#its just 2 bugs lets be chill about the stalking people
ghouljams · 11 months
I have so much fun reading cowboy König giggling and everything, in real life I would be terrified
He'd be so scary in real life, but I am mentally unwell so... I'm going to keep making excuses for him because he's hot and big
What's more "kicking my feet and giggling" than a dangerous man who would never hurt you? A man that wants to protect you so badly, is obsessed to the point of illegality, is a service top who is willing to do absolutely anything for you? Hehehe 🫠
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emersonfreepress · 3 years
ok ok in the spirit of community, how would the ros fair in a paintball war?
(referring to this ask! like the zombie au post this ended up making me think a lot 😅)
ohh... interesting, interesting... p sure the only paintball wars i’ve really seen were the ones featured in The League, Peep Show, and Community... but let me wrack my lil head...
ok, i ended up coming at this from multiple angles like the zombie au post 😅 always so much to consider in battle environments! and in the spirit of community, I'll stick with the individual player elimination style paintball match. in the woods with other e prep seniors. last one standing wins bragging rights
Shooting skill | 6/10 - Experience with shooting and practice with Kile ofc
Stealthiness | 8/10 - He's done a fair amount of sneaking around during his after school activities, is super observant (or just paranoid lol), and naturally light on his feet. Good luck ambushing him.
Strategy | 8/10 - Strike deals. Do favors. Form alliances. Shoot 'em in the back once they’ve outlived their usefulness. ...What? It’s just paintball.
How does he win? | Graciously. Gabe likes winning, and especially via strategic manipulation, so it puts a smile on his face. And he's in a good mood so he treats a bunch of you to ice cream or smth 👀
How does he lose? | Slumps in frustration at being outwitted or taken off-guard, sulks about it for a little while. He's not that sore of a loser but needs time to lick his wounds and stop thinking of the different choices he could have made.
Shooting | 9 - The most accurate shooter of the cast and easily one of the best shots at E Prep. Lots of practice + talent
Stealth | 10 - They're stupid good at climbing trees and 100% consider that a valid method of ambushing their classmates. People start having flashbacks to 3rd and 4th grade recess and P.E. Scanning the trees. They just start taking people out with such efficiency it quickly starts ruining the game 😂
Strategy | 0? 10?? - “...Strategy? You just stay out of sight and kill 'em all, right?” (immediately scolded by Gabe for word choice 🙄) They really do mainly stay out of sight and pick people off with max stealth, like 😆 they'd be such a terror, people would need to take them out early for anyone else to stand a chance! They spend a lot of the game staking out the most frequented paths in the area and taking out groups quickly, all at once. Then they'll get around to stalking and picking people off one by one. The real fun...
Winner type | Stoic. Likes winning combat but the stakes were non-existent, so... the win is meaningless! this just infuriates the losers more 😅 such disrespect
Loser type | Sucks their teeth and tosses their paintball gun to the ground. "Y'all suck." (they're over it five mins later tho lol)
Shooting | 3 - This is nothing like shooting light guns... ☹️
Stealth | 5 - Not just due to his size making him an easier target, but homeboy is liable to get distracted by a cute squirrel or some pretty flowers 😂 He's not great at keeping his voice down either so good conversation would make him easy to seek out. He's just out here enjoying a beautiful day 😅
Strategy | 7 - All that movie-watching (and DMing) make him a valuable creative mind for problem-solving, but he needs a cooperative team to be effective. Rescued and recruited by Rupan/Rohan early on in the game ^ ^
Winner type | Disbelief! And everyone’s content and satisfied with him winning. Except Vivian/Vincent, that jealous fool
Loser type | Doesn't mind losing at all! He just hopes he was a good teammate and was glad to have fun ☺️
Shooting | 7 - Comes from a family of hunters, girly knows how to shoot.
Stealth | 6 - Familiar enough with woods and stalking prey to be capable of sneaking around. Having too much fun to not giggle and get overly invested in the developing plot of the game. Even more easily distracted by critters and flora than Jack 😅
Strategy | 5 - Oh, she's just here to have fun. She'll go with whatever the person she's teaming up with decides, but can adapt easily enough.
Winner type | Surprised... then elated! Bouncing and happy and it's completely contagious. No hard feelings about a single thing. Convinces Heidi to invite people to the Emerson Estate—it's a hot day and they have a nice pool
Loser type | Same as Jack! Congratulates the winner with a hug because she's sweet like that 🧁
Shooting | 2 - This... thing is so cumbersome. And ugly. At least it shoots pretty colors.
Stealth | 7 - Small and used to sneaking around different environments and seeking out hiding spots. Their height and frame makes them harder to spot too.
Strategy | 4 - Hide!!! They’re not getting assaulted with paint and pellets!! Especially not after managing to make this ugly jumpsuit look cute?? Waiting it out is perfectly legitimate. Might share snacks if you decide to join them in hiding 😆
Winner type | Falls asleep in an unexpectedly cozy hiding spot and emerges as everyone thought they’d declared the winner. I imagine R and others yelling at them to get their gun while the original winner scrambles to get theirs, just for Rain to win by pure luck of the draw. Won’t stop them bragging about it, though! (I want this spurned runner-up to be Vi bc ofc)
Loser type | "So I can stop holding this thing?" Yawn. "I'm so hungry and bored, we've been at this for hours..."
Shooting | 4 - Ah, shit. These don't shoot anything like light guns.
Stealth | 7 - They sneak out and around town a lot 😂 They just force themself to be careful about how loud grass and bushes are.
Strategy | 7 - They’re treating this shit like an action movie and banding together a ragtag team of misfits to take down the strongest alliances and players. Savvy enough to reject Gabe’s and Curt’s offers to join, not opposed to strategic backstabs. They're very clearly just as focused on having fun as they are on winning—and playing Predator, which honestly works with Kile runnin around. They even brought war paint and borrowed a tactical vest. Is it mostly packed with snacks and weed? Maybe. Does it prove useful for negotiations? Hell yeah.
Winner type | Raucous celebration, just pure joy and adrenaline ☺️ Celebrates with their team, brags a bit, rubs it into Vi's face, makes fun of Curt, the usual. Then invites allies out to get pizza because it's the obvious next step
Loser type | Mostly disappointed they can't keep playing. They're a little sore about being left out of the action, but soon just start chatting with other marked players about how the game went for them. Plenty entertaining on its own, they want all the details
Shooting | 5 - They've got a little bit of shooting experience.
Stealth | 4 - They're overly sensitive and hate being in nature. Their skin is sticky, they keep feeling bugs everywhere, they've gotten dirt all over their pants, it's so hot, they keep WALKING into SPIDERWEBS, [flails about, screaming furiously]
Strategy | 8 - They have good ideas, they're just difficult to execute alone, especially since they're getting sunburnt and getting crankier and can't stop swatting at insects 😅 they're one of the first people to figure out that someone's taking out groups from the trees, so they stay solo and try to find a single person to team up with. Really what they need is someone who's a better shot but easy to boss around. They can probably just owe them for an in-school favor...
