#is it bc Michael is an asshole of an angel
ineffablebookgirl · 6 months
It's always funny when I see a Good Omens post that mentions Michael, and I have that beat or two of genuinely not knowing whether they mean the angel Michael or Michael Sheen, 10/10 cognitive dissonance experience, love that shit.
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So I'm pretty sure lucifers real name was Samael. His original name before he left Heaven.
"Samael, from the amoraic period onward the major name of Satan in Judaism. The name first appears in the account of the theory of angels in the Ethiopic Book of Enoch 6, which includes the name, although not in the most important place, in the list of the leaders of the angels who rebelled against God."
Who knows I could be 1000% wrong but like imagine if the other archangels especially michael call him samael to rub it in his face(he's always the one that's seen as the asshole in a lot of media privacy because he's the angel of "an angelic warrior, fully armed with helmet, sword, and shield, " "He is considered a champion of justice, a healer of the sick, and the guardian of the Church." "mentions of his name are in third- and second-century-BC Jewish works, often but not always apocalyptic, where he is the chief of the angels and archangels")
And if michael is the "mentions of his name are in third- and second-century-BC Jewish works, often but not always apocalyptic, where he is the chief of the angels and archangels"
Adam was the leader of Exorcist. But was it michael who taught them how to attack?. Because as much a warrior adam in most media represent him as head strong. And impulsive, also very arrogant.
The Exorcists' fighting styles pointed out by Carmella carmine "out for blood" and NEVER focus on getting hurt only on hurting others.
And "Gabriel is the herald of visions, messenger of God and one of the angels of higher rank."
Even the seraphim who are the "in the highest rank in Christian angelology and in the fifth rank of ten in the Jewish angelic hierarchy." Are powerful, and yet NEITHER of them knew how someone got into heaven. Is it gabriel that tells Sera to not question it. Especially when she was younger so she wouldn't fall?
And Sera carried that to Emily?
(Im sorry I know most of this don't male any sense I just saw six angels point angelic weapons at lucifer and I wanna know which ones)
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These are all archangels I am certain. And I looked up how many arch angels are there and it says Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Chamuel (Camael), Raphael, Jophiel, and Zadkiel
We all know the first two.
Michael- He is considered a champion of justice, a healer of the sick, and the guardian of the Church.
Gabriel-Gabriel is the herald of visions, messenger of God and one of the angels of higher rank.
Now the others
Uriel- archangel of wisdom, light, and the truth of God.
Chamuel (camael)-Archangel Chamuel's mission is to help bring peace to the world. The Archangel of Love
Raphael- Archangel Raphael is often called upon to help with physical healing. travelers, the blind, happy meetings, nurses, physicians, medical workers, matchmakers, Christian marriage, and Catholic studies.
Jophiel-Widely known as the angel of beauty, Jophiel represents the beauty of God, and he plays a great role in helping you see your inner beauty
Zadkiel- In Jewish mysticism and Christian Kabbalah, Zadkiel is associated with the classical planet Jupiter. The angel's position in the sephirot is fourth, which corresponds to Chesed "Kindness".
Are we gonna see this? Because their gods main seven angels. Maybe we'd see Azrael the angel of death?
(Sorry tho when I'm into something I do research for hours)
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bloogers-boogers · 28 days
Your Adam with Lucifer vs Adam with Michael post made my day,
I love that you can just see that kind of dickishness of Adam that just shine through with both of them, like sure, he loves them but he's also self-center and selfish, like that part when Adam is ask whether he would fall/redeem himself for them, I honestly interpret that of him saying he would think about it, he wouldn't actually do it,
With that in mind, does the difference between him saying 'I'm in love with you' in one year vs 2 thousand years really mean that much, the way I see it is that Adam genuinely loves them, he's also shallow and an asshole
To put it more metaphorically,
Adam with Lucifer is like a rollercoaster ride, there are high points and low points, he enjoys it's fast pace but he probably wouldn't have chosen to go on the rollercoaster in the first place and had to be coax to even consider it
Adam with Michael, however, is like a hike up a mountain, slow and meandering, he probably took breaks that last weeks at some point but he doesn't stop hiking and eventually reach the top
YESSSS Adam will always have that dick side of his no matter what, after all the things he’s seen I can’t see him as someone entirely sweet. I see him bitter, bitter that humanity was doomed to sin and struggle, but even more resentful over sinners not taking their second chance on being worthy of heaven and ascending, instead falling to hell and indulging in sin. And now with this whole hotel thing? It was just a tic for him.
I do see him having followed through everything (those things the angels probably didn’t ask him to do. Good deeds that genuinely came from his heart but he doesn’t recognize the acts of good he did back on earth) to be worthy of ascending. But after seeing the atrocities of his descendants and his kids, heaven not being entirely ‘perfect’ he kinda lost it. Not worth the effort anymore, not bothering anymore on trying, having it easy?
