#hunter will probably kill crosshair
alitherandom · 2 months
I'm starting to think we need to collectively file a missing person's report for Echo
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kaydear · 1 year
on one hand, I get why circumstances would change his behavior, but I really miss Clone Wars Hunter's characterization. In Bad Batch he's so straight man all the time, no bad words for anyone, and then you rewatch the Batch's arc in season 7 and you get hit with Mr. Don't-Worry-Wrecker (🤡)-I'll-Hooold-Your-Haaaaand
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jessie-j17 · 2 months
Spoilers for the new episode under the cut!
I think the batch knew they’d get their ass beat as soon as it was confirmed that Ventress was in fact Ventress, but they still tried because that’s how important Omega is to all of them
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The fighting was so cool, the frames were so smooth and there was no blurring in their movements like there usually is in animation, I can only imagine how long it took to animate this scene
We can see every movement and how smooth it is, and we can see EVERYTHING that’s happening, I love when star-wars is Ventress beating clones asses in hand to hand combat I’ll admit it. This is the only gif of the fight I have saved, but I’m sure you all know what I’m talking about when I say we can see every single movement. Even though it’s fast, we can still clock what’s happening and I think that’s so cool
Also look at how fast he’s blocking her punches it’s kind of funny to watch
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(Poor Wolffe… I want him to see her and be like oh no not again) this gif is a good example of what I mean by blurring fights, we can see she throws him but we can’t see every single detail of it
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lazinesswrites · 1 year
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From that TBB-fic I'm using to procrastinate on my thesis, in which Hunter is discovering the meaning of the word "bittersweet":
“Cid’s got a job for us,” Hunter tells the others while they’re preparing dinner. Preparing dinner, not just heating up ration packs. It’s… a work in progress. But it’s nice, the three of them working together on something low-stake, while Omega gets to play with her new friends. So domestic, Crosshair would probably sneer at it all, but he’d still take over stirring the pot when Wrecker gets distracted yelling encouragements out the window to Omega. Echo would snark at them both, because something about Crosshair’s general attitude brought out a similar side of Echo.
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magicandmundane · 1 month
Do you ever think about how Omega probably felt so safe out on that catwalk? Like the safest she’d been since before the Empire came to Pabu?
She had a blaster to her head, and still she was safe.
Hemlock wouldn’t kill her.
Hunter understood her plan.
And Crosshair would make the shot.
It was the literal climax of the show, every choice they’d made had lead to this moment, and as we were on the edge of our seats, Omega knew how it would play out and she knew she was safe.
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Echo checks his comm after a long day of fighting the empire, part 27032024
(4)Message from: Hunter
"I think Crosshair is finally making friends."
"That's good, right?"
"I don't like his new friend. It's probably better if you don't know who that is."
"Also, do you think I am overprotective sometimes?"
(6)Message from: Wrecker
"lmao hunter is so overprotective, u gotta come bac cause he is losing it again"
"And Crosshair made a friend today! he is so grumpy about it tho"
"u know, the fisherwoman that took mega out on a trip 1 time"
"oh, btw, someone came bac with the intel we told u bout, but dont worry bout it"
"what would u do if u had a little jedi kid"
(3)Message from: Crosshair
"I did not make any friends."
"I hate having friends."
"And you just wait till you hear who these two idiots brought here"
(8)Message from: <3 my best girl <3
"Echooo! Do you know Ventress?"
"she came by and made me stand on slippery rocks and we went out on a boat to summon fish and stuff"
<3 my best girl <3 sent a photo: *Omega smiling into the camera, Assajj grumpily stares into the ocean in the background*
"Hunter told me she was a war criminal, but she was nice to me"
"she saved me from a huge sea monster that we accidentally summoned"
"oh, and she tried to kill Hunter and Wrecker, but she didn't and she left us alone in the end"
"I hope they told you she was here"
"And Crosshair made two friends today! You know, he helped Lyana's cousin and he was nice to Assajj one time, so I think it counts as friendship when it comes to him."
(4568) Missed calls from: Tech
(99+) Messages from: Tech
"Dear Echo,
If you finally get to check your spam folder, please tell them to stop touching my stuff. I saw someone logged into my data pad today. This is unacceptable.
Kind regards,
Tech, CT-9902"
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kybercrystals94 · 3 months
Just a few things in Season 3 Episode 5 that I can’t stop thinking about…
[spoilers below cut]
The way Crosshair treats Omega like a peer.
This is so different from the way Wrecker, Echo, Tech, but specifically Hunter, ever treated Omega. To them, she’s still the little girl they rescued off Kamino. They know they’ve trained her to be capable; however, it is hard to separate their guileless little sister from the little warrior she’s become both with their squad and during her captivity on Tantiss.
Crosshair never knew or cared about little Omega, the child who’d never seen dirt before.
He’s only ever known and cared about this Omega. The Omega that insisted on building a relationship with him in spite of his trying to push her away for her own good. The Omega who refused to leave him behind at risk to herself. The Omega who can hold her own alongside him during a firefight. The Omega who can fly ships, bribe, and swindle. Crosshair has only known this Omega. Why would he treat her as anything but capable? He will absolutely protect her and have her back, but he will not doubt her abilities.
That’s not to say that the others doubt her abilities. I think they absolutely know what Omega is capable of, but that innate desire to protect the little thing she was has not dissolved just because Omega has grown…which is so true of real life. It’s authentic, and it's difficult and messy. And I love that the show is tackling this.
I also love that Crosshair knows this too. “Don’t hold it against him. He’s only worried about you,” he gently advises.
Which leads me into how I viewed Hunter’s behavior in Episode 5…
He doesn’t trust Crosshair. Why would he? The last time they interacted, Crosshair tried to force them to join the Empire of his own volition. He tried to have Omega forcibly removed from their protection. He chose the Empire over them. And then, they find out that Crosshair became a prisoner of the Empire, and their attempt to rescue Crosshair from his own choices resulted in Tech’s death and Omega’s capture. On top of that, what exactly did Crosshair do to get on the Empire’s bad side? Hunter doesn’t know. And Crosshair isn’t volunteering the information.
I also saw a bit of jealousy on Hunter’s part (although he probably doesn’t recognize it). While we as viewers know that Omega is trying to support Crosshair with his emotional and physical trauma, as well as getting him to communicate with Hunter and Wrecker. On the outside, Omega and Crosshair are almost inseparable, Omega seeking out Crosshair’s companionship (the brother that initiated a lot of the Batch’s heartbreak) rather than the brothers who have taken care of her all along. Gotta admit, I’d be pretty hurt by that too. Again, not at all Omega’s intent or fault that he feels this way, but it would be confusing and hurtful nonetheless.