Winner type | Barely suppressed gloating. Vi somehow finds a way to be an obnoxious winner almost entirely by the look on their face. Once they're in a smaller group, they're passionately discussing the details of the game and happily boasting about their triumphs (while glossing over all of the whining and and slip-ups lol)
Loser type | Booo, such a sore loser. (Especially in the scenario where Rain wins 🤣) If they're outsmarted or outgunned in a clear, transparent way they'll growl and stomp off, then quietly glower and sulk for way too long. If they're double-crossed or beaten in an underhanded way oh lord —they're fighting it to the end. R can't help but get involved either way, reminding them it was a damn game with literally no prize. "C'mon, Vi, chill. You want ice cream? Let's get you ice cream."
Shooting | 6 - Some shooting experience.
Stealth | 8 - She's very aware of her surroundings and her body. Perceptive yet quiet. Tactical. All residual traits picked up from her many activities over the years.
Strategy | 9 - Most likely to outsmart everyone. The first one to figure out groups are being targeted from the trees. Goes it alone and only open to trading (unless she sees Curt with Jess in which case she puts a quick pin in her plans to rescue her 😂). She also immediately figures out it's Kile, because ofc it is. Keeps close tabs on what groups are doing, knowing that eventually Kile will come down to ground level to pick off individuals and couples. Predator becomes prey 👀
Winner type | Proud but not boasting. She doesn't need to be. Victory looks good on her, natural and fitting. Thanks everyone for a good game then takes the girls for a long ride in the Cadillac �� top down on a bright day, baby
Loser type | Damn. She should have won this. Maybe if she'd... She probably could have... Then she snaps out of it, roped in by the celebratory mood of congratulating the winner. She's over any feelings of frustration or regret after getting to discuss the match with the person that took her out/the winner and there's no hard feelings. If anything this was fun as hell, it should be an annual thing. ☺️
Shooting | 8 - Some shooting experience and a natural knack for it. Good reflexes.
Stealth | 8 - Curt likes to say he gets along with the woods around these parts. Sneaking around is second nature to him. Really good hearing too. He's an easy target if you manage to seduce him though, having no issue leaving himself vulnerable if it means that kind of fun 😂
Strategy | 7 - Honestly, he's most interested in seeing how long he can get away with using charm and seduction for both protection and double-crossing 😂 Eventually becomes persona non grata and gets all of his ammo stolen by a vengeful mark, barely getting away in the process. Since that jig is up, he finally starts thinking a win might be nice... and so he teams up with the only competent player who would never betray him and also inspires the least vitriol in others: Jessie. What? Is his back-up plan using her as a human shield? No! 😚 Of course not! 👉👈
Winner type | Insufferable and gloating. Rubs it in a lot of people's faces, specifically Heidi, Rupan/Rohan, and any participants who genuinely don't like him. Brags to Gabe (who is completely disinterested in gassing him up 😂), then promises he'll make things up to Jessie (who didn't mind and had fun lol). Then celebrates by asking whoever he's flirting with these days for a quick date—and a ride in the Ferrari. Makes a scene pulling out of the parking lot. Ass.
Loser type | Doesn't care one bit as long as he had fun! And he always finds a way to have fun, it's why he's so carefree 😅
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Final Fantasy prompts #48
1. Jenova moms Cloud, but he doesn't realize it's Jenova.
Everyone else recognizes her in all her purple tentacly glory, but say nothing because Cloud hasn't looked this happy in years. Maybe its OK to let him live a lie, if only for a little while...
Also, they're kinda afraid of her
2. "Why do you live all the way out in the sticks?" Cid growled, munching on an unlit cigarette.
"Cause I can do this." He said, before whistling and promptly falling onto his back.
"What the hell are you even doing-" Cid began before they were both swarmed by dogs.
Big dogs, medium dogs, fluffy dogs, dogs with small tails so many dogs. Many of whom where licking the blonds face where he lay.
Aka Cloud owns a cabin in the woods for the sole purpose of getting swarmed by wild dogs and letting them lick his depression away.
3. Time traveler Cloud, but not quite.
Its a 12 year old escaped expirement created by fusing Clouds and Sephiroths DNA. S2, as he was labeled, kidnapped Cadet Cloud and kept the struggling blond with him as he traveled to the northern crater.
He keeps referring to Cloud as Mother and Sephiroth as Father, something that freaks Cloud out and made Sephiroth highly curious.
Upon closer inspection, the silverette saw peices of himself in the boy, in his eye shape, in his fighting style, and especially in his personality.
S2 dotes on his Mother, giving him everything he desires, everything but his freedom.
Cloud just has to get used to his life of semi-luxury...and being brodal carried by S2 and every gods damned SOLDIER he meets apparently.
4. RM Cloud wacking Sephiroth in the face with a broom. The silverette just stares at his puppet and says, "Really?"
5. Cloud finding Sephiroth in a moment of weakness and deciding a bit of revenge was in order.
6. Slightly unhinged time traveler Sephiroth x Slightly unhinged time traveler Cloud
7. Yuffie stalking different members of AVALANCHE out of boredom, only to wind up saving one of thier lives
8. Reeves Cait Sith dolls go rouge and declare war on the remaining SOLDIERS, believing that the living J cells in thier bodies were harming the planet.
Reeve doesn't want to hurt his sons. But Cloud has become something of a baby brother to him, and he would never forgive himself if something were to happen to the stubborn blond
9. Time traver Cloud coming to Aerith for advice after he lands, but she immediately sensed the Calamity from the Stars in him and started screaming bloody murder.
He had to fight Reno and Rude and easily defeated them, but by the time he was done, Aerith had escaped, leaving a confused and distraught blond.
He gives Reno an alias to protect his younger self and then promptly decides to GTFO.
Aerith winds up running into Tseng and Angeal, and she spills the beans about the Cetra and her heritage, as well as the Calamity and her child.
Angeal tries not to vibrate with excitement, after all, it looks like his lifelong dream of saving the world might be coming true. It seemed further reinforced by the fact the blond broke into the tower and freed several expiraments and killed many of the scientists. He was seen running off with a red lion-wolf creature before they lost track of him.
He, Aerith, Genesis, and Sephiroth wind up joining a party together to stop him. They essentially blackmailed the company to keep them off thier backs while they saved the world.
Cloud however, joined up with Nanaki and Vincent, but was also being targeted by the AVALANCHE of this time as well as thier own mad scientist, Fuhito, who's almost giddy that three of the esteemed professor Hojo's powerful expirements have escaped and are "Up for grabs"
Cloud may or may not also have a deal going with Jenova, who is offering him guidance with his new abilities as well as love. He knows she's manipulating him, but he feels so lost and vulnerable. He let her in and he wasn't even sure if he regrets it.
Also Jenova manipulating Sephiroth and his group by convincing them that she's "The Goddess Jenova" and revealed that she's Sephiroths mom. She convices them that the blond is evil and must be stopped. No one questions why she only speaks to them when Aerith is away.
Yeah, Clouds not having a good time. Kinda based off of another prompt of mine and I felt the need to expand on it. So, yeah.
10. The president, his son and the directors are killed off by Reeve, who has finally taken a stand and did a hostile takeover of the company.
11. Time traveler Reeve?
Better, Cait Sith gains sentience and time travels
12. Sephiroth revives again after the events of DeepGround and grabs up Cloud, embracing him like a lover as he flies into the air with him.
