#ill statick
bernie-jsyk · 1 year
welp i miscounted the number of pages in my zine for the month and needed to add a new spread, so:
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Offer Me That Deathless Death by bernie-jsyk
RPF (Health Issues)
No Archive Warnings Apply, Reader/Illness, You/Illness, toxic illness, emotional hurt no comfort, but there is a happy ending?, and also metaphors, bibliography in notes.
You are on your way to a difficult conversation with your illness. 
The sidewalk flies beneath your feet, and the late March air is cold in your lungs. It’s too chilly to be dining al fresco, but you asked for it anyway, pushed for it over the phone, holding your breath while your illness’ long sigh staticked into your ear. You need a reason to get up and go if you need to. 
And there they are, raising a hand to you, gesturing to their cafe table. They always notice you first. You slide into the empty chair, the steel freezing even through your wool plaid pants. 
They study you across the small space. “Hey, y/n.” 
(If you don’t already have an illness in mind, you can use one of ours: migraine has sleek blonde hair that tangles easily; thyroiditis always has warm hands and toasty cheeks; periodontitis has one brown eye and one green eye, and they can never hold your gaze for long).
/end ID
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brettdeadly · 6 years
Hollow Point Tips (BEAT By Young Taylor) by ill statick
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savagestylz · 6 years
so its a savage that still working hard to keep it a love for music here a new song by ill statick
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ghoulluck · 6 years
Indy is on the ware house ground with Ryan. He adjusts the ear piece as he spares a moment to check his gun. 
Julien scans the ware house from the banisters above their heads. Her slim frame is perfect for these tasks and she feels more secure knowing she's not going to slow them down. "Cargo brought in on Wednesday to your left," the blonde woman states as she recognizes the metal containers to her left. 
She pans through a multilayered spread and catalog she's developed after a stake out with the West-Moore siblings.  She marks down the places of various 'land marks' to gather a lay out for them if they ever need to come into the warehouse again.
Ryan was steel. Her gun raised and she looked too comfortable in her body armor. Her eye set on her scope, "Its not cargo." She said quietly.  Ryan filtered the blonde’s and her brother’s words only for the information she needed. Julien's eyes flickered to them before she turned carefully on the beam to go left of them when she heard the correction. The body language of the men, there was something more than cargo in those containers.
Most of the men speak Russian from what Indy hears and he translates in a low voice for his sister, but mostly Julien. "Ammunition, Drugs, Disobedience." He wasn't quite sure what the latter meant. Ryan understood more than just the words Indy was translating. Indy listened as he approached slowly. "Careful, They're just on the other side." He could hear muffled heart beats. 
Ryan was right. 
Cargo didn't sound like nervous shifting and creaking. 
"Please be careful," Julien warned as she went beyond them. She could see kilos of something, but it looked more like the shit they injected into Ryan then kilos of coke.
"Go two down," she told them as she went right this time, keeping her steps steady on the beams as she began to rush to log the surroundings. Indy raised his gun as he followed directions. Ryan led the way, Her movements were steadily shifting from Stealth to Attack, her spine straightening and her moves more sure as she scanned easily with her gun.
The solider flexed her jaw as she crept along the wall, there was too many vibrations in the air. It was almost distracting and she shook her head as if shaking off an annoying fly. Forcing her focus onto the men, her finger was itching to take them out. She had already decided none of them were getting out of here alive tonight.
He put his back to her every five steps, watching behind them in case barbie was too busy playing map the warehouse. He laid his eyes on the shipment Julien led them to. His brows knit in brief confusion before his face hardened. 
There were going to be more people like them. 
"head count," he demanded and there was a pause, "twenty two and counting." 
He looked at Ryan as he stilled in between shipments. 
Ryan's face was stone as she took in the people. They were sick. All of them. She could hear it in their heartbeats. Too much too fast, they were trying to create an army out of drug addicts and runaways and their bodies couldn't take it. She could practically hear the grinding of their cells attacking themselves if it wasn't clear enough on their gray faces. 
She rolled her right shoulder, a sign to Indy she was taking that side as she stepped boldly from their hiding place to begin taking out targets. 
The first few gun shots he heard were a release. 
His eyes memorized faces and he put names to them that Julien had brought up from cross searches of people who had never been reported formally missing. Ryan had swung her gun behind her back, not bothering with it as she drew out a Kbar knife from her thigh. Using brute strength to take out the thugs. They had lost the element of surprise and the reinforcements were coming in. The 'cargo' were all like zombies, watching the carnage with vacant eyes. He muttered under his breath their new list and he cursed it's growth and simultaneous diminishment as he changed the magazine in his gun in a blink of an eye.
Julien took in even breaths watching steadily over them from above. She hadn't bothered to watch her own back, but she felt the regret of that choice when the heavy thunk of a not so careful footing caught her attention. 
The blonde woman found herself face to face with a grinning man. Steeling immediately, she misstepped to the side to drop down to a banister below her. The man dropped down, but missed and crashed to his death on the warehouse floor.
Indy tossed his gun's magazine side ways at the top of a man's head and had this been the situation for it, the exact lethal hit would have made him grin. He lodged it deeper with a firm hit to the magazine and he guarded himself with his forearm when a man came towards him with a knife. It cut deep and he pushed the pain down into his gut as he twisted his arm and knocked his forehead into the man before kicking him down.
He took the knife from his fore arm with a loud grunt of pain and he flung it at the man, getting him right tin the eye as he staggered back. The gunfire filled his ears and it took a moment to process that he had covered Ryan's head without thinking. 
A body thunked down from above and he looked up to look at the woman dangling from the beams before hoisting herself back up with shaking arms.