Being in heaven just disconnected him from his humanity using the excuse that he was now an angel. Like I feel even the mask represents that side of covering up his human features. He’s ashamed of it, he doesn’t want part of it anymore but he would never get rid of it because it’s a big part of his character. And he knows, hates that. It’s kinda why he brags about it because it beneficial for him (a title of significance in heaven over the winners/stands out from the crowd) but he genuinely doesn’t give a fuck and hates it.
And yes!! I definitely made it meaningful in both of the “one year vs two thousand years”
I see it as it took time with Michael for it to build up after yk eden and his wives so it TOOK a lot to fall for Michael. Like a lot of work was put in that relationship to become stable. Adam has a lot of trust issues and Michael understood that so he was really patient with him and Adam appreciated that side of Michael. So yess!! Adam had a lot of breaks to actually considering taking it seriously and Michael was there waiting for him to take that step.
While with Lucifer they already had a history going on, so things just pieced together quickly, however with that rocky start ofc Adam would’ve NOT chosen to give it a go but with a lot of hard work Lucifer did manage to snatch Adam’s heart hitting the right spots of it and trying to fix the hurt and damage he caused on Adam. They have like ALOT of issues to work on but now they are willing to make an effort to not do the same mistakes (Lucifer mostly agdkshdowhsow) Adam has major abandonment issues and Lucifer cannot leave Adam even if there’s times he wants out (bc Adam is a dick himself)
Like, Michael slow but quick🔥 while with Lucifer quick but slow🔥?
He loves them both differently but the love is there nonetheless
I’m glad my post made your day! 💖
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milfgyuu · 8 months
I haven't sent one of these in a hot minute! The last gifset had me thinking: Sincr it's 🎃time, how about assigning the typical horror movie roles/tropes to Seventeen? Like, we already know Mingyu is The Hot Girl that Dies First™️ 🤣 (grouping them is also fine!)
HELL YEAH, it's spooky time!!!!! I am popping these under a read-more jusssst in case there are some sweet angels on my blog that may be sensitive to the themes or aren't into the horror genre <3
but if you're into SVT and horror film roles/tropes, read below!
Cheol - is surviving. idc. he's giving Chad Michael Murray in House of Wax like he definitely is kind of the asshole with a seedy past in the movie but it's also the reason he is making it out alive because he's fighting back. mf is running around with a tire iron and a gash down the side of his face and he's PISSED.
Jeonghan/Minghao - is taking things a little too...unseriously. like "why are you guys freaking out? ooooh he's gonna getcha!" probably even finds himself getting caught or injured and laughs when everyone gets mad at him because "it was just a joke, omg u guys". definitely turns out to be the killer in the end.
Joshua - god, sorry, but he's the handsome, sweet, innocent boyfriend of the female lead who gets absolutely gutted by the killer in the first half of the movie. Like he is the letterman jacket-wearing jock bf of Drew Barrymore's character in the original Scream. He was truly a bystander but boy is he pretty.
Junhui/Hoshi - He's just a side character but the whole audience loves him! and then he gets kidnapped and disappears halfway thru the movie so everyone assumes he's dead but just when the killer is about to whack the main character he shows up out of nowhere and knocks them out with a fire extinguisher to save them. he's a hero, baby. he still might get got tho :/
Woozi - can we get fluffy for a sec? i know it's horror tropes but this is Thackery Binx from Hocus Pocus, ok? he was kind of a little shit and then he got turned into a cat so now he's chasing around these three idiot kids trying to help them stop the witches from eating all the kids in Salem and he's perpetually irritated at his lack of opposable thumbs bc if he had them, he could just do it all himself.
Wonwoo - he's the dark-knight detective on the case. he's scary, kinda shady, and is likely doing a ton of illegal shit to find leads and force information out of people, but he's not a bad guy. He's been on the case for over a decade and lives off black coffee and cigarettes. definitely makes it to the end and has a hand in taking the killer down.
Mingyu - ok, yes, i still think he's the token slasher-bimbo - like he's the opening kill before the title sequence BUT alternatively, he's the martyr...he's the character you end up loving and then you have to watch as he sacrifices himself so everyone else lives & we love/hate him for it. We weep for him. We write alternate ending fics for him.
Seokmin - Sigh, he's the dad who buys the super-haunted house in a paranormal horror flick. He can't afford to move because he poured his life savings into buying the house. Shit keeps getting progressively worse. His dog chased something into the woods and never came back. His kids are possessed. His wife is floating in the corner and making weird noises. but he's hot - like ryan reynolds in Amityville.
