded him for being so childish.
he's the type to argue, but he just gave you the silent treatment. you didn't even bother trying to argue again and just walk it off.
"...Geez, where the hell is he…?" Childe grumbled, tapping his foot on the floor, but that was when he realized that you both got into an argument. "Ah…right…There's no point in waiting if he's mad at me. I should apologize."
"Apologized to your daddy?" Scaramouche asked, leaning on the wall.
"Tch! The hell you want from me?" Childe scoffed.
"Your daddy is not here. No longer a harbinger." Scaramouche told the orange haired man.
"Huh? Why is that?" Childe asked.
"That idiot covers you up after Tsaritsa finds out about you helping that outlander." Scaramouche glared. "He is covering it up for you to keep your family safe. Hmph! What a dumbass."
Childe flinched, "What…happened to him…?"
"Hehehe~ What do you think would happen to him…? He broke the rules and was to be executed by the god."
"What?! No…! No! No! How stupid can he be?!" Childe exclaimed.
"You're the cause of all of this. Not him." Scaramouche smirked. "You put him in this situation…"
childe knew he was right. if he wasn't so stupid, then he would had accepted the consequences, not you.
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➳ rules
➳ masterlist
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deleteddewewted · 1 year
What It’s Like To Date Simon “Ghost” Riley
W/N: I'm using the comics and combining them with the reboot MW2. I recommend reading them to understand some of this, there's SA, Abuse, and many more disturbing subjects. I'm also not going to romanticize abuse here, this is more of Simon lashing out due to fear and it's not excused. We're not going to pull a Colleen Hoover.
W: Child Abuse, Angst, Fluff, Hurt With Comfort, Insinuated sex, Sexual Abuse, Talks of Torture, Mental Illness, Unhealthy Relationships, Disturbed Simon Riley, Friends With Benefits, Eventual Relationship, Eventual Monogomy, Minor Soap/Ghost
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He’s scared of himself.
He’s especially terrified of you.
You provide him with a comfort he’s never known outside of his mother's.
He feels like vomiting when you hold his hands in your own or make him dinner instead of letting him eat his MREs.
You don't treat him like a child but you do make him feel safe like his mother once made him feel.
You shushed the voices in his head away as you slipped your hands underneath his balaclava and brushed his hair.
You pressed your body close to his and wrapped your arms around his body so he'd feel as protected as you did.
You were an anchor to him. One he didn't want to be ripped away from.
When he wakes up sweaty and panting, he reaches for you and the knife he keeps under his pillow.
He couldn't save himself in his nightmares but he sure can keep you safe.
He could save you.
You'd kiss his knuckles, because kissing his neck set him on edge, and mumble about how lovely he is.
"You're human Simon, it doesn't matter how damaged you think you are, I still love you just as you love me."
He'd scream at times.
At you and it hurt him when he'd snap out of it.
His words were all bitter and filled with venom but they nearly never phased you unless it was about things you've shared with him that were intimate.
"You're as shit as I am! You're shit! I'm shit! I hate you! You make me feel weak! I wish you'd die!" He was red and tense in the face. His mask was off and on the floor all while he walked out of your shared apartment to fuck off somewhere where his anger could fizzle out.
The apartment had felt cramped and your questions about his day set him off.
He felt like he was suffocating with just how domestic the space felt and how happy you looked while you prepped dinner for the two of you.
Simon met reason at a bar while 6 drinks deep.
He groaned all while paying for his drinks and heading home, piss drunk and feeling numb.
He shouldn't have felt hurt when you disappeared for the night, not when you didn't kiss him awake the next morning.
He had no right to cry while he ate the dinner you had taken the time to wrap it up with plastic and put it in the fridge for him to heat up later.
He cried all night while hugging the shirt you used for bed.
He waited for you to come back, he even called your friends to see if any of them knew where you were. By the end of the week, he had to head back to base and you didn't kiss him goodbye.
While deployed, you sent him a letter.
You didn't mention the way he hurt you nor the ugliness he bought into your life. You just wrote about how you miss his warmth and that you'll have dinner ready for him when he got back.
"So... I'm guessing you guys are a thing?" It all felt awkward, Soap had felt the tension that Ghost had carried into work after his short leave.
All Ghost had done during their deployment was turn on his phone to stare at the home screen.
Your smile was bright and your eyes soft.
You were a sight to behold. Ghost wanted you there with him.
He needed to feel you again.
"We're just fuck buddies, nothing more." The term left a sour taste in his mouth because he wanted to be more too.
Fear ate at him as he dreamt of you taking care of him. Your hand on his cock all while you whispered sweet nothings into his ear and your other hand playing with his hair.
He was compliant to your touch and all he could do was whine and moan at your gentle touch.
He wakes up with dry cum in his briefs and tears in his eyes. He misses you.
When he gets back he makes sure to grab your favorite takeout and a bottle of wine.
You look tired when you open the door. The bags under your eyes and the confusion that sets in while you look at his bare face.
"What are you doing here, Simon?" You're not mad. He wanted you to yell at him because he knows he deserves it but you instead just look at him like nothing happened.
