#its amazing how I can appreciate this body on anyone but me
baddywronglegs · 3 months
I don't think I ever used to get "uncanny valley", like things looked either right or wrong and I didn't think there was anything between the two. Things that had that effect on others just looked off enough to me to evoke more disappointment than anything.
Is that an autism thing? It feels like one.
Anyway, that was before AI image generators came along.
You might've seen the post where @galadriel1010 showed how I came to be here, including a screenshot of me using Bing's image creator to show how badly a machine can misunderstand the concept of "centaur". I've toyed with image generation AI since it went public, and had it been done differently, it could have been an amazing tool in an artist's kit. Reference images on demand, content-aware fill so you never have to draw every individual hair or brick again.
That's not the direction they took.
Instead they tried to be art. But they didn't stop to ask what art is. They just shoved as much stolen art as they could in a black box and hoped if they boiled it long enough they could condense art from the vapours.
And now I get uncanny valley.
Because I've never seen a Midjourney or Stable Diffusion output or whatever out on the wider internet and not been struck by the jarring feeling that something is wrong.
I draw things on the line between comedy and body horror. My ideal reaction to anyone looking at my art is for someone to laugh "No!"; I can appreciate Slightly Off done well, and that's not what this is.
It's like playing Where's Wally but Wally is an extra finger, or a strand of hair which at some point becomes the furniture, or the fact that all of their teeth are incisors. The friendliest tooth, for the friendliest smile from a face which doesn't know what either friendliness or a smile is.
You can't get a pose reference from a computer that doesn't understand what your spine is for.
I'm grateful to the Willy Wonka experience for its part in the death spiral of generative AI as "art". Thank you for doing so little to mask the inadequacies and shortcomings of mechanised plagiarism.
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jjkamochoso · 1 month
How do you think jjk men would court their crush? Feel free to add anyone you want but I would love to read about Choso.
OMG SO CUTE!!!! Thanks for the request and I hope you like it <3
JJK Men Courting Their Crush
A/n: okay so for this, I chose to depict most situations as their first time doing a certain courting activity with you so they’re a lil nervous and haven’t made their crush on you explicitly clear🫣 I hope that’s alright and makes sense!! And I can do a part 2 of them doing the same courtship things but with a confession, just lmk if that’s something you guys want🫶 please enjoy below!!
JJK men x gn!reader
Warnings: none
Yuji: cooking for you
“So, y/n, what do you think?”
Yuji was standing over you as you took a bite of the dish he made. Nervous energy was radiating off of him. He didn’t have much experience in the romance department but knew that usually the quickest way to someone’s heart is through their stomach. He wanted to treat you to some of his favorite dishes as a way to show you that you mean a great deal to him and hopefully get to know you better over a good meal. He had prepped in the school’s kitchen all day after spending hours trying to decide which entrees you’d like the best. He thought back to the times you all went out to eat in the city and what you ordered, then thought about what recipes he knew that were similar. As he was cooking, he hoped you liked what he made enough to where he could eventually do it for you every night.
As soon as it hit your tongue, you felt the warmth of the lovingly cooked food spread through your body. You could tell he spent lots of time on this for you and you were extremely flattered that he would go out of his way to do something like this for you.
“Yuji, it’s absolutely divine. I haven’t had something this yummy in years.”
Yuji put a hand on the back of his neck, sheepish from your compliments.
“I’m really glad you liked it. I have some more recipes that I’ve been meaning to try out and you would be the perfect taste tester if you’re up for doing this often.”
Your eyes lit up. “That would be amazing! But are you sure you wouldn’t mind cooking for me that much?”
“Of course,” he said earnestly, “it’d be tons of fun. Besides, I really like hanging out with you.”
And I really like being the cause of your adorable smile! he wanted to say, but decided to save those words for another time. Chatting and laughing with you was enough for now—maybe he’d cook up enough confidence one day to tell you how he really feels about you.
Megumi: making you playlists
Megumi couldn’t stop fidgeting as he waited for you to meet up with him before class. You had mentioned that you wanted new songs to listen to so when you asked him for recommendations, he took the collecting of songs very seriously. He was never good with his words so maybe you’d get the hint that he had a crush on you from some of the songs he chose. He heard your steps coming down the hall and it was like he forgot how to stand and breathe like a normal human being. He shoved his hands in his pockets and studied a stray rock lying on the ground to look busy.
“Hey Megumi!” you greeted, making him jump slightly. He mumbled out a “hello” and immediately dug into his backpack, a CD emerging from its inky depths.
“Well, I, uh-I didn’t know if you used Spotify or YouTube or something else but I know you mentioned having a CD player so… yeah. Here.”
He thrusted the CD into your hands without meeting your eyes. The plastic case held a disc that said “Y/n’s Playlist” in sharpie.
“Thank you so much!” you said, inspecting it, “I’ll give this a listen after class. I really do appreciate you taking the time to do this for me.”
“It’s nothing,” replied Megumi, running his fingers through his hair.
“Oh wait, I won’t know the song names or artists when I listen to this. Wanna come over later and help me make a track list?”
Megumi felt his face burn up with a blush. “Y-yeah. That, uh, sounds great.”
He’d definitely have to make you more playlists and keep forgetting to include that pertinent information!
Yuta: complimenting you nonstop
“Y/n! I like your shirt!”
“Y/n! Great fighting form!”
“That joke was hilarious, you’re so funny, y/n!”
These were things you were used to hearing when you were around Yuta. He was always showering you with compliments, not that you were complaining. He had a major crush on you and wanted to start letting you know that he saw, appreciated, and admired you without revealing his full feelings for now. You and your classmates were training on the field and Yuta was your sparring partner.
“Wow, you really pinned me down quick! That was amazing,” Yuta said as you extended a hand to help him up.
“You’re always so sweet, thank you,” you replied. “You were really good, though, too! I’m sure you’ll get me next time. You’re super strong.”
Yuta felt his breath hitch in his throat. He was superb at giving compliments but horrible at receiving them.
“Geez, that, umm… it means a-a lot coming from you because you’re so great. Thank you.”
“Please, I’m not that cool! You’re awesome as well,” you told him.
“Yeah, but not as awesome as you!”
It seemed that you two were stuck in a never ending cycle of compliments. After a few more rounds of back and forth, you agreed that you were both cool and strong and whatever other positives you could think of. Yuta left the field in high spirits, thinking of all the creative ways he could tell you how cute you were the next time he saw you.
Inumaki: giving you flowers
Toge stood, clippers in hand, eyeing the flowers in front of him with an intensity rarely seen from the blonde. He was trying to decide on which flowers to cut to make you a bouquet. Taking flowers for personal purposes would normally be extremely frowned upon but he was the plant caretaker and figured he could get away with snipping a few here and there. He thought back to all of your previous conversations, wracking his brain for any moments you might have mentioned a favorite all those times you walked here together. He remembered you’d said you liked them all so he really couldn’t choose wrong. When he made up his mind and clipped his picks, he smiled under his pulled up collar. He walked over to your dorm, an extra pep in his step.
“Toge! Hi!” you greeted kindly as you opened your door. His collar was now pulled down and you felt your heart swell at seeing his cursed marks curled in a happy expression. You were afraid you were about to get pranked when you saw he had his hands behind his back, but your fears were quelled when he presented you with a small bouquet of flowers.
“These are for me?” you asked, surprised.
He shook his head. “Salmon.”
“You’re the best! Thank you!”
You grabbed him into a hug, careful not to crush the flowers. He’d keep bringing you bouquets until either you got the hint that he liked you as more than a friend or he got the courage to write out his feelings.
Noritoshi: writing you letters
It was hard to make friends at the Kyoto school since your classmates were always so on edge about letting people get close, but you and Noritoshi had somehow bypassed that fear and your acquaintance turned into something deeper over the years. Unfortunately for Noritoshi, his feelings now dove even deeper than that, finding himself in the throes of a crush. Unsure of what to do, he’d tried ignoring the nagging feelings in heart every time you spoke to each other, but it never work. After much introspection and consideration, he determined that it would be wise to see if you felt the same. If you did, great. If you didn’t, he’d be released from the constant “what if’s” running through his mind. As he started putting pen to paper, he felt his confidence falter. Who pours their feelings into a letter instead of speaking face to face? Is that cowardly? He changed gears; this letter wouldn’t be of romantic intent, per se, but just of a way to get to know you better and show you he cares about what you think, how you feel, and whatever else he managed to write before his fingers failed him. When he nervously slipped the sealed paper under your dorm door a few days later, he anxiously awaited to see when you would mention it in your face to face conversation with him—you didn’t.
Imagine his surprise when he was greeted with his own letter hours later! You had expressed your delight in his letter and wanted to keep him as a consistent pen pal for the near future. Noritoshi’s hands grasped your letter, fingers tracing your words. With this new open view of each other’s hearts, your private conversations safe from prying ears, he yearned for the day he could tell you the truth of his heart before it was spilled in ink.
Todo: carrying/lifting things for you
Aoi knew you were more than capable of handling things yourself but he wanted to show you that he’d be your perfect, strong protector so he’d always offer to carry whatever you were holding, no matter how big or small. At school? He’d carry your books. Grocery shopping together? He’d lift all the heavy items in and out of the cart. Need to move your car but you’re too lazy to get up? Consider it done—he just picked it up and moved it. He hoped that by continuing to show up for you like this, you’d see how much he really likes you. Of course, he wouldn’t be afraid of speaking to you about his crush on you, but he would rather go out of his way to impress you first before stating his obvious attraction to you.
“Y/n! Let me get that for you!”
Your dorm room door was propped open and Aoi had shown up, seemingly out of nowhere, when you were struggling to move some furniture around in your room. He lifted the couch with ease and shot you an award winning grin and wink.
“Just tell me where you want it.”
You pointed to a spot near the window and he put the couch down gracefully, barely making a sound.
“Anything else I can help with?” he asked eagerly. He’d rearrange the layout of the entire school if you asked him to—anything to make you happy!
Gojo: buying you gifts
Satoru was not the type to outright tell someone he had a crush on them. You know, the whole “love is the greatest curse of all” thing? He’d much rather ignore those feelings in hopes of them disappearing. So when he found himself fawning over you nonstop, he didn’t know the right way to convey his desire to connect with you on a deeper level. He might’ve been running on empty in regard to romantic skills, but his bank account was severely overflowing. He began to take mental notes on everything you looked at and put back while in Tokyo during your shopping trips and visited those places to buy all of it on his own.
“I got this for you.”
Satoru had several bags by their handles that he gently nudged toward you. Confused, you opened them, greeted by multiple items that you had taken notice of but didn’t have the funds to purchase. You didn’t remember Satoru even being there when you were browsing them in the first place.
“Satoru, how did you-”
“I pay attention more than people think,” he shrugged, glad to have his blindfold covering his eyes so you couldn’t see how they softened when they met yours.
“You didn’t have to do that, you know,” you said, trying not to cry tears of happiness.
He chuckled. “I know. You deserve nice things, though. If you can’t treat yourself, then allow me to.”
He was glad he turned infinity off to feel your arms wrap around his in a tight hug. Even if the words evaded him at the moment, he’d be sure to keep showing how much he cares for you by giving you things to remember him by.
Geto: taking you to the farmer’s market
“Come, y/n, I have a fun morning planned for us.”
Suguru had texted you and invited you to the local farmer’s market. You, of course, accepted readily, and now that he was here to pick you up, he was starting to feel a little nervous. Your friendship was a wonderful thing but Suguru craved to get to know you better and see if you shared the same romantic affections he was feeling toward you. He figured that going somewhere low key like a farmer’s market would be great to cultivate easy conversations. As you two walked together, admiring the handiwork of the local artists, you shivered from a cold breeze that kicked up. Suguru was quick to remove his outer layer and drape it over your shoulders.
“Oh, Suguru, I don’t want you to get cold.”
“I’m alright, I promise. I’d rather be a little chilly than see you freeze on my behalf. May I buy you a warm drink as well?”
After that, you were nice and toasty and he glad he could help in any way he could. When the market was closed and you two walked back home, you decided to make a visit here an every week occurrence. Suguru was sure that in a few weeks’ time, he’d prove to you that he’d be a great partner.
Nanami: cooking with you
Kento wasn’t sure how to approach the topic of his romantic feelings toward you. He valued straightforward communication, but he couldn’t find it within himself to outright express his desires for romance right now. Instead, he opted to show you he cared by inviting you over to cook a meal together. He had asked you to pick a recipe and went shopping for all the ingredients. Now that you were finally over at his place, he felt his palms getting sweaty as saw you chopping vegetables, looking extremely cute while doing so. You gave him a sweet smile when you noticed him staring and he quickly looked away, a blush apparent on his cheeks. You dropped the veggies into the hot pan and he started cooking them. You two worked well together, never in each other’s ways and able to partake in conversation while keeping the task at hand. When dinner was ready, you were ecstatic that everything tasted delicious.
“Is it alright if I ask you to join me again sometime soon?” Kento asked.
“I would love nothing more,” you replied sweetly, his stomach now teeming with butterflies.
Choso: stargazing with you
Choso had zero experience with any type of romantic love. He was the expert in familial loyalty, a prime example of being a great big brother, but being a boyfriend? Not his forte. However, his desire to woo you outweighed his nerves so that’s what led him to call you and tell you to meet him outside one night. He read online that looking at the stars is a good way to induce romance and he was determined to prove to you that he’d be a worthy partner. You were taken aback when you saw he had set up blankets on the ground and put out picnic baskets of snacks. He had even wrapped you up in another blanket so you didn’t get cold! Once you were settled, you both chatted about anything and everything as you gazed at the wonders of the night sky.
“Choso! A shooting star, quick, make a wish!”
It was quiet for some time.
“What’d you wish for?” he asked, breaking the silence.
“I’m not supposed to say or else it won’t come true,” you teased, nudging his arm. “What about you?”
He was studying the sky before he looked back at you. “I wished to keep having the privilege of sitting here with you as many days as I can.”
