#im having seperation anxiety
alitherandom · 2 months
I'm starting to think we need to collectively file a missing person's report for Echo
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gorillaxyz · 2 months
furry self shippers rise up
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puhpandas · 9 months
Take Me Home 1, 2
(to see new chapters release, sub on ao3 :))
(3227 words)
When Cassie wakes for the second time, it's not with a pounding head and limbs as heavy as iron. No. This time, her awareness of the world rolls in smoothly, and all she feels when she wakes fully is faint buzzing throughout her body.
She revels in it; the fact that theres no pain. She doesn't think too hard about why, she just shifts, moving to stretch her limbs, but hisses when going to move her arm sends a wave of soreness pain up her arm.
She grits her teeth, yelping and suddenly re-entering the world fully when the pain throws her into alertness.
Her eyes shoot open, and she moves to sit up in bed, heart racing when all she can remember is last being in the dark, dingy, falling apart Pizzaplex, but she calms when all she can see is someone's bedroom.
"...Huh?" She mumbles, her mind still not having fully caught up to her yet. She glances around the room, painted a pale blue, with furniture tucked against the neighboring walls and flowing curtains covering most of the sunlight filtering through the window, a light breeze ruffling them.
Movement catches her attention in the corner of her eye, and she glances over just in time for Gregory to snort awake, eyes trailing across her, not really seeing her, until they blow wide in recognition.
"Cassie!" Gregory exclaims, rushing to stand up from the position he was in where he had been sitting in a chair, laying his head in his arms, hunched over on the bed. "You're finally awake!"
Cassie feels her heart warm when she realizes that Gregory had been waiting for her to wake up by her bedside, never leaving her prescence. Long enough for him to fall asleep. Her heart slows to a normal rate when she sets eyes on him, immediately feeling at ease, and she breaths a deep breath, shifting to sit up more and allowing Gregory to help her when he rushes over.
She hisses when the movement jostles her leg and arm, and she finally takes a good look at them, realizing that at some point, in her sleep, her cardigan had been taken off, leaving her in her button-up, and her shoes and socks had been discarded, leaving her in her dark purple tights and shorts.
Gregory notices her staring at her foot, which is propped up on a pillow, peeking out from under the thick comforter, with some sort of makeshift splint made from cloth wrapped around the ankle.
"We had to improvise." He informs her, that lopsided grin Cassie'd always see in her dreams and on her homemade missing posters stretched on his face. "Ness cant exactly take the chance of getting involved with authority."
Cassie furrows her brows, her mind still kind of foggy from her -what she guesses- long sleep. "Ness?"
Gregory perks up. "Oh. It's a nickname we use for Vanessa a lot. Y'know, that blonde girl that was with us in the pizzeria?"
Cassie nods in recognition, remembering her blonde ponytail with rainbow streaks. "Yeah, um... how exactly did--"
She gets cut off when the door clicks open, and speak of the devil. "Oh, you're awake." Vanessa peeks her head in the room, a smile on her face when she sees Cassie sitting up and awake. "We were just making dinner, and I wanted to see if you were up."
"Um..." Cassie trails off. "Dinner?" She settles on.
Gregory senses her uncertainty, and settles a hand on her shoulder. "Vanessa's makin' chicken alfredo. And since you're awake, now you can finally eat."
Her stomach rumbles as if on queue, and her cheeks redden. Gregory has no problem laughing at her. "How long has it been?"
Cassie tries to think. "A few hours before you came and got me, since I ran to the Pizzaplex as soon as I got the message. So... that plus however long I slept for."
"Eighteen hours." Vanessa supplies helpfully.
Cassies eyebrows shoot up to her hairline. "Eighteen hours?!" She exclaims.
Gregory laughs, and Vanessa just looks at her with a crooked smile that reminds her of Gregory's. "Yup. You were exhausted physically and emotionally, and were injured, kiddo. The fact that you slept for so long checks out."
Gregory giggles. "Remember when we first got back, you slept for twenty-one."
Vanessa rolls her eyes. "I think I had a perfectly good reason to sleep the whole day away. Unlike you." She points two fingers from her eyes to Gregory. "Its not my fault you have the same amount of energy as a hyperactive dog."
"You mentioned a dog! So is the dog talk working?" Gregory asks, smugly. "Come on, Ness. Just concede. Its only a matter of time before you cave."
Cassie just watches, unsure of what to do when Gregory and Vanessa talk. Theres a grin on Gregory's face, not one she's used to. Not like the mischievous, pointed ones when Gregory was brewing something up, or the slight, hopeful ones, when Cassie would talk about when they got older, and she and Gregory could work towards getting a car and finally being able to give Gregory a life where he doesnt have to worry, and they can just live. Just a few more years, they'd always say.
This one is easy. Its gentle, with no kind of edge to be detected, and it looks so right on his face. It doesn't look forced, it doesnt look rare. Cassie can tell just by looking that Gregory has smiled like this often, and hes been allowed to be used to it. To smile without the quirk of worry.
It warms Cassies heart, to see that theres been change. But it also hurts.
