#im not sure what happens to his deputies after his death but i imagine he leaves behind quite the power vacuum
fortune-maiden · 7 months
Today's theme is overthinking Shi Wudu the Water Tyrant and what his tyranny actually looks like
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I cant get over the possibility of having a Silverhawk Novella. (My best guess if it does happen, it might also contain the stories of Snowtuft and possibly another dark forest cat like Maggottail, or a trainee like Antpelt, Redwillow, or the beloved Ivypool.)
My biggest fear is his relation to Mapleshade.
In TBC, Silverhawk clearly lives Emberdawn, even in death. So much he makes a promise in her name. And how he wanted to lift his son in the ranks shows he love his family a lot. I dont doubt the Erins’ will make sure we see that.
But due to Emberdawn’s name, its likely she may turn out to be a tortoiseshell.
I always saw his relationship with Mapleshade as him caring for her, and having a kinship with her due to how much they lived their families (keep in mind im saying this with the idea that Mapleshade will lie to Silverhawk about her backstory so he can view her in the right, and also her view on it was obviously skewed due to her insanity.)
My biggest fear, knowing the Erins, is that they’ll make his motivation to sticking with Mapleshade not be her feels sorry for her and is genuinely lonely, but rather make him in love with her due to her looking similar to Emberdawn.
I’m really hoping that wont be the case, and that he’ll become Mapleshade’s right hand man in the place if no stars because he feels shes the only person he can relate to, and not that he is reminded of his wife every time he looks at her (Which also would be a problem, since there will be an obvious age gap between them. It would make the most sense for Silverhawk to have died long before Mapleshade was ever even born, perhaps during a time when the deputy didnt always become the leader or during a time when the leader could choose the next deputy whenever. It would kind of jumble up the timeline if it was any point after Mapleshade died, since there is quite a small timeframe in between her death and Crookedstar’s birth.)
Silverhawk is such a good character, and I really hope the Erins dont do him dirty.
Yeah I wouldn’t be a fan if he was in love with Mapleshade - but I would adore a novella about him, just focusing on his life and what he did to get to the dark forest
I really want to see a “Tales from the Dark Forest” novella collection featuring Snowtuft, Maggottail and Silverhawk, imagine if they were to drop such a thing near Halloween, and each novella is a backstory as to why each cat found themselves in the dark forest.
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S3 E12: Jus in Bello
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Apparently "jus in bello" means "the law in waging war" .......yikes
Oh Monument, CO! Finally using a real place in Colorado, third times the charm I guess
I know I say this every time but I LOVE Bela
Oooooh shit Henrickson!!!!!! Nice
Henrickson has fed privilege as evidenced by being pissed that the local cops total six (6) people and one (1) assistant. Monument probably has a few more than that IRL but uh yeah not far off I'd imagine
"Think Hannibal Lector and his half-wit little brother" I can picture Sam's bitchface if he heard that one lmao
"We're not the ones you should be scared of, Nancy." Yeah that's not something non-threatening people say, Dean
Oh wait shit i think this is the episode where Henrickson dies oh no
Okay unless that chopper was coming from Colorado Springs, a hell of a lot more time passed than what they implied. Also, they're taking a chopper from Monument all the way to Nevada? They're really planning on doing a fuel stop with two prisoners on board that have already proven to be incredibly good at escaping impossible situations???? Idk where the supermax is supposed to be but unless it's literally at the CO/NV border, they're probably gonna have to stop for fuel at least once. Especially since they can't refuel in Monument!
Holy shit bro what the hell!!!! Fucking demons i s2g
At least Sam memorized the exorcism at this point
The demons said "fuck blue lives" and i can respect that at least
"Henrickson! Four of my men!" Yeah I'd cut this guy some slack bc that's 80% of his force lmao
Did they ever patch up Dean's shoulder or is he still just bleeding out in the cell
I will give the show a small nod of acknowledgement for having Henrickson remain calm and take charge during this, as the sole black person. A nice change from other episodes (im thinking specifically of "The Magnificent Seven"). However that doesn't make up for the shitty way the writers have treated their BIPOC characters in the past, and the future.
Oh good they did give Sam some bandages for Dean
Nancy is so sweet and I know Sam had a reason but that doesn't mean i gotta like him tricking and grabbing her like that like a DICK
"Its like they're coming right for us. They've never done that before." Yes they have. Azazel and his roadies came after you guys multiple times. So did Meg. The Seven rolled around to fuck y'all up in the first episode of this season. This isn't new Dean.
"There's a SWAT facility in Boulder" yeah and that's like 3 hours north of you, not right around the corner
Woof poor Henrickson. Terrible way to find out that demons exist.
Not the time Dean
Hey since when do the demon smoke clouds contain blue lightning
So they covered all the doors and windows with salt lines but iirc in the plane crash episode, where demons were introduced, that demon used the air vents. So why don't these demons, in their smoke forms, slip through the vents from the roof access?
Oh the tats are finally canonized nice
Wow they really possessed the whole population of Monument huh
Deputy no
Man I bet Henrickson would have made a fine hunter. But I'm pretty sure he dies after this :(
"I think the world's gonna end bloody. But it doesn't mean we shouldn't fight." Another for the tagline list!
Oh shit Ruby!
Dean you can't get angry at Sam for keeping secrets when you are also keeping secrets from Sam. Unless you came clean at some point about how there's no way to break your deal and that being in the Pit will turn you into a demon eventually. But I doubt it.
Dean don't make it weird. Stop questioning Nancy about her sex life.
I can't see shit with all these jumpcuts and shaky cams - I understand it's for the "feeling" of being in a fight but can we PLEASE get a coherant image of what's happening please
So they covered one door and like.... Two windows. Great. Really helpful guys.
Oh okay they are coving the rest of the exits that's good
Pretty sure Sam and Dean should have been released when the demon was forced out of the vessel but whatever
Does this count towards the boys' death counts? It's official after all lmao
O h n o L i l i t h
"One's really tall, and one's really cute" hsjsjsjsjjshs
....yeah goodbye Henrickson and Nancy and Deputy :(
"Jus in Bello" final thoughts: honestly I didn't remember this episode being this good. There's a few technical details that irk me, but overall it's solid. And I guess it sort of wraps up the issue of Sam and Dean being wanted for murder for the time being.
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fan-clan-fun · 4 years
These cats are just a pair of siblings that I had a lot of fun working on. They are basically two sides of the same coin, foils to each other. They are members of a fan clan (I know, shocker) called HawkClan.
I apologise for any grammatical errors, weird sentence structures or anything like that, english isn’t my native language.
