#javy coyote machado smut
theharddeck · 6 months
santa baby (been an awful good girl) // coyote x f!reader
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pairing: javy coyote machado x fem!reader (no y/n)
synopsis: coyote dresses up as santa + reader is only human = reader and coyote get it on in santa's workshop
word count: 6.6k
warnings: 18+ explicit content, minors DNI: unprotected sex, explicit PiV sex, a bit of dumbification, slight overstimulation, lowkey desecrating the concept of christmas but like in a hot way
A/N: i...i have no excuse. thinking of javy being dorky during sex has effectively ruined me. merry chrysler
The second Sunday in December was the tree-lighting at Miramar. 
The event entailed, of course, the lighting of the tree at the center of base, but also a crafts market, an ugly-Christmas sweater competition, and breakfast-for-dinner, but most importantly: a meet and greet with Santa. 
While it wasn’t required attendance for any of the Service members, most everyone who wasn’t on leave found some way to be involved. You found yourself at the cookie decorating station, trying to teach kids a modicum of restraint, and sneaking glances at your boyfriend over in Santa’s Workshop. 
That’s right, Javy Machado – distinguished Lieutenant, Louisiana’s finest, and your personal hero – was currently drowning in red velvet and faux ermine, dressed up as jolly old Saint Nick. His diamond-sharp jawline was hidden behind a monstrosity of a fake beard, but he had managed to master the twinkle in his eye. The night was winding down, but he showed no waning energy, just endearing interest in each and every child that made its way into the small structure. 
You could just barely see him through the front window of the Workshop, but every time you looked over at him, your heart fluttered. 
It was the way he hunched his shoulders, clearly trying to diminish his size to make himself seem less intimidating. 
It was the way he met each child’s eye, exuding comfort and kindness. 
It was how after a couple of minutes, even the shyest child seemed to relax against him, how their smiles brightened and their giggles echoed around the family center. 
You knew Javy was a total sweetheart, but it made you so proud to see how special he was making this Christmas for each of these kids, some of whom were having a dark season with their parents being deployed. 
There was a clatter and you looked away from the workshop to find RJ, one of Payback’s kids, looking guiltily up at you, holding an entire paper plate covered in Snowman sprinkles. The faint outline of a sugar cookie was visible under the blue-and-white pile, but not by much. 
Good thing it was only the ninetieth time this had happened today. 
“Happens all the time,” you said brightly, keeping your voice happy so the kid wouldn’t panic, and thinking of a diversionary topic. “Did you see Santa already?”
RJ nodded, willingly distracted. 
“He said he’d get me a Lego set!” he said, the slight lisp in his voice absolutely adorable. “A Lego set!” you repeated, folding the plate slightly so that you could pour the excess sprinkles into a dixie cup. “One of the Star Wars ones??”
“Yep!” RJ told you excitedly, his eyes widening, the sprinkles dilemma forgotten. “With an X-wing, so I can have a plane, like Daddy!” 
You finished pouring off the sprinkles, and turned the still-overly-sprinkled-but-now-recognizable-as-a-cookie plate back to RJ. He grinned up at you through a missing tooth and you couldn’t help but smile back. 
Payback might be nearly as bossy as Mav when you were up in the air, but he did have damn cute children. 
You were halfway through helping RJ with a sleigh-shaped cookie when the Christmas music they’d been cranking turned off with reverb, and someone cheerily announced over the loudspeaker that it was time for the festivities to draw to a close. Overhead lights turned on, dispelling the ambiance created by thousands of christmas lights, but you were halfway through the cookie, so you two kept working on it. 
What were they going to do? 
At some point, Reuben came over with a couple wrapped packages tucked under his arm, giving you a grateful look for keeping an eye on his son. 
The only warning you had was RJ’s reverent gasp and the widening of his eyes before you felt familiar hands on your waist and an unfamiliar beard scratching your neck. 
“Santa,” RJ breathed, and you tried to delicately step out of Javy’s grasp as he realized he couldn’t exactly greet his real-life girlfriend while there were still kids who believed in the magic of Santa within eyesight.
Javy cleared his throat and you pressed your lips together to hide a smile as you watched your boyfriend stand up straighter under the boy’s worshipful gaze.  
“RJ,” Javy said, his voice pitched lower than normal, to disguise it, and you noticed he was avoiding Reuben’s gaze pretty determinedly. “Doing some serious cookie decorating, I see?”
RJ nodded animatedly, holding up his plate to show “Santa” and nearly tipping both cookies off it in the process. Reuben dove for it, and you tried not to laugh, leaning lightly against Javy. You noticed absently that he must’ve taken the suit padding out, because you could feel his stomach through the red velvet.
Unfortunately, when RJ looked up from his plate, he noticed your lean, as well as Javy’s hand on your hip. He frowned, his small forehead wrinkling, and he tipped his head up at Javy. 
“That’s Coyote’s girlfriend,” he told Javy archly. 
“Uh,” Javy stalled, and you again found yourself fighting the urge to laugh, “yes. And…that’s why I want to steal her away for a moment. Coyote’s been a really good boy this year, and I want to talk about what kind of present he would want.”
RJ’s eyes narrowed, and he was about to say something else, before Reuben gave an exasperated sigh. 
“For God’s sake,” he muttered, reaching for RJ’s cookie plate, effectively poaching the boy’s attention. 
“Let’s show these cookies to your Ma, yeah, Junior?” he asked, before turning back to you and Javy. “And you two– behave.”
He spun on his heel, and RJ waved enthusiastically to you before following his father happily, and you turned to Javy, smiles breaking over both of your faces. 
“Not your most graceful, lieutenant,” you teased him, but Javy was already looking around the recreation center. 
With the overhead lights on, and the Christmas music off, it was rapidly emptying. Teams had already been tasked to come in tomorrow to clean it out, so for now everyone was clearing out, trying to get their kids home before the sugar crash set in, and Javy’s gloved hand found one of yours. 
“Come on,” he said quietly, in his normal voice, and you followed him instinctively when he tugged lightly on your grasp. 
You were surprised when he led you back over to Santa’s Workshop, and you ducked into the entryway. 
It wasn’t a large space, something constructed of red and green painted plywood pieces, barely big enough to accommodate Santa’s throne. The throne itself was a replica of the Iron Throne that Fanboy had paid a preposterous amount for, and had been convinced to donate to the greater good. He had then had to be led away from in agony, as Army Wives sanded down the pointy edges, and repainted the swords as candy canes.
“Nice digs, Santa,” you said wryly, your sentence ending on a squeak as Javy pulled you into his arms. 
Kissing him with the fake beard was funny, but his mouth was distracting enough that you soon forgot. 
You melted into him as you always did, your hands pressed against his broad chest. Javy’s strong arms banded around you as he kissed you hungrily, like he’d been waiting, like he’d been missing you. He tasted like peppermint, like the candy canes the “elves” (Natasha and Jake) had forced on him any time he started looking bored. 
When he pulled back, you were breathless, blinking up at him slowly. 
Javy smiled at you softly, his own chest rising and falling underneath your hands. He was so unbelievably handsome, always, but you loved his sweet smile. 
Especially how it looked from this close. 
“Hi,” you whispered, and Javy groaned, leaning down to kiss you again. 
His tongue swept into your mouth, and your knees almost buckled, causing you to cling to his shoulders. He was so strong, so big, and you knew he loved holding you, nearly as much as you treasured being held.  
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered against your lips, and you felt your skin heat. You were just wearing a festive sweater under a pinafore-style skirt, aiming for comfort and festivity over something that accentuated your figure.
“It’s just a–” you tried, but Javy made a disapproving sound and kissed you firmly, interrupting your rationalization. 
“Beautiful,” he insisted, after a moment, and you nodded dazedly. 
Javy hummed, approving, and he shifted to pull off his gloves. A moment later, you felt his index finger under your chin. He tilted your head up towards him, and his kiss turned gentle, indulgent. 
“I could feel you watching me, you know,” Javy murmured, between kisses. 
 You shivered when his thumb brushed over your jaw. 
“Hard not to,” you managed to say. 
Javy laughed, a low, warm sound, that you felt like a caress. 
“What is it, honey,” he teased, brushing light kisses up your cheek, and ducking his head to reach behind your ear, “the red velvet doing it for you?”
You let out a breathy gasp when you felt his teeth ghost over your earlobe. 
“‘Course not,” you mumbled, but it didn’t sound convincing. 
It actually wasn’t the red velvet. 
It wasn’t even how sweet he had been with the kids, which was pretty darn sweet. 
“What was it?” Javy asked, as he kissed down your neck. 
You shivered as his tongue and teeth teased you. When he reached the collar of your sweater, he nosed it aside, and sucked lightly at the space where your neck met your shoulder.
“The glasses,” you blurted. 
You felt him hesitate, and he pulled back, looking at you amusedly. 
“The glasses?” he echoed, and you tried not to squirm. 
“Well, and the beard,” you admitted. “Not the actual aesthetics, just, like, the idea of them…the idea of older you. Silver fox Javy, you know, graying and—”
With a whoosh, the overhead lighting in the recreation center shut off. 
You turned to look out the window, surprised to find that no one else was left in the recreation center. They had cleared out quickly and the large room was suddenly dark, except for the lights strung around the “roof” of Santa’s Workshop. 
When you looked back at Javy, his teeth gleamed as he smiled.
His hand trailed down his arm till it tangled with yours, and he pulled you deeper into the workshop. 
“Javy, we should go–” you started to protest, but you broke off when he sat on the throne. 
The twinkling lights cast a golden glow into the otherwise dark room, and even in the shadows, Javy looked so damn sexy. He shifted in the seat, his thighs spreading, and planted his boots on the ground. He still held your hand, and you really did feel like you were standing in front of a throne, a queen to his king.
“It’s just us, honey,” he said, his voice deep, and you were having a hard time coming up with a response. Not when he looked this good, not when he was looking at you like that, not when you could already see the outline of his hardening dick against the inside of his velvet suit. 
God, what a thought–velvet and Javy. 
Your mouth practically watered, and when Javy tugged lightly on your hand, you let him pull you. You stood between his spread legs, the throne tall enough that you barely had to bend down to kiss him. This kiss was impossibly slow, leisurely. 
Javy’s hands trailed down your body, settling under your ass as he pulled you closer to him. You whimpered as his touch pulled you flush against him, his body hard against you, and his fingers gripping the flesh of your ass. Your own hands ran over his chest, around the back of his neck, anchoring you to him.
His big hands kneaded your ass, and you whimpered against his mouth when he guided you slightly sideways, against where his dick rested on his thigh.  
You felt your kisses turn lazy as he overwhelmed you. 
His big hands, his strong thighs, his hot cock, his broad chest…you felt your knees weaken as the kiss deepened. 
Javy knew, and he pulled back, giving you space. His hand found yours again, and he led you from between his legs, before reaching under your skirt. 
His touch was slow, certain, as his fingers trailed up your thighs to your waistband, where he found the edge of your tights, and slid them down your legs. He went slowly, and you were grateful for it; your head was spinning and you didn’t feel like you could catch your breath. You watched as he pulled the tights down your thighs, prompting you to step out of your shoes first. 
“Here, honey,” he prompted, guiding you to balance on the thick toes of his boots, so you wouldn’t have to stand on the floor, before he peeled your tights off. 
That thoughtfulness, combined with the determined carefulness with which he undressed you, sent another wave of arousal for you, and you followed his instruction without thinking. 
His hands were back on your legs then, reaching under your skirt again, up and up, and you shivered when his hands ghosted over the front of your underwear. 
“Were you telling the truth?” he murmured, his voice low, and you pressed your lips together to trap a whine inside your throat. “Am I gonna find you worked up under here?” 
You weren’t sure until his fingers pressed between your thighs. 
And then you moaned, you couldn’t help it. Javy’s fingers pressed into your center over your panties, his touch collecting your arousal and you felt the drag of wetness between his finger, the thin fabric, and your skin. 
Javy hummed his approval, and his pleasure had you bowing into him. 
“Javy,” you whispered, not sure what you were asking for, but certain he would know. 
“C’mere, baby,” he said softly, pulling you into his lap, his hands not leaving your panties, but still keeping you covered by your skirt. He guided you over his thighs, your legs spreading to rest in his lap, and you immediately were obsessed with the feeling of velvet stretched over his strong thighs. 
You looked up at his expression, and you felt your heart flutter. 
Christ, he was so beautiful. 
His expression was one of intense focus, but the panes of his face were so gorgeous, all the more for the fondness between the both of you. 
You pressed yourself up to kiss him, knowing you’d stumble over finding the words to tell him. Javy’s lips were so soft, his mouth so gentle, and the hand that wasn’t under your skirt cupped the back of your neck. The tenderness in his touch coupled with the strength in his hands was a heady combination, and you melted into his arms again. 
After a couple long, sweet kisses, you felt his hands move against you. 
You broke away from his kiss, breath catching as Javy dragged a thick finger over your now soaking panties. 
“You’re so warm here,” Javy murmured, his voice almost reverent, and your hands splayed over the red coat, grasping whatever you could. The pressure of his hand and the deep timbre of his voice were enough to drive you mad, and he knew it. 
“You feel so good, honey, so inviting…” Javy continued, and he pushed your panties aside. 
You whimpered at the first brush of his fingers against your core, slickened by your arousal, and warm against your skin. Your fingers scrambled to undo the red coat, fumbling with the buttons until you had the jacket undone, and you could feel the familiar cotton of his white undershirt. 
It wasn’t enough, you needed his skin. 
“Off,” you mumbled, and Javy chuckled as you pulled weekly at the bottom of his undershirt. It took some maneuvering, but you got the jacket off, then the undershirt, and then decided the beard and hat – while they had their charm – needed to go as well. 
And then you were breathless for a whole other reason. 
“You look like a damn fireman calendar,” you told him, your voice somewhere between amused and chagrined at the perfection that was a shirtless Javy Machado in red velvet pants and thick black boots, reclining in a garish throne. You decided that indulging the fantasy couldn’t hurt, and you guided the suit jacket up over his shoulders again. You tipped your head to the side, regarding your amused boyfriend.  
“Some mom in New Jersey would lose her shit,” you told him honestly, and it probably should’ve made you jealous, but it made you just so damn thankful he was all yours. 
You watched Javy’s abs contract as he laughed, pulling you back to him, and you smiled as he kissed you. You loved that it was like this with him – playful and fun, as well as just so fucking hot. 
It only took a moment for the laughter to fade from your kiss, and Javy’s hand was back inside your panties a moment later. 
He pulled a finger through your folds and your head fell back at his tease. He gathered your arousal with his finger, pulling his hand back up to the top of your slit. He found your clit easily, a familiar path, and when he pressed firmly, your legs jolted. 
“You’re Coyote’s girl, aren’t you?” he said thickly, and you wondered if he was thinking back to what RJ had said, or if he just liked the thought of you being his. Either way, you nodded weakly, overwhelmed by the pattern he traced over your clit. 
Javy turned his head so he could kiss your neck again, his lips pressing into you, tongue teasing you in a motion that mirrored his fingers at your core. You leaned into him, loving his strength and his focus on you. His hand, his mouth, his broad chest, all had your head swimming, and building up a heat within you. 
Your hips were moving, rocking into him, and you felt empty, needy. 
“Answer the question, honey,” he murmured into your neck, and he pulled back his hand to readjust. 
“Yes, Javy,” you breathed, forming the words feeling like a gargantuan effort, “yours.”
“Damn right,” he said, and then a finger was pushing through your folds as his thumb traced over your clit. 
You moaned as he pushed into you, a steady intrusion and just what you wanted. You rocked your hips into his touch, seeking more, deeper, and Javy chuckled. 
“Easy, baby,” he said softly, and you shook your head. 
“Need you, Javy,” you protested. His finger was thick, brushing into you, but you knew it wasn’t enough, knew it wasn’t what you needed. He grunted, shifting again, and then another finger was between your legs. Javy’s hand on your hip angled your hips downward, and your mouth fell open when he lifted his palm so you could grind your clit against it. 
His fingers inside you were pressing deep, stretching you, and you welcomed the width of them as you ground into his palm. 
“Baby, fuck,” you panted, and you felt his hips jerk up into you. 
Which had the opposite effect than what he had intended. 
Because his fingers were good, and his hand was good, and everything felt so fucking good– but you knew what was between his legs. And his hand wasn’t enough. 
“You need to be fucked, don’t you, honey,” Javy asked hotly, his voice low in your ear. You nodded desperately, your hips working against his fingers eagerly. He’d fill you so good, fuck you so full, and you needed it, needed him. 
You were overheating in your sweater, nearly wild with wanting him so bad, but you were taking everything he’d give you, always would. 
“Please, baby,” you whispered, and it sounded like a whine. You felt his hips press up again, an unintentional response, and your hips worked faster. 
“‘s too fast, sweetheart,” Javy said, but it sounded like maybe he was trying to convince himself too. “You’re not ready…”
You moaned, your head dropping to his shoulder. 
You knew he was right, knew you had to be worked up to taking his cock, but you wanted to be full of him, wanted to feel like his, wanted him to push everything else out of your mind with his dick. 
“Please,” you whimpered, unafraid to beg, and you felt Javy’s breath catch. 
“Cum for me first, honey, come on,” he said determinedly, and you would’ve scowled at him for his stubbornness, but he was working your body so fucking well. 
His fingers were pressing deeper inside of you, searching for the spot that would tip you over the edge. He knew when he found it because your whole body seized, and he fucking cooed, pleased and proud. His fingers worked faster inside of you, his palm grinding back into your clit, and you felt your body hurtling towards completion in spite of yourself. 
You whimpered his name, and Javy soothed you, his other hand falling to your ass again. He pressed you into him, shushing you as you trembled, and it was too much, too fast. 
Your orgasm broke through you, heat crashing over you as your boyfriend rocked you in his lap. You were shaking, you were pretty sure you were babbling, as Javy worked you through your orgasm, his strong fingers pulling steadily inside of you. 
You shuddered as you came down, the world fading from technicolor to the dark light of the rec center, and the ringing in your ears quieted enough to hear Javy murmuring praise into your ear. 