"I wanted to fix things. I want to make this work." He can feel his eyes start to water and he hands you his gifts before getting down on his knees and holding onto your legs.
You pat his head and comfort him all while he cries and begs you to take him back.
He's a man eaten by his demons but that wasn’t a real excuse for his cruelty.
He was acting like his father and he wanted to die because of it.
"We can make this work, but only if you get professional help. Because Simon," You lower yourself to the floor and hug him. Your chest pressed against his head, his ear right on top of your heart. "I can't save you from your past. I can't be that person. Not again. Not anymore, but I will always love you."
He nods as he listens to your heartbeat. He promises to do better and he promises to look for help.
So he does.
The therapist is more helpful this time around. She listened to him and his fears of losing you.
He's a little scared though. His thoughts take him to places he wishes he couldn't go to but he has to face the music if wants to get better.
Every session is trying, his eyes dry and swollen from crying and shaking while he recounted the horrors of the past.
You stood there, arms open and a warm meal ready for him to eat every time he got back home.
"Thank you, love." He grew comfortable with kissing you.
No longer teeth on flesh with hickeys left behind but tenderly, loving.
He told you more about his life, his childhood, how much he missed his family, how much he wanted to be normal so he could maybe, someday, have one of his own with you.
"Would you want that with me?" He cried as he continued to eat his meal. He was so grateful for your care even while he choked on his own saliva.
"Oh, Simon. I told you I'll always be here for you and I intend to keep that promise." You helped him clean up.
You made sure to get him into bed dry and with warm clothes before letting him lay on top of you.
Most nights he talks to you about the things his father would do to him. The beatings, the lashings, the mental torment.
"She probably had a family. Maybe had friends looking for her. And she died in a dingy toilet thanks to my dad." His breath hitched as he felt the tears well up again. "I feel like I'm to blame for her passing."
You didn't speak back but instead provided comfort.
He fell asleep with his arms wrapped around you and his face tucked in your neck.
He was home, safe, and loved. He felt nourished, his skin finally fitting over his bones.
He felt human all while he listened to your heartbeat and felt your chest raise and fall as you slipped into slumber.
Ghost was no longer someone who had to hide all the ugly from you, Simon would make sure to set him right if it meant being able to have one more night with you.
Like this, on you, sleeping, and knowing you were his.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 10 months
It's Just An Arrangement (Part 4): Ran Haitnai x Fem!Reader
wc: 986
tw: violence, nudity, illness
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Finale
The space is so quiet.
Everything is always quiet. Except, of course, when you're retching, heaving, and trying to find something to wipe your mouth with in the middle of the... night? Day?
You've lost track of time, and a flood of other emotions came with that fact. What if five days had already passed? What if Ran wasn't looking for you? What if... What if you were stuck here and you'd never see the light of day again?
Your stomach roils at the thoughts, and you lean over the side of the bed, tears springing to your eyes as nothing but bile comes up. You'd been deathly sick for the past few... whatever, despite consuming the meager offerings of fruit, bread, and water. Nothing but homesickness would make you feel this way.
But at night, you imagined Ran's warm embrace, the feeling of his skin against yours, the times he'd offered you a smile of some sort... You whimper, trying not to let the idea of your husband overcrowd your already hazy mind. You just need to focus on staying alive for as long as possible.
Metal scrapes against metal, and you cower, instinctively hiding from the man who always arrives directly after the sound.
"It reeks in here," the man mutters, his face covered. You shrink away from the mess of bile on the floor, allowing him to examine it before looking back up at you. "You smell like piss. And vomit."
Shame settles into your mind, and you can't absolve yourself, even though there's nothing more you can do. You can't even manage to find a source of water other than the one you're supposed to drink. But you say nothing.
"Get up," the man growls, grabbing your arm roughly and hosting you off the sham of a bed. You stumble to your feet and manage to keep up as the man's fingers dig into your weakened arm. Your breath comes in pants and spurts while you're unceremoniously dragged to the entrance, and when the light floods your eyes, you flinch and look away. "Hurry. Up." Fingers dig into your skin again, and you quicken your steps if only to prevent something worse from happening.
Once your vision adjusts, you catch glimpses of furnished rooms that look like a part of a regular home and not a front for the horrors in the basement. You're ushered into a bathroom, and once the door is shut and locked, you watch the man stomp over to the shower at the far end.
"Get out of those clothes." Obediently you immediately strip down to nothing, now shivering in the chilly air. The shower is turned on with a knob, and in your wildest fantasies, you wish--
Pop pop pop!
The sound of gunshots echoing somewhere in the house makes your body stiffen. The man looks over at you, his confusion and then concern unmasked. "The hell...?"
You have two options. The shower door is opened, and the ma is walking away from it, unholstering his gun. Or... you could run out of the door and towards whoever is shooting downstairs. You could make a run for it. But then what?
Pop! Pop pop pop!
The man sprints past you and out of the bathroom door, and your choice has been made without question. Quickly, you hurry into the shower and feel the heated water cascade over your skin. You'd feel relief if there wasn't the looming fact that someone downstairs isn't supposed to be there, and you're still... a hostage. Gunshots ring out once more, and you cower against the tiled wall, sliding down until you're sitting on the floor of the appliance.