Wonderful! And no worries about the writing, Im always impressed by non-native english speakers and their impressive english, at least when compared to the other languages I myself supposedly speak. So let’s see what we have!
Adderstar: Massive, intimidating, a frightening foe. These are the words most cats would use to describe HawkClan’s young leader, Adderstar. But don’t let her physical appearance fool you, this huge tabby has an ever bigger, albeit squeamish heart!
Born into a litter of three, Adderkit was the biggest and strongest one. She would often be found rough housing with her two brothers and the other kits in the nursery. But with great power comes great responsibility. That’s a lesson Adderkit needed to be taught the hard way. During one of their usual play sessions she accidentally tackled one of her brothers, Shadowkit, violently, breaking one of his ribs which caused internal bleeding. Despite the medicine cat’s best efforts, Shadowkit passed away. After that, Adderkit refused to play with the other kits, especially if they were younger or smaller than her. Blazekit, angry with his sister and unable to cope with the loss of his brother, became cold, angry and distant. He now refuses to acknowledge Adderstar as anything more than a leader and lashes out at any cat who points out their obvious connection.
Interesting, Im curious about when she would have done this and how. Cats can do some serious damage, but to have the strength (unless it was aided by height or some other advantage) to cause a broken bone and internal bleeding would be quite difficult, not impossible, just difficult. But! Maybe an easier ( and even more heartwrenching) way it could have happened, was if their sibling got an infection when Adderkit played carelessly with claws out. It could have made Adderkit much more careful of how she fought. That said, I really do like this motivation, and either way if you wish to keep it, would make for a compelling character development.
Moons passed, but memories of her brother kept haunting the she-cat, even when she started her apprenticeship. Darkstar, the former leader, having seen her potential and her struggles, decided to mentor the young cat himself. Both cats were insanely stubborn, refusing to acknowledge the faults of their ways; Darkstar, too focused on battle tactics and strength, and Adderpaw, afraid of her own power and abilities. The two cats clashed on multiple occasions, but Darkstar wasn’t known for giving up a challenge. He realized that the best motivation for Adderpaw was the pain of others. He would often put himself, sometimes other cats, in dangerous situations that would require immediate action from Adderpaw to solve. This is why Adderstar is so good at fighting badgers, according to some cats. Slowly but surely, the two started to understand and trust each other.
See I like the dynamic between Darkstar and Adderpaw.... but I dont think it would be either wise  or realistic that a clan leader would allow either themselves or clanmates into a potentially dangerous situation just to encourage an apprentice. Maybe if it wasnt actually dangerous, but it would be a bit odd to put the responsibility on an apprentice to save the day, when it would be the leader’s job to do that. Unless... well I’ll address it below.
Many moons later, Adderfang was made deputy, instead of Blazestep, whom many cats regarded as the best warrior in HawkClan. This widened the rift between the two siblings even more. Adderfang never thought of becoming a leader. She just wanted to fulfill her warrior duties and get her mind off her brother’s death. She didn’t want to be a leader, she had no need for more worries.
So I do think it is very odd that Adderfang would have been chosen as deputy when the rest of the clan regarded their sibling better. That said, you could argue that Darkstar’s actions in her apprenticeship (reckless self endargerment and potential endangerment of others) and then choosing her as deputy over other better liked candidates, could point to nepotism or serious character flaws. I feel like there is more going on with Darkstar that might need to be addressed for this to work. Not impossible, but an interesting conundrum.
“He has the heart and passion of a Bear. You have the strength and clarity of a Hawk.” That was all Darkstar said. Adderfang understood none of that. Strength? Well, she had that. And what good did that bring her? Death and sadness, nothing more. Clarity? All her life, she knew nothing, but confusion. What is her place in her clan? Does a murderer even deserve a place to call home? She tried to pry Darkstar for more; she needed reasons, true reasons, not baseless statements. But Darkstar wouldn’t say more. He’d just smile, like he knew something that no other cat did. “You’ll understand one day, mousebrain.”
But even after standing on the shores of the High Lake (A/N: it’s just a big, icy lake, this is where deputies are made leaders under the full moon), even after becoming Adderstar, she still couldn’t quite grasp what those words meant.
Im curious what those words mean too, I feel like there could be some background spiritual stuff going on.
Blazestep: HawkClan’s finest warrior. And also it’s angriest one, this jet black cat is one scorching inferno. He’s brash, aggressive, and he’s not afraid of showing his fangs or unsheathing his claws. How does one small, frightened kit grow up to be a walking volcano, ready to erupt at any moment?
His brother’s death hit Blazekit harder than any blow from a cat ever could. Shadowkit was the only kit willing to play with the weakling Blazekit. All the others would mock or turn their backs on him. And, playing with Adderkit was just plain sad. Even as a young kit, Blazekit could see that Adderkit was going easy on him. Never once did she shove him too hard, bit or scratched him playfully. What’s worse, she even pretended to be hurt when Blazekit tackled her or batted at her with his tiny paws. Blazekit hated all of it. He hated Adderkit and her pity, he hated the disgusted and mocking looks of the other kits. Shadowkit was the only other cat he could confide in.
And then Shadowkit was stripped away from him, by Adderkit of all cats. Blazekit was truly alone now.
Sounds like a lonely and frustrated kit, poor guy.
Adderkit tried to reconnect with him, but he rejected her pitiful attempts. It’s not like Adderkit made such a tremendous effort either: whenever Blazekit would confront her, she’d just avert her gaze, murmur something and leave with her tail drooping. Blazekit hated it. He hated how Adderkit couldn’t face the truth, how she couldn’t, no, didn’t take responsibility for her strength. Instead of realizing the power in her paws, she just hid away from it. Blazekit hated it.
Moons went by, and soon, it was Blazepaw’s turn to prove himself. His mentor, Nettlemoon was the exact opposite of the fiery tom. Nettlemoon tried to teach the young cat patience, but Blazepaw would have none of it. Despite this, he was an outstanding apprentice; he could execute most moves with ease and with little practice and he was excellent at predicting his opponent’s next move. He was just bad at catching squirrels.
But being good wasn’t enough for Blazepaw, he wanted to be the best. He’d train long and hard after nightfall, when the clan was asleep, often overworking and injuring himself. He had to get stronger. No cat will make fun of him anymore, he’ll make sure of that.
So at this point I really worry for this apprentice, and worry that neither his mentor of the clan around him seemed to notice his struggle. I cant imagine that his mentor wouldnt have noticed his injuries and addressed them. He may be hot headed and determined to be the best, but there is only so much he can get away with before he should have consequences. Then again, if you do continue with the thread of Darkstar putting himself in danger, I suppose an absent mentor wouldnt be entirely unrealistic for the clan.
