#it’ll be legitimately funny if she is
sir-cookieton · 25 days
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I know we make this joke every time there’s a new character but IS THIS KAIRI’S GREAT GRANDMOTHER
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
I absolutely love Legally Blonde (the musical). Elle is such a great character!!
The audience is introduced to her in such an amazing way, with her mathematically trying to figure out what to wear. “It may be perfect for a blonde, but I’m not that blonde. I may be in love but I’m not stupid, lady, I’ve got eyes.”
Elle in general is so good. She’s so smart and she’s legitimately the most interesting character to follow.
But!!! The best!!! Part!!! At the end of the musical, when she says she’s leaving, Emmett confessing that he loves her isn’t what convinces her to stay. Instead, it’s the other female characters showing their support for her!!! The way the girls in this movie support each other!!! The “Greek Chorus” is perhaps my favourite example, if only because they’re so supportive of absolutely everything Elle does!!! It’s so sweet!!! “We came to see our president be legally blonde”? Best line, I love it, it’s so good.
But also, the romance between Elle and Emmett is so fucking good. Emmett supports her through absolutely everything. Emmett is such a great person, but also his musical cue is an oboe, which means I’m biased to like him anyway-
“They laughed at me like they’re laughing at you. We can’t win if we don’t follow through.” “Though it’s hardly my business to say, could it be the real thing in your way is the very man you’re trying to impress?” “But I know it’ll all be worthwhile when I win my first lucrative trial, and buy my mom that great big house out on the cape.” “As I hugged my mom and told her, with the chance I’ve been given, I’m gonna be driven as hell.” All of Emmett’s lines are so good, all of his songs are perfect, Emmett is the best character ever.
I love the ending, when Elle proposes to Emmett. It’s the character coming full circle. She begins the musical by planning an outfit that will be perfect for Warner to propose to her to; “This dress needs to seal the deal, make a grown man kneel, but it can’t come right out and say bride.” “I’ve got t leave Warner his pride.” She’s fulfilling the stereotypical idea of the woman having to be proposed to. She can’t propose to him or look too desperate to be proposed to, because that will ruin his “pride.”
Elle proposing to Emmett at the end shows such an amazing character growth. She knows she doesn’t have to fulfill the stereotypical female role in their relationship. She proposes in a room full of people, proving that she is no longer concerned with her partner’s “pride.” She proposes by saying “Emmett Forrest, please make me the happiest woman I know.” She proposes in the stereotypical male style, but it’s so fucking sweet because Emmett is so excited and they just love each other so much-
But the best way to portray the character growth is two specific interactions. To set it up, the Greek Chorus mentions, in the very first song, that being married won’t come between Elle and their “sacred bond of sisterhood.” Later in the same song, the Chorus sings: “We love you guys.” And Elle responds: “No, I love you guys.” Note that she specifically says “I,” because presumably, Warner doesn’t actually care all that much about them.
Now, in the finale, the Chorus repeats the line, this time to Elle and Emmett: “We love you guys.” But, this time, Elle and Emmett respond together: “No, we love you guys.”
Emmett supports Elle’s interests to the point that she feels comfortable sharing them with him. She feels comfortable introducing her best friends to him and he actually likes them. It comes full circle. Elle finally has someone who supports her completely, just like she supports Emmett completely, they make each other happy. It’s so sweet.
Also, it’s kinda funny because Emmett is Elle’s sugar baby-
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sixthwater · 7 months
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Hello! Have you been feeling a bit lost recently? Especially with all of the eclipses that we've been experiencing? Well, here is some short advice from your spirit guides and angels to help get things sorted out.
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Left → Right / Pile 1 → Pile 4)
Decks Used: The Psychic Oracle, Fairies Oracle Deck, Elle Qui Oracle, Woodland Wardens Oracle, Sacred Creators Oracle, Sea Melodies, Language of Flowers, Wild Unknown Animal Spirits,
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Pile One
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I began your reading and my back started killing me; make sure you’re doing proper stretches or you’re not pushing yourself too hard to wear yourself out.
There is a sense of holding your tongue or keeping yourself trapped in the closet. I just got an image of The Little Mermaid when she signed away her voice but it’s not the Disney version it’s the legitimate fairy tale, it’s also more of a choice? It’s difficult to describe; it’s not that you prefer to be uncomfortable and to hide under a mask blah blah blah, but there’s experience of pain and loss so you don’t want to do it again. Maybe you haven’t expressed certain emotions or identities, but you overheard them being looked down upon or it was made fun of, so instead you locked these emotions up and threw away the key (ex; someone laughing at you having feelings for them when brought up as a joke or someone disrespecting a sexual orientation/identity, etc). Your pile is the very first, in all of my history of reading, where I want to be completely silent and only listen to certain frequencies as well.
The advice: You need to listen to yourself and the world (in a way). You already have the answers to your questions/concerns inside of you, but you do need some help finding them obviously. You’re looking for external answers, but it’s only causing more confusion because...well everyone sees the world differently. So when you try to put yourself in those shoes, it causes more scratches on the Vinyl record that is your life, you know? It’s funny to say this but they’re kind of asking you to pull back and not move on so fast from what’s going on because you haven’t really sat with your feelings and gone through the process. What’s been upsetting you and why did it bother you. Why did you react that way. Well how did you get to Point E from Point B? Take a time out and sort these things out when you can because it’ll get you some clarity. There’s also a piece here about communicating and becoming vulnerable. It’s not exactly the same, but I need to figure myself out sometimes with talking and I end up stumbling upon revelations through discussions. You might need to have a low energy discussion with someone you feel comfortable with you so can get to these answers. You don’t need to immediately express or explain these things, but it will help you out. Some of you might need to re-route yourselves because you are lost and you took the wrong exit; it’s fine, that’s life and it’ll happen constantly. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, if you weren’t here to make mistakes then what are you even here for. Confide in other people, ask for help, get some guidance. You can rely on those around you, not everyone will want to hurt you. I keep being nudged to an issue with identity and — for some it’s just figuring out who you are but there’s pain so if it is what i mentioned earlier, only you know yourself. People can help, but do not let them police who you are and decide what’s ‘correct’ and what’s not. The main message overall is that there is a need for you to be vulnerable with people — or at least someone. There is either embarrassment or pride here holding you back and it’s smothering emotions that end up causing inner turmoil. I would say this points to seeking out a therapist but there are no swords here, so I believe this could just point to finding people to confide in or making peace with the softer aspects of yourself that you might find shameful.
With ‘Chance’ and ‘Dive’, I believe it’s just pointing more towards diving deeper into unknown territory which would be emotions you haven’t explored yet. ‘You cant live your life dealing with surface level things’ is the phrase I’m getting.
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Pile Two
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Pretty simple so this might be short. The energy check is a bit out of reach despite how simple it seems. I think the first two songs might sum it up a lot better than I can. I don’t believe it deals directly with love, but the idea remains.
I think the advice here is to not teeter too much to one side. You’re not lacking in passion, but you might pull back too much if something fails. There’s a slim piece about being a bit scattered in where you want to go, but we’ll touch on that later. For now, it’s being enveloped by how alive you feel when you’re going after your dreams. How happy it makes you and the rush you get. I keep being drawn back to Passion Ignited as well as Aylis because they’re similar; a glowing ‘orb’ that’s placed over the chest somewhat. Ah that reminds me of The Greatest Showman. Just it’s song ‘Come Alive’, I think that fits this pile quite well. You just have to be comfortable diving into your passion and not be embarrassed, and even when making mistakes, to laugh it off and keep chasing after it. It doesn’t even have to be a dream — people call nearly everything cringe these days. Are we not supposed to have hobbies? Enjoy your hobbies, that’s the point of living. What does it matter. Express yourself and be a bit goofy, you’re a bit tense and scared of messing up right now, but it’s okay. Now before I mentioned being scattered — there’s a small message of getting a clear view of what you want in your life. Do you want to be an influencer or do you just want a good work-life balance. Or a remote job. It’s the general idea that you have which might not really be what you want at the end of the day, and they’re just asking you to clarify, because you can make certain things come true if that’s what you want. However, with just as many ‘let loose’ cards you have, they’re balanced with some grounded cards here. Also, if you haven’t reached your goal yet, don’t give up. We never reach our goal with just one attempt or in just one chapter. You will get there.
Tiger Lily...maybe my job example was on point? If you’re thinking of jumping into something headfirst with no back-up, really think about it. Make sure you have savings, you have a safety-net, you have all your bases covered, etc. There are plenty of people who can afford to take a risky route of income because other people are covering bills with an insane paycheck, or they’ve had years to build up a base. Be patient, and work dutifully to get to that place. It’s difficult, but with these really precious spread I believe that you will have much to offer people if you take your time. This doesn’t mean give up, it just means be smart and take your time.
Associated Songs: Passion – Utada Hikaru, All My Heart – Sleeping with Sirens, Tonight – Kesha
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Pile Three
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This is gorgeous. The energy while pulling cards was light and goofy and I’m understanding why now. The meaning of these cards would usually give off a blue/purple aura, since there are a lot of messages alluding to soul searching, but I believe this is more...personable? How do I explain this.
Usually when you think of soul searching, you think of The Hermit. Someone who pulls back from socializing and focuses on themselves. However with this combination, it feels more like really thinking about- I’m sorry the strongest smell just popped through my vents and it smells like Cinnamon. It is not my favorite but it reminds me of gatherings late at night, anyway — It feels like thinking about the people around you and how they reflect you and what you want in your life. You figure yourself out and what you want out of life by interacting with others. It’s not that you need others to do this, but they shine a light on certain aspects of yourself or they bring you to do activities that you wouldn’t have done on your own, thus making you have these realizations. So the advice itself is saying that you should sit on these moments and really let them seep in. They’re not necessarily telling you to isolate and do some introspective thinking, but when you have these moments, don’t push them aside to keep up with others. You have a knack for knowing yourself inside and out, and what’s best for you. I know that seems pretty normal, but it’s not necessarily common. Knowing who or what you want VS what you don’t is a good gift and you should be utilizing it right now. I keep hearing ‘don’t be satisfied’. Keep looking for things that really make you happy. It’s not in a greedy sense, but don’t think ‘well that’ll do’, go seek out experiences or hobbies that make you feel whole! I don’t deal with chakras, but all this green is hard to ignore considering it stands for the Heart and I’ve felt happy and calm the entire reading. There’s not much advice here because you might already have the answer inside of you but more like recommendations; such as going for walks, or having calm hangouts with friends or family. I think you’re already doing what’s being said here, but do your best to keep a balance of focusing on those revelations of what’s best for you and healthy doses of engagement with those around you. I don’t have to pull extra cards either, you seem to be doing quite fine honestly
(There are no songs here, a lot of light-hearted songs. Some goofy mixes. Good Time by Carly Rae Jepsen & Owl City as well as chill songs that don’t really have messages in them)
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Pile Four
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Confidence. That sums up your whole reading. Well that and some change. Right now it doesn’t necessarily feel like doubt or naysayers, but you don’t really have people to boost you up. Or you need to feel extremely safe/supported in order to really go after something — which feels more physical than spiritual. So it could be a change in majors, career, personal expression, hell maybe just changing direction with your life in terms of dropping out or not using your degree in pursuit of something else entirely. The flowers in the Deceit card resemble horns right now and it’s like opinions or external thoughts regarding the situation that can make you overthink your next steps or how you feel about the topic in general. Gosh I’m forgetting the term but in a way, they could end up being right in a sense that they affect your natural ability and make you way too anxious to perform naturally, thus making you fail. So it’s the ‘well I’m going to fail so I’m not even going to do my very best’ so when you fail you think it was destined to happen.
Your guides and angels are asking you to just take a chance and trust in the adventure. You have to move with confidence, you can’t be sheepish with this. You could be new to this change, so obviously mistakes will happen, but you can’t go into this with a pessimistic attitude. I’m seriously not getting any negative energy around you so don’t worry about that. If the world around you is dull, explore different avenues that give you joy. I’m always going to say to never just leap into the unknown without any thought, but you seem extremely hesitant and it’s holding you back from a new chapter and great experiences that are meant for you. This could be in the shape of a new job or merely just new friends who could help you gain more confidence within yourself. Again though, this pile seems more material based than the others, so I’m thinking it’s related to money matters or at the most, possibly moving but that’s a stretch. There’s a small piece of being scared to take up new opportunities because you’re not well versed in them but, you won’t know everything in the world? The only way to gain experience is to test it out. If it’s for you, then you’ll know once you try it, right?
Haha the Bear! Yeah, this is an uncomfortable time for you, but it’s urging you to sort of learn how to walk, and embrace the natural calmness yet underlying formidable strength of this animal. I’m thinking of when someone was arguing that the bear was one of the scariest predators in the world, but this card also stands for inner strength and you literally have Strength here so, you just have to be comfortable entering this new stage of life (transitions, which there are too many examples for me to list here). Don’t be hard on yourself, everyone has been in your place before.
(Not many songs, just Bends by Carly Rae Jepsen stood out)
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officialhouseguest · 8 months
cory in the DR tonight saying “idk i just think it’ll be funny…” really sums his whole game up cuz like—
this kid came in thinking “i’m gonna play up the little brother thing and get everyone to think i’m just a sweet innocent boy so i seem non-threatening!” — and, sure! that’s a solid plan!
