#im not gonna elaborate rn tho cause i Dont Feel Great
im-smart-i-swear · 9 months
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im sick so i drew my girl nika to cheer myself up,,
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miku-meeku · 5 months
I came here for the absolutely adorable dol art and then lost my marbles at the Alice in wonderland themed banner at the top ehehehehe I had to drop a message to tell you have great taste have a nice day!! 💕
actually i can ramble abt it rn fuck it
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this is Miku, this is her in the real world, she's a very happy go lucky young girl, owns a bunch of hairclips, has besties
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and this is Elly, this is what happens to Miku when she sleeps, she wakes up in the dreamworld as Elly and her theme is Alice in Wonderland as Alice (duh)
there's also other people with different fairytale themes in their dreamworlds
anws, there's saying in Japan where people have three faces:
The first face is the face you show to the public
The second face is the face you show to friends and family
The third face is the face you never show anyone, your TRUE self
the dreamworld represents people's TRUE self, for Miku, it would have to be that despite her happy exterior, she's actually really lonely (even tho she does have friends with her, she still feels lonely ykno ykno that feeling ykno)
in Elly's dreamland, there's nothing in there, only the sky, grass, and butterflies fluttering around, making her the only resident in her own dreamworld
until suddenly, w0w there's this white rabbit that just appeared out of thin air
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and obviously, someone like her who hasn't seen any other living things other than butterflies would follow after it, i mean...there wasn't any rabbits in her dreamworld lel
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and the usual alice in wonderland shtick, rabbit fell down hole, she fell down hole
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and this white rabbit's name is Tokki
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Tokki has the power to teleport from dreamworld to dreamworld because of his pocket watch
now what was he doing in Elly's world?
...that's a good question, I'll think about it
anyways welcome to wonderland, can't say much cuz it's kinda spoilery, you'll have to learn more abt wonderland later when i think abt making a story or more doodles and arts of my ocs heuheuhuehuehuhe
one thing is for sure tho; people residing in wonderland has powers unlike people above in the dreamland (wonderland and dreamland are the same thing btw cuz they're both still dreamworlds)
until then meet my wonderland ocs kyaa, this is Cecile the cheshire cat
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gomenasorry i have no colored ones, imagine her in purple and gold
Tokki and Cecile do not like each other
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this is caterpillar and hatter (no names yet, im sorry)
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these are caterpillar's more recent looks, imagine him in dark blue and white (with some black accents)
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this one is caterpillar going insane, he's probably the 2nd maddest one in wonderland (im not gonna elaborate further)
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i dont have march hare yet but i do have doodles of dormouse
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i imagine her in teal and purple..?
andddd...lastly we have queen of hearts (imagine her in red, gold, and white probably)
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and those are just the wonderland ocs, theres many more i have rn BAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH
oh yeah, in the dreamworld, people got little eye marks on their eyes
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theres no explanations, its just their theme and it helps differentiate real world chars from their dreamworld self,,,, probably,,,,
anws i forgot to introduce another important char to Elly
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this is Red, his theme is Little Red Riding Hood and he has a little sister named Viola who is quite sick
their dreamworld resides in a tiny little cottage near a snowy forest, rumors says there's a big bad wolf there and is the cause of Viola's illness so Red has been trying to hunt it down to cure Viola for who knows how long
when Elly fell down the rabbit hole, she was transported to Red's dreamworld and they met when Red was sleeping near the forest
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but it was like....uhhh....a spot he likes to snooze in when taking breaks from trying to find the wolf, since the forest is always snowing but this spot is filled with greenery instead ykno ykno
anws thats enough of their dreamworld counterparts for now, back to the real world
