#it has got an alfons in it
astrofons-highderich · 5 months
Think about this a lot
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Alfons, my man...
Get in the rocket too...
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dear-mrs-otome · 3 months
I stumbled across an ask-post of yours from last March about how that anon was worried about SA being in Ikevil. Winced in realizing there is *a lot* of dub-con (and non-con) depending on the suitor
Don't you know Nonny? That's how you make it DaRk AnD eDgY
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j word coded
TO BE CLEAR: I am NOT claiming that this other game (Ikemen Villains) is a "rip-off" of TWST; I'm pointing out parallels between them because I think it's entertaining to see how different games interpret the same or similar fairy tales.
Please also note that although nothing I say in this post is explicit, IkeVil itself is designated as 17+ and contains dark content. If you decide you want to try the game out for yourself, BE AWARE OF THE AGE RATING AND TRIGGER WARNINGS.
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ARE THESE NOT JUST J WORD IN A BLACK WIG AND CONTACTS (the last one looks like a blend of Jade's sus face + Idia's sus face) 😭 His face looks so similar… and they're both "attendant" characters that act polite but are more manipulative than they appear at first glance... (although Alfons has Floyd's hedonism rather that Jade's restraint!)
More of my first impressions of the characters of IkeVil below the cut!! Again, there's nothing explicit, I just wanted to keep this post not too bulky.
And not just him (Alfons) either, ashldbiasydefpaei there's a Trey-lookalike and a Silver pre-hair color change in the same game! Roger has a rifle and is cursed by Snow White's huntsman, so I joke that he's Rook and Trey's test tube baby... and Elbert has Vil's keen eye and desire for what is beautiful!
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There are also characters that don't look like an TWST ones, but definitely have personalities that remind me of a few! For example, Liam's laid-back affability is Che'nya and Chenya Cater-esque, Jude speaks in a gruff but aristocratic manner like Leona but is a tough businessman like Azul, and Ellis seems like a mix of Malleus's obsession with happy endings + Idia's gloomy demeanor…? No clue if he actually is gloomy or not, he just gives me gloomy vibes.
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Victor is Crowley-adjacent! Like they're both overseeing this group of powerful men with magic so you'd think they're serious types--but they aren't. They're silly and use their own skills to do frivolous things like doing magic tricks or making cake fancier. They also both seem to be hiding a secret...
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Harrison doesn't remind me of anyone in particular, though I do see little bits of our typical "lying" characters in him. He has the chill of a Che'nya but also Floyd's flippancy and lies as easily as like... I don't know, Cater?? Not sure on this one.
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abfhbyoafvadpiadgo OKAY OKAY BUT THE FUNNIEST ONE TO ME IS WILLIAM BECAUSE HE'S "THE QUEEN OF HEARTS" CHARACTER... Most of the time when you have a character with this inspiration, they're controlling and easily angered (*stares at Riddle*), but William is NOTHING like that???? In fact, he's got a strong sense of justice and often encourages others to be honest and to act freely, even if it means disregarding the rules. Every time William opens his mouth... I picture Riddle shrieking and sobbing/j
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 months
The Fairytale Keeper's Final Assessment - Roger (Part 1)
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This is the 1st anniversary event and is in his POV.
As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
Similar to how there are humans who are seriously ill, but unaware of the fact that they are, there are also humans who surprisingly lack self-awareness.
As for me? Who knows.
(A letter of agreement to continue as a fairy tale keeper, huh? Now, what to do.)
After talking with Victor, I took the letter with me.
(Basically, spend the day with Kate to get an idea)
(So whether she continues or leaves is one me.)
(Why me, though?)
I know I bother Kate a lot.
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(It’s fun having her wrapped around my finger. The other dayー)
~~ Flashback ~~
Roger: What’s up, Kate? Is that all you’re eating? Here, say “ah”.
Kate: Huh? Ah…mmph?!
Roger: Pfft, hahaha. You look just like the family corgi with the way your cheeks are stuffed with food. He’s such a glutton with puffing cheeks.
Kate: Don’t just stuff it in!
Roger: Tasted good though, didn’t it?
Kate: I-it did…
~~ End flashback ~~
(She’s a natural at doing what I want)
It’s been a part of my routine to lead her around, but doing that and deciding her direction in life are two completely different things.
(I’m not gonna selfishly make that decision)
(Which means that at the end of the day, the choice is up to Kate)
(Ah, now that I think about it…)
~~ Flashback ~~
Victor: What if you don’t agree? Then we’ll say farewell to Kate when the time comes. Ah, please keep this a secret from her.
~~ Flashback end ~~
Even if I get punished for revealing it to Kate, I got ways to get around it.
And it’s all thanks to the info I collect from my daily research.
(Information always comes in handy)
As I was thinking about it, familiar footsteps descending down the stairs to the basement vibrated against my eardrums.
Kate: Pardon the intrusion.
Roger: Yo, Kate.
Kate: I suddenly got a day off today so I was wondering if there was anything I could do to help around.
Victor’s as capable as ever so he can make sure that Kate gets a proper day off.
Roger: And you came all the way to me? You’ll die young with how much of a workaholic you are. Ah, or is it… Because you wanted to see me?
Kate: N-no…
Roger: And yet here you are. You’re such a hard worker, aren’t you?
Kate: ~~...! T-that’s right. I’m hardworking.
Kate was pouting, but still waited for my next words like a dog being told “wait” by her owner.
(That’s what makes you so adorable)
Roger: Then, kind and considerate Roger will give you a job to do. Repeat after me so you don’t forget it, Kate.
Kate: Okay.
Roger: I’m ready to go out.
Kate: I’m ready to go out.
Roger: We’re both free today.
Kate: We’re both free today.
Roger: We’re going to spend our free time having fun.
Kate: !
Roger: Repeat it?
Kate: We’re going to spend our free time having fun!
Kate’s delightful smile was contagious.
Kate: What is this place, Roger?
Roger: As you can see, it’s a gym in the palace. And these are boxing gloves. Let’s box, Kate.
Kate was dumbfounded but I ignored it.
She accepted the gloves with a tilt of her head.
Kate: Don’t you go by the boxing club in town?
Roger: I do, but I come here when I need a quick workout. Soldiers serving at the palace aren’t stationed here, but called in when necessary. But there’s usually a few around so I grab them over for a round. I’m one of Victor’s most valued guests so they can’t deny me.
Kate: As evil as ever…
Alfons: I’ve heard that Her Majesty has been receiving complaints about being sore all over due to dealing with Roger.
Kate: Alfons!
Alfons, who just so happened to be passing by, scrutinized me deliberately.
Alfons: Muscle glasses here’s become insensitive to other people’s pain. How pathetic…
Roger: Muscles don’t grow unless you work them every once in a while, you know? Al, you’re joining in on the fun too.
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Alfons: I’m afraid boxing gives me hives. I’ll see you, Miss Kate. My condolences.
Kate: Hehe, looks like Alfons got away.
Roger: That guy runs away faster than a cat. I should put a leash on him.
As we talked, Kate put the gloves on and I took hits with my mitt.
(I know I’m not familiar with how a woman’s mind works)
Usually, it’s exhausting dealing with selfishness.
It’s such a bother, so I stopped letting them in on my hobbies.
(But this one…)
Kate: What the. This is a lot more fun than I thought it’d be! 
Roger: Haha, right?
Kate: When you’re just mindlessly hitting things, you release your worries and get a high.
Kate spoke excitedly and her smile widened as if she thought of something.
Kate: Also, I can make use of this when going on missions with Crown!
Roger: O_O
Kate’s words surprised me.
(Ah, I see)
(When she’s gone, we won’t be able to go on missions together)
Kate: Roger…?
Roger: It’s nothing. Come on, hit me again.
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otomefiend · 7 months
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Alfons Sylvatica
Collection Event: I want to know every inch of you
A very quick translation, so please forgive any errors/awkwardness. Here's to hoping Kate will manage to fluster this guy one day. Cause it ain't today.
