#in the universe understands him as Kirk does
bumblingbabooshka · 3 months
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They're literally just baiting me specifically at this point. From the novel 'First Virtue'
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flameeagleheart75 · 8 months
Ramble about Star Trek.
Star Trek, TOS, Season 1 Episode 14.
'The Conscience of the King'
Spock desperately tries to get Captain Kirk to acknowledge his trauma for 45 minutes; while Kirk loses yet another friend and tries to bring a former dictator to justice before anyone else gets hurt. Also, Shakespeare, yay!
Would not be the first or last time Spock tries to salvage or rationalise around Kirk's mental health and it's fascinating how often that's a reoccurring theme (when he erases a memory that is too sad for Kirk to bed in a later installment comes to mind).
There's this tendency in a lot of pop culture, I think to show Kirk as this freewheeling playboy who takes risks for the sure sport of galavanting across the universe in his beloved ship but whenever I sit down and rewatch the original series and films I'm always fascinated by how much he takes on a mental burden and is determined to carry the weight himself without discussion.
"Logic is not enough, I've got to feel my way, make absolutely sure." -Kirk
He's often referred to as the 'unflappable' or 'infallible' Captain Kirk in summaries but we see so many times that while he will always do what needs to be done, the toll is always steep. That's what makes his grounded friendship with McCoy so good and, of course, what lends so much to his dynamic with Spock.
In this very episode, Spock uses logic to try and help Kirk reach a conclusion but the whole time he is also aware that Kirk is both concealing information and is not coping as well as he's letting on. Spock himself seems more openly frustrated than he usually is because he knows the threat to life that Kodos's lingering presence can cause.
And yet, he had to learn that information on his own because Jim, his friend; could not share that part of his past and trauma with him. The scene with the overloaded phaser comes to mind. If Spock hadn't been aware of the situation by that point and wasn't down in the room discussing the logic of Kodos's identity, what's to say that the phaser wouldn't have gone off and taken half the deck with Kirk?
If Spock hadn't been empathetic and, furthermore, had a deep understanding of his friend, the entire crew might have been kept in the dark on the situation until both LT Reily and their Captain were dead.
And what's fascinating, it's only after his friend is killed, his crewman poisoned and his ship almost destroyed that Kirk moves and accuses the man he believes to be Kodos directly. He does not focus on his own safety but whenever others in his care are threatened, he jumps into action without delay.
James T Kirk carries the weight of a star system on his shoulders all his life and by his side, always is S'chn T'gai Spock, son of Sarek and Amanda. The half Vulcan, half human man who understands him better than perhaps anyone.
I just think that's interesting.
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(Also I headcanon Kirk as Bi)
-Flame watches Star Trek
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t0ast-ghost · 26 days
(Spectre Of The Gun) S3 EP6 I’m hoping that they don’t think the gun is a spectre, don’t want them getting shot.
Does McCoy get a gun again? Lets find out:
- Chekov’s jaw has DROPPED
- Interesting, they all heard the message in their first language. I wonder if they all speak English in tos because I know in later adaptations it’s shown there are translators (and there must be translators here). But in the episode with that annoying ass robot (edit: Nomad) when Uhura’s brain gets wiped, she remembers Swahili and Chapel encourages her to speak in English, and the Swahili didn’t get translated in sickbay. I’m thinking that the crew is speaking in English then? Like obviously they’ve got universal translators but I’m curious whether any of the crew members need it to communicate or if they’re all speaking in English
- *immediately disregards the warning*
- Now not only has he brought McCoy and Spock, he has also brought Scotty, his chief engineer, and Chekov, his top navigator, onto the dangerous planet. Not a single redshirt (except Scotty… poor Scotty)
- 1. They look kinda silly 2. Gay fog
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- OMG A WESTERN (please get costumes please get costumes pleeeeeaaase)
- McCoy DOES get a gun!
- “They’re a bunch of hot air.” “Are they really?” Spock is in surprise and disbelief at that statement
- “Is this a dead man, Doctor?” “Very dead, Mr Spock.”
- Spock stopping his idiot boyfriend from being an idiot with facts and logic
- I don’t know anything about American history. What the fuck is happening
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- Magic clock in the sky
- “Is there anything here and now that could help us.” I immediately thought of a tranquilizer and then thought ‘why not a nerve pinch?’ Only one of which they thought of
- ‘I’m gonna shoot you’ McCoy just leaves
- Is Chekov going to get married? Nvm he got shmacked
- This episode doesn’t feel like it’s about them. But holy shit they’re so pretty
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- “Captain, let me!” Scotty is about to go on a rampage for Chekov
- “Let it go, Jim. He’s dead.” Bones trying to help Kirk get through these terrible circumstances. Do you think if McCoy died, Jim would think back on his words? Do you think Jim would never let it go?
- “I understand the feeling, captain.” “You talk about another man’s feelings. What do you feel, Spock?” “My feelings are not a subject for discussion, Doctor.” “Because there are no feelings to discuss.” First off, Bones also was just telling Jim to stop worrying over Chekov, he’s got no right to attack Spock like that. I feel like the writers just wanted to add back in their conflict. Second, (and this ties into a previous rant in an episode thought post) Spock’s feelings are a part of him being human (which he pushes away because others try to push him towards being more human) and also something very deeply personal for Vulcans, which isn’t something he would be willing to discuss here, because it’s personal to him, and they’re in a professional setting, thus it being really rude to bring up. Kinda like a person bringing up you having sex, and when you say ‘I’d rather not talk about this’ them responding with saying you’re a virgin
- Spock is getting verbally attacked here and then Kirk goes to defend him but Spock drops the, “They forget I am half human.”
- “It’s for the pain (takes a shot of bourbon).” “But this is painless.” “Well, you should have warned me sooner, Mr Spock.” Nice, Scotty.
- Hey, I don’t know, but why don’t you test it on one of the townspeople
- “We’re not going to move from this spot.” Get transported, idiots
- They’re caged animals now
- They’re assuming the guns are spectres, they’re going to die
- “We can’t just turn it on and off.” “We must. Spock, the Vulcan mind-meld.” “Very well, sir.” EXCUSE ME WHAT
- smooth slide
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- How do y’all feel about this… I’m not sure how to feel about this one…
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- Spock looks so tender when melding with Kirk
- Kirk would play video games and never choose to be evil cause he’d feel bad. Relatable.
- Kaboom. The gay satellite exploded
- Back to the McCoy (left), Kirk (middle), Spock (right) configuration
“We overcame our instincts for violence.” Kirk beats someone up almost every episode idk what he’s on about.
Episode written by Lee Cronin
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Mirror Mirror (02x04) Spirk Musings
Aren't Prime Kirk and Spock's reactions to their Mirror Universe incarnations of each other hilarious?
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He is such a shook lil' cinnamon roll: What the what now? Where's my Spock?! BEARD!!! Spoop intensifies
It's also hilarious what a monumental deal that Jim is making over Spock's beard. Immediately. Like why does that matter so hard to him?
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A grand total of nobody but Jim is making such a fuss about it. Nobody else is out here popping off over First Officer Spock's facial hair like this except Jim. And it is both Jim's doing it.
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Zero chill about Spock's facial hair in every universe confirmed. Apparently Spock's grooming being Jim's business is a universal constant.
Also precious: How quickly Jim Prime just gravitates to Spock, even a Mirror Spock, when he is feeling in over his head in the Mirror universe. He immediately sets about trying to work with Spock - any Spock - to find a solution, because that's just second nature to him.
Spock is his security blanket in any universe, it seems.
Jim Prime even takes it so far as to join Bones in insisting upon saving Mirror Spock's life at the risk of not getting home to their own universe:
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Jim Prime believes in his heart of hearts that every Spock - - that every single Spock in every single universe has an ounce of good in them that is worth appealing to and saving.
It amazes me how unwavering his faith in Spock's character is. It actually pays off for Jim Prime to put his faith in Spock, wherever he ends up in any universe.