Ryan spared a split second to look at Indy before she dragged him behind a pillar before gunfire filled the warehouse. It was only another heartbeat for her to realize the gunfire wasn't hitting them, it was raining into the containers of people. The solider let him shield her for a second. 
The others weren't even fighting back, they were just letting themselves be mowed down like useless livestock. She let out a yell and fought her brothers grip to get to the shooters.
Ryan drew a handgun from the holster by her boot, emptying the clip with efficient head shots and when it was out she threw it aside. Using her bare hands to break necks.
He turned his attention towards the others as he ran towards the new wave of men who came their way. His right fist made a connection with a face and he slammed the man down, head painting the concrete on the floor as Indy stood on two level feet when a man tried to knock him down. 
The soilder hissed when there was a slice against her arm of a bullet grazing her. It just distracted her enough to get her eyes to look up to where their barbie was. 
Julien had company. 
She looked between the men getting away and Julien’s imminent danger, making a split second decision she hauled herself up on a crate, using a windowsill to pull herself up onto the beam, crouching as she drew her automatic again and took two men down from her crouched position.
He turned back to look at Ryan, Indy felt the hard hit of a bullet in his shoulder and leg before deciding he was better use clearing potential bullets by breaking the wrist of the man who had so graciously graced him with a few rounds. 
"Ry be careful.”
Julien had only anticipated the one that she had managed to evade, but these guys were a bit smarter then their usual pack and she was starting to feel the drumming in her chest as she chose not to draw out a weapon to keep her hands clear in case she almost fell again.
"Come to me Julien" Ryan said from her position as she advanced. There was no going backwards only forward in her mind. She didn't even flinch when a bullet ricocheted off the beam by her foot, adjusting her balance to shoot down another attacker. These ones were more organized, even with the surprise of having Julien help them.
The slim woman pulled herself up from her place in between rafters and balanced on the beams as she moved towards the woman. Her eyes didn't leave Indy. She was slowing them down like she feared. 
"Ten o'clock,’ Julien near screamed when she noted a late recruitment. Indy struck the man behind him with two bullets. There were more of them filing in. More then the usual amount of people who came in and out of the building.
Ryan growled and shot down the men, space was limited to defend the blonde. Julien pulled the gun she in her holster once she was in Ryan's reach to give it to the solider as she felt the whizz of a bullet clip her hair and she moved quickly to get out of the way. Ryan reached for Julien and they managed the small dancing act. "Truck, now," Indy stated as he realized exactly what was going on. It was an ambush. The solider looked at Julien. She didn't know where to go, schematics had become the blonde’s job and so barbie needed to lead, "Ill cover your back" 
Julien nodded in dumb agreement as she hoisted her slim frame through the small hole of the metallic roofing. She brought herself up onto the roof and much to her own horror, there was a man there, several waiting for her and she didn't think about it as she dropped down on the roofing to slide down past them to the third level with a painful landing on the metal there. 
"Ryan! They're out here!" 
Indy froze as he heard the woman over the ear piece and began to blow through the men with repeated shots to heads and chests out of instinct as he headed towards the truck. Ryan had already started pulling herself up when the warning staticked over her ear and she grunted as she came the rest of the way out. The dark eyed woman hissed as a bullet grazed her temple she grabbed the nearest mans leg, breaking his ankle and sending him over the opposite side of the roof. 
Ryan the second enemy before he could shoot at the blonde below them. It was an agonizing slide down as the wrestled, she managed to get her arm out to her knife, driving it into the mans side as they hit the edge. He had parked it by the garbage about half a mile away. He distractedly searched pockets for keys as he eyed a vehicle that was closer. It was a truck much like their own. He made his way towards that instead. 
"Change of plans, new ride."
Ryan almost went over with the enemy but caught herself at the last second. Julien breath held when the other nearly was taken clean off the roof. "Go!" She yelled at Julien as she hoisted herself up.
 "Location?" The blonde asked Indy as her breath began to come in steady panicked draws and she pressed her nails into her palms to carve their familiar crescents to calm herself. "East," the older solider responded. She hoisted herself over the pointed edge of the roof and she saw a man climbing towards her. There was no turning back now and she slid down into him, knocking him down with a small cry of pain as she used the force of the impact to hurt him.
Ryan followed once she was back up. Julien was fast, surprisingly fast, Ryan managed to keep up though, pausing here and there to take a target down. The blonde leapt down to the second level to keep running across the flat concrete. Julien’s steps had been steady up until now and Ryan saw the blonde falter slightly, her hand darting out to catch the other, "hurry."
The truck pulled up by the side of the building and barbie grasped the hand that caught her. "Here," he confirmed as he looked back up at them and ducked his head when someone shot at him. He took a gun from the passenger's seat to shoot the assailant. 
Julien tugged Ryan as soon as the bed was with in leap's reach, there was no more roofing to run off of. The solider understood and she wrapped an arm around Julien’s thin shoulders, a silent instruction to hold on as she twisted her back to the truck and pulled them off the edge. 
It was only a dozen feet but they hit hard and the wind was knocked out of them. Julien’s entire body shuddered with pain even if Ryan had taken most of the impact. Ryan managed to yell, "Go!" The tires peeled out, kicking up dirt as Indy punched the gas and drove clear through a chain link fence. Julien felt nauseous as she turned on her side to check on Ryan's back and the surgical scars Mary had left behind.
The impact hurt even in her heightened state so Ryan stayed as still as she could, forcing her arm to relax on Julien as she breathed deeply. The solider forces Julien to stop and look her. "You're bleeding," the blonde says initially as she pauses at the other’s question interrupting question, "Are you okay?"  At first barbie shakes her head no and she touches her own shoulder as her jaw clenches. She hadn't registered the injury. She nods anyways as the truck bounces violently and she jams herself instead into a corner of the truck's bed to try to stop it from jarring her so much.