…and then he proceeded to have a one-sided beef with hisam from day 1, joke-flirted his way into legitimately falling for america, was on slop for like half the season which has seemingly shrunk him by half, and decided he needed to go up against a reality TV legend in cirie. on top of ALL THAT he has now played a major role in saving felicia TWICE, it almost cost him his game prejury BOTH times, and she is more than likely STILL GOING AFTER HIM. (this is comedy.)
and now, as a result of all of this, he has been at the center of three (3) out of only like 4 big fight/blowout moments so far this season. two of which directly involved… FUCKING BOWIE JANE 💀💀💀
…ah yes sir, very lowkey, very under the radar, good work 🫡
anyway if that child can do anything it is commit to the bit.
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lady-margaret · 10 days
bridgerton season 3 part 1 opinion (as someone who has read all the books + is kathony biased so be warned)
after sitting and stewing on what i just watched for a few hours
i’d like to start this off by saying that due to my disappointment of the writing from the last season, i was way more gracious with this one. kate and anthony were great because of simone and jonathan; i’m not sure the writers had much to do with that.
anyway, what i’m saying is that i already knew not to expect the writers to be faithful to the source material (romancing mr. bridgerton), so i was able to enjoy myself more. additionally, polin’s book isn’t exactly a favorite of mine anyway, so there wasn’t a lot to be too disappointed with in my case.
what i liked:
penelope’s wardrobe; they hyped up the “transformation” so much and i’m glad it did not disappoint.
colin’s hot 😌
eloise’ wardrobe; someone pointed out that it had a lot of philip references, so yay 😀 (it has me worried that it’ll be her story next though, we need ben first)
eloise interacting with the other ladies of the ton was really cute and refreshing; she’s learning that despite them having different interests than her, they are still people of great value. the difference is eloise was raised in a loving and supportive family, unlike most of the others.
sibling’s g&h’s personalities coming through more (they are anthony’s children, truly).
featherington sisters as comic relief.
MARRIED KATHONY CRUMBS 💕💕💕 they carried episode 1 for me.
FRANCESCA 💕💕💕 gorgeous introvert representation.
FRANNY AND JOHN 💕💕💕 (i am both ready and NOT ready to get hurt 🥹)
book references (yay! the bare minimum!)
lord debling’s dope.
i actually do like that they gave cressida a legitimate reason to want to win the competition money to unmask LW in the second part.
the music choices haven’t disappointed yet!!!!!
colin’s line for the season is def the “well are you gonna marry me or not?” line HEHEHEHEHE i ALMOST screamed as loud as i did when john entered when he said that line to pen.
as an army, plus points for dynamite 🤭 i didn’t expect to like the orchestral version and didn’t see the vision of where they would even insert it, but i actually liveddd for it.
what i don’t really have strong feelings about:
mondrich plot; alice is beautiful but the addition of their family storyline didn’t make much of a lasting impact.
the queen; she was very meh so far.
the featherington storyline: the sisters are funny, but their whole situation mixed with the humor leads me not to take it very seriously.
violet x lady danbury’s brother: 🤷‍♀️ i don’t see it.
the “lady danbury’s brother” storyline in general is very forgettable.
what i disliked:
i think nicola and luke could use more chemistry; they fall short compared to daphne&simon and kathony (HEAVY ON KATHONY THIS IS WHY THEY REMOVED THEM FROM THE REST OF THE EPISODES SIGH)
they kinda mischaracterized colin (he spent the last two seasons being selfish and putting himself above everyone else violet, what the hell are you talking about “you never place yourself over others” 🤨)
the lack of ben time?? did he go back to the academy after taking over for anthony briefly??? what did he do besides dodging debutantes all season????
they glossed over benedict running the estate so quickly; this could have been an opportunity to draw out his storyline, especially since he mentioned that he liked having a purpose: WRITERS???? DO SOMETHING WITH THAT!
i also didn’t really care for the ben x tilly arnold plot; unless sophie’s actually a maid of her’s or something, i don’t see her point in the show besides just be another one of ben’s ever changing girl of the season.
im sorry but eloise would never SHOULD NEVER have befriended her (ex?) best friend’s bully, no matter what the circumstances. that is NOT eloise.
honestly, them revealing whistledown in the first season is really screwing with the writing; in this regard, i wish they stayed more faithful to the book and how colin finds out about LW. it all just seems so messy at this point.
so s3 starts when kathony end their honeymoon… how long was this honeymoon? math isn’t mathing cuz it couldn’t have been more than a week given that kate isn’t obviously pregnant yet in the first ep.
i know that colin and pen are longtime friends, but from how they’ve interacted with each other in the past seasons, it’s a bit harder to believe that they were close CLOSE friends; close friends to the extent of helping the other find a spouse through “lessons”? i don’t see it. that’s why i was a bit ??? when i first found out about the plot they were going with for the season (in the book, colin really just starts following her around cuz she was being sus)
i hate that they had to come up with an excuse to get rid of kathony for the rest of the episodes; i get that they’ve been running their separate households alone for most of their lives and want a break but… i don’t think they would abandon their responsibilities for an “extended honeymoon”. knowing them, running the estate isn’t gonna stop them from being wh0res!! they help each other out with the estate and are still sickeningly in love and have time for each other (in the books). i was also really hoping to see kate taking over the viscountess role. i swore they would have done something like that after that cute/awkward moment when they both respond to “lady bridgerton” in episode 1.
i get that it’s established that penelope’s one goal for the season is to get a husband, but as i know her character, she would NEVER get into races (?) or run just so she can talk to a suitor before anyone else does 😭 okay but it was funny.
i am kinda sad that they couldn’t have just let a mean character or a villain character be the villain character; yea sure, i did say that i liked that cressida had a legitimate and well thought out motive for wanting the LW reward money but, idk i could’ve lived without her storyline.
one of the BIGGEST THINGS for me is that i do not think they should have released so many clips/snippets of the show days or weeks before it came out. i understand like 1 clip, but i skipped SO MANY SCENES because i have watched them at least 5 times already on tiktok or twitter.
the two part season idea is dumb.
i’m scared for how messy part 2 will be (in terms of both writing and just how stressed i will be with the revealing of LW plot HUHU poor pen) but i’m still looking forward to it 😇😇😇 and despite all the things i didn’t like, i did still enjoy it. if i do rewatch it or not is still to be decided; s1 & s2 have such high rewatch value.
franny and john were TRULY a standout though. i cannot even begin to describe how loud i screamed when he finally said his name out loud 😭💕
verdict: the writing is getting messier, get jonathan bailey in that writer’s room ASAP
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legitimately fuckin obsessed with the avatrice football au my dude. that last snippet brought me pure JOY im tellin you what
[well here's some ava pov while i procrastinate ch3 plot lol, s/o to @unicyclehippo for the worst/best gay pun of all time, love u. honestly this is long enough to put on ao3 so ... i'll do that in a footy au series i suppose for context... justice for chanel lol]
waking up from your first surgery is a blur, mostly an inexplicable terror when you can’t feel your legs, when you can barely move your fingers. tears leak from your eyes and you can’t wipe them, can only let them roll down into your temples. but then there’s a hand in yours, and chanel’s comforting touch, her voice soft.
‘it’ll be okay, ava,’ she says.
it won’t be okay, you’re certain of it, because you’d been taken straight from the field to the hospital, and then right into surgery, your kit cut off so that they didn’t move your spine more than you already had. you love football; you love football, the feeling of being so at home in your body, the feeling of going fast and the delight of the burn in your muscles, of not being afraid of anything.
‘i’m really scared.’ you look at chanel, showered and gorgeous, in a team issued bomber that seems impossibly elegant, even now. 
‘yeah,’ she grants, swipes her thumb against your cheeks and into your hair, catching your tears. she grabs a tissue and wipes your nose, which, from anyone else, would be absolutely horrifying, but she does it with so little fanfare and you’re in pain and also not pain — the worse option — you can’t even really care. she’s your favorite teammate: kind and brave and funny. she’s your friend. ’you’re gonna get through this, though.’
‘i don’t — i don’t want to.’
you don’t even quite know what you mean, still out of it because of pain meds and anesthesia, but chanel sighs gently.
‘you will. one day, you will.’
you don’t, not for a long time. after your fifth surgery you kind of tell yourself that you’ve definitely given up on football; they move you to a long-term rehab facility specifically for spine injuries, which is better than the hospital for sure, but it’s still hours and hours of physical and occupational therapy that leaves you feeling discouraged more often that not. once the inflammation starts to go down in your spine, you start to, at least, regain some function in your arms and hands, and after your sixth surgery, things are, you’ll admit, more hopeful. at the very least, you’ll be able to do things like use a manual chair and cook and type emails. 
you’re not great at texting yet; your occupational therapist is always telling you that if you worked on writing, and holding cutlery, and even more boring, pointless shit like pick up sticks, you’d have an easier time, but, whatever, you can type with the pointer finger of your right hand and it gets the job done. chanel visits as often as she can, most days in the late morning, which feels particularly generous in the off season when she could be being glamorous somewhere else, probably invited to paris fashion week or something. she brings makeup — expensive, beautiful makeup — and doesn’t seem to care when you clumsily fuck up lipstick or poke your eye with a mascara wand. you know she brings it so you actually do your occupational therapy exercises, but she also brings you changes of comfortable clothes and washes your hair gently every few days. she lies back in bed with you, long limbed and beautiful, and watches matches when you don’t feel too sad. 
a few days after your eighth surgery, your last, according to your neurosurgeon, you wear a giant back brace over your beatrice xin jersey, your favorite player to watch, and your physical therapy team gets you strapped into this harness that connects to the ceiling so you can try to walk on the treadmill and for sure won’t fall. it kind of feels like you’re doing a stunt or something, and chanel stands there and indulges you with a smile while you make all of your best ‘strapped into a harness’ jokes.
and then — you do walk. it’s slow going, the treadmill barely moving, and your legs feel sluggish and so weak and almost not like your own. it’s been two months since you took a step and it feels like a fucking miracle. chanel wipes a tear or two from her own eyes, even though you can only walk for five minutes and are sweating kind of profusely — it’s a fucking miracle, and she understands it too. 
‘what are you frowning at?’
she rolls her eyes and pockets her phone, easily pedaling with insane resistance on the peleton next to you while you struggle to get your legs to listen to your brain and pedal at all. ‘idiot bros on twitter. “trans women don’t belong in women’s sports” and all that bullshit.’
you stop trying to pedal because you’re already entirely unsuccessful today and now you’re not able to focus at all. ‘fuck them.’
she grins. ‘yeah.’
‘i’ll beat them up, just you watch.’
it makes her laugh, and you think she knows you really would physically get into a fight — on or off the field — if anyone ever said anything to her. 
‘plus, i can take you 1v1.’
‘in your dreams, silva.’
‘i’m going to, again. don’t even think i won’t.’
chanel pats your hand; you feel it all. ‘i’ve always known you could do it. i’ve never thought you wouldn’t, ava.’
you duck your head, unused to genuine praise after all this time stuck in the same boring, discouraging, painful rooms at the spine center, even though all of your doctors and nurses and therapists had been nice.
‘but,’ she says, ‘first you gotta pedal on this bike.’
‘it’s hard,’ you whine.
‘you’re just distracted.’
you look at the game you’d turned on, beatrice xin currently with two goals and two assists, and sigh. ‘i’m horny.’
it gets the biggest, best laugh out of chanel, and you feel a little something like pride bloom in your chest: you love making people you care about laugh. 
‘fine, fine,’ you grumble. you look down at your feet, your quads and calves so small and pale compared to six months ago; you try to breathe through the immediate fear and the tiny bit of shame that pops up. but you focus, feel your feet firmly on the pedals, think about how you know how to ride a bike; you know how to stand up straight and put on pants and kick a ball. the back brace you have on feels tight, feels restricting — but you focus on activating your quads, then your hamstrings, and you eventually get the pedals to move.
‘hell yeah,’ chanel says.
‘if you try to give me a high five right now i think i’ll get all scrambled if i try to move my hand.’
she laughs, reaches over and pats the top of your head instead. 
‘ava silva,’ chanel says, and you grin; you can’t help it. she holds her phone at a, thankfully, flattering angle as you walk along the beach — slowly, but steady: you trust you won’t fall, that you’re strong enough and getting stronger. ‘what does freedom feel like?’
chanel has like… three million followers, and she loves social media, something that your old club has always been thrilled about. they hadn’t renewed your contract, but you’d understood; they’re still paying for all of your medical care, so you don’t really feel upset, just a sense of loss you’re not quite ready to name. but chanel loves you, and she’s so, so happy for you — even if you never play again, you’re walking and even starting to run now; you’re in pain but it’s manageable. it’s okay.
‘it feels —‘ euphoric; devastating — ‘like a miracle.’
you flop down on chanel’s neatly made and extravagent bed; you’ve been staying in her guest room — which she had turned into her closet, so it’s still kind of packed with all of her beautiful clothes, although there is a very expensive bed for you — and training until, hopefully, you can get signed somewhere. she doesn’t even look up from her ipad when you sigh. ‘hello, ava.’