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And then there is Spock Prime back at the ranch with Mirror Kirk, exhausted:
Mirror Kirk : Has the whole galaxy gone crazy? What kind of a uniform is this? Where's your beard? What's going on? Where's my personal guard?
Mr. Spock : I can answer none of your questions at this time.
Mirror Kirk : [chuckling in amusement]  All right, Spock. Whatever your game is, I'll play it. You want credits? I'll give them to you. You'll be a rich man. A command of your own? I can swing that, too.
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Mr. Spock : Apparently, some sort of transposition has taken place. I find it... extremely interesting.
Mirror Kirk : Spock. What is it that will buy you? Power?
Mr. Spock : [shaking it off]  Fascinating.
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Aww, Mirror Jim doesn't understand what real love is. He is out here thinking that he can buy or favour his way out of this with Spock Prime.
Meanwhile Spock Prime is like: Wow. I wonder what actually motivates Mirror Spock to help this guy; I just do what I do simply because I love my Jim.
How sad. How pitiful. :( Bet Mirror Kirk is amazing in bed though. SHHH!-What? We are all thinking it, including Spock Prime.
Especially Spock Prime.
Y'all know Mirror Kirk was a handful, and it's kind of tender and sweet that Spock Prime seems happy and relieved to have his own Jim back.
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(Also the way Mirror Spock says to Kirk Prime: "I must have my Captain back." Like, no matter which Spock we are dealing with, it applies. Ugh. Ugh. Spock loves his Jim in any universe. Don't even care how broken he is, give him back. Just . . . UGH. Primo.)
Still, cinna- I mean Kirk Prime really resonated with Mirror Spock. So much so that he convinced Mirror Spock to help him and led him to question the entire Empire in the process.
Mirror Spock : The Empire shall be overthrown, of course.
Captain James T. Kirk : The illogic of waste, Mr. Spock. A waste of lives, potential, resources, time. I submit to you that your Empire is illogical because it cannot endure. I submit that you are illogical to be a willing part of it.
Jim Prime just swooped in out of nowhere and shook up Mirror Spock's entire foundation, identity and life.
So now Mirror Spock is out there like:
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Dang, I need to get me a Cinnamon Roll™ edition Jim Kirk of my own.
(P.S.: Do you think that after Jim Prime disappeared into the Nexus that Spock Prime went wild going through every single crackhead possibility, outcome and avenue he could explore in his desperation to try to understand or uncover what happened to his Jim?
And he'd lie awake at night thinking over theories and possibilities and places to look and it just hits him one night like: Merciful Surak. Did Mirror Spock finally come over here and purloin my Cinnamon Roll™ edition Jim Kirk?
. . . I'm gonna stop now.)
Image Sources: TrekCore
Inspired by @shyravenns post.
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kingsonne-zedecks · 7 months
Let's Talk Last Horizon
So I'm not sure how many of my Cradle mutuals are actually Will Wight mutuals. If you have only read Cradle consider this your sign to check out some of the others. If you have, please feel free to share your thoughts.
Specifically lets talk about The Last Horizon, as it does things with tropes and archetypes that are just absolutely wonderful.
So, unlike Cradle, we don't start at the bottom. We don't get to see what the long trudge of the setting from weakling to powerhouse. We just fully start at powerhouse levels. Which isn't really something I've ever experienced before, the closet thing is jumping into a Justice League comic without ever reading the origins and solo arcs of each individual hero.
Varic is already a powerful Archmage at the start and then immediately gets a boost that arguably makes him the most powerful mage in the Universe. Now what? What can challenge the most powerful individual in the galaxy and his similarly powerful friends?
Literal universe ending threats. 6-7 of them to be specific. The scale of the story is just absolutely awesome in the original definition of the word.
And that's without talking about the tropes.
Varic is The Captain, He gets to be that Archetype. You read and see that he is an homage to Malcom Reynolds, to Kirk, to Shepard, to more I can't remember or haven't seen.
Horizon herself is a tribute to the ships and AI of your past, she is EDI, she is the Enterprise, she is Cortana, she is the Tardis.
Sola is Doomguy, she is Samus, she is Rita Vrataski, she is Ridley, she is the epitome of bad bitch with a big gun, and guy in power armor.
Raion is a power ranger and a part of voltron. He's a Saturday morning cartoon and a cheesy superhero.
We still have more crew members we haven't gotten to see in detail, and I'm so excited for them.
There have been some criticisms about the characters that I just don't see. The fact that they are reminiscent of so many other characters is the point. Its like watching Megamind and just understanding that Metroman is Superman. Its like fanfiction. You get to hop into the story and already care about the characters because you already know them on some level.
Every reader gets to have a slightly different experience, as each character reminds them fondly of stories, movies, video games, and comics they specifically have viewed before. Everyone has a different starting point, but there js enough simarity to recognize these characters for who they are.
The characters of the Last Horizon are a love letter to decades of sci-fi/fantasy media. Yes they have names and motivations and traits specific to the Last Horizon, but overall? Overall they are a celebration of the genres, the tropes, and the archetypes that have brought generations of people joy.
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thegeminisage · 29 days
STAR TREK UPDATE TIME!!! thursday we watched tng's "emergence" and ds9's "crossover" (honorific)
emergence (tng):
I HATE HOLODECK EPISODES. i wanted season 7 to go out on a high note. nostalgia and time would have made me forget so many of tng's sins if it had gone out on a high note
girl, the enterprise CAME TO LIFE, had a baby, and then died, and nobody had anything to say about that except "ok let the baby fly into space hope it has a good life!"
the enterprise and moya from farscape could have raised their children together communally. like feral cats.
if kirk had been captain when the enterprise came to life he would NOT have let that baby fly into space. he would have gotten one of those little toddler leashes. he would have paid child support. he's not the step dad he's the dad who stepped up
i honestly don't remember what else happened here because the following episode blew my tits clean off
oh yeah wait i think it was racist to make worf shovel the coal. shame on them. data's way stronger than worf he should have been doing it he would have been like yay i love a novel experience :) i can add this to my file on coal shoveling :)
crossover (ds9):
no, i'm just going to abandon my bullet points. where do i even begin...you know, actually, let's begin at the beginning, which is the tos mirrorverse episode. i have a wider meta on this in me somewhre i bet but it wasn't always this way! i like, initially watched this, went, "huh! that was neat," and thought no more about it until i read a fanfic (don't ask for it i'm not telling, it was more like 2-3 fanfics honestly) and then i was like WAIT HOLD ON A SECOND. see, my fascination with mirrorverse comes primarily from the following hypothesis:
everyone always says that bones in mirrorverse and bones in the prime universe are the same guy and that makes him god's specialest princess, which i don't disagree with! but i think, deep down, EVERYONE is the same. i think mirrorverse (quite accidentally) provides a pretty compelling commentary on both nature vs nurture and the cycle of violence. kirk, who undoubtedly went to a much worse version of tarsus iv in the mirrorverse, becomes a guy slaughtering colonists by the thousands, because in his mind that's what power looks like and being powerful means being safe. spock, who is brought up to believe violence is logical instead of pacifism, follows that doctrine just as strictly as he sticks to his morals in the prime universe, and indulges in his emotions just as rarely, because in either case he is punished just as much, if not more, for going against vulcan and human social norms.
put the same guys in the opposite situation (ie a mirror) and they will turn out as their own twisted reflections every time. mirror kirk is just as driven to succeed, just at a different game. he has just as much of a temper, but without the apologies that come afterward. he's just and dangerous and as handy in a fight as prime kirk, but without the moral compass that has him pulling punches instead of a knife. he has that same desire for power, though it's to protect himself rather than to protect other people. mirror spock is just as sharp and calculating, he's just running different numbers, after different results. he's just as good at sussing out emotional motives because of his forced distance from them, but he has spent a lifetime being rewarded for exploiting the emotions of others instead of trying to understand them. he even shares the same preference for being the first officer instead of in command, though the two spocks have differing reasons for this. you could even argue that he has the same capacity for loyalty, inasmuch as it's safe or possible to be loyal in the mirrorverse; he avoids trying to kill kirk as much as he possibly can, and when he finds out "his" kirk is gone, immediately does everything in his power to see to getting him back where he belongs. the mirror characters aren't opposites; they're reflections, inversions. they started out as the same base thing. they were made ugly and evil by their circumstances.
