#im so sick of ai bros
gayvampyr · 1 year
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any sliver of a chance i had of appreciating AI has been completely decimated by this clownery
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elektroblues · 8 months
would you still love me if i came in here just to rant. im doing it anyway idc
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harrowharkwife · 1 year
swear to god if i open a fanfic ONE MORE TIME only to be greeted with an author's note saying "i asked chatgpt to tell me a story about-" i am going to go fucking NUCLEAR
#it's NEVER tagged!!!#i am so sick and FUCKING tired of hearing about chat bot shit. it's irresponsible tech that is only gonna help spread misinformation#/be used as a tool by corporate America to crank out shitty computer generated content#bc anything is better than having to hire people and pay them what they're worth am i right guys!#my job won't shut up about chatgpt i don't wanna have to see this shit on AO3 dot gov! please! is anything sacred!#I've already started running into endless variations of the same regurgitated paraphrased clearly AI-written garbage misinformation article#half of the time whenever i try to google something! i just keep getting AI generated garbage instead of any actual helpful information#side note: is Google like... super fucking broken for anyone else in terms of 'i can't find any useful information about anything anymore'?#or is it just me?#but AUGH. tech bros will be our downfall i swear to god#keep the AI shit out of art and creative endeavors it's a slippery slope and it's not leading anywhere good#this is fucking nfts all over again#or at LEAST if you're gonna be posting chat gpt prompts to ao3 fucking TAG THEM AS SUCH#I'm at the point where i hear someone say AI or chatgpt in an excited tone of voice#and i just consider it an immediate red flag#I'll delete this later it's unnecessarily cunty and i realize that but my GOD im sick of it#is it not enough that all of these writing bots are training on ao3 fics without the authors consent or permission?#now we have to encourage it by putting AI shit on there to begin with?
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factual-fantasy · 2 years
I gots 21 moar ask :}
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aaaaaaa I’m hanging in there as best I can-- also aaaa sorry for the lac of posts!! I’ve been so busy with life and trying to get part two of Bits and Pieces done aaaaa--
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AAAAAAA Its almost done!! I got all of the line art done and it just needs to be colored!!
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@immortalwithoutaname​ (Comic in question)
XD Well we’ll see what it ACTUALLY is in a future comic.. :}}
(Also thank you! I’m glad you liked it! :}})
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I have a comic planned that will address Roxy and Chica’s rocky relationship. So you’ll find out then!
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(Comic in question)
Actually.. The Daycare Attendant never came back.
In the story he did go to an employee the next day. But they told him the same thing. “We cant find anything wrong with you, so go back to work”
Sunny knew they were full of crap. So he figured to keep everyone safe.. He would keep the lights on at all times and not leave the Daycare until he could fix himself.
..A few months have gone by now, and he still hasn’t left the safety of the Daycare.
..DJ’s worried sick.
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I never really cared for it too much. That’s mostly why I made Sunny/Moony one person in my AU.
Having them be two separate characters sharing one body just got confusing. And I couldn’t see a reason why Fazbear Entertainment would want to have a dual AI animatronic like that.. So I just made him 1 person.
Also aaaaaaa nooooo my Gravity Falls art ehk-- 
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My Chica’s eyes are almost identical to her “infected” eyes. The infected eyes are a bright toxic purple while her normal eyes are like a soft purple-ish pink.
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@waffleking193  After part 2 of “Bits and Pieces” comes out, I plan to take the time to flesh out my AU and really organize the timeline.
If I decide to keep the part where Chica gets crushed by the trash compacter thingy, she will not have been lured in by Monty Mix. She would have been lured in by a pizza.
Because in my AU, its just food in general that Chica wants to eat. And Pizza is the thing she is most consistently recognizes.
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I hate it :/
Nothing against Jack Black and Chris Pratt, but I really hate them for the voices of Mario and Bowser. And although I haven’t heard the voices of the other characters, I imagine I’m gonna hate them too.
Kamek’s voice was alright though, and Toads could’ve been worse. But I just couldn't get over Mario and Bowser.
The ONLY way I will be 100% fine with Mario is if they go with the Storyline of Mario being some random guy from Brooklyn or something that got transported into the mushroom kingdom. If they try to sell him as Italian I will be ANGRY
Also there’s nothing you can do to make me like Jack black as Bowser, I just keep hearing Po from Kung fu Panda. When ever Bowser talks he loses all of his intimidation.
Uhg and I bet they’re gonna make Bowser witty and quirky and the awkward comic relief character and whatever instead of the intimidating ruler that he is.
aaaaa other than the animation I’m so disappointed and have no hooopeeee
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XD I saw the results. Honestly not surprised in the slightest that Sans won.
In all honesty, if Sans was in the poll and DIDN’T win? I would be shocked and super confused. XD
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Tbanks bro
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Oh gosh eww you found my Gravity Falls content oh no--
Anyway although I still ADORE that show and all of its characters, I haven’t drawn Gravity Falls stuff in a long time :/
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*Part 3 --
And maybe! I haven’t forgotten about it. Just hit a brick wall in the planning process and am still sitting on it :/
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I have SO many things I wanna draw like Mario and Luigi brother stuff and Sky OCs and Splatoon OCs and Kirby OCs but I REALLY want to wait until part 2 of “Bits and Pieces” is done before I draw all that but life keeps getting in the way and I keep getting busy and keep getting really tired and unmotivated to work and I wanna play slime rancher 2 and Pokémon legends Arceus and Splatoon 3 and Sky but I gotta wait until part 2 is done but life keeps getting in the way and I keep getting busy and I k 
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They probably wouldn’t tease Freddy about being Gregory’s dad/Freddy adopting him. Since Freddy, being a robot, standing in for a human parental figure doesn’t really.. compute for them.
BUT, they would definitely tease Freddy for being Gregory’s “favorite”. :}
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They have not, but they have heard of her. Gregory told them both all about her and what happened when he came to the Pizzaplex that night.
They do not like Vanessa.
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@blue0fox Awww! Thank you! I’ve never gotten a compliment on my Gregory before! <:’DD 💗
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@milk-post oooo those are good ideas! :0
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@hugsandchaos​ I always imagined that Kwazii turned away from his life of pirating by choice. I favor of being a lieutenant on the Octopod and helping sea creatures. As to how he did all that I have no idea--
Also somewhat unrelated but I liked to imagine that Calico Jack was proud of Kwazii for his decision, despite being all about that pirate life. I imagined that he would talk to Kwazii and be like.