"You guys okay?" Indy's voice chimes in as he doesn't look over his shoulder. If  he drives fast enough he can make sure no one follows them.Ryan saw her cower and she forced herself up, showing her arms to Julien before she reached around her to hold the edge of the bed and braced the both of them.
Ryan looked through the back window, "Alive." 
Ryan stayed nearby. The adrenaline working out of her system in slow waves as she watched Indy tend to their barbie. She had a seizure when they got back, probably stress from the impact. Julien gave a contained sound when he snapped her dislocated shoulder back into place. He tried to check her for further injuries, but barbie pushed his hands away to go to her box of pills instead. He watched her down a few before going to the ammunition box they had ended up having to empty for her to sleep in.   The younger solider’s brow furrows when Julien leaves, almost reaching for the blonde, and simply stands by. Maybe they all coped in their own way.
Once they were alone, he sighed, "You got any bullets in you?" She came back quickly enough at his question. She was slow to respond verbally to indys question, but shook her head. Ryan had only received grazes. He raked a heavy hand over Ryan's head as he noted a new skim across her temple. He kissed that. 
"You still here?" he hadn't meant to ask that, but he had. He still needed to dig out bullets. Ryans breath shuddered a little as she blinked hazily before she nodded, "Im here" She replied quietly, leaning her head forward to touch her forehead to his for a second. "Cause I need you to get me a knife and help me." He pressed over the skin that had started to heal over his bullet holes. She stood up slowly. Her legs were bruised from the fight on the roof and she got a disinfected scalpel, "Do you need me to?"
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very-kurtious · 4 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Glee Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: klaine - Relationship, Finchel, britanna - Relationship, maybe more, Carole/Burt, Kurt/Blaine, Finn/Rachel, britanny/santana Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, Finn Hudson, Rachel Berry, Santana Lopez, Brittany S. Pierce, OC for story purpose, Burt Hummel, Carol Hudson, Sebastian Smythe, Dave Karofsky, will shuester, Emma Pillsbury, Quinn Fabray, Noah Puckerman, Sam Evans Additional Tags: Abuse, mentions of abuse, non con, Mentions of Rape, mentions of non con, Angst, And Lots of It, Abused Kurt, Hurt Kurt, set around series 6, AU, Hitting, Punching, Fighting, Blood, Bruising, Swearing, Mental Abuse, Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Sexual Abuse, weight loss, Eating Disorder, Insomnia, Depression, PTSD, Anxiety, Anxiety Attacks, Panic Attacks, Illness, Crying, Self Harm, Pain, Sadness, unsafe, unsafe living, Abusive Partner, Trapped, Vomit, Controlling, controlling relationship, Unhealthy - Freeform, unhealthy relationship, Friendship, Endgame Klaine, blaine saves kurt, Suicidal Thoughts, Hate, Slurs, Manipulation, self-hate, Maybe more - Freeform, let me know if i missed any Series: Part 7 of Glee Summary:
When he let Blaine go, he knew he should have gone after him, apologised, told him there was nothing they couldn't work through. That a rough patch was nothing compared to what was going to happen to him not long after. Hind sight's a funny thing, Kurt guesses.
He's ruined his whole life, and now he had nothing left to live for. Everything was crumbling around him, and as he was often reminded, it was all his fault.
He deserved this.
Taglist - (let me know if you wanna be added!)
@bagellover42​  @woman-of-the-sea​ @jaded-gen-z-homosapien​ @fairy-boy-nerd​ @hocusbowie​ @nikijuly17ths-kurtbastian​ @stuckin-statick @wickedcheshirekitten​ @forever-in-dreamworld​ @stacksonlovesbowties @lavenderchaitea​ @falcon-hannah​ @littleredandhissourwolf​ @lepetitprincechriscolfer​ @lady--divine​ @turunturunturun​ @darrenskiwigirl​ @areallyccleveranduniqueusername​  @kathyoaks @redrangerlouis​​​ @yellowtapeaddict​ @dasjansel​
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #200
“Gk and Jean, Dolly’s Old Life, Rudolph...”
-Time skip of a few days-
[Gk] Is watching Doc cavort with Yaunfen. - So how long before you give the little one a frigging human shape too?
[Doc] Pauses - I was going to wait until they were fully vocal at least.
[Yaunfen] Rolls around, nearly turning their body into a ring-
[Doc] Part of it is just being able to get around inside peoples houses comfortably.
[Gk] Grumbles-
[Yaunfen] - Burp!
[CP] Has been watching Lie for a few days now, she's been sleeping the whole time and he's getting more anxious-
[Doc] in chat-  Uhhh, Cp... it would be more helpful if you just said what was wrong..
[Doc] Why didn't you say something before now?! I'll be right over!
[Gk] -tags along-
[Yaunfen] Trots along and looks at GK- Fuck!
[Doc] Well that's a naughty word you've learned... - Picks Yaunfen up in hir mouth and puts them on the walkway before changing back to join hir on the balcony-
[Gk] Loafs in the yard with his head near the window-
[CP] Is sitting on the edge of the bed next to Lie, his hand entwined with hers-
[Doc] So she hasn't woken once since you took her home? Hows the horse? Is it maybe draining her like the tree did?
[CP] - She stirs every once in awhile and I've gotten a few words from her, but otherwise she's been sleeping.  And I don't know about the other two
[Doc] Well... I know one thing that might wake her. It will help if her energy is low too. She might have accidently signed herself out of creative working on the horse-
[CP] - I can check her code...
