#it’s possible I missed a few bits because I haven’t played all the games
etaleah · 11 months
What Is the Appeal of Sonadow?
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I have a lot of thoughts about this ship, what draws people to it, and why some of the criticisms of it are exaggerated or less than honest. Putting them under a cut because it’s gonna get long.
First of all, the critique of “Lol why do people ship them when they beat the shit out of each other whenever they disagree on something, they’re abusive!” is dishonest framing for two reasons. One is that it ignores the fact that Sonic and Shadow are allies far more often than they’re enemies, and even when they are enemies, it’s usually over something serious, not just a minor disagreement. The other is that it’s bad media criticism to apply real human standards to a cartoon animal universe.
When you watch the classic Looney Tunes short where Bugs and Daffy are arguing over whether it’s Rabbit Season or Duck Season and Bugs tricks Daffy into shooting himself, do you see Bugs as abusive and evil? Probably not, because the laws of physics don’t apply in cartoons and Daffy getting shot in the face doesn’t actually hurt him. He’s still completely fine afterwards because he’s a cartoon and is therefore invincible. The same is true for Sonic and Shadow. Have you ever seen either of them seriously injured after one of their fights? Has either one ever needed to go to the hospital because the other beat him up so badly? No, of course not. They groan in pain for about two seconds and then they’re fine. If the creators wanted to convey them being injured, they could show bruises or blood or have bones snapping and the characters limping, but they don’t. The fights are never meant to be taken that seriously. I find this criticism every bit as annoying and overzealous as people who insist that Pinky and the Brain are abusive because Brain bops Pinky on the head. They’re cartoons, y’all. They’re not realistic, were never meant to be realistic, and shouldn’t be treated as realistic. Different standards apply.
To the second point, Sonic and Shadow don’t actually fight that often. In all the interactions they’ve had together, it’s only been a handful of times. They’re allies in the Archie comics, Sonic ‘06, the canon ending of Shadow the Hedgehog (they’re only enemies in that game if the player wants them to be), Sonic Forces, Team Sonic Racing, The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog, and most of the IDW comics, along with the endings of Sonic X, Sonic Adventure 2, and Sonic Heroes. They’re allies for much of Prime as well. But hey, let’s break down the times they do fight:
Sonic Adventure 2: Shadow’s memories have been tampered with and he and Sonic are literally fighting over the fate of the world.
Sonic X: Same thing for season 2, and in season 3, they’re fighting over whether Cosmo should live or die. Sonic says killing her is wrong, Shadow says stopping the Metarex is what’s most important and if that means little Cosmo has to die, well, them’s the breaks, pal.
Sonic Prime: Sonic has broken their world, Shadow is trying desperately to save it, and Sonic is valuing the Shatterverse inhabitants over Green Hill.
IDW: Shadow says Eggman is too dangerous to leave alive and if that means Mr. Tinker has to die too, well, them’s the breaks, pal. Sonic says killing anyone is wrong no matter the reason.
You see a pattern here? Most of the time what they fight over is literally life and death. They’re not going at each other’s throats over petty bullshit like who gets the last slice of pizza or who gets to pick the film for Movie Night. They fight over serious moral differences. I would argue that Amy and Knuckles have gotten angry at Sonic for way less than what Shadow does.
Now, there are a few instances where their fights are stupid, namely Sonic Boom and Sonic Heroes. But I think it’s pretty universally agreed that Shadow is out of character in Boom, and honestly, all of the fights in Sonic Heroes are very forced. There was no reason for Team Dark or Team Rose to fight Team Chaotix; their goals don’t contradict each other in any way and it’s clearly just manufactured conflict to give the player another boss fight. And these are the exception; most of their fights are over serious ideological divides.
Those serious ideological divides are exactly what makes Sonadow so interesting. I personally prefer ships where characters can learn and grow from each other, where their differences can clash until they learn to reconcile them. I don’t find a ship like, say, Sonamy nearly as interesting because I don’t think there’s many (if any) moral stances Sonic would have that Amy wouldn’t. They already agree on the important things. I’m not bashing anyone who likes that ship; if that’s your thing, good for you. It just doesn’t appeal to me because I think Sonic and Amy already having a lot in common morally means they can’t really grow and change from interacting with each other in the same way.
Sonic can bring out the best in Shadow, teach him to trust others and lighten up and learn how to live in the moment rather than being tethered to the past. Shadow can teach Sonic how to think before he acts, to view the world more realistically, and to consider the impact that his insistence on moral purity will have on others. That setup makes for some amazing stories.
Also? These guys love fighting each other. They’re both athletes and very competitive. Look at how much they smile when they fight:
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Like…they love this. It’s so much fun for them. Sonic and Shadow are both competitive athletes who love pushing themselves, but in terms of speed, no one is any competition for them except each other. No one else can beat either of them in a race. Imagine spending your whole life winning so easily that there was no accomplishment in it, and then suddenly this guy comes along who’s actually as good as you or maybe even better. Finally you have a challenge and can really enjoy the feeling of being the best. That’d be amazing. They give each other something no one else can, and to me, that’s what good romances are made of.
And all of that is combined with the fact that Sonadow offers an Odd Couple setup, which is always fertile ground for fun, comedic situations that require opposite characters to work together. Plus the Enemies/Rivals to Lovers aspect, which adds a bit of “forbidden fruit” to the mix because we all know that the most tempting and appealing relationships are the ones that are Forbidden (TM). That’s literally the premise of Romeo and Juliet, people who aren’t supposed to be together but end up wanting to be anyway.
I wouldn’t want Sonadow to be canon, but I definitely enjoy exploring it in fandom. It’s a fun ship that offers a lot for a writer or artist to work with. And while I would never force it on anyone, I wish the criticisms of it weren’t quite so shallow and disingenuous.
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jimerlins · 2 years
Translated the alphabet used in STRAY
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NOTE: Mild Spoilers for STRAY. This album contains the chapter headings, so while it's not super-spoilery, it's still going to reveal some details if you haven't played it to that point yet!
My kid and I have been enjoying Stray thoroughly since it came out, and one of the things we both found fascinating is the language of the society in the game- you see it everywhere, in neon signs, in graffiti, and it really adds to the depth and mystery of this universe.
Both my kid and I are language geeks, me being a narrator and them just enjoying languages in general, so after I casually mentioned that I thought the in-game alphabet for the robots was probably an Aurabesh (Star Wars)-like letter-for-letter replacement of a Latin alphabet, we went to town on trying to figure it out. They mentioned they realized it was a replacement cipher when they saw the opening screen for the "Dead City" chapter.
Turns out that we were... mostly right. But not 100%. There IS an alphabet that's consistent. It's in the first image you see in this album. However, while we did find a lot of signs that were simply English, there were some that were Latin, and we think there might be a few in French (which would make sense, given that the developers are French).
But it gets a bit weirder. There's a bunch of symbols we simply don't understand because we don't have a good key for them. We started off with this one by taking screenshots of the chapter headings, which were subtitled in English, using those to get a few characters, then figuring out other characters from context. We've got nearly the entire alphabet solved now, but there's some signs with words using characters that don't have any correspondence at all to the ones we've deciphered.
However, nearly all of these are in the "dead" parts of the city, where there's signs in English, which could mean these are in Chinese or some language we don't understand, or maybe they're intended to be an earlier version of the language the robots in the city now use.
There's also some "cursive"-like versions of many letters which are more difficult to understand, so some of the signs are much harder to translate. There's even some where they mash ideograms together to combine them, which is also interesting.
So here's the alphabet key, along with a few images we've provided some captions for. Our working theory is that many of the posters are written in Latin (including some Lorem Ipsum!), then translated to the robot alphabet, but it's possible they're in other languages also. Because many of the textures have "damage" on them, it's frequently difficult to parse all the words, and it's also often hard to tell where spaces go.
But we figure if we put this out there, others can come along and improve on and add to it!
NB: The alphabet key is not totally complete; the letters X and Z are missing, as we still aren't certain of those ones. (Updated: Z and X are found, and image key updated!) Also, there's some variations on some letters, and it's possible we made some mistakes. But it works for translating many of the signs and posters. For the translations we used Google Translate, which is probably awful, but better than nothing.
NB Also: The chapter headings sometimes differed from the subtitle in yellow. Where it does, the deciphered text is in white. Where it does not, there's no white text.
If anyone can offer more accurate translations of the Latin passages, please do!
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theemporium · 4 months
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click 'here' to unlock the other boyfriends!
It was a well-known fact that Lando Norris was an affectionate guy. 
He couldn’t help himself, it was just something that came so naturally to him. From throwing himself onto his team after a podium finish to wrapping people in tight hugs, from tilting his head towards fans in photos to slumping against people in between long meetings when he needed a few moments to doze off. 
It was like his energy just thrived off of touch. He liked being around people, he liked being able to show them his appreciation and love because he was never really good with words. He liked being able to show the important people in his life what they meant to him—actions showing more than words and all that jazz. 
And he was pretty affectionate with his friends too, that was nothing new. 
But with you? Yeah, nobody was believing for a damn second that anything between you and Lando was just platonic.
You didn’t get it at first. You didn’t think he treated you any differently to how he did with his other friends. He hugged you the same way, threw his arm over you the same way, tugged you close the same way. He would lean his body against yours when he laughed a little too hard and his head would drop on your lap during movie nights, humming when you would scratch his scalp. 
But he did that with other people too. You weren’t anything special.
Except you were—it just took both you and Lando a stupidly long time to see what everyone else saw for months. And even once you spotted it, it wasn’t something you were rushing to tell the world. You wanted something to just be yours for a little bit—your little secret. 
You genuinely didn’t think people would even notice a shift in your relationship. You didn’t even think you acted all that differently from the months you and Lando were just friends, other than the bonus of making out with him at movie nights. 
“It’s been a while, chat. I’ve missed this.” 
Lando watched as the comments rolled in, filling up his screen so fast that he barely had time to catch more than a few words from each comment. And it was the truth. Streaming had become such a stress relief and easy pass-time in between race weekends. It was something simple and fun for him to do, to feel connected to the people who support him. In a weird way, it made him feel useful during his time off when there were no meetings to attend or data to review. 
It was something to do between training sessions.
“Hm, my plans? Mate, I just got off a triple header. My plans include moving as little as possible,” Lando said with an easy smile on his face, making no move to pick a game to play. There was no rush. “Although, I did invite—”
“Where’s my favourite P2 dickhead?!” 
His grin widened. “There she is.”
Lando turned in his chair, waiting a few moments as he listened to you drop your stuff by the door before you made your way into the room he was currently sitting in. You barrelled in, your smile almost as wide as his before you noticed the set up he had.
“You really invited me over while you were streaming?” You snorted, shaking your head but you didn’t have any complaints as you moved to sit on a couch near his desk. 
“No,” Lando whined as he reached out, his fingers wrapping around your wrist as he tugged you towards him. “I haven’t seen you in three weeks, it’s cruel to sit on the other side of the room.”
“Well, where else am I meant to sit?” You teased. “I keep telling you to get another chair in—-oh.”
You tried to hide your own surprise when Lando pulled you down onto his lap. It wasn’t the first time he had ever done it, and you highly doubted it would be the last, but he had never done it with so many people watching. 
He didn’t settle until his arms were wrapped around you, your body pressed against his before he practically nuzzled his face against your shoulder. “Better.”
Your face felt warm. “Someone’s clingy.” 
“I haven’t seen my best friend in three weeks,” Lando huffed, his brows furrowed together as though he was reliving the last three weeks. Between the races, training and media chaos, he barely had any time to himself—let alone time to talk to you. “Sue me.”
“Oh, he’s sassy and clingy,” you teased but didn’t say much else as you shifted until you were sideways on his lap, giving him a clear view of his screen. Your arm wound around his shoulder, your fingers twirling the curls at the nape of his neck. 
user: friends my ass, look at them!!
user: they are so cute!!
user: are they dating??
user: MY OTP!!!! 
user: clingy lando is the best lando
user: they are literal couple goals 
user: they are my fav ship 
Lando’s eyes scanned over the comments before he snorted, though there was something quite smug in his expression. “Ship? Like friendship? Aw, thanks.”
You rolled your eyes. “You’re a fucking menace, Norris.”
“Language,” he teasingly scolded, lightly pinching your hip just out of view of the camera but the squeal you let out in response told the viewers enough. “Gotta keep it kid-friendly in here. Max is probably watching from home. We can’t scar the poor kid.”
max fewtrell: too late for that, mate
You shook your head, lips pressed together to hold back your laughs. You shifted in the seat, like you were ready to stand up but his arms tightened around you.
Lando’s face softened. “Where are you going? Stay here.”
“I was gonna go make something,” you said with a soft laugh. “God knows you’ve probably not eaten a proper meal since you got back.”
“Eh,” he grumbled but he didn’t relent his grip on you. “It’s fine, we can order something. Just stay here.”
“I’ll only be in the other room,” you attempted but the boy wasn’t having it.
