#it's really sad
haunted-headset 7 months
You know what's really sad? The fact that the Dream SMP has pretty much just broken up now.
As far as I know, Quackity, Jack, Tommy, Ranboo, (maybe) Tubbo, (maybe) Jschlatt, (maybe) Nihachu, (maybe) Philza, (maybe) Slimecicle, & (maybe) Wilbur don't really like or associate with Dream, & it's really sad to think about. All of these people have reasons to dislike Dream & I also dislike Dream, but it's sad to realize that Dream was never a good person & probably hurt a few people in the Dream SMP emotionally. & to think about the fact that the majority of the people in the SMP used to be really good friends with Dream & now they're not is really unfortunate. At this point, the DSMP has basically split into sides & it's sad to see.
I really miss the early DSMP days, when everything was kind of okay & Dream wasn't as open about being an asshole. & now, Dream is a massive dickhead & one of my favorite SMPs with some of my favorite streamers has essentially died.
& I feel really bad for some of the streamers involved because it looks like Dream's been an asshole to certain streamers in the Dream SMP & they probably had to deal with that for a while.
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book-girl4eva 6 months
Help my mom thinks Luke is the best character in the show and I don't have the heart to tell her. 馃槶
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jacksprostate 4 months
dunno what that users on about... people on tumblr put way too much attention on the unnecessary
Eh I was a little annoyed but ultimately I just kind of feel bad for that person, it takes a lot of shit being fucked up for you to be a wholeass grown adult arguing to the death on tumblr + believing in a sort of catholic 'suffering means I'm moral' thing as a way to make yourself feel better about what feels unchangeably cruel about your life. It's why I was like, no I'm not gonna continue this. Not healthy for either of us.
#sfa#i also have a tendency to debate people on a relatively soft level for myself#but it ends up feeling very charged for others#partially because I talk a whole lot#but also because especially on here#there's so much encouragement of assuming the worst of people who even vaguely disagree with you#highly defensive reading etc#it's really sad#something I had to actively teach myself not to do as much too#tumblr is bad for your growing brain lol. terrible habits#taking a step back and realizing shit 1. is not that important 2. the other person is a person not the embodiment of stupidity or evil#3. you almost certainly have tons of shared ground and both people are taking positions they feel are the most beneficial to those they care#about. idk once you really work on keeping that in mind it all just seems way less intense and all a bit dumb#i usually try to avoid arguing with people for this reason but my initial second response was a little hopeful maybe we could have like. a#cool little discussion#and then i saw the 2nd post and i was like ohhhhhhhh its like this#mm.#anyway#yeah people generally arent your enemy and you can have disagreements over pretty huge things but it doesnt mean theyre evil or literally#satan or whatever#and when you realize all that polarization is a lie#idk stuff like this is just such small hotcakes#thats also what made me stop. that person seemed like desperately way more invested and i sort of just felt bad#rambling now.........#anyway i should've just not engaged and it's a reminder for next time. i love discussing stuff with people but this platform does not#usually house people fully capable of that#also thank you i am indeed trying not to fry my brain#honestly even just limiting myself to making comments instead of aimlessly reblogging stuff has helped me engage with this better#f fc is the only thing ill rb... even then i must have comments via tags.. etc#little rules for myself. its a good idea i think
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froggies-bloggies 27 days
i dont actually know if the music will be taken off spotify, im just preparing for the worst :(
ok I wrote out a whole paragraph and then had to delete it because I thought it would cost them something to keep the songs up but I don't think it actually will
That being said, I'm not sure who owns the copyright, and it might just be easier for them to remove the songs than continue paying out whoever the rights holder is, and I'm not sure if that was their parent company, RT itself, or the artist themselves, I imagine that it was too confusing they might get rid of it, but from what I've seen it's a passive income source
But if the money is going to say, tracadero/Jeff Williams as the rights holders, they'll probably stay up, if it's not, it's very likely that they'll be sold and who knows what will be done with them then, probably best to download them if you haven't already
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alyblacklist 1 year
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Cast list for Episode 10.13 via Rotten Tomatoes
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饾枿 饾梺饾柡饾棈饾柧 饾柆饾柡饾梺饾梻 饾柆饾柡饾梺饾梻 饾棆饾柧饾棇饾棃饾棆饾棈 饾梻饾棁 饾柌饾棄饾梾饾柡饾棈饾棃饾棃饾棁 3 饾棎饾梻饾棈饾梺 饾柡饾梾饾梾 饾梿饾棐 饾棇饾棃饾棊饾梾. 饾枿饾棈 饾梿饾柡饾梽饾柧饾棇 饾棇饾棃 饾柡饾棁饾梹饾棆饾棐 饾棈饾梺饾柡饾棈 饾枿 饾柡饾棌饾棃饾梻饾柦 饾梻饾棈 饾梾饾梻饾梽饾柧 饾棈饾梺饾柧 饾棄饾梾饾柡饾梹饾棊饾柧
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fishthegenderwitch 9 months
A couple weeks ago, I discovered that I'm allergic to oranges.