“So beautiful, honey, always so beautiful when you come. Fuck, you did so good, coming on my hand like that, such a good girl for me, always so good…”
You were pressed into his chest, and you snuggled closer to his warmth, temporarily sated. You felt Javy shift his hand, pull your panties back down before sliding his hand out from under your skirt. A moment later, you felt his chest vibrate, and when you pulled back to look, his eyes were closed, head tilted back, his fingers between his lips.  
“So fucking sweet,” he said, almost to himself, licking your orgasm off his fingers. You felt your core clench at the sight of it, at the everything of him, and you tilted your head up to him, needing his kiss. 
Javy acquiesced, and you both moaned when his tongue swept into your mouth, sharing the taste of your release. It was so hot, everything he did was so hot, and impossibly, you needed him again. 
You reached down between you, your fingers skating over velvet until you found his cock. He was fully erect now, trapped against his thigh, and when your fingers coasted over him, Javy’s breath caught. 
You hummed when his hips pressed up into your touch. 
Even without your body moving to encourage him, his thighs pushed his dick towards your hand, and you loved the feeling of him. Even through the soft material, he was so hard, so thick, and you were desperate for him. 
“Wait a minute, wait a minute,” Javy panted, and you loved it when he sounded like that, like he was barely clinging to sanity. 
“Don’t want to wait,” you trailed your hand up to his tip. You couldn’t feel the details of him through the suit, but you knew his cock, you knew where he was sensitive, and Javy groaned as you traced over him. He mumbled something into your sweater, but you couldn’t hear it. 
“Please, Javy,” you whispered, and he groaned again. 
His hands were on your waist, and they tightened when he pulled back. You were surprised by the truly forlorn look on his face when he looked up at you, and your hand paused, suddenly concerned. 
“I don’t have a condom,” Javy said dejectedly. “I’m sorry, honey, it felt pervy to put it in a pocket around all the kids and I–”
“We don’t need one.”
You didn’t mean to say it, but as soon as the words were out, you knew you meant them. You’d been exclusive for a couple months now, and you were tested regularly, and you trusted him. The more you thought about it, the more you wanted it– the more you needed it, the more you knew it was exactly what you needed.
Javy was so still underneath you. 
He was looking at you so closely, hope and caution warring in his expression. 
“Are you absolutely certain, honey?” he asked, and the way he was double checking was all the confirmation you needed. 
You leaned down to rest your forehead against his, loving the way his eyes followed you, even this close. You lowered your head to his, pulling back slightly when he reached up to kiss you. 
“100%,” you said against his lips, and Javy moaned, something deep in his chest, the hottest sound you’d heard. 
He surged up to kiss you, and you felt dizzy from the lingering taste of you on his tongue. When he pulled back, you were both breathless, just shy of giddy.   
“You want me to fuck you bare, sweetheart?” he asked, and his soft question made you shiver. 
“Please,” you managed, and Javy huffed something that might’ve been a laugh. 
“You’re gonna let me into that pussy raw?” he breathed, and you squirmed in his lap. You wanted him so badly, needed to feel him, just him. “Gonna let me fill you up, feel this cock press all the way into you?”
“Javy,” you moaned his name, fully wanton, unable to say anything else. 
Your hips were already rocking into him, craving the stretch of him. 
He seemed to understand, guiding you back to stand on his boots, while he shifted, sliding the suit pants down his thighs, along with his underwear. The red velvet pooled over his boots, brushing the tops of your feet, but you barely noticed. Instead, your eyes were trained between his thighs, where his dick was resting against his stomach. 
He had such a pretty cock. 
Long and heavy, curved slightly to the side, a plump head that felt absolutely unreal when it breached you. You were practically salivating for it, and you pressed your thighs together as you balanced on his boots. 
“Now you,” he prompted, and he helped you out of your sweater and skirt. A moment later, you felt Javy pull your panties off, now with no worry for the suit. 
He dropped the thin fabric to the ground and you stepped out of it, his fingers curled up to cup you. God, you loved how he touched you, so certain and steady, like him. You clutched his shoulder for balance, and Javy’s hand tightened over your pussy, pulling him to you by your pussy. 
You might as well have been on a leash. 
You could feel your legs trembling, you wanted him so bad. He guided you back onto his lap, your legs spread over his thighs again, but it was different now, because you could feel him. When you settled, your core brushed against his hot cock, and you both hissed out a breath. Desperation seemed to build between you, and Javy finally, finally let go of you, reaching down to hold his cock steady as you lowered yourself towards him. 
“Give me that pussy, baby,” he commanded, his voice low, and you wanted nothing more. 
When you felt the first press of his fat cockhead between your legs you felt like weeping. It was the smallest brush, but he was so thick, so broad, a promise. You held your breath as you lowered yourself down, a high-pitched moan working out of you when the head of him was fully inside you.  
“Ah, honey,” Javy breathed. 
It sounded like he was praying, and you understood, because it was just the tip of him, but already you were dizzy with how full you felt. 
You looked between the two of you, at the vision of his fat cock pressing into you and you moaned again. You looked so good together; it was amazing that he fit, that you could take him. You could feel his eyes on you, knew he was watching your face as you were watching where you were joined. 
“It’s so good, Javy,” you whispered, your fingers tightening on his shoulders. Your nails were probably leaving marks, not that either of you cared. 
“That’s right, sweetheart,” Javy said, his voice hoarse, “it’s so fucking good. How does my dick feel inside you, just me, so close to you?”
Your eyes closed and your jaw fell slack as pushed yourself farther onto him. The stretch neared on painful but nowhere near painful enough to make you stop. You felt him, like he said, you felt so close to him. It felt perfect, like you were made for this stretch.
“Halfway, baby,” Javy encouraged, and you practically choked at his words. 
Fuck, you thought you were farther along than that; it felt like you’d gotten farther along than that. 
But when you opened your eyes, there were still inches left of his cock, thick, searing length that you needed to fit inside of you. Javy’s hands rubbed encouraging circles on your back, and you realized your thighs were shaking. It felt like you were boiling, melting, but you knew you couldn’t stop, knew you needed to take all of him. 
Still, you couldn’t stop your whimper, “It’s too big, baby.”
Javy’s hips jerked up at your words, and his head fell back against the throne as he forced himself down, to be still. You both groaned at the ground that gave you, and Javy’s chest rose and fell rapidly. 
“You can do it, honey, you’re doing so good for me, so damn good,” he gritted, and you loved him so much. 
Loved that he was fighting for control but he still found breath to encourage you, soothe you, care for you. Your face felt wet, from sweat or tears, you couldn’t tell, but you made it the final few inches. 
When your shaking thighs met Javy’s legs, you both let out a trembling breath, and Javy wrapped his arms around you tightly. 
“Just stay here for a moment, sweetheart,” he whispered, and you lay your head on his shoulder, resting. 
You were so full. 
So sated, so absolutely content, like all you ever wanted to be was in this moment. You wanted to wrap this feeling up, remember it forever, this closeness. This perfection. 
Javy’s hands were still moving slowly up your back, his fingers pressing gently over you. You recognized he was breathing deeply, whether to help you monitor yours or because he needed to be controlled, you weren’t sure. 
You felt out of your body. 
You didn’t know how long you stayed like that, but it was long enough for the stretch to ease and your body to adjust. As you accepted him, as you welcomed him, your head cleared slightly, and you became aware of the gnawing need at your core. 
You needed him to move. 
You shifted in his lap, just slightly, and Javy’s breath punched out of him, as you clenched around him. 
“Jesus, honey, warn a man,” he choked, and you smiled. 
“Can’t help it,” you said, honestly, “just feels too good.”
“You’re telling me,” he murmured, turning towards you. 
He kissed you slowly, languidly, his tongue pressing between your lips as he gently pushed his hips upward. You felt your limbs go lax; he wasn’t even pumping but he was so damn deep inside you. It felt like a caress, something gentle and sacred, and you rested on him. 
He pressed up again, and he broke the kiss, his warm breath coasting over your lips. 
“Feels fucking unreal, honey,” he whispered hoarsely. “You’re so tight, so wet. God, I can feel every inch of you like this, feels like heaven.”
You hummed your agreement, turning your head to kiss along his jaw. Your lips brushed over his jawline, your tongue tasting his sweat, kissing him lightly as he rocked slowly into you again. Time felt like molasses, seeping so slowly by, and everything was distilled to the press of his hips into yours, of his cock straining inside of you. 
You whispered his name, and his hands slipped from your back to your waist. 
“Need something, honey?” Javy asked, and you whined in response. 
He was slow and steady, unhurried, stoking that heat inside of you. It was perfect, it was killing you, you needed more.
“Do you think,” Javy’s voice was still breathless, but took on a teasing lilt, “you were naughty or nice this year?”
You swatted at him weakly, his chest already huffing as he laughed. 
“You’re an idiot,” you mumbled, turning to a moan at another gentle rock.
“You know I’d know if you’d been bad or good,” he said, amusing himself even as you squirmed on his cock. “I’ve got a list.”
“I swear, Javy–” 
“Do you think you’ve been a good girl for Santa?”
God, he was such a dork, but he was also so hung, and you couldn’t handle both at once. But then Javy’s hands wrapped under your ass again. Before you could sigh in relief, he lifted you up, strong arms fully pulling you off his dick, and then thrusted up into you. 
You screamed. 
You couldn’t help it, you felt it so much, so deep, so fucking full of him, and Javy’s proud laugh turned to a groan as you clenched around his cock. He’d scrambled your brain with his dick, that was the only explanation, because you were moaning and you felt every limb shaking, and you needed him to do it again. 
“If I didn’t know better, I’d think you wanted someone to hear us,” he chastised you gently, and you whimpered at his words. 
You both knew no one was left in the rec center, probably not even the parking lot, but fuck if the idea of someone walking in on you fucking your boyfriend on this throne of his didn’t turn you on even more.  
Javy sighed, something awed. “Is that it, honey? You want someone to see you? Want someone to walk in on you milking this bare cock? Want someone to watch me shove it so deep into your pussy, see how badly you need it?”
He lifted you again before you could respond, his strong arms pulling you up and then bringing you back down into his lap, his cock thrusting deep into you. You couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe, could only want more, need more. You felt something drip out of your mouth, realized belatedly you were literally drooling. 
Javy swore when he felt it, too, and his hips moved faster. He held you steady as he pushed up into you, slamming his hips up to meet yours. 
It was fast, it was rough, it was so, so deep, and you could only think that you needed him to keep going. 
Javy was grunting with each thrust of his hips, a gorgeous sound that had your mind racing. You could feel his balls slapping against your ass as he drove into you, so deep, and you scrambled for purchase, your hands clinging to the back of the throne, anything for leverage as he pumped into you. 
“I wouldn’t care,” Javy said, almost growled, and you felt your core clench tighter on him at that tone in his voice. “Fucking Simpson could break in now, honey, and I wouldn’t care, I couldn’t stop. You think anything could stop me now that I’ve felt this bare cunt around my cock? Nah, it’s too good, it’s so damn good. Fuck, honey, you feel—”
He broke off, and you felt his teeth bite into your shoulder, grounding himself as he drove into you. Vaguely you knew you were close, knew it in an abstract scientific way, because you could barely string two thoughts together, much less words. 
You could only cling to him, to your sweet, strong, Javy.  
“Riding me so good, baby,” Javy mumbled into your shoulder. “Being so good for me, honey, you’re always so good for me. My best girl, my beautiful, best girl. Sweetheart, I’m close, are you close?”
You nodded, or maybe you wailed, but you knew he could hear you, because his thrusts got more frantic. His thrusts were getting shorter, and you realized it was because he couldn’t reach as deep as he wanted, as fast as he wanted. Javy made a noise of frustration and his thighs flexed, then he was lifting you. 
Still impaled on his cock, he shifted you, turned you, and then your back was pressed against the cool surface of the throne. Javy was between your legs, then, and you wrapped your arms around him, pulling him back into you. 
“Please, baby,” you whimpered, and Javy groaned in response. 
“Anything, fuck, you know that, sweetheart, anything,” he whispered, and then he grabbed the throne. 
All you could do was take it. 
Lie in the space between his arms, between his legs, clinging to him as Javy gripped the throne for leverage and thrust into you. You were held firm as he thrust into you, the new angle causing his dick to brush against a spot inside you that had your toes curling. 
“Right there, Javy,” you cried, and you felt him press deeper, determined. 
“I’ve got you, sweetheart,” he panted, as his hips slammed into you. “God, you feel so good, I’ve got you… I know you feel good too, come for me, please..feels like fucking home in you, please honey, I need to feel you come–”
The throne was shaking with each of his thrusts and he pulled you even closer to him. Your body shook with each rutt of his hips, but as you molded to him, your clit brushed against the hard wall of muscle that was Javy. His cock hit that spot deep inside of you, your clit rubbed against his skin, and it was overwhelming, it was everything, it was enough. 
“Come with me,” you gasped, begged, feeling a blinding heat at the tips of your toes. Javy groaned, and you knew he wanted to protest, but as your body seized, you felt him tense with you.   
You cried out as you came, exhausted and overwriting and flying, but you felt it, felt him. Javy surged up to kiss you, his mouth locking on yours. You were too tired to kiss, too poised to respond, but so was he. And as you tipped over the edge, as you cried against his lips, Javy’s strong hips stilled, and you felt his chest heave as he pumped into you. Then you were warm, so warm, feeling his cum spill inside of you, feeling the world burn around you. It was everything, you and him, locked together and spiraling, shaking. 
You were so full. 
Javy collapsed against you, somehow finding the strength to push himself onto the throne beside you. You fidgeted, squirming until you were once again in his lap, panting and shaking, as Javy held you tight while your orgasms rolled over you. 
You were grateful for the Christmas lights. 
They were a gentle light, soft when you opened your eyes, illuminating Javy’s profile like a poem. Sweat slicked between both of your bodies, and you didn’t want to think about the state the suit was in. You could feel Javy’s heartbeat through his chest, a pounding rhythm, strong and steady as he was. 
You should get up. 
But you snuggled deeper into his chest, relieved by the deep breath you felt him draw. You both basked in the muted light, the warmth of each other's arms, and you decided the feeling was also the answer to Javy’s question– you’d been nice.
Tagging some mutuals, some folks who asked for it, and general lovers of Javy: @daggerspare-standingby @blowmymbackout @teacupsandtopgun @mandylove1000 @callsign-fangirl @cheekymcgrath @goldenseresinretriever @mxgyver @laracrofted @coyotesamachado @wildbornsiren @bradshawsbitch @sebsxphia @roosterforme
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sailor-aviator · 7 months
All That Glitters Masterlist
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Pairing: Javy "Coyote: Machado x Reader
Summary: Growing up in the untamed wilds of the west afforded you many opportunities that most women weren't allowed, namely that of choice and self sufficiency. One day, your father announces his intention to marry you off, and you take your chance to escape, moving south to try your luck at striking gold. You arrive in the town of Maverick, setting up shop, but soon learn that life on your own is tougher than you previously thought. You catch the eye of a handsome man, but you're determined to rely on your own skills. Only, you may end up needing his help after all...
Series CW: Swearing, violence, period related violence and swearing, slow burn, fluff, (eventual) smut, enemies to lovers in a way, suggestive language, references to prostitution, firearms, etc. Chapter specific warnings will be included.
All posts related to this series will be tagged as "ATG" and "All that Glitters"
*Denotes smut
Masterlist || DPU Masterlist
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Chapter One (Coming Soon)
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callsign-joyride · 1 year
For SoS:
Can you please do #07 “Now, now, don’t play shy now. Let me hear you!” with Coyote? When you have the time
Watermelon Sugar | Javy "Coyote" Machado
Summary: You end up staying with Javy longer than you had planned. New kinks are discovered after a night at The Hard Deck.
Pairing: Javy "Coyote" Machado x f!reader
Content warnings: SMUT (18+), fingering, unprotected p in v, voyeurism if you squint, brief choking, squirting
Prompt: "Don't play shy now. Let me hear you."
This was written for my Summer of Smut writing event. This is also a direct sequel to Tastes Like Strawberries. Feel free to send in requests!
Your AC unit was broken broken. Javy got all of the right parts to fix it, but your house was so old that the AC was more than a surface-level problem. Your insurance company was kind enough to hire contractors to fix all of the problems before they got any worse, but the process would take weeks. So, Javy and Jake let you stay with them for longer. 
It was a Friday night, and everyone had planned to meet up at The Hard Deck. Being Javy’s girlfriend, you were always welcome to join the group for whatever activities they had planned. You had decided on wearing one of your favorite striped sundresses. Javy was going to drive both of you there, but you weren’t really planning on drinking. You got there at around the same time as Phoenix, and she asked you questions about your dress as you walked in.
As soon as Rooster walked in, the night was in full swing. Everyone was singing and dancing, and you weren’t really ready for the night to be over. You were laughing about something that Fanboy had said when Javy walked up and put his hands on your waist.
“You ready to go? I’m feelin’ kinda tired,” he whispered in your ear. You chuckled and turned to face him. 
“Yeah, we can go. Fanboy, I’ll see you around.”
“Yeah, it was good talking to you!” He loudly said as Javy took your hand and led you out of the main entrance after paying his tab. You barely made it to the car as he pushed you up against the passenger side door and started kissing you.
“You look beautiful tonight. You always look beautiful but tonight is just… Wow,” he said.
You chuckled and patted his chest before getting in the car. His hand barely left your thigh the whole time, and you were dying to get back to the apartment. The drive was quiet except for the music softly playing. Hangman had left the bar way earlier than you and Javy did and you hardly even noticed until the two of you walked in and saw him on the couch. 
“You left early,” you said.
“Yeah, I tried to get this girl’s number and it ended up being really embarrassing. I think I lost my game.”
“Sounds like it.”
After you put your bag down and took your shoes off, Javy walked you to his room. You were barely able to plug your phone in before he had his hands on you. He practically tackled you onto the bed and you couldn’t help but laugh. You sighed when he started to kiss your neck and grab your thighs. With your hands on his neck, you guided him so that his lips were on yours. He pulled away to take his shirt off and scoot you up so that you were both on the bed. The bottom of the dress was around your waist and he quickly removed your panties. 