You felt yourself go shy at his confession but it certainly wasn’t unwelcome. After that, you had plans in place to meet up again in a few days to do it all over. Choso was hoping that his next wish would also come true—that he’d be confident enough to bring the true feelings of his heart to light.
Toji: inviting you to local music shows
There was nothing better to Toji than a cheap activity, an attractive person by his side, and the promise of alcohol. That’s what led him to extend an invitation to you to join him at a small concert being held by a band you both liked. When you met him outside the run down venue, Toji felt his heart rate pick up as he saw how good you looked. His calm and collected demeanor didn’t change a bit, though, as he lazily threw an arm over your shoulder and walked with you inside.
“This place is super cool, Toji,” you said, taking in your surroundings.
He smirked. “I knew you’d like it. Wanna get something to drink?”
Toji wasn’t known for having tons of money but he liked you enough to pay for the first round of your drinks. As the band finished setting up their equipment and started playing their first song, you had a blast dancing along while he kept stealing glances at you between sips of his drink, relieved that you were having fun. You were able to convince him to dance with you after a few more drinks (not that the drinks affected his decision making—he just couldn’t deny a request from someone as hot as you). As the night wound down and he walked you home, he felt an excitement spark in his heart that he hadn’t known in a long time. He hoped that one day he’d stop being a coward and tell you he really liked you, but for now, he’d be content just holding you in his arms—and definitely keeping an eye out for flyers with information for the next show.
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gangplanksorenji · 5 months
Kinknuary Day 10: Body Worship
Pairing: ITZY Yuna x Male Reader
Word Count: 4,197
[Kinknuary Masterlist]
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“God, you’re breaking the Internet, again, Yuna.” You present a flummoxed face (not really surprised, but you're still amazed) as you swipe left to view the pictures she's taken.
“Well, daddy—” Yuna scoffs, a sanguine look paints her face as she turns to face you, proving how she’s worthy of that goddamn title no one can take away from her, “—all of them know how eye-catching my body can be. Hah—all I know is that there's probably thousands and thousands of people drooling over my slender body.”
“And only I—” You pulled her immediately onto yours, inches away from your bodies touching as you gave her a mischievous smirk in which Yuna portrays shyness towards you as she probably knows where this will go, on your own accord, “---can get to see them everyday or whenever I want.”
“Daddy!” Yuna playfully retaliates with a light punch, in which you laugh because of her adorable remarks. “Don’t be so complacent. I still have schedules with the members and gladly, I got to see you despite my hectic schedule.”
She was genuine when she said this and you couldn’t help but blush because of it. You know how schedules can literally abort your plans with her and you ultimately understand it and you don’t really want to interfere with any of that because of the threat of being caught by the media’s eyes as you know how crazy their eavesdropping abilities are. You knew her side and yours, and the fact she showed up just to bond with you is beyond spectacular as you’re in awe with her willingness.
“Yuna, I really do appreciate your efforts, honestly…” You then kiss her forehead as you let her know how genuinely grateful you feel as those doe eyes stare at you endearingly, mirroring the affectionate atmosphere you’ve emanated earlier.
“All for you, daddy, ‘cause I know how much you love me and miss me…” 
Yuna knows the picks to your locks and won’t definitely keep the gates closed to herself if she knows within a single touch, your whole world could collapse in shambles. Yes, within just a single action gets some fruit of labor: a kiss enamored with affection as both parties engage with utmost intimacy, fighting for dominance. Well, it’s not exactly dominance but the aggression on each other’s reciprocation is vocalized, and Yuna, as the girl she is, fully indulges onto the taste of your lips as if you're insanely insatiable—I mean, you are insanely irresistible at her end as both feelings are mutual. 
Your hands gracefully course its way onto the back of her slender, hourglass waist and then the endgame, her plump buttcheeks, further emphasized with the skinny jeans she loves wearing—of course, she’ll make sure you’ll get some of your own private content, exclusively for your eyes to take a sight on only. As you deepen the kiss, Yuna hums in satisfaction as she waited for this for weeks and now, is extremely jovial as every second is cherished within heated pecks. 
“You kiss me so good, daddy.”
“You’re a great kisser too, Yuna, and—” You lean back a little, composing yourself onto a sight that will sure make anyone in awe—taking some time to look at the sight of her perfectly-sculpted waist as you take yourself to admire how hot she is and how her outfit perfectly compliments her hourglass figure. “—gosh, you look incredibly hot and pretty in this outfit.”
No wonder why the Internet goes crazy over this girl, and gladly, you knew the answer way back then as you’re always thankful to see it with your very own eyes.
Yuna faces slightly against you as she tries to hide the rosy hue her cheeks have emanated but she doesn't even bother to conceal her true emotions, as you’re in awe of how weakly she’s taking your compliments. She rested her hands onto your shoulders as you couldn’t contain your emotions again and initiated another kiss but this time, you parted out of her mouth quickly enough to appreciate her other features by peppering it with needy kisses. You take your time to admire her smooth, porcelain skin and then latch your lips onto it, suckling onto her neck as she lets out an almost inaudible moan as your actions make her feel great.
“You know you can get rid of this stupid jacket, Yuna.”
“You’re right, da—ahh—daddy…” Yuna didn’t mind your affectionate peppering towards her neck to express her insatiability and your hunger towards her as she continues to slowly remove her pieces of clothing that’s refraining you from addressing your love for her further. You gave her ease by moving for her comfort as not so long after, she already removed her first layer of clothing as you smile from the sight of more skin is being exposed but Yuna knows it wasn’t enough, so she course her way onto undressing her crop top jacket and still, you continue peppering her with kisses yet this time, you add admiration to her sharp collar bones that she always liked.
“Y-You really missed k-kissing them, daddy?”
“Of course I do, baby.” With now just her black spaghetti-strapped top as the last line of defense, you ultimately succumbed onto your own primal desires as you worship every inch of her exposed skin, showing her how much you love them in series: her shoulders that you always love to see whenever she feels confident, her sharp collar bones that exudes class and sexiness in every way possible and there’s way more features to express your love on and it’s only inches away before your latch onto your treasured grand prizes.
“As much as I love this outfit on you, Yuna—it’s better on the floor because your body’s a better sight to see.”
“B-But—ahh, daddy! I k-know how much you’ll l-love them so, thank you—ahh, right there!”
Of course, just like any other person, Yuna reads your mind with outfits that showcase her curves and you know how much you’ll love them and she’s clever with that. Having enough of her neck and collarbones, you want to discover and worship more of her as you’re only getting started—and Yuna’s already moaning like crazy, considering how she’s always sensitive to the touch whenever she’s with you. 
“Don’t you mind it if I do, Yuna?” Your fingers play the strap on her top, waiting for her green light if you can strip it out of her. 
“I d-don’t mind it, daddy—my b-body is all yours—all fucking yours!”
Well, that’s more of a green light than what you expected but nonetheless, you did as what you told yourself to do—stripping that strap off of her body as gravity gracefully does its work and you finished the job yourself. She raised her arms for a better leverage on undressing that stupid clothing off and wow, you didn’t expect the sight that has been laid onto you now.
“Hm, getting really naughty and daring huh, Yuna?” Yes, your eyes would never lie to you nor give you delusional hallucinations as the sight of her fully-uncovered, perky breasts are now all over your sight with her taut buds begging for your touch and god, you just want to give in to your temptation. Well, there’s no one stopping you about your own animalistic urges as your fingers find its way onto her taut nipples, pinching it as you alternate it with fondling that makes Yuna moan in more need as greed clouds her mind, wanting you to do more.
“Well, I k-knew you’d l-like this so—ahh, daddy! Yes, I—god—ahh, I w-want to surprise you…”
And you’re definitely surprised yet the familiar tent is now coming down to your nether regions, poking onto the frustrating clothing that is holding them back. “And I’m damn surprised about this, Yuna but I love it—you know? Easier access…” And you just keep teasing her with your tongue and your lips latching onto her stiff buds and the constant fondling of her perky breasts as inevitably, Yuna cries as the sensitivity is peaking at its finest loves everything that’s happening, the further stimulation becoming the golden trophy she’s been longing for.
You continue sucking onto the smooth, spotless skin as you were deprived of her for years and the random nibbling of your tongue onto her nipples as the cherry on top and it never stopped, and so are Yuna’s symphonic moans. 
“Do you know how perfect you are, Yuna? You are something no man can express ‘cause look at you—” Your hands sluggishly caress her midriff and then towards her perky mounds in which, she can’t help but irresistibly moan out how great she’s feeling and your touch does wonders all over her body. “—sculpted perfectly and built to be fucking used, huh, Yuna?”
If she’s arousing the living hell out of you as she aims to unleash the feral beast inside your soul, then might as well add some of the filthy talk to further lit up the flames of lust that has been building up. You know how horny and unstoppable Yuna can get, but you need to let her know how much you adore her and how perfect her body is. She’s getting riled up, you could tell from the writhing of her knees and thighs whenever you play with the smooth skin of her toned abdomen and that alone, puts a delighted smile on your face, knowing that she’s being turned on truly by your primally lustful actions. You continue to play, kiss and worship her body, like a goddess that’s insanely insatiable as every action you do releases such beautiful moans that orchestrate such a symphony that would dive in to listen to please and satisfy you even more.
“Let it out, Yuna—I know how much you love my tongue licking and mouth kissing all over this beautiful waist.”
Of course, Yuna won’t bother to articulate such a response if your mouth and your tongue is making her wild and crazy. You really can’t comprehend how insanely irresistible she can be and you like it—you could only know limitless possibilities to praise her body as every inch isn’t ignored, lathered with either your saliva or peppered with kisses by your mouth. Having enough and becoming satisfied on worshiping the flexing protrusion of her abdominals muscles of her waist, you averted your attentions towards her milky, smooth armpits and her sharp collar bones but Yuna wants the best for you, so, she interrupted you with a proposition, hoping for you to agree.
“D-Daddy, I know y-you can’t stop but I can lay d-down on the bed upstairs so you can be more comfortable.”
You wouldn’t turn down on that, because you wanted the maximum comfort between both parties so, without wasting any time, the both of you went upstairs to continue such an endearing yet lustful act of fervor and love.
“Daddy—right there! Ohh—fuck, you’re so good—hah, oh god…”
You totally succumb to your temptations, licking onto the succulent-looking, smooth armpits as you voice out your satisfaction through hums between kisses and licks. Of course, you never left those perky breasts hanging and being unattended, as your hands fondle it with care, and aims to stimulate Yuna further and as well as her stiff buds that’s her ultimate kryptonite—it always brings her down to her knees whenever you stimulate her with it and you marvel with her response to your own doing. You continue to lather her pits with your drool as you salivate on it, and then alternating it with some kisses on her collar bones to express your gratitude on this opportunity and how much you love them, for the umpteenth time.
“You must l-love my p-pits, hm, daddy—oh fuck, t-that’s good!”
“I love every inch of your body, Yuna, but these smooth pits are something else.” Even if you didn’t bother to answer, she knows what could be your response as you continue your masterclass by peppering her impeccable features to the point of no-return. You’ve been kissing and she’s moaning for like ten minutes straight and you know you can’t just stop on a note with just worshiping her—even though that alone is such an ethereal sight and a thing you would do for hours—but rather, want to feel her now as the growing lust that’s causing arson because of its raging fire inside you is more than evident, the familiar tent onto your crotch is now painfully sticking out and it’s not that long before Yuna notices it.
“Oh, daddy!” Her hands course its way onto your clothed crotch as you slightly moaned in response to her retaliating actions. She lightly squeezes the growing member on your pants as you can see her eyes lit up in anticipation as she’s longing for this for a long while now. “I want this—I want to feel this, daddy. I want it—I want it—I want it!”
Of course, Yuna will beg until her legs give out, just to get what she wants and she won’t stop until it’s further fulfilled. She deserves it nonetheless, as always and knowing how tiring her schedules has been for the past week, it’s maybe a time for you to claim her paramount of all rewards that you gave her, and also, giving in to the temptations and your own animalistic urges as you stop kissing her and stood up, off the bed, stripping your clothing off your body as Yuna watches in delight—those glistening, round eyes watching your every move is such an arousing scene as her lip bites is the cherry on top, encouraging you to go faster.
Hurriedly, your clothing deemed useless, all down on the floor scattered and ignored as your rock-hard length greets Yuna and her eyes—those endearing eyes of hers sets off the lustful mood as she admires your hard cock, her hands enveloping the full girth of it would be the start of this steamy session.
“God—you’re so fucking hot too, daddy. This hard, girthy cock all for me—just for me, hihi~”
And she’s right. It’s all for her, as a grand gift for her hardwork and to let her own desires be fulfilled by you, with her. 
“Of course, baby—now, strip your pants off and lay down on your fours, is that clear, Yuna?”
She nods eagerly as she does what she’s been told to, unbuttoning her pants as she draws it down to her ankles, letting gravity do the work as the rest of her body unravels within a single second and making you fall under her spell. Her full body is now on display and you can’t believe how she looks unreal and built like a doll—it almost feels surreal even looking at it, let alone worshiping it with your mouth as you instantly drool over the sight of her tight, slender body. There’s still a single line of defense that she needs to take off: her black panties that served as a showstopper for so long has now been removed and thrown out to god knows where and with both bodies naked and her pussy now within your reach, you won’t going to waste any time about any foreplay.
Of course, you won’t just penetrate her with your whole, fully-erected length as it’s maybe too fast and you yourself, you wanted some time to tease her as you ate up your thoughts earlier—blame her godlike figure for wanting to appreciate it further rather than coursing your way onto the climax of a stupendous show. You kneel down onto the bed as you line your tip onto the emanating heat of her folds as it captivates you to plunge in fully but you fight and refrain from doing so, taking a look of admiration on her impeccable features to further fuel the fire of lust that has been igniting inside your heart since the start. You palm her supple buttcheeks as it compliments the curves of her body and her muscular back which serves such a sight to behold—you’ll literally spend hours murmuring how perfect she looks and you won’t get tired about it because it’s all the truth. As the cherry on top, you let your intrusive thoughts win as you harshly gave those inviting cheeks a slap in which, she loves as the moan that came out of her mouth is the reason—she definitely loves the spanks you give her in every steamy session that’s about to take place.
