#it's true I'm vince
heisenpink · 1 year
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They grapple in typical awkward white boy fashion
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bluffmotel · 11 months
thinking about. vince & tyler sharing the burden of responsibility, filling that role in a family unit where they're the figurehead. where if anything happens to anyone they care about it's on them, something that's an irrefutable fact to themselves and the people around them. having to make the tough choices because nobody else is saying a word ... and no matter what's done someone's always left unhappy. they even share some little things ; like the art of playing fixer upper and the desire ( the ambitious idea ) to own their own business. vince never explicitly mentions this, which i find fascinating, but if you go for his dream he ends up having his own school. he's the boss. it's all in his name, it has his logo ... even if vince didn't have that desire before, he gets exactly what tyler wanted ( something tyler can tell him he wants ) where he's the owner of something that's his dream job. which is !! sooo compelling. they share a core value, they share a role in the story despite being on opposing sides at first, and then they share the tiniest stuff like this. there's differences, of course, but like i am looking so much
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charliedawn · 3 months
Hey I was wondering how do you think the slashers would react if they're s/o was wearing a piece of their clothing or mask (for the masked ones)? Honestly I think if Michael found his s/o wearing (or even touching...) His mask that's a killable offense right there lmao.
Jason Voorhees:
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Jason was asleep when you took his mask. When he woke up and didn't find it—he started panicking.
He made a mess out of his bedroom in a desperate attempt to find it and locked his door so that nobody could come in.
You frowned as you found the door locked and knocked on the door.
"Jason ? Are you alright ?"
He wasn't.
He hesitated to open the door, but you then slid his mask back to him through the door.
"I'm sorry. I just wanted to surprise you."
He understood what had happened and opened the door a little to look at you. You seemed genuinely sorry and he finally opened the door for you to come in.
Jason wears the mask for a reason. He is insecure to the extreme. It's the only way for him to hide himself and if it had been anyone else than you ?
...That person would have been dead and buried.
Brahms Heelshire:
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Brahms actually woke up when you were looking at yourself in the mirror with his mask on.
He seemed stunned for a moment before he silently got out of bed to stand next to you.
Once you saw him in the mirror, you turned around. You were ready to apologize, but then saw the way he was looking at you.
He wasn't angry. Far from it. He just stared at you and smiled before slowly removing the mask from your face.
He then put it back on his and took a deep breath—as if smelling it. He then hummed appreciatively and wrapped his arms around you.
"...Brahms' mask smells good now." He whispered and held you closer.
Well—that backfired.
Vincent Sinclair:
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Panic. Immediate and irreversible panic.
Unlike Brahms or Jason, Vince is deeply ashamed of his face. It isn't about being insecure or having a couple of scars. He is TERRIFIED of his own reflection.
Vincent used to be attached to Bo. Being twins at birth, it made him feel as if there was someone out there who understood him.
But, the mask is a mark of shame—the constant reminder that that connection is severed. And he feels ugly because of it. Because he was disfigured from the operation—while Bo wasn't.
They are different now, when there were supposed to be one and the same.
Plus, he’s only got one mask. It took time to make as he had to get Bo to agree to mould a mask with his face.
So, he would get mad. He would also be pretty physical about getting it back.
He COULD hurt you.
Do not steal his mask, unless you are absolutely sure and asked permission beforehand.
Michael Myers:
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...You have a death wish. There is no other possible explanation.
Michael values his mask more than anything in this world.
He hides his face for a reason. It became a part of him over time and he HATES when people see his true face.
So, do not steal his mask.
But, I don’t think you’d be able to anyway.
Michael almost never takes it off and if anyone tried to take his mask away ? Wrists would get crushed. Just saying.
Freddy Krueger:
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"If you take the hat, sweetheart…Be ready to face the consequences."
Freddy LOVES his hats (Yes. Plural. He’s got a full drawer of them in his room)
He counts them all before going to bed and when he saw that one of them was missing, he was ready to track the person down and draw blood.
But, when he understood you were the little thief, he smirked and simply closed the door behind him. He then sat down and grinned mischievously at you.
"Looks good on ya. But since you stole it…How about you offer me a show as compensation, hmm ?" *pats his lap and smirks*
Sleazy lil’ goblin to the end.
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If by some MIRACLE, you managed to get Pennywise’s gloves…He’d be furious. Pennywise hates touching people and his gloves are like a second skin to him.
Pennywise *appears behind you and screeches*: "GIVE THEM BACK THIS INSTANT, YOU STUPID HUMAN !"
Pennywise is usually pretty chill. So, for him to get really mad ? Yeah…No stealing the clown’s gloves. Never.
Bo Sinclair:
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Bo's cap is his own way of hiding his insecurity. He has a scar at the back of his ear from the operation to separate him from Vince.
He doesn’t like people looking at it, so he wears that cap all the time.
One day, you decided to remove it while he was sleeping, and he grabbed your wrist before you could run away with it.
He then smirked and tutted playfully.
"Careful, darls. You take my cap, I take your life."
You knew he was only kidding, but there was also a little bit of a warning in his eyes.
He likes his cap. It’s the only thing he got left from his dad and his tolerance is zero. So, do not try to steal his cap, or ask first. He would allow you to wear it eventually, but still…Bo is not someone to be messed with.
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sydsaint · 4 months
I'm a slut for a cocky blond man. <3
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Summary: The reader encounters Logan's charisma firsthand when he attempt to get a meeting with Nick Aldis.
"You know I bet that you're used to flashing that pretty-boy smile and for people to just start falling over you, huh?" You stare across your desk at Logan Paul.
"Well I mean, it is a nice killer smile," Logan replies with a grin. "And don't kid yourself, YN. I can tell it's getting to you." He winks at you.
You scoff and roll your eyes at the current US champ. Logan came strolling into the office around 10 minutes ago wanting to talk to your boss, Nick, about something or other. The only problem is, that Aldis is on an important call and asked not to be disturbed.
"You can keep giving me those puppy dog eyes all you want, Logan." You remain firm on not letting Logan through the door. "But it's not going to work on me. Nick will be done with his call soon. You can wait like everyone else." You insist.
"Oh but I'm not like everyone else, am I sweetheart?" Logan replies. "I'm the best US Champion of this era. Not to mention the co-owner of the premier energy drink company, Prime. And an accomplished social media star." He rattles off his accomplishments with a grin. "Plus, I'm handsome."
You scoff and roll your eyes. "Full of yourself is more like it." You clap back at him. "You can be as famous as Vince McMahon himself, Logan. And I still wouldn't let you through the door." You flash him a smile.
"Come on, YN!" Logan whines. "What's it going to take for you to let me in to see Aldis?" He asks you.
"How about an appointment?" You reply with a grin. "Or maybe perhaps, Nick coming out of his office to greet you?" You taunt him.
Logan bites the inside of his lip. It's not every day he runs into someone that can keep up with his nagging and persistence with such bravado. Especially not someone as gorgeous as you.
"Hey, did I see you drinking a Prime when I came in earlier?" Logan asks you. "A Cherry Freeze, right?" He scans your desk for the bottle.
"I might have been, yeah." You keep your answer vague. "Why?" You quirk a brow at the blond.
Logan sits down at the chair in front of your desk and takes his phone out. "You're obviously a fan if you're drinking one." He points out. "So you should let me put you on our PR list. It'll get you monthly shipments of whatever your favorite flavor is. Plus you get first access when new flavors drop." He explains.
You sigh and hold back the smile daring to grace your lips. You know that Logan is just buttering you up to get what he wants. But being on the Prime PR list sounds like a dream come true considering how much you drink the stuff.
"Alright." You sigh and pull out your phone to give Logan the information he needs to add you to the list. "This still doesn't mean that you're getting in to see Nick." You add.
"I know." Logan surprisingly nods. "I guess I can wait a little bit. The view in here is pretty nice."
You look up from your phone at Logan's comment about the view. "Really?" You laugh. "You've resorted to hitting on me?" You chastise him.
"What can I say?" Logan shrugs. "It's not every day I meet a girl as quick-witted and pretty as you are, YN." He winks at you.
"Mhm." You hum and shake your head.
The phone on your desk rings and you answer it. Logan watches you intently as you listen to the brief call before hanging the phone up.
"Mr. Aldis will see you now." You hang up the phone and gestured to the door off to the side of the room.
"He can wait for a second," Logan replies with a sly grin. "I've got something more important going on right now." He insists.
You can't help but laugh. "Oh, yeah? After all that whining? What could be so important?" You ask him.
"Getting you to go out with me," Logan replies. "So, wadduya say, YN? Dinner? My treat?" He asks you.
You gaze at the egomaniac in front of you. 'Damn, he's good.' You think to yourself. But Logan flashes you those soft puppy dog eyes from earlier and you know that you can't turn him down.
"Sure, why not?" You accept the offer. "You've got my number. Now go see Nick before he changes his mind." You gesture to the door.
"Yes!" Logan cheers with a grin. "Just you wait, YN. You've never had a stellar night out until you've rolled with me, sweetheart."
You giggle as Logan struts off to his meeting. "I'm sure." You watch him walk off.
You already know that you're about to be in for one hell of a first date. That's a given. Now you just have to get through the rest of the work night.
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the-fiction-witch · 11 months
No Girls?
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Media The Maze Runner : Death Cure
Character Newt
Couple Newt X Reader
Rating Smutty / Flirty
Concept A Glade with No Girls
Smut: Sexy Discussions / Sexual Language / Semi Nudity
I sat watching the ocean shift and change with each of its little waves, the ship to the side being worked on relentlessly by anyone with enough skill to do so. I sat repairing various clothes and tent flaps that had been dropped off to me a skill I'd always used and honestly enjoyed something about sitting down with a needle and some thread was so very calming indeed. But I wasn't alone I had newt beside me one of the group A boys who had gotten cosy with Vince I got along with most of them but newt especially we had a comfort with each other I suppose he had a day off from his usual work welding and cutting metal work on the ship a task Vince trained him in as his steady hand was well suited for it. But today he was resting his ankle up sitting with me as I worked. 
"Why didn't you try a big ladder?'
"We did. Couldn't build one big enough."
"What about like scaffolding?'
"Y/n I don't know how else to explain this to you the walls were too big to do that." 
"Did you try a big stick?" I asked and he glared at me "do like a pole vault" 
"Your really just not getting how big these walls are"
"No if it's a wall it can be scaled." 
"Okay so if you could get to the top then what?"
"Walk along the top."
"That doesn't connect. And moves every night"
"Fine. Still sounds dull"
"Says the girl who lived in a shopping centre with a bunch of cranks for two years"
"I wore stylish pre apocalypse fashion, ate so many fancy candies and slept on a whole bed of teddy bears. My life was awesome" 
"Sure sounds like it" he laughed
"So how many girls again?'
"Ooohh bet you boys fought over her. Or what she just one of those free love types who'd let all of you straight boys at her"
"No, she was only in the glade a week so"
"How long were you in there?'
"Three years"
"And you had one girl for a week?'
"I'm surprised she got out the box without being drowned"
"...by what?" 
"A river of goo"
He glared at me again "we didn't all immediately jizz ourselves when we saw a girl"
"Really? Cause I think sixty boys in a large maze together for three years would be pretty hyped for a girl. Except the gay guys they probably didn't care all that much. Bisexuals hyped over threewaY possibilities. Asexuals wouldn't really care either" I explained
"I mean Thomas may have jizzed himself but that's because she's his girlfriend"
"Ohh. But you really spent three years with nothing but big smelly boys?"
"Yeah, and it wasn't that bad we had showers"
"Yeah I know what boys are like you showered once in a month if your lucky"
"...true." he sighed 
"Didn't you have buckets too?'
"Yeah for klunk" 
"Did you have laundry?'
'not really. Just brush it off if it gets dirt on it"
"Ugggh I get why the one girl lasted a week she probably couldn't stand the smell, sweaty smell unwashed teenage boys who don't wash their laundry and have shit buckets, all allowed to fester and go all sour"
"Okay now you say it… we probably were disgusting" 
"You shower more now right?"
"Every other day, I would everyday but the showers aren't that private…" 
"Awwww you shy newt?" I giggled
"Shy? Don't want people seeing my dick? Whatever you wanna call it" 
"But really no girls?"
"No girls."
"Awwww poor newtie spent all the formative teen time without anything to imagine" 
"I can imagine. I have an imagination"
"But you spent all that time without comparison. From when you where a tiny baby boy to now big strong boy" I smiled leaning on his shoulder 
"It wasn't that bad"
"What did you use to do? At night?"
"Newt, you were trapped in their from what 13 onwards. Your really going to try and tell me you didn't.. you know after lights out" 
"Did you?'
"Constantly I was bored. It helps me sleep"
"Do you… still?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Just… curious" he blushed "no, I uhh never really had time, or the privacy"
"Awwwwww poor newtie." I giggled hugging him tightly and immediately I noticed "hi"
"Be careful with that I only just repaired those pants newt" I warned him going back to my sewing as he turned bright red "newt?'
"You ever seen boobs?"
"... How much boob?"
"How much have you seen?"
"I saw Teresa's in her shirt… and also a little down her shirt"
"Dirty boy"
"She was laying down it wasn't intentional!"
"That it?"
"That's it" 
"You ever touched a boob?"
"You ever seen ass?"
"I mean I've seen Minho. And fry. Infact most boys"
"I meant girls"
"Ever seen a? Lady area?"
"... would you want to?" I asked 
He went bright red stuttering a lot barely able to make eye contact with me "I mean uhhh well I uhh I guess I uhh what I mean is uhh kinda"
I chuckled and finished my last few stitches throwing my finished work in the basket "you're sweet newt" I smiled moving to stand In Front of him and I lifted my shirt long enough for him to look before dropping it back down and giving his cheek a kiss even if he was basically frozen with his eyes wide in place "see you later" I laughed taking my basket and headed back to camp 
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hockeyboysimagines · 7 months
I am here to make my request...
