#in a fucked up way he would dislike Elena coming back because A. it would disrupt everything
[Belated] Wip Wednesday!
you know my life is hectic when notes ap fics while im waiting for the bus make a comeback. anyway Tesoro is being a weirdly sweet manipulative cunt<3 i need to write one of the many times Celia fucks up everyone lives shes looking to pity-able. this is notes app writing so no editing or rereading [except for the beginning with whos speaking] just stream of thoughts- i already know many places i will sit down and improve when i have time
[Tesoro] Do you know who Amelia reminds me of?
[Celia laughs] It's obvious, isn't it?
[Tesoro, dead serious] She reminds me of you.
[Celia, at the same time] Of Elen-
Seeing Celia freeze in shock, a cruel part of him was glad, to be assured that with just a few words he could still metaphorically lay Celia bare, strip away all of the stone walls and bravado, and leave behind a scared child, even after all these years.
Golden eyes were wide, the white fully surrounding. Bright pupils were growing larger, threatening to drown out the narrowing ring of gold.
Its a secret so few know that those pinpricks growing to even half the size of a normal pupil is an indicator of true fear, whereas the usual pinpricks is normal. To those who knew her younger, they think it just changed over time to be smaller, but the truth is she's in many ways conquered her old fears, and those that have taken their place are a slow constant fear, about larger factors. Celia doesn't worry that she will get physically attacked from any side. these days, its the era of mind games instead.
It was always interesting, Celias eyes. More normal than black in place of white, but those metallic eyes and bright pinprick pupils were unsettling to him even more. At first glance, human, second, anything but. Celia- of heaven, according to some old Latin books, derived from a surname meaning the same.
It was easy to see her as something other, even holy, but no benevolent god could create a soldier like her. Those who called her brother an angel were just as misguided, but the veneer of kindness and comfort that made it easy to ignore Cecios' terrifying power over people and see him as holy was lacking in his sister, who they viewed with fear, no seemingly benevolent and gracious angel but an awesome- in the most classical sense of the word- leader of man, set apart from the rest with an unsettling aura of difference. A far cry from the little girl Amelia so reminds him of. Elena was the seemingly godlike one, inspiring awe and fear, then. Celia was just another scrapper desperate to prove her worth in the eyes of her peer, and oh, how desperate she was.
It's the most likely reason why, why he can disable her like this, bypass years of walls. Because he was there before those walls became impenetrable, before she stepped up and shut everyone else out. Some lingering memories of him as her superior, in their childish hierarchy, instincts to listen to him, still dormant inside her.
For every time she learned to put up a higher and stronger wall, he had learned how to bring it crashing down.
It's the same cruel part of him that whispers it, but she truly is his greatest success, rising from the bottom to new heights - all with him by her side advising her.
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daenysthedreamer101 · 5 months
TVD - s4 ep9
"O Come, All Ye Faithfull"
......I haven't felt this shaken up by an episode since Jenna died back in season 2.
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This Professor Shane guy...I don't trust him! He is shady and why do I have a feeling he's using Bonnie and the gang to wake up Silas? hmmmm...🤔🤔🤔
So... Elena and Damon are a thing now, and I don't know if I like it. I get that because of the sire bond she's now closer to Damon and her feelings are amplified. But I have a question. Would she have become sired to Stefan if she had his blood in her body instead of Damon's? Like, at the end of season 3, she chose Stefan - that's why she was on the bridge, cause she was driving back to Stefan. So, she obviously had feelings for him. Yeah, just wondering.
I don't like Hayley! I don't like her. She was working with Shane this entire time. Apparently, he knows everything there is to know about her parents, and she never knew them. So she agreed to indirectly kill 12 innocent people to get a flash drive with info about her parents? And by proxy, she doomed Carol. Tyler trusted her, and the hybrids trusted her. And she betrayed all of them and sent them to their deaths.
I don't care that she wants to learn things about her parents, that's fine to want to know more about yourself and be curious. But that is not an excuse or a justification to doom 12 innocent people to a gruesome death.
Oh, Carol...I am so so sorry. You did not deserve what happened to you. I know she was a bitch to Vicky in season 1 and shot Caroline that one time but I never particularly disliked her. (I knew it was eventually coming just didn't know when) also, OMG KLAUS WILL YOU STOP KILLING INNOCENT WOMEN AS PUNISHMENT FOR SOMETHING THEY HAD NO CONTROL OVER!
He turned Jenna as punishment because the gang messed up his sacrifice plan and killed her cause he knew it would hurt Elena. And now he kills Carol because as he said "you (Carol) are the only thing he (Tyler) has left" Like...omg no one deserves to die that way, Jesus Christ! 😭😭😭
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I'm not trying to come off as anti Klaus, I think he's a very charming and fun character to watch and Joseph is an amazing actor who gives him such a presence on screen, and, yes, Klaus is obviously very good-looking and charming but that does not excuse his actions! He's a horrible person who does horrible things! And yes I know he had a hard life and has glaring trust issues so Tyler betraying him probably really hurt him but like what the fuck did Carol do? 💀💀💀
When I tell you my heart was beating so fast during this scene! God, I felt so bad for her! Klaus killed her because he knew it would hurt Tyler...Oh Tyler sweetie I am so sorry. Also, the way he called his mom on the phone and she wasn't answering and then when Hayley told him everything he went away and then Carol calls him and he doesn't answer...😟😟😟like fuck, the parallels hit me right in the heart!
Thanks for reading my rant, leave a comment if you'd like, I would love to hear other opinions on this episode! ❤
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arisenreborn · 25 days
Uno reverse card I am asking you to do questions from your ask game first >:3c Answer my riddles three: The Pawn #3, Arisen & Pawn #2, and Miscellany #3!
You still got me first! XD Now let's see if I can keep my answers roughly condensed. (comes back afterwards) yeah I failed.
(Dragon's Dogma 2 Ask Game)
Pawn #3 - If they were infected with the Dragonsplague, are there any specific ways they would act differently?
Because of that one time Dragonsplague just vanished in his presence, I like to think Rann has a particularly high immunity to it (this maybe has something to do with his red eye also who knows it was there before I knew what DP was), which translates later into actual infection being more subtle and less pronounced. Depending on how well the Pawns around him know him, Reverie is probably the only one who'd actually notice because he'd basically just be glued to her. Much less restrained in being a bit of a mother hen but any tiny fragment of personal space is gone between them also (Reverie is a tea kettle whistling trying to grapple with this). Overprotectiveness goes up considerably so meteor sightings and maelstrom activity has increased in the area. Laughing imagining you don't have to worry about him being a danger to your world because he's just gonna go jump in the brine to go back home to Reverie.
Emrys would be significantly harder to tell until the very final stages tbh. His eyes already had a tint of red to them, and he already had a bit of an attitude problem/streak of defiance, so it's not until it's about too late that you'd start to worry - if you even knew what to worry about. Lots of wandering off (not so weird, but it's the length of time and how far he goes), and starting fights (with monsters, mostly, but that's pointedly not like him, so apologies if he suddenly drags a drake into your fight o7). With Olivia he's icy cold one second and burning hot the next; ignoring and keeping his distance from her or being really possessive and domineering the next.
Arisen & Pawn # 2 - For each of them - Who is their favorite and least favorite NPC?
Reverie has a fondness for Sven, she respects his desire to break free of his circumstances and rise above them, to do and be better - and believes he'll be a positive influence on Vermund in the future. (A bit of my WoL - Alphinaud dynamic leaks in here tbh ^^) She also has a slightly complicated relationship with Srail; they were very close once, but things have changed a lot. Still, she feels a lingering fondness for him, and feels like she can rely and trust him instinctively. There are obvious options for least favorite, but Fiska is the only one she actually invited gratuitous violence on, so I think that might say something... (I think when she arrived at the excavation site she had some pretty severe PTSD going on...) Rann has a scholarly respect for Myrddin, but really gets along with his daughter Trysha. (oh no I'm gonna start spiraling) Just imagining them studying magic together, him teaching her and indeed learning from her as well, and ending up with this incidentally really fucking adorable almost father-daughter relationship that Myrddin (in my eyes) clearly doesn't have with her. And this being one of those areas outside of Reverie where Rann starts to have legitimate human feelings and desires like the thought wouldn't necessarily occur to him yet but definitely that seed, yeah, of maybe he'd like to have kids one day. 😭 He is also deeply intrigued by Phaesus, but it's... complicated... I'd say Phaesus falls into a very hazy zone of 'dislike' because of wariness and a discomfort of coming too close to something keenly similar to himself (that he can't entirely remember, so it's just a Feeling, almost like instinct, which makes it more unnerving.) On the flipside he absolutely cannot abide Lady Elena, the fact that she would harm those she was meant to heal is appalling to him, and Radcliff isn't too much better for being so self-serving in the face of others suffering.
(I just looked back and realized I still have Em and Olivia omfg I can do this I can be brief and concise)
Olivia loves everyone. Except assholes. It's pretty simple, really. But she really loves Wilhelmina and Srail (my Srail simping strikes again). And Ursula. And Keltse, and Sigurd, and- Shorter list of dislikes, apart from the usual suspects, she can't stand Albert, and Philbert is an old racist arse. Deep down, Emrys would claim not to care for anyone. It's what he'd prefer. Unfortunately, deeper down, he's a softie, and has a lot of fun drinking with Keltse, or playing with Daphne and the other kids in the slums. He's a big fan of everything Wilhelmina is doing, and Srail and him have some "history" that made things a bit awkward initially when they met again with Olivia, but they're on above-average good terms now. He surprisingly gets along well with Glyndwr; at first he's just kind of sardonically intrigued by him and yeah, kind of an ass, but Glyndwr doesn't really pick up on that. In the end he can't help but understand what it feels like to not 'fit in' with your kind the way you 'ought to', but finds it... 'inspiring' might be a bit strong, but sure, that he still finds his own way to do so and connect with his people.
Misc. #3 - What would be their go-to fast food order?
I recently went on vacation and we don't have Bojangles where I am but it will haunt me now (KFC wishes it could be Bojangles imho). So Reverie would get a 3pc leg and thighs with double side of Bo-tato rounds and a large sweet tea and a bo-berry biscuit. Live my dream, girl. At Panera Rann gets the pick two order with half a bacon turkey bravo sandwich and half fuji apple chicken salad, and an iced tea. I feel like Olivia would get the Panda Express orange chicken and rice… But Kristi and I both agreed she'd go either way depending on mood from light refreshing salads to a triple cheeseburger. She'd be the type to really customize her order too "no pickle, extra mayo-" etc. And often trying the latest spicy thing on the menu even though they always kill her. I'm giving Emrys my taco bell order: steak grilled cheese burrito and a side of nacho fries - except he's a big energetic guy he'd probably be able to down two burritos.
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wow i'm actually really in my katherine pierce feels this ep, i didn't expect this lol
at first i was indifferent to her even tho she's the kind of character i like (murderous morally ambiguous/corrupt character who became selfish and paranoid and narcissistic due to traumatic events they experienced and because of survival/greed/a desire for power - in this case klaus is a gr8 example) because they were wasting so much of her on demon and steffie instead of exploring her fucked up "relationship" with klaus or elena (aka more interesting directions for her narrative)... but also the fact that she's human is a very good move on the writers' parts
for one thing katherine is vulnerable and messy now and for survival she's forced to care about other ppl and relies on them, something she never had to do before which is why she was always so merciless and comfortable screwing people over. and she's Imperfect now, because of her human state even though she takes pride in immaculate appearance (i mean i get how running for 500 years in high heels would give her a sense of power and self-satisfaction haha) so we're getting exposed to the cracks in the armor that she assumed making her a more relatable and humanized (literally and figureatively lmao) character
and also her and jeremy and matt's interactions were hilarious because it revealed that she doesn't want or particularly need to be ruthless and mean, it just depends on the ppl she's surrounded by (klaus for example - and because she got so used to being ruthless in order to outrun him, she treated elena the same way too, not because elena personally victimized her but out of jealousy and spite). her violence didn't really come out to play, even as she remained the Snarky Asshole we know and love, because of 1) her weakened state and 2) the fact that jeremy and matt showed her genuine kindness, jeremy more than matt really (probably out of some kind of pity and twisted sense of brotherly affection, because katherine literally looks like his sister lol, which is also another interesting aspect the writers could explore).
jeremy and matt didn't particularly like her, and had every reason to loathe her, but they're not sadistic like klaus. klaus murdered her entire family and had katherine stab herself in the thigh several times out of spite, because she inhibited his plans and was a variable he couldn't control, because she broke free of him. people have constantly been attacking katherine and doing so violently, and she grew accustomed to this type of violence from people who even mildly disliked her. but jeremy and matt are reasonable, and sweet teenage boys who are more predisposed to kindness and mercy even despite the fact that katherine put jeremy's death into motion. jeremy could have been a lot less nice to katherine (as he himself put it), but he didn’t because that’s not who jeremy is as a person.
and then jeremy did something very fuzzy and warm and tender and gave her a blanket because, of all things, katherine pierce was cold, and suffering from a sinus infection, and he didn't want to see the woman who looked like his sister and was so pitiably vulnerable and human suffer. and this singular act softened katherine, enough for her to abandon her 500 year foolproof strategy of never looking back and allowing other people to suffer for her own survival (aka her ”better you die than i” philosophy) just because jeremy did ONE (1) nice thing for her. jeremy altered her entire survival strategy just by being himself - a kind and generous person to the woman that murdered him and the woman whom he has more of a reason to loathe than klaus - and telling her that her selfishness was the reason why she was lonely and always On The Run and being hunted down like an animal (by silas, by klaus, by any and all of her enemies) and seen as an object to claim and be triumphant over rather than as a person with human needs, because until now she never cared about anyone else’s needs other than her own.
and like she’s not going to suddenly join the Good Guys or preach love and peace and non-violence but the fact that she went back for jeremy and matt at all - because yeah they were hostile but they were also humane in their treatment of her - is a significant improvement for her, and it reminds me of that one TGP quote about how people want and choose to be good because of the external love/support they receive, which katherine just proved. so yeah it’s a really fun new change for her character
and i like how a lot of katherine’s crafty, manipulative, and vindictive personality was because she was a vampire who was kind of a foil to klaus, helping us understand him and his role in this extremely dysfunctional relationship. klaus was literally her enemy and katherine’s primary goal was survival at all costs, even above others’ lives, and the easiest way to defeat an enemy was by essentially knowing them in and out, and being able to predict their next move, which is why kath and klaus’s relationship has a hidden layer of intimacy to it (and not in the typical enemies to lovers or even lovers to enemies fashion, because once again he literally slaughtered her entire family). because katherine understood him so well and she relied on being cruel and intelligent and vicious, she became like klaus - selfish, egotistical, paranoid - and that’s why she was able to predict that klaus would feel drawn to the chance of fatherly love hope offered him in s4, because she definitely had her own issues with her lost chance at parenthood and due to the fact that she had to become him so it would make sense that she sees herself in him as well. klaus doesn’t put the lives of others above his own motivations, so neither does katherine, and she doesn’t particularly have to because after such a long time of being this way she couldn’t understand people like elena or jeremy or matt.
but now that katherine no longer has klaus’s super strength in common, now that she’s mortal and human and weak, her survival is still her primary concern, but she feels empathy for jeremy and matt because she’s as vulnerable and human as they are, which is why she can come to understand their worldview because it’s now her worldview. (there’s also potential for this to mirror elena’s compassion and empathy that somehow simultaneously coexists with her ruthless streak, and a study on how morality isn’t black and white and just depends on perspective - katherine had to be a Bad Person to advance her own agenda, but so did elena).
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stephthenewgirl · 3 years
AGTAW — I: Twila Gilbert
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“Twila, did you take my dark blue leather jacket?!” Elena Gilbert strides into her sister's bedroom without a simple thing as a kick. She halts upon laying her doe brown eyes on her sister; her mouth parted and her thin brows furrowing. There her sister stood in only a bra and panties but that's not what shocked her, it was the fact that Twila was in her underwear with a boy in her room. He sat at the edge of her queen-sized bed that was covered in gray and black sheets and heavy blankets. His elbows pressing down on his lap and his back hunched over. His deep brown eyes moved to the elder Gilbert twin.