Warm water still splashes down on you as heavy footsteps stomp up the stairs. Muffled shouts get nearer to your location and tears spring to your eyes for the second time today. Your hands shake as the knob on the door jostles, and you squeeze your eyes shut. Whoever it is, you don't want to see them when--
"She's in here!"
Rindou's loud voice catches you off guard, and you look up to see the younger Haitani hurry into the shower and tug you to your feet. Ran comes in seconds later, his face screwed up in concentration. When he sees you, his expression goes from shock to astonishment, and a loud sigh escapes his lips.
You're shivering as you step out of the shower, but Ran grabs a towel and wraps you up, holding you against his chest and cradling you tenderly. "I thought I'd lost you," he murmurs repeatedly, pressing quick kisses to your hair, face, and wet skin. He's panting - and so are you - but nothing could prevent that. "Let's get you out of here."
Ran dutifully carries you out of the house, holding your face against his chest so you don't see anything upsetting.
"How..." you begin as he settles you in his SUV before turning the warm air on and smoothing a hand against your hair. "How did you find me?"
"It didn't take much work," Rindou fills in, his voice stoic. "Sloppy people were at work here." Ran grunts in assent, and you look over at your husband, realizing that he was looking for you and hadn't left you out on your own.
"We'll get you home," Ran whispers, pressing another kiss to your face. "We'll get you cleaned up and you can get some rest."
"You came for me," you reply softly. Ran frowns. "I didn't think--"
"We'll discuss this more when we get home," Ran mutters, looking down at his hands. "For now, I need you to rest." Another kiss is placed against your head before Ran pulls back and walks to the driver's side of the car. He takes your hand and pulls out of the driveway, and you exhale deeply, closing your eyes and leaning back in the seat.
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ceasarslegion · 19 days
You can call me whatever-ist for this if you want but like, its never sat right with me that neglect of personal hygiene and cleaning your living space is treated like some unscalable wall that only neurotypicals have the ability to climb in mental illness spaces. Its also never sat right with me that folks seem to just accept dirtiness to the point of filth because "well its too hard for me to clean or brush my teeth i have xyz disorder"
Yeah dude the environment youre creating is not only disgusting, but a health hazard. There is a point imo where it goes beyond just "im too tired to do the dishes tonight, i'll do them tomorrow" and becomes "its okay that im eating off of a greasy plate i just superficially rinsed the moldy food off of, i have executive dysfunction."
Im not even creating a strawman there, that was who i lived with for a year. I had to constantly clean up after that roommate who on numerous occasions wouldnt give me anything to eat off of because all the dishes were molding on the carpeted floor of her room, and every time i confronted her about her disgusting habits she pulled "WELL I HAVE DEPRESSION AND I WORK 6 DAYS A WEEK YOURE DEMANDING WAY TOO MUCH OF ME I HAVE TO WALK ON EGGSHELLS AROUND YOU" and like sorry to be harsh or whatever but neither of those things are my problem when youre throwing wrappers on the floor of a shared space because you cant be assed to bring them to the trash thats 5 feet away that only i ever took out. There comes a point where im like "wow i wonder why youre so depressed when you havent showered in a week and your entire apartment reeks of cat piss from unchanged litter boxes"
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karmaisakhaleesi · 1 year
Astronomy chap. 1 Neteyam Sully x human!fem!reader
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master list-
It's astronomy, we're two worlds apart
1.3k+ word count
warnings- anxiety/panic attacks, death, illness, lmk if i missed any!
comment if you'd like to be added to the taglist for this!
Neteyam x human!fem!reader
You feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up when you walk down the steps of the cargo ship. You feel the start of a migraine when the mask tightens around your head. The only barrier between life and death at the hands of asphyxia. You shudder at the thought and take in the base, concrete buildings along with bulldozers, and in the distance, the lush greenery of a forest makes you all the more homesick. But you grin and bear it, your Mother's words echoing through you, "Live your life, I'll be fine. It's not like there's much for me to do here anyway."
The memory was bittersweet, having been right after her diagnosis. You shook your head, shoving it away, you promised you wouldn't cry. Just yet.
A woman interrupted you briefly introducing herself and guided you inside. You quickly followed, the sound of air escaping as the doors closed behind you.
"So Miss, Augustine, how do you feel?"
The blonde woman, whose name you had briefly forgotten asked. You felt a flush creep up my cheeks, "Um, well, it's a lot different than back home. But I should be fine!" I fumbled over my words fiddling with the strap of my backpack.
"Good, well I'll leave you to it, remember, dinners at 1900 hours!" she said leaving briskly, the sound of her shoes echoing against the linoleum floors.
You glance at the small room that greeted you. Nothing but a small grey cot and matching desk cramped into the small room. Your bag hits the bed with a thud, "Whelp, time to regret my life choices for the next ten hours," you sigh.
"Are you insane?!? Have you lost it?!? She's nothing but a child!" a male voice shouted from behind the office door.