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I'm thinking a little sleepy/lazy morning in bed. Reader (or OC you know I'm not picky), and player (whoever you deem fit), don't want to get out of bed, especially since the player has to leave for a road trip that afternoon. It can be fluffy, or smutty, or angsty, whatever you wish to do with it there!
For the Blair to my Serena, I hope this is what you were looking for. Enjoy this created just for you🤍
Sunday mornings could be the best, or the worst but they were never in between.
There was something about a slow Sunday morning that was unlike every other morning. It wasn’t rushed and groggy like Monday-Friday. It wasn’t half hungover and exhausted from Friday night festivities like Saturday. It was the perfect combination of slow and lazy, that made a person never want to get out of bed.
Today was one of those Sunday mornings. You woke up before the sun was completely up, the room mostly still dusky, the sound of light rain hitting the large bay window in your bedroom. You stretched and snuggled into the very warm body that was Vince, and sighed happily, nudging your face into his neck. You breathed in deeply, inhaling his cologne as he started to stir, a large warm hand coming to rest on your waist, sending goosebumps across your skin as he found your lips in the dark. This was Sunday morning ritual for you at this point.
You gripped the skin of his lower back and pulled him closer, fingers running across the waistband of his boxers when you suddenly remembered.
“Your leaving this afternoon.” You said quietly.
He paused and let his head fall forward “Fuck. Yeah I am. I forgot.” He gave your hip a squeeze “Sorry babe.” He would leaving on a 6 day road trip sometime this afternoon, and you would be left to your own devices in the apartment.
“I hate when you leave.” You whined. You felt a little bratty, and knew you definitely sounded like it. Hockey was Vince’s job, and you loved that he loved it, but you hated when he was gone. The bed was too cold, the apartment too quiet, and you were just lonely. He was looking at you sympathetically.
“I know.” He reached forward and threaded a hand through your hair “But it makes coming home so much better right?” He wiggled his eyebrows, and let his hand slide across your lower stomach, causing you to shiver a little. No one you’d ever dated could get you worked up with just a little touch like Vince could. His fingers brushed just below the waist and of your underwear and rested there for a second causing your face to heat up.
“True.” You smiled and arched your back up a little so his hand moved lower, and ran a finger down his cheek “So what do you wanna do until then?” You we’re pretty sure you knew what his answer would be, and but your lip hopefully.
“What time is it?” He glanced out the window and blinked, eyes adjusting to the light as he peered out the sliver of window not covered by the curtain.
“6:15. What time do you have to leave?”
“Noon. That’s an awful lot of time.” He smiled mischievously and reached over your head, pulling the curtain closed, engulfing the room completely in darkness. You could just make out his silhouette in the dark as he leaned down, lips connecting with your collarbone “Why don’t you show me how much your going to miss me while I’m gone?”
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sourwolf-sterek32 · 4 months
The Dirt (Your Version)
Summary: Meeting Nikki Sixx and Tommy Lee was a coincidence. Being friends was a choice. But falling in love with them both was beyond your control.
A rewrite of The Dirt with all the highs and lows of Mötley Crüe from your perspective.
Pairings: Nikki Sixx x Reader, Tommy Lee x Reader, Nikki Sixx x Tommy Lee x Reader
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: Language, drugs & alcohol
Previous Chapter
Chapter 12- Unexpected News
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Once the Theatre of Pain tour ended. Everyone went their separate ways.
Tommy had Heather. Mick had his new girlfriend. Vince had Sharise and Skylar. And you had them as well. But Nikki? You weren't sure who he had when he was home after the tour.
The bassist rarely answered your calls. And when he did answer it was always a guessing game as to how fucked up he was. Some days he was perfectly fine, and you'd talk together for hours. Other days, he was completely off his face and babbled nonsense through the phone until you hung up.
Nikki Sixx was going down a dark path and you had no idea how to help him. Not that he would accept your help if you tried.
It wasn't until a few months later that the band all met up again for Tommy and Heathers wedding.
It was the biggest wedding you had ever been to. There were over 500 guests and Tommy was so incredibly happy, and you were happy for him, despite feeling a little jealous. You couldn't have Tommy. You couldn't have Nikki either. But Tommy deserved to be happy even if it wasn't with you. And Heather made him happy.
The only problem on the wedding day was Nikki. The best man. He was as high as a fucking kite.
When you first arrived at the venue you could instantly tell that Nikki was strung out because he wasn't saying much. Nikki liked to talk. If he wasn't talking, it meant he was fucked up. And as the afternoon proceeded, it became apparent at how fucked up he actually was.
Vince and Mick were the groomsmen and Tommy had asked you to be the grooms-woman, if that was even a proper word. He wanted you to be up there with him and the guys and at first you were a little apprehensive about it. Heather probably wouldn't want her soon to be husband having a girl as a groomsman, especially considering the things you and Tommy used to get up to behind her back.
You should feel guilty about that.
Tommy cheated on her with you too many times to count, but you didn't feel bad about it which should probably be concerning. Any normal person would feel guilty, right? But you were just grateful for the time you got to spend with the drummer, even though it was only short lived.
The guys were wearing matching black suits, so you had gotten a tailored black suit to match them as well. You thought about wearing a black dress but figured a suit would be better to blend in with the other groomsmen.
"I think I'm ready." Heather announced.
You lowered your makeup brush and took one last look at yourself in the mirror. You didn't go overboard with the makeup, just light foundation, black eyeliner and mascara. The scars on your face had faded but were still very visible and made you feel self-conscious even after all this time, but you tried not to think about it.
"Want me to see if the guys are ready?" You asked, glancing over your shoulder to where she was standing across the room with her bridesmaids.
Heather looked beautiful. Her blonde hair was styled nicely, and the long white dress hugged her body outlining her curves perfectly.
Tommy was lucky to have her. It hurt to admit it, but it was true.
Heather smiled, "that would be great. Thanks, Y/N."
You left the room and made your way down the corridor to the room that the guys had claimed as their own when you first arrived earlier this morning.
Thankfully, they were all dressed and seemed to be sitting around on the couches waiting for the ceremony to start. Well, Mick and Vince were sitting. Nikki seemed to be passed out on the other couch and Tommy was fixing his tie in the mirror.
"Heather's ready." You announced, leaning against the doorframe. "Are you guys good to go?"
Tommy glanced over his shoulder at your voice and his face lit up with his usual bright smile as he took in your black suit before nodding.
"Nikki, let's hit it." Tommy announced, still fiddling with his tie as he glanced at Mick and Vince. "Are you guys ready?"
They both nodded but you were too busy staring at Nikki to notice. He had lost weight since the last time you saw him all those months ago. His face now thinner and paler than you remembered.
"Yo, best man. Let's go. I got a wife waiting. Come on!"
Nikki didn't respond though. He was totally passed out on the couch with his sunglasses covering his closed eyes.
You knew his addiction was getting bad. But you wouldn't have thought that he would shoot up during his best friend's wedding.
"You fucking kidding me?" Tommy muttered under his breath before he walked over and lifted the bassist's sunglasses slapping his face gently. "Hey, Nikki. Wake up, asshole!"
"What the fuck, dude?" Nikki groaned, blinking his eyes open.
"Jesus!" Tommy swore turning away and going back to fixing his tie.
"I'm good." Nikki mumbled pulling the sunglasses off his head as he groggily sat up. "It's all good."
"You're most definitely not all good, man. But, whatever, just clean- Hey!"
Nikki tripped over the glass coffee table in his effort to stand, sending the items crashing to the floor loudly as he struggled to his feet.
"Jesus, Sixx." You whispered under your breath watching him worriedly.
It had been a long time since you saw Nikki this fucked up. Not even on tour at the clubs and bars was he usually this bad.
Tommy leant over and grabbed the bassist by the collar of his shirt, "get your shit together. I don't want Heather to be embarrassed, okay?"
"I'm embarrassing? Cool." Nikki slurred taking a sip of his beer that you hadn't realised he grabbed.
"Drummer, come here." You pushed yourself away from the doorframe and walked over to Tommy and motioned to his tie that he was struggling with.
He nodded his thanks as you reached up and began to tie it carefully for him while he glared over his shoulder at the bassist who was now spilling beer while waving his bottle around.
"Let's go marry your fancy ass TV chick in this fancy ass hotel."
"Hey, are you gonna do this on the happiest day of my life, asshole?" Tommy snapped, turning away from you before you could finish as he faced Nikki.
"The happiest day of your life? The happiest day of your life was when I let you join my band."
"Sixx, shut the fuck up." You warned.
Tommy sighed, pulling his half-tied tie completely off in frustration before he turned to look at Mick and Vince.
"Shall I get someone else to stand up there with me or what?"
Vince shook his head, "don't look at me, man."
"I'll do it, Drummer." Mick declared standing up from his seat.
"I-I've already got the fucking rings. Let's just go." Nikki sighed.
Tommy stared at his best man for a moment before he turned and marched out the room without a word. You shared a quick look with your brother and Mick before following him out.
Standing up the front between Vince and Nikki during the ceremony wasn't too bad. The location was right by the beach and the fresh air seemed to be helping Nikki a little, but you had to grab hold of his arm during the vows to stop him from falling over.
He didn't comment on you practically holding him up but seemed to appreciate it though and to your relief, he didn't make any scenes or cause any issues during the ceremony.
After the ceremony, the real party started.
The guys were pretty drunk and having a wonderful time. Tommy had seemed to either forgiven Nikki for earlier or was simply now too drunk to care, either way, the two of them were laughing with their arms around each other's shoulders across the crowd.
Dinner was bought out later that night, some kind of slow cooked meat that usually would have smelt wonderful but only made you feel nauseous.
"Are you okay?" Heather asked, looking over at you as you stared at your plate of food trying not to throw up.
Food never had this kind of impact on you. And you hadn't drunk much either, so why did you feel sick?
"I-I..." You tried to say before you abruptly stood up and rushed off to the bathroom.
You barely made it to the toilet in time before throwing up the little food you had inside. Your stomach churned violently, and you spat into the toilet before flushing away the horrible stench and resting your face down against the cool porcelain lid breathing heavily.
Throwing up wasn't unusual for you. Migraines had that side effect, except, you didn't have a migraine.
"Y/N?" Heathers voice worriedly called out from the main door. "I bought you some water. Are you okay?"
"Yeah." You sighed, pushing yourself away from the toilet before leaning your back against the stall wall just as Heather poked her head around the corner with concerned eyes.
"Here. Have something to drink."
You grabbed the glass with shaky hands and took a small sip trying to wash away the horrible aftertaste.
"You know, my friend used to get sick whenever she smelt pork while she was pregnant." Heather suddenly said, and it took your foggy brain a moment to catch on before your eyes widened.
She smiled, "it's okay. I won't tell anyone. How far along are you?"
"I-I... I'm not... I can't be... oh, fuck." You went through a million different emotions within the span of five seconds.
Your period was late. Your pants were getting too tight. That bad food poisoning that lasted for a couple of weeks... holy shit.
"You didn't know?" Heather asked gently a small frown on her face. "If you don't mind me asking, who's the father? I didn't think you were dating anyone."
And then your stomach dropped, and you felt like you were going to be sick all over again.
Nikki Sixx and Tommy Lee.
Oh, dear God.
You hadn't done anything with anyone else since... no. This couldn't be happening. This could not be happening.
That had become your coping mechanism.
Complete and total denial.
That tactic worked, until another month passed, and your stomach was beginning to balloon out into a small bump that was getting harder and harder to hide.
You were yet to take an actual pregnancy test to confirm what Heather had suspected, but you didn't need to. It was pretty fucking clear what was happening despite how badly you wished it wasn't.
Vince was hosting another party at his beach front mansion. The thought of being around drunk idiots while not drinking yourself did not sound fun, but you knew Vince would be suspicious if you didn't show up. So, you pulled on a large jacket and went to your brother's house.
The party was loud and rowdy. It was filled with booze, drugs and too many people for your liking.
So that was how you ended up out on the beach behind his house to get away from all the noise while trying to figure out what the fuck you were going to do.
Tommy was off on his honeymoon with Heather. Nikki was at the party and injecting in the bathroom. And Vince was about five beers down while snorting lines off the table... there was no way in hell you could tell them about this.
You sat on the cool sand under the moonlight watching waves crash along the shore in front of you. Music from the party thumped in the background behind you, Too Fast for Love playing for the fourth time tonight because Vince was in control of the playlist.
"What's going on, kid?"
You glanced over your shoulder to find Mick walking down from the house to where you were sitting near the water. He had a bottle of vodka in his hand but didn't seem half as drunk as the rest of the people in that house.
"Just thinking." You sighed, looking back out at the ocean as stars shimmered brightly in the sky above it.
Mick didn't say anything else before he carefully eased himself down onto the sand beside you, wincing a little at the pain in his back, but he sat down despite it and joined in watching the ocean.
"I've got three kids." He suddenly said after a few minutes of silence and your heart stopped.
He knew.
How the fuck did Mick Mars figure it out?
"I've been around pregnant women before. I can tell." He continued to say as if he could sense your thoughts. "That and, you can usually drink me under the table with rum and you haven't touched it at all tonight."
You chuckled softly but remained silent not knowing what to say.
"Tommy or Nikki?"
And there it was. The golden question you had been asking yourself since the wedding.
"I honestly don't know." You admitted before shaking your head at yourself and wrapping your arms around your knees resting your chin on top. "You must think I'm a horrible person."
"No." Mick answered and he sounded truthful. "None of my kids were planned either."
You tilted your head towards him, "do you regret having them?"
It was a horrible question, but you remembered how the older man had been struggling all those years ago when Mötley Crüe first formed. He went from sleeping on park benches struggling to pay child support to... well, he wasn't on park benches anymore.
"At the time? Yeah. It wasn't my choice, and I was broke." Mick answered honestly. "But now? I can't imagine my life without them."
You nodded, biting your lip as you felt tears starting to rise in your eyes. You quickly looked away not wanting the older man to see you cry.
"I don't know what to do, Mick." You said, your voice barely above a whisper. "I never wanted kids. Tommy is married and Nikki... I don't know. I don't know what to do."