You moaned into his mouth as he started to slowly finger you, and it wasn’t long before you felt your release. He pulled his fingers out of you and groaned as he sucked your arousal off of them before leaning down to kiss you. You unbuttoned his pants and eagerly tugged them down before starting to jerk him off.
“Baby, y’gotta let me help you. Hold on,” he said as he stood up and kicked his pants off. 
You could feel the tip of his cock teasing you when he got back on top of you. You let out a high pitched squeal when he started to fuck himself into you, but you quickly covered your mouth. He glanced up at you and moved your hand.
“Don’t play shy now. Let me hear you,” he said.
“But Jake-,”
“Let him hear. Gentle or rough?”
“Javy, I don’t know-,”
“Gentle,” he eased himself into you, “or rough?” He asked, as he pulled out leaving just the tip in before slamming back into you. 
“Fuck, please, give it to me rough,” you moaned. 
He nodded his head and put a pillow under your back before helping you wrap your legs around him. A thin layer of sweat started to form between the two of you as Javy set a brutal pace. You weren’t even trying to be quiet, and something about the fact that Jake was probably hearing you turned you on even more. Javy reached down and put light pressure on the sides of your neck and it felt like pure ecstasy. After he released his hand from your neck, he moved you down the bed so that he could get a better angle as he fucked you. You could hear the bed frame repeatedly hitting the wall with how hard he was going. 
“I’m gonna cum,” you breathed out.
Your thighs tightened around him as he harshly rubbed your clit. The grunts and moans between the two of you were loud enough to cover up the sound of the bed creaking. Javy was covered in your release and there was a wet spot on the sheets under you, and he came quickly while continuing to pound himself into you. When he got up and laughed, your first instinct was to cover yourself with the sheets.
“What’s so funny?” You asked.
“We broke the bed.”
You turned and saw how noticeable the tilt was. It was kind of funny. You giggled and got up to get a clean shirt out of his closet before going to the bathroom. Javy cleaned you up and took the sheets off of the mattress. You had to sleep at the opposite end of the bed that night because Javy didn’t want too much blood to rush to your head. 
Javy had the following day off. It was going to rain for most of the day and no one would’ve been able to fly, anyways. You were going to go together to get a new bed frame, and both of you walked out of his room at the same time. It was obvious that Jake had just gotten back from the gym because he was in workout clothes and sweaty. Things in the kitchen were pretty quiet as you grabbed a mug for your coffee and Javy tossed fruit into the blender for a smoothie. 
“It sounded like you two were having a good night,” Jake said. You let out a loud laugh and took a sip of your coffee.
“It’s too early for this,” Javy said.
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@littlebadariell @cycbaby @luckyladycreator2 @idontcare-11 @blue-aconite @maverick-wingman @shawty-fenty @littlemisstopgun @rosiahills22 @katieshook02 @justanothermagicalsara @caitsymichelle13 @smoothdogsgirl @adoringsebstan @cherrycola27 @alexxavicry @mrsjaderogers @mak-32 @thefandomimagines @tallrock35 @caatheeriinee07 @bradshawseresinbabe @atarmychick007 @3sriracha @genius2050
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thedaredevilsgirl · 2 years
I know I haven't actively appeared around here in a while, and I'm really sorry about that but I'm finally back.
Please send me your thoughts and ideas about any of the members of the Dagger Squad or Cyclone and I will write a little something about it, I know it's not much but it will help me to finally get back to normal writing
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beyondthesefourwalls · 3 months
The Plus One
Summary: You couldn’t believe he was here. He had told you he would be, over and over again, but part of you had convinced yourself it was too good to be true. There was no way a man as perfect as Javy Machado would be so into you after you spent one night together, months ago, that he’d fly out to be your date to a wedding for people he’d never met before. Yet here he was, looking as good as a dream. By the end of the night you knew one thing for certain: a weekend with him would never be enough.
Pairing: Javy Machado x Reader (no use of y/n)
Word Count: 3K
Warnings: Fluff, language, smut-esque but not detailed. Suavy Javy, because he’s a warning. 
Notes: A not-so-subtle follow up to An Aviation Special, but can be read on its own! 
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You had to make a conscious effort to keep your eyes on your sister and your new brother-in-law as they exchanged vows at the altar, as opposed to letting them stray to the man in the 8th row in the dark blue suit. 
You couldn’t believe he was here. He was actually here. 
He had told you he would be, over and over again, but even after three months of talking on the phone almost every single day, falling a little bit more with every conversation, part of you had convinced yourself it was too good to be true. There was no way a man as perfect as one Javy Machado would be so into you after you spent one night together, months ago, that he’d fly out to be your date to a wedding for people he’d never met before. Once his original flight had gotten canceled and then the next one delayed, you had convinced yourself it wouldn’t happen at all. 
Yet…here he was. Slipping in right before the ceremony started, looking just as dashing as you had remembered, and smiling at you like you were the only one in the room. 
Holy shit. 
You took in a deep, silent breath through your nose and forced yourself to center on the words being spoken by the happy couple. It was almost over, so it wouldn’t be long until you could speak to him. 
Only it really, really was. Your job as maid of honor didn’t end after the ceremony. Pictures lasted almost 45 minutes, and then you had to help your sister bustle her dress, and the tiny buttons were impossible to find amongst the miles and miles of fabric of her train. The cocktail hour was over by the time you were done, and dinner started immediately after that. You kept glancing at where he was sitting from your spot at the bridal party table, and each time you met his dark eyes, you could feel the flush heating your face.
You barely remember giving your speech, and the best man’s lasted so long, you almost requested the DJ play the Jeopardy theme song. The first dance was beautiful, but throughout the whole thing, you felt the anticipation bubbling inside of you, so hot you thought you were going to implode. Your fingers tapped an impatient rhythm against your thighs as you watched the couple twirl around the dance floor for the entire length of the song. Once it was over, the DJ invited everyone to gather on the dance floor as something more upbeat started playing through the speakers, and you were out of your seat and moving through the rising crowd. Your eyes never left his as you made your way toward him, and your smile grew the closer you got. The nerves faded away to make room for the excitement you felt at finally, finally seeing him again. 
“Fancy seeing you here,” he called out once you were close enough to hear him, a mischievous grin on his handsome face, and you giggled as you launched yourself at him.
His strong arms wrapped around you, your feet leaving the ground as you buried your face in his neck, inhaling the scent of him that you had really only experienced once, but that somehow seemed familiar in all the best ways.  
“I can’t believe you’re here,” you whispered into his ear, and you could feel the rumble in his chest as he laughed. He set you back down, but kept a hand on the small of your back, your body staying close to his.  His dark eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled, and the look in his eye was one no man had ever given you before. 
“I told you I would be,” he said. He raised his other hand to your face and let the back of his finger run gently down your cheek. You couldn’t help the shiver that went down your spine at his touch. “You look beautiful, by the way. Even more beautiful in person. Just like in New Orleans.”
“Javy,” you breathed, unable to produce any other words now that you were this close to him - that he was really here, after so many months of just hearing his voice or seeing him through a screen. If it wasn’t for physically feeling his hands on you, you would think you were dreaming. You could feel the thrum of electricity starting in your veins, and by the way his gaze darkend when it flickered to your mouth, you knew he could, too. 
“My name sounds better in person, too.”
You groaned out loud, the combination of his words and that look in his dark eyes proving to be too much. Unable to resist, you pulled his face to yours. His lips were soft as they met your own, and he didn’t hesitate to press even closer, coaxing your mouth open for him. His kiss tasted even better than you remembered.
You let yourself get lost in the moment, the music fading into the background as all of your senses honed in on this man. He pulled you impossibly closer, your body now completely flush with his. Every touch sent a jolt of heat through you, igniting the fire that had been smoldering since that night in New Orleans. No amount of talking on the phone could have prepared you for how good it would feel to finally have his hands on you again. It took everything in you to pull away before you let it completely consume you. And you knew it would have been so easy to let that happen. You had discussed that very scenario in one of the calls that had gotten a little heavier than it probably should have, him describing how it could go in very nice detail. 
You had a fleeting thought that maybe you should be worried about how simple it was to lose yourself in him, all things considered. Just like that first night, though, and all the conversation in between then and now, it all felt so, so right. 
But you were surrounded by your family, and jumping his bones in the middle of the ballroom probably wouldn’t be the wisest decision, even if it was all you wanted at that moment. 
“I have to make it through this reception,” you told him, breathless and flushed. 
Javy swallowed deeply, but nodded in agreement. He kissed you again, quick and sweet and not nearly enough. He leaned his forehead against yours, and for a moment, you were both still, breathing the other in. Then he took a deep breath and stood up straight, sending you that charming smile you hadn’t been able to get out of your head. He held his arm out, and you linked yours through it. 
“Drink?” he asked, and you smiled as you nodded. While you waited in line at the open bar, he leant down to whisper in your ear. “Do you think they have aviations on the menu?” 
You threw your head back as you laughed, remembering the pretty purple cocktail he had bought you during Mardi Gras. “I can confirm that they do not. But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t try and convince her to add it.” 
“Damn,” he cursed jokingly, no real heat behind it. He shot you a wink before asking you about how the morning had gone for you, knowing how stressed you had been over it. You talked quietly to one another as you slowly moved forward to the bar, and it wasn’t too long before Javy was ordering both of your drinks for you. Your heart skipped a beat when you realized he remembered exactly what you had said your go to normally was. You turned your head to try and hide the wide grin threatening to take over your face and pressed a kiss into his shoulder through his suit jacket. You didn’t miss how he shivered slightly at the action. 
The next few hours passed by in a blur, yet felt like it moved at a snail's pace all at the same time. Javy was never far from your side, being surprisingly willing to meet all of your family and friends. He introduced himself as a friend, but you didn’t miss the twinkle in his eye when he shot you a look as he said it. It made you giddy, even as it fueled the feeling that this was too good to be true. How in the hell had you gotten this lucky? 
You swayed in his arms now, an old slow song playing through the room. He held you close, his fingers running softly over the skin of your back where your dress dipped low. 
“I still can’t believe you’re here,” you murmured, lifting your head off his chest to meet his gaze. “I’ve been dreaming about this for months.” 
“Dancing with me?” he joked. The confident, teasing glint in his dark eyes made you immediately feel more at ease, to where you didn’t worry about dishing it right back at him. 
“Among other things, I suppose.” 
He laughed lightly, and you couldn’t help the giggle that escaped to match. He pulled you closer, pressing his lips to your forehead. “Cheeky,” he whispered into your skin. You hummed in response, neither confirming nor denying, and let yourself sway with him for another moment in silence before he spoke up again, touching on the first thing you had said. “Didn’t think I’d show?”
His tone was the same playful one as before, but you could sense the thread of insecurity in it, too, and wanted to alleviate it. 
“It’s not that,” you assured him. You trailed your finger down the lapel of his jacket, smiling softly. “Most guys…I don’t think they’d go through the effort. They certainly never have before. So I guess I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that you’re real. Does that make sense?” 
Javy nodded slowly, a contemplative look crossing his face. You let him process your words, moving together with the music. You straightened his sage pocket square and let your hand rest there, feeling his heartbeat beneath your palm. Another moment passed before he was softly speaking your name. He hooked his finger beneath your chin to guide your eyes back to his. His stare was darker now, more intense than it had been all night. You barely had time to furrow your eyebrows in confusion, let alone question him, before he was swooping down to capture your lips with his. Your squeak of surprise turned into something closer to a moan as he kissed you harder than he had all night. You sunk into it without a second thought. 
When he finally pulled back, you were left breathless, your lips tingling from the intensity. His hand lingered on your cheek before he let it trail down the column of your throat, going as far as your collar bone before it dropped. You felt the warmth of his touch sear through you, making your heart race even faster.
“I’ve been counting down the days until I could do that,” Javy confessed quietly, and you had to bite your lip to keep the whimper from escaping. His voice was low, like it was just for you, like you were the only two people here. His eyes were filled with desire, but also with something deeper, more profound. It mirrored exactly what you were feeling inside, even if you didn’t quite understand it. 
“Javy…” you started, your voice coming out breathier than you anticipated, and you watched his eyes darken at the sound of his name like that. “I-” 
Before you could continue, you were being tapped on the shoulder. You turned quickly, startled by the touch. Another of your sister’s bridesmaids was there, a smirk on her face as she looked you up and down. You couldn’t help the heat that crept up on your face, embarrassed at how you and Javy must look on the dancefloor right now. 
“Your sister and the hubs are ready to do their exit. Can you go tell the DJ?” 
Part of you was annoyed that she had interrupted you when it would have been just as easy for her to fulfill the request. But the other part of you knew that this meant the night was almost over. 
“Yeah,” you told her, “I got it.” 
You turned back to Javy once she walked away. He was looking at you with a knowing, anticipatory look in his eyes. They seemed darker than they were before, like he also put two and two together on what the bride and groom’s exit would mean. Without missing a beat, you raised on your toes to kiss him again. 
“I’ll be right back.” 
You stood with your parents as your sister and new brother in law made their way through the crowd, hugging everyone goodbye. You were glad that your dress was long enough to hide your tapping foot as you urged her to move a little bit faster. When she finally got to you at the end of the line, she sent you an overdramatic wink as she pulled you into her arms. “He’s cute. Don’t worry about cleaning up. My wedding planner is on it.” 
You had never been more grateful for your older sister in your entire life. 
It was only a few minutes later that you had bid your own goodbyes to everyone and had Javy’s finger’s locked with yours as you tugged him out of the ballroom. You turned the corner to a long hallway before you stopped him, your hands cupping his face to pull his lips to yours. His big hands fell to your waist.
It was urgent, hungry, and the raw electricity between the two of you crackled. 
“I don’t want to assume anything,” he managed to say between kisses, his lips trailing to your jaw as you both breathed heavily. “But my room is right upstairs, and-” 
“Yes,” you said. 
He pulled away far enough to look into your eyes. “Yes?” 
You bit your lip, nodding quickly. “Yes.” 
As soon as you walked through the door of his room, he had you pressed against it, claiming your lips again. You moaned into his mouth as you wrapped your arms around his neck, holding him close. He lifted you into his arms, but your long dress made it impossible to wrap your legs around him like you so desperately wanted. He must have realized that too, as he deposited you onto the counter just to the right of the door, never breaking the kiss. You bumped into various travel size bottles, and you thought some of them might have toppled over, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care; you were far too invested in this man, instead. 
When you had to pull away for air, you rested your forehead against his, breathing hard. 
“Javy,” you whispered, your voice sounding wrecked even to your own ears. He was staring intently back at you, dark with need and something.
“You make me crazy,” he confessed before you had the opportunity to. His voice was husky and rough, and your eyes fluttered shut at the words. 
“I’ve never felt like this before,” you said in return. 
He whispered your name, so softly you almost didn’t hear it. Your eyes opened slowly, looking at him. He didn’t need to say anything - his eyes said it all. You pushed his jacket off of his shoulders as his fingers found the zipper at the back of your dress, and then he was helping you down from the counter, and the material pooled at your feet. 
“God, you’re beautiful,” he told you. Without another word, Javy scooped you up in his arms and carried you to the bed, laying you down gently before shedding the rest of his clothes. When he lowered himself onto the bed over you, his touch was reverent, his kisses slow and deep, and you knew you would never be the same again. Every moment with him felt like a dream, surreal and intoxicating.
He lit every single nerve ending on fire as he coaxed you to orgasm again and again, and by the time he came for a second time, you were nearly boneless, covered in sweat and completely satiated. You laid curled against his chest, your finger tracing the divots in his abs as his hand ran up and down your bare back. 
“This can’t just be this weekend,” Javy whispered into the quiet room. You picked your head up to meet his eyes, and he was already looking at you. “Tell me we can make it work.” 
You studied his face for a moment, searching for any hint of doubt or hesitation, but all you found was a raw honesty that nearly took your breath away all over again. 
Part of you had been worried that this weekend really would be all that it would be. You had a whirlwind night together that ended far too soon months ago, and talked nearly every day since in anticipation of finally having the time you wish you would have then. There was a fear that perhaps it was a weekend meant for finishing what you had started. But instead, it had just stoked whatever had already been brewing. 
“We can make it work,” you said with conviction.
Distance be damned, he knew, without a doubt, that one weekend with him would never be enough. Not even close. 
Notes: This was supposed to be just straight smut....clearly, it didn't turn out that way lol. I hope you enjoyed it!
Thanks to @roosterforme @sylviebell and @mak-32 for reading it over and all the help along the way!
Main Masterlist
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ereardon · 6 months
The Backup [Masterlist] — Full length series
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Summary: No strings attached sex never works, right? You and Jake Seresin have fallen into a bad pattern of seeking each other out for sex after dates go awry, but a year of being friends with benefits with Jake hasn’t been good for your dating life. Especially when the two of you are hiding your antics from your lifelong best friend Coyote and the rest of your tightly knit friend group. But what happens when you decide to take a step back and end the cycle with Jake to focus on your dating life? And why is it that all of the sudden Jake looks more irresistible than ever when you know he’s off limits? 
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Status: Series is ongoing!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
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themorriganwitch · 11 months
The Bronco Sex Diaries Pt1
Summary: A couple of drinks at the hard deck make your boyfriend absolutely  insatiable for you. Bradley just wished that Hangman would not have witnessed the two of you 
Paring: Bradley Bradshaw x girlfriend!reader
Words: 1,2k
Warning: just porn, no plot, 18+ MDNI!!, oral sex (m!recieving), car sex, dirty talk, a splash of daddy kink , praise kink/ degradation kink
A/N: English is not my first language, please be aware that there will be mistakes. Feedback is always appreciated
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You and Bradley spend your Saturday evening with the dagger squad at the hard deck playing pool and drinking beer while chatting about their upcoming mission, which will take Bradley at least 2 months away from you.
You were not entirely sure if it was because of all the shots Phoenix made your drink, the upcoming deployment or the fact that Bradley wore his brown-green Hawaiian shirt, which matched fantastically with the color of his eyes – all you knew was that the man besides you looked like a fallen god who needs to get his dick sucked as soon as you could make it work.
„Would you say that you are a focused driver?”, you say smiling sheepishly at your boyfriend.
Bradley, who is currently sitting behind the wheel of his bronco, eyes narrowed on the street and one hand resting on your thigh, shots you a confused look.
“Yeah, I think so”.