‘i have a favor to ask that i actually think you’ll be interested in.’
she pauses whatever she’s doing, then looks up. ‘i’m listening.’
‘well! okay, so. as you know, i’ve basically only worn hospital gowns and sweats for the last year and a half, and before that, i was, like, a child.’
chanel perks up, and you can practically see the wheels in her head turning already.
‘and now, wherever i get signed, you know, people are gonna care, and want interviews and all this stuff. so, in small part, i want to feel good about how i look for this next chapter of football.’
‘i love it,’ she says. ‘and what’s the large part?’
you flop back again, just for the dramatics. ‘i am… so horny. like, you don’t even understand.’
she laughs. ‘JC is nice though, right?’
‘yeah,’ you say, because he is. ‘but, like, girls.’
she pauses for a second, a happy smile on her face. ‘so, you want to look… more… bisexual?’
‘i mean, i do already? because i am? right?’
‘well, of course, ava.’ it’s gentle and reassuring but still a little amused.
‘but — yeah. like, i want to pick stuff i love, my clothes and my hair and whatever, gain back control, blah blah, everything my therapist is always going on about.’
‘your therapist is great, you love her.’
‘sure.’ she is; you do. ‘so anyway, i just — i guess i just want to feel like myself.’
‘now that,’ chanel says, ‘is a favor i love.’
‘you’re sure?’
‘it doesn’t matter if i’m sure,’ chanel says, sitting in the hairdresser’s chair next to yours. you have the salon to yourselves; she’d booked you a private appointment with her hairstylist immediately.
you turn to said stylist, dimitri, with their chic and very neat fade. ‘are you sure?’
‘like chanel said,’ they say. ‘it only matters what you want. we don’t have to do anything big.’
you look in the mirror; you hadn’t had the real opportunity to get a haircut in a long time, being in the hospital and rehab and then spending as much time as you could training after that. you haven’t, really, taken the time to deeply care for yourself, something your therapist has been bothering you about. you want, so badly, to live as big as you can. as much as you can. 
‘well, i’m sure, as long as you think it’ll, like, be good for my face shape or whatever.’
chanel and dimitri share a quick glance and then chanel rolls her eyes. ‘ava, you have to know that you’re beautiful, right?’
you pause for what you feel is an appropriate amount of time. ‘yes.’
‘but since you asked,’ dimitri says, ‘i do think this will be great for your face shape.’
‘alright,’ you say, feeling suddenly very excited and a little buoyed. ‘let’s fucking do it, then.’
chanel cheers and dimitri grins; they wash your hair gently, and you feel a little panicked until chanel starts talking about the threesome she had a few nights ago, which is delightful and grounding enough you stay, fairly easily, in the present of this beautiful, outrageously expensive salon, the control you get to have. not that you’re thrilled about your therapist being completely 100% correct, but… she was right. 
dimitri dries your hair and then combs it out patiently, divides it and then clips up the top part. ‘ready?’
chanel grins and it’s easy, so much easier than you knew it would be, to sit and watch yourself become. you’re filled with a sense of joy, this tiny seed that grows as dimitri cuts your hair to your chin precisely, and asks you about your plans for the day, and food you love, and chanel talks about her latest modeling contract — in addition to football, which amazes you in a way that makes you feel proud in the very center of your chest, this incredible person who showed up and helped take care of you. you feel your shoulders relax; you feel your feet firmly in the new sneakers converse had sent you, comfortable and cool; you even take time to feel your butt in the chair with the knowledge that you don’t need to do any pressure reliefs or weight shifts because, when dimitri is done, you’ll be able to stand up and walk and dance and run and even play football. and even if — even if — one day, you couldn’t, you have your friends and your teammates and your life.
‘you look hot, ava,’ chanel says, very genuinely, after dimitri finishes with a leave in, then shows you how to dry your hair and recommends a light oil. 
‘go ahead,’ they say, ‘run your hands through it, all that jazz.’
to touch; to feel. you think you might cry, all of a sudden, with your soft hair that you picked, that you wanted, and chanel takes in your wobbling bottom lip and then tuts and pulls you toward her. because of your height difference, your face is basically smooshed into her chest and, even though you do cry, you laugh too, wet and messy and alive.
‘this probably my favorite place in the world,’ you say.
chanel shoves you playfully and you grin up at her. 
‘thank you.’
she waves you off, as she always does when she’s a little overwhelmed too. ‘don’t thank me yet. now we have to go shopping.’
it’s not as bad as you’d feared; despite the fact that chanel only wears the most elegant designer clothes — her closet is full of gucci and bottega and, of course, chanel, and a whole shelf of louboutins — but she also loves you and knows you, deeply, and so when her driver pulls up to a row of a few very cool-looking thrift stores, you have to hug her again. she gives you helpful feedback on pieces and outfits and you feel, quite genuinely, happier than maybe you ever have. you buy crop tops and high waisted, loose jeans and a few sweaters you love; some silly earrings and a necklace and a cap that chanel laughs at, but fondly enough you know it works. you find a men’s button up with a bunch of flames on it and she rolls her eyes but you put it on anyway, knot it at your waist so it feels just above your shorts.
‘do i look bi?’
‘you look a little bit crazy, but i definitely wouldn’t think you’re straight.’
you’re practically shaking with excitement: ‘it’s… flaming. i’m flaming! get it!’
chanel groans. ‘ava,’ she says, but wraps an arm around your shoulders and throws it on the growing pile anyway.
you feel happier than maybe you ever have until the next morning, when you come back from a silly game of football on the beach with her and JC and a few of your other friends, your hair spilling out of the tiny bun you’d managed to get it into, which had made you laugh, and sit down to have some burrata — another one of your favorites that chanel indulges in getting for you from time to time, even did while you were in the hospital and she had to put it on little crackers and feed it to you herself — and then accept a call from your agent. you step inside to take it, close the door softly. 
after it’s done, you yank the door open this time, burst onto the patio. all of your nerves are alive; in your shorts, your legs look strong again, tan and muscular and capable.
‘good news?’
you’re almost too excited to explain that you’re getting signed by your favorite club, $6 million for the year, with, if all goes well, an option to extend your contract another season after. a bonus: they just hired dr. jillian salvius, one of the best sports specialists in the world. all of your care will be, of course, included.
chanel starts to cry, which makes you start to cry, and she hugs you to her tightly. 
‘i am so happy for you,’ she says. ‘and i’m really gonna miss you.’
‘i’m gonna miss you too,’ you tell her. 
she backs up and puts her hands on your shoulders, a smile sneaking up her face. ‘you know, i happen to remember your favorite player in the whole entire world playing at a certain club.’
you hadn’t really thought past football and then six million dollars, but — ‘fuck.’
chanel laughs, face beautiful and delicate and rich in the sun. ‘i can’t wait to show her pictures of you in her jersey.’
‘oh god, are there any on my instagram? i have to go check.’
she just keeps laughing, and it’s all brimming, so wonderful, right at your fingertips.
you sign a few days later, your hands steady.
‘well,’ chanel asks, lounging back in bed on zoom, ‘how was day one?’
‘oh my god.’ your hair is still wet from the shower you took at the training grounds; you had raced back to your new apartment to make sure you were on time for your call. ‘i got there early, to play a little bit, get the nerves out, you know. and guess who was there and wanted to play 1v1?’
she grins. ‘no fucking way.’
‘i got schooled, obviously,’ you say, think of the way beatrice xin had moved with the ball, how surely she went into tackles, how precise she was. ‘i did score twice, though, and nutmegged her once. greatest football moment of my life, i’m pretty sure.’
‘what’s she like?’
you think chanel is probably humoring you, but you don’t care. ‘beatrice is… beautiful.’ it’s really the only word you have: her neat bun that stayed in place perfectly other than a few errant strands by the end of the session today; her clipped, lovely accent; the way her calves had looked while she was sprinting; the delicate lines of her face; her freckles and her eyes; how she had been serious and professional but kind; her strong back, muscles rippling under her skin in a way that made you shiver, in the locker room when she had untucked her quarterzip and pulled it over her head; how she seemed lonely, despite it all. ‘she’s really beautiful.’
it’s a while later when the sheer mortification dawns on you, but then beatrice, in her weird, hot, hilarious way, seems to dissipate the extreme embarrassment you’re going to be faced with by being embarrassing first.
‘hello, chanel.’ she reaches out her hand very seriously, in her favorite linen jumpsuit and a very expensive pair of off-white dunks and black, cat eye sunglasses that are honestly cooler than you expected, in front of her favorite nice brunch place. chanel shoots you a glance and then shakes bea’s hand firmly while you both try not to laugh. 
‘hey, it’s great to meet you.’
‘you, as well,’ bea says. ‘i — before we sit, i just wanted to extend my admiration, for the work you have done both on and off the field for trans equity in our sport.’
it’s so serious, and so genuine, chanel seems a little disarmed and a little affected. ‘thank you.’
bea nods once, seriously. ‘and, maybe more importantly, even, my deep gratitude, for caring for ava. she’s spoken so highly of you, and it means — i love her,’ bea decides on, after a pause. ‘i’m glad, immeasurably so, that she has people who love her too.’
chanel suspiciously sniffles. ‘can i give you a hug? is that weird?’
bea smiles, a real smile, your favorite, and opens her arms. you resist the urge, passionately, to make a joke about how the two hottest (sorry, lilith) women you know together is really gonna do it for you during your alone time later, which is honestly a fucking feat.
‘well,’ chanel says, ‘i made a presentation of every embarrassing thing ava has done that you should know about.’
‘oh no.’
bea loops her arm with chanel when she gallantly offers, and bea says, ‘oh yes.’ you trail behind them, feeling short and small and bursting with happiness. chanel orders basically the entire menu for you to try and she and bea laugh at your expense when chanel opens her phone and does, indeed, have an entire canva presentation of you being embarrassing, but you don’t really mind at all. the sun warms your shoulders and you drink champagne that costs way too much money, the bubbles bright on your tongue. chanel laughs and bea puts her hand on your thigh, just like that: you feel it all.
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hislittleraincloud · 9 months
SPOILERS, Discussion II, Chapter 6 Part 2.
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Don't read this if you haven't read this chapter.
This is an author answer/response to "Wednesdays_Destiny" on AO3 because I can't be bothered (or frustrated) to chop it up into God knows how many comments in their 10K limit.
Purple is direct Afterburn Canon/quote.
Pink is Wednesdays_Destiny's thoughts/q's.
THE COLORS ARE A LITTLE MESSED THIS TIME. IDK what happened, something happened when it saved to drafts. It's this trash site's problem. Not going back to fix it 💀
Fun video clip included under the cut.
>legitimate physical harm is fair game.<
>>>Usually such rules "everything except" happen after "except" happens, so I wonder if they had an incident previously.
It’s that they know that the different species have different levels of powers, some more potentially dangerous than others, so they respect each others’ differences by keeping each other safe. (This is a little spoilery.)
>it billowed out their noses as their<
>>>Yeah sorry that ship has sailed B/Y, nothing will beat the irritated dragon Wednesday.
Wednesday shotgunned Donovan on her birthday, too. It hits different though, I get it…Yoko has yet to win any hearts over. But shotgunning is still sexy.
>gives a vampire the benefit<
>>> Is that a benefit? Despite being able to mix you Just need to buy and consume more then?
If normal people mixed drugs the way vampires can, they’d all be dead. Or undead, if they’re lucky enough to be “resuscitated” by a vampire before the heart stops. Either way, vampires can't die of an OD.
>perhaps she just didn't remember<
>>>>I will admit I am curious what happened that she chose to forget it ever happened.
Well, we’ll just have to see if that question is ever answered in canon or in a flashback or in a deleted scene or in a short one shot or…
>those powers wouldn't show up for another few years<
curious if sirens/Gorgon also get their powers during puberty of it they have it from birth.
Sirens and Gorgons are born that way, with some minor changes as growth happens. And I’m taking from N/Canon that psychic powers don’t show up until just about mid-puberty. Wednesday’s psychic powers showed up after the Fester-like electricity did to a noticeable degree…that’s all I’ll say about that for now, since it’ll probably be covered in Chapter 7. And BTW, male sirens and gorgons are rarer than females; Kent and Ajax are the outliers of their kind. Telekinesis is male-dominated outside of vampires (where it’s gender neutral), but there are Addamses who have that. They have a wide array of powers in the family.
>since her very plain surname wasn't exactly memorable.<
>>>>What do you mean? Addams is like one of the most memorable last names there is.
It’s actually common (35th in the U.S.), except for the spelling. That’s why Enid spelled it “Adams” in her shitty blog.  LOL
>cold and professional…. A sudden commotion<
>>>> And you blueball us pff. Given that she lost her virginity to our sheriff the farthest they went was a blowjob, maybe that explains how she was so good with Donovan first try - if she was "experimenting" with with boys previously.
I probably won’t write what happened (even though I know exactly what happened…) but she did not put her mouth on him. That I can tell you. It was, at first, honestly innocent “doctor” play.
>"I'm ovulating." <
>>>>Oohhh FucK
Oh no, someone’s gonna end up pregnant in their sophomore year of high school, oh nooooo…*cackling*
>the colorful rainbow rippling up and<
>>>>Talk about inconvenient, that prevents all types of exhibition kinks like having a remote vibe inside in the classroom, coming and trying to not move a muscle/be dead quiet so no one catches on. But besides that its fucking glorious.