You flinched, and he sounded pissed. You sucked in a deep breath knocking on the door.
"We have had this discussion several times might I remind you, Doctor Moran. And we will not have it again. You know why she is here, are we clear?"
"You've gone mad!"
You flinched again as the door flew open and a man with a mess of gray hair regarded you with a look of pure disdain. He then stormed past you nearly knocking you down.
"Miss Augustine, it's nice to see you. Please, come in," the general greeted.
She shuffled some papers off her desk and into a drawer. Giving you a tight-lipped smile she gestured for you to take a seat. You tentatively sat down in the brown leather swivel chair, the only thing of color in the small gray room you noted.
Your hands clenched the arms of the chair, bracing yourself for the words about to leave her mouth.
"Now I see here that you have all of the required degrees and specifications for the job I've offered you," she paused to pull a paper off of her desk.
"Graduated Harvard summa cum laude, in undergrad. Top of your class in grad school, and completed your Ph.D. thesis on Pandoran ecology to earn your doctorate degree all at or before the age of fifteen. Quite an impressive resume, if I say so myself."
You frown, eyes finding the floor a much more interesting subject than your many degrees and accomplishments.
General Ardmore gives you another tight-lipped smile before she pulls a pen out and hands it out to you. She then pushes a paper towards you, "Now let's cut to the chase, shall we?"
You sigh and nod your head in affirmation, hand shaking, pen tip hovering on the stark white paper.
"You sign this and your Mother's cured. Well as long as you hold up your end of the deal, Miss Augustine," she gives yet another smile, but you can see that it doesn't quite reach her eyes.
You quickly sign, biting your lip to hold back the tears you can feel burning to be let go.
"Yes, understood ma'am."
"Good! Now that that's been taken care of, let's get you ready to ship out!"
She spins her chair around to stand, her shoes echoing through the hall as you stand to follow.
You glance wearily at the helicopter before someone tosses your bag into a seat, you glance over at a woman with sunglasses gives you a curt smile through her mask, and walks to the pilot seat. You carefully sit down next to your bag and strap the seatbelt as tight as you can, also seatbelting your bag. Just so that it won't fall out, you think to yourself as you hear the chopper blades start whirring defeating you.
You feel a tap on your shoulder as the General gives you a thumbs up, a bit of warning in her eyes. You nod soundlessly as you take off, gasping at the feeling.
Your feet touch solid ground after what feels like forever and you carefully undo your and your bag's seatbelts. You clutch your bag tightly to your chest, scared you'll lose it. A man greets you and shakes your hand, "Dr. Spellman! It's a pleasure to meet you!"
You return the handshake and nod, too nervous to speak.
You follow him into the facility and the familiar whoosh of air signals the doors closing behind you. You quickly take off your mask and take a deep breath.
"So, how was your, um, trip?" Dr. Spellman asks, wringing his hands as he guides you to your room.
"It was, uneventful," you reply setting your bag down in a similarly grey room, desk, bed, and all.
"Well, that's good," he replies.
You glance up at him, he seems, nervous. Or scared, maybe a mix of both. You knew things had changed since your Aunt Grace left for Pandora, mostly for the worst. You were surprised they had even let you come, well not to the base, but to the old facility. You had figured they would refuse, but with the omission of your role with the military, they reluctantly agreed.
"You seem, nervous," Dr. Spellman sputtered in the middle of his explanation, denying your accusation, but his face flushed a deep red.
"Well, yes, just a bit," he paused eyes widening as he quickly shut a door, whisper shouting at something you couldn't see.
A flurry of hushed voices in a language you somewhat recognized followed. You frowned turning to Spellman opening your mouth before the opened interrupting you mid-sentence.
You gasped as a group of, Na'vi and one human pushed open the door. The human looked to be around your age, long messy blonde hair obscured his face and blue markings covered his body. You flinched as their confused looks turned to hisses of defense, which caused you to stumble back and trip over a small box.
Closing your eyes, you braced yourself for impact, only to feel a warm hand enclosed around your arm. You blinked slowly and looked on to see a deep blue hand enclosed around yours keeping you from falling face-first onto the floor. Heat crept up your face as the hand dropped your arm as if it were on fire.
"Okay, everybody," Dr. Spellman interrupted, "Please calm down, I will explain in two seconds!"
He sighed exasperatedly, pointing to you, "This is Dr. Augustine, Dr. Grace Augustine's niece."
"And they are Neteyam, Lo'ak, Kiri, Tuktirey, and Miles," he paused looking towards them warily.
They returned the wariness.
"Your my mother's niece?" the older girl interrupted.
You give her a nervous smile, feeling an anxiety attack coming on, "Yes, I'm y/n Augustine. My mom is your mother's sister, Selene Augustine."
You can feel your throat tightening and vision blurring as the girl, Kiri you believe? Questions you excitedly. You feel a warm hand on your shoulder, and that's when the world goes black.
i hope you like chapter 1! chapter 2 should be out soon!
if you'd like to be added to the taglist please leave a comment!
and request for avatar and avatar the way of water are open!!! feel free to ask for anything really!