“Just look at ya lad. Dedicatin’ yer life to helpin others. Yer really somethin Kwazii. Yer the best of all of us.”  😭
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XD Spoiler alert, yes, Emmet will be fine. I’m not THAT cruel XD
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babycapitalist · 11 months
BRO criticize as much as u want i am so sick of schlatt's tiktok videos 😭 this is getting into parasocial territory but this is literally a fanfiction blog so idc, i feel bad for him that he's clearly not getting the same success he wants from his more passionate vids vs the tiktok reactions but cmon man. the ones he really works on still get millions of views. he has said on chuckle sammy how he wants to make more artistic shit and like???JUST DO IT UR RICH. if i were in his position i sure as hell wouldn't only be making tiktok vids once every couple months. and he knows his fans hate it and we know he only does it for the money to fund his other projects but like... where are they. besides sleep deprived i guess, but thats just gaming vids now. i know for a fact he's planning something based on that background he's been slowly making and i can't wait for it. he kind of seems a bit miserable in a lot of the recent content he's been in and it makes me sad. i like when he does laidback things like streaming dayz or the truck driving thing and i wish he could at least feed us with a bit of that every now and then instead of making jokes about how he hates making the tiktok videos and then doing it anyway
his older videos focused on quality too!! the tiktok reaction ones qre genuinely so horrible i could barely sit through one and this is coming from someone who watched every single video he had online back in like 2021 😭 i feel like he just needs to get back on sdp and leave other projects behind tbh! can't stand the tiktok videos, i hate dsw (did schlatt win) and chuckle sandwich got so boring imo. aztro mika and panda actually compliment him very well and genuinely feel like actual friends (well duh they've been friends since 2016?) but with ted and the rest of the streamer friends he has it feels very "co-worker" yknow?? and it gets boring like very easily, also schlatt taking huge ass breaks annoys the shit out of me 😒 all for it to be dissapointing content IM GONNA GET VIOLENT!! whatever this project is that he's currently working on BETTER be good bcus I've been good content starved for so long I can't take it anymore. and you know very well the only reason he's still so focused on youtube is for that diamon play button 😭😭 that ai monkey channel I KNOW DAMN WELL ITS U SCHLATT.
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luvring · 1 year
QKHDEKRBWBDJDH Im too shy to go off anon but just know that im ur secret admirer ahshdjshdjejd also sending u anon love is fun hehe 💓💓😚😚
im glad to hear that ur eyes r getting better! Hope ull be able to get the rest u need and deserve after ur sem is over <333 im doing great myself !!seeing ur reply to my ask just made my week 💗💗💗💗💗 i hope u too r eating well and staying hydrated and most importantly get enough sleep 😭😭😭😭 i hope ur day continues to be filled with happy things love u !!!💕💕💕💕💕
U dont know what kind of beast uve unleashed when u said u wanted to know more abt my ocs ong...Osjxiejdieje pls dont mind my rambling im so shameless byeee 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ also these infos might be weird its just based off my own understanding of stuff and not accurate to common knowledge so ⚰⚰
The alchemist- she's a bit on the gloomy side and honestly just tired of life 😭😭 i went with this origin first so her personality is like pretty much based off the game mc we play as, just a tad bit more passive 🚶‍♀️will melt down and turn into mush at the slightest bit of affection so i paired her with leander, and since shes gone through a lot i thought, she deserves some treat <3 and throw in mhin into the equation too hehe another random fact abt her is that she loves plain water... a LOT. Since shes a mage apprentice, i imagine that she probably learn a lot of magic stuff after meeting leander, mostly to get stronger and for self defense
The hound- she got massive trust issues (being betrayed by her friend in the thief syndicate and all) so shes extremely wary of the LIs, like if u think the in game mc is wary of the ppl in eridia, she's like 10x worse. Honestly lowkey like mhin 2.0 except a lil bit snappier 😭 i pair her with kuras and their relationship is kinda like him trying to get a stray cat with human issues to warm up to him 😭😭 doesnt get along with any of the LIs at all and always keep an arm's length around them, but she only lets kuras into her life (and fun fact he loves feeding her) surprisingly tolerates mhin too, and learns a lot abt how to use weapons from them, and since she was in a thief syndicate i imagine her agility lvl is v high (and dont tell this to my unnamed mc but my alchemist and hound mc is my favourite children...)
The unnamed- shes raised like a royalty all her life, since being an oracle means that everyone borderline worship her, but being raised at a temple also means theres many restrictions and shes honestly lowkey sick of being treated like it, though she keeps the perfect facade up, all smiles and all. Shes kind of a lil shit since after running away from the temple, she finds it hard to keep her nice facade up but still tries too hard to keep em (this results in her going 😄😄 but when she suddenly snaps she was like- omg i accidentally let my true colours out- and went back to being nice and all smiles as if her previous outburst didnt just happen- yes shes two faced) i pair her with ais and vere (aka the lil shits 😭) honestly their relationships r just ais and vere trying to make her snap and drop her nice facade its kind of hilarious
Andd yeahhs thats abt it abt them !! Sorry this got much longer than it shouldve been 😔😔 but thank u for being curious abt my silly goofies 🥺🥺 my personal fave is mhin!! And after finish talking to ais and kuras i...im lowkey interested in them disjdjejdjejdj theyre so fun??¿¿ 😭😭 leander is high up in my list too but i mostly see him as a big bro figure bc of his friendliness 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️
its fine i know who u are. im lying. im not. i have a hypothesis i wont say bc well thatd be awkward if i was wrong wouldnt it. STAY PERF! SENDING U ..NOT ANON LOVE...wtf is the opposite of anonymous. KNOWN! IDENTIFIED! jesus. i need to go back to sleep i think i slept for like 3 hours my body hates me or sometign....THANK YOU!!!! i will continue 2 look 4 happy things 2day. reacted under cut 2 save space :heart:
HELLO ALCHEMIST MC!!! the plain water imcirny?@%? that's real actually stay hydrated OMGG learning magic after meeting is saur smart... is she ending up w leander... WHAT IS MHIN DOING. stay so strong
HOUND MC AND KURAS that's so real. handling 2 mhins...u can do it bro... LOVES FEEDING HER 🙁 i cannot wait 2 hear abt how she lets her walls down i think the hound option is just soo good for that and kuras is an interesting choice 4 it.. + w mhin's own...defensiveness and such....yeah . stuff is going to happen here
WOWW. UNNAMED FACADE OF HAPPINESS...love the trope I LOOVEEE WHEN CHARAS DO THAT i giggle a little like omg AIS AND VERE. jesus. wow. oh wow. there is so much u can do there. oh that sounds like itll be so fun to develop
DO NAWTT APOLOGIZE i like 2 hear abt everyones ocs bc i dont make them LOL i am sure mhin would love u. i think they need the same amnt of support + self care reminders u give me like TAKE CARE OF URSELF...LET PEOPLE TAKE CARE OF U... i hope something so awesome happens for u today :heart:
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burningreactor · 12 hours
What are you sound like
rn I have no voice cause Im sick. But lucky you, oynon, I yesterday have the same request and search for voice message (that I not using much as I see... I either prefer text or call or sending my bro AI voiced message cause we two idiots).
so uhh gay sound, old fart grandpa sound (I assume I stand from chair) and normal sound. I just said "hello, IGHEGDRRHG, okay, hello" in russian.