Crosshair also senses this jealousy. (“Oh, don’t pretend like this is all about me…You’re angry because she escaped with my help, not yours.”) What Hunter doesn’t know is that Crosshair has supported Omega and Hunter’s relationship, not undermined it.
I really appreciated how Crosshair - while hurt by Hunter’s mistrust - does his best to prove himself trustworthy again (although hidden behind typical Crosshair snark). He’s broken his brothers’ trust, and he knows it has to be earned back.
Wrecker runs to hug Hunter and Crosshair after they make it back safely.
Wrecker is the only one of the Batch (besides Crosshair, obviously) who has been on both sides of the chip. He understands Hunter’s perspective and trepidation towards Crosshair; however, he also understands the guilt and fear that comes after being under the chip’s influence and nearly killing your family. While he was also confused and hurt by Crosshiar’s actions after the chip, Wrecker trusts Omega’s judgment. If Omega feels that Crosshair has changed, then Wrecker is not going to question it.
But he’s not going to pressure Hunter to the same conclusion, and he’s been Hunter’s support system for so long–and obviously, Crosshair already has a support system in Omega. Wrecker is going to let Hunter take the time he needs to trust Crosshair on his own terms…and I love that!
I felt that when Wrecker saw them coming back, he could tell they had worked out some of their hard feelings toward one another…and he was thrilled! That hug was more than just happy they made it back safe from facing a monster, but that they are on the path to making amends. Their family is healing. Not healed. There’s still hurts and wounds to work through, but healing.
And the way he embraces his two sullen brothers, smooshing them together so that they are also hugging each other by association…made me smile so big!
The way Echo acts as mediator between Hunter and Crosshair. (Also…ECHO FINALLY SHOWS UP!!)
Omega and Wrecker have been struggling trying to support both brothers while they work through their issues, and then there’s Echo saying, “You can kill each other later…focus!” Echo gets it. He knows they need to work things out on their own terms, in their own time. But first…mission!
Also, I loved how civilly he treats Crosshair when they meet again. Crosshair is 100% ready to receive a negative reaction, and when Echo simply snarks back at him like the good ol’ days, Crosshair is visibly surprised. Even Omega looks happy to see the positive interaction.
When Omega expresses how she wishes she could have done more for the other clones on Tantiss, Echo tells her she did the right thing escaping and getting the information she could to him and Rex…he is such a good and encouraging older brother! I love him!
Special mention goes to Crosshair and Batcher being buddies! The way Crosshair pats and pets her when Batcher comes up to him after they rescue Hunter out of the snow. And then Batcher plops down beside him and Crosshair keeps petting her. My little heart!
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miss-musings · 8 days
"You Weren't Loyal To Me": How Crosshair's Brothers Absolutely Failed Him in "The Bad Batch" Season 1
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I know I'm not the first person to make these arguments, but after recently rewatching "The Bad Batch" Season 1, I feel compelled to play Devil's Advocate and assert that Crosshair's brothers absolutely failed him in Season 1.
Now, don't mistake me. I don't believe Crosshair was 100% in the right. Once he regained his free will -- whether he actually removed his inhibitor chip, or whether his injury on Bracca deactivated it or lessened its impacts -- he definitely should've left the Empire the first chance he had.
I imagine he was trying to make the best of a bad situation, but I don't see why he would stay with an organization hijacked his mind and ordered him to kill his family, civilians and other people who were trying to do the right thing.
But, I don't think his brothers -- I'm excluding Omega because she's a child and was following everyone else's lead -- are 100% in the right either.
I believe Crosshair's brothers basically abandoned him.
Now, I understand that they didn't initially plan to abandon Crosshair. But, once they knew he was being mind-controlled and especially once they knew how to undo its effects, they never even considered going back for him.
We never see them debate trying to save Crosshair. They don't discuss whether it's feasible, whether it's worth the risk, how they would even attempt it, etc.
I think this was a much-needed moment that we never get to see. In fact, as others have pointed out, we don't really get much discussion about Crosshair at all.
He's their brother. He's been by their side from infancy through their time as cadets through dozens of missions. Why aren't they more upset about him turning against them? Or being mind-controlled by the Empire?
They seem so blasé about it. Like it's more of an inconvenience than a tragedy, especially by 1.12 "Rescue on Ryloth." Like "Ope, Crosshair's here. I bet he's gonna try to kill us again."
As I'll discuss more later, Hunter gets captured on Daro, and Omega loses her frickin' mind. Even Echo, Wrecker and Tech seemed distressed too, even if the show didn't focus on their reactions as much.
But, Crosshair's mind and body get hijacked by the Empire, and nobody seems to give a shit.
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No wonder why Crosshair felt so betrayed and said everything he does in 1.15 and 1.16. It probably confirmed something he always felt, or always feared:
That he was the odd man out in his squad -- the last to be included and the first to be excluded.
That they never cared about him as much as he cared about them.
Based on experiences in my own life, with friends and coworkers, I do wonder if Crosshair was always insecure about his standing within the group. This makes sense given that he's likely the youngest of the four original brothers, and that as a sniper, he isn't always in the middle of the action like they are. His personality doesn't really help either, but his brothers seem to be able to navigate it just fine in their "The Clone Wars" Season 7 arc.
Maybe this is partly why he seemed OK with Echo joining the squad at the end of TCW arc: because he felt like Echo would become the new 'odd man' considering that he didn't grow up with the Bad Batch and wouldn't know Crosshair's brothers like he does.
It's been a while since I watched TCW Season 7, so maybe I'm wrong.
But, I definitely think this is partly why he resents Omega so much in Season 1:
The Bad Batch -- mainly Hunter -- decided to risk their lives and their freedom to go back to Kamino for Omega. She might've been their "little sister," but they'd known her all of one day and Hunter still decided it was worth going back for her.
Yet they never went back for him.
Hell, as far as we the audience know, they never even considered it.
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I'm not saying it would have been easy or risk-free. They also now have Omega in their care, and trying to extract Crosshair from Imperial custody while all parties involved would be trying to kill or capture them isn't an easy undertaking.