“No, I prefer you here,” Lando said, squeezing your body to punctuate his point. “And the chat missed you too. It would be rude if you left.”
“This can’t be comfy for you,” you murmured, your voice a little softer in hopes the microphone wouldn’t pick it up.
But Lando just grinned at you—that wide, huge grin that took over his face and made his eyes crinkle and sent a flurry of butterflies through your stomach. 
“You’re exactly where I want you, baby.” 
And you couldn’t help but smile back. 
user: BABY??????
max fewtrell: you’re such a fucking idiot 
max fewtrell: but happy for you guys<3
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iwendix · 2 months
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request: "hi! i'd like to see some kind of possessive and jealous harin x reader when harin saw reader got close to someone or when reader just want to make harin jealous by flirting with someone (like suji) to make harin gets jealous on purpose so theres a smut scene after that .g!p harin if its okay! pls consider my request if u have time. have a gday!!" | me: thank you, I hope you have a good day too!!🩷 btw, I wrote g!p for the first time and it was fun|
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: not proofreaded(probably misspellings, etc), smut with a little bit of a plot. g!p harin, jealous!harin, kisses, hickeys(marking), breasts play, possessive!harin, fingering, blowjob, dom!harin x sub!user, unprotected sex(don't do this in real life), rough sex, harin being harsh and rough but adoring, degrading/praising(harin teasing reader with vulgar and dirty words, but then speaks to her gently and lovingly).
𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲𝘀: you always understood why harin was so obsessed with the game and you knew that the game was very important for her, so you were never against it, and always supported her when she had any difficulties. you were infinitely understanding, but not infinitely patient, so your patience began to wear out when harin began to devote much more time to the game than to you. what's the best way to get attention from your jealous girlfriend? exactly, make her jealous.
game, game, game... everything always about game. It’s not that you’re incredibly needy or ask for too much attention, not at all, but you haven’t been getting even that lately. you snuggle to her, your hands carefully pushing under her shirt, you gently outline her ribs with your fingers and press your lips to her neck, whispering.
"harin... i missed you today..." you softly whisper in her ear, trying to get her attention at least s little. but she just hummed in response and nodded. she doesn't even try to pretend to listen to you, huh?
"yeah, yeah... i missed you too." harin said without taking her eyes off the screen of her phone on which the pyramid game app was open. you frowned a little and decided to go for more reaction from her.
"I'm going to go out with my friend tonigh." you said and fell silent, expecting a million questions about with whom, where and for how long.
"go out?... mhm, delightful we can go out tomorrow if you want..." the audacity!... she's not listening at all? she just listens to some few words from all the sentences and tries to answer so that you won't sulk at her.
"I'm saying I'm going out with friend" you say a bit louder, making accent on "with friends".
"oh. uh, okay? with doah, right?" now she sounds a little more interested but still not enough to your liking. you sighed in annoyance and pulled away, saying something like "forget it" and laying on the bed facing the wall. you like being in harin's house because you can spend more time together but harin just acting like this... with the growing feeling of disappointment you fall asleep, thinking about how tomorrow in school you'll take more serious and provocative measures.
the next day at lunch you sat down at suji's table, starting a casual conversation. you take a bite of the rice cake and a brilliant idea came to your mind. you reach into your lunchbox with your chopsticks, pick up a piece of kimbap and with as innocent as possible smile, hold it out to suji’s lips. for a moment you see how confused she got but her lips parted, letting you place the kimbap into her mouth.
"what do you think?"
"oh. It’s delicious, thank you.” suji says with a little surprised tone of voice, though, the kimbap is really tasty.
"really? I'm glad you like it. you know, I cooked it myself." you say proudly. It wasn't entirely true, of course, but who cared now? clearly not suji who only thought that it tasted really good. you were just taking another piece of the delicious treat with chopsticks and again handing it to suji, when harin noticed with a sideways glance that she had entered the school canteen. you had a hard time not letting your lips curve into a sly grin when you realize that everything is going exactly as you planned, because you noticed how harin is frozed at the entrance and her gaze is directed in your side. you smile again in the cutest way possible, continuing to act as if you didn’t notice harin’s presence.
"would you like a treat? i have some marmalade candies... they are not as sweet as you and not as soft as your sweet cheeks, of course, but still pretty good." you see how suji’s eyes widen in surprise or at how dumbfounded she is by your "incredible” flirting skills, but what matters — harin comes to your table and sits next to you, trying to act casually, unbotheredly, but you see how her hand clenching in fists.
"you never fed me like that." harin says, looking at your chopsticks with her empty gaze. though, you know this look to well, this empty gaze saying more than any words. but you just shrugs and keep going.
"suji-ah, do you want more?" you ask her sweetly and place some of kimbap onto suji's plate. after that you take a napkin in your hands, rise from the table a little and lean closer to suji. you gently touch the corner of her lips with a napkin. "you've got crumbs here. aw, such a cutie, i can help you."
you don’t have time to say another word when suddenly you feel harin’s iron grip on your wrist, and a second later she’s already dragging you through the corridor to the locker room, where she locks the door and pushes you against the wall, making your eyes widen and knocking a gasp out of you when your back lightly hits the wall. you see how the corner of her lips twitches and she bites the inside of her cheek, she literally eating you alive with her eyes.
"what the hell was that?"
"was there something?" you raise an eyebrow, playing dumb. you know how harin hates when you do this, because you’re not stupid at all and she knows it. but you just can't stop yourself, you're too pissed off by how she treated you yesterday.
"you know what i mean!... why did you do that, huh? why the hell did you get along with suji and be so nice to her? you've never even fed me like that!..." oh how jealous harin is... you even notice how she starts to sulk a little. she will probably remember this situation to you for a long time and will force you to feed her for a long time because you did it for suji today, so you should do this for her as well.
"maybe I was just being friendly? or maybe I was just trying to make friends? or maybe I'm just tired of being ignored?" you crossed your arms over your chest, leaning your back against the wall. your eyes are stubbornly directed at harin’s face, not ready to give in and look to the side. It's not your fault, why should you be embarrassed or worried?
"tired of being ignored, you say? ignored by whom? I constantly see how someone looks at you. do you have any idea how annoying this is to me? here is my girl, and everyone is looking at her... why? you're mine, i don't want others to stare at you." she starts out annoyedly, slmost angry, but by the end of the sentence she becomes a little thoughtful. harin is silent for a couple of seconds, and then you notice the playful twinkle in her eyes and the way her lips curl into a sly grin. now you're so close that you can literally feel her breath on you, and now you're literally pinned between the harin and the wall and you definitely won't be able to do anything about it. her gaze roaming over you from top to bottom and from bottom to top and you feel the tension subsiding a little, she adds teasingly.
"though, i shouldn't be surprised, should i? you're such eye candy, no wonder everyone is staring at you. hmm, my bad, baby, it's not your fault you're so beautiful for me that everyone wants to be with you."
you feel your body heating up, blush covering your cheeks and your thoughts slowly dissapearing. you wanted to tell her everything, to tell her how tired you are that she doesn’t give you enough time... oh, it seems that harin has tricked you again. what a devil, she knows how much you love such a sweet talking, and always uses it to get away with everything, always when she says something like that to you, you lose focus and completely forget that she, in fact, was at fault. or you forgot about it at least for some time, good for her too. you’re not sure how everything happened so quickly, but you catch yourself as harin sits down on a chair and pulls you along with her, sitting you on her lap. you gasp, her fingers already working on the buttons of your shirt, while you do the same, trying to take of harin's shirt. your girlfriend succeeds and within a moment there is no shirt or bra left on you, the cool air tickles your skin, making your nipples harden. you can almost feel her grinning as her lips wrapped around one your nipples, as she hears you're cute little gasps an moans. she feels your hands gripping her shirt, which you still didn't managed to take off. her tongue circles around your nipple, you feel harin sucking on it, as her hands roaming all over you body.she occasionally moves away from your chest, only to whisper about how beautiful you look now and how perfectly your body feels under her fingers.
"I feel how you trembling... isn't it funny? just a moment ago you were ready to scream and curse me, and now you’re trembling and moaning on my lap... I think you said you wanted attention, so I'll give you all the attention you deserve, baby"
harin's hands are on your hips, she starts to rock them against herself, making you feel her cock twitching in anticipation through the thin fabric of her pants, amd you feel like you're falling apart in her hands. every touch, every brush of the skin and every grind she did... it's just too much.
"such a pretty little thing you are...you only want me right? mm, you begged for attention from suji so much today that you made me worried. you're mine and mine only, remember? my girl is too good to want anyone else, isn't she?"
her hips make a few light thrusts, again letting you feel how hard she is for you, just the thought about it makes you wet. you want more: more friction, more touching, more attention. you move your hips with upset hmpf, clearly displaying how needy you are for her. you grinding against harin’s thigh, leaving a little wet spot on it through your already soaked with need panties. a satisfied smirk appears on harin's face.
"such a needy girl, all wet just because I let you sit on my lap. it's almost embarrassing. although..." she paused as if thinking about something and then added. "although I love you for how needy you are . I feel powerful because of this, you know? and what could be better than to have power over such a lovely girl like you?"
your cheeks getting warmer, blush spreading across them and you want to say that you feel shy when talking to you like that, but she interrupts you with a kiss. her lips cover yours, and her hand lets go lower, lifting the elastic band of your skirt and panties with her fingers, you feel her fingers pushing apart your wet folds, toying with you and you gasp into her lips. she uses this moment to shamelessly push her tongue into your mouth. you can’t hold back your moan and, and without think you pull away a little, which makes harin have to hold you by the waist, not letting you slip off her lap. your hips already twitching from time to time begging harin for something more significant and she pushes one finger inside you, now unable to hold back a moan either. she breaks the kiss, her lips immediately falls to your neck, she leads a trail of wet kisses along it and occasionally you feel nibbles on your skin and hear harin whispering “mine” into your neck. the movements of her finger are so slow that you feel as if she is deliberately torturing you, just waiting for you to beg... and you will.
"harin, please... more... faster..." you mutter and tilt your head to the said, giving her better access to your neck.
she hummed in agreement but didn't speed up even a bit.
"what exactly you want, hm? tell me and i might consider granting your wish..."
"I want more than your fingers..." you mutter in embarrassment, which only makes the grin on harin’s face grow larger and you feel her dick twitching under her pants, but she is far more patient than you are.
"aww, baby wants me inside? why wouldn't you just say that?" she teased and pushed one more finger inside, moving just enough to make you burn with desire. "if you can't say what tou want, ride my fingers. i think you should earn your treat, after all, you upset me today. or is this too much for you as well? or do you just want someone else? imagining how suji could fuck you, Is that why you were so nice to her? you're such a slut, what a pity... didn't I teach you manners?"
It seems that now you are overtaken by the consequences of your decision to “tease” harin and make her jealous. of course you didn’t want suji, you didn’t even like her, but there was no point in making excuses, the best thing you can do — listen to her. you start rocking your hips up and down against her fingers, moan left your lips, and you speed up, at least, to the pin when you still can maintain balance on her lap. she watches you fuck yourself with her fingers and the previous frown gradually disappears from her face.
"you try so hard to improve, it's almost funny. my sweet girl, doing so well for me, aren't you? just a little more... i want you nice and stretched for me, just how i like you."
she bited her lower lip, this picture where you on her lap, fucking yourself with her fingers, all so needy, guilty, and out of breath, but still so wet, making a mess on her palm. and your eyes covered with a veil of desire and lust. just too much for her to bear, her pants feel painfully tight. harin cursed, her fingers pulling out of your drenched pussy, she lifted you up, making you just stand on the floor and told you to pull her pants and boxers down, and that's exactly what you do. her cock standing proudly right before you, hard from arousal and already covered in precum. you can't help but almost whimper at this view.
"on your knees, baby. being on you knees and sucking me — perfect place for such an attention-slut."
such dirty words, but somehow they make you wet even more, to the point where your slickness slowly flowing down your thigh. maybe because you know that she doesn't mean it seriously, or maybe because you just into this. anyway, you kneel before her. your lips open slightly, you outline the head of her cock with your tongue, licking ans tasting her pre-cum and then you slowly wrap your lips around the shaft. your head moving up-and-down in deliberate motion, and you hear harin's gasp. you trying to take more of her into your mouth, and her hand finds it's way to your head, digging her fingers into your hair, squeezing and pulling it when your lips wrapped around a particularly sensitive part.
"aww, what is it, baby? can't take more?" she teased, her fingers dig into your hair, not painfully, but so that you feel her control over the situation. it's even comforting...
"wanna help? my adorable girl, can’t cope at all without my help, can you?" for a moment her hand lets go of your hair, moving down to your cheek to stroke it. you just look so adorable kneeling in front of her, and how your cheeks suck in when you suck her off and your eyes are full of desire and devotion for her.she gently strokes your cheek, at the same moment your tongue circles around her, you manage to take half of her length, making her moan. you’re really making this difficult for harin, she really wants to “help” you. and she will, she can't hold herself back anymore. her hand finds its way into your hair again, squeezing it, controlling your movements and speed. she forces you to take her entire length, you can feel the head of her cock pressing against your throat. it becomes difficult to breathe but you hold on, trying to please her.
