#its too late am asleep
sillyunicorn · 2 years
Fanfic writer challenge (aftg edition)
1. list & explain the three lines/moments from canon that are most fundamental to how you write your fave character
2. challenge 3 more fic writers to do the same!
Tks for the idea and tag @mostlymaudlin !
I meant to sleep but couldn't stop thinking about this so here we go. ANDREW MINYARD:
1. Theres a lot under the surface (and under this break)
"How a man who viewed the world with such studied disconnect could kiss like this, Neil didn't know, but he wasn't going to complain." (TKM)
One day I'll share my essay on surface ppl versus depth ppl but just know Andrew is a depth person.
2. He knows Neil.
Neil asking Andrew how he can stand him after everything:
Neil reached for him, unwilling to let him leave without a real answer.
"No," Andrew said, and Neil's hand froze a breath from Andrew's arm. (TKM)
Maybe also indicative of his understanding of other ppl in general. Analyzes them, never forgets anything. Pretty much always knows what to expect. Neil is the only one who ever really manages to surprise him. But in this moment he knows what Neil will do, and he uses that to demonstrate his point.
Not the most important thing in this scene, which shows how Neil knows and respects Andrew's boundaries. Among other things. But still.
3. He's a self sacrificing asshole who sees things in black and white. Especially his own commitments and what it means to protect someone. Neil explaining to Aaron why Andrew killed Tilda:
"Why he—what? That isn't the same. He didn't do that for me."
"He told me he did," Neil said. "I didn't even have to ask him. He warned her to stop hitting you and she wouldn't. He had no choice but to get rid of her. ...
"Except I lied," Neil said, getting to his feet. "Unlike you, he's not angry that you interfered. I just said that because I needed you to understand." (TRK)
Andrew doesn't get angry, he gets even lol.
4. Bonus. He doesnt get angry, except when he does.... at how much he cares about Neil.
hotel scene:
"I'm sorry," Nathaniel said.
"Say it again and I will kill you." (TKM)
Like, is he bluffing? Is he serious? I don't think he'd hurt Neil (death threats are old hat at this pt) but I think it does make him absolutely livid that Neil would put himself in harm's way. Angry at Neil for being a martyr and making him worry, but angry at himself for worrying in the first place. Neil made him renege on his deal, which Andrew never does, but even after that Andrew still cares about him. And then Neil goes and gets himself kidnapped. How! Dare! He!!!!! And how dare Andrew for still wanting to protect this stupid little rabbit. Love him
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littlelightfish · 7 days
As I said I would, I drew my oc with yours my beloved @clawdouobit
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My pretty girl likes to infodump your pretty girl about the smallest things. She's like a reel, talks a lot but most of it is meaningless.
Close ups and more info because I can't shut up ehtier under the cut <3
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20 years old and engaged to a half-foot. They're waiting to gain some more money to get married and leave the dungeon. Note: they're best friends but idk if what they have going on is truly romantic love or just a very good friendship.
Quite skilled at upper levels, but wouldn't go to lesser levels. She isn't skilled enough to make her party survive there.
Her race is a mix between gnome and half-foot. Idk if that's possible but I don't think it's not.
If I had to guess, she's 13/14 on half-foot standars. It's unclear whether she's an adult or not, but she's preety mature most of the time. Most.
Flushed cheeks always. Also very pale.
She's 109 cms tall, a lot more than avarage on haflings, but lot less than avarage on gnomes. Since she hangs out mostly with haflings, she's a giant woman. This gives her some problems with traps so her BMI is 18 due to diet.
Fwens with Shahad. Who knows why tho. We gotta figure that out ;}
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napping-sapphic · 8 days
so so sleepy but cat is ON my legs so i can’t move into comfortable sleeping position so can’t fall asleep but can’t stay awake but SOO ready for sleepy tired sleep but CANT because CAT
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mushed-kid · 4 months
i don’t think i can ever be really close to anyone
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terriblewritingadvice · 9 months
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I WILL NEVER REFUSE A CHANCE TO DRAW THEM!!!! This is pirate AU by the way!! :-) (@cookidemon)
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thekidsarentalright · 8 months
had a migraine literally all day and its only feeling better now which is so fucked up bc like. i was a zombie being tormented all day and now it’s midnight and im ready to like. exist and go abt my day and the world is asleep this is so evil…
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dandyshucks-moving · 6 months
me when i can't decide what to draw so i do a bit of everything (VERY rough sketches under the cut)
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a peek into my drawing process fhdkdl just blocking out the bottom one, and actually going into forms and proper posing for the top right, and top left has had me struggling all evening and i still have to mess with it a bit more ( ╥ω╥ )
i realized tonight that most of the flustering I've had going on in drawings has been juno flustering guz which is so funny bc i am the easiest person in the world to fluster so why haven't i drawn more of that,,, i think maybe i just wanna make that boy blush DBDJDKL
also it seems Too Obvious maybe to draw him flustering me,,, makes it a little more interesting to have big bad guz.ma being the one who's flustered (≖ᴗ≖๑)
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citrinesparkles · 10 months
god i am so grateful for music and a good speaker.
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arnold-layne · 10 months
super cool when you have to wake up at 6 am and its already 3 am and you cant fall asleep and you have an exam the next day 😃👍 (no) (im screaming in agony)
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marblerose-rue · 10 months
hii does anyone have any tips on helping a kitten wind down for the night?
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aroace-poly-show · 10 months
what kinda logic does my body have
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sk3l3t0n444 · 2 years
shes mad
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caramello-styles · 2 years
what the fck just happened.
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rolling-boy · 10 days
every day is its own beast
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ablazeinhim · 2 months
I think I might finally be able to knit some on Tuesday 😭😭😭😭😭
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bestial4ngel · 3 months
6 mins left to add quotes/citations to my essay, edit it down from 3400 words to 1500, and submit the file to the website !! lets gooooo !!
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