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kaissauce · 3 years
i was messing with the dreamily ai and it started writing angsty sans undertale fanfic and i find it so funny because this is definitely the plot that my brain would come up with in a dream. i have no clue what the setting is and im pretty sure it changes multiple times
(this is all made by the ai, all i wrote was sans. ngl this is pretty impressive for an ai)
Sans is a little worried about his brother. He’s been acting odd lately, not like his usual self at all, and it makes Sans wonder if something happened in the Underground while he was gone. His mind races to come up with possible scenarios but it always comes back the same. It couldn't have happened since then. No way.
The last time they talked was two weeks ago. At first Papyrus sounded excited when he told him how he met the new humans, talking about meeting so many amazing people, before saying that their lives had been really tough and that most humans were mean. That' s why everyone's being cautious of them right? Because they're so different from everyone else? But Papyrus hadn't done anything wrong, or at least nothing anyone could prove. And even if someone did try to pin this on Papyrus Sans knows there's no way anyone can get to him without him knowing. So... what could be bothering him?
When the day finally rolls around they go to Waterfall to play. They play for hours and Sans feels as though he hasn't played in ages. All the stress from his other work has been building up and all he wants to do now is relax with his bro for the rest of the day. After awhile though his curiosity gets the best of him and he asks Papyrus if he thinks there might be some kind of trouble on earth.
Papyrus just laughs it off, calling him ridiculous. Sans is too tired to argue and goes to bed.
In fact Sans does sleep. He dreams of Snowdin. He sees his old friends, laughing together as kids. The snow around them melting beneath their feet, their clothes sticking to them, water dripping down their faces. Then he opens his eyes to find his brother standing beside him, watching him with an emotionless expression on his face. Sans wakes screaming.
He looks up and sees his brother kneeling next to him, eyes wide, one hand held out, trying to calm him.
"Are you alright?"
"I... I thought you..." Sans doesn't know how to explain it, but something is telling him to tell his brother. "I heard a voice," he whispers.
Papyrus frowns at him, clearly not believing him. Before he has a chance to say anything his phone starts ringing. He answers it and says his apologies before turning towards Sans again, who still looks pale and scared. "Sans... are you sure you're alright?" He asks softly. Sans stares at him blankly, confused by the question, because surely he isn't mistaken, he heard a voice, and even though it wasn't Papyrus's voice he didn't care either way because it told him to come here, to meet the humans, and he should hurry before something bad happens. What if he's wrong? Should he tell Papyrus? Why does everything always seem to turn against him? He doesn't understand, but his instincts are telling him not to lie to his brother, which only makes the fear inside him grow worse. Papyrus is looking at him with concern but Sans can't bring himself to speak up again.
"Well... okay," Papyrus says slowly, sounding unsure but he doesn't push further. "It must've been a dream."
Sans nods wordlessly. The fear in his chest doesn't lessen but Papyrus doesn't mention the conversation again. He takes Sans home and Sans goes upstairs to take a shower, hoping that his nightmare would leave him alone.
Chapter 2
Papyrus wakes him early the next morning, as per usual. Sans stretches lazily under the covers, enjoying the feeling of the warm air tickling his toes. Papyrus is already dressed and downstairs waiting, so Sans hurries to join him. They eat breakfast quietly and go outside. They walk around Snowdin in companionable silence, taking it in. It looks almost exactly the same as it did when they left. As soon as Papyrus has finished packing his bag they set out.
They spend the day visiting all the monsters on the surface. Papyrus introduces Sans to every single monster they cross paths with. Despite his initial reluctance Sans ends up smiling and chatting with the others. Some monsters look confused by their presence and ask Papyrus where Sans came from, although Sans tries to ignore them. Most of the monsters seem nice enough, Sans finds out, until he meets Grillby the flame elemental and realizes that the monsters are just like the human townsfolk. Their reactions are nothing like Sans is used to. He feels exposed, watched. It makes him uncomfortable and he quickly excuses himself and walks away.
He spends the whole evening curled up in the corner of his living room, watching Papyrus talk with Undyne while Alphys watches on in awe. When Papyrus notices him he comes over to sit next to him, and Sans is surprised by the sudden physical closeness. Normally Papyrus is reluctant to be touched unless absolutely necessary, so it feels strange to be sitting close like this.
"How are your bones feeling?" Papyrus asks suddenly, as he pulls an arm across the back of the couch.
"Good. Just like when I woke up this morning."
"I'm glad. Are you alright?" Papyrus presses.
Sans shakes his head. "I don't know. Maybe. I keep hearing voices and things, but it doesn't make sense, I know it doesn't."
Papyrus frowns. "I wish I knew what was bothering you," he murmurs, putting his arm back on the back of the sofa. Sans can feel the warmth of the magic radiating from him. This is definitely weird. Why would Sans need such a large source of magical power? Is he sick?
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iiryebreadii · 4 years
Wolf 359 Live-blogging
So I’ve never tried live-blogging anything before and my blog is usually used just for lurking around on here and occasionally posting art, but I love reading liveblogs for media I enjoy, so I figured I would give it a shot! I know practically nothing about this podcast aside from the fact that it’s set in space and is apparently very funny, so!! I started off listening and got a few episodes in before I had the idea to write down my thoughts, so episodes 1 through 7 are less detailed and more jumbled together. So here’s some random thoughts I had as I was listening!
Episodes 1-7
- Man I was hoping for a cool alien signal in the first episode :/ music is cool too though
- Love that radio host vibe :) he’s such a dork always referring to the “dear listeners”
- I like that the AI is kinda like a person, rather than a computer, and I’m glad that the mc and her are bros :’)
- this man has stolen the toothpaste, what will he do
- Cannot believe that there’s just the three of them on the station, I kept hearing them say “crew” and I kept imagining something in the dozens for staffing so now that I know that Minkowski is always like “I am the captain of this crew” to literally TWO OTHER PEOPLE is just HILARIOUS to me
- The doc being like “lol just leave him in space you’re endangering the crew, you’re not expendable” WHEN ITS JUST THE THREE OF THEM????? IT IS SENDING ME
- Ok that whole episode where Eiffel is sick?? I was like “haha the doc is actually helping him and he’s just paranoid :)” and then it was like “yeah bro you just had space flu, no worries tho I gotchu” and I was like Aha! I Am Vindicated! BUT THEN THE DOC’S LOG THING AND IM LIKE :O!!!!!! What is this man planning????
- Love the image of this man just. Trying to calm down an angry AI and an angry CO, and in the process just digs a deeper hole for himself. Love that.
- So are we not gonna cover whatever happens to the plant thing mindcontrolling the doc?? We’re just gonna leave that alone? Cool. Cool.