He basically tells Cloud that he's defeated him three times in a row, he's fascinated by him, and that Clouds going to be his bride.
Cloud is not okay with this
As it turns out, neither is Tifa, Clouds girlfriend.
The ensueing catfight is glorious
13. Cloud gets catcalled more often than anyone in thier little group. Apparently, he's a living creeper magnet, he couldn't tell you how many times people have just disregarded his personal space, bought him crap expecting a 'favor' in return, randomly touched his hair, bugged him for his number or a date, strait up tried to follow him home, ect.
The sheer entitlement both men and women seem to think they have over him is astounding. It's gotten to the point everyone has noticed and became protective of him. The blond himself? He's not afraid to make someone swallow thier teeth, regardless of gender.
14. Angeal loves photography, everyone knows that.
What people don't know is that he takes pictures of anything he deems beautuful. Birds, trees, flowers, clouds...406 pictures of the moon and even more of the stars. That was fine.
The problem arose when Genesis snooped through Angeals computer/apartment and found his secret photo collection. He swiped it and brought it to Sephiroths office to go through it with him.
Everything was normal, until they found a gorgeous picture of Genesis igniting his surroundings in flame.
Then they found some pics of Sephiroth standing in the moonlight with Masamune drawn. They were both extremely flattered by how lovely these were...until it got wierder. There were pictures of monsters, Cadets, Angeal's pup, Zack, several a few pictures of a blond trooper, an anthropomorphic cat with a cape and crown and...Turks?!
The worst part, however, was when they noticed that not a single person, not even themselves, where looking at the camera.
The fact they didn't remember having thier picture taken chilled them further.
Aka Angeal might have an addiction. Or an obsession.
15. Cloud has had a crush on Zack for a long time, but when Zack starts play flirting with him he thinks he has a chance and makes his move...and is promptly rejected.
Cloud plays it off as a joke and Zack buys it. The heartbroken blond finds a place to hide and quietly sob his eyes out.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, for him, he gets found and comforted by the Lord of Loveless himself, Genesis Rhapsodos.
Genesis had followed the subtle sounds of sorrow with the intention of either taunting the individual or reciting Loveless to them, as he adored a literal captive audience...but this...this was different.
He found himself rocking the pretty lovesick fool in his arms and mentally kicked himself for winding up in this situation.
On the other hand, he managed to score a date.
Bonus: Time traveler Sephiroth causing a scene by hard core flirting with CC Cloud and destroying a building and a man with a single swipe of Masamune, thus getting the attention of the entire Shinra army.
Fortunately the battle between the Sephiroths was cut short when Time traveler Cloud intervened with a spray bottle full of Aeriths holy water and essentially held him at gunpoint (spray bottle point?) as he retreated.
He fled before anyone could do much of anything, thus leaving everyone involved with so many unanswered questions.
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alison-anonymous · 5 years
♡ loose cannon ♡ pt 2
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Here's the second part everyone!! Please enjoy, let me know if you want more in the comments! No warnings, obviously!
The Burning Ice
  VK Day. 
      Also known as the day that ruined your life. 
      It had became known that Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay were going to be coming back to the Isle on many occasions to pick up people as the "lucky ones" to come and stay with them in Auradon a bit to have a chance at becoming "good". Some people saw this as a good thing. Hades saw it as a way to escape. You saw it as a wretched, horrible thing.
      But when one certain VK Day rode around that Mal pulled out your name, everything changed. Apparently, everyone had been digging up some history on you and had decided that it would be good to give the little ice goddess a second chance. Of course, you absolutely refused to go at first. But after some convincing from Hades that you might able to make Mal free him so you could be together, you changed your mind. 
      So off you went, back to Auradon. Back to the people you hated. Of course, you did you best to make it work. Only for Hades. It was ONLY for him. When you got your powers back, Beast and Belle had it ordered that you have a power restricting chain placed around your neck once again. Just as a "precaution". Funny, you had thought. Back from prison and I'm still being treated like a prisoner.
      Needless to say, you couldn't be an uncontrollable ice goddess without your powers. At least you finally had a bed to sleep in, though you missed sleeping on Hades's chest more than anything. Speaking of Hades, word had gotten around you were his girl. Mal was pretty pissed for a while, but finally cooled off once she realized that you were actually pretty chill. You soon befriended Mal and Evie, and Uma, whether you liked to admit it or not. Since you had been brought right before the time that Audrey ran crazy, you of course were enlisted to help defeat her. Mal removed your property restricting neck chain and once you felt the ice running through your veins once more, you knew... you were back. 
      But revenge wasn't first on your list, remember? Hades was. And he needed you to stay on Mal's good side. Plus, she was pretty sweet too.
      So, using your slightly rusty and chaotic powers, you astounded the Pirate Trio and the VKs with your ice flurries and helped them take down Audrey. Unfortunately, you were forced to hold down the castle where Dizzy was and freeze anyone who dared touch her while they went to get the ember, so you missed seeing Hades. But according to Mal, he kept bugging her about how you were... the thought had brought a smile to your lips and a smirk to Evie's. But after you had helped them restore peace again, they brought the barrier down and all was well. You and Hades became one of the greatest power couples since Ben and Mal (who ended up adoring you) and life had finally gotten to where you had always wanted it to be. 
      Only... no one could fix you. 
      Despite the happy face you put on in front of the press and the family and friends, your powers hadn't changed since you left them. They were growing stronger and stronger, and you couldn't stop them. Stupidly, you tried to hide it. Especially from Hades, because he was under enough stress trying to be a good dad again, and you didn't want to worry him. But one day, when you and Hades were visiting Ben and Mal at the castle, and you snuck off to the library, you felt the all to familiar surge and before you knew it, the whole library was frozen. Including the poor librarian in it. Petrified, you quickly slammed and locked all the doors shut so no one could get in. 
      That was a bad idea.
      Don't feel it, you tried to think. Conceal it. Don't feel it. Don't let it through. Hold it in. Don't let it out. Just breathe. 
      Don't let it show. 
      You, of course, being trapped in the library hadn't noticed it when it started to snow outside the library. Inside of the castle, I mean. Hades, who had been searching for you, caught sight of the strange weather and instantly knew it was his beloved girlfriend. He picked up his pace and once he saw the extravagantly huge double library doors with ice coating the polished surface, he gently pressed his hands against the chilly frame. 
      His voice was like a hand reaching down into the tossing waters to pull you out to safety. Wringing your hands together, you shivered from the fear that was taking over your body. He knocked softly on the door. Usually, he would have just broke in, but he could already tell that something was wrong. You never hid from him. And the ice and snow? Well, that spoke for itself. "Love, let me in. Let me help you.”
      You tried desperately to calm your staggered breathing as you took gulp after gulp of air, pacing the frozen carpet. Small flakes of snow fell from the high ceilings above you and landed in your hair. The ice was coursing through your veins, pounding against your temples, begging you to give in to the power. Telling you to let it all go. But you had to contain it, you couldn’t bear to hurt anyone. No matter how badly you may wish to inflict harm upon those who have hurt you, you knew better than to let yourself slip into the cold. And the first step of not letting yourself go was to stop shutting people out. You could feel your irises begin to shimmer with a luminescent hue as you cautiously neared the door. Hades stood on the other side, his eyes scanning the frost coating the outer layer of the wood. 