I can imagine many, many funny scenarios where their orgasms happen in public.
>his sister's paranoid drug rages<
>>>>Glad I have never touched any type of drug, of any type. That sounds just horrible.
Some people can’t handle their drugs *at all*. Wednesday is smart and doesn’t take unnecessary risks (so far) with drugs. Divina has difficulty with it, and not necessarily because she takes too much (though sometimes she does…I think there’s a lot of pain and guilt in her since I already have their backstory written).
>the balloon inflated, rising off of his hand<
>>>>Now do that with Laurels head.
He’ll deal with some of his rage about “Ms. Thornhill” in the sequel, I think.
>strange tornado of feelings he had for an old, quirky acquaintance<
>>>>Given that Donovan is 55 he will be dead in 30ish years at the latest, then you will be a man and can go collect your woman. Till then run a FwB with Bianca.
*laughs in Omnipotent POV*
>gorgon was stone hard<
Punny American, I see.
>her during, manipulating pressure against her clit<
>>>>Or you could use your powers to massage parts you could not normally reach, like the roots and base of her clit instead.
Do you honestly believe that nerdy little Rowan who kissed like he was a thirsty dog lapping at a water bowl would know anything about female anatomy other than the clit and vagina?  Plus even if he did, he’d still be lost since the siren’s weird labia kinda work differently (they’re able to move/ripple…kinda like Pseudobiceros bedfordi: 
Persian Carpet Flatworm Pseudobiceros bedfordi )
See that rippling?  That’s how their labia work. Only they also have lamellae (think the underside of a mushroom) that also move with that.
>amazingly satisfying cock, just big<
>>>>Imo missed opportunity to have him have a 4 inch cock and use his telekintetic powers to stretch the vagina of the girl he is with telekineticly making him always be the perfect fit.
Rowan was not a shapeshifter like his father, so extending his dick would hurt him and shortening the vag of the girl to make his tiny peen fit would hurt her (when Chance has sex with Weems, he changes things about himself to fit her, like his tongue, but honestly, he is already her perfect fit…ahem). As a telekinetic, he can only manipulate what is already there, whereas shapeshifters are...
...more flexible.
Plus I wanted to be kind to Rowan…it wasn’t his fault he lost his mind.
>"Is what all that we are?" "I dunno. I just have a feeling."<
>>>>The fact of having pictures of lots of ancient, important and powerful legacy in your hideout, a bunch of old valuable books...I have no idea how you would get that idea. The nightshades were always meant to be a trivial social club.
This is an N/Canon problem. Given that Bianca et al have had this kind of access to the library (hmm, how did they get it in the first place…I guess I’ll have to be the one to fricking explain it then, thanks N/Canon crap writers LOL) for at least two other semesters and HASN’T read any of those books, uh…yeah. Someone intro’ed the Nightshades as a “social club”. Hmm, I wonder whooooo………..
>Bianca held a bit of resentment<
>>>>As much as I love Enid, that is her biggest flaw, I suspect she runs the blog because she did not have any real friends - she was rooming alone before and Yoko had space, so she prob was using it to fill some void.
I’ve thought about that as well. She was rooming alone. Why? Poor Enid. Enid has her strengths, but she can be a little ditzy.
>"S'not like Addams hasn't made it abundantly clear that she doesn't want 'im."<
>>>>-They have history, she saved him, he saved her, in the infirmary, she looked...content, she finds him interesting (as the killer or not)... I get why he's holding out hope.
Bianca doesn’t know anything about their history.
> whose activity had made Divina's siren song a little louder<
>>>> The siren song is the power they use to manipulate, is the implication here it's like a cat purring? A cat's purr does have certain qualities of a siren song…
We saw how a “siren song” actually works (twice, once with Tyler and once with Coach Vlad). In order to manipulate someone, they have to state what they want them to do. With this aspect of a  siren song, it’s more like a deep sea mating song. They’re not telling anyone to do anything, it’s not produced out of manipulation; it’s produced out of pleasure.
That said, have you ever heard a female cat's mating call? It’s not purring. A whale's call sounds like this. But the wails, as pleasant as they are (and they are pleasant, not as harsh as whale sounds) just happened to remind Xavier of cats/Morella.
>would suction into place around a female siren's cervix<
>>>>Tor, making up siren genitalia since Wednesday But I am curious, does that still work if the male siren is cut? Are sirens not cut?
Male sirens are never cut.
>"We have to go on ahead with your original plan,"<
>>>>Given you got killed via nightshade poisoning, Enid fights the Hyde and Wednesdays shoe killing thornkill your plan failed.
>her father out of those murder charges stemming<
>>>>Stemming from you - no one else saw Gomez holding that sword so it was you who put that whole ball rolling.
She described what she saw and the circumstances around it.  She isn’t psychic, yanno. LOL Plus she was Enid’s age, or about.
>"You still think she could be the one?"<
>>>>Curious what the payoff for that one will be. As a possible theory, the chancellor is a Wednesday stalker by the end.
Hmm. I will say that eventually they will have some scenes together.
>Trust me…they're all safe, fucking each other under the moonlight.<
>>>>What? 6 out of the 300+ Students are safe and the others are just fucked. The bad fucked.
He assumes that the whole school is probably fucking under the moonlight too, so when he says “all” it’s extended to mean everyone in the castle. All horny teens. And he’s probably correct. I just haven’t gone into the dorms of the other three halls yet (which I have named, since the fucking fuck writers haven’t given us those names either).
>listening to Noble's concerns about the lack of progress on the case<
>>>> Interesting if I recall correctly Noble thought the murders to be a bear not any type of outcast. So there is no case in Noble's mind?
This is part of N/Canon that pisses me off; Noble used to be Sheriff. Meaning he was a cop, investigating crimes. So AB/C Noble heavily suspects that it really isn’t a bear, given the wounds. He tells Weems and the public that they’re bear attacks because he’s working to preserve their symbiotic relationship. Nevermore gets left alone from any ordinances/bigots like David Breeding because Nevermore contributes to his campaign and gives shitloads of cash to the city in taxes and donations.
>approved people just weren't human enough<
>>>>Oh no...is this going where I think it's going?
>pilgrims who persecuted and murdered outcasts<
>>>>Regarding my outcast questions, THIS is why it's important
You cannot even look at a Gorgon…
The original outcasts in the colonies did not include gorgons and sirens. More on that in the future, I already have things planned and am not spoiling that.
>when few outcasts were sent overseas<
>>>>Why? Looping back to some of my other questions, Georgians don't do it intentionally, so could you just tie one to the barrel of your tank and anyone trying to shoot at you gets stoned? They would be the best war asset, same with shapeshifters infiltrating the command level of the military Are outcasts even an only native American thing?
I don’t think outcasts normally like to get involved in Muggl — erm, norminal affairs. The only ones who were sent were vampires. Both groups would end up losing more than they would if they just left each other alone.
>and he lived in a trailer >like an accident by running her over with his truck<
>>>>Unless that truck had fist shaped tires, I do not see how that could have worked. Also, that is fucking brutal.
Men like Breeding are the type who would do something like this.  And it’s been done before.
>building a decent case against someone<
>>>>While it would be great to have those violent people gone it would not solve the murders happening Donovan.
He’s just trying to buy time.
> That's one Hell of a 'therapist'<
>>>>It's called shock therapy I believe. With her fingers. And Shocks.
>He'd been forbidden to masturbate<
>>>>Wednesday should get the same rule...also Him coming untouched thinking of her while also able to last multiple of her orgasms while inside her is confusing.
Wednesday lives by her own rules in all canon, LOL And a man can’t control his wet dreams. Also, the power of the mind vs. body is a strange thing. I’ve seen some men last through multiple orgasms. I’ve seen some who are one weak little stream and that’s it. So there is always the average, which is a big pond to find average fish in, but then you have the special ones, like Donovan and shape shifters.
>There was no way that he would have taken the chance of a perfect match.<
>>>>Then why bother? Frankly, this tells you very little. Only that both claws are related. It could be your wife's family had more hides in them that are still around I get him trying to deny it, but at least be sure of it and then deny it.
His wife’s family are all in France (though a lot of them are dead), and he wanted to be more than sure it was Tyler and not some other Hyde (in case there was another Hyde). Francie’s DNA may have been wiped from CODIS, but testing might still have record of it, thus Donovan wasn’t going to take the risk of the official channels finding the match. He’s a little paranoid since he’s pretty sure he still has copies of files that were otherwise ‘lost’.
>chided him for being weak and pathetic.<
>>>>How is Donovan weak and pathetic?
There is a method to my madness with these secondary, no-line characters. You're just going to have to trust me.
> What brought out Tyler's? <
>>>>You see there is this lovely woman, glasses, loves plants, hates outcasts, loves coffee and your sons cock.
#Gatesmonster has my attention atm.
>and was sitting up in his new black and white pet bed > the girl who had a soft spot for animals<
>>>>While that thought is adorable, I doubt she cares for animals as a whole, given she basically murdered two bags full of piranhas in the opener and besides loving her pet Nero I do not recall any other interactions with animals.
That she has a ‘way’ with animals is canon.  She has hibernated with bears and swam with sharks. Those weren’t one of her usual ‘Wednesday being edgy’ lies, since Wednesday and Gomez confirm the shark thing. Bear hibernation was sort of confirmed with Eugene.
>since photography had been a hobby of his<
>>>>That is neat, giving our man some hobbies. Proper photography is hard too, and no selfies on whatever site currently is in are not photography
This is something that Wednesday and Donovan share/bond with over. She likes crime scene photography, so she was taught to develop her own film.
>that she had a mirror fetish<
>>>>Katoptronophilia you mean ?...Donovan, also using this chance to point out that kink and fetish are different, kink is optional but gives pleasure, fetish needs to be present to get pleasure at all.
I’m not going to go into this debate because it’s silly, especially when everyone is always contradicting themselves when trying to parse the difference. The Addamses all have it, hence the Hall of Mirrors. People can have a fetish for something but not have to indulge in it every time. How many times have people discovered their spouses’ fetishes after not having a clue about them before marriage? Plenty. As well, I see them as something that would immediately get someone off, where as a kink can be more drawn out.
>grim creeperism that kept everybody else at a distance<
>>>>That is such an interesting point, is Wednesday acting or is she genuine when she is creepy...Eg the hug with Enid, was that Wednesday, giving in "fine I like hugs" or was that purely for enid's sake
I have been meaning to do a series about the lies Wednesday tells whenever she wants to shock people. We already know she does this, purposely, within her first ten minutes with Enid. “Rumor has it that you killed a kid at your old school and your parents pulled a few strings to get you off…” “Actually it was two kids, but who’s counting?” (Lie, since she didn’t kill any kids at all, she just maimed Dalton.) “I was born on Friday the 13th.” (Lie, since her birthday on the show is in November and there was no Friday the 13th in November 2006.) “Sartre said ‘Hell is other people.’ He was my first crush.” (Very unlikely, LOL). Etc., etc.
>A sixteen-year-old Wednesday was more bold, perhaps reckless<
>>>> This is making me wonder who the first one to find out who shouldn't be, regarding "I fuck who I want, and there is nothing you can do about it"
Upcoming, Chapter 7.
>she was forced to keep rejecting the boy's advances<
>>>>-She seemed really shocked and pleased about that date location, unless she's faking the whole "iam into death" thing, a crypt would be the perfect spot to take the creepy goth girl, and of course a normal scary movie would be a joke to her, so either double down with a classic or go the inverse with a vibrant movie that is scary and torture for her.
I don’t think the ‘I’m into death’ thing is faked, but by this point in the AB story, she’s already had her candle lit birthday, and it was done better, even though it wasn’t in a crypt. Again, Tyler went with the assumptions here. 
>>>>When Donovan leaves the way she looked to (her) bottom left "oh fuck how am i gonna explain that one to my man ?"
>"Do I scare you, Donovan?"<
>>>>I feel like...i saw that line befor...hmmm.
This whole scene before the truck was the one I had to take back from Part 1.  So people read it there, first.
> with her electrical discharges<
>>>> Since I have yet to see a payoff to that little storyline, here is my newest take on it: She's gonna kill him with said electrical discharges during one of her most powerful orgasms she has for him
>or into her womb<
Given how much he has filled her with already, there should be something in the oven already…
>slight strabismus in her right eye<
>>>>Is this something you made up? I saw your recent post with Wednesday/Tyler at the station, and she does have it but that could just be due to the distance he just went up to her?
Normal Wednesday/Jenna eyes:
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She has it in the scene where they’re arresting Xavier…because she’s so full of pride and excitement that her right eye just wants to bug out into a different direction LMAO:
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It's slight (I did say slight!).
Not tryna be mean, but it’s there (and also visible at split second times in other scenes/things she does). Doesn’t make her less cute. If Jenna God forbid ever saw this, I hope she knows that no one's perfect, certain sht can't be helped, she's cute in this whole series.
>"You're destroying your liver."&lt;
>>>>Yeah well you decided to go for an old alcoholic, the limited expiration date was visible before you made your purchase Addams.
She didn’t know just how much he drank (not the beer in his desk, but the scotch), though, until…well. That answer is in this chapter too.