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Alfons: "Physical examination...?"
Kate: "Regular checks are performed as part of the Crown's healthcare system. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated."
When Victor asked me to collect everyone's details, I called Alfons to the infirmary.
Alfons: "If that's the case, then go ahead. Do as much research as you like."
Kate: "There are some red marks on your neck and chest that..."
Alfons: "Hmm... those could be scratches from a cat or a dog."
(... if he says so. I shouldn't pursue the matter further)
Alfons: "I get marked easily. Would you like to test it yourself?"
Alfons ran his hand over his skin invitingly.
Crimson flowers blooming on his pale skin drew my gaze. The sight unsettled me and made me avert my eyes.
Kate: "No need to concern yourself with me!"
Alfons: "Oh, I see. That's a shame..."
(All right, now that I've learned all I needed to know)
Kate: "The assessment is over. Thank you for your cooperation."
Alfons: "Please wait. It looks like some fields are still empty?"
His finger tapped the corner of the record sheet I was holding.
(Huh...? I thought I filled it all in)
Indeed, the last item was still left blank. What was there ---
Kate: "The most important entry... 'erogenous zones'!?"
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Alfons: "My my, this seems like an interesting section, don't you agree?"
Kate: "It must be a mistake! I'll go ask Victor!"
Alfons: "Why don't you just measure it according to the instructions?"
Alfons: "If it's a mistake, you can erase it later."
Alfons: "Lord Victor is busy, that's why he left this task to you, am I right?"
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Alfons: "I don't think it's worth wasting time confirming this..."
(Ugh... he's probably right)
Kate: "T-then... could you shed some light? On your erogenous zones that is..."
Alfons: "Now then, you want to know where they are?"
Kate: "Yes?"
Alfons: "Thinking about it, it's hard to pinpoint the exact location..."
Kate: "... every day you return at dawn and yet you don't know?"
Alfons: "Uh-huh, haven't got a clue. Can you help me find out, Kate?"
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Alfons: "Touch my body... Try to find a place that makes me feel good."
(I really should refuse...)
(...but he's right, I need to complete the records properly)
After pondering on it for a moment, a wicked idea came to mind.
(... this could be a perfect opportunity to expose Alfons' weaknesses)
Up until now, I had always been at his mercy.
But if I had succeeded, this was going to provide a perfect opportunity for a payback.
Kate: "...... fine, I'll do it. It's part of my task after all. Please, sit on the chair."
He sat in silence as I reached towards his body.
Observing his reactions, my fingertips slowly traced his chest, then stomach and finally his waist.
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Alfons: "Haa... haa... ah, this is good. Keep it up..."
(Such exaggerated noises... it's definitely an act)
(How can I find his erogenous zones...)
Kate: "Does it really feel good?"
Alfons: "Yes, of course. Your clumsy attempt is quite entertaining..."
Alfons: "Besides, it's enlightening to observe the way you touch me."
Kate: "Enlightening...?"
Alfons: "All of the areas you're touching in your search... might be the very spots you find pleasurable yourself."
Kate: "Ugh...... absolutely not. My... this has nothing to do with me!"
Alfons: "Oh, are you going to stop? If it doesn't matter, I don't see a problem with continuing..."
Kate: "I think I've done enough research already!"
Alfons: "There are places you haven't explored yet. For example... inside my mouth."
Kate: "Inside your mouth..."
My gaze lingered on his thin lips.
Alfons: "Stir it with your tongue, taste it, suck it... check if it feels good."
Kate: "Yeah, yeah, how typical."
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Alfons: "Well, without it, the form will be incomplete."
Kate: "Ugh."
Alfons: "... this is only for research purposes, right? It's your job to investigate after all."
Kate: "Fine..."
It felt wrong. It set off my alarm bells since I knew those were devil's whispers ---.
Alfons: "... As expected, you're an excellent fairytale expert."
How was it possible that one piece of praise could bring me so much joy?
Kate: "Nn...."
I carefully placed my hand on Alfons' shoulder and pressed my lips to his.
Then I wrapped my tongue around his and tried my best to stimulate him.
(It's a decent try, but... does it really make him feel good?)
Preoccupied with kissing him, I had no chance to pay attention to how Alfons was doing.
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Alfons: ".... You're such a pitiful girl."
I heard him mutter in a gentle tone of voice ---.
Kate: "Huh!? Mnn...."
This time, it was Alfons' tongue that entered my mouth.
My head was spinning from kisses so intense that my earlier ones seemed like child's play in comparison.
(This is ridiculous...)
(I was supposed to look for Alfons' erogenous zones, and yet it was me getting lost in pleasure...)
When our lips finally separated, I was the one who was exhausted and breathing heavily on his shoulder.
Alfons: "....many thanks for your efforts in the investigation. You've been very helpful."
Kate: "You're wel...."
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Alfons: "After all... that debauched face of yours might be what excites me the most."
Alfons: "... well, please write in your report that my whole body is an erogenous zone."
Alfons: "If there's a need to write anything to begin with..."
Hearing his strange remark, I quickly looked at the form... and noticed that the last section was nowhere to be found.
(No way, Alfons' ability to change perception...!?)
When I looked up to give him a piece of my mind, he was already gone.
Alfons: "Heh,... you troubled thing, so serious and so completely fooled."
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yanderepuck · 5 days
Coffee or Tea?
William: tea all the way. Hes not EXACTLY a tea snob but he has standards, and he will start yelling at whoever brought bagged tea into the castle, and then throw it away
Harrison: giving me earl grey, specifically London fog vibes for his tea. But I also feel like he'd like a nice iced latte?? He has a little tea with his sugar
Liam: has a little tea with his milk. I definitely feel like he's drinking tea for the caffeine. He enjoys the smell of coffee but can't stand the taste
Elbert: I see him drinking nothing but tea. He's the one who brought the tea bags home. He just wanted to try the flavor. Definitely likes a little fruity flavor
Alfons: black tea all the way. Slightly snobby about it and is trying to teach Elbert the right way to steep tea and the temperature difference and.how long it should be brewed for.
Roger: this ain't going to make much sense if you don't read Jude's first. He's using Jude's espresso machine every morning and making himself a Stanley cup of espresso Jude is watching in the back like wtf. HOWEVER, he's also drinking instant coffee just by putting water in the container and mixing it.
Jude: such a coffee snob. I don't care that it's the 1890s man got an espresso machine. But oh damn that man is a tea snob. He's got shit imported and will never let anyone make his tea for him because he knows it's going to be disgusting. The ultimate trial of love is being able to make him tea.
Ellis: bean juice make him go zoom. The only one without a preference. He drinks more tea than anything, but I feel like if you give him too much caffeine his impulsive thoughts are going to come to life.
Victor: also like William in the fact that he will gag at bagged tea. He's not a snob but he will tell you if you are doing it wrong, the only difference is that he will teach you how to do it right.
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reccyls · 6 months
If it's not a bother could you tell us how kate convinces alfons to get together with her?
I also got another ask about when Alfons realizes he is in love with Kate, so I hope you don't mind if I answer both together. Also, I don't currently have all of Alfons's POV side stories which would be quite revealing about his emotions and how they change (especially the chapter 15 story that is only purchaseable after reaching bond level 22, I think that one is going to be the most telling out of all of his POV segments)
Aaand as usual I went a bit long-winded with this, sorry!
In chapter 10, Alfons takes Kate out on a date. Among other things, they eventually go to visit a fun little festival/activity taking place in a park: people just throw pies at each other. Yeah, that's it. It's a really stupid festival, but it's just an excuse for mindless fun. And they had a great time; Kate gets swept up in the competitive atmosphere and Alfons attempts a sneak attack on someone but slips on some frosting/cream in the process. Just, innocent, childlike entertainment.
Up until that point, Alfons had been thinking of Kate as something like a fun distraction. Someone overly earnest and serious and innocent who had the most fun reactions to his antics. He never intended to get close to her. And then, after that chapter 10 date, Kate turns to him and smiles and thanks him for the date. She says that she'll remember this fun outing for the rest of her life.
