#im a really bad content creator
jokramer · 2 months
I feel like i have abandonded the *checks notes* >100 viewers I have on youtube.
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seokjinite · 24 days
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SEOKJIN + looks i'm not normal about (cr. 0613data, apple tape)
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mrkanman · 9 months
OUR the wolf among us, comrade.
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#chattin#nothin crazy just thinking about thay wel//come home post thats been circulating#its so scary#its why i really DONT participate in fandom like that; its why i stay away from aus and oc content#bc sometimes its so far removed from the actual content that youve basically made an entirely new show/game/etc#and like obv thats not bad or evil or what have u#i make aus and ocs for basically everything i watch and play#im doing it w pt right now!#but i feel like#the main issue was that the people who got ahold of the website were people who wanted views#and poked and prodded until they could find something to make a video about#and instead of like#following the creator and their socials; people just jumped on the bandwagon#like the obsession w unreality games (mandela catalog/backrooms/etc) and child mascot horror games#means that some people will look at Cute Looking Things that have very little content or descriptions#and assume its horror related#and that its Content Creator stuff As Usual#and like#will make all of these conclusions without engaging in the original media#if people checked the creators socials for 10 seconds im sure they wouldve found exactly whats been circulating rn#that it was just a fun project ! thats their baby!#and people jumped into a fabricated fandom FIRST instead of engaging in the media#like. i like pt. i LOVE it. i think the game is fun and solid with wonderful music and controls and cute litte bits of characterization for-#-what would otherwise be shallow puppets. and we know this becase we played and watched it! people went through the trouble of finding old-#-dev builds and old concept art and old creator messages (for better of for worse lmfao)#just. i interact with fandom as far as i would like someone to treat my own properties#enjoy what i have to put out there; and take it from there#dont just piggyback off of what fandom wants to see.#just. waugh. 🥺🥺 i feel so bad for that artist. a passion project turned miserable#bc people played with their babies like little dolls and didnt even want to like. know what these babies meant to their creator
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ronithesnail · 8 months
Girl help why is top/bottom discourse so big on twitter rn holy shit
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chapter 5, page 43
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[image description: an sac webcomic page. "fine" jade scowls. "fine!" lewis replies off panel. jade starts walking away, lewis slowly following. a long panel shows them still walking, then switching to lewis looking at his phone, while jade in the foreground still looks annoyed. lewis taps her on the shoulder with the back of his hand to get her attention. she turns to him, still annoyed. "hey" he says. end id]
i dont have any witty comments or insights for this page. i am however looking into making keychains and pins. i have limited ideas for pins, my usual manufacturer makes wooden pins up to 4cm in size which is too small for what designs i have already but i did get a couple cat designs for fun.
keychains i have the opposite problem where i have too many ideas for my budget. some are just my usual lgbt stuff and some are fanart because i have 2 anime/gaming cons in august. (also a couple other cons in late september!) but keychains are more expensive than stickers so i can't do them all (specifically i was going to do some spiderverse stuff but also the owl house and mha). one day ill probably do some sac merch but thats like, for future me with a bigger budget since oc stuff doesnt sell as well sadly.
anyway thats how my life's going. also i'm 25 now too i guess. i lied about no commentary for this page i got a new tablet from my parents and at first i was hesitant because my old one worked fine but then i tried my new one and was like holy shit this is what a good tablet feels like? because my old was a hand crampingly small cheap wacom with terrible pen pressure but i didnt like, realise that since all ive ever used were small cheap tablets. i feel like that naruto guy (rock lee i think) dropping his training weights. still adjusting though
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yerdad · 2 years
Hi! Know I've been inactive for a bit and that probably isn't gonna change! I have other stuff to say but it'll be in the tags lol
#so im hesitant to say what i wanna say cause i dont wanna be perceived as ungrateful but like#i really wish my non fandom stuff got more attention/love#it sucks cause i know most of you followed me for Undertale/underswap art and junk so it only makes sense that#my more personal art wouldnt be treated in the same way#and im also aware thay regardless of how many followers i have not all of you will see/like/comment/reblog my stuff#and it bothers me that i care so much because i know the culture of social media doesnt cater towards the art community very well#even though art is so so popular#the creators of said art and content just dont get treated in the same way their creations do#and thats really disheartening cause ir feels like i have to constantly improve and one up myself in order to get people attention#like for so many this is their livelihood and to see it so dependant on algorithms is incredibly demoralizing#i dont know#this kinda feels like the only route for me right now since im still in highschool- this feels like the only way ill create connections atm#anyway im only saying this cause i wanna know if anyone else feels similarly? like i feel like such a jackass for thinking all this stuff#but i wanna know if its reasonable line of thinking yknow#thats why i havent been posting very much either. i just hate working so hard on something and feeling so proud and then it feels like#its being ignored? idk...#im aware this sounds whiny#i wont try to excuse it#if any of my art moots see this tell me if youve had similar experiences#since i feel bad ill try to post the sketches ive been doing since school started#my style has changed a bit so maybe some of you would be interested in seeing how ive improved? lolol#im done talking now. have a good one
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saltyyetbland · 1 year
as much as my memories and connection with the dream smp has been tainted overtime due to reasons, i still cant get myself to hate that time period and the server as it truly was what kept me creatively stimulated during covid. it is what got me back into minecraft and allowed me to be introduced to so many other creators beyond what i thought i would watch and for that im grateful. this may be bittersweet in more ways than one but i just want to say thanks for all the memories, the good and the bad, and goodbye.
