bpsmuts · 2 months
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jee-ns · 3 years
(v) ladybugs. // kjn. // one-shot.
you couldn’t do anything. it was a curse you thought. all these years you’ve been through you’ve been waiting for this day. but what’s stopping you? what if you don’t want to get better. what if you wanted to stay this way. she was a miracle. that should’ve happened a long time ago.
notes : i am so very sorry for the delay. lol i like procrastinating. anyways im kinda falling out of love with blackpink someone send help. - admin  🗣
warnings : alcohol, broken glass, death, alot of blood
words : 1.5k
last : (iv) ladybugs
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it’s been approximately 5 hours since jennie ran away from you into the forest. after you broke the news about your heart problem and the surgery. she got emotional and thought you trusted her. which you did. but when you’re with her you feel like there’s nothing wrong with you.
so you just blatantly forget about your heart and focused on her the whole time. you guys don’t exchange alot of words. she was the one who always done the talking.
you're usually uncomfortable around strangers but she seems to pull you out of your comfort zone and actually do fun stuff. like sleeping under the stars which your mother would never let you do. she has always been strict on you. you know she loves you a lot. she loves you so much that she still work extra shifts to support your surgery. which you're grateful for. but she just doesn't let you have any freedom and you rarely see her. that's why you're at your grandma's.
the wind was blowing through your curtains. a piece of the night ray glowing in your room. the whole day you didn't talk to jennie nor have you seen her. after she ran away you couldn’t find her.
but tonight with the sudden feeling of adventurousness. you decided you should probably try to find her. incase she’s in danger or something. you got up from your bed and went to your window.
your eyes stalked over the tree. thinking about where she might be. you hoped she wasn’t in the woods because as much as you like to believe it you’re not that brave like what jennie said.
but instead you got the courage to grab a flashlight from your bedside table and headed straight down and into the woods. it was eerie. the sound of the twigs under your feet. and the sound of the wind blowing the wind.
you walked through the trees that was once pretty but now petrifying. then you’ve finally arrived at the lake. the moonlight cascading on to the shallow water. making it look like the lake was glowing.
for a second you forgot why you were there as you gazed was on the glistening water. until you looked around the lake. then there it was.
a house. it was a normal suburban house. the house was partly barricaded. it was all across the lake you had to take a long walk to get to it.
upon arriving at the old rickety house. you studied it. the paint was peeling off, the stairs into the house was missing some steps, half if the roof was gone. but what caught your eye the most was a window. it had a ladybug sticker on it.
you didn’t know what got into you but you had a tingly feeling that jennie is somewhere in the house. your eyes was on the window as you walk into the house.
once you got passed the entrance, a wave of smell took over. it smelt like rotting. you scowled and put your free hand up to your nose to block the horrid smell out.
you looked around. there was some broken glass on the floor. the whole placed reek of alcohol and the smell was noisome. you almost gagged as you went inside further.
you looked around with the flashlight. there was some water dripping from. it was most probably the lavatory.
after scouting the first floor. you found nothing. just more alcoholic smell in the kitchen and glass bottles almost everywhere. “what the hell happened.”
now you were infront the stairs that led to the upper half of the house. as you made it to the top. the moonlight shone down on the hallway considering of the half torned off roof.
you made your way down the carpeted hallway right beside the stairs. there were 2 rooms. you arrived infront of the first one. the handle was rusty. you wrapped your hand around it, you were digusted. it was slimy, you had a hard time twisting it.
you pushed the wooden door open. it was hard to push open but you managed. it made a loud creek throughout the whole house. 'how long has this place been abandoned for?' a billion questions ran through your mind. you held up your flashlight to to get a better look of the room.the wallpaper was worn out and the roof has leaks too.
you moved the flashlight to the floor to see clothes scattered on the floor from the closet, glass shards from the window and random items. 'it looks like someone was in a hurry' you thought hard on what would have happened here. you took another look in the dark room with your flashlight.
something caught your eye. the glass shards had some dark maroon colour. then you realized it was blood. then there was more it was a trail. you displayed the light on it and it led to another room down the hall. you stood there by the door frame scared.
you brace yourself as you decide to follow the blood trail. you needed to find jennie and apologize to her. she was your everything. she helped you alot. the further you went down the hallway, the amount of blood increase, and so does the horrid smell.
another batch of questions was running through your head and some of the questions you didn't want answers too. your finally face to face with the wooden door . it had the letter 'j' imprinted on it. and there was some princess stickers on it.
there was trails of dried blood drops under the door. you’re frightened, scared, shaking too, you were deciding if this was the right thing to do or not as you stare at the steel door handle that has dried blood smeared around it.
you took a deep breathe with your eyes closed and remember why you're doing this, for jennie. your hand slowly reach the door handle and twist it slowly. the door also had the same loud creak as the last one but what more concerned is the stench that struck through your nose was stronger than it was a second ago, you couldn’t identify the smell before but now, you were sure, was a rotten smell.
you had to cover your nose, the atmosphere in the room felt so.. off, it was pitch black, not even the slightest bit of moon light were in the room, your mind is a mess at this moment you gain courage to use your flashlight again, you lightened the dried up blood trail that you were following into the room, the amount of blood increased, you stopped when you saw a quite big amount of blood on the floor, with more alcohol glass shards that were covered in blood, whats with this house and alcohol glass shards?
“is this the cause of the smell?” you wondered, with a slight hope it is you moved your flashlight further to see a smeared blood trail leading somewhere, you're swallowed your saliva as you were nervous to even see more. the smeared blood trail leads to the side of the bed, a bed?
you move your flashlight on the bed, there's something under the cover of the bed which made you curious “is this where the smell's coming from” your brain was screaming to not come any closer but your heart resist as you slowly step closer, the smell got stronger and the “something happen to look” long as if, its a.. person.
you were stunned by your conclusion, everything become more scarier than it is. you thought to yourself maybe this was a bad idea, you should get out of here. just as you turn away, you could hear her calling you, a gentle low familiar voice, that has been the one to always calm you down calling your name.