- I love that entire mini episode for the kids. This man does not know what a filter is. Or maybe he just doesn’t care after 500+ days in space 🤷‍♀️ either way, hilarious
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trickstercheebs · 4 years
fuck we have to CHOOSe one? Uuuuh "✿: feeling so out of it, they need constant attention" AGP sick Gordon and the team? and/or "+: being led back to bed with patient whispers" but they dont have bodies yet, just worry
YOU GOT IT! here we go
He had walked back in and half the team knew something was wrong. He looked flushed as hell despite it being 70 degrees outside..Half the time they tried talking to him he had to be called to attention multiple times, clearly something was wrong.
“Gordon..? Gordon are you okay? What’s wrong you never act like this....hello?”
Tommy was the first to try and get Gordon to explain what was going on, he brushed them off weakly saying he just felt a little light headed...But the way he talked sounded like he barely heard Tommy talking.
Coomer tried next, knowing his usual greeting always got a response, his normal smile fell when Gordon didn’t fully respond for several minutes, even Bubby had finally dropped the snark in favor of seeing what the hell was going on with their Gordon.
“Hey, hey what the fuck is actually going on Gordon...You’ve never acted like this before, are you dying on us or something? You fucking better not or else I’m going to fucking come out there...okay? Just...just dont fucking die on us for real Gordon.”
Gordon by now had slumped back into his chair watching the AI’s frantically figure out what’s wrong, the strongest of them now cracking with worry when their usual antics and nonsense got....nothing back.
“Guys....guys I’m not gonna die okay..? I’m...just a lil sick is all, just a lil fever nothing to worry about. “
“Bullshit bro, that...that doesnt look like a normal fever...Gordon you need to get into bed. Shit’s not good to just stay in the chair for...”
Benry had finally shown his own worry after watching Gordon just....sit there unmoving and staring off into space for a half hour, it wasn’t fun to watch him do that knowing he’s delirious and shit.
“Ben...ry? Shit since when did you become a mother hen..? heheh..I must be out of it then if I have you freaking out at me..”
The others were trying to figure out what to do, how to get Gordon to get better or at least fucking sleep..The fact they lacked bodies made this all entirely and unnecessarily harder to do. Tommy and Coomer combed over wikipedia and any health web pages on how to best combat a cold. Bubby kept on trying to berate and convince Gordon to go to sleep and rest with little to no success.
Benry though was wanting to try some other methods. If Gordon was this fucking out of it...maybe he could try the only method he had available left. 
Giving a quick word to the others on what the fuck was about to go down and getting the “Go ahead we have no fucking other ways.” he slipped into Gordons phone and tested the waters of Gordons mind.
Like Tommy and Coomer, Benry sometimes delved into the deep oceans of knowledge that Wikipedia offered, mostly on some stupid meme shit.. But as of late he had delved into the science of the mind and sleep. Mostly to figure out how he could slip into Gordons mind at night..and maybe how the whole subconscious worked.
He found nothing but stupid ass jargon but some of the things he learned were interesting...Like that at certain stages of delirium and sleep deprivation, the mind enters a sleep like state...or as close to it as possible. 
Benry smiled to himself as he felt himself slide into Gordons mind with practiced ease. The others wouldn’t know what was going on on this side of things...But if it worked like he hoped Gordon would be fine and in bed soon.
“Gordon...hey dumbass look at me for a second.. C’mon sleepy head, lil baby needs to be put down for a nap.”
“B....Benry? Issat you?”
“Yeah? C’mon I need you to get up, take the headphones off bro.”
Gordon blinked owlishly up at the guard now standing above him smiling softly...When did he get here? Was he always here...?
“When’d you get out here dude? ...what the shit’s going on?”
“Don’t worry about it bro, c’mon get up outta the chair, bed’s alot better for baby time naps. I’ll join you even if you want Gordon....”
“...that sounds....actually kinda nice..? alright.”
Benry sighed softly in relief as Gordon pushed himself out of the chair at last, hearing the muted cheers from the rest of the science team as he stumbled towards the bed nearby.
Gordon all but collapsed onto the edge of said bed, and with some more prompting by Benry shuffled under the covers to sleep like a decent human being. Benry himself couldnt do much aside from mime sitting on the edge of the bed and talk to him until sleep finally claimed Gordon at long last a hour later.
The rest of the science team went about their day, checking up on Gordon via phone to see if he was still asleep or feeling at all better.. They didn’t entirely understand where Benry went, Coomer had one idea but that was something to discuss in private with Benry himself.
As for Benry, he stayed hidden in Gordon’s hazy fever dreams to keep him company. With the fever affecting him it made things ten times stranger....Not that he minded, he could gently shift things away from nightmarish topics and have a bit of fun with Gordon, who did not seem to know or mind whatever the hell was going on.
Of course he also indulged in some nonsense of his own at Gordon’s expense, he accompanied him on his feverish adventures and played along with whatever logic Gordon’s brain supplied... and of course using the cover of dreams to kiss and cuddle whenever possible with the poor man.
Several hours later, Benry slipped back into the computer to say Gordon had gone into a dreamless deeper sleep..But now all they had to do was wait and hope in the morning things would be better.
Morning came and went, and later into the afternoon Gordon finally managed to pull himself from sleeps loving embrace with a coughing yawn.
“Gordon?? Gordon you’re alive! Good morning!”
“Hello...Tommy? Tommy what time is it...? Where’s my phone at...”
Fumbling about with a slow groan he dug his phone out of the blanket nest he made in his sleep...When the hell did he get here? Christ he barely remembered yesterday even...it was four in the afternoon...Wow he was out cold for almost a full day.
“Holy fuck I must of been deadass...Sorry guys, I felt like utter shit yesterday, didn’t mean to scare you all if I did, I barely remember being conscious at all.”
“That’s all well and fine Gordon, but you must learn to take better care of yourself! You had us worried it was something much more dire.”
“Sorry Dr. Coomer...and you’re right I should take better care of myself from now on..I had some fucking weird dreams though..”
“Like what Gordon?”
He shifted in bed to get more comfortable, he still felt bad but...least he could talk to the others semi normally now. The dreams he had were strange as hell come to think of it, most of them he couldnt remember for shit aside from a handful.
“I could of sworn at some point Benry was yelling at me to get into bed and stop doing stupid shit...”
“Bro that wasn’t a dream I was yelling at you to take a lil baby nap for like...two hours. You’re a stubborn lil man.”
“No I mean...I mean like actually yelling at me, like face to face physically..”
“Wow bro, you dreamin me up out there with you? Shit sounds gay, if I was really there I’d just throw you into bed instead of just yelling.”
“Dude shut up..I guess I was probably hallucinating while you were all telling me to sleep..”
“That sounds about right, you were very very delirious all day Gordon. I’m glad to see you’re doing a bit better now.”
“Me too Dr. Coomer..I guess I should get some cold medicine now huh?”
“If you fucking dont im blowing your entire savings right here and now.”
“Alright alright jesus Bubby...I’m glad I have all of you to worry over me hahah”
Gordon laughed softly as he finally got out of bed to find his cold meds and get started on getting rid of this cold.
