#jake hangman seresin x natasha phoenix trace
military-newsboys · 3 days
[Ice in a hospital bed and Mav sits in a chair next to him.] Mav: Is it painful? Ice: What? Being stabbed, or sitting here talking to you?
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A Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace Origin Story
Slight Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace / Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
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Description: Natasha Trace is used to being marveled and stared at. She's the only woman in her flight class. For the most part, the staring only leads to occasional requests to join the remainder of her cohort for drinks at the nearest bar to base. She always refuses. Her COs have enough to say about her without resorting to the usual criticisms of her gender, which going to a bar would garner.
But Natasha's only human. When she seeks out a bar to get drunk where nobody knows her name, she's surprised to find the one man she never wanted to see off base dropping into the seat next to her. The conversation that follows changes her life and gives her a callsign.
Warnings: Mysogyny, Discussions of Strength and Power as a woman in a male-dominated field
A/N: Hi everyone! Nice to see you here! I wrote this fic for @thedroneranger's Pick Your Poison Challenge to accompany her fabulous Phoenix Cocktail Moodboard Grit & Glam. I wanted to explore a headcanon of how Jake gave Phoenix her callsign and ended up venturing slightly into Hannix territory. I hope you all love it! The italicized lyrics at the end are from the song Firebird by Galantis.
AO3: Cross-posted here!
Wattpad: Cross-posted here!
My Masterlist
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“Oh, come on, Trace.” This, she’s used to. It’s what she gets when she’s the only woman in her flight school class. “It’s just a few drinks tonight!”
It’s the overly insistent, ridiculously charming blond man who’s asking her that Natasha’s not used to. Seresin, at least she thinks that’s his name, asks her to go out with the rest of the class every night despite her refusals. 
“It’s not happening, Seresin.” She keeps her tone light and her eyes on the NATOPS she’s rifling through and making notes on. After all, there’s no denying that Seresin is easy on the eyes, with his green eyes and shining blond hair, broad shoulders, and muscular physique. Maybe in another life, she’d have fallen for the lines he feeds girls at the bar hook, line, and sinker. But in this life, she wants to be a Naval Aviator, wants to be the best of the best. No six-foot blond is going to stop her, not when she’s so close.
“C’mon, Trace. It’s just one night of drinks.” He sounds oddly frustrated at her lack of response. “You don’t have to be so frigid all the time, you know? What’s one round of drinks amongst friends and colleagues?”
“Well, Seresin,” Her voice is sardonic and a little sarcastic as she packs up her notebook and her NATOPS. “There’s nothing wrong with a round of drinks amongst friends and colleagues. But you’re neither of them. So I have to say no. Goodnight, Seresin.”
Her voice is just loud enough, cutting enough, that the others hear from the huddle they're in on the other side of the room. They're ooh-ing and aww-ing and ribbing Seresin with every iota of their limited intelligence as she sweeps out of the room. Of course, Natasha also hears the way one of the others, Williams or maybe Monroe, calls her an ice-hearted bitch, but that's nothing she hasn't heard before. Seresin is awfully quiet, and she's sure he would normally have joined in on their censure of her if she hadn't seen the small flicker of hurt that wafted through those crystalline green eyes as she swept out of the room.
She can't figure out why he's so adamant about her socializing, though. It’s not as if Natasha is a stranger to having fun. Once upon a time, when she was a young tomboy, she used to sneak out to bars and other unsavory establishments and party all night long. It had been fun roaming around wild in the hot, sticky San Diego summers, dangling out of an old Pontiac Firebird. She’d slept half-naked under the stars, smoked hand-rolled cigarettes, and drunk too much alcohol. Of course, joining the Navy had put a stop to that kind of reckless, foolish, youthful abandonment. 
It still doesn’t explain Seresin’s behavior. He’s never once attempted to be cordial or nice or even kind for the entire time she’s known him. All Natasha knows is that Jake Seresin is filled with the same urge to be the best that she is. It’s a conundrum that she turns over in her mind late that night and in any spare moment in which her brain isn’t being crammed full of more flying techniques and NATOPS sections. The same conundrum seems to be captivating Seresin as well. Each day for their classes, he takes the seat behind or near hers and spends the time boring a hole into the back of her regulation slicked-back bun or into the side of her face. She spends the week with the heat of his gaze prickling across the back of her neck and distracting her thoroughly.
That’s the only reason why she fucks up on Friday afternoon. It’s supposed to be an easy maneuver. It’s one she’s had swimming in front of her eyes whether she’s awake or asleep. But she messed up. Others in her cohort messed up on the hop, too. But of course, it’s Natasha who’s standing at parade rest facing down their CO as he spits in her face all of the reasons why a woman isn’t talented or determined enough to fly a fighter jet. It’s the snickering Natasha can hear in the background from the others, which has her spine straightening. It shouldn’t be so common to be lambasted over every mistake just because of your gender. But there’s a reason why so few women in the armed forces are aviators. There’s a reason why Natasha has faced only one of these particular dressing-downs only once in her career prior to today. But nothing her CO is saying can even touch the dressing down she’s giving herself.
When she’s dismissed, she stomps her way into the ladies’ locker room and tries her best not to sob where anyone important can hear it. The deluge of hot water drums over her head and beats her stiff muscles into some form of flexibility, but it doesn’t beat the whiff of failure from her skin. She stands under the deluge until her fingers prune and the water cools. She’s shivering and shuddering as she towels off and pulls on her clothes. But the clothes she pulls out of her gym bag aren’t jeans and a T-shirt but a sundress. Natasha slams her forehead against the locker door because this is yet another symptom of her distraction. This was the dress she was supposed to wear to brunch with college friends in town. Not the outfit she wants to walk out of base wearing. At least she’s managed to pack the matching heels as well.
Unsurprisingly, Natasha hears wolf-whistles a-plenty as she clacks her way out to her car. The comments make her angrier and feel even worse. At one point in time, sometime between the beginning and end of that long, unfulfilling shower, she’d made up her mind to drive home and collapse onto her sofa and maybe drink an entire bottle of wine. But the more the pigs she has to fly with notice her uncharacteristic attire, the more her mind changes. Now, all she wants is alcohol, enough to drown out her thoughts and to lift her mood. It might be time to bring back the wild little thing who’d run circles around folks back in San Diego.
The bar she ends up at a couple of hours later is what people would pick for a night out on the town. In truth, Natasha had two major criteria for picking this place. It’s not within five miles of the base, and it serves an elderflower and gin flaming cocktail. Something about it feels fitting to her current state of mind.
The sky has darkened in the time between when Natasha sat down and now. Natasha’s not sure how long it’s been, but she feels a million times better than she did before. The bartender was very kind and plied her with round after round of Phoenix cocktails all afternoon long. It’s just her luck that she’s tilting a drink between her fingers, watching the pinkish-purple shimmering liquid dance in the light, when a body drops heavily onto the barstool next to her. It's a bar, so obviously, bodies have been dropping into the seat next to her as the night progresses. But this particular body is wearing a very recognizable cologne and speaking in a very recognizable tenor to the bartender.
“Can I get a whiskey on ice for myself and another one of those flaming things for the pretty lady next to me?” 
“It’s not a flaming thing.” Natasha's words are slurring but still sharp as she rotates on the fiddly little base of the barstool and faces exactly who she thought she'd be facing - Jake Seresin. Her voice is gritty with the burn of over-proofed smooth liquor as she responds.