He was Blazestep now, but his goals never changed. And he was going to make it. He could already see Darkstar appointing him as deputy. He could see all of those mocking glares turn into quick, wary glances filled with fear. He could see himself standing on top of The Ruins (A/N: a place for the leaders to stand during clan meetings, it’s just an old church overgrown with weeds and trees), fur blowing in the wind, looking down at HawkClan. He could see himself racing towards battle, his clan at his back and Shadowkit at his side.
And then it was stripped away from him, by none other than Adderfang.
So I am curious about why the clan ended up liking (or at least respecting) Blazestep more than Adderfang, at least that was what I understood since it seemed he was considered a better warrior by the clan. He does seem to have a lot of anger issues to work out, so with your explanation of his character it makes a bit more sense that his sister is deputy, but I feel like there is a disconnect between your personal discussion of the siblings personalities and how the clan perceives them. Maybe its just a case of unreliable narrator. Is Blazestep really sneaky, and hides his true anger problems and ambition? I suppose if he was clever enough as an apprentice, and didnt push himself too far he might have been able to pull the wool over his mentor’s eyes, but he would have to be very clever and careful not to injure or tire himself so much that it would affect the rest of his training. 
Anyway, I hope I didnt sound too critical, but these characters are very interesting and compelling, interesting enough that I was quite invested in them! I hope to see how you decide to write them in the end!
So, yeah, these two are the main duo of HawkClan. Sorry for the long read, I got pretty carried away while writing.
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teenwolfhot · 4 years
Into the unknown scott McCall imagine part 1
" scott .... scott ..... Scott .... SCOTT .... SCOTT ...SCOTT " a voice was pulling McCall back to reality when he felt pain in his shoulder it registered to him that his girlfriend (y/n) looked angery and was turning red while looking at him " hello... aren't you listening i said what are we going to do about the party ?" Scott just blinked " fantastic you weren't listening .... im guessing im talking to a wall better yet I'll get a boyfriend who does ... maybe issac or ... or theo " grabbing gour things scott was about to say something " hey guys " it was liam and mason you rolled your eyes getting up and away from scott and the younger ones
" what's up with (y/l/n) ?" Liam asked scott he zoned out again "uh what ?" mason and liam sighed " you've been distracted lately McCall " Jackson sitting opposite sides to him " hey i ran into (y/n) she seems upset about you " stiles sitting next to scott while lydia and malia was behind " that girl loves to rant especially on you Scott "
" literary what have been on your mind recently that kept you completely occupied with that nonsense?" lydia the strawberry blond asked " its peter " stiles cringed while Jackson gagged " noway McCall its a folklore " kira and malia looked at each other " scott ... scott ?" Jackson sighed " the thing is lydia McCall here got bitten by something while doing a job with me and argent in a small town ... and well he got bitten and well " stiles looked shocked " you said the job was intel on new werewolves not trying to get killed " Jackson laughed "yeah well McCall went pale for a couple of days then .... his eyes changed " stiles eyes squinted " scott what colour are your eyes ?"
Scott turned away but malia shoved his face backed " show us McCall " his eyes didn't turn alpha colours " scott what happened on the job ?" scott didn't say a word " McCall they need to know or else i will " before Jackson could finish theo comea running in " we have company and it ain't werewolves " heavy breathing and slowly sitting down
The door flew opened and three men walked in one muscular in a suit one rugged with a leathet jacket with a smirk on his face , the other his eyes are different and have blood stained dripping down both side of his lips "shit ...shit ...shit " stiles keeps saying while malia was ready with her claws and kira out with her sword
McCall didn't move " LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WOULD YOU PLEASE KINDLY LEAVE THESE PROMISES.... BEFORE IT GETS UGLY " the one in the suit kindly smiled as everyone hurried to leave squirming out of the buliding " so little group of supernatural with a well .... a banshee " the one with the blood came closer to lydia " banshee that can pridict death with a werewolf.. or a turning hybrid werewolf " the man looking at scott " let me introduce ourselves I'm klaus mikaelson I'm the first hybrid werewolf vampire " he sit opposite sides of the gang while " im Elijah mikaelson and this is my younger brother kol mikaelson we're not like my other bother klaus " sitting down beside klaus " we came to negotiate a peace treated on the basis of scott McCall "
" so do we have a deal McCall?" Stiles and liam sitting during the negotiations while the ladies leave for other issues " scott you can't take this deal ... your walking in blind... we do not know them ... trust me ... we do not deal with this kind especially when we don't know their strengths " stiles whsipering " human whispering to your boy isnt working we have super hearing our power our amplified " drinking a soda then crushing it stiles gulped while liam was trying to control his anger " hey beta you dont need to draw your crawls you know... we know you have anger issues but .... we know all your strengths and weaknesses but we won't use it against you because we know a void person who's ready to kill us all gerard argent ring bell " Elijah fixing his cufflinks " so McCall the deal is set ... argent crossed our path and well he killed half a dozen of people in our town ... plus a few members of my family " klaus eyes turned a different shade
" you got a deal ... mikaelson on one condition (y/l) (l/n) a girl im dating stay out of the agreement no one hurts or use her .... especially in a different situation understand " scott flashing his eyes but Elijah and kol sit back when klaus moves forward " i see you embracing your new powers then McCall " as the three stood up " see you at your house then McCall " as the three walked away " text lydia get intel on each of them ... especially the klaus guy i want to know everything understand " scott brushing passed Isaac and mason towards his bike
" what's the deal then stiles ?" Isaac whispering " a new kind of supernatural just popped up and the deal that scott have with klaus guy a whole new shit ..... plus we have more issues do you know what happened to scott "
Isaac signed " i do but i can't tell you here ... not with the girls here it will only hurt (y/n) in this situation " stiles didn't understand what isaac saying till " hey guys you seen scott ?" As all three of you hear scott engine roared you didn't say a word but gaped " so is the deal done or what ?" Isaac said ignoring you are there " what deal ?" Frowning " are you going to tell me what's up with my boyfriend orbdo i have tk demand like a whiney bitch " starring at isaac and stiles " she's your problem... see you at McCall " brushing pass going towards alison and lydia whos already in the car
You waiting for an answer " look (y/n) scott ... his ..his ..his going through changes ... and .. and you need to back off a little and let him breath ... soooo that's all i have to say cause other than that I've got nothing " running to his jeep while malia and liam are in the back seat leaving you with a jackson whittmore " don't look at me sugar his your boyfriend... all i know i would dump McCall ass and move on " jackson walking away
You were confused and angry that you didn't get the answers you're looking for especially when everyone is ignoring you and well giving you short answers " fine I'll find out myself if j have to " stomping on the floor