“Great”, you state enthusiastically, before you loosen your seatbelt and bend over to open your boyfriends’ pants.
“Whoa, Baby Girl. What are you doing?”, Bradley asks wide eyed, still trying to focus on the street.
“I guess that’s quite obvious, Honey. Could you please lift your hips for me?” you ask eagerly while trying to peel him out of his blue jeans.
Always the obeying lieutenant Bradley lifts his hips to give you your desired access. “Baby”, he starts but at that exact moment you slip your hand insides his briefs and instead of the words he wanted to say, he lets out a deep groan.
You slowly pump his half hard dick while you stare amazed at your boyfriend, who tries his hardest to not let fully go into your touch and close his eyes in enjoyment.
“Baby”, he murmured. “Shhhhh”, you make while pulling him out of his shorts.
“Please let me do this for you, Daddy”, you plead. “Need to feel you in my mouth so bad. Could not think about anything else while we were out with our friends. You looked so good when you played pool with Jake. Had to think about sucking you off the whole time”.
“Fucking hell”, Bradley groans. “Take what you need, Baby. I’m all yours”.  
He leans back in his seat to give you better access while you sank your head down and wrap your lips around his already leaking tip.
You slowly start to get into a steady rhythm, trying to get him deeper down your throat with every bob. His right hand founds it way into your messed up hair, guiding you down his cock.
“God, Baby. You’re so good for me. Taking me so well. My perfect little slut. Could not think about anything else, huh? Always so needy for your daddy?”, he asks with a smirk.
You nod eagerly, trying to ignore the growing wet patch in your panties. The one hand which you had previously wrapped around the base of his cock, wanders lower to teasingly squeeze his balls, just like you know he loves it.
“Fuck”, he moans, happy that the car was now parked in front of a red light, giving him the chance to close his eyes for a moment and enjoy the treatment he was given.
At least until the very moment he watched a familiar looking white jeep pull up next to his window. “Fuck!”, he repeats his earlier words now completely horrified since you absolutely show no ambition to stop your motions.
No, instead you were now able to take him deep enough that the tip of his cock brushes the back of your throat.
“Fuck”, he repeats again, trying desperately not to buck his hips up while no one else but Jake Seresin rolls the window of Coyotes passenger seat down and grins at him.
Bradley, who has no choice but to roll his own window down, shots you a warning glare, which you retort by winking at him, while you let your tongue follow the thick veins of the bottom of his cock.
“Bradshaw”, Hangman grins. “Long time no see”.
“Hangman, Coyote”, Bradley greets his work colleagues who he just left about 15 minutes ago.
“Where’s your girlfriend?”, Coyote asks from his driver seat, brows furrowed in concern.
“Oh”, Rooster starts, but then you gently suck his tip while squeezing his balls accordingly. It took all his willpower to not moan into Hangman’s face.
Bradley clears his throat, opening his mouth trying desperately to find an excuse he could tell his friends while you were sucking the dear life out of him.
Just before he could say something dumb, Jake stumbles as he leans his head out the window.
“Yeah Bradshaw”, Jake starts, a shit eating grin slowly starting to form on his lips. “Where is your girlfriend?”.
With a loud and satisfying plop you let go of your boyfriend’s dick and come eye to eye with your friends, while your hand wanders from his balls back to his dick, pumping him in a steady rhythm.
You smile at the two aviators. Coyote looking at you with his mouth wide open while the gleam in Jakes eyes was clearly to identify as respect. And jealousy.
“If you could excuse us, gentlemen, we need to get home cause I desperately need my boyfriend to fuck me senseless. I wish you a wonderful night”, you say kindly, still pumping Bradley who had his eyes focus on the traffic lights, lips pressed together.
You press a loving kiss to his cheek, nodding towards the lights that now switches to green.
Bradley takes the hint, pressing the foot on the gas not bothering to say his goodbyes.
“Holy Shit”, Bradley says in absolute disbelief. You smile at him cheekily. “Yeah. That was something to remember”. He rolls his eyes. “Do you at least want to finish what you started, Baby?”
“Sure thing, Daddy”, you grin, head already back on its way down his throbbing cock.
You hollow your cheeks to fit him better into your mouth, your rhythm is fast.
“Fuck”, he moans.
“Gonna reward you so good when we’re home, Baby Girl. Gonna fuck you until you beg me to stop. Gonna pull orgasm after orgasm from you. Until your thighs are soaked with the mess you made, tears streaming down your flushed cheeks, and you beg me to stop. Does that sound good to you, Baby?”
You nod eagerly, knowing he was close now because you feel his cock twitching in your
“Yeah? You wanna be my good little fuck toy, don’t you? First you want to make daddy happy with a blow job and then you want him to use your pussy. To own you? Want him to punish you for embarrassing him in front of his friends? Fuck”, he moans as he pulled the Bronco into the driveway of your shared home.
As soon as the car stand still his hips thrust up into your face, tears now streaming down your cheek as he came with a deep groan shooting his warm cum into your mouth. You swallow eagerly, lifting your head up.
“Hi, Baby”, Bradley smiles at you.
“Hi, Sailor”, you smile back. “Want to go inside and do all the stuff you promised?”
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inklore · 1 year
bad liar
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the daggers of love masterlist
premise: hooking up with your brothers best friend is not a mistake you wish to repeat. watching each other get off seems like the only viable option to restrain yourselves.
pairing: javy 'coyote' machado x seresin!reader
word count: 1.1k
warnings: eighteen+ content, mutual masturbation, dirty talk, coyote is a little tease, references to past hook ups, spit mention, pet names (bunny is readers nickname, baby), a touch of enemies with benefits, reader and jake are step siblings therefore reader is not written with any ethnicity in mind.
note: it's insane ya'll don't write for this pretty man more. but this is basically a prequel to the full fic i have planned for javy aka brothers best friend galore!
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“You’re not playing fair, bunny.” Javy smirks at the scowl you give him for the childish nickname. His tongue runs along his bottom lip like the predator of his own nickname would its prey—coyote vs. bunny.
“I didn’t know you made the rules.” You retort, trying to act as unphased as one can with their hand between their legs, touching themselves in front of their brother's best friend. 
His head falls to the side, giving you a cheeky look that makes your lower belly burn. “I mean, it’s not really fair when you’re doing this to keep my hands off of you, and I can’t see that pretty pussy that I want so badly.” His own leg that's bent, and on the couch, the two of you share kicks at your ankle gently. Trying to pull your legs apart, spread you for him so he can see between your thighs. 
“Or I could just,” his hand leaves his cock, which is hard and leaking against his fingers, to lean forward and wrap itself around your calf. 
“Javy!” You scold him, kicking his palm with your foot, your legs flailing for half a second to get him away from you and back to his spot on the other end of the couch. His laughter makes your own bubble up inside of you. “Stay on your side.”
“Then let me see you.” He leans against the arm of the couch, his fingers coming back to his cock. Thumb running along the head slowly before he strokes down, a hitch in his breath. “Please, baby.” 
The dip your stomach does from the silly pet name, the way his chest falls heavy each time he moves over the head of his cock—flashbacks of the noises he made when he ran it through your wetness before pushing in and stretching you to the point of burning pleasure at your spine, the first few thrusts feeling like he was splitting you in two, Javy’s mouth hovering over yours, “I know you can take it, baby." 
And why shouldn’t he feel as fucking wrecked as you do right now, when he’s not even inside of you? This was the whole point of this, wasn’t it, to get all your feelings out this way instead of actually sleeping together again. 
Jake would kill the both of you. And while you hate labeling it a mistake, it’s not something you think should happen again for that very reason. You were notoriously bad at keeping secrets, and you’d like everyone to continue to think you found Coyote to be as annoying as the first day you met him—and not currently giving you the type of bedroom eyes that make you willing to risk your pride and the wrath of your brother to feel the weight of his cock against your tongue or his fingers in your hair guiding your pussy down onto his length. 
So without another objective thought, you spread your legs, and while Javy was still adorning his gray shorts, you were completely bare from the waist down. The burning look that flashes over his face, like he’s starved and it’s taking everything inside of him to not connect his mouth where your fingers are currently rolling your clit, has you whimpering. 
Your wetness completely on display for him. Showcasing the arousal that’s gathered against your thighs and coated your fingers and pussy. Any shyness you could possibly feel draining from your body thanks to your own desire and how he’s devouring you with his stare. 
“You drive me crazy,” he says, half laughing, half groaning. Teeth rolling his bottom lip between them. 
“Good, because the feelings are more than mutual.” You can’t even pretend to give him your regular flare of annoyance in your voice. Of hatred, because it’s drained from your body completely. 
“I might be a little jealous if this is how your body reacts to someone you dislike as much as you claim to.” 
“New rule, no talking.” 
He chuckles. “Now you’re pretending like you don’t get off by every word I say? You’re just full of lies, aren’t you, bunny?” 
“First you claim you hate me, but you were wet even before you started touching yourself. I didn’t even try to touch you, and I made that pussy wet.” He smirks, “and now you don’t like when I talk, when I specifically remember walking you through coming on my cock the last time you were wrapped around it. And your fingers haven’t stuttered once.” He locks his eyes on yours, “you wish you hated me, baby. So so badly, don’t you? It’s okay,” he teases. 
If your cheeks weren’t on fire and your body completely inflamed from not only his dark eyes but his—annoyingly correct—words, you’d do something other than reach your foot out and hit his calf with it. 
And you want to hide your face in the pillow at your back when you watch his neck bend to spit on the tip of his cock and rub it along his shaft, the soft squelch of your own bodily fluids that made a similar, more filthy noise the last time you were this wet—this in need. 
Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. 
The longer your eyes lock, explore, and the more Javy opens his mouth, the closer you get to begging him for something that can’t happen. 
The ache in your core only grows more and more intense, like there’s a fire in your insides, the longer you rub fast circles against your clit. Coiling up for a release that won’t even come close to satisfying in the way it would feel with Coyote’s hands replacing yours. 
“All you need to do is ask, baby.” You hate that he knows what you’re thinking; the intensity you’re feeling as wrecked and heady as you are just from the prospect and desire of wanting—needing—him. While the animalistic look in his eyes and the soft grunts he’s letting out are making him look composed, as if he’s just waiting for you to ask. To beg him to fuck you. 
You shake your head, an attempt at a scowl making him smile. 
“Always such a good girl. Even when you’re so close to coming for me.” The muscles in his arm strain with each stroke to his cock, his hips pressing up each time you let out a noise. “It would still count as you making yourself come if you used my tongue. Fucked yourself against it. It’d feel so much better than your fingers, I promise.”
“Fuck,” you whimper. Your head in a repeated shake at this point; your own words are more of you trying to convince yourself of the truth that lies within them than Javy. “We can’t.” 
"But we both know that you want to, don’t you?” 
And without hesitation, as if it’s a muscle memory reaction, your body answering for you, you nod. “Fuck, yes.” 
“God,” he groans. Exasperated and frustrated, the filthy sound more like a growl than anything else, and it makes you clench. Has you right at that precipice, “come for me. Remind me how pretty you sound saying my name.” 
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sweetlittlegingy · 2 years
I Couldn't Ask For Anything Better
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✦ Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Better Man Universe
✦Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Single!Mother
✦Word Count: 9.3k
✦Warnings: Smut (finally), Daddy kink, unprotected sex, Pure fluff, Dad!Jake, Dagger squad fluff, just adorableness, miscarriage mentioned, angsty ending
✦A/n: Holy Crap! this took forever to write, I hope you guys love it!
✦Library (Follow for updates! I no longer have a taglist.)
You had been working on getting Jake’s cake ready, you and Mathew decorated it last night and now you were just getting it in a portable cake container. It was Jake’s 35th birthday and the whole gang was celebrating on the beach in front of the Hard Deck.
Penny had a grill set up on the deck, which the guys planned on doing a bbq on, while Nat, Penny, and Lacey planned on bringing sides. You had been put in charge of the cake, and thought they hadn’t told you; you took it upon yourself to get the drinks. You’d made sure that every possible drink request and type had been met, an array of sodas and alcohol stay in a cooler, already out in the back of Jake’s truck.
Your parents got called away on a conference, and even with your father retired, the Navy still asked him to make appearances. You had all gone to your parent’s house last week for a small birthday dinner, knowing that they would be missed today, your mother and father were insistent on it. They loved Jake and wanted to still have a special day for him. Plus, the kids were more than happy about getting to celebrate and have cake twice. Even though Josephine was only 13 months, she already had a sweet tooth like her father and Mathew loved anything chocolate in general.
You situate the cake in the container, making sure not to mess up the happy birthday candies that Mathew had placed on it. The brightly colored candies, stick out against the white frosting covering the chocolate cake and spell out Happy Birthday Daddy. Per Jake's request, it was a recipe that his momma had given you the last time you visited and with them not being able to make the trip this year, Jake had specifically asked for this cake. You knew that he hated not seeing them, although you had gone and visited last month for Josephine’s first birthday and celebrated Jake’s as well, it wasn’t the same.
Your attention is quickly taken away from the task at hand, by the high-pitched squeal and sound of tiny feet running down the hallway. Making sure that the cake is stable on the counter, you glance back and see Josephine running towards your legs.
Duck towel on her head, and still wet from the bath, she clutches at your leg and her eyes stay focused on the hallway she’d just ran from. Tiny strawberry blonde curls peek out from beneath the towel, as her body shakes in excitement against your leg.
“Josephine Elizabeth Seresin, I wasn’t done drying you.” 
Moments later Jake appears, T-shirt soaked and slightly panting. The laugh that falls from your lips doesn't help the situation at all. As your daughter glances up at you and sees you laughing, then looks at her father and laughs even more.
“You alright there, Daddy?” Your tone is teasing and has Jake not only coming for Josephine, but for you as well.
His hands make quick work, at grabbing Josephine and wrapping her in the towel, before grasping onto your waist and pinching at your hips. You jump back slightly against the counter, laughing until you hit the cake and it almost falls. Your laugh ceases immediately as you glare at Jake slightly, then turn to push the cake farther on the counter.
 “Don't tickle me around the cake, we worked hard on it.” Your tone is still light and airy, even as you try and put on a hard reprimanding facade for the birthday boy.
Josephine clearly agrees with you, as her little fists pat on Jake’s chest.
“Dada, da da da”
Jake’s gaze casts down at Jos, and his eyes watch her with the most lovesick, heart-wrenching stare, that makes your toes curl. Jake has always been great with Maty, but seeing him with Jos from birth to now, set off a deep need to have at least 10 more babies with the man.
“Yes, baby! You're such a smart girl.”
His finger comes to bop her on the nose as he says it, a gummy smile giggles back at him from the action. You stare at the pair, so happy and in love with the family you've created. The matching green eyes and shade of red hair she got from Jake’s mother, was a telltale sign that she was overwhelmingly an all-around Seresin.
The quietness of the house pauses the sweet moment and has your eyes glancing around in search of Maty. Though you find nothing amiss, and the strange silence can only mean one thing, your 8-year-old was up to something and trying to hide it.
“Honey did you see Maty, when you were taming the monster?”
You bring your hand up and tickle Jos’ belly when you say it. Her little form wiggles in Jake’s arms, as she climbs farther up his torso and wraps her arms tightly around his neck. Jake’s hands find her waist and bring her back down to settle on his hip, completely unfazed by the wiggly toddler.
“Yeah, he's in his room packing a bag, something about him and Amelia playing a trick Mav.”
You eye each other cautiously, waiting for the other to decide whether you're gonna let them have their fun, or if you need to stop the prank. Your head slips side to side, and you bite your bottom lip as you weigh the possible outcomes.
“I mean they're kids, come on, we should just let them have their fun. Right?”
Jake maintains a straight face, not once cracking a smirk while nodding his head along with the plan. Josephine looks between the both of you and starts copying Jake, rigorously nodding her head too.
“Yeah, but if anyone questions us later whether we knew, the answer is no, baby. It's always no.”
The stern facade cracks sightly, Jake no longer being able to hold his laughter and you both end up laughing. Slightly excited about the possible outcome, that an 8-year-old and a 13-year-old were going to pull on the 58-year-old man.
You reach over to grab Josephine from Jake and lean in to give him a quick kiss. Your lips remain resting against his for a minute, though it's long enough for Josephine to start smacking your cheeks. You pull away eyeing the little girl, before over exaggeratingly leaning in, to kiss at her cheeks.
“I shall get the Princess ready in her party dress.” The soft raspberry you blow on her belly, has her laughing incessantly. “While Daddy goes and handles his mini-me.” Your eyebrows raise at Jake, and a teasing smirk rests on your lips.
“I can't help it if he wants to take after his father, who might I add is the best.”
Jake casts a wink your way, with a shake of the head and a laugh, you're walking off down the hallway. Though before you can get far, you feel a harsh smack land on your ass cheek.
“He's got good taste like his Mama.”
You only shake your head, used to his antics, and lean into pepper kisses across Jos’ face.
“Your Daddy is crazy, baby.” your voice raises to a higher octave as you say it, and Josephine pats your cheeks while humming. “Yes, he is. Absolutely crazy!”
You glance at the watch on your wrist, before putting in your earrings and take one final glance in the mirror. Josephine sits on the bathroom counter, clapping while watching you and babbling absolute gibberish. You smile at her, then grab her and sit her on your hip. The both of you glance in the mirror, and the high-pitch shrike she does makes you laugh. Adorning your frames were matching yellow sundresses and white cardigans, that Jake had picked out and requested you wore for his birthday. The matching bows you had placed in Josephine’s hair with her space buns, completed the look and you could help but to snap a few pictures of her.
“Come on my darling, let’s see if daddy and bubba are ready.”
Moving through the master bedroom, you can hear Mathew and Jake talking while in the bathroom.
“– it has to be to the left.”
“I know bud, but mom usually does your hair.”
Your eyebrow quirks at the conversation, and a laugh falls from your lips when you see the duo standing in front of the mirror. The hair gel sits open on the counter and Jake has a comb in his mouth while trying to style Mathew’s hair. His difficulty is clearly on display, as he stares at the massive cowlick in Maty’s hair, making it harder to style.
“Everything okay in here?