      “Darling? Are you alright?” He closed his hand around the ember in his pocket and prepared to have to force the door open when the door suddenly cracked open on its own. Taking the opportunity, he quickly pushed the frozen door all the way open and shut it as soon as he was in the room. As soon as he laid eyes on your shaking, trembling, terrified form, he stalked up to you and wrapped his arms around you. Pressing you close to his warm chest, he buried his head in your hair and you blinked quietly from the shock that was still taking its course. A moment of silence passed as he silently inspected the damage you had inflicted upon the room. Hades had suspected that things would have gotten worse for you as soon as you got back on the mainland. He had tried figuring out ways to help you, but being as he was scared to use his ember on you and your family were too far gone, even he felt his hope start to chip around the edges. 
      But that didn’t mean he couldn’t be there for you. 
      “Are you alright?” He whispered into your ear. You shivered, only this time from his closeness. 
      “I don’t know anymore. It’s getting harder to control it.” You slowly pulled away from the hug, savoring the feeling of his arms around you. He refused to let you go untouched though, as his gloved hands slowly travelled down your arms and gently rested above your own, knowing that they scared you just a bit right now. You allowed your eyes to sink into his comforting ones, always finding him to be your safe haven when something horrific like this happened. The frozen librarian, mid between adjusting her glasses, was poking your brain with a little pencil until it won a spot in the worrying center of your brain. 
      “I swear, Had, I didn’t mean to freeze the librarian.” 
      Hades broke eye contact with you to look at the librarian, and a chuckle escaped from his lips before he could stop it. You gaped at him in disbelief. Was he seriously laughing about a person you froze? It was a bit entertaining watching him try to suppress his laughter before he suddenly burst into a fit of his signature evil laughter, the one that you fell in love with. 
      “Are you seriously laughing about me freezing the librarian? Hades, I froze a person!” 
      “I know, I know you did, sweetheart,” he gasped for breath. “It’s just, you know, if we were to take over the kingdom...” He stepped closer to you, having to crane his head down a bit to look at you as he wriggled his eyebrows suggestively, causing your heart to stop. 
      “H-Hades!” You stuttered, running a flustered hand through your hair, trying to avert his gaze. A blush was already rising to your cheeks, and of course he caught notice of it. He gently ran his fingers through a stray strand of hair that had fallen out of place, watching you with a sly smirk on his face. 
      “Come on, love. You would make a gorgeous Queen of the Underworld.” He leaned down slightly so your foreheads were touching. Being this close to him, you could see the heavy eye liner he wore perfectly. It made him look like a true rock star. A small smile grew onto your lips and before you knew it, you were giggling like you were high. 
      “What’s so funny?” Hades grinned, snaking his arms around your waist protectively. You intertwined your fingers around your neck in return, and gazed dreamily into his eyes. Oh, how you could get lost in those eyes. 
      “Just how it’s been about three years since they took down the barrier, and you’re still wearing my eyeliner and wanting me to be your queen.” 
      He tilted his head to the side and smirked at you. “My dear, I thought we established a long time ago that I have always wanted you to be my queen.” 
      You scoffed and gently fixed his spiky, electric hair. “You shouldn’t joke about stuff like that, Had.” 
      “Oh, but it distracted you didn’t it?” 
      “From what?” You were genuinely confused until Hades’s knowing crooked smile told you everything you needed to know. As you both glanced around the room around you, I suddenly realized that everything was back to normal. Even the librarian, who was sopping wet and rather frazzled about her water damaged book. Turning back to your loving partner in crime, you felt the butterflies flutter as you traced your finger along his jawline. His eyes never left you. 
      “Have I ever told you how good you are for me?” You whispered.
      He feigned thought, pressing his lips together and looking off to the side. “I’m not sure, love. But maybe you can show me?” He tapped his lips, raising his eyebrows at you excitedly. Rolling your eyes, you let the smile take over your lips as you stepped on your tiptoes and closed the distance. 
      It had been six months since the incident in the library. Hades had gotten very protective of you over the past months, always following you around and keeping his arm around you (well, he did that all the time), and making sure no one said or did anything to upset you. He was always peppering you in kisses and hugs, and when you were alone, things always got a bit more heated (not that you minded, of course ;). Whenever you had another one of your episodes, he was always right there to comfort you. He always knew exactly what to do to calm you down. His favorite topic for distraction was making you his Queen of the Underworld, taking over the whole kingdom and ruling for your immortal lives. It wasn’t to say that you weren’t partial to the idea, but you knew that Mal and Ben were going to make great rulers. 
      You didn’t want to ruin that for your lover’s daughter.
      Things had seemed to have gotten a lot better. Life with Hades was amazing, and you pretty sure he was close to popping the question per Mal and Evie’s hints. You had made great friends with the VKs, and you even were accepted as part of the royal family. You had almost completely forgotten about the burning hatred in your veins. But of course, things could never stay good in your life for long.
      It was the week of Mal’s baby shower, as the announcement had came out only a day or two before. But Evie, of course, had a feeling and jumped the gun before anyone had a chance. Ever since the girl had started getting more serious with Doug, she had been a complete radiance of positivity. More than she had ever been before. Everyone was in a frenzy trying to get things ready for it, and even you were a bit sparky as well. You, Hades, and Mal were out for a walk in the forest, trying to get Mal away from all of the stress that wasn’t good for her or for the baby. You and Hades walked with intertwined fingers as Mal walked beside you, admiring the bright sky above.
      “How have you been doing, Y/n?” She asked you curiously, her eyes twinkling.
      You giggled. “I should be asking you that, Mal.”
      “Please, it’ll give me a distraction. It’s been nothing but me and the baby and Ben lately.” Mal sighed, leaning her head back so her purple locks tumbled off her shoulders. You watched her with a smile. She certainly did look like her mother. 
      “I’ve been a lot better than I was before,” you replied honestly, feeling Hades gently squeeze your hand. “My powers have been getting a lot more... controllable lately.”
      That caught Mal’s attention. “Really? That’s wonderful! We’ve all been worried about you...” You raised an eyebrow.
      “Really?” Mal nodded her head. 
      “Everyone’s been worried that you’re going to go rogue,” Hades scoffed. “That could never happen, unfortunately.”
      You and Mal exchanged a glance, then stopped walking in sync to stare at the god. He looked at you both in confusion. “What?”
      “Why ‘unfortunately’?” You questioned. 
      He shrugged, a smirk tugging at his lips. “You know I love it when you’re off your rocker, darling. It’s more you that way.” 
      Mal giggled at his comment and gently shouldered you, sending a wink. You smiled at her in return as you all continued your walk. The peace was soon interrupted by the sound of footsteps running in your direction. Turning around in confusion, you put an arm out before Mal and Hades in protection before you recognized the figure as Carlos. He stopped in front of you all, bending over slightly to catch his breath. 
      “Carlos?” You asked. “Is everything okay?” 
       “Y/n,” he gasped. “It’s your brother.”
       “My brother?” You furrowed your brows. The very sound of his title sent a sharp pain throughout your body. “What about him?”
       “He’s here in Auradon. He’s come to see you.”
To be continued...
