theharellan · 6 years
❅ : Advice to non-role play blogs that want to get started?
i wrote advice literally years ago that i can’t be bothered to find now, so i guess now is as good a time as ever to re-write it.
i’ll put the first bullet above the cut b/c i feel like some stuff is important for everyone to know, and some stuff is just relevant to rp blogs.
brush up on the lingo! the tumblr rp community has developed a language of its own. you’ll learn a lot through context or just asking questions (and if you don’t know what something means, don’t be afraid to ask!). i honestly think this language divide is a reason some ppl have problems with personal blogs reblogging their posts. i’m not sure everyone outside the rpc realises what personal blogs are. here are a couple of important terms:- personal blog: a non-rp blog, it doesn’t matter if you use your blog for posts about your personal life or it’s a fandom blog for graphics, it’s still a personal blog by most ppl’s standards.- muse / mun: i tend to prefer the word “mod” / “writer” to “mun” excepting the munday pun, but mun just means the person who runs the blog. muse is the character (or characters) written on a blog.- mutuals / non-mutuals: if you follow someone and they follow you back, you’re mutuals with them. otherwise, you’re a non-mutual.- private / selective / semi-selective: people who are picky about who they rp with, whether that means mutuals only, or only muses from a certain rp. these terms can be somewhat flexible, i consider myself semi-selective b/c i will rp with non-mutuals, but will turn down rps if i’m overwhelmed with replies or feel we’re incompatible as rpers.- meme: a term used to describe prompts that can take many forms, from symbols like this meme to memes where you have to add some input of your own, like a “five times __’d” meme you’d have to add whatever word you like in the blank.- banter / para / multipara / novella: again, these terms can kinda vary person to person. banter is typically about 100 words, para can be anywhere from 100 words to maybe 200. multipara i put at about 300-400. novella is just… go wild. i’ve written 2000 word replies on occasion.- tw/cw: trigger warning and content warning. these are used by tumblr a lot in general, but given rp (for an adult game series like dragon age especially) will inevitably deal with triggering or sensitive topics, i think it’s important to define.these are just a few examples, and if you’re ever confused, please ask someone. it’s better than not and annoying someone by sending an ask for a meme listed mutuals only.
make sure you get a rules / about / verses page before you start. if you’re established in a community people may rp with you without one, but if you’re new it’s important to establish yourself. here are some things i think are important to have in particular. it’s a little dragon age-rp/bioware-rp specific, but this is a dragon age blog. other things that i didn’t mention b/c it wasn’t necessarily relevant to interacting: have a name/nickname, age, and pronouns on your rules AND your character’s about page. even if it’s just “18+” or “minor” if you’re not comfortable giving your exact age.some people will refuse to write with minors for their own comfort, and having this information will limit miscommunication and misgendering.
lots of people use icons, and they’re a lot of fun to use! but you also don’t have to use them. some people may not rp with you for it, but that’s their loss. i will say it’s becoming more accepted since when i first made solas. it wasn’t so much of a thing when i first started tumblr rp, then it became a thing, then it backed off again. i personally use them when i can b/c i find they add a little extra something, but don’t have icons for every verse.
make sure your page is legible. aesthetic is nice, but people here have vision problems and super tiny font or dark font on dark backgrounds can strain people’s eyes. remember rping is mostly about writing, so if you have a page that doesn’t show off your writing, you’re doing yourself a disservice!
i’d recommend making a separate blog rather than making a sideblog, or if you do make a sideblog, then having a hub blog/main rp blog you follow from. often i don’t look at personal blogs that follow me at all (i have a hard time keep track of new followers in general), so if ppl have a personal they follow from and an rp sideblog i may miss this entirely.
make sure you turn on your asks and anonymous questions if you’re comfortable with them. i forget this sometimes still lmao.