The realization hits him: he's let her get too close. And he himself had gotten too close as well. He knows what his curse entails, and Kate's declaration that she wants to keep him and their experiences together in her memories frightens him.
Soon after, Kate confesses that she is starting to develop feelings for him, and that probably scares him even more, and he begins trying to get her to distance herself from him. He calls her nothing more than a plaything to him, describes her feelings as a nuisance, and resorting to more extreme measures.
By now he knows that she's the serious type, the type of person who stubbornly continues to confront things head-on even if they cause her pain. So he needs her to be the one to decide to end things. This culminates in the events of chapter 14/15, where Alfons agrees to sleep with Kate one last time, but blindfolds her so that she won't be able to see him (something she has been trying to do now, to be able to try and find some genuine emotion in him). Additionally, the next morning, as Kate wakes up, she sees that Alfons has brought another man into the bedroom, who then leaves after thanking Alfons for something. Alfons explains that it was that man that Kate slept with last night, not him. Did she really think that he'd agree to sleep with her, while knowing that she had feelings for him and he doesn't want to reciprocate?
Kate is 100% certain that it actually was Alfons last night and I am inclined to agree. But Alfons continues to push back at her, calling her deluded and her emotions not genuine. This is, for now, Kate's breaking point, and she leaves. However, she is set in her view that Alfons is deliberately pushing her away and not being genuine himself. She wants to know why he's like that, and so, turns to Roger for answers.
From Roger, she discovers the entire backstory behind Alfons's curse, and the impending memory loss. She realizes why Alfons cares so little about his own life, why he turns to illusions to distract from painful reality, and why he doesn't want anyone to get close to him. And she decides that she wants to help Roger research the mirror's curse, to find a way to circumvent the memory loss and prevent it from occurring.
The two of them research day in, day out. Forgetting to eat or sleep, just trying to find a way to beat the curse. They run into dead end after dead end, but Kate doesn't give up. Once, she runs into Alfons, and says that she knows Alfons thinks this is futile. But she doesn't care. She's not doing this expecting anything from him; she's doing this for herself. Because she doesn't want to forget him.
Since childhood, Alfons had been afraid of being forgotten tossed aside just like all of the no-name children that he grew up alongside in the orphanage. He'd resigned himself to it after learning about the nature of his curse from Roger. But here Kate is, going through all of this just so she won't forget him. Even if he hurt her, despite everything he's done, she cares about him enough to put herself through all of this, for him.
It hits Alfons then: she may spend years of her life researching something impossible. He knows just how stubborn she is. How many years of her life is he going to take away when he dies if he lets this continue? If he dies now, she'll only lose a couple of weeks of memory, and she'd be able to meet someone else and live a happy life with them. And he doesn't want to see her hurt any more.
So he carries out his plan. He picks a day when most people at Crown are occupied, and then uses his ability on Kate and Roger to make them forget him (a la Lancelot in Ikerev). Then he goes off to get himself captured by their enemies and killed by them, as per his plan to lure Harrison and Liam to them while ensuring he dies. However, he didn't count on Kate breaking herself and Roger out of the illusion. With some other members of Crown, Kate comes running in to rescue Alfons.
However, things go south, and Alfons ends up taking a bullet for Kate. It's a very serious injury, and as Alfons is about to lose consciousness, he comes to a realization: he'd never cared very much about his own life. It's not that he's suicidal, but if his end ever came, well, no use crying about it. It is what it is. But now, he doesn't want to die. At least, not before Kate. Even if for only a second longer, he wants to live longer than she does, because he doesn't want to see her pained by the inevitable memory loss. He wants her to be happy.
He makes one last bet with Kate: if he dies, she loses. She promised to remember that date with him for the rest of his life, right? Well, it'll all be gone if he dies and she won't be able to keep her promise. But if he lives, she wins. He'll give her everything: his body, his heart, his life. If he lives, it'll be because he wanted to live strongly enough that he wants to be there to see her live a happy life, and wants strongly enough to be able to live that life with her.
...Aaand, end the common route, with the choice between Blind Love and Mad Love coming right after this.
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shatcey · 2 months
1st anniversary (Victor)
William Victor Victor epilogue Liam Liam epilogue
In this part of the event, you could choose between William, Victor, Elbert, Alfons and Roger. I didn't even consider the latter (sorry… I just don't like big guys, not my type, as I recently realized. I'm very slow). But everyone else… It's very tempting. And the idea of saving the story was also extremely tempting. And the fact that I'll probably never read it again won't stop me. It is saved, and I can re-read it at any time… That's all that matters.
So, I chose William with both endings because… why not. And I couldn't choose another one. I didn't want to waste resources on this part of the event, because on the second one will be Ellis AND Jude and I want them both. I really did said that.
After William's story, I got a little worried. I don't wanna think about depressing and upsetting things on the anniversary. So… Elbert somehow disappeared. And Alfie… I can't even find the strength to start his route, how can I choose his event?.. So, the logical conclusion led me to Victor.
It was an absolutely logical decision. Not the birdcage you get for completing the premium ending… And, of course, not the opportunity to buy his epilogue. I'm still considering this option…
If in Will's story was many reminiscences from the prologue, then Victor's story goes even further… There are a lot of reminiscences not only from the prologue, but also from previous events.
Victor once again asks William to decide whether Kate is suitable for this job or not, because… he cannot decide for himself. But William, smiling slyly, turned him down.
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Right... he already did it ones. Your turn!
Victor goes to his room, remembering why he hired Kate in the first place.
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At that moment, Kate noticed Victor and approached him. She was looking for him to gave her report. And suddenly…
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Kate was surprised at first, and he really thought he had been rejected. But she explained that he had never asked her out before… This is the first time. When she gladly agreed and offered to visit some other place. They went to the train.
Victor continues to think that to choose and silence are becoming quite unsettling. Kate starts talking about boys, just to break the ice. Vic thinks they don't know much about each other outside of work.
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At the next station, Vic open the window and explain to Kate that if you do so, a flower seller will approach them. So he did. Vic asks what her favorite flower is.
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I'm really curious what happened to these flowers? Because… they run around all day, and no one mentioned flowers after that. And yes, it was very sweet of him. But I remember how annoying it is to carry flowers while you on the date… (exhales) Ok…
So they went to another city, and Kate really enjoyed it so very much.
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Vic remembers their interaction at different events
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"Erase love"? Now I'm scared...
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This is from Luxury Liner event
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I think it's from the Black wedding event
And he thinks Kate always wanted to stay by his side. It's clear that the Crown benefits from her presence, but what about Kate? Vic noticed that Kate was having fun and decided to follow suit.
They went down to the city and there was a competition. They are, of course, desided participate. And Vic found something in common with her
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They win, probably because they look so dashing, and everyone else is too distracted. He, as usual, shows his trick with a pigeon. I can't separate one from the other anymore.
And after that, they return by train. Kate thanks him for a wonderful day and says she will never forget it. And suddenly she mentioned that Vic doesn't do anything without a reason. He agrees and tells her that he decides to let her stay or release her from work. She suddenly felt very sad when she remembered her life before the crown
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She asks to be allowed to stay. She likes this job, she thinks she has a lot to learn from Victor, and then she turns around to leave… The next stop is theirs…
Victor, looking at her back, realised…
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I'm getting goosebumps from that line… It's so cute))) And look at his face... he's so pretty here...
He hugs her from behind and tells her that he thinks
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Awwww… But no, he ended up saying, "Would you continue to be a fairy teller?". It's a pity. What a wonderful declaration of love it could be.
She happily agrees, and after that they go to the park. She asks him to go on a date without reason next time. He thinks she probably likes him, but he can't afford to get too attached to her.
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And I'm not sure about this translation, so I'll show you the original
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So… He doesn't want her to become one of the victims of his curse, but he cannot figure out the nature of his feelings for her. Something like that. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I bought his epilogue. But too many story events going at the same time have burned out my brain, and I need time to recover. But I will definitely read it later. It must be very interesting.