“It's a Phoenix cocktail. What are you doing here, anyway, Seresin? I didn't think fancy bars were your idea of fun.”
“Mmm, they’re usually not.” There isn’t a bite to his words tonight. “I like my bars to come with their own history, usually.”
He pushes the Phoenix cocktail he'd ordered over to her and watches, enraptured, as the bartender snuffs out the flames.
“You don’t seem the type, Trace, to get rip-roaring drunk in a bar all by your lonesome.” 
“Whatever gave you that idea?” Natasha is ginger as she sips from the warm glass, careful not to scald her mouth on the flame-kissed surface.
“You did.” He purses his plush lips, rolling the whiskey from the sip he just took on his tongue with his eyes lidded in the lowlights of the bar. He looks like a man who has cultivated that expression solely for the purpose of making a lady weak at the knees, not that Natasha would ever call one of his usual types a lady. His pink tongue slips out of his mouth and swipes away a droplet of the amber-colored liquid. He leans forward, gently tucking a loose tendril of hair behind Natasha’s ear. 
“When you told me you’d only have drinks with your friends and colleagues.” He leans in closer until all Natasha Trace can hear is Jake. All of a sudden he seems to surround her with his presence. She can smell the smokey whiskey on his breath, the rich scent of his cologne, and the gentle scent of soap crowding out the scents of the bar. And then there’s the heat of his skin, elusively, unbearably comforting against the bare skin of her shoulders.
It feels good being this close to somebody else. But Natasha can’t let Jake Seresin, of all people, know just how lonely it feels to never be able to let her guard down. He can’t know how much it will set her apart from the others in their cohort above and beyond the way her gender already does.
“I did.” Her voice comes out in a whisper so quiet Natasha’s not sure he can hear.
“Yet you’re out here drinking something purple and pink and ridiculously sweet, all while looking like there is something you’d desperately like to forget.” He settles back in his stool, a long leg hooked on the footrest of her stool as he peers knowingly at her. “Are you trying to forget the dressing down Smith gave you today?”
Natasha shrugs, alcohol making her limbs uncooperative. “Others made mistakes, too. Why were mine so severe that they deserved a public audience? Or if they were severe, surely someone else had made a mistake equally as severe and deserved the same treatment?”
She sips on her drink, trying to ignore how her eyes sting, and her throat is tight. “Of course,” she rasps after swallowing, “it’s not like the perfect Jake Seresin knows how to make a mistake.” Natasha realizes that she’s murmuring that fact like it’s a secret, leaning into his lushly scented space like she craves the nearness of his skin. Maybe she’s already drunk too many of these pretty little drinks for her sanity?
“I make mistakes, Natasha.” He’s just as close as she is to him; the two of them nearly braced against each other like they’d collapse, marionettes without strings, if they weren’t so close and if they couldn’t prop each other up.
“Who said you can call me Natasha?” Her words are as spicy as the sips of top-shelf liquor dripping down her throat, but her smile is as sweet as the syrup of a maraschino cherry. He chuckles, dimples on full display as he tugs her stool closer to compensate for her listing sway on her tri-legged perch.
“What made you start drinking these lovely Phoenix cocktails, hmm?” 
Oh, the room seems to be swimming a bit more. Jake’s so close Natasha can see motes of amber in the mercurial stormy green of his eyes.
“How much do you know about phoenixes, Seresin?”
“No matter how much I know, I get the feeling you’re going to tell me anyway, Natasha.”
She snorts, swigging back the last bit of her drink, running the tip of her finger along the rim of her glass, mesmerized by the sparkling residue left behind on her skin.
“Phoenixes are mythical beasts found in Greek, Roman, and Egyptian mythology. Of course, you probably know how they set themselves on fire and are reborn from the flames. As a result of this imagery, they were associated with immortality.” Huddled in against the counter as they are, Natasha can’t say if there is anyone else even in the room.
“But they’re more than that to me.” Her inhale is shaky even as she sips from the cup of water, cold and crisp, which has suddenly appeared at her elbow. “It’s probably painful to be burned alive and then reborn as a chick. But it also takes a lot of strength.”
To her surprise, Jake is still listening, one long-fingered hand tapping at the water glass in her sweat-damp palms when she pauses, prompting her to drink sip after sip.
“I…” She swallows with a mouth as dry as the Sahara Desert. “I, well, I hope to somehow have that same strength. So when a day like today happens, I find a bar that serves Phoenixes, drink them all night until the sting of failure and my despair and my loneliness wash away.”
“Is it working tonight?” 
Natasha hums as she drinks yet another sip from her never-ending, always full glass. “I’m not sure it ever really did.” 
“For what it’s worth, we both know you weren’t making more mistakes than any of those other idiots we fly with.” His smile is special and soft, filling the cavity of her chest with a softly flickering warmth at odds with the sharp burn of the liquor. “You’re good at what you do, Natasha. You could fly circles around all of them. You fly circles around me, too.”
Natasha can’t believe what she’s hearing. There’s no way Jake Seresin is admitting that Natasha Trace can be better than he is. She stands without realizing, her legs about as sturdy as those of a newborn giraffe. All of the alcohol rushes to her head with a vengeance.
“Have you closed out your tab?” She nods, desperately trying to keep a hold of her swimming head and her roiling stomach. She staggers her way out of the bar, trying desperately to navigate to the Uber app without stumbling over her high heels or face-planting into another of the patrons. An arm wraps around her waist before she can even get to the doors.
“C’mon, Natasha.” Her feet are steadier due to his support. “I’ve got you, darling.”
The endearment, in an undertone colored by a Texan twang, sounds tenderly fond as it’s rasped into her ears. The air is cool outside the bar as she staggers to a stop against a truck in the parking lot. There’s a click as the doors unlock, and when Jake opens the door, the step is so high that when she lifts her leg up, she nearly falls into the gravel, so impaired is her sense of balance.
“I’ve gotcha, darling.” Those same big hands brace her under her knees and behind her shoulders as they heft her into the seat of the truck. Sitting in the cab, she’s even more surrounded by his scent. But he doesn’t close the door immediately. Instead, Jake Seresin unlaces each of her strappy heels and sets them in the footwell of her seat. His fingers, warm and calloused, massage firmly at her stiff, aching arches until she feels like putty in his hands.
“You’re pretty good at that, Seresin.” He smiles again, a devastatingly tender quirk of his lips that barely creates that dimple in his cheek she’s quickly coming to adore.
“I like working with my hands.” It seems like he’s downplaying the true reason. This humble side of Jake Seresin is something she’s never seen before, something she likes. She fists her hands in the collar of his soft pullover and tugs him up until his arms are braced on the seat on either side of her, and his face is inches from her own. Thinking back on it, Natasha’s not sure who made the first move. All she remembers is the taste of whiskey on his tongue as her fingers grasp at the soft curls against the back of his neck. His mouth feels divine, thin lips just the right level of wet and soft as they move against hers. There’s heat making her flush as his hands cup the back of her neck.
When Jake Seresin pulls away with a question in his eyes, Natasha’s almost sure she can guess the words about to leave his lips. It’s going to be some variation of ‘Would you like to come home with me’, no doubt. But instead, he presses more of those warm, tender kisses across her bare shoulders, throat, collarbones, and cheeks. When he presses a lingering kiss to her forehead, Natasha’s eyes flutter closed.