'jennie?' you thought to yourself in shock making you turn yourself back to the bed “jennie” you said just under a whisper as the feeling of missing her overcame you. approaching closer, you reach for the cover that was painted with blood and slowly pull it down. the moon light suddenly found its way into the room, the light caressed her face lightly as you cover your mouth in disbelief, tears formed in your widening eyes.
the full moon was companied by the bright stars that light up the sky that night. the fireflies came out to play above the high, shrubbery grass as they lightened the view. The footsteps of the child running in the grass could be heard by the nearby trees. your sobbing could be heard by the moon. your breathing became messy as you are gasping for air after all the running and crying.
this won’t be good for your heart, but you don’t care. everyone dies anyway. all you knew was to run. the footsteps stopped, you stood in front of the tree. “Our Tree” you thought. Your breath become shaky from the run. you tried to hold in your cry causing you to sob. there she is on the branch.
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good-writer-fics · 3 years
Check out my Jennie x Female Reader story on Wattpad! You can also read this on Archive Of Our Own -- > https://archiveofourown.com/works/31850608
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writer-penguin · 7 years
Physics (Jennie x Reader M) 1/2
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By: writer-penguin nuz
Jennie x Female Reader
Genre: Smut
Part:1/2 (this part is kinda fluff the second part will be smut!)
You frowned when you saw another problem waiting to be solved. Physics has never been your best subject. You just took a deep breath and tried to remember the correct formula for the waiting problem. After five minutes of thinking, you felt like your head was going to explode. 
"Not doing so well, hmm?" When you hear her voice you blushed and nodded. "Y-yeah." Her perfect face shined with a smile and she leaned to you. "I can help you if you want!" she asked happily.  You answered quietly "I Really don't want to be a burden, Jennie." She frowned and looked at you confused. "What are you even talking about. I want to help you." She pushed you a little bit so she can sit next to you. You took a deep breath and tried to calm yourself down. She was so close to you. And her smile was so beautiful. Her eyes were shining so brightly. She opened her mouth to speak and words were coming out so easily. Like she knew everything about the physics. But you weren't listening properly. Instead of that, you were stealing some glances from Jennie. 
So when she finished with the subject and asked you to solve the question you had no idea what to do. You kept reading the question to understand something. But it was no use. After some time you sighed and look at her with tired eyes. "I'm hopeless." She shook her head with a small smile. "Nope, I think I understand the problem." You tilted your head, looking her with curiosity. "You can't focus because you're thinking about something else." You looked at her. Did she saw you while you were looking at her? You coughed and said. "I think the drama I'm watching is no good for me. I keep thinking about the characters. I'm sorry." She shook her head. "It's okay. I actually want to help you. Want to come over tomorrow? My parents are not going to be home for the whole day. You know business." She laughed You tried to look calm but on the inside, you were screaming. You and Jennie at her house. Alone. You nodded without thinking twice. Her smile got bigger when she saw you want to come. "Okay then. I Gotta' go now. I'll see you tomorrow Y/N." She hugged you tightly and you hugged her back. Smelling her beautiful scent. Then she got up and smiled at you one last time before she got up and walk out of the door.You sighed again and put your blushing face into your hands.
The next day you woke up a little bit earlier. You took a shower and did your hair. You kept smiling while doing all of your personal jobs. When you were in the school you went straight to the bathroom. You checked yourself for the millionth time. You looked perfect. Everything was perfect. You got out of the bathroom and went to your class. Jennie was talking with someone she lifted her head and saw you. Her eyes widened and she opened her mouth to say something. It never came out. You smiled softly and waved. She came to hug you. Then she looked at you again and spoke with a soft voice. “You look stunning Y/N” You blushed and nodded. “T-thanks” She put a strand of hair behind your ear. “You’re still coming right?” You nodded again. She smiled and nodded. 
After school ended you two walked to her house. Talking about school, boys and food on the way. “We’re here!” she said pointing a big white house. “Wow, it’s...big” she laughed “C’mon.” She opened the door and closed after you both entered. She put her bag down and you did the same. You shivered when you felt two hands holding your shoulders and pushing you a little, motioning you to walk. "This is my room!" she said with excitement. The room was bright because of the sunlight. You saw a desk at the end of the bed and a wardrobe on the other side of the room. "Did you like it?" you nodded. "I did" 
After some talking and eating you were ready for your tutoring. You sat on a chair and Jennie sat next to you. Then she started explaining. You were trying so much. To focus on the work. To understand. But her pink lips made it almost impossible. You were sure she saw you twice but you couldn't stop yourself from imagining things. How it would feel to kiss her soft pink lips. How would she sound like when she's moaning your name. When your fingers- "Y/N!" you looked at her eyes. "S-sorry I-I" she smirked and slowly lean closer. "I already caught you twice." her hand made contact with your cheek, she slowly caressed it. She leaned a little bit more. Your nose were touching her's. She pressed her lips to yours in a second. Pulling you to her lap from the chair. Her hands wandering around your body. She pulled away and looked at you. "We're going to have so much fun baby."
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j2j2c6y1-blog · 7 years
Bonnie and Clyde
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                                              My Love is on Fire
Summary: Jennie lost the will to live. She was about to end her life, but something, or rather someone, stopped her.
Pairing: JennieXReader (girlxgirl)
Word Count: 6,451
Everyone had been given a hard punch in the face by what we call life. Some are given a huge blow once and then the rest are just jabs, but there are also some who receives continuous hard punches until their body gives up, until one can’t fight back anymore.
Jennie thought of the ways she would die. If she took a lot of pills, there’s a high chance that her sister will see her and bring her to the hospital. If she slit her wrist, there’s also a possibility that she wouldn’t die right away. If she hanged herself, her sister will freak out big time, and she doesn’t want that. But if she jumps off the building, she’s sure that there’s no way she’ll make it after that. 
And so there she was, staring at the night sky, standing at the parapet of a 12 storey high building, taking in slow and deep breaths, blocking her mind with useless thought as to not to delay her jumping anymore. 
“I should probably go head first to make sure.”