The later twin — Twila — with celerity wheeled her body around, her large hazel brown eyes aimed at her sister sharply. Her body hiding the boy behind her midway. And the somewhat naked girl's medium brown hair that fell into a sepia reddish-brown moved sweetly and nimbly stroke her neck. A rainbow stripe shirt held between her fingers — a shirt she was about to put on before Elena intruded her bedroom.
Twila briskly put the rainbow shirt on, after she tugged the shirt down, stretching out slight folds on the fabric and she stomped her way towards the elder Gilbert. Elena's doe eyes stayed fixed on the boy that sits peacefully on her little sister's bed. She disliked this — and she disliked it even more that the boy who looked so peaceful and unbothered had no shirt on.
Why doesn't he have a shirt on? Elena query herself.
“Don't you know how to kick?” Twila asked heatedly. Elena's eyes fluttered to the younger twin.
“I-I. . .” The words just wouldn't come out. Her eyes wandered to the boy on her sister's bed. Elena wanted to say ''no boys allowed in the bedroom'', she wanted to ask why Twila had no clothing on and why was he shirtless, what was happening. Elena gasped as the boy known as Clarkson sent a wink to her then frowned.
Twila pushed Elena out of her room, slamming the door in her face.
“No boys in the room, Twila!” Elena finally found her voice.
“You're not my fucking mother, Elena!!” Twila waits to hear the footsteps of her sister walking away. It did not take long. Today, Elena had no energy to lecture her. Twila was grateful. She twirled back around, walking towards the end of her bed.
“Will, that was a show.” Clarkson Forsyth spoke, a lopsided smirk on his soft pink lips. Twila mocked smiled at the boy, picked up his black tee off her bed then threw it at him, hitting his face.
“Yeah, you would think that.” Their giggles bounded off the four walls. “Hurry up. Martin and Vera are picking us up in sixteen.” Twila told the boy as she made her way into her closet and yanked a pair of pants off the hanger.
“So should I hop out the window and wait for you outside?” Clarkson said, standing from the bed, the black shirt in his hold as he goes. He flipped the shirt over and slid his arms in the sleeves then pulled the shirt over his head and pulled it down over his body. Twila stepped out of the closet wearing dark blue loose jeans and held two pairs of black sneakers in her hand. She walked towards her bed, displaying a frown on her face.
“What? No.” Twila sits down at the end of her bed and pulls out the socks she tucked into her sneakers. “I'm fucking hungry, and I know you are too.” Twila slipped the sneakers on her feet and tied them up.
“I just don't want to start—” Clarkson started, taking small steps towards the Gilbert girl.
“Clark, you've been my best friend since kindergarten. My family knows you and Aunt Jenna is cool, and she likes you. You're not going to start anything. . .” Once she finished tying her shoelaces, Twila looked over to the obsidian hair strong-jawed boy. “. . . Okay.”
Clarkson chortle. “Yeah, okay.”
Twila nods slightly with a smile. “Okay.” She pushed herself off the bed. “Don't mind Elena, she's just being a prude. Elena's been all big-sister ever since mom and dad passed. The girl is only four minutes older than me but that is a mile for her.”
Clarkson cracks a tiny smile. “How are you feeling, anyway?”
Twila was quiet for a second, thinking of what to say. She looked up at her best friend and greeted him with a sad smile.
“Getting better. Can't do anything but get better. The world goes on.” Twila gives him a longer smile that forcefully reaches her cheeks. Clarkson pulls her into a hug. It took a while for Twila to react back, but she did; wrapping her arms around him tightly.
“Thanks — for being here for me. I didn't know what I would have done without you last night.”
It was late at night when the boy called, gasping with sobs and in need of his best friend. Twila immediately told him to come over. She sat up on her bed and rubbed her sleep away, awaiting his arrival. Finally arriving at the Gilbert home, Twila hugged him and listened to his recent problems with his father as he cried on her shoulder. Twila did not mind — Clarkson was there for her when her parents passed; even invited her to crash in his room when she did not feel like being at Caroline's. After his tears dried out, they watched Buffy together on her baby-blue-covered laptop — forgetting about the sadness as they laughed away.
“Of course, Clark. I will always be here for you.” Twila pulled from the hug, her hands clasping his biceps tenderly then she gave him a fast smile. “Now get off of me,” She pushed him jocosely. “C'mon, I'm starved.” Clarkson chortled with a head shake; the two grab their belongings and head downstairs.
Twila and Clarkson dumped their belongings on the sofa before passing the threshold into the kitchen. The gold sunlight streamed through the square window; the silhouette of the window slept on the kitchen Island and kissed Jeremy's naked arm.
“Good morning, Gilbert family!!.” Twila smiled wide at her family that was diffuse around the kitchen area.
“Morning, Twila,” Aunt Jenna says softly, tipping her head back from the refrigerator door, welcoming Twila back with a duplicate smile. Her eyesight moved to the boy beside her niece. “Oh, hey Clark. I didn't know you were here.”
“Yeah, I hope you don't mind. Just needed my best friend last night.”
“Oh, nonsense,” Jenna waves him off. “You are welcome anytime. Would you like some toast?”
Twila's eyes instantly widened, jerking her head from side to side, “Oh, no. I'm making waffles. Don't need you having us eating rocks, Aunt Jenna.”
“Not rocks, Twila. Just burnt toast.” The kitchen erupted with laughter for everyone's lips — even Jeremy's. The boy who had been in the dump all summer, spending his time with Vicki Donovan and drug heads. Both Gilbert twins were happy to hear him laugh again; they haven't heard it in a while. Elena shook her head in the corner with a smile and a mug in her hands. After, she pulled it closer to her lips, taking a sip. “Who needs lunch money?”
“Here!” Both Twila and Jeremy raised their hands, shouting.
“Elena?” Jenna walked to her bag that sits on the chair at the dinner table.
“No thanks, Aunt Jenna.”
“Okay.” The strawberry blond rummaged through her bag, pulling out three twenty-dollar bills. “Here you go.” Jenna handed Jeremy and Clarkson each a twenty.
“Oh no Jenna, you don't have to,” Clarkson says, declining the money.
“I know, I want to. So take the money.”
“Take the money!” Twila yelled, not sparing a glance over her shoulders. Her eyes were fixed on the waffles, she didn't want them to burn like Aunt Jenna does every time she cooks something.
“Yeah, or I'll take it.” Jeremy playfully stood up acting as if he was honestly going to, Aunt Jenna pushed him back on his seat.
“Sit down.” She told the boy. “Take it.” She utters to Clarkson, pushing it at his crest.
“Okay, okay. . . Thanks, Jenna.”
“No problem. Twila, yours is on the table.”
“Thanks, Jenna.”
“Don't you have a big presentation today?” Elena reminds the young caretaker.
“I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at. . .” Jenna glanced down at her watch and freaked, “Now. Crap!”
“Then go. We'll be fine.” Jenna nodded at Elena, she quickly put her hair up in a ponytail with a rubber band then grabbed her bag, and dashed out the side door.
Twila plopped the last waffle on top of the rest. Elena walked towards her sister, standing beside her.
“Why was Clarkson in your room?” Elena inquired.
The sepia brunette twisted her neck to her twin. “Because he came over last night.”
“Because he needed a friend, Elena. You know, like how Bonnie comes over when she needs you.”
“Bonnie's not a boy.”
Twila's brows narrowed down and her eyelids batted. She can't believe what Elena was saying to her right now. She angles her body, facing her sister.
“Elena, you know Clark for as long I've been friends with him.”
“Doesn't mean he's not a boy.”
Twila turned away from Elena; grabbing the pleat of waffles, she was done with this exchange. Before she walked off she targeted her big brown hazel eyes at her sister once more.
“I don't know when you've become such a wet blanket but stop with the mothering act. I can have whoever I want in my room.”Twila let Elena know, leaving her there speechless.
Twila was wordless while she ate her waffles, Jeremy and Clarkson on the other hand talked as if they were in a club meeting. The conversation with Elena left a sour taste in her mouth, she still enjoyed her waffles of course, but she was upset. Her big brown hazel eyes glared at her twin as she asked Jeremy a simple question: if he was okay. She snickers at Jeremy's response and rolled her eyes when Elena glanced at her with a confused pouty face.
Elena folds her arms and walks off from the three teens, not soon later Twila's phone buzzes. A text from Vera telling Twila she and Martin were outside. A small smile pulls at her perfect lips as she stares at the screen. Twila slides the phone back into her pocket and sights her eyes on her brother and best friend.
“Vera and Martin's outside.” Clarkson got the hint. He hopped off the stool, grabbing his pleat and then Twila's. She gave him a soft thank you. “Need a ride, Jer?”
“Sure.” Jeremy got off the stool taking his dish, going towards the sink. Clark and Jeremy end up in a —you go first, I go first— situation. Jeremy stepped aside letting Clarkson pass. Clark smiled up at him shyly. Twila looked at him with a knowing smile, and he ignored her smug look while he walked to the living room area grabbing his book bag on the sofa.
Twila walked up behind Clarkson, playfully bumping into him. “Oh, I'm sorry. You first. No, you go first. I go left, you go right? Oh, um. . . okay.” Twila laughed at her dramatic imitation of Jeremy and Clarkson's exchange in the kitchen.
“Ssh, shut up. He could hear you.” He whispered to the girl over his shoulder.
Twila rolls her eyes, “Oh, please.” She grins and moves from behind him, going to grab her book bag also. Clarkson shook his head, letting out a stressful sigh. Hoping Jeremy didn't hear his sister mocking.
“Come on, Jer!”
“Coming!” He placed the wet dish on the dish rack and rushed his way out of the kitchen grabbing his book bag on the chair head. “Hey Vera, Martin.” Jeremy greets his sister's two best friends. Vera is a square face, soft beige skin brunette with deep-set dark brown eyes. Her brows were black-filled and straight. Her hair was black and short in a pixie rat tail cut, her bangs were cut right above her eyebrows, and two long strips of black hair fell just under her chin on each side of her face.
“Hey, Jeremy.” Vera greeted back.
Martin was an almond skin boy with long brown hair and a handsome diamond-shaped face. His eyes are hooded, small, and brown. Martin is Vera's half-brother and was Twila's boyfriend of two years, now ex-boyfriend but still great friends.
“S'up, Jeremy. How's it been?” Martin made conversation.
“Okay. How about you?”
“Fan-fuckin-tastic. I got this new skateboard from my dad. It—”
“Please, stop talking about the skateboard. No one cares, Martin.” Vera twists her head briskly at her brother before aiming her sights back at the road.
“You're just mad I'm better than you.” Martin retorted.
“Ha! Better than me? Jokes. . . That was a funny joke.”
“Please, can you turn on the radio? Don't need to hear your brother-sister bickering.” Jeremy and Clarkson chuckle at Twila's insult. Vera rolled her eyes yet she did what was told and made a turn; passing The Mystic Grill. The song WANNABE by Spice Girls blasted throughout the dark blue color car.
Vera, Clarkson, and Twila belled along with the song. Martin and Jeremy had no choice but to tolerate the ordeal of their boisterous singing.
“So, here's a story from A to Z. You wanna get with me, you gotta listen carefully. We got Em in the place who likes it in your face.” Twila bells.
“You got G like MC who likes it on a. Easy V doesn't come for free, she's a real lady. And as for me?” Vera follows.
“HA, YOU'LL SEE.” The three teens yell from the top of their lungs like a banshee's cry.
“C'mon guys.” An annoyed Jeremy wailed.
Martin's eyes traveled from the backseat to his sister. “Yeah, guys cut it off.”
“Slam your body down and wind it all around! Slam your body down and zig-a-zig ah!” They laughed at how irked the two boys were.
Twila pushed herself off her seat, her lips went to Martin's ear. “If you wanna be my lover!” Twila ear-splittingly sings.
Martin slapped his hand against his ear, “Twila, what the fuck!”
“You gotta get with my friend!” Vera sings.
“Friendships last forever!” Clarkson followed along.
“Friendship never eennnnds!” The three belled.
“That's not how it goes.”
“I don't give a shit, Martin. Now, get out of my car. We're here.” The long-haired boy rolled his eyes and pushed the car door open; he stepped out. The four other kids in the car followed shortly after.
“So — the boy had to sleep with her friends to be considered her lover?” Jeremy queried his eldest sister.
“That's not the message of the song, Jer.”
“Well, that's what it said.”
“Yeah, but—”
“Hey, Jeremy.” Vicki Donovan smiled making her way to Jeremy.
Jeremy copies and greets her back. “Hey, V.”
“Twila.” She uttered, moving her eyes to Twila.
“Victoria.” Twila gave a faint smile. Vicki and Twila were once good friends. They got especially close when Elena and Matt started dating but had a fallout this summer when she started to use her baby brother for his prescription pills and sleeping with him to avoid her own screwed-up life.
“Okay, let's go bitc—” Vera stops when her eyes set on Vicki Donovan. “Speaking of bitch.” Her hip cocked out, her fingers tucked into the back of her blue denim jeans pockets.
Vicki's mouth agape and her brows knitted. Her lips hastily retrieve with a curl and a scoff. Vera took hold of Twila's wrist, pulling the girl away from Vicki.
“See ya, Jeremy.” She said as the group of friends part ways from the young boy and ex-friend. “I still can't believe you allow him to be around her.”
“There are certain things I can tell Jeremy to do and certain things I could. He's hard-headed like that.” Twila explained with a shrug.
Lunch came fast for Twila. She had six-period lunch and had Mr. Tanner after. She was tired and glad the school day was almost over. Then she remembered she had to help Caroline with picking out some fresh faces for the new year try-outs after school. Great. She sighed.
“You look exhausted,” Vera slid, sitting down on the curved seat. She set her tray on the round cafeteria table. Today's lunch is a ham sandwich, chicken nuggets, apple, and a side of salads with a dressing of your choice and beverage. The food at Mystic Falls High wasn't so bad.
“I am.” Twila pushes her hair back, fingers gripping her hair softly. “I just wanted to go home after school and have a nice bubble bath, but I have try-out picking to do after school.” She wailed and pouted. Twila felt like sobbing, she truly needed and wanted that bubble bath.
“Aww, don't be so down, Twila. I'm sure you'll be fine.” Vera grabs a hold of her sandwich, taking a big bite.
“Let me detail it for you.” Twila leans forward, her hair falling as she moves her fingers and locks her big eyes with Vera's deep-set ones. “I'm try-out picking after school — with Caroline.”
“Ohh. . .” Vera sees the problem now.
Twila smiled tightly and her eyes squinted a bit and a little hum leaving her lips. Her smile says: now you get it. “It's going to be hell.”
“Aww, Twila. I'll be there for you.” Vera's mouth was occupied by food, she kept her teeth locked while her lips moved. The words came out muffled. Twila smiled anyway.
“You will?” Twila's lower lip pushes out.
Vera nods and speaks after swallowing. “If you need me, of course.”
“Aww, thanks,” The short-haired brunette joined her palm on top of Vera's hand. “But I can't do that to you.” She removed her hand, stealing Vera's apple. “I'll go through the belly of the beast on my own.” She takes a bit of the apple. Vera laughed.
“The belly of what beast?” Clarkson arrives, taking a spot next to Vera; Martin follows beside him.
Vera's eyes travel to the raven-haired boy. “Caroline.” She informed him.
“What about Caroline?” Martin questioned.
“I've got some fresh cheerleaders to pick out with Caroline after school.”
“Oh.” Clarkson and Martin mumble. Twila nods at the boys, chewing through the green apple.
Martin swallows down his food with water before speaking. “Aren't you co-captain? Can't you just do it another time?”
“No.” She placed the apple down on the table. “I'll just get it over with.”
“Clarkson, where were you last night?!” Barbie Forsyth asked, approaching the small group. Clarkson eyed up his sister. She stood with her hands at her hips.
“At Twila's.” He answered honestly. Barbie's eyes went to Twila; they had a squint to them.
“Of course.” She scoffed, shifting her eyes back at her brother.
The bottled blonde — Barbie Forsyth — never had a good relationship with Twila Josephine Gilbert. Ever since Twila ruined Barbie's gingerbread house in elementary school; just because she wanted a piece. And the other time they were partnered up in a history project. Barbie had done all the work and Twila just plastered her name on the paper. But those weren't the reasons why Barbie didn't like the big-eyed Gilbert all that well. For as long as she could remember, Clarkson and Twila were inseparable. She always felt like Twila was more of Clarkson's sister than she ever was.