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how they met is rather different in the real world lel
it started with miku's dreamworld self elly wandering in a pitch black area and then suddenly red before she woke up, miku's dreams were always weird so she's like "eh no biggy" and then typical anime when she's going to school "kyaa i bumped into someone- oh my god it's the dude from my dreams"
it was basically love at first sight for her, bonus is he's a blondie too BAHAHHAHAHAH (miku's a romanticist i forgor to put that out)
kakeru just thinks she was just a random strange girl until they met again in classroom, they were classmates and he was like....the new transfer student or smth (otherwise miku would know who he is since 1st year, they're in their 2nd year of school currently)
ight, thats enough of me rambling abt my fairytale dreamland ocs, thank you for listening to my ted talk, have this doodle i did last year november of these two
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base by @damso_2018 on twt
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oh w0w wait who are these other ocs
uhhh work in progress chart (the pink one w side ponytail's name is nozomi, no name yet for the purple one, also inori and miku are besties, i forgor to put that in oops)
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i would ramble more abt my other ocs, but ive hit the 30 image limit already BAHAHHAHAHAHHA
thank you again for reading my insane ramble talk about my ocs if you read all the way down here, i have way too many ocs to talk about and id love to continue rambling about all of them in tumblr where no one will judge me and my stupidity
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iintemperiae · 4 years
so i got an ask but im not sure if tumblr deleted it or i accidentally did,, but anyways its gone but this is what i remember:
hey alya i hope youre doing well!! i was just wondering,, cause i followed you like a long time ago and i noticed that you've mentioned several times that you're a musician. i was just wondering,, would you elaborate on that? like, what instruments do you play? are you in a band? have you been in competitions? also, i was wondering if you're gonna do a face reveal or a voice reveal 👀. im assuming you sing well. if this is too nosy feel free to ignore it. love ya ❤
to this anon, im sORRY I FEEL SO STUPID THAT YOUR ASK IS GONE SHSJSHJWWN I HOPE I GOT YOUR QUESTION RIGHT!!! feel free to send another ask for any details i missed
dw i barely get any asks so just ask what you want!! and yes im doing well!! at least, i think so. ive passed my finals so thats great.
and yes im a musician!! i mean, i'd consider myself one, at least. i play guitars (acoustic, electric, and bass), keyboard, violin, and ukelele. the occasional beatbox too but not that much. i'd say that im best at guitars + its my favourite.
im looking for a band rn so no im not in an official band yet (like where you do covers or write songs together). but i have played in a band??? if that makes sense. its more of a group than a band, really. i've been the rhythm guitarist (and sometimes vocalist) for my old school's band and i am currently the bassist and backup vocalist in my local uhh youth church group. i'm currently learning to write better songs,, cause all i've ever done is something along the lines of a drabble.
uhh i've never participated in musical competitions, if that's what you're wondering. the only competition i've participated in so far is some school pageant (lowkey kinda forced to cause idt they had any better options. i think they chose me only cause im tall + the talent portion of the contest).
for face reveal uhh i dont think im gonna be doing that anytime soon HAAHAHAHAH im not that pretty but idk if you convince me to then i may do it. theres a bigger chance of me doing a voice reveal tho 👀 maybe in my next event if i get more asks about it or something. just beware that my voice isnt the best HAHAHAAHHA
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survivorbehemoth · 4 years
Episode #9: “i hope that i'm out of the pickle and eating the... pickle” - Daisy
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how i feel about merge: https://66.media.tumblr.com/68a1cf13a1ea5ca8ec0c6c8a044f92ad/fdb9160ed3342b6d-08/s500x750/a71a511c4f332aba10424d15b5e074bc9bbe5e0d.gifv
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Click HERE to watch Szymon’s Video!
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Click HERE to watch Daisy’s Video!
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Click HERE to watch Chips’ Video!
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Click HERE to listen to Szymon’s Vocaroo!
Click HERE to view Szymon’s Trust Rankings!
Click HERE to listen to Szymon’s Vocaroo!
Click HERE to listen to Szymon’s Vocaroo!
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Click HERE to watch Daisy’s Video!
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Click HERE to watch Rob’s Video! Click HERE to watch another of Rob’s Videos!