Meanwhile back at beacon hills memorial hospital things are weird bodies being dropped off unexplained death toll " okay ... okay .... okay " frantic sheriff slams his phone down while a deputy parrish " soo what are we going to do now FBI is here especially we got ATF who are they anyways " looking at the people in blue jackets questioning doctors and local people around " this is great I've got ATF and FBI on our backs " slaunting on a chair " sheriff please tell me what's going on ?" Melissa McCall was seeing people all round her question after questions and a swat team outside the hospital
Deputy parrish sighed " we've been getting calls of dead bodies everywhere especially drained of blood considering a sycophant or a maniac with a tendency of draining his or her victims " parrish whispering while melissa went pale " you think this is super...supernatural " even in a lower voice " we aren't sure because its all in shambles and we're figuring it out but for now we have to release a statement to the public immediately "
Right on cue derek hale and chris argent walks through the door with a girl in dereks arms " anyone ...anyone ....anyone ... please help her " melissa hurrided to help " whats her condition?" Checking her eyes and pulse " fetch the bed and get her a room now " as the porter removes the girl from derek the group moves outside the room while the others worked on the girl
" explain hale ?" Sheriff standing ready for questions " we were driving back to beacon hills when a black SUV was smashed by a white Sudan van and multiple officers gun down plus two victims dead on the spot except her ... we found her on a fence wounded and terrified " braeden looked round " she kept mumbling and mumbling we weren't sure what she's saying till argent explained " chris was hiding his gun " she said the word vampire " chris didnt even blink while saying it " ive sedated her before we got here she was frantic and didn't calm down only now she's like this but we didn't see any other wounds "
" anything else you found out there ?" Parrish asked " no ... alot of blood on the pavement and the car looked to be an accidental blow but other than that no suspicion " thats when ATF and FBI agent came popping up " look sheriff we get it ... you're new to this but me and my team are here to stay ... unexplained body count plus a whole lot of missing people so ... expect more from us rather than leaving " the blond woman walked away with her assistant while " ATF agent " are you aware of any gun crimes in beacon hills or illegal selling or gun in the last few months sheriff?" Two men ready to write down anything " not that i know of why ?" The man in the blue jacket sighed " did you know in the last 3 months a couple of your police warehouse were targeted for supply of guns and other units " the man was eyeing argent " im legal to have these especially they are licensed officer " argent wasn't to pleasant with the officer " we will be in touch " handing over a little card
" what the hell was that ?" Chris sighed " i dont see ATF or FBI agents here .... if its the body bag and counting thats okay but illegal drugs and weaponry dealing isnt beacon hills " chris sighing " i need to have a look into what Gerrard is doing maybe he has something to do with it " kissing melissa on the forehead before leaving
Derek looking round " anyone heard from scott ?" melissa shakes her head " thought so "
" so .... aren't we going to talk about the elephant in the room ..." silence is showing more often " look scott i don't care about the issue you have with (y/n) right now but isaac and theo even liam told you had a deal with three grown up men who .... stiles says know us ... i dont care if you're not ready to talk but we had enough of your pathetic waiting games alright " stiles looking anywhere but at the table
" Jackson knows even derek but we your best friend dont know and you're pushing us away ... we need to if its a threat we can deal but if its your issues than thats find but keeping us in the dark is not okay" kira sounding frustrated " they need to know scott especially alison shes digging on the mikaelson as we speak " isaac grabbing a drink in the fridge
" fine I'll tell you but you might all want to sit down especially you stiles "
( event leading up scott pov
Two weeks ago argent got a intel on this supernatural about werewolves turning into something else more ... powerful
I wanted to check it out so i took the opportunity to call Jackson while he was in london about a group he suggested it was wise to go down to London . So me and derek including isaac went without stiles because i told him to wait here to protect you guys if anything happened he will be there like a heads up . I was calm with it so it wouldn't be a problem ... the plan was we go to london check this intel argent talked about and this group of supernatural . Leading up to the day i had to come up with a excuse to go to london because my mom wouldn't let me go so i had derek come up with an idea that he found something that could help me improve my skills as werewolf in london .
At first my mom had her suspicions but she agreed only and only if i take isaac with me and i agreed the only other person who knows what and where is alison because she was the eyes ans ears of the warehouse
The day before we were about to head to London i had the feeling that something sketchy will happen , i didn't trust this intel that argent had i told isaac he said its fine but yet he too was wary of the information argent got
" youre telling me that you guys went to london and something bad happened.... what happened that was so bad that neither one of you can talk other than Jackson " lydia slamming her hands down " I'm getting there "
( continue on
The information of a gang outside of London near Lincolnshire of a warehouse an experiment on supernatural.... werewolves to worked on their strengths and skills . We all thought it was that but it wasnt
So when we landed in London it was the evening isaac and i were already wanting to check the intel but alison told us to wait three days then we check it out . Jackson told us of a small group who being turned into more supernatural and that its beginning to be a threat in england and he was ome of the werewolves helping out .
Jackson told us he doesn't know who runs the place nor where argent got the intel from but when argent and alison went to meet his special firend where he got the intel he was murdered
" hold up ... you're telling us that the person who gave argent intel on this was murdered and you didn't come home after that warning " isaac and scott looked at each other " we wanted to know this information if it will help other werewolves and supernatural " isaac simple said
" fine carry on "
( we were supposed to only be in London for 5 days and my mum was being suspicious and i got tongued tied and told her ... she freaked out but she knew argent was with us so she was calmer . The night before the accident we managed to pull surveillance on the warehouse we saw the same people you saw today the three men
One in a suit the other raging blood addiction the other not so much , we thought their not the threat when one of them klaus i belive said the word I'm immortal invincible because not only I'm i a werewolf im a living breathing vampire
We were shocked at the information but at how old he was 1,000 years old walking and breathing in the daylight especially with fangs and werewolves eyes . Beyond that we didn't know what to do with the information but it lead to me getting something argent didnt tell us of his personal plan .
He busted into the warehouse with armed force guns along with alison we didn't know what to do derek was furious on this and couldn't stay put so he tried to rescue argent and alison but it all break loose
Fighting here there blood was spilling they were invincible we trying staking them sliver bulltes wolfband eveything nothing can penetrate him not a scratch we definitely outnumbered until the guy came from behind and bit me on the left arm his companion laughed " no way to treat unwanted guest klaus " the pain from my arm was excruciating it didnt heal either his eyes were different no glowing nothing
He barely left us alive all he said was i like him lets keep him alive
Nobody said a word after scott recanted the story of the night he got bitten lydia was lost for words " how ... how ... how ... how ?" Lydia expression says alot
" so thats why those men were familiar with you scott because he bite you " liam was shocked stiles didn't know what to say " how can you keep this from me how ?"