But, as I'll talk about more later, these guys do rescue and extraction missions all the time. They put their lives on the line for complete strangers several times in Season 1 to save them from Imperial custody, slavery, etc.
And I'm not saying they were wrong to do those things. It was objectively good that the Bad Batch saved the people they did.
But, I can absolutely understand why Crosshair would be infuriated that his brothers take on all these missions to help complete strangers but never bother to help him...
I understand that, before he confronts them in the hangar in 1.01 "Aftermath," that they were planning to go back for him. And that they were forced to leave him behind because he was literally gunning for them. And -- as far as his brothers knew -- he was doing it of his own free will.
However, in 1.02 "Cut and Run," Omega tells them about the inhibitor chips, implying that that's how Crosshair is being controlled.
Then in 1.03 "The Replacements," we see that Tech is building a device to locate their inhibitor chips, and Omega tries to tell the Batch and specifically emphasizes to Hunter that Crosshair has no control over his actions. Hunter admits that he's angry at himself for leaving Crosshair behind, and Omega reassures him that they'll get him back someday.
So, it seems like -- at least in Omega's eyes -- the Batch was planning to save Crosshair at some point. And, Hunter at minimum feels guilty for leaving Crosshair on Kamino, even though they didn't really have much of a choice at the time.
However, the Batch gets sidetracked in 1.04 and 1.05. First, they need supplies; then bounty hunters are after Omega; then they need intel on who's after her and why.
Then, by the events of 1.07 "Battle Scars," we see that they've fallen into a routine of doing jobs for Cid. It's safe to assume they've done -- or at least attempted -- a dozen jobs for her at this point, based on Wrecker and Omega's 20 orders of Mantell Mix.
And then Rex shows up and tells them point-blank that the clones can't fight the inhibitor chip's effects, re-emphasizing Omega's earlier point that Crosshair had no control over his actions.
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The Batch then experiences this firsthand with Wrecker, whose chip activates before they can extract it. We see that, even with Wrecker fighting the chip's effects with all his might, he endangers his brothers and was *this* close to killing Omega, before Rex stunned him.
Now, we have confirmation based on both Rex and Wrecker's experiences that removing an active chip restores a clone's free will.
Thus, by the end of 1.07 "Battle Scars," the Batch definitively knows:
Crosshair is being controlled by an inhibitor chip and is being forced to do the Empire's bidding;
How to remove an inhibitor chip; and
That removing a clone's active inhibitor chip will restore his free will
And yet, despite all this knowledge, the only effort they make to save Crosshair is to tell him about the inhibitor chip.
They don't attempt or even discuss possibly stunning him on the artillery deck and taking him with them.
But, admittedly, this isn't the best time to attempt a rescue, as they're outnumbered and essentially trapped aboard the Jedi Cruiser. And then Omega gets captured by Cad Bane and Hunter gets shot, and the others are desperately trying to get off Bracca before Crosshair & co. shoot them down. Fine. Getting off Bracca safely and then trying to find Omega should be their priority.
But, once they recover Omega on Bora Vio, and their lives aren't in immediate danger anymore... this would've been the perfect time to at least debate going back for Crosshair.
Again, they have all the information needed at this point.
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As for how they find him, well, I'm sure they could get the information somehow. Or they could just cause a stir somewhere so he'd show up to arrest them again, like he did on Bracca.
But, no, they just continue doing jobs for Cid in 1.10-1.13. They don't bring him up at all until they see him on Ryloth in 1.12 "Rescue on Ryloth," and again, the tone is like, "Well, Crosshair is here. That's annoying."
If not being able to locate him was the only reason they didn't try to save him after 1.08/1.09, that argument doesn't apply to 1.12 "Rescue on Ryloth." He's there. They know he's there. They're already there doing an extraction job anyway... why don't they just grab him too???
Which brings us nicely to:
Throughout Season 1, but especially in the latter half, we see The Batch putting themselves in harm's way for complete strangers, or at most, friends-of-friends.
They rescue Muchi the Rancor and other people from enslavers; they extract the former Separatist Senator from Raxus; they extract the Syndullas from Ryloth; they break Gregor out of the Imperial base on Daro.
In the latter three cases, the Batch went to Imperial-occupied planets and an Imperial base, despite all the risks involved. And, especially when they saved Gregor, they had very little information going in and basically just winged the entire thing.
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It just feels like, when you look at all these cases, any argument the Batch could make for not saving Crosshair just falls apart.
"We didn't know where he was." He was on Ryloth -- grab him then.
"We didn't have enough information." You didn't on Daro, and you still snuck into a heavily fortified Imperial base to rescue Gregor.
"Everyone there would've been trying to kill us." You literally extract/rescue people from Imperial forces for a living...
"It would've endangered Omega." Well, buddy, have I got a story for you...
You see, when Hunter falls on Daro and gets captured, the Batch still comes to his rescue despite knowing it's a trap AND THEY BRING OMEGA WITH THEM!!!
Every excuse they could've made for not saving Crosshair sooner is gone. The Batch will literally run into a trap for Hunter, and they constantly throw themselves into danger to save Omega, but they never do the same for Crosshair.
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It really feels like such a double standard.
They seem to care about everyone BUT him.
Plus, sadly, there's one more parallel I can draw. One more instance where the Bad Batch put themselves in harm's way to save a fellow clone who was being mind-controlled by their enemies in an attempt to kill them...
Yes, remember all the way back in TCW Season 7, when we find out that Echo is the one behind the algorithm that's giving the Separatists an advantage in all these battles?
Even though Rex thought Echo was dead, the minute he suspects Echo's still alive, he goes after him. He even punches Crosshair over it, after Crosshair bullies Rex for leaving Echo for dead at the Citadel.
One of the "regs" went back for his brother despite knowing his was being mind-controlled by the enemy and forced to attack them.
Rex, Anakin and the Bad Batch save Echo from a terrible fate. They extract him from the Separatists, restore his free will and essentially give him his life back.
Yet, when the exact same thing happens to one of their own, the Batch don't even consider going back for Crosshair the way Rex went back for Echo -- hell, the way they went in for Echo too, even though they didn't know him!!
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I will give the Batch this: once Crosshair confronts them on Kamino and Hunter stuns him, Hunter decides not to leave Crosshair behind this time. And that was even after Crosshair refused to say when he had his chip removed. So, for all they know, he might've been acting of his own free will when he tried to kill them on Bracca.
While taking Crosshair with them at the end of 1.15 was a step in the right direction, I don't think it was enough to make up for everything they failed to do.