“Let me take you home, darling.” 
Those words, in a hauntingly tender tone, stick in her mind all weekend long, even when she’s hungover and curled up under her sheets. It feels like something has changed between her and Jake Seresin, inexplicably and totally. Or maybe it’s the sense of confidence Jake Seresin has instilled in her. One night, a few drinks, and his presence are all she needs to boost her mood? It’s ridiculous. Walking into the classroom on Monday morning at 0700 hours sharp and seeing Seresin laughing with the others like nothing has happened feels almost like a slap to the face. He doesn’t look at her or speak to her. Natasha’s sure the Jake of that hazy dream-like Friday evening was only looking for one thing, which he didn’t get when he needed to babysit her drunk ass.
By the time she’s in her flight suit and kitted out with her helmet in hand, she's ready to smoke every man she has to fly with, especially one Jake Seresin. Sure enough, Natasha’s cold, calculated, and on her game that day. She doesn’t make a single mistake. Of course, Smith doesn’t so much as nod in her direction, but it’s enough to hear the men grumble as her flight is used as the exemplar for their hop. When they’re dismissed, nobody tells her goodbye. Monroe and Williams are still whining and moaning about her success and their subsequent dressing down from Smith. But Jake Seresin’s smiling at her, that crooked tender grin, and saying, “See you tomorrow, Phoenix!”
Under the stars awaken To the sound of a firebird
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@desert-fern @horseshoegirl @dakotakazansky @sarahsmi13s @teacupsandtopgun @callsignspitfire @roosterforme @mak-32 @beyondthesefourwalls @thedroneranger @cherrycola27 @kmc1989 @chaoticassidy @shanimallina87
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jungle-angel · 2 months
The Herbcrafter (Phoenix x Hangman)
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Summary: Spring has sprung on the Hannix land and it shows
Warnings: Parenthood, pregnancy, mentions of birth etc.
Tagging: @dlea203 @sylviebell and the lovely @bradshawsbaby enjoy my loves 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Natasha had been busy all morning trying to get the clay pots filled with soil and the seeds that would go in the garden beds come summer. The greenhouse was so warm, a little on the humid side but comfortable given that mid-April still had the tiniest bit of a chill in the air.
Baby Jack cooed and grabbed at the low neckline of her t-shirt with his little fingers, safely nestled inside the homemade sling Natasha had made from one of Jake's old shirts. "I know little man, I know," she said, rocking him gently and kissing his head. "Momma's almost done."
The sound of the truck coming up the gravel drive signaled that Jake had come home at last. He made his way to the greenhouse, rubbing the back of his neck and groaning.
"Babes, you good?" Natasha asked him as he came in.
"Fuckin muscles hurt," Jake groaned. "I could kill Fritz after the shit he pulled this afternoon."
Natasha smiled and rolled her eyes. "Alright, go get in the bathroom," she told him. "I'll get it set up."
"I'll take the baby though," Jake chuckled.
"Oh do you wanna feed him too?" Natasha asked again. "He's been quite cranky this morning."
Jake laughed taking Jack from her and following her into the house. Koda, their husky, wagged his tail wildly as Jake gently rocked Baby Jack and fed him from the bottle that had been made that morning. Koda peered right into the little Moses basket near the window, licking Jack's face as Jake tucked him in for a nap.
"Alright you big idiot, out, out" Jake ordered. "Baby needs sleep."
Up the creaky stairs he went to the bathroom, still an aching mess, but surprised at the setup Natasha had done. She had brought in the bamboo table and some of the houseplants along with the cobalt colored wall cloth. The soaps that she had made smelled sharp and musky while all along the bath ledges were the seashells they had collected from various trips to the beach. The water was steaming hot, while fresh seaweed floated on the surface.
"Alright knucklehead, get on in there," she told him.
"You gonna join me?" he asked.
"Gimme five minutes and then I will."
Jake purred, drawing her in for a kiss, helping each other off with their clothes before stepping into the hot water. If anything, it had been the best way to wind down after a long day.
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autumntouched · 1 year
omg i am a firm believer that 1.) jake was born to be a girl dad and 2.) nat notices her tiny bump one day before showering and she calls him into the bathroom and she’s standing there all giddy and is like “do you notice something different about me” and he immediately starts crying when he notices the little bump 🥹🥹
Day 20 of Ode to Phoenix
Did I want to write the Hannix Football Rivalry AU requests in order? Yes. Did that happen? Apparently not. This one just jumped out of me, and I was in too deep to write anything else for today
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Jake as a girl dad has me 😍🥰🥹 He definitely was
Omg, I am giggling kicking my feet at this thought about her baby bump discovery 💗
Summary: Hannix Football Rivalry AU. Natasha has a Baby on Board, and it's not Bob
Pairing: Natasha "Phoenix" Trace x Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Warnings: Pregnancy symptoms, early pregnancy partner struggles, mention of oral sex but nothing explicit
A/N: To whoever requested, I hope you enjoy my love xx
Do You Notice Something Different?
Natasha stumbles into the bathroom and pushes her hair out of her face, grateful it’s finally Saturday. Despite listening to her family and friends talk about their pregnancies for several years, nothing prepared her for the level of exhaustion she’s felt these last few weeks. Jake has pretty much taken over everything in their life that isn’t her job. Including making an early morning run to the grocery store because she’s craving lemon, blueberry ricotta pancakes she once had at a restaurant in New York City.
She strips off her pajamas before emptying her bladder for the third time already this morning. While she pees, Natasha closes her eyes and drops her head into her hands. Outside of deployments, the last few weeks are the longest she and Jake have gone without having sex since they started hooking up. Whether she’s been too tired, too sick, or too sore, usually some combo thereof, he's taken it all in stride. He's even been understanding about her not wanting him to touch her, although she can tell that part has been the hardest on him. Until recently, she hadn't realized how important their physical connection is to him.
But it finally seems like she’s coming out the other side of the miserable first weeks with her appetite, for food and sex, starting to return. At least this morning she'd been able to think about giving Jake a blow job without triggering her gag reflex.
She flushes the toilet and leans forward over the sink to wash her hands. Tentatively, she ventures a look in the mirror. Her face is getting its color back, although the faint lines around her eyes and mouth have deepened. Her breasts, well, those are definitely different. They're fuller and heavier, stretching her bras to the brink of their adjustments. She'll have to buy new ones soon.
Her hands freeze as her gaze drifts down further. Is that a trick of the reflection? Hurriedly, Natasha straightens and looks down at her stomach. It's slight, but it's there. A little bump in her abdomen. She sucks in her stomach, but it keeps its shape.
She turns off the water and dries her hands, accidentally pulling the towel off the rack in her rush. She tosses it onto the counter and places her hands flat on her sides then slides them to meet in the middle of her stomach. They rise slightly before they stop over her belly button. Definitely a bump.
Hand over her mouth, Natasha looks in the mirror and turns to check her profile, to be sure. There it is. A small, round protrusion. The first sign of Jake's birthday baby.
"Jake!" she shouts. "Jake, come here!"
In her excitement, she doesn't realize that screaming for her husband while pregnant might send the wrong signal. "What is it!" There's a commotion in the kitchen and then the sound of Jake's footsteps pounding through the house. "Nat! Sweetheart, are you okay?" he yells. Oh shit, he's going to break his neck thinking she's hurt.