♡ a.a.
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queerofcups · 6 years
giving the people what they want timestamps
my fingers slipped?
00:00 - I know some people feel like the thumbnail is a little clickbait (not queerbaity, don’t make me fight y’all about this) and I don’t necessarily disagree but goddamn did it work on me. I don’t think we’ll ever see them hug, which is fine, its not something I personally need, but it definitely makes stuff like this feel like a Big Deal. But also, less sappy, where the hell is Phil looking.
00:07 - 1. They’re fucking creepers who read every too deep post we’ve ever written about them. 2. They look, So! Fucking! Good! I enjoy Phil Lester, Adult Man with an Adult Haircut so much more than I ever realized and I just stan down for Dan and his Connor McDavid Franta cosplay. They look like real human adults who are in love and I just. Yes. Also, love seeing more of the flat.
00:28 - This post is gonna be long as fuck. I’m really fascinated with the PR work happening here to push us away from thinking of Dan and Phil as characters when they very clearly think of Dan and Phil as characters. It came through A Lot during TATINOF and if they’re trying to get away from that particular branding I think its super smart of them to address it head on (even if I feel like its bullshit personally)
1:00 - Every time they say something about giving the people what they want I think about the Janelle Monae song Given Em What They Love, which neither of them know because that’s way too cool a reference for them but its very distracting for me.
2:13 - Hey so can we talk about Dan straight up acknowledging that people were requesting they fuck and just…leaving that out there on the floor? Oh, no? We’re gonna let him have that one? Fair enough.
2:20 - This has got to be deeply uncomfortable for them.
2:36 - And now 30 full seconds of them discussing their hair, vain bitiches
3:18 - “Kissing the lion”, mhm, your face/mouth region isn’t directly next to Dan’s crotch, we’re totally paying attention to the lion kissing.
3:20 - Jesus. The fucking cuddle that launched two careers and a billion words. Precious, awkward babies.
4:13 - So the choice. To include not one but both of the cuddles in PINOF 1 in a current day video when its entirely likely that there are people who haven’t bothered to go back and watch the other PINOFs is just. Their construction of their glass closet is sort of breathtaking? Because they just put it out there! They put it right in our hands. But then they just. Talk about something else. Because what this? Oh this isn’t a big deal, but I could have hit my head!!
5:08 -  Finally! A flaw in this video! Give us Dan in the ice cream shirt, goddamnit!
5:39 - I don’t…have anything to say about this, they both wear clothes very well.
6:14 - Dan, baby. One, read better fic, because these descriptions are rough. But two, that’s literally not what monochrome means.
6:27 - Dan looks like the worst fucking hipster in the ladybird/bug shirt. Like he only reads what Pitchfork has to say about rap albums bad. Like he unironically quotes reviews from The AV Club bad. He only drinks IPAs and describes himself as a “sapiosexual”.
6:36 -  “Everything is improved with a bit of glitter”. Gay! So gay. I love him.
7:01 - Plz stop calling Phil’s thighs thick. Please. I’m begging you.
7:43 - Y’all know they did a DITL in Manchester so you motherfuckers wouldn’t stalk them and find their apartment right? I just want us to all acknowledge that. And yes, you should feel bad.
7:56 - Real, sincere question for anyone who hasn’t seen the V-Day Video. Were you VERY confused about them talking about this damn wheel?
8:15 - Ah yes. A Manchester macchiato. That’s totally a thing outside of one very specific context. Ahaha. Hah. Hah. Everybody just be cool for one second.
8:22 - Phil……..is hot. That’s it. That’s all I’ve got.
9:16 - If you exchange “challenge” with “discourse”, you basically get my and Mandy’s chats about Fandom These Days. But also give me more of Dan and Phil being the old farts on youtube who have Seen Things Change forever.
9:55 - “I’m just going to put my ass in the air and hope for the best”, sure, sure. But also, as he gets into downward dog, yelling about dogging. Phil is fucking filthy, y’all can’t take this from me.
10:13 - Dan’s shirt is v translucent. This is also not what I meant when I requested a yoga video but I’ll accept this.
10:21 - I was uh, genuinely concerned Dan was going to pass out. Y’all know he got a condition!!
10:32 - SO LETS TALK ABOUT THIS MOMENT. Phil is lovely and glowing and giggly. But Dan? Dan is down with your shit, my shit, our shit, he is d o n e in the way that only queers are done with your heterosexual bullshit. Stop asking who the woman is, Dan’s face says. Stop worrying about our sex life/ves, Dan’s face says. That shrug says I fucked asked, are you happy now you fucking creepers. I love it. I love him.
10:42 - But also, back on my bullshit, look at those clasped hands.  
11:08 - If you showed any of this footage a year ago, we would have called bullshit and photoshopping and also magic.
11:15 - [redacted]
11:17 - [wow also redacted]
11:40 - I don’t care about dogs but I’m so happy for all of you
13:25 - “filling the hole with dogs”. Ah yes, that well known kink meme prompt. Or so I’ve heard. Listen fandom used to be a Wild West.
13:38 - I’m certain this is partly scripted or at least prepared for but I’m still so charmed by both Phil and Dan’s little “talk to me, Phillip Lester”. I really do genuinely appreciate Phil talking about why he doesn’t swear.
13:51 - I’m also utterly charmed by the image of Phil just randomly coming up to Dan and being like “CUNTS”
14:41 - You know that scene in Lion King where the lady hyena is like Don’t say Mufasa, just hearing his name gives me chills, and then the other hyenas do and she’s all *shudders and groans*. Its just relatable is all I’m saying. But also? What is this jump cut.
14:55 - Can we get Phil to say cunt now. Is that the next level up? I don’t have any emotional reaction to the word but I’ve been told its worse? Or maybe that’s just in America. Maybe I just wanna hear Phil curse, some more, don’t judge me.
15:10 - They’re sponning but friends. Countrymen. We gotta figure out how we’re going to record and document the events of every show. We need to get on our shit *now*. I lived through the summer of Glee Live, this could be so good if we just make it work.
16:19 - “We’re gonna talk about funny times in our lives” “and we’ll be on the road so I’m sure there’ll be plenty of stories we’ll be desperate to tell” I am so fucking glad we decided to do two rounds of tour fic prompts over at @phandomficfests. We’re going to have so much content to play with, I’m so pumped.