Because he'd been away for so long, and although Cassie is so, so glad to have him back, she can't help but wonder why he never reached out to her. If he'd been able to smile so easily like this, while she couldn't muster one at times, too empty from his absence.
"I can barely take care of you and Freddy, kid." Vanessa points out, and Cassie is thrown back into reality. "And now I got another destroyed animatronic to fix and another kid. Not even mentioning a dog."
Cassie gasps, big and sudden at Vanessa's words. "Roxy!" She exclaims, and she winces when her voice rasps, and her dry throat burns from dehydration. "Roxy! Where is she? Is--Is she okay?!"
When Cassie starts to shift, arms moving to roll the comforter off of herself and somehow leave the bed, Gregory and Vanessa both rush to gently push her back down.
"Its okay, Cassie." Gregory says in that soft voice of his where it feels like it's only reserved for Cassie. "Shes in parts and service. While you were asleep, we wanted to fix her up a little, so we took turns watching you and fixing Roxy up."
Cassie feels the tension melt off of her body when she hears that Roxy is here, and has been fixed a little, but she still furrows her brows in confusion at 'parts and service', because are they not in a house right now?
Cassie can see Vanessa roll her eyes and go to explain. "He means that shes in one of the spare rooms we use to work on animatronics." Vanessa tells her. "We used it to build Freddy a body, and once Freddy started calling it parts and service, Gregory jumped on it, and it just stuck."
Cassie nods slowly, taking in the influx of information that she cant fully sort through right now. "So thats why Freddy didnt have a head."
"Do you want to see her?" Gregory asks. "Roxy, I mean. I'm suprised she hasnt barged in here already. I had to fight her to get her to trust me and Ness enough to work on her and watch you."
Cassie smiles, but it doesn't quite reach her eyes. Because Roxy is so worried about her, and Cassie is happy that she cares, but shes upset that Roxy and Gregory are so hostile towards eachother. "Yeah. Um. I would like to see her."
Gregory nods, and smiles. "Kay. She wont look the exact same, since I tried my best to restore her some, but at least she isnt about to fall apart."
Vanessa leaves the room with a curse, and Cassie ignores the slight burning smell coming from outside the door. "...Okay. Just... when you get her, can we have some alone time?"
Gregory nods, halfway out the door. "Okay. Sure. I'll be right back, okay?"
"Okay." She says, and then Gregory is gone.
Cassie breathes deep, playing with the frayed edges of the comforter when theres nothing else to do. She can hear the clattering of kitchen utensils from further in the house, and hushed voices.
The silence stretches further in her room, and when Gregory doesnt return, not right away, Cassie can feel her chest tighten, and something grip her lungs.
She breathes harshly through her nose, and notices how her hands begin to shake slightly.
Something grabs at her chest, something akin to panic, feeling like a giant hand and squeezing.
Gregory. Is all she can think about. He said he'd be right back. Where is he? He shouldn't have been gone this long, right?
Have I lost him again?
She squeezes her eyes shut, trying really hard to keep still, to keep calm, but her brain is jumbled, like its tied itself in knots, and all she can think about is how Gregory isn't here with her.
She has half the mind to get up, to tear through the house to search for him, to make sure she hasnt lost him again, that she wont have to look for him again. But one look at her ankle thats wrapped in cloth and she knows it isnt possible.
She makes a pitiful noise, breaths huffing out of her mouth now, short and heavy, and Gregory hasnt come back yet, and she cant do a thing about it.
It's only when Gregory pops his head back through the door, nudging it open with a creak that Cassie is ripped away from her thoughts and actually realizes how much shes panicking.
Gregory steps inside, a smile on his face, mouth open ready to speak, but it drops right off as soon as he sees Cassie.
Cassie cant find it in her to speak when Gregory rushes over to her, asking if shes okay. Her brain feels like its fogged over, or like its signal is blocked, and she cant think enough to respond to his questions.
All she can do is reach out to him when relief overwhelms her, enough for tears to slip past her lashes, and Gregory pauses in his rapid fire questions, seeming to understand something.
"I'm here, Cassie." He tells her, getting on the bed with her. He let's her wrap her arms around him and squeeze him as much as she needs when she moves to. "I'm not leaving again, okay? I'll be here with you. Nothings going to take me away from you. You arent going to lose me."
Cassie relishes in the reassurance. It reaches past all of the fog into some part of her brain, and it's like hosing down a wildfire. Her breathing slows down as she soaks up the feeling of Gregory right here, with her, and not going anywhere.
The panic that gripped her heart loosens some, and shes finally able to breathe, breathing deep breaths when Gregory does too.
"Sorry." She says after a moment, wiping at her eyes. "I dont... I dont know why that happened. I, um..."
"Separation anxiety." Gregory says, and Cassie startles. When shes finally able to unfuse herself with Gregory enough to look at his face, he has a knowing, serious expression on his face. "I had my rodeo with it, too... me and Freddy didnt have too good of a time with it."
Cassie furrows her brows, and it feels like she has ten thousand more questions added to the pile to ask, but Gregory stops her before she can speak.
"I'll tell you another time, okay?" He says, gesturing to the door where Roxy stands, waiting patiently for someone who was, when she last checked, willing to rip apart the guy Cassie just hugged to death. "Just... I promise I'll help you with it, okay? I dont think I'll be too different from you, after trying to reach you all night, and also..."