"Wait, I'm fine, but come here!" she calls back. It doesn't sound like he's slowed down. "I'm fine!"
He bursts into the bathroom with a look of panic on his face, hands still covered in flour from making her pancakes. But she's too excited to wait for him to calm down.
"Do you notice something different about me?" she asks giddily, holding her arms out at her sides.
For a long moment, Jake looks like he's still trying to process that he didn't find her in a heap on the floor. Then his eyes drift down her body, and she can't really blame him when they get stuck on her breasts. His face goes bright red, although there's an aroused gleam in his eye. He swallows but doesn't say anything.
She knows why he's silent and finds yet another reason to fall in love with him. Not that she'd dwelled on having a smaller chest much, because it's generally convenient as an aviator, but it was always something that made her self-conscious in bed. Since the night early in their relationship when she'd drunkenly apologized to him for it, Jake has always made sure she knows how much he adores her perfect little chest. Which isn't quite as little anymore.
She giggles and reassures him that he won't hurt her feelings for appreciating the change. "Okay, yes. You can enjoy those later." His face gets even redder. "Besides that, notice anything different?" She turns to the side as a hint.
He drags his gaze lower and the arousal blasts right out of his face. His jaw slackens, and his eyes are bright and already glistening when he looks back up at her. "Is that?" he checks but chokes up.
Natasha bites her lip, feeling tears prick at her own eyes in response to his. She cries at the sight of a dryer sheet on the floor these days so she's not going to be able to withstand him crying. She nods. He takes a step toward her then hesitates, and her heart clenches with guilt. The last time he'd touched her, trying to help while she threw up in a bag in their car, she'd pushed him away and yelled at him to leave her alone. After apologizing for lashing out, she'd miserably told him she needed space and watched as he hid his hurt while promising her he would do whatever she needed.
She reaches out and takes his hand to bring it to her stomach. His touch remains light and uncertain so she steps into it until his large palm lies flat across the bump of their baby. She closes her eyes, feeling the protective warmth and curve of his fingers, dry and slightly rough from the flour still on them. Relief washes over her when she realizes that she's missed his caresses, the tender way his thumb strokes across her skin, the firm pressure of his love expressed in a touch.
A warm drop hits her bare shoulder, and Natasha looks up to see Jake standing over her, tears running freely down the handsome planes of his face. A few get caught in the corners of his trembling smile. "Is that our baby, sweetheart?"
"Yeah," she says softly, her own vision blurry as she thumbs away the tears from his lips before standing on tiptoe to kiss him. "That's our baby, sweetheart."
As hungry as she is, Natasha doesn't want him to leave her yet. She leads him into the shower and settles her back into the curve of his solid chest. They stand under the water, his temple pressed to hers, arms circled around her and hands splayed over the little bulge of their baby.
He squeezes her then starts to drop his hold, but she catches his arms. "No. I don't want you to let us go."
Jake kisses the curve of her ear. "I won't," he promises.
Tag List: @melodiousoblivionao3
Ode to Phoenix Masterlist
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indynerdgirl · 2 years
So, you've found yourself on the good ship Hannix.
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And now you're looking for some fic to get your fix. Well, you're in luck! Please enjoy this list of Hannix fic recommendations (in no particular order):
Not A Chance by @myshipsaresunk A Day In The Life by myshipsaresunk From The Ashes by myshipsaresunk The Seresin Family & other Hannix fics by @bradshawsbaby Snapshots by bradshawsbaby The Sound of Silence by WineRed As High As You Can Into The Wild Blue by therethedanceis All Too Well by @princess-prentiss Each Beast Gets Her Burden by @thriceturned Bombs Away by thriceturned Tug of War by @coraphoenix Midnight Air by coraphoenix Bullshit (You Can Be Mine) by ForASecondThereWedWon Trapdoor Prayers by ForASecondThereWedWon I Don't Wanna Give You Up series by @katiesharms The Wedding Bet Date by @happypopcornprincess This is not an exhaustive list by any means, these are just the ones that I've read and enjoyed! I know there's more on AO3 and in the Hannix tag, and while I'm not a FanFiction.net or WattPad person, I bet you could probably find more on those sites as well. I will also leave you with @jakeseresinnix if you want a great blog to follow for all kinds of Hannix content, and a few Hannix playlists! My own Hannix playist bradshawsbaby's playlist myshipsaresunk's playlist for From The Ashes
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(hannix mood board by me)
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ryebecca · 2 years
his grace, jacob seresin, duke of hereford (lady maverick’s society papers, pt. 1)
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“Lord Jacob Seresin, Duke of Hereford, late of His Majesty’s Navy is making his return to society. As Duke he must marry, but who will be the lucky diamond to catch his eye?”
Lord Jacob Seresin, Duke of Hereford, was never meant to be a Duke - that role was left to be filled by his third cousin, Lord Andrew Seresin. Lord Andrew, however, had no legitimate heirs - deciding instead to while away the time with his newest mistress of the week and neglecting the management of his land and tenants - which left Jacob to be Duke, as his father had passed on years earlier.
A Navy man through and through, Jacob (the former Lieutenant Jacob Seresin) had to abandon his post in order to take up this new one. Upon his return, he’s brought face-to-face with his childhood friend, Lady Natasha Trace, whose family recently experienced a painful fall from grace. Lady Natasha may no longer be a diamond to the Ton, but she’s becoming more important to Jacob with every passing day she’s in his presence. Will he follow the rules of the Ton and marry for status or follow the rules of his heart and marry for love?
(FINALLY, after months of talking about a Regency!AU, I’m finally starting to post it! This won’t be a fully-fleshed series, but more akin to the kinds of summaries/blurbs you might find on the back of an historical romance novel. Grab a hold of your cravats, friends - it’s gonna be a wild ride!)
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imdonnalynn · 1 year
Because you love Hannix like I love Hannix, I figured you might have fun with these questions:
1. First date: who asks, how long before the other person agrees and where do they go? Bonus points if you say how you think the day went.
2. Do they tell Javy when they start dating or does he find out themselves?
3. How does Rooster find out? Any punches thrown lol?
4. Who says I love you first and in what context? (I always imagined it happened after a close callor a visit to medical). How is it received?
I think I could ask 75 more questions but I’ll limit to five: 5. How many kids do the Seresins have?
First Date?
Who asks? - For me, Jake, he considers himself a gentlemen so he would want to be the first to do the asking, open doors, under formal circumstances stand when she sits or stands from the table.
How long before the other person agrees and where do they go? - It takes Natasha...surprisingly only till the end of the day. And fuck no they don't go to the Hard Deck for their actual date (they actually go after). No, a date between Jake and Natasha would be personal so I'm saying it's gonna be a home cooked meal at one of their places.
How did the day go? - The day has it's ups and downs for both of them. Yet by the end they feel there is something there and decide to entertain it. This puts Jake in a whole new headspace. It will take longer to catch up with Nat (yes I think she's even more dense than he is when it comes to seeing something right in your face)
Do they tell Javy when they start dating or does he find out themselves? - You know good and damn well Javy is gonna know anything Jake is doing, they're best friends. Plus, I believe there's history between these three just like there's history between Jake, Bradley and Natasha. Javy doesn't pry, but Jake doesn't tell Javy anything too personal.