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chloe-gayzer · 5 years
for the angst asks.... all of them. for mitali. and adora. >:)
okaaaaaaaaaaaay this was a LONG one lucy. but i did it. gonna put most of it behind a readmore tho
What would your OC’s last words be/what are they?
Adora: I don’t have exacts. She dies in her sleep when she’s rather old. Her last words are probably something to Jess before bed. Maybe something simple like “I love you.” Maybe instead of saying goodnight, she sort of knows she won’t wake up, so she says “I love you. Goodbye.”Mitali: I haven’t really thought of how she’ll die. If she dies fighting, her last words might be swears. Actually, she would probably die fighting. Protecting her own. I could imagine her staying behind in some situation to make time for who she’s helping. She’d fight to the death to keep her people safe. Her last words would be something along the lines of “Get somewhere safe. I’ll hold them off.” (as a quick side note, i haven’t beat New Dawn yet, so im not sure what’s going on ending wise).
What would break your OC beyond repair? Has it happened?
Adora: OKAY so I have an AU where Adora actually is The Judge (my usual canon is it’s Pratt). The thing that would break Adora the most is Jess seeing her as the Judge. She’d break to pieces if the people she loved had to see her like that. Especially if it’s Jess seeing her. She’d feel as though she’s betrayed everything she once stood for, everything she and Jess did together.Mitali: Mitali has already been broken a few times. She wasn’t long out of a bunker when her mothers were killed. That was the first. She was alone for awhile after that. After she joined up with Rush’s people, she ended up in love with a woman, but she was killed on the train.  At this point, she’d have to suffer multiple breaks at once to be beyond repair. Losing people important to her is her breaking point.
What is your OC’s worst memory?
Adora: She remembers her birth parents. She occasionally has nightmares about them, even as long out as New Dawn. She was adopted when she was around three or four. She had been badly abused before that and her back is covered in scars, so her worst memories are getting them. One thing that kept her going through spearheading the resistance is knowing she’d been through worse before she had lost her first tooth.Mitali: Watching her parents get killed. They’d been out of the bunker for maybe six months. She got away, but it didn’t really matter after that.
Does your OC have nightmares? What do they contain?
Adora: She has periods in her life where nightmares are more prevalent. She went to therapy when she was able until she moved to Hope County, and that helped, but after everything against the peggies, she definitely had constant nightmares in the bunker. Sometimes they’d be about her birth parents, but sometimes it might be things hunting her in the dark. Occasionally, she’ll have nightmares about Faith. Not Faith speaking to her, but what Faith went through. The drugs and abuse and what-not.Mitali: She has nightmares fairly often. Mostly being blamed for things she couldn’t stop. Other times it’s just standard “can’t move while things happen to her” dreams.
Your OC is facing their worst enemy. Who/what is it?
Adora: Fuck, Joseph Goddamn Seed. She despises that man. She’d have ripped his heart out if she got the chance. Who cares if he changed a bit between 5 and New Dawn? He still killed his infant, hour old daughter, still fucked with Faith (and the women who were “Faith” before her), killed so many innocents, and condoned his siblings torturing people.Mitali: Ugh is it cliche if I say herself? There’s a lot of things she needs to work on.
What would get your OC to make themselves disappear?
Adora: In a way, Adora did disappear. She’d never advertise that she was the deputy. The only people that know are her close friends and family; Jess, Grace, Hudson, the Ryes.Mitali: She’s just go. All she would need to do is head east and no one would know her. Let her accent bleed through more than she usually does and she’s got a new life out there.
Does your OC have any weaknesses? Have these ever been exploited?
Adora: She acts like she doesn’t, but mentions of physical abuse can make things bad for her. No one has used it, but if someone were to somehow know her history and talk about her birth parents abusing her, it’d fuck her up really bad.Mitali: Despite claiming she has no connections and what not, her weakness is people. The people she loves, the people who are her friends. Right before the (first?) siege of Prosperity, the twins used that against her. Threatening Carmina as well as those children.
What is the closest your OC has come to death?
Adora: Pick one. She nearly died at age three when her birth mother hit her just a little harder than usual. She was taken from them after that.  Or how about the many, many times in Hope County? The helicopter crash, the near drowning, the Bliss overdoses, and the frequent kidnapping. Having Wrath carved into her chest. There’s more.Mitali: She’s had plenty. Her first was probably getting attacked by a wolf when she was on her own around 16 years old, after her mothers died. She won, but barely. And then she’s got the bits in New Dawn. More near drowning!
What is the greatest sacrifice your OC could ever make? Under what circumstance would they make it?
Adora: Letting Joseph Seed go. She wants more than anything to kill him. Pulling herself back and, not forgiving, but letting go that grudge in order to leave Hope County and move on with her life is a huge thing for her. Sacrificing the closure of ending it. The circumstance she makes it under is finding somewhere safer, where she, her girlfriend, and anyone else who joins them, can find comfort and support.Mitali: Herself. She would give herself, for the right reasons. She would do it for the people she protects. If something happened and she couldn’t ensure the safety of her people, or specifically, the small group of friends she’s made (the Ryes, Grace, Gina and her baby, Savannah, all of them), she’d stay behind to give them the chance to escape. She’d give her life so she didn’t have to lose anyone again.
What is the worst loss your OC has suffered?
Adora: The end of Far Cry 5 :/Mitali: Again, her mothers. She was barely past being a child when she lost them.
Your OC is forced to kill a member of their family or a friend. Who do they choose, and why?
Adora: I wanna joke and say Sharky, but I really think she’d kill herself. But if it’s blood family, she’d kill one of her birth parents. They deserve it.Mitali: Family wise, she has none. Friend wise, most are dead with the train crash. She’d kill herself before she killed any of the Ryes. If it has to be an actual friend, she’d have to go Gina, but she’d make sure it was a face to face fight, not a sudden knife to the back.
To what extent would your OC go to survive?
Adora: Fighting, she’ll do near anything. Surviving, it really depends. If it’s her on her own, she’ll do anything. If there are others with her, she’s more likely to forgo food so they can eat. Think Nina from Bioshock 2, starving herself so the kids can live longer.Mitali: As far as she has to. There’s little she hasn’t done to keep herself alive when she was living alone. It was probably four years as a teenager that she was alone in the woods. You do what you have to.
Has your OC suffered trauma?
Adora: Her entire life except like. The parts with her dads or her gf.Mitali: Watching her parents die is probably the biggest.
