#im SO TIRED of working paycheck to paycheck
fflaminlo 6 months
is there anywhere besides twitter or therapy where i can complain about the economy rn
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electricpurrs 25 days
time and time again the only things that take me out of deep depressive states are having fun and spending time with people and yet everytime i get so shocked like wow! love and fun and laughter sure made me feel like life is worth it again. who would've thought
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nat-20s 8 months
I really lost an entire fucking WEEK to being sick huh like hrrrGGGG i had STUFF to DO. also i felt slightly better today so i tried to like gung ho do stuff and honestly im exhausted from doing like two things :(((( AND i have to be at stupid fucking work at 8 am tomorrow DDDDDD:
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orcelito 8 months
Vet visit went fine. June Bug is OK, just dehydrated and maybe has allergies too. And she is VERY unhappy with me. But she'll be fine.
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be-good-to-bugs 1 month
i need to stop staying up so late when i need to work the next day augggg
#the bin#i work at 11am at least so i do still have awhile till i need to get up#usually i work 4 hours earlier so im lucky i guess. not exactly tho bc i much prefer morning shifts but whatevs#i texted my sister today to ask if she can come this weekend but she didnt respond. hhh. im gonna be so mad if she says no#i just realized im abt to be out of cat food too so she HAS to comw at some point soon#it doenst even have to be the weekend. thats just the days she has off but if she can stop by anotehr time then thats fine#or if just her boyfriend can come drop stuff off and pickup her card then thats fine. but idk. i even offered to lend her gas money if my#next paycheck is enough to allow that. i shoudo get it tomorrow or the day afeyr so. well. hhhh.#i hope my paycheck isnt too bad. i think tips were pretty good recently so. maybe it wond be so bad. hhhh.#im tired of being stressed abt this stuff all the time. im really pissed at my sister rn too bc she just bought $40 worth of unnecessary#stuff. like. decor. while she still owes me $300 which i only lent bc it was for rent and i knew i wouldnt need it back for almost a month#but its been that time now and i need it back and instead of sensing it back she buys a $20 wall tapestry apparently#hhh. last yime i ever ever ever lend her money. im only gonna lend gas money bc i need her here soon. but she also needs to amde the trip#bc she has a card here to pickup. and theres several other reasons shes supposed to stop by. it shouldnt have to be my responsibility to#pay for that trip. hhhh.#im so glad i wont have to deal with her in a month
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scringee 2 months
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This is the only way to express how I'm feeling
#i try not to talk about my home life on here but im honestly so fucking frustrated that if i dont get this out i might just kill someone#my family car broke down in January of this year#my father refuses to get a new one because he thinks hes saving so mucj more money and he doesnt feel like he has any incentive#acting as if he was giving us free trips#i would literally pay him 100 dollars a fucking week to help take me in and out of work#and he just doesnt like acknowledge that at all#so now im having to take ubers to and from work every day. each trip is like 20+ dollars so that 40+ dollars a day five days a week#im averaging spending 200 dollars a week jusy to get into work#and i work a minimum wage shitty fucking job so all of my paycheck goes straight into ubers and fucking therapy every week#ive had to skip so many sessions becaause theyre all 50 dollars after insurance#and im just so frustrated#i want to move out so bad but how can i save enough if im constantly hemorrhaging cash#the only reason hes saving money is because he fucking works from home#i just dont know what to do at this point i feel so helpless#becayse even if hou casually bring it up my dad immediately assumes youre ATTACKING him and how DARE you and im tited im so fucking tired#how am i meant to move out in these conditions#how am i meant to do anything#i have no fucking social life because i literally just cant afford it im going to cry#i hate him. i hate my dad so fucking much#vent#ig.#scringee mouth
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itstimeforstarwars 3 months
What an absolute waste of the first day of spring. I woke up knowing I should call out and what do you know.
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gensymscribes 4 months
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really trying to convince myself that i need a job even if i have to work 6 days a week and only get around 12-15 hours notice for each shift so i can't plan anything in advance and never get to do anything outside of the house other than work
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aidenwaites 5 months
I don't. Want to go to work the next two days
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I can't believe I get paid less than the sales associates ahahajhahahahahah
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silhouettecrow 8 months
365 Days of Writing Prompts: Day 271
Adjective: Menacing
Noun: Optic
Definitions for those who need/want them:
Menacing: suggesting the presence of danger, or threatening
Optic: a lens or other optical component in an optical instrument; (archaic) (humorous) the eye
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4b9 9 months
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just finished a 9 hour shift (break counted for I worked at 7-4:30)
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ashendalia 11 months
Sorry if I get quiet
I nosedived mentally really badly all the sudden and I have no way to get my feelings out because I don't feel like I can talk to my mom about it and it really fucks with me badly
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soldier-poet-king 2 years
yes i was up at 4.30am to catch a flight home, NO i refuse to go to bed bc that means tomorrow gets here sooner and i dont wanna go to work, YES i am, in fact, a toddler
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orcelito 1 year
Unsure if I've lost the thread for ladue or if I'm just exhausted
Probably more the latter tbh. I hope.
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kof-xiii 1 year
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