Vernon - bro, he is actually Darry from Jeepers Creepers. I literally can't explain this to you if you haven't watched this CLASSIC and those of you who have seen it...you get it. Like why tf is he ignoring Ms. Dabney????? she's trying to save him and he's like...ok weirdo...i'm gonna go check out that hole where it looks like bodies are being dumped...bye.
Seungkwan - he's not going in that fuck-ass house dude. he's not doing it. he will stand guard with whatever makeshift weapon he can find and he's talking mad shit about everyone and their stupid plan the whole time he's waiting. he is, however, a good friend, and he will run into the house the first time he hears someone scream. is soooo pissed when he finds out it was over nothing and now he's stuck with everyone else in the death trap.
Chan - he is the planner, the optimist, the strategist. he is getting everyone the hell out and he's got the brains and balls to pull it all off. like, my boi is setting traps as if he's Freddie in Scooby Doo. He is pissing the killer off left and right. definitely gets himself in a pinch - almost meets his end - and still, somehow finds a way to live.
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headcanons ?? 👁️👁️
-johnny and jax had a spiritual experience at a michael jackson concert together before he passed away and they still talk about it
-jacqui does her own hair which means takeda becomes her assistant and jumps in when her arms get tired. she’s delighted at how good he’s gotten at braiding
-hanzo has ainu heritage and is very proud of it
-fujin and rain used to have a thing and when everyone found out the kids kept saying “ok last airbender!”
-cassie has tried to get frost to watch some of her favorite movies (her dad is an actor of course she loves cinema) countless times and every time it just ends in them making out
-johnny jax kuai liang hanzo and kenshi have ended up in a karaoke room desperately trying to get hanzo to participate. they had to resort to liquor before he stepped up
ohohohohooho yes yes good I like these
Johnny and Jax had trouble getting along for years before that concert and that was the thing that finally got them to become real friends
Takeda wanted to learn how to help Jacqui more with her hair so he found a braiding salon (Thanks to Jacqui's mom Vera) and worked as an assistant/apprentice there whenever he had time off base and away from the Shirai Ryu, often skipping sleep to get in more time there.
Jacqui goes to that salon one day when Takeda is out of town as a way of treating herself and is instantly recognized bc Takeda used to brag about her. She is then given the princess treatment bc he was so well liked
Hanzo tries really hard to connect with his Ainu heritage too, having not been taught much about it by his parents. He's not fluent in the language but he's getting there, prays to Kamuy-huci, told Satoshi Ainu stories and has a sapanpe, though he has never been able to bring himself to wear it for very complicated emotional reasons involving his being disowned by his family.
He also proposed to Harumi using Ainu traditions, something which confused her at first as she had no idea what he was doing (From what I can gather it would involve him going to her house and being offered a bowl of rice, eating half of it before returning it to her and if she sets it to the side then that's a no but if she eats it she is saying yes) (pls correct me if I am wrong tho) but as soon as she knew what he was trying to ask she was thrilled. She even started trying to learn the Ainu language while they were together so that they could teach it to Satoshi, and so that Hanzo had someone to speak to in it.
When Kuai Liang proposed years later he did the same and Hanzo cried, partly from joy and partly from how thoughtful he found the gesture.
Fujin is the only one to understand the reference while Rain just remains very confused. Fujin is also one of the few people to acknowledge that Rain is, in fact, an actual god. He's an asshole, but he is a god and Fujin feels that should be respected
The only movie Cassie and Frost have managed to watch all the way through is Frozen bc Frost wanted to see if she could mimic Elsa's ability to bring snowmen to life. They've seen it 12 times. Frost has yet to succeed.
Hanzo then revealed himself to have the voice of an angel and now has to deal with Johnny trying to get him to sing in one of his movies.
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annahxredaxted · 1 year
I’m going insane bcs everyone’s headcannons fit my best friend.
She has a ex named Michael
She’s literally insane
Minecraft is the only game she’ll play
She’s only dated assholes
She makes everything dirty.
Please save me. I have to introduce her to redacted asmr :|
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archangeltwins · 26 days
Fave dominion ships?
◇ top? selfshipping with all these characters TO THE MAX 💯💯💯😤
~ all jokes aside ~
◇ Glaire - Gabriel/Claire, the powerhouse head of vega and the archangel of the apocalypse brokering an uneasy (if violent) peace? we got snippets of that in the show whilst gabriel had "surrendered", being locked up and yet, still extremely manipulative and deathly charming. enemy of my enemy is my (secret) lover :3
◇ Nomriel - Noma/Gabriel, the loyal lieutenant that played both sides ending up circling back to gabriel because even with the torture, he's her superior. and angels don't have hangups with relationships / ranks. plus, she and furiad broke things off eons ago....