know that it’s ok to make mistakes! i’ve had ppl tell me they’d love to get into darp but don’t know dragon age lore all that well. there’s nothing wrong with that. i have learned so much about the lore since making solas, and there’s still stuff i don’t know! if you feel unsure still, i’d suggest figuring out what your character would/wouldn’t know about and familiarising yourself with that via the dragon age wiki for example if you’re making a dwarven oc (please, i need so many more in my life) who is from orzammar but is now a surface dwarf, i’d recommend reading the pages about orzammar and surface dwarves, and from there you can find related pages. your character will never know everything about the universe, so it’s ok if you don’t, either. i play one of the more knowledgeable characters in the series, and even he doesn’t know everything.
don’t godmod / metagame / forceship etc. this probably could’ve been up with the definitions, but i felt was important enough to warrant its own section.- godmodding is when you force the other writer’s character to do something. like, in a fight, you say one character kicked another character in the face. you’re not the one who decides that, they are, all you can say is your character tried to kick them in the fact. conversely, making your character dodge every move would also be a jerk move. i’d recommend fight scenes be discussed ooc tbh. mild godmodding is sometimes accepted. say our characters are drinking and yours hands mine a drink, most people will accept you writing that my character takes the drink. there would be a line, however. like if you then stated my character loves the drink and has never had anything like it, that’d be godmodding. mild godmodding often helps move threads along, though if you’re unsure about something, feel free to ask! most people will appreciate it.- metagaming is when your character has knowledge they couldn’t or shouldn’t. i have in my rules that you can’t know solas’s true identity w/o asking me first and establishing it ooc before you do so ic. in canon solas is careful with what he reveals about himself, and the only person who really suspects him for any length of time is vivienne.- forceshipping is when you force a relationship onto another character. typically this refers to romantic shipping, but i think it can apply to any relationship. for example, if an inquisitor lavellan were to call my solas “vhenan” it would be forceshipping, as i am singleship. but also, if someone were to project a friendly or even negative relationship onto my a character, it’s also a form of forceshipping imo. remember you can only control how your character feels about someone, and not the other way around. in your head blackwall may be the dad your character has never had, and your character can treat him so, but don’t expect a blackwall rper to fill that role if they don’t want to!
there’s a lot more, but in the interest of doing other things with my day i’ll end it here. if people have questions i’m happy to answer them, either through Tumblr IM or asks.
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prairiestar · 6 years
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“Lady Seeker, may I ask what brings you to this area? Are you on a quest for the Inquisition?” Bryn look curiously to the side at the woman she only knew by reputation. Then she peered down the outcropping at the exposed red lyrium vein. The ore left a bad taste in her mouth. It granted power at the expense of many lives.
“I was seeking new material for my projects when I found this. It’s a bad omen I say - brings nothing but trouble.” Her hand itched to draw her crossbow and start the strike on the enemy. She’d feel honored to be included in this raid. It was only by stumbling upon this mining site using her natural sense for ore locations that she found this on her own. 
Secretly she yearned to be a part of something bigger again - something to give her purpose.
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multamusaee · 6 years
incorruptibleseeker replied to your post: OOC:
Good luck! I hope you get the job!
Thank you! I do too. It’d be pretty cool to get, especially because it’d be a faster bus trip than my old job was aha.
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15 ASSOCIATIONS: Repost and fill in the answers you most associate your character with to each question.
1. ANIMAL: Dove
2. COLOR(S): White, periwinkle, saffron
3. MONTH: September
4.SONG: “Over the Rainbow”
5. NUMBER: 0
7. PLANT: white lilies 
8. SMELL: crayons, petrichor
10. SEASON: Winter
12. FOOD: fruit
14. ELEMENT(S): Light
15. DRINK: apple cider
Tagged by: @xtadathekeyofdestinyx Tagging: @xxpinkseeressxx, @fleurdesaison, @estrifes, @theicequeenslion, @sunshineguardian, @incorruptibleseeker, and you!