By eating an orange and Having a Bad Time.
Before I moved, I bought myself some non-mint toothpaste (mint is icky in my mouth and I hate it), and have brushed my teeth so infrequently using said toothpaste, I had forgotten til tonight that it was orange flavoured.
It did not appear relevant, until nearly the end of the comedy show I saw, wherein I had been coughing hard like COVID every time I laughed. I almost hork up a lung every time I laugh, when I'm having an allergic reaction. And I put an allergen into my mouthparts, just before going to a COMEDY SHOW.
My toothpaste is made with Actual Orange Extract, and I willingly jammed it all up into my mouthhole.
All I can think is:
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emilykaldwen 2 months
The irony of the doxxer being harassed by that individual who contacted you about you blocking them/this fabled block list. Let them destroy each other
I remember friends in high school/trying to make friends in high school and the general idea of like, you had that person/persons who were really mean and you would tell yourself 'they would never be like that to me, we have sleepovers together!' but then... they will, in fact, be mean to you.
I still don't understand why I was targeted (again, this is a small blog, even if I've grown in the past few weeks since the event, I'm nowhere near the [assumed] level these individuals are) and why being blocked by a random stranger who was never going to read your work/interact with your work anyway set them off anyway.
And it is also worth mentioning that I have been harassed long before this - I have been told to kill myself, I have been harassed about abby/my fic. With this evidence, I can only assume these individuals have been also behind the long term vitriol I received, as well as yesterday's anon. Thankfully, I was never involved with any of these people. It's only in trying to make some more friends that this came to a head.
What kept me from making friends in this tumblr fandom for a long time was the abuses I would see in addition to not writing reader fic/promoting those fics. (Different tastes!). I don't regret taking the steps, as Ange and Em and the others I've started to make friends with have been nothing but kind, but I cannot abide standing by and just watching bullying behavior. And what these people are engaging in is just beyond all reason. I don't know if this is an age thing or if this is toxic twitter behavior infiltrating the tumblr-sphere. It just leaves me speechless.
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homunculusalphonse 1 year
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[Multiple IDs: different screenshots of Lars in near death situations, and his actual death.
Lars being enveloped by the moss Rose planted (Lars and the Cool Kids);
Lars terrified of the invisible gem monster that was lurking in the island Steven took him and Sadie to (Island Adventure);
Ronaldo about to sacrifice Lars to the gem possessed lighthouse (Horror Club);
Lars sweating, unable to move while Sadie is calling for help (I Am My Mom);
Steven moves away a piece of Blue Diamond's destroyed palanquin, while Lars is sitting down, in pain but mostly fine (Off Colors);
Finally, Lars as he's thrown to the pillar behind him, instantly killed (also from Off Colors). /End IDs]
Steven is not the only one who needs therapy around here
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greencheekconure27 5 months
They let me on the Gilbert and Sullivan Discord and now I have a found family AU rattling around in my head where Ralph Rackstraw, Frederic and John Wellington Wells are all brothers and also somehow Murgatroyds, Ruth and Wells used to be engaged (they meet again when Wells gets captured by pirates), and all of this is set during a zombie apocalypse because offcourse it is.
Jack Point, Elsie, Phoebe, Koko and Katisha are also there because I love them.