About this story. I didn't expect Victor to think so much, considering how easy-going and light headed he seems to be. And at first I was a little worried that this story would turn out to be as dark as Williams'. But Victor is as predictable as the weather, so it's always fun to be around.
🔝 Start page 🔝
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archiveikemen · 6 months
『 Villain's Night 』 Story Event: Chapter 2
Jude Jazza
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. I do not own any of the original content. Please support CYBIRD by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
❥・• Warnings and FAQ
(This is the place—)
My body had followed William’s command and moved according to my desires, and so I arrived at the gambling house Jude was at.
Drunk Man: Hey, kitty, you look adorable. Meow for me.
Kate: … Sorry, I’m here to look for someone.
The crowded gambling den was filled with people dressed up for Halloween.
I reluctantly put on only the cat ears Alfons had given me, and blended into the crowd.
Apparently, the place was not just a gambling house for Duel Betting, it was also a brothel. The men present were eyeing the frightened women locked in cages, as if evaluating their worth.
(... Human lives are of lower value than money here…)
While feeling disgusted by the cruel scene… I continued looking out for the man I was there to find.
(— I want to find Jude as soon as possible.)
(But… what do I want to do once I find him?)
(I highly doubt I’ll be able to convince him to return to the castle without causing trouble.)
Despite those thoughts, my body moved on its own and kept looking.
(What do I desire? Is it to find Jude?)
(I don't know what it is myself, and yet my body is following this “desire”...)
(William’s ability is truly frightening.)
Kate: Excuse me… pardon, but is there a man by the name of Jude here?
Kate: He wears a black coat, has a sinister look in his eyes, and—
I asked around while scanning the crowd, unable to find him, and just then—
???: You’re Jude Jazza’s woman?
Kate: Huh…?
Jude: If you accept my terms, I’ll spare your life at the very least.
Jude quietly put the guards to sleep and entered the room before crushing the jaws of two or three more guards, he then threw the overbearing and unreasonable terms at the organiser.
Organiser: … Hahaha. Hey, calm down.
Organiser: Withdraw from Duel Betting and human trafficking, then give you all my earnings… don’t you think you’re demanding too much?
Organiser: Didn't you lose only a few thousand pounds?
Organiser: Besides, your employees are the ones to blame for it.
Jude: I don't give a fuck. Accept my terms or die.
Jude’s glare was sharper than a newly sharpened blade, making the organiser gulp.
Then, a subordinate rushed into the room and whispered something into the organiser’s ear.
In an instant — his eyes took on a triumphant look.
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Organiser: — Looks like you’ve got a guest.
Jude: … A guest?
Brought in by two burly men, almost dragging her on the floor… was Kate who laid unconscious.
Jude: — Ah? Ꙩ_Ꙩ
Organiser: I heard that she wandered in here to look for you. A very brave lover, isn't she?
Organiser: So, what do you say? If you take back the terms you stated earlier, I’ll return this woman to you unscathed.
Organiser: Hmm? There's something in her pocket… oops, look what we have here.
Burly Man: HAHA! Bringing this sort of thing to a place like this… she’s a surprisingly slutty woman—
Burly Man: — Huh?
For a brief moment, the man blinked in confusion as if he didn't know what was happening.
His hand, along with Kate’s unconscious body, fell to the floor with a thud.
Burly Man: Wh– AAAAHHH!?
Jude: Negotiation failed.
Jude: I’ll spare the boss monkey. We have much to talk about.
Jude: Everyone else can die.
< timeskip >
Kate: ugh…
The first thing I heard after regaining consciousness was the sounds of groaning and sobbing.
(What… what happened to me…? I’m pretty sure I heard someone call out to me, and…)
Kate: Ggh…!?
The moment I got up, the horrifying scene before my eyes made my breath catch in my throat.
The floor, walls, everything was dyed red with blood splattered on them.
The dead bodies laying around barely looked like human beings anymore, they were mere red lumps of “something” thrown around like objects—
Standing in the middle of it all, was Jude.
Jude: Don’t worry, I’ll at least keep your artery intact. You can't pay me if you die from excessive blood loss.
Jude slowly cut his blood soaked sword into the legs of the man who appeared to be the boss of the establishment.
Organiser: F- Fine… ggh, I’ll give you the money! S-Sixty… sixty percent of my earnings… ugh
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Jude: WHAT!?
Organiser: AAAAAAAAAA!
Jude: You don't need ears that can’t listen well, right? Let me cut them off for you.
Jude grinned, as though he enjoyed the sound of the boss’ shrieking.
Watching the cruel scene in front of me, a feeling of fear I had long forgotten came back to me.
He was a villain who lived in a different world from mine.
(And yet… here I am, witnessing this.)
(I keep wondering if he’s bleeding from anywhere.)
I didn't know what I wanted to do after finding him.
But, now, I knew clearly what it was that I desired.
(This is like a regular occurrence for Jude.)
Even if it was due to the traits given to him by his curse, or because of a promise he made with someone I didn't know…
(For this man who lived in the darkness while putting his own life at risk, this man who was always pushing me away from that darkness… I wanted to do something for him.)
Tonight, the cursed people were even more dangerous than usual.
(And yet… all I did was cause more trouble for him.)
There was an overwhelmingly large distance between the two of us.
(— I’m so frustrated.)
I bit my lip and watched as Jude tortured the boss for the information he wanted — and he finally sheathed his sword after thrusting it into the man’s heart.
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Jude: …
(... I think this is the first time I’m seeing Jude use his sword.)
The usual Jude hurt others, but he never killed them so easily.
He would always say that it was much more efficient to exploit them for labour than to kill them, because killing them would cause him too much trouble afterwards.
– Flashback Start –
Victor: That’s right. As for the cursed person, they find it harder to control themselves… something like that.
Victor: It’s a dangerous night for both the cursed person and the people around them.
– Flashback End –
The pale moonlight shone through the window.
(Right now — Jude isn’t in his normal state.)
(It’s too dangerous to approach him.)
That was what I thought, and yet I found myself moving closer towards his bloodied back.
On this Halloween night, the cursed people were going mad—
And I, too, was going mad with desire because of William’s command.
Kate: Jude.
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Jude: …
Jude didn't look back.
My hand lifted itself and grasped his coat.
Kate: … Are you hurt?
Kate: —!
Before I could finish talking, my body was suddenly pulled.
With a thud, I collided with him and a shock ran through my back, making me gasp in pain.
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Jude: Why did you break your promise?
Kate: J-Jude…
Jude: You know what happens when you break a promise with me, don't you?
Kate: … ggh
It was hard to breathe with his hand tightly gripping my collar.
That hand felt nothing like the one that held my shoulder and drove the strange man away on the streets of London earlier that day. It was cruel and cold.
Kate: ah… ugh…
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Jude: Ahh, did you break the promise on purpose because you wanted to be punished by me?
Kate: …? …!
He snickered when I hurriedly shook my head in denial.
Jude: You probably thought I’d let you off with a couple of threats as usual, Princess.
Jude: But I don't think that’ll be enough to satisfy me tonight.
Jude: “Trick or Treat”... I’m not going to ask you that.
Jude: — Ready to be ridiculed?
Jude’s amethyst eyes glimmered under the moonlight streaming into the room through the window.