She’s about to leave the world with regret, and that’s what Jennie hated the most. She wasn’t able to live like normal girls at her age have, she wasn’t able to give her sister a proper life, and most of all, she wasn’t able to experience being loved and to love unconditionally. It was her deepest regret, but she wasn’t going to let those stop her from saying goodbye to the ruthless pit of hell she’s living in, but a shriek did.
Momentarily, Jennie glanced at her back before looking straight ahead again. 
Check it out. You’re curious right? Someone seemed to whisper to her but Jennie covered her ears. However, the voice inside her is getting louder and irritating. I know you’re curious. Just get your feet down and check it, then you can jump after.
Jennie has a habit of being nosy, although most of the times she ignores that trait of her. Curiosity led her to get down the parapet and follow where she heard the voice. 
Not too far from where she stood, Jennie saw the back of a guy, who was standing with his wobbly legs. 
As quiet as a mouse, Jennie went closer and watched as the scene unfold before her.
“D—do-n’t come near me. I’m… going to call the police!” Y/N stuttered as she walked backwards, her back eventually hitting the wall. There was no way out. Her mind was about to go blank once she saw the drunk man going near her as seconds pass. 
Technology just had to be useless at times like this. Her phone had died and she found herself hopeless and weak.
She regret staying at the library late at night. She regret insisting on walking when her friend offered her a ride. She regret going up the abandoned building, thinking the drunkard wouldn’t be able to follow her. 
The man stood in front of her, a smirk displayed on his lips as he touched Y/N’s hair, softly and creepily. “Looks like tonight will be fun.”
Y/N’s lips trembled in fear, she shut her eyes tightly and prepared herself for what was about to come. However, her eyes shot open when her hand made contact with a cold steel pipe at her right.
Not wasting anymore time and give the man the fun night he was talking about, Y/N took the metal pipe, pushed the drunkard away from her, then swung it as hard as she can. Y/N stumbled right after, seeing the man laying back face. 
Fear rushed through her nerves as she let go of the metal. Y/N flipped the man around and saw the damaged she caused to the man’s head. The blood continued to flow out of his head, while fear continued to flow through her veins.
Y/N sat and observed the man, wondered how hard did she possibly hit him that he died in a single swing. She stared at the dead body in front of her and slowly calmed her mind. 
Nobody would’ve been calm if s/he just killed a person, but strangely enough, instead of her hands trembling and her sweat falling, she felt a sense of relief and somehow, she likened herself to a bird successfully escaping its cage. She felt good. She felt free. As weird and creepy as it may seem.
Deciding she should leave and figure out a way to live with what she had done, Y/N stood up and picked up her bag, walking off the crime scene. 
A voice of a girl stopped Y/N from her tracks, suddenly frozen.
“No need to run, I won’t report you.” The voice grew louder as Y/N felt the girl was standing behind her. 
She turned around slowly and met a dark brown eyes, staring right at her soul. 
“Why won’t you?” Y/N asked, surprising herself from how stable her voice is. She was scared for a second that the girl might have witnessed what she did and send her to prison, but right at the moment when she connected eyes with the girl, her heart felt at ease, as weird as it felt for her.
“Just because.” 
“You won’t turn a criminal in, just because? You’re being unreasonable.” Y/N crossed her arms.
“Why, do you want me to turn you in?” The girl asked with a smirk, pulling out her phone. “Then I’ll call the police.”
“No! Don’t.” In panic, Y/N quickly snatched the girl’s phone.
“Okay, Okay, I won’t.” 
Y/N gave back the phone and started to walk away, only to be grabbed on her arm.
“Hold on. Don’t tell me you’re going home looking like that?” The girl looked her from head to toe. Blood stains were evident on both of her hands and at her white school uniform.
“I won’t be going home. I’ll just wash my hands and find a way to get rid of the stain somehow.” Y/N pulled her arm lightly, before turning around once again to go down the building.
“I’ll take you to my house then. Follow me.” The girl offered, more like demanded, walking ahead of Y/N, who contemplated whether she should follow the stranger. She doesn’t look like she’ll kill me or something…
“I’m Jennie by the way. Jen or Jennie, any name will do.” Jennie introduced herself as they went down the stairs from the 12th floor. It sure is tiring. 
Not hearing a word from the girl behind her, Jennie stopped walking and looked back at the other girl. “Your name?”
“Oh. Y/N.” 
“Y/N.” Jennie nodded, letting the name linger on her lips. 
“Wear this.” A helmet was given to Y/N, which she accepts hesitantly. She haven’t tried riding in a motorcycle, especially a dangerous looking one.
But her mind drifted from the motorcycle, to the girl in front of her. Now that there was proper light coming from the street lamp, Y/N could now see Jennie clearly. The latter had long brown hair that flawlessly cascaded down her back and her eyes were a deep pool of chocolate that one can be lost in. She was dressed in a complete black outfit, with her leather jacket that complemented her fierce yet gentle eyes. 
“What? Aren’t you going to wear it?” Jennie sighed, bringing back Y/N from her train of thoughts that already reached the other country. 
Taking the helmet from the stiff figure, Jennie placed it herself and buckled the chin strap with her slightly shaking fingers. 
Jennie let out a breath that she didn’t notice she was holding in, before pulling Y/N to sit at her motorcycle. 
“Wait.” She stepped out of the motorcycle and took off her jacket, giving it to Y/N. “Take off your blazer and use this instead. There’s too much blood.” 
Y/N thanked her and did as she was told. She was also instructed to hold on tight on Jennie’s waist as to not to fall, although she would’ve done it even if she wasn’t told to. Who knows if the girl is a reckless driver?
The concept of love at first sight, and even the phrase itself is total bullshit to Jennie. She believed that it’s impossible to love someone if you don’t know him/her. It isn’t called love, she says, it’s merely an attraction to the person’s physical appearance.
But as the girl behind her encircle her arms around her waist, her perception of falling in love at first sight changed drastically. Y/N not knowingly prevented her from jumping into an endless pit of regret and wistfulness. Maybe this girl can replace the feeling of regret she had when she was standing at the top of the building. Maybe, hopefully.