"what is it, dear? too fast for you, huh? hold on a little more... just... fuck!... a little longer..." harin moans and bites her lower lip, it’s just feels too good when you take her all, she loves to feeling when you almost choking on her dick, but still so eager to please her. she loves the look on your face, your teary eyes. your tearful eyes and your hands resting on her hips is all that is needed for her to reach her peak and pour right into your mouth, pulling away at the last second, letting her cum fall on your chest. you feel her release in your mouth and the way it sliding down your throat. you try to swallow, but you only manage to swallow part of it, the rest rolls down your chin and neck in droplets.
"you're such a dummy, baby... didn't I say that you should swallow everything?" harin said in scolding tone, her voice sounds sincerely sad. like she was really upset that you didn't swallow everything.
"I tried to swallow everything, okay? it's just... you know, it was a lot..." you mutter, pouting a little.
she sighed but nodded, you see that she is not upset with you, really, just a little sad but she won't hold it against you. harin tells you to get up and gently pulls you by the waist. she sits, so when you stand up to your full height she has to bend down just a little bit to see your needy cunt. she can't help but hum in delight when she sees you dripping, even the inside of your thighs is already all wet.
"you're so much wetter just because i put you on your knees and you sucked me off? so pretty... you love my cock so much you would beg me for it, wouldn't you?"
all you can do — nod frantically. she wanted her attention abd you getting it. she pulls you even closer, tempting you to sit on her lap. you lower yourself onto her, your hand goes down to your pussy, and you grope harin’s cock and bite your lip, fighting the urge to jerk her off. you point her shaft straight to your pussy and it smoothly slides into you. you moan, you feel so full and stretched, this feels so right, as if being here with harin and shamelessly taking her in school locker room is what you actually exist for. she lets out a satisfied moan, her grip tightening on your hips as she enjoys the sensation of her cock reaching your cervix. she leans forward, nipping at your neck, her teeth grazing your skin as she thrusts harder and faster.
"that's right, feel me deep inside you. fell the attention you craved so much." she growls, her voice filled with lust and pleasure as she feels how tight your pussy is. "feel every inch of me, baby..."
her hips drive into you with furious intensity, the angle allowing her to hit your most sensitive spots with precision. the pleasure builds within you, the intensity growing with every thrust. notuch timepassed before you feel orgasm crashing on you, making your legs tremble. harin climaxed right after you, her warm and stiky load feeling you up.
you are both trying to catch your breath, finding something very comforting and soft in being like this: messy, but so close and happy. you feel harin's hands gently wrapping around your shoulders and her head dropping onto your shoulder.
"i love you" pause "though, don't even think of getting close to someone else."
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suzukiblu · 7 months
Day twenty-six of fic NaNoWriMo, obligatory sugar daddy Tim/sugar baby Kon AU.
Kon takes the bag, then peeks inside it with a puzzled little frown. Tim, again, makes a note to buy him more stuff. Kon is gonna expect presents every time he sees him, by the time he’s done with him. Because Kon deserves nice things and also–well–
Well, actually . . . okay, it’s not actually going to be necessary for Tim to get Kon a present every single time he sees him, admittedly, just . . . well. He wants to, he guesses. Wants Kon to feel valued for once in his fucking life, since as far as he can tell no one has ever actually gone to any effort whatsoever to make him feel like that. Like–ever. Not even once. 
If Tim maybe spoils him a little in the process, well–that’s only balancing out the bullshit, isn’t it? 
“Oh,” Kon says, his eyes widening a little in surprise before he frowns in confusion. Tim continues to notice the eyeliner. It’s just a little bit smudged, like maybe Kon’s still learning how to do it right, and it’s also low-key triggering an emotional crisis in Tim’s entire fucking everything, to be honest. “What's . . .?” 
“I mean, it’s a couple of things?” Tim says, suddenly feeling incredibly awkward about his gifting decisions. Choices. Choicisions. “I don’t know if it’s very, uh, romantic, but . . .” 
“‘Romantic’,” Kon repeats in the exact same awkward way he did “flowers”. Tim only doesn’t curl up and die by sheer force of will. 
“Yeah,” he says. Kon stares at him for a long, intent moment, then looks back down into the bag and pulls out the fat little plastic bag of Hawaiian-import gummy candies on top of it. Tim will take any excuse to get calories into him at this point, even if it’s just candy. Chocolates probably would’ve been more date-appropriate, but when he was looking for popular Hawaiian candies, these ones kept coming up. 
“I haven’t seen this brand in months,” Kon says, looking bewildered. “I didn’t even know they sold it on the mainland.” 
“They do not,” Tim says, trying not to look embarrassed. “I ordered it online.”
And also paid for expedited shipping to make sure it’d get here on time. 
“Oh,” Kon says, his cheeks turning just a little pink as he ducks his head and smiles again. Then he glances back down into the bag with a puzzled little frown and tilts his head. “. . . is that a Switch case? What’s that for?” 
“Because there was too much packaging to make you lug around all night but putting a loose Switch in there seemed like a bad idea,” Tim replies reasonably. It’s the Lite, because he still doesn’t know if Kon has either a TV or any real space for one in his room, so Kon can’t possibly worry about it being too expensive like he did with the phones. And even if it weren’t the Lite, it’s still not the OLED, so he thinks he’s doing a great job with the self-restraint, personally. 
“You got me a Switch?” Kon says. Tim continues to not know how to explain how much money he intends to spend on him, so just shrugs.
“Just the Lite. I got you the turquoise, since it doesn't come in green. And an online subscription, so we can play together,” he says. He hasn’t dug his own Switch out in a few months–too much else to do–but he figures if doing that gets Kon to accept the gift and gets him closer to apartment/cul-de-sac territory, it’s not exactly a burden. “I wasn’t sure what kind of games you were into, so I got a few different ones. They’re all in the case, it’s got interior pockets.” 
“I–you–” Kon fumbles a little, then turns red again. “You really wanna play together?” 
Tim wants to throw a lot of people off a lot of roofs. Hard. Just so hard. 
“Yeah,” he says. “Of course I do.” 
Kon gets even redder and shoves the candy back in the bag, looking away. 
“Thanks. That'd be, um–cool,” he says. “Uh–ready to go?” 
“Uh, there's one more thing in there, actually,” Tim admits, a little embarrassed by said thing but also not wanting Kon to miss it and accidentally throw it away later. It's silly, but . . . he doesn't know, he'd just thought it was kind of cute or whatever. 
Maybe “cute” isn't really a Kon thing, but he seemed to like the goat okay, so . . . 
“There is?” Kon peers back into the bag, then digs in through the tissue paper with a curious frown. “What's–oh. Huh.” 
He pulls out the chunky little plastic figure at the bottom of the bag and blinks at it. It's a Superboy toy, not because Tim was deliberately looking for a Superboy toy to give him but because the coincidence when he'd tripped over it had just seemed–fortuitous, he doesn't know. 
“It's a Duplo toy,” Tim supplies. “I mean, it was licensed so I assume you got paid for it at some point, but the set it's from came out while you were off-grid and I don't know how much your manager ever kept you in the loop on those things anyway, plus you said you didn't know what Duplo even was so when I found it I figured you didn't have one. The actual set came with, like, a few different hero characters, but it's sold out and I don't think they've done another run. I just found that little guy being sold solo on eBay.” 
“You got me a toy of myself?” Kon asks, giving him a wry look. 
“Superman's looked stupid,” Tim lies, because he would sooner burn his wallet than buy Superman merch at this point, never mind that he knows the money all goes to either various accredited charities or the Justice League. “Though I guess Supergirl's or Steel's would've been okay. I don't really know how close you are to them, though.” 
“I would say ‘not at all', probably,” Kon says, turning over the toy in his hand and peering more closely at it. “‘Duplo'? So like . . . the kid toys you were talking about at the museum?” 
“Um, yeah,” Tim says. “I mean, you don't really own any childhood stuff, right, so . . . I don't know, I figured why not?” 
“You're a Gothamite, man, you should've gotten me Bat toys,” Kon says, ducking his head with another smile. “Batman wouldn’t approve.” 
“Batman's just an urban legend,” Tim pretends to believe. Kon laughs.
“Please, that's just what you guys say to cops and tourists,” he teases. 
“I can neither confirm nor deny that statement,” Tim says. “Or make any comments on how incredibly inaccurate any nonspecific bat-themed superhero toys that've been commercially produced may or may not be.” 
“Oh yeah?” Kon asks, laughing again. It's that still-unfamiliar bright laugh that Robin's never gotten out of him, and Tim feels some very weird ways about it. Like. Several very weird ways. Many very weird ways. So many. 
Fuck, he's in deep here. But that's not news, so whatever. If Tim had ever once in his life gone to any effort whatsoever to avoid trouble he wouldn't be Robin and Bruce would be an even more vengeful and unhappy asshole who never talked to Dick and probably the Joker would be dead, which would admittedly be a single specific improvement but otherwise would suck. Like, really suck. 
Tim is gonna be a supervillain someday, yeah, but that's a rational decision that he's deliberately making, not a “driven by personal trauma and tragedy” grief response. And Bruce would be absolutely miserable as a supervillain, anyway, plus he'd never be able to convince Dick to go for it and then Dick would have to fight him and it'd be awful and Alfred would never make any of them post-patrol cookies again, which would immediately make this the worst possible timeline. And then someone would have to go trick the Flash into fixing it all and–look, it'd just be very complicated and unnecessary. So being Robin is just a better idea all around, really, and also saves the timeline from any speedsters happening to it. 
“I just thought it was cute, I don’t know,” Tim says. “He’s got his little earring and leather jacket and stupid smirk, what can I say, I was endeared.” 
“‘Endeared’, huh?” Kon says with a grin, holding the little figure against his chest. 
“Oh, downright smitten,” Tim deadpans. Kon laughs again. 
“Nerd,” he says in obvious and unexpectedly fond amusement, which reminds Tim of him telling him to kiss him in the department store changing room and gives him a little bit of that whole cliché “butterflies in the stomach” rush. Or possibly batarangs, from how they feel. They might be batarangs. He forces himself to not look weird or sappy and just shrugs. 
“Maybe,” he says. “Anyway. Now I’m ready to go.” 
“Where are we going?” Kon asks curiously, and Tim smiles at him. 
“Somewhere nice, like I promised,” he says. Kon snorts, but doesn’t do anything to hide his own pleased smile. 
“Sure, whatever,” he says as he drops the Duplo figure back into the gift bag, still smiling. “Keep your secrets and lead the way, babe.” 
“I can do that,” Tim says, and then reaches out and catches Kon’s free hand to hold while they walk, lacing their fingers together. Kon turns red again and really smiles at him. His hand still feels too-soft and immeasurably strong, even though Tim knows for a fact that the TTK does more heavy lifting than Kon’s actual muscles do, or even can. No matter how the Kryptonian physiology is or isn’t coming in, the TTK is always gonna be stronger, Tim’s pretty sure. It’s not like it’s not going to get enhanced by the yellow sunlight absorption and the process of Kon’s physical maturation too, after all. 
But anyway, more importantly, he finally came up with a date idea he thinks Kon might like, so . . . 
Well, if Kon doesn’t like it, there’s backup ideas. But–he thinks Kon might like it, at least. It’s kind of weird, but so is Kon and so is he and so are their lives, and also there’ll be a gift shop to buy him stuff at. 
Tim is going to buy out that gift shop if Kon actually likes this date. 
Once Kon's done making fun of him, anyway, which he is definitely gonna do when he realizes what Tim is about to use a fake ID to do. 
. . . maybe he can just pretend to be eighteen, actually. Kon never did read that report he wrote up for him; he doesn't have any way to know how old he actually is. 
Eh, no, that's too weird and also would be annoying to remember without an associated cover. Fuck it, Tim will just live with the teasing, he guesses.
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storiesfromafan · 1 year
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A/N: Back with Part 2! If you haven’t read Traitor, please do :) Hope this one lives up to what I wish it too. Haha. There will be a Part 3, just not sure when it will be up. As I haven’t started writing it yet. Been in a bit of a writers burnout.
Feel free to comment/message me with idea’s or anything.
Pairing: Mattheo x Fem!Reader Ravenclaw
Out of all the season’s Spring had always been your favourite, Mattheo recalled as he found himself out in a small field of wildflowers, that was a reasonable distance from the castle. It was a spot you both had spent every free moment at in Spring together. But now he was here alone, no you by his side. And it was his own responsibility you weren’t, for he ended it with you over four months ago. He had done it for the right reason, saving you from his father. From getting hurt because of him. Saving you from his darkness. Yet he missed the light you brought to his life. He missed who he was with you.