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astrofons-highderich · 4 months
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Portrait of a rocket man
(First real attempt at digital art in a decade be kind 💦)
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oceanlue · 8 months
hello! back with another silly headcanon ask! :3
this time it’s yv boys reactions if you were to come home from winning a bar fight! >:3
Ohohohoho this is going be good
You win a bar fight 🍻⚔
💗Alphonse 🧁🍭
Alphonse with slightly worried you said you were going to the bar with your friends cuz your friend just divorced her husband now ex-husband and you and your friends decide to celebrate
You said you would be home by 12:00 but it's now 2:00 in the morning
When you did get home at 2:20 alfons was immediately all over your case wondering if you're okay asking if anything was broken cuz you had a bruise on your cheek
You told him exactly what happened and you told him that you fought at the bar it was some guy who thought he was all Macho
But you told him that you won the bar fight by telling him exactly how you want and to say alphonse was horrified
But he was glad that his boo was all okay
" damn boo the store you just told me about you winning that fight now I know not to make you mad ever again *laughing nervously* but I'm just glad that you're okay and next time please don't get into a bar fight but I'm glad you won I love you boo"
Both of you went out for a nice ride on his motorcycle during the free wind in your hair as you held onto his waist when he drives
You two decide to stop at a bar for something to bite and maybe a drink or two but since Seth was driving he didn't drink at all
When you two got in you got your seats you ordered your stuff and you waited talking about different things well mostly him talking about Cryptids and the Mothman
The next thing he knew some dude was starting to hit on you Seth was going to go up and teach this man a lesson on trying to hit on his sugar but the next thing he knew the dude was on the ground holding his broken nose as he looked at his sugar
You hit him straight in the nose sending him back a couple of paces and starting to beat down on him on conscious
Seth got your food and drinks and decide to pick your ass up and walk out
"damn sugar if I knew you were that tough, I would have had a little play fight with you.... but I'm damn proud of you that you just held your up in there I guess my little sugar is a fighter"
He loves you and is proud of you ☺
He was worried....like he always is
You told him that tonight one of your friends turn the legal drinking age and wanted to take them out for a ride on the night
You told him you would be back at a decent time and you did come back at the time you told him but with the bruised cheek
He was panicking grabbing the first aid kit grabbing you a cup of tea and all in all slightly crying
(Why u make him cry man)
You told Finn of the story of how you got the bruise while he was patching you up and he got some things out of it like how some guy was trying to hit on your friend when they didn't want it and you stepped up and started a bar fight
He was happy that you won the fight and was also disappointed that you started a fight
" gosh orchid I'm proud of you that you won your fight but why would you start a fight in the first place I know that the guy tried to hit on your friend but I don't want you getting hurt or were sent to the hospital but I'm proud of you that you will not fight I love you orchid"
Cuddles all night long🤤😴
Aaron was finishing his last few pages of his work and just as he was about to put his work away his phone rang and his contact showed you
"Hello rook what do u need"
You told him about the fight and you told them how you are now outside just standing there so you were asking if he can give you a ride
Has he got into his car he drove up to the bar you were at and got out and walked to you
Then he asked why you're outside and you told him that your friends and you decide to celebrate the fact that one of your friends is getting married and decide to go to a bar but ended up having a bar fight because one of the men decide to hit on the bride
He was intrigued that you would get into a fight so he immediately asked this question
"Did you win?"
You told him yes you did one and then you open the door slightly to show him all the bodies on the floor and he was surprised and very proud of what you did
He then gave you a ride to his apartment condo complex
And you two had a night full of lots and lots of passion if you know what I mean😏
He's proud....and turned on to the fact that you can hold yourself in a fight he's the type of guy that loves when he knows a partner can kill him
" damn Rook if I knew you can do this then I wouldn't have gone easy on you but I guess surprises can be great especially when you are one of those surprises rook... maybe tonight I shouldn't go easy on you~"
Hope you like this
peace out
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the-au-collector · 3 months
Random Things I forgot to add in my braindump for my Radio AU:
Twilight is Time and Malon’s nephew. I think I’m going to make his relation through Uli, so that makes Uli and Malon sisters in this AU
Legend used to go to college in Mabe City, but moved away after his Koholint Trauma happened. He still has friends there, like Ralph, Din, and Nayru, but he rarely visits
Sun races cars. Not professionally or for sport, no. She’ll just drive at 80mph down some old country road for the hell of it. Sky and Groose often join her
Sky, Sun, and Groose all came from Sky City. That said, they somehow never met until college. They find this very funny and will call each other “strangers”
Legend and Fable’s biological father is Raven, but he was very inconsistent with his job and eventually left them with Alfon, his adopted brother (and I am realizing I need a family tree for this AU😵‍💫).
Time is an orphan. He was never adopted growing up, but he was closest to the Kokiri family. They had a daughter named Saria who he still calls his older sister. She’s an ecologist now
Time secretly spoils Wolfie
Twilight will take Wolfie for “walks” (aka, he will sneak Wolfie into his and Wild’s house despite there being a strict no dogs policy. Revali has tried getting them in trouble before but hasn’t succeeded yet)
Wolfie is the favorite whenever Wild hosts a party
Time has somehow become emotionally attached to these radio kids. He was not supposed to get emotionally attached
Sky and Sun hope to get married sometime after graduation, preferably sooner than later
First is everyone’s favorite when he’s around. That said, he’s still the oldest and most responsible when having fun.
Crimson swears
Ravio has tried reaching Sheerow to talk
Legend doesn’t drive (anymore)
Warriors has the gaudiest car, according to Legend. Legend’s right
Styla and Legend are like BFFs. They also met when Legend did Fashion Design. Styla often makes costumes for the school plays as well
Shadow hung out with a bad crowd in high school. He’s doing better now.
Where are the colors you ask? Four’s genderfluid so he uses them to indicate his gender. Vio = she/her. Green = he/him. Red = they/them. Blue= any, they don’t care.
Vaati is Shadow’s biological father, who married Four’s mom when Shadow and Four were 12. Four’s mom died when they were 14, then Vaati went into prison when they were 15 (they really are unrelated incidents). They began living with Grandpa Smith after that.
Yuga is Ravio and Hilda’s dad. He’s really strict and not a good person. He wants them both to go into business. Ravio is playing his hand until he can be totally independent. Hilda is a high school senior and wants to major in fine art. Yuga hates this. He especially hates that Ravio is completely supportive of Hilda… and also that Ravio never comes around anymore.
Hilda’s started being invited to Legend’s uncle’s house for holidays. She can’t come to all of them because of Yuga but she does come to Thanksgiving now
Alfon refuses to let anyone be alone over the holidays. He will force Legend and Ravio to bring their friends over if they have no one in the area or anywhere to go
Flora and Fauna grew up under a lot of pressure from their dad. Fauna feels it more since she’s older, but Flora definitely feels it too. They’re both perfectionists
Impa and Purah are Paya’s cousins in this AU. Paya’s very shy so they try to get her to go out more. Paya has a huge crush on Wild and is teased endlessly for it
Flora has this huge crush on this one guy in her anthropology class. His name is Tauro
Age and Wild didn’t get along for a long time after the house fire. Wild got his burns and amnesia from protecting Age but obviously doesn’t remember this. As a kid, Age thought Wild was purposefully forgetting everything. Wild honestly feels horrible for forgetting and is trying to get his memory back, but he hasn’t had much luck
Age and Wild are both named Link. It’s a family thing. They go by their middle names. Wilder is Wild’s official middle name. Age’s official middle name is August.
On the other hand, both Flora and Fauna’s middle names are Zelda. Flora’s full name is Florence Zelda Hyrule. Fauna’s name is just Fauna.
^ this is the same for Dawn and Aurora too
Hyrule, Dawn, and Aurora come from a very small town named Mido. Hyrule would play “Knights of Hyrule” with Dawn in the farm fields all around them. It’s where he gets his nickname from
Hyrule’s friends in high school were Bot, Error, and Bagu
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celiciaa · 8 months
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His pet doll.
translations are not 100% accurate. expect mistakes.
minors and ageless blogs dni.
The crown surrounded me when I got smaller due to the drug I took by mistake.
(And yet there is only one person I want to be taken care of.)
Without hesitation, I stood tall and gazed into the blue eyes of my beautiful lover.
Kate: Lord Elbert, can you take care of me?
Elbert: ….
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Elbert: ….Yes, of course.
(I’m glad…)
Alfons: El, be careful not to accidentally eat your little sweetheart out of sheer cuteness.
Elbert: ….Eat?