Jake huffs at you in reply, his back still turned to you as he works on Maty, clearly not finding the situation as funny as you did. You move closer to the pair, Jos settled in one arm while you reach out for the comb. It only takes a second for you to sweep Mathew’s hair to the left, and tame the few pieces of hair.
“I thought you were the best?” Your tone is teasing as you place the comb back into Jake’s open hand, though the pout resting on his lips has you giving him a kiss.
“Don’t worry baby, I won’t tell anyone.”
“Yeah, you better not, I’m the birthday boy.”
You laugh at the statement and pat Jake's chest, calling out to the pair that it was time to go as you leave the bathroom. You grab the cake, though it is quickly taken from you as Jake sends you out to the truck, to get the kids buckled. You situate Jos in her car seat, while Mathew buckles himself across from her.
“All set?”
You glance back at Jake as he rounds the truck, and Mathew gives him a thumbs up while Josephine giggles as your hands dance across her belly. Jake’s hand settles on your lower back, which slowly starts to dip down and grab your butt, as he places the cake underneath Jos’ car seat.
With a spin, you push the door close and are met with a smirking Jake, whose hand has now moved to clutch at the material flowing over your hips. Though one hand raises slowly, tracing up your torso and across the sweetheart neckline.
“Aren’t you the prettiest little present, I can’t wait to unwrap you.”
The finger tracing your neck plucks at your dress teasingly, and your breath hitches as Jake ghosts his lips across your neck. Though he pulls away just before his lips meet your skin, and gives you a sly wink.
“Come on Sweets. The sooner we get there, the soon I get you home and in bed.”
Before you can even get Josephine out of her car seat, Mathew is out of the car and running for Bradley. The echo of laughter lets you know that he has in fact reached his uncle and that Bradley is already riling him up.
You unfasten the straps of Jos’ car seat and pull her out onto your chest.
“Where’s my babygirl?”
You laugh as you glance over your shoulder and find Lacey making her way to you. Her hands remain facing out, making grabby gestures at Jos. Who in turn starts laughing and reaches for her Auntie.
“What are you gonna do if yours is a girl?” Your tone is teasing as Lacey grabs Josephine, and rests her on her hip. Her small bump peeks out from under the sundress she wears, and you can’t help but smile at how your best friend is glowing. She was officially 4 months last week and the morning sickness had finally subsided.
“I think it’s a boy, but if it’s a girl, who says I can’t have two babygirls.”
“I’m not sure what I think the munchkin is. Though I do think that Bobby as a girl dad, would be adorable.” 
You turn to grab the cake, though before you can even start for the beach Javy is at your side taking it from you. You huff slightly in annoyance and both he and Lacey give to small glares.
“I’m not broken.”
Javy releases a heavy sigh at your comment, before wrapping his free hand around and pulling you into his chest.
“We know that, but the doctor still wants you to take it easy.” You go to interrupt him, though you're quickly shushed. “Don’t even say he didn’t, Jake keeps us updated and we all worry. You don’t know how scared we all were.”
You melt into Javy’s chest as he places a kiss on the top of your head, silent tears roll down your face and Lacey grasps onto to the both of you for a group hug. Planted right in the middle of you three sits Jos, who has now climbed into Javy’s arms.
The hug is broken up when you feel hands wrap around your waist and tug you slightly. Jake's cologne clouds your senses, and you fall back into his arms, as Javy and Lacey head to the group. You turn in Jake's arms and nuzzle into his chest. One hand stays wrapped around your waist, as the other moves to stroke the back of your head. His hand moves slowly, before it’s under your chin and making you look at him. The tears lining your eyes are hard to hide and you feel horrible as you see a silver lining forming on Jake’s water line.
“I wasn’t supposed to cry today, it’s your birthday.”
You try to hide the pain with a small laugh, though it does nothing to cover up the quiver in your lip.
“Sweets, there is no rule that states that you can only mourn at certain times and that you have to hide your emotions at other times.” The hand stroking your cheek brushes the falling tears away, as you nod in answer, and a lone hand brushes against your stomach.
“I just wanted today to be happy, but it feels like a part of us is missing.”
Jake wraps his arms around you tighter as the last word falls from your lips and a choked sob releases from your chest. You can feel the multiple kisses that Jake lays on the crown of your head, and you can’t help but to feel bad. Today was Jake's birthday, it was supposed to be full of celebration. Though seeing Lacey’s sweet little bump and Javy wanting to help was just too much.
It had been two months since you had lost your little angel. The small blip in time from the moment you found out you were pregnant, to losing them at four and half months felt so far away, but also like it was yesterday at the same time. It wasn’t just the pain of losing them that consumed you, but you were terrified of forgetting them. Of your memory faltering and forgetting the small butterfly flutter in your stomach, and how their heartbeat sounded.
The past eight weeks had been hell on you and Jake. You had tried to be there for him whenever he broke down, but it always seemed to trigger your own tears and left him to comfort you. The doctor had put you on an anti-depressant right after the miscarriage, given that you had a history of depression. They helped slightly, but it wasn’t only a chemical imbalance, the loss had taken a piece of your heart.
“It’s going to be okay, Sweets. I promise.”
The statement comforts you and a small smile graces your lips. Jake had never broken a promise to you, in the beginning of your friendship it had been silly promises, but as time went on bigger promises were made. To you, to the kids, and not one of them had ever been broken. Jacob Grant Seresin was nothing if not a man of his word.
With a deep breath you nod, his words on repeat in your head, and when you smile at Jake, it’s not fake or forced. No, this smile was one of love and thankfulness that you had found such an amazing man to father your children and to spend eternity with. Your left-hand rises to rest on Jake’s cheek, the light sparkles off of your wedding ring, as you pull his lips down to meet yours. It’s simple and sweet, but oh so meaningful, and when you pull away your foreheads rest together.
“I love you. Thank you for always healing my heart.”
A delicate kiss is placed once more on your lips, just a peck, before he pulls away. Both of his hands rest on your cheeks, lifting your face to meet his eyes. They stare into your soul, sharing every little piece of pain, depression, love, and joy that has made up your world together. Your hands rise to grasp onto his, a silent gesture that it would always be you and him against to world.
“I love you; I will always love you. Don’t ever forget that baby.”
Jake’s hand slips from your face and creases your arms before linking your fingers together.
“Now come on, I’ve been thinking about that cake since yesterday.”
Your laugh is light and causes Jake to smile as well. His hands tug gently on yours as he turns and pulls you down to the beach.
You wait for the stares of pity from your friends, though find none. Not one of them mentions your tear-stained cheeks, and you're thankful when Penny makes her way over to you and sweeps you away.
“Go man the grill, I don’t trust Bradley to not burn everything.” The demand is thrown over her shoulder at Jake, who only winks at you and lets out a ‘yes ma’am.”
“The cake looks great, and Phoenix has continually been on cake watch. Considering each of the boys has tried to swipe frosting from it.”
You laugh at Penny’s words, though you full-on belly laugh when you see Nat standing, practically on top, of the cake with her arms crossed. Her eyes are set in a glare towards Bradley, though moves to you, and a smile instantly forms.
“I hear you’ve got a pretty tough job.”
She slips at her drink while shrugging her shoulders to you. It’s rare to see Nat in dresses, though the sun dress she wears now fits her perfectly.
“It gave me a reason to smack Roo, so it was a win for me.”
“I’m kind of sad that I missed it.”
You feel a body brush passed you, as little hands reach out to you. Josephine grabs onto you easily and nuzzles into your chest. Your hand moves up and down her back, and the motion brings comfort to the both of you.
“Oh, don’t worry, they’ve been plotting.”
Lacey nods behind you and when you turn, you’re met with the group of seven pilots looking toward the sky, trying to hide the fact that you had just caught them staring. A laugh falls from your chest, though it ceases quickly when a whine comes from a now-sleeping Jos. Your hand gently rubs at the back of her head, while you mutter sweet nothing into her ear. The growing toddler falls back to sleep easily as you sway with her.
“Wanna make a bet?”
Nat and Lacey, both give you questioning looks, though Penny only laughs at your antics. You had always been up for a challenge or bet, especially when you were positive that you would win. You glance back to the pilots one last time, thinking for a moment.
“Give it 20 minutes and it’s gonna be Javy.”
“Why are you so sure?”
The pair of them watch you, trying to figure out what exactly you’re picking up on that they aren’t.
“Bradley already knows you’re on full alert, Bobby is too scared of pregnant Lace,” the comment earns you a small ‘hey’ in protest, though she ends up laughing. “And Jake, well he knows better. Mav, Mick, and Rueben are all bystanders, which leaves Javy.”
All three of you turn to face the boys fully, giving them a smile and wave, with the hand not holding Jos. It’s a small taunt and their reactions only prove that you know how to get under their skin.
“Javy is unofficially my third child, and I know him like the back of my hand, but he also knows me. Meaning that he might tell the boys he’s going to do something, but if he knows somethings going to upset me, he won’t to do.”
The girl's hum as they listen to you, all three sets of eyes never leaving the boys. You wave one last time, then turn back towards Pen, she has Josephine’s baby beach tent set up and ready to go. The soft snores that emit from Jos' signal that she is passed out and that she wouldn’t stir when you laid her down.
Lacey and Nat continue chatting, while you settle on the beach towel with Penny. She wraps an arm around you and lays a kiss on your temple, then clasps your hand in hers and gives you a gentle squeeze. Your sister had always been someone that you leaned on when you were younger, and over the years you had slowly stopped telling her all the traumatic details in fear, that she would see you as a burden.
Though in the last two months, besides Jake, Penny had been your rock and had experienced a good number of your breakdowns. Your parents had been wonderful, helping with Maty and Jos, and being there for both you and Jake. But it wasn’t the same, you had always been the golden girl in their eyes, even when you got pregnant with Mathew and had to leave flight school. Your father had been sad, but never held it against you, and the thought of them seeing you like this. They wouldn’t ever look at you the same if they knew how damaged you were.
“Your one-year anniversary is coming up soon,” She nudges your shoulder as she says it, and a small smile forms on your lips. “I meant it when I said I would watch the kids. I think it would be good for the both of you to get away for the weekend.”
“I know, thank you, you really are the best big sister. We both need a weekend of just us, it's just been hard.”
Penny nods in understanding though doesn’t say anything. She knew that if you talked about it the both of you would cry and she wanted nothing more than for you to have a great day.
“Though speaking of anniversaries, Maty’s adoption one is coming up. Right?”
At the mention of Jake finally adopting Mathew, a full smile breaks out across your face. “Yeah, the first week in July. Which is so weird, because Jake has been his dad since he was two, but he is finally getting to change his name. It felt like all the pieces finally fit together.” You laugh slightly, thinking about Mathew’s request in the whole ordeal. “Jake always knew that Mathew loved him, I mean look at them.” You gesture over to the guys again, though this time a game of dogfight football had broken out. Jake had Mathew thrown over his shoulder and was booking it across the sand to the endzone, while Maty clutched onto the football in his arms. “I think that Mathew asking to have Grant as his middle name, really solidified it for Jake. We named Josephine after mom and Jake’s mother, so to have Mathew asked to be named after Jake, was a full circle moment.”
Your head leans over to rest against Penny, the pair of you content in watching your family. It’s not long before Nat and Lacey find a home on the towel next to you.
“I don’t want to ruin the day,” you glance back towards Penny, who looks apprehensive about whatever she wants to say “But, have you even heard from Adam, you know after you sent the papers off.”
A harsh sigh leaves your mouth, not at Pen but at the mention of your ex. You hated talking about him, but you knew that Penny was just asking out of worry. She had seen you have breakdowns at the thought of Adam, and she never wanted you to feel alone again. Another sigh falls from your lips, and you lay down on the towel. You relax against the sand and tug on both Penny’s and Lacey’s hands, who in turn tugs on Nat’s, and the four of you lie on the sand. Silently waiting for the metaphorical ball to drop.
“I wouldn’t have sent him the papers if the lawyer hadn’t strongly suggested it. Adam didn’t want to be on Mathew’s birth certificate, and his status with Mathew was deemed as abandonment.” Another sigh leaves your lips, both of your hands getting gently squeezed in support. “I guess it’s good that we have all of our bases covered, but I feel like I’m just waiting for him to show up. Like now that I’ve made this big step, he’s going to come back just to tear me down.”
“He’ll be getting his ass kicked if he shows up,” Nat had risen up on her elbows and was now staring at you. “And that’s just me. If the boys get ahold of him, he’s going to be lucky if he doesn’t leave in a body bag.”
Her eyes hold yours; it was her way of promising that you would be protected. That they would never let him put his hands on you again, and if he tried, he would instantly regret it.
“That’s the only fact, that lets me sleep soundly at night.”
The loud gasp, followed by the two high pitch squeals has your head turning from setting up the picnic table. You miss the prank, but you watch as the aftermath unfolds. A soaking-wet Maverick has taken off running after Amelia and Mathew, who both have taken off down the beach. You laugh as Mav comes to a slow jog and then walks, the two kids still running off in the distance. Next to you, Penny is in a fit of laughter, and the glare Mav gives her only makes it worse. His walk lands him in front of the two of you, pointing a figure at the both of you before reaching for a water.
“Both of them are trouble, just like their mothers.”
You stop laughing, really trying to feel bad for the man, though you’re laughing is set off again as Lacey reappears after using the restroom.
“What happened to you?” The question is so innocent, but it’s the icing on the cake. Mav only shakes his head at Lacey, and mutters quietly about the “hooligans.”
“What’d I say?”
“Don’t worry,” Your laughing slows as you motion Lacey over to you, “the kids decided to prank him.” 
An ahh sound of understanding with a nod of the head is only there momentary, as she starts laughing with you. The both of you work hand in hand to set up the tableware, placing the finishing touches as Jake comes over to you.
His sneaky hands wrap around your waist, and he places soft kisses along your neck. You lean back at the motion, resting your head on his shoulder, as he gently sways your bodies side to side.
“How is my birthday boy?”
The question only gets a hum in answer, as a string of kisses up your neck and onto your pulse point makes you giggle slightly. Your eyes had fallen shut, enjoying to small moment with your husband.
“How’s Jos doing?”  The question is whispered against your ear, and it has your eyes opening to glance at the beach tent.
“She perfect, like always. Napping soundly, though we are going to have to wake her up soon to eat.”
“Yeah, I saw that Penny brought some of that jello she ate at your parent's. She seems to do really good with it.”
This time it’s you that hums in acknowledgment, your eyes scanning the surrounding beach noticing the lack of your friends. You glance to the cake quickly, though find that it’s still there in perfect condition.
You turn in Jake's arms, and your eyes squint in questioning of the man, who remains calm and collected. You glance around the beach further and find Nat with Bradley at the grill, Pen and Mav up on the deck, while you see Lacey and Bobby down by the water with the kids. Your eyes fall back on Jake and the small smirk that he gives you is all you need to know that their plan was underway.
“Baby, where’s Javy?” The slight lift of your eyebrow does nothing to unsettle your husband. A small shrug is all you get, followed by a wink and a gentle squeeze on your hips.
“Jacob, I know you’re up to something and I’d suggest you think about this plan and the repercussions it may have.”
His hands only tighten on your hips even more, as his head drops back into a full laugh. “and what might those repercussions be my sweet girl.”
He’s teasing you, poking at that little button, because he knows you won’t really get mad at him on his birthday. Jake pulls you in slightly so that you're pressed near chest to chest and one of your hands rises to tap lightly on his chest. While your other hand comes to trace lightly along the sweetheart's neckline and causes Jake's eyes to drop immediately to your breasts.
“If anything happens to that cake before I get pictures of you blowing out the candles,” The hand resting on his chest slowly rises and tips Jake’s head back so that he is looking at you directly in the eyes. “There will be no unwrapping of your special present.”
Jake’s lips set in a hard line at your declaration and a small pout, forms on his lips. “Swee–”
“Nope, me and Maty worked hard on that cake, and by God, I will watch you blow out 35 candles. Don’t test me, Jacob.”
The harsh tone in your voice has a small sheepish look settling on his face, as his eyes move from the cake resting on the table and back to your breasts multiple times. With a heavy sigh, Jake’s hands fall farther to grab your ass, and his face comes to rest along the top of your breasts. His face nuzzles in and his teeth nip at your chest, as you bring your hands to the back of Jake’s head to stroke his hair and laugh at his antics.  
“I’m supposed to signal when I get you away,” The sentence is mumbled but you still understand.
“What were you planning to do with the cake Jacob.”
The sound of his full name has him pulling away from your chest and staring up into your eyes. His hands tighten on your ass and you normally would chastise him for groping you so freely out in public, though there aren’t any people close enough that you’re worried.
“Sweets, I don’t know. The boys just wanted the cake, and well –”
“You were peer pressured”
Jake scoffs at the words, and his hold has tightened even more. A small squeal leaves your lips, as you jump slightly in his hold and glare at the now-smirking man.
“Baby, I don’t get pressured into things.”
The small smirk you give Jake as he struggles for the correct words doesn’t go unnoticed. The small glare he gives you is adorable something you had expected. What you hadn’t expected was Jake to grab your waist and throw you over his shoulder, like he had been with Maty earlier today.
A shrill scream lips your lips, as your world spins upside down and the only thing you see is Jake’s tan back. Your hands grasp onto his sides, to stable yourself, and stop the sway of your body with every step he takes.
“Jacob Grant Seresin, you put me down right now.”
This laugh rings through the air and the shaking of his chest slightly shakes your body with it.
“No can do, darlin’.”
If only he could see the glare, you were giving him right now, he might change his mind. Though as a harsh smack lands on your ass and causes you to jump, you also think that the glare might have only egged him on even more.
“Your panties seem to be on just a little tight,” His hand ghosts just under the hem of your dress, grabbing at your inner thigh and lightly traces your heat. “don’t worry Sweets, daddy’s gonna fix that problem real quick.”
The sublet heat ignites in your core, and you shift slightly in Jake's hold, causing the hand on your thigh to brush up against your clothed cunt again. The moan that releases from your chest should embarrass you, though the laugh that Jake releases only has your panties damping further. You watch as the sand turns into the wooden deck of the bar, and you caught sight of a laughing Bradley and Natasha.
“Nix, you’re on baby duty. Jos is still sleeping, but me and the Mrs. have some business to attend to.” You hear the door open, the harsh light of the day disappearing, and shifts into the dim light seeping through the window blinds.