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lizardfina-blog · 6 years
V Bad Story Endings Days 1-5
Days 1- 5 are the same for all three bad ends, except for the last chat of the day. Bad End 1 Days 6-7: https://lizardfina.tumblr.com/post/176608511607/badend1 Bad End 3 Days 6 - 10: https://lizardfina.tumblr.com/post/175732683372/be3
There are many different paths to a bad end, this is just what I did. I can’t guarantee that choosing different answers or missing chats will lead you to the ending you want, so it’s best to just follow exactly what I did. I got really tired of typing really early on, and started paraphrasing. It should still make sense and the answers you want should be obvious ...oh, wait, looks like the line spacing didn't carry over, so some of the longer answers are two lines long >.< So, if it looks weird as the beginning of a sentence, it’s probably the ending of the line above it. Sorry for the mess ^^;
Day 1 – 27% 20:02 Subject of Interest Seven Welcome Jaehee Are you organizing what you found about me? Such aspects should gradually improve All I have to do is invite many people and raise the scores for my meter Your psychological settings are so complicated But why is this place off limits to outsiders? I’m a bad person How come? No one’s exploiting me I hope you’d start to trust me more Your looks are already more than enough ….. You do make sure you facial pores are open? Bye, sexy 21:34 Richness in Wine Good night. The stars are beautiful Do you like wines? It’s not a scandalous photo, is it? Congrats! Are you going to say yes? But aren’t you delighted? I think the question is not  whether you’d be a fine model, but……efficiency in relation to budget I’m curious too. Could you let me know the results? I see V likes wine too What were you two like in the past? I’m sure those days will come again Don’t worry. I’ll make sure to finish as a happy ending You two are such good friends Do you have an automatic timer in your head? 23:25 Intriguing Person Here comes the final boss You two make a lovely couple It’s a secret. Shh! You must be curious about my world I’ll call the police if you violate my portrait rights They were so wary of me The purpose of life is my bias Are you warning me? Is this a bug? Goodbye Ray VN: Come in I’ve been waiting for you It was fun! It felt like talking to actual people The black haired man in a suit Now that we talked about games, I want to talk about you Day 2 – 60% 01:19 Expectation and Uneasiness I’m sure he’s inside the phone Aren’t you going to sleep, Jaehee? Do you have a hidden backstory? You know, you’re actually the CEO’s daughter That’s a true businessman A rich man and a celebrity? They sound otherworldly You can’t log in from abroad? That’s right! Please trust me! Why don’t you investigate that on your own? That can’t get any more suspicious. Do you know what those two shared? What about me? I like hearing about RFA You’re mean You must feel so complicated I agree. I doubt you can gain anything by suspecting each other You must be a grand master in handling Yoosung Don’t you suspect V? But you can’t tell people to do something about their sorrow I should go sleep too 02:44 Night of Reminiscence Good evening Jumin I’m currently holding information superiority What’s so bad about questioning I actually came from another dimension That’s the spell for teleporting, not shapeshifting That’s one elegant sense of humour Is that what you think? You’re cute I vote for a chat on RFA Was that spell for summoning V instead of shapeshifting? You’re drunk, Jumin I wish I could get a glass of wine too Do you have a drunken habit, V? Perhaps he’s sleeping while chatting Your memories are too detailed, Jumin I know no such thing as sloppiness boy You two look just like you do now You asked him to be your friend? You were cute when you were young, V So this is Jumin’s drunken habit I think both of you should go to bed What’s that matter? Bean sprout is good for hangovers You two share a lot of memories Looks like Jumin trusts you a lot Do you think there really is something you can do? I don’t feel like sleeping yet 15:24 Recommendation of Trust Jumin have you read what V said Really? What is it? Jaehee ordered them for you? You collect antique books? That’s an elegant hobby Sounds great! Thou who art deeper than even blood Jumin you don’t actually trust them, do you? What matters isn’t the background, it’s the person V looks like a trustworthy person Recommendation please! They can take the cab You can find a guest that can match the vampire Jumin, epitome of trust Why don’t you like reading, Jumin? Why don’t you try trusting V? I think it’s good to direct your thoughts somewhere else Clear your head and come back 18:26 The Universe and the Sun Hello Is there actually such creation? I’ll invite it beep What is it Seven? Is something bothering you? Try me Here he is! My secret buddy! Can I get your autograph? I didn’t know you sell your autograph Don’t be so mean to him! That halo comes from your face Doesn’t matter if you’re Catholic Can you count me in? Those left behind should carry on But if that’s our current situation, we should work together and prepare for the party He’s gone Does V like the sun? Maybe the sun holds a special meaning Isn’t he busy? Go and call him now 20:13 Party at Saturn? Good evening Jumin But it’s just a day. He’ll be fine You two must be quite close! Pluto will feel lonely by itself. I understand. I don’t wanna do anything I think it’d be one exciting party You mean the dish itself? Sounds delicious Are V’s photos that high in quality? Wow I’ve never seen your selfie Cheer up Jaehee Really? I wanna see too I wanna see too! She’s so cute Can I have more picture of Elizabeth Maybe he’s an android? You can watch Zen’s DVD What too you so long, mr gorgeous? Did you de-stress at the spa? I thought those flowers bloomed from your face Zen do you know we’re having a party? You just had to hibernate today I wonder what kind of recommendations I’ll get Let me know what you think of the new DVD Your looks will bring better things to you Let’s have a nice party Me too! I’m so excited 22:38 Congrats I was sightseeing in the other room I don’t like flowers I’m just getting started? When will I see the ending? I wish you would focus on developing the game If you’re glad, why not materialize it than speak it? I prefer my home Ok, but only until the party is held This isn’t an illegal pyramid scheme is it? We didn’t chat much, you’re leaving already? Day 3 – 100% 00:31 Under the Shimmering I wanted to chill out more Your biorhythm will break I want to see V’s photos Are you in a motorcycle gang? That’s the thing, you can never find your license when needed Wow! It’s you when you were younger I want to chat with everyone Aren’t motorcycles dangerous What if something dangerous happens? How did the crash occur? It would have been serious if V didn’t follow you V, you should take photos of me Flowers? Where you Zen’s fan? You still look promising I lie low for a while You seem to be coming in at late hours. Are you okay? V you go well with wine! Don’t drink too much I’m like that as well I’m going to stay up late 02:46 Paradox of the Survival Ray why aren’t you sleeping You seem to have a lot of work There’s the modern convenience called the phone Wonder why it grew in two stalks One of it is like an extra giveaway I want to save the weaker stalk Rescue both A flower gained from the other’s sacrifice It was fun, with hidden morals and all Are you going back to work? 07:00 Take Care of Your Health Why don’t you lower the brightness I’ll get ready to write it down Can I taste it It’s not like the stakes are…. Send in an ingredients review Seems you have an innocent spot Jumin Throwing it out down the drain…something made with great difficulty Catching your breath is important Tell me more of this cleaning fairy Awesome! Why don’t we learn its secret Jaehee good morning Too bad, you were this close You just came in. Already leaving? Isn’t it enough to have one friend like V? Can someone translate what Seven’s saying I thought it was funny Don’t forget to bring Sevenstar Drink V2 09:13 Back in the Days A morning meeting of beautiful people I’m ready to hit save When did you debut The story goes it was your girlfriend What photo did V debut with Zen, I invite you to the room of mirrors I wanna be – most very best Great! I’ll catch Backpack Monsters My eyes are screaming with joy Jaehee, our professional Zen critic And like this, the number of photos in my folder… AI role? It must have been easy for an AI to play an AI Jaehee have a glass of cold coffee right now It’s a meeting with V’s