Brushing his fingers over various wildflowers that surrounded him, Mattheo recalled their individual names. Such as oxeye daisy, lesser celandine, cow parsley, dandelion. The last one being a mix of yellow flowers and the seed heads, most commonly picked and blown, its white sprouts flying off into the sky. A past time you enjoyed, claiming to make a wish with everyone. Nearly everything in his everyday routine and life reminded him of you.
When someone would say his name. Mattheo recalled how you would say his name; be it when you were happy, sad, angry, scared, breathless, sleepy, laughing. Or when he flirted with Anna. He remembered the first time he flirted with you, you had either been oblivious to it or playing hard to get. Because he knew you liked him, as he liked you too. You’d been a bit of a challenge, but in the end you both won when you got together. He hadn’t known anyone like you, still didn’t. He knew there would never be another you. He was glad about that. There was no one like his Y/N…or rather was his Y/N, he had to remind himself of that a lot.
Maybe, it's the way you say my name
Maybe, it's the way you play your game
But it's so good, I've never known anybody like you
But it's so good, I've never dreamed of nobody like you
You had come into his life during a hard time. His father and the Death Eater’s had been plotting and planning their next move and possible future moves. His father had been continuously hard on him, and only getting worse. The expectations he had to live up to were great, greater than anyone his age. But then there was you.
And I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime
And I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine
Meeting you at a Ministry party that he attended with Lucius and Draco. Your father putting the three of you together. You all knew each other, or rather knew of each other, rarely your path’s crossed. There were a few classes together, but Mattheo had never talked to you. But he was glad he had been placed with you, for talking to you was a breath of fresh air. You treated him and Draco like any other student. You tried to make conversation, and he tried to return it, which you were grateful for. And from there it only became more. Once back at school he seeked you out, making time to chat with you. Talking turned to flirting, and flirting led to dating. Then you became his Ravenclaw beauty, then Ravenclaw Princess after you helped him through so many spiraling moments because his father.
Mattheo picked one of the dandelions with the fuzzy white seed heads, bringing it up and examining it. He never saw the fascination you had in the weed. It didn’t hold any real beauty like a rose, but it had a unique quality.
'Cause I'm in a field of dandelions
Wishing on every one that you'll be mine, mine
He recalled the first time you’d both came to this spot. You had named the wildflowers before laying down on the grass, the wildflowers surrounding you. He thought you look breathtakingly beautiful; you were made for wildflowers. From how your soft locks sprawled out around you, to the content smile that graced your tempting lips.
Then there were your eyes. Your bright E/C orbs staring up at him, a warmth and admiration shining in your eyes as you looked at him. It brought a soft smile to his lips, as you returned his smile. In that moment Mattheo felt comfortable, at ease from how your warmth brought him happiness.
And I see forever in your eyes
I feel okay when I see you smile, smile
Mattheo slowly twirled the dandelion between his fingers, as the memories crossing his mind of you reminded him of what he missed. Silently praying he had kept you by his side. Anger slowly began to build, anger at himself for hurting you. But he slowly let it go, reminding himself over and over it was to save you.
Wishing on dandelions all of the time
Praying to God that one day you'll be mine
Wishing on dandelions all of the time, all of the time
I think that you are the one for me
You. The brightness in that darkness of his life. The tether that kept him grounded. The one who showed him compassion and love, knowingly or unknowingly. You were everything to him. You were the one for him...but he couldn’t allow that.
The memory of the Yule Ball came to Mattheo’s mind. The first time he’d seen you dressed like the Princess you were. The dress you’d had chosen to wear was the perfect shade of F/C, fitted your frame perfectly with a skirt that flowed to the floor like water. The neckline was tasteful and the straps just thick enough and perfectly adjusted against your skin. Your neck and shoulders were on display, as your hair was up.
'Cause it gets so hard to breathe
When you're looking at me, I've never felt so alive and free
When you're looking at me, I've never felt so happy
Mattheo, watching you walk towards him, left him speechless. And with some tempting thoughts. Upon coming to stand before the Slytherin male, the bright smile you gave him caused his heart to skip a beat. This beauty before him had chosen him. You took his arm, while greeting him. The happiness and pride Mattheo felt as he led you into The Great Hall, eyes looking at you both, had him standing taller and confident.
That night you had both danced the night away; be it a formal dance or when the Weird Sisters took over the stage, and you both just let go. Mattheo was able to let go, a night to be free. You were just as free. Laughing, dancing and showing Mattheo attention. From dancing together, holding hands or little kisses. He had wished that moment could have been forever.
And I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime
And I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine
'Cause I'm in a field of dandelions
Wishing on every one that you'll be mine, mine
Being the gentleman that he was, and wanting every possible moment with you, Mattheo had walked you back to the Ravenclaw house door. During the walk you had both tried to take as long as possible. First taking a long route to the door, walking slowly, taking moments to appreciate paintings or sculptures on the walk. Anything and everything to make this moment together last.
And I see forever in your eyes
I feel okay, when I see you smile, smile
Eventually you made it to your destination. You both looked at each other, neither wanting to unlock your hands from the other. Mattheo brought his hand up to brush some of your framing hair behind your ear, before cupping your cheek with that hand.
“You look so beautiful tonight” he said softly, eyes locked with your own.
“Yes...you already told me that” you replied just as softly, scared if you were any louder it would break the moment.
Mattheo smiled. “I know, but you deserve to be told every minute of every day how beautiful you are”.
Those words of his made your breath hitch, before shakily exhaling. These were the moments you treasured. The reassurance of Mattheo’s feelings. He might not speak of his feelings for you, but words like this, with the looks he gave you, spoke louder than anything.
Moving closer, Mattheo finally dipped his head down and captured your lips with his. The peck was soft, testing the waters. Pulling back, he looked to your eyes, and seeing the joy and restlessness in them, he went in again. This time he was firmer, tongue coming out to run along your bottom lip for permission. You didn’t waste time, opening your mouth to him. Mattheo took the lead, his tongue dancing with your own, in a breathtaking kiss. You both could feel how the other felt.
Pulling back when air was needed, you both watched the other with a blissful smile on your faces. Mattheo continued to caress your cheek as you watched each other. But time was fleeting, and you both had to part ways. With one final peck to your lips, Mattheo stepped back, his hand leaving your cheek.
“Goodnight Princess” he said softly. “Till the morning”.
You nodded your head, “goodnight, Theo”.
Reluctantly you turned from him and stepped up to the Ravenclaw door. Briefly you stopped and looked over your shoulder at him. He gave you a cheeky smile and a final goodnight, and you then passed through the door. It closed with a small noise. And Mattheo was left alone, but he felt on top of the world.
Tossing the dandelion from his hands, Mattheo scrunched up his face at the weed. How silly it was the believe making a wish on the weed would come true. It was childish. Yet you did it. You believed in it. You had confided in him that once you’d made a wish on the weed, asking to do well in Snape's class once, for the potion you’d be making was tricky. And you had managed to not ruin it. So, it became almost a ritual of yours, making wishes on weeds.
Wishing on dandelions all of the time
Praying to God that one day you'll be mine
Wishing on dandelions all of the time, all of the time
Looking at the dandelions around him, Mattheo contemplated taking a page from your book. But then the rational side of him told him too not be stupid. So, he turned from the weed and back to the school in the distance. But the curiosity of making a wish crept up, and with a sigh Mattheo picked another dandelion.
He glared at the weed, silently telling it to work. Drawing in a breath, he blew the white fuzzy seeds from the weed, and thinking ‘I wish my father doesn’t hurt her...’
Dandelion, into the wind you go
Won't you let my darling know?
Dandelion, into the wind you go
Won't you let my darling know that?
Mattheo put everything into that wish. He didn’t want anything to happen to you. He wanted to keep you safe, from his father...and from him. With what was to come, he would wish on every weed on the grounds if he had too. If anything happened to you, Mattheo wouldn’t be able to forgive himself.
I'm in a field of dandelions
Wishing on every one that you'll be mine, mine
Picking another dandelion, he intended to make the same wish, hoping to make it come true. But before he blew the fuzzy white seeds, you came to mind clearly. And as he released his breath, freeing the seeds, he found himself wishing to see you right then.
He watched the seeds float up in the sky, dancing from the breeze before floating off back towards the castle. For a moment he watched them float before disappearing, and an approaching form came into his line of vision. As they got closer, Mattheo’s breath caught in his throat, as he saw who it was. You. If his wish had been answered so soon, would his first wish come true too?
When you drew closer you finally realized your spot had been taken. For sitting there among the wildflowers was the last person you wanted to see; Mattheo. The look that crossed your face was sour, which Mattheo saw. You went to turn around and head back to the castle before he got up quickly, calling your name.
“Y/N! Wait” Mattheo called standing a meter behind you.
You looked over your shoulder, “what?” You spat.
Mattheo sighed. “You...you can have the spot” he said softly, looking down at the ground. “I was going to leave anyways”.
He walked around you slowly, and once he was five steps from you, Mattheo stopped before turning back to you. You had been watching him the whole time, studying him closely. You noted the sullen look upon his face, how his eyes lack any shine and how he seemed to have no fight. He was a shell of himself, like you had seen time and time before.
“Are you alright?” You found yourself asking, not thinking. For he was meant to be the bad guy.
Your question caused his heart to ache. Even after all he had done you still asked if he was alright. You may not entirely care, but still took time to ask him. Sighing Mattheo looked away from you. Unsure how to answer you. He didn’t want to lie, nor did he want to upset you. Damned if he do, damned if he didn’t.
“I’m...okay” he breathed, trying to convince himself. “Things have been...hard lately, with home”.
You nodded. “Understandable” you said softly, watching his every movement. Not fully believing his words. For there was truth but also a bit of skirting around it.
Silence took over after that, the spring breeze picking up in that moment. You watched as the breeze tossed Mattheo’s curls around. How you had missed combing your hands through those curls. It was something Mattheo had enjoyed; it soothed his mind and relaxed him. The temptation to do it now growing strong, for the boy before you were in turmoil. You shook your head at the thought of being close to the one who broke your heart.
You had thought it was the breeze playing tricks, but seeing his moving lips showed it was Mattheo who spoke. “I’m sorry” was what he said softly, almost missed by your ears.
At first you were shocked by his apology, followed by a small warm feeling in your chest. Before it died and a slow burn of anger began to take hold of you. How could his words make up for everything? How could he so bluntly say sorry.
“Excuse me?” You questioned, tone a little sharp.
Mattheo looked to you, and seeing your reaction to his words, he was shocked. He had hoped it would have helped. “I’m sorry” he repeated turning to face you. “I didn’t mean to hurt you like I did”.
You blinked a few times, blood slowly coming to a boil. “How can you just say that?” You questioned a little loudly. “How does apologizing make up for what I’ve been through?”
Valid questions Mattheo noted. “It doesn’t. But I want you to know that I am sorry-”
You scoffed. “Yeah right. The Mattheo Riddle I know would never say sorry. He might show it, but never openly apologize”.
He frowned. “That is true, but I wanted to put it into words. I at least owe you that”.
“You owe me nothing! Nor do I want it!” you yelled, hands clenching. “You hurt me. Simple as that. And for that I don’t want your apology. So, keep it”.
Mattheo nodded his head. “I deserve that”. His face fell, eyes looking at the ground. He looked so weak.
You took a step back. Taking in his demeanor. You could see cracks of how effected Mattheo was. You wondered how long before it would shatter. The want to hold him, run your fingers through his curls while telling him that he was alright, was strong. And though you didn’t want to, you decided to say the next words.
And I see forever in your eyes
I feel okay when I see you smile, smile
“It’s alright” you sighed. “I don’t entirely forgive you, but I half accept it” you said watching his face.
Hearing your words, Mattheo’s eyes snapped to you. His dull brown eyes, now shinning with confusion, looked right into your E/C orbs. He could see how unsure you were in their reflection. But with it was a small familiar look; admiration. After all he’d done, you still admired him. Part of you wanted him to apologize but majority of you wanted to punch his pretty face.
“You do?” He choked out. “Why?”
Your face softened, thinking over his words. “I won’t lie. I was hurt. I was angry” you looked him dead in the eyes. “But what has it gotten me? Where has it gotten me? It has left me bitter, and it’s gotten me no where”.
He nodded his head slowly.
“So, I’d rather accept some of it than nothing. Because I look back at our time together and I know I was happy” you said fondly, memories coming to mind. “You made me happy Theo. And I would love to see you in as much agony as me, but part of me still hates to see it”.
“Just part?” Mattheo said with a small smirk, trying to lighten the moment. Which you softly smile at.
There might be so much, good and bad between you both, but some familiarity was there. As well as some closure. He said sorry, and you believed me meant it. You had half accepted his apology, which lightened Mattheo’s worries.
You both continued to stare at the other. Unsure what to say, or what to do. But you were the one to break eye contact when you turned, planning to take the spot Mattheo had been occupying. He looked at you, mind thinking so many things. But the one thought screaming to him was your safety. He had to make sure you were safe.