“I thought I wouldn’t be able to step down this motorcycle alive.” Y/N stated in exaggeration as she unbuckle the chin strap, handling the helmet to the owner, who was chuckling.
They stood in front of what seems like an abandoned building. No paints, several windows shattered, and boxes with random things piled just in front. Y/N wondered if this was really the ‘home’ Jennie was referring to.
She followed closely behind the other girl who opened the door, which doesn’t have any passcode or anything for security purposes, except the door knob, which wasn’t even locked.
The sight once Y/N walked in the door is what she described as beauty inside. Just like how an ugly person can be beautiful inside. The interior wasn’t anything extravagant, but it’ll leave you at awe after having very low expectations because of the exterior of the building. Just like what they say, don’t judge the book by its cover.
“Unnie. You’re back.” A tall, energetic blonde girl came to greet Jennie. She then looked curiously, but still with a huge smile on her face, at the girl behind Jennie. 
“Lisa, this is Y/N, a…friend?” Jennie glanced back, as if confirming if they were friends. “Y/N, this is Lisa, she’s like, my little sister.” 
Lisa went closer to Y/N, enjoying having a guest, which happens once in a blue moon. 
“Hi! Unnie?” The uniform made Lisa think twice whether Y/N is older than her, however since she’s a ‘friend’ of Jennie, it must mean that she’s older.
Lisa’s friendliness made is easier for Y/N to feel comfortable and even throw a smile back. “I’m 19, turning 20 this year. You?”
“You’re my unnie, then. I just turned 18.” Although Lisa wanted to have a same aged friend, she didn’t mind having two older sisters. She ushered Y/N to sit down at their couch and watch with her, only to be stopped by Jennie. 
“The bathroom is there.” Jennie pointed at a wooden door near the kitchen. “Clean up. I’ll prepare you some clothes.” She then went to her room to look for clothes that may fit the other girl.
That was only when Lisa noticed the blood on Y/N’s hands, which Y/N herself had already forgotten about. 
“Oh my god! What happened, Unnie?!” Lisa gasped, worried that Y/N has some kind of injury.
“I’ll tell you.” Jennie intervened before Y/N can even open her mouth. “Here’s your clothes. The underwear was given to me and I haven’t used it yet, you can have it.” Jennie handed the folded garments to Y/N, who thankfully accepted them, and made her way to the bathroom. 
The three were gathered at the sofa. At first, Y/N feared that Lisa would be scared of her and avoid her, however, the younger one wasn’t the slightest bit affected after hearing what had happened, after all, she was already used to those kind of events.
“I’ll bring you to your home tomorrow morning, or maybe afternoon, incase I wake up late.” Jennie shrugged, already feeling lonely just by the thought of her newly found ‘friend’ leaving. She wondered why she easily gets attached to people, selected people.
Y/N fidgeted with the hem of her shirt. “Can I just stay here?”
“I’m sure your parents are already worried.” As much as Jennie wanted her to stay, she doesn’t want to be selfish, yet.
“After what I have done, I won’t be able to go back there.”
“Well, if you wan—-“
Lisa cut her older sister off. “Yes! You can, unnie! Just stay here with us. Jennie Unnie is too boring.” She tugged Y/N’s shirt, beaming at the older girl, while she ignores the whines of Jennie.
“What should we eat?” Jennie asked once the two settled down. She had been too excited by the new company that she forgot that her stomach was already growling.
“Let’s just order some food.” Lisa suggested.
A groan escaped Jennie’s lips once she opened her wallet. “Ugh. I’m low on cash.” “I’ll just go get some.” She stood up and prepared her things.
“Where’s she going?” Y/N followed Jennie with her eyes.
“Out to rob some shop for money.” The casualty on Lisa’s voice left Y/N speechless for a second.
Y/N knew at once that Jennie wasn’t just an ordinary girl, she already had a hunch that Jennie was in some kind of business or something like that. 
“Jennie,” Y/N called. “Can I come?”
The said girl turned around. “Huh?”
“Steal some money?” Y/N shrugged.
“I don’t think you should come. You don’t look like someone who steals.”
“I’m a criminal remember? Please?” 
“Are you sure you want to?” Jennie asked. She didn’t want Y/N to do something that she’ll regret later on, although she knew that Y/N already made something that she will regret just earlier.
“I’m sure.” 
When one had lived a dull life, it’s bound that one day she’ll be out to look for something that can color her black and white world, and that’s what Y/N was going to do, spice her life up a bit. Maybe not a bit, a lot. If anything else, she wasn’t scared of anything, unlike before. Y/N wanted to make use of her time to live life to the fullest since she’s very well aware that sooner or later, the police will come look for her.
“Can I come too?” Lisa pouted, stepping up her ‘pity me’ game, but of course, Jennie already have an answer. 
“No. We’ve talked about this right?” The older one sternly said and looked the sulking Lisa straight into her eyes.
Jennie pressed the button to open her car, which surprised Y/N, who was actually waiting for a helmet.
“Oh. I thought we were going to ride your motorcycle.” 
“You didn’t like it.” Jennie smiled as she opened the passenger’s door for Y/N.
“Yup, I didn’t.” A giggle came out of Y/N’s lips. She wasn’t really a fan of motorcycles, it scared her.
The two were driving around the neighbourhood, blasting some music, while looking for a potential shop to rob. It was already an hour past midnight and there were still stores open, fortunately for them.
“Look at that shop. I mean, it’s poorly decorated, will anyone even go there? The owner will just lose money.” Y/N shook her head, disapproving of the exterior of the shop.
“Then should we help him lose more money?” Smirking, Jennie pressed on the brakes.
“Should we?” A grin slowly crept it’s way into Y/N’s lips as she felt her adrenaline pump up, getting ready for her first theft, which apparently didn’t sound that nice.
The two weren’t dumb to not wear any disguise as they entered the shop. They wore the typical ‘I’m a theft’ style of clothes. Black cap, black mask, and a hoodie, surely no one will suspect them.