we didn't get to see much of mirror kirk and none of mirror bones (to my eternal woe), but knowing mirror spock DID ultimately take action towards pacifism and reform is extremely damning evidence for this hypothesis, at least in my mind palace. our own spock is defined by his compassion and selflessness; he gave his life in the warp core because the needs of the many outweighed his own needs. mirror spock is running the calculation in the other direction; he is thinking of his own needs. yet he comes to the SAME CONCLUSION - it is important for people to be safe, because logically nothing else can hold.
i notice that they carefully avoided saying whether or not spock ACTUALLY killed kirk, and i love that, because i loved the open-ended nature of the original mirrorverse episode - i loved that we could imagine anything happening. kirk dying or becoming a better person or becoming a worse person. i'm a little sad to have finally lost that, but i love that we can still just as gleefully imagine spock shoving a pole through kirk's ribs (in the horny way) or them being little rebels with bones and fighting the system together. ooooh and you better BELIEVE i had to pause the episode and cover my face and take a moment to have my hysterics when they implied mirror spock may have killed mirror kirk bc our kirk asking mirror spock to kill his other self was one of the horniest things tos ever did, up there with amok time and that stupid bondage harness.
speaking of horny, let's get into the actual episode. this episode was so abjectly fucking horny it's ASTOUNDING. it's mind-blowing. i think lesbian kira-on-kira was ABSOLUTELY the way to go as far as introductions. and kira-on-kira PROVES MY HYPOTHESIS!!! mirror kira has the same sympathy for her human laborers (the downtrodden), just not extended further than she extends sympathy for herself. she is also, like our kira, into girls. AND she is seduced by the idea of giving power to a weak bajor. kira's love affair with herself was probably the best part of this episode, number one because women and number two because they understood each other SO well except mirror kira was just unstable enough to be scary. and kira being like a little scared of her and them still being gay was really problematic and horny of them. fun. god. like, BATH SCENE?? HELLO??? i hope nana visitor had the time of her fucking life
mirror garak is also basically the same guy. this is just pre-exile garak. he's so conniving and gay. he didn't even do any of that seductive shit to our kira. why? he's not into girls!
i'm so sorry odo and quark didn't get a better lot in this verse. they don't come back either i checked :( odo was kind of boring, unfortunately, except for3 points: firstly, him slapping julian like 3 times was also problematic but horny. secondly, the goop he exploded into. rip king. (and kira moruning him!! otp.) thirdly, this is odo's disdain and lack of understanding for humanity (humanoidanity?) multiplied by 1000x. this is not an odo who was forced to get to know us and saw that some of us needed the protection he had to live without and now had the power to give, this is an odo who was experimented on and probably killed dr mora on his way out of the facility, and is looking to dish some out instead of take it. FUN. our odo makes hands to touch people with. this odo makes hands to slap people with. rip to that guy and i was absolutely shocked that a do-no-harm DOCTOR killed him but honestly there's probably a net good in that for our julian.
quark running the metaphorical underground railroad out here also seems to echo him selling food to bajorans...also, his, outfit? it made him look like a good person. it's a wonder it took them so long to catch him. our quark is selfish because he sees it as a path to a good life. their quark is selfLESS for the same reason, see? also SCREAM that our kira was like yes we're BESTIES on the other side when she often tells him how much she despises him lmao
o'brien!!! god i wish we had seen more of him but i LOVED him and julian being besties here too. he was like youre NOT my friend and then 20 minutes later helping him escape. it's like he was a sleeper agent, he got one whiff or someone who could afford to have a moral compass and instantly he was like actually yeah humans deserve better than this! i love that julian was just gonna take him back and have two obrien besties and fuck starfleet if they didn't like it lol. obrien secretly also the same, and i'm really glad he got to at least escape w sisko to become a pirate or whatever.
HEY. BY THE WAY. PIRATE SISKO. SO FUN AND EDGY. he was really unhinged and kind of like a lunatic. cw for discussion of rape the rest of this paragraph. so i think there was a light implication via his body language and also "you charmed your way out of the mines" that he was NOT enjoying/consenting to the sex he was having with mirror kira, but very much enjoyed the opportunity to menace her counterpart, and other people, like obrien. again, like odo, he is tired of taking it and itching to dish soem out. UNLIKE odo, we see that he has people he loves! he says "i made the best of a bad life for my crew" and even shakes his head at one of his crew members who is about to do something that will get them hurt - he's also happy enough to take obrien, former target, under his wing on the way out, when he sees something worthy there. JUST LIKE OUR SISKO, he IS protective and he DOES value his people! i loved seeing that core of him, even though his outside was deranged in a fun evil way.
ok, to finally wrap this up, bashir giving away his plate of mush at mealtime because he's gonna get to go back to a nice cozy universe soon (or die) and these people won't is soooo. god. he's SO COMPASSIONATE......like i knew that objectively but we haven't really seen it in action much up until now. it fucking kills me. his compassion, inherent Good Universe vibes, has such a profound impact on mirror obrien in such a short time, but ultimately you CAN'T change this universe. you can affect single people in it, the way kirk got mirror spock, but the point of the mirrorverse is to be evil and edgy (and horny), so no matter WHAT the characters in it do, it is a LAW OF THAT UNIVERSE that powers beyond their comprehension will always reset the status quo to STAY evil and edgy (and horny). like at first i was like oh shit kirk really stepped in it nice job breaking it hero but like it simply CAN'T be fixed. if you try, you will fail. determinism in star trek. wild.
also, wait, sorry, julian coming back filthy head to toe and kira coming back in a ballgown when our sisko has been having kittens trying to locate his people.....iconic. mister privileged having to process ore like kira used to do and kira former ore processor wearing a fancy luxurious evening gown. talk about swapping places.
TONIGHT: tng's "preemptive strike" and ds9's "the collaborator." last non-finale episode of tng!!!
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weerd1 · 9 months
All right, I feel it’s time to dig into my new comfort show, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. Let me say up front, I love this show, so if you’re looking for someone who’s been watching Star Trek since the ‘70s to gripe about new Trek, you won’t find it here. Is this show perfect? Of course not. Is it Deep Space Nine good? Not yet, but I see potential. Episode by episode look and a long chat after the break! THERE WILL BE SPOILERS!
What it DOES feel like is TOS. From the variety of genres used to tell stories, to some downright weird plot points, to some remarkable social commentary, this really feels like what would happen if they just made TOS now. I lament a bit that we have 10-episode seasons instead of enough in a season to allow for some MORE variety the way TOS had more than 25 episodes a season.
So how about visual continuity?
This show looks like the way I would see this universe when I read novels or played the RPG: effects have caught up with the way I brain painted the Blish adaptations or those early novels. It works for me.
What about character continuity?
Barring the fact the show has canonized the idea that even the “Prime” timeline can shift a bit due to the influences of time travel across the universes (which I love), I think the nuances this show brings do nothing but enhance my understanding of TOS. The Spock/Chapel moments now on TOS? Christine now asking Spock, “have you ever been in love?” in the episode “What Are Little Girls Made Of?” becomes a bit of gut punch! What does it mean to her when he begins to lose control due to Ponn Farr? Does she think he might be reverting back to the Spock of a decade before who chanced to unleash emotion?
Visually and character-wise, we have not changes but expansion. Honestly, most of these perceived “changes” reminds me of Gene Roddenberry taking the opportunity to enhance the Klingons when he had the budget in The Motion Picture. Did he care that the Klingons weren’t bumpy? Did he care to come up with a solution? He didn’t: He was a creator who now had more tools to work with. SNW does that.