Wishing on dandelions all of the time
Praying to God that one day you'll be mine
Wishing on dandelions all of the time, all of the time
“Would it be strange if I asked you to stay away from Hogwarts next year...to not come back?” Mattheo was unsure but voice a little panicky.
You turned back to him, confusion on your face. “Huh? What are getting at?”
Mattheo moved from foot to foot. “Next year, don’t come back to Hogwarts. I can’t say anything...but I need you to be safe”.
You studied the Slytherin, unsure if he was pulling your leg. But his eyes told you he was serious. “Answer me this; will you be safe here next year?”
He shook his head. “Probably not”.
You gave a short nod. “Then I can’t promise you anything. I will be here next year, no matter what”.
Mattheo’s heart ached at your words. Not what he had hopped. But you were honest. And he didn’t give you a reason why not to return to school. He just hopped you wouldn’t be in the cross fire of what’s to come.
With that, you took your spot amongst the wildflowers while Mattheo took a moment watching you. He was taking in the sight before him, putting it to memory. With it all said and done, Mattheo turned from you and started to head back to the castle.
He wasn’t sure what was to exactly come. But he would make sure, as best to his abilities, that you would be safe from it all. Mattheo needed you to be safe, for no harm to come to you. Be it his father or him, you would be safe.
Tags: @iheqrtaustin @ash-whimsicalfanfic
I'm in a field of dandelions
Wishing on every one that you'll be mine, mine
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tw1l1te · 3 months
The Final Promise₊˚✩⊹
Chapter 8
Linked Universe x reader
Warnings: depression, angst, mentions of mental health, some fluff
Sky tucks you in, placing another small cushion under your head to take a bit of pressure from your back, but it doesn’t relieve much pain.
“Need anything?” he asks, cradling your hands in his, so gently as if he was scared of hurting you more. You shake your head.
“Stay?” you ask.
He nods, a small smile on his face. He makes his way to the other side of the bed, slipping off his boots that he put on earlier. He wasn’t exactly dressed for the day when he experienced all of the commotion, so he was already in his sleeping tunic and pants.
Slipping under the covers, he faces you, examining your features for any possible open wounds or signs of discomfort.
“I can hear you panicking over me, Sky. I’m fine. Sore, but fine.” you say, glancing at him.
“You’re all good. Just don’t want you to be in even more stress, hell knows we don’t need more of it.”
You were both silent for a while. The only sounds being the occasional grunt from you or shuffling in the covers.
“What’s home like for you?” Sky asks.
Well that came out of the blue.
“What do you mean? Like in general or my life?”
He props himself up on his elbow, like Twilight did last night, but you shoo the the thought away quickly, not wanting to think about making out with your traveling partner.
“I guess more so your life. What’s it like, at least most recently?”
You think for a moment.
“Well, I go to school, college as they call it. I live in an apartment with my roommate with a dog and a cat, god knows how they even stand each other. I work at a bakery when I’m not in school, which is ran by my aunt. She’s kind of the only family I have, other than my pets, I guess.”
You smile before continuing, “Its nice back home, I miss it. Despite my past… i’m doing pretty ok right now. I hope to introduce you guys to my life someday, if its possible.” 
Sky smiles at that, “That’d be nice. I’d love to meet your aunt, she sounds kind.”
Another beat of silence.
“What about your parents?”
Sky notices your wince at the question, “Sorr-”
“It’s fine. They’re not around anymore. Weren’t the best towards me. That’s all.” you mumble, wanting to change the subject.
He nods, but something is off about his demeanor. He seems… upset. 
“Sky, hey, they’re not around anymore, they haven’t been since I was 15. It’s long in the past.”
He grasps your hands tighter, “But the fact that they treated you terribly, regardless of how long ago, is still horrible. You… didn’t deserve that. I wish I knew, so I could-”
“There’s literally no way you could’ve known, you could only barely hear me when I only played the game, much less hear me outside of it. Stop blaming yourself Sky, you carry so many burdens with you that shouldn’t be there in the first place.” your voice stern, but not because you were upset with him.
“It’s hard not to. I mean, I caused the curse to begin in the first place, consequently placing the burden on everyone else. In a way, it… is my fault.”
“You were young, Sky. You didn’t know, or ask for it. You can blame yourself as much as you want, but I saw what happened, and it wasn’t your fault.”
You both stayed silent for a while, processing. 
“Thank you.” 
“Don’t thank me for telling the truth, Link.”
When evening rolls around the others wonder where Sky is, prompting a few of the members to come upstairs, anticipating the worst.
They find you asleep on Sky’s chest, hands grasping each other.
“Ok, what animal do you think you’d be? I’d be a big ass shark!” Wind exclaims.
“Language.” Wind just rolls his eyes.
“I think I’d be a fox: sly and cunning.” Wars states. 
“More like flirty and you hiss.” Twilight mumbles, earning a choked giggle from you.
“Says you! You’d probably be a mountain goat!” he exclaims, hand on his chest dramatically.
“You’re actually not far off, an Ordonian goat.” he says, smiling.
“Oh, shut up, cowboy.”
“Hmmm… I think I’d be a swallow or maybe a sparrow.” Sky mumbles, deep in thought.
“Suits you, birdbrain.” Legend says, sarcasm lacing his tone, Sky just shoots him a bored stare.
You roll your eyes, turning to Time, “How ‘bout you, Old man? Any ideas?”
He sighs, “Maybe a wolf, protective of family and travel in packs. Loyal and cautious.” 
You raise your eyebrow at him, turning to Twilight with a smile. He shrugs back at you.
What a coincidence. 
You turn to Legend with a teasing smile, “You’re definitely a rabbit. All bark, no bite.”
Legend guffaws at you, “H-How did you- why I’m offended Y/n! Really supportive of you, Mouse.”
You just laugh loudly, but it quickly follows with a sharp pain from your back, causing you to hiss with pain. The group around you gets silent, anticipating.
“Ah, ouch! Fucking ow- guys I’m fine, just laughed a bit too hard. Anyways, Wild? How about you?” you ask.
His expression still worried, he hesitates before answering “I-uh, I don’t really know. Never really thought about it.”
Hyrule pipes up, “I don’t know about you guys, but I feel like I’d be a goat. Not Ordonian, maybe more like the ones we saw in Hateno Village.”
Hums of agreement go around the group.
“Personally, I’m with Sky on the Sparrow. Probably because I’m part Minish.” Four says, crossing his arms while leaning back. He looks at you, “And, Y/n? What about you?”
All eyes were on you, anticipating your answer.
Just as you were about to answer, Legend beats you to it “Easy, a mouse. Ain’t that right, Mousey?”
You squeak in surprise, face bright red.
Legend just hums in satisfaction, leaning against the wall, “Told you, a squeaker.”
You just look at him, eyes wide. He just gazes at you, eyeing you like a predator.
The silence was unbearable. If you weren’t covered in wounds and bruises, you would’ve sprinted out of the room. The awkwardness tension was suffocating.
“Are you guys done drooling?” Four asked.
The next minute all you can hear was yells directed at Four and Wind dying of laughter on the floor.
The next couple days were agonizingly slow. All you did was lay in bed, change your bandages, or talk to the group and occasionally Malon. You felt so guilty for everything that had transpired the past few days for her, apologizing profusely every moment you were with her. She didn’t want to hear any of it.
By the end of the fourth day, you were finally able to stand up and walk downstairs, granted you were leaning on Wars the entire way down, almost falling face first halfway down.
“Look! Mouse is up!” Wind exclaimed, running to you and hugging your unoccupied arm to not put pressure onto your back.
“Seems like I have a new nickname, huh?” you chuckled, ruffling his sandy hair. 
“How are you faring, Y/n?” Time asked, arms propped on the dining table. He looked tired.
You gave him a small smile, “Better, still really sore, but couldn’t be in that bed any longer, my ass was deflating.”
Legend coughs, “Can’t be flatter than Cap’s.” earning him a smack on the head from Sky.
You rolled your eyes for the millionth time, “Anyways… How has everyone been lately? I know things have been pretty shaken up around here the past few days.”
“Before ya go on apologizin’ and all, don’t. We don’t know who did that to you or if not someone, what did that to you.” Twilight said, voice stern.
You nodded, accepting his statement.
“But besides that, we’ve been alright. Mostly doin’ work around the ranch for Malon. She’s out in Castle Town right now.”
Time stands up from the chair, looking at you “Which is why now is a good time to talk about our next steps.”
Everyone sits down around the table, Wars helping you sit down without hitting your back in the process.
“We’ve been here for a little under a week and so far there’s been no news or updates on either the Shadow’s army or Y/n’s passageway home. Although the serenity for once is nice, it feels too serene. Too ideal. I want to say something is going on behind the scenes, but I don’t have any proof to show for that.”
Wars nods along before joining in, “I too have felt that way. It’s unlike for the Shadow to leave us like this for almost a week. It feels too convenient for us, especially since Y/n’s incident. Do you think he hurt Y/n to distract us?”
Time thought for a moment, eyes focused on the vase on the table.
“No. No, I don’t think it was to distract us, or not in the way you’re thinking. From what I’ve noticed from our battles with him, he needs to regenerate health over time to get back to his full potential again. He isn’t invincible, but he seems like it when we encounter him because he’s had time to heal.”
Legend sits up.
“So why don’t we ever track him down whenever he’s healing and finish him off? We could’ve been done with this bullshit so much sooner!!” 
Four shoots him a look, Legend just quietly seethes in his chair.
“Pardon my language, but it’s practically impossible to track that fucker down. From what we’ve seen with the portals, he disappears through them, and we don’t have a way of summoning portals or knowing when or where they went.”
You nod along, things were starting to click together.
“All I’m gonna say is that the Shadow is definitely not who I encountered in my vision, dream, or whatever the fuck it was. I thought that’s who it was, but…. It’s very unlikely that it’s him.”
Time looks around the group, “Right, well, there’s not much we can do right now. My guess is that a portal may show up somewhere around here in the next few days to a week, so we should always be ready to leave. You never know when it’ll open back up, even in the middle of the night.”
You groan, “Why do I have a feeling that’s what’s gonna happen.”
You look at Twilight, “Twi if we have to leave at two in the morning, you’re carrying me.”
He raises an amused eyebrow at you, “Is tha’ right? You the boss all of a sudden?”
You smirk. “I’m the only woman in the group, so yeah. Plus… you wouldn’t wanna upset me during shark week, would ya?”
Twilight’s smile dropped, ears flushed. Everyone just stares at you, wide-eyed.
Wind high-fives you. You had them wrapped right around your finger.
The chain and you were currently sitting on the couch and floor, just talking and laughing over jokes while Wild and Sky cooked in the kitchen. You sat in the corner of the couch, a pillow propped up behind your back and a blanket wrapped around your form. You were half listening to the boys’ conversation when the topic of birthdays came up.
“When’s your birthday, Y/n?” You snap back into the conversation.
“God, I haven't thought about my birthday in ages! I have probably missed one since being here. My birthday is in the late winter, though our idea of seasons and months are different from Hyrule's, so I can’t pinpoint the day,” you smile sadly.
“So you’re… 19? 20?” Hyrule asks, counting in his head.
“I think I’m 19 right now, but I’ll be 20 soon.”
Wind jumps up, “We’ve gotta celebrate! Birthdays are like the best time of year! Other than the Winter and Summer festivals.”
You look at Time, “Yeah, maybe when things settle down a bit. To be honest I don’t even know what to do or how to celebrate my birthday here.”
“We could always celebrate it during one of the upcoming festivals. It'll be easier to plan and there’s plenty to do.” Time offers, looking around for responses. Everyone agrees, already discussing what they think would be fun for you.
“Dinner’s ready!” Wild shouts out, ending the conversation and starting a new one. Twilight holds your arm to walk you to the table, your legs still shaky from the lack of physical activity the past few days. He sits you first, then slides into the chair to the right of you. You feel his hand slide into yours, giving it a small squeeze.
Legend follows you up, arm under your armpit in case you lose your balance. It was his turn for watch over you, the routine being almost natural at this point.
“Easy, Mouse. We don’t want you opening up those wounds again.” he mumbles, checking over your back. Satisfied with the lack of blood, you both continue back to your room, him shutting the door behind him. It must have been past midnight, as you could feel your tiredness approaching you.
You climb into bed, too lazy to change into comfier clothes, as that could risk reopening the stitches again. Wincing, it takes you a few minutes to find a painless position, as you can’t fully lay on your back.
Once you’ve settled, you notice Legend is still standing by the door, watching you.
“You… do know you can sleep with me right? You don’t have to stand there watching me.”
He seems to snap out of it, shaking his head slightly.
“Right, uh, sure. Need anything before I turn the lights out?”
You shake your head, patting the empty space beside you.
He sits on top of the covers, fully clad in his tunic and robes, even in his pegasus boots. He was staring at the wall across from you both, seemingly deep in thought.