Would your OC let themselves be forced into a loveless marriage?
Adora: Hell no.Mitali: Mmmmmmmaybe. Lots a conditions there. It’s unlikely though, cause her biggest dream is having a wife and a child.
How far would you OC go to protect their loved ones?
Adora & Mitali, because it’s the same for both: Yes. Yes is how far.
Your OC has exactly 15 minutes to live. What is their last act?
Adora: She’d just want to be held by Jess until she passed. Hearing aids in, if only to hear Jess’s voice.Mitali: Idk, she’d probably pick a fight with the nearest Highwaymen. The Twins if she could.
What is your OC’s greatest failure?
Adora: She considers her biggest failure being not killing Joseph Seed. She wants him dead more than anything, but she failed and has to live with it.Mitali: She considers the train her biggest failure.
What is the worst possible ending for your OC and why?
Adora: When she’s taken and turned into the Judge, She loses too much of herself. Almost anything else would be better.Mitali: The worst for Mitali would probably be… ending up a Highwaymen or something similar. Going against her morals, killing the innocents she once protected, and not caring. Becoming the rash, chaotic, and violent type of person she usually fights.
What is your OC’s preferred method of death?
Adora: Something painless. She wouldn’t care what, but she’d want it painless and she wouldn’t want to be cold.Mitali: She’d want to go down fighting. Something bloody and tiring and altogether only just able to overwhelm her after she’s already put up too much of a fight.
How does your OC sleep at night?
Adora: Depends on where she is. If she’s in the bunker she uses, she can sleep through the night most of the time. If Jess is in bed with her, she’s comfortable and gets a full night’s rest. If she’s not in the bunker, she’s got it a little harder to fall asleep and much easier to wake.Mitali: She tosses and turns a lot.The smallest sound can wake her, which is why she prefers not to sleep in Prosperity. The bunk rooms are too noisy for her. It’s only when she can share a bed with Savannah can she get any real sleep there at all.
What is the worst thing your OC has done?
Adora: She feels, despite the conditions of Faith’s death and what Faith had done, that killing Faith was one of the worst things. Maybe the worst. It has to do with their similar background: abused and used and eventually adopted-- But where Adora’s fathers gave her a loving home and helped her recover, Faith’s new brothers got her further into her addiction and made everything worse. Adora hates that she had to kill Faith. She would’ve rather tried to help. Mitali: How she killed the men who killed her mothers. It wasn’t slow and it wasn’t quick.
What is your OC the most guilty about?
Adora: Not calling her fathers before she went on the job to arrest Joseph.Mitali: Bringing her girlfriend with her when they headed on the train for Prosperity.
Would your OC be considered good or bad by an outsider?
Adora: Good, probably. She’s a warm, smiley sort of person.Mitali: Bad, until they got to know her. She’s pretty grumpy and swears a good deal.
Who does your OC hate most?
Adora: Joseph Seed!!!Mitali: She’s full of self hate if that counts.
What does your OC love most, and what would they do to keep it?
Adora: Adora Addicks loves, with all her heart and soul, one lovely Jessica Black, and would do anything at all to keep her. She’s not materialistic, but she would and has killed a man for Jess.Mitali: After the bombs, there isn’t much physically that she could lay claim on and be attached to. If she has to be attached to an object, it’d be her shotgun. But her love… it’s a limited supply thing. She tries not to do that sort of thing because she often loses it soon after. But she loves the Ryes and what they’ve done for her. And she’s fighting an entire gang to keep them.
Has your OC ever had unrequited feelings of any kind for someone?
Adora: She definitely had a baby gay crush on Grace. Definitely had a few crushes on girls in high school that just weren’t meant to be. The woman who taught her to spar was her idol for a while too.Mitali: Admittedly I’d count how Mitali feels for Kim. There’s other women in her past too, but they’re just faces for her at this point. She’d do anything for Kim. Which is why she got Nick back as soon as she could.
How does your OC deal with rejection?
Adora: She pouts for a bit but gets some space so she can clear her head and feel better.Mitali: She’s used to it. Might have a few drinks, but no more.
Would your OC ever reject someone?
Adora: Literally any man. She’s a lesbian after all.Mitali: Once more, she’d reject literally any man. She might be okay with like… a platonic marriage with Rush? More of a “we’re partners and we’re close but we don’t do that whole sex thing”. Maybe raise a kid with him. But every other man would be a big old NO.
Why does your OC have the flaws that they have?
Adora: She can be spiteful. She might bury the hatchet, but she also remembers where she did. She sees spite as getting back at those who’ve wronged her but in a creative way. For example, she lives happily as a deaf woman, often without wearing her hearing aides, because her birth parents often hit her for “not listening”. But she can’t listen, and she’s happy with who she is. She doesn’t need to hear.Mitali: She’s an angry person. It stems from trauma in her teens and not being able to properly socially develop between 16 and 20.
Would your OC kill?
Adora: Doesn’t like to, but she has and would again.Mitali: She was only 15 when she killed her first person.
Would your OC torture?
Adora: If the right reasons were there or if she was too in her emotions.Mitali: Definitely.
Does your OC hate? To what extent?
Adora: Yes. To the extent she wants to kill Joseph with her bare hands.Mitali: Definitely. To the extent she’s killed people she hated in gruesome ways out of revenge.
How does your OC let out anger?
Adora: She takes a break and goes fishing. It calms her down and lets her think things out.Mitali: She might go hunting. Could be for deer, could be for highwaymen. Maybe for something monstrous if she needs a challenge. Probably takes Gina with her for whatever she’s fighting.
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getsterekt · 7 years
i’ve hit another hundred followers on my twitter account @getsteREKT so once again im posting another fic rec post!
as always these fics will be of all tropes so be sure to read the warnings and tags of all fics you wish to read to make sure each fic IS for you. x
my personal favourites will be marked with a **
i'll always choose you (even when i'm drunk) by trilliastra
He looks at his hand curiously, he’s always had a ring? He can’t remember.
“Yeah.” The guy comes back into the bedroom, helps Stiles sit up and drink some water. “It’s your wedding ring.”
“I’m married?” He yells, making the guy flinch. “I’m married!” He looks between his ring and the guy with pretty eyes in front of him. Oh, no. “I’m married.” He repeats, sadly. He doesn’t want to be married!
“Are you – crying?” The guy asks, reaches out to touch Stiles’ face.
“I don’t wanna be married!” He cries out. “I wanna marry you.”
WORDS: 794
RATING: General
BYOP by   dragon_temeraire ***
Stiles helps Derek revive a family tradition.