[Doc] Ah, let me try first, this is very non-invasive. I just need to use your furnace for a few minutes. Can you watch Yaunfen?
[CP] - Fine-Grumbles- Asshole
[Yaunfen] Is sniffing at GK-
[Gk] Sniffs back- Hey kiddo.
[Yaunfen] - Fuck!
[Doc] Comes back in with a heaping plate of bacon and wafts it towards Lie's face.
[Lie] Stirs and opens her eyes a little before grumbling-
[Doc] Hey it worked! I can get you some toast and eggs too if you want Lie.
[Lie] - I just wanna go back to sleep...
[CP] Brushes some of her hair out of her face- Come on, eat a little bit...
[Doc] You've been sleeping for days Lie. Do you feel ill?
[Lie] Shakes head a little- No...  Just really tired...
[Doc] Maybe I can give you a jump start. Would that help?
[Lie] - I don't know
[Doc] Okay, we'll give it a shot. I had a decent nights rest and I'm all energized- Xe puts hir hands on Lies chest and belly and forces a wave of hir power into the other brine with a crackle of statick.
[Lie] Yelps and clamps her legs shut, turning bright red- DOC!
[Doc] Pulls back in shock at her volume - Did I hurt you?! I'm sorry!
[Lie] - Doc...  Please try to remember which one is your orgasmic shock...
[CP] Growls- Dooooc...
[Doc] Also turns pink- That is not what I was trying to do!
[CP] - I'm going to fucking murder you
[Doc] She's awake now isn't she? Give me a break Cp! It was an accident!
[Lie] Leans against CP- It's okay, please drop it CP
[Doc] You tell me immediately if you start feeling that weak again.
[Lie] - I will...  Oh shoot, I left Beau at your place, didn't I?
[Doc] Yeah, but TLOT brought him back over here. And then I dropped the vinehorse off as well later that night.
[Lie] - Oh, okay, where is the vinehorse?
[Doc] In with Beau and your donkey. Markus had some choice words about it since it's in line with his living room window.
[CP] - What sort of words?
[Doc] He said it was creepy. That's all.
[CP] Snorts in amusement-
[Yaunfen] Climbs up onto the sill to bap GK's face-
[Gk] Is bapped- You gonna wrestle with the big dragon huh?
-There's a thud from above as Endrea lands on the roof-
[Endrea] - Hello GG
[Lie] Starts eating some of the bacon-
[Gk] Speaking of big dragons, what's up Endrea?
[Endrea] - Not much really, glad to be back here though, although Enderbro did enjoy being in the End
[Gk] And Steffan?
[Endrea] - Not as much
[Doc] Hey Endrea. How are the kids? Yaunfen learned a new word today...
[Endrea] - I'm surprised they haven't run up yet, Ashe wanted to try watching them
[Doc] They grow up so fast...
[oak] -has run up stairs and out the door to endrea- ma
[Gk] Turns happily towards the little one-
[Endrea] - Yes Oak?"
[oak] -nuzzles endrea-
[Endrea] Nuzzles back-
[Ashe] Runs up with Willow- Uncle GG!
[Gk] Oh no! I'm being overrun by dragons! Help help! - He rolls over on his back dramatically-
[willow] -runs over to GK and paps him-
[Gk] Arrgh.
[Endrea] Laughs a little-
[Lie] Rolls onto her belly- Kids playing is such a nice sound
[Doc] Especaily little dragons. - Xe looks over at Gk- and some big ones-
[Endrea] Climbs down to join them on the ground-
[Gk] Uses the tip of his tail to go for a belly tickle on Endrea-
[Endrea] Jumps back in surprise-
[Gk] Score one for the griefer king, haha!
[willow] -is paping gk endlessly-
[Endrea] Narrows her eyes and goes into a pouncing position-
[oak] -joins in the paping-
[Gk] Is distracted by Oak and Willow's papping-
[Yaunfen] Walks along the sill, wanting to join the others-
[Doc] Hops out the window on the opposite side and transforms, xe scuttles under the walkway and puts hir snout just outside the window for hir baby to step onto.
[Yaunfen] Happily climbs on-
[Doc] Gently lowers hir head to the ground for Yaunfen-
[Yaunfen] Runs over to join the others-
[Endrea] Pounces on GK, avoiding the babies-
[Doc] Gives into temptation and joins them in rolling around and playing.
[CP] Rolls his eyes and returns his attention to Lie-
-Beau and Stitch the donkey look on passively while the vinehorse becomes skittish-
[Mb] Comes walking up the path with Celine and veers to the side to look at the vinehorse. Loudly- what the fuck is this thing?
[Vinehorse] Spooks and trots nervously in a tight circle-
[Doc] It's a handmade horse you rude brine!
[Mb] Stares- You're fucking nuts.
[CP] Wants to punch him but decides to stay with Lie instead-
[Endrea] Looks at the new baby-
[Gk] Narrows his eyes at Celine- Where did you get that?
[Celine] Trots over-
[MB] Follows protectively - On the subseed. Where the hell do you think?
[Endrea] Offers a bit of void energy-
[Celine] Takes a little of it-
[Mb] What are you feeding her?!
[Endrea] - Void energy, a natural food source for ender dragons
[HG] -come up to the group holding his pails and still having the flitters on him-
[Mb] Huffs - She likes beef.
[Endrea] - There's no harm in void energy as well
[Gk] Who's the new guy?
[Mb] Eyeballs him- Looks weak...
[Doc] Be nice...
[HG] I'm Herobrine the gardener
[Mb] Laaaame.
[Gk] What do you grow? Just food?
[HG] all plants. if it's a plant I will help take care of it
[Endrea] - How interesting
[Gk] Gets an evil look - why don't cha' go water those little white ones in the pen greensleeves?