His eyes glaze over some, looking like a thousand different memories are playing over them, but he shakes it off, offering one more smile. "Itll be fine, okay? I'm gonna go make you a plate, cuz I think dinners ready, and you can talk to Roxy. Sound good?"
Cassie doesnt know what's wrong with her, because she almost tears up again at Gregory's words, because hes being so kind, and so understanding. She shouldn't be surpised, she guesses, Gregory had always found a way to catch her off guard with kindness when she'd been so used to being brushed off or disliked.
She nods, smiling back ag him, and he offers a thumbs up, moving past Roxy and shutting the door behind him.
It's only now that Cassies able to fully pay attention to Roxy, and she gasps, almost not recognizing her.
Before, she hadn't had anything resembling a face. Just her endoskeleton skull exposed due to broken casing. But now, she somehow has her face casing back. The colors are a little off, and it looks dusty and unused, but she looks like herself. Her last remaining strands of hair are fuller now, some new strands added. They've been shifted, too, styled to look adjacent to her old style, just shorter.
Her body isnt much different, one of her arms has its forearms back, a bright, clean purple compared to her filthy leg warmers, and she has her other foot back, just a larger size and different color.
But the most prominent change are definitely the eyeballs, glowing blue LED's, stuck securely in their sockets.
Cassie laughs disbelievingly, joyously, putting her hands up to her mouth with a wide smile.
"Roxy!" She exclaims. "You have eyes again!"
It's only now, when Roxy laughs along with her, that Cassie realizes her voice box has been replaced, too. Cassie laughs even more when Roxys voice filters through, sounding happy, instead of angry, no warbling or static to be found.
Roxy heads to her bedside, and shes walking much more surely, now. Not like her long, wide strides, always careful to not collide with something. She sways from side to side, ever confident in her looks.
"How do I look?" Roxy asks, fluttering her eyelashes now that she has some again and fluffing her new hairdo up with her hand. "The brat gave me a makeover."
Cassie giggles. "You look beautiful, Roxy."
"I know." Roxy says, but then turns her attention towards Cassie. "How are you doing, Speed racer?" Roxy asks, voice soft. "That elevator couldnt have felt good."
Cassie shakes her head, gesturing to her splinted arm and ankle. "Nope, but... Gregory and Vanessa fixed me up pretty good. I'm not hurting that much."
"I'm glad." Roxy smiles, because she can now.
It's just Cassie and Roxy, now. And like with Gregory, everything she'd been feeling, all the thoughts she'd been having all bubble up to the surface, and now that everyones here, and safe, she just wants to get it all out.
So Cassie furrows her brows, and goes to tell Roxy I'm sorry, I didnt want to, I shut you down and you still saved me, why? But before she can, the door clicks back open, and Gregory steps inside her room, balancing two plates on his hands.
"Dinners ready." He tells her, smiling, and Cassie doesn't know why shes suprised when after Gregory hands her her own plate, he crawls up on the bed with her.
So she doesnt voice it. She just smiles, a big, wide one, but still small and soft.
Vanessa walks inside the room with her own plate, and Freddy, looking everything like the home-built animatronic he is, follows behind her, extra pillows and blankets in his arms.
"I was thinking we have a movie night." Vanessa says, sitting in the same chair Gregory was when she first woke up. "Better than you having to sit in here bored, right, kid?"
Cassie nods, and her mouth waters when she catches a whiff of the chicken alfredo sitting in her lap.
Gregory snatches the remote from Vanessa, holding it away from her arms when she tries to take it back. The TV in front of them that she just now notices is in the room comes to life, Disney+ appearing on screen.
Gregory hands the remote to Cassie when Vanessa finally gives up, and shes able to pick the movie, putting on a happy, animated movie, where all the characters have their happy endings and nothing bad really ever happens.
The chicken alfredo was delicious, and they sat in her makeshift room, pillows and blankets built up like jenga around her to make her as comfortable as possible for hours, laughing together.
Cassies cheeks hurt by the end, and although shes so thrilled after hanging out with Gregory again, just having fun together like they used to, she cant help but notice that Roxy was really quiet the whole time. Really quiet.
Cassie doesnt think shes very good at reading animatronics yet, not like Vanessa and Gregory seem to be able to with Freddy, but Cassie cant help but feel like Roxy wasnt really able to relax this whole time, and shes surrounded with people she feels unsafe with.
By the end of it all, when the suns long set and Cassie feels tiredness drag her eyelids down, she cant rest, even when Vanessa's retired to her room, Gregory's left, and Roxy and Freddy went to parts and service.
She feels the same panic as earlier grip her heart. It's not like a panic attack; she's had a few of those, it's more like any chance of relaxation has left her body, and all that's left is feeling tense, on edge, and like something bad is going to happen. Like Gregory isnt going to be there when she wakes up.
But she needn't have worried, because it isnt too long until Gregory re-enters her room, wearing pajamas and Roxy and Freddy plushies clutched in one hand, with a night light in the other.