“Why were you at her house?”
“I, uh. . . I needed someone to talk to.”
Barbie's head jerked forward. Unbelievable, she thought. “You could have talked to me.” Her light green eyes stayed on her brother; it made Clarkson feel guilty the way they were intensely piercing at him. Her eyelids blinked and she rolled her eyes. “Whatever. I wanted to speak to you last night.”
“Okay. . . What?”
Barbie glanced at Twila, who like everyone else at the table was focused on them. Barbie looked back at her brother. “Not here in front of her.” She yanked the boy, pulling him off his seat and away from the group.
Vera chortle, aiming her sight on Twila. “I'm guessing she still hates you for not doing the history project in middle school.”
“Ha, guessing?” Martin uttered. “It's a known fact she does.”
Twila laughed along with her friends, brushing down the fact that deep down she felt awful that her best friend's sister hated her for something she did in middle school. Not knowing that Barbie didn't dislike her because of some petty school project issue, the bottled blonde felt like Twila took her brother from her.
“Once our home state of Virginia joined the confederacy in 1861, it created a tremendous amount of tension within the state. People in Virginia's northwest region had different ideals than those from the traditional deep south. Then Virginia divided in 1863 with the northwest region joining the union.”
In the back corner of the room, Twila sat near the large windows. Mr. Tanner's voice was inaudible to her ears as she doodled in her history book. Through the windows, the evening sun rays hit the desk of students and the classroom floor. One golden glint shimmers comfortably on Twila's hair. A rainbow hues sat at her open history book, making Twila stop her hand movement. She admired the reflection of the colorful lights. Rainbows are one of Twila's favorable things about nature. Rainbows and heavy rain on a lazy afternoon, but she always hated the after smell. It always smelled of wet soil and moist greens.
Her large eyes wandered to the windows, it landed on the tree just outside Ms. Tanner's classroom. A crow sitting perfectly inanimate, as if it was a statue.
It was larger than most. Its feathers pitch as black but the little sunlight that hits its feathers shine a rainbow on it. It was sleek and had greedy dark claws and a sharp beak. Its black eyes glittered, and they were fixed on Elena; the brunette that sits two rolls down from Twila.
Twila watched the crow leer at her twin with this inclination in its eyes. Like how boys' eyes linger on a girl wearing tight clothes; those tops that pop out their cleavage or dresses that outline their bodies.
It was creepy, to say the least.
Then its dark eyes blink at Twila. The girl flinched back a bit, her eyes got broader, but they stayed on the bird. It was like the bird was challenging her; playing with her. A game of who would look away first.
The school bell boom, Twila flinched once more. Her eyes flutter to the front of the classroom seeing everyone packing up.
She lost.
Twila stood up, grabbing her book bag along, and followed her way out the room behind the crowd of teenagers. The short brunette sauntered her way through the crowded hall; she made a right, passing four classroom doors before reaching the staircase. She walked four flights of stairs down, landing on the first floor she went to her locker, putting and taking some of her things then — to Caroline she went.
Twila walked through the football field towards the concern the school gave the cheerleaders to practice. Her eyes gazed at the wannabe cheerleaders of all ages and sizes perfecting their moves. It brought a smile to her face.
Until Caroline spoke.
“Ugh, there you are.” The blonde's voice reached Gilbert's. Twila rolled her eyes. Always Caroline, the extra control Queen.
“Hello to you too, Care.” Twila drops her bag on the green cut grass. “Let's get this over with, shall we?” Some in the flock of wannabe cheerleaders chortle.
Caroline narrows her light bluish-green eyes before throwing Twila a mocked cheesy grin. The blonde pulled the sheet of paper to her eyesight. “Okay, first off you are going to be asked some questions — okay.” The group nods. “Okay, any of you guys have experience with cheerleading? Like gymnastics, dance, or have ever cheered before? If you have, raise your hand.” Caroline nods and marks it down. Caroline glanced to her side, “You want to say something, or are just going to stand there. Co-captain.”
Twila steps forward with a smirk. “All who have experienced step forward, those who don't. Please take a seat at the bleachers.” They followed their orders and Twila continued. “Now I want you all to show me what you've got. Jump, tumble, split, dance? Whatever you've got.”
The fourteen that step forward show Caroline and Twila what they could bring to the team. Both girls watched with sharp eyes. Twila had nicely commented on one girl who intended to do a cartwheel backflip after Caroline rudely told her she shouldn't try it again.
Twila told her she should. She did and succeeded. It was much better the second time around.
Throughout the try-out, Caroline rolled her eyes, scoffed, and scored the wannabe cheerleaders. Twila on the other hand praised and nicely Judged their performance. But she had snickered here and there with the blonde.
“Okay, we are done.” Twila was glad. “Those who made the team will be getting an email in two days and those who didn't,” Caroline sucked air through her teeth. “Too bad.” She shines her big smile, “Okay, bye.”
It was late afternoon and the sun cast a golden shadow upon the sky and Twila didn't care that it was four something when she got home, she was just happy she got her bubble bath. Her arms rest on the top edge of the tub and her hair held up by a black hair claw. She relaxed peacefully in the warm water and the smell of cinnamon, she bathed in the quietness. That was until Elena ruined it.
“Elena!” Twila shouts at her sister that breaks into the bathroom.
“Sorry,” Elena says. “Bleeding.” She put her foot on top of the toilet cover and rolled the bottom of her jeans up.
Twila looked down seeing the dry blood, “What happened?”
“I fell in the cemetery when I was running from a crow.
“Running from a crow?” It's brought a chill down Twila back. Her mind wondered if it could be the same crow watching her from the tree outside Ms. Tanner's window. No, she's just being paranoid.
“Yes.” Elena rolled down the leg of her jeans after cleaning the scraps on her leg and putting on a bandage.
“What were you doing at the cemetery?”
Elena put her foot down on the bathroom ground, sighed, and sat down on the bath cover. “I went to see mom and dad.”
Twila rolled her pretty eyes. “But you didn't see them, did you? You went to see a stone with their names plastered on it.” Twila's fingers wave in the bubble, playing with them. It was stupid for Elena to go see a piece of rock with their parent's names on it. It wasn't gonna bring them back, She thought, nothing was gonna bring them back.
Elena sighs and brushes her hair back. “I'm going to the grill, you want to come?”
“No thanks,” Twila looks over her shoulder. “I had a long day, I'm just gonna relax at home.”
The elder's twin nods, “Okay.” Elena left the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. Twila fell back to the bath and relaxed once again.
A.N— Maine focus characters & Twila's outfit
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werezmastarbucks · 4 years
coming back was a mistake
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the reader bonds with kai over their shared dislike of mystic falls
kai parker x fem!reader
word count: 2494
warnings: language, the POV’s are changing
music: poa alpina by biosphere
This damn hole hasn’t changed a bit. The same old story: clean, tongue-licked glowing welcome sign. There we go. Then there will be this turn on the left... oh no, wait, bless, the road has been destroyed. The wooden white bridge connects this part of the highway with the town, and here we go. First houses, Livingstones used to live here, and their son was bullied by literally everyone at school, because he always had stupid haircuts. Word is, he’s dead. Welcome to Mystic Falls, the town where normal people can last up to one year.
Your house was still standing on the 19th November Street, cuddled by dry rose bushes. Apalling. All the other houses on the street have it together. The window sills are freshly painted and the porch is clean, the flowers are watered and cut, and then there’s this fucking outrage of a dwelling where the remains of your family reside.
You had to keep your act together but this town just infuriated you. You couldn’t understand why people would stay here when they could leave right after they’ve turned of age. What kept them? The charming crab-shaped park where everybody stored their dead bodies? The library on the main square where the entitled old lady has been residing for the last 500 years and telling you off for breathing? The blood-red clock tower dinging and donging every damn twenty minutes. No, wait, it must be the staggering fifteen streets. It must be the magic of running into your parents on the Market Street at ten am when you’re supposed to be at school. It’s the neighbors watch, the bored, jaded people’s desire to know everything about everybody. It must be all the supernatural jerks swarming here, killing everybody left and right, acting like their collective age is twenty years old. The fashion in this city has not changed since two thousand and thirteen, either. Nothing did.
The blood-red clock tower was still announcing the midnight hour through the dense hot air, the cars were still disgustingly clean like the citizens had nothing else to do except wash their cars all day long; Damon Salvatore still had the bitch expression on his face, fuming over the next this-just-in ghoul drama, pacing slowly in the living room of his ridiculous, always half-lit mansion with a glass of bourbon in his hand. Stefan was still miserable. Elena’s hair was still golden-black, smooth like a mirror, and you were still mortally tired of all this.
You could feel your negativity fill you up to your throat and eating on you as you drove up to the house and looked at it. The light was on, but nobody came out to meet you.
You were still coming once a year.
You sighed and turned off the engine, then left the car. It’s just a week. Then you can come back home and start pretending you don’t have Mystic Falls past again. The thought of going back home, running back like a rabbit, was what got you through every year.
You walked up the porch. The door wasn’t locked.
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He liked this space here. The tenth row, seventeenth seat. He was like a cat, choosing the perfect spot. From here, he could see the clearing between the trees on the other side of the field, where a lady was walking her adorable huskie every evening at eight sharp. The dog was damn smart and the lady wasn’t. Kai had no idea how smart she actually was, she just didn’t look smart. The field below was empty now that it was summer and the eerie hollow feeling gave him a lot of kicks. The place that’s supposed to be full of people, literally made for big gatherings, the seats and all, empty, gave a special vibe. Looking around it, especially at the evening hour, when August was doing its best in the skies, was strangely nice. Nobody saw this side of Kai Parker when he was just sitting quietly, an expression of satisfaction on his face, on his chosen spot, and observed this quiet empty place like a little black king.
He saw somebody and went invisible in a second out of some instinct he couldn’t explain. It’s been some time since his presence caused an outcry of anguish among the party of people... a lot of time, actually. Nowadays, people would just roll their eyes. Don’t care. They’re the losers, living in this boring swamp, fidgeting with their pathetic drama every day. Kai didn’t know how they managed to tolerate themselves. And the hair! Everybody had this inexplicably perfect hair, glistening like they all wore wigs.
Oh my god.
What if they all wear wigs?!
Kai started giggling, thinking about that.
He was now looking at this girl in a crop top that matched the color of her skin. The girls do that, they wear the tops that match their skin which Kai finds very suggestive. Okay, you have all my attention.
Cruising around this unbearable place, he has familiarized with all the faces, and this one was new right away. She started running. You know how people usually jog, without a hurry, with the dumb light-hearted expressions on their faces, and the 90% of them always imagine they’re in some expensive automobile commercial. It helps them jof. This one ran. She did two tours around the field and stopped. Wrong, you’re supposed to walk or else your heart will burst. She stood, her hands on her thighs, her face up, and watched the sky. Kai had no idea why he was hiding from her, but he felt too comfortable now to manifest himself. She was listening to her music in her earphones and looking at the slowly drifting long clouds, and she looked like she was either pissed or very thirsty. Leaning a bit backwards, she just gave him the honors. The ribs were heaving, her stomach breathing for her. Her hand came up to her throat. Kai tried to picture her at the Mystic Grill, or on the main square; whether she looked similar to anybody he’s seen here; he looked at her hands and arms, the way she moved her jaw as if those pretty lilac clouds have done something to her and she was about to get even. She shook her head animalistically, getting rid of some thought. Girl, I know that. You’re trying to shake them all off through your ears, it doesn’t work. He felt for this pretty, collected lady who ran around the track like she was chasing somebody for a murder. Kai liked that kind of interaction the most; when he pretended they had connected. That they had a conversation. When nobody could argue with his illusion they had something in common.
He liked how she had her hair, a bit messy but feminine; the way she looked around dispassionately like she’s had enough of whatever shit she had going on. Like she seemed as if she was a separate entity. Her elbow pointed aside, with some kind of expectation.
Then she gave up. She put on a hoodie she’d thrown onto a first row seat and started walking up slowly. One, two three... four rows... Kai watched her curiously. He never doubted his magic. That’s right, not ever. You know.
But when she passed row nine he tilted his head. She came up to his row and started walking. Now, if she sits right on him, she will feel it. He will, too, and of course he won’t mind, but the girls usually freak out if they try to take a seat somewhere and there’s an invisible dude. Not that Kai had practiced it a lot. He just knew they didn’t like being stalked on. He didn’t really care. He doesn’t know her. If she’s a part of this town, screw her. She’s pretty up close, though, such a nice, frowning face, big eyes. She took the next seat to him and they almost rubbed shoulders. If she took off her earphones she would hear Kai breathe next to her. Instead, he was listening to slow ambient. It went well with the evening sky.
Together, they watched the huskie and the lady run around in the field behind the footbal field. Then she shivered a little in her hoodie. Kai wished he could read her mind when she started crying. When people don’t know they’re being watched, they cry in a very specific fashion. Kai was sure it wasn’t the huskie that upset her; it had something to do with her standing and watching the sky, rubbing her elbows with nervous fingers.
Or maybe she was unhappy with her running time, who gives a fuck.
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You were watching this dude. The Grill did not appreciate him the way they should’ve. First of all, he was different breed. People come and go, but the type is always the same. This one was not the type. You had no idea who he was, but he was damn entertaining. Unapologetic singer. Stretching the notes like nobody was watching. Singing for the soul. He enjoyed himself the harder the more confused people looked, throwing awkward glances in his direction. His self esteem was on point as he expressed the ultimate artistic freedom through his bad singing, skipping the words masterfully and changing the melody on a whim. When the song was finally over, nobody clapped, and you felt that truly, he was the underrated artist, the local gem. Where Mystic Falls citizens cared for how others perceive them, he didn’t give a shit about it; while they side eyed their friends judging him silently, he was glowing with self-satisfaction. He was a bad singer, and a bad dancer; he chose an old song nobody knew, and did the finger guns at the DJ as he left the stage. A collective sigh of relief shuddered over the bar; you leaned over the counter, and the bartender nodded at you.
“Pass a cider to that guy. Tell him he saved my evening”.
Jerry was the name of the bartender. He was the new guy, because almost all bar people at the Grill were always human, which meant they died all the time. They all looked exactly the same though, and Jerry was no different from Evan, from seven years ago. Short dark hair, dimples, could star in American Pie. He smirked and nodded again.
The guy has just landed at the counter with a swing. He sighed happily as Jerry put the glass in front of him. You weren’t watching, because you didn’t feel like it; you made the sincere gesture of friendliness, no need to take it further. However, you should’ve known what would happen next. No good deed ever goes unpunished in this world.
You spotted him with the corner of your eye as he approached you, with the cider you ordered for him, and sat next to you.
“Well, that’s not too bad at all...” he started.
You turned to the guy - who looked rather like a boy who got stuck in his post-teenage phase - sharply.
“Please, don’t take it personal. It was not intended that way. It’s just a drink, so, drink it”.
For a second, he just watched you, as if challenging you for more talking. Then he shrugged.
“Somebody’s feeling antisociable today”.
And sipped a little from the glass.
“I usually take cocktails, the sweeter the better, just so you know”.
You sighed. A part of you knew you would regret it. But you still did it. Why? You looked in front of you, meeting your own miserable face in the reflection of the mirror wall behind the bar. The guy kept talking.
“I mean, it’s so nice to start acquiring the fan base, I guess, you can get a lot of things as a rock star. I’ve always wanted to be one”.
“You won’t be a rock star for your singing voice”, you noted.
Drinking alone at the Grill sometimes made you do weird stuff. But it was a tradition.
“Huh? You didn’t like it?”
“I enjoyed how much it confused everybody else”.
The guy expressed an ‘oof’ emotion.
“I’m sensing some xenophobia here. You hate this place, too?”
You didn’t answer. The guy sighed mockingly, as if he was pretending. He sounded like a hyperactive child, and in spite of your very self, you found him relatable.
“I say to myself every day”, he went on, in a slightly more serious voice, “Kai, today you’re leaving Mystic Falls. I’m not in the place where I can tolerate this boredom any more, you know? But this thing... keeps me here. I can’t wait to...”
You blinked and looked at him.
“Kai? Your name is Kai?”
“Uh, yeah”.
He clincked his glass on yours.
“What’s it short for?”
He didn’t look too proud saying,
You dropped your jaw.