[HG] sure -walks over there and water the flowers-
[Doc] I should just start running now and save myself the effort....
[Endrea] - Probably
[Gk] Coward.
[Mb] What the fuck is wrong with you? They're just flowers!
[Yaunfen] - Fuck!
[Doc] My thoughts exactly...
[Endrea] Gathers her children closer-
-The honesty blossoms grow thicker and the air is filled with a slight burst of scent which vanishes-
[Mb] Dumb flowers.
[Gk] That was weird...
[HG] -comes back over-
[CP] - Lie...  I love you...  WHY THE FUCK AM I SAYING THAT OUT LOUD!?
[Notch] Comes outside. - Please don't yell...
[Doc] Is suddenly pinned by Gk-
[Gk] Stay put-
[Doc] NO
[Mb] Turns slowly toward Notch - Hi....
[Notch] Steps back fearfully-
[CP] Notices- FUCK OFF MB!
[Mb] Are you sure? He looks delightfully afraid....
[Mb] Dammit! Can't I just rough him up a bit?
[Doc] NO!
[Gk] Is just laughing-
[CP] Walks out onto the bridge- Leave. Now.
[Mb] But.... but... - his face twists as if he's trying not to say something- The kids are playing! - He slaps his hands over his mouth in horror.
[CP] - Welcome to the effect of one of my wife's flowers asshole, the Honesty blossom
[Mb] Is red-faced and really angry. He kicks a bunch of dirt blocks at Notch in his impotent rage and weirdly the blocks seem to glance away before they hit their target.
[CP] - The fuck?
[Notch] Bolts back into his house to get away from MB-
[CP] Jumps down and approaches- Behave and you can stay, I have no problem with your dragon
[Celine] Baps at Willow-
[willow] -baps back-
[Mb] Puts down a block and sits on it in a huff. He's just scowling with his lips pressed tightly closed-
[Celine] Initiates play with the others-
[Doc] Heard that Celine likes meat and offers it a rasher of bacon-
[Celine] Quickly toddles over and takes it-
[Doc] Good girl, you're an adorable little bad-ass aren't you?
[Lightfoot] -Comes bumbling toward the group, licking it's claws happily. It's snout looks to be covered in blood at first glance- ! -Hunches down a bit and stares at Doc's hand and the bacon-
[Doc] Drops the rest of the bacon in a panic and scrambles to get Yaunfen.-
[Endrea] Relaxes in the sunlight-
[Lie] Steps outside, having seen what happened with Notch-
[Lightfoot] -Nyooshes toward Doc at top speed and tries to snatch some bacon-
[Doc] Grabs Yaunfen and holds them high in their mouth, they're dancing around trying to avoid the small predator-
[Gk] Roars at the lightfoot-
[Mb] Runs forward to grab Celine as well-
[Endrea] Growls-
[HG] -hugs is pails protectively and runs to the green house-
[Lightfoot] -Lets out a triumphant noise as they dash away from Doc with Bacon in claw- !!! Yes! -Shoves it into mouth as they skid to turn and rush away-
[Lie] Confused she goes over to Notch's place and knocks on the door-
[Doc] Puts Yaunfen on hir shoulders, - what the fuck was that?!
[Notch] Peeks out-
[CP] - I don't fucking know
[Lie] - Hey, are you okay?
[Lightfoot] Maybe another?? -Has skidded off but very clearly still visible, eyeing Doc some-
[Doc] warning growl-
[Lightfoot] Not scary! -just, yells. wow.-
[Mb] Should I roast em?
[Gk] Turns quickly, whipping his tail out at the lightfoot-
[Doc] You get any closer I'll show you how scary I am!
[Endrea] Gives off a blast of void energy-
[Notch] Yeah, I didn't get hit or anything.
[Lightfoot] Ah! -ducks back and growls. It's not very intimidating-
[Lightfoot] That a little scary.
[Gk] Is a bit annoyed now and rears up to spread his wings and paw out with his front hooves-
[Lie] - So I noticed...  It just seemed to, bounce away...
[HG] -come back slowly trying to stay far from the light foot ready to bolt again if needed-
[Notch] I didn't do anything. I was just thinking about how I didn't want to be hit...
[Lie] - Maybe it's a development of your powers?
[Notch] Maybe...
[Lightfoot] -Bounces slightly and eyes Doc, before eyeing the rest- Worth it... Not worth it...
[Lightfoot] Maybe ask?... -Scoots a little bit closer to them, but not much-
[Doc] Narrows hir eyes-  Ask what?
[Lightfoot] What was.. Round edible thing! Filled with sweet?
[Gk] Settles down to four feet again. - Round like a ball or round like a disk?
[Lie] - Are you sure you don't want to join us?
[Notch] Maybe.... I just don't want to be around people fighting right now...
[Lightfoot] Flat round!
[Gk] A pie?
[Lie] - I think MB will behave so long as Celine is wanting to play...
[Notch] Okay... - follows Lie-
[Doc] You want a frigging pie?!
[Lightfoot] Pie? Is that what it was? Tasted good!
[Lightfoot] -very seriously- Yes.
[Doc] Oh for... - xe opens the creative and spawns several pumpkin pies before laying them down.
[Lie] - So how have you and Flux been?
[Lightfoot] -Scuttles up to them and grabs one, taking a bite before plunking down to eat it fully. That was surprisingly easy.-
[Lightfoot] -Now that it's closer, its easy to see the red on it's snout is pie filling-
[Notch] Twiddles his fingers a bit. - I think I'm in love with her... But I don't think she feels the same way. It's like she's not used to having emotions. I don't want to take advantage of her.