Suddenly, Mick wrapped his arm around your shoulders and gently pulled you into his side without a word and that was all it took before you broke down.
How were you meant to tell Tommy and Nikki? How the hell were you meant to tell Vince? How the fuck were you even meant to raise a child? Sure, you were good with Skylar, but that was different. You had no idea what you were doing, and you had no idea what you wanted to do either.
"It's gonna be okay, kid." Mick whispered, rubbing your back gently.
You leant against the older man and cried silently in his arms, but Mick never judged you for it. He kept whispering soothing words to you and allowed you to let out your emotions.
Nikki Sixx was banging on your front door before the sun was even up the following morning.
"Y/N! Open the door! We need to talk." He shouted from outside. "I know you're home. Answer the door."
You sighed, rolling over in bed hoping if you ignored him for long enough, he would simply leave.
You were not in the mood to deal with Nikki's intoxicated state because if he was awake this early that meant he hadn't gone to bed since the party which meant he was either drunk or high or both. Probably both. When you were leaving last night, Nikki was so fucked up. Hell, he could barely walk straight.
"Y/N! Come on!" He continued to shout, knocking loudly against the front door.
Fucking hell.
You sighed before kicking your blankets off and sitting up as a rush of nausea hit you like a truck. Morning sickness was a real bitch.
After throwing up the little contents in your stomach and brushing your teeth to get rid of the horrible taste in your mouth, you were surprised to hear Nikki still knocking on your front door. He was determined, you'd give him credit for that.
Pulling on your dressing gown covering your pyjamas and small baby bump, you made your way across the house and pulled open the front door.
Nikki was pacing along the porch looking stressed out of his mind but also extremely high. That shouldn't have been a surprise considering how much he was snorting last night on top of whatever he had injected in the bathroom.
"Do you know how early it is?" You sighed, rubbing your face with your hands.
Nikki spun around not having heard the door open, and he was marching straight past you into the house without saying a single word.
Okay. That was weird.
You watched him walk to the main room of your house before you closed the front door and joined him, but Nikki was still pacing along the back of the couch, not looking at you.
"What's going on, Sixx?" You asked hesitantly.
Something was definitely wrong.
The bassist eventually stopped pacing and turned to face you properly. He looked wrecked and you knew it wasn't just because of the drugs.
"I had an interesting talk with Mick last night after you left."
Oh. Oh.
"Were you ever going to tell me?" He asked, and his voice sounded so broken you wanted to cry.
"I-I don't even know myself. I haven't taken a test." You admitted, despite not needing a test to confirm it.
Nikki nodded, rubbing his face with his hands as he took in a deep shaky breath and returned to pacing the length of your living room. He was freaking out. That was valid, but you had no idea how to calm him down because you were still trying to process it too.
"How-how long have you known?" He eventually asked while still pacing with his arms folded across his chest.
"A month."
"A whole fucking month?!" He whirled around, his eyes wide in sudden burning anger that had you flinching back on instinct. "You've known for a month, and you never thought to fucking tell me?"
You raised your hands to try and calm him but before you could say anything he was already shouting.
"You didn't think it was important enough for me to know? I mean, fuck, Y/N. Does Tommy know? Do you even know who's fucking baby it is? Are you going to keep it, or terminate it? Are you-"
"Sixx, stop! I don't know. I... I... fuck. I don't fucking know!" You shouted back at him matching his anger because if you didn't get angry then you were going to start crying. And you did not want to start crying in front of him.
"Jesus Christ!" He swore throwing his arms in the air in frustration. "What do you fucking know then?"
"I know that you are fucked up right now. So, get out." You ordered pointing at the front door.
"No. We need to talk about this!"
"We can talk once you're sober." You sighed, all the anger deflating out of you as you walked over and opened the door for him. "Go home, Sixx. Get some sleep and come back when you're not high or drunk, okay?"
Nikki hesitated, his dull eyes shifting between you and the door before he reluctantly nodded and left the house without saying or shouting anything further. You had expected him to fight and argue more but were relieved that he didn't.
You were not in the right state of mind for this argument.
Nikki had questions, but right now, you couldn't give him any answers even if you wanted to.
Next Chapter
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If anyone wants to be tagged just let me know
A/N: before you all come at me for this pregnancy jump scare, just wait for the next chapter. 
This is NOT a pregnancy/baby fic (not that there is anything wrong with those fics) but I know a lot of people hate that trope and I don't want to spoil anything but just trust me and wait for the next chapter. 
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vampyrgoff · 9 months
Hii I just wanted to see if you do requests? I kind of want to ask a Vince and Bo both dating you. But you kind of have a bad week and don’t talk and act like your normal self and then one day they finally ask you and (you know when someone asks if you are okay and the waterfall comes) and have a lot of comfort🥺
I’m kinda struggling right now and today just is the one over the edge and need some love and comfort from these guys😭😭😭
If not that’s alright! Thank you for reading this one anyways!
Dating Both Vincent and Bo Sinclair: You had a bad week </3 Bo and Vincent comfort <3
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Bo Sinclair x reader, Vincent Sinclair x reader
contains— fluffff, Bo, and Vinnie being cutie patooties, the boys kind of give off caregiver vibes?, agere vibes but like not really specifying or going into too much detail with that, vinnie does speak a VERY little. YALL CANT TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME, HE SOMETIMES SPEAKS TO YOU WHEN ALONE IDC I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL, a bit of babying honestly, I feel like it sucks but this is the best my sleepy brain can come up with...
requests— always open! send whateva guys <3
vampyr's note— Thanks for requesting, I hope you're doing okay 🥺 I wanted to get this out as soon as possible just cause I know how it feels when you have those days where you're struggling and nothing goes right. I hope this makes your day a little better and if it does, I'm glad I was able to help! <3 My DMs are ALWAYS open if anyone needs to talk to someone! <3 I want to say that this is my first time having to WRITE a cohesive story instead of small blurbs, so I'm sorry for any bad writing!
word count— 2.0k words, 10.9k characters
as always... gifs aren't mine!
reblogs, comments and feedback are always appreciated <3
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(literal husbands ughh) (Vincent speaks through sign language! its easier on me to write it that way) (NOT PROOFREAD)
It was just a day. It was just a week, even. That's all it was. "All you have to do is get through it" is what you kept telling yourself. As you lay in bed in the workshop, watching Vincent work, your chest felt heavy. As if there was some sort of weight that was pulling you down. Your throat almost felt shut closed, as if you were to speak, nothing would come out. Your eyelids felt heavy and your vision grew hazy. You've been in bed all day. You didn't even know what time it was.
One thing about Vincent: if you don't tell him to stop working, he never will. He gets so lost in sketching and materializing those sketches that he forgets to eat and drink water, sometimes even take bathroom breaks. Bo can be heard upstairs, busy with something or someone. The loud thuds of his boots can be heard from downstairs. You sat up from the bed, your hair a tousled mess. Vincent's head snaps towards you almost instantly and his eyes soften at how beautiful you looked. Your hair was a mess but it looked so good, your skin was flushed a bit from all the crying and rubbing at your face, and you sat there wearing Bo's Nine Inch Nails band tee.
Vincent tilts his head at you, something he does a lot. "How did you sleep, beautiful?" He signs. A faint smile graced your lips.
"It... it was okay." You said a bit flatly. You got up and walked to him. Vincent noticed your thigh-high socks that rested up to about mid-thigh. The warmth of the basement really hitting your skin now. Vincent stood on his stool, waiting for you to really cuddle up in his arms like you normally do. But his heart sank a little when all you did was a small side hug and looked at one of the sketches he was drawing.
You were trying to avoid his gaze. You've been like this, this whole entire week. You lay in bed and shut yourself out from your lovers. It's easy to hide your true discontent feelings from Bo, as he tends to get busy with running everything in Ambrose with Lester. But with Vincent, it's a different story. Vincent knows you like the back of his hand. He observes you like a lost puppy. You're fascinating to him. So when you have these weeks, he tries to give you space and offer comfort but, it's truly hard when all you do is push away from him. Vincent watched you walk up the stairs, listening to the soft pitter patters of your feet. He wasn't gonna follow you yet but he knew Bo was gonna get to the bottom of what has been making you feel so bad.
Vincent had always struggled with confrontation and confronting you. Bo was always upfront with you and sometimes had to air out Vincent's feelings so that Vincent's problems would get solved. You never minded it though. You kind of admired the Yin and Yang in them. You loved the warmth of Vincent and the iciness of Bo.
As you walked out into the kitchen, Bo was already there, looking through the fridge. Bo's phone dinged and he looked at the message, tensing his jaw a bit as he looked at you. The message was from Vincent and it very much was a message about you and your recent behavior. "Doll," he says lowly, dragging out the name itself. You turned your head to him, already preparing yourself to mask your emotions completely. You hummed in response as you looked up at the taller man, he looked at you with expectant eyes. You heard approaching footsteps from behind you, once you heard Vincent walk into the room, you knew the jig was up.
Bo carried you and placed you on the kitchen island's countertop. Bo and Vincent now standing in front of you, Vincent's hand holding your left and Bo's hand holding your right. In serious moments like this, Vincent takes off his mask, and Bo's icy-cold gaze softens, and in this moment, it isn't an exception. You knew where this was going and you knew you needed comfort, it was just hard opening up to them. Not because you didn't want to, and not because they wouldn't listen but because you didn't want to waste energy trying to make them understand. You didn't want advice on how to make it better... you just wanted some extra love. Bo cleared his throat, interrupting you and your thoughts. "Doll, are you okay?" he asked, his voice low but very intimate.
Within seconds, your eyes begin to water and your tears begin to blur your vision. Vincent is quick to react as he pulls your face into his chest, shooting a look at Bo. He smells like wax and lavender-scented candles, a smell that smelt like home to you. Bo's thumb ran over your thumb in a soothing manner. The gesture really makes your heart swell as you turn your head to look at him.
"I-I'm sorry guys," You say, tears falling from your eyes, wetting Vincent's shirt a bit. "I know I've been extremely distant but I-" Bo shushes you immediately, stopping you from explaining. He reaches a hand out to you, the hand cupping your chin, his thumb rubbing at your bottom lip. "Now, you don't have to tell us anything, darling. Open up when you're ready okay?" He asks and you nod your head still sniffling. "Pretty princesses like you shouldn't be crying, okay?" You hug Bo next and he smiles a bit. He can't help but think that in moments like these, you're the cutest, so vulnerable and so small. He loves reveling in the fact that he can provide for you like a true man. It's his biggest ego boost. He loves feeling like he and his brother are the only ones on the planet earth that can make you feel good. Once you pull away, Bo stamps a kiss on your forehead. "What would you like us to do for you?" Vincent signs, his face contorted with worry.
Bo carries you off the counter and you cling onto him, your legs wrapped around his waist. He looks down at you and smiles a bit, he walks you over to the living room, as Vincent goes downstairs, grabbing all of your favorite movies and DVDs and grabbing your weighted blanket along with one of your favorite stuffed animals. Bo sits you on the couch and brings you a glass of water. "Drink up, okay baby. I know you probably haven't had anything to drink in a while," he says softly while rubbing your back. It was a true statement, you hadn't really taken care of yourself this week, it was apparent. Your skin was paler than usual, your cheeks were puffy and your lips plump from constantly chewing at them. It felt so good to be taken care of by Bo and Vincent. They were the best at giving princess treatment.
Vincent finally comes up and brings all the things you need. You feel your heart swell as Vincent sets the DVDs down on the table in front of you. He sits next to you, sprawling out the weighted blanket over the three of you as you reach for your favorite stuffed animals. "Now, which movie would you like to watch, sunshine." Bo drawls as he holds up all the DVDs in hand, sprawled out so that you can pick out of your favorites. Once the movie is picked he gets up and puts the movie in as you lean into Vincent's chest. Vincent's arms come over you and he pulls you onto him so that your back is in contact with his chest as Bo sits back down next to you. Bo lifts your legs up and sets them on his lap, his warm and calloused hands, rubbing at your skin and massaging your legs sensually as the movie starts. Every now and then Bo kisses the skin on your legs, truly making you feel pampered with love.
Once the movie comes to a close, you look to your left and see Bo, sleeping already. Vincent's still up though, his delicate hands playing with your hair and making small two-strand and three-strand braids, something that you taught him how to do in the past. "Vince," you call out to him quietly. He hums softly, not stopping the braiding. "What should we do now? Bo's asleep." You say. Vincent looks to Bo and shakes his head playfully disapproving. You finally turn your body to him and Vincent smiles once he sees your face. He leans in for a small kiss, which you gladly return. He tucks some hair behind your ear and smiles more, beginning to hold your face with his warm and intoxicating touch. "Are you feeling better?" He signs to you. You think for a second and you shrug. "I don't know anymore, Vinnie. I still feel really sad." You explain truthfully. Vincent stands up and grabs your hand. "Where are we going," you ask him as he begins to pull you up the stairs.
Vincent leads you to one of the bedrooms. He sits you on the bed and signals you to wait there. You nod in slight confusion, listening to his request. You watch Vincent walk in and out of the bedroom and in the bathroom. Vincent begins to run a bath for you, adding your favorite scents, and bath bombs to the water that consisted of your favorite colors. He adds rose petals to the water and smiles to himself. Vincent always outdid himself when it came to you and your needs, this being a great example. Vincent walks back to the bedroom and tugs on the oversized band tee you were wearing, his own way of telling you to take it off. Once you do, he turns your body so that your back is facing him and very gently undoes the hooks in your bra, as he does so, his lips trail your neck and back very slowly. Once your bra falls flat to the floor he very slowly takes off your underwear and sits you on the bed.