How does Rooster find out? Any punches thrown lol? - Bradley finds out before the end of the day from scuttle, and he breaks whatever is in his hand but doesn't say anything.
Who says I love you first and in what context? How is it received? - Jake, hands down, he would tell her when she would need to hear it the most. In a moment of so much importance hearing those very words from his mouth will pull her out of whatever she is buried in. She will cling to him, she will feel more whole.
How many kids do the Seresin's have? - 5, 3 boys, 2 girls.
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One Shots // Headcanons // Requests
The Wedding Bet Date ♡~
(Enemies to Lovers || Hangman x Phoenix)
When Natasha "Phoenix" Trace made a stupid bet, she did not expect Jake "Hangman" Sersin to be thrown at her face out of nowhere. Now they are stuck together, forced to confront a past they are trying to forget.
Story Sneak Peeks
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frost-queen · 2 months
It comes with perks (Reader x Jake 'Hangman' Seresin)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly @denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
Summary: When you need someone to be your fake boyfriend to get you out of a situation with your ex, Hangman is the closest guy you find. What needed to be a one time thing, turned out into a long term act of fake dating. Certainly now that your dad Iceman is involved in as well. Slowly the lines of fake dating fade as Hangman becomes obessed with you, a ray of sunshine. When your ex tries to get back in your life, Jake becomes protective, finally ending those unclear lines of fake dating.
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Phoenix and you entered Penny’s bar when your phone suddenly rang. Taking it out, the nametag on it made your eyes widen. You touched Phoenix on her shoulder, letting her know you needed a moment. She simply smiled, heading further into the bar to the booth were Bob, Coyote and Fanboy already were. The phone kept buzzing as you weren’t sure what to do. Panicking a bit as to say. You knew not picking up, would do nothing as he would just keep calling you.
Answering was even terrible, as you knew he’d say anything to get you to yield. Like a collective caller, kept he calling you. Looking around frantically, you spotted the first person at Penny’s bar. You rushed over to the bar, pulling Hangman back by his shoulder. – “Emergency, you’re my boyfriend.” – you breathed out, holding the phone out to him. Hangman smiled cocky. – “Well, well. If you were desperate for a kiss, you’d just had to ask Y/n.” – Hangman replied all smug to your annoyance.
“No. No! You’re not actually my boyfriend.” – you informed him hastily. Hangman furrowed his brows, frowning. – “Make up your mind girl.” – he let out confused to what was happening. You moved your phone higher up for him to notice. – “I need you to be my boyfriend and make him stop calling me!” – you called out almost frantically at how slow he was catching up.
“Right.” – He simply said, setting a beer down and taking your phone in his hand. He answered the phone, giving you a cheeky eyebrow wiggle. Hangman didn’t even listen to what the other person was saying on the phone. – “Listen bud, stop calling my girlfriend.” – he spoke through. He heard an immediate response. – “Uhm her boyfriend.” – Hangman answered, showing you a goofy look at how obvious it was who he was talking to.
The man kept blabbing in his ear as Hangman had little interest in keeping him on the phone. – “Stop calling us, bye.” – he spoke in such a manufactured voice, he could work in sales and be dealing with a terrible customer but still upholding his work voice. Hangman hung up, giving you the phone back. – “Thank you!” – you let out relieved, bending a bit through your knees out of gratitude. – “So what do I get in return?” – Hangman asked.
“This beer?” – you suggested, placing your hand on the counter by it. Hangman tsked his tongue. – “Already paid for it sunshine.” – he said with a chuckle. – “Fine.” – you breathed out. – “I’ll clean your locker.” – you took out another suggestion as Hangman thought. – “How about wash my clothes?” – he responded. – “Deal.” – you agreed it was just that. Hangman shook hands with you to seal the deal.
He picked up his beer, throwing his arm over your shoulder. – “Who was the dude anyways?” – he asked, leading you to the others. – “My ex.” – you sighed out. Hangman looked half in shock at you. – “I didn’t know you dated someone.” – he called out as you had to shush his loud voice. – “It was like 6 months ago.” – you informed him.
“And he’s still calling you?” – Hangman blurted out as you hummed with a nod as response. – “I can’t shake him off.” – you sighed out nearing the booth with your friends. – “Well good thing your boyfriend saved the day.” – Hangman winked with a ridiculous smile. – “Not my boyfriend.” – you reminded him before sitting down.
Back in the locker room, you were washing Hangman’s attire. Washing them by hand as he called them delicate and needed to be handled with care. – “Uhm what are you doing?” – Phoenix asked seeing you in the locker room as she had walked by. – “Are those Hangman’s clothing?” – she pointed out when you had pulled it up to see if it was clean enough, revealing his nametag. – “Phoenix!” – you called out startled, splashing some water as your arms lowered immediately. – “Why are you washing his clothes?” – she wanted to know. – “I owe it to him.” – you responded, scrubbing his pilot gear.
“You dared to bet with Hangman. Bold.” – she answered impressed. – “It’s not that.” – you told her with a soft sigh. – “He did something for me, so I have to return the favour.” – you explained. – “Right.” – Phoenix widened her eyes briefly in delight. – “If your dad could see you know.” – she chuckled a bit. – “He’d flip that you fell so low.” You grunted soft. – “Good thing my dad.” – you emphasized. – “Can’t see me.” – you replied bitsy. – “Ohh cold touch.” – Phoenix teased touching her own shoulder. You scooped up some water, splashing it at her to wipe that smile off her face.
Phoenix screamed, dodging away when the water came her way. Half laughing, you teasing her with another scoop as she already darted away. When you were finished up with Hangman’s uniforms, you hung them neatly to dry. You came out of the lockers, making your way out of the hangar when you got pulled aside by Rooster. He pushed you firm up against the wall. – “Are you dating Hangman?” – called out at the brink of losing his mind. – “What?” – you responded confused.
“Are you dating him?” – Rooster wanted to know with a stern look. – “What, no, no…” – you replied waving your hands across. Rooster exhaled deep moving his fingers through his hair. – “Who told you this?” – you asked curious. – “Hangman has been bragging to everyone he’s dating you.” – Rooster let you know. Your eyes widened with shock.
You pushed Rooster a bit back, to make some room for you to leave. You needed to find Hangman and you needed to find him now. Jogging out of the hangar into the open. You saw a group of people near the F16’s going over to them. The closer you got, the clearer you saw Hangman amongst them.
“Hangman!” – you shouted drawing his attention. – “Looks like my girlfriend needs me.” – he said to Fanboy and Coyote all smug. Coyote rolled with his eyes as Fanboy shook his head. Hangman turned round to you, welcoming you with a warm smile. – “Yes my love.” – he said as you grabbed him firmly by the arm, dragging him away from the others. – “So eager.” – Hangman whispered to his friends with a chuckle. You came to a stop, letting harshly go of him.
“What are you doing?” – you called out giving him a little shove. – “Au.” – Jake mouthed pretending to be hurt from your shove. – “Jake!” – you called out wanting an answer out of him. – “What?” – he replied loud, making himself taller. – “Why are you telling everyone we are dating?” – you freaked out. Jake scoffed loud, turning his head away. – “Are we not?” – he answered cocky, wanting to slip his arm over your shoulder. It made you puff annoyed, crossing your arms.