[Doc] Nervously hunkers back down so Yaunfen can reach the ground
[Lie] - Hmmm, well Dawn did say her primal instincts chakra was pretty much non existent...
[Mb] Puts Celine next to Yaunfen with a grudging look
[Yaunfen] Sniffs Celine all over-
[Celine] Squeaks and baps Yaunfen-
[HG] is it safe now?
[Notch] I hope she comes around. I feel liek I have a stomach full of butterflies when she's totally focused on me.
[Doc] I think so...
[Lie] - Just remember, this is all completely new to her, she probably doesn't know how to really react or what to do, she may be depending on you to show her
[Notch] Any suggestions?
[Lie] - Maybe a date?
[Gk] Eyeballs the lightfoot - what are you? You look familiar....
[Notch] Flowers? Candy? Moonlight boatride?
[Lightfoot] Lightfoot. -Grabs another pie to eat, having finished the first in record time-
[Lie] - Hmmm, I could try making some flowers for you to give her...
[Notch] Nothing sneaky okay? I don't want to influence her...
[Mb] sneaks a pie-
[Lie] - Oh absolutely not...  Um, other than that you'd be better off asking TLOT
[Lightfoot] -glares at mb-
[Mb] Winds up and throws the pie at Notch- Think fast!
[Notch] His eyes widen for a second and there's the barest flash of light as the pie hits something invisible before it reaches him and Lie-
[Doc] HEY!
[Lie] - Um...
[CP] Growls- MB....
[Mb] Ah, so the wimpy Notch does has a power! How cute.
[CP] Punches MB for throwing a pie at his mate-
[Mb] Falls over with a very dark black eye. He's still laughing though
[Doc] Notch? How did you do that?
[Notch] I didn't do anything!
[HG] -is messing around with the ground bellow him-
[Gk] Notices- What are you doing now?
[HG] just making a more fertile block of dirt
[Gk] Lie has plenty of horse poop if you want any...
[HG] I don't need it -the dirt block now is void of grass but the dirt is a deep fertile brown-
[Lie] - Notch, you've blocked things coming at you twice now...
[Lightfoot] -watching them all while stuffing the final pie into it's mouth-
4:58 PM] Dr. Franken Stein: [Doc] So, do you guys think it's time to check on the other babies?
[Endrea] - What for?
[Doc] To see if any of them are verbal or otherwise? We did promise to move them to the gifted class so to speak in that case.
[CP] - Who exactly are you proposing go?
[Doc] Well I guess I could go by myself. I was just asking...
[Gk] Fuck it, I'll go.
[Endrea] - Not by yourself, I'll go as well
[Mb] Oh, are me and gruesome here on babysitting duty? -thumbs at Cp-
[Doc] Bristles-
[Lightfoot] Where? go where?
[CP] - Yeah not trusting you with this responsibility, Doc, you're staying here
[HG] -keeps change blocks to very fertilize soil-
[Doc] Not trusting me? That's some nerve.
[Gk] Just fucking stay. You can watch the babies.
[Endrea] Stands and stretches- We shall at least need your assistance to get in Doc
[Doc] Grumbles a bit- Xe nudges Yaunfen close to Cp and gives him a sharp look. - I'lll be back in a matter of moments.
[CP] - How many times have I raised Endrea?  Yours will be fine
[Doc] Slinks along the ground like an angry cat and slithers down the hole that leads to the cage.
[Gk] Snorts-
[Mb] Makes a face at Yaunfen
[Endrea] Shifts to her human form to follow-
[Yaunfen] - FUCK!
[CP] Snorts in amusement-
[Gk] Changes shape as well to follow-
[Doc] Opens the way and fidgets while they go through before bolting off again.
[Endrea] Once through she stretches back into her dragon form-
[Gk] Does the same -Ahhh. Wanna go make faces at the NOTCHs?
[Endrea] - I think Doc may get mad at us for that...  CP has mentioned that many of them are truamatized
[Gk] Okay... I'm just playing around. Mb's such a spring buck. Been feeling my oats lately.
[Endrea] Laughs a little- Come on, let's see what has grown!
[Gk] This is gonna be one hell of a seed when they're all grown. I caught glimpses of some really strange breeds when they were hatching.
[Endrea] - Indeed- She flaps her wings and takes off into the air
[Gk] Gets a bit of a running start and launches himself as well. He's smaller then her and it's a strange feeling.
[Endrea] Searches the ground, spotting a few very small dragons and a few slightly larger ones playing with them-
[Gk] The air seems fairly empty, I guess most are too small to fly yet.
-Immediately after he says that a small two tailed dragon darts past, it's wings are rather fairy like and it's body covered in pale blue feathers, it chirps curiously at the two larger dragons-
[Gk] Weird... But hey. They're healthy and happy. That's the best ya can hope for sometimes.
-It darts away-
[Endrea] - I wonder if it will get much bigger...
[Gk] Eh, you'll still probably be the biggest in the end.
[Endrea] - A down side to my coding I suppose
[Gk] You know, you could have Doc look at it.... There might be a way to cap your growth.
[Endrea] - Perhaps, but for the moment we need to look for more dragons
[Gk] What the hell is that... ?
-There's a ridge of ground thats undulating in a straight line down below-
[Endrea] - I think another dragon...
-The ground breaks for a monemt and theres a flash of a sand-brown head before a long bodied dragon dives back down into the soil like a sandworm-
[Endrea] - Such variation in my species
[Gk] Player mods... I'm suprised we didn't get some fucking dinosaurs out here by accident. Hey look at that! What a doofy looking dragon, and way bigger then the others.