“Daddy—please put it in me already, please, daddy~ Ow—ohh, daddy~”
Of course, a vixen like her will invite you to fulfill her needs whenever possible. As much as you want to tease her even more, the animalistic urges inside you is further giving you up to the temptation and knowing how insatiable a hot girl like Yuna is, you can’t afford to refrain yourself onto your deserved treat even further as without any warning, you grip her hips as you plunge your whole length deep inside her, filling her up to the hilt. She’s incredibly tight and wet and your earlier stimulation probably helped a lot and every time you try and move your hips, the suffocating clenching of velvety walls ensues as you groan in pain and pleasure just because of it.
“God, Yuna—you’re so fucking tight! You’re probably tighter than what I expected—fuck! I swear, when you don’t get to feel my cock inside this tight, little cunt, it just goes crazily tight and this should be studied!”
“I d-don’t know daddy but—gahh, fuck, fuck, daddy—I’m j-just so—gahh—tight and w-wet around you.”
It’s nigh-impossible for her to articulate anything as your whole length is a bit of a struggle to take, considering that it can almost wreck her tight, little cunt open even with the faintest of thrust and of course, she’s obsessed with it. You start moving with a leisure pace and Yuna couldn’t contain the profanities as she lets it all out, voicing the peak pleasure she’s experiencing. Maybe, with the sight of her perfectly-sculpted back and waist, you’re going to get more aroused and erected that no one can top the serotonin you’re currently feeling—they’re not going to blame you for that, Yuna herself is at her own league and one hell of a woman. 
Thanks to the constant wetness of her pussy, it wasn’t a struggle finding the way to increase the pace as your hips maintain such a pleasurable oscillation that the both of you favor it. With this new profounded pace, she tightens the grip on the bed sheets as she clings on it for a leverage to fight the euphoric essence of sex as more angelic moans adds to the symphony of lust and your hips, immediately orchestrate such a wonderful tempo of hard thrusts. 
You’re bound to break her open because of how horny you’re feeling now, and give it absolutely everything just to reward both of yourselves to the promised land.
“Oh fuck, daddy—h-harder—pound my p-pussy harder, d-daddy—gahh, oh fuck—right there!!”
Now with Yuna burying her head onto the mattress, her ass raised up and your hand forming a makeshift ponytail for a leverage to further hammer her tight cunt like she deserves it, this new position achieves a greater penetration that it’s too heavenly to be true. You didn’t really care on how much she’s moaning or screaming thanks to the muffling she’s now making with the foam of the mattress acting as a soundproof tool to protect your ears—well, it’s everytime you fuck her senseless, she lets out such ear-screeching screams of pleasure and delight that it’s giving you a hint of a heart attack because the last thing you want to hear on your doorstep is a noise complain just because of Yuna. In every set of thrusts you do, you admire the perfection you’re ruining as the incoming disheveled sight of her is just putting you on a brain rot, the paramount of a brain haywire because of how arousing that thought is. 
It’s such an incredible feeling coursing down your veins as all you want to do is fuck her until her legs give out and end on a note whefe Yuna’s fully sullied by you, and on your warm embrace to end the night perfectly and you want achieve just that. Constant cries is being from her as her pussy streams down like a rivulet, knowing how she’s enjoying your wild pace as the clashing of both bodies reverberates such a sound that adds up to the ocean of lustful symphonies that’s going to be lost because on how many the both of you had composed already. Her dripping heat is still as tight even with your onslaught of thrusts and it’s just utter perfection as you love every second that’s happening right now. You alternate between giving her small, dirty talks, harsh spanks on her backside, nibbling and suckling onto her nape and fondling of her perky breasts in which, it stimulates her further into oblivion and in one point, it’s all going to break loose.
“Y-Yes, baby?”
Yuna raises her head a little as her arms supports herself and, she take seconds to articulate words as your pace is literally making her struggle to think straight, fucking her brains out like how she wanted it always. “I’m g-gonna cum—onto this c-cock—daddy I’m s-so—gahh—close!!”
You’re not going to make her suffer from her near success as given the situation, you double the efforts of stimulation onto her weak points as well as your thrusts and soon enough, her dam is about to collapse its walls, unleashing the labor of her own anticipated success. When she lets out a muffled scream, you know it’s all loose as you slow down your thrusts, giving her opportunity to let everything out as she drips down around your cock like a waterfall, every drop signifies her long-awaited orgasm as it stains the sheets—and god, you need another set of these after you’re done with her. You didn’t pull out but let her orgasmic trance pass through as every second was an entire blissful event that clouded her mind. After for like, twenty seconds of a world-rocking orgasm, she slowly recovers as she also wanted your own treasured prize.
“I k-know you wanna c-cum inside my perfect, little cunt—s-so please, daddy—gahh—cum inside me…”
You didn’t think of anything but the fact of chasing your own orgasm and knowing that Yuna herself wants your seed deep inside her says a lot about your conclusion. You’re pretty close on achieving your own high when Yuna came hard, and it wasn’t going to be a struggle on setting the fire onto the fuse as you gave yourself the hardest of thrusts your hips can muster and it’s not that long before you feel the familiar knot in your loins, stepping closer to your anticipated goal.
Yuna pleads in every thrust you do and it adds gasoline to the flames of lust and you love it. You can count up to ten and you’ll probably won’t past zero as you instantly set yourself onto your own blissful trance, letting out such profanities as you bury your cock deep inside her tight walls, filling her up to the brim as you shoot thick, warm shots of semen that is treasured truly by her and her tight pussy. Chasing your paramount of all highs, you ravage her cunt with your final, harsh thrusts as it finally subsides after a barrage of it and the both of you fell down limp as your exasperate bodies catch their own needed breaths, the session being too steamy as always as silence ensues for a while as both your ragged breaths builds up the faint noises that was once emanated by peak vulgarity and sin.
“God, daddy—that was—”
“Good, yeah, baby… That was goddamn good.” You face her onto your side as your sweaty bodies clash together again with your initiation of a torrid kiss, in which she eagerly reciprocates but not so long after, you pull out of her lips’ embrace as you voice out your satisfaction with the earlier steamy sex.
“You felt so good, Yuna—your body is just perfect—hah…”
“And y-you fucked me so well, daddy. You came a lot too—fuck, my legs—shit…”
“Oh no—shit, am I in trouble?” Panic sets in as you’re worried that you fucked her a little too hard yet Yuna reassures you, letting you know that it’s fine and she can still feel it but of course, pain is inevitable given your sets of hard thrusts that almost broke her.
“You sure, Yuna?”
“Yeah, daddy—we may clean up later but I wanna cuddle with you for now, hihi~”
“Come here, Yuna…” You initiated a warm embrace in which she indulges in as your bodies feel the utmost affection that no one can rival, and that’s just a wholesome moment between the both of you.
“But you can fuck my mouth later, daddy—ooh! Or my ass, if you want!”
And she’s cheerful again like nothing ever happened earlier.
God, this girl is freaky and that’s why you fucking adore her and you guess, the show just started between the both of you…
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lecsainz · 10 months
request: could you write something with lewis or daniel where there reader is a tattoo artist and she gives him a tattoo and he starts flirting and asks her out? if not its totally okay! sending all my love
pairings: daniel ricciardo x tattoo artist!reader
authors note: I can't even, but like carolina by harry styles was totally stuck in my head while I was writing! it's like, seriously playing on loop in my brain and I can't even deal with it
✩. . . masterlist !
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Daniel Ricciardo had always been a fan of tattoos, and it wasn't just for show – he had thousands of inked stories etched across his body. He had a genuine appreciation for art, relishing the meanings they held for him.
He hadn't really planned on getting another tattoo during his off-time from Formula 1 while in Miami. But there he was, stepping into a small, incredibly cool studio – at least in his perspective – though who was he to judge what was cool.
"Hey?" he leaned casually against the wooden counter. "Anyone here?"
"Hey! How can I help you?" A petite girl with a few doodles on her arms seemed to appear out of nowhere.
His lips curl into a charismatic smile, "I'm thinking about adding some more art to this masterpiece," he gestures to his arm covered in ink. "What do you think?"
She chuckles softly, "Well, I think you've got a pretty good canvas already."
He laughs, her quick wit catching him off-guard. "True that. But I've got a spot that's feeling a little empty."
"And what kind of art are you thinking?" she raises an eyebrow, her eyes curiously tracing over his existing tattoos.
He taps his chin playfully, "You know, something meaningful. Something that'll give my other tattoos a run for their money."
She nods in understanding, "Got any specific design in mind?"
Daniel leans in a little, his playful grin not wavering, "How about a cheeky smiley face? Right here," he points to an empty space on his arm.
She lets out a laugh, clearly not expecting that. "I can definitely do that," she says, amusement dancing in her eyes.
As she sets up her equipment, they fall into easy conversation. He learns that she's not just a tattoo artist; she's a storyteller who helps people etch their tales into their skin.
Throughout the tattoo process, their conversation flows effortlessly. She shares stories about the tattoos she's done and the emotions behind them, while he tells tales from his racing experiences. He realizes that she's genuinely interested in people's stories, and it's something he finds refreshing.
As she works on his arm, he finds himself studying her, noticing the way her brows furrow in concentration and the occasional smile that tugs at her lips. He's captivated by her passion for her craft.
"So, what's the story behind this one?" she asks, her fingers gently tracing a scar on his forearm.
He hesitates for a moment, then decides to share. "That's from a crash a while back. Nothing serious, but it reminds me of how far I've come."
Her eyes meet his, and he can see a mixture of understanding and admiration. "It's amazing how life's twists and turns can leave marks that become part of who we are."
He nods, his gaze lingering on hers. "You get it."
As she finishes up, he examines the smiley face tattoo with a grin. "It's perfect. Might just be my new lucky charm."
She smirks, "I'll take credit for your future wins then."
He chuckles, "Deal. But I'll need a lucky charm in return – your name."
She blinks, her eyes widening a bit. "You want my name as a tattoo?"
He laughs, realizing he might have caught her off-guard. "No, just your name. I'm Daniel."
She smiles, extending her hand, "Nice to officially meet you, Daniel. I'm Y/N."
He takes her hand, his touch lingering a moment longer than necessary. "The pleasure's all mine, Y/N."
He leaves the studio that day with a new tattoo and something more – a sense of connection and curiosity about Y/N. As he walks out into the Miami sunlight, he finds himself debating what to do next. But, as always, he doesn't back down from a challenge.
Y/N looks up from her work as the bell above the door chimes. Her eyes widen in surprise as she sees Daniel standing there, holding flowers. "Hey," he greets, his voice a bit more uncertain than usual.
"Forgot something?" she teases, her voice holding a light note.
He scratches the back of his neck, sheepishly. "Yeah, I know it might sound a bit forward, but how about we grab a drink tonight?"
She chuckles, her eyes dancing with amusement. "Wow, smooth move, Daniel."
He grins, his signature charm kicking in. "I mean, we did establish a connection over art and stories. I thought it'd be a shame not to continue that."
She raises an eyebrow, teasing. "You must really trust me if you're inviting me to a dark alley for drinks."
He laughs, the sound genuine and carefree. "Oh, I'd never take you to a dark alley. It's a rooftop bar with a view – much safer."
She feigns contemplation, tapping a finger to her lips. "Hmm, rooftop bar, huh? Well, I guess I can make an exception for a charming race car driver."
He pumps a fist in the air, playfully victorious. "Yes! You won't regret it, promise."
She grins, shaking her head. "Alright, Daniel, you've got yourself a date. But you better not show up in a racing suit."
He feigns a pout, "But I look so good in them."
"Save the suit for the track. Just be yourself," she replies with a warm smile.
He nods, his eyes locking onto hers. "I'll see you tonight, Y/N."
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sillyrabbit81 · 1 year
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Prompt: Sleepy & Lazy, Daddy Kink from @myaimlessuniverse (x) Thank you so much for sending the prompt in. Sorry its taken so long.
Pairing: Captain Syverson x Female Reader
Word Count: Approx. 600
Warnings: Smut, daddy kink, praise kink, probably some dd/lg vibes (I don't know! maybe!), p in v sex, Sy POV
Authors Note: Hi... Been a while... Probably not what you expected, but I swear I'm working on the Brotherhood, but I also have quite a few of these left so I thought I'd knock one out as a warm up for the smut I'm trying to write in the Brotherhood (the Brotherhood won't have daddy kink in it fyi) I'm not feeling Daddy kink like I used to and so I tried to write this a little different from what I had done before. Fingers crossed! As always I need to thank my amazing mate and reader @nashibirne , your thoughtful and honest comments are always appreciated. I also need to thank @augustsprincess for her reading and suggestions.
It was edited by me, on the fly, there will be errors
Dividers by me.
Celebration Masterlist
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Sy tightens his jaw and he breathes out a ragged curse through his teeth as he slips past your slick, velvet folds and into your silken heat. He watches, enthralled by the utterly carnal vision of himself disappearing inside your impossibly tight core.
“Stop,” you gasp and he peers up at you perched precariously above him. 
Your thighs tremble beneath his hands and it takes everything he has to stop himself from grabbing your hips and sliding your blossoming core all the way down his cock.
“You’re doing so well, babygirl,” he says, dropping his gaze back to the explicit view between your legs. 
You’ve only taken the tip of him inside yourself and already he feels that tingle brewing in the base of his spine. He’s waited so long for you, longer than he ever thought he’d wait for anyone and he could barely stand it.
“Just a little more, I know you can do it.”
“Daddy,” you whimper. “You’re too big.”
He groans as sweat breaks out over his forehead. “Fuck, baby. You’re killin’ me here.”
“I’m sorry, Daddy,” you say, in a voice that quivers as much as your pouty bottom lip.
Sy’s heart breaks and he sits up drawing you to his chest. “Hush. You did so good for me baby. Daddy’s proud of you for tryin’.” 