“Also, don’t touch that cake, Rooster. No one touches that damn cake while I’m gone.”
You just barely catch the yup from Bradley and the loud laugh that Nat releases, though you can’t help but to smile at Jake’s words. Your hands pinch at his side, grabbing Jake’s attention, before telling him thank you.
Just as quickly as you were thrown over his shoulder, Jake has you back on stable ground. His hands settle on your waist and push you back slightly. Your back bumps back against a wall, and as your chest heaves, you glance around to see where exactly you are.
You’re both tucked in one of the back corners of the Hard Deck, hidden away and out of sight right next to a spare pool table. The heaving of your chest slows, as you look back up at Jake and find his emerald, green eyes, replaced by a dark green with blown pupils that watch every move you make.
“You’re welcome darlin’, you should know that I’d never let anyone mess up something you worked so hard on, especially if it’s for me.” A cheeky wink and smirk grace Jake’s face, and they make you smile, as you nuzzle into his palm that had come to rest against your cheek.
“But since I am the birthday boy,” A finger traces along your cleavage, and brushes gently against the shell of your neck, causing you to tip your head back. “I want to open one of my presents early.”
“Jake –”
Your protest is cut off completely when Jake dips his head down and bites at your neck, smoothing over the nip with a lick of the tongue. A high-pitched whine releases from your lips as Jake slots his leg in between your thighs and brushes up against your pantie-clad heat. The hand tracing your chest moves up your frame and settles under your cardigan. Pushing it slightly off your shoulder, before his lips go back to work on you.
It’s too hot, and with every little movement that Jake makes he presses up again you, catching your clit against the lace of your panties. Your brain is no longer processing, as you pull off the light cardigan and throw it behind Jake. Your hands find purchase on Jake’s shoulders, grabbing on the tan skin as you keen with every nip he places on your neck.
Your chest is heaving as you tug on the back of Jake’s hair and slot your lips against his. It’s hot and needy, tugging and pulling more so than soft and loving. Jake only slightly licks at your lips and has you groaning in need. The moment of needy has Jake’s tongue slipping through your lips, as a soft battle ensues between the two of you.
You pull away gasping for a breath as Jake continues down your jawline, his hand working the skirt of your dress up and over your hips. Giving you the freedom to grind down on his thigh. The motion has you pulling back with a whimper, clit overly sensitive and pulsing. 
“No, no Sweets. Take what you need.”
Jake’s hands fall to your waist, pressing you down against his thigh as another whine slips from your lips. You can’t avoid the pressure though, as Jake moves your hips to his own accord. Pushing and pulling you, forcing you to ride his thigh as you hide away in his neck, nipping on his collarbone.
“Daddy–” your sentence is cut off when Jake sends a particularly hard thrust up, to jut against your weeping cunt.
“There’s my girl, such a pretty baby.”
You can only nod in answer, as one of Jake's hands slips up to cradle your face, and the thumb resting on your cheek slips between your lips. You nip and suck at his thumb, doe eyes focused up on Jake ready to be his good girl in any way that he asks. The look in your eyes sends him spiraling, before you know it his thumb has slipped from your mouth and he’s lifting you in the air.
Your heads dazed and foggy, consumed completely by the man holding you as he lays you on top of the pool table. You go to protest; you were at the Hard Deck and supposed to be celebrating Jake’s birthday of god’s sake. Though the words escape you when Jake’s fingers trace along your slit and rips the cloth from your aching heat.
The gentle trace of his fingers is everything and nothing all at once. Your back arches off the table and your head falls back as a low moan echoes from your chest, as Jake rolls your swollen clit between his fingers.
His laugh pulls you from the momentary bliss, as Jake looks down upon you strung out before him. Small babbles fall from your lips as you beg Jake for anything more, how you had gone from thinking with a clear mind to one that was completely hazy and your only focus was having Jake screw your brains out.
“Tell me what you want darlin’, use your words.”
He’s mocking you, with every shift of your hips trying to push down on the hand that is no longer tracing at your slit but resting heavily against your clit.
“Need you, Jakey.”
“Darlin’” His thumb moves in tight circles as he draws the word out, only pausing when you cry out. “You. Know. That’s. Not. My. Name.” Each word ends in a tap against your clit, that has your hands grasping out on the table looking for anything to hold on to.
“Daa– Daddy, Pleassseee.”
The name is just passed your lips and without any warning, Jake’s fingers fuck into you. Just barely easing in, before plunging knuckle deep and hitting the soft spongy spot that makes you keen.
“You gonna let me fuck you, Sweetheart? With all of our friends just outside.”
You can only nod in response, too focused on the way Jake’s fingers scissor in your heat. A chuckle leaves Jake’s lips again, though this time before you can react, Jake's free hand comes to wrap around the back of your neck and pulls you up to meet his chest. A low moan falls from your lips as Jake’s fingers reach even deeper in the new position and the palm of his hand brushes back and forth over your clit.
“Please” The plea falls from your lips in a mantra, and your hands wrap up around Jake’s neck to pull his lips down to your own. You melt into his touch, as his tongue slides into your mouth, coaxing your mouth in a dance of need and want.
He tastes like whiskey and malt, the crown and coke you made earlier is still potentate on his lips and you wonder if it’s your husband you’re getting drunk on, or the crown coating his tongue. Jake’s free hand cradles the back of your neck, woven into your hair and guiding you exactly how he wants. Your hips rock on their own accord, chasing a high that Jake is content to tease you with.
You lick into his mouth and your breath hitches in despair, as Jake pulls his hand from your weeping cunt. You watch, breathless as Jake brings his slick cover fingers to his mouth, moaning at the taste of your arousal and never breaking eye contact.
Jake had always been cheeky in the bedroom, how could he not, when he knew that just the sight of him shirtless had you panting like a bitch in heat. Though the wink that he gives you now, begging for him to touch you.
To fuck you, in any way that he wants. You would take anything from the man, so long as he touched you. Jake’s eyes fall from your blown ones and fall to your heaving chest. His hand trails down from your neck, to grip onto the top of your dress and yanks it down. The stitching of the fabric sounds like it has torn slightly, and it leaves the material to fall below your breast.
“Jake we still hav–”
Your words are stopped, as Jake’s hand grasps your cheeks and forces you to look up at him.
“Baby, shut up for me.”
The hand that’s not grasping your face works at your bra, pulling the cups down to expose your nipples. You squirm on the green of the pool table, as Jake ducks his head down and licks at one of your nipples, before biting it. His free hand works at your other nipple, and he plays your body like his own personal instrument. Coaxing every whine, moan, and hiss from you of his own accord.
The wanton moan you release as Jake tugs on the pebbled bead has his lips unlatching from your breast.
“Those are the only sounds I want to hear from you, darlin’.” Your eyes are clouded over, hanging on to every word that Jake tells you. “Though I’m not gonna stop you from begging, you always look so pretty when you get whiny and beg for me.”
The sound of the screen door slamming against the side of the wall has both of your eyes snapping in the direction of the bar. You're hidden back enough that you can’t see who comes in, though you hear Bradley’s voice ring out. He’s yelling at someone to get the extra ice from the back, it only takes a moment before the screen door is slamming again and the tension in your shoulders releases.
You were sure that the whole group knew you were fucking, and trusted that they would take care of the kids just fine. If they needed you, they would have already been yelling at you. Though the image of Bradley, Nat, Bob, and Lacey walking in on you and Jake fucking isn’t something you want to do again. It had been just after Jake had gotten home from a deployment when Penny and Maverick at offered to watch Maty for you. You hadn’t gotten pregnant with Jos yet, though you’re suspicious that she was conceived over the long weekend.
Your thoughts are quickly brought back to Jake, as you hear the zipper of his pants being pulled down. The sight of Jake's length has you drooling, the red tip leaks precum and you can help the whine that falls from you. A deep need to feel the weight of him on your tongue, to lick the salty tang off of him and relish in the way he fills your mouth. Your gaze is lethal, never wavering from Jake’s length not even when Jake chuckles. Though the tip of your chin up forces your eyes to leave it and look at into Jake lust filled, emerald eyes.
“Sweets, as much as I would love to have you on your knees, we don’t have the time.”
“Later?” Your hand grazes his cock, and you grasp the length. Your cloudy eyes drop from Jake’s, as you lean forward and spit onto the head. You use the precum and you spit as you stroke him, your grip tightening just slightly as you work around his girth.
“Whatever want baby.” His breath sounds ragged, fucked out by his own need for you. Your hand slips for his cock, as Jake grabs your thighs and yanks you to the edge of the pool table. Wrapping your legs around his waist, as your back falls to meet the green felt.
Your eyes catch sight of the swinging light fixture above you, and you watch it as it moves side to side. The harsh smack of Jake's cock against your clit makes you keen and has your back bowing in need. The arch pushes your cunt down towards Jake's cock, though he teases you, slipping the head along your slit and pushing into you before pulling back out.
“Daddy please need your cock, need you to fuck me.”
“I know baby, daddy’s got you.”
Your eyes roll to the back of your head, as Jake pushes his length into your aching cunt. Small whines and whimper roll off your lips as Jake bottom out, his hips coming flush with your ass. Your heat aches in need, and your hips rock to gain any type of friction.
“Nope baby,” Jake's hands grasp at your hips and stills your hips. “Feel me, Sweets. How well this pretty little pussy takes me, how you clench around me like a fucking vice.”
Jake’s breath turns ragged, as you clench down on him and the hands resting at your hips grasp at you, knuckles turning white and surly leaving fingerprints. The quick pull back from you makes you gasp, followed by a harsh thrust that you swear is in your stomach.
Jake's thrusts are harsh and uncontrolled, the both of you chasing a high, and as you lower one hand to work over your clit, needing the added pressure. Your hand is smacked away before it even touches the bundle of nerves, a protest ready to fall from your lips. Though in its place falls a deep moan, as Jake's thumb comes to rest on you, tight circles with the perfect pressure coaxing you to ecstasy.
“Baby… Daddyyyy”
His hips never falter as your hands grasp at the pool table, finding nothing to ground you. Your head tips back, your body moving against the green, with each of Jake's thrusts. He’s unrelenting as he works you over, a silent demand and need for you to find yours before he ever does.
“I know baby, let go. Come for daddy, like the good girl you are.”
His words send you spiraling and if you cared you might have stopped the moan that bursts from you. You should care as it echoes through the Hard Deck, surely alerting everyone of your pending climax. Though you don’t. The only thing you care about now was the burning heat in your core and the way Jake’s hands feel over your body.
Your eyes open and find Jake’s as a soft hand creases your cheek, the need, and lust ever present, but also a deep love that shines through as your husband watches you. With one final flick across your clit, your tumbling, begging and whining as you finally reach the peak before crashing into the abyss. Jake's hips only stutter slightly, as he works your through, his own release within reach.
“Where do you want it, Sweets?”
“In me Jake, please need to feel you.” The small plea as you clench around him has Jake peaking. His hips slow and he coats your walls, a deep moan falling from the both of you at the feeling of Jake’s cock pulsing within you. Pushing and pulling his cum back into you, fucking it into you, before he pulls out.
Jake's chest heaves as he looks down and your pulsing cunt, clenching around nothing and pushing his cum from your heat. Without a thought, Jake’s fingers scope at the mix of you both and pushes it back into your aching cunt. You’re sensitive and with every drag of his fingers you whine, you lift up onto your elbows so you both can watch as he fucks his cum back into you.
You bite your bottom lip, from not only how sensitive you now are, but also from how much you need Jake again. You could never tire of the man, though when he gets like this, it makes you practically insatiable. 
Though with one last push of the hand, Jake is pulling back from you and wrapping his lips around his cum cover fingers, winking at you before placing a peek against your lips. His hands find a home at your waist, as he pulls you from the pool table. He holds you steady as your legs shake, and places a gentle kiss against your temple.
“Still as sweet as ever, darlin’.”
The words are whispered into your ear and have you blushing. You push up on your toes to kiss Jake, hoping to avoid his gaze. Though the movement causes his cum to drip from your unclothed cunt, and the small squeak your release has Jake smiling in victory.
“You ripped my panties and my dress, Jacob. Everyone is gonna know.”
A harsh laugh falls from his lips before Jake grabs your cardigan and situates it back on your shoulders.
“Darlin’, people back home in Texas know. You’re not the quietest, especially when you climax.”
His words earn him a smack on the shoulder, as you move past him to go to the bathroom and right yourself before seeing everyone again. You glance back at the man, his eyes never leave your backside and the wide smile creasing his face is more than enough for you to not care if the whole world heard the two of you.
“Happy birthday, baby.”
“You best believe, I’m unwrapping the rest of my present when we get home. I still need to get my mouth on that sweet little cunt.”
You hum in response and smirk crossing your own lips as you shake your head that Jake’s words, before continuing to the bathroom.
“Hey Sweets,” the call has you pausing once again, spinning to face Jake and finding nothing but love in his eyes. “I love you.”
“I love you too, honey.”
The pair of you reemerge from the Hard Deck as if nothing happened, though both Nat and Lace give you teasing smiles as you make your way over. A small smirk makes its way to your lips, causing both girls to laugh and a deep blush to cover your cheeks.
Jake had gone over to check on Amelia and Maty when you came out, both Penny and Mav stationed close enough to watch the pair, but also giving them the space to goof off. You glance over to Josephine’s beach tent and find her just waking up. The movement of her little arms has you making your way to her, and as you cloud over her line of sight has a gummy smile marring her features.
“Hello, my beautiful girl.” You pick her up easily and cradle her against your chest, enjoying the way her little hands grab at you. “Did you have a wonderful nap?”
Mumbles fall from her lips and bubbles of spit dribble down her chin, as she answers you.
“Ma ma ma ma.”
You bounce her on your hip lightly as you walk back over to Lace and Nat. Everyone had gathered as Bradley showed up with the food and placed it in the middle of the table. Maty finds you easily and clasps onto your hip to give you a hug. Your free hand brushes the hair from his face before you move down to kiss the crown of his head. 
“Momma I couldn’t find dad’s candles. Auntie Nix helped me look, but they weren’t in the bag.”
Your brows crease in thought, trying to remember where you placed them. You were sure that you put them in the bag, though they could have fallen out in the truck.
“Don’t you worry, my love. I’m sure they are just in the truck.” The three of you make your way back over to Jake, who is now chatting with Javy about the plane they were restoring. Catching sight of her father, Jos starts trying to reach out for him. The high-pitch squeal of your daughter gains Jake’s attention immediately and he’s grasping for her to toss her in the air. You smile at the duo, and overwhelming pride and love fills your chest for your small family.
Javy is quick to grab Maty, flipping him upside down and tickling him. Jake looks at you as you settle at his side and places a kiss on your cheek.
“I’m going to run to the pickup, love. I think your candles feel under the seat.”
“I can go look, Sweets.”
“Nope, you’re the birthday boy and I’ll be quick.”
Jake hums in agreement, before placing a sweet kiss on your lips. You pull away, only to be met with another kiss on the nose.
“I’ll be right back, then we can start eating.”
Jake watches as you make your way to the parking lot, quietly wondering how he had gotten so lucky. Josephine grabbles in his lap, patting at his chest as Javy talks to her in a high-pitched over.
Jake laughs at the pair, Javy and Jos were the best of buddies, the two were on the same wavelength. The number of times that Jake had come back, after asking Javy to watch her for a bit, and they were both asleep was astounding.
Though he couldn’t be more thankful for the extended family, that his own little family had in the Dagger Squad. Jacob Seresin might have been a hard ass, but seeing how much any one of his teammates cared for his children, turned him into a puddle.
“Dad, momma’s still not back.”
Mathew had been patiently waiting, though as time passed, he couldn’t help but grow impatient.
“I’ll go check on her bubba.”
Though before he can hand Jos to Javy, Mathew is protesting. Telling both Jake and Javy that he was a big boy and could help. Jake chuckled at his son, hand ranking through his unruly hair before nodding in answer.
“Go on then.”
A smile broke out across Mathew’s face before he was taking off up the sand to the parking lot.
“Watch for cars.” Jake's voice echoed across the beach, gaining everyone’s attention as Mathew signaled back with a thumbs up, then disappeared.
Jake and Javy both went back to talking with Jos, as Jake bounced her lightly on his hip. The setting California sun casts a warm hue over the beach, and Jake couldn’t help but think of you and how much you loved the beach.
Especially at sunset.
Jake had grown to love it just as much as you had, the comfort from the waves and sea breeze had become a constant in your lives. The four of you were constantly at the beach whenever the family had downtime.
Though that constant sense of safety and calm was ripped right from his chest as a bone-chilling scream echoed out across the beach.
Jake was passing Josephine off to Javy without a second thought, and sprinting towards the edge of the beach. Nearly collapsing at the sight of Mathew's tear-stained face, barreling toward him.
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topgun-imagines · 1 year
To Me, You’re All I Am (ii)
Requested: no
Summary: Jake’s first night in North Island, the two of you go to the bar. You are reunited with Bradley Bradshaw for the first time in years.
Word count: 2.9k
Warnings: angst, break ups, mentions of death, drinking, jealousy.
Pairings: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x fem!reader
Previous part || Next part
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As the years passed, It became easier and easier to forget about Bradley Bradshaw. During your last year of law school, you met someone. As cliche as it was, you met him at a coffee shop. You had accidentally dumped your fancy iced coffee all over his white shirt. Insisting on making it up to him in some way, the handsome stranger allowed you to buy him a coffee and a muffin. Even though he was only going to be in the city for a few days, the two of you bonded instantly. He was funny, charming, and definitely handsome.
His name was Jake Seresin. When you learned that he was currently attending USNA, you were hesitant to allow yourself to get close to him. After everything that happened with Bradley, you weren’t sure if you were ready to get involved with another wanna-be pilot.
But Jake was way different than your ex. While Bradley was worried about where his future was headed, Jake was confident that he would live the life he wanted to. While Bradley was sweet, Jake knew exactly what you needed to hear every time. He always knew how to make you feel better, never giving up until there was a bright smile on your face.