My sole complaint, which honestly stretches across many modern shows, Trek and otherwise is about language. TOS and its progeny up until Enterprise used a more stolid, slang-free method of writing which to me added to the timeless nature of the show. When characters in modern Trek use modern vernacular it ties the episodes for me more to the present rather than allowing me to suspend my disbelief that this is the future. This is just my personal preference, and is certainly not something that torpedoes my love for the show or characters.
So, if you’re still with me, let’s get into the nitty gritty, each episode rated from 1 to 5 LLAPs. 🖖
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“Strange New Worlds” 🖖🖖🖖🖖
After DISCO S2 gave us a Pike which made Spock’s actions in “The Menagerie” entirely plausible, we pick up here with him knowing his destiny and he’s having to work on that. As it plays out, we get some great explorations of what Star Trek and Starfleet within the universe is about. We also get a pretty pointed commentary on our present and what allowing politicians to appeal to and encourage the baser, xenophobic impulses of their constituencies leads to. Solid start, solid introduction of return and new characters, and wow is this show gorgeous.
“Children of the Comet” 🖖🖖🖖
A solid episode which feels a little long in places. However, showing Sam Kirk is this universe’s Guy Fleegman is terrific, and we get some great Uhura moments. Also, fly, Erica, fly!
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“Ghosts of Illyria” 🖖🖖🖖🖖
About as TOS as you can get! Crewmembers trapped on a planet below as danger approaches, a strange disease threatening the crew. Plus, a couple of good character revelations that start threads which will continue well into Season 2.
“Memento Mori” 🖖🖖🖖✌️(That’s a half)
The beginnings of expanding on the Gorn while giving us more background on La’an Noonien Singh (whom I originally was none to happy that she was Khan’s descendant, but S2 really uses that beautifully). She’s a terrific character and this episode helps us know why. Also- see my comment above about making the Klingons “more” because you have the opportunity as SNW picks up the way ENT showed us the Gorn were more than just a slow moving dino allegory and kicks it into high gear.
“Spock Amok” 🖖🖖🖖
A very fun episode which continues to show us that TOS’s T’Pring was more than just a diabolical woman who dared mess with our heroes. Have greatly appreciated what they have done with her. Also, Enterprise Bingo!
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“Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach” 🖖🖖🖖✌️
Credit here first of all for a very TOS title. Then a TNG style morality play, but one that does not end happily. Dig it.
“The Serene Squall” 🖖🖖✌️
The Orion pirate captain and Pike’s mutiny was a little too…well silly for me. However, Captain Angel and the Sybok name drop, plus Christine being badass? All in there. Also, this sets up some Spock/Chapel stuff for S2 and I dig all of that.
“The Elysian Kingdom” 🖖🖖✌️
Again fun, and a neat way to deal with M’Benga’s daughter storyline. A bit indulgent in places, but everyone seems to be enjoying themselves so much, and we get Christina Chong’s dog Runa. VERY TOS when it all comes down to it. Bonus points for the DS9 reference.
“All Those Who Wander” 🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖
Oh- the Gorn are warp capable Xenomorphs. How HORRIFYING. Also, some real stakes as we lose Hemmer, and Spock really starts his S2 arc here.
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“A Quality of Mercy” 🖖🖖🖖🖖✌️
Terrific method of tying in some more TOS to contextualize the show, a modernized TWOK uniform, and a new Captain Kirk. I didn’t walk out convinced by Paul Wesley’s Kirk, but he wins me over early in S2. My real complain here is Ortegas falling into the role of the bigoted Styles from “Balance of Terror.” Did NOT seem like her style. Kudos to a bit of a cliffhanger, even if it does feel a little tacked on to the episode. Also, they missed a bet not having James Frain (DISCO’s Sarek) playing the Romulan Commander.
(Also, the show misses a bet not having Rebecca Romijn or Jess Bush voice the computer.)
Overall S1 is a solid start that ties itself plenty to what has gone before, without resorting to simple, overwrought nostalgia baiting to tell a story. Like some other recent Star Trek.
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"The Broken Circle" 🖖🖖🖖🖖
Spock stealing the Enterprise on a semi regular basis is now in my canon, and I am grateful. Pelia, I am convinced, is actually Carol Kane’s character from “Taxi.” M’Benga rolling out the stimulants didn’t make a lot of sense to me on my first viewing, but in context with the season, this is actually setting up a really interesting—and dark—bit of character development.
“Ad Aspera per Aspera” 🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖
This. This is Star Trek. ‘Nuff said. (Ok, also, THOSE DRESS UNIFORMS!)
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“Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow “ 🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖
Here, HERE Paul Wesley’s Kirk wins me over, even if it is an alternate version. Earning money (and apparently a lot given the remarkably nice apartment they stay in) by playing CHESS, recognizing that La’an’s universe should stay because Sam’s alive, the slow seduction…yup, that’s Jim Kirk. Plus, This episode acknowledges that time is fluid, referencing how TOS tells us the Eugenics Wars SHOULD have been in 1992, but it keeps shifting. Elegant solution that opens so many doors to future stories. Also, baby KHAAAAAAAANNN!
“Among the Lotus Eaters” 🖖🖖🖖🖖
Nice callbacks to “The Cage,” yes. But this episode BELONGS to Erica Ortegas. “My name is Erica Ortegas and I👏🏻fly👏🏻the👏🏻ship!” And let’s add “thread the needle” to awesome starship tricks, shall we? Erica makes this good episode great.
“Charades” 🖖🖖🖖🖖
Vulcan shenanigans are back with a fully human Spock, and indeed, this one is funny. Ethan Peck’s comedy chops are great here, especially with Sam Kirk’s mess. Anson Mount delivers in the funny department too as Pike serves up Vulcan food. Very poignant stuff here for Christine though, and though I was initially, “oh no,” continuity-wise, I really ended up liking what this MEANS to what we saw on TOS.
“Lost in Translation” 🖖🖖🖖
A bit cliche, but a good Uhura episode, and though it seems like they're trying a little TOO hard to bring Kirk in, the Lt. Kirk/Ensign Uhura dynamic here is really good. The Jim/Sam thing also something I enjoyed. What makes this episode for me though is when Uhur figures out what's going on, Pike trusts her. Blows up a whole-ass mining station on the word of one Ensign. Go, Nyota!
"Those Old Scientists" 🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖
Just perfect. From the seemless merger of Lower Decks animated characters, to the meta commentary about "oddly specific references" and people talking "really slowly and quietly" this just works. Also ENT love! Uhura and Ortegas geeking out over Sato and Mayweather just made my day. So much fun, nothing could wipe the smile from my face! (Spoiler alert: The next episode will gut me.)
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"Under the Cloak of War" 🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖
Holy crap. You thought DS9 played around with questionable moral decisions in a war setting, SNW here shows us they're not afraid to travel into Moore/Behr's space and take a whirl. The weirdness with M'Benga pays off here, and as a veteran myself they way this episode delves into our inability to provide the emotional context to what war does to us to someone without the same frame of reference? Fantastic. I was pretty uptight for most of this episode, because I felt it. I cried in places, was made uncomfortable in places, and what a set of reveals for both Christine and of course M'Benga as we see those flashbacks.
"Subspace Rhapsody"🖖🖖🖖
I WANT to give this one another LLAP, as I love musicals, and I love the fact they were bold enough to do one. The cast pulls off their numbers wonderfully, there's some great moments, especially between Jim and La'an (HE'S BACK???), and they conceit that makes this work is though a hair silly, pretty consistent with Trek and it's quantum/multiversal/anomaly episodes of times past. The only thing that doesn't work for me are the songs themselves. A couple are OK, but they just didn't stick with me. And I made sure I watched a couple of times, just to see if it was my mood. I can't help but compare this to Buffy The Vampire Slayer's "Once More With Feeling" though, and there are three songs from that I keep on my permanent playlist, and can sing pretty much the whole ep verbatim. This didn't make me want to do that; I just really enjoyed it. I wanted to love it. (Shout out though to the "Once More With Feeling" Easter Egg.)