With the tip of his cock still trapped within your snug pussy, he rocks you slowly, murmuring his sweet praise in your ear as he strokes your hair. His thumb caresses your cheek and he smiles when he feels your soft lips against his pad. His cock pulses inside of you as your plush tongue curls around him and you begin to suck. It doesn’t take long for him to feel your quivering body relax against him. He closes his eyes, content as he feels you hum happily within his arms.
He doesn’t really notice at first, he thinks the soft warmth enveloping his cock must be his imagination. Then he hears you moan.
“Babygirl?” he murmurs, softly.
He looks at your pretty head resting on his shoulder. You look almost asleep, your eyes seem to have trouble focussing and you’re still sucking hard on his thumb. But then you sigh and nuzzle into his neck while you roll your hips and there’s no doubt about it, you’re slowly sinking lower onto his cock.
“That’s my girl,” he growls into your ear. “That my good fuckin’ girl.”
Sy clenches his jaw to keep himself in check, each moment you rock your hips and take more of him into you is the most exquisite torture he’s ever had. 
“Am I doing good, Daddy?” you ask, hesitantly, dropping his thumb from your mouth.
He’s trembling as much as you were earlier. He has no idea how you can’t see how much you’re affecting him, that you can’t see that in this moment he’d give you everything, anything, just for a little bit more of your sweet pussy.
“So good baby,” he groans. “But don’t stop, Daddy needs more.”
He has to lay down, he has to see his thickness stretch you open. He holds your hips firmly, keeping you in place as he falls back to the bed. His mouth falls open as he watches the last of his cock vanish and your bodies completely fuse. 
He can’t hold it back, that orgasm that threatened from the start tore through his spine and his hips bucked up from the mattress. His eyes force themselves shut as hot pulses surge through him and even though he can’t see anymore, the image of your bodies finally together is burned into his psyche.
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964 notes · View notes
intoanotherworld23 · 11 months
Blissful Therapy Session
Pairing: Reader x Pedro Pascal
Warnings: NSFW 18+ ONLY DNI, those whole thing is pure smut and sex, p in v, unprotected sex, dirty talk, swear words
Summary: This is a session with your therapist that you will never forget
HEARTS, REBLOGS, AND COMMENTS are greatly appreciated and praised! If you wish to be added to the Pedro Pascal tag list please let me know its always open! Thank you guys so much! Love you all!! XOXO
Check out my other works on my Hall Of Hunks
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"Fuck you look so good right now." His words encouraging to you as his lips started moving down your neck sucking on the flesh. "So fucking good."
The tiny hair prickles of his mustache brushing against your skin tickling you making you giggle. Making him smile against your collarbone trying not to chuckle himself.
His large hands felt so warm against your skin. Your body was melting into his sensual touch so perfectly it was almost scary. You have never felt like this with anyone ever before.
The fabric of the leather couch kept sticking to your skin having to lift up your hips so you didn’t accidentally rip your skin. Although you really weren’t paying that much attention to the couch, and focusing more on Pedro’s cock.
“I knew you would be a good girl for me.” Whispering little praises in your ear.
"God I love your cock." Humming around his lips as he drilled himself deeper inside of you.
It was wrong what the two of you were doing. He was your therapist and he could lose his license if he got caught. You were vulnerable and haven't gotten laid in a long time, and he was a willing participant.
There was something about Pedro that had your thighs always clenching together. So many nights you were knuckle deep inside yourself imagining what he was doing to you right now. Never did you think he would make the first move on you. It was almost like you were dreaming.
"Come on sweetheart don't lose focus on me now." A dark voice bringing your back to reality feeling the tip of his cock slowly entering you again. "Gotta fuck that damage out of you."
"Oh god Pedro don't stop." Raking your nails down his back as he leaned on his hands on either side of your head. "Shit right there right there."
"God damn you are so fuckin tight." Groaning through clenched teeth as he concentrated on not cumming too early.
Looking up at his soft head or hair tempting you to reach up and pull on it. His once chocolate brown eyes now darkened with lust and desire. Whimpers leaving your mouth every time he thrusted into you.
"Nobody fuck this pussy good enough for you sweetheart." To be honest he was completely awed how tight you were, and felt shocked that nobody made you feel good. "If you were mine I'd  worship that wet little pussy of yours everyday."
Pedro leaned his head down kissing along your collarbone getting to the tops of your breasts a wet tongue brushing your bouncing breasts. Attaching his mouth to your nipple sucking on the nub until you felt a slight sting.
Feeling your back scraping against the leather couch. Sweat dripping down your back making you slide back and forth. Legs wrapping around his waist giving him an all new angle. His eyes moving to your face to watch your reactions.
Pedro has never been more turned on from just watching you. To know how much he was satisfying you was enough for him. It was like his dreams and fantasies were coming true.
"Fuck so good taking my cock like you are." Immediately your eyes moving down watching as he disappeared inside of you mouth open in amazement.
"Oh god." Your head falling back as you arched your back feeling him all the way in your stomach.
"This pussy is mine sweetheart." Growling as he leaned forward his mouth right by your ear his possessiveness had you moaning. "All mine to play with to fuck to taste."
"Fuck yes it's all yours." Whining as your hands reached out beside you gripping on the leather your nails digging into the fabric. "Mmm god you fuck me so good."
"Can feel you squeezing my cock so deliciously." Sharply thrusting into you making you deliberately clench around him as your hands gripped his thighs. "God I should have done this sooner."
His eyes moved to your chest watching as your breasts bounced, and a drop of sweat falling down to your chest. The room smelled like sweat and sex and it had your eyes rolling into the back of your head.
"Wanna hear you moan my name while you take my cock baby." His hand grabbed your chin making you look into his eyes. "Watch that pretty mouth say my name."
"Pedro." Crying out his name in the throes of ecstasy making him wear a shit eating grin he was loving the power he had over you. "I'm gonna cum."
"Oh no sweetheart you're not cumming just yet." Hands grabbing your body turning you around on your hands and knees ass up in the air. "Not until I say so."
Hands gripping onto your ass squeezing your cheeks as he thrusted back inside of you. Both of you groaning as he started to move your head tossing back and forth with this new angle.
His pelvis pushing against your ass every time he drilled himself inside you. Your cheeks jiggling his skin smacking on yours the sound making your cheeks heat up. Feeling your arousal slowly sliding down your inner thigh.
"You're a damaged little girl aren't you." He wasn't asking you a question more like making a statement his eyes watching your body writhing under him. "So fucking damaged."
Feeling his hands move up and down your back as you felt your hips bouncing back against him. Licking his lips as he watched you lose complete control, and he was loving it.
Pedro felt like he was taking advantage of you, and felt bad but the way you were moaning his name changed his thoughts. There was something about you that he had to have, and he couldn't believe he had you right now.
For months he's listened to you complain and talk about your love life. He was becoming more invested in you the more sessions you had with him. Fantasizing all the things he could do with you if you were him.
Some people would say he's taking advantage of your vulnerability, but if anything you made the first move. This was something the both of you clearly wanted.
"Pedro I'm gonna cum." Crying out as you felt your pussy clenching around him and that familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach you knew you weren't going to last long. "Oh god please Pedro."
"Cum for me sweetheart." Whispering into your ear as his body leaned forward his chest pressed to your back.
Your orgasm felt like such a sweet release as your hands gripped the arm rest in front of you. Pumping his load inside of you both of you breathing heavily as you tried to get your mind straight. His cock twitching as you squeezed around him again. Both of you drenched in sweat the liquid cooling your body off from a brief second.
Still in disbelief that you just had ravenous sex with your therapist. Completely unexpected and something you never thought would take place. Now you were just hoping that all your sessions would be like this from now on.
"That was amazing." You stated out of breath making him chuckle as you turned your body on your back as Pedro stood up.
"That's only the beginning sweetheart." He winked at you making you smile as you laid there on the couch still naked.
After a few minutes of silence his phone started going off. Quickly putting on his underwear he grabbed his phone and talked to whoever was on the other line. Awkwardly sitting there now wondering if you should just leave or wait for him.
Now thinking that he was starting to regret what just took place. You wouldn’t blame him though since he would probably lose his license if he got caught, and he wouldn’t be able to find a job anywhere else.
Standing up you grabbed your clothes and started to put them on. Feeling ashamed that this was probably a one time thing, and things could become uncomfortable now.
"Thanks bye." He said as he hung up the phone and looked to you with a suspicious smirk. "Well looks like my next appointment won't be coming."
"Really?" Squeaking out as he stood in front of you pulling your body into his placing your hands on his chest.
"But I know someone who will be coming." A hand coming down hard on your ass making you squeal.
Tag list for everything: @iam-laiya @rosie-posie08 @madzleigh01 @alwaysclassyeagle @mytbel0st @shanimallina87 @marvelstarker-mha98 @powellssugarbaby @lora21 @kmc1989 @sullyosully
Tag list for Pedro Pascal: @pedrohoe04 @k-k0129 @marchai @angelofsmalldeath-codeine
309 notes · View notes
Karasuno, Shiratorizawa, Inarizaki and Nekoma:
Manager has an Art Exibit
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Karasuno x GN! Manager; Shiratorizawa x GN!Manager; Inarizaki x GN! Manager; Nekoma x GN! Manager
Warnings: PURE FLUFF, light swearing
A/N: This is an Anon request
The most feral of the 4 teams
I think we all know this but just to reiterate
Literally, I don’t care if they know absolutely nothing about art
The fact is they all suddenly become FASCINATED by it just because their manager is into it
Asahi has the most appreciate, followed by Kiyoko and Yachi
When they first find out you are into Art, they demand to see what you do daily
Idk if you only added one line to a drawing or maybe planned a new piece of pottery
These boys will be so into it!
They will ask the same question daily which is “can you teach me YN?”
When you tell them you have an exhibit coming up, they don’t even ask if they are invited
They just assume 😌
If it’s at a fancy place, they were their school uniforms because it’s the nicest thing they own 🤣
Daichi reminds them to keep the volume to a minimum
Hinata tells Kageyama not to look at anything breakable because his face is ugly/scary enough to break it on site
The “iTs My FaCe AsShOlE” speech follows
Tsukki is actually semi interested and wanders around looking at the exhibits
Noya and Tanaka glare at everyone until they say how amazing your pieces are 🙄
Ennoshita tells you that he will forcefully remove them if needed
Suga actually asks detailed questions about your work and super interested
Hinata is forced to stay next to Yamaguchi so he doesn’t accidentally break anything
All in all, solid 20/10 support and 6/10 safety around breakable pieces 🥰
The most regal of the teams
Literally they showed up, literally in suits YN
Someone quick, take a picture for your memory wall 📱
Honestly they don’t talk about your art much because volleyball practice is for volleyball
But after practice, Semi, Reon and Tendou show the most interest
Semi is super into your style and is always looking at your sketches/ finished products
Reon and Tendou are just super supportive, giving feedback and wanting to learn more
Ushijima doesn’t say anything BUT he is totally listening and storing away everything you say
Goshiki, well Goshiki tries 😅
He wants to know more but the boy doesn’t have a creative bone in his body
He is the definition of a “super volleyball idiot”
Shirabu and Kawanishi don’t really understand art but they still encourage you none the less
At your exhibit, they all walk the floor together
Like a flock of birds 😂
One of them moves and they others follow
They only mingle with you and keep a close eye on your work
Literally they don’t want anyone messing with all the hard work you’ve put in
You’ll talk with them about what you’ve done and that’s when Ushijima surprises you
“I see you used the light purple over the dark purple Yn, that was an excellent move.”
The team 👉🏻👁️👄👁️
Tendou 👉🏻🖐🏻👁️⭕️👁️🖐🏻
You 👉🏻🥹
These boys adore you so much YN, solid 10/10!
Kita puts it on the board in the teams locker room
“YN’s art exhibit at 7pm TUESDAY NIGHT! Show up or I’ll make sure you get benched!” -Kita ❤️
That message was meant for one person and one person only
And I think we all know who 👀
*cough* ATSUMU *cough*
It’s not that Atsumu doesn’t support you, it’s just that his brain really only functions on volleyball
Kita and Aran will use every change they get to hype up your art work
Omimi suggests they use it in volleyball somehow
Even if it’s pottery or creative writing, they find a way
Akagi is super interested in what you do, always asking questions
Suna sits by you while you work, you have an unspoken relationship of just silent co-existence
He’s super peaceful 😌
Ginjima is a hype man, literally show him your new work and he will scream your praises
Osamu and you both encourage each other in your chosen talents
You taste his creations and give feedback and he critics your art
He’s an honest boy and we support it!
Riseki, our sweet baby, just loves supporting you because it makes you smile
At the exhibit, they honestly act semi normal
Atsumu and Osamu promised not to fight
Suna and Ginjima stood in between Samu and Sumu so they DIDNT fight
Kita, Aran, Omimi and Akagi are all like ridiculously interested in art
Like they talk to you about all the exhibits and point out their favs
Riseki kind of stands there, awkward but he tries
Sumu compares art to volleyball and how he’s basically the artist of the team
Samu tells Sumu that volleyball is a sport, not an art which leads to fighting
Which then leads to Suna and Gibjima having to take the children home early
Solid 10/10 moral support but they might cause you a lot of stress 😅
I’m calling it, best team for Art Exibit support goes to Nekoma 🏆
Literally they are the most calm of all of the teams here and definitely beyond supportive
Literally YN, they worship the ground you walk on
So when they find out you are into Art, oh lord
They bug you non-stop to show them what you’re doing
Kuroo doesn’t even need to remind them you have an exibit, they just show up
Kai and Yaku are your support system, giving feedback and helping you carry things and organize everything
Yamamoto is security, hype man and literally #1 Yn simp
Kenma thinks your art is awesome and you’re one of the only people he talks to regularly
Lev, Shibayama, and Inuoka literally adore you so much and want to know everything about your art
Fukunaga, a fellow artist but with words, literally always knows just the thing to say to cheer you up
And Kuroo talks about how you are the carbohydrates that fuel the team 😂
Because he would and we all know it
At your exhibit, they are the first to show up and the last to leave
Kenma might sneak off and play a game or two
But the rest are super interested
Kai takes photos, if allowed, and posts them in the teams group chat
Yaku will discuss every single exibit with you
Kuroo stands around like a proud dad 😂
Lev critics things because he’s an honest boy even thought he knows nothing about art
Inuoka and Shibayama literally just gawk at you because you are so cute when you are happy
Yamamoto is alot like Tanaka and Noya but a tiny bit tamer
Fukunaga takes notes on what he wants to talk to you about later when he finally gets to discuss your art with you
100/10 support
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bethanythebogwitch · 11 months
I talked before about fish Pokemon and that was great, but it's not the only mon series I like. So fuck it, fish Digimon time. This will definitely be less analytical and more me gushing about Digimon I like because I may be a bit out of it right now. Also sorry if I missed any.