Elbert: …Actually, that sounds like a good idea.
Victor: No, you can’t, Elbert! Kate is certainly so cute that I want to eat her too!
Harrison: ….I'm glad Kate didn't choose Victor.
As I watched the crown arguing while I was standing on the table,
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Lord Elbert bent over and looked at me.
However, Lord Elbert remains still, deep in thought.
Elbert: ….
Kate: Lord Elbert? What’s wrong?
Elbert: ….I was thinking of a way to touch you…without scaring you.
(I'm glad...my appearance may have changed, but Lord Elbert has not.)
Kate: It's all right, Lord Elbert, you can touch me however you like.
Elbert: ….However I like?
Kate: Yes. I'm not afraid of anything you might do to me, Lord Elbert.
Elbert: ….Oh.
Lord Elbert smiled happily and held out his both palms up to me.
Elbert: Then…hop in.
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As I was placed on the palm of his hand, Lord Elbert moved down the hallway as if he were carefully carrying a newborn baby chick.
(Oh, he's walking slower than usual.)
The tenderness of my lover gradually warms my heart, and it seems that this will not change even if I become smaller.
(Anyway...big Lord Elbert is really beautiful too.)
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As I was once again amazed by the exquisite beauty of Lord Elbert, his blue eyes caught mine.
Elbert: ….Just a while ago.
Kate: …?
Elbert: If you...didn’t choose me.
Elbert: I was going to wrap my hands around you like this...and run away.
Kate: …Run away?
Elbert: …That’s right. I was planning to steal you.
Lord Elbert makes a cage with his soft hands and has a serious expression on his face, and I can feel the love in him.
There is an obsession, a heavy, endless possessiveness in Lord Elbert, and I love him even for that.
Kate: …Lord Elbert who steals me away, huh.
Kate: Fufu, I would like to be seen like that too.
Elbert: …Is that so?
That kind of thing fills me up with our usual conversation, and his gentle steps.
Kate: ….Thank you very much, Lord Elbert.
Elbert: …Are you sure you want me to take care of you?
Kate: That’s right.
Kate: ….You made my anxiety disappear.
Lord Elbert blinked, then nodded.
Elbert: ….No wonder you suddenly became smaller.
Kate: ….At first, I was surprised and worried.
(…It's as if I'm not myself anymore.)
Kate: But when I was wrapped in the palm of your hand like this, those fears and anxiety went away.
Elbert: ….Really?
Kate: Yes!
That moment when I nodded——
My stomach growls with hunger.
(Even though I’m smaller, my stomach doesn't make a loud noise….)
Kate: Did you...hear that?
Elbert: Yes, it was cute.
Kate: Stomach noises are not cute. ….It’s embarrassing.
Elbert: Whatever sounds you make is cute. Chewing, snoring, anything.
Kate: Even snoring….
Elbert: Shall we have dinner, Kate?
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Lord Elbert puts me on the window sill and takes out an apple from the kitchen.
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Usually, the two of us would act out and just eat and feed each other, but,
It looks like I won't be able to eat it today unless he peeled it.
Lord Elbert peeled the apple with beautiful movements and cut it into small pieces with a knife.
Elbert: …I suppose this is enough?
Elbert: Okay, here you go. Kate.
I grab the piece of apple on Lord Elbert's index finger with both hands.
With my current state, this seems like enough for a single apple.
Kate: Thank you for the food. Hm…! It’s delicious!
Kate: Fufu, I can fill my mouth with it, so it feels like a good deal.
Elbert: ….Cute.
Kate: ….Eh?
His long, beautiful fingertips wipe away the juices from my mouth.
Lord Elbert licked it and smiled with satisfaction.
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Elbert: ….You are cute no matter what you look like.
Elbert: But today...you look more innocent than usual.
I was so happy to see his unchanging affection that even I couldn't help but smile.
Kate: Lord Elbert, please eat too. It’s delicious.
Elbert: ….Hm….
Lord Elbert takes a bite of the apple and chews it.
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Elbert: ….You’re right. ….It is delicious.
Kate: …Fufu.
Elbert: ….?
Kate: Oh, I just...I like the way you look when you're eating something delicious.
Elbert: ….In that case, I'll eat a lot.
Basking in the soft sunlight, Lord Elbert looks at me and smiles.
It's just me and Lord Elbert's daily life, which is very much the same as usual.
(Didn’t expect things like this to happen, but…)
(…I’m happy.)
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After we finished eating, Lord Elbert took me out into the garden in his hand again.
When I asked Lord Elbert to place me on the ground, the fragrance of the flowers filled my heart.
Elbert: Kate. ….Don't go too far away.
Kate: Yes, of course. I'll be careful.
As I walked by Lord Elbert's side, there were beautiful flowers that caught my attention.
(Oh, this flower looks just like the color of Lord Elbert's blue eyes.)
(….That's right, if I knit this into a flower crown and give it to Lord Elbert, he might be happy.)
Besides, my small hands may allow me to knit more neatly than usual.
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I look for blue flowers and weave them one by one.
(Yeah. ...It's almost finished.)
As I was engrossed, a shadow falls in front of me.
(….Lord Elbert?)
I looked up, thinking it was Lord Elbert's shadow, and there it was——
(A cat!?)
The cat that was usually so cute is now very large and intimidating to me.
Kate: Uh…um…
I quietly back away and the cat stares at me…..
Striped cat: …..
Then, it opened its big mouth, flashing its fangs——
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 ▸       [  next ]
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dark-frosted-heart · 3 months
Alfons vs Roger event (Part 1)
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
Crown’s relationship is perfectly balanced.
Though they couldn’t be considered friends or family, there’s an unspoken connection and trust.
—Well, except for a certain “pair”.
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Alfons and Roger: Unbelievable.
Kate: Did something happen? You two said that together the minute you came back from the mission.
Today, Alfons and Roger were supposed to be chasing after a serial killer who had caused quite a stir.
Roger: Al, if you’d drawn him over, I could’ve sent him to the after life in a heartbeat.
Alfons: Wow, you’re putting the blame on another? Had I not chased after you, you would have dropped dead.
Roger: I’m gonna wrap those words with a ribbon and give them back to you.
Alfons: Then I’ll wrap that ribbon around your neck.
Kate: Um, so what happened to the criminal in the end?
Alfons and Roger: William happened.
Meaning William, who seemed to have gone ahead, took care of the criminal instead of these two who couldn’t work together at all.
Kate: Regardless, I’m glad the criminal was caught.
Alfons and Roger: I’m not.
Kate: Huh?
Alfons: Every time I go on a mission with Roger, my delicate heart gets another scratch. Ahhh, woe is me!
Roger: What delicate heart. A delicate guy wouldn’t come at you himself. (•̀ ⌓ •́)
(This sort of sight isn’t surprising anymore)
Alfons and Roger have known each other since they were kids.
Had they been old friends, they would’ve gotten along exceptionally well. However, it;s the complete opposite for the two of them.
(I have a feeling that these two have the worst relationship in Crown…)
Roger: Geez, I can’t deal with this anymore.
Alfons: Oh, then be my guest. Please leave Crown and live as you like.
(A Crown resignation emergency?!)
I look around, but unfortunately, I seem to be the only one around to intervene.
(What do I do, what do I do? Ah, I got it!)
Kate: You two! I won’t give you any chocolates if you keep fighting!
Alfons and Roger: Chocolate?
Roger: Oh yeah, it’s Valentine’s Day today, isn’t it? No wonder the city was bustling.
Alfons: I heard you were making “sweetheart chocolates” last night, Miss Kate.
Kate: How did you know?
Alfons: I’m the well-informed Mr.  Sylvatica.
Last night I was baking sweets with the maids when they encouraged me to make some “sweetheart chocolates”.
(I was planning on eating them all myself…)
Roger: Sounds good. I was gettin' tired of fighting. Let’s have a contest, Al. The winner gets Kate’s chocolates and serves the loser. How’s that sound?
Alfons: It’s the best of the worst of preferences. Yes, I like that.