>"Doll, you know what it's like to make promises in this fucked up world we live in," &lt;
>>>> love to hear his unwavering affection for her, iam sure nothing can shake that. Right?
He will love her until the day that he dies. ETA: And vice versa (she will love him until the day she dies as well).
>"Even if I dig up more bodies?" she asked&lt;
>>>>Taking her to a court ordered gravedigging might be a good setting for a date with him.
>run down wasn't exactly something she was eager to witness either&lt;
>>>>Given that Canon Wednesday stated she had it on her bucket list, does this mean your Wednesday is a softer version and part of the "I love death" she exhibits is fake?
“Bucket list” N/C comment was one of her lies/shock value/edgy comments, see above about her lies/sarcasm, to mess with people. AB/C Wednesday is pretty accurate to that except for how she behaves around Donovan, which is the softer part. And yet she will still say her ‘Wednesday lies’ around him, too. It’s just how she is. I feel like she does this to keep people at a distance so they never know the real truth around who she is…kind of a defense mechanism.
>it was horrific and she froze&lt;
>>>>It really was not that bad Wednesday, Eugene's claw wounds were much more severe, speaking off, the mayor got killed because he got it figured out, why exactly got Eugene attacked again? Laurel specifically ordered Tyler there for what, injure him? As much as I love Eugene, he should be dead.
I’ve watched this scene more times than I can count just for the surprised and shocked gasp of hers that happens when Noble is hit, and to watch her hurriedly get the fk out of his SUV (hurried so much that she didn't bother to close the hatch) and run towards them.  She was shocked by it/took no pleasure in it. 
Regarding Eugene, I believe he survived because he had that thick jacket on. Rowan had his vest but it wasn’t zipped up, same goes for the camper in the beginning (I think). Eugene had layers that could’ve helped save him from deadlier wounds (Tylermonster didn’t have too much time to hack and slash at him like he did with Fabian, since Tylermonster could hear that Wednesday was on the way via them calling out to each other).
Also speaking of Eugene: Laurel fucking Gates could detach Noble from his ventilator, but not Eugene from his?  COME ON!!! 
>he hooked her leg over his hip and started thrusting&lt;
>>>>I have to admit I had to reread this a couple times before (I think) I pictured it correctly...
Do I have to illustrate this with LEGO again?  Her right leg is on the door frame because there’s no real space to put the left foot (his cruiser has a metal grate that separates arrestees in the back; but he does have some shelf space behind the front seats for shit like equipment, his hat, etc.). He hooked her left leg over him (with her pants having slid off her boot...those are wide-leg pants again).
>more pained sounds she made, the harder he fucked&lt;
>>>>Is our sweetheart Donovan also into inflicting pain? It would appear so.
I think it’s harder to describe than that.
>there was nothing but blissful acceptance&lt;
>>>>So breathplay is another Kink of hers.
>Donovan hated hearing her name fall from Tyler's lips&lt;
>>>> The fuck did he even come from? I checked he was standing in a corner and when he is leaving he's using a different door like what.
I like to think he was coming in from the garage. The exterior of the house doesn’t match the interior shots anyway, so in AB/Canon, that door he came in from in the scene w Tyler was the garage. For all we know, it leads to the outside (probably N/Canon, but again...the house’s interior doesn’t match the exterior, as there’s another door on almost the same corner as that kitchen/dining/living room door below):
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>"Came home during my shift last week.&lt;
>>>>During an eventual next reread I will need to note down dates and day changes to see if this is one session we have been with them.
>his right in a fist near his face.&lt;
I gotta say iam not sure how I feel about this Donovan, failing to do what is right is not equal to doing wrong...but getting violent (again based on his fearful reaction) is not excusable.
I wrote this scene before I discovered that in the original script, Donovan was supposed to smack him. I see why they cut it out, violence is never a solution and that saved Donovan from being a terrible guy in N/Canon, but at this point in the AB story, Donovan is overwhelmed. Think of how much higher this makes his stress level (to think that his own son could potentially find out or figure out that he’s been fucking ((and is totally in love with)) a younger girl). He’s unraveling, like Wednesday.  Except Wednesday doesn’t have to look at a killer ((that he loves)) every night.
>I won't even mention what else I smell&lt;
>>>>I mean, what else DO you smell ?, The Sheriff, her smelling freshly fucked/sweaty, possibly cum. Weed. A proper cake? It's not that bad Enid.
There are loads of other things werewolves can smell around other non-werewolves when they’re conscious of it.
> checking to make sure the flashlight still worked&lt;
>>>> Not on you but the show, the fuck is up with those flashlights, modern flashlights are powerful enough to illuminate a fucking forest in the middle of the night as if its day, why do you run around with a candle on a stick basically? Fucking amateurs
I think they were trying to keep on the fact that Wednesday is still old fashioned. Hence her batteries for her flashlight instead of getting one that you can recharge, etc.  Though she has a really weird flashlight that flashes red. I dunno why they did that (the scene where they come upon the Cadillac at the mansion).  ETA 9/10/23: This was the one mistake I made so far in interpreting the series, the red flash was not her flashlight, it was the above lamp she turned on. Which still doesn't make sense, why red? Weird. Anyway, I missed that at first, but I know it now. (Another reason why I need to keep watching 7 and 8 while I write my 7 and 8. The sequencing and details are a bigger mess.)
>"Since the Rave'N.&lt;
>>>>Ha Enid caught on immediately.
She sure did. It was especially strong after her birthday, in spite of the rain/some wash-offs.
>Wednesday was a really pretty girl&lt;
>>>>Everyone loves Eugene. I have not met anyone who dislikes Eugene. Look how much fanfiction is Eugene centric. How often he gets the girl. Never.
He’ll get the girl. The people in this fandom forget about the Longbottom Effect.
>the other Furs can&lt;
>>>>8 Hours runtime and we know a single Named fur: Enid, Murray/Esther do not count because they do not go to the school.
No vampires except Yoko, either. 
>'clique' were all fucking each other.&lt;
>>>>It does break my heart that sweet Ajax is cheating on Enid, at this point they are together and this confirms she has no idea.
Ajax…crap, I can’t type what I was gonna type. … 🙂
>if he's got a big — " "Enid."&lt;
>>>>Damn it Enid not you too, men have more value than the size of their cocks! , just think about the size of their wallets!
She a typical curious teen girl.  I’d have asked too.  
>hideous looking monster.&lt;
>>>>Given you have given the sirens new genitalia, are about to give Enid special lady parts, Is Laurel dealing with normal or "advanced" genitalia?
Laurel’s dealing with Tyler’s almost 7” long schlong. He hasn’t transformed during sex. 
>they smelled like the boy who had accompanied them&lt;
>>>>So she knows.
She doesn’t even have a suspicion yet because she literally has no clue as to what’s going on.  Wednesday never talks to her about it because she doesn’t want to hear it (canon, after she faints and makes W move her own crime board). If you were Enid and you were totally sidetracked into doing something totally fucked up and suddenly came upon this bed that smelled like Tyler’s pheromones (and Laurel’s, but she can’t place it because she’s only smelled her in passing/didn’t really have cause to commit her scent to memory), you’d wonder WTF was going on, too. 
>Disappeared. Evidence, disappeared&lt;
>>>>God iam so upset that this is what happened and canon, really? Small little Laurel emptied out the whole place? ...
I have hated the writers for this, too. She’s small like Wednesday is. To move ALL of that stuff in so little time?  COME ON. 
Unless…she had help.
>to this case is somewhere, it never is!"&lt;
>>>>How so? She brought you two DNA samples, and while the match between them was a bust, you luckily had a third sample so she DID confirm your suspicion by delivering you Tylers claw.
Rowan’s body wasn’t (which to him is still an unsolved mystery at this point), the cave got destroyed before they could get to it (THIS IS STUPID CANON TOO! The minute she gave him the claw she should have also told him where she fkn got it…there was more than enough time to get over to the damn cave to search it for prints/other evidence). AB/C Donovan also suspects that this evidence could’ve helped figure out who unlocked Tyler, so having a promise of it only to have it not pan out is frustrating to him, so he’s taking it out on her.
>what it was that he was keeping from her&lt;
>>>>Iam so excited for the next two chapters to find out if they talk about Tyler being the hyde before the official reveal in canon, both of them basically know it's him, even more so once Enid provides her insight.
>We'll talk when I get back."&lt;
>>>>Tyler bud, I know things have been hard but I really need you to stop monstering, my girlfriend is starting to suspect you.
>"I don't want that right now,"&lt;
>"Shoulders…please." &lt;
>>>>really appreciate that she tells him what she likes.
She’s been reading that communication is the key to a healthy sex life. …Or maybe she’s just bossy.  
>rather liked that smell. It was the smell of her arousal&lt;
>>>>The inclusion of smell in your sex scenes is something I love. It's a sense that is often overlooked.
I try to include it in everything, regardless (the cedar cabin, the aroma of beer in Wednesday’s first kiss, etc.). It’s something that a lot of shows (and fic) miss.
>"That sounds like a you problem,"&lt;
>>>>No that's a both of you problem, if you do not help to make your partner decent again when they have to be, you're just an asshole.
She was being an asshole because she was pissed about him not believing her. She feels he knows better and needs to open up more, especially after the rough sex in the cruiser.
>"You don't have a choice — "&lt;
>>>>This is not how it works Wednesday, because if it were you are in a relationship with Xavier or Tyler right now. Both sides need to agree to form and maintain a relationship, so once Donovan decides he needs a break, it is out of your hands.
Honestly, they should be talking to each other about everything re: the case. He doesn’t really need the break from her, he needs to be able to breathe easier since he knows his son is a killer and that he could end up killing the one thing that makes him feel like living again. But I’m also going by canon, so…they have to have a break.
>"Of course. My apologies for," she cleared her throat, "my behavior. Just now."&lt;
>>>>Love that she realized that too and that she apologizes for it, Wednesday really struggles with admitting when she's wrong.
She haaaaaaates embarrassing herself, and that’s what she thinks it is. 
>are relatively generative&lt;
A word so big even google translate abandoned me. I "assume"(see what I mean?) she is not talking about the female reproductive cycle.
>GOD WHAt THE FUcK!!!!!!!!!&lt;
>>>>funny to me. Based how you have the timeline fixed, she's gonna be very frustrated soon, based on my (possibly horrible) investigation:
-There is a Proper Full Moon…And yet the writers for the show can't be assed to check their shit...
And since they couldn’t figure out their shit about dates and moons and such, I’m working with it.  I can’t fix their stupid. Well, I could, but I made a commitment not to mess with canon too much.  The moons are too much, and I can only fix some things. There has to be at least a few days from this point in her breakdown until Noble's funeral, because funerals don't happen overnight. If that messes with the moon schedule, oh well.   
>as her charged hands sparked like crazy and lit some of the pieces on fire&lt;
>>>>Totally used that for my personal little story on how she executes laurel. A boot to the face is too easy.
I’ve only read one fic (and it was bad…to me it was) about how Wednesday ended up breaking Laurel’s neck when she booted her. But who said she was dead? N/C sure doesn’t.
>and Morticia wasn't sure what to do about her daughter's self-harm&lt;
>>>>Tell Wednesday you used to self harm too, it might backfire horribly or she will stop in an attempt to not be like her mother.
That’s not how AB/C Morticia works. She has more problems than N/C Tish does, I think.  Only because something needs to be part of why Wednesday is the way she is sometimes.
>on her mid-cut, the blood seeping from the long wound she created&lt;
>>>>Given she's on the upturn now and thing prevented this session, this is the worst it is going to get right?
You think she’s on the upturn?  *laughs in severely depressed Wednesday*
>Her scars from before were healing a lot better&lt;
>>>>Foreshadowing to healing powers? If yes, it means she always had them and goody just unlocked them?
>if the break was permanent? &lt;
>>>>Then you will kill Laurel in a really creative way and offer her heart to Donovan and ask for forgiveness.
Forgiveness for what? ;)
>What I do with my body is my bus — "&lt;
>>>>That is a very good point. It is her business, inhaling any kind of smoke is hazardous to health - permanently, where as unless she kills herself, some cuts will heal into scars eventually.
So why does he actively support one type of self harm, and prevents the other?- (to my understanding eating demon lettus via food infusion is perfectly safe and fine, smoking is not)
You’re probably the only one reading this thinking that smoking weed is on par with cutting “self-harm”. They are not the same. For her, weed helps her mental health and electrical discharges (and it doesn’t do much harm to her anyway… 🙂). She hasn’t been smoking as much lately, so you’ll notice more zaps here and there. My father is an 81-year-old microbiologist & botanist (that I consult about a lot of things for parts of my writing)...he grows the weed I smoke for my own problems. I prefer to eat it and prefer to encourage eating over smoking, though.
>but what Thing said sent her spiraling into a full panic&lt;
>>>>Dont blue ball us what did he say ?
I wrote this in the first response on AO3, but the italicized quote was what Thing signed, telling her it was going to be okay.
>smirking in satisfaction at her&lt;
>>>>I hate her so much.