"Hegemony" 🖖🖖🖖🖖
As soon as they gave Captain Batel a first name in the musical, I got worried, and sure enough these Gorn bring that to fruition. She's not dead yet, but she's in trouble, and this is a tight action episode. I appreciate that this new young Montgomery Scott is a) played by a Scot, and b) something of a mix between the Doohan and Pegg versions of the character. My only fear now is we have this cliffhanger, and between the writer's strike and modern TV's general refusal to follow seasonal schedules, we may be in for a far worse wait than the summer of 1990 left us with William Riker's "Fire."
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So that's my take. Yes, there are missteps, or things that don't QUITE work, but if I want to compare this to the glory days of 90s Trek, we're only 20 episodes in, and already having a great time when TNG, DS9, and VOY all took at least a season or two of 24 episodes each to find their way. Sure, classic Trek all but hit it out of the gate, but again, we don't have but slightly more than 2/3 of their first season of episodes. We’re 20 episodes in and the worst ones are JUST good, there hasn’t been a bad one yet. SNW has found a way to be a prequel without suffering from their audience’s foreknowledge, and fit themselves firmly into Trek lore without just relying on playing Trek Trivia Madlibs to write their scripts (though Kirk KEEPS showing up!). I'm a little worried as I was really digging on DISCO for the first two seasons as well, and season 3 was a huge disappointment to me. Let's hope whenever we get back to this, they keep up the good work. I am more than ready to again boldly go.
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yamcat · 1 month
ten faves in ten fandoms
I was tagged by the ever lovely @saltedpin , thank you for thinking of me, this was so much fun <333!!!!
Golden Kamuy: this is a tough one for me, because one of the things I love the most about this story is just how well written and intriguingly fleshed out each character is, especially in relation to eachother and to the story itself, but I think I will go with the OG who captured my interest right away, Tsukishima Hajime. Yes we love an unhealthy and obsessive relationship with authority and sense of duty, throw in the belief of living on borrowed time and therefore a life that can't possibly belong to you anymore, and I'm all yours.
Haikyuu!!: the thing is that I've always been IN love with Daichi, but Oikawa is the one who I have always felt the strongest for. A proud dramatic overachiever who cares too much but pretends like he doesn't, genuinely passionate about what he loves to the point it risks consuming him; a tough bitch as much as a sensible nerd. I care for him a lot.
HunterxHunter: Gon, my precious little feral kid who gets traumatized over and over again, but still decides to be kind. What I love the most about him, though, is that he is never portrayed to be inherently good; he is stubborn and occasionally selfish because of his nature as much as because he is just 12 y/o and he doesn't know any better, which is what makes him as lovable and charming as he is.
Helluva Boss: I know I'm not too loud about it, but I have been utterly in love with this show for a good couple months now, as well as with the helluva boss himself, Blitzø. He is a raunchy little imp who severely struggles with self-love and therefore does his best to push away every opportunity he has at a good and healthy relationship because who could possibly love him, right? but he genuinely TRIES, and sometimes he succeeds too, plus, he's still always there for the one he cares about. and honestly, he is just so fucking funny, he has my entire heart.
Dungeon Meshi: Laios, the supposedly knight archetype who does eventually fulfill his destiny, but in the messiest way, unwilling, and at the cost of what he loves the most. There are so many characters I genuinely like in this story, but I am too fascinated and amused by Laios' obsession with monsters and how it makes him so smart and so dumb at the same time to not love him the most. I'm sorry, apparently I have a particular liking for people who are extremely passionate about what they love.
Star Trek: I was unsure about who to choose between Spock and Kirk until the very end, but I have to say Spock. His double heritage and the way he navigates it, all the suffering and treasures he finds in feeling less and more, misunderstood and capable of understanding more than anyone else the multiplicity that deeply characterizes the universe he explores and is so curious about. Rarely I have empathized so much with a character before. Plus, he can be a dramatic bitch, Spirk divorce ark Spock is my favorite Spock.
Tiger & Bunny: honestly both of them, but for the sake of the game I shall say Bunny a.k.a. Barnaby Brooks Jr., my favorite traumatized model face babe with deeply rooted trust issues who completely falls in love with a hot loser single dad who has the tendency to help everyone else but himself. A match made in heaven. And me with them
LOTR: Frodo Baggins. No one understands him like I do....
FMA: my heart is divided between Olivier Armstrong and Riza Hawkeye, because what's not to love about strong, gorgeous, mature, cunning, intelligent, trust-worthy, powerful women? Different flavors, but equally delicious.
Saiyuki: Genjo Sanzo. In a few words, a trigger-happy, easily annoyed, short-tempered Buddhist monk who overly smokes and drinks. In a lot of words, please read Saiyuki.
I'm tagging whoever sees this and wants to do it, it is a lot of fun! And of course, please feel free to @ me if you so wish to!
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everyday i roll up to my awakening, read my silly little gay fanfic, talk to my friends, usually eat something and then let the sheer longing to be a part of the type of love found in star trek tos take over my existence until it is time to sleep.
like. there's the obvious K/S right? the longing looks, the understanding, the fact that Kirk touches Spock so openly and Spock Lets Him even reaching back. the idea that they are so wrapped in each other kills me. they are T'hy'la, they are lovers, friends, partners. in every universe it will always be them.
but there's also the others, the quiet friendship between Spock and Uhura (in tos it's much more subtle then aos but there are Scenes of them just. goofing around, Uhura sings and Spock plays his lyre, they complement each other and fill the little pockets of each others lives with quiet loving companionship.) in a lot of ways they are a mirror to Kirk and Bones.
Speaking of:
Kirk and Bones are rough and honest and endless loyal, they've built each other up and have changed each other, handprints litter their skin and bones (ha) from years of touch and friendship, both have seen the other at their worst and best, in so many scenes Bones pokes fun and banters but when it's serious, when they all truly might die, when Kirk might die. you can see the humility and love written across both their features, worn and comfortable as an old cotton shirt.
Spock and Bones are different, they gripe and bicker and insult each other with enough malice where someone who was a little bit unaware might try to bring it to the Captain's attention. but Spock doesn't take Bones' insults like Jim does, he doesn't take "i don't know why im on this metal tincan with you lot" and respond with "because you love me" Spock fights back, a quip or statistic always up his sleeve (even if im p sure he's lying out of his ass most times) and you can see Bones thrive on it. thrive on having someone be just as bitchy as he is, you can see the respect forming in the set of his shoulder and the stance of his feet. and he fights back with everything he can. and for Spock, there is very few times he lets himself (really lets himself) be as emotional as he is when he bickers with Bones. there is no logic in fighting back, no logic in insulting Bones at any given chance (on and off duty) but Bones gives him a space to be illogical and emotional and petty. Bones and Spock fill a role in each others lives that i honestly don't think anyone else could and they Love each other goddmanit, when Spock is hurt Bones takes care of him with the same ferocity that he otherwise only does with Jim, and Spock goes to great lengths just to be there with him. they love each other guys. they fuckin love each other.
and that's not even TALKING about the others!! Sulu and Chekov bantering and pulling pranks, quietly making fun, and damnit they work well together too, you can see the way they move together, K/S? they have a literal mental bond, Sulu and Chekov? they're just Like That. Scotty and the Enterprise (yes im doing them too) while different, it's still teeming with love. the love of your work and the love of your creation, building and healing (because it is healing isn't it? you never look at Scotty repairing the Enterprise and think "yep. just a guy putting together some metal" it's healing. fucking fight me on this i don't care) and honestly? i think the Enterprise loves him back, as she does the rest of the crew. she hears their footsteps and quiet warm touches. she hears the private conversations and offers help where she can
"give me a sign," whispers Rand. "if I shouldn't do this...tell me now." Janice is shaking, crying, the Enterprise doesn't know what it is. doesn't know if a sign is a good thing. everyone is always moving, talking so she doesn't know what started this but- she shifts, puts her energy to the com in Janice's room. it buzzes to life and Janice laughs, broken. the Enterprise doesn't know if she's helped, doesn't know how to make it better. she tries again.