Vincent's eyes trail over your body a couple times but his eyes don't feel predatory. It feels like he's taking in your beauty in its purest form. You were a muse for him, he's seen your body in many vulnerable poses and such and he feels lucky to even say that. "Pretty..." He whispers to himself. He looks up to you with flushed cheeks, "Pretty princesses shouldn't have to undress themselves either." He kneels down to the floor and begins to pull off your thigh highs. Nice and slow leaving kisses down your thighs and legs and doing the same to the other. You feel your heart race and you begin to cover yourself up with your arms to which he shakes his head disapprovingly as he reaches over and retracts your arms to your side. Vincent stands up, pulls his cardigan off, and begins to undress himself. He picks you up and carries you to the bath setting you in gently as he gets behind you. Your back was on Vincent's chest. Vincent hums a small tune as he undoes all the braids and twists that he did in your hair, wetting the hair in the process, massaging your scalp, and leaving kisses all over your back. "There's my pretty girl." You hear from the doorway. Bo walks in and sits on the edge of the tub. "You know you look so pretty right now, enjoying yourself with Vince, right?" He asks teasingly, and you look away from him, feeling so shy under his keen eye. To distract yourself from his gaze you grab the shampoo, getting ready to lather your hair in it. But Bo takes it away from you. "Let me," He starts, "Our pretty doll is not gonna think for herself today, okay? You just sit there and look pretty... we'll take care of you okay?" He says in a loving yet firm voice.
This night was gonna be all about you.
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bellysoupset · 3 months
Vince was not feeling well.
Which was saying something considering he hadn't been feeling well since November last year.
The talk with Wendy had helped, a lot, the knot that had permanently tied in his throat. Knowing they weren't over had him nearly dizzy with relief, even if he was very aware that it wouldn't be easy to have a relationship when they were 4 hours apart.
But there was more. There were his friends still... With whom he hadn't spoken. Well, everyone safe for Leo, who had texted him over Christmas break and hadn't stopped.
"I don't want you unhappy," had been Leo's simplistic answer when Vince met up with him that morning and asked why he was being so cool about the entire situation. Jonah hadn't spoken with him in a while and Vin wasn't sure if he was being ignored or if it was just Jon's regular sullen silences.
He was absolutely certain that Luke was ignoring him and that was more than partially to blame for the queasy sensation that spread all over his body.
"It seems like you're the only one," Vince scoffed, pushing the french fry around with viciousness and glaring at it. He couldn't fathom eating it, with how unsettled his stomach felt.
Leo let out a sigh, "that's not true, Vin." He was sitting back against Fredo's leather seats, finishing off his own burger, "Luke's a wreck, you two should really talk."
"Nothing to talk about," Vince grumbled, trying not to meet Leo's eyes and failing miserably when the blonde glared at him.
"He's just making everything worse," Vince groaned, wincing as his stomach cramped painfully, "it's hard enough leaving and it's hard enough that I'm gonna be four hours apart from my girlfriend and Luke- Luke's fucking everything up."
Leo raised his eyebrows, judgement rolling off of him and Vince ducked his head, muffling a burp against his fist. There was a burning in his chest that nothing could soothe.
"Stop looking at me like that."
"You say you wanna go, but I've never seen you look more miserable," Leo pointed out, his voice gentle, but firm, "look at me, Vin."
He did and immediately grimaced. There was nothing but support and concern in Leo's face, which Vince quickly found that he did not want. He much rather be yelled at, as he was sure Jonah or Bell would have.
"I'm okay."
"Bullshit," Leo sighed, rubbing his face, "don't lie to my face, okay? You're miserable."
Vince shrugged, "I will be okay... I got a job in Doverport."
Leo's eyebrows jumped up, "uhm... Congrats?" he said, unsure given the tone of the conversation, "what is it?"
"History teacher at the local public school," Vince picked at his nails, "I start in a week."
"That's great Vin! You've always wanted to teach..." Leo's voice trailed off and he let out a heavy sigh, "and you're not happy."
"What do you mean? Of course I a-"
"It wasn't a question," Leo twirled the coke in his cup with the metal straw, poking at the ice chips, "why are you moving if you don't want to?"
"I do want to," Vince sighed, giving up all pretense at trying to eat and his upbeat attitude, "I miss my parents, Leo. Which I know- Well, it's not something either of you guys is very familiar with, but I don't just love my family, okay? I like them. I genuinely enjoy spending time with them... And my parents are getting old and Sophia is leaving at the end of the year and I'll see her even less and Liv... I feel like I missed every single milestone? She's six, I- I came to college when I she had just learned to say my name..."
It was terrifying, to know he would be missing out on important memories with the ones he loved regardless of each town he picked.
"No, I get it," Leo nodded, then when Vin raised an eyebrow he rolled his eyes, "okay, fine, I don't get it. Not for a second, this is completely out of my reality... But I saw Jon with Angie this Christmas and how heartbroken he was over them not being closer. I saw Luke with his dad and how Kit doesn't even know him... And I know I spent my whole childhood wishing I had something like that," he shrugged, "so yeah, I don't get it, but I do."
Vince nodded, forcefully swallowing against the knot in his throat, "yeah..." he swallowed again, feeling clammy and ill, "it just sucks, because it feels like I'm letting everyone down and-"
"You're not," Leo reached over the table, grabbing Vin's wrist, "look, it's not you leaving, it's how you did it. At least with Wendy it is."
"You don't know Wendy," Vince scoffed, wiping the sweat collecting over his lip, "she's- She's heartbroken and furious and it's my fault."
"I do know Wendy," Leo rolled his eyes, "she's petty as fuck and she's loyal and she's independent and you asked her to give up her life and move with you after you spent two months lying to her face and leading her on."
Vince's eyes widened and he shook his head, "I didn't lie, I just- What was there to tell if I hadn't made up my mind? Nothing."
"She's your girlfriend, of course you could've said something," Leo glared at him, "you think I'd be happy if Jonah just up and decided something after months of thinking it, when he never shared the plans with me? When I wasn't a part of the conversation?"
As if the realization suddenly hit him, Vince mouthed around nothing, confused, "I didn't... I didn't think of that."
Leo let out a little snort, before starting to drink his coke. He waited, patiently, as Vince came to terms with the new realization.
It took him a minute to put it into words, but he did it, crumpling forward and shielding his face with his hands, saying in a muffled voice, "I fucked up."
"You fucked up," Leo agreed, trying not to sound too harsh, "but she still took you back, so I'm gonna guess you didn't fuck up that badly."
"God knows why she did," Vince grumbled, removing a hand from his face and staring at the table, looking like he wanted to say something and failing.
Leo's winced in sympathy, "look, we love you, Vin. All of us. That's not gonna change, okay? They'll get over it."
"Yeah," his friend nodded, not looking like he believed it, "you should come visit..." he didn't raise his eyes from the table, "I'm really going to miss you, kid."
Leo's valiant smile and upbeat attitude wavered a little and he only nodded, not quite managing to fake it, "yeah, I'll miss you too..."
"I think we should get going, I still have to hit the road..." Vince cringed just at the thought. His father had let him borrow the car, so he could retrieve all the boxes from Wendy's apartment and the trunk and backseat were already loaded up.
He still had to swing by his girlfriend's apartment to get some stuff and to say goodbye... And his stomach was burning just thinking of it.
Everything felt horrible, from getting up to hugging Leo goodbye, to driving away and the prospect of the four hours long drive before him... And saying goodbye to Wendy...
Vince was so caught up in his own angst, that he completely missed the car parked next to Wendy's pink one. He had started to sweat back in the restaurant, clammy perspiration over saying goodbye to Leo, but that by now he knew was more than just that.
He felt downright woozy during the elevator ride, the small lunch he had been able to force down starting to flip in his stomach. Vince leaned against Wendy's red front door, resting his forehead on it and took a measured breath.
He just had to fake it for half an hour more. Just enough to kiss her goodbye and try not to start crying over it and then...
"And you think it's the meds?" Wendy's voice travelled through the door and Vince groaned, as he quickly realized she had company, Bella's voice answering.
"I hope it's just the meds... I'm scared, Wendy - Fuck that, I'm overwhelmed..."
"Of course you are, it's a lot to handle on your own, Bells..."
Vince turned the doorknob, deciding to make his presence known sooner rather than later. He was already in both women's shit list, the last thing he wanted was to be accused of eavesdropping on them.
As soon as he opened the door, the talking died down and both girls turned to face him. Bella was leaning against the dining table, while Wendy was on the opposite side, putting the decor back on top of the table after they had lunch.
He could still smell it in the air, raspberry pie and something else.
"Oh hey, you're back early!" Wendy's voice went up a note, all awkward in a way that wasn't like her at all. She glanced nervously at Bella, who had crossed her arms defensively and raised her eyebrows.
"Hi," Bell said coolly and Vin all but flinched at her tone.
He loved this girl like a sister and it was a slap to the face to be treated like that.
"Hi," Vince gripped the doorknob, "I'm on my way out," which was the wrong thing to say, because Bell let out an incredulous, bitter scoff, while Wendy promptly dropped the vase she was holding down on the table, looking spooked.
"Already? I thought you were only leaving tonight..." She looked all heartbroken, "I thought we'd have more time-"
"Don't let the door hit you on your way out," Bella said and Vince reeled at her tone, while Wendy's mouth hung open, her heart shaped face turning pink.
"That's fucking enough, Bell," she glared at the ginger, "you can be civilized or you can leave."
A horrible warmth spread all over Vince and he breathed in deeply through his nose. The floor seemed to be swimming, nausea clinging to the back of his throat.
"I'm not gonna coddle him just because-"
"This isn't about Vince and you know it, you're letting your feelings get in the way-"
"Yeah, damn right I am!" Bella exclaimed, her voice a note louder and Vince groaned, as it made his head pound.
He was going to be sick.
His mouth filled with saliva and he gulped down nervously, trying to think through the horrible fog. He could bolt for the bathroom, but that would get them questioning him, besides... He really didn't want to impose on Wendy, she was already being too understanding-
"Helloooo? I'm talking with you, jackass," Bella's voice cut through the haze and Vince struggled to focus on her. She had moved closer, while Wendy was hot on her heels, looking flustered and pissed off.
"You really should go now, Bella-"
"Fuck no, I won't, not until he looks at me-"
"Move," Vince groaned, squeezing his eyes shut and darting a hand forward. It touched Bell's wrist and he squeezed it as well, "Bella, get out of the way-"
"What the fuck do you think you're doing!?" Bella's voice suddenly was much louder, "let go off me-" the implication of her words was more nauseating than anything and Vince's stomach surged up in his throat... And he didn't have it in him to even fight it.
He bent in half, shoving Bella back to avoid getting her combat boots covered in sick and then lost his lunch on Wendy's foyer. All over his boots.
Vince swayed on the spot, a cramp hitting him fiercely and he would've crumpled down to his knees, wasn't it for Bella grabbing him suddenly.
"Vince?! Vin, what the fuck!?" Bella exclaimed right next to his ear, her voice strained by the effort of keeping him collapsing. He was far too big for her, if his knees fully gave in, he'd pull them both down, "what's wrong? Are you sick? Are you hurt?!"
All that anger gone in the flick of a wrist.
Vince let out a groan, squeezing his stomach. Everything felt horrible, his head felt completely disconnected from his body, his belly was sour and far from empty, churning up a storm and he was freezing...
"Aw honey," Wendy's voice, a balm to his nerves, made Vince open his eyes. A towel had already been draped over the puddle of sick and his girlfriend had wrapped her arm around his opposite side, helping Bella hold him up, "you're not well, I can feel the fever from here..."
"I'm g-" His throat constricted and Vince gulped down against the knot in there, "gon'besick..."
"Yeah, help us," Bella gasped, sounding worried and frustrated as they tried to move him to the bathroom. Without his help, not even in a pair they could do much.
Vince nodded, shivering violently and leaning on them, using all his force to move. He collapsed down on the bathroom floor, taking Bella with him since she was the one further inside.
There wasn't much time to think as he pushed the toilet lid up and tried, vaguely, not to cause a bigger mess. His stomach cramped again, squeezing, and Vince white knuckled the porcelain, heaving.
A hand cupped his forehead, supporting his heavy head and Vince leaned into the soft touch with a sob. His thoughts were a jumbled mess, flip flopping between the horrible sensation of his body and the confusion and hurt over the previous interaction.
"I'm-ssssorry..." Vince slurred, sounding and feeling drunk, trying to get rid of the line of thick spit dangling from his bottom lip.
"Shut up," Bella said quietly, dabbing his lip with a wad of toilet paper, "jesus, you're soaked..."
"Here," Wendy, crouching down next to them, planting a humid washcloth to the back of his neck. Vince let his eyes slip closed, immediately regretting it as in the darkness he could feel the room twirling around him-
"Arms up," Bella, grabbing his elbow, "c'mon, big guy, help me here."
"Whataare... What are you doing...?" Vince forced his eyes open and realized he was no longer slumped over the toilet, but propped against the cold wall of the bathroom. Wendy was standing near the sink, re-wetting the washcloth.
"You're boiling," Bell explained, all soft, "we need to get your temperature down."
He really didn't feel like he could trust her, not after all the yelling, not after she had been ignoring him... Besides, it was freezing.
"No, 'mnot..."
"Yes, you are, Vin," Bella pushed his damp hair back, looking terribly concerned, "this is going to help, okay?"
"Uhm-" he couldn't help but lean on her touch, letting his eyes close. Sure, he was hurt over Bell's words and she was pissed at him, but it was still Bella...
"Honey," Wendy, patting his cheek, "Vin, open your eyes... Vin..."
He tried to force them open, ready to cry over not being able to just fucking sleep. Being awake just meant feeling like he was about to spew the food he had eaten back in 8th grade, he'd much rather sleep-
"Vince," Wendy shook him a little harder and Vince opened his eyes. He was shirtless now, which was more than a little concerning. He didn't remember taking his shirt off.
Bella was perched on the bathtub, watching over them, and Wendy was crouched in front of him, cupping his face.
Vince's head swam as he tried to focus on his girlfriend. Wendy's eyes were the size of platters, all worried.
"Hey," she forced a smile, stroking his cheek, "how are you feeling?"
"Like crap," Vince groaned and couldn't help a small smile as he heard Bella snort.
"Yeah?" Wendy rolled her eyes, "when did you start feeling sick, honey?"