◇ Urika - Uriel/Arika, bi / wlw ship for the fucking win, bad bitches stick together in the apocalypse and fuck over the patriarchy? manipulative and pretty? always one step ahead than the protags? smarts and brawn? YES
◇ Bixlex - Alex/Bixby, best lil platonic ship. forgotten child of vega's lowest class looking up to the chosen one as a pseudo-big brother. adorbs to the max. protector x protectee with a side of Alex/Bixby/Claire. bc running off together with your girlfriend into the wastes to start another found family is the best plan, right????
◇ Methan - Michael/Ethan, 'nuff said. wide-eyed corpsman trailing the beautiful archangel like a puppy? one-sided crush, dancing around each other and trying to not make it obvious? flustered x cool-headed flusterer? GIMME
◇ Michriel - Michael/Gabriel, no explanation needed. angsty desperation toeing toxic loyalty. being the hand that reaches into the flames despite harm. sacrificing for each other regardless of the consequences? yeah,,,,,,
◇ Gabriam - Gabriel/William Whele, sychophantic underling x villainous master with violent delights dressed in the veneer of worship. exploring the allure of the forbidden and dangerous. finding comfort in fear, while knowing it could easily destroy you. also, religious blasphemy and corrupting the "pure".
◇ Nomalex - Alex/Noma, the ( latter ) superior ship. if alex entered the corps at eighteen, what did noma see in the chosen one all that long ago? his good heart and rooting for the underdogs? his selflessness in the face of overwhelming danger? his kindness towards those that once sought his misery?
◇ Gabrilex - Gabriel/Alex, classic sworn enemies to accidental lovers ;) defiant soldier x experienced general ;) sure we're adversaries but i'm constantly imagining kissing you in my head? ;) angry stolen glances and homoerotic tension? ;) you're an asshole and i hate you x oh come on i'm not that bad? ;))))
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tearsonthepage · 10 months
i cannot stress how BEAUTIFUL AND AMAZING (story wise) the end of season two was. it gave the right sense of “nooo please just go back to him, PLEASEE” that the writers wanted us to feel. im incredibly upset bc it did hurt, but that doesn’t mean the ending was bad, it means it was good. ive seen some real FOOLS being rude abt the story and being babies abt the ending. it sets up for another season, dont you want that? let them have an interesting and complicated relationship like theyve had for thousands of years.
after SIX THOUSAND YEARS of repressing his feelings and trying to believe Heaven was good it makes sense that aziraphale wouldn’t have been ready to love crowley yet, nor would he be ready to admit Heaven’s faults and distance himself from them entirely.
it was beautiful and incredibly in character for aziraphale to still believe and still want to help, bc thats who he is. and it was also incredibly in character to crowley to try to warn him of the dangers of the system (bc its clear that, before he fell, crowley was a very high up angel) and what they can do. it was also incredibly in character for aziraphale to try and fight for their relationship by making it easy and making it fit within the rules that Heaven and Hell have. it was incredibly in character of crowley to not want to be changed or want to go back to Heaven (they literally tossed him into pits of boiling sulfur, i dont think hes a big fan).
@neil-gaiman did an amazing job and delivered and amazing script and then michael and david and all the other actors and actresses did an amazing job of bringing that to life and gave it their all.
stop being such assholes bc it was a bit angsty. they get their happy ending. we just have to wait for it.
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birdo-is-here · 4 months
Here’s a fun fact: Lucifer and Michael have always and will always get along splendidly
U yeah here’s a bit of writing set some time in the past . another fun fact, Michael used to be quite the asshole
Written in the rp format bc we gettin silly w it
no warnings for this one I don’t think? Lemme know if I missed any pls
OHHH LOOK WHAT THE CAT DRAGGED IN. [Lucifer placed his arms behind his back as he sauntered over to Michael, a mean sneer already forming on his face] Having fun slaughtering my people you twattish pig—
[Michael returned his aggression with a similar fire, his feathers immediately beginning to bristle]
Your “people” are sinful, wild beasts who best deserve to be put down by—
[Lucifer snarled, suddenly advancing on Michael. Michael’s javelin appeared in his hand, causing the demon to halt, though he still seemed ready to attack at any moment]
Your demons are fucking lucky to be getting rescued by the likes of me—
[The demon balled his fists, squaring up to the angel.] KEEP BLOODY TALKING RIGHT NOW WE’LL SEE HOW IT GOES
[Both of them faltered as the new voice joined the fray. Oh, right. Azrael was still here]
[Azrael didn’t seem particularly bothered by the argument; granted, it was a common occurrence. They more seemed annoyed by the distraction]
Would you two shut up for two minutes please? I’m trying to work.