"This helped me and Freddy when it'd get bad, too." Gregory explains, tucking the Roxy plushie into her own arm as he lays down with her, clicking the night light shaped like Sundrop on. "That way, you can see me if you get scared that I'm gone."
Cassie can't put into words how grateful she is, or how glad she is that Gregory's back, and that she finally has him again, so she just doesn't, even though she wants to. Instead, she just clicks the lamp off, and when she lays down, wraps her arms around his middle.
Once Gregory is pressed up against her, with her forehead against his collarbone, and she can feel his slow, calm breaths, she feels relaxed. She finally feels herself slip into dreamland, and has no nightmares.
2nd ao3 link
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Guys :D I just wanted to let you know that I'm gonna be studying abroad for the next month or so, so I might not be as online as I'd like to be :( but mostly I'm :( about how I won't be able to keep up with races as well as I'd like to. As you know, I usually like to try to post for every event, but especially quali and the race, but I might perhaps be a little busy :) cannot wait to watch on a train at least once :,)
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npdbenrey · 4 months
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this is my little freak her name is subkit (regretfully) and i have panic attacks without her 🫶
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00queasy00 · 1 year
im rambling in the tags, do not mind me
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steampoweredskeleton · 6 months
#delete later#the decision between microdosing bg3 spoilers in order to msybe reduce the amount i will be overwhelmed when playing it#anf not looking at anything bc the interest level is getting to the point of i may end up having a panic attack#i saw one of the voice actors is from near where i grew up and got super excited bc no one ever knows my hometown and that#has NOT helped so now i know im getting pulled in whether i want to or not. so noe its just trying to mediate its effects#try and make it so i dont get so overwhelmed that i start having panic attacks and meltdowns#i think im just gonna have to stay away from his character completely until ive properly chilled. no idea why but any like#thing where my hometown is mentioned just makes me super syper super happy and that is like the QUICKEST way for me#to get panic level overwhelmed#its a really odd one and i really dont understand why it happens but it does#microdosing may be the wwy to go otherwise ill build it up to the point that i won't be able to play it bc of the anxiety#autism is wild i rly wish i didnt have it. in good news i problem solved very well today. it did make me so exhausted and#overstimulated that i couldnt do anything else today but hey. i still managed. im so anxious about next week. itll be fine though#also since i haven't had a media special interest for a hot minute ive been able to become more aware of the bits of it that are#unhealthy in terms of my mental health abd im gonna have to do a lot of picking abd choosing what to interact with#which is going to make media special interests straight up less fun but also i know that that shit can fuck up ny brain#way more than like bugs or folk tales.#one of which is avoiding stuff about the real ppl behind it bc cementing stuff ij reslity with real ppl can make things worse#in my brain bc i tend to gave difficulty seperating ecerything anyway#i daydream constantly and i need that to stay with fictional things bc if it goes into reality things it starts to get way worse#this ended up being a weird rant about how my brain struggles to stay in reality but that's fine ignore me
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sweet-as-kiwis · 10 months
Desire to take an Nap vs the need to complete several trainings for school
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mooshroomgirlfriend · 11 months
i got a journal on Thursday of last week and so far over the past 4 days i've written 16 pages, had profound realizations about myself, started a creative project, decreased my screen time slightly, feel less compelled to post on my finsta and here about my deepest darkest secrets, and feel more at peace. forgot how great this feels, i really hope i can keep it up. maybe not every day but regularly.
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sickly-sapphic · 1 year
anxious autistically packs the most prepared bag in the world for an outing
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mrfoox · 2 years
I'll probably never know if I actually don't want kids or if I'm just too scared about passing on bad genes and have them suffer and that's sad
#miranda talking shit#Idk i cant ever seperate it bc if i ever think id like to be a parent at some point i immediately think#About how big the chances are of me passing on my deppression/anxiety. Like i have asd and add and i think they cause a lot of problems#I still thinl my major anxiety and depression issues is my biggest concern. And the fact my mother have family history of bpd and#Schizofrenia and the unknown factor of my dads dad family history like mmm...#Bc i kinda wish i wasnt born in this world bc of my mental problems making it so hard. I dont think id ever forgive myself if#I had an child which had the same view as me bc of mental illness. Idk how high the chances are to pass on stuff like this#But like since i have so much to 'choose' from i feel like its at least 20%. And thats just with my gene pool#If the other parent also have mental health problems that would go up...#Yeah in my mid 20s and many of the girls in my age group is or have gotten kids and im like yea#Part of me would like to be a mom. Like id love the shit out of the kid and try to be the best parent i can#But i can never escape the real possibility of bringing a child into the world with same or similar mental issues i have#Im a guilt driven person and like that idea by itself makes me want to jump off a cliff lmao#So im uh... Maybe i want kids but i probably wont go through with it bc im terrified of the possilites#Idk how commkn it is to think aboht this. Any guy friend i have either really want kids or are like 'well yeah getting a wife and some kids#Is the plan i guess' and girl friends its either i dont want kids i hate them or the same 'yeah an husband and some kids is the plan'#If i ever did have a kid ill have to be with the most caring and calm guy lol. Otherwise id be too scared and deppressed about the#The idea of the worst happening. Its 3 am no idk why this is tonights subject but it is apparently
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atom-ash · 1 year
sitting in the dentist office casually and normally with the anxiety level of a small prey animal being chased by a predatory bird
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bcneheaded · 1 year
Heya! Good afternoon! ☆ just wanted to pop in and mention that I may remain rather quiet for awhile yet as I've been and will likely continue to be busy with my dog and the like
-- Friday is his vet appt so here's to hoping he's either better by then or they'll know how to help him GET better 🤞
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urthemiiel · 9 months
middle school kian was the most typical 13 yr old boy with adhd. like the loud kid that gets kicked out of class every 5 seconds
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fruityenderman · 1 year
I'm leaving for a 4 day trip tomorrow idk if I'm more excited or nervous to be far from home for that long
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lingeriae · 11 months
Birthday Sex by Jeremih ft onyankopon
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synopsis - it's onyankopon, your ex's birthday, what happens when you 'accidentally' get dragged to is birth
warnings - cussing, smuttttt, use of the n-word, somewhat toxic relationship, mention of substance abuse and alcohol, possessive ony!, mention of anxiety, fights
pairings - Onyankopon x black! fem reader
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you knew in your whole black being that something about sasha suddenly wanting to go out was a bad idea. how could you be so gullible? the signs of her intentions were crystal-fucking-clear but you ignored them because you had faith in the girl,
maybe you weren't gullible to her plan, and the thought of even seeing him was alluring; seeing if anything had changed since you both seperated. seeing if he moved on.