"Uhm..." Vince winced as another cramp hit him and he curled up, sucking in the air. It took a second to breath through the hot, sharp pain and as soon as the iron grip in his inside eased, a new wave of nausea hit him. He was sweating, gulping nervously as his mouth watered and his tongue felt too big for his mouth, "don't feel good..."
"I know, sweetheart," Wendy smoothed his hair back, "I just need to know for how long this has been going on. Were you sick this morning?"
She sounded so... Calm. So gentle. Somewhere in the recess of his mind Vince knew this wasn't a good thing, that this was Wen using her doctor voice. The last thing he wanted was to be an even bigger bother-
Tears stung his eyes and Vince curled up even more, turning his head away from Wendy... His eyes paused on Bella and she looked horribly guilty. Twice as concerned. None of the calm that Wendy sported, panic was written all over her face.
"I'm so sorry," she said before Vince could say anything and a sob bubbled up, making his whole frame shake. Vince ducked his head, he didn't want to cry, but the fever was frying at his nerves and before he head any control over it, big fat tears started to run down his cheeks.
"Hey, hey..." Wendy whispered, moving up and wrapping her arms around him, pulling Vince into a tight hug, "hey, I got you. You're okay-"
"I'm sorry," he mumbled into her hair, words sticking together, shaking them both, "I'm sorry, I don't- I'm making a mess, I've made a mess-"
"No, no, we're fine," Wendy squeezed him, kissing the side of his head, "we're working through it, right? We're okay- You're okay-"
"No, I'm not, I don't- I hate this. Everything is wrong and I feel wrong, and-" Vince sobbed, his words jumbling together in one continuous stream that made no sense even to his own ears and suddenly there was another pair of arms wrapped around him, squeezing him even tighter than Wendy was.
"I'm here- You-you're okay," she mumbled, voice muffled since Bella's cheek was squished to his shoulder, "we're okay, alright? We're gonna be okay."
"But- but you hate..." Vince whimpered and Bella pulled back, all but replacing Wendy in cupping his face, forcing their eyes to meet.
"No, I'm furious at you, I don't hate you," she glared at him, "not for a second, Vin."
This was all very touching, but Vince's stomach apparently hadn't gotten the memo he was having a moment, because suddenly he was gagging.
Bella jumped out of the way and both women pushed him forward to lean over the bowl, just in time for the rest of his stomach lining to make a reappearance. He coughed and coughed, but there wasn't much more to bring up and Vince was left panting and sobbing, curled up over the toilet bowl.
He felt Bella's fingers moving through his sweaty hair, Wendy squeezing his arm as she got up from the ground, "stay with him, I'm gonna settle the room. Clearly he's not stopping any time soon."
Vince groaned, he didn't need Bell to sit with him, he didn't need a nanny... Bella flicked at his ear.
"No one said anything about you needing a nanny," she scoffed, before continuing to comb his hair, "you seem hellbent on throwing up on me."
Vince let out a surprised chuckle, eyes closed as he breathed through the nausea that was starting back up, "it's the least you deserve after yelling at me like that."
Bella snorted, running her hand up and down his naked back, "god, I'm gonna fucking miss you."
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sixx6secs2love · 30 days
Hi I was wondering if you make GNR fics and if you do can you pls make one of Izzy being mean to his girl or something and if you don’t write gnr fics can you do Vince or Nikki being mean to his girl thank you!!
word count: 678
warnings: manipulation, drugs, alcohol, nikki being an ass
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ok so just to start things off I don't really know whats going on with like mick and something about nikki sueing him or something and it kinda sucks. but if Nikki would do that to his “brother” now then imagine what Nikki would do to his girlfriend back then.
don't get me wrong, he loves you to death and he shows it, but there's a lot of reasons as to why he would be so toxic or mean.(drugs, alcohol, pressure, and i'm sure in a relationship like this the lack of love he got as a child would probably come into play.)
He does love you though. Sometimes he can just be an asshole. but not so much physically if he's being mean just to be mean but more emotionally if that makes sense.
There can be a number of reasons why Nikki could be mean to you. It could be from drug-induced behavior, especially if he's feeling aggressive or paranoid from being high.
It could also be if he's feeling insecure or threatened in some way, and his default response is to become defensive and lash out. Another possibility is that he's simply being a dick, and he's not thinking deeply about his behavior, but rather just reacting negatively.
he would probably be really passive-aggressive like the silent treatment or just act cold and ignore you. He would also make mean comments, either outright or in a snide or sarcastic way and harsh with his words and demeanor, saying hurtful things to you in order to hurt you and make you feel bad about yourself.
He's the type to go for sensitive points and use them as a weapon, knowing that it'll hurt you even if the criticism may be accurate or true, but if you do it to him hes shutting it down immediately, like getting in your face telling you to shut up or knock it off.
now if you were like in front of people like the band or something, he wouldn't wanna embarrass you or him, and he doesn't wanna hear shit from the guys or get looks from people if he were mean to you, so the most he would do in public is like get real close to you and tell you to leave him alone then walk away.
but if he were just mad or being a dick he'd still act like a boyfriend I guess, but wouldn't talk much. but while he's in this pissy mood he wouldn't try and solve it or apologize.
maybe he would after he got something good out of it but most likely not. maybe he'd disappear for a while then come back with his stupid smile like nothing really happened.
I'm telling you this man is a manipulator and gaslighter! there's no way he's not.
Nikki can manipulate in several ways. He might use emotional manipulation to play on your feelings and make you doubt yourself or your own thoughts and opinions.
He could use intellectual manipulation, where he uses reason and logic to get you to agree with him. He could gaslight you, where he alters reality and convinces you that your own memory of an event is wrong. He could even use guilt or fear to get you to do what he wants.
Overall, he uses his intelligence, charisma, and your feelings towards him to manipulate you to get what he wants.
If Nikki ended up making you cry, he would probably feel guilty and try to make amends after he came down from his aggressive or mean behavior.
He might apologize and try to make things better between you two, it depends on how far he took things, but he would likely feel regretful for making you cry and wouldn't want to see you upset. he'd probably say things like “I didnt mean it like that” in a slight pissy tone but hugging you at the same time.
but he doesn't ever really wanna make you cry. it doesn't bring him pleasure and he always ends up feeling guilty.
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deviltsunoda-writes · 9 months
flowers / fernando alonso x ofc! kpop idol
summary; nobody expected fernando alonso to date a kpop idol
note; i am back in my kpop groove again fml
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kangjuni: JUNI EP ALBUM [Flowers]
2023.02.15 7PM (KST)
#JUNI #주니 #Flowers
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Liked by charles_leclerc and 742,928 others
kangjuni: JUNI EP ALBUM [Flowers]
2023.02.15 7PM (KST)
#JUNI #주니 #Flowers
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user: Fernando and Charles??
user: Huh?
charles_leclerc: It was a pleasure to work with you Juni!
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Liked by scuderiaferrari and 2,234,837 others
kangjuni and charles_leclerc:
2023.02.15 7PM (KST)
'NOW (feat. Charles Leclerc)'
#JUNI #주니 #CharlesLeclerc #NOW #Flowers 
View all 30,444 comments
user: They've gotta be together
user: 올해의 노래!
user: Charles x Juni my parents
user: Y'all are forgetting that there's an 11 year age gap between them
user: Nah forget Charles x Juni, Juni x Fernando is where it's at
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Liked by astonmartinf1 and 71,077 others
fernandoalo_official: your touch makes me feel like i'm floating forever
View all 389 comments
user: Fernando soft launch??
user: Interesting…that's the English translation of Forever by Juni…
user: If he's happy, I'm happy
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Liked by __youngbae__ and 2,532,083 others
kangjuni: Flowers; a letter. 
To Teddy, Kush, Vince and Hunseol. Thank you for working your magic on this album. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with you all, and hopefully we can do it again in the future! When I approached you three with an idea, I had no idea it would turn into something this big. 감사합니다!
Ducky, my big bro! Working with you is like a dream come true, ten year old me would be over the moon.  Jay, even though we've known each other since 2005, it has taken us this long to actually collaborate. Can you believe it? Charles, you're one of the most talented people I know, never let anyone take your spirit.
To my brothers, Seunghyun, Daesung, Jiyong and Youngbae. Look at us now. I'm so proud of what we've achieved, and what we're going to do in the future. The first day I met you all, I had no clue how I was supposed to work with four boys, but I'm so glad I stuck it out. Seunghyun, our wine dates kept me going through this creative process - the hangovers not so much. Daesung, my smiley brother. You cheer me up even in the darkest of times, though I do wish you'd wear more than just socks when you play the drums! Jiyong, like you've led BIGBANG through hard times, you've helped me so much personally. Thank you for all your advice, though it really should be me advising you! And Youngbae. You helped me with this album, even when you were completely sleep deprived from dealing with my nephew. Thank you for letting me crash on your couch, steal your food and steal your son when I'm craving auntie/nephew days.  I love you all so incredibly much. BIGBANG is forever. 
To my fans. This album is for you. It's a love story, a romcom, the perfect glass of wine, a warm bath on a cold day. Thank you for supporting me from day one.
And finally, to my husband. Nando, this album wouldn't have happened without you. You've supported me through everything - my brothers joining the military, hiatuses, creative slumps and crazy fans - and I don't know what I would do if you weren't firmly in my corner. You've given me a fair few heart attacks throughout our relationship, and you continue to do so, but that's what I love about you. 
Always yours, 
Kang Juri. 
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writer's note; i am incredibly proud of this one
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saintsir4n · 2 months
in which brian gets mad!
“Hey! Hey! Back off — Vince outside, put down the vase, you’re not breakin’ shit in my house. Brian go upstairs, Summer you go with him, clean those bruised hands,” Dom’s voice carried through the living room that was practically turned on its head. One small conversation turned into a big argument and then it eventually got physical. “What did I say? No fighting on Sundays. It’s a day for family and you two do the exact opposite, so now everyone cool off until dinner's ready.”
Vince scoffed, his glare never left Brian’s retreating figure until Leon and Jesse pushed him outside. Letty followed Dom, deciding to help him with the rest of the food prep, whilst Mia and KeKe helped pick up anything broken to toss in the trash.
Carson rolled her eyes as she joined Brian in the upstairs bathroom. Her dress would’ve gotten ruined if she hadn’t moved away from her boyfriend who had tussled with Vince until Dom got involved and pulled them apart with Jesse and Leon’s help.
Brian was against the sink, watching as she pulled out the first aid kit in silence, brows pinching together when she didn’t say anything to him, and just sighed to herself.
“You’re gonna give me the silent treatment, really?” He exacerbated, as she pulled out bandaids, cotton pads and hydrogen peroxide.
“Just stop movin’,” she muttered when she got him to wash his hands.
“He insults us and I get the cold shoulder? I don’t believe this, you’re supposed to be on my side.”
She frowned, “There are no sides Brian, and drop that base from your voice, I’m not the problem here.”
He laughed in disbelief, “Oh, and I am?”
“I never said that," she sighed, trying to wipe the cuts as he winced at the pain.
“You’re not denying it," Brian stressed, annoyed that she didn't have a problem with it.
“You didn’t have to react," Carson hated violence and her boyfriend seemed to be constantly around it.
He scoffed, “So I’m just supposed to take his shit.”
“I never said that either," she retorted, "Hold still." Brian cursed when the hydrogen peroxide coursed over his open wounds, "Sorry."
“Then what are you sayin’? ‘Cause to me it just sounds like you think I’m in the wrong," he gritted out, body digging into the sink as he felt some pain. "That I’m the issue, and I should just sit back and let guys like Vince walk all over me.”
She rose a brow, “Guys like Vince?”
He rolled his eyes, “Here we go.”
“Here we go what?” She looked at him, seeing how heated he was getting about this.
“You’re focusin’ on that, really?”
“He’s my family so watch how you talk about him," she exclaimed.
“I’m your boyfriend and you’re actin’ like that don’t mean nothin’”
“You know that’s not true," her shoulders slumped. "You mean so much to me. Brian, you know that.”
“Do I?”
“You know you do.” She paused, pulling out a large bandage and cut it in half, “It’s just…”
“It’s just what?”
“You didn’t have to punch him," she stressed, applying some cream before wrapping his wounds.
“Yes, I did," he groaned, as she took a step back, “We hold hands and it’s a problem, we smile at each other it’s a problem, You sit on my lap and we kiss suddenly he can’t take it anymore and makes digs. If it’s at me I get it, he hates me, but the second he calls you naive, or an idiot, I'm not gonna sit back and do nothin'."
"Well I can see that," Carson gestured to his sore hands, "and I'm not some pushover, I can handle Vince, I'm just tired of the drama."
"He's the drama," he said, calmer.
"Says the guy with bloody fists," she teased, putting away the first aid kit and coming to stand between his legs.
"Well, they match his busted lip."
She couldn't help but laugh, "I appreciate you defending me, I do."
"I'll always defend you, you know that," Brian wouldn't let any harm come to her, even if it was just stupid words.
"But you need to keep that temper under control, you could've ripped my dress."
"Let me see," he cooed, trailing his hand down to the hem, "Sorry baby."
"Yeah I know, it's fine just calm down sometimes," she pleaded, with a pout.
"I'll calm down when he learns that I can kiss you whenever I want," Brian said, sternly, snaking his arms around her waist, "touch you, take you out and he can't do a damn thing because we're together alright? or I'll start thinkin' he's actin' more like a jealous ex and less like a brother."
"Alright, alright, you’re all cleaned up," she gently patted his chest, "lets go."
"Wait, wait, wait, let me kiss you, before we go down stairs, couldn't wanna get interrupted again would we?"
Carson laughed into the kiss.
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pairing: gf!wes hicks x fem!reader
summary: you were a fool to believe he was innocent and truly had died.
warnings: possessive behavior, yandere,gore, blood, murder, manipulation, faked death, parental death(not reader’s family), toxicity, obsession, etc…
It was sort of an inside joke in your friend group on how whipped Wes was for Tara, always there for her even when it was obvious she wasn’t into him.
So it didn’t surprise any of you he was the first to be at her side in the hospital. Sam of course was there.