[The pair backed off, albeit very begrudgingly. Michael seemed to literally vibrate with rage, an oddly cat-like growl continuously escaping its throat. It did not take long for Lucifer to point it out]
What are you gonna turn into a fucking car and drive away?? Gonna go vroom vroom?? you fuck
What the hell even IS a car ASSHOLE
[They backed off again. Glares were still exchanged. Michael continued to growl, though it was quieter now]
Michael, you do need to calm down. Lucifer, cars haven’t even been invented yet, you’re too early. He has a perfectly good reason to not know what a car is.
[Lucifer huffed] Skill issue if y—
Shhhut. up. Shut up. Both of you. The conversation is over.
[Michael followed their orders — Lucifer eventually did as well. He wasn’t entirely sure what gave them the right to decide what he should be doing; Who was the Supreme Archangel here? Still, he didn’t argue.]
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mybrainproblems · 2 years
Hi I keep thinking about your endverse!Cas in s13 and the brainworms won't stop. Like endverse Cas lost his powers when the angels left so I'm gonna make the assumption that when he comes to this world, his powers will be back. But he's so full of self loathing and so hateful towards other angels, and he literally still thinks of Jack as an abomination because he didn't have any of the s12 arc. And on top of that, he'll learn that Chuck is God and a writer and he couldn't be bothered to save his world, but brought back this Cas, the one that Dean loves and grieves instead of sending Cas to his death, the one that Sam trusts, and he would feel so fucking LONELY. I'm gonna CRY, Alex why do you do this to me
gshdbsjsk I don't want to be starting to answer this at midnight but it's spinning in my brain like the doner at the Lebanese pizza place I used to go to.
So. I think they still get Cas back at the end of Advanced Thanatology but it's endverse!Cas (Jack does still wake up "our" Cas tho). We still have Dean getting the call at the end of the ep but Cas asks where they are and he'll come to them at the bunker. He has his wings now so he's there immediately and is so caught up in DEAN IS ALIVE that he just grabs him and lays one on him. Which Dean kisses back for a moment before realizing that this isn't his Cas but he does know this Cas.
Sam walks in and is super confused. Cas freaks out since the last time he saw him he was Lucifer's vessel and he hasn't quite worked out the details of this timeline besides that he can feel his grace starting to come back and there are no croatoans and everyone is alive and the world isn't totally fucked. They're halfway to reassuring Cas that Sam isn't Lucifer and Dean is trying to get Sam to trust this Cas while also being giddy that a Cas is back while also deeply mourning the apparent loss of "his" Cas. And that's when Jack walks in which touches off a whole round of Cas freaking out that there's a nephil and now he has to deal with a blood freak abomination and a nephil abomination. Jack then gets upset when he realizes that this isn't the Cas who was supposed to be his father and thinks he fucked up trying to bring back Cas.
Somehow Dean manages to get between everyone and get them to chill so they can fill in this Cas on wtf has been going on in this world. Cas continues to lash out at Sam and Jack and sticks close to Dean which Dean knows he shouldn't be happy about but can't help it.
Skipping ahead a ways I do think that Dean sees how Cas treats Jack poorly and feels sick at how much it feels like watching his childhood on replay and eventually tells Cas he needs to leave and check in with heaven which sends this Cas through the fucking roof. Especially now that he's found out about Chuck. He's a huge asshole to everyone but a lot of it is just raw grief for how much he's suffered and lost and this is a Dean so much more whole than the one who sent him to die and yet he's almost as distant. (Tombstone is heartbreaking instead of fun.)
Cas does opt to go out on his own bc he realizes that he just does not fit in with them and it's not fair to anyone (including himself) that he continue to stick around. So now endverse!Cas is on a walkabout on his own...
The above is only like, one or two episodes. "Our" Cas ends up finally clawing his way out of the empty at the end of s13, basically in time for Dean to say yes to Michael. Endverse!Cas having kissed Dean makes things a bit awkward with Cas being back and Dean doesn't know how to act bc this Cas isn't broken the way the endverse one is and clearly that relationship was the result of Cas being corrupted and cut off from heaven so everything else happens exactly the same with the empty deal and confessions. There's just a lot more explicit longing and yearning from Dean.
Endverse!Cas does end up coming back and meets huntercorp!Dean and they fuck off to Brazil together.
I have lots more thoughts but I'm getting incoherent and really need to not totally fuck my sleep schedule...