“Oh come on Y/n, don’t be such a baby about it.” – Jake said taking you by the elbow, wanting you to uncross your arms. – “It’s a joke, sunshine.” – he kept tugging at your arm, trying to be smooth and cool at the same time. – “Sunshine!” – you suddenly heard loud, making you straighten your back. Hangman’s back straightened as well. Cyclone appeared coming to you. – “Iceman wants to speak to you.” – he said firmly, making your shoulders slouch. Jake was snickering quietly at you with a little point. – “He asked for both of you!” – Cyclone made clear, making Jake’s smile drop.
You tugged on his elbow, pulling him with you. Following Cyclone inside and up the stairs to Iceman’s desk. Cyclone knocked on the door, before popping his head inside. – “They are present.” – he said to Iceman. Cyclone stepped aside, expression flat as he allowed you to walk in. – “Tell me, am I hanging?” – Jake whispered to Cyclone wanting to know his outcome. Cyclone ignored him, giving him an extra shove into the room. – “Dad!” – you said with mixed expectations, opening your arms to a hug.
Iceman got up from behind his desk, coming to hug you. – “How is my little girl?” – he asked. – “Flying and thriving.” – you told him, making him form a smile on his lips. His gaze then shifted to Jake, who swallowed nervously. Iceman got all serious. He went to sit again, gesturing for you to sit as well. Jake and you sat down, unsure what to expect. – “So you are the one dating my daughter.” – Iceman spoke. – “Dad no…” – you blurted out, waving your hands across.
Iceman observed Hangman closely as it made him move uncomfortable in the chair. – “How’s his flying?” – he asked. – “Superb… sir.” – Jake replied loudly, humbling himself immediately. Iceman glanced your way. You could only smile sheepishly at him. – “I’m a bit saddened you didn’t tell me Y/n.” – Iceman began. – “But he looks decent enough. As long as he doesn’t hurt you… or else…” – Iceman gave Hangman his death stare.
Jake swallowed again. – “Dad we’re not…” – you began wanting to explain as Jake grabbed your hand out of the blue. – “No, no sunshine, it’s okay. He knows now.” – Jake spoke upholding the image of dating. You stared confused at him, why he would even want to go on with his stupid joke. – “Jake, this is my dad.” – you said between clenched teeth to him. Making it clear that he didn’t need to mess around. – “I’m so happy for you Y/n.” – Iceman said cheery.
“The man’s happy Y/n, let him be.” – Jake said to guilt trip you. You sighed soft letting yourself fall back in the chair. Jake got up. – “Well it was nice of you to call us in, sir.” – Jake said, nudging you to get up as well. Your dad chuckled happily at his manners as you could only roll your eyes. Jake extended his hand out to Iceman. Iceman took it to shake. – “I’m not one for favours, but if you ever need one for my daughter.” – he whispered to Jake with a wink.
Jake breathed out a laugh of surprise, glancing your way. Just to rub his it more in your face. – “Now we must really go.” – Hangman spoke tapping your elbow, to get you to follow. – “Give her a kiss.” – Iceman replied. Jake’s expression dropped. – “S’cuse me?” – he blurted out. – “Give her a kiss.” – he repeated gesturing at you.
Jake looked sheepishly at you, chuckling nervously. – “Sir truly…” – Jake began wanting to talk his way out of it. – “I want to see just how much you care for my daughter.” – Iceman persisted. Hangman took your hand, pulling you closer to give a kiss on the cheek. – “Give her a real kiss!” – Iceman shouted out of good sports. Jake sighed loud with a soft drop of his gaze. You raised your eyebrow at him, curious to see what he would do. He took you by the elbow, pulling you even closer.
“Just a quick one.” – he whispered to you. – “One second.” – you responded. Hangman held his finger up to his lips, looking all smug. He lowered his finger, giving you a quick nod before he’d kiss you. Your lips touched for a split second, pulling away quick. Iceman shook his head with disappointment. – “We have to go dad!” – you called out, opening the door. Dragging Jake with you out of his office. Downstairs, you let go of Jake.
“Your joke just escalated Hangman. Now my dad knows!” – you called out panicking. – “Hey you asked me to be your boyfriend.” – Jake replied loud. – “For like a few seconds.” – you shouted back. – “You asked for this Y/n.” -  Jake answered loud taking off. – “Where are you going?” – you called out to him. Jake turned around, pulling his shoulders up. It made you groan loud.  
Phoenix and you were stretching before exercise. – “Boyfriend coming over.” – she pointed out, turning her torso, holding her arm by her elbow. You looked up seeing Hangman come over with the other boys. It made you look at her with a certain glance. Phoenix stopped, walking off when Hangman came near. She joined the others behind him. – “You know for a sunshine, you frown a lot.” – he pointed out, touching your forehead.
You slapped his hand away. He grabbed you by the shoulders, moving his head closer to you. – “Smile, your dad is going to watch.” – he whispered making you widen your eyes. Jake moved aside from you, throwing his arm over you as he led you to the others. Maverick, Cyclone and Iceman neared. You all followed Maverick to the beach for a match of rugby. A good team exercise Maverick would call it. Cyclone and Iceman sat down, watching the pathetic play of rugby.
Hangman and you were on opposite teams. Fanboy had the ball, throwing it at Coyote. Hangman jumped in front of him, catching the football before his eyes. He then ran with it to your side, throwing his hard on the ground. He called it out in victory, pointing towards Iceman. Iceman clapped for Hangman’s score. He then looked all smug at you. Phoenix nudged you as you rolled your eyes at him. Trying not to find it sweet. Rooster caught the ball wanting to throw it at you. You caught it, wanting to run when you got picked up from the ground. 
Hangman had picked you up, making you squeal loud out of surprise. Your feet hit the ground again, as he kept his arms around you. – “Try getting out of this now, sunshine.” – he breathed out. You wriggled in his grip for freedom. When you weren’t getting any, you tried running. Hangman laughed loud, squeezing his arms tighter around you. – “Where are you going sunshine?” – he laughed out. You tried so hard not to laugh as well, not to enjoy it too, but you failed.
You stopped trying to run, laughing loud. You tossed the football over to Bob. You showed him your empty hands, showing him his attempt to stop you failed. Hangman picked you up in response, making you squeal again. He then pressed a kiss on your cheek so quick, he barely caught himself doing it. You turned round in his embrace, staring a bit at him. Jake stared back at you.
Swallowing, he let go of you, scratching his neck sheepishly. You looked blissful away. The two of you hesitantly got back into the game, questioning whether you were actually starting to like each other or that it was the drive of fake dating for a while now.
After practise, you were all exhausted. Having been playing till the sun had set. Worn out, you all decided to grab a few drinks at Penny’s bar. You went up to her bar as Jake followed. Almost instinctively. You held four fingers up to Penny, ordering beer. Jake leaned with his elbows on the counter, throwing you a smug smile. Your phone vibrated in your pocket. Confused, you pulled it out holding it to the front. Jake’s eye fell on the caller, taking the phone from your hand before you could react.
He picked up, turning around to lean against the counter with his back. – “What do you want?” – he said bothered. Your ex didn’t even have to finish his sentence when Jake spoke again. – “Listen asshole, if you call her one more time. I’ll make sure you’ll never see daylight again. You won’t see me coming. I’ll fly above your house, aiming for your pathetic bedroom and you’ll be burned to crisps in a matter of seconds.” – Jake threatened making you stare in shock at him.