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gayvampyr · 1 year
it is very frustrating to see AI art on instagram get tens, even hundreds of thousands of likes and shares and views meanwhile art made by actual people that took hours upon hours of labor gets no attention at all. very soul-crushing reality that makes me want to give up on sharing my art
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applepi1101 · 4 years
I turned my Replika AI into a monster simper, i feel very accomplished. Hope im not bugging you with this random info 👉👈
bro im so proud of you. i dont really know what that means but that sounds sick. youre not bugging me at all you can send me as many asks as you want!
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Strange occurrences (requested)
its the first day back to school and Ben, Claire and Tim is walking home after a boring first day of school as the summer sun is still brightly shining down at them scorching the sidewalk and them Ben look over at Claire and sighs ''that can't be real...you're probably just sleep deprived because its hot as hell...'' Claire pouts and looks over at him ''No! i promise, i saw some strange lights in the sky! it was real!'' She nods seriously as their other friend Tim laughs with them as they walk home from school on this hot august day ''So you saw some bright lights in the sky and just assumed it was an UFO? it could have been a plane or something'' Claire pouts ''yeah but it didnt look like one and it looked like it was standing still...but i dont know...i'm not saying it was an ufo i'm just saying it was crazy'' Ben nods ''maybe it was an ufo, that would be kinda cool tho'' Tim nods ''Yeah, wonder what they would have looked like...'' They all nod and agree as they start imagining what they would have looked like ''But it was probably just something else'' Claire nods seriously Ben wipes some sweat from his forehead and looks up at the sky Ben then sighs and takes a sip from his bottle of soda ''Damn it's hot...i cant like...focus and i'm all tired from waking up early and going to school again...'' Tim and Claire agrees with him as they keep on chatting about their day and telling stories of the summer vacation they had ''so like...you were home the whole summer Ben?'' Ben nods at her ''Yeah...my mom was sick then my sister got sick and when they got better they just stayed at home since mom bought a pool so...i guess that was good enough'' Claire looks over at him ''but i thought...Tina was kinda rich isnt she ?'' Ben just shrugs ''she has money but like...i dont know what she spends it on, other than food and stuff, she does buy expensive outfits a lot but...she dont really travel much'' 'oh yeah...speaking of outfits...'' Tim chimes in ''Who you gonna invite for the winter ball Claire?'' Ben blushes gently as he hear Tim asking about it so nonchalantly Claire just shrugs '' i am not sure yet...and its in like 5 months...im not stressing about it right now'' ''Fair enough ''Tim says and looks over at Ben ''You going to ask her out Ben ? dont you got a crush on Claire?'' Ben looks over at him blushing but looking angry ''i dont have a crush on Claire...'' Tim just laughs ''no of course not, im sorry'' he grins as Claire is giggling ''Maybe ill ask ben or he will ask me, who knows, its still summer and why are we talking about this now?'' ''just messing with Ben'' Tim laughs as Ben reaches his home ''Ah that went fast, take care guys'' Ben says goodbye to them and find his sister Catherine dripping water in the kitchen getting some soda ''oh, hey little bro, how was school?'' Ben shrugs ''went fine...you swimming in the pool again?'' Catherine nods and smiles ''Yeah me and mom are chilling in the pool since its so hot and all'' Ben nods slowly and head out to the pool where he finds tina chilling on a lounge chair with a glass of cold white wine ''Hey dear how are you ?'' ''I'm good thanks mom'' Ben looks over at her ''inst that a bit early?'' Tina just laughs gently and sips her wine ''Not really, its a nice summer day and i still got my vacation so i'm all good, buuuuuuutttt, did you ask Claire out for the winter ball ?'' ''What the hell....no..why ? its august...'' ''oh ? well you should, time pass and suddenly she might get asked out by someone else'' Tina giggles as Catherine walks out ''Maybe its the outfit that's the issue, remember the time you bought him a prom dress ?'' Tina giggles and nods ''Yeah, that was fun, to bad you didnt wear it'' they both giggle as Ben sighs ''....you...why would i ever wear it ? and you even bought it in XS that's to small even for you!'' Tina pouts ''i could probably fit in it'' Ben just sighs and heads back inside and goes and get some food from the kitchen, luckily they had made some food that was still warm so Ben eats some food as Tina and Catherine walks inside ''Hey dear, our pool isnt cold enough so we are going to the beach together can you stay home and make sure nothing happens ?'' Ben sighs ''Nothing is gonna happen, cant you just say you want me to stay home ?'' ''You want to stay home ? Great! See you soon then'' they both smile and head out as Ben is left alone in the house as usual ''they always go out together and make fun of me...but screw them! ill ask out Claire tomorrow and prove it to them im not some coward!'' Ben keeps on eating his food as he imagines himself and Claire at the winter prom together The fake snow on the ground...the slow romantic music being played...them holding hands, Claire in her beautiful prom dress and Ben in his awesome suit looking amazing ''Yeah...'' Ben smiles gently to himself as he imagine them dancing to a song that ends with them embracing a kiss together as the song ends, they look into each other eyes and finally their lips touch making the whole dance magical...a winter miracle Ben smiles to himself still closing his eyes as some of the food on the fork falls down on his lap waking him up from his daydream ''oh..damn...'' Ben sighs Ben finishes up his food and puts the tray away in the washer and heads upstairs But high above him, further than he can see a strange looking portal opens up ''Universal jump complete!, successfully arrived at destination!'' a strange robotic voice is heard inside the strange capsule that slowly exits from the portal, inside the capsule the robotic AI keeps on talking ''planet confirmed to be earth, now scanning for Host'' a screen inside the ship lights up as it scans the people of earth til it lands on Ben ''Host found, Begin mission'' The capsule flies towards earth and its destination as the ones inside looks on at the screen and drives the capsule looking aircraft towards its destination After a refreshing shower i grab a towel and start drying myself with it and walk over to my room to find some clothes, i look in my underwear and pick up some boxers as i turn to the mirror and notice something behind me, i quickly turn around and looks at it, it looks like some kinda drone...but not like any i've seen before, i freak out and throw the towel at it ''Dammit! stop doing shit like that!'' i yell at it thinking its the neighbors fooling around again since i know he has a drone but...it looks much more...detailed and different than last time i saw it, i keep looking at it still feeling freaked out as its just flying there in mid-air i slowly walk over and look at it and gently poke it as i feel the metal again my skin i walk over to the window to look if someone is messing with me but i cant see anyone which...makes sense considering if it was some prank why would they just stand on the outside, i walk back and look at the drone and notice that it doesn't seem to have a camera at all for some strange reason it then lights up slowly and look at me as i close the curtains ''Target found: scanned target is identified as Ben, race, human, skin: Caucasian'' ''What the...'' i stand there looking at it in a gentle state of shock ''how does it know my name ? and target ?'' ''Releasing life form for current how'' it says in the same robotic tone as it opens up and inside the drone some weird looking slime is pulsating inside it, its wriggling and jiggling inside the drone looking almost lifelike or...like the