RIGHT?  But that’s pure Laurel Gates evil. Fucking bitch.  I fucking hate her.  …But I love her at the same time. I think there’s something wrong with me. LOL
>>>>I have been considering to create a Tumblr account to be able to respond to your comments directly and have more in-depth conversations
>>>>Thank you so much for this story and the steamy smut you have in it, waiting excitedly for chapter 7.
The steam will only be in places other than Wenovan in this chapter, sadly. Feels kinda weird not writing their fuckbunny scenes right now, and before a few days ago, 7 was going to be absent of explicit sex. …Now it’s not. *cackling*
9/10/23: I uh...I changed my mind. LOL
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tsuki-chibi · 10 months
Ladynoir July 2023 Day 27: Names
Read all the entries on AO3
Chat Noir was so deep in thought that he didn’t even seem to notice when Ladybug landed on the rooftop and walked over to him. He was curled in on himself, his legs pulled up against his chest, staring out at the city. But she could tell from the far away look in his eyes that he wasn’t actually seeing the city.
“What’s up, Chaton?” Ladybug asked, taking a seat beside him. Chat startled a little, blinking at her in surprise even as he smiled in welcome.
“I was just thinking. My class recently started a project where we have to think about our future,” he said. “Apparently most kids our age have to do it, because I talked to a friend who doesn’t even go to my school, and her school is doing it too.”
“Yeah, my class is doing it too,” Ladybug said with a nod. Madame Bustier had introduced the project to them three days ago. It had seemed interesting and fun at first, but then Marinette had realized the full scope of what was going into it. Every little thing they wrote down about their future needed to be backed by research.
“I figured,” Chat said. “How are you making out?”
“Well…” Ladybug let out a sigh. “Okay, I guess. It’s a lot. Like I know what I want to do for a job. But now I’m having to do a whole bunch of research into it. Like what kind of education I’ll need, and what my chances really are, and how much it’ll cost, and how much it’ll pay, and how long it’ll take to be successful… It’s really kind of stressful, actually.”
“Right?” Chat exclaimed. “How am I supposed to know what I want to do for a living? The only thing I’ve ever done is work for my dad. I’ve never had the time to think of what I might want to do.” He sounded legitimately stressed out about it, and Ladybug felt bad for him. She scooted closer and wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
“Hey, I think this is project is meant to be informative and fun,” she said gently. “You don’t have to know for sure what you want to do, Chat. Not everybody does. A lot of my friends don’t.”
“That’s true. Some of my friends don’t either. But some do, and I envy them.” Chat’s shoulders slumped and he leaned into her, seeking comfort. Ladybug lightly stroked his hair.
“Maybe you could write about jobs you think you’d like to have. Like you know, don’t limit yourself to just one or two. Pick four or five and go into detail about all of them to show you’ve done your research and really considered everything,” Ladybug suggested.
Chat contemplated that for a moment. “I guess that could work. But I still wish I knew for sure what I wanted to do. Sometimes I think I’ll be stuck working for my dad forever.”
Ladybug’s heart went out to him. Chat sounded like he was in the same boat as Adrien. She wondered if Adrien was having a similar struggle with the project. He sure hadn’t said much when he, Marinette, Alya, and Nino had been talking about it in class earlier.
“Well, what about the other parts of it? Like kids and getting married. Do you know if you want either of those things?” Ladybug asked.
“Yeah, I do,” Chat said immediately.
“Then that’s something your dad can’t control right there,” Ladybug said brightly. “You could maybe put in details about your wedding if you’ve thought about it, or… I don’t know. Oh, you could put in the names of your kids!” She giggled. “My friend was teasing me earlier about putting in my future kid’s names. Hugo, Louis, and Emma.”
It was funny now, but in the moment it had been mortifying to hear Alya say those names out loud where Nino and Adrien could hear. Thankfully Adrien hadn’t known that Marinette planned to have those kids with him. He and Nino just thought that Marinette was keeping those as names in general. Still, Marinette had given Alya a kick under the desk for that one.
Chat stiffened against her, but Ladybug didn’t notice. She kept talking, saying, “Or if you had an idea about where you wanted to live, you could research house prices and stuff like that. Or vacations! I’ve always wanted to go to –”
“Wait. Did you say Hugo, Louis, and Emma?” Chat said, interrupting Ladybug.
She paused, frowning. “Yeah? I like those names.”
Chat turned to her. His eyes were very, very wide as he said breathlessly, “Marinette?!”
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mondothebombo · 1 year
mondo i have a question for you. i know that your skybound fic follows a principle of plus (add details and depth etc) and (relatively) never subtract (dont redact or change details from canon and avoid divergence). but. is there anything from skybound as a season that you would Like to change? beyond making jays torture worse. i think that one goes without saying. is there anything in the plot that you wish hadnt happened or happened differently. ive been curious about this for a while admittedly
this is such a great ask and i’m so happy to talk abt it so hold on cuz this might be long.
you’re right, the whole goal of my fic is to add to the canon story, rather than fix or take out parts. the only parts i actually nixed were unnecessary to the plot and just put in bc 1) it’s a kids show and 2) just for (imo) poorly timed comedic relief. like the whole recruiting of the ninja replacements montage. i absolutely hate that part lmao bc it’s so somber when jay leaves his parents and then boom. funny montage. so i didn’t write that in lmao.
it’s no secret skybound is pretty objectively bad, like even those who love the szn (including myself) can see it has some pretty big flaws. in terms of what i would change?? the fucking time reversal. i legitimately hate that jay and nya went through all that, just for the others to forget, it’s awful. it just feels like the writers dug themselves so deep into a hole, the only way out was to turn back time. no hate to the trope, i just think it’s lazy writing for a big piece of media like ninjago. i don’t think it’s fair for jay to have gone through all that character development and have no one but nya know.
i also don’t like the forced marriage thg tbh. it’s weird and creepy and leaves a bad taste in my mouth, especially since this is a kids show. i’ve seen several interpretations of ppl rewriting skybound where nadakhan is after nya bc she destroyed the cursed realm, which is a take i personally love. idk it’s just w nya’s whole thg about wanting to have her own agency and be able to make decisions for herself, it doesn’t rlly make sense to me that she still ends up being the “damsel in distress.” but ig if i squint i can work w it as her letting herself be saved?
there’s a couple other minor things like dareth being a misogynist, jay taking a chill pill, but that stems from the love triangle which is a WHOLE other issue, ronin arresting them, more detail abt what happened to jay on the ship, jay getting proper medical attention, and echo zane getting a resolution, or at least not forgetting abt him.
skybound is by no means perfect, but i still love it, despite the flaws. i actually have plans to write an alternate ending either where time doesn’t reset or it does but everyone remembers instead of just jay and nya. it’ll be set in the “when you think you’re all alone” universe of sorts so everything i put in the story is addressed, but i actually wanna finish this fic first before i start another. thank you so much for the question though!!! i’ve actually been thinking a lot abt it
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im-poe-dameron · 2 years
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a/n: this has been sitting in my drafts since last august, but finally i managed to churn out the last hundred words. i don't even know if it's good or if it makes any sense at all, but i had to write it. it's been awhile since i've posted anything canon mando and of course i had to go for absolute angst. enjoy!
summary: there's a legend told about a mandalorian who chose to protect his child.
word count: 3.3k+
pairing: din djarin x reader (no romance just strangers)
warnings: angst upon angst upon angst, most likely continuity errors.
“Where did you say we were supposed to end up?” Finn asked, leaping down from the rock you were standing on.
“They didn’t,” Rey said, coming up behind you—pushing her hood down far enough to see where you had in fact ended up.
When you received a transmission telling you to come to the planet Mantessa you weren’t sure what to expect. There had been no sign off, no way to tell that this was a legitimate message, but something told you to go. That to ignore this would be proven as a mistake later on. You were told that it was a waste of time to go and there wasn’t much to refute that statement, yet there you were. Standing amidst the trees on the very planet you were told to come to.
In your mind you figured you were going to come across a young Force sensitive—perhaps a child in need of training. It’s what drew you in to begin with; the prospect of finally training someone on your own. Passing down a piece of knowledge that had been given to you. Yet there was no one to be seen for miles. You landed three days ago and after having wandered through what seemed like an endless jungle, you were beginning to doubt that anybody actually inhabited this planet to begin with.
“We should just go back,” Finn said, following you as you began to hike up a different trail. “It’ll be safer that way. Contact Poe and let him know we’re returning to the ship.”
“I didn’t come here to leave without knowing why.” You glanced up towards the trees, wondering what on earth was so special about this place to begin with. Sunlight could barely come through the area due to the overgrowth of forage. “Besides—Poe followed us up here.”
Finn scoffed. “No he didn’t.”
“You can ask him yourself.”
Movement in the trees echoed around you, followed by a certain pilot letting out a cuss as he nearly tripped over the roots. You had wondered when he’d follow the three of you up here—having gotten tired of waiting around. After all, it had been awhile since the four of you embarked on such a mission. Especially after what happened at the battle that defeated The First Order for good.
Funny to think that nearly an entire decade had passed since then and there you were, a fully trained Jedi soon to be master, helping Finn and Rey go in search of others. Life had become...peaceful. Serene enough to nearly seem like a dream in the end and yet there you were standing amidst the trees, no worries in sight. Other than the main one at hand. Who were you looking for?
“You followed us?” Rey asked, a smile on her face as she leaned against the rock.
Poe shrugged. “I got bored.”
“Should have brought your son to help us.”
He huffed out a laugh. “You and I both know he isn’t interested in becoming a pilot. I’m starting to wonder if he’s actually my son.”
Tuning out their conversation you began to walk further up the ridge, feeling something tug in the base of your chest. A feeling you hadn’t felt in what seemed like years. You knew this place—had seen it somewhere a long time ago, possibly in a dream—yet you couldn’t quite make out why. What had been so important about this place for you to dream of it that long ago? Before you were tasked with coming here.
“This way,” you said softly, pressing your palm into the tree before you. The tug in your chest becoming stronger with every passing second. You knew what lay before you, knew where to go and without questioning yourself further you began to head through the trees.
“How do you know?” Poe asked behind you, grumbling about how he wasn’t cut out for missions anymore.
You smiled, already knowing he’d hate your answer and chose not to respond. Most Jedi went off feeling alone when going in search of Force sensitives, but if you were lucky you’d manage to have contact long before then. Before any of this. They didn’t question you further thankfully, and instead began to trek after you—the sounds of the forest much louder than before. As if they were warning someone you were coming; nature working together to keep itself protected against those that didn’t belong.
“Have you heard the stories about this place?” Rey asked.
She nodded, pausing to glance down at the floor as a tremble passed beneath her. “They say the forest is haunted.”
You chuckled, turning away to continue on your way. “They probably say it to keep people away from it. A trick.”
“Haunted...by who?” Finn inquired, catching up with you.
“Nobody knows for sure. The stories change every time. Last I heard it was a Jedi who haunts this place after having had a gruesome death, but there’s another legend that says someone else resides here. Looking over the forest and its people.”
“Don’t tell me it’s a war hero,” you said, glancing over at Poe who hung off her every word. He wasn’t one to mess with the supernatural, especially when it came to ghosts in forests.
You could recall the mission that landed him stuck in a Jedi temple for four days being surrounded by the Force ghosts of other Jedi. Some he couldn’t see, but still felt and after you managed to find him he was ready to leave the planet and never return. For good. Finn had been right there with him the entire time in an attempt to reassure him that whoever haunted the building wasn’t there to harm him.
The confirmation that they were real only made him want to leave more.
“No, apparently it’s a Mandalorian.”
Far more ridiculous than the tale about the Jedi living here. Even you knew that Mandalorians were unable to come back through the Force unless they were sensitive to it themselves. Choosing to remain silent on the matter altogether you continued on your way, stepping over vines and roots so as not to fall on your face. The terrain was rougher than you expected, but the four of you had survived much worse. What was spending a few days in the forest going to do?
“There are no more Mandalorians,” you called over your shoulder. “As far as I know the last one was found on Tatooine.”
“I know all about the last King of Tatooine,” she said. “I’m talking about this one. The one who protected a Force sensitive child before The First Order ever came to be created.”
You froze, the tug in your chest almost painful as soon as the words left her mouth, because you recognized this story. Knew it without ever having heard it to begin with. But how could that be possible? You would have had to hear it told somewhere at some point in your life. Maybe you did—long before the war, long before you finished your training. Except you couldn’t bring up the memory for the life of you—almost as if it was lodged in the far reaches of your mind.
Unable to be found again.
“Master Skywalker told the legend to me while I was training,” she said, halting her movements and pushing the stray hair out of her eyes. “He had come across this Mandalorian while searching for others to train.”
They were just stories. You repeated the words in your head as you began to glance around the darkened forest. Just legends that had to be told in order to keep people in line one way or another; the same stories that were told about the past of the Jedi, those that died before they could be trained fully. Stories to warn others of repeating the same mistakes others did in the past.
“Why this planet? This forest? Did he just choose to reside here?” Finn asked, his head turning in the direction yours did as a sound echoed off the trees.
“You and I both know that’s not how ghosts work,” you said, narrowing your eyes at the sight of someone standing a few feet away. “Hello?”