'mmm, God forbid.'
but as you stepped through the doors of connie springers house a sinking feeling immediately made it's way to your stomach, and you wanted to run out of the building to the comfort of your home where you could stalk your ex in peace.
the scene is familiar to you, although you don't usually like parties you have been dragged to a few by people you were close to, by him. And as you continued to scan your surroundings, searching for him out of habit you almost felt disappointed but relieved that you hadn't.
your heart suddenly races as you start to think about him. what he would be wearing, what he would be doing, who he would be doing. trying to stay level headed as you remind yourself that isn't why you're here, and that shouldn't matter because he isn't yours anymore.
sasha suddenly broke your train of thought by speaking up.
"you okay?" she asks, leaning closer to you and raising her voice while her eyes scanned your face for emotion. you arched an eyebrow at her while folding your lips causing her to grin at you.
"oh, don't give me that look!" she giggles throwing her arms around you as she drags you further into the sea of sweaty bodies, "you'll be fine, it's not like you could bump into him with so much people around."
"mhm, sure." you said sarcastically kissing your teeth when she pinched you. she suddenly stopped, removing her arm from around you and scanned the crowd. "im gonna go look for connie, you coming?"
"nah, i'll pass. where there's connie, there's ony." sasha only rolled her eyes in response before disappearing into the sea of people. you leaned against a wall with a sigh watching the room that only grew louder, and scrunching up your nose as the stench of weed and alcohol increased, the feeling of wanting to hide in your own skin increases too and you try not to let it consume you. the scene was getting too overwhelming for you, and anxiety your simmers beneath your skin. all of it immediately stopping as you made eye-contact with him.
'oh shit.' you thought, not only because of how good he looked under the dim and flashing light, but because he was walking towards you and you were too frozen from the shock of seeing him to walk (run) away. as he came closer to you, began thinking off what you would say to him and what he would say to you, and even the possibility of getting back tog-
"hey." that one word had your face heating up, maybe because it interupted your delusional and sick thoughts or because of how long you haven't heard the richness of his voice. you rubbed your glossed lips together, slightly tilting your head as you looked at him.
"hi, happy birthday." you replied looking away from his face when noticing how intence the eye-contact was getting, suddenly feeling self conscious of how his eyes roamed every part of you crossed your arms over your chest. the male infront of you licked his lips at the action, it causing your titties to push up even more than they alrready were.
onyankopon hummed, a smile pulling at his lips as he noticed how flustered you were getting from the little attention he was giving you. "thank you, mama. you look pretty," suddenly feeling shy at his compliement, you bit your lips to hide the smile that you knew would come
"s' dress is mad short though." he brought his hand to the end of your dress that stopped midthigh, tugging on it a little and letting his hand linger there all while maintaining eye-contact with you. his actions caused tingles to flow throughout your body and it felt as if the skin he was touching caught fire. as you replied to his comment, you immediately felt heat rising to your face at your choice of words, cussing yourself out for not thinking before you talked which ony always scolded you about.
"easy acess." you bit your tongue as the words left your lips, ony's eyebrows raised his tongue pushing against his cheek , looking at you with low red rimmed eyes that slowly went up and down your body. ony suddenly leans in towards you, not stopping until his face is inches away from yours, you slowly inhale smelling the mixture of weed and the cologne he had. his sliver nose stud twinkled under the lights, along with diamond earring he had in.
'he smells so good.' you thought watching as ony's eyes dragged from your lips to your eyes, suddenly feeling dizzy because of how good he smelt and how close he was to you. the hand he had on your thigh now trailing up whilst his other hand rests against the wall beside your head, trapping you. his lips parted and you felt as if your legs would give under you as his breath brushed against your lips and because of his next words.