"Janice- I love - you." spirts the machine. different voices stolen from audio files on the device. and Janice finally smiles.
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letteredlettered · 1 year
nuSpock oldKirk11 it's been months since i've read "spice" and i am not over it
I will never be over Spice. Best fanfic of all time.
I'm really sad about nuSpock oldKirk11 because I was having so much fun writing it, but then I stalled, and now I can't pick up the momentum again.
The premise was that Spock from the '09 Abrams movie (STXI) ended up in the universe of TOS. The motivation is partly that I just really love Quinto!Spock, but I dislike Pine!Kirk (NOT the fault of Chris Pine, who is great in the role; it's the writing that's the problem). Since I ship Kirk/Spock, this is a bit of a dilemma.
I really just want to read a ton of STXI!Spock/TOS!Kirk fics, but this is hard to find, partly because people love Nimoy; people dislike Shatner; and besides the fact that these are two different universes, TOS takes place at a later time than STXI, so if you really want the STXI-era characters with the TOS-era characters, there is also time travel.
But who cares? I wrote an insane number of words for this fic without even knowing why the time-travel-universe-hopping occurred; I just wanted it really badly.
I also have a chip on my shoulder about Kirk Drift, which is the phenomenon in which people think of the Captain Kirk played by Shatner in the 60s as a brash, reckless, rule-breaking womanizer, when that Kirk is profoundly thoughtful, deliberate, compassionate, respectful of women (though it was made in the 60s, so there is quite a bit of sexism in the show itself), and someone who believes in compromise and peace. The thing is, Pine!Kirk is that brash womanizing captain (and what a blow to our culture it is, that the character invented in the 60s is more progressive than the one created in 2009).
Additionally, STXI sets Kirk and Spock at odds, when what is so central to TOS and to the ship is an eternal relationship of trust, friendship, and respect. So, when I started thinking about that, I realized that if STXI!Spock came to the universe of TOS, he might not actually really trust or like TOS!Kirk, because he doesn't trust or like the Kirk of his own universe--despite the detente Kirk and Spock come to by the end of STXI. This gave me a chance to write TOS!Kirk in stark contrast to STXI!Kirk. In the fic, STXI!Spock is surprised over and over again that Kirk is being so thoughtful and deliberate; that everyone sits around and talks to much and Kirk is such a good captain.
On top of that, Kirk is gentle to Spock and deeply compassionate--partly because the Spock who suffered the events of STXI is much, much sadder than TOS!Spock. (This is partly why I like Quinto!Spock so much; I really love him to be sad and angsty, which Spock is sometimes on TOS, but I want ALL the angst and repression.)
The other difference in STXI!Spock is that he's dating Uhura. It turns out I despise STXI K/S fics in which Spock breaks up with Uhura because it wasn't "meant to be" or because she "doesn't understand him like Kirk does". I think my problem is that Pine!Kirk is so repellent to me that it kind of disgusts me that Spock would give up someone who is smart, sympathetic, capable, responsible, and understanding for someone who is . . . Pine!Kirk. Like, I guess you're attracted to who you're attracted to and you love who you love, and I dislike it when people talk about partners someone "deserves" or who fit together "logically," but just . . . ugh.
So I wanted to write an STXI!Spock who was deeply in love with Uhura. Meanwhile, TOS!Spock and TOS!Uhura seem to friends, but not more, so I liked the idea of STXI!Spock getting to TOS-verse and being devastated not only because he's not in the right universe or time, but also his girlfriend isn't interested in him any more. The idea was that he would eventually fall for TOS!Kirk, but there are . . . a few problems. The Spock I wrote loves his Uhura too much to just take up with someone else, even if I write that he gets stuck in TOS-verse for months. Also, TOS!Kirk is in love with TOS!Spock. TOS!Kirk sees STXI!Spock as vulnerable and alone, and wants to help him, but would never want to take advantage of him--especially when he realizes how much STXI!Spock dislikes the Kirk of his own universe.
So, against all my intentions, if I ever finished it, this story would actually probably be gen. STXI!Spock would gain a different appreciation of Kirk, and if I ever wrote a sequel, STXI!Spock would return to his own universe (very happy to get back to Uhura's arms) and insist--nay, DEMAND--that STXI!Kirk become something better. Probably the only great thing about STXI!Kirk is he really likes to rise to a challenge (and STXI!Kirk really does seem to care about Spock, and I could see him wanting Spock's approval), so I could see STXI!Kirk becoming a different sort of captain because Spock demands it. That would be pretty gen also, but then there could be another story in that series where TOS!Kirk finally gets TOS!Spock back, and TOS!Spock--having spent time in STXI-verse while his counterpart was in TOS-verse--is very, very happy to get back to his own Kirk and his own Enterprise. And TOS!Spock, having met Spock!Prime in STXI-verse, realizes that he doesn't want the life that Spock!Prime had, which was lonely because he never confessed his love to Kirk!Prime. So TOS!Spock confesses to TOS!Kirk and they are very happy, the end.
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roughscribs · 2 years
This was longer than I intended but it’s just a rant about kid fics in the startrek universe 🤧💜
I can always tell when a spirk kid/mpreg fic is written by someone with a fundamental misunderstanding of how culture and race works. I hate fics that outright condemn Spocks culture and especially when they use Kirk as a mouth piece for it it's so out of character.
It's so nasty to me to see ppl write Kirk haphazardly raising Vulcan/half Vulcan children. Neglecting their Vulcan heritage and culture. It smells like white parents rasing poc children and filling their head with dangerous notions about race. Neglecting to teach them about racism and dismissing their concerns for how the world will treat them once they enter society independently. It's why so many mixed race children grow up with a weak sense of identity.
Considering that xenophobia and discrimination are still very much present in star treks sociopolitical climate it would be extremely damaging to interspecies children and their sense of identity and even their biological health bc of actually being a different species.
WE LITERALLY SEE IT WITH SPOCK. How his lack of education on his human heritage and forced emphasis on his Vulcan heritage has left him fighting these two identities FOR MOST OF HIS LIFE. So why would y'all write Kirk taking care of Vulcan children in such a negative and dangerous way???
One of my fave kid fics is my beautiful human by ladyTauriel on ao3. It paints a really vivid picture of a loving multiracial parent child relationship. Kirk works hard trying to teach his adopted son Vulcan heritage to the best of his abilities WITH real research and he seek outside sources when he knows he is not enough. His child’s emotionalism isn’t shamed or neglected. But as a Vulcan the path of logic is essential to his growth and wellbeing and Kirk may not get it but he knows its necessary. It's so great and healthy and beautiful I love it.
For the ppl who just don't GET IT. Let me put it in another way. Living with strict or conservative parents/family and having to stifle a certain type of self expression and then finally u hit those year when ur finally independent and ur left spiraling trying to figure out who u are bc u weren’t allowed to explore or even learn about other options? Well that is this. Except racial identity is not an invisible internal struggle it also an unwillingly external one and it's something every poc is gonna have to deal with.
For queer ppl do y’all know how much different it would be if ur parents would have given u the option to explore ur sexuality??Or even expressed to u that different sexualities existed and they aren’t queerphobic???
Growing up as a interspecies child having one half of ur identity just not even made available to u is wild. So many consequences. Vulcans are telepaths. They need guidance perfecting these abilities why would Kirk just??? Neglect this especially if he’s taken in the challenge of parenting. Kirk raising Vulcan children as if they are just average human children then them being set out independently into society being rejected by both Vulcans and humans and not having either identity properly reinforced at home would be fucking awful to them.
((This also just shows an ignorance of health parenting… just saying. Sometimes, as some with child care experience, seeing the way ppl write children and parent interactions has very “go to room young man” energy, very “this person has never interacted with children or ever been in a position to take care of children” energy. That’s not y’all’s fault so it’s not a real criticism it’s just a person gripe and I laugh at a lot of dialogue 😭 u know how ppl with siblings can tell when a writers has no siblings.))