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So here is my i guess merge confessional! LOOK WHAT I DID! I MADE THE MERGE HEHEHEHEHEHEHE. Voting cindi out last round was very sad but very needed, i think she was looking to have fun and cause chaos but i need some stability in my life rn, crackhead seamus has not came out yet and he can’t yet LMAO. so what happened is as soon as we merged Szymon approached me and wanted to call, and pretty much went on a rant about how annoying Rob is and how everyones so far up his ass, and that HE HAS THE IDOL!!!! And that Szymon wants me daisy and jules to start working together which i was like OH I LIKE THIS. Going into merge i wanted to reconnect with rob, and then keep my alliances with daisy and gage and try and just use them as shields to get into deep merge and then start causing shit.
In terms of my thoughts on everyone…. Gage i am very torn about. Because he is the person i am closest to on a personal level but i think game wise he just is rlly desperate to not lose. I offered him a f2 on our last tribe which i do intend on keeping my word on, but then as soon as we merge i just felt kinda off about him? And he formed a new alliance with Szymon Rob and Conor and didnt say nothing to me or tried to include me. Szymon leaked it tho and so im like oh ok i see i see. I think he is trying to have his hand in everyones cookie jar, but knowing he wants everything is off putting from an ally stance. But also last night he opened up a bit with me and i think he genuinely does wanna work with me, just perhaps not with Daisy. so i am trying to figure out like what is the right move with Gage, is he someone who can actually commit? and will he defend me if people like rob or conor suggest voting me? idk, but i hope he would.
Daisy: my relationship with Daisy is really strong. I think we have a lot in common personally and game wise we mesh really well. Coming in from embb10 i wasnt sure how we would work together but so far so good. everyday she makes me laugh and i want to keep working with her. Supposedly people are painting us two as a duo but i also think if people targeted us they would choose Daisy over me at this point which means i can embrace and keep working with her however openly i wish. Daisy i think also wants to more so work with Szymon and Jules which is fine by me. I think us 3/4 can work really well, it’s just about finding the right time to possibly take a shot at someone.
Szymon: i wasnt sure how i felt about Szymon at the beginning. Sometimes i thought he was annoying, other times i just thought he was being himself which i sometimes just dont vibe with. But him being really honest about his opinions with people shows that he actually is someone i can work with. i am a blunt person and when others are willing to throw mud too, it means we can work well together. I think he is very eager to vote out Rob and also doesnt want to work with Gage which i’m not 100% sure what my plan is yet regarding both.
Rob: rob is a big threat but only because he is so blatantly talking to everyone. dont get me wrong Rob is a great guy, but he isn’t a great ally just because he talks to me. I also know that he has the idol and clearly I aint the top of his ally list since he didnt include me in the one with gage szymon and conor and he also didnt tell me about his idol. Also every inactive person talking to him is not good bc i dont want his farmer ass to let his sheep target me. I think Rob may go home very early and he wont even see it coming.
chips/brandan: we arent working together. that’s about it.
Conor: we became a bit closer during the swap but i certainly wouldnt say he is an ally. more like a neutral friend. i think conor plans on working with gage/rob/szymon. which doesnt include me. But i dont think he has many other connections such as with dylan or daisy or jules. so im not sure how much he’ll be doing anytime soon.
Lovelis: he seems pretty inactive. itll be interesting to see if i can use our pre-established friendship to kinda pull him in and work with him but i also dont know who he plans on working with or doing. very nice and everyone agrees when he is on he is fun to talk to, its just about activity levels and trying to see if he actually is here to play or not.
Dylan: I LIKE DYLAN. BUT HE ALSO LEFT ME ON READ FOR LIKE 16 HOURS NOW LMAO. He was super fun to talk to on our tribe game night, and then in pms but then he kinda ghosted me but continued to talk in the tribe chat. granted i got rlly sloppy drunk last night so when he was free to talk more i wasnt ;/ So ill be interested to see if we can keep vibing, im defnitely open to working with him bc he seems like he would be fun to strategize and work with, but we aren’t necessarily at that point yet.