acquaintance right? V’s dad… I wonder what kind of person he is He would have received hardcore education I like V’s humble attitude I think they pair well together You do know beer isn’t brunch Does V know about this I want to be friends with V Jaehee have a great day! 12:22 My Best Friend Not yet Of course! Friends are really dear You’re friends with flowers Daffodils I think I feel more close with friends inside the game I’m jealous I don’t feel it at all… I wish you’d be more obsessed Ray, are you working for this person? I think I would want to leave here Bye! 14:09 Small Cute Adorable Oh Savior of Justice! What’s your real job What a dangerous mission…. I understand her. She must have been surprised your mission is dangerous I pray for your successful mission Do I need to feed the fairy Is three days enough Got it I was about to recommend the first one Cars are dreams! Since it’s largely influencing the national economy… Okay… good bye What is it Not really Wouldn’t V’s mother’s hair color have been mint I wish a dragon would come Let’s make an equal world It looks like a strong name Okay let’s invite it Wow How is that person related to you We cannot decline someone like that Whoa are you going to fall now I want to try that I’d expect nothing less from someone V appointed Didn’t he invite vampire and udon I’m worried V might become baffled I’ll start my grand afternoon 16:32 Precious Friend V! Hi I think it’ll be fun Two friends gathered What kind of person is V’s father? Ah, you two should enjoy your conversation through the phone Oh…you’ve become estranged I think it’ll be a good occasion to get together V you seem very uncomfortable with your father You must have seen each other often I want to hear memories Cute! I think V won Please don’t say that It’s going to get better little by little V don’t fall into too much despair and cheer up Though he looks very cold on the outside Is there anything I can do for V? I’m going to think of V 18:24 Explosion of Emotions Yes I did Yoosung you must be in pain Welcome Zen the gorgeous Yoosung is exploding with emotions Aunt and uncle? woah…isn’t that harsh? Rika was adopted? I didn’t know since Rika had a bright image V’s trying hard, too. Leave him alone for a bit having someone next to you would help yup. It is a heal all potion don’t treat yoosung like a child I don’t think it’s a good idea to enforce your method everyone might become lighthearted when everyone reveals the truth his way of grieving might be out of this world if you ride the motorcycle, v will get worried zen you’ll look gorgeous even after sweating 20:11 Reason Behind the Curiosity why does the background look different when you log on? I’m not in my room yet um…don’t we need time to learn about each other? I feel a tad suffocated I acted naturally, not trying to pry out secrets give me a second… Ray VN: aren’t you busy? you said you needed caffeine I’m not an idiot it’s a little chilly but…just what is this place? already? I don’t want to go back, I feel trapped 21:49 Power of the Coordinator cleaning fairy! yes it was great talking to v and all yes! when can I receive the reimbursement? I’m holding the phone right now I’m embarrassed wow! sure-- feels great that he’s looking out for me v said not to advertise I want to buy one for v bye, mr. advertiser 23:07 Another Level of Salvation jaehee you should have some sevenstar drink seven will be able to avoid them without a problem} why don’t you go to a shaman? yes…I hope they stop before they create more victims yoosung, what have you been up to? no.. we must stop him! did you fall into the world of gaming? isn’t that a virus? sniff…I smell something…the smell of a spaceship burning start binge gaming I believe it’s a problem you eventually have to return to and solve sounds like good words, but it’s always better….. I can see how dangerous it is just by hearing it why don’t we, the rfa, inherit and continue? yoosung, it might be time for professional help whoa, interesting let’s invite him! vent out your stress by gaming I think he just needs a way to vent I think I should get some rest too Day 4 – 91% 00:16 I Keep Thinking of You what brings you here? that’s the one we saw in the corridor umm I think you got too excited that sounds a bit creepy all members of rfa are fabulous I’m sure v will tell me his plan it’s good I get to help those in need no, money can’t solve everything don’t you think it’s natural they overcome their concerns/become better people? the period of unsteady anxiety is meaningful, for the sake of overcoming pain can I save everyone if I see the endings? that is a happy ending, right? actually…yeah, sometimes what’s the enrollment procedure? I’m gonna stay up for a bit 08:15 All-Nighter jaehee have you seen seven’s picture? I will immediately set it as my background tell me about it, health is everything welcome cutie boy of rfa you didn’t stay up all night thinking about rika…? I’m also staying up all night for a game with a bunch of AIs congrats! napping on a bus? what kind of friends did you meet?           I’m jealous, I wanna be rich how did you deal with your stress, jeahee? hiking? hehehe… I gotta finish what I started let’s meet nice and happy at the party shouldn’t we trust v and wait for him? I think there’s a good reason… from now on, play just about right I hope you dream about LOLOL I think he deserves an applaud…. sure I’ll see you later! Leave yoosung to me 10:22 understanding and respect welcome v! is there anything you’d like to know about me of course! Not matter what happens I don’t think it’s too late we’re getting to know each other are you jealous? I can’t tell you anymore. There’s a good reason. That’s why its frustrating interest…? Wait, are you? is there something wrong? if that’s the case, it’s a bit sad it's ok. Everyone has different history there is no good or bad family, there is only my family you’re also a proud son, v count me in! I hope my joining can help rfa progress in a good way I think you can do a good job, v goodbye! privilege of a friend! why are you making secrets? They must be a burden… even though you might not suit him, you’re charming on your own thank you v, have a good day 12:00 I really want to see you huh? You’re back you should go to the hospital I can take care of myself he sounded like…you’re a threat to rfa I don’t think v is a bad person looks like you hate all members us…? I can start all over! what benefits do I get if I make the contract? you mean yoosung? did you screw up? what kind of surprise? I’ll get to enjoy the game only when I keep good relationships with the AI bye now! I’ll try 14:41 portrait of the youthful days are you awake now yoosung? you poor dear but it’s been barely a year holding the party to success? you don’t have to get into a big company that’s not a simple problem…it’s difficult to fix you’ve been whining a lot today maybe jumin will hire you whoa! That’s one knack of timing whoa that was brave some people get jobs because they wanna make money I hope social discrepancy will be gone soon it's somewhere around average a group of people who don’t believe in IQ why do you want to use him as your intern? so you want someone obedient the smiley face of horror you guys have a complicated relationship right he is I’m sure this is sensitive, but why not have v as your role model? you can’t choose what family you’re born into he’s a good man who could it be? is it time for your class? I don’t think he mentioned rika for once don’t you think v needs a way to let off steam? good luck on your work jumin! 