Starting at rookie/child level we only have one fish but why would we need more when we have Swimmon?
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Loot at it, it's amazing! It's some some sort of tropical fish, obviously, but with some embellishments, like the beak full of teeth. I love how colorful and pointy it is. It works great as a rookie for so many aquatic lines. I think some great lines for it would be Swimmon -> Coelamon -> Piranimon -> MetalPiranhimon or Swimmon -> Tobiumon -> DIvemon -> Surfimon. Speaking of which...
I'm going over champion/adult Digimon together and starting with Coelamon.
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It's a coelacanth! Coelacanths are amazing as some of the last lobe-finned fish. In this case, the lobes have been exaggerated into proper limbs, like how lobe-finned fish are the ancestors of tetrapods through intermediate limbed fish stages like tiktaalik. Its armor might also be based on placoderms, extinct fish with bony armor.
We have surprisingly few shark Digimon, but one we do have is Tobiumon, and it's amazing.
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A shark with arms that can fly with its fins is such a Digimon concept that all it needs are some guns to be peak Digimon. It even has a remora missile launcher on its chest!
The armor Digimon give us several fish, and while I don't think any of them particularly work as armor evolutions, they're fine as Digimon on their own. And before anyone mentions it, Tylomon is a tylosaurus, not a fish. The first is Manbomon, and while it's a terrible armor evolution for Patamon, A mola mola wearing boxing gloves is such a goofy concept I can't help but love it.
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Next is Seahomon, which is pretty obviously a seahorse, but its snout is a trumpet and it has a cape that turns into wings I guess? I dunno, it's a pretty weird one.
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My favorite of the three is Mantaraymon. Despite the name, it doesn't have a manta ray's face, instead having a rostrum like a shovelnose ray or even maybe a dolphin. I do like how they used Patamon's ears as the cephalic fins.
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Mantaraymon also has a more mechanical X-antibody variant that gives it kind of a stealth fighter vibe. I kind of like it more than the original Mantaraymon, which is saying something since I usually don't like X-antibody Digimon.
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Moving onto the ultimate/perfect level we have a new mon from China, Huankunmon.
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I love this design so much. Its based on the peng, a mythical creature that can turn from a bird to a fish. Fittingly, Huankunmon's line goes from a bird (Xiquemon) and goes to a bird/fish/dragon hybrid (Xiangpengmon). It'a also based on a flying fish since it can fly with a swimming motion. And it can turn invisible. There's nothing not to love about it.
Next is Piranimon, and look at this absolute beast
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Some might call it overdesigned, but I absolutely love it. I particularly dig the tail being a fish hook covered in barbed wire. Its based on a red-bellied piranha, but the pop-culture version where they're bloodthirsty monsters that attack everything they see. Real piranhas are not like that. The helmet it wears may also be based on placoderms, some of which only had the bone armor on the front of their bodies.
Finally at this level, we have Divemon.
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I'm not as big of a fan of this as I am of the other two, but I do like the Polynesian-style tattoos it has. Its a combination hammerhead shark and professional swimmer.
Maxing out at the mega/ultimate level we have MetalPiranimon.
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While I appreciate any fish megas, I think this is a step down from Piranhimon. It's just a red-bellied piranha with a big metal head dragging around a counterweight. I'm not saying its bad, I'm just saying that Piranhimon is better. Fun fact, Metalpiranhimon came first. Piranhimon was designed because someone thought it was weird that there's a MetalPiranhimon but no regular Piranhimon. There are a few examples of that in Digimon, like SkullBaluchimon coming before Baluchimon.
Next is Regalecusmon, which might be stretching the definition of fish a bit, but it does have an oarfish for a head.
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I really like this design, especially it using Zudomon's horn as a sword and what looks like Ebidramon's claw as a shield. I think it would make a great villain for an aquatic episode or storyline of a show. Maybe like a more modern version of MetalSeadramon from Adventure.
Finally, we have Surfimon.
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It's a mechanical shark man riding a rocket-powered hammerhead shark surfboard with a buzzsaw on the front. We have reached peak Digimon, people. And even better, it was created by a fan as part of a contest. Frankly, it's a shame that it hasn't gotten any appearances in the anime or games. I don't get why some fan-made Digimon can go onto have major appearances like Dobermon, Cyberdramon, and SoundBirdmon while others get ignored. A lot of them don't even have art. I'd be pretty bummed if I was a kid who won a contest to have my design become official and then it was never used. I think Surfimon should get an anime appearance and the English dub should make it talk like a Californian surfer dude.
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blackbat05 · 1 year
The Unusual Visit
Adam Warlock x Reader
Plot: You decide to show Adam around Earth, a place he was always curious about. A few shenanigans occur along the way.
Genre: PG-13
A/N: An amazing idea by @littlekidsteve 💜 I hope you don’t mind that I add in some ideas of my own on top of yours and I hope you like it😬! For the rest of y’all, do reblog and comment if you like it. Much appreciated!
Shameless Tags: @tom-whore-dleston
“So, remind me what this place is again?”
Adam stands beside you, in awe. The flamingoes in the open enclosure roam around freely, as the sunlight captures their magnificent pink feathers.
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“It’s a zoo where you can see different animals.” You explained. “Which reminds me, there are plenty of other animals if we go further down this way,” you steer him in the direction of the lion enclosure.
With the Guardians taking a couple of days off, you decided to take Adam down to Earth. If he had to come for an official Guardian business, it would be great if he was acquainted with some of Earth’s customs.
After racking your brain on what was a good way to slowly introduce him to Earth, you decided on showing him what nature had to offer. You had Blurp to thank as the furry creature had slinked into your bed one night when Adam left his room unlocked.
A mixture of oohs and ahhs could be heard from Adam as the two of you visited various enclosures. He admired the elegance that the lions radiated, though you saw him standing slightly further away from the fence as compared to the other animal enclosures.
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You received a multitude of questions when he saw a seal performing various tricks with a zookeeper. “Does the earthling have powers like us?”
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“Well, kinda. They have to develop a bond with the animals and gain their trust first.” You were glad to see that he was clearly enjoying this visit. “Come on! I do want to show you that the zoo isn’t the only place where you can see animals.” You grin at Adam’s confusion while leading the way.
“People can eat and drink here? While playing with… puppies?”
“Dogs.” You corrected him, taking a sip of your blueberry ade. “Not everyone can keep pets at home like how you took in Blurp. But sometimes, they just really need the comfort of a furry friend for a few hours.”
Adam looks down to see a corgi with coffee colored fur circling his ankles. He picks it up with ease, holding it by its body for you to see.
“Why does this one look like bread?”
You giggled. “Almost accurate but not quite. That is a Welsh Corgi.”
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“This dog has abnormally short legs,” Adam observes as he puts the dog back down. The corgi decides that his lap was the best sleeping spot and starts to doze off. “Do all dogs look like this?”
“Nope. There are many different breeds. For instance,” you took out a treat to entice a Daschund a few feet away from you. You take a look at the dog’s name tag. “Meet Sausage. He’s a Daschund.”
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The dog wiggles out of your grasp, jumping into Adam who thankfully has quick reflexes. Wagging its tail, Sausage starts to lick his face.
“I think it likes you,” you smile at Adam’s futile attempts to fight off the onslaught of affection from the hyperactive Daschund. You decide to help him out, wanting to show him the other lovable dog breeds, big and small.
Preparing to leave for the day, you came out of the toilet to find two of the cafe workers looking anxious. Not thinking much about it, you prepared to meet Adam at the ship.
“Toast is gone! He never goes anywhere!” The girl with strawberry pink hair exclaims. “Boss is going to have a fit when she knows that he’s gone.”
“Calm down,” worker number two comforts her colleague. “I’m sure he couldn’t have gone far. Did you see anyone take him?”
“I was so busy at the cashier. But the last I saw him was with a guy… he was super tall and… out of this world…”
You furrowed your eyebrows at strawberry girl’s description, realization hitting you. You know exactly where the corgi has disappeared to.
You entered the ship to have your suspicions confirmed. You find Adam tossing a squeaky ball across the main area where Toast, the Welsh Corgi was scuttling around.
“So this is where you ran of too you sneaky little bugger!” You picked up Toast and gave it a few pats. “Adam, this belongs to the cafe, you can’t take it along with you.”
He sees your slightly exasperated expression. “I’m sorry, I just wanted to find a friend for Blurp.”
You sit beside the God, letting Toast run for a little longer. “I know, Blurp has been kind of lonely. How about this? We can bring Blurp down here every week. I can talk to the staff to let us have Toast for a couple of hours. This way, we can see more places too.”
Adam takes in your suggestion slowly before nodding. “Yes, I would like that very much.”
“Great. How about we return Toast back home?”
You had apologized profusely on Adam’s behalf, but you couldn’t help but to notice the two girls sneaking glances at Adam who was too engrossed in saying his goodbyes to the canine.
As the ship takes off, you see Adam’s forlorn expression.
“Hey, Adam. Hold out your pinkie.”
As he extends his hand with his pinkie out, you wrapped your own pinkie around his.
“This is a pinkie promise. I think it’s sweet that you really love them, and I promise I’ll take you to see them. Not even Rocket’s last minute tasks can stop me. Okay?”
Adam looks at your pinkie intertwined with his, an unreadable expression on his face. He extends his fingers to hold your hand, satisfied with what he had just done.
“There, instead of a pinkie, this is a hand… promise?” The words rolled off his tongue naturally and Adam was pleased with himself. “That way you can’t break it.”
You laughed, holding onto his hand tight as the ship exits the Earth atmosphere.
“A promise it is, Adam. A promise it is.”
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coco-bee · 4 days
Welcome to Coco’s Review! Where I review and breakdown episodes, movies and etc and overthink every tiny detail and/or give my thoughts and opinions :D !! THE STORY I’M ABOUT TO DISCUSS HAS TOPICS ABOUT S/A AND OTHER DISTURBING TOPICS PLEASE PROCEED WITH CAUTION !! Ok so this may not be something you’d expect me to cover but I wanted to discuss this series on my blog for a while now! Today I’m discussing Blue’s Story by Victaton!
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Blue’s Story is a series by Victaton over on youtube that mixes gacha life 2 character designs along with animation. I like to think of the gl2 designs as character models and Victation expands on it through animation. The series doesn’t have proper episodes, its installments mainly continue music videos that go in a specific order. The story is about Blue, a man in his early 20s entering the company his older sister works in with a positive attitude only for it to fade away as a lot of women in his new job want to get in his pants and cause irreversible trauma on the poor guy. This series is meant to show how abuse in the workplace can happen and how s/a can be done anywhere and by anyone. It seems to be a response to the misconceptions of how men who are preyed on by women are not valid victims of s/a and how they should’ve enjoyed it or that only women can be victims (which is never true). Though keep in mind I’m not qualified to determine if the way the story conveys s/a and just abuse in general is shown accurately because I have not had these experiences myself but my heart goes out to the victims in the world who could resonate with Blue’s Story and I wish for nothing but happiness and peace for you guys. You all are very strong and deserved much better<3
I can tell Victation really touched people’s hearts and according to some people in the comments who are victims the story is pretty accurate to some experiences and some research has been put in this series which I heavily appreciate. So I’m happy people can feel seen with this!
So with this series I want to start off light and mention the animation- AND MY GOODNESS DOES THIS SERIES HAVE AMAZING ANIMATION!
I really love this art style that Vic has going on here
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Like I said the gl2 designs seem to make the base and Vic uses their art skills to expand on it It really gives a dynamic feeling and you can hardly tell it’s gacha
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Vic has a lot of dynamic poses and a great understanding of body language with these!
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And I’m not even showing the best parts! But I want to keep it as a surprise for those who are interested in watching the series. I just couldn’t stop praising the visuals enough! Vic is the most experimental gachatuber I’ve seen when it comes to the visuals!! I hope to talk with them sometime to get some tips or to post how their creative process works because THE ART IS SO GOOODDDDD! AND THE CHARACTER DESIGNS RADIATE SM PERSONALITY AND ADD TO THE SYMBOLISM AND UNDERTONES OF THE STORY! It’s so fun to see :D and the color associations are a very interesting character design choice! It helps add a very colorful look to what is otherwise a very heavy story and makes it very easy to distinguish the characters and give them certain color motifs. Anyway I want to talk about the characters in Blue’s Story! Mostly by order of their debut! And I’ll only talking abt the characters that have a big impact on Blue (So I won’t be talking abt Magenta or her brother) and the ones that don’t have a definite character (So the red eye people won’t be mentioned) Anyway now that that’s established the character I want to talk about first is well- Blue himself! After All this is his perspective we’re following
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Also quick appreciation for the silly little Blues that Vic draws<3 Anyway Blue is the most interesting character I’ve seen in a gacha series. I like how Vic doesn’t use Blue as a representation or a role model for victims to take after but a person who goes through his own stories and has room to be human. You can see his descent in his own trauma and self loathing in his story. Which leads him to make mistakes and have a difficult time navigating his relationships and how to make meaningful connections. Seeing him go from confident and upbeat to quiet and reserved is so heartbreaking. What I find so great about Blue is that not everyone can relate to his situation but his thought process is near universal. I can relate to having to be in survival mode when it comes to relationships after being done dirty by different people. Not to mention people would do the same things Blue did, they just went through different experiences. It’s a really great touch to the writing. What’s also interesting I find about Blue are these different personas of different ways he handles the trauma caused by all these women.