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miya-rin · 2 years
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you wanted this
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he swerved you.
he actually just swerved you.
and that little laugh he let out afterwards pissed you off more than the fact that your boyfriend just swerved you.
“oh i bet you think you’re sooo funny don’t you?” you say, fists clenched ready to beat the hell out of anything you can get to fast enough, in this case, its him.
“a little,” he retorts, a shit eating grin spreading across his stupidly handsome face. your eye slightly twitches which doesn’t go unnoticed by him, seeing he tries to play his little stunt off all smoothly, realising you were actually waiting for a kiss. “oh baby i’m sorry, come here.” he says as he places his thumb on your cheek bone, caressing it softly, while his fingers rest under your jaw. leaning in slowly as his apology. only to be met with your turning face.
you just swerved him.
you actually just swerved him.
“babe!” he almost yells, the colour draining from his face at the thought that he just fucked up badly enough for you to reject his kiss. “im sorry i didnt mean it, kiss me please.”
“im busy.” turning your body away from him so he can just see your back, he takes the opportunity to run his hands up and down your sides. putting his head in the crook of your neck and placing feather light kisses in your most sensitive spot, what he would normally be met with was the sounds of your laughter filling the room. but there is silence. oh he really fucked this up.
“baby im sorry.” he babbles into your neck, moving away from you to try and turn you around, but when that doesn’t work he returns to his toddler instincts. tantrums.
“pretty please y/n, i said im sorry, just kiss me and ill stop!”
“don’t raise your voice at me, you wanted this.” you pick up your phone and put your headphones in trying to block out the sounds coming from your 26 year old boyfriends mouth. oh but that doesn’t stop him.
“YN!!!!! LOVE ME!!!” he shouts loud enough to be heard over whatever is playing on your phone.
“sorry what was that?” you tease, dramatically turning your phone’s volume up, “i can’t quite hear you.” and with those words his face drops. he sighs in defeat and starts to walk out the room. but it’s not over yet.
as you start to turn away from him once more he charges at you and jumps with so much force you both fall onto the floor. while your guard is down he takes the opportunity to place your arms above your head and pin them there with one of his hands. his legs are places over your thighs as he knows there is no way you can escape like that.
he has you right where he wants you.
he starts to place slobbery kisses all over your face like a dog, and you know he’s only doing it like that to annoy you because of the fact he starts giggling. your big strong boyfriend is giggling like a little girl. and thats when you can’t keep up your cold act anymore.
“HAHAHAHA, GET OFF OF ME YOU LITTLE-“ your sentence is cut short as he places one last wet kiss on your lips, and pulls away with the largest smile you have ever seen on him, the corners of his eyes start to wrinkle and in that moment he just looks so handsome.
although, you cant let him know he’s won yet, so you decide to start writhing under his strong grip, even though you both know that you’re no match for him.
“oh don’t start struggling now baby, you wanted this.”
ATSUMU, suna, OIKAWA, hanamaki, matsukawa, yahaba, KUROO, bokuto, konoha, sugawara, futakuchi
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toomuchracket · 8 months
heyy so I was thinking about sick girlie at one of the shows, she never fails to work and everyone knows how committed is she, but at a show day she ignores all her body signs, avoiding sleep and trying to low her fever. D word matty worried at her because she’s pale and still working along Jamie, causing a bit of fight. Maybe George would try to make her eat something more than an apple and water but not getting more than that, then Adam checking her temperature and Ross just handling his hoodie.
And yes, I’m sick while writing this
oh i hope you feel better soon, sweets! and yeah maybe you wake up one day with a bit of a stuffy nose and you feel warm and a bit more lethargic than usual, but it's a show day and you're busy, so you take a couple of paracetamol and get on with it. although it hits you worse than usual because you're feeling tired as it is, you know yourself that it's just a cold, and you get really quite exasperated that morning by matty's constant hovering around you backstage and frequent utterances of "sweetheart, you've gone a weird colour. i know you keep saying you're fine, but i think you should take it easy"; you DO feel like shit, and it's making you irritable, and in turn you end up snapping at him like "matty, for fuck's SAKE, please just let me get on with my work and fucking LISTEN to me when i tell you i'm alright. but if you're so insistent that i'm not, it's probably best that you leave me alone in case you get ill too", and matty's a stubborn little git so he just snaps back "fine. i fucking tried!" and walks off in a huff. so naturally you both feel worse, but whatever, you'll just get on with it. in fairness to matty, he at least manages to get the boys on-side to keep an eye on you and make sure you're ok - like you said, adam manages to calmly convince you to let him feel your forehead to check your temperature (high) and subsequently to take more paracetamol and drink a lot of cold water, and george ends up in the canteen at the same time as you and tries (mostly unsuccessfully) to coax you into eating something substantial for lunch. after lunch, you're working on your laptop in the green room with ross's wife, and she's like "babe i can hear your teeth chattering" - she makes ross, who's playing with baby eilidh on the floor, go and get his hoodie to warm you up. while they're away, she softly says "you're poorly, aren't you, lovely?"; you just crumble and start crying like "really don't feel well. thought i could push through it but i can't. and i don't want to not do my work but also i don't want to make everyone else unwell. and i pissed matty off so i can't even get him to cuddle me", and straight up just sob into your friend's arms as she pats your head quite maternally. ross and eilidh come back in - he passes you a zip-up hoodie and eilidh passes you one of her teddies 😭 - followed a minute or so later by matty, whose face just crumples when he sees you crying. he hurries over to you with an "oh, sweetheart, c'mere", hugging you and shushing you when you try to apologise for earlier (although he says his own apology - he sits with you until he has to get ready for the show, despite your protests that he'll get sick, letting you sleep with your head on his lap and holding a cold compress on your skin to cool you down. during the show, you stand with ross's wifey and a cup of soup at the side of the stage, bundled up in hoodies and cardigans and blankets but feeling better than you did beforehand, matty stealing little glances at you to see you're alright. it's a pretty quiet night for you and matty post-show - dinner, a shower together, some more paracetamol (for him too, so he doesn't get sick), and cups of tea and cuddles in bed. the best remedy, i think <3
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daisychainsandbowties · 3 months
Lilith in N7 armor, though…
It may or may not surprise you to know that I actually have a whole mass effect au planned out in my head. I just…. Yeah. Ava Silva and the weight of the world on her shoulders. Ava Silva giving exclusive sponsorship to every single tech and weapons shop on the Citadel. Ava Silva with her aquarium and her pet hamster and a shadow longer than her life.