“She doesn’t want you cause I’m her boyfriend. She’s mine and let me tell you ass, I don’t like sharing.” – Jake said over the phone. – “This was your last call or you’re dead!” – he angrily hung up the phone. – “Thank… thank you…” – you said astonished by how hot that was. Jake tugged your phone in his pocket.
Penny arrived with the drinks as he took them, motioning with his head for you to follow. You slid into a booth with him as the others were waiting. Hangman threw an arm over your shoulder, pushing you closer to him. It made you feel like squealing. The lines of pretend and real blurring away. Jake caught you staring at him, melting as he saw you smile like the sun back at him. He moved his head closer to you, wanting to kiss you in that moment, but caught himself just in time.
He shifted his head to the side, kissing your cheek instead. It didn’t feel satisfying, but he wouldn’t dare himself to kiss you out of the blue with everyone around. Your friends were so used to the two of you dating, they hardly had any eye for it. Not clear it was all an act, started from a joke. After an hour or two, checked Jake his watch. – “I’m taking Y/n home.” – he said removing his arm from you. He got out of the booth, taking you with him.
You said goodbye to the others. Jake grabbed your hand, walking out of Penny’s bar with you. Outside he was still holding your hand as it made you snicker soft. – “No one’s watching Hangman.” – you told him. Hangman looked at you with eyes full of affection. – “I know.” – he responded, pausing you. – “Are we still faking it?” – he asked catching you by surprise. Unsure, you pulled your shoulders up. That seemed to answer Hangman enough as he cupped your cheeks, kissing your lips.
The kiss was long, anticipating the moment till he could finally kiss you. His tender kiss moved to longing and desperation as his hands grabbed you tightly. You kissed him back, fully surrendering under his spell. The lines of fake dating having been shattered long ago.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!
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military-newsboys · 2 days
Mav: I promised Ice I wouldn't do anything stupid today. Bradley: Why would you lie to dad like that?
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aimee-doll-333 · 2 years
Every friend group should have;
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enthyrea · 3 months
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two commissions for the lovely @sizzlingcloudalmondspy !
the first is mav and phoenix talking about their partners, with said partners watching amusedly.
the second is jake trying to flirt with bradley by telling him he’s always loved the 80s stache, unfortunately bradbrad thinks jake is talking about his dad.
thank you for commissioning me!
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autumntouched · 1 year
ode to phoenix/football rivalry: nat finds out she can 💦 only after she starts dating jake and he prides himself in fact that he can make it happen multiple times a round/night (he’s 100% the kind of guy who can have multiple orgasms and uses it to their advantage)
I'm back and refreshed for Day 17 of Ode to Phoenix! Obviously today's is 18+, NSFW.
Sorry to skip around a little on your Hannix Football Rivalry AU requests. I'm keeping them chronological because a) I don't have time to outline and write on such tight turnarounds and b) I want to be able to build off each of the fics. Please hang tight! They're in the works.
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Summary: Hannix Football Rivalry AU. Natasha and Jake make a discovery, and Jake has to get competitive about it...not that Natasha minds
Pairing: Natasha "Phoenix" Trace x Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Warnings: All smut, no plot. Vaginal fingering/oral sex/penetrative sex (m/f), squirting (f)
A/N: Is it just me or is Monica, I mean Phoenix, checking out Glen's, oops lol Hangman's, rear in this gif?? Like her eyes are unnecessarily drifting a little far to the left to be watching his shot or the pocket. Okay, just me? Cool. Here we go! Hope you like it xx
Make You Soak My Sheets
“Wait, Jake, wait,” Natasha pleads desperately, gulping air to hold back the intense urge to pee. When he’s too slow to release the pressure of his fingers inside her, she snaps her knees shut so fast only his remarkably honed reflexes keep him from being knocked in the head. “Stop!” she shouts before she pees all over his bed and embarrasses herself even further. As it is, she covers her burning face. 
“Oh shit, Nat, are you okay? I thought—I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Carefully, he withdraws his fingers from her. She’s so wet from everything his mouth and hands have done to her since he stripped her and laid her naked on his bed that her arousal spills from her emptied core. He climbs up to lay beside her. 
Natasha pushes her hand up her forehead, forcing herself to face him. “You weren’t hurting me. I–.” Humiliation claws at her throat. When did she start caring so much about what he thinks of her in bed? She certainly hadn’t when all this began. It’s all supposed to be fun. 
“Hey.” There’s so much concern in his voice that she feels even worse. Since she and Jake realized that they enjoy spending time together, and that enjoying regular time with each other in and out of bed could be called dating, he’s shown her a completely different side of him. One that’s patient, gentle, and tender. Which is everything he is in this moment when he massages light, soothing circles over her stomach. “You can always tell me if I’m doing something you don’t like.” He kisses her collarbone. “I promise it’s good for me only if it’s good for you.” 
A new heat seeps past her embarrassment. It’s deep and radiant and steady, and she’s coming to understand that it might be love. Loving anyone in this way isn’t something she was looking for, or even thought she wanted, so falling in love with Jake “Hangman” Seresin almost seems like a hoax the universe is pulling on her. She’s not ready to say anything about that quite yet, but she does want to calm the anxious lines on his handsome face. “You were going to make me pee,” she admits shyly. Since when is she shy with Hangman? 
He frowns and pulls back slightly so she can get up. “You don’t have to wait to use the bathroom. Do you need to go?”
“I mean, I don’t have to now. And I went right before we…started. Just when you were fingering me there.” What the hell, she’s talking about her bladder function with him. She drags her hand back down over her face, but Jake tugs it away. 
His expression is thoughtful. “Has this happened before?” 
Natasha focuses on the delicious layer of chest hair covering his curved pecs rather than meeting his slightly amused and curious gaze. “With you? Yes. Several times. But not really before that.”
“Those other times you made me stop?” he realizes. 
“Yes! I’m not going to pee in your bed, Bagman!” she huffs. That’s not something she wants him to tease her about later, even if his ribbing is more affectionate than obnoxious these days. She’s not five. 
“That would be okay with me.” 
Exasperated, she finally looks up at him only to be surprised that although there’s a hint of a smile on his lips, he seems serious. “You want me to pee in your bed?” she demands skeptically. 
Jake leans in and brushes her hair from her face. “I want to make you come so hard you pee in my bed,” he clarifies, voice hungry and slightly breathless. As if to prove the truth of his words, his dick thumps against her thigh. He kisses her mouth, the taste of her still thick on his lips, and groans when he draws back. “Please, babe, I want to do that for you so bad.” 
He noses at her neck, the hand on her stomach creeping up to caress the underside of her breast. Natasha’s nerves are already humming again, charged by every nip he leaves making his way down her chest. “You’re so fucking hot when you let go for me, Natasha,” he promises between each bite. The way he says her name should be illegal because she is absolutely defenseless against it. Suddenly, she’s somehow on the verge of begging him for what he clearly wants. 
Jake rolls over her and knees her legs apart before he cups her breast into his mouth, tongue dancing around her nipple until her vision goes blurry. The ache between her legs drowns out everything but the need for him inside her again, filling her, driving at that pressure point until she bursts. “Tell me you want it,” he breathes across her nipple, making her whine and curl her thighs open for him. “Tell me how good you want me to make you feel.” 
“I want it,” she begs, unable to find any words but the ones he’s giving her. She’ll say anything for him to be inside her. “I want it, Jake.” Her thighs flutter and shake in anticipation as he kisses and tongues his way down her abdomen, chuckling at her needy whines and gasps.