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This is sorta a mix of my interpretation of what these versions of Blue are plus what Vic actually calls them From left to right !.Hypersexual Blue (confirmed) 2.Heart Eyes Blue (confirmed) 3. Reality Blue (not confirmed) 4. Cyan Blue (confirmed) 5. Numb Blue (not confirmed) I’ll expand more on these personas when I do a character study on Blue (which is something I REALLY wanna do sometime)
Next up is Pink Who is the first character we meet when Vic started this series
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Pink is a married woman around Blue’s age who he engages in an affair with. And one of the women Blue has a significant relationship with throughout the series since Pink was the first one in the workplace to have her way with Blue. A truly manipulative bitch 💀 I don’t have much to say about her because Vic themself made a video discussing the women in Blue’s life and their thought process on writing them(?). So I’ll just give my thoughts! Pink is a very interesting case of the “Abused to Abuser” situation and not to mention how she’s not one dimensional. She’s an abuser to Blue but also a victim to a different man. (her husband) There are scenes where she is being a nice person (highlighted with her scenes with Lilac) but what’s preventing her from being good is her philosophy of how men cannot be victims. How could they be? To her the most heartless person she knows is a man, while it’s close minded, it’s understandable but not excusable why she perceives men this way. Which I find very interesting! There’s also a cool animation choice with her lipstick color! Her lips are white when she’s doing nice things or is not perceived as a bad person, then grey when it’s more neutral (I think) and finally black when she harms Blue. Hence why her kiss marks start from white to black.
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What’s also interesting is that Blue pursues her first! Since he started out so confident and upbeat he wanted to try and shoot his shot with an attractive woman. But backs off when he learns that she’s married, but things didn’t go as planned. But I find it very interesting how that’s how things started. Next we have Purple who is the CEO or just the boss of the company Blue works in
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Purple imo is definitely the most uncomfortable character to watch (what am I saying ALL the abusers make things uncomfortable to watch) but Purple just gives me a chill up my spine. Especially with her design, it has been confirmed by Vic that Purple is in her 40s and would prey on much younger people. First she attempted to prey on Red (who is confirmed to be 19), but was unsuccessful then went after Blue, and was successful.
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Not to mention she’s very inconsiderate of her workers, example in the second part of “Baby Hotline”.
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Up next we have Red! Who is my personal favorite in terms of how she is written and her design! (I do not condone her actions)
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I love how Vic went for a more cutesy innocent look for Red!
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But not without giving her sharp black nails to show how harmful she is
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It really nails the message home on how anyone can be an abuser no matter how they look like. I also want to appreciate her little heart eye effect that Vic does with her that’s constantly looping like HOW DOES VIC DO IT- IT LOOKS SO DIFFICULT TO PULL OFF- I’m guessing it’s green screen With Red she is an obsessive stalker who has feelings for Blue and is constantly pursuing him even if he doesn’t return the feelings. It starts off as an innocent crush but turns into something more harmful. I don’t have much to say that’s not been said by Vic on their video. I just really want to appreciate how well designed she is and I rly like the heart motif she has. You can tell she’s a naive girl who can’t understand how harmful she is. I’ve met someone who was my equivalent to Red and while thankfully I had people who managed to protect me, doesn’t mean the harm did not get to me. While they were not as intense and Red, I was still being harassed verbally and I just didn’t feel safe. ALSO HOW DOES VIC DO HER HEART EYE EFFECT I NEED ANSWERS Now we have Lavender who is Blue’s SISTER
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YEAH THATS RIGHT- SHE IS BLUE’S SISTER And I swear everytime I see her I just want to punch her in the goddamn face and wipe that stupid smile off her face- Lavender is an example of non-physical s/a and incest with how she had sexual thoughts about Blue and would show it through more subtle actions. Not to mention she’s also a bystander to Blue being abused by other women and doesn’t do ANYTHING about it. As an older sister myself with my own little brother- Lavender ENRAGES ME! I could never imagine doing what she did to my own brother. He drives me crazy but I’d protect him no matter what. What is fascinating about her design is definitely how her eyes are constantly closed, as if she’s turning a blind eye to the harm Blue is a victim of and/or how she’s hiding so many things. Especially with how she only opens her eyes when she’s preying on Blue.
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SHE'S JUST AS TERRIFYING AS PURPLE Lastly we have Lilac! Who debuts in the same video as Lavender
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WHO IS THE ONE PERSON THAT DOESN’T TREAT BLUE LIKE SHIT She’s a very fun character! She’s a single mom who works in the same company as Blue. She has a lot more significance in later installments so I won’t spoil but I just love her<3 She’s so sweet I just can’t- it’s such a breath of fresh air compared to the toxic waste Blue’s been getting from the other women. Her relationship with Blue is so interesting to watch and I am just rooting for them to at least stay friends.
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(Also she looks so pretty here) AND THAT’S ALL THE CHARACTERS!!
Overall I really enjoy this series but I do have some gripes with it. The pace is definitely a bit much- so much can be happening in a span of a few mins. And there are stories that could rly benefit a longer time limit. This problem comes up most with “Baby Hotline” where I hardly understood what was happening. Like I got the gist but I didn’t get the specifics. It can be difficult to keep up with. So yeah the series could work with a longer timeframe- “Sweet Little Bumblebee'' is a great example! Not everything is too fast and everything makes more sense while “Baby Hotline” tried cramming a lot in one minute. Well the first part of ot, the second part of “Baby Hotline” was at a much better pace in my opinion but still a bit hard to keep up with at first.
Anyway in conclusion! Blue’s Story is a really interesting story that deserves the recognition it gets and is worth your time if you are into really deep stories with heavy subjects!
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(Credit to Vitaton for all the art presented) This is Coco typing.. Thank you for reading!
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toasterbunnicula · 1 year
Mass Effect Character Sexualities because I want to project
(Partly headcanon, bi-ased, personal opinion)
Ashley: straight, formerly homophobic until she realized that most of her Normandy crew mates were gay
Garrus: bi energy, its simply unfair to our gay guys for such an amazing and hot character to not go both ways. Ive also seen too much Garrus/Thane/Shepard fanart to see him any other way
Liara: obviously bi, I hc that she was confused when she first encountered homophobia because it simply doesn’t exist in asari culture (closest thing is the asarixasari stigma)
Wrex: for some reason I see him as bi? I have no idea where I got this but I want to see a tough, old warrior casually mentioning being into both men and women and not caring at all about it (even though I think krogan culture probably wouldn’t approve)
Tali: for my sake as a helpless bi simp, I see her as under the umbrella, but doesn’t realize it. Like me before I came out, Tali would say “yeah she’s really pretty and I want to hang out with her and hug her and stare at her but I’m not gay or anything.” You are. You are gay. I think it would be in character for her to completely miss the fact that she’s into girls as well as men
Joker: straight. The kind of straight to make jokes about his friends’ sexualities, but not mean anything by it. He goes to pride every June with his wife EDI (who I will get to)
Jacob: I honestly can’t believe that he was originally intended to be bi, I just can’t see him into men unless I squint. It’s hilarious that they tried to make his male romance more like Brokeback Mountain so it’d be accepted
Miranda: I’ve seen a headcanon on Pinterest about Miranda having internalized homophobia because it doesn’t line up with her view of genetic perfection, something she’s established to be insecure about. I think it would make perfect sense for her character. I think it’s easy to see her as a lesbian practicing het-comp, especially with how awkward her initial flirting with Shepard is, but there are more scenes in her romance that feel authentic than there are that feel performative, so I’m inclined to say she is bi/pan/omni/etc.
Mordin: I’m pretty sure his asexuality is canon. I also think that he’s aromantic as well, but can objectively assess beauty/attractiveness well. For example, his film noir short story in the Citadel DLC involves a hookup with Aria. I personally believe that is him saying “yeah, she’s attractive, and if I were into women, I’d smash”
Zaeed: he gives off straight uncle who would punch a homophobe for you but otherwise doesn’t know how to interact with you after you’ve come out and tries a little too hard to acknowledge your sexuality but it’s definitely well-meaning (think the “anyone could be they!” scene from Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
Grunt: straight and supports his bi parents (Shepard and Garrus/Thane/Tali/Liara), wears rainbows at Pride for them, and regularly headbutts homophobes
Jack: I’m forever salty about them erasing her pansexuality. Also she and Miranda should’ve kissed
Kasumi: also gives off pan energy. She definitely feels like the type to not care about gender at all- as long as they’ve got muscles, that’s all that matters to her
Thane: pan energy
Samara: as established, Samara is bisexual
Legion: ace, non-binary (goes with people using he/him based on its masculine voice, pronouns are they/it)
Kelly: she said so herself, she doesn’t care about race/species or gender, all that matters is the person 💖💛💙
EDI: something about Sentient AI Who People Initially Don’t Trust Until She Gets A Humanoid Body That People Can Better Associate With Her reads to me as a trans allegory. Obviously, she’s not trans, but the vibes are there. Many times, people are suspicious of trans women until they transition and pass more as cis, which is similar to EDI’s story. She learns more about herself after her body changes, and others start to appreciate her more and have an easier time referring to her with she/her pronouns. As for her sexuality, she doesn’t seem to lean any particular way to me. She doesn’t seem like the type who’d use labels, even though it would make sense for her to “categorize” herself. I’d say she’s unlabelled- definitely into men, with her relationship with Joker
James: as much as I wish we could get gay gym bro representation, James is great as he is, being a masculine straight guy who’s best friends are openly gay (Cortez) and bi (Shepard)
Traynor: lesbian (canon), definitely into women who can crush her head under their heel but also has a dominant side herself
Cortez: gay (canon)
Diana: that annoying and popular bi girl you secretly had a crush on but didn’t want to because she was intimidating and popular
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vixeneptune · 3 months
So my sp and I have been struggling to connect and start a relationship because of my mental health struggles. I know the concept EIYPO and Ik that this Sina situation where it’s my internalized narrative that my mental health struggles and then being visible makes me unlovable and unworthy of commitment. And ik that this is how I felt about myself my whole life. What affirmations or generally how do u think I can revise this to get the love and commitment I want from him and myself? I know that this is movement bringing us closer.
Self concept affirmations! It's so powerfully effective even tho it's simple but it can shift everything
" i know I'm the prize , being with me is a privilege, I am everything I wanna be, I'm the one on the pedestal, I don't chase I attract, I'm so attractive, I'm so lovable, I love myself , I accept myself fully, I am secure and confident, I'm worthy of the best, I'm high value , anyone would be lucky to have me ,I'm amazing , I'm beautiful just the way I am, I deserve true love, I trust myself, I do what's best for me, I'm open to give and receive love freely, I am good enough, I'm a rare gem , I don't compare myself to anyone , I'm not competing with anyone, I'm the best, I feel good about myself, I am solid, I am a love magnet, everything goes in my favor, I'm so lucky in love , my inner child is free, I am healed, I am positive , I am love, I radiate love, I embody love , I am safe, I let go of resistance, I'm respectable
My sp is fully committed to me bc I deserve loyalty and commitment and I accept nothing less! I'm such a catch, everyone wants me but only few can afford me. My sp loves me so much, I don't blame him bc I'm awesome! I'm one of a kind, everything about me is beautiful, my heart is beautiful.. my soul is beautiful..my body is beautiful. I shine and light up the room, radiating love everywhere I go! My sp accepts me for who I am , I'm always being myself and he loves me for it. He appreciates me and cherishes every moment with me bc being with me is the biggest win. "
I recommend saying this in the mirror , looking into ur eyes and repeating it outloud even if u struggle to believe it at first, say it with emotion, from your heart center. remember ure the one in control here, u can reprogram ur mind and change ur reality ITS SO EASY u know why? Bc this is just like a dream and ure lucid in it , you're bigger than life, that means you know you have the power , EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE FOR YOU. You DESERVE the love you dream of and that's exactly what you will get
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bellaxgiornata · 1 year
Falling For the Devil [Part forty-one: "The First Half of the Trip"]
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader
Summary: You and Matt begin the first half of your Christmas road trip towards Chicago.
Both of you try to stay entertained in a car for six hours.
[Series of one-shots about Reader meeting, falling for, and dating Matt Murdock.]
Warnings: 18+ for this series; contains humor, fluff, romance, angst, smut (like...a lot of it later in the series), language, some violence
Word Count: 2.5k
a/n: A fun, fluffy piece that covers the first half of Matt and Reader's Christmas roadtrip! The next piece is a smupdate featuring some angry hotel sex. You can find all the installments for this series on tumblr here, and if you're enjoying it, let me know!
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Two and A Half Hours Into the Drive
Looking over your shoulder and changing lanes, you laughed lightly at Matt beside you. “That is literally the weirdest road trip snack I’ve ever seen by far,” you teased him.
“What?” Matt asked, his mouth full of banana as he shrugged. “You have a problem with fruit?”
“No,” you countered, shaking your head. “But I’ve never known anyone to pack apples and bananas to eat on a road trip. It’s like the perfect time to binge on junk food–we’re stuck in a car after all.”
“Well fruit is better than the processed cheese crackers you like so much,” he teased back. 
Glancing over your shoulder at him, you saw him raise the banana to his mouth and take another massive bite of it. You couldn’t fight the grin that spread on your face when he smiled back at you. His cheeks were stuffed with banana and he looked like an adorable chipmunk as he smiled. Your attention returned to the road, your music lightly playing over the stereo.
“First off, Cheez Its are amazing," you told him. "They're the best road trip snack. But you make a fair point,” you conceded. “I know you’re not a fan of processed foods, but that’s why I made that trail mix. Unsalted nuts and plain dried fruit with no added sugar. I even threw in some fancy dark chocolate. There's nothing overly processed in it.”
Matt’s hand reached across the center console between the two of you, his warm palm landing on your upper thigh. He squeezed your leg lightly and your heart fluttered in your chest at his touch.