Anyways While my dislike for this is a personal opinion and I'm not saying this makes anyone a bad person. Or anything pls write whatever u want but like it does show a lack of understand about these subject.
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capfalcon · 1 year
You know, it's funny, your 'who can believe Uhura is Spocks ex and he picked KIRK' is kinda making me hate AOS Kirk like honestly nothing ever has since AOS dropped. Because I never really thought of how much they dragged Kirk down and made him less special. Because TOS Kirk WAS hyper-competent, this crazy complex dude- an ambitious, controlling, brilliant, hardcore nerd with a vicious streak and a frightening talent for tactics, someone famous and famously intimidating enough Klingons were constantly falling over each other just for the chance to be able to say they'd fought him once. Who would be someone no one would think twice about Spock dropping ANYONE to date. Roddenberry said in interviews he modeled Kirk on Horatio Hornblower and Alexander- like the ultimate Marcus Aurelius philosopher-type commanders. And they turned him into a dude you could honestly make a joke about like 'lol why would Spock pick THIS disaster' and damn. I honestly never thought of it that way but shit u right. AOS Kirk is kind of trash in comparison
ummmm, yeah, no. i LOVE aos kirk, that post was in no way shape or form me making a joke out of him.
and yeah, you're not wrong tos kirk is great and special and everyone knows it, all those things. but the whole point of aos kirk is what happens to people when they're not given support, when they have unhappy and unhealthy childhoods, when they're not born into a universe where the odds are in their favor. and the whole point of aos kirk is him being special DEPSITE all the obstacles in his way. he's not less special, not to me.
uhura underestimates him in that bar. spock underestimates him. and yes, kirk cheats on the exam, but that's the whole point. he wins. the odds are stacked against him and he wins, because that's what aos kirk does. he says, fuck this, and it WORKS because he is special. he finds a way around, because people have cast him off his entire life. he doesn't believe in faluire, he doesn't believe in giving up, he doesn't believe in leaving people behind. he provokes SPOCK, of all people, on purpose, and it works. he's a tactician.
so, if you hate aos kirk, that's perfectly fine, i know for a matter of fact you're not alone in that. but i don't. and i think people underestimating him over and over again is his whole story. but he isn't dumb, he isn't hopeless. he was top of his class, in the aos series.
and yes, like i said, he's a disaster. that's the point. highly intelligent people who don't grow up in healthy homes tend to be disasters. they aren't given tools or support to be "honorable" or worthy, or special. they're overlooked, they're cast aside. so, no, i don't hate aos kirk. i think, if anything, i find him extraordinary, remarkable.
the point of my post wasn't that kirk is lame, or pathetic. it's that spock and uhura, on the outside, seem compatable. but it's kirk, who doesn't think in the lines, who is a rebel, who is an outcast, who understands perfectly how spock could be ostracized, who spock is drawn to. kirk and uhura aren't better or worse than each other. but challenge and growth are necessary in any relationship, and i think kirk can provide spock with that far more than uhura can.
like i said, if you hate aos kirk, i know you're not alone in that. but my post was never an indictment on his character, literally and morally.
aos kirk, to me, is special because he was born into a universe where he was never supposed to amount to anything, and he fights, tooth and nail, to be someone. i can't hate that.
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rotationalsymmetry · 1 year
Harrow the ninth heavy spoilers under cut, do not read. Meta about the Emperor Undying.
“But I didn’t get to where I am by being able by being able to die, you know?”
The Lyctor said, “the Resurrection Beast—“
“Can’t kill me.”
“You acted afraid —“
This is what I mean about Jod putting on an act of someone who’s trying his best, but not actually being that person. I couldn’t forget, because I bought it up to this point. I love the sort of character Jod is trying to present himself as. The kind leader. The Captain Kirk type character. Dad vibes. Powerful yet nurturing. Whether it’s in some morally black and white universe (fun) or a morally ambiguous one where even a good leader has to make impossible choices.
But, and it is really important to understand this if you want to understand the books at all, Jod isn’t that. Jod is the sort of person who pretends to be that, who puts on an act, but who actually does things like hide the secret to perfect Lyctorhood and watches his fists and gestures murder their cavaliers when they don’t have to. Jod is the sort of person who knows that the Resurrection Beasts cannot harm him, and who will nevertheless hide in the safest part of Mithraeum while the Lyctors who serve him, who can die, fight in his place. It’s an act. It’s manipulation. It’s about using people.
Granted the series isn’t over yet, but I think it’s pretty clear at this point, literally at this part of Harrow the Ninth, that we aren’t going to get some perfectly logical explanation for why Jod had to do things that way, why he truly had no better option and is still a good person in spite of the lies. He’s just incredibly, horribly, shockingly evil.
(which I guess shouldn’t come as a huge surprise for a book about a necromancy based empire. But uh, yeah. I was honestly expecting moral complexity, not…the sort of thing where someone gets to be even more evil because he’s capable of faking kindness.)
oh, and a few lines later:
“Gideon the First…I’m not even mad that you failed to either fix or put down Harrow…”
and in case you missed it, because there is a lot going on in this scene,
I said, “You told that bastard to beat up Harrow?” That was my job, after all.
God said, “I was trying to save her.”
What we know from this: Jod told Gideon Prime to try to kill Harrow. Jod told Gideon Prime to try and kill Harrow. This is news! This is new information! Harrow had previously been confused that Jod wasn't actively protecting her from Gideon, but she didn't know that Gideons orders came from him! This is new and very relevant information.
And yes, sure, the next line is some attempt to justify it, but which makes more sense here, that a good person somehow had to lie repeatedly about what was going on and why he was doing what he was doing, over life and death issues (and that somehow it would "save" Harrow to get murdered*), or that a person who's pretending to be good but is actually a total dickweed is willing and able to keep up the endless stream of bullshit when directly confronted with what he did? Yeah.
*admittedly Mercymorn also saying that killing Harrow would somehow be a mercy to her is maybe some evidence that that isn't completely implausible? There is some very weird stuff going on with death in these books.
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DS9 2x23 Crossover thoughts (I'm re-watching, so there may be future spoilers)
Kira's face, I love how much annoyance she can convey with even the subtlest expression.
"Quietly." That's not going to happen with Julian there
....Julian's ADHD-like inability to keep quiet is actually too relatable 😅
She's surprisingly pleased at him listening to Bajoran music, I get the feeling she didn't think Julian could do anything she would like.
"Burying the hatchet." - he just wants to be frieeeeends.
"We're finally putting past conflicts behind us." "Making way for brand new ones." Oh Kira XD
"May I call you Nerys?" "...Sure." *Internally: If I say yes will you stop talking??*
"I've always felt you were one of the most interesting women I've ever met." Hell yeah she is!
The way Kira's eyes widen as she realises OH NO HE'S FLIRTING. (Saaaame though. My heart just sank when I realised he's flirting)
Haha, "It was hard for Chief O'Brien as well at first." So either this exchange is purely platonic like with the chief, or his exchange with the chief was definitely flirting like with Nerys. ...I know which one convinces me more.
I always love the immediate change from silly to professional when danger happens
The fear in their voices when they can't see the station
The dizzy camera angle is WONDERFUL
Kira accidentally channelling the Intendant with her anger, enough to fool them.
Julian's whisper of "Garak" <3
Intro music, oh my, that was just the first five minutes?! I'm going to have so much to say aren't I 😅 It's almost like you've got my two favourite characters in the same room XD
Interesting that the difference between "Terran" and "Human" is picked up by the universal translator. Or does Julian speak Cardasi and know Garak's difference in meaning that way?
Yisss, the Intendant - SO GOOD
"At least allow me to interrogate him." I do enjoy seeing Garak like this
Miles! :D Somehow it's comforting to hear his voice in a bad situation
"That's my Rule of Obedience Number Fourteen". Is Odo mocking the rules of acquisition? Or inspired by them to make his own?