It happened fast. One second they were checking the menu as if they were a customer, then the next Jennie was already pointing a gun to the cashier personnel, who happened to be the store owner as well. 
Jennie was holding a gun. Y/N didn’t see that coming. She didn’t actually see it in the first place so she got shocked for a good second. 
They successfully got the money from the cashier and they sped off their car, heading back to their place before the owner could even call the police. It was that fast. It happened in a blink of an eye.
Yes, Y/N did feel sorry for the owner, but that feeling couldn’t compare to the excitement and thrill she felt while they were running away with the money on their hands. It oddly felt refreshing. Who knew breaking the law would feel so good?
“There’s this one that I encountered while the gang and I were robbing a shop. A guy flipped the table and hid himself behind it and told himself as he call for police: ‘they can’t shoot me if I’m here. the table will protect me’. He kept telling himself that over and over again, but of course he didn’t know that I could hear him. And so I shot through the table to prove to him that the table wouldn’t save him. I mean, why don’t people know that bullets go through walls?” Jennie was telling some ‘funny’ story, while the three of them eat the fried chicken they ordered at 2 in the morning. There was a delivery, at 2 in the morning, yes, surprising.
“He probably watched too many action movies.” Y/N laughed, “but did he die?”
“Nope. I didn’t intend to.” Although Jennie had shot quite a number of people already, she wasn’t that heartless.
“Then at least he now knows that he was dumb enough to pick up that logic from the movies.” The two laughed louder, giving themselves a high five.
Meanwhile, Lisa looked at the older ones, as if judging their whole existence. “Yah unnies. Normally, people at your and my age gossip and make fun of their neighbours or classmates but here you are, making fun of a guy who was probably so scared at that time and was even shot.”
“Well you can’t blame us. It’s really funny.” Jennie shrugged.
Lisa could only shake her head, trying to be more understanding, but she couldn’t understand what was so funny about it. 
2 weeks had passed, and the two had already robbed 4 shops. Surely, they were already on the news, even the guy that Y/N accidentally killed was featured on the news, although they still haven’t found out her identity, fortunately. 
In the process of robbing 4 shops, Jennie had shot 2 guards, who of course didn’t die, but bad enough to be operated for an hour or so. 
Y/N had shot someone as well. She shot a store owner who was attempting to call the police. But being as she is, she chose to shoot the owner on the shoulders, and not somewhere that can put him in great danger.
In the course of 2 weeks, one could only imagine how deep Jennie’s feelings became. Y/N as well.
Both were aware of what they were feeling, but neither spoke about it. Jennie had always been straightforward with her feelings. If she didn’t like something she’ll say it without any filter. If she likes someone, she’ll say it. Which is why it’s quite a surprise that she have been keeping whatever feelings she had for Y/N, and chose to suffer by keeping it. But of course, she doesn’t plan on bottling it up forever.
“You know, we haven’t talked about our family.” Y/N thought one day, when the two of them are alone at the living room, watching a food show.
“I don’t bother talking about mine, ‘cause mine’s a complete trash.” Jennie gently stroked Y/N’s hair. She had Y/N’s head on her lap as they stare at the television. 
“Why’s that?”
Jennie heaved a sigh before saying, “They straightforwardly tell me that they didn’t want me and that they didn’t want a child at the first place. So I went out of the house and looked for a family. A real one. Lo and behold, I met a gang and Lisa as well.” A smile made it’s way unconsciously on Jennie’s face as her memory of her first encounter with Lisa flashed on her mind. 
She saw her old self in Lisa. Never losing a smile, a positive aura surrounding her, which is very contagious. Jennie promised herself that she’ll take care of Lisa. “Although I left the gang, it was getting kinda toxic. How ‘bout your’s?” 
“Well, they were nice. Too nice that you’ll get suffocated. I always felt like there’s a hand ready to choke me if ever I make a mistake. They never really directly say that I should be like this or that, but I could feel it. I hated it but I couldn’t complain. That’s the thing when they’re nice to you, you just can’t say it if you don’t like something. It’s really hard.” Y/N was reminded of the times when she used to force a smile and pretended that she loved what she was doing. 
“Then I guess I had it better than you. Just a tad bit.” 
Y/N sat back up, squinting her eyes. “Are you being competitive?”
“Mmm… maybe?” Jennie giggled. 
Bravery. Jennie has plenty of it, she was overflowing with it, that one didn’t have to worry if she goes in a police station with only one gun in hand and make it out alive. Well, maybe that was too exaggerated. 
The point is, Love is like a battlefield, and Jennie was brave enough to take out her gun and make sure to win. 
“Y/N. Can we walk outside for a while?” Jennie begun the battle, which was far more nerve-wracking than stealing a gun from a cop. 
“Umm… Sure?” Y/N placed down her game controller, leaving a pouting Lisa partnerless in the game.
It was a cold night. The cold wind is hitting their face and arm, making them shiver slightly. Y/N regretted that she didn’t bring her hoody with her. 
Their hands kept on brushing past each other, but nobody was taking the initiative, until Y/N couldn’t take the cold anymore, so she held Jennie’s left hand. It did get warmer, not just her hand, but as well as her face and ears. 
“You can tell me anything that’s bothering you.” Y/N said for she noticed how deep in thought Jennie is.
Inhaling in all the air she needed, Jennie mustered up the courage to stop walking, look Y/N in her eyes, and tell her. “Actually, there is something bothering me.”
“What is it?” Tilting her head, Y/N’s heart started beating twice as fast as it normally would.
“The first time I saw you, I already knew that I’ll keep looking for you. That’s why when you said you wanted to stay, I was really delighted. Although I’d probably still follow you around even if you didn’t decided to stay with us.” Jennie chuckled before continuing, “At that time, at the rooftop, I was about to jump. My life sucked. But then when I met you right there and then, I decided that I’ll give life a second chance, and that means a lot, ‘cause I was already ready to jump off.”
Y/N was overwhelmed by what Jennie told her, about her jumping from that building, that she didn’t know what to say. 