Things with Jake were always an adventure, going out on all kinds of fun and loving dates. Jake officially asked you to be his girlfriend a few weeks after the two of you met. Even if it was soon, you didn’t hesitate to tell him yes. Long distance may have been hard at times, but the two of you made it work. Besides, it would only be for a few more months. By then, you would both be graduated.
As things grew more serious with Jake, the two of you began to think about living together. One late night, Jake had shared about his desire to live in New Orleans. You instantly agreed. So, that’s where you went. Only a few weeks after the two of you settled down, you got a job at a law firm in the city. Jake was stationed in a base on the South side of town.
That was until he went to Top Gun. During that time, you stayed in New Orleans, making sure to call Jake every night that he was away. When he returned, the two of you were closer than ever. Only a few days after he got back, he set up a lovely romantic dinner, gifting you a promise ring when it came to the end of the meal.
Marriage just wasn’t in your cards right now. You were both too focused on your careers to think about settling down and having a family.
When Jake was called back to North Island for what could only be described as a suicide mission, you had made the last-minute decision to go with him. If there was a chance that the love of your life wasn’t going to come home, you wanted to spend as much time with him as you could. You took a few weeks of vacation and packed a suitcase. No matter how many bad memories Fighter Town held, you would follow Jake to the ends of the earth. And that’s exactly what you planned on doing.
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The air was warm and smelled of salt as you climbed down from Jake’s truck. Your plane had landed only a few hours earlier. After getting settled in, a text from Javy had the two of you making the short drive to the Hard Deck. Now, you and Jake were walking hand in hand toward the bar doors.
You recognized a familiar face the second the two of you stepped foot into the air-conditioned bar. Penny Benjamin was standing behind the bar top, wiping it down with a smile as she chatted with a man seated in front of her. You briefly remembered her being one of Mav’s friends.
The man at the bar was wearing a green bomber jacket. Your eyebrows furrowed in thought. You could have sworn that you’ve seen that jacket before. Jake lead you over to the dartboard where Javy was waiting with three beers. He offered a warm smile to the two of you, passing a bottle to both you and Jake.
A glance back at the bar had you frozen in your spot. The man that Penny was talking to before was now staring down at his phone, and he though he had aged, you could tell exactly who it was. Maverick, the man that was once like a father to you, the man that ignored your existence after you left for law school.
Jake could sense your discomfort. Sliding up to you, his arm draped across your shoulders and pulled you into his side. “You ok, honey?” He murmured lowly next to your ear. You nodded somewhat distractedly. With a glance back at where you had been staring only a few seconds ago, Jake’s face fell. A few weeks after the two of you moved in together, you had finally decided to explain what happened with Bradley. Jake knew all about how he disappeared in the middle of the night, how Mav wanted nothing to do with you and how Ice still did his best to stay in contact with you.
When he first was called to North Island, Jake met the infamous Bradshaw for the first time. From there, the rivalry had grown. You had no idea of how Jake and Bradley interacted and frankly, Jake wanted to keep it that way. Jake would do anything and everything in his power to keep you safe. And if that meant keeping you away from Bradshaw then so be it.
The bell chiming above the bar had you glancing back. While you may have been new to the bar, you made sure to read the sign behind it as you walked in. ‘Disrespect a lady, the Navy, or put your cell phone on my bar you but a round.’ Mav had set his phone on the bar. You and Jake watched as he finally understood what was happening. Your boyfriend squeezed your waist before smirking down at you.
The rest of the evening passed smoother than you expected. Right up until you met a few other aviators at the pool table. You recognized Natasha. Javy had shown you a few pictures of her a couple of years back. Around the time that they were going out. You stood to the side, next to a man with glasses munching on peanuts, and watched as Natasha, Jake, and Javy became reacquainted. You already knew that your boyfriend didn’t get along well with his coworkers. Now you got to see it first hand.
Natasha had heard about you before. After she became friends with Bradley, she learned all about how you were ‘the one that got away.’ His words, not her’s. But now, seeing how you were smiling up at Jake, she began to wonder whether there was something that Bradley wasn’t telling her. You looked like a wonderful person. If what Bradley was saying was true, why would break his heart?
There was a sour look on Jake’s face as the men behind Natasha made a comment about his air-to-air kill. “Who’s he?” The woman nodded over toward you and the man on the stool. Javy looked shocked to see that there was someone there. That man had been quieter than a mouse.
“Oh, I’ve been here the whole time.” He nodded politely. You giggled at Jake’s joke about the peanut-man being a stealth pilot, laughing even harder when the man denied it. For being a WSO, the joke flew over his head pretty easily.
Jake sighed quietly before passing his pool cue off to Phoenix. “With no sense of humour.” You stayed close to Javy as Jake walked off, slightly nervous about being left alone with his coworkers.
Making his way to the bar, he shot a cocky smirk in Mav’s direction as he ordered four beers. Chatting quietly with Javy, you waited for Jake to return.
Distantly, you could hear another car pull up outside the bar. Even over the loud roar of happy customers, you could hear the gravel crunching under tires. You smiled up at Javy, laughing at the joke he made. There was a wide smile on your face. So far, the night was going good. Even though some of Jake’s colleagues seemed a little rough around the edges, Bradley was nowhere to be seen. And you would count that as a win.
That was until someone walked through the door. “Bradshaw!” Natasha called out. The name alone had all colour draining from your cheeks. Deep down, you knew that he would show up. After all, he was the best of the best. Javy could sense your discomfort. His arm wound around your shoulders as he pulled you into his side, almost shielding you from the man you had left behind years ago.
“This is how I find out you’re stateside?” You stood uncomfortably next to Javy keeping your eyes trained on the ground as Bradley talked to Phoenix. He nodded toward Peanut-Man. Briefly, you wondered how his eyes hadn’t landed on you yet. You wondered what his reaction would be when he saw you. Honestly, you couldn't decide how you wanted him to feel.
Jake returned a few seconds later. You could see the harsh look in his eyes as he stared down Bradley. “Bradshaw,” He spoke lowly, glancing at you briefly to make sure you were okay. You nodded subtly. “As I live and breathe.” You were directly behind Jake now, meaning that when Bradley looked at him, he saw you.
His eyes remained on you for a few seconds before he looked back at your boyfriend. “Hangman. You look,” He paused, looking Jake up and down before continuing. “Good.”
Your pilot smirked, bending down and lining up his shot before looking back at your ex, sinking the shot. “Well, I am good, Rooster,” So that was his call sign. Bradley had always talked about having a call sign similar to his father's. You never got the chance to find out what it was before now. The thought still made you frown. You loved Jake, you really did, but Bradley was your first love. A part of you would always be drawn to him. “I’m very good. In fact, I’m too good to be true.” Jake’s words snapped you out of your daydream.
They began talking about the mission. You tuned them out as you stared at your shoes, nudging a rock on the floor softly. Javy bumped his elbow against you, smiling softly when you glanced up at him. Passing you another beer, the two of you returned your attention to Jake and Bradley as they stared each other down.
“You know what I want to know? Who’s gonna be team leader,” Jake spoke cockily. You would have smiled at your boyfriend’s antics, had your thoughts not been running a mile a minute. “And which one of you has what it takes to follow me.” You sighed. Jake was as cocksure as ever, even with the company he was in.
Bradley licked his lips and shook his head. He looked up at Jake before making a comment that you never could have imagined him saying. “Hangman, the only place you’ll lead anyone is an early grave.” You would have launched yourself at the man had Javy not grabbed your arm. Suddenly, it didn't matter how much you used to care for Bradley, no one ever, ever, got to use that day against Jake. That was a hill you would die on.
The incident had occurred a few years ago. It was just after he got out of Top Gun. He was sent on a mission that was deemed nearly impossible by many. Jake had been flying with his wingman when they were ambushed by enemy planes. His wingman had stated that he was fine, that he could handle himself and allowed Jake to continue on to complete the mission. Within seconds, Jake’s wingman was shot out of the sky. Jake was forced to listen to the man that he considered one of his best friends die. He heard his last screams before the line went dead. And Jake could do nothing but sit there and watch. The man was only 24.
You could see the flash of pain on your boyfriend’s face before he regained his composure, the usual calm smile returning to his face. Jake was quick to come up with something witty to say, walking around the pool table and locking eyes with Phoenix as he passed. “Well, anyone who follows you is just gonna run out of fuel,” he spoke, stopping in front of the mustached aviator. “But that’s just you, ain’t it, Rooster?” You held your breath as Jake got closer to your ex. Bradley’s eyes briefly darted over to you. “You’re snug on that perch, waiting for just the right moment, that never comes.” That comment was designed to cause some damage.
Javy smirked at Jake as he walked off. Following after him, you turned him around the second that the two of you were far enough away from anyone else. You offered him a sympathetic look, not missing the tears lining his lashes or the way his hands shook around his beer. You slipped the bottle from his hands, grabbing them in your own to try and steady the shaking.
His eyes met yours as he clenched his jaw. “I’m so sorry, Honey,” You murmured. You couldn’t believe that Bradley had said that. You knew that there was some hostility between the two, but Bradley's comment was way out of line. Pulling him into you, you cradled his head and whispered soft reassurances in his ear. “You know that’s not true, right?” Ne nodded into the skin of your neck.
It took him a few minutes but eventually, Jake had composed himself enough to remove his head from the crook of your neck. He smiled down at you, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear before kissing you softly. Smiling up at him, you kissed him back, eyes slipping shut at the feeling of his intoxicating lips on yours.
You both had matching smiles on your faces as you turned at the sound of the bell ringing above the bar. Just then the music stopped, and you could hear someone begin to play the piano. They messed around for the first few notes. However, the second that you heard the first note of the song, you knew exactly what it was. Bradley had learned Gret Balls Of Fire when he was younger. Mav and Ice would constantly tell him stories of how his father used to play the song with him sitting on the top of the piano. That was all the encouragement he needed to learn the song in a matter of weeks.
The entire bar began chanting ‘overboard.’ Jake shot you a wide smile, kissing your forehead before heading over to the bar with Javy and Payback. You watched amusedly as your boyfriend looped his arm under one of Mav’s. While you couldn’t forgive Bradley for what he did, Mav was different. He had already lost his best friend, and now the boy that he considered his son. Any reminder of the man was painful to him, and you could forgive him for that.
He had a small smile on his face as the three hauled him out of the bar and tossed him into the sand. The familiar sound of Great Balls Of Fire began to fill the bar. You watched Bradley begin to sing unabashedly. He looked happy. Part of you was sad that you weren't able to make him happy.
Then Jake returned. He pulled you into his side. Offering him a barely-there smile, you tucked yourself into his side. You hated the way that Bradley made you feel. It had been years, and yet you couldn’t help but wish that he never left. Any trace of that thought was wiped from your mind the second that Jake ran his thumb across the back of your knuckles.
“You ready to go, Honey?” He whispered lowly. Nodding with a soft smile, you allowed your boyfriend to lead you out into the warm air. Nobody bothered bidding the two of you goodnight, too caught up in Bradley's performance.
You and Jake walked hand in hand back to his truck. Climbing up, you waited patiently for Jake to start it. Soft music flooded the truck the second he turned the key. As Jake began the short drive back to your temporary housing, you stared out the window at the passing scenery.
The next few weeks were going to be interesting, to say the least. Before you even boarded the plane, you had a feeling that Bradley would be here. Given the way tonight went, you could only expect that the next few days would be filled with nothing but hostility between the two men. You could only hope that Jake would be safe. God only knows that that man does crazy things to protect you. In a multi-million dollar plane, the chances of that ending well were slim to none.
a/n: Thank you all for reading! Stay tuned for the next part! Requests are open :)
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theharddeck · 6 months
santa baby (been an awful good girl) // coyote x f!reader
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“Javy, we should go–” you started to protest, but you broke off when he sat on the throne.  The twinkling lights cast a golden glow into the otherwise dark room, and even in the shadows, Javy looked so damn sexy. He shifted in the seat, his thighs spreading, and planted his boots on the ground. He still held your hand, and you really did feel like you were standing in front of a throne, a queen to his king. “It’s just us, honey,” he said, his voice deep, and you were having a hard time coming up with a response. Not when he looked this good, not when he was looking at you like that.
read the fic here ((18+ explicit content, minors DNI))
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sailor-aviator · 7 months
Javy "Coyote" Machado Series
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Hi! Here is a list of the series I'm writing for Javy "Coyote" Machado! Each series has multiple chapters and you can find their brief summaries underneath the titles! If you would like to read more you can head on over to my Masterlist! If you enjoy my writing, consider buying me a ko-fi!
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All That Glitters (Coming Soon)
Summary: Growing up in the untamed wilds of the west afforded you many opportunities that most women weren't allowed, namely that of choice and self sufficiency. One day, your father announces his intention to marry you off, and you take your chance to escape, moving south to try your luck at striking gold. You arrive in the town of Maverick, setting up shop, but soon learn that life on your own is tougher than you previously thought. You catch the eye of a handsome man, but you're determined to rely on your own skills. Only, you may end up needing his help after all...
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callsign-joyride · 1 year
I'm so excited for Summer of Smut!!! Whenever you have time can you either do My sweetest pea Bob with 19 or Coyote 10. Thank you❤️❤️❤️
Also congrats again for being almost done with your classes! So proud of you!!!
Tastes Like Strawberries | Javy "Coyote" Machado
Summary: Javy tries to fix your AC during a 4th of July cookout
Pairing: Javy "Coyote" Machado x f!reader
Content warnings: SMUT (18+), oral (f!receiving), fingering
Prompt: "Fuck… just… right there! That feels so good!"
This was written for my Summer of Smut writing event. Feel free to send in requests!
When you had decided to host the 4th of July cookout for the Dagger Squad, you didn’t plan on your AC breaking down a few nights before. All of the windows upstairs were open and fans were running on high power throughout the house. Rooster was one of the first people to show up, and he immediately noticed when he walked in.
“It’s hot in here,” he said as he walked to the kitchen with a pack of beers and burger meat.
“Yeah, the AC blew a few days ago and no one can come out to fix it until after the weekend. I’m surviving, though.”
Bradley helped you finish setting things up outside while the rest of the Dagger Squad arrived. You had been so stressed about the AC and the cookout that you forgot to get ice for the coolers, so Javy greeted you with a kiss and said that he was going to run to the store to get ice. Phoenix got the music going and set out the fruit salad she brought and it felt like things were in full swing.
“Are they manning the grill together?” You asked Phoenix as the two of you turned to see Rooster and Hangman at the grill.
“Oh God, they might kill each other. I’m gonna help Coyote with the ice.”
You were talking with Fanboy and Payback when Javy wrapped his arms around you from behind. Maverick and Penny arrived with cookies and a pasta salad almost right as Rooster and Hangman finished making the burgers and hotdogs. Everyone sat down with their food and kept in light conversation. 
“I’ll be back, I gotta get a trash bag,” you said as you stood up and put your plate and empty water bottle on your chair. Javy agreed and followed you inside.
“You know you could’ve told me about your AC, right?” He asked.
“I didn’t want to bother you about it.”
“At least let me look at it? Maybe I could have it fixed and you wouldn’t have to pay a contractor way too much.”
You sighed and finally gave in.
“Tools are in the garage. Be careful.”
You walked back outside and Payback helped you weigh down the trash bag with a brick from the fire pit. Things started to calm down after everyone ate and you brought out some sparklers and yard-safe fireworks.
“There are vodka-infused popsicles in the freezer if anyone wants one. I have regular ones, too.”
“Oh, hell yeah!” Fanboy shouted as he jumped up and practically ran inside. He came out with three and gave them to Payback and Hangman.
Everyone seemed occupied with their popsicles, so you decided to go inside and check on Javy. His shirt had been thrown on the couch and he had taken off the cover of the AC unit. The sight made you want to climb him like a tree.
“This thing is at least twenty years old, babe. I think you need a new unit. Stay with me for the next few days. I’ll get one first thing on Monday.”
“But Jake-,”
“The high for tomorrow is 95. I’m not letting you stay in this sauna of a house if it’s that hot out and I don’t think he’ll mind.”
You couldn’t explain what came over you at that moment. Javy gasped in surprise as you jumped in his arms and started to kiss him. With your legs wrapped around his waist, he started to carry you over to the stairs as the kiss became more heated. You only stopped kissing so that he could carry you up the stairs without the risk of tripping, but he quickly got to your bedroom and threw you on the bed before hiking your dress up and taking your panties off. He stuffed them into his pocket and kissed you while rubbing tight circles on your clit. You moaned into his mouth as he started to finger you.
“You gotta be quiet. You’ve got open windows,” he said when he slowed down. You nodded your head and he pulled you by your ankles so that you were at the edge of the bed. You let out a breathy moan at the feeling of Javy’s tongue on your clit. He used his free hand to hold your hips down as you became a writhing mess under him.
“Fuck… just… right there! That feels so good!” You gasped. Javy moaned into you as you came and slowly withdrew his fingers from you. From downstairs, you could hear the back door slide open and closed.
“Everything okay in here? Where’d you guys go?” Fanboy loudly asked from downstairs. Javy looked at you and chuckled before pulling your dress down.
“We’re good, man. We’ve got exposed wires up here.”
You tried not to laugh as Javy stood up and went to the bathroom to grab a washcloth.
“Oh, okay. We’re all gonna go and get ice cream. This was a good time, though.”
Everyone left and the two of you went downstairs to put all of the leftovers away and clean the yard. Both of you showered and you packed a bag and closed the windows before getting in the car with Javy. He called Hangman on the way back to their apartment and explained the situation.
“Her AC blew out so she’s staying with us for the next few days.”
You could practically hear the smirk on Hangman’s face.
“Was that the only thing that blew out?” He asked. You couldn’t help but laugh at the comment.
“Do you think Fanboy knows?” You asked through laughter.
“Oh, he definitely knows.”
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@littlebadariell @cycbaby @luckyladycreator2 @idontcare-11 @blue-aconite @maverick-wingman @shawty-fenty @littlemisstopgun @rosiahills22 @katieshook02 @justanothermagicalsara @caitsymichelle13 @smoothdogsgirl @adoringsebstan @cherrycola27 @alexxavicry @mrsjaderogers @mak-32 @thefandomimagines @tallrock35 @caatheeriinee07 @bradshawseresinbabe @atarmychick007 @3sriracha
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thedaredevilsgirl · 2 years
hey babies.