It's hard to remember how confusing this must be to the two of them, when we know straight away it's a parallel universe
Almost a century? Huh, I always forget DS9 is in the late 2360s
"I regret using it even when it seems necessary." ooft that's JUST like our Kira, though I don't think you mean it quite as much as she does
Oh, Kira thinks it's like her too! XD
"You know how to manipulate me!" Fantastic, I love how pleased she is
"Find this attractive young woman some quarters." Why is the Intendant allowed to be so gay when Nerys isn't? (I know, I know, she's evil, and villains are allowed to be queer where protagonists aren't.)
"Have you ever hear of a Starfleet Captain named James Kirk?" Once again, Julian's ability to remember stuff is absurd for a "normal human". There must be dozens of things people learn about Kirk, yet he recalls and connects the dots immediately - and this was something he only "read about", not that he learnt at the Academy!
>>> Compare this to The Naked Now. Admittedly, the events of The Naked Time were less memorable than parallel-universe travel, but there, Riker asks Data for help as he has only a vague memory of something similar happening at sometime in history.
Seeing this Quark is also quite fun
Sudden gun! Woah! Quark!
Growl-y Sisko :o Honestly, this is the weirdest change to see: Kira's fabulously fun, Odo and Garak are kind of understandable - but this is a completely different person
Julian giving up his food :3 though tbf I think most of the DS9 crew would in this situation
"Actually, we're best friends." Does he believe that? Is he lying to himself? Is it true? I'm obsessed with this
"You and me?" Oh, Smiley <3 He sound so disbelieving but also kind of hopeful
"Everything I've told you is the truth." I think Julian really means it
Sisko's laugh, SO WEIRD
Ohh, at being summoned we get the first hint of fear and silence from Sisko, before the charm turns back on....
"Is he as loyal and true as mine?" "He's a good man." Loving Kira's fight to want to agree that Sisko is loyal and true, but not wanting to compare him with this Sisko in any way.
"I'm... a little afraid of you." oh, Kira. This is so soft and heartbreaking
"I do admire a well-tailored gown." HAH in all universes Garak likes clothes.
"All atwitter" I just REALLY like this phrase?
"Good doctor" as opposed to dear doctor, such a big difference
Garak's definitely doubling down on offering the carrot AND the stick
"Just watch your back. You're in danger." "Why my back? What kind of danger?"
Kira's heartbreak at Sisko not being the Sisko she needs and wants
Killing a mirror image of your friends can't be fun, especially watching them explode graphically. I wonder how Julian will feel next time he sees Odo?
"Starfleet would probably have a big problem with that. ..... To hell with them. Let's go." There's a pause there, where I can only imagine Julian's thinking *well, Starfleet would have a big problem with me*
"This is my reward for treating you Terrans with the least bit of respect. Very well. I can learn from my mistakes." Man, the parallels with how Dukat always talks about how well he treated the Bajorans and how ungrateful they were...
MILES. YOU HERO. This speech of his is everything.
"I wanted him to take me with him because whatever it's like where he's from, it's got to be better than this. There's got to be something better than this." My heart, I cannot.
How quickly Rebellion starts! It's funny, re-watching I'd forgotten that the rebellion we see later on actually started in this episode.
"Where have you been?" "Through the looking-glass, Commander." That's a human phrase! I wonder how Kira learnt that? I'm headcanoning, from Julian's smile at the end there, it was a comment he had just made and explained about the whole experience, so it was the first thing Kira thought of to say XD
What a pair they make, Julian being the dirtiest scruffbag and Kira still in her elegant dress.
I ADORE this episode. So, so, SO good.
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old-type-40 · 2 years
Major spoiler ahead for the recent Strange New Worlds ep "Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach". So if you're not blocking tags, look away.
Okay, with that out of the way, I'm left wondering if the writer of the episode thought it would be an interesting juxtaposition if we had the one father who was unable to save his own child trying to help M'Benga who's trying to save his daughter. But to me there's an ironic contrast in that you had an episode that borrows heavily from an Ursula K. Le Guin story on social inequality while failing to recognize an implicit inequality issue with M'Benga's actions.
If you can use a transporter to extend the lifetime of someone who doesn't have long to live (which seems to ignores canon and would invalidate a number of story lines including Amok Time - see below), who gets to use this technology to potentially save the life of a loved one? M'Benga has access to a transporter. Think of all the people who don't. What's to stop a Starfleet admiral from doing this with a loved one? Why are their loved ones more worthy than others? How many non-Starfleet people might be asking for their loved ones to be saved through official channels only to be turned down? How many times would these people than try to get covert help from someone who does have access to a transporter?
I feel like the writers behind SNW didn't think through the social implications of their use of the transporter in the M'Benga backstory. And really good science fiction writers try to think through the implications of any technology they create for their fictional universes.
Don't get me wrong. I like SNW. But I think in this one case they were trying to be a bit too clever with having this tragic issue for one of the characters and kind of fumbled it. And I certainly understand why there are plenty of people who like this bit of M'Benga's history and I have no issue with that. This post is by no means a criticism of anyone in the fandom. It's just my expressing a personal wish that the writing team had thought this through more carefully.
P.S. In case you're wondering about my comment about Amok Time, if you could really use the transporter as described in SNW, Kirk need not have violated orders to save Spock's life. Put Spock in the transporter buffer, complete the diplomatic mission, then head to Vulcan and rematerialize him.
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lenievi · 2 years
KIRK: Mister Spock, we'll need more weapons. SPOCK: I understand. KIRK: We'll try to take it easy, but if we're forced to kill... (A Taste of Armageddon)
KIRK: But if the situation calls for it, we kill, is that clear? SPOCK: Clear, Captain. (Errand of Mercy)
it’s kinda funny how these two episodes I haven’t seen until today have Kirk be very very military and willing to use force, even kill, and he asks the same from Spock
both of these episodes show some quite dark sides of the Federation too imho
also I guess the reason why Kirk is so uncharacteristically emotional is because McCoy isn’t there to “rein him in”. Usually an episode is done in a way that McCoy is the one projecting Jim’s emotions (because you can’t really have two irrationally emotional characters lol) and only later, Kirk allows his emotions to be shown, but he’s irrational since the beginning in this one (in an episode where McCoy isn’t present) 
I mean I’m not really serious, but Kirk is unbalanced in this episode because of his hatred for the Klingons and his frustration with the Organians who didn’t want to listen, which makes him arrogant and self-righteous, and it makes me wonder if it would be different if McCoy was around (not that McCoy always works but... it does help)
Spock had to restrain him several times even
KIRK: You didn't really think I was going to beat his head in, did you? SPOCK: I thought you might. KIRK: You're right. 
I’m not saying I dislike it, I’m just saying that Kirk is more flawed in this episode than usual, which is good because people often say that Kirk only got flaws in tos films... which isn’t true. He was always pretty complex character with flaws.
I’ve seen people say that Kirk and his actions are never criticized in universe, but this episode? It literally criticizes Kirk, the Federation, and the United States (since Federation = the US)
KIRK: Even if you have some power that we don't understand, you have no right to dictate to our Federation KOR: Or our Empire! KIRK: How to handle their interstellar relations! We have the right AYELBORNE: To wage war, Captain? To kill millions of innocent people? To destroy life on a planetary scale? Is that what you're defending? KIRK: Well, no one wants war. But there are proper channels. People have a right to handle their own affairs. Eventually, we will have AYELBORNE: Oh, eventually you will have peace, but only after millions of people have died. It is true that in the future, you and the Klingons will become fast friends. You will work together.
watching A Taste of Armageddon and Errand of Mercy back to back really just makes it right in your face that what Kirk did in A Taste of Armageddon was the same what the Organians did here, so his speech and indignation are very hypocritical 
KIRK: Well, Commander, I guess that takes care of the war. Obviously, the Organians aren't going to let us fight. KOR: A shame, Captain. It would have been glorious.
in a way it was ‘nice’ they pretty much said that the Federation and the Klingon Empire are the same (since this was once again criticism of the Cold War) 
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