“That is the coolest name I’ve ever heard. Malachai? Seriously?”
He lit up a little bit, straightening his back with praise.
“Dude, this is badass. Show me your ID!”
His dark eyes were laughing. You finally took a proper look of him. There was something foreign about him although he spoke very clear American English. It was a different kind of foreign: alien. Given it’s Mystic Falls, stagnating in its own revolving old routine, alien was good even if it was dangerous.
“You wanna see my ID?” he chuckled. He looked down on you with an adoring glint in his eye as though he was admiring something he saw. His reactions were inexplicable.
“Yeah, I wanna see how it’s spelt. Come on, Malachai, it’s so boring here. Show me”.
He sniffed through his nose.
He had to stand up a little bit to take his ID from the back pocket of his jeans. You looked at it, visualizing his unusual name. Malachai Parker sounded fucking elite. He’s come a long way from Oregon, too. You wondered what he was doing here and was about to ask, but your glance got hooked on the year of birth.
“1972? You were born in...”
Frustration filled you slowly like lake water. Of course, the only interesting, good-looking character who’s fun enough, will be one of the messy freaks, here. You passed the card back to him.
“Are you one of them?”
Malachai didn’t look confused or insecure which further advanced your disappointment.
“What do you mean?” he asked with a grin, playing with you.
“I’m not having this tonight”.
You downed your glass, feeling earthly tired. Like the earth. The Earth, that’s billion of years old, like that.
You stood up to walk away.
“I’m not one of the vampires”, Kai chanted, turning on his seat.
You shrugged.
“Even worse”.
He watched you as you went, his eyes not leaving your back until you were out of the door. Then he realized he still didn’t have your name.
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livlepretre · 3 years
So we’ve established that Klaroline was set up horribly and never made much sense—plus it totally wrecked Tyler’s storyline, but were there any other ships you thought were ooc or done very poorly? Or any ships you wanted to see or thought had good potential? I still wish the show was willing to admit what was really happening with Klefan in the 20s...
Well, first off, I agree with you about Klefan with the power of a thousand burning suns. It’s so very very very clear that Klaus and Stefan were ALSO involved, and that they were involved in a messy ménage à trois with Rebekah. That detail makes Klaus insisting on Stefan going with him that summer so much more potent-- like, of course Klaus wants Stefan there, of course it’s this bizarre messed up power dynamic where they were definitely sleeping together that summer but Stefan has no idea that he and Klaus have a history, he’s just high and angry and depressed and this force of nature has entered his life and knows just exactly how to get him off?? And the angst that would cause with his reunion with Elena-- the idea that they had true love, but probably less than a month after he leaves with Klaus, he’s sleeping with him? Devastating. The fact that Klaus is so jealous over Stefan, the way that Stefan goes after him like an angry ex in season 3? Fantastic. I love this ship. I approach TVD as though this is canon because honestly it has to be?? The subtext is basically vibrating so hard it reads as just plain text. 
This also brings up the thing about Klaus calling Stefan “brother”-- Klaus has a weird incest thing to him. I’m not sure I would call this “a ship with potential” but I do think there is a really strong implication that Klaus is sexually obsessed with his sister and I understand that TVD was never going to go there as it was a CW show, but considering they are vampires and just how WEIRD their chemistry is on the show and the whole thing where they were definitely both dating Stefan, I tend to headcanon this as well. It’s part of why things are so fucked up between them. 
I suppose on to the final hinge of this triangle, this is the ship I most regret not really getting in TVD: Stefan x Rebekah. I remember after 1x03 aired, I was convinced that we were about to launch into a sickeningly angsty (read: I lived for this) situation where Stefan would be in love with both Rebekah and Elena, through no fault of his own, and be unable to put one before the other (at least, not without a really long and epic emotional arc). I really enjoyed this idea in particular because Rebekah so embodies the parts of Stefan that Stefan most loathes about himself, the parts of him that he works so hard to suppress, but which are also very deep and intrinsic elements of his character. Elena represents a different side of himself: the person he tries to be, that he tries to change himself into, with lesser and greater success. It would have been a really fascinating ship that would have given some real tension to Stefan in season 3 and also lent Stelena its first real obstacle. 
Obviously I wish there had been some actual Elijah x Elena and some actual Klaus x Elena, because everything pointed that way and it would have been FUN, but the show seemed to think that Elena could only have so many love interests, which, shame. 
In some of my more lucid moments when I can tamp down my die hard Delena feelings, I can admit that Damon x Bonnie would have been a great ship. I don’t personally like the idea of it because I really really am all in for both Delena and Stelena, but it probably would have been utterly magnificent. 
As for what I think was handled poorly:  
Salt under the cut. 
obviously klaus x caroline 
I was never very happy with Steroline... a little surprising to me that I disliked it when I actually received it, because I shipped it pretty attentively in season 2, at the height of my interest in the show. My main issue with it was that by the time it happened, the show had pretty much convinced me that anyone other than Elena would always be #2 in Stefan’s eyes-- from what I’ve seen of the finale, it seems like the show went out of their way to reinforce Stelena again at the end, even though Stefan had married Caroline by that time. I suppose I just think what we actually got really sucked for Caroline, and it makes me sad for her. 
Elijah x Katherine-- Loved the idea that they would find a way to be together-- and even that Elijah would overlook how cruel Katherine had become (not that he should be throwing stones, or, in Elijah’s case, pebbles). HATED how quickly he left her to pursue the plot of the Originals-- I was NEVER given a satisfactory excuse for that-- the idea that they would still burn for each other 500 years later, that they would finally have a chance to be together, and what? Elijah discovers Katherine is in fact Katherine, the monster he and his brother made, so he ditches out? LAME. ALSO the fact that he didn’t come to her bedside AS SHE LAY DYING in 500 Years of Solitude?????? UNACCEPTABLE. This was WASTED. (But also. Because of this ship. I had to hear with my own ears “the sweet peasant girl you fell in love with way back when is dead”. UMM. EXCUSE ME. Nothing about the flashbacks imply Katerina was a peasant? Girl obviously had the connections to go to England? I’m so embarrassed for Elena’s wild lack of understanding of any basic history, I curl up and die every time I hear this Godforsaken line.)  
Elijah x Hayley-- OOC! I pretty much hate this ship. Mostly because if Elijah was going to pull what he did with Katherine, he ought to have been wrecked by it, not forgetting about Queen Kat and falling for random mean teenager Hayley. Maybe if it had been introduced later in The Originals, but it was like whiplash for me as a viewer and it set me against it right away 
Bonnie x Enzo-- look, I understand that people are into this ship and say it’s really well done, and I can admit that I haven’t really seen enough of the later seasons to judge fairly, but my gut feeling to encountering this has always been wtf? I just have a lot of trouble grappling with the idea of Bonnie with a vampire. The thing about Bonnie is that she’s consistently just about the only one with their head on straight. She knows vampires are THE WORST. and also, does no one remember that time that Enzo murdered Stefan? I DO. I SURE DO. I can just about buy the idea that over time Damon would get under her skin enough that I could see Damon x Bonnie, but this thing with Enzo strikes me as bizarrely out of character for her. Girl is too smart for this!! 
Anything pertaining to Silas/Amara/Quetsiyah-- kill it with fire 
OH and anything pertaining to Caroline x Alaric please smother it with a pillow-- I know a lot of people are into teacher x student as a kink and that Caroline had grown up by then, but teacher x student has and at this point probably always will squick me to no end and I hate the way that this ship brings Alaric’s character down, because Alaric is just so wonderful and has gone through so much grief, he should just get to not have this storyline tainting him 
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annalise-rosier · 3 years
Character’s full name: Annalise Josephine Rosier Reason for name and/or meaning of name: means “graced with god’s bounty”; chosen because her mother liked the name and it went well with her twin sister’s name of Freya. Character’s nickname: Anna (only called thus by Freya), Lise (if you’re lucky to be close enough to her) Reason for nickname: Freya couldn’t pronounce Annalise’s full name for the longest time, so Anna just kind of stuck.  Birth date: December 12
Physical appearance Faceclaim: Danielle Campbell Gender: female Height: 5′3 Build: slender, athletic Eye color: blue Glasses or contacts?: none Distinguishing marks/scars: a faint scar above her right eyebrow, received when she crashed into the quidditch stands while trying to show up one of the boys in her house.  Hair color: brown Type of hair: thick and wavy Hairstyle: usually wears it down, but has it up in a bun or ponytail when she’s focused on something Physical disabilities: none Clothing style: annalise likes to wear the latest fashions and keeps up with the trends far more than her twin sister does, which makes it a little easier to tell them apart if you know their differing personalities.  Make up: she doesn’t often bother with makeup since the twins were graced with very good looks from the genetic lottery. 
Personality Good personality traits: adventurous, outgoing, determined, friendly Bad personality traits: stubborn, holds onto grudges, selfish, shallow Mood character is most often in: playful, charming, mischievous Sense of humor: has a more wry sense of humor, isn’t amused by the obvious jokes, likes inappropriate humor enough to regularly scandalize her mother Articulation: annalise is a great conversationalist and has a gift for being able to talk herself out of trouble. she can spin any story to her advantage.  Character’s greatest joy in life: using her charm to achieve her goals Character’s greatest fear: being perceived as simple or stupid, being limited by the perceptions of others. Character is most at ease when: she feels like she’s winning the game. Most ill at ease when: she feels that someone else has the upper hand. Enraged when: her family is threatened, she is insulted, or someone underestimates her. Depressed or sad when: annalise pretty much never feels this way. Priorities: carving out a path for herself in this world. Life philosophy: power comes in all kinds of forms, and there’s power in making your life what you want it to be. Greatest strength: her ability to read the motivations of others and charm her way into any situation, her capacity for deep thought.  Greatest vulnerability or weakness: she cares more deeply than she allows herself to acknowledge, more deeply than is wise for someone in her position. 
Goals Drives and motivations: having a good time, living life to the fullest. Immediate goals: protecting her family, enjoying the status that her last name affords her. Long term goals: who the hell knows?
Childhood Hometown: London, England Type of childhood: comfortable, happy Most important childhood memory: Evan’s birth. Even with how young Annalise was, she could sense the tension growing between her parents, a tension that led to their split shortly after Evan was born. This tension caused Annalise to cling even more tightly to her siblings, and she vividly remembers the protective instincts she felt when she first laid eyes on Evan. She knew in that moment that she would do anything for him, anything to hold her family together. Annalise might not have been able to hold her parents together, but she’ll be damn sure to be the glue for her siblings.  Dream job: Annalise would secretly love to become a healer, but she’s not sure that quite fits with her image.  Religion: none
Present Current location: London, England Currently living with: her twin sister Pets: a brown spotted owl named Minnie (a name mostly chosen to annoy McGonagall), given to her at the age of 14 by her mother so that they could communicate from the vast distance between them. Sexuality: heterosexual Politics: she doesn’t really care, she just follows her siblings Occupation/education: columnist and reporter for witch weekly, hogwarts slytherin alumna Mode of transportation: prefers apparition, but floo and portkeys are fine too. 
Family Parent one: Victor Rosier Relationship with them: Medium / Annalise’s father has never been her favorite parent, and she’s never been quite as close to him as Freya was, but he always treated her like his little pet, and she learned to use that to her advantage. She senses he might be disappointed that she never fully entered the Death Eaters, but he doesn’t pester her about it.  Parent two: Elena Yaxley Relationship with them: Close / Annalise was always very attached to her mother, so the divorce between her parents and her mother’s move to America was harder on her than she ever let on to anyone (except maybe Evan). She gets the sense that her mother is also disappointed that she hasn’t made more of a stand in the war, but Annalise is too proud (and smart) to talk to anyone about the confusion she feels about her parents’ differing viewpoints.  Siblings: Freya and Evan Rosier Relationship with them: Annalise would do anything for her siblings. Freya is her other half, the second part of her soul, and Annalise tries hard to mold herself in such a way that she can stay as close as possible to Freya, even if that means squashing the contradictory feelings she’s inherited from their mother. She’s always been a little mother hen to Evan, wanting to protect him and empower him at the same time.  Other important family members: Bellatrix, Narcissa, Andromeda. Her cousins were important to her growing up, and though she doesn’t cling to them like she does her siblings, she still cares deeply about being close to them. 
Favorites Color: yellow Music: Her mother introduced her to Muggle country music once on a visit to America, and it’s a secret guilty pleasure she keeps for herself.  Food: She has a raging sweet tooth because Freya was always forcing baked goods on her, but she also loves a good burger.  Film: She once saw the Wizard of Oz with her mother and it struck a chord.  Drink: Something fruity.  Form of entertainment: Being with people, trying to understand what makes someone tick. Most prized possession: A locket given to her by her mother on her 17th birthday. 
Habits Hobbies: potions, tending to her magical plants, shopping. Plays a musical instrument? She learned piano as a child and still plays when the mood strikes.  Plays a sport? No. She wasn’t half bad at Quidditch, but she didn’t have the attention span to devote herself to training. How he/she would spend a rainy day: people watching at a favorite pub, writing a letter to her mother, joining her sister for a bake-a-thon, game night with her siblings. Spending habits: She spends without thinking twice about it.  Smoking/drinking/drugs?: Drinks casually with friends, but isn’t interested in drugs or drinking heavily. She doesn’t like the way they make her feel like she’s losing control.  Extremely skilled at: Getting people to share with her, manipulation, charming people even if they’re suspicious of her at first. Extremely unskilled at: Understanding her own emotions.  Nervous tics: Bites her lip, brushes back her hair
Traits Optimist or pessimist? Optimist. Introvert or extrovert? Extrovert. Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil. Logical or emotional? Emotional. Leader or follower? Follower. Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Disorderly & messy. Prefers working or relaxing? Relaxing. Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Confident. Animal lover? Of her owl at least. Tolerates her sister’s cat but dislikes the tendency to have fur all over her robes.
Self-perception How do they feels about themselves?: Annalise would say that she’s very comfortable in her own skin and confident about herself. She certainly projects the air that she has great confidence in her abilities, though deep down she resents her tendency towards shallowness. She has deep seated confusion about who she thinks she should be and who she would really want to be, but she’d rather project the confident and shallow air to protect herself from having to face that.  One word the character would use to describe themselves: Perfect. What does the character consider their best trait? Besides her gorgeous looks? Probably her charm. What does the character consider their worst trait?: A worst trait? Please, she doesn’t have one of those.  What does the character consider their best physical characteristic?: Her gorgeous hair or her enchanting doe eyes. What does the character consider their worst physical characteristic?: Again, there isn’t one. How does the character think others perceive them?: As a charming, flirtatious, well-dressed, fun woman. What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: Why change perfection?
Relationships with others Opinion of other people in general: Annalise is fascinated by people -- she loves to understand what makes them tick, what motivates them, what keeps them awake at night. She thinks that most people are pretty dim about their own feelings and thoughts, but she loves being around them.  Opinion of the Scooby Gang: What the fuck is that? Does the character hide their true opinions and emotions from others? Yes. Even, and most especially, from herself. Most important person in character’s life: Her siblings. Best friend/s: [who are they, do they have one?]  Dating experience: Annalise has had plenty of casual relationships (how could she not, with her good looks and her penchant for flirting?), but she’s never considered herself ready for something serious. There’s too much life to live first. Romancing: Annalise wouldn’t be the one doing the romancing, that’s for sure. Anyone that wants her should be willing to work for it. 
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yootaesowlwrites · 5 years
Give Me Strength Chapter 10;
"If I may ask, where are your parents?" Elijah asks, they were now seated on the couch in her living room after he had cleaned her neck and her hand.
"Dead," Alex says. "But if you do want to talk to them, they're at the cemetery just outside of Mystic Falls." It's been years since her parents died and she had mourned them and moved on with her life, as they say, time heals all wounds... well, not all wounds, not always.
"I am so sorry to hear that," Elijah says sympathetically.
"You have nothing to be sorry about, it happened a long time ago, years," Alex says. "It was a couple of days before my thirteenth birthday." She says with a hint of sadness in her voice.
"And you are sixteen now?" Elijah asks, Alex shakes her head.
"Seventeen, my birthday was a couple of months ago," Alex says, Elijah nods his head.
"Who took care of you afterwards?" Elijah asks curiously.
"I took care of myself," Alex says. "When we uh moved here, my family disowned my parents and me, so they didn't want anything to do with me or my parents." That enraged Elijah.