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selamat-linting · 2 years
the dominos that had to fall so "me reading jeff the killer fanfics" turns into "me planning evac routes in case the police brings out crowd control weapons" was many, but it happens alright.
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kelprot-old · 2 years
sometimes my utter disdain for social media bleeds into other sites and Well its just annoying because now I open up youtube and see open mouth shocked thumbnails arrows pointing etc. andpeople putting hundreds of hours into videos of their own and how they often gain little reward for it other than just. comments. or whatever. and its just. the whole site is kinda scary.
#sometimes i think about youtube too much and my brain hurts#seeing the transformation of it over the past 10 years to what it is now is. its a lot#this site with. an unfathomable amount of content on it. thousands of things uploaded a minute#but 95% of it will never see any success nor pay back the efforts of their creators#not to say passion projects are bad or anything. you don't Need to make a profit for something to have value#im thinking moreso of how many people provide this site with content out of this need for a response#response being like. idk. attention feedback The Need To Be Famous or whatever#youtube markets itself as a site that can make Anyone Famous !! Be yourself give us your time and energy and we will pay you back#i dont want to say it's free labour because it isn't really. like that#but sometimes i will scroll through youtube and see these streamlined thumbnails and profiles and accounts and I feel sick#this site's become a replacement for mainstream entertainment for many and it's. scary to think about#arguably i think there's something predatory about how it can coerce you into feeding it so much of yourself in exchange for empty promises#yes not everyone is like this but it's still bizarre how common the whole ''i did youtube because I wanted to be famous'' thing is#not that it doesnt make sense. but. i dunno#i cant explain exactly what about it makes me feel so sick sometimes but. still#im aware a lot of this is me Reading into things too much and having a very adverse reaction to any social media-esque thing btw
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leafmutual · 2 years
Found that list someone made of problematic authors and am fucking floored, the severe lack of critical thinking on display is astounding. You heard it here first folks: Shakespeare, Virginia Woolf, Harper Lee and Sylvia Plath have been canceled for racism. Not one mention of the really low hanging fruit like Lovecraft, Orwell, Nabokov... and the amount of ya authors on the list is like...