And, while he doesn't specify exactly what, Hunter later admits to Crosshair in 3.05 "The Return" that he has regrets too. And considering the context and the timeframe they're talking about, it's possible Hunter regrets not going back for Crosshair sooner/at all, among other mistakes he's made. (Story for another time.)
I'll also give some consideration to Wrecker, who was the only one of the brothers who said he actively missed Crosshair in 1.03 "The Replacements." Tech mentions Crosshair very flippantly a few times, and Echo doesn't really mention him at all.
(EDIT: Looking back now, Echo *not* talking about Crosshair is such a weird choice. Shouldn’t he of all people know what it’s like to be mind-controlled? To be weaponized by your enemy and forced to kill your loved ones?)
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Obviously, we'll never know for certain, but I do wonder how Crosshair would've reacted if his brothers had rescued him and removed his chip at some point. Would he have stayed with them? Would he have wanted to rejoin the Empire voluntarily?
Considering he (supposedly) had his chip removed and still stayed with the Empire willingly in-universe, it's possible he might've wanted to do the same thing in an AU where his brothers rescued him.
He definitely despised that they were fugitives and "scavenging like rats," while he had authority, respect and purpose as a soldier of the Empire.
But, I think a large component -- although not the only one -- of why he stays with the Empire is that he felt like his brothers abandoned him. He brings this up several times in 1.15 and 1.16, and the way he does indicates this is a major sore spot for him.
We see in 1.01 "Aftermath" that the chip enhancement procedure is painful. He scrunches his face, flexes his hand and squirms around in the chamber. Plus, the machine itself looks similar to the Mind Flayer from other "Star Wars" properties.
Crosshair was literally being tortured by the Empire. Maybe he doesn't recall that once the procedure's done, but we see him getting his chip enhanced in both 1.01 and 1.03, and it's possible it was enhanced even more times off-screen.
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I cannot stress enough: the Empire basically took Crosshair prisoner, tortured him and hijacked his free will.
And his brothers essentially did nothing to save him.
It would be one thing if his brothers were civilians like you and me, and didn't know the first thing about how to infiltrate an Imperial compound or how to navigate a firefight despite being outnumbered.
But, that doesn't apply to The Bad Batch. That's literally their bread-and-butter.
And Crosshair -- especially once he seems to regain his free will between the Bracca and Ryloth arcs -- watched his brothers risk their lives to save complete strangers while doing nothing for him.
I would've been livid too.
Not to sound like Tech, but while I don't agree with Crosshair's decision, I can understand why he decided to stay on Kamino rather than go with them at the end of 1.16. His brothers offered him no real comfort and no real apology, and I think he desperately wanted to hear that, especially from Hunter.
I know after everything that's happened -- especially Crosshair refusing to say when he had his chip removed -- that it would've been hard to admit their mistakes. But, Crosshair wanted to hear something beyond: "You can come with us if you want. And if you don't, we don't have to be enemies."
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The closest thing to comfort any of them offer is Omega affirming that, despite everything, she still cared about him. This seems to be the only thing that really effects him, that causes him to doubt his decision, that causes him to show any kind of emotion beyond anger.
I legitimately believe that if someone had talked to Crosshair one-on-one for like five minutes, and really showed how much they still cared about him and always did, that he would've rejoined them.
Granted, it's really hard to tell.
Crosshair has, as Tech said, always been severe and unyielding. Plus, he really suffers from this "in for a penny, in for a pound" kind of mindset, which is partly why he stays with the Empire for so long even after regaining his free will.
But the fact that all his brothers leave him on Kamino again so effortlessly, so easily is just tragic. No final goodbye. No hug. No nothing.
For all any of them know, this could be the last time they ever see each other. (And, for Tech and Crosshair, it was.)
I know it wouldn't have been easy after everything that's happened, but for crying out loud, I just wanted them to try.
And I imagine Crosshair did too.
Honestly, I think the TBB writers and producers purposely never gave us a scene of The Batch debating whether to go after Crosshair, or a scene of them outlining to us the audience why it wasn't possible even though they wanted to.
I think the creative team wanted us to sympathize with Crosshair when he says "You weren't loyal to me," while also arguably giving our protagonists a weakness to overcome later.
This really seems like the case if we look at Season 2.
Once the Batch finds out Crosshair's being detained by the Empire's Advanced Science Division in 2.14 "Tipping Point," they immediately start discussing whether and why they should try to save him, even after everything that happened between them in S1.
On top of that, this time they actually decide to do whatever it takes to get him back, despite limited intel and the imminent danger behind such an undertaking.
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I think the Batch genuinely learned from their mistakes in Season 1 and, as Hunter maybe alludes to in 3.05 "The Return," regretted not going back for Crosshair sooner/at all after the Empire started controlling him.
I'll admit: I think when I first watched Season 1, I was basically in the Batch's corner. Crosshair was gunning for them at every opportunity, and Omega's well-being quickly became their priority (understandably so).
But, after rewatching Season 1 -- especially now that the show is over and we see how everyone's arcs play out -- it really hits me just how much Crosshair's brothers failed him in Season 1.
Again, I'm not saying Crosshair didn't make mistakes too. He definitely did.
But Crosshair's brothers failed him first.
(EDIT/UPDATE:) Since writing the above, I've stumbled across a few other posts of people making the counterargument, saying they believe Hunter was in the right and don't appreciate the hate he gets for not going back for Crosshair.
People are more than welcome to make that argument. I think that kind of debate just shows how nuanced this show and its characters are, because you can make valid arguments for both sides.
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And to clarify, I don't hate Hunter (and the others) for not going back for Crosshair in S1. As Hunter says later in 3.05: "Nobody really understood what was happening back then." It was a chaotic time -- for the galaxy and their family.
In the span of one episode, the Jedi are exterminated; the war ends; the Republic is reorganized into the Empire; the clones' future role in the galaxy is questioned; and when CF99 refuse to kill civilians, they're declared traitors and arrested.
And to top it all off, Crosshair is acting strange AND they find out they have a little sister who's in danger.
So, when Crosshair seemingly betrays them and tries to kill them, and they only barely escape with their lives, it's understandable that the Batch's first move is just to get their bearings and figure out their next steps.
And, of course, all the dominoes fall from there.
So, while I definitely don't hate him and I understand why they don't go back for Crosshair initially, I am disappointed in Hunter.