"Family are not supposed to behave in such manner," Elijah states, although his family was dysfunctional they still cared for each other.
"Well, they can if they want to," Alex says. "Not all families give a shit about everyone, they didn't bother to come to the funeral, so... screw them," Alex says. "Besides, I'm still breathing aren't I?" Elijah watches her for a moment. "But the uh Gilbert family, across the street, they took me in... and I came back after a year, they just— they uh didn't care," Alex confesses.
"Do you ever miss your parents?" Elijah asks, Alex takes in a deep breath.
"I uh do wonder how my life would have turned if they were, you know, still alive," Alex says. "I try to kind of imagine it in some way... but uh, somehow, I just can't come up with a scenario."
"How did they die? If you do not mind me asking." Elijah says, Alex smiles at him.
"If this is twenty-one questions, I have a few questions of my own for you too, Elijah," Alex says, Elijah smiles nodding his head.
"Perhaps we should make a deal, if you tell me your story, I will tell you everything you must know or want to know about the supernatural," Elijah says, Alex nods her head and gives him a pleased smile.
"You have got yourself a deal," Alex says. "But, You are a guest in my house, do you want something to drink?" Alex asks.
"Not right now, thank you," Elijah says, Alex begins playing with her nails in nervousness.
"Lets uh see, My parents were killed right outside when I was about to turn thirteen, it was late in the evening and I was waiting for them in the living room watching cartoons, I didn't even hear them arrive until I heard my mother scream," Alex says, she licks her lips thinking back to that she licks her lips thinking back to that night. "I uh, rushed outside but whoever had murdered them had already gone and they were dead next to the car."
"How where they...?" Elijah asks, curious if a vampire or werewolf perhaps killed them.
"They were uh stabbed," Alex says, motioning with her hands she pretends to stab herself in the heart. "In the heart, or at least I think so, there was uh a lot of blood." Elijah nods his head. "The family across the streets, The Gilbert family, apparently called the police, the driveway was filled with all the neighbours."
"That must have been horrifying to see," Elijah states, Alex nods her head.
"I couldn't sleep for days, I looked like a freakin' zombie," Alex says. "Which makes me wonder if that was a normal-looking face for the Gilbert family."
"How come you say that?" Elijah asks.
"Because uh, they took me in after the uh murder, they were supposed to look after me but uh never did," Alex says. "They failed to notice my downward spiral, the sadness and the depression." Elijah nods his head waiting for her to continue. "And then one night I just wanted to get out of that forsaken house." Alex takes in a deep breath. "I managed to uh get out of the house that night, I walked around the neighbourhood, not really paying attention and that's how I ended up meeting Jayden, one of my uh friends, I think you met him uh yesterday?"
"Ah, yes, Jayden," Elijah says, now he had a name to the face and he disliked him more than he already did.
"He's uh... not the best, but we bonded after his mother died in a car accident, he ended up giving me drugs to numb the pain," Alex says. "It helped, a lot."
"He took advantage of you," Elijah states, Alex nods her head.
"He did... but I honestly just... I was practically screaming out for somebody to help me, to listen to me but nobody heard my pleas." Alex says. "I feel like I deserved a guardian that at least gave a shit about me, but Mr and Mrs Gilbert only cared about Elena and Jeremy's well being, I know I wasn't their child but why offer to care for somebody if you're not actually going to care for them?" Alex lets out a sight after a small rant. "But uh anyway, so after about a year and only having Jayden as my friends, I met Tyler, he's the uh youngest in our uh small group, and we were basically just a bad influence on him." Alex could see Elijah about to ask something. "His parents are strict." She quickly says, Elijah nods his head.
"How strict if I may ask?" Elijah asks.
"They uh sent him to a boarding school somewhere, about a week ago," Alex says, Elijah nods his head. "We then met Santino a few months afterwards, and he brought the booze with him."
"Perhaps you should consider better friends," Elijah says, Alex chuckles and shakes her head.
"Nobody want's to be friends with me, They gave literally labelled me as the towns addict and whore," Alex says.
"Whore? Why on earth would they call you that?" Elijah asks.
"Apparently I sleep around a lot, but let me tell you, I've only had sex with four different people, some more than others," Alex says, Elijah nods his head.
"Why do you do it?" Elijah asks, curious.
"Honestly... to numb the pain, the drugs and the alcohol numbs the pain," Alex says. "The uh sex, just for fun." Elijah nods his head not sure what he's supposed to say.
"Do you perhaps regret your decisions?" Elijah asks, Alex gives him a sad smile.
"Look at me... I'm a fucking addict, Elijah, of course, I regret most of my decisions." Alex says. "The drugs, the liquor... I sometimes wish I never met Jayden or Santino, and don't start preaching to me, I know I had a choice, everyone always has a damn choice." Alex places her hands over her face letting out a sigh. "I just made the wrong one."
"I was not planning on preaching," Elijah says. "But narcotics and alcohol are not there for anyone to abuse, it is dangerous." Alex uncovers her face letting out a long sigh.
"Do you know what is really sad... people don't give a shit about you unless you're perfect in their eyes, if you're an addict they toss you aside and treat you like shit." Alex states. "But when they need help, they are quick to run to you and ask for it, and you just have to drop everything you're doing to help them."
"You deserved a better life." Elijah states.
"At least somebody thinks so," Alex whispers. "I have nobody, that's why I keep Jayden and Santino in my circle because they are the only ones that seem to give a shit about me." Alex stood up from the couch. "Now you're probably thinking that is the entire reason why I hate Elena so much, that is not it." Alex walks around the couch, Elijah's eyes follow her every move. "When their parents died, her brother, Jeremy, came to me and asked me for drugs, and I gave it to him and that is why we hate each other."
"She blames you?" Elijah asks, but he already knew the answer to that question.
"Yes," Alex says. "She blames me." Elijah knew he shouldn't get involved with a human, but he had taken such a fascination with Alexandra Zastrod, he wanted to get to know her a little more and see what she was capable of, she was different, so he made a decision.
"If you allow me, I could help you," Elijah suggests, She wanted to laugh at his suggestion.
"I'm far too gone... I'm damaged and I can't be helped." Alex says. "Do you know how much of a burden it is when parents blame you for their children's overdoses," Alex says, a lump formed in her throat. "I didn't even know most of them and they were probably killed by something else, but it's just easier to blame the druggie rather than search for the actual cause." Alex could feel tears forming in her eyes, Elijah was about to get up from the couch. "I'm just— I need something to drink." Alex walks into the kitchen and gets a glass and fills it with water. "Get a fucking grip..." Alex mumbles to herself, she leaves the kitchen with the glass of water. "Uh, enough about me... your turn," Alex says walking towards the couch, she sits down and takes a sip from her water.
"Where shall I begin..." Elijah trails off.
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bichhebetalkin · 6 years
I’d like to talk about Nathan Drake and how I think he’s gay (and other things)
I will preface this with the fact that I have not yet played Lost legacy (and I’m not likely to play golden abyss...), and I also have not interacted much with interviews/fan theories/fan analyzations or anything like that. I’m kinda just typing my opinions out. I’ve just played the four games and thought about it a lot. 
I would love it for people to interact and respond-- I’d love some second opinions on anything I post. This post won’t get graphic, but it will mention inner turmoil and canon-typical violence. (and like, I’m talking about the marriage a bit too)
1823 words 
“I learned the past is not the past, a lump of time you can quarantine and forget about, but a reel of film in your brain that keeps rolling, spooling and unspooling itself regardless of whether or not you are watching it.”
--Nick White How to Survive a Summer
First of all
This is just my homely opinion, but in the first Uncharted game, Nathan Drake is some kind of a douche. Uncharted 2 is such an upgrade in several ways, and that includes an upgrade in Nathan’s character. I won’t rant too long, but I am certainly glad they fixed all that. Drake was an asshole who only cared for treasure, and he barely even flinched at Sully’s death and was ready to “beat sully’s ass” upon rescuing him. But whatevs, I won’t criticize too much since it was the first game and they might not have had the characters pinned down yet. A rough start to one of my favorite game series, and one that I will pretty much disregard in this post. If this seems harsh... I’m sorry. 
The Marriage between Elena and Nathan
We should all rename Uncharted Everyone is a dick to Nathan and Nathan is sometimes a dick to Elena
If you’re into mystic messenger and you read my only other post on this blog, you’ll know that I have... a couple thoughts on love and what it all means anyway. I want to start this off by saying I love both Nathan and Elena very much! They are truly great characters that I admire and adore. Despite this, their relationship just isn’t something I can believe in. A lot of their relationship progress is done in between games, which kinda makes the audience a little unable to gauge like, what the fuck is going on. 
somewhere between Game one and two, the pair is dating. By the time we get to Uncharted 2, though, it’s clearly and on-again-off-again kinda thing. We also meet Chloe, Nathan’s.... pal from the past (?). He risks a lot to save her, but I get the impression that the feelings he had for her were not as serious as the ones he has for Elena. I know it was supposed to be presented as a love triangle, but it just didn’t feel like it. Nathan and Chloe both kinda seemed like they weren’t at all interested in pursuing each other seriously. I honestly kind of appreciated this; Instead of the cliche fight between the women, Elena and Chloe seemed to get along in the end, despite some tension. 
Between the second game and the third game Elena and Nathan got married (1)(wait what?) and split up again. I don’t know if they were actually divorced or just separated, but the point is that they aren’t together by the time the third game begins. Finally, between the third game and the fourth game, They are living the domestic lifestyle. They both have legal jobs where they don’t have to kill anyone and they can make it home for dinner. Seems perfect.
Or at least, it would seem perfect if I thought it would last at all. Nathan hasn’t really had a significant relationship with any woman like. ever? (2). On-again-off-again means that they have to go off again at some point. If you pay some attention to dialogue it’s obvious that it’s Nate that breaks it off each time, or he at least he initiates it. When he lies to Elena in the fourth game, she admits that she almost didn’t come to save him. I have a shit ton of empathy and let me tell you that dynamic drove me buckwild I almost couldn't stand it. When Elena confronts Nathan in the hotel room and Nathan sent both Elena and sully away, I wanted to scream. (3) (what are you doing Nate these people love you)
It is also in this scene that we are reminded that Elena doesn’t know about Sam-- at all. That is... an insanely huge part of Nathan’s past, and he just never brought it up? Do they talk about anything at all? For many of Nathan’s formative years, he had to lie about his identity (and likely other things), so I get why Lying would be a tough-to-break habit for him, but Elena is his wife. Just how well do they know each other?
The on-again-off-again dynamic is not stable enough for a serious relationship, and certainly not a marriage (4). And like I said earlier, Nathan is the initiator in the break offs each time. What is he running from? A very supportive wife? I think it’s more than that.  From an outside viewpoint, Elena seems like... the perfect wife for Nate. She is supportive and she’s pretty much ready for action. But for some reason, Nate wants to leave her out of his adventures (5). I don’t think Nathan dislikes Elena; I think Nathan just isn’t romantically interested in her. Trying to force himself into a marriage because he knows that’s what charming guys such as himself are supposed to do, right? (6) Him forcing himself into a relationship he doesn’t want would make sense for him to feel a lot of disconnect. He spends a lot of time trying to get away, not because he truly dislikes Elena as a person, but because he doesn’t understand why he doesn’t feel as into her as he thinks he should (that sentence was a mouthful). 
I will say that, as a story, uncharted has been pretty mean to Elena. It is a story so thats not problematic or anything, but I do hope she can find what she needs. She needs someone to support her as much as she will support them, and she needs someone who will offer some stability. She likes Nathan, but he isn’t very suited to the life she wants/ 
Nathan Drake a Psychopath?
Yeah, I get it. Nathan kills hundreds or thousands of people and he doesn’t even feel bad about it, which might make him a psychopath which might explain his  behavior. I have some groundbreaking information to explain how he kills so many people without the guilt crushing him and that is that... this is a bideo game. bidya games be like “kill people” and you just do it. Nathan Drake could certainly have some mental health issues, but I don’t think the combat portion of the games should be considered when evaluating his health. His character as it is written has empathy, even going as far as attempting to save Marlowe in the third game. Combat is just expected in games. Although it might have been neato dorito if the game got into how Nate was coping with all that killing, I think we can just say “its bidya games” and move on. 
Dad? Papa? Father??
I already hate this section of the post, but If I was (shitty bitch) Freud I would point out the fact that Nathan uh Defo has some mom/dad issues, and suddenly the Beautiful, capable, caring, morally gray Victor Sullivan swoops in to be Nate’s New Dad ™ and it would be normal for Nathan to have some weird feelings for Sully. But whatever that’s just Freud's take on the matter (although I won’t deny that the Drake’s prolly got parent issues). moving on. 
Internal Turmoil
Nathan Drake throws himself in fatal danger and puts himself in incredibly difficult situations that have a tendency to just get worse. And he keeps doing this. This alone looks like a man just wracked with internal conflict. It would make sense for him to go on these physically taxing expeditions for treasure if he was insecure in his sexuality. Why would Nathan Drake be insecure though?  He’s charming, smart, strong, handsome, and funny. It’s not like he has to beg to get laid. He has no reason to feel this insecurity-- unless it was men he was interested in, not women. 
I don’t think It would be a stretch to suggest that Nathan “I never had any parents, really” Drake would have some troubles with learning how to navigate his own emotions. By the time he meets Dad Replacement 6000 (aka Sully), Nathan is already like, 15. That boy needed a parent years ago. 
When Uncharted introduces Chloe to us in the second game, Nathan really just doesn’t seem to be into her. The scene in the hotel-- he was just kinda going along with it. He “kinda goes along with” a lot of stuff. To me, he seems like someone insecure, not only in his sexuality but also his ability to make choices for himself. When a woman makes a move on him, he just kinda... goes with it. Elena comes back for him even though he breaks it off repeatedly. I’m sure to him this is the support he desperately needs. So logically he should reward her with uhhhhhh marriage? 
Harry Flynn
yeah he’s a bastard but don't even act like this scene didn’t have some gay subtext  “buy me a drink, sailor!” that's flirting babes. Nathan was so happy to see Flynn. 
Cassie Drake
whether Nathan is gay or not-- I still don’t believe in his marriage to Elena. I really love that Naughty Dog stuffed uncharted 4 with as many ladies as possible-- all the way down to Nathan’s sweet daughter. But seriously I hope Cassie’s upbringing is as cushy as it seems. Like I hope her parents are stable enough. 
But also like I have so many mixed feelings about her existence. Kids aren’t relationship bandaids (... or at least they shouldn’t be). 
I still have a lot I want to say about Nathan Drake (esp when thinking about Sam). The Uncharted Series has really done a lot to subvert some tropes in the adventure-type genre (imo anyway). And I’m not gonna scream and yell. I just think there's a lot of evidence to support Gay Nathan Drake. Of course, This could legitimately all be projecting. I love Nathan’s Character a ton!  
I wrote this all in one setting, so if it’s badly written or repetitive or.... whatever, please forgive me. I’d love some interaction! tell me what you’re thinking! 
1) are they married or engaged? I can’t remember....
2)that we know of blah blah
3) I might be being a bit too impassioned 
4) I’ve been rewatching Bojack so I am reminded of the bojack/pc dynamic (although its not a perfect parallel by any means), and in the show it’s clear to anyone that while bj and pc depend on each other, the game they are playing isn’t good for either of them (esp not for pc). Elena and Nathan can harbor affection for each other all they want-- but Elena can’t do this anymore. 
5) “wuh wuh he’s protecting her” im sorry but that’s bullshit-- she can hold her own, and he’s pretty quick to come to terms with her tagging along when she pops up each game. 
6)IT’S POSSIBLE that i’m just projecting and i just wish he was gay, but like, seriousliy? sersreoopsily? I have at least SOME support for my claims.
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Can u please rant about how shitty and fucking stupid H*yley and C*mille r? I need a serious pick up and reading shit about these two really helps
Hmm a rant... Well here’s both my Anti Hayley and my Anti Cami which is pretty much an extensive guide as to why I dislike both characters but here are my personal reasons.
The difference between both characters is that while I have a fundamental objection to Camille as a character I don’t mind her personality that much. Sure she’s a bit simpering and irritatingly optimistic but if Camille was a real person I wouldn’t find her completely intolerable. I’d probably say, that girl’s nice, I’d engage in small talk with her but we wouldn’t be best friends.