However as killings continued, suspicions were raised. “Sam being back sort of ruins everything doesn’t it? Amber said.
You snorted.”You’re only saying that because you don’t like Sam.” “True! Chad pipes in. “Shut up, Pokémon onesie! Mindy teased.
“Well, She’s coming, Wes said.”When’s the last time Tara even saw her again?” “Five years, Amber said.”Sam’s like a troublemaker.”
“Wasn’t she like like thirteen? Amber, give her a break, You say softly. “You know who should get a break? Liv said grumpily.”Me. Vince keeps being a creep again!”
“Oh god, not Vince, You groan.”He’s such a weirdo.” You hear whistling coming in your way from the jocks. More specifically, the asshole named Landon.
“Hey sweetheart, want a ride home? He asks.
“I don’t think she wants to, Wes replied defensively. Your best friend since birth pretty much. You met him first before meeting Amber, Mindy, Liv, Chad and Tara.
“Huh, I don’t remember asking you, Landon hissed. His friends laughed at his response. “I’m sorry, I’m not interested in douchebags, You say, crossing your arms. "You playing hard to get turns me on, Landon smirks. "See you later, baby."
"Gross, You scoffed. "You okay, Buddy? Chad asks Wes. "I'm fine, He replied. Mindy smirks. "You don't seem fine." "Okay, I don't like him, so what? He hits on Y/N like all the time, He finished.
You nodded. "Hm, sounds like jealousy, Mindy jokes. "Oh come on, Mindy, we've been friends forever! You said. "Y/n is right, I'm not jealous, everyone doesn't like him, Wes defended.
He did have a very good point. Plus, jocks in general normally sucked. A few exceptions, of course, one being Chad. "I should be going, You replied." My Mom and Dad are going out so they need to lecture me on rules."
Liv chuckled. You sigh, getting up. Being by yourself wouldn't be so horrible. No, You loved being by yourself. As you expected, you were lectured on rules. However, good consequence from it. You were home alone.
You ordered pizza, since you didn't feel like cooking. You binge watched horror movies, drank some soda, since your alcohol cabinet was locked, your mom and dad knew you would drink.
truthfully, you didn't exactly mind. "Oh god, why are the blonde ones always so dumb? you scoff, judging the horror movie. You sigh, drinking your soda. "See, like, why do you even go there? obviously the killer will be there."
Your phone ringing interrupts you mid rant, making you annoyed. "hello? you say, picking up.
"Uh, hi, who is this? You say, curiously.
"is y/n l/n home?"
"Oh, you're speaking with her, You smile, wondering if someone you knew was calling, though, using the voice from stab, really?
"good, i really was hoping i could talk. This is Landon."
"oh my god, sorry, not interested."
"You really believed I was Landon, huh?"
You sigh of relief. "Oh, thank fucking god. Nice joke, Mindy."
“I’m not Mindy.”
“What do you mean? You say.”of course this has to be Mindy, the only one who would do a joke like that.”
“What’s your favorite scary movie?”
“Definitely not the one you’re referring to, You sigh, getting the popcorn from the microwave.”Maybe My Bloody Valentine.”
“Good one. But don’t you like the Stab Movies? Best horror franchise of all time.”
“Sorry, but it sucked, You say.”It’s disrespectful considering it’s based on real events.”
“But you’re watching it right now. Hypocritical of you.”
Your eyes widen, you were. Not because you well, liked the movies, but because you would want to judge them over and over. It was something you did with movies you sucked.
“How did you know that? You say, looking out the windows.
“I’m watching you right now.”
You pause the movie and check everywhere the creepy phone caller was.
“Well, where are you?”
“Right behind you.”
You didn’t want to look behind you, but did as Ghostface grabbed your throat, throwing you onto the table, your snacks spilling over. Everything on the ground.
You whimpered a little as your oxygen began running out, coughing and struggling to get some air. You squirm.
“Don’t move.”
You nodded, and stop moving. He lets go of your throat, so that wasn’t how he’d kill you. You ask, "Could you just kill me by now?"
"Now would that be fun?"
You sigh, closing your eyes, preparing for your death, seeing it now. Only pain. You groaned feeling yourself being stabbed. "No! Please! You cry out. You were in so much pain.
However, he stabbed you a few times more. You still lived, though. Blacking out, accepting your fate. But you woke up, surrounded by your friends.
"y/n! you woke up! Tara said. "Huh? You say, weakly. "Um, how do we say this? She finished. Amber sighed. "Wes and his Mom died." You see Sam and someone you don’t recognize.
"hi, i'm richie, he says awkwardly.”I’m sorry for your loss.” “Thank you, You replied. You couldn’t believe your best friend died.
Your head hurt, badly. You hit your head hard you assumed. “Oh god, You groaned, tears coming out from the fact your best friend was gone.
“Hey, it’s going to be okay, Sam assured you. "i know, you frowned. You couldn't even imagine how he died. You felt horrible, you shouldn't have lived.
Amber seemed sympathetic but glared daggers at Sam. She didn’t like her. And made it fairly obvious. “I still am in so much pain, You groan.
“Maybe you need some sleep, Chad suggested. You nodded, deciding that’s what you really wanted. Some rest.
After a few hours you got some rest. You wanted to leave but you still had to recover, unfortunately. And by now you were by yourself.
At least you were filled with people around you. So not completely alone. You were bored, but having your phone, you would be fine. Something took you by surprise.
Wes had messaged you.
Or at least someone was using his phone to message you, taunt you. This was sick. But you couldn’t help but read the message.
It hurts doesn’t it?
This was confusing for a second, then you remembered he meant Wes.
Fuck you.
You were on read and didn’t get a response. Not for a while anyway. And you ignored further messages from Ghostface.
You eventually recovered enough to be discharged. And apparently the decision was to go to Stu Macher’s house. Why? You had no idea but went along because at least you wouldn’t be by yourself.
You sat on the living room couch, your friends with you. “I’m getting Deja vu, Mindy said. “You weren’t even born when Randy was here! You point out.
Liv and Chad sat together, though showing a bit more PDA than you can handle. “Whatever, you sigh. “Hey look, y/n, I get it, you’re grieving, Mindy said.
“I think I might just drink something, You frown, getting up and going to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, you hear something weird.
“Chad? Sam? You say, hoping it was at least one of them. But it wasn’t. Standing in front of you was Ghostface.
“Holy shit! Guys! You yell, as Ghostface lunges for you. “Y/n, what’s going on… FUCK! Chad said. Liv was nowhere to be seen.
“Look I have to find Liv, He said.”She accepted my request and-“ “okay! But it might be a trap! You say, Ghostface grabbing you from behind, scaring you as you screamed, violently kicking to get out of his grasp.
You should’ve seen this coming. But you didn’t. “Hey, asshole! Sam said, making Ghostface turn in her direction, hitting him and you getting out of his grasp.
It didn’t surprise you that there was another one. Richie seemed totally freaked out, and so were you. “I’ve seen this in like a million Stab movies! He said.
You had known that he hadn’t seen them prior, and watched them while supporting Sam. “Okay, but those movies sucked and aren’t accurate! You said.”So the most logical thing to do apparently was just run around and hope the killer doesn’t find you.
You were already exhausted but nonetheless made sure you stuck by your friends. You didn’t trust Amber, and you hadn’t seen her so it was quite obviously her as Ghostface.
“Okay, it’s either Amber or Liv, I think it’s Amber though, You murmur. Tara would’ve been very offended if she had heard that.
When all of a sudden, Ghostface lunges out. And Sidney arrived. Out of everyone she pretty much knew how to deal with Ghostface the best.
“Run! Sidney said. You ran into Amber. Then apparently Liv, who was covered in blood. “Liv, what the fuck? You say.
“I found Chad! She sobbed. “We know it’s you! Amber yelled.”Stop trying to make yourself look innocent!” “Stay back, Sam said. Richie somehow appeared again.
That made you very suspicious. “Richie, maybe stay the fuck back yourself, You snap. “What did I do? He asks.
“The love interest is always a suspect, I said. “Calm down, Y/N, Sam said. Defending her boyfriend as usual. But everyone else, it seemed clear Richie was suspicious.
Gale had been knocked out and Sidney stood by you and your friends. “I swear I’m not the killer! Liv said.”Chad’s dead.”
Amber went from scared to smug.”I know.” She pulled out a gun, and shot Liv point blank, killing her. Everyone scrambled but Richie, who stuck behind, revealed to be the second killer.
“Ah ah, I wouldn’t move if I were you, Richie said to Sam, knife pressed on her throat, putting the voice changer on.”Surprise, Sam.”
Everyone steps into the kitchen, Amber cornering Sidney. “But that’s not even the best part! Amber said proudly, sticking by her older boyfriend, making you want to vomit.
She was fucking psychotic. But at the same time, Amber definitely was a victim in the sense she was groomed by Richie, but they both seemed fucked in the head.
A third Ghostface appeared. And that feeling appeared again. That dreadful feeling. Your intuition. Amber specifically looks at you. And that’s when you knew.
“Surprise, Y/N.”
Wes has a sick grin on his face, the mask off and his hand. “You killed your own mother? You ask, Jaw dropped.
“It wasn’t too hard, and besides, she was being a bitch, it had to be done, Wes said. He’d never call his mother that. He loved his Mom. It was sweet and, he was respectful.
This wasn’t the person you had grown up with and knew. This was a completely different person. “Don’t, Sam said.”Don’t let him get close, y/n.”
“I know.”
You wanted to, You so badly wanted to. But that wasn’t what you were going to do. You grabbed a kitchen knife, and when you really thought about it, you needed to kill him.
“Go on, do it, Wes smirked.”Kill me.” Amber and Richie only stood there like idiots but seemed proud. You put more thought into this. You needed to be logical.
It was clear that he was going off an obsession. Some fucked up feelings he had for you. But that didn’t mean he wouldn’t kill you.
You were going to kill him, but not first. Instead, you plunged the knife straight into Amber, as she screamed out in pain.
“You’re next, you should run, Ghostface.”
You were such a fool.
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angry-geno-is-score · 6 months
Gonna rant about Larsdunn for a second because I Feel Like It.
Outside of the pairing: even without the little gay context we hrpfers lay over everything, these guys are really good for each other. Their play compliments each other, and so do their personalities. Vince is hotheaded and passionate, and Adam is more even-keeled and composed. They balance each other out. Adam keeps Vince calm, and Vince encourages Adam to play a little on the edge, a little more aggressively than he might normally. Also, outside of even hockey, they're good friends. They eat dinner together. They spend time together. They sit on the plane next to each other (and on the bus, and the locker room, and--). They just LIKE to spend time with each other. If they were just teammates, or even just friends because they're line partners, I don't think they'd be putting in that much effort. They like Being In Each Other's Space.
Okay, for the Pairing: they're disgustingly in love. They're codependent. One of my favorite tags for them is "no one ships dunnernlars like dunn and lars" because it is. So. True. They talk about each other endlessly in interviews. They're always involved in each other's business on the ice (penalties and fights and such). They have Homoerotic Cellies anytime either of them scores and the other is present. Vince cooks for Adam. Vince knows way too much about his food likes and dislikes and also how he does his hair. Adam can go on long monologues about how proud he is of Vince's progress. He can also talk uninterrupted about how good of a person he thinks Vince is. THEY CREATED THEIR OWN SHIP NAME (seems to be a trend on this team. i'm looking at you, dumomoto). Vince shoots pucks at Adam's skates in practice to get his attention like he's a puppy. Adam gets mopey and sad about "missing his partner" when Vince is gone for LITERALLY, like, a week. God forbid either of these two actually get separated. They will probably combust.
Anyway, I just had some Feelings and I needed to get them out, so naturally a long Tumblr rant was good. I would love to hear other people rant about these two idiots, as they are currently at the forefront of my mind right now. If anyone wants to talk about them, please by all means reblog/ask/send a message/comment/whatever. One of the best parts of being obsessed with these dummies is that y'all are obsessed with them right along with me.
That's all I've got, I think. Peace.
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
Hi Petri, I would want to request a Minho x fem! reader where they know each other since before the mazes, when where just some simple tests in wckd, they were really close but were sent out to different mazes, reader's maze was in the edge of a river (who was the maze btw) and she manages to get out and get to the safe haven, and she have this glimpses of her past, dreams of things that happened, memories, but to her they're just stupid dreams, that's until she sees Minho again and everything seems to click cause she knows she knows him, and he has this feeling she's familiar too and then te friendship they had transition to love. (I saw your post about oc's and tried my best to be kinda of creative with this request, hope it went well 😅)
Ooo, I really like the idea of a water-based Maze. I can imagine little floating shacks held up by sticks and a rowing boat needed to traverse the Maze- definitely a good idea.
Also, I'm a sucker for the dream trope in this universe.
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SUMMARY: See above. Movie based fic because of the different Mazes.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, awkward teenagers, mention of Newt's suicide attempt, I've made up a monster for your Maze that is the equivalent of the Grievers, some mild suggestive themes, WICKED being WCKD because movie.
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After hearing the experiences of other WCKD Subjects, you're starting to realise that your Maze was a little weird.
There was a Maze full of boys, one full of girls, another with mixed, some with monsters, some without- all nearly impossible to solve.
And yours was full of water.
For a few years, your life was like waking up and forgetting there's not ground beneath your feet, walking off your little wooden platform, and nearly drowning. You disliked the water.
It meant you also has to explore your Maze in a poorly constructed boat and had to deal with a half-metal half-serpent monster that roamed your Maze.
It was terrifying.
But that's not the only thing that strikes you as different to the others.
You remember things. Well, kind of.
Whilst you were in your Maze, you used to have memories- well, dreams -of your life before the Maze.
And most of them consisted of the same boy.
Asian. Dark-haired. Well-built. Taller than you. Handsome. Sarcastic. Passionate. And he cared about you, clearly.
You had dreams of playing card games together, sneaking around a lab, exchanging glances and pulling faces at each other whilst men in lab coats probe you, and staying up late in a cafeteria area when you weren't meant to.