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skyheld · 6 years
sc  |  EVANGELINE  |  @incorruptibleseeker
“ Seeker Pentaghast?   I  ---  I wanted to say how honoured I am to meet you.   It may not seem that way,  given my past actions against both our orders  ---  but you have shown what they could and should be,  and I admire you for that. “
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pxperhearts · 6 years
📝 +Uhhh, any Dragon Age character you want to write other than Blackwall?
Send me “📝 + (fandom)” and I’ll reply with a character I would RP from that fandom
I’ve entertained thoughts of Cullen on more than one occasion but I don’t see it happening. I’ve written Zevran and Shale in the past and I don’t think I’d mind re-visiting either of them if I ever got into the mood to write them again. mmm yeah that’s all I can think of. I’m kind of happy with the characters I have from the series now. I think I more like to make dragon age verses for my existing characters and cross them over.
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theharellan · 6 years
(For the positivity meme) valorcorrupt has been so welcoming to me since joining this community! I hope we can be great friends!
Send me some positivity about your favourite blogs on anon and I’ll @ them
merc is a treasure! i count myself lucky she’s my friend ❤
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theharellan · 6 years
bold/italicise what you apply to your muse.
tagged by: posted by @witandcharm tagging: @dalishfreckles @incorruptibleseeker @andrastegraced @starshrouded​ @ anyone
arms crossed on chest // crossing legs // fist-like gestures // pointing index finger // karate chops //stiffening of shoulders // tense posture // curling of lip/baring of teeth
hand-to-face gestures // head tilted // stroking chin // peering over glasses // taking glasses off — cleaning // putting earpiece of glasses in mouth // pipe smoker gestures //putting hand to bridge of nose// pursed lips, knitted brows
arms crossed // sideways glance // touching or rubbing nose // rubbing eyes // hands resting on weapon // brows raising // lips pressing into a thin line // strict, unwavering eye contact// wrinkling of nose
open hands // upper body in sprinters position // sitting on edge of chair // hand-to-face gestures // unbuttoned coat // tilted head // slacked shoulders, droopy posture // feet pointed outward // palms flat and facing outward
hands behind back // hands on lapels of coat // steepled hands // baring teeth in a grin //rolling shoulders // tipping head back but maintaining eye contact // chest puffed up/shoulders back //arms folded just above navel
chewing pen or pencil // rubbing thumb over opposite thumb // biting fingernails // hands in pockets // elbow bent/closed gestures // clearing throat // “whew” sound // picking or pinching flesh // fidgeting in chair // hand covering mouth whilst speaking // poor eye contact // tugging at pants whilst seated // jingling money in pockets // tugging at ear // perspiring hands // playing with hair // swaying // playing with pointer/marker // smacking lips // sighing // rocking on balls of feet // flexing fingers sporadically
short breaths // “tsk” sounds // tightly-clenched hands // fist-like gestures // pointing index finger // rubbing hand through hair // rubbing back of neck // snarling // revealing teeth/grimacing // sharp-eyed glowers w/ notable tension in brow // shoulders back, head up — defensive posturing //clenching of jaw/grinding teeth // nostrils flaring // heavy exhales / sighing
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theharellan · 6 years
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i’ll be @ing ppl for simplicity’s sake. @starshrouded, @nighttimefriend, @aniente, @incorruptibleseeker, @vulsoven, @compassionsblade, @couldntbcloved, @brightflight, @orxna ur all amazing and talented ppl and i’m proud to be following u all!
also @snowmcid for playing one of my top five fave characters ever and being so kind as to send me this xoxo
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multamusaee · 6 years
“We’re married.” Cass and Rasmus?
“We are?” Rasmus was a little confused by the statement. He’d been thinking of asking Cassandra on a date, but he couldn’t remember proposing to her, or even having the wedding. “How… how long have we been married? Was the ceremony everything you hoped it would be?”
There was one other question burning in his mind.
“… Do I make you happy?”
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