If the writers wanted me to be on his side and understand that it was basically impossible to go back for Crosshair, then I needed a scene showing/telling me why they can't. Or I at least needed a scene proving that they care about him, because based on what we actually got in Season 1, I tend to fall on Crosshair's side when he argues his brothers didn't care about him the way they clearly care about Hunter when he's captured.
You can certainly make arguments that, because Crosshair's their brother and he knows all their strategies, strengths, weaknesses, etc., that he's even more dangerous than all the other Imperials they might face. Yes, definitely. I argue that's all the more reason to try to save him.
Yes, there would be risks. But, if you succeed, not only do you lose a very dangerous enemy -- one who knows you inside and out -- but you would (hopefully) regain a teammate.
Imagine you're in Hunter's shoes and your sibling -- or if you don't have one, a really good friend who feels like a sibling -- gets taken captive and mind-controlled by an evil organization. Wouldn't you try your damnedest to get them out? Or at the very least, wouldn't you be sad about their situation?
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Rewatching 1.03 "The Replacements," there's an interesting scene that's probably the closest we get to a real discussion about Crosshair -- how they feel about him, whether they miss him, whether he really betrayed them or was being influenced by the chip.
@laughhardrunfastbekindsblog did a great analysis of each character's reaction, which I recommend you read at some point.
I want to take a quick look at it too, starting with the brothers looking at Omega with Crosshair's weapon kit like she just knocked over Grandma's urn or something.
It feels like, for the first time, they're starting to let themselves process what really happened. This is their first real chance to mourn losing their brother.
Tech wonders whether Crosshair's actions were influenced by his inhibitor chip, and Omega basically confirms that theory. Wrecker is excited by the possibility that Crosshair didn't willingly betray them, but Hunter very quickly shuts the conversation down, saying they have other problems to tackle first.
While he's not technically wrong, Hunter pulls out the "raincheck card” too frequently in Season 1. And subsequently, a lot of the topics that come up in conversations keep simmering in the background while the Batch does other things until they're FORCED to confront them.
This scene is the perfect example of that. The Batch didn't mention Crosshair except in passing in 1.02, and it's only when Omega finds his weapon kit that they are FORCED to talk about him. (EDIT: Check out the 3:45 mark of this video on 2.09 “The Crossing” for more examples.)
I get the sense that Hunter's reaction in this scene, plus all the distractions that come up later, is why the others never really bring up Crosshair again, except in passing. It's a sore subject for Hunter, and they all tend to take their cues from him, especially this early in the show. Plus, they're probably still processing their own feelings, so they might not be ready to bring up the topic.
One last thing from 1.03 I want to note is that, later in the episode, Hunter is telling Omega about his and his brothers' enhanced abilities, and he automatically excludes Crosshair from the list.
It really feels like Hunter -- and the rest of the squad by extension -- labeled Crosshair as a lost cause very early on. That it was a given that he was their enemy now and there was no real chance of getting him back (unless he came to his senses on his own like Howzer and other clones later do).
This might be why they're so shocked when he reveals he removed his chip, because they were hoping that once he "woke up" that he would come back to them. Wrecker even says as much to Crosshair in 1.16: "We still would've taken ya."
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Ultimately, I think the characters had differing perspectives on who had the responsibility in the situation.
It seems Hunter and the others took a very passive approach. They told Crosshair about the chip when they had the chance, hoped he would "wake up" on his own, and would've accepted him back if he had.
But, Crosshair feels they should've taken a more active approach. He's hurt that they never came back for him, whether to save him or to join him.
(EDIT #2: I realize that by 1.15, at least, Crosshair seems to be arguing that they should’ve come back to join him in the Empire. He might be making that argument, but I’m saying his brothers had a responsibility to try to save him, and in that regard, I believe they failed.)
This is essentially the exchange Hunter and Crosshair have in 1.15:
Crosshair: They don't leave their own behind, most of the time. Hunter: You tried to kill us. We didn't have a choice. Crosshair: Hmm. And I did?
And, as I said before, based on everything we saw in Season 1, I tend to side with Crosshair.
Hunter made mistakes -- never talking about Crosshair and shutting down the others when they did was a big one. He never addressed the elephant in the room until he HAD to, and by then it was basically too late. And, of course, it seems the others took their cues from him.
As the leader, it was his job to -- at some point when they weren't in immediate danger -- introduce the topic and ask the others for their thoughts about Crosshair, especially once they knew how powerful the chip's influence was and once they knew how to remove it.
But, he didn't.
If the writers wanted me to side with Hunter when he says "We didn't have a choice" -- especially given the double standard I discussed earlier -- I don't think they gave me good enough reason to.
However, I think that's ultimately why the writers did what they did.
Both Hunter and Crosshair made enough mistakes in Season 1 that you can argue all day about which one of them failed the other more, which makes the show and characters all the stronger for it. Because neither one is 100% in the right or 100% in the wrong.
I just wanted to play Devil's Advocate, and try to explain why Crosshair felt like he did, and why I believe he was (at least partly) justified.
So, feel free to continue debating it, but I at least believe that Crosshair's brothers failed him first.
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green-alm0nd · 23 days
Hey hey! Could you do platonic headcanons with TBB where the reader reveals that she’s pregnant and they’ll be “uncles” after the events of the finale? Keep up the great work <3
[The Bad Batch x fem!reader (Headcanons)]: Platonic uncles
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After the events of the finale, you find out you're pregnant and you decide to tell your friends that fought hundreds of battles alongside you.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: none really, just fluff and Crosshair being a bit of an idiot.
I hope you like it Anon :p!
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Already knew because of his enhanced senses.
He could probably feel all the changes your body was going through.
He's really happy to see you happy.
Kinda protective over you throughout the entire 9 months.
Like yeah he knows you can protect yourself since you've fought alongside his brothers but he can't help but become just a tad bit protective.
When the kid grows up, he's probably going to teach them how to hear noises by concentrating (even though it's not as good as his enhanced senses).
One time he lost his vibroblade and found your kid with it.
You almost killed Hunter when that happened.
Overall, he's a good uncle and a very nice friend when he's around the kid.
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Actually surprised when you told him you were pregnant.
Like Hunter, he became slightly protective of you.
A bit reluctant when you introduced your significant other.
But if you trust them he trusts them too.
Best. Uncle. Ever.
Lets your kid play with his scomp link.
Echo is the type of uncle to tell your kids his story. From the Domino squad to him joining the Bad Batch to him joining the Rebellion.