@doemons-blog, tagging you as well since you sent the initial ask and idk if you're interested in additional thoughts :')
The original post
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humantorch · 1 year
isn't there a third forbidden winchester brother in supernatural? sending him for the ask game. if i made him up do either brother :3
YESSSS ADAM MY BOY ADAM!! adore him here we go
one aspect about him i love
his dedication to his mom. since she was basically his only supporter in life he would do anything for her. me when the family trauma continues
one aspect i wish more people understood about him
hmm i’m not really sure? maybe just that he’s not just the unimportant brother in the family, because he absolutely is not unimportant. he was a vessel for michael so he’s just as strong as dean. i think people just tend to forget about him and not care bc he wasn’t in the show a lot
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about him
not sure if this counts as a headcanon but i’m a firm believer that if he had spent more time with sam and dean prior to being possessed by michael, he would’ve HATED dean. or at least had beef with him. i think they’re a bit too similar to get along well
one character i love seeing him interact with
besides michael, sam! i wish they had gotten to spend more time just being brothers instead of being concerned about life and death situations. sam just wanted to look out for him <3
one character i wish he would interact with/interact with more
uhm. John. sam and dean don’t have enough daddy issues i need to see more on screen <3 nah but seriously i think their interactions would be interesting given that john is THE deadbeat father of all time
one (or more) headcanon(s) I have that involves him and one other character
I like to think that in the cage while sam was being tortured by lucifer (rip shawty), michael spent his time distracting adam from what was happening and protected adam if lucifer ever tried to hurt them. he may be an angel but he’s not a complete asshole
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jinkicake · 1 year
And then back to Lucifer!! Like every time I see fanart if him I’m like god I LOVE old men😭 like him and Zhongli really scratch my “tall hot serious men” itch and they’re so corny it’s great!! Zhongli being like “someone said im dummy thick what does that mean?” And Lucifer texting “you are shaving years off my life” in every in game chat is hilarious 😭 like I read a fic where mammon traps you both in a closet unaware his prank backfired and you’re stuck in there too and Lucifer trying his best not to fuck you in this cramped closet(spoiler he fails) and he’s like “hmm maybe o need to look into human anatomy I could be too big” sir🥴 like outside his dom aura he’s so soft and will flusted if he notices he’s been holding your hand for too long. Like if I want to see him melt I just have to kiss his forehead a few times!! He’s so touch starved and experiencing unconditional love and care WILL have him tearing up. Omg remembering the paws and claws event! Wish mc got to spend a few chapters as a sheep bc Lucifer was already struggling to not whip it out being a wolf. He sees cute soft sheep mc shaking in fear he’s going to take you in the foyer😭 but if I remember correctly sheep go into heat every 17 days and stay in heat 30 to 36 hours👀 so I will cry much have to tie him to the bed. The brothers having to call up Michael im the Celestial realm💀 “tf do YALL want??” “So maybe giving humans the capacity to overindulge in worldly desires was a bad idea🙂” lmao the angels aren’t safe either im gunna get a cease and desist from sky daddy bc they were here to be students!! And they got a sex tape floating around on devilhub😔
LUCIFERRRRRRR </33333 ive been waiting for this one!!!!
there is something about old men that just makes me fucking foam at the mouth like i think about gray-haired zhongli and i just want to rip my hair out-
NO EXACTLYYYYY i love how luci is an asshole but also such a big softie like it makes my heart so soft.... you can be mean to me luci but you have to pamper my ass to make it up to me!! (i talk about this man way too seriously for him not to be real it's kinda concerning like i think we should be concerned about it but i dont care!!!)
the way he kisses us any chance he gets and then always promises to fuck us too heheheh he's been waiting centuries for us!!!!! OH- NOT THE PAWS AND CLAWS EVENTTTTT i never played it but watched youtube videos and ugh- i wish i had-
hmm every 17 days being stuck (GLUED) to Lucifer for 36 hours... I could do that... yeah I could take him!!! .... i could take him.
i just..... i love luci T T
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daydadahlias · 2 years
*cracks knuckle* sleep? I don’t need sleep. Disclaimer-the only stuff I know about SPN comes from tumblr and the occasional fanfic, so, uh.
Calum-Family Business, on both sides. Māori have a lot of legends and most of them are true. Same goes for the Scottish. I think he met a Kelpi when visiting Scotland with his family as a child (6 or 7) and was promptly let in on The Secret by local elders.
Michael-Is dragged into it when he accidentally witnesses 14 year old Calum banish a demon from his assistant football coach. He just wanted to know if he wanted to play guitar hero after practice Calum WHAT THE FUCK. Decides there is NO WAY he is going to be dead weight when they are together (‘I’ve played lots of video games, Calum, how hard can it be?’ *loud screaming*)
Luke-Family Business, kind of? There had been Family Lore for generations that they had the potential to be Holy Vessels (angel vessels). No one REALLY believed it until Great Grandad Henry started glowing during WW1. The family was quietly brought into the hunting community after that. None of them had ever become actual hunters, but they had the knowledge. None until Luke, that is.