"you givin my pussy away to these lames, mama?" you glance up at him through your eye-lashes, sucking your teeth as if his words had no effect on you. parting your lips to respond, you're suddenly interupted by a high-pitched voice. "omg, hi daddy!" a thick light-skinned girl ran up to ony, hugging him from behind. you glanced at her noticing she had in a blonde lace that looked freshly done, a pink mini-skirt with a matching top to match it and pink boots with fur. the sinking feeling that appeared in your stomach from before came back again as you looked between them.
"happy birthday!" she said, smiling up at him, her smiley twinkling at the movement. her eyes suddenly drifted towards you, scanning you with what you could describ as disgust and jealousy before she turned back to ony who had straightened up and turned to look at her. "who's this?"
pushing yourself off the wall, you cleared your throat before speaking up. "nobody, happy birthday, hope you enjoy." you walked away before he could respond, puffing out your cheeks as you felt your eyes begin to water bringing your hands to pat at the spot under your eyes and try your best to keep your composure. you walk around until you find sasha who was perched on connie's lap passing a blunt to said man who gave you a dimpled smile.
"hi y/n, your outfit is eating!" you snort at connie's words and the dramatic side-eye sasha gave him, "don't ever say some shit like that again bro."
you sat down across from them beside a blonde with glasses and a beard, looking at him from the corner of your eyes as he inhaled the blunt before offering it you, muttering a small thanks before taking it from him and taking a hit. feeling his eyes still on you, even after giving you the blunt you turn with an arched eyebrow, "what?"
he chuckled, shaking his head. "damn. I can't look at you?" you rolled your eyes at his responce, not intreseted in giving him your attention. "you're just pretty s'all." your eyes turn back to meet his and watch the way they roamed your figure, you hummed at his words deciding to check him out too.
from just looking at him you could tell that he worked out, and he was good-looking too, maybe a bit older than you were but still good-looking.
'ony better tho.'
"thank you..."
"zeke." he gave you his name with a toothy grin, a hand coming up to rub at his beard. you returned his smile with on of your own before responding, not noticing that a certain male had walked up to the area, eyeing the man beside you with a clenched jaw. "thank you, zeke."
"ony! happy birthday!" you nearly got whiplash to how quick you turned your head, making eye-contact with ony as he hugged sasha and mumbled a thanks. he never took his eyes off you as he sat beside them. his cheeks sucked in as he inhaled and his eyes never leaving you once as he exhaled the smoke. "you never gave me your name, pretty girl."
turning back to zeke, you suddenly feel speechless as you still feel ony's eyes on you. "It's Y/n." you respond with a smile, a hot feeling flowing throughout your body at the sudden attention your ex was giving you. zeke licked his lips, a smirk on his lips. "pretty, like you."
you eyes drag back to ony, making eye-contact with him again before you look away clearing your throat. "that's corny." zeke chuckles, it sounds sexy and his adam apples bops along with action. he's sexy, but somehow you can't find yourself to indulge in him as you turn to look back at ony who is still looking at you. he's manspreading and his hands rest on his stomach, his eyes are low and intense as they pierce into you not backing down even from being caught multiple times, you can feel your heart speeding up as you continue to look at him. you can't help the heat that spread through you and the way that you push your thighs together, imagining building up the courage to walk up to him and sit on his lap, his hands on your waist as he grinds you-
the sudden feeling of a cold liquid on your skin causes you to gasp and stand up, your dress sticks unto your skin as the liquid drips flows down your body. looking up you see the same girl from before, a pout on her lips as she looks at you with an empty cup in her hand. "what the fuck?!"
"oops, I guess my hand musta slip or something." your eye twitched as you look at her, your hands moving on your own as you searched for something, only to find your phone lifting it and slamming it across her face. a loud smack along with the bitches scream and an "oh my god!" filled room, an arm wrapping around your waist as you moved to punch the girl.
"got me fucked up!" you yelled as you struggled against the person who was holding you back, trying to get another hit on the girl. she started crying as she moved her hands from her face to see the blood from her now broken nose, you watched as ony walked up to her and the way she threw herself at him. "that bitch is crazy! she broke my fuckin nose!" she sobbed clutching unto his jacket, ony looked at you with wide and concened eyes causing you to scoff.
"let go of me bro." you said, pushing the person away only to realize it was zeke. he looked at you with drawn eye-brows parting his lips to speak, stopping once you raised your fingers at him to stop. pulling on your dress you turned to connie, "where's your bathroom?"
once he told you where it was, you gave sasha a reasuring smile before walking off, ignoring the eyes on you as you walked up the stairs, ass shaking with each step you took.
you cussed as you rubbed the top of your dress with a rag, trying not to cry as your hands began to ache because of hard you were rubbing it and how overwhelmed you felt, a sudden knock on the door causing you to sniff,
"someone's in here!" there was silence before the door was pushed open, your lips parting at the person who walked through. ony locked the door before leaning on it, his arms folded across his chest as he watched you kiss your teeth while scrubbing the front of your dress with aggression. "you shoulda locked the door, coulda been anyone bussing in like that."