Jules: juuuules!!!!! amazing, fantastic, the best. but also not the most active. im interested in working with her and i think she appreciates me being crazy and i appreciate her being crazy too. also she is the main reason i won this challenge SOOOOOO. I think me szymon and daisy have a great opportunity to work with her and form a tight 4 if thats the path we choose to go down. Jules is here for fun and to socialize with people and i think some people are off putted by that but i thinks its fine, i just hope we have fun doing crazy stuff together and not against one another :D
SO I WON IMMUNITY! HEHEHEHEHEHEHE WHICH IS KINDA EMBARRASING SINCE I ONLY ASKED 2 PEOPLE FOR THEIR WORDS, AND THEN DAISY/JULES/SZYMON GAVE ME THE REST. Honk honk i love sharing, this is what communism is all about! But being immune first is kinda a great thing because it really puts you in a firm spot and allows/forces people to strategize with you. since i am unsure if i can attend tribal/live night it also provides some much needed security early on. i am hoping chips goes home at this first tribal which seemingly everyone is on board with. And then id prefer brandan or lovelis to go in live night. But i think Szymon and Daisy will want to vote for Rob. I am not sure if i want to take that shot yet because it might hurt my chances of working with Gage, but also leaves several more inactive people in. if i was confident people like lovelis and brandan would follow rob out the door that would be one thing, but i think it would make people like conor/gage possibly start targeting szymon/daisy/myself and that isnt a good thing. especially if we can wait to f9, and have 5 directly on rob and he goes home and then theres less potential for us getting outvoted
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Click HERE to watch Daisy’s Video!
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Click HERE to watch Dylan G’s Video!
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I know I have been sending only really text confessionals right now and I am REALLY sorry about that, since pretty much a lot of my life has FINALLY FUCKING CLEARED UP I can actually start doing them, butttt since I'm a procrastinator on all sense of the word I'm just gonna type something here and be done with it okay?
Anyways, MERRRRGGGEE! I am fucking SHOCKED that I have made it this far. Keep in mind I really don't think that I would have had any issues getting to the merge keep in mind. Other than the shit I was going through early game and then with some other stuff I feel relatively blessed to be here. I made some connections on my swapped tribe which helped me stay around, and then afterwards I pretty much like... I'm here! I wanted to try and win as many challenges as I could just to help me get by, but then again I'm not the most TALKATIVE person in the world so whatever, I'm planning on fixing that now.
ANYWAYS going into live night I am worried. I was playing three games at once including this WHILE working and BEFORE I got COVID so that was.... okay that wasn't really that fun but still WHATEVER I TRIED GURL OKAY? And from the looks of it the first round should be easy with a relative chips boot which I am fine with. The second round though? That's where the primary issue lies. The only name I heard relative to that is potentially lovealis which I am down with. I got Jules who is a Brandan STAN, my Coco loco alliance with daisy/szymon, and other connections I have made with people like rob. Since after Chips leaves we're in the Final 10 during live night that's easier for my mental sanity. and with me/daisy/szymon/rob/jules, that is already HALF the votes. So I feel... good.
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I did not succeed at the social queen immunity.
A social queen i am not.
I was told the vote would be me... so I packed my bags.
Then... a LONG time later they want to blindside Rob. I say okay, I'm down knowing I trust no one so trying to hold on to my smallest sliver of hope that this isn't an elaborate lie.
Then we get live round! If I make it that far I'm ready to party!
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Click HERE to watch Gage’s Video!
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Click HERE to watch Rob’s Final Words
Rob is voted out 6-3-1. He becomes the first member of our jury. We then have LIVE NIGHT! At live night, Lovelis goes home 9-1 and becomes the second member of our jury.
Watch the Cast Assessment for this Episode and last Episode below:
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