Ashton-IDK man I feel, in my soul, that it needs to have SOMETHING to do with his bio dad???? But that also feels, like, insensitive? Was his bio dad a hunter? A monster? Just an asshole? OH OH I GOT IT! Ash finds some stuff his dad left behind when he’s, say, 15? Among them a few old books and journals. His mom says his dad told her he inherited them from his grandfather, but that the old man had been off his rocker. He tossed them in the attic and never thought of them again, not even when he left. Ash reads them wanting to prove that maybe what he left behind had value (*cough* self projection *cough*) but thinks, ok, maybe the old man HAD been off his rocker. Until he sees textbook signs of-(idk some kind of monster? Maybe a demon possessing the neighbor?) and decides to lay a trap according to what the journal says. And it works. And Ash kills it, and then Freaks The Fuck Out bc he had no idea those were REAL and now THEY ARE SND HE KILLED ONE and oh my god it was so close to Harry and Lauren. He doesn’t tell anyone, just stumbles through The Beginning Stages of Being A Hunter entirely on his own (and armed with what he finds out are his great-grandads journals). And then he meets Calum, Michael, and Luke and discovers there is an entire hunting community after they see the journals on his bookshelf (there was lots of screaming that afternoon, he’s lucky they were home alone). The journals alluded to a community but that was DECADES ago, ya know?
Uh *coughs* I’ll take that Pepsi now, I guess?-💜
everything about this. everything about this. i need it. i feel strongly and i need it. give it to me now. i tell you what I'd really like, in my heart of hearts, is for Ash to be part monster. I always fuck so hard with those storylines.
also the IMAGE of Michael being just The Worst hunter but trying his hardest and thinking he's really good at it when Calum is just constantly saving him is SENDING me to the MOON. malum being young hunters together and then running into Luke on the same hunt and being like "bro?? is this the fucking?? guy from our school?? wtf are you doing here??" "wtf are YOU doing here" is actually something that can be SO personal to me.
i also have already drunk the pepsi i am so sorry.
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Ahh so my partner started listening to the "Fingerprints of the Gods" audiobook by Graham Hancock, and he was explaining the Book of Enoch (removed from King James Bible) which explains canonical ANGELS a bit how the "Bad Angels" or "Watchers" were "breeding with human women and creating sons who were the hybrid giant nephilim" (not a quote from the book that's my description).
My ears perked up because...Supernatural lmao.
Anyway Graham had a great point how this should be viewed historically, it could be an old angry shaman recording a DMT trip (very possible) but there's a good chance the "Watchers" were real people from "before the flood" 12,000 years ago.
Graham's (and now our lol) theory on angels continues here:
Sooo when my partner and I were listening to Graham's description of the Book of Enoch, at first we were thinking Enoch was written by some asshole who didn't want the hippies having a good time. But THEN! We realized!
What if nephilim, which was incorrectly translated to mean "cast down" when actually the meaning is closer to actual giants, is in itself a METAPHOR.
What if the Watchers on the hill are the rich who are hoarding the knowledge from before the Younger Dryas period for themselves, stealing women from the poor countryside and having sex with them and the hybrids become "giants" AKA rich people with high social status who kept the "secret knowledge" of the time (advanced math, sciences, think modern liberal university stuff) which is why angels were considered holy.
You know those would be the only fuckers who make it through a cataclysmic event (on an "ARK"). Think about rich people trying to create bunkers, or go to space while the world burns. Yeah. Well there WAS a flood and disaster at that time so it makes sense.
The author of the Book of Enoch was "speaking to" the "Good Watchers", who we know as the "archangels" - Michael, Gabriel, Samandriel, etc. The "bad angels" were Azazel and his gang, who could be misconstrued as devils but not because the author was Puritanical and hated sex and fun, but what if the Bad Watchers were using their power for evil via class dynamics, individualism, possible r*pe, etc, people who can do whatever they want due to their status.
I love thinking about this stuff y'all I don't know why it's considered conspiracy theory these days when we have so much proof??
A little background here:
I love Graham so much his story is so interesting and his science is beautiful! I am not a religious person but the great flood of Noah's Ark actually happened we don't know why it's still debated, there's proof there was a cosmic collision with earth in 11,000 BC that could've brought the ice ages. We know there were definitely humans in societies before that. A world that existed before the flood AND the knowledge of the stars/sciences were kept in places like Egypt and the Mounds in the Americas. His books go into great detail on this. It is NOT Ancient Aliens, these were real people! We've lost so much knowledge throughout history due think of the Library of Alexandria! It's fun to think about!