Just to let you know that I'm taking requests to write headcanons and drabbles of Top Gun Maverick characters and for Rhett Abbott. Send in your ideas and I'll write them all up tomorrow.
Kisses from Ray 🦋
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beyondthesefourwalls · 6 months
Merry Christmas Mishaps
Summary: Christmas looked a little different this year, and Javy knew you were having a hard time adjusting to it. You were used to the lights and the hustle and - God help him, the snow - that came with where you had called home for so long. You had given all that up to move to California to be with him, and he decided that if he couldn’t get you back on the east coast for the holiday, maybe he could improvise and start making new traditions here together, with a few surprises along the way. 
Pairing: Javy Machado x Reader (no use of y/n)
Word Count: 3.7K
Warnings: Warm fuzzy Hallmark feelings. Non-descriptive smut that’s more alluded to but still there. 
Notes: Back on my Javy Needs More Love agenda, but make it the ✨Holiday Edition✨
Written for @bellaireland1981's Winter RomCom Challenge with the prompt "I have a secret".
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Christmas looked a little different this year, and Javy knew you were having a hard time adjusting to it. 
When you had fallen in love with him, agreeing to move to San Diego to be with him since he couldn’t exactly relocate for you (he would have, in a heartbeat), you had done so with little to no hesitation. Being together was worth getting used to a new time zone and weather patterns. Last year, he had accompanied you home for the holidays, being introduced to every aunt and uncle and cousin twice removed as the boyfriend who had whisked you away to sunny California, experiencing every tradition and festive tourist trap he could have imagined, his cheeks cold and his toes numb, but with a giant smile on his face because of how happy you were. 
This year, though, he had drawn the short straw amongst his squad and would be working half a day on the 23rd and then the day after Christmas, too. And you, in all of your beauty and grace and complete and utter stubbornness, had refused to entertain the idea of going home by yourself. 
“For God’s sake, Javy. You think I’d let you spend Christmas alone?” 
You had sounded truly scandalized at the suggestion, and neither of you had talked about it since. 
But he knew. 
You were as cheerful as ever on the outside, even more so, really, overcompensating with the winter wonderland that your shared condo had turned into. Hardly a surface wasn’t covered in something festive since your negotiated date of the 15th of November (you were of the belief that Christmas started on November 1st, where he was a strict after Thanksgiving guy). Christmas playlists were on a constant rotation, and he’d watched more Hallmark movies in the last few weeks than he was willing to admit. You were doing everything right to make it seem like you were in the holiday spirit, but he could see the way the light in your eye dimmed just the slightest bit when you didn’t realize he was looking, and how sometimes your smile was just the tiniest bit forced. 
He knew that you missed the familiarity of home and the warmth of family and tradition. He had tried to get your parents out here instead, but it hadn’t worked out like he had hoped. It really would just be the two of you for Christmas. You had assured him that that was all you needed, and deep down, he knew you were telling the truth. Still, he wished he could do something more to make it feel like what you were used to. 
It was a week before the holiday when the idea came to him. You were watching yet another Hallmark movie, set in a snowy mountain town that was fighting to keep a beloved bakery alive (or maybe it was a toy shop, the plot lines were all starting to blend together for him), and you made an off hand comment about the likelihood of ever seeing snow while living in California. It was nearly two AM as you both slept in bed under a green and red duvet when his eyes popped open and he shot up to grab his laptop, suddenly knowing exactly what he could do. 
Javy spent the next several days feverishly planning, making calls and sending emails in between hops and classes. He felt like a kid trying to keep the ultimate Christmas present a surprise, giddy with excitement. It was a gamble, the forecast changing almost by the hour, but he was confident it would be worth it. 
Coming home from work at lunch time on the 23rd, he was practically vibrating with anticipation. You were in the kitchen transferring cookies into a tin from a baking sheet when he walked through the door, the condo smelling like chocolate and sugar. Michael Buble played in the background, and he couldn’t help but watch you for a moment before he announced his presence. 
“Hey baby,” he said. You spun to face him, and he could see the touch of melancholy in your eyes. 
“Hey you.” 
He crossed the room to wrap his arms around you, kissing the top of your head. You pressed your face into the crook of his neck and he could feel the way your body relaxed against his. He held you tighter. “Merry Christmas Eve Eve,” he whispered into your hair, and you giggled as you pulled away to look at him, your smile warm and sincere. He felt a flutter that he was able to do that. 
“Merry Christmas Eve Eve,” you returned, raising on your toes to kiss him. He could taste your peppermint chapstick on your lips.
“I have something for you,” he said, and your eyebrow raised in question. He shot you a wink and squeezed your hips before he stepped away. He practically jogged over to the Christmas tree in the corner of the living room, grabbing one of the boxes he had placed there earlier this week and hurrying back to you. He held it out to you with a dramatic bow, causing another laugh to escape from between your pretty lips. “For you, m’lady.” 
“You’re such a dork,” you said, but there was fondness laced through your voice, and Javy just smiled. You took the box from him, running your finger over the shimmering gold wrapping paper. You looked at the gift wistfully before looking back at him. “It’s not Christmas yet.” 
“An early gift. Come on, open it. For me?” 
You rolled your eyes at his exaggerated puppy dog expression that he played up just for you. With a sigh that quickly turned into an excited grin, you tore into the paper. He laughed as you did, knowing that no matter how hard you tried to hide it, you loved presents. 
He could tell you were confused when you pulled out the soft, fluffy scarf, followed by the matching beanie, both in a dark forest green that he knew you favored. 
“These are so nice, baby. I love them. But it’s 70 degrees outside right now?” 
Javy nodded, not bothering to fight the smile that was taking over his face. “Yeah, but it’s colder up in the mountains. So you might need to bundle up.”
You looked up at him in shock, your eyes widening with each passing second. “What are you talking about?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. 
“I rented us a cabin up in Big Bear. It’s just for a couple of days, but I thought maybe we could get away just the two of us. Maybe get some snow and have a white Christmas after all, if the weather pulls through. But at least a colder one, just like you like.” 
You were staring at him with a mix of disbelief and pure joy, and Javy knew he had made the right decision in surprising you. He mentally captured the look on your face right now, wanting to keep it as a memory forever. 
It wasn’t often that you were speechless, and he couldn’t help the laugh he let out as he asked, “Are you surprised?” 
Instead of answering, you threw your arms around him, hugging him tight. You wrapped your legs around him when he lifted you off your feet and pulled back just far enough to kiss him soundly. 
“This is the best gift ever,” you whispered against his lips. “I love you.” 
You were on the road within the next two hours, the presents from under your tree all packed up in the car as well as the cookies you had just freshly baked. It was almost a three hour drive and by the time he was winding his truck up the mountain side, the sun was setting. You were leaning as far as you could against the window, eyes glued on the outdoor landscape. A thin sheen of snow lined the ground, and you could see the faint shine of Christmas lights from tucked away houses.
Javy reached over to take your hand, lacing your fingers together. You turned to him smiling, and he felt his heart swell. He knew that this was exactly what you needed.
He helped you out of the car once he parked in the small driveway, and he could see the awe written all over your face. The cabin was wooden and cozy, the outside completely decked out in twinkling lights. He could see through the windows that the inside had lights on, too, and he knew the request he had put in with the rental company to have all the Christmas lights up and turned on at the time of arrival had been fulfilled. 
“Oh, baby,” you breathed, spinning in a slow circle once you walked through the front door. The cabin itself was small, a studio set up where every room flowed together with ease and little separation, but it was decorated just as extravagantly as the condo, only moreso, somehow, with the mountain environment and cabin feel adding a deeper element of festivity. 
“This is beautiful,” you said softly. Javy dropped the bags by the door and closed the small distance between you, wrapping his arms around you from behind. He pressed a kiss to the side of your head. 
"I'm glad you like it," he said, his breath warm against your ear. "I know Christmas looks a little different this year. So I wanted to make it special for you." 
You turned in his arms to look at him, eyes shining with tears. “You make everything special,” you told him, and he could hear the conviction in your voice that made it so he couldn’t help but believe you. "Thank you," you whispered. "This means everything to me."  You kissed him, and Javy held you close, his hand stroking your back in a soothing rhythm.
You kept things simple that night, making an easy dinner and then cuddling up on the small couch in front of the fireplace to watch a movie. He insisted on something not Hallmark, and you didn’t fight him at all, laughing as you threw on The Santa Clause instead. 
The next day, the two of you went all out on modified versions of your family’s Christmas traditions. You made an absolute feast for breakfast, full of way too many carbs and way too much sugar that you both ate happily and without a care in the world. You baked even more cookies, and Javy discovered that he had quite the talent for decorating them. The two of you laughed and teased each other as you both tried to outdo each other’s designs, and he kissed your pout away when you eventually conceded defeat.
“You’re too perfect. It’s actually ridiculous.” 
You went for a walk in the early afternoon, bundled up in coats you never got use out of in San Diego. You wore the scarf and hat that he got for you and kept your hand in his the entire way. When you got back to the cabin, noses and fingers cold, you started cooking a meal that was way too much for two people. Normally that was reserved for Christmas day, but you’d have to head back home tomorrow night so you were modifying everything just the slightest bit to accommodate while still making it a trip to remember. 
You sipped sweet red wine together after dinner, trading stories about holidays as kids, when you gasped loudly, jumping up from the couch. He looked at you in concern as you practically sprinted to the window. 
“Baby, what-”
“Javy, it’s snowing!” 
The wonder in your voice was palpable. He got up and joined you at the window, watching the snowflakes fall gently to the ground in the dark, reflecting off of the array of outdoor lights. It was a beautiful sight, truly. 
“Looks like we’ll have a white Christmas after all,” he said, his voice low and husky as he wrapped his arms around you. You leaned into him, smiling contentedly. You just stood and watched for a few minutes before he pressed a kiss to your cheek. “Want to go outside?” 
You turned to face him, the excitement in your eyes evident. “Yes!” you exclaimed, already grabbing your coat and shoes. Javy chuckled at your enthusiasm, but really, he was just as excited as you were. 
The air was crisp and cold, but you hardly seemed to notice as you twirled around in the falling snow. He just watched you for a moment, content with the spectacle he was witnessing. You slipped just the slightest bit on your next spin, and Javy caught you, holding you steady as you started to giggle uncontrollably. He couldn’t help but smile at your joy, feeling his own heart warm at the sight.
“Careful,” he playfully admonished. You just sighed happily as you settled against him. 
“Never thought I’d get a white Christmas in California,” you whispered. 
Javy’s pulse picked up as he thought about one of the gifts he had for you, suddenly desperate to give it to you. He swallowed thickly as he kissed your cold cheek. “Let’s head back in.” 
You showered together, the hot water helping you regain some of the warmth you had lost from your unexpected snow excursion. You poured glasses of wine as he set some cookies on a plate for you to share, and the two of you settled in front of the Christmas tree. You eyed the gifts eagerly; it was nearing midnight now, and neither of you wanted to wait until morning. 
You took turns opening the handful of gifts you got each other, swapping stories and reasonings behind them as you did. Plenty of laughs and kisses were exchanged as you went, and before he knew it, you were both surrounded by wrapping and tissue paper. 
Looking at you now, basked in the tree lights and the glow of the lit candles scattered throughout the room, the fireplace crackling in the corner, he knew there wouldn't be a better time than right now. He cleared his throat gently, drawing your attention from the custom puzzle he had made for you of one of your favorite pictures. 
“I have one more gift for you,” he murmured, and his heart started racing wildly in his chest as he reached behind the tree, lifting the tree skirt to grab the small box he had hid underneath it. It was beautifully wrapped, adorned with a silky green ribbon and a small gold bell. Your eyes widened as you looked from the box to his eyes, and he could see the question written all over your face. His heart leaped in his chest as you took it from him, your fingers brushing his before smoothing over the elegant paper, different from what the rest of your gifts had been wrapped in. 
“Javy,” you breathed. “Is this…?” 
“Open it,” he urged, a small smile playing on his lips. You slowly undid the ribbon, setting it aside and then gently running your finger beneath the tape to get the paper off, showing a delicacy you hadn’t before. 
You gasped when the velvet black box was revealed, and when you met his eyes again, there were tears lining yours. 
“Go ahead, open it,” he encouraged, his eyes dancing with anticipation. 
You bit your lip through the smile he could see appearing, staring at him for a long moment, before you finally looked back down. With a deep, shaky breath you snapped the box open. He held his breath as he waited for your reaction, only for his stomach to drop when, instead of the radiant smile and excitement he was so confident you would have, your eyebrows furrowed together, a frown contorting your features. You looked not only confused, but heartbroken. 
“I don’t understand.” 
“What?” he asked, heart racing for an entirely different reason now. “What do you mean?” 
Without saying anything, you turned the open box to face him. Javy felt horror course through him when he looked down to see that the ring box, which was supposed to be housing a shiny, sparkling engagement ring that he just knew you would be in love with, was completely empty. And instead of the name of the jewelry store staring back at him on the silk lining of the inside lid, the LSU logo from the box that at one point held his class ring that was on his hand was staring back at him instead. It took his mind a moment to really register the implications of that, and the groan he let out was long and drawn out. 
“Oh my God,” he said as he smacked his forehead, “I’m an idiot.” 
You still looked confused, but maybe a little less heartbroken as you cleared your throat. “Huh?” 
“Baby, I am so sorry,” he pleaded, and he scrambled to grab your hands, sliding himself closer to you on the floor. He knocked the offensive empty box to the ground. 
“I kept your ring it in my sock drawer-”
“Real original.” 
“Thank you, I know,” he responded without missing a beat, “But I also keep my class ring box in there, and I must have grabbed the wrong one when you were in the shower before we left yesterday. I had looked at the ring so many times that I swore the hinges on the damn box were gonna snap so I made myself keep it closed and oh my god-” 
You cut him off with a laugh, shaking your head and wiping at the tears in your eyes. “Javy, it’s okay,” you said. 
But it wasn’t, not to him at least. He had planned this whole getaway so meticulously and the proposal had been something he had been thinking about for so long. He had bought your ring months ago, and had been so excited to give it to you. 
“No,” he shook his head, “it’s not okay. This was supposed to be perfect, and I ruined it. I’m so sorry,” he apologized again. 
You took his face in your hands, forcing him to look at you, and he couldn’t help but lean into your touch. “It’s not ruined,” you said firmly. “I mean, yeah, this wasn’t exactly how you planned it, but it doesn’t change how I feel about you or the fact that I want to be with you forever.” 
“I just wanted it to be special,” he muttered, still feeling embarrassed. He imagined he would for a good long while. 
You smiled at him, that sweet tug of your lips that has damn near brought him to his knees since the very beginning. You rubbed your thumb across his cheek, giggling softly. You leaned in to press a kiss to his lips. 
“I don’t care about the ring, Javy. I care about you. And this is perfect.” 
He looked at you, tears stinging his eyes. A grin slowly spread on his face as he processed your words. “Are you saying yes?” he asked, his voice tinged with excitement. 
You grinned right back at him, shrugging playfully. “Are you asking?” 
Javy couldn't contain the emotion that coursed through him. The empty ring box was forgotten as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight embrace. Laughter bubbled up between you. "Yes! Yes, I'm asking!" 
Your eyes sparkled when you pulled away, and you looked at him expectantly, eyebrows raised. It took him a second through the excitement to realize why, and he felt his face heat with embarrassment again. "Oh! Right. Right. Baby, I love you. And I had a whole speech planned, but it doesn't feel like it matters anymore. All that matters is me and you, yeah?" You nodded, tears in your eyes, and Javy felt as calm as he had all night just from the look you were giving him. "Marry me?" 
You kissed him again, your lips molding perfectly against his. He had to rank it as one of the best kisses the two of you had ever shared together. “Yes,” you breathed, your noses brushing together as you nodded fervently. “Yes, I’ll marry you.” 
You squealed at the sudden movement as he scooped you up into his arms as he stood. He spun you around once, twice, your shared laughter filling the small, warm space. Your arms wrapped tight around his neck as he held you, trusting him not to drop you. He knew the smile on his face must have been ridiculous - his cheeks were starting to ache by the constant pull. 
“I love you.” 
“I love you too,” you said, your voice soft but sincere. He kissed you again, and you returned it eagerly. You moaned into his mouth as he carried you the few steps to the bed, laying you down gently before climbing on top of you. 
He made love to you slowly, his hands roaming every inch of your body, caressing and exploring with a tenderness that matched what he was feeling. He savored every breath and every touch. There was no rush as you moved together. The tree lights glowed and the fireplace crackled, and it was like just the two of you existed, tucked away from the rest of the world. You clutched at him as he expertly brought you to the edge. 
You lay cuddled up with him afterward, your head on his chest as his stayed wrapped around you, holding you close. 
The room was filled with a comforting silence, broken only by the sound of your steady breathing and the crackling of logs in the fireplace. Javy traced lazy patterns on the bare skin of your back, his touch gentle and loving. The Christmas tree glowed in the corner, snow was still slowly falling outside, and a quick glance at the clock on the bedside table told him it was after midnight at that point. He pressed a kiss to your head, sighing in content. 
"Merry Christmas, Sweetheart." 
Main Masterlist
Notes: This was incredibly self indulgent. I actually love him so much, it's unhealthy. Hope you enjoyed this one!
Thanks to @roosterforme and @mak-32 for all their help as usual, and to Mak for the absolutely stunning banner.
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ereardon · 2 months
The Backup Ch. 10 sneak peek
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Bob paused. “It’s weird, you know,” he said quietly. “Without you guys here. Feels like something is missing.” 
“I miss you too.” You sucked in a breath. “How’s Jake?” 
“He’s, uh, in Texas.” You frowned into the phone. 
“He took a leave of absence,” Bob said. “Went to visit his grandmother at their ranch.” 
“When was the last time you talked to him?” 
“Two, maybe three weeks ago? Said he needed some space from the city.”
“From the city,” you whispered, “or from me?” 
Bob sighed. “You want the truth?” 
“Slice me open, Floyd,” you whispered. 
“He said the city is haunted by the ghost of you,” Bob said quietly. “That you’re around every corner. And even though he knows you’re in New York, a part of him always thinks you’re going to show up at his door.”
Masterlist here
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