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ranboolivesaysstuff · 9 months
Im gonna be honest and open for a sec, and please do not take this as "oh I HATE my community or I dont like the people who watch me" but honestly as of late (and I did highlight this during the mcc bit), ive felt like I havent been able to really be in my own community simply because of the constant way that "discourse" is handled. Making vague posts and not really tackling issues in a good way, all that is going to do is just show people a big "THIS COMMUNITY BAD" sign and not actually help anything within the community, all its going to do is have the good and potentially good people leave or not join in the first place. The way that discourse is treated that ive seen has been the main reason why I have started to try to distance myself, which has been the most heartbreaking thing I have had to do. I want problems to be solved in a mature, civil way, with either a dm or a reply, not an entire vague thing that only says "bad things are happening" and doesnt elaborate on anything or barely elaboratesa and only gives people on both the inside and outside a bad sign of what the community is. Making posts whenever something happens being like "here we go again" is only going to highlight the wrong things, and actually DOESNT help the issue at all! The problems should be discussed directly with the people who are doing said problems FIRST! Bring attention to behaviors and things that arent good DIRECTLY! And also, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO!!! It is not your duty as a viewer or fan of me to be involved in any of this if you do not want to! Just enjoy the content and make silly posts! As someone who constantly tried to fix and get into every problem as it was happening, it took a huge toll on my mental health, and I want you guys to just be able to enjoy the content without having to worry about what you say about it! Be constructive! Dont make posts again just being like "wow this community is so bad" because that doesnt solve literally anything! If you have enough passion to make the posts saying "wow this community is bad" then only post about that, you are only spreading that negative message, and not uplifting anything of actual value! And if the person you are trying to help is not willing or not listening, BLOCK! MUTE! DONT BRING MORE ATTENTION TO THE PERSON IF THEY ARE NOT BEING A GOOD PART OF THE COMMUNITY!!!! I know I say that if I see problems I will call them out, but I shouldnt have to babysit every single time a thing happens within the community as that just isnt a healthy way for a creator or a community to be handled. This does not mean that I do not care about the issues or dont want them fixed, rather it shouldnt take me having to make some grand statement every single time something happens it should take only your own self reflection and self awareness. And to add onto this, make sure that every once in a while no matter who you are you think and have that self reflection, you should be open to being willing to learn and grow as a person! And again, I do NOT want anyone taking this as "Wow this community is terrible" but rather that we just have things that need to be fixed and changed and THAT IS OKAY! I do not hate the community, I care so much about it that I want it to be a silly place for my content again! I want it to be the reason why people get into what I do because of it again! And I want to be able to just have fun and relax without having to worry about how every single thing that I may say could have someone stirring things up that simply dont help or solve anything! Take care of yourselves. And this isnt coming from a place of "I hate the community as a whole" but rather again I want to be able to exist and make content that we can all enjoy without having to worry about walking on eggshells around me or around eachother! At the end of the day im just a fella that wants to make silly videos for you all, and you are people who enjoy said videos. Nothing more. Nothing less.
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faggy--butch · 1 month
is it just me or is the "trans guys are just some boring guys and they make lame music and trans women are cool and interesting and make loud music" jokes almost like. an excuse for why theres not that many trans guys who are popular content creators or musicians or actors or authors or what have you. like blaming the invisibility of trans men on being "boring" and therefore not doing anything rather than oppression.
not to mention the example of music being that people have heard of one singular trans guy who works in a genre they dont like [people really love to act like cavetown is like specifically bad or cringe but thats just what most indie pop/rock/folk sounds like] and theyve heard of a handful of trans women who make hyperpop that they already like [and laura jane grace of course] and its really telling on themselves. theres trans guys making hyperpop and trans women making ""lame ukulele music"" and both of them and nonbinary people making music of tons of other genres. like. cmon. it reminds me of xkcd 385.
also i dont think these jokes are intentionally malicious or anything [most of the time] but it also feels sort of weird to be joking about how boring a group of marginalized people are. im not going to act like its the biggest deal in the world but its sort of low level bullying, innit? and i imagine having this weird expectation to be "cool and interesting" isnt fun for trans women either. its nice to get to be lame sometimes.
Yeah it's super weird, especially because it's repeated over and over, that part is the suspicious part. I even saw it on reddit a few days ago in one of the ftm subs. I do think it's like blaming the lack of trans men artists on trans men being "boring" instead of, you know the bigotry, the erasure, the inequality I think it's also a weird expectation that we all HAVE to live up to what other people think of as "cool" like if we're all not making hardcore metal and being as "SICK" as humanly possible, we are failing at transgender music and therefore are the reason trans men aren't represented as artists enough, which is ummm. okay.
why can't we make soft love songs about being bugs, or whatever. What happens to trans women who don't live up to the metal hardcore aesthetic? Look at Dylan Mulvaney. She made a dumb cutsie girlypop song and everyone acted like she is the founder of misogyny herself. So not only are we ridiculed for the music we make, we're trapped in transphobic expectations of what music we can or should make.
If you expect all trans women to make metal, you'll only see trans women who make metal, if you expect all trans men to make soft music, that's all you'll find! because that's all you looked for! Another thing is like, Oh all trans women music is cool and hardcore rock and roll, but trans men music is dumb and cutsie ukulele music? I wonder what gender those genres are normally associate with? Uhoh we're doing a sexism maybe the person making the joke doesn't have malicious intent, but the joke itself sure does.
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vee-da-skee · 1 year
yknow maybe it's been good that i've stayed away from o.kegom for a while
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mediasploshion · 1 year
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carrsu · 1 year
I wonder how many people have blocked me because I almost never tag unless I’m using it as a diary
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