Ava Silva, waking up to fire in the sky above Mindoir. Ships blotting out the sky and the trees a smear of sound and heat and light outside her window. It’s enough to make them burst inward, waking her in time to save her life.
Boots in the hall of their little house and her mother running inside the room, pushing the dresser she made out of this planet up against the door they brought with them from the stars. Ava doesn’t know anything but this place – the grass crunchy in winter and the flowers in spring and the leaves in autumn and all the sunsets in summer.
Her mother has old scars on her hands and an old rifle she keeps under her bed and an old set of armour she wears now. It’s broken open across her chest and the gauntlets are cracked, falling onto the wood floor as she looks for Ava, finds her by the window in a halo of broken glass.
It’s weird, too see her smiling and bleeding at the same time.
There’s a second red heart on her chest, and when she speaks she leaves blood spatter on Ava’s forearms. Clutches at her so tightly that Ava is certain she could never let her go, but then she’s smoothing Ava’s hair off her face, tucking strands behind her ear.
She carries Ava to the window – she’s nine, too big for carrying and she squirms but her mother’s grip is iron. The grass is still wet from overnight rain, somehow, even backlit as they both are by fire. The shape of tall trees in her mother’s eyes which are just the same colour as hers. Brown like earth.
The door to Ava’s bedroom splinters and the last thing Ava hears as she’s pushed onto her back – out of sight and out of reach – is her mother telling her to run. This she knows how to do, running laps around the track at school while the other kids are still stretching out their legs. She knows how to do it alone in the woods around their house or down toward the lake, pretending to chase birds or her own shadow.
Ava, running and always, forever after this, running. Away from town, from home, with an old Alliance beacon in her hand, blinking like a red eye against her palm.
They’ll find you, she’d whispered, pressing it wet into Ava’s small hand, and they did.
When the Alliance come they find Ava. Just her. They ask her questions but all she can tell them about is fire, and sitting in the old cabin by the lake, underneath the floorboards with bugs the size of her hands crawling in the dirt around her. Staring at the beacon until she slept again. Woke again. Slept again.
Ten years later she’s on Akuze and everyone she trained with is dead around her. She’s fresh out of basic training and her armour belonged to someone else before her, ill-fitting at the shoulders and the hips. Her greaves rattle when she walks, and everyone teases her about it and then she’s running past pieces of them.
The creature responsible bleeds so much when it dies, and its insides burn where they touch Ava’s skin. When they find her, she’s carrying a fistful of dog tags, spends a week in a medi-gel bath regrowing a fifth of her skin. They recruit her straight into the N7 program, and some nights, sitting in various drop-ships eating expired ration bars, or gunning down mercs, she wonders if her mother would recognise her anymore. They were supposed to be farmers.
Then Eden Prime, the beacon and a Turian called Adriel who wants to bring about the end of the world. She meets an odd archaeologist on a lonely dig site and her name is Beatrice. A sniper on the Citadel called Shannon, who likes to wear blue. Their pilot, Mary, has a knack for pissing everyone off and a soft spot for Ava.
She sits in the mess late at night, when the ship’s circadian lights make everything dim and secret, drinking coffee with too much creamer and listening to Beatrice talk about the Protheans.
It's the wrong time to fall in love.
They win, eventually, and Ava is quietly side-lined for saying too much, too loudly about the Reapers, who want to come down from the sky and burn everything, like the slavers burned her home once upon a time.
And then she dies.
Her body, burned by the mouth of a planet upon re-entry, finds its way into the hands of a shadow organisation called Cerberus, who call her Lazarus and bring her back from the dead. She wakes up full of hairline fractures, her face trying to break open, bleeding red light like her once-small fingers, like running away again and waking up to flashlights, strange voices. Everything about life is circular.