[Junior] Is moseying along with his long tongue hanging out. He's a mostly normal enderdragon but his wings are far too tiny to do anything but fan his chubby body.
[Endrea] - Er...  Yes...
[Gk] Those derped eyes look familiar actually...
[Endrea] - I wouldn't know why...
[Gk] Lands near Junior and gives him the hairy eyeball-
[Junior] slow blink, one eye then the other like a frog-
[Endrea] Lands near him- GG...
[Jean] Comes roaring over a hill - GET AWAY FROM MY BABY!
[Endrea] Steps between Jean and GK-
[Jean] Digs into the ground to stop herself and huffs a bit-
[Gk] Why is she here!?
'[Endrea] - It wasn't my intention at first, but it will piss your NOTCH off...
[GK] Stamps his hooves- It makes me angry too! This bitch made my existence pure torment for months!
[Jean] Because I did what NOTCH wanted! You're the one who tried to kill Steffan!
[Endrea] - GG, please calm down
[Jean] Takes the opportunity to get Junior behind her-
[Gk] Is just blowing little flames out of his nose and huffing angrilly-
[Endrea] - GG I will sit on you if you don't calm down
[Gk] Can't I just kick her once?!
[Jean] I don't deserve that!
[Endrea] - As much as I'd enjoy seeing that, no
[GK] Is even more red then usual and the grass around his hooves is smoldering a bit- I HATE HER.
[Jean] I hate you too!
[Endrea] - And I dislike her as well, but think about this, we have taken away more from your NOTCH then anyone else.  You have more than him for the first time
[Gk] Is just fuming with his face scrunched in a pout.
[Jean] You should be happy anyway! You're a dragon again!
[Endrea] - GG, please, let's just move on and do what we were sent here to do
[Gk] I will... because you asked. But I won't like it!
[Endrea] Reaches over and nuzzles GK- You never do
[Ashe] Rolls around with Yaunfen a bit-
[Yaunfen] - Burp!  Burp!
[willow and oak] -follow the two dragons-
[Doc] You guys are so cute.
[Notch] Wanders over, hoping for a distraction from Lie's questions.
[Mb] Gives Notch a questioning look.
[CP] Is floating above so he doesn't get rolled into-
[Ashe] He and Yaunfen then proceed to roll into MB-
[Mb] Is knocked down and swears rather viciously.-
[Notch] Snorts-
[Ashe] - Oops...  Sorry...
[Mb] Shut up or I'll knock your block off, stupid NOTCH.
[Notch] Esh...
[CP] - I'd think first you'd have to get out from under those dragons
[Mb] Shoves them off him-
[HG] -there is now a large patch of fertilized dirt block and as grass takes over to make them grass blocks the grass is taller stronger and healthier-
[willow] -goes over to MB- bok
[Yaunfen] Surprised noise-
[Ashe] Carefully watches Willow- Willow...
[Mb] Yeah, whatever.
[willow] bok
[Celine] Goes over to MB to check him out-
[HG] -is watering the grass-
[willow] -goes over to ashe and paps him-
[Ashe] - What is it Willow?
[willow] -pounces on ashe-
[Ashe] Rolls over- Willow!  Ha ha!
[willow] -paps ashe again before jumping off of him and running circles around him-
[Ashe] Laughing, gets up and stretches, there's a popping noise as his goggles fall to the ground have broken as he grew with the stretch-
[oak] -is eating some of the tall grass-
[Doc] Whoah... Time to fix your goggles again... - Xe takes them up and starts repairing the strap.
[Ashe] Makes a series of clicking noises-
[willow] -paps doc's leg before running around hir-
[Doc] Easy kiddo, I'm trying to fix your brothers eyewear
[Ashe] Hesitantly starts walking around-
[willow] -flops on her back and wiggles her legs in the air-
[Celine] Licks MB-
[oak] -throws up the grass on lie's steps before going back to running around-
[Mb] small smile- good girl...
[Doc] Ummm
[Lie] - What is it Doc?
[Doc] Just a little bit of dragon barf...
[Lie] - Oh dear...
[Dolly] Comes up the path and stands under Cp, she's trying to think of a good way to get his attention.
[Ashe] Makes some more clicking noises-
[oak] -sees dolly and goes over to them and paps her-
[Doc] Finishes the goggles and puts them back on Ashe- Here you go.
[Ashe] - Thank you
[Dolly] Eyes the little dragon nervously- hello...
[CP] Glances down-
[oak] -runs around dolly-
[Dolly] Cp... can I talk to you? Privately?
[CP] Frowns a little- Why?
[Dolly] Because I'm told you're good with... dreams...
[CP] Comes down to the ground and start walking towards the house- Follow me
[oak] -tries to follow them-
[CP] - No Oak, go play with your sister
[oak] -run off and pounces on willow who rolls around with him-
[Dolly] Follows nervously-
[CP] Closes the door behind them as they enter the workroom- What do you want to know?
[Dolly] I have a recurring dream... I know it's the same, but it's like something is blocking me from recalling the specifics.
[CP] - Oh?  And what do you want me to do?
[Dolly] Can you just, watch? Tell me what happens? Or why it seems like there's a hole in my mind? You're used to dealing with things playing games with your thoughts, aren't you?
[CP] - Usually I'm the one doing it.  When do you want to do this?
[Dolly] Up to you. I'm rather nervous about what you might find, but it might cast some light on the craziness I've been plunged into since just before coming here.
[CP] - Well I can make you sleep whenever you want, but I'm assuming you'd want somebody there other than me there as well to make sure everything goes alright
[Dolly] No... I know that it was a risk for TLOT to join in someone else's dreams last time, and honestly, that grinning dog makes me nervous.