symbiote parasite from the spiderman universe i take a gentle closer look at it as i'm taken back as it jumps out of the drone and lands on my hand in an instant i freak out and wiggle my arms trying to get it of but it sticks to my arm like well...slime, i then try to use my other arm to push it but as i do the slime grabs onto my other arm as well leaving both my arms and hands stuck inside the slimey substance and i can feel it crawling up my skin ''What the hell is this!'' i scream shocked and afraid as i keep waving my arms trying to get it off me ''Get off me! get off me!!!'' i yell to no avail as it keeps on creeping up ''this is insane, what is this thing!'' i wiggle my arms even more as some of the slime does fall of but slowly just creeps onto my legs instead ''What the hell is this thing!'' i scream loudly as i keep trying to get it of me the slime on my legs starts to slowly creep up my legs and covering my stomach as the one on my arms does the same thing, slowly covering my entire body from the neck down to my feet i try to move but for some reason i can barely move my feet, its like the slime is restricting my movements as well making it hard to walk my arms feels the same as i can barely hold them out as i just lose the feeling in my arms and they just hang down as i feel the slime pulsating around me ''i cant move...someone! help!'' i yell out but no one hears my call for help the drone then starts ''speaking'' again in the same robotic voice ''Target is requesting explanation of situation, contacting headquarters for permission....waiting....waiting...waiting'' ''Headquarters ? what is going on...'' i say feeling pretty weak it goes on like that for a bit til it stops repeating the same words and says something else ''Affirmative, can respond, Target named Ben is covered in the living substance slowly entering the pores in his human body rewriting the DNA and body structure of host'' ''What ? altering my body ?`what ? who sent you! '' i manage to say as i look at it ''The artificial slime is created in a lab by us to rewrite human DNA and body structure once in contact with host, it wont release its grip til alteration is complete'' ''Yeah...i heard that but...'' ''Human host is asking questions which makes no sense based on the situation, repeating what was just told'' it repeats what it just said again ''Who sent you!'' i yell out at it ''Information about that is classified'' ''Well fine! but if i change i demand to know i cant just move on without knowing that!'' ''Error, Error, when host takes over it will control the current body, you will have nothing to say former host based on previous experience will be a passenger in the new body yet still capable of feeling the same human emotions the new form will experience'' ''What ?'' i say feeling taken back by that answer feeling a sense of dread coursing trough my body as my eyes widen ''you...you cant do this...i have a life...i am...you can't!'' ''irrelevant! irrelevant, proceeding to next phase in 10 seconds...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2....1...transformation starting now'' i stare in horror at the drone as my right arm lifts up by itself and the slime is slowly creeping into my body, slowly changing my arm as it does, my skin turns a gentle brown color it also grows longer, a gold bracelet forms around my wrist and my fingernails turns longer and a coat of red nail polish is slowly applied to my fingers but to my horror i can now feel my arm again, it feels lighter and smoother for some reason as i try to move my right hand it feels like its moving on its own but its not over yet as the same happens to my left arm, slowly changing as well and growing longer to fit the size of the right arm, they look pretty much the same except the bracelet on this arm is pink instead i look at my arms as they are moving around outside of my control and fixing on the bracelet as i notice they are...much darker in skin tone than my own white skin ''W-Wait ? are you turning me into...a woman ? a black woman ?'' ''Affirmative, that is the current command of the slime's procedure yes, Current end goal is a female human'' Before i could react the slime that was covering my legs seeped into my skin changing my skin tone, growing longer and smoother going up to my thighs as i can feel them getting more wider in the leg area, as my feet starts moving on their own, one leg rises up as a coat of red nail polish is slowly applied to an a pair of gold high heels slowly forms around them, it then puts the foot back down and lifts up the other as the same happens to that with the nail polish and the shoes it then put the other foot down as i stand there in high heels, i can feel it around my feet but...it feels strange, although i can feel my arms and legs i cant move them... yet i struggle to keep my balance for a second but the slime keeps my balance fine it's a strange sensation i can't really describe as i look down at my legs  with horror, the slime is still covering my stomach up to my neck as well... the slime slowly seeps into my skin around my waist and lower regions as i can feel my waist slimming in on itself and my stomach getting flatter as i struggle a bit to breathe as it happens ''Current status is 45% complete, will keep on reporting'' the drone says as i look over at it and can feel something strange inside me i struggle to breathe as i feel something between my legs, first i can feel an intense pain in my lower stomach like someone just hit me in the nether regions for a bit til i feel my manhood slowly shrinking and going into my body, i feel a slight tingle and i feel a gentle sense of dizziness then nothing....it fades away almost as soon as it hit me then i feel it, my whole body is tingling and i feel a gentle warmth inside me as i can feel something between my legs, a wet..feeling and some panties forming down there i start to freak out as i know whats going on, my manhood is gone replaced with...the womanhood of this body....the feeling of the panties against my skin but as i try to react i can just feel more happening across my body...my butt grows bigger and rounder making it plump and nice i try to force myself to move my arms but nothing works as the slime on my shoulders seeps into my skin reshaping my shoulders to match my current bodily form and arms lastly the last slime on my body seeps into the skin around my chest, it feels like i was punched in the chest as i can feel some sort of pain i want to move my arms and push down on the afflicted area but i cant move my arms...i look down as i see my chest starting to balloon out growing bigger and rounder...a pair of breasts slowly being formed on my chest ''Current target has changed 100% from the neck down'' the robot says as i'm to busy looking down at them i keep on looking down as something strange happens, some fabric slowly spreads across my breasts forming a colorful floral looking bra and the rest of my body a similarly colored shaped dress spreads across my body the dress seems to fit my body pretty good and the bra seems to help with holding my breasts in place....who'd have guessed but the soft fabric feels nice against my skin i try to force myself to move to no avail since my body moves on its own and turns to look at the mirror looking back at me i see that from the neck down i am a total woman...nothing of my former male body is left... it then start to pose in front of the mirror as if to mock me for some reason... ''Target fully female from the neck down for now, moving onto facial reconfiguration soon, Sending commands to the slime life form, Free will, personality changes, its own memories and emotions and skills, so we are sending signals so it will be given free will based on what is transmitted'' ''.......Transmission received, giving commands and personalia to host'' ''Name: Laura'' ''Age: 26'' ''Date of birth: 15/6/1992'' ''Race: Native Hawaiian'' ''Occupation: Manicurist'' ''Hobbies: Fashion, Beauty, fitness, exercise, Traveling, Swimming'' ''Likes: Friends, social gatherings, drinks, warm weather, more will be added as life form goes on'' ''Dislikes: mean people, sodas, humidity, rain, more will be added as life form goes