17:36 an afternoon of anxiety me? No, nothing. it looks like the messenger is working fine you’re popular v what emails? maybe it will work a few minutes later I hope it’s nothing bad I hope nothing bad happens to you seven I shouldn’t have come here, I’ve only pressured seven him? no he must’ve been shocked to his bones that must be quite a burden you carry alright. Please take care of seven Ray VN: come on in you mean this email incident with 707? I didn’t feel good seeing them anxious I’d prefer life that can be predicted I’m not sure about that 18:42 mask made of glass will seven be okay? v's burden is growing heavier every minute did you call v? what happened to… don’t pretend you’re okay. It’s heartbreaking I’m worried about you I didn’t think you’d be like this, seven you sound a bit uneasy I think you should rest c language? if inviting this language can help you calm down…. ice cream? juicy melon bar have a good one and refresh your mind v, seven, yoosung….all seem to have concerns I guess time is the answer do you report every thing to him? 20:10 zen’s worrisome looks welcome, zen the beautiful I hope he’ll cheer up I recommend sevenstar drink exercise until you pass out how was school? for now I’m cheering for v yoosung is still young only basics what kind of mask you’d better take zen’s advice when it comes to skincare hindow10 update T-T it’s annoying let’s invite him! I wanna get masks! I’ve been hearing you talk and it sounds like showing off you’re off to play but I think yoosung’s getting energetic again I can knock you out and lock you in a room I remember what jumin said…you need to be calm see you – goodnight the chat room’s dazzling! I want to see V’s pictures too you’re so sweet zen 21:53 nice v! does your phone work now? how did you know I have one? There’s an important decision I should try harder I can see how much you value RFA it hurts so much to see him in pain thank you…! yes, I like RFA! umm…I’ll look around some more when is it? will I manage to make all the preparations until the deadline? it was nice talking to you 22:49 what I want to say you’re here… I haven’t made my choice yet… that must be horrible… this is so sudden… those AIs…they’re programs you made…right? I think you should trust yourself rather than expect me to trust you you sound a bit sad I’ll think about it… VN: no thanks, I’ll return when the game is over this is a bit weird. What is it? What are you trying to do? pardon? where are we going? there are a lot of computers special elixir? what is this? it looks very suspicious you’re not telling me to drink this are you? this isn’t the time to be suspicious. Hurry up and go! who are you? What’s going on? you weren’t an AI? Were you an actual person? the RFA wasn’t AI so you’re the one who hacked the actual messenger who is this savior? none of your words agree with what you said before Day 5 – 100% 00:03 Truth Revealed ray, explain yourself about what happened! I don’t believe you, he looks and sounds like the V I know why did you lie to me? promise me you won’t do anything bad to V are you threatening me? I think I need a moment to clear my thoughts 02:00 Data Filled With Riddles looks like the hacker who sent me here doesn’t trust me anymore is V safe? do you think it’s related to me? the connection seems unstable… I’m worried that man I saw was you, right? may I , V? why would you hide him? Alright, I’ll keep a secret about what happens here seven, do you invent things a lot? you’ve encrypted them since you can’t tell right now where you are, right? did he forget the word he input? can’t you tell him you input word after a week? v shouldn’t you get help from the rest of RFA? so what about our party? V I really want to know what you’re thinking I understand that you’re trying to do this alone, but promise you’ll be safe seven thank you for understanding v I’m fine. You came to save me ok please call me as soon as you can 07:30 Trust good morning zen! I’m fine V sent seven his location in encrypted form I’ll feel so safe if you come to rescue too! I’m safe right no so please don’t worry. V will save me. I’m sure there’s a complicated reason for v…. I’ll do the best I can for the party too who is this candidate? sounds interesting! so you want us to trust v! I see! Now I get it but even if we trust him, what should we do about this weird feeling? yes I know very well that v values RFA I’m sorry I can’t tell you that… you’re so thorough. Thank you jumin! they’re very special friends yes I’m going to wait, too I will. Thank you for your concerns zen! 10:52 V’s Insecurity v does your phone work now? I’m fine! are you okay? I’m fine! nothing happened yet you had no choice. I’m glad you’re safe no thank you. For not abandoning me you’re telling me to sell you out! I can’t do that don’t blame yourself too much. Everything will be okay. It’s partially my fault I’ll trust you. And I’ll be waiting. Take care of yourself v 12:47 Lies and Two People my goodness! Where did that come from? first of all, I’m safe yet. Don’t worry about me I’m not sure… you should look at the image yoosung uploaded hold on…it might be somebody’s mistake so this person came in person to put that in your mailbox? like blackmailing letter for example… let’s not suspect members of the RFA it's written LIE on the image…this person must hate these two I agree… just who would do this? that’s a great idea watch out on your way! And be careful of alleyways maybe this person is trying to throw RFA into confusion my heart is breaking. Looks like v is going through misfortunes and mishaps please take care of yoosung gotcha. You don’t have to worry about me 15:11 Ill Will and Hypocrite you didn’t get that bizarre image too, did you? seems like it. Who could hate v that much? I’m more worried about v. there’s no doubt he’ll see this jumin, jaehee also got that photo wait…could it be? that was…an important task jumin is your work all done? jaehee… wish I could send you sevenstar drink is this person planning to send everyone at the RFA these images? why does no one know where seven lives? shouldn’t we get outside help? the eminence of the overtime all nighter wow I never knew such unit exists in C&R congrats!! Wow!! We’ll have one fabulous unit I can only see a Niagara of tears jaehee T-T is there anything I can do to help? is it okay to do without telling v? but is it okay to have our party? It’s going to be okay, right? good! Please tell him to contact me I hope v will pick up I’m so excited about the C&R intelligence unit I believe RFA will make it through this I’ll see you again! 17:59 Seven’s Plea seven did you also get a weird photo? ugh…looks like someone really hates v are you suspecting that hacker? there’s no way v is a bad person if he did, then I bet he’s heartbroken we’ve trusted him so much until now. Let’s not think bad things I’m sure it’s because he doesn’t want to put you in danger maybe there was no other choice for v I’m not sure if it’s okay to tell you that you sound tired, seven so you want v to tell you where he is, right? bye. 19:36 Zen’s View how’s yoosung doing? I’m worried we’re hearing nothing from v yet what are we going to do with v? rather I think he’s a heavy get-drunker but are you feeling better now? that’s impossible… are you going to take this opportunity to get close to jumin? there you are….finally are you really coming? Don’t you think it’d be dangerous? did you see the images? What do you think about them? v… I hope the time comes soon that’s right! You’re a hero zen I’d like to trust you, v what is this truth? yoosung, please calm down yoosung, what’s 78+544? a human relationship isn’t something you can define as one or the other yoosung I think you’ve gone too far you’re taking great care of yoosung v i hope you’d tell us the truth some day he's right! So please think about it v I think you should take care of him actually I’m having a great time. I got to meet you and a group of new people you’re still grieving a lot for Rika’s death? getting what you want doesn’t always lead to happiness v, rika’s choice is her own. It has nothing to do with you you’re saying the deceased will come back? do you think you did? v please hang in there! 21:00 How We Take in Sadness thanks for showing me what you’re like when you’re drunk It'd be fun if you two became roommates I wish I could talk to v too hello, jaehee are you awake to play games? zen T-T he’s fought bravely and fallen she’s right. I hope you understand how v would feel may I ask you why? that’s not what I was expecting to hear…but I think v had his own reasons so v was so sad he couldn’t cry that’s called the process of parting with your pain I hope that’d be the case I see…v still loves rika…it hurts a bit yes, do think about it yoosung! no, you’ve done well! I agree… let there be peace! please make the best unit. You should elevate the corporate’s value 22:22 Secrets Revealed I wanted to talk too…! I trust you you will tell us everything soon, won’t you? you mean that the person who sent the images is this hacker? but why would you try to handle this on your own? so is this hacker related to Rika? but why would you tell us all this now? so you’re here to tell us to not let ourselves waver, right? you’re saying this is something you need to do alone, aren’t you? yes, I promise I’m counting on you!
******the above chat rooms are the same for all my V bad ends. The last chat of day 5 varies slightly between the routes. Proceed to the ending you’re looking for.****** BE1: https://lizardfina.tumblr.com/post/176608511607/badend1 BE3 (yeah, again):https://lizardfina.tumblr.com/post/175732683372/be3
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savetopnow · 6 years
2018-03-26 23 PHOTO now
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