“Rupee for your thoughts?” you ask, it has taken you a while to switch up the terminology from “penny” to “Rupee”. The first time you said the phrase, it took a lot of explaining on your part.
Legend seems to take a breath to speak, but instead stays quiet. Almost as if someone told him to not talk.
You inch toward his hand with yours, lightly holding it. It was ice cold.
“You do know I’m here for you, right? Whatever it is, I’m here for you Leg.” you murmur, not wanting to trigger anything for him.
“Forget it, I’m fine. Just rest, Y/n.” he rasps, eyes still not meeting yours. This was unlike him. You’d like to think you’ve both grown to trust each other over the past year or so, so you weren’t sure as to why he’s being close off and snarky about it.
“Leg, are you sure-” “Leave it, Y/n.” he grunts, his entire body goes tense, you pulling your hand back towards yourself. You could feel your eyes burn, so you lay down and lie on your side, facing away from him. Your tears silently spilled from your waterline until you fell asleep.
The next time you were woken up, Wild was shaking you by your arm, “Y/n wake up. Portal at the edge of the farm. Start getting ready and someone will be up in a few to help you pack up.”
He quickly jogged out, leaving the door open. You could hear Malon talking to someone. When’d she get back?
Eyes bleary, you noticed that the spot where Legend was sitting was empty, covers not even pulled down. Seems like he left the first chance he’d gotten. 
Wincing a bit, you hobble out of bed, heading over to where your pack lay on the dresser. You managed to pull on your tunic over your long sleeve shirt. Your pants were on just as Wars came into the room, looking disheveled for the first time in your time with them.
“Make sure you put your harness on, we might be dropped into battle.” he rambles, eyes flicking over the room, making sure you didn’t leave anything.
You were too tired to talk, silently tying your pack up and slinging it over your shoulder. Wars helped you adjust the chest harness, being careful to not squeeze your back too much.
“Ready?” you nod, “Alright, let's start heading out, it’s almost dawn.”
“Wars? Are you ok?” he seemed off, he was always composed, strictly business you once joked. But now was no laughing matter. You were worried for him. All of them.
He just smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. 
“Just tired, Y/n.”
He rarely used your name except if he was being serious or if he was worried.
Before you could keep pestering him, he pulled you along the hallway and down the stairs, helping you down the stairs like he usually did. Everyone was already awake, packing last minute and putting on clothes and armor. 
Twilight looks up from his boots, fastening the buckles around the calf.
“There ya are, was worried ya were still asleep. All ready?” he walks up to you, placing his hands on your shoulders. You nod, yawning. He chuckled, giving you a small kiss on the crown of your forehead, “Don’t worry, pumpkin, we’ll make up for yer lost sleeping hours as soon as we can, ok?” You were too tired to react to the physical affection, just nodding into his chest.
You could feel Legend’s eyes on you, but you couldn’t deal with him right now. Avoidance was definitely not the best thing to do right now, but everyone was on a time limit to get to that portal.
Malon walks up to you, “Before you say anythin’, I’m gonna miss you too and stop apologizin’.” You chuckle, “You know me too well, Mal. I’m sorry we have to go so soon. I’ll miss you.” She smiles sadly. She brings you into a warm hug, mumbling into your ear “Just be safe, Y/n. I know how dangerous it is travelin’ with ‘em. I fully trust Link, I just don’t want you to be reckless and get hurt. Look after him for me?” she asks, voice slightly cracking.
“Of course Mal. Anything for you.”
“You’re too kind for this cruel world Y/n. I hope you come back soon, under better circumstances perhaps.” 
“I’ll be back before you know it. Ok?”
She lets you go, talking to Time about being careful and giving him the whole talk on “don’t be too hard on them, be careful”, the usual. Once that was done, Malon waves you all off, you walking through the field towards the portal. It was dark and imposing, standing amongst the fauna and flora of Lon Lon Ranch. You walked with Twilight, firmly grasping his arm.
You both walk in, hand in hand, the others following behind you through the murky purple abyss.
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or0ch1maru · 5 months
headcanons for playing just dance with the akatsuki members? 💃
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This is honestly fucking hilarious and I’m the perfect amount of buzzed for this
I can’t stop laughing at imagining how this would actually go
Also, I haven’t played just dance in years so if I make a mistake in anything, let me know and I’ll edit it🫶🏻
•would be the type to forget to tighten the strap around his wrist, the remote going soaring when he swings his arm too hard. Bonus points if it hits another member or breaks something
•doesn’t play fair. AT ALL. Will knock into his opponent or shit talk to the point it distracts them
•I can see him being the type to play this game drunk, not buzzed, but drunk. His movements over exaggerated and sloppy. He thinks he’s doing amazing but in reality he looks like a fish out of water, flapping & flailing around
•he would rather give up all his money before playing something so ‘stupid’ and ‘childish’ and that says a lot lol
•would sit off to the side, watching as his comrades play and enjoy themselves. Just because he’s a grouch and doesn’t let loose like they do, doesn’t mean he’ll ruin their fun
•I can see him disappearing and hiding in his room to avoid Hidan’s constant begging and whining. He knows deep down Kakuzu would eventually give into him, even if it’s only to shut him up and Kakuzu doesn’t want to ‘stoop to that level’
•omg, she’d be so good at it. Her movements smooth and languid. She doesn’t look out of place at all like Hidan does, moving as if she was a natural dancer
•ends up racking up the most points by the end of the game, beating everybody she plays against. Her focus controlled, even when up against Hidan, who tries to knock her knee out
•isn’t ashamed one bit, not even if the dance moves displayed come off corny to others, ignoring the chuckles of her mates as she copies the choreography
•at the very beginning, he’d be shy. His movements stiff. His hands barely leaving the sides of his body as he copies what’s displayed on the screen
•would totally be flustered, cheeks red and an awkward smile plastered on his face as he feels all the eyes of his teammates on him as he dances
•it’s not until he’s like 5 drinks in, feeling a decent buzz when he finally lets go and dances like no tomorrow. Not giving a shit if he messes up
•the team cheerleader. Claps, cheers, and shouts as he encourages his mates to keep going.
•even though he’s skilled on the battlefield doesn’t entirely mean he’s a good dancer. With how big he is, his movements are erratic, taking up most of the space in front of the tv, and ends up knocking into his opponent a few times
•doesn’t care about points or winning as he’s simply enjoying bonding as friends and family. Knowing he’d cherish this moment forever
•just like Konan, his movements would be smooth, but also sharp and precise
•I also believe he’d be a little apprehensive at first, not because he feels like he’d embarrass himself or anything, but because he hasn’t been able to relax and have fun in a long time, having to grow up so early in life
•ends up having the time of his life, coming in second to Konan, and having a celebratory drink to commemorate his small victory
•would be an absolute clown about everything but truthfully, making everyone’s night even better
•I think he’d be shy, just like pain, but once he gets over it, would have a lot of fun. Focusing on the dance moves as much as possible even though he ends up missing a step time to time
•would take FOREVER trying to pick a song, I feel like he’d chose something by lady Gaga or Rihanna. Something fun and upbeat
•honestly, I think he wouldn’t participate. Would linger and watch the others as they play. Taking post in his favorite spot in the wall or on the arm of the couch
•black and white Zetsu would be going back and forth between the two of them as white Zetsu wants to play but black Zetsu doesn’t. Ends up giving in and sitting aside the whole night
•would sneak back later once everyone has gone to bed or passed out drunk to play by himself
•would also think the game is ‘stupid’ but after a drink or two would be the first one with a remote in his hand, ready to dance
•once he gets in the zone, his mates all agreed he had a natural ‘talent’, not better than Konan or Itachi, but close to it. What his mates don’t know is that he comes into the living room to play time to time when nobody’s home
•when he’s not playing, he makes sure his friends have what they want or need. Snack, another beer, etc
•nervous baby for sure. At the beginning that is.
•When he wins his first match, beating Kisame in a landslide, that win, gets to his head. Ends up cocky and taunting everybody, only to lose his next match to Hidan.
•definitely flamboyant and extravagant with his moves. Almost hit Hidan in the face before his loss. Curses when he drops the remote. Completely forgot to even slide the strap on his wrist, which gave Hidan the chance to succeed
•at first, they’d simply enjoy watching and observing their team as they play and have fun. For some reason I can see them writing things down for their research. Something about how bonding is essential for security and happiness in a friend group
•orochimaru would be enjoying the drinks more than the game, drink after drink to help unwind, realizing how much they truly enjoy being around others compared to being stuck in the lab all day
•would play a round or two towards the end of the night for the hell of it. Using the excuse of ‘it’s for my research’ instead of coming clean about their real reason. They wanted to experience the fun but they’d never admit that
I had lady Gaga’s, heavy metal lover on repeat while writing this. I love her and I feel like a handful of the akatsuki would too🫶🏻
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earthtoharlow · 7 months
Teach Me: Sugar and Spice
Series Masterlist
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Ariel rolled over in bed and groaned softly. The last few days she had been feeling nauseous. Jack had to even pick her up from the school early because she had gotten sick in the restroom. At first she figured it was just the flu but now on day 4 of feeling sick, she wasn’t too sure.
She looked over and saw that her glass of water was empty but she didn’t have the energy nor strength to go down to the kitchen to get more. Jack couldn’t do it because he was currently gone as he was at the studio.
Just as she found the strength to get up she immediately jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. Ariel had barely got to the toilet in time before she threw up everywhere.
Once she finally got it all out of her system, she stood up and went to the medicine cabinet to see if she had anything to soothe her stomach.
As she was rambling through the cabinet, a cold chill ran through her body at the sight of an unopened pack of tampons.
She couldn’t remember the last time she had her period. Any other time she wouldn’t think much of it as her period was normally irregular but with the way she’s been feeling lately she knew something was up.
Ariel closed the cabinet and looked at herself in the mirror. Before she had gotten sick she had noticed her body felt different, she couldn’t figure out what it was. If she really is pregnant then that would explain why.
She turned to the side to get a different view. Ariel could be imagining it but her stomach did look a bit rounder.
Like most women she always dreamed of becoming a mom. She likes to think that she became a mom the day she met Jayla. Once officially becoming her mom, she didn’t even think of having some of her own. Now that she could possibly be pregnant, she was scared shitless.
And she still had to tell Jack.
“I’m telling you dude, she’s acting weird.” Jack said as he leaned back in the studio chair, nervously biting on his toothpick.
Urban was quiet for a moment before speaking, “Well, did your dumbass make her mad?”
Jack just glared at him. “No! I can’t even remember the last time we argued. Literally everything has been great.” He thought for a minute trying to think if anything had changed in the last couple weeks. He had been working more lately. Finally writing songs for himself and not other artists.
“She probably feels neglected? I haven’t been home much. Maybe she just misses me and doesn’t know how to tell me?!” Jack said, biting his lip nervously.
“Hm, maybe you should—“ Urban couldn’t even finish speaking before Jack jumped up suddenly from his chair. “Imma go home.” Jack said as he started grabbing his things.
“I gotta plan a date night. Something crazy, huge display of my love for her…”
Jack ignored him as he had a phone pressed to his ear. “Hey, how soon can you guys deliver flowers?” Urban heard him say as he watched his best friend rush out the door.
All Urban could do was shake his head but smiled knowing that Jack had a huge surprise waiting for him at home. He pulls his phone out of his pocket to warn Ariel.
“The eagle has left the nest.”
Ariel giggled as she made sure everything was in place. She was so nervous but stupidly excited. As soon as she got to their shared bedroom she heard Jack call out to her, she covered her mouth to stay quiet. Not wanting to ruin the surprise and waited for him to find her.
Jack rushed through the door with flowers in his hands. “BABE! I’m home” he yelled and quickly kicked off his shoes. He frowned when he didn’t hear a reply back. Closing the front door, he stopped in his tracks when he saw a note taped to the door.
“Welcome home, baby! Let’s play a game. Kick off those new balances and go find your glasses for your first clue.”
Jack smiled reading the note, and took long strides to his office to find the first clue, it didn’t take long to find the next note as his glasses were sitting right on top.
“Woo hoo, You found me! Go to the kitchen and find the bottle of bourbon and then text Urban for the next clue. Ask nicely, or he might not come through.”
Jack immediately pulled his phone out to text Urban as he made his way to the kitchen.
“What is she planning?” He texted first, and rolled his eyes when he saw Urban read the message but didn’t respond.
“Ok, fine. What’s the next clue?” Jack wasn’t surprised when Urban texted him back quickly.
“Drinking this will help make you…”
“Huh?” Jack says out loud, just as he was about to text Urban back, another message came through. “It rhymes with Hocus Pocus, you idiot!”
A lightbulb went off in his head as he walked to the food closet and found his cases of Phocus with another clue on top.
“I can’t wait till you find me so I can give you some lovin’ but first I think something is baking in the oven.”
Jack’s eyes furrowed slightly as he closed the door of the closet and walked back towards the kitchen to open the oven door. He smiled wide when he saw a donut bouquet similar to the one he got her many moons ago on Valentine’s Day. He placed the donuts on the counter and read the note attached to them.