WORDS: 2003
RATING: Teen and up
Second Chances by  rootbeer ****
"A lot of times the ‘markings’ were common, simple things you said to strangers all the time. 'Excuse me'; 'thank you'; 'hello'. Some got extremely romantic things like 'it’s you isn’t it? I’ve been waiting for you' or 'Wow you’re really pretty'. And they were always the first words their soulmate would ever say to them.
Of course, having 'You are the fucking worst kind of person in the world' tattooed down your side, didn’t bode well. How fucked up was Stiles Stilinski that even his fucking Soulmate hated him? High School had been a special kind of hell when all the kids learned what his tattoo said—despite his best efforts to keep it a secret."
WORDS: 2624
RATING: General
Oops by Little Spoon (JaydenNara)
Derek was the one that brought Stiles dinner when he knew Stiles had forgotten, and Derek was the one that massaged Stiles’ feet when he was stressed. When they watched a movie, Stiles snuggled up against him, and Stiles trusted Derek enough to fall asleep on his shoulder. When Stiles woke up in the middle of the night screaming, Derek was the one that held until he fell back asleep, and in return, Stiles would help him count his fingers when Derek wasn’t sure if he was awake.
Derek and Stiles were just friends. Oops?
WORDS: 2852
RATING: Teen and Up
Just a Hobby by kaistrex (weishen)
Five times Deputy Derek shelters his partner from the supernatural and the one time he discovers he’s just been making a fool of himself.
WORDS: 3014
RATING: Teen And Up
Soft Derek, Warm Stiles, No One is a Little Ball of Fur by tiedtogetherwithadagger
Stiles is wiping down the counters and humming California Gurls to himself when the bell above the door chimes and Derek walks in. The next notes of the song get stuck in his throat and he freezes. Stiles shouldn’t be surprised, really. The rest of the pack have already been by to visit him, even Jackson. Of course, Boyd was the only person Stiles ended up giving a free drink to, much to their disappointment. So what if he had favorites? How could he not when Boyd was the one to get him ComiCon tickets?
Derek swaggers up to the counter Stiles is stationed behind, because that’s the only way Derek apparently knows how to walk. He’s wearing a maroon knitted sweater today that looks unfairly cozy. Stiles slaps his own hand down from reaching out and touching the fabric because that would be weird. Although slapping yourself might be weirder. Oh well.
WORDS: 3728
RATING: General
So Color Me Green With Disgust (or maybe with envy) by lapsus_calami
Derek’s as straight as a ruler and he’s totally okay with that. He’s also okay with Stiles being as straight as a bendable squiggly straw. Or at least he thought he was. Recent events have him wondering if he’s secretly some sort of homophobe, and it’s seriously starting to affect his and Stiles’ relationship in a bad way.
WORDS: 3828
RATING: Teen and Up
Coaches Cupcake Coffee House by  ChildOfTheRevolution
Danny looked at him as if he were crazy, ‘It means he wants to ride the dick Stiles.’ He said slowly, as if talking to the mentally insane.
‘Ride the dick, my dick?’ Stiles asked weakly.
‘Figuratively speaking of course, Derek looks more like a topper to me. And you, my friend, are a twink of the most twinkiest standards, but I’m not one to judge.’
‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’ Stiles admitted, finding himself in a weird crouch-like stance that he apparently now adopts when he’s overwhelmed about finding out Derek Hotcakes wants to bone him three ways to Sunday.
WORDS: 4821
RATING: Teen and Up
something's missing by trilliastra
Sometimes Derek still asks himself why Kate kept the baby. And then he just tries to shake those thoughts away because even imagining Michael not being here, alive, hurts too much.
WORDS: 5032
RATING: Teen and Up
Ghost Blanket and the Wolf by PaintedRecs **
Derek's badly in need of hugs, Stiles decides shortly before Halloween. His pack is secure and stable, but he still hovers on its edges, as though not quite sure where he belongs. Will the magic of Halloween night, and a cherished Stilinski tradition, be enough to lift that weight off his shoulders?
WORDS: 6434
RATING: Teen and Up
WARNINGS: flufff
***Derek vs. Helen (SERIES) by thedevilyousay
Important OTP question: Which one aggressively argues with the suburban soccer moms at the PTA meeting and flips Helen’s 9x12 pan of betty crocker brownies?
WORDS: 8,730
COMPLETE?: Probably
****Painted Wooden Letters by DiscontentedWinter
All he ever wanted to be was Stiles Stilinski.
WORDS: 10,011
RATINGS: Teen and Up
WARNINGS: Rape/Non-con, Underage, mentions of child abuse.
(Not gonna lie, this fic hit me really hard. Its very brutal and you will cry most likely. PLEASE make sure to read the warnings before reading this fic, if any of the warnings are triggers to you, then please dont read this.)
My Boys by losingmyangelgrace
“Afternoon Sheriff, sir, what can I do you for?” he might as well try for innocence.
Something definitely wasn’t right though. He took a deep breath in through his nose. That scent…it didn’t smell like John Stilinski, if anything else, despite some of the layers being different, scents change as a person gets older and there were some he didn’t recognise, but the core of it? It smelt like-
“Holy shit! Derek Hale!”
Stiles was the Sheriff? Derek did not see that one coming.
(In which Derek returns to Beacon Hills after fourteen years away)
WORDS: 11,354
RATING: Teen and Up
Striking Matches by castielblues & eeyore9990
Stiles has only ever wanted to protect his family and his pack. That’s not easy to do when you're human and sarcasm is your only defense. Now Deaton is telling Stiles he’s a spark, and if that’s a weapon in his arsenal, he’s sure as hell going to learn to use it.
All Stiles needs now, to complete his transformation into a true badass, is a training montage and a decent soundtrack...
WORDS: 14,923
RATING: Teen and Up
WARNINGS: Graphic Violence
Momentum by  TatsuKitty
“That’s how he knew where Erica and Boyd were.” He growled and stood to pace the length of the apartment. Melissa observed quietly while he processed and silently picked him apart. He was obviously possessive and protective but his facial expressions and motions were harsh, a bit wild, just a touch of the wolf showing in the man. Finding out that Derek was a werewolf had almost made a kind of poetic sense.
“I’d guess. I don’t know what happened with them. I know they died.” She reached out and placed a hand on Derek’s forearm. He went totally still like a rabbit caught in the eyes of a fox and stared at her. “I’m sorry.”
“Wh--¬what ?” he just blinked at her, still totally frozen.