Kate: Hold on, what is this?!
Alfons: So, what sort of contest are we doing? Anything beside a fistfight is fine. Ah, how about this. We have two shots of vodka, one of which is poisoned. A game with no hard feelings that can be won immediately.
Roger: If one of us kicks the bucket, then there’s no point in the servant rule. Then-
The games the two kept suggesting were so outrageous that it made me dizzy.
(At this rate, a city or two is going to get blown up. What the heck do I do?)
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Victor: O~kay my cute cursed ones! This nonsense stops here.
Kate: Victor!
Victor: You two fight the moment I take my eyes off of you. Bad, I say. Bad!
Alfons/Roger: It’s Roger’s fault./It’s Al’s fault.
Victor: I’m not blaming anyone. I don’t mind the contest, okay? However, I don’t like negative games where the other dies from poison and things like that. I can’t afford to lose either of you. That’s not cute at all.
Kate: ……Not cute?
Victor: So here’s my proposal. Remember my friend, Viscount Morris?
Alfons: He’s the rich eccentric who owns a luxury cruise ship.
Victor: Yes, yes. The viscount’s beloved niece’s birthday is today. A birthday party will be hosted in one of his estates. The girl in honor has fled. I believe she went out of the country on vacation. 
Alfons: She’s a runaway horse, isn’t she? Perhaps a consequence of being raised like a princess. A pity.
Victor: The viscount came to me in tears, so I considered going as her double…
Roger: If the lady suddenly became huge and burly, that’d make a failure of a party.
Victor: Therefore, Kate. I want you to pretend to be the lady.
Kate: I knew this was where the story was going.
Victor: Haha, you’re becoming more like Crown! So, Alfons, Roger, I want you two to serve as Kate’s caretakers so that she doesn’t get exposed.
Roger: But what’s that gotta do with our contest?
Victor: Hm, that’s actually a good question! How about you compete for “friendship points” while acting as caretakers?
Kate:  What are “friendship points”?
Victor: Simple. You get a point if you’re friendly to the other. Oh, and the judge is Kate of course.
Roger: So the winner’s the one with the most points and gets Kate’s chocolates.
The proposal was completely unexpected, but it sounds like a good way for the two to get along.
Kate: I think it’s a good idea. I’ll also help the viscount.
Roger: If the little lady’s fine with it, then I’m game. Besides, it sounds like we’re gonna get kicked because of this pointless fight.
Alfons: I feel as if I’m being forced into something troublesome, but I’m fine with it. I’d also like to put an end to this pointless fight. Well… She and the chocolate will ultimately be mine.
Roger: You sure? I take what I want. You ready for that?
Alfons and Roger looked at me, and I blink in return.
Alfons, in an overly gentlemanly manner, shook Roger’s hand.
Alfons: Let’s have a fair, “friendly” match, Roger.
Kate: Ah. That’s one friendship point for you, Alfons!
Roger: What? Damn it, that was dirty.
Alfons wipes his hand, which had touched Roger’s, with a handkerchief.
Alfons: There’s nothing clean or dirty in this contest, is there Miss Kate?
Victor: Mhmm, it’s charming how they’re becoming fast friends. Fabulous!
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otomefiend · 8 months
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Alfons Sylvatica & Elbert Greetia
Story Event: Villains want to bother little 'Robin'
Chapter 3 Premium
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Proceeding with the chillax mission. Moar tidbits on the boys' relationship, which are always fun. Both of them are such softies. I love how Elbert gets Kate into trouble since she doesn't expect it, and Alfons jumps on those opportunities.
~~Part 1~~
Elbert: "... This room."
Alfons: "Shall we look at the face of the traitor who is after the Queen?"
Kate: "Don't I have to dress as Her Majesty?"
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Elbert: "The double act was just to lure the assassin out."
Elbert: "Now that the culprit has already infiltrated the place under the assumption that Her Majesty is present here... it's no longer necessary."
Kate: "Then, since my duties as Her Majesty's representative are over, your reward is ..."
Alfons: "No, no, those two are entirely different matters."
Elbert: "... stay behind."
Alfons: "Now, let's get rid of the bad guy, then talk about the reward."
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Alfons: "Excuse us."
???: "Eek"
As Alfons pushed the door open, a scream echoed inside.
(That man is the assassin...)
I braced myself certain I would encounter someone highly trained and full of murderous intent, however --
Man with a moustache: "Whoa... You're the ones who escorted Her Majesty....!"
Inside was a stout man with a moustache, his body trembling.
(Huh... that's definitely not what I expected...)
The man held his sketchbook, easel, and a rope-like object firmly in his arms.
Elbert: "Are you a... painter?"
~~Part 2~~
Alfons: "Ah! I remember that face."
Alfons: "Aren't you that court painter who pestered Her Majesty to have her portrait done,"
Alfons: "Who in the end got banished from the Palace for trying to sneak into her bedroom?"
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Alfons: "Your name was... well, it doesn't really matter, does it."
Court painter: "I don't care either! Where did Her Majesty go...!?"
Court painter: "Today is the day... today is the day I'm going to see her face, even if I have to tie her up first...!"
Court painter: "It's my mission to preserve her image for future generations...!"
Court painter: "Once she shows her face, I can create the masterpiece of the century...! !"
Elbert: "... So, in the end, the aim was not to assassinate but to paint a portrait?"
(He literally meant to "see the head"...)
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Alfons: "Yeah, it's madness. Just like El's collecting habits."
Court painter: "-- huh?"
Court painter: "That woman, with her blonde hair tucked behind her... somehow resembles Her Majesty I got a glimpse of today."
Court painter: "I see, you were hiding Her Majesty in disguise...!!"
The man pulled a gun out of his pocket and pointed it at Lord Elbert.
Court painter: "Out of the way! Let me see Her Majesty's face!"
Alfons: "Please decide whether you're trying to be disrespectful or courteous."
Elbert: "...If you fire a bullet at this distance, it will hit her."
Elbert: "Put the gun down, please."
Court painter: "Shut up! Do not interfere with my destiny!"
Elbert: "Well... it can't be helped then."
~~Part 3~~
Elbert: "Put the gun down, please."
Court painter: "Shut up! Do not interfere with my destiny!"
Elbert: "Well... it can't be helped then."
Elbert: "Al, protect her."
Alfons: "Heh... you're going to do it then?"
Lord Elbert slowly approached the painter and stepped on his shadow.
Court painter: "Huh!? W-what...? My head... gahh."
Court painter: "No, stop.... I don't want to be banished, I... aargh."
The gun fell from the painter's hand to the floor with a thud.
(It's Lord Elbert's ability to revive the saddest memories)
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Elbert: "...I wish you would let it go from the start."
Lord Elbert, who had completely deprived the painter of the will to fight, muttered sadly to himself.
Alfons: "Oh, you poor thing."
Court painter: "Huh....!?"
Alfons kicked the gun away, then walked up to the painter and gently touched the nape of his neck.
Alfons: "Her Majesty is sitting in that chair. See? Over there."
Court painter: "Eh.....?"
The man's eyes wandered around the space, but as soon as they reached the empty chair, they filled with joy.
Court painter: "Ah, oh, ohhh! At last! Finally!!!"
The artist set up his easel, took out the charcoal, and began furiously sketching.
(With the help of Alfons' ability, he sees Her Majesty...)
He didn't seem to care about us anymore.
Elbert: ".........What can he see in his illusion if he's never seen the real queen?"
Alfons: "I wonder. Maybe he's seeing the ideal Majesty he's dreamt of so many times."
Alfons: "I've never seen Her Majesty's face either, so..."
~~Part 4~~
Elbert: "Will his fantasies be preserved for posterity as a portrait of Her Majesty the Queen...?"
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Alfons: "Wouldn't it be splendid? It's hilarious to think that a false image could overshadow reality."
(...... just like that, it was all over)
I was amazed by the brilliant efficiency and skill of those two.
Elbert: "... are you okay, Kate?"