[CP] - Eh, Smile is pretty harmless unless you've seen his photo
[Dolly] I'm just not a dog person... - Her thoughts are plain, the cruel eyes and slavering jaws of the upright wolves she narrowly escaped.
[CP] - Alright, again, just let me know when you want to do this, I can literally put you to sleep right now
[Dolly] Gives a tiny twitch. - Y-yes... I think I need to know....
[CP] Sighs and puts down a bed- Go ahead and lay down then
[Dolly] Does as she's told. she doesn't trust Cp much at all, but she knows the others saw her enter the house with him and would surely come looking for her if she never awakened or left again.
[CP] Gives the tiniest flicker of power to send Dolly into a sleep before putting down a block to sit on and entering the dream himself-
-He gets a glimpse of a field in spring before something black obscures it and pushes on him very hard-
[CP] Growls and pushes back-
-There's a featheryness to the pressure-
[CP] - What the fuck is this?
[Dolly] Is also fighting, the memory is being suppressed intentionally-
[CP] Draws his sword- This is no match for me- He slices his sword through the mass
[Xophiel] Emerges from the brain fog and shoves Cp down beneath a massive hand- WHY ARE YOU FIGHTING WHAT I HAVE MADE?
[CP] - Because I was fucking asked to you asshole!
[CP] - But she wants to know
[CP] - Because why not?
[CP] - See, now you've got me curious as well, I wanna know what's in there now
[CP] - So?  Not gonna stop me, and I will find a way in- Already his powers are branching out, trying to find weak points where he can begin to gain control
[Xophiel] INSOLENT PEST! - He's already trying to counter with his own powers
[CP] Teleports beyond the entity, shifting back into old habits of sneaking through dreams to effectively scare the victims-
-The scene opens up again. It's a bright morning in spring. The field around him is full of flowers glistening with dew. There are no houses in view, but there are several strange contraptions scattered around. Sets of four pegs in the ground, holding up the corners of several sheets streched like low hammocks over the grass. There's the cry of a falcon high in the air above-
[CP] Skulks around, trying to find Dolly in the dream-
-There's a little bit of sound down the field. A man and a woman carrying a large bowl. The falcon swoops down and lands on the man's upraised wrist. He looks at the woman lovingly. Their clothes are that of old English peasantry.
[CP] - The fuck is this bullshit?
-The couple begin taking the sheets down and wringing the dew into the bowl. There's a distinctly smoky smell from the man-
[CP] Is getting curious about what they're doing-
[Xophiel] Swats Cp flat from behind, He's reduced his size a lot but his weird proportions are even more upsetting at a small scale. His feet are nearly as long as Cp's entire legs, but his birdlike head is roughly the same size as a humans.
[CP] - So?
[CP] - Maybe
[Xophiel] THAT IS HER. -He gestures to the smiling man- A PAST LIFE.
-The couple are pouring the dew into a large glass flask-
[CP] - Past life huh?  What era?
[Xophiel] THE YEAR IS 1686.
[CP] - Huh, I think that might be about the time Splender came around...
[CP] - And her?
[CP] - Wait, so he's Dolly?
[Xophiel] YES.
[CP] - Huh, well, so far all this looks fucking harmless as fuck
[CP] - And what would she be doing?
[CP] - You mean Zeke?  And what fucking beast?
[CP] - I'm guessing you mean something related to Insanity?
[Xophiel] passes a hand over Cp's face and everything goes black -
[CP] Is surprised when he regains consciousness on the floor of the work room- THAT FUCKER- He wakes Dolly from the dream
[Dolly] Groggly awakens - Cp?
[CP] Growls a bit- That fucking angel of yours is trying and failing to keep some nightmares at bay, that's all that's happening
-On the outside theres a bit of a disturbance as something ponderous enters Slender's woods.-
[Slender] Senses the intruder and growls as he puts his book down- Offender, I'll be right back...
[Offender] Looks up from the floor where he's coloring with Sally- Alright, be careful bro
[Slender] Teleports out into his woods-
-The shambling form is moving slowly, as if the slightest step was pain. There's a muted red light from where it's eyes should be. -
[Slender] Releases a burst of static in warning-
-The figure just stands there, there's nothing electrical in it. It's barely alive. It's close enough to see that the eyes are actually a cluster of three on each side, and the head is long and misshapen like an alligators maw.
[Slender] Growls as he emerges from the tree's- Leave, you are trespassing
-The thing is struggling, it's obvious it can't speak but wants too desperately. It seems to be encased in a large sack of some kind that fits it's form.
[Slender] His tendrils come out, snaking forwards as he reaches for the creatures mind-
-The flickering fragment of soul still bears a name - Rudolph.
[Slender] - This is your last warning, leave!- There's a whisper of a voice in his mind as Insanity suggests possession of the creature before him
-The creature gets down on it's short knees, raising it's hands up in a pleading gesture. The hands are huge, three long claws with no thumb.
[Slender] Frowns but movement catches his attention as the scent of human drifts through the air.  A low staticky hiss comes from Slender's throat- I'll deal with you in a moment
[Rudolph] Turns toward the noise. His jaws opening in a menacing way as his eyes narrow.
[Slender] Pauses waiting to see what this other creature will do as the human stumbles into sight-
[Rudolph] Struggles to his feet, he strikes out at the human with a giant paw but the blow is obviously weak-
-The human screams and stumbles backwards, only to be impaled by one of Slender's tendrils-
[Slender] - Hmm, seems you could be of use, but you lack energy...
[Rudolph] Stumbles, barely catching his lumbering form before it crashes into the ground. His burlap covering is streaked with dried blood that does not belong to him.
[Slender] - Follow me
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savagestylz · 8 years
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