WORDS: 14,934
RATING: Mature
WARNINGS: Underage, mentions of depression
Maggie May by Spikedluv
When Laura Hale died, she left behind a daughter, Maggie. Stiles (and his dad) have been caring for Maggie since the night Laura disappeared. Unbeknownst to Stiles, however, Maggie’s a werewolf, and she’s bonded with Stiles. Which means he feels extra protective when Peter Hale appears on the scene. (He may have also developed a little crush on Maggie’s uncle, the silent and brooding Derek Hale. Who said Stiles’ life was boring?)
WORDS: 24,997
WARNINGS: Underage
Adding You to My Future by NekoIzumi
“So, I'm Stiles.” he smiled warmly once he had put his unannounced patient down on the exam table. “I will poke and prod you a little bit to check for internal injuries, those that I can’t see because they're inside you, and some of it might hurt but it will pass, I promise. I will tell you everything I'm about to do and why I'm doing it so just stay calm and this will go like a breeze, okay?”
Now, Stiles wasn’t stupid in any way, shape or form, he knew a were when he saw one… although he had obviously never seen a werecat before, and definitely not one as young as this one.
WORDS:  42,252
RATING: Explicit
WARNINGS: Graphic Depictions of Violence
The More That I Know You (the more I want to) by LadySlytherin
When death, in the form of hunters, comes for a family of Kelpies seeking refuge in the Preserve - in Hale territory - the Hale Pack is too late to save them. Before he dies, the male Kelpie presses a precious bundle into Stiles’ arms and begs the Emissary to take responsibility for it, which an initially reluctant Stiles does. When he agreed, Stiles had no idea what the sight of him with a baby would do to his esteemed Alpha, Derek. If he’d known, he might not have been so reluctant to agree.
WORDS: 43,655
RATING: Mature
WARNINGS: canon-typical violence
Pale Horses by Dark_K
Being bitten had never been on his to-do list, but he could deal with that. Helping Derek Hale become a competent Alpha, though, that was so not in his job description.
WORDS: 56,071
RATING: Explicit
WARNINGS: Graphic Violence, Underage, Derek is a lil weird
Play It Again by metisket
In which Stiles goes along with one of Derek’s plans and ends up in an alternate universe as a result. He should’ve known better. He did know better, actually, and that means he has no one to blame but himself.
“Laura wants to lure the kid in with food and kindness and make a pet of him, like a feral cat. Derek wants to have him arrested for stalking. They’re at an impasse. (And the rest of the family is staying emphatically out of it in a way that suggests bets have been placed.)”
WORDS: 63,206
RATING: Teen and Up
WARNINGS: Graphic Depictions of Violence
It's a mad, mad world by ElisAttack
"They call him the Feral Wolf." The man laughs hysterically as Stiles backs away from him, fear coursing through his veins. "Feral Hale. Do you know why? Huh?" The man creeps closer, testing the restraint of his chains, white talcum falling from his skin, swirling in the air like the dust devils plaguing the wasteland. "Because he's fucking mad."
Or the one where Stiles is a prisoner looking to return home, but to do so, he may have to rely on a questionable drifter.
WORDS: 73,627
RATING: Explicit
WARNINGS: Graphic Violence
(Sacred) In The Ordinary by  idyll ***
The Pack, after college, graduate school and the starting of careers, comes back to Beacon Hills. Nothing's gotten less complicated after all this time.
Based on a kink meme prompt that grew legs and got serious.
Note: This is a whole lot of pack!fic with a very slow build Derek/Stiles
WORDS: 78,759
RATING: Explicit
WARNINGS: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Didn't See That Coming by knittersrevolt
Stiles leaves Beacon Hills in the dust after he catches his husband cheating on him.
He finds his way to New York where he starts working for the Hale House Nursery, accidentally adopts a werewolf baby (through no fault of his own thank-you-very-much), and somehow starts training to be an Exorcist Emissary. So, in general, life was going good.
Then he hears that demons have found their way into his hometown. Can he face his inner demons and go back to save the day?
WORDS: 83,838
RATING: Explicit
WARNINGS: Violence
A Life for a Life, Makes the Whole World Bound by augopher
Stiles was lonely; there was no other way of putting it. The Nogitsune had left the pack a wary of him, not that they thought it had been his fault. No, they worried it would happen again. Once bitten, twice shy. The morning after his 18th birthday, his torso was covered in mysterious green tattoos. He hadn’t been that drunk. He'd definitely remember that. Great. Something else to make him feel like a freak. Insomnia led him to his mother’s diary and a tale of how she helped an odd man once who gave her the warning, “Be careful of your wishes three." Everything clicked into place. So...he was a djinni. He subtly changed things about himself. More muscle? Done. Better hair? Done and done. End his crippling insecurity? Done, done, done. He hid his new gift until he found himself bound to Derek. With Deaton’s help, they translated meanings in his tattoos, but they were incomplete. A passage of his 'Rules and Regulations' was missing. Everything was fine dandy until Stiles’ new powers and penchant for mischief and karmic retribution threatened to destroy him, fracture his mind, and turn him into something which couldn’t be contained. Could the pack save him in time, and at what price?
WORDS: 90,697
RATING: Mature
WARNINGS: Graphic Depictions of violence
Of Course It's Fairies by  HelloWhyTheFuckAmIHere
While still suffering from the after effects of the Nogitsune, Stiles and the pack stumble upon and save a trapped fairy. The boy's parents, not wanting to be in the pack’s debt, offer each member of the pack who assisted in the rescue, the opportunity to bring a loved one back from the dead.
Having been blissfully reunited with several of their once-lost friends and family members, everyone must work together to figure out how to function as a new pack, and how to defeat a new incoming threat.
WORDS: 100,267
RATING: Not Rated
When I'm Gone by MissYuki1990
Stiles is leaving. For good if he has any say in it. He gave everything to them and received nothing in return, so who can blame him for wanting to leave and find his place in the world. Apparently? Everyone and their uncle.
WORDS: 108,584
RATING: Explicit
WARNINGS: Graphic Depictions of Violence
I Know Where Babies Come From, Derek. (series) by   DiscontentedWinter ***
Stiles finds a baby on the porch.It looks exactly like him.Well, this is awkward.
WORDS: 127,012
RATED: Explicit
Home by TheTypewriterGirl ****
January seventh. Seven days since the start of 2015, and seven days since his father’s death.
The bastard, he thinks bitterly. The past year Derek Hale had made it blatantly obvious that he hated his scrawny guts, taking every given opportunity to shove him up against a wall, growl threats in his ears and roll his eyes whenever he stepped into the room, muttering some snide comment about how spastic or idiotic he was.
So why did he fucking volunteer to take him in?
WORDS: 167,178
RATING: Teen and Up
WARNINGS: Angst, Character Death
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