She wakes in the hands of a girl with designer blood and bones not quite as handmade as Ava’s, but close. Her name is Lilith, and the first thing she tells Ava is that the galaxy hasn’t run out of ways to use her just yet.
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asurix · 5 months
'' Attention seeker ''
Genre: Fluff + angst
content warning: swearing,childish ranpo,childhood trauma ranpo,sad,fluff,angst with a happy ending,hugging,comfort, violence( a hard slap thats all!)
Synopisis: Ranpo was complaining about how you dont give him enough attention, and basically you got ticked off by that so you lashed on him and thats how he ended up crying and you had to comfort him! ^ ^
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SO i wanted to make one where childish ranpo aka the one we saw with fukuzawa kinda ranpo where he was childish and cried when fukuzawa slapped him, (i almost cried :C ) BUT i really really wanted to make it since i really like adorable childish ranpo and didnt feel like making smut with him :D! (theres never a time i DONT want that man deep inside me ;D) ANYWHO i wanted to make this so sit back and start take some paper because for my sensetive people out there this will be sad (unless youre really really sensetive you'll actually tear its really not that deep unless you have a big heart lol...)
You and Ranpo were great partners! infact very close, but Ranpo could sometimes go a bit overboard when it comes to apprection, Ranpo is kind of a stubborn guy, and as much as you like Ranpo he can sometimes be really annoying, like once when you and Ranpo were going to the store, you had to buy everything, you had to write the list and you had to carry the stuff to the building, you had to take the stairs and you had to store them, but still Ranpo got all the apprection from fukuzawa and you got nothing, even tho you did all the dirty work, but that didnt stop you from liking Ranpo, it couldn't be his fault right?
-Time skip-
You and Ranpo were assigned to do a case, you weren't really happy to hear that because you knew what was going to happened while you both were solving the case, Ranpo didn't need you at the case you knew it and he knew it but he really wanted you to be with him while he was solving the case, you gave in and decided to just help him just a little.
You guys came back from the agency after solving the case, or rather that ranpo solved the case, you knew what was going to happened as usual, Ranpo got attention and you always left empty handed, you packed you're belongings like laptop, papper works and stationaries just as you were about to leave to go to you're apartment, Ranpo stopped you, ''hey were you going!'' Ranpo questioned with a lolipop in his mouth( as usual lol) ''i uh...im heading home, why?'' you said with a titled head, ''aren't you going to stay to listen to everybody praise me?'' he said jokingly, obviously you didn't think it was funny but just akwardly laughed, ''haha...yeah ill pass on that'' you gave him akward laughed and reached to the door knob to leave the department, but Ranpo stopped you, he stood infront of the door his arms spread out preventing you from leaving, ''Ranpo..? w-what are you doing?'' you said a little annoyed, ''dont leave! im not going to let you'' he yelled grabbing the others attention a bit, ''R-Ranpo i need to go home i have work to do!'' you raised y-youre voice a bit, ''well, im not going to let you, you can just wait a bit were having fun stop being such a bum Y/N!'' Ranpo whinged
''well everything isn't about you, stop craving my attention so much and leave me alone! '' you yelled pushing Ranpo to the floor, opened the door and slammed it behinde you, Ranpo came running right after you '' how is everything about me!'' Ranpo choked out, in the verge of crying, '' you're so naive Ranpo its seriously starting to piss me off'' you said walking away from him taking the stairs instead of the elevator, Ranpo following you down the stairs, you both stopped at the exit of the building, you were holding youreself from exploding, Ranpos complaining reaching you're limit, ''would you stop being like this! you're kind of being a baby!'' Ranpo vacillated, ''youre kind of getting a little we-'' got caught off by you're hand connecting to his cheek, a loud slap echoing the building, making Ranpo stumble a bit,he's glasses flunged to the floor cenimeters away from Ranpo
''theres no baby like you, you attention seeker'' you fumed, you're eyebrows furrying, you're eyes burning into Ranpo's eyes, you were so mad thats until you saw tears flowing down Ranpos cheek, he ran to you hugging you're lower body like a little kid
''im s-sorry im sorry! i-i im really s-sorry!'' ranpo cried out, emotions flowing thru you're head, from anger to guilt, ''R-Ranpo-'' you stuttered, not a single thing comming to you're mind than.
''im sorry...''
You stroked he's black spiky hair,''p-please dont cry...'' you hugged Ranpo back, finally accepting the fact that you deeply hurt the person you adored the most at the agency, ranpo being like a little brother to you ( IN THIS AU PLEASE OMG 😭) You both collapsed to the floor, you comforting Ranpo and Ranpo crying into you're chest like he just broke up with the person he loved. ''Ranpo i didn't mean to hurt you..'' you said you're voice breaking, ''i-im really sorry im sorry'' Ranpo kept apologizing, you both held eachother dearly not letting eachother go, because you both...