Kate: "! Yes, thank you for looking after me."
Alfons: "Feels like a farce, doesn't it? He seems happy and doesn't need to be imprisoned."
Kate: "...It might sound odd, but"
Kate: "I'm a little relieved that no one ended up feeling hurt."
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Alfons • Elbert: "........."
Elbert: "... I'm glad you don't feel sad yourself."
Alfons: "You really are a softy."
Alfons: "All right... if all is said and done, then"
Alfons: "Shall we go back to the party?"
After sending the artist away, satisfied with the portrait,
and informing the organisers that Her Majesty was unwell and took her leave, the mission was complete.
We returned to the hall at the suggestion of the other two to enjoy the party for the remainder of the evening.
Alfons: "Oh... The compote that El shoved into your mouth earlier is still there, isn't it?"
Alfons: "How about a second helping? May I offer to stuff it in your mouth this time?"
Elbert: "...I'd be happy to do it for you again."
~~Part 5~~
Kate: "It... it was delicious, but I'm fine!"
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Elbert: "Hmm... if it's delicious, then I'll try it too."
Lord Elbert took a portion of compote and brought it to his mouth.
Lady with feathers: "Lord Elbert is dining with us...!"
Lady with a diamond necklace: "How unusual... I should have been prepared and invited a painter...!"
Kate: "I'm hearing some great news it seems..."
Alfons: "Lord El has always been a very light eater."
Alfons: "He particularly disliked milk and often got teary-eyed when the butler or maids told him to drink it."
Elbert: "It was... painful..."
Elbert: "I was surprised when Al whispered in my ear..."
Elbert: "`Let the cat or some other creature drink it, or just secretely get rid of it`."
Alfons: "You were so hopelessly foolish back then, you couldn't even think of that."
Alfons: "He answered me in his overly serious tone, `I can't bear to throw it away, and I don't have a cat`."
Alfons: "From then on, everything El left behind ended up in my stomach."
Elbert: "Which is bottomless..."
Kate: "You've lived together since you were little."
Alfons: "Yes, I stayed at the Greetia's residence."
Elbert: "I suggested it to Al. ...to stay at my place."
Kate: "Why are you still together?"
Alfons • Elbert: "........."
Elbert: "...I'll be in trouble without Al...?"
Alfons: "I can't bear to abandon him, so I have no choice."
It seemed like an odd relationship.
They had no common goals, nor tastes or preferences.
It didn't seem like they were bound by a master-servant relationship, nor did they sign a contract.
(However, Lord Elbert needs Alfons...)
(And it seems that Alfons needs Lord Elbert as well)
Two inseparable individuals who influenced each other -- I couldn't help but feel a little envious of them.
Alfons: "I guess... we could just quietly go home."
Alfons: "But I haven't received my promised reward yet, have I now?"
Kate: "Ah!"
(And here I was, feeling relieved, thinking that maybe he had forgotten about it...)
Elbert: "…… That's right. I'd like... a reward from you."
Kate: "Wait a moment...!"
Kate: "I don't think it's fair to reward just the two of you since I've worked hard on the mission as well!"
Alfons: "And what do you suggest?"
Kate: "I also want a reward...!"
Elbert: "... that's fine. Then what would you like?"
Kate: "How about we go straight back home and rest...?"
Alfons: "Aha! Most certainly not."
Elbert: "Or... we could go straight back and get a reward in your room?"
Kate: "Eh...!?"
Alfons: "Oh, I see. You come up with some pretty brilliant ideas, El."
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Alfons: "In this case, shall we hurry ♡ to ♡ your ♡ room?"
(-- perhaps I)
(Maybe I am protected by two outrageous men......)
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aquagirl1978 · 6 months
Mirrors - Alfons Sylvatica x Reader (Ikemen Villains)
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A/N: Part of Visions of Temptations 2023 hosted by @xxsycamore
Pairing: Alfons Sylvatica x Reader
Prompt: Day 6 - Sex Toys
Word Count: 777
Tags: NSFW; Minors - DNI; cowgirl position; piv; sex toys; tail plug; double penetration; praise kink; creampie; female-bodied reader (good girl is said)
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Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?
It certainly wasn’t Alfons. Not with the way he was perched on the edge of your bed, a wicked grin carved on his face, and a devilish gleam in his eyes.
And his cock buried deep in your pussy.
“Al….ahhhh…what's that?” you asked, your eyes now focused on an item that must have fallen from his pocket earlier when you undressed one another.
He tilted his head, glancing behind him on the bed and laughed. “Oh, that? It's my new toy.” Turning his head back to face you, he stared into your eyes, his gaze deep and intense as his bare hands pressed on the small of your back, guiding you up and down on his cock. “You wanna play with it?” he asked, stealing a kiss and nipping your lips.
You nodded slightly as words failed you. 
“I'll need you to stand up.” With his hands on your waist, he lifted you up, soft whimpers leaving your lips as his cock slipped out from your pussy.
Holding the toy in his hand, you got a better look at it. Lying across his palm was a long strip of dark fur with something shiny – metallic, maybe? – dangling from one end of it. 
“That’s not from one of Elbert’s –”
Alfons laughed, cutting off the rest of your question. “No. I bought this at a store.”
What kind of stores has Alfons been going to?
“Come closer,” he whispered, taking your hand in his and gently tugging your body closer to his. Holding the shiny part in his hand, he rubbed its rounded tip along your slit, the cool metal sending shivers up your spine.
Al looked up at you with a seductive smile, his gaze fixated on yours as he slowly pushed the plug inside your pussy. You rested your hands on his shoulders,  your fingers digging into his skin as he filled you with the toy, his gaze never leaving your face. 
Once it was fully inside you, he began thrusting it inside, the cold metal warming quickly inside your body. 
He pulled the toy out with a flourish; holding the plug up, he was pleased to find it glistening, fully coated with your slick arousal. 
“Turn around,” he said as he spun you in your spot. He pressed a palm on the small of your back, the feel of his bare skin against yours gentle and comforting. You waited, wondering what he was doing, as he took his time admiring your backside.
He pressed the toy against your skin, your body trembling, aware now of what was about to happen.
“This might hurt a little,” he warned as he began to slide the slicked toy inside you. Your breath hitched when it popped inside, your body stretching, accommodating its width. 
“You're doing so good,” Al praised when the toy began to disappear between your cheeks. “It's almost in.”
Your moans were soft as he eased the toy inside, his thrusts slow and almost gentle. 
“It's in.” He marveled at the tail that now cascaded down your backside. Running his hands down the length of soft fur, he gave the toy a quick tug. Gasping loudly, his lewd grin was hidden from your view. 
He spun you around to face him again, the tail soft against your skin. Pulling you onto his lap, he guided you back onto his cock. Your body slowly sank down, his groans delicious as you swallowed his entire length. 
“Good girl,” he praised, pleased at how well you took both his cock and the toy. Rolling your hips against his, you relished this newly found feeling of complete fullness. 
You set the pace, your movements slow as you enjoyed the new sensations from the toy. Waves of fiery pleasure quickly built as your bodies rocked against the other. Wrapping your arms around his shoulders, you clung to Al, knowing you wouldn’t be able to last much longer like this.
His teeth grazed your shoulder, his breath fire on your already hot skin. He held your body down on his cock, your walls squeezing him tight, as he nipped at your skin. Stars danced before your eyes as your body flooded with fire, his cock painting your insides white. 
Trembling, your body gave out, collapsing on his as you joined each other in a state of euphoric bliss. 
Somehow, someway, you found yourself lying in the bed, with Alfons resting on your chest. With his eyes closed, and his hand clasped in yours, he looked almost angelic.
When he was like this, maybe he was the fairest one of all.
Tagging: @redheadkittys @themiscarnival @coral-relevium @cyberk1ee  @kookie-my-little-sunshine @pathogenic   @ellisgivesmelife013 @ikemen-writer   @nightghoul381 @judejazza @xbalayage @xenokiryu @randonauticrap
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