“And I appreciate that more than you know," he replied. "That trail mix is honestly addicting. You’re going to have to make more of that for me when we get back.”
“You enjoy it that much?” you asked him curiously.
“I will do anything you ask if you make a big batch of it for me,” he stated seriously.
“Oh?” you asked, raising a brow.
He chuckled, shaking his head as his hand removed itself from your thigh. “You’re thinking about the black suit again?” he asked. “Aren’t you?”
Flushing, you shrugged a shoulder. “I mean, I am now,” you admitted sheepishly.
“Sweetheart,” Matt began, readjusting himself in his seat, “I will fuck you in the black suit if it gets me more of that trail mix. Granted, I’d do it even without the added incentive.” He shot you a sinful smirk that had you squirming in your own seat. “The way your body gets all worked up over it is definitely something, and I quite enjoy it,” he said, his tone lowering.
Swallowing hard, you shyly admitted, “There was something I wanted to do if you ever wore it again.”
Immediately Matt shifted in his seat, facing as fully towards you as he could with the seatbelt restricting him. Your left elbow was resting on the armrest of the door beside you, your thumbnail quickly slipping between your teeth. You chewed it nervously as Matt’s sightless gaze lingered on you.
“And does that something,” he asked slowly, his eyes scanning you carefully, “have anything to do with whatever is hiding in your suitcase that had you so flustered last night?”
Eyes widening, your teeth gnawed your thumbnail even quicker. You had hoped Matt had forgotten about that, even though you knew he wouldn’t have. Thinking about how Matt might react to the lingerie you had hidden in there, along with the fact that you’d packed the gifts from the Secret Santa game, your heart raced a little in your chest. Out of your peripheral, Matt’s head snapped down towards your chest. 
“Is there a podcast you want to listen to?” you asked quickly, changing the subject. “Or a certain album? We’ve been listening to my music for a bit now.”
Matt settled back into his seat beside you, your pulse slowing down a little with his attention off of you.
“No,” he answered lightly. “I don’t mind this music, it’s relaxing. But don’t worry, sweetheart, I can spot a diversion when I hear one. But I do intend to find out what’s in your suitcase before we get back to Hell’s Kitchen.”
Once again you shifted awkwardly in your seat, cheeks flushing. The sound of your music settled over the pair of you as you fell silent.
Four Hours into the Drive
“How do you manage to burn ready-to-bake cookies?” you asked Matt in shock, laughter bubbling out of you. “They’re basically already made! They give you the instructions right there on the package!”
Matt was laughing hard beside you, shaking his head. “My dad was the worst baker. And I was five , sweetheart,” he laughed out. “He just really wanted me to leave cookies out for Santa. Though really I think he just wanted to eat them himself." Matt chuckled lightly as he added, "But we burnt those to a damn crisp.”
You wiped a hand across your eyes, drying the couple of tears that had fallen during your laughter. The windshield wipers of the rental were on, snow gently falling down as you continued to drive along the interstate. It was near two-thirty in the afternoon now and you were both quite far from New York and getting closer to where you'd be stopping in Ohio for the night.
“He never tried to make them again with me,” Matt finished. “Instead we left out–” he paused, cracking up, “–a bowl of chicken noodle soup for Santa.”
“ What ?” you asked, immediately falling into another fit of hysterics.
Matt fell back into another round of laughter beside you. He was nodding his head as he recalled the memory. “Yes, that was what I picked out from our pantry. I thought Santa might’ve wanted something to warm him up. Figured he hadn’t had dinner yet, either. Just tons of cookies and milk.”
You shot Matt a look over your shoulder. “Aww, that’s so sweet. Little Matty looking out for Santa,” you half-teased, half-cooed.
“Don’t make me bring up your suitcase again,” Matt shot back, a dangerous smile on his face.
“Okay, okay,” you said quickly, dropping the tone. “So how did you usually spend Christmas mornings when it was the two of you?”
He exhaled a long sigh, the smile dulling to something soft on his face when you glanced over at him. His expression had you smiling lightly and wondering what his father would have been like to meet. He sounded like an amazing father with the way Matt spoke about him–always with a sort of gentle reverence–whenever he did talk about his dad with you. 
“Usually I woke up before the sun,” Matt finally said, voice quiet. “I’d wake him up. Jump on the bed, drag him out of the sheets. Beg him to let me open presents before he’d even had a cup of his morning coffee.”
“And did he let you?” you asked.
“Yeah,” he answered softly. “Yeah, he did. Every year.” He paused for a long moment before he added, "And we always had blueberry pancakes on Christmas mornings. They were always his favorite and it eventually became mine, but I…usually never got those at St. Agnes."
A heavy weight felt like it hung in the air at Matt's words. You chanced a look at him beside you and he appeared lost in his thoughts. Chewing the inside of your cheek, your right hand shifted over on the center console, grabbing Matt’s hand that had been resting beside yours. Immediately his fingers curled back around your own. Clearing his throat, he glanced over at you.
“How’d your Christmas mornings often go?” he asked.
You smiled, remembering many different memories as your eyes remained on the road. Beside you, Matt was watching you with a curious smile. 
"I was usually the last of my siblings to wake up," you told him. "Which meant they were always dicks when they woke me." You laughed lightly, recalling a particular memory as Matt chuckled. "One year, Nate and Amber actually dumped me out of my bed. Just the two of them picking up one side of my mattress," you explained, "and then just rolling me right onto the hardwood floor." Your brows furrowed as you added, "I think that was the year I actually had a bloody nose before we opened presents. Because I fell on it." Matt laughed as a grin formed on your face. "My mom was so pissed at them. So of course they did it again next year. But they were smarter–" you said, fighting down a laugh of your own, "–they put some pillows on the floor for me to land on that time. So our mom wouldn’t find out."
Matt was laughing behind his hand, and the sight of him so happy in comparison to how he’d looked on the flight you'd both taken for Thanksgiving was easily worth the soreness in your ass a hundred times over. 
"Okay, so I have to ask since we're on the topic of Christmas," you began, Matt's laughter dying down beside you. "Eggnog–yay or nay with the fancy Devil senses?"
Instantly he made a face, his nose scrunching up as he shook his head. "Absolutely nay. It's disgusting," he told you. 
"But hot chocolate is a yay?" you asked curiously.
"The way you make it, yes," he answered, a charming smile slipping onto his face and lighting up his eyes. "Even more so if I get to taste it on your lips. Though,”  he continued, his tone turning into something sultry that rose the hair along your arms, “I quite enjoy tasting other things..."
You cleared your throat, focusing back on the road and not the handsome man beside you. "I'm trying to drive here, Matt," you murmured. "You should–should probably not try to distract the driver lest I crash the car." 
"Well the driver is quite distracting," he said, his gaze falling away from you. 
You tried to take a deep breath, focusing on the road before you. If you let yourself think too hard about his charming presence and what it did to you, you'd be needing to pull over and have him on the side of the road. And that was an unnecessary detour you both didn’t need. 
"Being trapped in a car with you when I need to focus is going to be difficult, isn't it?" you mumbled.
"Trust me," he said beside you, "I know. Your scent is everywhere. Kind of hard to ignore."
Five and A Half Hours Into the Drive 
“Fortunately there are other ways to get to Illinois from New York than by plane,” you said.
Thankfully the flurry of snow had come to an end about a half an hour ago. You were glad the weather wasn't as bad as it definitely could have been for this drive. You didn't feel like driving through a blizzard.
“Unfortunately the only other option is a more than twelve hour drive,” Matt added.
"Well…" you continued, thinking for a moment, "fortunately I have a driver's license." 
"Unfortunately your co-passenger is blind and can't help you drive," Matt countered quickly.
"Fortunately I just grabbed that coffee when I got gas," you answered. 
"Unfortunately that coffee might give you gas," he replied, amused. 
Your head snapped in his direction, jaw hanging open as your eyes widened. He was shaking with laughter as your cheeks burned. 
" Matt !" you shrieked.
"I'm only kidding, sweetheart," he managed out between laughs. "You wanted to play that game."
You waved a firm hand between the pair of you, shaking your head. "Okay, no more fortunately/unfortunately for you, Murdock," you stated. "You have officially ruined that game."
"Alright, alright," he replied, grinning. "I'm sorry. But I was only kidding. Though–” he said, fighting down a laugh, “–everybody has gas, sweetheart."
You ran your hand along your forehead, wishing you weren't driving right now so you could bury your face in your hands. Or bolt. You didn't want to talk about passing gas with Matt–especially since he had heightened senses.
"And this is the part where I change the topic before I push you too far past your comfort zone," Matt pointed out. "So…how much longer until we get to the hotel? I still don't have a functioning watch so I can’t tell."
"About forty more minutes or so," you answered. "Why, did all that talk about gas make you need a bathroom stop?" you teased.
He chuckled, shaking his head. "No, but I uh, I can hear how tired your body is getting. From all the driving. Was wondering when you'd get a break," he answered. 
"Oh," you said softly. "Honestly, I’m fine. I think the way I broke up the drive was pretty decent, considering. But I’m curious, is this more preferable to flying then?" you asked him. "Because you seem to be having a significantly better time, but I can’t tell if you’re somehow just really good at pretending since we’re not in a plane."
“Vastly more preferable,” he answered. “The car isn’t remotely as loud as the plane and neither is the traffic. I’m mainly able to just focus on the both of us, not all the people they had jammed into a plane with all their scents and perfumes and detergent clouding the air." He paused, his attention shifting downwards to his lap. "It’s mainly just your scent and mine, sort of mixed together over the faint scent of the rental car and I…kind of like it, actually." 
Your stomach practically somersaulted inside of you at that information. "So the hotel we are stopping at I already booked ahead of time," you told him, changing the subject before your mind started going down those thoughts again. "I researched it and checked out all the reviews so hopefully you won't have a hard time there. Figured we can grab food nearby first for dinner before checking in. And maybe just relax for a bit before we sleep, unless there's something you want to do?" you asked, glancing over at Matt.
He was smiling back at you, shaking his head. "That sounds great, sweetheart. It'll just be nice for both of us to stop sitting in here," he answered. "If my legs are cramping up then I'm sure yours must be, too."
"Yeah," you agreed easily, "I could do with getting out of here for longer than the few minutes it takes to get gas or take bathroom breaks."
Matt snickered beside you and you shot him a curious look. He was fighting back a laugh, shoulders shaking. 
"What?" you asked him.
"Just resisting the urge to make a joke about gas again," he answered, shoulders shaking.
“Matt,” you whined.
“I said I was resisting the urge to!” he countered, grinning.
You ran a hand over your forehead again. "I am so glad I'm almost done driving for the day just in time for you to revert back to making fart jokes," you muttered. "You really do need to get out of this car."
In the seat beside you, Matt burst into a laugh that filled the car with the warmth of the sound. You rolled your eyes, grinning.
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malarkgirlypop · 7 months
He's the Boss Part 2 (Bull Randleman x F!Reader)
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HI! I am mean and there is going to be a part three. It's gonna be spicy! But for now here is part two, hope you all enjoy! He is one fine looking man ugh! Someone find me a bull to ride! ok I need to calm down ahaha. Based on the HBO show and the actor who portray the characters, no hate to anyone involved.
I huffed in frustration, my hair wasn’t sitting how I wanted it too. I spent ages getting ready, wanting to look nice for once when we went out. I had showered, even shaved, with one of George’s razors I had stolen. My legs felt and looked silky smooth, which was good, as I was wearing the women's formal army attire. Which included a skirt, button up top, and a fitted jacket. When it was put altogether it looked nice, it hugged my curves, giving me an hourglass figure. I was trying to pin my hair back so it looked tidy but it was being stubborn, not wanting to sit in the way I had placed it down. I rummaged through the draws, trying to find anything that could help my cause.
“Ah ha!” I said in success, pulling out a can of hairspray that was discarded in one of the cupboards. I sprayed the piece that kept popping up. I waited for a moment for it to dry fully before removing my hand. I pulled my hand away slowly holding my breath, the hair stayed in its place. I moved on to my makeup, not having much with me, but the nurses I had met in the aid station were nice enough to give me one of their red lipsticks and a mascara. I drag the red tint over my lips, rubbing them together, and then coating the black liquid onto my eyelashes. I stepped back to admire my hard work. Surprisingly enough I looked like a girl. I hadn’t seen her in a while. I grinned happily with the results. I pulled on my heels, I didn’t want to wear them but the outfit would look odd with big clompy combat boots covered in mud. I took one last look in the mirror when someone knocked on the door to my room. “Come in.” I called as I straightened my tie. 
I heard a whistle from behind me, “My, my, my, doesn’t she dress up nice.” I posed for George as he grinned. “Give me a twirl.” I spun around in a circle as he asked. “You look beautiful.” His voice full of honesty. “You don’t look too shabby yourself, soldier.” He clicks his heels together giving me a silly salute. He offers me his arm as we make our way out into the foyer to meet with the other men who are coming with us to the pub. We had decided we would all walk there together since it wasn’t that far away. 
“Oh Y/N who are you all dressed up for, surely it isn’t us.” Lieb said as he admired my outfit. I smiled at him. 
“Maybe I’ll meet a nice guy down at the bar, who knows.” I tease. Someone clears their throat from behind me. I know who it is before I even see them. I turn to see Bull. I gulp. My eyes dragged down his body and back up to his face. I have alway appreciated his looks, I can’t deny he is a good looking guy. But something about him clean shaven in formal attire brings heat to my cheeks. My heart pounds in my chest, no one speaks, as we stare at each other. His soft smile graces his face. 
“You look amazing darling.” He says in his country accent. I have to stop my knees from giving way underneath me. I didn’t know getting a compliment could feel this exhilarating. 
“You look very handsome Bull.” The men awww from behind us in a teasing matter. I laugh feeling exposed. 