Probably plays pirates with your kid because they told Echo he looked like a pirate because of his hand.
Overall: a cool uncle, probably a bit grumpy, but still a cool uncle.
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Super excited to have a mini-you running around Pabu.
When you actually told him he did not understand.
However, after a session of Tech's-info-dump, he got the idea.
I have a headcanon that he is a very nice uncle.
He will hide every single object from war so that the baby doesn't accidentally hurt themselves.
Actually tried to learn how to cook to make your kid Mantell mix. Spoiler: it goes wrong.
Will make shenanigans with your kid.
Overall, Wrecker is probably the most chaotic uncle of the entire galaxy.
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"Oh. Well, congratulations." Were his only words.
He is probably the least surprised out of the entire Batch.
Reminds you to take care of yourself.
Definitely keeps track of EVERYTHING.
He really cares for your safety and the safety of your kid.
Of course, he'd definitely be a good uncle.
I think Tech would be the uncle that-knows-it-all since he really is a walking Wookiepedia man.
Whenever he is alone with the kid, we will RAMBLE. Even though the kid will not understand, he will ramble until he needs to catch some air.
Overall: Human dictionary uncle (I love him for that)
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Will act pissed, but he's actually proud that you made a life for yourself after everything you went through.
Not surprised at all when you told him. He just shrugged.
And then he joked about it saying that 'If he couldn't handle you, he couldn't handle a mini, more hyperactive version of you'.
He learnt how to sew to fix Wrecker's tooka bear and give it to your kid.
You will find it endearing but he will deny it nonetheless because he does not like people seeing his sweet-side.
He's surprisingly good at calming the kid down for some reason you can't really figure out.
Not really protective because he knows you can take care of yourself. But, that doesn't mean he won't keep an eye on you some days.
When the kid grows up, he will NOT show them his rifles because he knows the risks and he knows that you will probably kill him for showing weapons at a six year-old.
Overall: he's the type of uncle that will disappear for ten months and then come back and act like nothing happened. But he's still a nice uncle.
Finals start this week :')
I hope you enjoyed your request anon!
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clownery-and-fuckery · 6 months
Do you guys think the batch(ESPECIALLY Tech, Hunter and Crosshair) would be super expressive under their helmets?
Thinking about that time Tech was all "I'm impressed" or the way Hunter watched the Marauder almost get shot down or Crosshair saying "you weren't loyal to me"
With their helmets on, imagine what their faces were like?? With their helmet off its probably easier to just mask all emotion even with their brothers sometimes- but when the helmets are on? All bets are off.
Hunter's probably put on his helmet to cry without disruption.
Crosshair keeps it on as long as physically possible because furrowing his brows like he does 24/7 probably gives him a headache. Tech forgets his eyes are visible sometimes and they can see his eyes curve as he smiles
It gives rise to really emotional scenes like that one where Rex is crying and Ahsoka just calmly takes his helmet off because she knows. She knows and it kills her. I love love love emotional walls being broken and vulnerability like that I need more
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eclec-tech · 1 year
Hunter doesn't deserve it.
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The fandom's response to Hunter is not fair.
People want him to break down and start screaming over Tech's death and that's not usually how grief works for someone in a position of care over others. In fact, for someone of Hunter's personality, there is an excellent chance he won't outwardly show his grief much at all. He will likely process it internally in the background while he tends to the more pressing matter of his remaining family. It's what leaders do. It's what the head of a family does.
Of course Hunter is grieving over Tech. He has been from the moment he lost him. But that grief takes a back seat to making sure he gets the rest of his family to safety, to making sure their injuries are tended to, and to stopping the Empire from taking them.
And he certainly isn't going to take a moment to grieve when one of them has been taken—and no, I'm not including Crosshair here. Omega is an innocent. Crosshiar tried to kill them, led them into a trap, and chose to stay with the Empire. Hunter was right to hesitate in trusting the rest of his family to the possibility Crosshair has changed.
Hunter's final words of the season have convinced me that we probably won't see a single tear from the stoic sergeant. There's no time to grieve when someone you love has been taken by a cruel and demented scientist and you don't even know where to begin to start looking for them.
"We are going to get her back. And we don't stop searching until we do."
Cut the guy some slack.
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alitherandom · 2 months
Ok I'm going to say it. I feel like the only reason they had to kill Tech was because the plot would move way too fast with him still in it. There's no doubt in my mind he'd find out what an m count was as well as the location of Tantiss and probably even Hemlock's home address and social security number in the span of about five minutes. Not to mention I doubt there'd be half as many action scenes considering there's no way he'd sit back and let Hunter, Crosshair and Wrecker throw hands with a former sith assassin (or at least he'd make them negotiate first.) Tech was far too powerful and even though he's only been mentioned as a plot device so far (which frustrates me) his absence is still very visible.
Same goes for Echo. I feel like the rest of the squad could use his common sense, but he's also conveniently absent. (I miss him.) I feel like the two of them share the team's braincell ngl
And also I think it's funny envisioning Tech just respawning on Eriadu and proceeding to walk halfway across the galaxy to show up on Hemlock's doorstep before giving him severe paranoia and getting some well deserved revenge. Just saying.
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drafthorsemath · 1 month
A/N: I still want Tech to be alive so I’m making it happen and all working within the scope of canon. Here we have old man Tech and Phee.
Warnings: disabled Tech, talk of his fall and the aftermath, discussion of broken bones and almost bleeding out
Word Count: 1.534k
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There was a lot of hustle around the rebel base. Several pilots were headed out, but Tech was more concerned with who was coming in. Omega had comm’d to say she left Pabu and was on her way. Tech sighed. Just as she was coming he would be going. More than that, while he and Phee stopped by so they could use their skills to fix up an old ship for a new crew, Omega would be out in the thick of it and he was worried for her. He knew they were all worried about her, but just as he respected Echo’s choice and Crosshair’s choice in years past, he respected hers as well. She was as ready to be a rebel pilot as ever, very much in part to the lessons he gave her back on Pabu.
“Hey Brown Eyes,” Phee said with a hand on his shoulder. “Ready to go?”
“Nearly,” he replied, smiling as she ran her hand through his graying and still thinning hair.
He reached for his spanner on the side of his hoverchair and continued to work on the power booster in front of him. He flinched just slightly as he made some adjustments. The arthritis wasn’t making it any easier. Still, he was pleased that while there he and Phee showed some new recruits as many skills as they could.