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namimikan · 4 days
thank god doffy has always been an asshole
i'd wondered you know, bc the DQ fam keep on making a show, that he's suffered, that he's overcome so much, that he's earned their loyalty by what he's lived through, how much he's achieved
and it's like. he killed his dad. he killed his brother. were they bad people? and that's why doffy turned out this way?
bc honestly, they keep saying that doffy, the young lord, has gone through hardship that no one ever has. and i was. just.
i wanted to believe them? i wanted to know what oda had up his sleeve to say: yeah, his backstory is sadder than the straw hats combined, it's sadder than ace dying, and you're weeping bc it's the revelation why he's become such a twisted individual reduces you to tears, bc he's done that to me several times!!!
and like. looking back. even mentioning the fact that he was once a celestial dragon, that he stole the throne nd hearts of the people of dressrosa by some manipulation... there was still some part of me that wanted to believe them! that there was another reason! they belabour the point so much, his backstory is not for the faint of heart, the young lord is so strong, and wonderful.
and it's just pure bullshit????? he's just a fucking asshole!!!!
he didn't want to give up being a celestial dragon! that was a choice his father made! his father wanted to live like a human being, and so doffy just kills him! and he can't return to being a celestial dragon and go back to heaven! so he's like. alright, fuck 'em, i'm going to be the king of dressrosa, beloved by everyone bc of his successful smear campaign and distorted memories. i'm gonna get the one piece. there's nothing i won't do to set the world on fire.
and it's like. this is your villain origin story? that your daddy wanted to live like a normal human instead of believing that everyone should kneel at your feet?
seeing doffy as a child, asking "father why aren't we buying slaves today" it just... really made everything click.
that's he's always been this way. that he's always been a colossal twat.
that i was holding out for some... emotional moment, some tragedy that would rival every moment i've wept overcome by the scope that one piece has moved me: merry's funeral, laboon's history.
and it's like. why the fuck was i believing DQ fam over... the people of dressrosa, law. why the fuck did i think when they said "you don't know what he's been through! he's suffered more than anyone!" i was like, yeah they're prolly right. looking forward to seeing it, that his dad was terrible, that his brother was a monster too.
and it's just. nah, man. doffy's always been fucked up and evil. there's no villain story here. he's just a typical celestial dragon, dethroned, turned pauper, and he's tricked and lied and clawed his way to the top once more. it's just. like michael cervantes character don quixote, doffy is full of grandeur, attacking windmills, and rewriting the narrative to suit his bizarre beliefs. there's no sad story here!
and like. i'm furious at myself. i'm proud of oda. i'm laughing. i just feel all kinds of hysterical, bc in a way: his name is a dead giveaway: full of bullshit!!!!
i’ve been feeling lightheaded all day wrapping my mind around this!!
but it's anticlimatic in the best way, and stupidly funny to think about looking back, to pin some sort of trust on his followers, how they love and admire him despite his terribleness, to insist -- and sincerely believe -- that he has gone through so much! angels would weep, if they could!
he's an asshole. always has been. always will be. his family is as deluded as he is!
why did you even consider thinking otherwise?
what a relief, you know?
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weapon-ish · 10 months
why don't u like heaven in GO? /gen
well, generally, it's run by assholes who don't care about anything but "winning." they don't care about life on earth at all. and the light there has gone cold and sterile - in the job flashbacks, it was warmer, kind of golden, and god still talked to someone - at least, she talked to job. as it stands now, i have a feeling she hasn't spoken to anyone, even metatron, in a long time. and uriel was so comfortable gut punching aziraphale in s1, and gabriel was fine telling crowley-as-azi to "shut his stupid fucking mouth and die already." like, these angels may not have a great frame of reference for how to treat others, but they're still assholes. they're mean and they're clamoring for violence, for a war.
let's get it clear, i dislike hell, too. heaven and hell have been described by neil as two departments in the same company, which i find to be wholly accurate. they're competitive and hate dealing with each other, but some of the department heads still call each other up when things go sideways. they traded off staff for the executions to provide holy water and hellfire, and michael called someone in hell early on about crowley,
and just bc i dislike how heaven runs doesn't mean i think it's poorly written or should be written differently. i actually think it's great, as furious as they make me sometimes. it's a good representation of a "good" organization gone bad because they've lost touch, and absolutely quit caring about anything but winning, anything but "profit." (or a prophet? lol) they're a shit family, they treat aziraphale poorly. they're not happy till the world's over, which doesn't bode well for our main characters at all. frankly, they seem like metaphysical cops.
part of the reason it breaks my heart is because azi thinks he can single-handedly fix a broken bureaucracy, which is just not possible. it would grind him to nothing long before he could ever make a meaningful change from the inside. there is no fixing that kind of thing, not like that. but he's hopeful, he still seems to think god's got a meaningful plan or handle on things.
i don't think metatron has spoken to god since... oh, a couple thousand years, at least. either she quit talking or he got his own ideas and quit listening.either way, the light has gone cold. remember the lightbeams when she spoke to aziraphale outside the garden, or to job, how warm they were? remember the way heaven looked warm, like she might still permeate it. it just doesn't feel like that anymore.
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