“You’re almost there! When you wear this everyone stops and stares with a gasp. To put me on, just fasten the clasp.
His Kentucky chain was his first thought as he quickly climbed the stairs to his dressing room where he kept all his jewelry. On top of the jewelry box was what he assumed was one last note. “To the best husband..”
Jack opened the letter and his breath got stuck in his throat as he read the next line. “…and soon to be a father of three.”
He turned around when he heard movement behind him, Ariel was standing behind him holding an ultrasound, happy tears streaming down her face.
Jack spoke first, “You’re…?” Ariel nodded.
She began to get nervous when she noticed his face start to turn pale. “Jack?”
Jack shook his head so the color could come back to his face, and he rushed over, lifting Ariel up in the air in excitement.
“JACK!” Ariel sequels holding on to him tight as he spins her around. He finally places her back down on the ground. Jack grabs the side of her face before giving her a big kiss.
After pulling away, he drops to his knees and places a hand on her stomach. “There’s two babies in there.” He said, sounding choked up.
“It’s crazy, huh?”
Jack simply nodded and pressed kisses all around her bump that the average person could hardly see.
“Thank you for making me a mother again.” Ariel said with a happy sigh, and she ran her fingers through his curls.
Jack who was still on his knees, placing feather light kisses on her stomach, squeezed her tighter. Again was the key word. After all these years together, hearing Ariel talk about Jayla like she was her own will forever warm his heart.
“I love you, I’m so happy we get to go on this ride together.” Jack said getting to his feet, Ariel wrapped her arms around his neck.
“3 down, 5 more to go.”
“There’s no way in hell 5 more are coming out of me”
Both of their blissfull laughs rung through the air as they enjoy this moment together
AN: DOUBLE THE TROUBLE!!!!! Hope you all enjoyed this let me though your thoughts
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honestlyboringperson · 11 months
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Real World Characters from the AI Au!
I wanted them to look and feel older!
Dreamworld Version
Everyone is one year older, with Homura, Sayaka, and Kyoko being 15, Mami being 16, and Nagisa being 11.
Homura has been a shut in for 1 year, only coming out to hunt wraiths or to go to school, something she seldom does.
Because of this, Homura has a different reputation than her one from the last timeline.
Homura never wears Madoka’s ribbons as she doesn’t want them to get damaged and they remind her of her failure.
The ribbons are kept in a small wooden box.
Mami and Sayaka are a team duo, although Mami has become more closed off about her problems and still puts up her facade.
Sayaka missed her chance to confess so she is focusing solely on her magical girl duties to cope with being a “zombie” in her eyes.
Mami has to force Sayaka to cleanse her soul gem
She has pushed away both Hitomi and Kyousuke, despite Hitomi trying to reconnect.
They haven’t met Kyoko yet.
Kyoko is a pickpocket from Kazamino. She is relatively the same from the last few timelines.
When they do meet, Kyoko and Sayaka are at the height of their opposite ideals so they outright hate each other.
But after seeing the amount of self loathing Sayaka has and seeing herself in her, Kyoko slowly begins to open up.
They gain a sense of security around the other and soon they gain their Rebellion relationship, fighting often and butting heads but still caring a lot about the other.
Mami is distant but somewhat caring towards Kyoko.
Both Mami and Kyoko don’t interact often. They both regret the past a bit and although Kyoko acts somewhat condescending and antagonistic, deep down she doesn’t want to make the possibility of reconnecting impossible.
Nagisa is somehow, still alive. After the death of her mother, she has been staying with some relatives who don’t particularly care nor notice her. She’s a lot more gloomy than usual.
When you do meet her, she is quiet and melancholy but when you begin to spend more time with you and she joins the team, she becomes much more closer to her canon persona.
During this time she still reads tragic fairy tales and novels.
She becomes quite close with Mami.
You throw her a late 11th birthday party when you all get close enough. She is gifted a fixed and washed Mimolette (her doll) in a new outfit as well as new clothes that actually fit her.
Due to her not being Charlotte or being from the law of cycles, she isn’t particularly fond of cheese. She actually is kind of avoidant of it due to the association with her mother.
The game takes place during spring break.
The “final duet” sequence is Homura remembering the times with Madoka and her friends and choosing to not run away from the truth.
The bad ending has her lock herself in her house and never come out, shattering her soul gem when it reaches too much impurities. As the ending song plays, the sky changes like Omori’s bad ending and the final shot is Homura in her bed, with her soul gem shattered on her chest.
The neutral ending/Hikkikomori route has her stay indoors and ends with her back in the hospital as she stopped using magic to heal her body causing her heart issues to spike again. The ending is simply the sound of the electrocardiogram beeping.
The good ending is photographs of Homura’s life with her friends with Madoka’s ribbons in her hair. Scenes include celebrating Nagisa’s 12th birthday, Playing in the arcade with Kyoko and Sayaka, enjoying tea with Mami, playing with Tatsuya, studying with Sayaka and Hitomi, attending Kyousuke’s recital, and finally graduating from middle school.
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zer0wzs · 1 month
hihihi!!! i love ur work sm!! would u possibly write something about ryro :-) something fluffy like cuddling or something ^_^ thanks!!
[ gn!reader ] if an evening with him is what you want, it certainly is what you'll get wc :: 647 ryro x reader
AN :: hii!!!! this is my first ever req here omg!! i hope this ok thank u so much ure so kind ^_^ 🫶 um if there are any typos ill correct em later HAHA im sleepy T-T
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Needless to say, you missed him.
Crap, if you had to be honest, you’re almost certain that you spent a significant part of your day just wanting to be with him.
Who could blame you, though?
You’re sure that anyone who has ever had the privilege of knowing, loving him could never be the same ever again. You’re sure you aren’t. He’s changed you—you reckon for the better.
Your whole day was a miserable waiting game. From the moment you set foot outside your bedroom (Ryan was still out like a child.) to the final moments of your trip back home, all you could do was just wish for time to take itself more seriously and pass by faster.
Like a bored high schooler in their math class, you’d been watching, waiting for the seconds to count down.
Needless to say, you were impatient.
Finally, you reached the footsteps of the door. You find yourself haphazardly going through your bag for your keys and making multiple attempts at jamming it in the door. Patience. Patience is something you lacked, clearly.
“Oh, hey, babe. How was your da-”
When you got the key in and opened the door, without thought—almost like instinct, or perhaps just an overwhelming need, your body kicked your shoes at the entrance, locked the door, and dashed to Ryan, who was sprawled out lazily on the couch. Heedless, you stay put, resting on top of him.
“Oof.” He buzzed with his small chuckle that filled rooms up. He immediately pulled you further into his arms, then carded his fingers through the strands of your hair.
“Are you okay?” You feel a sense of worry laced in his words.
You hummed. That was enough for him to know that you were alright. Clearing it up, you mumbled into his shirt a soft, “I just missed you.”
Not missing a beat, he replies, “I missed you too.”
For a few moments, both of your eyes are glued to the TV.
You find this whole moment you’re sharing at least a little funny because, parallel to the two of you, Ryan was watching Goodfellas. In fact, what was playing as you two were cuddled up was the spider scene.
More than distracted, though, you looked around the living room and saw Elwood and Dottie snuggled up against each other in a similar fashion to you two.
While out of concern, you already knew the answer to your question and yet asked, “Has Dottie eaten yet?”
“Mhm.” He answered, nodding.
Maybe you just wanted some attention. No, you knew you did. “What about Elwood?”
“Yes, dear.” He laughed, bringing a hand up your cheek and squeezing it. Seems like he knows it very well himself, too. “Have you eaten anything yet?”
“Mmmmmmm.” You buzzed, smiling at him—be it a mix of both giddiness and guiltiness.
“Ahh,” he clicked his tongue. “I haven’t either. Come on, I’ll make us something.”
As you felt him bring the both of you up, you made a quick effort to stay put on the sofa. “No.” you pouted.
“Hmm?” He replied, turning his head to the side in slight confusion.
“I wanna stay like this first.” You said, wrapping your arms around his waist as tight as you could as you buried your face in the crook of his neck.
It’s not that it felt like he’d disappear if you let him go. Like, he would—only to make you guys some food. It’s just that you’re just really fucking clingy, and you wanted his touch and full attention all to yourself right now.
But what’s the harm in that when he assures—more like enables—you?
“Alright.” You feel his smile radiate above you, brushing his knuckles with a feather-light touch against your cheekbone.
Yeah, you both know you’re both all to each other right now. What’s the matter with a little bit of indulgence?
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thesunshineriptide · 2 years
Hello fellow nerd, Og stories anon here,
Poor Riddle taking the story to heart. Rook being the only one not upset over the story. But i was thinking what better way for Idia to find out about our version of mythology than through the game Hades. Finds it a work plays it and starts asking Yuu questions about mythology
Book anon! Good to see you! Yeah so I bought the game and played a bit of it because I’ve heard good reviews and also because I honestly had no idea what was in this game/how it related to irl mythology so sorry for the delay but that’s why! Also Idia would love/hate this game
The Black Parade
Characters: Idia Shroud, Yuu, Ortho (mentioned)
CW// talk about death, kidnapping(?), Mythology, spoilers for the game Hades and potentially for twisted wonderland and Hercules by extent?
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Idia has been playing this game intently for two hours. His face hasn’t moved a muscle in several minutes as he beats at a brimstone, only to get stabbed in the back again and respawn back in the lobby.
He groans and leans back, throwing his hands up, “I don’t get it. There’s no winning this game! It’s rigged.”
Yuu held in a laugh, being his personal life audience.
Ortho chirps from his phone, “Big Brother, search results for Hades ending indicate-“
“No!” He yelps, turning off his phone, “No, thank you, Ortho. I want to get there myself.”
Yuu stopped trying to hide their amusement, giggling wholeheartedly at Idia.
He turned and pouted comically, “Why are you laughing? A-am I doing it wrong?” Fear managed to worm its way into his expression, eyes going wide, “Wh-what is it?”
Yuu shrugged, shaking their head, “It’s just kinda funny, that’s all! And-“ they stifled down a giggle, “You’re so worried about min-maxing that you’re missing the conversations with the side characters. How else will you activate god mode?”
He stared at them, “You’re joking, right?”
“No, God mode really is a mechanic of this game.” They hummed, leaning forward, “You gotta talk to Skelly to get it, though. You’re just running around fighting the monsters.”
Idia huffed and nudged them away from his laptop, “Yeah, yeah, okay smarty pants. Well what else do you know?”
They leaned on his shoulder, earning a bright pink blush as he stiffened under their touch. He leaned away, hands shaking.
“Well, Zagreus is pretty interesting. There’s some early mentions of him as the ‘highest god’, on equal footing as Gaia herself. Then some say he’s the Orphic Dionysus, or like, the OG version of him. Then later, some suggested that he might be the son of Hades and Persephone, or possibly just another version of Hades? It’s not super clear.” They watched as Idia finally went toward Hypnos, clicking on him for text.
“Okay,” he said, eyes flicking to Yuu for a second, “And what about this guy?”
“Hypnos? He’s not mentioned a lot,” they replied, “But he is mentioned a few times. Once, his son Morpheus saved him from the clutches of Zeus after he defied him. I think it had to do with the Trojan war. That’s where the story of Achilles comes from, by the way.”
Idia stopped what he was doing, staring at them with wide eyes, “Kay, I was joking before, but you actually know all this stuff? You might as well be a walkthrough for this stuff.”
Yuu smiled at him with pride, still watching his game, “This Hades must be pretty different from your world’s Hades, huh?”
Idia shrugged, “I dunno, ‘s not like he’s around to ask. But our Hades definitely wasn’t this…” He trailed off, mumbling something to himself before finishing with, “this much of a drag.”
Yuu smiled and nodded, “He’s honestly kinda different from the myths too. And I still haven’t seen Persephone, which makes me wonder.”
“Hmm? What about Perseph-who’s it?”
Yuu went wide eyed, “Wait, you don’t know about Persephone?”
Idia shook his head, and after a moment of silence turned from the screen to look at Yuu. They were staring at him in shock, and not really the good kind either.
“What’s so important about her?”
Yuu gulped and huffed out a sigh, “Well…” they racked their brain to think about how to explain it. “Okay, just pause the game, there’s some videos we need to watch.”
After watching all of these videos, Yuu was finally satisfied.
“So your guys’ Hades is just like, a chill dude with a dog? Sounds kinda lame.”
Outside, a moment after Idia’s statement s finished, rumbled thunder. Low and dark and long, as a sudden thunderstorm overtook the building. What’s worse? It caused a power bump that ended up crashing Idia’s game.
Yuu started to giggle again, “Sorry, Hades.” They said to the open air as Idia stared.
“He isn’t dead?!” He asked incredulously, “This world’s Hades is still alive?!”
“Why wouldn’t he be?” Yuu asked innocently.