Your hand instinctively went to the lightsaber that hung at your side as the fog began to slowly lift from the area. The figure of a man now coming clear through it and nearly sending you stumbling back off the edge of the hill. It wasn’t possible. Had to be a trick your mind was playing on you after all the talk about haunted areas, because in the middle of the forest stood a Mandalorian. His silver armor reflecting what light broke through the trees, a blaster attached to his hip and a spear on his back.
“Is that—” Poe began to say, stepping forward, his hand reaching for his blaster but what good would weapons do against a ghost?
If it truly was one.
“That’s not possible,” you whispered—the tug in your chest stronger now that you watched the man begin to walk towards you. His movements silent, each step measured and slow. As if he wasn’t in a rush to do much of anything anymore.
Finn stepped closer, glancing back at you and Rey, his hands clenched at his sides. “Do you feel it too?”
Even you couldn’t deny the way the air shifted, the strength in the Force nearly flooded your body the longer you stood there. Potent enough to be shocking. Perhaps he was the force sensitive you were looking for all along, the person who had called you here. The internal war within your mind seemed to be put at a stop the second you saw it—how his body seemed to not only reflect light but allow it to pass through him. The blue haze around his body was enough to confirm what Rey had been saying all along.
“He’s not—he’s a ghost,” you said, taking a few steps closer towards him as he stopped mere feet away.
“So we’re dealing with Mandalorian Force ghosts now?” Poe asked, already slipping the blaster from his side.
You shook your head, noticing something behind him. Another small figure shifting silently through the forest. The movements were slow enough to allow you to keep your eyes trained on him, but you couldn’t take your gaze away from the man who now stood directly in front of you. His helmet tilted down as he looked at you fully—the transparency of his body now clear enough to be noticeable.
“Can you speak?” you asked, wanting to reach a hand out and see if maybe you actually were going insane. Perhaps you would be touching a physical body instead of an apparition created by nothing but the Force.
His head tilted to the side slightly, seeming to regard you carefully, before his arms began to raise. The movement was enough to have Poe raise his blaster, the sound of a lightsaber coming to life let you know someone was on guard. The urge to pull out a weapon grew with every passing minute, but you couldn’t move—didn’t want to move. Not when this was the first time you would ever be able to witness a Mandalorian as  Force ghost stand before you.
You watched as he lifted the helmet from his head, revealing the face of a man. The small lines in his face and the look in his eyes made you wonder how old he had been when he passed. What had been his story for him to wind up in the middle of this forest? The curiosity to ask more questions than you knew what to do with grew, but your mouth wouldn’t open. No words would escape free, because you didn’t know what to do in a situation like this.
Never had this happened before.
“Who are you?” you asked, hand reaching out hesitantly only to come in contact with the feel of cold metal. Faint enough to be a figment of your imagination, but strong enough to prove that he was still there in some ways. Still a man even in death.
He merely smiled, eyes holding enough sadness in them to show he hadn’t lived a life filled with joy. Pain had been his constant friend, something he could count on rather than loathe. Both finding balance with each other within the confines of his body; something sheltered by armor that seemed to be a type of metal in its purest form.
You were far too distracted by him to notice the figure behind him now approaching closer, the steps of it faint but still there. Glancing down you could see a creature wearing a cloak that looked similar to the one you wore. A metal pauldron with an engraving on it was attached to his shoulder—the same one that the Mandalorian was wearing. A clue as to who this Mandalorian was—who he had been.
Your hand fell to your side, and you quickly crouched down watching as whoever this was began to step closer. The small bits of armor beneath his robe showed through, giving you insight into his story a bit. He must have known this Mandalorian—enough so to wear his armor as if it were his own. This was why you were called here, why you felt the shift in the Force, why you knew this place long before you arrived. Because of him.
“You brought us here,” you said, not really asking the question, because you knew the answer. Knew that he had been calling out to you all along.
He nodded, hand reaching out for yours and resting against your palm as his voice echoed in your mind. “Are the Jedi safe now?”
“Yes,” you replied, smiling as he seemed to push his emotions outwards—towards you. “They’re safe—we’re safe.”
His hand patted your own, head looking up towards the Mandalorian who had joined you in crouching onto the ground. A movement that seemed to come to him naturally. You wondered if he’d done it over the years, more times than he could count, all because of him.
“I can go with you now.”
“Come with me now? What do you mean? Did you have to remain here?”
Rey’s hand rested on your shoulder as she joined. “Were you a student of Master Skywalker?”
He nodded, tilting his head down slowly as if to move quickly wasn’t necessary at the time. You’d heard the stories from Rey—knew how Luke Skywalker’s school had met its end tragically. If he was a part of it, a remaining survivor, then that means he’d been in hiding for who knows how long. You put the pieces together as Rey spoke to him about where he was from, what his story was, and you began to realize who this was. Who both of them were.
“The Mandalorian and the child,” you whispered, standing straight to mull over your thoughts.
“What, like the legend?” Finn asked.
“It makes sense. A Force sensitive child who left the school—who just so happens to be guarded by a Mandalorian.”
“Which makes him—” Finn glanced over at the man who now stood to his full height. Eyes watching the three of you warily; as if he was still on guard when it came to newer people.
You took in a breath, the final piece setting itself into place. “His father.”
So, the stories had been true all along. The tale of a young padawan, training to be a Jedi with the ties to a Mandalorian clan—a clan of two. Something you didn’t think to be possible now stood before you. A Jedi of two lives. Mandalorian and Jedi—coexisting together to create his past, his future, and the Jedi he was today. You weren’t sure why he called out to you of all people, but there was no going back on this. No refusing to bring him to the new school, because he was a part of the Jedi just as much as he was a part of his other clan.
“How long have you been here?” Finn asked as you stood off to the side, attempting to regain any memory as to how you knew this place. Except no matter how hard you wracked your brain you couldn't locate an explanation.
“Since long before The First Order.”
He hid here since before Ben Solo became Kylo Ren, since before the war that changed the tides of everything. He remained here by himself. Yet you couldn’t say that with certainty, couldn’t deny the Mandalorian who stood before you, merely a wisp in the air now. A ghost that knew he would no longer need to remain in one place. Who knew that the time for goodbye would come again.
Sooner than either of them expected.
“How has he managed to come back?” you asked. Finn shrugged, his eyes glancing warily at the man.
Behind you Rey stepped closer, inspecting the Mandalorian with a look you knew all too well in her eyes. “Life force,” she mumbled.
“The life force of another being could be able to transfer someone’s consciousness to the Force.” She knelt down beside you, her hand reaching for him. “It’s never been done before so I don’t know if it’s possible but…”
“It might be,” you said, eyes once again catching the Mandalorian’s. “What happens when we leave? Will he come with us?”
For the first time, the man spoke, his voice just as familiar as him. “Wherever he goes, I go.”
It was unusual to see such a connection happen through the Force, only happening once before with Rey. Yet there they stood. A father and his adopted son, fully intent on protecting him—even in death remaining right by his side. Whoever they were, whatever they wanted, they wouldn’t be parting ways today and you finally understood why you were called here. Why you saw them over and over again through the Force.
You were always meant to have a padawan…always meant to train someone else. You just never thought it would turn out like this.
“What’s your name?” you asked.
Once again his voice echoed in your mind; small…as if he was still wary about his voice. “Grogu.”
“Grogu,” you breathed. “I suppose I’m your new Master.”
He smiled, eyes glancing up at you with the curiosity of a child. You weren’t sure how old he was, but he knew far more than even you—had seen things that would remain with him until the end of his life. Yet there was one thing he refused to let go of, even as you offered him the prospect of a new life. His father. Whatever happened to cause the Mandalorian’s death was a mystery to you, but it revolved around his child—you knew that much. A part of you could recall Master Skywalker’s voice echoing in your head.
Jedi aren’t allowed to form attachments.
Yet even you had broken that rule. You were attached to the people around you—their friendship kept you alive in more ways than one and the thought of saying goodbye to them twisted your heart painfully. So who were you to say if Grogu should remain with his father or finally say goodbye. No…you wouldn’t make that choice for him—you couldn’t.
“You don’t have to say goodbye,” you told him, a smile gracing your lips. “I won’t allow that.”
For the second time, you heard his voice beside you—eyes either glassy with tears or simply the slight shine of his projection. “Thank you.”
Nodding, you stood—waiting for Grogu to begin walking, his pace slower than yours. He’d chosen a different path, you could see it now, but in the end he found what he needed to find. The Mandalorian walked beside you, his helmet now atop his head as the others went ahead to make sure the ship still remained intact. No words were said, but nothing truly had to be spoken. Not when you finally understood what was expected of you—what the Force ghost of previous Jedi led you to.
Towards Grogu—not a Jedi, but not a Mandalorian either. Someone who was between the lines of what constituted either; who refused to choose one or the other.
Settling for perfect balance instead.
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Ni kar'tayl gai sa'ad
"I know your name as my child"
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msdrproffangirlmd · 8 months
I am legitimately afraid of what next week’s story mission stuff with Eris and them is gonna bring. Scared and excited? Idk, I just know it’s gonna be Ikora breaking down, probably crying (am not prepared for), begging Eris finally to stop turning herself into a bug-god-shaped bomb so she can be shot at Xivu like KO bullet. Cuz it’ll kill her, Ahsa, Sloane’ll lose the rest of her mind when that happens…
And Cayde’s just sittin up in the Traveler, waiting for the DLC to come around, like “I’m so danged bored.” 😭😂
And I’m overly charged with feelings bc I’ve played both Gambit AND Crucible today, so there’s that!
I need a hug. And maybe a slap across a face. Probably both. Then I’ll laugh more, bc pain funny.
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raxistaicho · 1 year
This twisting, rambling path
The Analyzer’s a gold mine of bad takes. Let’s keep at it :D
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You DO tend to fixate on strange ideas and long-debunked notions.
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No. In fact, she speaks in both versions of destroying the very system of the weak being forced down.
According to the original version of the scene, the ones she’s disregarding as “babied” are those who choose to be weak. To put it another way, the kind of person Edelgard’s discussing as spoiled are those who ignore opportunities and choose to wallow. And even then, she doesn’t discuss outright abandoning people like that, and indeed her support with Linhardt especially demonstrates Edelgard is dogged in pursuit of helping a person to unleash their potential.
Tough love is necessary for types like the person she’s discussing. But when you’re the Analyzer and you chronically misunderstand Hubert and Shez’s C support...
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Now the really funny thing is it’s not even Hubert who discussed the dichotomy, it was Shez. 
Shez: So coddling the elites means the commoners end up oppressed, while hoisting commoners up only agitates the elites. Glad I’m not the one who has to rule the Empire. This whole thing sounds like a total mess.
Hubert: Heh. A mess, indeed. 
The only thing Hubert did was agree that running the Empire is a messy business. I guess the Analyzer altered this support in his head because it’s easier to imagine it means what he thinks it means if it’s Hubert - the one who actually knows what’s happening - who discussed the issue, rather than Shez guessing at it.
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Heh, nope. In fact Dimitri even suggests Claude shouldn’t be so aggressive with reforms for fear that it might endanger his own life.
Also, in Scarlet Blaze, Edelgard only assisted Lonato and Rowe. While Rowe was part of Cornelia’s insurrection against Dimitri in Azure Gleam, he was NOT part of the huddle of Lords who discussed their part in the Tragedy of Discur; that was Mateus, Elidure, Gideon, and Dominic. And you kill Dominic in Scarlet Blaze, and Mateus is one of the lords you can slay if you choose not to recruit Byleth.
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Remember what I said about Edelgard Critical trying to de-legitimize Dorothea’s right to hold an anti-noble opinion? The Analyzer is NASTY about her, as we’ll eventually get to. His issues with her are a lot more base than just “she’s supporting the tyrant! >:(”
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Uhm, yes. Fodlan’s nobility has become rotten.
I guess he’s trying to insist it’ll be the same with Edelgard’s reforms, but the main difference is nobility centralized power and opportunities unto themselves in order to produce the next generation of Fodlan’s best and brightest, but that very centralization allowed the nobility to become complacent and corrupt.
The major difference with Edelgard’s reforms is the right to become the best is not assumed by the nature of one’s birth. Cutting generational inheritance is a major first step to curtailing that corruption.
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I really wish he used quotes so I have some clue where he got the “crushing those who don’t agree with her line”, but I do know it’s partially spawned off his bastardized read of
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Which he was using to try to paint Edelgard as some kind of religious extremist.
And yes, rulers sometimes must use violence to maintain their rule, what of it?
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And this is good, VW, not-animal (his comparison, not mine, we’ll get to that eventually, it’s a doozy) Claude using violence to help maintain Byleth’s reign!
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I’m kinda surprised he didn’t go to Hubert’s paired ending with Dorothea, that’s the one they usually screech about.
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Uhh. Yes. How dare Hubert try to help maintain order in the Empire?
I notice that rebellions are always fine when they’re against Edelgard (such as this ending) but they’re bad when they’re against Dimitri, Rhea, or not-animal (again, his comparison, not mine) Claude.
Really makes you think.
So, in summation, the Analyzer’s analysis is built stop a foundation of sand.
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darkestspring · 1 year
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[ immortal baelon ii - reborn argella au ]
𝐓𝐀𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐀 𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐘𝐑𝐄𝐎𝐒 isn’t who she said she is. Not only she continuously lies to others about her identity, but to her own self as well. But that girl no longer exists, that’s what Aenar and the gods had always firmly told her.