Hayley, on the other hand, is obnoxious and a character so void of personality that the writers decided to overcompensate with just a series of undesirable traits instead.
Camille is a sexist conception. Unlike many of the female characters on TO/TVD who were created as their own characters (Bonnie, Caroline, Elena, Davina etc...) or as part of a storyline who then gained their own character arch (Lily, Jo, Liv and arguably Hayley although I’ll discuss that). Camille was created for Klaus. She is only there to be his love interest. There isn't a thing to do with Camille that happens to Camille that isn’t directly or indirectly about him. 
e.g: Her twin’s death (Klaus mind raping her and taking her memories); anything to do with Father Kieren; her, turning into a vampire; everything. Not only that, she is basically an emotional wank puppet for Klaus to empty out his feelings into. Literally a human handkerchief. Camille the bartender/therapist, the only one who could truly understand all of Klaus childhood trauma and repressed emotions wah wah wah...
EVEN DURING HER DEATH, the TO writers use it as an opportunity to plug what a good ass person Klaus is and how she believes in him and how he’s so gooood deep down inside.
TO even pulls the same shit posthumous. 
They bring Cami back as a ghost to talk Klaus through his trying time in captivity and they only have Vincent discuss her tell Klaus how proud of him she would have been and the big shiny gold star he would have gotten had she been there. 
The worst part is, Cami’s ‘love’ doesn’t even change Klaus, the same way Elena’s love doesn’t ‘change’ Damon. Klaus was and is exactly the same as he was except now he cries more and he’s a dad. That’s it. Klaus disregarded everything Cami said and did the opposite. She had no agency. And let's face it she was a knock-off Caroline sent from CW writer hell to distract us because Klaroline had people excited and the writers were salty because we actually liked something that wasn’t their intention for us to like. 
Frankly, it was embarrassing to watch. I think Leah did the best she did with the character tho, no criticism there.
Hayley, I would like to point out was never meant to be the main character. There is a reason there is not a whole book in the bible about Judas. He’s barely even mentioned in the New Testament aside from the bits where he’s betraying Jesus because that’s his purpose in the narrative (I’m using the term narrative loosely I’m not suggesting the Bible is just a storybook I personally believe it isn’t you are free to think otherwise).
Similarly, Hayley’s purpose was to be part of Tyler’s tragic, coming of age, werewolf, pack leader story. She was a footnote that got turned into a novel. If this was executed well (and if Phoebe could act) I wouldn’t have minded. Klaus was meant to die at the end of season 3 but he was so popular and Joseph's acting was so good that they kept him on. Arguably, even though they butchered it, Klaus was deserving of a spinoff, the Original family were interesting as a concept. But instead of using that dynamic and interesting concept and centring a TV show about it. They centred it around a bratty teen pregnant werewolf instead.
In many ways, the conception or rather, inflation of Hayley’s character on TO was just as sexist a feat as creating Camille. Hayley initially has two purposes. Carrying Klaus’ child (i.e: status as a human incubator) and being Elijah’s love interest. She is then upgraded with motherhood and takes on a third role as Jackson’s wife and then his widow. Arguably Jackson is the only character on TO more useless than Hayley herself. It goes to show you Hayley lacked so much agency and significance that her love interest was the third wheel in his own relationship and was killed off solely so Halijah could bone (*shudder*).
My main problem, however, is the pedestal Hayley is put on. There is nothing special about her. She’s not even a nice person. TO conveniently swept under the rug the fact that she had a hand in ruining Tyler’s life and had the audacity to bring him on the show to villainize him and make Hayley out to be a victim. I lost count of how many times in s2 Klaus called Hayley a queen or told people what an amazing fierce majestic hybrid kween she was. 
Her marriage to Jackson was literally just a marriage of convenience, she became alpha by default, not to benefit her but so as to have an army to protect the magical miracle baby, thus fulfilling her role as baby mama/incubator. So yeah, the whole empowerment element of kween Hayley the all-powerful hybrid was dog shite.
Phoebe’s acting is a huge part of it but to be fair to PT the writers didn’t even try to flesh out Hayley's character and give her depth, they just slapped on a series of tropes and annoying traits and occasionally declared to us, the audience, how invaluable she was.
Both ladies represent lazy writing and an image of women from the male gaze, okay so it’s not in an overtly sexual way but it’s most definitely there. It’s that reason why I can’t tolerate either of them.
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the problem is that it's like female characters are not allowed to make mistakes without getting shunned and hated on. they're automatically unforgivable and a bitch and ppl completely disregard everything else, in this case nancy was more focused on bringing the fucking government down and was determined and dedicated and did that™ but no she hurt steve and now bc he's everyone's fave and he can do no wrong she is the bad guy
See, I completely disagree with this. Maybe we just operate in different spheres of the fandom, but I rarely if ever see hate against female characters (probably because I’m following all the right people and I avoid anti tags like the plague) and if anything all I ever see are posts like this ask that demand for female characters to be liberated, appreciated and allowed to make mistakes without being shunned or hated on. So I’ve never been able to understand where those kind of posts about hate against female characters come from because personally, I never see it. Off the top of my head the only female characters I can recall getting unnecessary hate in the fandoms I’m part of are Emma Swan, Elena Gilbert and Lori Grimes. Besides that all I ever see is love and appreciation for female characters. I’m not saying that there aren’t people out there that hate on female characters, because obviously there are, but I think it gets generalised and turned into a stereotype that people hate unnecessarily on female characters when it’s simply not true. People are allowed to have negative views on female characters just as they are with male characters and I don’t see it as being an issue whereby only female characters get treated this way. Just as many male characters are disliked in fandoms and ridiculed for their actions as female characters. Using Nancy and Steve as an example, I see just as many people advocating for Nancy as Steve so it’s not like everyone is unnecessarily hating on Nancy and painting her as the bad guy. 
Warning: under the cut is slightly anti-Nancy and anti-Jancy 
The thing is with Nancy/Steve is that it’s become a Nancy vs Steve type situation (which are always the worst situations in fandom because they spark ridiculous wars and arguments) and anyone that takes Steve’s side is automatically perceived to be a fangirl that only likes Steve because he’s cute and funny etc. and that they hate Nancy. But one again, that’s just a stereotype. I don’t think Nancy is “the bad guy” at all and nor do I completely disregard everything else that happened or hate her. But the truth remains that Nancy did wrong in season 2, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with pointing that out and discussing it. Nancy is a young girl living a complicated life and it’s understandable that she’s gonna make mistakes (tbh, if she didn’t make mistakes I’d have no respect for her as a character because that’s simply unrealistic of any human, but particularly a young teenage girl). The problem is that on moral level what Nancy did was wrong and I’m not saying that makes her an irredeemable person that can never be forgiven, but I don’t like the way it was portrayed on the show. There was no acknowledgement from her or indeed anyone that she was behaving unfairly. And it’s not just because she hurt Steve, because if she’d treated anyone that way I’d feel the same way because it was wrong. She knew she didn’t wanna be with Steve but she stayed with him anyway, why? She could’ve just stayed single, she didn’t have to remain in a relationship with him and pretend they were happy when deep down she wasn’t. And then the whole scene where she was drunk and saying, “Bullshit” is one of the worst scenes I’ve seen in terms of how Nancy came across and I understand she was drunk and emotional about Barb, but she didn’t have to do that. From Steve’s POV he’d been in a relationship with Nancy for a long time (I’m not sure how long exactly, but it spanned over a period of months), he loved her and he thought they were happy. For Nancy to get drunk and basically shoot Steve down in that way and break his heart was terrible and the worst way she could’ve done it. She didn’t even give him any explanation she just kept saying the word “Bullshit” over and over and over again. Steve didn’t even really know what was going on and when he asked, “You don’t love me?” she still had the audacity to reply, “Bullshit.” It was rude, disrespectful and completely unfair to the boy that was her friend and boyfriend for months and even if she didn’t love him or have romantic feelings for him, she should’ve had enough compassion and respect to let him down in the right way. 
It would have been so easy to have Nancy make up for that mistake but the writers chose to make it even worse. The next day she didn’t even remember what had happened, she didn’t bother to apologise to Steve and there wasn’t even an ounce of care in her towards Steve. She just didn’t seem to give a shit that her actions had hurt him and that isn’t right. I don’t care how much is going on in her life, if that was me I’d feel so shitty and hurt that I’d hurt someone I cared about that I’d have to do everything I could to make it right. So Steve was left wondering where the hell he stood and what was going on because she’d said that when she was drunk but then the next day acted like everything was normal and didn’t even give him an explanation. Just imagine how you’d feel if the person you loved did that to you. I’m sorry, but it’s unacceptable. 
And to make matters worse Nancy hadn’t even spoken to Steve properly about their relationship and what they were doing moving forward, she didn’t even openly tell him she didn’t want to be with him or express that she had feelings for Jonathan (even if these things were obvious, its common courtesy and respect to tell your goddamn partner where you’re at) and proceeded to sleep with Jonathan behind his back. In my eyes, that’s cheating. When did Nancy explicity tell Steve their relationship was over? When did they sit down and talk about what she’d said and what it meant? They didn’t. To me a relationship is still a relationship until one or both of the people involved state that it has ended. 
To top it all off, Nancy and Jonathan sleeping together was portrayed as something we were supposed to be happy about and excited for (like, hello, did D&D not realise how disgustingly immoral the whole thing was?) and afterwards Steve was the one that felt guilty and labelled himself “a shitty boyfriend” because Nancy made him feel that it was his fault. But guess what? It wasn’t his fault. Steve had done nothing wrong to warrant Nancy not loving him or wanting to be with him, she just simply had feelings for Jonathan instead. That wasn’t anyone’s fault and it wasn’t wrong for Nancy to have feelings for Jonathan, what was wrong is the way in which she handled it. She messed up and she didn’t even try to fix it, and that’s my issue with Nancy or should I say, the way in which Nancy was written (because I do place the blame at D&D’s door for this). 
I just think the writing was poor in season 2 where Nancy/Jonathan were concerned and that bled into the situation with Nancy and Steve too. There’s nothing wrong with a character - any character - making mistakes. It’s a good thing, it’s what helps them grow and develop, but the problem I have is when it’s a character that’s supposed to be good and decent and there’s no acknowledgment of those mistakes or any evidence that they’re going to make up for what they’ve done and that’s what happened with Nancy. I’m not saying she’s a bad person because obviously she’s not but it’s kind of hard to root for and care about a person that could hurt someone else in the way she hurt Steve and then not even show an ounce of compassion, remorse or regret. 
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displacedprincess · 6 years
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psd by halvgods
NAME: Elen’yi “Elena” Cal’baan HOME PLANET: Avalor (Galactic Republic) SPECIES: Human OCCUPATION: Senator from Avalor AGE: 25 ALLIANCE: Galactic Republic (kinda) - Elena’s main allegiance is to the people of her planet, Avalor, and everything she does in the Senate has their best interests at heart. But Elena has a soft spot for the under represented; as Senator, she has struck up friendships with minority Representatives from across the galaxy. She raises issues important to them with the other Senators - which has earned her the ire of some of them. Elena feels for the Representatives because their Senators keep them around because it’s good PR and looks progressive, but they don’t really care. She tries to give them a voice. Avalor doesn’t have a long history within the Republic. They...didn't ally with anybody too strongly during the Clone Wars but toward the end, after massive loss of life during multiple attempts to take control of the resource rich planet, Avalor sided with the Republic for protection. Some Senators despise Elena because of that, because they see her and her whole planet as cowards who only do what is convenient for them. TITLE(S) IF ANY: Senator Elen’yi “Elena” Cal’baan of Avalor, (disparagingly) The Baby Senator (she was 21 when she became a Senator, among the youngest in known history) WEAPON OF CHOICE: Her wit, principles, and knives (just in case) HOME PLANET DESCRIPTION: Avalor is a pristine planet teeming with natural resources. Avalor is in a bit of a powerful position in their immediate region of the galaxy because while several planets around them have all but exhausted their natural resources. Avalor of course cannot give too much away to other planets because they must sustain themselves, but the leverage of “if you comply we will provide X amount of Y resource to you, Planet Z” proves useful from time to time. Avalor is now known to be a relatively wealthy planet, so struggling planets treat Avalor with a mix of envy and distaste. Some other Senators from wealthy planets dislike Senator Cal’baan because she cares too much about poor people and the underrepresented.
Goliath Cal’baan - adoptive father, took her in when she was eight years old. Elena loves him fiercely, her loyalty to her people is only matched by her loyalty to her father and sister.
Isa Cal’baan - sister. Isa was five when Goliath took them in and luckily she doesn’t remember how awful life was before. Elena loves Isa more than anything in the galaxy and she will fuck anybody up who comes near her.
Kida- A Representative of planet _____ and Elena’s secret lover. What Star Wars AU is complete without a torrid secret lesbian love affair?
Senator Toulouse Bonfamille - Hates him. He hates her. “Corporations are people” my ASS.
Gabe - Elena’s Jedi Knight guard and friend
wanted: citizens of Avalor, more political enemies, political allies
tw: gore
... a girl by the name of Elen’yi, affectionately called Elena, was born in poverty in the slums of a city in the mountain region of one of the nine continents of Avalor. From the day she could form memories and surely before, Elen’yi was taught by the older children in the slums the arts of pickpocketing and getting rich folks to give you money. By the age of seven, she was quite skilled, and was teaching her four year old sister to follow in her expert footsteps. Elen’yi doesn’t remember when her parents died. Or if she even had any to begin with. So, she doesn’t know if little Isa is actually her sister or just some random girl, but she remembers in her earliest memories that no matter what, there was a giggling, babbling baby in the arms of Dai’a, the older street girl (girl was perhaps a stretch, as Dai’a was something like twenty years old at this time) on whom Elen’yi most heavily relied, and that Dai’a always called her “your sister.”
So, whether Isa and Elena shared the same parents or not...that was up for debate. But by seven, Elen’yi and Isa were inseparable: bathed together under the same small waterfall, Isa distracted people while Elena stole from them, and the older girl never settled in somewhere for the night without first neatly tucking Isa into her arms for safekeeping.
It was on a warm night, when the air smelled like an old bathroom after a steaming hot shower, after Elen’yi had peppered the top of Isa’s head with goodnight kisses, that everything changed.
Elena doesn’t remember exactly what happened next. Screaming. Fire. Bang! bang! bang! bangbangbangbangbang! The sound of a blade cutting through the air -several blades. She remembered Dai’a on the ground, bleeding, god, worse than bleeding, her insides - it made her sick even to this day to think about it. She remembered Dai’a being alive long enough to hand Elena her satchel of all the money and stolen items she had and telling her to take Isa and run until she collapsed, and to not look back, and never ever come back.
Years later, Elen’yi would learn that this was one of several government-observed but civilian-led attacks on slums and packs of street children. The Dahnnen (Dahnn, the region-state on Avalor where Elena was born) government wanted to rid their cities of the plague of “feral” children to give the tourism industry a boom so they started a sneaky campaign to make locals see the children as pests no better than leeches. 
The next...few months or so are quite hazy. Elen’yi was able to buy their way out of Dahnn and into the neighboring region-state of...well, she didn’t know. She didn’t know how to read or write, or anything about geography. She just gave the ticket teller machine a bunch of money and selected two train tickets to the purple button because she loved purple and when Elena and Isa stepped off the train, they were in the biggest city they’d ever seen! The...one of two cities they’d ever seen. The air wasn’t quite as clean as in the mountains, but breathing was still easy. And, as Elena would discover, this region-state’s government didn’t sanction the slaughter of orphaned homeless children.
Elen’yi stole fruit and vegetables from vendors when she could. She’d take a bite, maybe two for herself and tell Isa to eat as much as she could. Then she’d take one more, maybe two more bites and save the rest for Isa later. It’s what Dai’a did for her. And since Elena and Is were street kids without a pack leader, that made her the pack leader. And the leader takes care of the others first.
She thinks...that it was maybe about six months after the attack on her slum that her life changed again. For the first time, for the better, but Elena didn’t know that at the time. All she knew at the time was Snatchers - Dai’a’s word for people who tried to take street kids and sell them for money (Elen’yi as an adult would learn that these children, if young enough, were wold to wealthy families across the galaxy who wanted children, and if they were too old, sold to servitude) - were there.