“Hercules drowned him in the Styx! Everyone knows that!” Idia cried, pacing around the room before beginning to pray to Hades in apology because oh god oh fuck.
Yuu didn’t have the heart to tell him that they couldn’t be sure if the gods were alive or not, but they simply found the immediate thunderstorm funny and we’re cracking a joke. But who knows?
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firsttarotreader · 7 months
Hi, mami! Could you do a reading about what kind of husband Pedro would be he if wanted to get marry? There would be any difference if it was with a man or a woman?
Hello! I asked the cards your question, but this is obviously just hypothetical, since we respect his decision to stay out of relationships. The first pull was the Knight of Spears, 8 of Hedgehogs and 7 of Teacups.
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Knight of Spears means he would possibly be a very straightforward husband, prioritizing the truth above all, very assertive and no nonsense, emotionally honest and not one to play mind games. 8 of Hedgehogs points to him being the husband who puts in the work, not a quitter, someone who works on his emotions and thoughts on a daily basis. Very practical and understanding that things take work and time to build up (remember when he said he didn’t have time to date because he would to dedicate himself to the relationship and nurture it? That’s it). 7 of Teacups shows us he would be a very creative husband, always full of ideas, sometimes too many, so imaginative and always ready to reinvent himself and the relationship.
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The second pull was the 3 of Teacups, 5 of Teacups and The Emperor. 3 of Teacups means he would be a very affectionate and fun husband, who would enjoy social gatherings and parties. Since not everything is perfect, 5 of Teacups points to him potentially struggling to see the positive side instead of the negative in some situations. He might get carried away with pessimism and the feeling that something is always missing, one way or another, in himself or in the partner. The Emperor, as usual, shows up representing his dominant ways. He’s leadership, power and stability. He is gonna be structured and firm, and he could take over an “alpha male” archetype (no matter the gender he married), one to lead, protect and advise, possibly even giving the person some tough love at times.
As you can see, we can’t escape his dominant energy, can we? 😅 And I didn’t tackle the gender differences this time, sorry! Mami has a deadline for a few chapters of my thesis and I haven’t had much available time for longer readings these days. 😰
ETA: Gonna add this one in the #confirmed readings tag because someone pointed out what he said in the GQ interview about taking things to the frontline and not being passive-aggressive (Knight of Spears) and also the tunnel vision bit (5 of Teacups), but obviously you know he hasn’t been married so this is not exactly about being a husband. It’s gonna be in the tag because his roommate behavior style matches the reading. 😅 So #partially confirmed. 😁
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WIP Weekend
Last weekend I was tagged by @jkrockin to do this but didn't see it in time! Returning to that today.
Post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post.
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in or just post.
Chrissy Woke Up Ch 4
A2 Knotting
B1 "I can get by"
Cis Woman Eddie
He's All That
From Craving Something Deeper Crissy Woke Up Ch 4
While joining them had seemed like the thing to do in the moment, Chrissy felt a bit awkward now that she was here and trying to settle. Eddie introduced her to everyone she didn’t know, but their reactions ranged from confused to suspicious. No one seemed particularly charmed to have her there.
That was fine, Chrissy told herself. If she’d been in the middle of something and had someone come crashing in, she’d probably be a little wary too.
At least Eddie seemed to want to talk to her, even if there was some little conversation happening up front between Steve and Robin that was most definitely about her.
“So we should probably fill you in,” Eddie eventually said, seemingly unaware of all the eyes that snapped to him.
“Eddie,” Nancy said in warning.
He scoffed. “Nope, not playing this game, Wheeler. She deserves to know. She was there that night.”
“It could be a trick,” Dustin blurted out.
Trying hard not to sound bitchy, Chrissy pointed out, “I can hear you right now.”
“Just tell her,” Steve snapped from the driver’s seat.
A few people tried to argue, but Steve’s word apparently mattered most to Eddie because it was all he needed to launch into what he’d missed. Chrissy listened with wide eyes and occasion gasps, jumping in with her own account when they seemed to connect. It was so much to take in, but Chrissy knew her sense of overwhelm now couldn’t possibly compare to going through it.
Tagging: @tathrin @sourb0i @whimsicalmeerkat or whoever would like to join in!
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stillhavetodothat · 2 years
Replaying Nancy Drew without cheating - Part Trois: Treasure in a Royal Tower
Mere words are not enough to convey how excited I was to replay this game again, this time without a single lifeline. I hold this game up on a pedastal, and I always wonder if, in hindsight, it really is that good, or if I am letting nostalgia guide my memories. But nope, this game is just as good the one billionth time around, especially given that it is only the 4th game in the entire series.
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And how was the one billionth playthrough, you ask?
To start, this is a game I know SUPER well, probably better than almost any other game, so there were a few times where I would do something before I had seen something else or talked to someone, like I was supposed to, and it would mess my timeline up a little bit. I’d have to fast-forward 24 hours when, for example, I couldn’t find Jacques anywhere when I was forced to ask him without pay to defrost the drumsticks (cluck, cluck), or when I asked Professor Hotchkiss to translate Marie Antoinette’s journal without having been in her room first. There were a couple times in those types of scenarios where I panicked and ALMOST THOUGHT about looking it up online, because I have heard horror stories on the www of players doing one task out of order, or forgetting to do something at a certain point, where the entire game is RUINED due to an unresolved bug. As you can imagine, and have probably experienced yourself, nothing is more tedious than when you think you’re on a roll, but you then have to replay a large segment of game because you messed up irreparably or you didn’t save before exiting.
Anyway, the point is, my game was never ruined, and I was able to continue on, cheat-free, for the rest of the game.
Here are some of my thoughts as I played through this absolute beaut of a game:
1. My sister and I, when we used to play this game together at ages 7 and 11, respectively, loved Dexter Egan. We were able to see past that grumpy exterior into the soft and squishy heart within. In fact, we would literally say to each other (all the time): “Oh, Dexter! Keep me warm in the dead of night!” I do not know where that came from or why we would always say it, especially at ages 7 and 11 respectively, but I do know we thought it was hilarious and our mom was always confused.
2. Ezra Wickford making an entire scrapbook of the bad things Dexter did as a kid with a bunch of angry comments scribbled in the margins is one of the weirder things I’ve ever seen. This guy had to have been a horrible father. I know Dexter is sad and misses him and whatever, but he should probably be seeking help for childhood trauma.
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3. A very gruff “a while” is one of my favorite quotes from this game, as well as “Oo la la! I do believe I’ll peep!” and “Your mind is like a ravenous monkey gobbling up every banana in its path!"
4. This game has a LOT of really cool elements. Getting stuck in the elevator and having to alley-oop yourself up a floor through the elevator shaft? Genius. Getting stuck out in the cold and having to think fast and start the ski lift? Exhilarating. Professor Hotchkiss, just in general? *Chef’s kiss* Professor Hotchkiss in the book is a mostly normal old man who never asks for couscous through the door, so thank god the game developers took some liberty with that character. Possibly the most icon Nancy Drew suspect of all time??
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5. Speaking of couscous, I am so confused how Dexter doesn’t know what couscous is?? I used to think it was the most random, exotic, wacky food out there as a kid because of this game, but no, it’s really just a relatively commonly used grain? It’s not a meal, but then again, neither is 50 drumsticks.
6. I absolutely loathed this puzzle as a kid, but really came to love it in adulthood. Maybe I haven’t lost all my brain cells after all.
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7. Another way I have noted that I’ve grown: when I was younger and Jacques would get angry at me for losing his medallion after getting literally ASSAULTED in the middle of the night in the locker room, and then proceed to give me the silent treatment for the rest of the game, I desperately wanted some kind of prompt to ask for his forgiveness and get him flirting with me again. Now I feel perfectly happy telling Jacques to go fuck himself. Little Miss Nightmare, my ass.
8. The culprit in this game is another bore (not quite Louis Chandler-level, but close). I feel like even 20 years ago I knew who done it from the beginning. Lisa lied continuously (”Too bad I’m so useless with foreign languages!” moments after I just read a letter sent to you entirely in Spanish), sent you out to die in the cold, has nothing better to do but read about Mattie Jensen...all signs point to her being the bad guy. Yawn. And I am offended at the end when Nancy says that she can’t believe she almost befriended Lisa...like were there any conversations between them that gave anyone the impression that they were just a couple chats away from being FRIENDS? 
9. I am bummed, however, that the scene in the end where we find out Lisa is the culprit is not true to the book. Here we just get sprayed with pepper spray and then spend the next 10 minutes asking questions that Lisa then patiently waits around to answer. In the book, Lisa and Nancy literally have an actual karate fight, right there in the Queen’s Tower. It is hilarious. I guess they gave us something like that in DAN, but something about the way it was written cracked me up.
10. Overall just an amazing game. The castle has always felt super cozy to me, and I always felt very at home wandering the corridors there. The atmosphere is awesome, you learn about some French history, you’re put in a few really scary situations that you have to figure your way out of. The game feels a lot longer than MHM, and there’s a lot more to do and to explore and to discover -- I think since I don’t love MHM, and I usually play this game right afterwards, this game always stands out to me as absolutely stellar, and was my top favorite for a really, really long time, and is definitely still in my top 5.
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Next up...The Final Scene, a game that seems very popular with this community. This one was also always in my top 5, so I’m really excited to jump in and not cheat!
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julia-bunncat · 2 years
Hey, what’s up? I hope you’re doing well! 💖 I’ve been missing our chats and was wondering if you had anything Danganronpa related you wanted to talk about~ Shinsai or Ougoku headcanons perhaps? No pressure or anything! I just like chatting with you. I hope you have a lovely day, Bunbun~ ✨☺️✨
Hiii, Leeann! 🤗💜 I’m doing just fine, thanks for asking! In fact, I have MANY Danganronpa related plans and topics to talk about… but recently, their implementation has been seriously hampered by the latest tasks before my graduation from the university 😅 Anyway, you made a request the day I have some free time, so I’m happy to spend it by answering ✨
Maybe for a change we should talk a little bit about Ougoku!🐞🎲 The only thing: I’m not sure it’s going to be full-blown headcanons, more like the thoughts that come into my mind..~
To tell you the truth, I’ve been deciding for a VERY long time whether I want to ship Kokichi and Gonta 😅 The problem was… how problematic Ouma is in such matters xD I can’t call myself an expert in his personality, and I haven’t played the game to saying things like "it's undeniable truth"… But I think it’s incredibly difficult to gain his trust in any kind of relationship. Moreover, in the game (as far as I know), Kokichi openly and repeatedly uses Gonta’s physical strength, kindness, and credulity – it can alienate many people; make them think that this relationship would be unhealthy :<
That’s what happened to me until I started looking into their art, fantasizing, and read a little comic ^^ Now I'm strongly believe that Kokichi blamed himself for the Gonta's death and didn't want to proceed with such measures. Their early relationship still seems to me full of drama (or just strained) because it's gonna be hard for Ouma to get over himself anyway… Perhaps he will see Gonta as an "old version of himself" who hates so much (cause' he's clearly not born a pathological liar) or, in principle, will push him away from himself, not understanding why Gonta continues to trust him 😩💢
But I’m pretty sure they’re strong enough to overcome all of this 😌After all, their recent DRS events show that they are able to understand each other better than anyone else. Kokichi sees through the Gonta, but he seems very reassured by the fact that Gokuhara always remains as he is 💜 As for Gonta, I really like the hc, that he’s insightful enough to know when Ouma’s lying and when he’s saying at least part of the truth *^* Not to mention his ability to appreciate Kokichi's tricks and foolery, 'cause it’s always fun around him 💚
Idk, it’s like there’s some sort of special bond between them… Of course, it’s possible I feel that way because of the visual contrast 😅 But I really can’t help but think that when Ougoku officially start dating, it’s gonna be an adorably comfortable couple >^< They’re so suited to some platonical interaction: quiet tight hugs before sleep; tangible protection of each other from any dangers; wordless support…
I suppose they wouldn’t advertise their relationship in any way, so for all their classmates (in a universe without a Killing Game or where most of them survived) guessing about it would be a huge shock 😂 Especially for Kaito (yeah, I’ll bring my BROT3 back here again :-P), although a little later he’ll even tease Kokichi about it 😄 Shuichi probably would have been worried about Gonta at first, but then, he would be genuinely pleased that there is a person able to understand and accept Ouma 😊
Also, I have a few more thoughts on Gonta’s meeting the Dice-gang!! It's possible that following old habits, Kokichi will want to make his boyfriend a member of his organization… ^^" But he'll quickly realize that their "activities" not suitable for Gokuhara and decide to help him in his entomological researches in end 🔎 Gonta, in turn, will be very honoured and delighted that Ouma has peoples at his side that can be with him if Gonta suddenly can't 😊
That's all for now! 😋 Thanks again for the question!! Don’t forget to tell me your opinion / experience / thoughts too – I will be very interested to discuss it! I also really hope that you have a wonderful day and that you are well 🥰💕
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