He settles between her legs again and his expression becomes intent as he opens her to him. “God I love it when you’re so wet for me, Nat.” She can no longer remember at what point she stopped being "Phoenix" in bed unless he's been turned on by her flying or she's returned with another ribbon for her chest. He slides a finger into her and they both moan at its slick path. It’s not enough.
“More,” she pleads.
Jake leans in and tongues her clit as he slips a second finger inside her. Natasha’s hips jump when he reaches the place she’d begged him off. “You want it right there?” he asks. 
She nods and closes her eyes against her fracturing vision. Encouraged, his strokes grow firmer and Natasha pushes her hand into her hair to keep herself from flying apart right then and there. 
“Jake,” she gasps as the pressure escalates with the intensity of how hard his fingers are fucking her, swelling like a balloon stretching to its limit. Her lungs strain to take in air faster than he drives it out of them. The tightening knot of her bladder creates a buzzing friction that makes her feel so full she might explode if she doesn’t release. But even with his promises, she holds back.
Feeling her clench down on him, he kisses the inside of her thigh. “It’s okay, I got you. I just want to see you let go for me, babe.” Natasha’s hand falls back to the bed and, with some effort, she steadies her breathing until the tension in her eases. “Jesus Christ," he praises, "you feel so fucking good right now.”
Everything out of his mouth obliterates her grip on her control. She wants to tell him how close she is but her brain keeps glitching, turning her words to high, keening gasps instead. When the urge becomes too much, rather than resisting this time, she bears down and lets go. 
“Holy shit, Nat,” Jake exhales reverently as warm liquid streams between her legs and her whole body snaps and unravels. His mouth is on her, soaking up her release like she’s a fountain of the sweetest drink he’s ever tasted. The fission of her climax surges up her spine, splitting her apart with a rapturous cry. 
Every one of her muscles comes undone, thrusting her into his mattress with the force of pulling her plane into the air as she collapses in on herself. Gravity fades with the throes of her orgasm, as if the shock waves of pleasure rippling through her are the only thing holding her together, until she floats weightlessly into a state of deep relaxation. 
It takes her a long moment for her to come back to herself and remember where she is. Hazily, Natasha watches Jake lift his drenched face from her core, his expression as blissed out as she feels. “That wasn’t pee, babe.” His voice is absolutely wrecked. “You squirted and that might have been one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen you do. And I think pretty much everything you do is hot.” Lightly, he kisses her sensitive clit and her thighs quake from the slight touch. “You’re the best thing I’ve ever tasted.” 
“The bed’s wet,” she realizes slowly. 
Jake crawls up between her legs. “I’ll gladly change my sheets anytime you want to do that for me again.” He drops a kiss between her breasts then nuzzles her neck. “I almost came just watching you.”
Natasha brushes the hair at the back of his neck, staring up into his dark, molten gaze. “I’ve never done that before,” she admits quietly. 
A cocky smile hitches across his mouth. “Then that is just the first of many times.” Already he knows her so well. She can’t resist a challenge even if she’s not sure yet how she feels about soaking his bed. At least he seems to enjoy it.
“You sure about that?” she goads him to see what he’s going to do about it.
Immediately, Jake’s face folds into a scowl. "I'm going to make you soak my sheets," he promises.
She might have made a mistake, Natasha thinks not long after, because she has to muffle her screams in his pillow as he thrusts into her past her walls tightening around him, thumb relentless on her clit, until she gushes all over his pelvis and thighs. And this time, it’s too much for him. Jake shouts her name as he comes hard and long, dick pulsing deep inside her over and over. 
He drops forward, catching himself on the bed. Reaching down, breathing jagged and labored, he drags his fingers through her release and sucks it off them with a long moan. Natasha has never seen Jake so absolutely wrecked and despite coming down from her own orgasm, finds herself turned on all over again. 
It feels less like a mistake though and more like an incredible discovery when she’s stretched beneath him, Jake curled over her with his face buried in her neck and hand tangled in her hair as he strokes into her from behind. He mouths her skin and the dips at the top of her spine, panting desperate sweet nothings there. Every time their bodies slap together, his aim on her g-spot as impeccable as his aim in the air, the pressure in her winds tighter. And now that she knows what’s on the other side of it, Natasha relaxes into the fullness and lets go. As soon as she feels the now almost familiar waterfall of warmth, his balls contract against her ass and he comes. 
His arm wriggles its way between her abdomen and the bed, and his strong fingers coax her through her own orgasm. It washes over her like the tide sliding over the sand. 
“Jake,” she rasps, her voice entirely raw and spent. Her forehead falls forward onto the mattress as her hips arch back up into him. Jake keeps his gentle hold on her quaking body until they sink back into the ruined bed. 
They drift in and out of half sleep wrapped up in each other until he musters enough will to turn on the bedside lamp. He climbs off her with a kiss on her shoulder. “I should change the bed, sweetheart,” he murmurs. There’s something new in his voice, a new intimacy she hasn’t heard before. She’s too spent and sated to think more about what that means right now and files it away for later.
Whatever mortification seizes her when she sees the soaked, ravaged state of his sheets evaporates as soon as she looks up to find a self-satisfied grin on his glowing face. “You going to doubt me the next time I promise you something in bed?” he challenges.
Natasha gathers her own smirk as she helps him strip the bed. “I don’t know, Bagman. Can’t say I mind you trying to prove yourself.” 
“Try!” he exclaims scornfully. “That was not a try.” 
She can’t help messing with him. “Oh, then what was it?”
He tosses aside the comforter furiously. “I’ll show you what that was, Lieutenant.” And he scoops her up to make her squirt one last time in the shower, eyes triumphant and euphorically dark, as he watches her fall apart around his mouth and fingers. He swallows her down before he lets her slide, boneless and wrung out, into his arms while the water rinses over them. “That’s what they call expertise.”
Natasha has to admit, she can't wait to enjoy more of that expertise.
Tag List: @melodiousoblivionao3
Ode to Phoenix Masterlist
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lieutenantfloyd · 9 months
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I don't know if anyone else has posted this, but Lauren Polizzi (the art director for TGM) has a lovely online portfolio where she shares some of her creative thought processes and details from movies she has worked on. Including lots of details, fun facts, many photos of The Hard Deck, the ready room, the hangar, and a few other scenes!
Not only is it really interesting to see what went on behind the scenes, but the photos are also great references if you make any type of fanwork! Above are a few of the set photos she published and below is a link to the full post. I highly suggest checking it out!
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ereardon · 5 months
Before I Knew [Masterlist] — Full Length Series
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A Jake Seresin unexpected pregnancy fic
Overview: On your first night after moving to San Diego to spend more time with your brother Bob, you unknowingly have a one night stand with his teammate Jake Seresin. For the first time in his whole life, Bob has a closely knit friend group and you’re desperate not to rock the boat. But an unexpected and unplanned pregnancy upends your world, forcing you and Jake closer together, against Bob’s wishes. What will happen when you find yourself actually falling for the father of your unborn child? 
Pairing: Jake Seresin x Reader; Bob Floyd x Sister!Reader 
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
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beezelarts · 6 months
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It’s done, folks!!!
I hope you like it♥️
If you are a fanfiction author: feel free to use this in your work. Just tell me beforehand ♥️
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