“Basically, what I’m saying is, I like you a lot, and that you’re the one who made life a blessing to me when it had always been a curse.” Jennie realize that love can change people. She was never one to say those things, but she let her heart speak for her and tell her what to say. Rarely enough, Jennie didn’t cringe even after having to say those overly cheesy words, as what she describes.
For the first time, Y/N felt genuine love. A love that she had been looking for. Honestly, she didn’t really need Jennie to say it because she already felt it. Jennie had let her feel all along. But of course, she was more than happy to hear those words from Jennie. 
“I like you too, a lot.” Y/N smiled widely, encircling her arms around Jennie. “You don’t know how happy I am right now. It feels like a dream.”
Jennie giggled. “Trust me, I know.” She made Y/N look at her, and planted a kiss on Y/N’s forehead.
During that cold breezy night, a young couple with fire blazing hearts was born.
“Seriously? Couple cases?” Y/N laughed when Jennie bought two cases with the same design, but in black and white. Y/N didn’t really expect Jennie to like having couple things. She really didn’t look like it. 
Jennie’s smile turned 180 degrees at the reaction of her girlfriend to the cases she bought. “What? You don’t want it. Fine. I’ll just have it refunded.” She stood up and was about to leave, when she was pulled back by Y/N.
“No! I like it.” Y/N took the case and replaced her old phone case with the one Jennie had bought for them, proudly showing it to Jennie, who was clearly satisfied.
“Are you two on drugs?” Lisa joined them at the couch, beside Y/N.
“Eew Lisa.” Y/N scrunched her face, pushing the younger one for having those thoughts.
“No, we don’t do drugs.” 
“But I don’t get the two of you. You act all cute and shit like that, heck you even use the money you robbed for your lego collection, and then suddenly you’ll go out killing people. Do you expect me to understand you?” Lisa stared at her two Unnies.
Jennie intervened “For the record, we don’t kill nor shoot people if deemed unnecessary. And don’t you go ranting about robbing money when your clothes, gadgets, and food were bought with that money.”
“Y/N unnie~ Jennie unnie is being mean to me.” Lisa side hugged her other Unnie, pouting like a lost puppy. 
Y/N could only laugh and pat the top of Lisa’s head affectionally. She had already grown attached to the younger one. Although not blood related, she loved her as her real sister.
The gang members had called Jennie one night. They were asking if she wanted to join them robbing a house of a business man at the other side of the town. Jennie turned them down at first, but Y/N insisted for them to join, having a hard time saying no to her girlfriend, Jennie accepted it.
“Let’s wear this.” Jennie excitedly showed Y/N a pair of white shirt and leather jacket, the ones they bought just the day before. Again, with Jennie’s obsession with couple things. 
Y/N giggled at how adorable the other girl is, and even played along, suggesting for them to wear same white sneakers as well. 
The house had 5 cctv cameras around, but with the company of 3 gang members, they were able to destroy all 5 easily. 
They sneaked in the house successfully, aware that there are maids present. 
Y/N and Jennie held hands as they walked inside one of the bedrooms, looking for the box they were supposed to find. 
A loud breaking of glass behind them startled the two. 
“What the fuck.” Jennie whispered harshly, seeing the youngest of the gang members accidentally tipped one of the vase at the shelf. 
Not a minute had passed, the lights were already on, and loud sirens all over the place can be heard. 
Without any choice, Y/N and Jennie jumped out of the window, and cautiously hid behind the bushes of the garden, out to the gates. 
“On the count of three, we’ll run.” Jennie whispered at Y/N, making sure the coast is clear.
“One, two, three.” The two ran as fast as they could, however Y/N wasn’t fast enough as she was grabbed harshly by two cops.
“You’re going to jail young lady.”
“Shit.” Y/N cursed under her breath as the cops was about to shove her inside the car, only for the two to get shot at their chest. 
Y/N took this opportunity to run where Jennie was, holding a gun with her right hand.
Their car stopped in front of them, which was driven by one of the members of the gang. They successfully fled out of the scene, leaving behind one of the members, who they didn’t know what happened.
Once they were seated at the car, Jennie pulled Y/N closer to her, closing her eyes, her breathing still unstable. “You know, I was scared for a second.” She mumbled, only for Y/N to hear.
“Of me being sent to prison?” 
“I was afraid that I’ll never see you again. Although for a second I also thought on surrendering so we’ll be behind the bars together. I mean, it doesn’t sound so nice but I thought, at least we’re together. Good thing I remembered I had a gun.”
Y/N got scared at that moment as well, but knowing that Jennie was there, and knowing that Jennie will do whatever she can to protect her, Y/N knew that nothing bad can happen to her.
Y/N entered the cafe swiftly. There was no nervousness present, as if she had already mastered all of it. She was indeed a fast learner. 
There were only 2 customers at the cafe as of that moment. It was fairly easy. Everything was going just like how they planned it, when, 
Y/N froze from her spot, her eyes went wide. “Mom?” 
Before Y/N knew it, she staggered backwards, her right cheek burning. “You’re a disgrace to our family! How can you do this to us?! I thought we raised you well!”
Y/N clutched her reddened face, her eyes started becoming watery. “It was only you and dad who thought that way,” She said, her teeth gritted.
“Don’t move an inch. I’m going to call the police.” With trembling hands, her mother took out her phone and called the cops.
“Let’s go.” Jennie firmly laced her hands with Y/N’s, pulling her out of the place. 
“Y/N! come back here!” Her mother screamed, but the two went on their way hastily, not wasting their time.
Y/N didn’t talk during the car ride, and it made Jennie quite worried, a lot worried. There was only one place where she thought Y/N would want to be right now. 
Jennie brought her to where they first met, at the rooftop. 
They sat at the parapet without any words. Just the winds, faint sniffing, and Jennie stroking Y/N’s hair softly. 
“Don’t mind her. Those kind of people are the worst. They’re not even worth thinking about.” Jennie tightened her embrace, making sure that Y/N would feel protected.
“I want to experience robbing a bank.” Y/N mumbled, encircling her arm around Jennie’s slim waist.
“Seriously? We’ll get caught for sure. But I think it’ll be lots of fun.”