It was all simple and meaningless- none of it ever held any significance. But it meant a lot to you. You didn't understand it, but it feels like you know this boy and that your friends with him.
You used to tell your friends in the Maze about it, and none of then experienced anything similar. So, you're really on your own with this one.
Though, one of your friends- your best friend, actually; a girl called Emmy, said something that stuck with you. And maybe even made you think it's true.
"Maybe WCKD couldn't take away the people we loved the most, no matter how hard they tried."
That doesn't matter, though. The survival rate of the Maze and WCKD in general is low.
But you're not in the Maze, anymore.
You were one of the first groups to be taken away from WCKD and put in the Safe Haven. You pretty much went straight from the Maze to paradise.
It was about sixish months later that the Gladers showed up. They'd been through hell and back, so Vince told everyone to give them space apart from the few people they actually knew.
You didn't really care for new arrivals. There has been a few since you got there, so it kind of became normal. But since Vince is back now, you doubt you'll get anymore.
Because of your simple lack of care, and the assumption the guy in your dreams is dead, it took you an embarrassingly long time to actually notice Minho.
A couple of weeks into the Gladers arrival, you stopped dead in your tracks, causing Emmy to walk straight into the back of you and drop soil absolutely everywhere.
"Bro? What the hell?" Emmy hisses. You don't respond, staring straight ahead. "(Y/N)?"
"It's him," you say.
"What?" She follows your line of sight, her gaze landing on the boy.
"The boy from my dream-memories - that's him."
"Holy shit. Are you sure?"
Minho is sitting at one of the dining tables with Gally, Thomas and Frypan, whilst you stand there like a deer in the headlights.
"Uh, dude," Thomas says to Minho as he takes a swig of the alcohol that Gally's made. Some things never change and the Gladers have got into the habit of finishing their jobs as soon as possible and day drinking to cope. "That girl is totally staring at you."
"Huh?" Minho looks at his friend, who points at you.
And then he looks at you.
"Oh, fuck, he's looking." You immediately avert your gaze. "Shit, Emmy, move. Go, go." You awkwardly push your friend away.
"My soil-"
"We can get more damn soil!" And with that, you flee.
Well, that was probably the most embarrassing thing you've done. That you can remember, at least.
Minho's blood ran cold, however.
You met his eyes for only a couple of seconds and it felt like he'd known you his whole life. You feel... familiar.
Minho didn't experience the same constant dreams you did- mainly because he's plagued by nightmares of Grievers and that day he found Newt out there. But he's had a couple. He can't remember them very well, but the parts he does remember have your face in it.
You go on acting a bit weird. Every chance you have to look at Minho, you take it.
Which also goes on for a couple of weeks.
"Haven't spoken to him, then?"
"'Course I haven't," you grumble to Emmy as you do your work in the garden. "And I'm not going to."
"What? Why not?"
"Because how would I go about that? 'Hey, dude, you don't know me but I've been having dreams about you for as long as I can remember- wanna be pals?'"
She chuckles, shaking her head. "I mean, why not?"
"Why not go and say that to him? I mean, people have probably experienced weirder things 'causea WCKD- and those bastards from Group A had it the worst. I'm sure he'll understand."
"We don't know him," you groan, throwing your head back.
"But you do-"
"No, I don't." You sigh. "Maybe- maybe I used to, but I don't now. This is dumb." You pick up the empty water bucket and start walking backwards. "I'm not gonna speak to him- there's no point-! Shit!"
You back up into someone, the bucket clattering to the floor and the slight splash of water left in spilling out.
"Shit, sorry-" you turn around, meeting Minho's eyes. You blink, steeping back to lengthen the short distance between you. "Uh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... I-I wasn't looking-"
"It's cool. All good," he holds his hands up.
Little did you know, Minho was actually on his way over to talk to you.
You let out a breath of relief, giving him an awkward smiles. "So, who aren't you going to talk to?"
He grins at you, playfully, and you look to Emmy for help. Who simply shrugs.
"Uh, nobody- doesn't matter."
"Alright," he clicks his tongue, "you guys are from a Maze, right? That weird, like, river one?"
"You been asking people about us?" Emmy pipes up and you glare at her.
"Just heard a couple of things," he puts his hands in his pockets, rocking in his heels. He looks at the bucket on the floor. "You need water?"
"Uh, yeah, we use it for the watering can. I was just about to get some more."
"Ah, it's fine," he bends over and picks it up, "I'll get it for ya."
"Oh, uh, don't you have a job to do?"
"I'm already done, besides, can't have a pretty girl wasting her energy, can I?" He smirks at you before turning and walking away, leaving you flustered.
You turn to Emmy, who is grinning from ear to ear.
Minho returns and insists on helping you out on the gardens. Emmy feigns illness to give you some alone time.
That you don't want.
Though, Minho is a shit gardener.
"It's obvious you didn't work with plants in your Maze," you chuckle.
"Really? I thought I was impressing you," he says sarcastically, and you roll your eyes. "I was a Runner, if you're interested."
"A Runner?" You lean on a plant support beam as Minho picks at some vegetables.
"Yeah, exactly what it says in the tin- I ran the Maze. Day in, day out. I was Keeper- uh, Leader of the Runners."
"Wow, musta been pretty good at it."
"I wasn't half bad," he chuckles. "What did you do? You have a job in your Maze?"
You shake your head. "Everyone kinda did a bit of everything. We worked on rotation since groups had to go out in boats, exploring the Maze was hard- so we all took it in turns. Fresh eyes also meant someone could spot something we didn't. Everyone was on the same field in my home."
"You didn't have a Leader?"
"Well, we all just respected the first guy that got there, but I wouldn't say he was in charge."
"So, you had guys and girls in your Maze?"
"Mhm, you didn't? Oh, shit yeah, you're Group A." You recall Emmy saying.
"Mhm- just dudes."
"Must've sucked. I can't imagine being stuck with just a buncha guys- gross."
He barks a laugh, standing up and shaking his had. "We had one girl- she was only there for a couple of days. But I'm pretty sure we did gross her out the brief time she was there."
"What was she like?"
"Total bitch-"
"Hey," you snap, "watch your mouth, man, you shouldn't talk about women like that."
He holds his hands up again. "Sorry. I just mean..." He trails off, the memory clearly becoming painful. "She betrayed us. Told WCKD our location and had me- well she- I was... shuck it."
"You don't have to tell me about it," you reassure him, "shit happens; I'm not entitled to know about it."
"No, uh," he hesitates. "It's weird, I wanna tell you. Kinda feels like I know you."
"We've never spoken before-" you try to brush off the comment, not wanting this awkward conversation. You figured once you came here, awkward conversations and relationship drama would be over.
"That's not what I mean," he sighs. "I know it's forward, but there are a lot of people I wish I woulda told klunk to before I lost 'em. So, I'm just sayin' it. You feel familiar. Like I know you before I lost my memories. You feel it too, right?"
You pause, but nod. "Yeah, I know you."
"Then we should be friends, right? If we know each other?"
You smile, feeling butterflies in your stomach. "Yeah, I'd like that."
And from then on, you became friends with Minho.
You eat with him, stay up late talking to him, get introduced to the Gladers, drink with them, and just generally have fun with him and his friends. Even Emmy joins in- and you're pretty sure she has a thing for Frypan.
But the problem is that you have a thing for Minho. He's effortlessly attractive, and he's funny and attentive. He makes it known he cares about you and likes making you laugh.
And it's starting to make your heart skip a beat, especially when he jokingly flirts with you. It did start off as a dumb inside joke, but now you're starting to hope it's genuine.
Your friendship grows closers and your wants grow bigger.
"What the hell are you doing?" You shout as you watch the Gladers splash water at each other and frolic in the ocean under the moonlight. They've all stripped down into their underwear in what was originally a dare from Emmy, but now they're enjoying it.
"Come on!" Minho shouts, standing up straight as he waves you towards him. You swallow as you watch salt water dribble down his abs.
Yanno, if he wasn't so fine, this crush would be less of a problem.
"The water feels shuckin' great! Aha! Oi! Gally! Stop it! You goddamn slinthead!" He shouts as he gets attacked.
"C'mon, (Y/N), it'll be fun." Emmy giggles, kicking her shoes off and walking towards the water.
Then she freezes. Just before her toes hit the water.
Due to the nature of your Maze, most people got attacked by the fresh-water monster you called the Serpent. You only had the one, but it's shadow lurked under the boat and it's full form was never seen because of it's size.
Either you got bit when it jumped out the water and it dragged you with it until you drowned, or it injected you with venom. It wouldn't kill you, but it left you seething with agony for days.
You got biten twice. Emmy three times.
You don't like big bodies of water now- especially when you can't see the bottom.
"Emmy?" You step towards your friend, putting your hand on her shoulder.
"I-I can't- what if something's in there?"
"There's nothing in there; we're safe here. But you don't have to go in. I'm not."
"C-can we get a drink?"
"Sure," you give her a soft smile. "Hey, guys!" You shout, getting the boys' attention. "We're calling it a night- see you tomorrow."
They group hollars their goodbyes and you both leave to have a couple of drinks before bed.
You watch Emmy sleep, hands in your pockets as she lightly snores in her pocket.
"Hey," Minho makes you jump and you immediately shush him. "Hey," he repeats, in a whisper this time. "You okay? You kinda ran off before."
He's fully clothed now, but his hair's still damp.
"Yeah," you clear your throat, "just... Maze shit, you know?"
He raises his head up a bit. "Dare I ask?"
You sigh, nodding for him to follow you. He does as you sit on once of the benches on the sand.
He gingerly sits next to you.
"You ever wonder why Emmy and I don't really talk to anyone else?"
"Kinda, just figured you didn't like many people."
"It's because we're the only two people that survived our Maze." He shifts slightly, his jaw tensing. "You had your Grievers, we had our Serpent. It was Lovecraftian big, and we had to get through the last part of our Maze on foot because getting the boats over the circular doorframes was taking too long. It was a bloodbath- let that thing pick us off one by one until me and Emmy were the last men standing. She doesn't like- we don't like water anymore." You pause.
"I always think the Serpent is going to dive out and drag me under or tear me shreds." You look at him. "I know it's dumb and we're safe here but I-" your voice breaks. "I can't- I lost everyone, I can't-"
"Hey, hey," he throws his arm around you, pulling you into a hug. "It's okay, I get it. You know, whenever anyone's building anything around here with those tools we stole from WCKD, I can't be anywhere near it. It sounds exactly like the noises the Grievers used to make- I don't know how Gally works with that klunk all day."
"We're fucked up, huh?" You chuckle between sniffs and he grins at you.
"Yeah, we are. Thanks WCKD."
You both chuckle. But you stop when your eyes land on his lips, flickering up to his eyes and his lips again.
"What do you think we used to be? Before the Maze?" You mumble.
He smiles faintly. "What do you mean?"
Maybe it's the buzz from the alcohol from your drinking game that's making you so bold, or maybe it's how close he is. It doesn't matter- you're drunk in some sense.
"Well, we know each other, do you reckon we were just friends or..?"
He tilts his head. "Why? What did you want us to be?"
"I used to have dreams about you- in the Maze. All the time. Emmy used to tease me about my 'old boyfriend'," you smile fondly, "it was so dumb, but... I don't know."
"Do you wonder if she was right?"
You don't speak, just giving a simple nod. "Do you want her to be?"
"Do you?"
You lock eyes with him. His eyelids are heavy and his body is now completely facing you. "Shuck it," he mumbles, leaning in a kissing you.
You gasp into his lips for a second, and it feels like something bursts in your chest.
You kiss him back immediately, fire sparking along your skin and the world feeling lighter. You run your fingers through his hair, his pulling you closer by your waist.
He pulls away, sucking in air. He goes to speak but as his eyes flicker open, it's like something overwhelms him and he kisses you again, deeper this time. His tongue brushes over your lower lip and he pulls on the belt straps of your jeans.
You hum into his mouth, egging him on further. But he suddenly breaks away.
"I gotta stop," he mumbles, pretty much into you, "or I'm gonna get carried away."
You snicker, the thought making more butterflies form in your stomach.
"Yanno," he continues, breathing laboured. "It doesn't really matter what we used to be- it matters what we are now."
"And?" You raise your eyebrow. "What do you want that to be?"
He grins. "Haven't I made that obvious?" He says before he kisses you again.
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Yo yo, I really liked this one, and I got to be creative with making my own WCKD creation.
I hope you enjoyed :))
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
(Waiting patiently on the edge of my seat for the groupie pt 3♥️) Can I request a smutty/angst Eddie x reader where Eddie and reader have been seeing each other behind reader’s boyfriend’s back. Eddie finds out her boyfriend mistreats her and wants her to leave him but she’s scared of what might happen. Angst prompts 10 & 34 pleeeeaaaase
Definitely. I love pain :)
Groupie part 3 will be a bit longer so keep waiting!!
⚠️it's gonna hurt, abuse is mentioned
Smut 18+
“Tell me you don’t want to leave. Say I’m enough to make you stay. I know it’s not true, but please just say it.”
“You could’ve left! You could’ve run away with me!”
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She never should have allowed herself to fall in love with Eddie. She knew it could only end badly for everyone involved. But it mostly ends badly for her.
When she first met Eddie it was actually through her boyfriend. Apparently they worked together at the mechanic shop. She was bringing lunch to her boyfriend when she met a new face.
"Eddie Munson." He smiled sticking his hand out for her to shake.
She was caught off by the fire that burned when their palms met.
"Y/F/N" with a smile of her own.
When she went home that day that smile of his wouldn't leave her head. She thought of his eyes and hair.
She brought her boyfriend lunch every day, slight excitement building in her when she would leave the house. Excited to see Eddie again.
One day her boyfriend was sick, but Y/N still made lunch and brought it to the shop, this time for the boy who's been stuck in her mind.
"Y/N? Vince isn't here today." Eddie said as he sat at the front desk.
"I know but you are." She smiled as she handed the bag over to him, watching a smile light up his face.
"you brought me lunch?" He asked, a slight blush covering his cheeks.
"of course. I figured it's unfair to always bring it in for Vince and never for you." She smiled brightly.
