#its kinda hardddd to say that sam and crowley r like actually paralleled bc Yeah sam started the apocalypse and whatever
hellhoundlair · 2 years
im sorreyyyy no one caressss but the cram dynamic?? cram???? holy shiiiitt.....
i just really like that crowley is v fliratious with sam but its like ofc theyre never gona have a THING. sam rolls his eyes or ignores it whenever crowley makes comments. Sam is the furthest thing away from being interested. Any time he has to work with crowley on anything they have and whenever crowley tries to pick at sams emotions or at anything deeper sam shuts it down. sam keeps their interractions very surface level.
Then the THIRD TRIAL happens. Theyre both exhausted and in pain and locked in a church together and sam is going to kill crowley once its all over and emotions are HIGH. And we get to see them almost bonding and we see their similarities. And crowley is half out of his mind at the time and hes just putting it all out there. Hes desperate and so so human and confiding in sam abt guilt and religion and forgiveness and its INSANE!!!! sams interractions w crowley up until their point are mostly 'im going to fucking kill you' or 'we are working together but ur on thin fucking ice' but sam kinda,, comforts him here? Tells him that he is capable of working towards forgiveness and that he can be better. This is also personal for sam (giving others the forgiveness and kindness that he wasnt shown when he want down the 'wrong path'. I love u sam) and its. its SOOO MUCH. Just the way theyre both losong it and confiding in eachother and its probably the first time in centuries crowley has talked abt him emotions like this its such a good episode.
and then once its over and the trials failed and crowley and sam are no longer inhibited by blood loss, fever, pain and human blood, their dynamic is back to normal. crowley makes his crude remarks that sam doesnt entertain but now theres something deeper to them. crowley feels a sense of attachment now. a sense of longing on crowleys side. hes opened up to sam and hes had his blood inside of him and its like he wants what they had in the church back. And maybe sam doesnt feel the same, or maybe he sympathises more with crowley now. like he wants to be proved wrong that crowley is an evil guy who cant help being evil. and maybe they should also hold each other tenderly then fuck nasty idk.
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