“Should we try?” Y/N sat straight, looking directly at Jennie’s eyes. The other girl nodded, getting the message Y/N wanted to convey. It was crystal clear to her.
“Okay, we’ll plan it.” Jennie looked down the city lights, pulling Y/N even more closer to her.
“Okay, so first, we need to make sure that our guns are loaded. I’ll go in the bank first, then I’ll send you a signal before you follow, okay?” Jennie made clear of the plan she made for their suicidal mission of robbing a bank.
Y/N nodded, taking in all the information. She made sure to remember to count down the bullets she have, that is the most important thing of all, she can’t use all of it. 
“I’ll come.” Lisa intervened, receiving a disagreeing look from the other two, but she wasn’t going to take no for an answer. She had a different feeling about this one, and she’ll make sure that she’ll be there with her Unnies.
“Lisa, you can’t —-“
“No, Unnie. I’ll come. Just this once. I’m sure you can’t rob a bank with just the two of you.” Lisa had already made her ground. 
Jennie sighed in defeat, allowing the younger one to join them. “Okay, Fine. But you’ll only wait outside of the bank. We’ll hand you the money, and then you bring it home while we distract the police, got it?” Jennie wasn’t going to risk the chance of the younger one being caught.
Lisa nodded in excitement for her first robbing mission together with her unnies. 
“Oh. Lisa.” Y/N called, an idea popping in her mind.
“Yes, Unnie?”
“You know how to work with wires right?”
“Uhuh.” A proud smile lingered on the Lisa’s lips.
“It’ll be better if you can cut the power for their lights. As far as I can remember, I saw an electric box outside the right side of the building.”
Lisa rubbed her hands, smirking evilly. “Leave it to me.”
D-day. Three hearts were pumping hardly, fireworks exploding in their stomach, and adrenaline flowing through their veins as they drive their way to the bank. 
“Ciao.” Jennie smiled and made her way casually inside the bank. As expected, there were 2 guards by the door, and there was one more inside. The number of people inside the bank made it harder to move inside, but once the lights were out, it’ll all be fairly easy. 
It went on as planned. Lisa cut off the power, Y/N enters the bank while the guards outside panics, instructing the people to stay put as they take out their flashlights. Jennie and Y/N was able to avoid the flashlights as they were equipped with night vision lenses. 
Right when Jennie opened the box which contains the bank transaction for the day, the emergency lights came on, catching them red handed. 
“Shit.” Y/N mumbled as she shot the three guards and aided Jennie, who was zipping the bag that contained the money. 
The loud sirens alarmed the three, hastening their pace. Jennie pulled Y/N out the door, only to retreat when the police cars were very near already. Y/N led the way at the back door of the bank and made their escape, only to be seen by two police men.
“Stop what you’re doing! Put down your weapons!” One of them instructed. 
Jennie handed the bag to Y/N, slowly turning around, smiling. “Not before you do.” Without hesitation, she pulled the trigger, aiming at the two officers. 
She then grabbed Y/N’s arm and pulled her outside, where they saw the anxious Lisa. The latter was so worried after she heard the gun shots.
“Quick. They’ll be here in a second.” Y/N gave Lisa the bag and gave the younger girl a tight hug. 
Jennie, as quickly as she can, tucked a paper on Lisa’s jacket, before the police can even catch them. She made sure to push Lisa aside so that the younger one wouldn’t be tangled with their mess even more. Lisa didn’t deserve any of it.
Just like how Jennie instructed her, Lisa stayed put, making sure non of the cops saw her. When the coast was clear, Lisa walked away from the bank, taking out the paper Jennie placed in her jacket. 
“Yo Lis! Don’t forget to dye your hair right after you come home, make sure the police would never find you.
We left all the money for you under the bed. It’s probably enough for you for at least 3 years? I’ve actually been saving those since I was still with the gang. Y/N also loved you just as much as I do so she also helped. 
Y/N and I, we’ve already decided that we were hopeless and we wouldn’t be able to live in a new light, but you’re not. So don’t waste what we’ve left for you. Find a decent job and find someone who can love you for who you are, just like how I found Y/N.”
Y/N and Jennie successfully rode the car, the latter shooting four cops in the process. 
The number of Police cars trailing them lessened into two, although they do expect that more cars will soon follow them as well.
“Lisa is probably crying right now.” Jennie remembered how much of a cry baby the tough looking girl is. She wasn’t much worried about Lisa, she knew that no matter what will be thrown to Lisa, the latter can find a way to survive. Being exposed to the harsh world since she was young, Lisa had gone through a lot and she had endured it all. That girl is stronger than her, Jennie had no doubt. 
"I only have one bullet left,” Jennie said, picking up her gun, while at the same time driving with her left hand.
“Me too." 
"Does this mean we’re really soul mates?” Jennie glanced quickly at the passenger seat, successfully throwing a wink in just a second.
Y/N chuckled at Jennie. “Soul mates? I didn’t know you believed in soul mates." 
Jennie was not really a firm believer of soul mates, fate, destiny, and all those romantic shit but, "Not ’til I met you." 
"Such a sweet talker.” Y/N shook her head, a smile lingering on her face. 
Jennie sped up as she saw that the police car was getting near them. “Should I play some music?” She asked, once she created a good distance between them and the police.
“Yup. Definitely." 
Jennie played ‘Playing with fire’ and the two jammed with the song, singing their hearts out. It was like, their anthem. 
All’s left is for them to roll down the window and touch the wind with their hands, but they couldn’t.
"Ooh! The rap part is next!” Y/N hyped up, only to groan. “Ugh the sirens are louder than the music! I can’t hear it!” She whined, pouting. It was her favorite part of the song and the police just had to ruin it.
“We’re here.” Jennie turned off the engine and the two went out of the car, aware of the time restrictions. Jennie intertwined her hands with Y/N’s, while they held their guns on their free hand. 
They went up the stairs, until they reach the rooftop, where they stood at the parapet, where Jennie stood once.  
“Put down your guns. You can talk to us about your problems.” One of the police says, having his hands up, as if surrendering.