"well thank you very much."
After that she slowly found herself wanting to be closer to him. Secretly liking when Vince couldn't make it to work, allowing her and Eddie to talk alone.
She was learning more about him over every lunch. It might have been stupid, but she gave him her number. Letting him know she won't take it personally if he doesn't text.
But he did
And they haven't stopped texting since.
And that's when she felt herself catching feelings for him. She knew she wasn't supposed to like him but she did.
He knew it was dumb, and that he should have never asked but he still did it.
"want to maybe grab some dinner? My treat for all the lunches you bring me ;) "
Maybe he should have deleted the wink before he sent it. He shouldn't be asking out a coworkers girlfriend to dinner.
"as in a date? ;)"
The reply caught him off guard. It definitely shouldn't have been a date, but the wink had him rethinking that.
"if you want it to be"
They met at a bar, sharing appetizers and pitchers of beer.
Getting more drunk as the night went on.
"you are so incredibly gorgeous, do you know that?" He whispered as his hand landed on her knee.
Against her better judgement she leaned into his touch. Resting her own hand on top of his.
"thank you Eddie." She whispered just as quietly, blushing underneath his stare.
Maybe it was the alcohol, or the look in his eyes but she found herself leaning towards him further. Lips seconds away from tasting his. She was just one small movement away, eyes closed preparing to feel his lips, but then she didn't. She snapped her open to see Eddie pulling away
"shit no. We can't." He said
Embarrassment filled her, rejection sobering her up quick
"oh God. I'm so sorry. That was so stupid" She squeaked out as she gathered all her things
"wait no, just wait." Eddie tried but she was running out the door.
He tried to catch her, hot on her heels but she got into a cab and was gone.
"fuck" he sighed as he kicked the nearest wall.
She never texted him back, too embarrassed. She went home and sobered up with shame in her bones. She tried to kiss her boyfriend's coworker. She made it a date. When in the hell was wrong with her?
He sent countless texts to her phone
"can we talk?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you run off"
"look please talk to me"
"I wanted to kiss you too"
She looked at the last text multiple times. But it was wrong. It was wrong for how it made her heart race and face flushed.
She quickly deleted the text.
Refusing to see Vince for the last few days. Guilt eating her alive.
She hasn't returned to the shop with lunch in a week. Still embarrassed to show her face to Eddie.
But when Vince called asking for his medicine, she knew she had to bring it. She stopped at his house and grabbed the bottle.
Nervously she drove the whole way to the shop. Praying to any God that was listening for Eddie to not be there.
She tapped the smell bell at the front and waited on her heels. Relief filling her bones when Vince popped out.
"hey baby." He said and kissed her cheek. She tried not to flinch at his rough grip on her waist.
Apparently she wasn't successful because Eddie noticed it when he walked past the front. Eyes watching her closely as she tried to lean away from Vince's touch, hurriedly running out the door.
Y/N was successful in avoiding Eddie. It's been two weeks since he rejected her at the bar. And two weeks since she deleted his texts.
She slowly got back into the routine of things with Vince, trying not to be so suspicious of her behavior.
But apparently her luck had a time limit.
Because as she sat at the table in the restaurant, wearing her sexiest dress, she did expect Eddie Munson in a tux to sit across from her.
Eddie wanted to bang his head into a wall. Hearing Vince bragged about the reservation he got at the fanciest restaurant in town. Eddie felt jealous knowing he was taking Y/N there on a date.
A date he shouldn't even be jealous of, because he was not supposed to like her.
Then Eddie felt anger filling his veins as he watched Vince flirt with a girl at the front desk. The clock was ticking, he was meant to be at that restaurant 30 minutes ago.
"Vince I'll take it from here. Go leave for your date." Eddie tried to help but Vince scoffed and waved him off.
Lying about not knowing anything about a date as he winked towards the girl.
Eddie couldn't believe his eyes.
Eddie had two choices: beat Vince's ass or go to the restaurant.
Eddie picked her
"is this seat taken?" He smiled as she looked up. Shock taking over her features.
She smiled and welcomed him to sit.
Eddie tried not to stare at how amazing she looked in her black tight dress. Licking his lips as he scanned her head to toe as he sat.
She noticed him staring and blushing. Slightly pushing her arms under her boobs to push them up a tad bit further. His eyes catching the action.
"he's standing me up right?" She sighed. Eddie hated the way her eyes went down to her drink, playing with the straw wrapper.
"caught up at work." He slightly lied but she wasn't dumb.
"Let me guess, a blonde with huge tits showed up?" She laughed, even though nothing about it was funny.
Eddie's silence was all she needed to know she was right.
It hurt Eddie to know she knew exactly what Vince was doing before she was even told.
"does he do this a lot?" He asked quietly, hand reaching for hers. Her eyes snapped to his hand that was burning her skin.
"I don't feel like lying tonight, Eddie." She sighed, starting to stand up.
"now where are you going?" Eddie asked as he gripped her hand harder. She looked at him confused.
"no uh babe. I took this tux out of the back of my closet, it's getting a good use tonight so sit your lovely ass down and let's eat."
Another moment she should have said no and walked away.
But she sat down, a smile on her face.
"This is me." She sighed out as Eddie walked her up to the front door of her house.
"um Eddie I just wanted to say I'm sorry for trying to kiss you that other night. And thank you for making me not feel like a total loser tonight." She laughed, looking at her high heels.
Eddie shoved his hands in his pockets.
"one- don't apologize for the kiss. I was sending signals for it. And you deserve someone who shows up for you. Especially in a dress like that." He whistled as she blushed to the floor.
"this is probably stupid, but do you want to come in?" She asked
"this is probably even more stupid, but yes I would."
Now they sat close on her couch. His arm was thrown over the back of her couch, legs spread wide.
She sat tucked into his side with a glass of wine in her hand. Trying to avert her eyes away from his thick thighs
She wanted it and he wanted it.
Vince didn't appreciate her but Eddie knew he could.
So he thought fuck it.
"If you tried to kiss me again, I wouldn't move away this time." He whispered as he turned his head, staring right into her eyes.
He could see the desire and lust swimming around. Just seconds of overflowing.
She wanted it and he wanted it.
Vince didn't appreciate her but she knew Eddie could.
So she thought fuck it.
She slammed her wine on the table and climbed on his spread legs. Straddling his lap as she smashed her lips onto his.
He moaned at her taste and placed his large hands on her back. Smashing her into him further. He pinched her ass and used the surprise to slip his tongue into her mouth.
His tongue was so warm and wet. Massaging against hers in ways she's never felt. Her brain was telling her it was all wrong. But her body was already grinding on him. Her body was moaning as she felt him grow hard underneath her.
Eddie pulled away breathless, smiling at her smudged red lipstick.
"you're so fucking hot." He moaned as his lips attached themselves to her neck
"Eddie." She moaned as she pulled away.
She stared at him for a few seconds. Debating if she was really going to do this. She was going to destroy a relationship, become a cheater.
But looking at his lips smeared with her lipstick, his eyes were huge and dark. Hair messed up from her fingers. The way he looked already fucked out had her thighs clenching
Fuck it- she's a cheater
"fuck me Eddie" she whined, standing up and unzipping her dress.
Eddie sucked on his bottom lip as she stripped in front of him. Her hands teased her skin as she trailed her fingertips around her breasts.
He palmed himself over his dress pants. Groaning at the small relief he felt as he watched her slowly unclip her bra. Next removing her underwear.
She stood naked in front of him
Eddie scooted to the edge of the couch, face to face with her lower stomach. He kissed her naked skin.
Lifting a leg over his shoulder, now face to face with her wet cunt.
"so gorgeous baby." He moaned as he slowly rubbed her outer lips, teasing her.
She whined as she dug her hands into his curls. She felt so vulnerable being naked in front of him while he was still dressed in a suit. It made her drip.
Eddie kissed the skin on her thighs that laid next to his head.
"eds please." She begged, rocking her hips closer to his face.
He nodded and licked a stripe from her hole all the way to her clit. She shuddered at the action, scrunching his hair tightly. He barely touched her and she felt like she needed to come undone.
He kitten licked her clit, small circles with his tongue before shoving his tongue into her hole.
"oh yes." She whined, feeling his tongue inside of her. She was trying to hold on to Eddie tight to not fall over.
Eddie replaced his tongue with his fingers. Shoving two deep into her cunt, scissoring in and out. All while keeping his mouth on her clit.
The louder she moaned the harder he went with his fingers. He was fingering her as fast as he could.
His own hips rocked into the air as he felt how wet she was. His fingers covered in her. The sounds of her wet pussy taking in his fingers had him leaking in his boxers.
When he snuck in a third finger she was seconds away from screaming. Her knee buckling as she tried to stay up. Eddie placed his free hand on her hip, trying to stabilize her.
He removed his mouth from her cunt
"you look so gorgeous like this baby." He meant it too. He's never felt his cock this hard in his life. Watching her body thrash in place, stomach huffing up and down. Her tits moving slightly when she'd rock her hips into his fingers.
"please eat me out Eddie. Eat my pussy."
He growled at her words. Diving back into her cunt. Sucking and licking everywhere. Making it as wet and loud as he could.
His fingers curving up to hit her spongy spot that had her thighs shaking.
"IM GONNA CUM!" she screamed. Eddie used his nose to nod on her clit. Returning to eating her out like he was starved. Refusing to come up for air until she finished.
She came with a silent scream, hips rocking into his face as she yanked his head closer. His head burned but he didn't care. Eyes looking up at her as she orgasmed. He moaned pathetically at how beautiful she looked, hips humping the air.
He cleaned her up, using his tongue to shove some of her cum back in her.
"Jesus fuck." She gasped out. Planting both feet on the ground but placing her hands on Eddie's shoulders to steady herself.
She smiled down at him. His hair was even more fucked up and his mouth was soaked in her.
"that was the hottest thing I've ever seen." Eddie laughed as he slapped her ass. Her moan cut off her laugh.
"I need to fuck you baby." He said as he worked to undo his belt but her hand stopped him.
"fuck me in my bed please?" She asked as she held out her hand.
Eddie smiled and threw her over his shoulder, she screamed in surprise.
"lead me the way." He declared as he raced through the house.
After that she couldn't ignore his texts.
Especially the texts that had her sneaking a hand in her panties.
Or the texts that made her giggle.
Or the texts that made her heart beam with love.
Eddie couldn't get her out of his head. They've been sneaking around for two months now and he couldn't get enough.
But he wanted more. He wanted Y/N to himself.
"Eddie, boys are going to the bar want to come?" Vince asked as he cleaned off his hands.
"no. I've got plans." Eddie answered as he threw on his jacket heading to his car
"a hot date?" Vince teased
"something like that"
Eddie parked down the block from her house before running to the door. Knocking impatiently. The second she opened the door he was on her. Kicking the door closed behind him as he smashed his lips on her.
"I've been thinking about you all day." She moaned as her hands ripped off his grease stained shirt
"like what baby?" He gasped out as her fingers teased the top of his boxers.
"how bad I want that cock in my throat." She got on her knees and tugged down his pants and boxers.
Biting her lip at the sight of his hard and red cock.
She wasted no time and sucked him slowly. Taking him in a bit at a time.
"take all of it. I know you can." He grunted through his teeth, trying his best not to force her down his cock.
She ended up gagging and choking on it anyways
Once they hit the third month, Eddie wanted her only or to be out.
His heart couldn't take it when he'd see them together.
He hated when she'd talk on the phone while Eddie sat next to her.
He knew he was signing up for this but it was starting to hurt too much.
So he stopped it.
"I can't do this anymore. I need you to leave him. Be with me. I know you are happier with me." He pleaded
"Eddie I can't. You don't understand what he would do if he found out." She tried to explain
"no you always say that and I just shut up but I can't anymore. I love you and I know you love me too. So be with me. We will figure it out together."
"Eddie stop! If he found out he'd try to kill you, actually kill you. I can't let him hurt you." She tried to reason with him. Keeping Eddie safe was the only thing she could do.
"But we can run away! He will never find us."
"yes he will Eddie. He has found me before! He beat me badly last time. We can't do this."
"can't or you just won't?" He snapped
"Eddie it's not like that. If I could you know I would" she cried. Tears now flew down her face faster than she could catch them. She reached for his hand but he yanked it away from her.
"then we are over." He said as he stood up, walking to her door.
"EDDIE NO DON'T DO THIS." she screamed running after him. Standing in front of her door.
"Y/N move , You could’ve left! You could’ve run away with me! You are doing this to yourself." He demanded. Holding in his own tears.
“Tell me you don’t want to leave. Say I’m enough to make you stay. I know it’s not true, but please just say it.” she begged, dropping to her knees
"I don't feel like lying tonight, Y/N."
She felt like she was choking on her own tears. No air was making it to her lungs. She silently watched as he opened the door and walked out. Never once looking behind him.
Eddie hasn't seen her in three weeks.
Three horrible weeks and he barely felt like he was holding on. She called every day many times but he never picked up. Last night she called for the last time.
When he finally returned to work he noticed Vince was more pissed off than usual.
But Eddie ignored him.
He noticed that Y/N left a message with her latest call, something she hadn't done. He headed outside and listened to it closely.
Hey Eddie,
I finally did it! I left him. I tried to call you to tell you but you obviously don't want to talk to me. Which is fine, I totally get it. I haven't left too far yet, a part of me is still holding on to you, on to the thought of us. I keep calling because I want to ask you to come with me, super hypocritical of me I know. Asking you to leave with me when I couldn't even do it. I'm leaving for California today. I'm not sure why I'm still calling. I think you not answering my past ten calls should be a sign. I'm sorry Eddie. I really am. I was so scared of what he could do to me or to you. I tried to leave him before, the night we first kissed I told him. He beat me for hours and threatened to kill you if I ever left. I promise I just wanted to keep you safe. If I could have left with you the first time I saw you, I would have. But thank you. You reminded me what it was like to fall in love. To feel loved and desired. That's something he could never take anyway from me. I love you Eddie Munson, goodbye."
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @slightlyvicked
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