“Shall we go?” Bull says to the group, who agree, making their way out the door, “Don’t pay attention to them, they’re just jealous you didn’t tell them they looked handsome.” He placed his hand on the small of my back as we walked together. My breath hitched in my throat. He’s your boss Y/N. I tried to not think about his large hand on my back as we walked. But it was a hard thing to try and ignore, the way my body reacted to his soft touch. The prickle of my skin under his hand was driving me insane. I was trying to listen to the conversation he was having with Luz but all I could focus on was how good his hand felt on my body. Stop it! 
We arrived at the bar, I almost whined in frustration when his hand slipped off my back. I widened my eyes at myself, shocked from the reaction I almost let slip. I smiled at him as he opened the door for me. Why is he so thoughtful, curse his good manners. His mother raised him too well, and it wasn’t in my favour. I joined the men in the booth, we had to squeeze in so that we all fit. I was squished between Babe and Bull. Luz stood in front of the table asking who wanted what, after a while of everyone yelling random drinks he told us to get fucked and that we would all get beers. We laughed as he stormed away to the bar. I shook my head at the man. 
“How you deal with him Y/N, I will never know.” Bull jokes, he leans down closer to my face so that I can hear him over all the noise. The smell of his cigar that he smokes wafts over my face. I had grown accustomed to the smell since being friends with the man. I quite enjoyed the smell now, as I associated it with him. If I smelt the smokey, sweet aroma of the tobacco I knew he wasn’t far behind. 
“Can I try that?” I asked without thinking, he looked shocked, he knew I didn’t smoke. 
“Are you sure darlin’?” He asked, I nodded my head. He passed me the cigar, I put it between my lips. It felt oddly intimate, having my lips on something he had previously had his own lips on. I inhaled the smoke, god it was strong, it burnt my throat on its way down. I coughed and spluttered, the smoke didn’t taste as good as it smelled. I was handed my beer, I chugged it down trying to relieve the burn in my throat. I downed my whole beer in one go. The men around the table watched me in shock. I heard the familiar sound of Bull’s laughter, everyone else joined in, once they knew I was ok. 
“Y/N are you ok?” Bull asked through chuckles. I laughed nodding my head. Someone else passed me their beer, getting up to go and order another one. 
“I don’t think I have seen someone as small as you down a pint that fast.” He said surprised. I don’t think I have ever chugged a drink that fast before, but I needed something to quell the fire in my throat. 
“Thank you!” I grin at him taking the compliment, he smiles at me, his hand coming out to brush a strand of hair behind my ear. In doing so his fingertips drag along my cheek, the tingling returning where he touches. I gazed into his bright blue eyes, fighting the urge to lean forward and press my lips to his. A loud cheer pulled us from our brief moment, Bull removed his hand from my cheek as I leaned back. 
“Yeah I don’t think I’m a smoker.” I coughed trying to clear my throat. “How is your throat not raw?” I asked 
“You get used to it.” He smirks down at me. I laugh nodding my head. I spent the night stuck in the booth pressed to Bull’s side. I didn’t mind, in fact I rather enjoyed it. Being in the corner of the booth we seemed to be in our own little world. I only spoke to him for the majority of the night. 
“Y/N!” George slurred, grabbing my arm and tugging me. “Let’s dance!” I laughed letting my very inebriated friend drag me from my seat and onto the dance floor. I couldn’t stop laughing, George was so drunk he was doing the most outlandish dance moves. I stood in front of him just roaring with laughter. He would grab my hands and spin me around, then he would pause almost throwing up from the spinning. I wiped the tears from my eyes as he drunkenly grinned at me. 
“I think I need to sit down.” He mumbled stumbling away. I laughed watching him go, he crashed down into the booth the Easy men still occupied. I stepped forward to also make my way back to the booth, surely it was nearly time to leave. I was stopped in place, I turned to see who had grabbed my elbow. A man I didn’t know but wore his uniform smiled at me. 
“You look stunning!” He flirted. 
“Thank you.” I expressed my appreciation for the nice compliment. 
“Your friend isn’t a very good dancer.” I laughed at the statement shaking my head, in this state he indeed was a terrible dancer. 
“He is normally better at it when he isn’t so drunk.” I assured the man who still had hold of my elbow, and was standing very close. I took a step back to create some distance but the man followed after me, not giving me the space I wanted. I tried to subtly pull my arm back but even that he had a firm grip on. 
“How about you have a dance with me?” He asks, grinning at me. 
“Oh I would but I think our group is leaving.” I excuse myself politely, but the man doesn’t get the hint. 
“That’s ok I can walk you back after we are finished.” He insists. I glance around, I can’t see any of the Easy men around to ask for help. I give a tight lipped smile to the man.
“That’s very nice of you, but I have to take care of my friend, see he is-” I whimper as the man’s grip on my arm tightens further, his finger’s digging into my skin. He yanks me forward. The smile dropped from his face. “Dance with me.” It isn’t a question or a request, it's a command. I have faced men with guns who want to kill me, but in this moment I don’t think I have been more afraid. People surround us but I can’t seem to ask for help. No one seems to notice how close the man stands to me, how uncomfortable my demeanour is. 
“Can you let go, you're hurting me.” I whispered, too afraid to raise my voice any louder. He didn’t do as I asked, keeping his hold on my arm. 
“The lady asked to be let go!” I heard from behind me, I instantly sighed, Bull’s voice was loud and assertive. I could feel him behind me. I didn’t even have to turn around to know what face he wore. I knew it was his scary one, because the man holding my arm instantly dropped it like it had burnt him and scampered away without another word. 
I rubbed the inside of my elbow, trying to ease the pain from where his fingers dug into my skin. I turned to face Bull. I sent him an appreciative smile, but he didn’t return it. My face dropped, was he mad at me too. But I looked again, no it wasn’t anger on his face, it was concern. His brows furrowed together and his lip drew down at the sides. 
“Thank you Bull.” I stepped forward and hugged the man gently, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head on his chest. His arms came around me returning the hug gently. 
“Are you ok?” He asked as we embraced. I nodded, not looking up at him. “If that ever happens again Y/N, you call for me immediately.” He pushed me back so I was looking at his face as he spoke, he looked very serious. 
“You’ll be the first one I call!” I smile at him, he nods finally letting a small smile fall on his lips. “Are we heading back yet? My feet are killing me.” I was ready to go home and crash, I looked over Bull’s shoulder. Easy men looked like they were getting ready to leave. Poor George was slung over Perco's shoulder, barely able to stand. I watched as his eyes rolled to the back of his head, as Frank almost fell over from the man not helping at all. Perco hit him in the side, muttering things to him, I’m sure he was cursing him for being so drunk. Bull turned his attention onto what I was watching too. I stood close as we people watched, laughing together when Perco tried to start walking and George stayed in place. 
“Do you think we should help them?” I asked, still laughing but feeling bad for Frank. 
“Yeah. I think Frank is going to murder George, look at him he looks so mad.” Bull and I chuckled. It was so funny to watch. We made our way over, I draped Luz’s free arm around my shoulder as Perco thanked me. 
We walked in the cool night air. Perco and I just basically dragged the very inebriated George home. His head hung low, and his eyes were closed but he made some effort to try and walk. It was hard work. 
“God George you’re so fucking heavy!” I puffed, readjusting his arm around my shoulder. If my feet were killing me before, now they are dead. Stupid heels. Bull followed beside me. The Easy men who weren’t so drunk had walked ahead of us because we were so slow, but Bull stayed behind to keep us company while we walked Luz home.
Bull and I took Luz up to his room. We placed him down on the bed, Bull took off his jacket while I pulled off his boots. I almost yanked him off the bed, his boots were on so tight. I pull his left boot as Bull undoes his tie, leaning his head back on the pillow. 
“You got it?” He asked after he was finished, watching me struggling. 
“Almost.” I said through gritted teeth. I gave it a good tug, it came loose sending me flying back onto the floor. I burst out laughing, Bull joining in. I smile wryly at him. We tucked Luz into bed, leaving a glass of water on his nightstand for if he needed. 
Bull walked me back to my room. I walked inside, but he stayed outside. I kicked off my shoes, happy to have them off my feet. I turned grinning at the man, he leaned in the doorway just watching me with a smile. 
“Thank you again for helping me tonight. But I also wanted to thank you for the rest of the night as well. I had so much fun, I’m glad you came.” I walked so we were closer, he was still propped up in the doorway looking down at me. 
“I had fun too, I’m glad you asked me to come.” We just smiled at each other, not saying anything. The tension was palpable. I realised that I didn’t want to impress him because he was my boss. I had secretly known that months ago, it was an excuse to hide my true feelings. My true feelings were that I liked this man, more than I have ever liked anyone in my life. No one else has made me feel the things that Bull does. All he needs to do is smile at me and I melt. George was right, I am smitten. I looked at him, did he like me the way I did? Maybe I should see? I stepped forward, we were almost touching. I could feel the warmth from his body radiating off of him. I waited testing the waters, I didn’t want to pounce on him. He held my eye contact, the smile falling from his lips. It was as if gravity was pulling us together, like two magnets. I was so close to his face, we jumped back when we heard a door slam down the hall. He cleared his throat standing straight. The moment had passed, I stepped back. 
“Darling, if you need anything, come get me.” He said as he tapped my chin.
“Goodnight darling.” He smiled at me as he closed my door, leaving me standing in the middle of the room. I stared at the door, willing it to open, for him to come back in, but it didn’t happen. I heard his footsteps retreat down the hall. He was too polite to come barging back in like I had wanted. I sighed getting ready for bed.
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zaynesaurora · 3 months
RE: Zayne and praise (going back on anon cause uhhhhh this may have gotten away from me and got a little bit ~spicy~ lol)
Oh for sure, he may appreciate you complimenting him but he won’t melt if you tell him he’s pretty or call him a good boy or anything like that. I’m sure he would more than welcome you telling him how amazing he is and how proud you are of him tho! Annnnd maybe he wouldn’t mind terribly if you told him what a good job he was doing… and I don’t just mean in his profession 👀
Idk about anyone else but Zayne just very much gives me service top vibes at times???? Like even just based on the way he cares so much for MC and is more than happy to do the silliest little things if it means getting a smile or a laugh (PLEASE he literally meowed for her!!! 😭), he’ll do anything he can to see it!! Because of this I get the feeling that if he can make you feel good, he’ll be a happy man. And I don’t just mean regular good, I’m talking GOOD good, like so good that he absolutely ruins you for anyone else kinda good (not that he’ll ever let you go now that he has you ofc).
Idk I just feel like it would really get him going to hear you babbling on and on about how incredible he is and how good he’s making you feel???? Like for him to hear that as you whimper and moan and maybe drag your nails down his back… hooooo boy, he might just lose his mind 😮‍💨🥵
TL:DR; Zayne will do everything in his power to make you happy in every way possible, and he loves it when you let him know he’s doing just that ❤️
P.S. #1: The word “good” is starting to look real weird after typing it so many times lmao
P.S. #2: My brain can’t seem to decide between using “you” and “she/MC” so I just gave up and used whichever whenever felt right 🤷‍♀️
— (its okay its our little secret you’re love and deep safe here ! )
he’s the most service top to ever service top, he just works better of psychical encouragement in the bedroom rather than verbal 🫠 unlike out an about in public i think he lowkey hates pda beyond like holding hands MAYBE but when it’s just you guys <33 he definitely likes to hold your hand while he’s getting dirty bc the squeezing means he’s doing what he has to do just right sigggh
ofc he likes hearing you, he’s just a (gentle) man after all but yeah scratches and little bruises on his hips from where your fingertips dug in are his favourite, you can’t fake that when its dr zayne sheeesh
to make a long thought short; praise his mind not his body and let your body do the talking — he’ll love it 🥰
(p.s#2 me too but in my mind she me so I revert back to you 😭)
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thenightfolknetwork · 5 months
How do I even begin this? Ok. Hello. Im a creature. None of my creature traits are all that visible so I just look like a human. Still I will look in the mirror at night with glowing eyes, my teeth are sharper than any sapio Ive ever met, and the only thing keeping my nails from being claws is that I am being forced to cut them back
And that gets into my next problem. My parents don't think Im a creature. Well, in their words, they dont think Im a "monster." They say that these experiences I have are normal. They say that I am just trying to have something wrong with me
And while it is upsetting that my parents don't listen to me, my main issue is that I think they are also creatures. Your genus is often hereditary so at least one of them cant be sapio, but I think its both.
My dad is like me. I see his eyes glowing and claws growing and teeth sharp. I see his body hair being longer than any other sapio and needing to cut it.
My mom is a bit different. She will part her hair in a way to cover her neck, not wanting to show scales. She calls it dry skin. She will do anything to get into water- just as long as its private- and sit right below the surface.
Still, to both of them, we are a family of sapios. We are normal. There is nothing wrong with us.
I am a creature, I know I am and nothing that anyone says will take that frome me. I just want my parents, and maybe even my siblings, to see that they too are creatures. I want them to know theyre not just a weird sapio, but an amazing and beautiful creature
I appreciate your desire to see your loved ones embrace their liminal identities, reader. It must be very difficult for you to see them denying their nature in this way.
It sounds as if they have internalised a great deal of anti-creature sentiment over their lives. They use derogatory, outdated language to describe the community, and see your self-identity as a person of the night as a desire to have “something wrong” with you.
It is incredibly difficult to unpick those tangled perceptions of the world, especially when they've been rooted for so many years. But I'm afraid there is a hard limit to how much you can help them with this. You cannot force self-acceptance upon another person.
Coming to terms with one's own identity is something that needs to come from within. You need to respect their autonomy – and that includes their right to make decisions that seem unhealthy to you. Their perceptions and preconceptions are their own responsibility. If they choose not to unlearn those lessons, that's on them.
What's more, I worry about your own boundaries here. You are already handling your own identity, finding your way to a positive, celebratory relationship with your liminality despite the lack of support from your parents.
It is too much to ask of yourself, to take on the burden of doing the same for your family members.
The best thing you can do for yourself and your family is to concentrate on forging your own path. Lead by example. Show them that being a creature is nothing to be ashamed of, simply by being your own, amazing, beautiful, liminal self.
If they can follow your example, that would be wonderful. And if not, you will have your own rock solid sense of identity to hold you aloft.
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