''loved eachother truly''
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jjsmaybank20 · 1 year
Heyy I am so happy that your requests are open! Your work is genuinely amazing. I wanted to request an elizabeth olsen x reader where the reader is super famous and gets attacked by the paparazzi. Lizzie hears about it and is pissed off and super protective. Thank you!
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Elizabeth Olsen x GN!Reader
Summary: The paparazzi attack you, and your girlfriend gets protective.
Warnings: Reader has a panic attack (not in specific detail but still there), otherwise fluff
Word Count: 1k
A/N: I am so happy that you like my writing! Please guys, keep the requests coming. Love to receive them, love you guys.
navigation  celebrities (romantic) masterlist
You didn’t mind being famous. Honestly, you were happy that your films were well known, because you probably wouldn’t have met your wonderful girlfriend if they hadn’t blown up. For a lot of celebrities, relationships are fast and plentiful. That’s how it was for you until you met the amazing Elizabeth Olsen. Now, the two of you had been in a relationship for the past two years, and you couldn’t be happier.
Your most recent movie, ‘Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery’, Took you all over the world on press tours, which meant you were away from home for quite some time. Finally, as the promos came to an end, you were ready to head home and see your girlfriend for the first time in months.
You had flown home, trying to be as incognito as possible on the plane so that no one would be aware of where you were landing. Your bodyguard, Leo, escorted you the whole way. Both of you were dressed in sunglasses and baseball caps, and he was wearing a tight muscle shirt and cargo shorts. The two of you make small talk as you wait for your luggage, and you continue to chat as you walk towards the airport exit.
Leo pauses for a second in front of the restrooms before saying, “Hey, I gotta go to the bathroom. Will you be okay out here for a second?” You nod and he gives you a grateful smile before speed-walking through the entryway. You lean against the wall, watching people go past.
One man catches your eye from where he is sitting. To any other person, he would look like a normal man sitting and reading the newspaper. To you and your celebrity trained eye, you can clearly see that he is a paparazzo. 
You pull the hat on your head lower, hoping to hide your face, even if it is in vain. He gets up and comes closer to you before pausing, looking around, and then sprinting. Before you can even move, you are surrounded by paparazzi yelling at you and shoving cameras in your face.
“Y/N! Look over here!”
“Y/N! What was it like working with greats such as Daniel Craig and Kathryn Haghn?”
“Y/N! How is Elizabeth?” 
You try to stammer out a response but the surprise of the sudden attack makes your anxiety run wild. Your throat feels like it’s closing up, and you can barely breath, let alone complete a sentence. Everything goes blurry and the yelling voices seem to get further and further away. Suddenly, a big shape that you slightly recognize as Leo comes into view and begins to yell at the paparazzi. 
He shoos them off with the help of approaching airport security, and as they deal with the situation, he comes over to help you. You realize that you have slid to the ground, and tears are leaking out of your eyes. 
Leo wraps one of your arms around his broad shoulders, and he hoists you off of the floor. You try to control your breathing as he helps you hobble to the waiting car outside. He helps you into the back seat and tells the driver where to go before turning to you and putting his large hands on your shoulders.
“Y/N. Look at me, breathe. Come on. Follow my lead. In, out. In, out. In, out.” You do as he says, and soon your vision begins to clear up and you feel as if you can breathe again. You wipe away the tears on your cheeks before pulling Leo into a hug. For once you were happy that you had insisted that your bodyguards had to be trained in dealing with various mental illnesses, as they affected both you and your girlfriend.
As soon as you walk in the door, a figure slams into your body. You let out a shocked laugh, wrapping your arms around your girlfriend. She pulls back and looks into your eyes, smiling, but her smile quickly melts off of her face as soon as she sees the tear tracks on your cheeks.
She cups your face tenderly, inquiring, “What happened, baby?” You shake your head and try to turn away, but she forces you to make eye contact. You shrug it off as if it was nothing, mumbling, “It was nothing, babe. Just a run in with the paparazzi. Had a tiny panic attack. Leo helped me out.” You try to say the last part quietly so that she doesn’t hear you, but she catches it.
She immediately gets a stormy look on her face, and she brings her arms down so that her hands are clenched by her sides. “Call Leo up here. I want names. The fucking paparazzi has gone to fucking far.” You quickly put your hands on her arms and rub up and down so that she might calm down. 
“Baby, please. It’s all done now. I just want to relax with my girlfriend who I haven’t seen in months. Please just come sit down and cuddle with me,” you say to her in a pleading voice. She holds her angry facade for a second before sighing and giving in. 
The two of you walk into the living room and sit down on the couch, Elizabeth curling up in your arms as you turn on Ted Lasso. After a couple of episodes, you hear a light snoring. You look down at the beautiful woman in your arms and realize that she has fallen asleep. You turn off the TV as quietly as you can and carefully lift her up so that you can carry her to your guys’ bed.
After she is tucked in, you climb in right next to her and snuggle up as close as you can. You love your girlfriend so much, and you are always glad when you are reminded of how much she loves you. Even if it’s under unfortunate circumstances. You feel her tuck her head underneath your chin, and you close your eyes with a smile on your face.
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