#it’s like incredibly WIP lol
chibishortdeath · 8 months
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I have a Castlevania OC >:3c. He and his story are still very work in progress stuff, but he’s got some rough concept doodles! And when I say rough I mean ROUGH cause one of his arms I erased so many times some of the layers of the paper were tearing so I had to just leave it as is and it looks a little short whoops— but yeah
His name is William “Billy” Danasty :3. I think I’m gonna have his story be set sometime around the height of the Satanic Panic with music and stuff, he’s kinda a bit of a metalhead. He seems all tough and scary, carries a switchblade at all times, and keeps everyone at a distance, but it’s not because he’s mean, he’s just afraid of people. He does make some friends eventually, but I don’t have drawings of them yet. I need to make a nice full color concept page for him someday hehehe.
Also, NES Castlevania style sprites are fun to make!!! :D
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millimauk · 9 months
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Posting this WIP here as well with no other reason then wanting to start posting here again…
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Give me like a week and I'm gonna drop the most insane pair of 'Everything Stays' ass wkm illustrations in existence i swear to god
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helielune · 8 months
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lost and found
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cream-and-tea · 4 months
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[IDs in alt text]
some judge and calliope stuff i was going to post on valentine’s day but forgot about! anyways me and the girl i pulled by being a wretched beast.
TAGLIST (ask to be +/-). @vellichor-virgo @transmasc-wizard​ @houndmouthed @muddshadow @just-wublrful @corkywantstowrite @shrunkupthejams @andromedaexists @caninemotiff @lungs-and-gills @lychniscitrus @phantomnations @onomatopiya @deer-in-headlights-stare @arctic-oceans @redbloodprose @definitelynotclayface @cannivalisms
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cryptidafter · 1 year
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someone tell me why I wrote this and what I'm supposed to do with it lol
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swordmaid · 1 year
wanna draw jb wedding but my energy is nonexistent …!!!
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percivaljacksons · 4 months
amnesia au percabeth is so SPECIAL TO MEEE honestly au isn’t even a stretch bc of the canon foundations for this but any fic with the angst of percy remembering nothing but her / vaguely remembering her / not remembering at all and then remembering etc (all the variations) YES PLEASE (although annabeth being the one with the amnesia has always intrigued me i can’t see a compelling enough story for that yet but that could change!)
anyways your mando au is the MOST PERFECT one for this it’s so so so good! love both their characterizations, the tension, all of it! super excited to read more!
Bro!!! You Get It!!!!! A good amnesia au is just so delightful …. Medium offense to Rick, he simply did not execute it well enough for me. This, mando au. I’m so glad others love it the way I do! I think it was toni morrison who said that she was just writing what she wanted to read, and while I feel a little ridiculous using that very profound statement from one of the most groundbreaking and important authors in history to talk about my pjo fanfic, ,,.,, yeah.
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merge-conflict · 4 months
whenever whenever
(tired? ill? existentially anxious? try withdrawing from work travel by obsessing over out of order emotionally charged scenes)
tagged by @ghostoffuturespast :3 ty
“Do not be sorry.” Takemura actually sounded like he meant it. “It is necessary, to let go of emotion, before it can consume you. I hope…it was not distressing.”
“No.” V inhaled and exhaled heavily. “Embarrassing. But maybe I did need it.” She was relaxed enough now to put her hand on his side and press in a little closer. Always hungry for skin contact, now more than ever. One of her few endearing traits. “It was good. Really good, actually, before–“ She sighed. “Thank you.”
“I am glad I could be of assistance.” He was smoother than Johnny would have given him credit for. Clearly he hadn’t always lived like a monk. “It is good to see you smile.”
The flutter in V’s chest was almost comical as she propped herself up for a kiss. It was hard to know how to feel, tasting her for the second time on someone else’s lips. Worse, knowing she could sense that and was ignoring him. “I didn’t know I deserved that level of attention.”
“You deserve more,” Takemura said, which gave her a little thrill. Gonk had no sense of self worth. “More than I can give.”
“I don’t want more,” V said, which was a lie, but in service of a line, and so forgivable. “I want you.”
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tegarrianlore · 9 months
i have this entry that's been a WIP for around a year that covers and ties together most of the ancient past of the TGL, called DCA-7667 - The Sanguine Throne of the Blood King; and it's in a perpetual state of "close to completion" and also "so incomplete i feel shameful talking about it in public" so here's some excerpts of some things abt it. for your perusal.
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syrupyyyart · 2 years
i thought id finalized the designs for my motley girls, and then i made a huge change in the story and now i have to change every single characters outfit . i will never know peace
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jacob-lockley · 2 years
"be the change you want to see," i mutter to myself as i write completely self-indulgent Bruce Banner-centric PTSD fic after finding Ao3 Severely Lacking
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atempause-art · 1 year
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early teen me: zakki can turn into a monster cause i cant write balanced ocs and want one oc have every power ever
teen me: no he can't that so stupid
18 year old me: ok he does have a monster form but thats like. what he was before. cant get to it anymore
me rn: so anyway i got rid of old lore and made it easier so he can turn into a monster again and also i'm designing it to look like him again to make it obvious btw.
time is a flat circle and so is oc lore
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unproduciblesmackdown · 10 months
Sorry if this is not how ask are suppose to be done (it's my first time doing an ask) but I just wanna say that your lars and sadie art have really made me rethink my gender in a good way, so thanks so much for that; and if it's ok do you think you can do an enby sadie? I've pretty much marked all your art of her as So gender!
that's Excellent!! definitely there's always [The Gender Of It All] in my drawing anything, and what's better than that art imitating life in that way becoming life imitating art, i.e. generating Gender Times irl. among the noblest causes for sure
my Drawing Motivation is always tied to "something really specific that also i feel like drawing 900k times in a row" so i can't really Fulfill Requests at any point (though technically anyone can Go For It re: venturing some suggestion, you never know, i just realistically wouldn't say you could expect it to go anywhere lol) and am in perhaps one of my nichest times ever rn lmao, it's relevant to like 0.08 people. we do have a great time though & the [gender in my art] can never end fr
and relevant to that, the silver lining good news is you can just absolutely think of whatever preexisting art resonates most nonbinarily as Definitely Nonbinary then lol, it's extremely Correct and like as the nonbinary "i never really have a fixed Gender hc for any given character and re: basically any non cis / gnc ideas/interpretations? yes" person behind it or whatever it's like yeah that is as good as official then
also might point you to the blog @uberoll-oystercrackers for relevant Genderous materials, as well as a resource for like active / recent fanworks which sure could be relevant too
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stinkrascal · 2 years
monkey d fluffy is finally home!! im so relieved, i missed him so much!! hes on my lap watching me play skyrim 🥺
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onlyseokmins · 11 months
could you give us a clue as to what your josh fic will be about? hehe
hehe sure! it's based very loosely off this tiny fic when they meet for the first time 🤭
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