"thanks, i'll lock it behind you when you get out." you smiled at him sarcastically through the mirror, your breath hitching as he moved closer to you. you looked away from him focusing on your dress and ignoring the warmth you felt as he stood behind you, feeling his chest against your back as he moved around you to grap your wrists pausing your movements.
"look at me." he whispered in your eyes, a quiet gasp coming from you as he placed one of his hands on your waist causing you to arch your ass into him. biting your lips, you shook your head stubbornly at his request.
"aint you supposed to be with that bitch?" you snapped quietly, being mindful to not raise your voice at him. you felt him sigh against you, bringing his hand up to grip your chin, turning you to face him.
"she got what she deserved, im just concerned about you right now." rolling your eyes at his words, you moved your face out of his grip his jaw clenching out of fustration.
"boy, bye. im not bout to do this with you-" you tried to side-step him, only to let out a squeal as he pulled you back towards him, his hands on the small of your back while the other gripped the counter. he narrowed his eyes at you with a lick of his lips, "don't do that, you know better."
a shiver ran through your body at his tone, looking away from him feeling small under his glare. his touch felt warm, almost making you forget how wet your clothes were. he was so close, and if he took another step further you're not sure if you could resist him.
rubbing your lips together, you found the courage in you to meet his glare with one of your own, pursuing your lips together. "you're acting as if she wasn't all up on you, stop being 'concerned' about me and go be concerned about your bitch, bro." his eyebrows drew together while his lips turned down.
"first of all, I dunno who you think your talking to, but im not your fuckin bro, second of all she's not my 'bitch'. Ian been with anybody since you, so for you to say that is crazy." you hated yourself for feeling so relieved, looking down at your dress as you pushed your lips up not knowing what to say. "aint fuck nobody either." he whispered, the way you shifted on your feet not going unnoticed by him. it was silent for a moment, the muffled sound of music from downstairs being the only thing that didn't make it extremely quiet.
"y/n, look at me." he said it so softly, as if he didn't want to scare you. you slowly lifted your head, biting your lip as you looked at him, a shaky breath leaving your lips as he brought his hands to rub across you cheek before bringing it towards his face, his lips meeting yours pausing for a second to see if you would hesitate before diving in. humming you tipped on your toes, wrapping your arms around his neck as he wrappped his around your waist backing you up into the counter. you moaned as he kissed you hard, shoving his tongue into your mouth and bringing his hand down to your ass to squeezing. pulling away you looked up at him, your lips burning along with your cheeks, and your body buzzing with excitement. placing your palms against his pecs, you pushed him weakly with a shake of your head, his body not budging even a little at the force. "o-ony we can't-"
"why?" he wasn't even looking at you, but at your lips, licking his own before meeting your eyes. biting your lip, you rubbed small circles into his pecs. "you're high-"
"never stopped me before." he said, smirking at the slap you gave to his chest, trying to lean down to kiss you again only to be stopped by your hands pushing him away again, rolling his eyes ony looked at you with a raised eyebrow.
"that's different. we aint together, ony, we can't do this-"
"why you tryna keep me away from my pussy?" he grabbed your hands, pulling them off of his chest and above your head looking down at you with a stern look, one that had your knees buckling and glad that he was holding you up. you stared up at him speechless, not protesting as he kissed you again before moving to suck on your neck. a whine fell from your lips as he sucked a specific spot, feeling his full lips pull into a grin at your reaction, he continued sucking at the spot feeling himself getting turned on by the sounds you made. "ou, y-you gon leave a mark!" you said making no effort to stop him as he continued his assualt on your neck, pulling back to look at the bruise forming with a proud grin.
suddenly he lifted you up, placing you on the counter and kneeling down. your thighs closed on instinct, suddenly becomin shy as you looked down at the man who looked back up at you with a confused expression. "you sure about this? I don't want you to regret-"
"spread your legs, mama." he interupted you, looking in between your legs with a concentrated face. "but-"
"aint gon ask again." at the tone of his voice you slowly began to spread your legs, feeling how ony gripped your thighs as he spread them wider. "talkin bout regret. you lost your mind?"
you shake your head no, your chest rising and falling with speed as he used his fingers to push your panties to the side, a hiss leaving his lips at how wet you already were. he brought his finger against your front, running his finger on it. "this for me mama?" pursuing your lips, you tilted your head to the side shaking your head.
"for my new man-ah!" ony flicked your clit, not allowing you to finish your sentence as he looked at you with dark, hooded eyes before he pushed against your hips so your pussy was right infront of his face, bringing his mouth towards it and licking from your hole to your clit. a shiver ran down your spine as your nipples hardened, already feeling like you were going to burst from the simple motion. you gripped his head as he sucked on your clit harshly, a broken moan leaving your lips because of how good he was making you feel. he thrusted his tongue in and out of your pussy, blowing against your clit and bringing his fingers to rub against it. he slid his fingers in and out of you while using his thumb to rub against your clit, the feeling of his fingers hitting tat spongey spot inside of you had you shaking, feeling your release come closer and closer. "cmon, mama. give it to me. can feel her squeezing me so I know she close."
your back arched off of the counter as you felt your vision becoming blurry, not noticing that you were crying. your grip on ony's head tightens as he continued to finger and tongue fuck you "taste so good, mama, can't believe you took this away from me." ony muttered as pulling away for a moment looking at your reactions as you came closer and closer to you release.