Snatchers had followed Elena and Isa to the alleyway they’d made their home and were approaching the sisters. They spoke sweetly. Probably. They didn’t speak to her in a language she understood, but their faces were just like the faces of Snatchers she’d seen before. She tried to protect Isa, she really did, but the man was stronger than her and yanked her right out of her arms. Elena screamed “Give her back, give her back!” but she forgot they didn’t speak the Dahnn language here.
Even if they did...Dai’a had called that Snatchers, not Giver-Backers.
Elena kept shouting as one of the three men hoisted her off the ground. She kicked and punched to no end. When a fourth and even larger figure appeared out of the darkness, Elena shrieked because she was sure this was it - she was going to be Snatched, Isa was going to be Snatched, and they’d never see each other again!
And just when she was going to close her eyes, the figure socked the third Snatched in the jaw and send him into a building! Her jaw dropped! The figure wasn’t done - they grabbed the person holding Isa and wrangled Isa with one arm while picking him up by the throat and throwing him to the side with the other. The Snatcher dropped Elen’yi to the ground and she landed face-first. Disoriented, but not enough not to hear the figure’s fist collide with the last Snatcher’s face, she stood up.
“G-Give me my sister!” She shouted to them, holding her arms out for Isa.
“But you can barely stand straight, little one,” the fig - a man...sorta - said in Dahnn. 
“Give her back! Don’t bother Snatching us. I - I have a kn-knife!” 
The man nodded and knelt to her level, Isa in his one arm, the other extended to her. “You can stab me if you’d like. But I’m not here to Snatch you. I heard you tell them to put her down.”
“You...helped me?” Elena’s eyes softened before she caught herself and puffed back up. “Why? For what? Do you want to make a deal? Ain’t got nothin’. Stupidhead. I’m eight, pick on someone your own size!”
“Wooow, eight is young to be on your own like this. Can you tell me where your parents live? I’ll walk you girls home.”
“Ain’t got none. Stupid. Now give her back!” She swung the knife about wildly, as if she actually knew what do to with it against the largest man she’d ever seen with blue - blue? - skin. 
The man’s already gentle expression softened. And that startled her. She’d never seen anybody look like that before. It threw her off guard enough to not noticed he’d taken her knife. It stunned her enough to left him convince her to follow him to his home. He told her his name was Goliath Cal’baan after he placed a hot cup of tea in front of her. She told him her name was Elen’yi, but her friends called her Elena. When he asked if that meant they were friends, she kicked her feet as they dangled off the chair and muttered that she supposed so. 
Goliath told her that he spoke many languages of the galaxy and of he planet Avalor. That he was a Pantoran from...not really a planet. But a planet’s moon, a settlement called Wyv'rn, and after Wyv'rn’s destruction, he’d settled here. He’s a former military man, now an ambassador. No wife, no children, just him. He said he wanted to improve quality of life for all people.
Elena said he was nothing like the government men in Dahnn, said they killed her pack of street kids and only she and survived.
Goliath said children should never be seen as burdens or pests, and whoever killed them deserved to rot. 
Elena agreed. And she never did leave Goliath Cal’baan’s home.
He taught her the common language of planet Avalor and Galactic Basic. She told him she wanted to forget how to speak Dahnn and asked him not to help her remember it. He obliged. She asked if she could put Cal’baan as her last name on papers. He said she was welcome to. She asked if he was her father now. He said he’d like it very much if she thought that, but it was up to her.
“I think I’d like it if you were my father,” she said, shrugging a shoulder. “I’m going to bed now.”
Elena never knew another day on hunger after meeting Goliath. Isa never remembered what it was like before their father. Elena was thankful for that. And Elena discovered he wasn’t a stupid street mouse after all, that she was actually quite intelligent. She had a knack for languages and politics at an early age; she took an interest in Goliath’s career, and her father encouraged this interest.
Elena was fifteen when she asked to get the gold familial face tattoos his species got to identify the family they’re from. She was eighteen when she completed Advanced Schooling. And at twenty-one, she became one of the youngest Senators in history.
Elen’yi Cal’baan is a divisive figure in Galactic politics. She’s sees as either a symbol of new hope or a threat to the status quo - rarely anything in between. Though she advocates peace, her progressive politics threaten some old fashioned thinkers. She has as many enemies as allies - if not more. 
Her Jedi knight guard, Gabe, is perhaps her closest - and maybe only true - friend. They’ve known each other for over five years now and she trusts him with her life. Elena is sensitive to the Force, but cannot use it. From time to time, she experiences a sort of force sickness, that renders her weak. Sometimes she is stuck in bed. Most of the time, when she’s feeling ill, she’s in a wheelchair to get around. Otherwise, Elena usually walks upright.
Her weapons of choice are knives she’s been trained to use, just in case.
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RtS Ch 38-40
The analysis in which I say “fuck” and other assorted grownup words often.
Chapter 38
Mircea explain what Dory is.  If you’ve read the Dory books you already know all of this. The block he built in her mind is crumbling because the vampire side in her mind is stronger and wants out. Dorina mistook Cassie’s rescue of Mircea for an assault and wants revenge.  He has a fucked-up family to say the least. But this says something about the unconditional love of a parent?
 Mircea stands at the door looking at her but not touching her.  She’s glad but at the same time says, "But it hurt nonetheless, staring up into that beautiful face, wondering if I knew what was going on behind those eyes at all." You don't know a thing Cassie, he's using you. Don't trust the bastard. He’s been using you since day one, as you’ll soon discover.  You know nothing, Cassie Palmer.
 Then Mircea says about Dory, ““She has a way of turning up whenever there’s trouble. You two share that ability.” He smiled slightly.” Ewewewewewewew!!!!!! Dude, don't compare your girlfriend and daughter, it's creepy as fuck. Not cute, not at all.  That’s some fucked up Freudian level shit there, man.
 Mircea mentions the Consul pulling strings.  He doesn't want to tell her anything that actually matters, not about his life, politics, anything. Just about stuff she can help with. That's not a relationship. She knows it, he knows it. He just doesn't care. He doesn’t really want a relationship.  He wants an errand girl.
 (Re Consul: “But she has spies everywhere. And they notice more than expressions—heartbeat, breathing patterns, a thousand tells a human would never see.” Could this be a clue about Pritkin?)
 Mircea reminds me of Mantis from GotGv2, pulling away emotions.  It sounds like that’s what he’s doing to Cassie here purposefully or not. I don’t like it.  Mantis uses her power for good in the movie, Mircea uses it to manipulate and calm Cassie to make her more pliable.  Fuck you dude.
 Cassie is putting stuff together here, Mircea treats her like a moron, or a child. That's how he views her more often than not. He claims not, but he actions speak otherwise.  
  “Are you reading my mind?” I asked sharply.
“Your face. I doubt I could pick up on even surface thoughts tonight. After the last two days . . .”
 So, Mircea claims to not be able to pick up thoughts, he isn’t able to read her mind on Pritkin.  She either told him outright, or someone else did here.  He didn’t pick it up mentally. He found out the old-fashioned way.
  Chapter 39
The chapter in which we find out Mircea's true motivations for wooing Cassie. The fucker.
 So, years had passed since he left Elena, yet he goes back to give her the choice to follow him or not? Is he so arrogant to think she just waited for him and pined after him, for years? Yes, of course he is. She just sat by the window waiting and watching, wasting away to nothing waiting for him.  I really dislike him more and more. Jackass.
 How did the townspeople know Dory was a dhampir? Especially as a baby.  Because of him? She reads as human most of the time. We get the history of Elena's death and Vlads part in it.  Mircea starts projecting, so Cassie sees the truth of things from him for once. What a rare opportunity!
 More story tellers, she lets Mircea get away with it though. Dammit girl take your power back from him. We see him visiting the Pythias. He learned charm for them.  All his diplomatic skills he learned for the Pythias.  
 Future trivia fodder: Bernice with the dogs in Constantinople. Eudoxia moves to Paris. We see him seducing Isabeau, who wants an English garden, see tensions with circle starting here.
 Chapter 40
Answer is always no, maybe it was no because Cassie needed it to be no?  She needed his sorta-protection protection as a kid? The power says no because it knows what’s coming and knows it's needed. If all the Pythias don't remember then Cassie can't use that to stay in Wales, to prove herself, save Pritkin and defeat Ares. Cassie hasn’t looked to see yet so we don’t know. But those are my theories.  Without those 500 years of No’s we wouldn’t have Cassie as we know her.  
 Cassie is crying because her heart is breaking here. Her conscious mind hasn't caught up yet but she knows what this means. I hate this motherfucker for breaking her heart like this. We all knew it was coming but still.  Fuck him and the horse he rode in on.
 In Cassie’s memory scene she talks to ghosts. She lets him in on the secret few know about.  Giving up her power even way back when.  He gives her attention, not jewels, though sorts of those too. He really researches people well.
 She asks why he's asking now, he gives excuses, but I think it's because he finally has leverage. He projects the vision of his night with Elena, it tells Cassie that they were married. This is why he kept Vlad alive, to tell him where and when Elena dies. How does Mircea know now? Actually, I think he doesn’t but he thinks he has Cassie wrapped around his finger enough that she’ll figure it out for him.  Dick.  
 The daughter thing is the first time Cassie officially caught him in a lie.  And that, folks, is the game.  It’s all over now.  She was willing to play along until now.  Then we have lie number two.  The potion. He's been stringing her along, promising the potion he doesn't have and can't get, you motherfucker.  I mean, we knew this all along.  That would be too easy.  But it still stings.  Cassie uses what precious little energy she has left and blindly shifts away.  God damn girl, it’s about time you really, truly stood up to him.  Finally. Nice to see him outted for the POS we knew him to be with regards to Cassie.  Let him go Cassie, he’s not worth it.
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werezmastarbucks · 4 years
coming back was a mistake!
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the reader bonds with kai over their shared dislike of mystic falls
previous part
word count: 3912
music: tomorrow never came by lana del rey
warnings: delena wedding
Kai leaned over Caroline, almost touching her ear with his nose. Nobody had any idea how a mortal witch boy was still capable on sneaking on vampires, but there they were. Caroline nearly hopped out of her pants when he started talking,
“So, what’s the deal with the pretty one?”
“God dammit! What is wrong with you?!”
Kai put on his patient face and waited until Caroline snapped out of her manic episode. He could never understand why it’s so hard to get over their indignation every time he was around, and just answer his questions.
“Is she, like, insane?”
The blonde vampire narrowed her eyes almost vengefully.
“The pretty one, Y/N”.
“What do you want with her?” Caroline snapped.
“Are you okay? Have you hit your head today?”
“I don’t have time for this”, Forbes brushed him away with her hand. She was dreaming about leaving this house as soon as possible. “Stay away from her”.
If she was a bit nicer, Kai would tell her it was too late, and that he was almost as good as the second base.
He wandered around the mansion until he found Elena. And approached her with the same question. This one had a slightly longer fuse. Where Caroline raged and started spitting atrocities, Elena would usually get worried out of her little mind about everyone.
“What’s the deal with Y/N?”
There we go. The nervous glint in her dark eyes. Oooh, how does Kai know about her? Oh my god, what has he done this time? Etc.
“Saw her talk to herself”.
Elena sniffed angrily.
Kai was honestly getting tired of them all.
“It doesn’t matter. I’m just curious“.
“That’s none of your business, Kai”.
“She’s also super secretive about why she only comes back once a year. Maybe I’m reading too deep into it, but I find it cryptic”, he smirked. Elena sighed.
“You just sound like you’re very bored. Find another source of entertainment”.
“I don’t want to. I like this one”.
Elena looked carefully at the witch. She already knew that look, although it hasn’t been too long for her studying Malachai. But this look said everything. He made his mind up. She shifted uncomfortably.
“Leave her alone. Please?”
Kai looked down on the brunette, frowning with a grin.
“I’m not gonna hurt her. You think I’m some kind of creep?”
He couldn’t hold back a chuckle. Elena rolled her eyes.
Damon entered the living room.
“You ready, Bastinda?” he asked, looking extremely bored. Kai nodded, playing along as if he was even mildly entertained by his neverending nickname spitting fountain or irony. Everybody had to pretend they find Damon witty, otherwise he’d get upset. That was one of the things that apalled Kai the most, why everyone was so worried about the fragile nature of this big idiot boy.
Just before they started the spell, he sensed his sister, as Damon’s head snapped towards the door. The vampire ears detected her angry footsteps, too. Too bad the vampires underestimate the famous Parker rage.
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You only realized your phone was left at the Grill when the morning came.
Cursing, worried and hungover, you drove there, a bit blinded by the sunlight. August did not have mercy on anyone.
It was bad enough your head was spinning. While Jerry the bartender who was still alive went to the DJ booth to ask around about your loss, you sat at the counter, sucking on water with lemon, and looked around. Everything appeared completely normal. You wondered if people remembered what had happened to them last night. Whether anybody got hurt. You were so dizzy on the new weird feeling of closeness, you were borderline indifferent. You even asked yourself if Kai the witch boy did something to you to knock you a little but out. Being here, you can expect anything.
The kissing part was good though, and overall, he was good. It felt good.
Jerry returned, shrugging.
“He says some guy came and picked it up this morning”.
“Crap”, you groaned. “Which guy? Tall and dark?”
Jerry smirked like an asshole.
“Everybody here is tall and dark, but yeah”.
You couldn’t have come up with a better description of this wretched place.
Where to look for him now? The Salvatores seem to know him. Can as well begin from there. You lowered your head (carefully) and put it on the wheel. Not again. All the roads in Mystic Falls lead to the Salvatore boarding house, don’t they. You can’t go one year without any adventures. Every August, you say to yourself you’d be extra careful, not talk to anyone, not engage in anything, just sit at your house, and maybe you’ll be spared. It never works. Last year there was this werewolf invasion. The year before that, an insane witch coven that was in the middle of waging vampire genocide when you arrived. The year before that, someone slit the last Miss Mystic Falls’ throat in the park right in the middle of a juggler’s performance at the fair. This shit, every year. This town is cursed, there was no doubt about it. Now, you break your own rule, and go on a date with this witch guy, and he’s a fucking awesome storyteller, and witty as hell, and you feel something except regret and exhaustion for the first time in years, something like excitement. Like you’re waking up. And now you’re hungover, and he has your phone, and you have no idea where he is.
You started the engine and drove slowly, without a hurry, thinking, if I run out of gas before I get there, I might as well not reach them at all.
The front lawn of Damon and Stefan’s house was as green as ever, the sun blasting its deadly rays down on one slender crabtree standing aside like a shy teenager at the high school party. The big dark windows even looked friendly in the light of the day.
Leaving the car, you observed the house. It never changed throughout the years. The sound of closing the car door hurt you a little bit, but you already left your sunglasses inside.
Then you saw Elena in the window on the second floor.
She did not behave like usual. She was a vampire, and vampires don’t get scared anymore. Elena was banging her fists on the window like she was unable to break it, and yelling something you couldn’t hear. Suddenly, a loud thump came from the inside of the house, as if an elephant bumped into a wall at full speed.
The only reason Elena would be beating on the window like that was if she was locked in with magic.
Frowning, you kinda realized Kai must be inside. What has he done this time? You caught yourself thinking about him as if you’ve known him for years now. The little shittery in his eyes said it all pretty well.
Honestly, you just needed your phone.
You entered the house, pushing the unlocked door, and stood in the hallway to listen. You could now hear Elena screaming on the second floor. She was trapped like a cat in a cabinet, and rushing from wall to wall trying to get out.
Someone else was apparently throwing furniture at the walls in silent fury. That must be one of the Salvatores.
You stepped on carefully, and tried to get into the living room, when there was stumbling, and, like in an 80s slasher, Kai Parker limped out into the corridor, holding his side. His white shirt was stained with blood dripping through his fingers. The wound was very deep because the blood wouldn’t stop. However, his face had a completely normal lively color, which confused the hell out of you.
“Hey!” he called, with effort. He even waved at you with his bloodied palm.
“How are you after last night?”
You stepped to him, putting your hands on the wound, and he let go of it, placing his arms onto your shoulders. Your knees caved in a little under his weight.
“What the hell happened? Have you attacked them?”
“Me?” Kai exclaimed, “no, that’s my sister. She came, locked the vampires up there, and stabbed me, and then escaped like the little coward she is. Olivia, that is, not Joe”.