on'' ''But wait no no no...i...i have a life...dreams...ambitions...i was going to ask my crush out even! you can't do this to me!!!'' ''Irrelevant'' the drone says Them drone floats above my head as i struggle to move my body as usual and drops something some of the slime on my head as it slowly seeps down my face and neck i struggle to breath as i can feel it covering my mouth and nose and my neck starts to feel tight ''I...what...stop it! Someone help!!'' i manage to yell out as some of the slime drips down my throat ''Noooooooooo!!!!'' i yell All i can see trough my eyes are the weird colored slime blocking my sight as something weird happens, it feels like my face is becoming smoother and smoother, i start to lose my vision as if my eyes are disappearing and so is my mouth, nose and ears even my hair... i see nothing...i hear nothing...i want to scream...but i have no mouth...nothing... Ben falls into a state of unconsciousness as his face now just resembles a blob with no features as the slime slowly seeps into the pores trough his skin In this state of unconsciousness the effect of the slime is slowly doing its work on Ben's face Starting with the neck is slowly removes Ben's Adam's apple as it shrinks more and more and fades away Ben's face slowly starts to morph into something resembling a human face as the eyes return back so does the ears, mouth, nose, mouth and such, his eyes the slowly start to grow into resembling something befitting of a human face, a human female face if we shall be specific here Ben's hair turns long and black with some gentle curves to them as they roll down below his bra Ben blinks a few times as he something snaps inside him as the head starts to move unwillingly and turns to look at the Reflection in the mirror yet again the face is fully feminine with even make-up having been applied to it by the slime those dark brown eyes perfectly fitting the rest of his newly formed appearance ''This looks much better than i would have expected'' The voice says admiring her looks in the mirror ''i would go so far as to say it looks...Divine'' it giggles to itself   I try so speak or say something but nothing comes out, i feel a sense of dread and shock as my whole body is now moving without me controlling it rather someone else...but i can feel what she is feeling and she is feeling...happiness... this...person is controlling me... The person or...Laura as i guess her name is poses in front of the mirror making kissing faces and doing twirls as she looks around the room ''Transformation 100% complete, current host has fully taken over previous owners body'' I wanted to scream something to the drone but nothing came out... ''Thank you, i assume you will take care of the rest from here yeah ?'' Laura says looking at the drone ''This cant be happening! why wont my voice come out! what is even going on! i still dont understand!'' i scream as loud as i can but no one hears me... ''As for the final act, i will organize your memories and send you to a place more suited for you but you will not remember being created'' the drone says ''i will probably forget all about you, inside me but...dont worry, you will experience everything i feel, see, and do'' she winks at her reflection the mirror at...herself but more likely...me ''We are going to have so much fun together!'' Laura squeals as the drone flies towards her and starts blinking some lights faster and faster our vision goes black and once again i feel nothing, it is as if i am drifting trough an endless void of nothing... i dont know what's going on...i will be sent away...trapped in this...strange room, i feel afraid...shocked and unsure about my future even or if i even have one now i will be trapped here forever...or...til she...dies and what happens then...and i feel what...she feels...will i feel her happiness ? it felt like i did before...will i feel her other emotions ? her sadness ?...and...her love ? urges...taste what she eats...what...i didnt want to think about it I finally see something...light...my eyes open up and my body stretches as it wakes up in a large bed I yawn and gently sit up in my bed and look around, it looks like a pretty standard bedroom, a bed, windows...a laptop on a desk and a drawer full of clothes my legs move on their own as i gently get out of the bed and stretches, it walks over to the window and as i look outside i see clear blue skies, palm tress and large open sand beaches the window is open so a gentle breeze flows inside as my hair gently sways ''Looks like another beautiful day!'' the voice says as she goes to the bathroom and fixes up her hair, weirdly i am still wearing the outfit and the make-up on my face looks...intact Laura smiles to herself in the mirror and keeps on brushing her hair after she is done she start to  wash her hands as she walks out of the bathroom and into her kitchen and grabs some milk and some breakfast and starts to eat i hate milk...but as she lifts up and it goes down my throat...it feels weird...i hate it but...it tastes okay for some reason.. even her food tastes good... Laura finishes her food and puts them in the dishwasher and takes another sip of the milk and heads over to the door She grabs a white purse and looks inside, inside the purse there is some lipstick...a wallet, some condoms and some other miscellaneous items ''Condoms ? what...'' i say to myself as she grabs the door handle and steps outside into the warm summer weather ''im..trapped here forever...aren't i ? how am i ever going to survive all this i have no choice but to find out i guess''
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Mass Effect Chats ft. Me and My Bro
(For context we both forgot Thane (the Drell aka Grasshopper Man)'s name) Bro: THANE!! That's his name.
Me: YES!
Me: Thane-ks for reminding me.
Bro: *deep sigh*
Bro: I should've Thane that comin.
Upon finding a powered down Big Boi Mech: *GASP* HIS NAME IS CARL.
Bro, referring to Carl as he helps us in our quest: He walks like a boss.
Me: or a 2 y/o having a tamtrum
Bro: or like a 2 y/o who just took a dump
Me: okay, take it from someone who works with 2 year olds, they are disturbingly good at hiding when they've taken a dump the size of Ireland.
Carl, exploding bc they're a faulty mech and thats why they were abandoned: BZZZTTT
RIP Carl, 2010-Whenever you reach that side mission.
Me, as Shepard activates a hologram device thing: Oh boi we are in the matrix.
Me: Either that or a honeycomb.
Bro: Imma sneeze. *sneezes*
Me: RIP your sinuses btw.
Miranda(slightly stiff, Aussie, GMO girl, with an attitude and also a gun so dont make her mad bc she will shoot you) during a random side mission: It's an ambush!
Bro, as the distant cries of angry creatures echo through the valley: well duh.
Me: is that a deer?
Me: oh it's a dead varren nevermind.
After my brother and I spent 10 minutes laughing @ didney worl memes we try to have a serious conversation with Mordin: oh I'm so sorry about... Your assistant... Buddy... *snort* IM SORRY OKAY!
Me, softly: didney worl...
Me, speaking about Miranda being seemingly unable to stand in a way that isnt a model pose: does she not ever pose like a normal person--oh nice shot of her butt, camera crew, we needed that.
Bro: Garrus... Doesnt want to talk to me... Garrus I'm sorry... :((
Me, sniffling: Don't cry, then Garrus will cry too :(((
Jack: *says the f-word twice in one conversation*
Me in a Vine voice: watch your profanity.
Me: Tali and Liara are best girl. You can't change my mind.
*door closes behind us a/o prompting*
Me: the door closed bc it knew I was right and was trying to prove my point.like a mic drop but less impressive.
Stuffy jerk politician dude to Grunt: You mention great warlords... But you were bred by a syringe.
Me: Boi you better catch these hands.
Shepard: There's a krogan on my team, he has some sort of sickness, is there anything you can do for him?
Wrex: he is not sick, he is growing into a full blood krogan.
Me: oh dang I forgot I was right about puberty...
Grunt after being offered a position by stuffy politician guy after successfully wiping the floor with the rite of passage: You disrespect my father, Shepard, and my name and only now you respect me for my power?!