He put his tools back in place along the side of the humming hoverchair and took a breath. Phee smiled down at him. He picked up her hand and kissed the back of it. She was as lovely as ever. Gray streaks in her hair and small wrinkles forming on her face, but no amount of time dulled her spirit. He could never forget the day he finally made it back to Pabu and the relief he felt to see her and his family. Echo was off with Rex, but he was assured he was safe. Omega and Crosshair were home and Wrecker and Hunter had started easing into island life. 
“Better late than dead?” he asked the first time he saw Phee after stumbling off a ship.
She threw her arms around him with tears in her eyes and despite the pain he was still in, he embraced her warmth.
“So much better late than dead, Brown Eyes.”
His body had been through so much. Bones had taken months to mend and he knew that some of them hadn’t healed properly. He went through the painful process of a doctor rebreaking and resetting them. Phee sat with him through every procedure and he knew for sure that he wanted her in his life for however long it was. He woke up in agony after the worst of it, his lower back and legs in braces. She sat in a chair and rested her head on the bed near him. He softly smiled and put a hand on hers. 
During his recovery they started running low on med patches. She flew into imperial territory just to get more for him and to restock the supply on the island. It was during that time he was able to catch up with Crosshair. Both men were relieved to see each other and it didn’t take long for them to find their way into a comfortable mix of conversation and shared silence.
“How did you do it?” Crosshair asked. “Survive?”
“I thought that was probably going to be the end of me,” Tech admitted. “But I was able to change the angle of my fall and thankfully I hit the edge of a body of water and softer ground. The impact probably would have killed me otherwise.”
He went on to explain that all he could remember was trying to take his helmet off because his comms had died and his helmet cracked. Somewhere along the way he lost his goggles and slowly realized a piece of broken armor had pierced his abdomen. He kept it in place to reduce the risk of bleeding out as he stumbled along, but the terrain quickly became the familiar stone they saw poke above the mist. All he remembered was passing out and waking up briefly on a ship. When he got to this part of the story, he recalled Phee warning him not to run off with any pirates. Of course it was the pirates who saved him. Granted, they thought they could get some money selling his armor and possessions and were unable to get the elaborate set up off his body with his chest plate twisted as it was, so they just took all of him. One of the pirates couldn’t stand to watch him bleed out and so got him some minimal medical treatment that ended up being just enough to save his life. He spent months trying to get back to Pabu and contact his brothers, but the Empire was everywhere at this point and he had to focus on not getting caught since he couldn’t very well run from them. His best bet was to be friendly with the pirates and help them in an attempt to help himself. He knew the coordinates to some useful planets and knew how to fix just about any broken thing put in front of him. He essentially hitched a ride around the galaxy while his body tried to mend.
Tech looked at his brother with a bit of a grimace.
“I decided if they want to use me for my skills then fine. It kept me alive and I used them as transport in return. Eventually we made it close enough that I knew I could probably get here without a major medical event. I took a small ship, left while they were out drinking, and finally made it to Pabu. You know the rest.”
Crosshair put his hand on Tech’s shoulder just as his brother had done with him countless times.
“We survived and we’re here now,” Crosshair said. “That’s all that matters now.”
It took weeks for Tech’s body to heal the rest of the way, but this time he had hope and real help. Even on days when he could barely move, Phee and his brothers helped him get up and down, made sure he had something to eat, made sure he had something else to keep him occupied, and helped him in and out of the refresher. Once he was ready, Tech accompanied her on trips to recover artifacts. Phee was extra careful, knowing that his soldiering days were very well behind him and never wanting him put in too much danger. Still, he had a few tricks up his sleeve and was very creative when it came to making technology work for him even when his body struggled. More than that, he simply wanted to be with Phee any way he could.
Unfortunately as time went on, his old injuries made it difficult to walk very far. He crafted his own hoverchair, but could still go from the chair into bed or another seat. He still walked short distances, but the chair supported him for the most part. He was not-so-secretly fond of asking Phee to sit in his lap and taking her for “a stroll” around the island.
When Echo got word that the rebellion needed help rebuilding a ship, Tech’s face lit up. There was no stopping him. He and Phee would be back to Pabu after this one last job. Just one more ship to rebuild and then he could rest. Of course Phee knew better and shook her head. As much as his body was giving out on him, his head would never rest and it was one of the things she loved most about him. He always kept his mind occupied, exceptional as always.
They finished loading some items onto their ship, but stayed to greet Omega when she landed. He embraced his sister before grilling her on piloting procedures only to be met with a familiar pair of rolled eyes and an affectionate smile. Omega invited them up to see the upgrades she made to her ship. Tech greeted Gonky and was satisfied as he looked around. They said their goodbyes and Omega promised to come back and visit when she could.
“I still don’t know why she insists on keeping my old goggles with her,” Tech said as he and Phee boarded their ship.
“Because it reminds her of you,” she replied.
“Not one of our fondest memories,” he said, gazing up into his beloved’s eyes with a sad smile.
“No, but it’s all we had to hold on to for months as far as physical items,” Phee countered. “You know Omega. She brought Lula with her. She likes having those things to hold on to.”
“I know,” he said. “You’re right.”
Tech lifted himself from the hoverchair and gingerly moved to the co-pilot seat. Phee was right there ready to lend a hand, but he still had enough strength to move himself. She parked his hoverchair right behind them and pressed a kiss to his forehead before sitting in the pilot seat and punching in the familiar coordinates to Pabu. It was time to go home.
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maidenvault · 2 months
I know we’re all distraught but if you think about it, of course Crosshair had to miss the shot. This is Omega’s final journey and she has to do it alone, just like Luke turning himself over to the Empire in RotJ was something he had to do on his own. But does it even need to be said? She has everything with her that she needs.
She has Tech. And she has the compassion and hope that’s made her a sort of guiding light for the batch this whole time, truly the big sister in a sense. We all know she’s going to do what she always does and try to reach out to the goodness in this person, probably even before she knows who he is, and then believe in him so hard that she’ll be the one saving one of her brothers again.
And I love how much this turn of events is going to push the rest of the squad to fully grow up in a way, too. We saw Omega leave behind Lula, the doll she still treasures but has grown out of, and the Marauder getting destroyed seems just as meaningful in an episode called “Point of No Return” in showing that they have to move on from their past now, too. Tech blowing it up feels like him killing both his mother and his baby. Practically Hunter’s whole identity has become about protecting Omega at all costs and it’s going to be especially difficult for him to deal with this, but I think being able to let that go and accept what Crosshair let her do could finally let the tension that’s always defined their relationship turn into more mature and understanding brotherhood. It’s gonna be so hard to watch but I can’t wait to see everyone challenged in this way.