Yet she can only die at the rare blade they’ve made just for her and hidden at the deep ruins at Old Valyria. Soulseeker. It was only fair, most of them said. Just in case if something goes wrong.
I just want to be with my family… yet they’ll grant her that power to be with them if she only fulfills that destiny to either rule or annihilate Westeros.
But does she really want to do that? Now that she found him with the legitimate heir to the iron throne. Argella Baratheon.
The one who shares the same face and name as her. No! Her former name… she’s Taessa Galyreos now.
The little princess is what makes him motivated and happy… but he needs someone to look after him as well… She frowned and looked down at her gloved hands. She resisted the urge to emotionally and mentally breakdown from her despairing loneliness and self-loathing.
He doesn’t need to know about my identity. He doesn’t deserve to feel that grieving pain again…
All of them on horseback with Carnifex and Gaelithox. She reminiscently stared at Baelon holding onto a laughing Argella, the Baratheon princess, with a content smile on his face and Taessa slowly looked over with a irritated Aenar who looked like he wanted to drag her back to the ruins of Old Valyria himself.
She only remembers waking up in the caves of Old Valyria. She doesn’t remember how she got there but… all she knows she’s alive once again. She even learnt they called out to her dragon to bring her to them after she died at the hands of her own grandfather.
Slowly getting up and tried walking out but only ended up bumping into a invisible wall form the opening. She got frustrated and overwhelmed with many emotions all at once. They kept her locked up until she turned nine-and-ten (19) as each of them finally gotten into her head.
At least after she finally gave in to them. Years after keeping her isolated in a cave from her own family, Aenar did looked after her during her mortal years, and she finally learnt from him about the fate of her mama that occurred a moon after her death… it broke her. Her death didn’t even made a difference for her whole family to unite and she cried with the storms on that night.
They wouldn’t even let her go to the rest of her family, even the newest additions that continued the bloodline that almost ended, until she properly learns on how to control her newly given abilities along with the immortality.
Gaelithox loyally stuck around after she was resurrected and only hunted preys that were nearby the ruins as she grew bigger and bigger than the black dread itself. The she-dragon is the only one who kept her alive throughout those agonizing years after all.
Now she can hear Gaelithox and Carnifex happily crooning above them. Feeling their elation and hearing their conversations. It’s funny how her own dragon tried telling her own father earlier that she’s alive and with him right now.
Good thing he isn’t a dragonwhisperer like her.
He doesn’t need to know the truth anytime soon. It’ll break him if he finds out that his own child has grown up to be a monster. She’s comfortable being known as a stranger to him for now. She’ll just become his closest friend anytime after she gains that trust she desperately yearns for.
Argella Targaryen may be no more, but a empty and darker shell version of her, and yet now she now refuses to fulfill her destiny given by the gods of Old Valyria. Because she wants to be with her Papa, who actually makes her feel human once again with his presence, and she will protect him from anyone who appears as a threat to him… even if it gets her killed for good.
[ boom! Okay, i was originally gonna do Baelon’s pov but I needed to write this out before I forget about it. And I for sure need to rewatch the entire game of thrones sometime- ]
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coolfire333 · 2 years
I’m rewatching playthroughs of all the trauma center games except this time in order of game’s release. So instead of my “optimal” version of progression (imo) of UTK > UTK2 > SO > NB > TT it’ll be UTK > SO > NB > UTK2 > TT
I’m almost done with SO now, I finished UTK yesterday. My main notes as of now are 
1. SO is such a step up from UTK it’s ridiculous. The music, the art, the storyline, everything is so much more complex and it’s great. 
2. I overall prefer the art style in SO but some of the emotions in UTK feel much more raw and expressive with its art direction, so I feel like SO almost slips up on that a bit. I wish the poses were more varied, I think SO mostly changes the facial expressions between sprites and not the body poses, while UTK seems to vary body position as well, so that might be the issue.
3. NAOMI KIMISHIMA. I love Derek in his own right but my god literally Naomi is the best character and I missed her so so so dearly in UTK. Once you’ve experienced SO, going back to UTK there’s a very noticeable absence of Naomi.
4. Still weirded out by the fact that this is the second game in the series and not like the third or something. Why’d they make UTK only to go “haha sike” and totally remake it?? I understand needing to remake everything for wii but it’s drastically different in terms of everything, especially storyline, so it’s really odd to me that this came directly after UTK
5. UTK isn’t the best in hindsight, but it brings up very interesting medical dilemnas. Euthanasia is still a highly contested issue today, and without getting into the meat of it too much, Tyler’s reasonings are very realistic and sympathetic, while Derek’s rebuttal is also valid. 
6. Additionally, Derek’s response to Linda still gets me even today. It just feels really genuine and I legitimately think his advice is worth taking. I know Angie’s reaction is widespreadly detested, and it does seem a bit out of character for her considering the fact that she criticizes Derek’s own bedside manner earlier, but considering she’s also lacking in sympathy for her own father, maybe she’s just prone to being overly critical of people in tough situations. What she said to Linda was still detestable, but I think that it shows a type of pragmatic mindset that Angie sometimes falls into. 
7. On that note though, it would have been good for either SO or UTK to punish Angie for her behavior with Linda in some way. She doesn’t have to be fired, just give her a stern talking-to by one of her superiors and have her express genuine remorse for saying that to Linda, or at least have her apologize. It would have left less of a bad taste in my mouth with regards to Angie and that storyline and also it would have added a lot of complexity to Angie’s character by showing that she can make serious mistakes and has to apologize for her actions, just like a number of other complex characters (Derek, Naomi, Adel, Markus, and CR-S01 come to mind, maybe Little Guy too, although idk if he ever expresses explicit remorse besides the remorse of almost getting caught lol)
8. Naomi Kimishima’s storyline is so top tier it’s not even funny. I’ve said this ad nauseum in another post somewhere, but having her start out on the side of evil only to redeem herself later, while still suffering the consequences of her actions...so good!! I really love the layers she adds to SO in comparison to UTK, I really would have been interested to see what she’d be like in UTK though. Her voice actor is also fantastic and I really commend the acting she did for her. Naomi’s voice is literally so elegant yet authoritative, and it also has a haunting tone to it (especially in TT). Anyways <3
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mearnsblog · 2 years
“Frozen” (2013)
Here's a pointless story about the first time I heard about "Frozen." In December 2013, I saw a Switchfoot concert at Rams Head Live in Baltimore, and the opener was a band called New Politics. They charted that year with probably their biggest hit, "Harlem," and that was all I really knew about them. After the show, I was Wikipedia-ing them (as very cool kids do), and realized that "Harlem" was used in a trailer for some Disney movie that recently came out. This is all a long-winded way to say that I'm probably one of very few people in the world to learn about the existence of the soon-to-be titanic megahit "Frozen" in this way. Again: utterly pointless.
The funny thing about that trailer is that it's really not a good one. I don't think that Disney truly realized what it had on their hands. I'm sure they were hopeful that it would be at least as successful as "Tangled," but this was a billion-dollar hit that immediately made "Frozen" Disney's biggest branding opportunity of the century to date. It's obviously still popular today, but it will be difficult to communicate to future generations just how omnipresent "Frozen" became. In the words of Kristen Bell in another project, "Hot diggity dog."
That's all well and good for Disney's marketing team, but Mr. Mouse's bottom dollar doesn't mean much to me. How good is "Frozen," really? Although parents who have had to see it 500 times might have their own opinions, as someone who has maybe seen it once since the first time in 2014 or so (aside from clips here and there), it still holds up! I like "Frozen," I really do. No, I don't have it No. 1, but it's a legitimately enjoyable time. The snowy weather looks fantastic and a lot of work went into the animation.
I don't care if it's hackneyed to say at this point: It's so smart to have two love stories in this movie, with the most powerful one involving two siblings. One can’t say enough about the incredible work done by Bell as Anna and Idina Menzel as Elsa. As a viewer, you fully understand and are brokenhearted about why Anna and Elsa's estrangement occurred, particularly with Elsa so fearful of ever hurting her sister with her powers again. She just wants whatever will ensure that Anna is safe, and it's tricky to still be close without accidentally revealing her powers following Anna's memory wipe. Oh, there probably was a way, but she's a confused kid, not to mention one who loses her parents by the time the prologue has concluded.
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Almost all of the characters in this movie are incredibly good. I found the trolls a little tedious, but they really aren't in the movie that long and their song was short enough that I could play on my phone (important, I know). Olaf has become a phenomenon in his own right, but writers were judicious in how much screen time to give him. The focus remains on Anna and Elsa, and to a lesser extent, Hans and Kristoff (and the good boy Sven, of course). A few years after the fact, I've noticed some criticism of the Hans plot twist, but it still works pretty well if you ask me. For most kids, it'll probably be the first plot twist they've ever seen, so that's fun to think about.
Here's a mildly hot take: The soundtrack is only fine. "Let It Go" has gotten all of its plaudits and then some, and "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?" is still an expertly-executed prologue song. The rest of it? I mean... if you dig it, I'm happy for you, but despite a shorter soundtrack, "Tangled" had more great songs. This is not meant as a knock on “Frozen!” I would just classify the majority of the soundtrack as “B to B+” Disney compared to top tier.
Again though, "Frozen" is still a good time and ranks in my personal Top 10, which I think will only have one or two more additions as we enter the most recent decade of animated classics. If you disagree, then you whatever. Take your opinion and let it g- /yanked offstage with a giant cane/
Best song: "Let It Go"
Updated ranking
1. “Beauty and the Beast” (review) 2. “The Lion King” (review) 3. “The Little Mermaid” (review) 4. “Cinderella” (review) 5. “Mulan” (review) 6. “Tangled” (review) 7.  “Wreck-It Ralph” (review) 8. “Frozen” 9. “Sleeping Beauty” (review) 10. “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” (review) 11. “Aladdin” (review) 12. “The Emperor’s New Groove” (review) 13. “One Hundred and One Dalmatians” (review) 14. “The Jungle Book” (review) 15. “Lilo & Stitch” (review) 16. “The Great Mouse Detective” (review) 17. “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” (review) 18. “Fantasia” (review) 19. “The Rescuers Down Under” (review) 20. “Tarzan” (review) 21. “The Princess and the Frog” (review) 22. “The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh” (review) 23. “Alice in Wonderland” (review) 24. “Lady and the Tramp” (review) 25. “Pinocchio” (review) 26. “Robin Hood” (review) 27. “Oliver & Company” (review) 28. “Hercules” (review) 29. “Pocahontas” (review) 30. “The Rescuers” (review) 31. “The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad” (review) 32. “Bambi” (review) 33. “Peter Pan” (review) 34. “The Aristocats” (review) 35. “Fantasia 2000″ (review) 36. “Dumbo” (review) 37. “Bolt” (review) 38. “Meet the Robinsons” (review) 39. “Treasure Planet” (review) 40. “Chicken Little” (review) 41. “Fun and Fancy Free” (review) 42. “The Fox and the Hound” (review) 43. “The Sword in the Stone” (review) 44. “Atlantis: The Lost Empire” (review) 45. “The Three Caballeros” (review) 46. “Make Mine Music” (review) 47. “Brother Bear” (review) 48. “Winnie the Pooh” (review) 49. “Dinosaur” (review) 50. “The Black Cauldron” (review) 51. “Saludos Amigos” (review) 52. “Melody Time” (review) 53. “Home on the Range” (review)
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kinetic-elaboration · 10 months
July 23: Scream
Well, this weekend was rather a bust. Oh well. I guess that’s what resetting everything on Monday is for.
I watched Scream this evening, starting a mini-marathon where I watch all the Screams, even ones that aren’t the first one. I’ve seen 1 and 2 before but found 2 very disappointing. But that was also my experience with Halloween and I really had fun watching Every Halloween Ever, so hopefully this will be a similar experience.
I enjoyed the rewatch. It’s definitely an iconic film and there was so much that was just…nicely familiar about it. I thought it was more scary than funny, its funny elements mostly being the meta jokes. And it was VERY meta. But it did the horror well without taking itself too seriously. Also, I thought it had a better ‘scary climax sequence’ than most horror movies. A lot of them trip up at that point, when it’s not about foreboding or build up but actually showing whatever you built up to. It’s more boring or long-winded than frightening, especially because, especially with supernatural horrors and so on, what you can imagine is scarier than what you see. But Scream did a good job of pacing and being creative with its long end-sequence. It only started to drag at the very, very end. I think it helps a lot that the two killers are so charismatic and psychotic and fun to watch, and that they play off each other so well: the cool psycho and the manic, laughing one.
I especially enjoyed Matthew Lillard this time around. That character and that performance could easily be annoying and I bet to some people they are but I legitimately was creeped out by him, and I like that his real villainous self wasn’t so far off from his personality earlier in the film. It was just turned up to 11, and all semblance of morality or sanity dropped. This was more satisfying to me than Billy, who, once you know it’s him, is pretty obviously, you know, the killer.
I also think it’s too bad that Tatum was killed and didn’t get to be in the sequel because she was my favorite. Kinda….makes me want to watch Jawbreaker again, honestly.
Anyway, work and dentist tomorrow. I can do this. Write some more lists, do the stuff on the list. It’ll be fine.
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