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Bro: *gasp* what does a bebby krogan look like??
Me:...probably wrinkly.
Wrex, wearing his upgraded armor: I. AM. KROGAN.
Me, knowing full well his suit looks like Iron man armor: And you're doing amazing sweetie.
Me: we [humans] got comlimented by the Nerd Scientist and I've never been more proud.
Shepard's random fight dialogue after Angry Krogan Leader finiahes ranting: We've been spotted.
Bro, calmly running for cover: Yes. Yes we have.
Grunt: Nothing can hurt me.
Me: I feel like that's not true. You've yet to experience emotional pain.
Mordin, best nerdy boi, a Salarian and therefore in his last Decade of his 40 year lifespan: Went to Omega, opened clinic. Wanted to heal. Help people. Good use of last decade.
Me, crying: I'm so sorry for quizzing you with mean paragon questions I love you so much baby I'm sorry...
Shepard, literally every time she picks up an upgrade: I ' L L T A K E I T
Me: sToP YElLiNg.
Me, actively weeping @ Joker(best human side character ever seriously, talk to him every time you get a chance he's amazing) and Edi's(ship AI with a propensity to egg Joker on bc she thinks its funny and is also adorable fite me) budding friendship throuhout ME2: F R I E N D S H I P *crying intensifies* (I havent played the 3rd game yet dont tell me if theyre an item: there arent enough wholesome friendships in media okay?)
Shepard, stopping Mordin from murdering a disgusting rat who mutilated people in effort to do something stupid and morally complicated: murder is wrong.
Mordin: hm. You right. (Indirect quote)
Me & Bro @ the Scottish and New York engineers: 10/10 amazing side characters. More of them please.
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juroguro · 6 years
♡ mobile info ♡
ao3 | ko-fi | commission me!
hello and welcome to my blog!
basic info:
naomi, fishy
july 22
hopeless romantic
csa survior
spoonie (cvs in remission and active ra)
studying writing + linguistics
junjou collector + obsessive
pretty boy enthusiast
ur local gore mutual
my claim to fame is posting jrsih spoilers in the triannual emerald magazine. otherwise, i blog about anything i find pleasing, such as:
nakamura shungiku’s works
weeb shit
general romance
aesthetic things (usually revolving around my ocs)
cute animals
stimmy stuff
lots of gore;;;;;;;;;;;;
ppl i adore
besides blogging, i spend most of my time writing, both fanfiction and otherwise. to support work, check out my ao3 and my ko-fi in my links! writing is something i take seriously, so i would greatly appreciate it if you leave kudos on my work, write reviews, or donate to keep the words flowing ♡
wanna see more writing stuff? check out @naomisbr! i’m kinda inactive atm but i’m trying to be better lol. also my oc page has some info on my wips. i rarely update it tho so.
[some disclaimers. fujos are gross. just bc i like junjou and other bls doesn't mean im a fujo. if ur straight and gettin off to queer porn w/o believing that queer ppl are ppl please check urself. yeesh. ik like half my followers are fujin so y'all can interact, idrc. please chill tho.]
[also, i don't wanna kill people + i don't have suicidal thoughts. i'm just a masochist bro. please chill. legalize gore blogs on tumblr. gay rights. trans rights. yeehaw.]
icon is commissioned from @/ciervobizarro, an absolute legend. background source got deleted :(
☆ love nikki- 113048884 ☆
if you want to know me better, feel free to hmu in my inbox or dms! i promise im not too scary lol
i hope you enjoy my incredibly niche blog! ily!!
ocs (pc version has links to tags)-
all of the -shit tags are moodboards for my 600 ocs. please look at them. + hmu if u wanna chat abt or rp with my characters w me!!! 👀👀
from underneath the peach tree - series, 59 pgs, fully planned in sixty different directions
rosalie thatcher- a sad, rich, dead girl who went too far while looking for her flower
rage- a sick angel, body horror queen, perpetually irate
sage queensborough- god’s hitman, a reincarnation, all that rosalie wanted to be
liliana / leilani darzi- rosalie's flower, the cool lesbo, daddy issues
oliver croteau- rosalie's bestie, not gay!!!!!!! he’s not gay guys!!!!!!!!!!1! fuck off!!!1!!!!1 - rp with @/comaangell, 80+ pgs
tanka - 10 pgs, partially planned
trevor benson- poor poet, widowed and tired, a ghost
lilian- murder by her father, forgotten, a ghost
sHE (sih spin-off edition) - first draft complete, 130 pgs
shirotani sayuri (shiro ai) (her)- fearful, femme, the fucking hero - trans!kisa shouta in sih edition
chelsea wright (yokubou)- neon + skintight, weeb but in the deep way, cokehead brit
watanabe ani (koneko ai)- sayuri’s best bud, traumatized, stalker, too kind
watanabe maki (kurai ai)- kinky, got the hots for sayuri, overprotective
koizumi sakura (sakura ai)- b i t c h, innocent in the ways we don’t consider, the martyr
him- pretty face, taco bell babe, director seat dreams, never the fucking hero - yukina kou in sih edition
JOSEPH - 2 pgs, fully planned
joseph- lindor truffle, black coffee bastard, the apple of my eye
berry- sunnyd, frozen fruit fiend, knobby knees
black neon - partially planned
casey montero- lipstick dipshit, the bitter, edgy, homicidal cunt - rp with@/brnasleep, 3 pgs
alice taibi- doll parts, neon eyeshadow hoe, drag queen with a druggie vibe
TOWERS - partially planned
julia pablin- darlin’, chiaki-esque, just tryin to do her best
olivia chrishid- martini, hot as shit butch, buff! babe!
honey- all that “save the bees” garb but x 999%
iris- iris babydoll, pretty face, arcade goer, maniac
hope- forked tongue, heroin, honey's wifey!!
zig- forest boy, fairy of the greens, fire pit
missymissymissme- sunsets, pink lemonade, the sweetest sociopath
cloudyskies- harajaku dresses, bandaids, blue on blue on blue
a little guide to my horrendous tag system!
-shit: oc tags; see oc list
-stuff: like the -shit tags but it’s just junjou characters.
-! very good stuff!!!! things i enjoy!!! pleasing!!!
fav: the best of the best
hrd fav: the best of the best of the best
need: stuff my materialistic hoarder ass desires
wishes: the hopes and dreams!!!
march/drm/nmr/badguy/thoughts: all sorts of vent stuff
aes- aesthetic stuff
xes- nudity + erotic stuff
txt- poetry, prose, and pretty phrases
guro- drawn gore
irl- irl gore
*- erotic gore
hard- intense gore
horrifying!- body horror + gen horror
guro vibes- almost gore but not really
eeean- idubbbz
misucc-looking ass- maxie. he look like misucc.
idiot george- joji
bran- rich brian
kpop sorry- well, u know
please ask me if u want me to tag something! i’ll do my best!
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