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the-bi-space-ace · 4 months
So far I think we have all the makings for them being together by the end of the series. Maybe not all together all the time. But all alive and all at least orbiting around each other in some way. I think Echo and possibly even Crosshair will join the rebellion or at least help with Rex’s network. Pabu might end up being a place to settle or a home base for everyone else. Maybe not. Maybe it just shows us that peaceful places still exist. Maybe Tech goes back to racing.
I’m very doubtful of the everyone dies ending so many people are fearing. ESPECIALLY an ending where Echo ends up dead. Say what you want about the last domino falling but I don’t think Echo’s story is ending here. Because why? Bring him back from the dead to do nearly nothing with his storyline and then kill him off again??? No. I refuse. I know we’ve been fearing for Echo’s safety throughout the series but I’m so hopeful and optimistic about his survival. I don’t want all of us to be riddled with anxiety the entire time we’re watching.
Same with Crosshair. No way this man spends the entire run time in misery only to sacrifice himself in the end. That’s absolutely ridiculous and I refuse to believe that.
Wrecker is safe in my book. I can’t even fathom a situation where he’d get killed off. I’ve always seen him as safe so it’s hard for me to even think about him dying.
There’s no situation where Hunter ends up dead. They want him to be the favorite of the series and since he’s such a focal point I don’t see them killing him off. So to all the Hunter fans out there: I genuinely believe he’s making it. I’d be shocked if he didn’t.
Tech is alive. There’s no doubt in my mind. And if he was really dead then I’d have to question what this story is actually about because I’ve always had an idea of what it’s trying to say and I don’t think it could end with him not being there.
I’ve always thought this show was about breaking this family apart and then putting them back together. They’ve been through terrible shit and seeing them all come together in the end would be the perfect ending.
None of their stories would have an interesting end in season 3 if all they ended up doing was die. We’ve been complaining forever that clones get introduced to us, we love them, then they die. Why do that again?
If that’s what’s going to happen then what the fuck have we been watching for all this time then?? Certainly not the show I thought we were.
Mostly because I don’t think it would make any narrative or symbolic sense. What’s the point of this series then? That no matter what you do you still sacrifice yourself in the end? That fighting the empire is hopeless? That you’ll never be safe in this galaxy so give up now? Idk. I don’t think that’s the direction they’re going.
I think Tech’s return will put the ‘they’re all together in the end’ thing to good use. There’s so many fun things to be said about each of their paths. That healing is possible. That you can fight for what you believe in and do what you can. That there can be life outside of being a soldier and fighting a war. That there’s hope in this galaxy. That we aren’t alone. That the clones aren’t alone. I think that’s much more in line with what this show is attempting to say.
I’d be totally shocked if they end up killing off the batch. Not only do I think it’s a stupid decision but I’d call it lazy (and probably many other choice words while I’m at it.)
Plus. It is a kids show. I’d be more worried if this show was geared towards adults but I don’t think you’ll gain much love in the hearts of the young audience if your show ends with all that death.
I genuinely don’t think this show is ending in fire. And I will remain steadfastly optimistic and positive about it. It’s a fun show and I’m very excited about the new season and getting to discuss and interact with everyone again.
Take a breath. Enjoy the final season and have some fun with it. I’m certainly going to. I hope you all will too 🩶
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chilled-to-the-bone · 28 days
What If Tech really was one of the CX?
After Crosshair and Hunter get Omega and start going to the ship they have to go through the "training room". They find Wrecker sitting on the floor still dazed after the fight and Echo watching over him, some of the clones are still fighting. They start to check for survivors. There aren't many on either side but they try to help as many as they can. Hunter and Crosshair walk into the center of the very room they were held in, the very room they escaped moments ago with Omega's help. They see the fallen Clones and the assassins. One of the assassins in particular catches their eye. The one that Hunter impaled with a spear. He's killed people before, they all have. But it felt different. There was, there is something eerily familiar about this one. When they fought, it felt almost like he knew him. His mannerisms, his silhouette, his moves, even his distorted voice. All of it with a hint of familiarity. Distant and kind of out of place but still there. Like it couldn't have been erased by anything. Even by Hemlock's extreme conditioning. Hunter looks at the assassin's slumped body and wants to carry on but he doesn't. There is a slight movement. In the corner of his eye he sees the assassin's helmet slide from his limp head. Hunter and Crosshair are not surprised when it happens but they are bewildered when they see what was under the helmet. They take a few steps close to get a better look. And they see it. A face covered in bruises, burns and scars almost unrecognizable. Almost. But they recognize it. It's their brother. It's Tech. They are almost sure. Hunter stopped in his tracks. Crosshair on the other hand hurries up to him. Could he be alive? Not very probable, not after what happened, not with those injuries. Yet he checks anyway, a tiny bit of absurd hope somewhere in the back of his mind. To his surprise he finds a faint pulse. He starts working. He yells for somebody to help them and tries to get the spear out.
Hunter's frozen in shock. He did it. It's his fault. He killed his brother. A few minutes pass by and someone comes to help. He sees Omega, Wrecker and Echo running. Confusion on their faces. He needs to move. He pushes those feelings down. He'll have to deal with this later. His squad needs him. His brothers and sister need him. Tech is alive and he needs help. He's been alive this whole time and they didn't know. They didn't look for him. Why didn't they look for him? They didn't know, they couldn't know. But they should have.
They get out of Tantiss. All the survivors they could find. They saved Tech. His life is hanging by a thread and they don't know what his mental state is. Not many people survive Hemlock's conditioning. The torture that made him into one of those faceless, nameless clone assassin's. It may not be reversible. What if it is no longer Tech? What if the only thing left of Tech is his body? What if their brother is truly gone? But maybe he isn't. Maybe they can bring him back.
On the way back Wrecker, Crosshair, Omega and Echo try to talk to Hunter. They say it's not his fault. He couldn't know. He didn't do it on purpose. He's not really listening. His mind is somewhere else. He's thinking about Tech. What happened to him. What was going on with him all this time. What did Empire do to him. What did Hemlock do to him. What he did to him.
But he survived all of this. He's here. He's alive.
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