"fuck, ony!"
he licked his lips at your moan, palming himself through his sweats as he looks up at you. "m' makin you feel good mama, tell me m makin you feel good."
"m-makin me feel so g-good ony!" he did a scissoring motion with his fingers, holding your thighs as you tried closing them nearing your release. a whine left you as you came on his fingers, your legs shaking because of how hard you came. you breathed deeply, resting on your elbows to look down at ony who was licking off his fingers, your nose scrunching up "you're so nasty."
ony got up, smiling as he looked down at you while licking his lips. "only for you mama."
"mhm" you responded, rolling your eyes moaning as ony grabbed you by throat pulling you towards him, "'mhm' you tryna say something?" he asked threatiningly.
you giggled before leaning up to kiss him, sucking and biting on his lips , tasting yourself maing his grip around your throat tighten. he pulled away, leaning his foreheead against yours. "I wanna fuck you really bad, can I?"
you rubbed your hands across his jaw, nodding as you pecked his lips again before climbing down from the counter having to hold unto ony so you didn't fall. ony kissed your cheek as he turned you over, making you grip the counter. you watched in the mirror as he pushed up your dress, biting his lips at the site of your cunt, he pulled up his shirt holding it up with his teeth allowing you to see the muscles that hide under the material then pulling down his sweats, his dick slapping against his stomach causing you to lick your lips. you watched the creamy precum that pooled his tip spill out, dragging eyes from his dick to his face seeing that his eyes were already on you caused you to press your thighs together. ony smirked raising an eyebrow, narrowing his eyes a bit. "you watchin me?" he said
nodding your head, ony muttered a good in reply before lining up against your hole and slowly pushed into you, both of you gasping at the feeling. he held unto you as he felt your knees buckle, slowly slipping more of himself into you. your pussy gripped unto him as he moved slowly insie of you, squelching at his movements. your grip unto the counter tightened as you tried your best to take him, crying out the more he moved
"s-shit. ion understand, how the f-fuck you so tight." he whispered as he tried to fit all of it inside you, kissing your neck as you whimpered at the stretch after not taking him for so long. "you want me to pull out?" he whispered, looking at you through the mirror and chuckling at the way you quickly shake your head.
"n-no, I can take it, don't pull out." nodding his head, ony slowly moved inside of you until he bottomed out, a moan falling from your lips as you felt his dick pulsing inside of you. he waited a little before moving, hissing at the grip your pussy had on him. "shit. gonna need you to relax for me, mama." he said rubbing circles into your hips, you moaned in response trying your best to do as he says.
"ima move now, alright?"
he pushed into you with a quick thrust, and you swear you went to heaven as your body rocked against the bathroom counter. ony grunted softly as he listened to your sounds of pleasure, rocking his cock inside of you at a stready and comforable rhythm. he rests his head on your shoulder, kissing and sucking on your neck. "can't believe you kept the pussy away from me mama,"he muttered as he gave you the deepest thrust yet causing your ass to arch back into him, "talking about 'you deserve better', as if you aren't what's best for me." his thrusts started speeding up at his words, his eyebrows began to draw together and his grips on your hips began to tighten.
"t's like you like breaking my heart, you like doing that shit mama?" he asked, leaning down to look at you. you couldn't even answer, too fucked out on his dick to even come up with words other than his name. he suddenly stopped, looking at you with a blank face. "asked you a question, mama."
you tried to fuck yourself back on him, only or the grip on your hips to tighten as he waited for you to answer him. you shook your head repeatedly as you responded, tears begining to flow down your face. "n-no papa! don't like seeing you hurt, mmm!" your breath hitches as he snaps his hips up into your, turning your head so he could kiss you on your lips. another moan falls from your lips as he hits the same same spongey spot inside you, doing it over and over again.
"tell papa who's pussy this is, cmon mama you can do it." he whispers, angling his hips so he can hit the spot repeatedly driving you over the edge. "yours! y-yours! all yours ony! swear!" you screamed, hiccuping. ony brought his hands to your face wipping your tears.
"you sorry for leaving me, mama?"
"y-yea, m'sorry papa." you whined, moving your hips faster against his so your release could come quickly. ony could tell you meant your words because of how you reached for his hands, kissing them as he continued to fuck into you. ony pulled you up, kissing you as you came muffling your moans, fucking you until he came right inside of you.
he dropped you on the counter, leaning his forehead against your shoulder as you both catched your breaths, his arms came around to wrap around you pressing you against his chest as you scratched the back of his head. "you mean what you said, right?" he asked quietly, your fingers not stopping their movement as you responded with a quiet 'yes'.
he leaned up, looking into your eyes. "i love you."
pausing, you blinked at him before letting a smile spread across your face bringing you hands up to hold his face and bring him towards you. "I love you too, happy birthday ony."
"we'll see if it actually is if I managed to put a baby up in you."
a slap sounded throughtout the bathroom, along with a hiss. "onyankopon!"
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