(I wish I actually could write this I'm all story ideas and no words on paper馃ゲ)
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segundaii 6 months
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You can see Renn's soul slowly leaving his body this episode
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myteavsricochet 1 year
critics and public have been praising bones and all for months... praising the film, praising taylor, praising timmy, everyone from the critics has always said they deserve the oscar nom, they praised their chemistry, the intensity of their acting BUT here on tumblr we discover are all lies... the movie is shit, taylor sucks, they're chemistry sucks, everyone exaggerated for all these months etc etc and i sincerely wonder if there is just prejudice for this movie from the beginning for known reasons :) whatever... i'm happy that the film has deeply touched so many people who did not go to the cinema thinking only of having to immediately deny how NOT GOOD it was compared to call me by your name :)
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malewife-darkling 2 years
Sucks to be someone whose hyperfixation will last on average three years in a society where fandoms for things die in a few weeks
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tumblezwei 1 year
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They get points for eliciting the most pity out of me, at least
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the-acid-pear 11 months
The one huge fucking L Tumblr has to take in comparison to Twitter is tbe inability to translate text like Twitter. That's something that hands down makes the website inferior.
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"I'm not washing," she warned him. "I'm too tired."
"That's understandable." His voice had gone very deep. He sat next to her. With gentle hands, he took down the hair she had knotted out of her way. She sat still under his touch, until she realized she was clenching her teeth. She drew a breath. She could get past this. With time. She reached up to gently catch his hands.
"I'm so tired. Can I just sleep beside you tonight?"
For a moment, he looked stricken. Then he pulled his hands from hers. "If that's what you want." He stood up suddenly. "Or if you prefer, you can have the bed to yourself."
His abrupt withdrawal and brusque tone hurt her. "No," she snapped. "That's not what I prefer. That's stupid." She heard herself and tried to mend things. "As stupid as starting a quarrel when we are both too tired to think." She moved over on the bed. "Brashen. Please. I'm so tired."
For a moment, he just stared at her wordlessly. Then his shoulders sagged in defeat. He came back to the bed and sat on the edge of it. Outside, the rain returned in a sudden downpour. It rattled against the wall and came through the broken window. They'd need to fix that tomorrow. Maybe everything could be fixed tomorrow. Bury a pirate. Bid a liveship farewell. Leave it all behind.
As Brashen kicked off his boots, he observed sullenly, "Maybe I've no pride left. If the most you'll offer me this last night is to sleep beside me, I'll take it." He began unbuttoning his shirt. He would not look at her.
"You're not making any sense," she complained. He had to be at least as weary as she was. "Let's just go to sleep. Too much has happened to us today for either of us to deal with it well. Tomorrow will be better, and tomorrow night better still." She hoped.
He gave her a look that was completely wounded. His dark eyes had never looked so vulnerable. His hands had frozen on his shirt. "Brashen. Please." She nudged his hands aside and undid the last three buttons herself. Then she moved over on the bed, taking the side by the wall although she hated being confined. She tugged at his shoulder, pulling him back to lie beside her. He tried to turn away from her, but she pushed him onto his back and pillowed her head on his shoulder to hold him down. "Now go to sleep," she growled at him.
He was silent. She could feel him staring at the darkened ceiling. She closed her eyes. He smelled good. Suddenly everything was safe and familiar, and it was good to be there. His strong body rested between her and all the rest of the world. She could relax. She sighed deeply and rested a hand on his chest.
Then he rolled toward her and put his arm around her. All her apprehensions stirred again. This was stupid. This was Brashen. She forced herself to kiss him, saying to herself, "This is mine, this is Brashen." He drew her closer and kissed her more deeply. But the weight of his arm upon her and the sound of his breathing was suddenly too much. He was bigger than she was, and stronger. If he wanted to, he could force her, he could hold her down. She'd be trapped again. She set her hand to his chest and pushed a little away from him.
"I'm so tired, my love."
He was very still. Then, "My love," he said quietly. Slowly he turned onto his back. She moved a little apart from him. He was still, and she stared into the darkness. She closed her eyes, but sleep would not come. She could feel the damage her secret was doing. With every passing moment, the misunderstanding loomed larger. One night, she told herself. One night is all I need. Tomorrow will be better. I'll watch Kennit slip over the side, and I'll know he's gone forever. One night, she excused it, was not too much to ask him.
Ship of Destiny, by Robin Hobb (Liveship Traders #3)
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