“I thought you only had one sister left”.
“Nah, I hadn’t told you the whole story”.
You both looked inside the living room where the things were just... they were just misplaced chaotically like, as the siblings fought, they were throwing armchairs around. You led Kai towards a couch and sat him there, pressing his hands into the stab wound, and stepped away towards the kitchen to look for something.
“You can heal yourself, right? You have magic now?”
“I can’t heal myself, I can only siphon life force out of someone to cater the cut. If you’re willing to sacrifice your life, I’m all down for it...” he mumbled. Walking around the turned up coffee table, you stopped, and sighed, as the old, old feeling filled you up yet again. Exhaustion, yes, that was it, the eternal Tired of doing the same thing again and again, going through this unnatural circle.
“Hey, I’m bleeding out here, babe, you wanna... uh...” Kai looked down at his wound, curious, because he, too, knew now something’s wrong. It looked like it didn’t hurt him anymore.
While you were standing over his body, laid on the floor, like a bird. His childlike lean, smooth face dead calm with his eyes open, white shirt all soaked in his bright red blood. Migraine was drilling into your temples with force. You looked back at him sitting on the couch.
Kai looked back at you. He was a clever boy. Way quicker than the rest of them here. They were all wide eyes and miriads of extra questions, pacing around the room when trapped into the corner. Parker seemingly understood everything right away.
“I’m already dead, aren’t I?” he asked.
You remembered what he said last night. And it actually made your heart shrink a tiny bit.
Your hands were now clean, the ghostly blood having vanished, as all life left him. Now he was clean, too, no holes in his shirt, and he sat up straight. You knew he was slowly losing feeling in his hands and skin, too, and you hurried back to touch him before he completely forgets.
You fell down next to him heavily and took his arm, and he looked at his own fingers interlocked with yours.
“I’m dead again?” he repeated, with a little bit more irritation.
“And how do you see me? Does everyone in this town has a thing?”
You shrugged.
“I see dead people. It’s in the water, I guess. You know how they tell to never drink from creeks and stuff...”
Kai looked a little flustered. He would probably take it much worse if he was alone now.
“So, you were talking to ghosts last night?”
You pulled on his hand.
“You were stalking me?”
“Yeah, I was. I thought you were a mental patient”.
Kai threw his head back and looked in the tall window. His dark eyes turned grey as the light touched them. He looked beautiful when he was that calm.
“Damn it. What now? I have never died permanently before”.
You said,
“I don’t know. If I don’t let go of you, you will stay here forever”.
He eyed you, pondering.
“Who lives in your house?”
“My dad and grandmother”.
“And who’s on the football field?”
You shuddered on the inside. You wanted to smack him on the nose, but knew better than to assault people who have just passed and were fragile already.
“Kai, why were you even there? Were you, like...”
“It was my field. I came there every evening to watch the huskie...”
“Her name is Mist”.
“Edgy. Okay. I was coming there every evening to watch Mist, and then you just showed up and started running. Not my fault”.
“But I didn’t see you”.
“You’re averting again. Come on, Y/N”, he shook your hand lightly and squeezed it. He wasn’t noticing it, but his fingers were losing sensitivity and he kept squeezing your hand to feel the warmth. Soon, everything would go hard and cold to him. Even the sunlight.
“I’m dead. Tell me. My last wish”.
It was hard like swallowing rocks. Your own mind was so good at avoiding this that you came up with thousands of questions instantly. You wanted to ask why his sister killed him. Why she didn’t touch the vampires. How did she even outpowered him. Kai was drilling you with his grey crystal glance, and you finally managed to look him in the eye.
Out of all people, you were sorry he was the one to die. He didn’t seem like a very good fella, but it’s not always goodness that you like in people. He seemed bigger than Mystic Falls, greater than the local drama. This town wasn’t supposed to devour him like that. You didn’t know what his death meant to their odds at getting Bonnie back. What if he was the only one who could reach her?
“When I was fifteen, Damon’s ex came into town and started waging chaos”.
“I’m not surprised”.
“Uh-huh. She was going around, turning people, and manipulating them and generally just turning our lives into hell”.
“Oh, she sounds fun. Was her name Katherine Pierce by any chance?”
“If you know her, I’m going to send you to hell right now”.
Kai’s brows went up.
“You can do that?”
“I mean, when I let a ghost go, they go wherever they’re supposed to. You’re definitely going to hell”, you shrugged.
“Oh, yeah. Okay”.
Kai looked like he was a little bit hurt.
“She used compulsion on me, just to entertain herself, and during a PE lesson I stabbed a girl I went to school with. On the second lap, as we ran the mile. I got pissed at running, I hated it. I was so tired all the time, and she told me to act out when I get irritated at school. The worst thing, to this day, I don’t know if the stabbing was a part of her compulsion, or mine”.
You thought about her, standing there at this very moment, on the same spot where you left her every year.
Day and night, in her yellow tank top and sports bra, cycling black shorts and uncool old Nike trainers, her long brown hair in a messy ponytail, and one earring in her right ear. You knew every part of her face because she stared at you all the time.
Kai was quiet for some time, as if trying to read into you.
“That’s it?” he said suddenly. You were taken aback.
“You stabbed a chick because a vampire compelled you, and now you return every year and cry there? What are you punishing yourself for?”
You shook your head in disbelief.
“Why don’t you just send her the hell off? You can do it, right? What are you bitching about?”
You let go of his hand, and he stared at it, looking a bit lost, like all the people who died. Despite of his shattering insensitivity, he still made you feel for him. People were all the same when they died. They all looked like children who are just figuring out they were lost at a huge foreign train station.
“Look, all I’m saying...” he was still looking at his own hand, “don’t stress about what you don’t have to stress about”.
“I killed her, Kai”.
“Yeah, and today my own sister killed me”, he reasoned. He looked so seriously betrayed as if he was not aware of the irony. “People die. Sometimes they die horribly, in their bloom, you know, when they’re about to do something great”.
He crossed his arms on his chest with a grudge.
“I thought you had some kind of tragedy there, or at least were insane”.
“I get why Damon dislikes you”, you muttered. Kai puffed.
“You’re very hard to love”.
“Yeah, I’ve been told”.
You looked at each other. Fresh day somehow brought memories of last night, and you thought about it simultaneously.
“But you liked our date though, right?”
You nodded.
“I would even go on a second one if you... stayed alive”.
“Let me go down there, and I’ll think of something. Or you can join me”, he eyed you up and down, “I hear it’s pretty hot in here”.
You could see he nearly gave you a wink. Even if you kissed him now, he wouldn’t feel it on his face. God dammit.
“You want advice?”
“Go away and never come back here”.
You were holding on a thin thread supported by the connection. You were sorry to see him go as you let him slide away. As you opened your eyes, he was gone from the couch, and from the room, and there was only his body left.
The spell wore out eventually, and Elena, together with Damon, ran downstairs, already aware of what happened. They must have heard you talk to the invisible spirit.
“Awesome”, Damon snarled through his teeth, kicking Parker’s body, “amazing. Little shit”.
He was puffing, walking around the room, nearly banging on the walls. Elena was standing in the middle of the room, devastated.
Everybody was hurt in a certain way by the death of the guy hated here the most. Turned out, everyone needed him after all. Whether to get Bonnie out, or to finally merge, or just to know him a little better. Deaths were pointless, you knew that better than all.
You went to the football field, in the afternoon for the first time, to see her.
She was cemented there just like you wanted her, mortified she’d follow you around. Kai was sharp and rude, but on point. You were punishing yourself. It’s not like Maddie made you drive through the country every year just to see her.
She was waiting for you, looking with glass eyes like she was for the last seven years.
The sun was still high up, almost no shadows on the spacious court.
It was like it all made zero sense now. You didn’t know what made Kai Parker the chief advisor on your mental stability, but suddenly you saw everything completely clear. Maybe it was hangover. You had no need to keep all the ghosts around you. You were in charge of them, not the other way around. You bumped into them, you could tell them to go, or just leave them there if you didn’t care. Many years away almost made you think you didn’t care.
“Go”, you said to Maddie. And she was gone. No more laps around the field.
You went home and said the same to your father and your granny. And just like that, the house was empty again.
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“I know you decided not to ever come back again”, she chanted, “but... I mean... I will understand if you refuse to come, but everybody would love to see you, and it will definitely mean a lot”.
Unfortunately for your morale, you were already standing over a sports bag.
You sighed into the phone.
“Okay, I’m gonna say it once, because I love you, and will never say it again...”
Elena held her breath.
“I don’t think... I don’t think Mystic Falls is the worst place on Earth...”
“Wow”, Elena hammered, “hold on, can I put you on the speaker? They gotta hear this”.
“So, you will come?”
“Only because it’s your wedding. And only for the wedding. Then I’m going back”.
“You’ve heard the town has sold the house, right? You’ll have to stay with us. Y/N, it’s going to be awesome. We’ll have girls’ nights... oh my god, Caroline will tell you everything about...”
You rolled your eyes so deep you took a peep at your own brain. There was nothing in there. Absolutely nothing, apparently.
...here we go, the freaking sign, the Livingstones house, the bridge... all the same. It’s like a cursed room where the winds are on the loop. With its own aesthetic, of course. The blood-red clock tower produces long, hollow sound as its hands move. People going batshit crazy here. Everything is one long deja vu. The only thing that stood out was somebody missing. Somebody who was admittedly too cool for this place, and was scarily good at slow dancing. Somebody who would never be fit to help, and who still did. That person.
Elena and Damon’s wedding was everything one could imagine. Flower arch, check. Bridesmaids matching cream dresses, check. Soft elevator music, check. Caroline hair being out of this world, check. Damon smiling like one million dollars, check. Stefan suffering quietly in the corner, check. Jeremy getting drunk and knocking over a table, check. Dancing to the same ten indie songs, check. Bonnie was back, which was good. They did find a way after all.
You were comfortably unimpressed, because it was home. It was entertaining enough. Catching up, listening to all the crazy shit that happened during these two years you were absent.
Apparently, Klaus has been harassing Caroline with his undying love, and she wasn’t having it, although it was clearly a perfect vampire scenario. Some demonic weird crap brushed over the city when Damon was brifely involved with gathering souls for hell. Could’ve been a job for you, he winked at you like the rascal he was. You should’ve seen the whole madhouse unraveling when we opened the gates, and all these sinners started rushing out in all directions, he complained. It took him weeks to get them all back, and he still wasn’t sure he caught everybody. It’s not like they did a head count, right?
You stopped drinking.
“You mean the souls escaped from hell?” you asked, surprised that they weren’t more concerned about it. And also, what a generic topic to discuss at his wedding. Charming.
“No, the people. Physical entities. They kinda just... pfft. Hopped out. Those who were, you know, quicker”.
The burning question made it hard to swallow champagne. How did they not mention the obvious?
“And... who did you shove back?”
“Hm, just a bunch of losers. I mean, they’re people, or creatures, for that matter. Not all of them are human. I’m sure some weirdos are still out there.. So you be careful. Elena said you wouldn’t stay long, huh? How about the Harvest Festival though?”
“I don’t know. Harvest Festival is lame, Damon”.
“Yeah, it is”, Damon agreed, searching for his beautiful wife with his eyes. One second ago she was somewhere among the people, and now she was gone. “But the after party...”
“Ah, that. Sure”.
“Nobody’s bothering you anymore, are they? You can stay for a little while”.
You swayed your head without expression.
“Where the hell is she?”
Music changed, and nobody really noticed, except for you. You don’t notice if you don’t listen. You never got your old phone back, by the way. You had no idea where the dead boy put it, and whether it was him at all who took it from the Grill.
But now Lana was on speakers, and you suddenly remembered.
“You better go look for her, Damon”, you warned him, looking around.
The vampire felt the change in your mood.
“What is it?”
You gulped down your glass of champagne and smiled wide, for real.
“Second date”.
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akria23 · 7 years
As a black woman
I might need a moment for this - I am beyond angry. I'm frustrated. I'm tired. I'm not surprised. Here's the thing - I don't ever think I will be comfortable talking to nonblacks about the racism that black people face day in and day out. I can already hear the people screaming that it's my job as a minority to be open to those kind of discussions and help relieve ignorance - but but the older I get the more I feel that black living should not be about the opinion/thinking of nonblack people. Sitting through those feeds and then coming back on social media and seeing the same shit happen - the laziness in the hatred is mind blowing. Y'all try y'all hardest to put the blame where it belongs. Somehow in talks mind she was such a weakness player but the house was noticing her game 😒. Dom's only game was a social one. It wasn't even fantastic it was great for her and her situation yes - because they'd been dropping her name and she was still staying in people's pockets who wanted to protect her. Yet I see the tag trying to rewrite history. Y'all eat up the excuse of the interview 😪 again like they didn't hate her and want her out waaay before then and that weren't using that and the vote - that they know she DIDN'T do. But it's about these thing huh? 👌 Fuck all y'all. People have sat here and claimed that Dom shouldn't have talked in circles that she should've just said his name straight out....and really at that point it was like for what?! The moment Elena lied - yes she did lie because Paul straight up sat there and told her a private conversation he had with Dom in the nature of trying to get her to dislike Dom - the moment that happen Dom knew she was done for because she had no proof, she just knows he's a snake from talking to him and him being sneaky as hell with her. They tell Dom she has to prove she didn't do something - something they know she didn't do. This was a wall, a hive mentality and she knew it. Dom mistake was caring what they and the outside was gonna say about her and her character. This is the mistake most black people make. We think that if we don't act a certain way, that if we give into the opposite way they say we are then by default they can't hang us...WRONG! This is 2017 and this year alone we've had many black people killed and America and those watching America has been okay with that, have excuses that. The box they give us to act in is a way for them to make slaughtering us (figuratively and non-figuratively) easier. Dom did her damnedest to not give in to the black stereotypes they bind us with...and still he spoke on her responses in the same way. They still set her as ABW. They paint us with savagery and then if we act within those so call traits we're proving them right, but if we act opposite - guess what they still act like we've acted within those lines....but instead of overt examples they use the little things...didnyou see how she looked at me...shes dangerous...intimidating...aggressive...there's just something about her. And it's not just white people. Alex has been hating on Dom since day one. The things that supposedly makes Dom a civilized human and separates her from the black downfall are still her downfall. They complain she's too godly, she doesn't come right out and get confrontational about her views. She's things she so classy so above everyone else because of how she speaks and how she acts. The problem - she's black...ain't no escaping that. Black people like Dom are also gonna have to realize that. Even in Ika Wong game...oh they were giving it to her hard. Even people she was fucking saving. Only one who had some respect was Dem. even though Ika would have been gone earlier if not for him (protecting her with comps) it is still important to never be apologetic about your passion and anger when you're black just like Ika (and Ika was like this in season 2 also so don't come with that she just act like that because...). If people are talking shit...shut them the fuck down - who gives a fuck cause they're gonna call you aggressive anyway! They're allowed to get anger and demand respect...but so are you. And yes you're gonna get the L...but they were gonna give you the L anyway so take that bitch knowing that you stood for yourself. I watched BBcan5 and when Ika told Kevin that he would not try her like that, that he would be honest and real about the situation and why her and Dem were on the block. When she looked him dead in the eye and told him that he better put some respect all over her - that he better put some respect on her name and on her game because she was a better player than him and he would win despite that fact. I got emotional seeing that. They will do it to you...don't let them. You deserve to be angry when they're fucking you over...you deserve your respect and your right to demand it. Do not go passive. You can't allow yourself to be afraid of what's already happening. You can't be afraid to get an A (aggressive/abw) on your chest when that bitch already there. It's frustrating because I can tell that Dom is a woman who has to constantly deal with this form of racism and it's built her to react a certain way - for survival. But sometimes you have to wonder if we're really surviving - we feel this on a daily. At our jobs, in social medias or our entertainment outlets, within our friendships and sometimes even our romantic relationships. It's a suffocating feeling. I understood Dom's every bitter laugh, her every scoff, her deep sighs. Social medias response of 'omg not the race card can we not talk about this' don't surprise me none - those who believe in that oppression always want silence to reign. This post post ain't for y'all...I don't give a shit about you. It's for for the black people who always have to bite their tongue, who have to compose themselves, who have to bend and break themselves down trying to get some respect or to be heard.
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