“We can help both of you start a new life.” The police says, although no criminal would ever believe those words. Just how can they help the couple start a new life when they’re going to send them to prison the minute they surrender?
The two chuckled at the police, shaking their heads. They’ve already made a decision, and nothing can hold them back from wanting to disappear from the harsh world they live in. They pointed their guns to their heads, causing the police to panic.
Jennie looked at their intertwined hands, then stared at her lover’s eyes.
“I love you.” She finally said. Those three words that she swore she would never say. Those three words that she yearned to hear from someone. 
Y/N squeezed Jennie’s hand, assuring her that she would never let go. “I love you too.”
With a smile etched on their faces for the last time, they look at each other, ready to drown in the eyes that hold so much depth and words that cannot be said. Y/N and Jennie pulled the trigger, and both said goodbye to the cruel world. 
Hell or wherever, they promised to be together.
Not even death can come between them, for their love is already on fire.
I decided to post my fics I published in another site just because :D
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bmbts · 7 years
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THAT ✘✘ ⇜ Jennie x Reader (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/Mv24lLH0GE What does that bastard have that I don't? Exactly why can't I have you? That bastard doesn't love you Until when are you going to cry like a fool? .....✘ #841 in short story
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awgish · 6 years
*A/N: Another Jennie imagine! I know my last post was with Jennie, but this was requested! I actually enjoyed writing this one, it just left me feeling fluffy after writing it. Reminder, that this isn’t edited. I hope you guys enjoy it!
*Gif is not mine*
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Even though you’re forcing your eyes to stay open, the words you glance over at wouldn’t process through your brain. You find yourself in a pattern: eyes trailing down the page, a voice telling you nothing was being read, resulting in your eyes going back to the top of the page. No matter how hard you try to break this cycle, you absentmindedly continue it.
Honestly though, you give yourself props for even trying to read this book. After studying for hours with Jennie on the upcoming bio test, your brain couldn’t comprehend anything else. Also, the last time you checked, it was the early hours of the new day. Yet you wanted to start this book- you felt like you needed to.
The only reason why you want to read is because the summary gave you a slight flutter you haven’t felt in a while when it came to reading books. A cheesy yet diverse book about the usual coming of age for a girl who is now exploring life outside her bubble.
You remember Jennie making fun of you because, as she states, “you have so much of those books already. What makes this one different?”
Jennie was right though. You have so many coming of age books. You even have a whole shelf dedicated to them, but this one is different. With this one, you truly believe you’re the main character- like someone secretly spied on you and wrote about your life (not really though, that’d be creepy). It’s the feeling of nostalgia that keeps you glued to the book. All those mixed emotions and reckless acts of your youth, you saw that in the main character.
But now you couldn’t care less. Instead of chasing nostalgia, you’re chasing dreams and every fiber in your body knows that too.
Your eyes lazily glaze over to the next page, landing on a number.
You’re just barely on page two and you finally admit that you can’t process anything else. But you can unconsciously process that your body is getting heavy; your hand is losing its grip on the spine of the book, your chest is dipping deeper each time you exhale, and your eye lids are drooping lower and lower, darkening out the view around you.
Jennie walks in, placing her face cleanser and towel back into her closet. She went to the bathroom to wash up real quick before she going to bed with you. The last thing she remembers, before leaving you, was you telling her how you were going to read your book- with a tired excitement. She asks you how your book is going and when you don’t answer, a smirk draws on her face. Her eyes land on your body and her heart softens at the sight of you.
You’re already tucked into her blanket and your book is covering the lower half of your face. Your eyes are resting peacefully and your breaths are even, indicating that you’ve escaped to the dream world. You’ve totally knocked out, and what’s cute is that she knows you were trying to fight off sleep to read your book.
Jennie hums and takes her phone from her night stand. She takes a few pictures of you, posting one on her snapchat, stating that you are her sleeping beauty. As she goes to charge her phone, Jennie turns off her morning alarm set at 7am. She figures that since tomorrow is Saturday, turning off her alarm will be okay. She wants you to get some rest, you studied hard for that bio test- and being able to sleep in your arms a few hours longer, seems way better than waking up earlier.
When Jennie goes to change into an over-sized t-shirt, heart skips a beat when she hears you gasp for air. She looks over and you’re sitting up wide awake, rubbing your eyes in a cute way. She quickly puts on her shirt and goes to turn up the AC.
“Babe get some sleep.” Jennie walks over to you, ready to grab your book. The both of you know you’re half asleep, but you manage to protest against Jennie with a little whine.
You shook your head and press the book closer to you. “After I get to chapter five.” You scoot over as Jennie fits herself on her bed, your book opened to start reading again.
“We both know that’s not gonna happen.” Jennie kisses your cheek and takes the book away from you, silencing your cry with another kiss. “Get some sleep and you can read the entire book tomorrow.”
“But- it’s getting good!” You lean on half of her body, hoping your cute act would make her given in. You give her a little pout and your hands are slowly slipping into hers. But she doesn’t, and you know you can’t do anything else.
“It’ll be better when you can fully comprehend the sentences.” Jennie places the book on her night stand. Her arms immediately wrap around your waist and tangling her legs with yours. “Besides, I’m not letting you ruin my beauty sleep with your book.”
You snuggle in closer to Jennie, her warmth bringing you back to the familiar drowsiness you had earlier. Her vanilla scent doesn’t help either, making the sleep spell casted on you stronger.
“You don’t need beauty sleep, you’re always beautiful” you press a lazy kiss on her cheek. You don’t even have to look up at her too know that she’s rolling her eyes at your cheesy comment. “You’re so warm.” You snuggle in closer to Jennie, feeling your consciousness drift away.
Jennie says something, but you’re in a state where everything is slowly being blocked out of your brain as you’re walking through the threshold of dream land once again. The last thing your brain can process, is something warm and soft touching your cheek- making Jennie your last thought before officially settling down in dream land.
Your body slacks against Jennie’s and she knows where you drifted off too. Her hand is on your cheek, rubbing it gently. Jennie just loves it when you fall asleep before her, she loves memorizing your face when you’re sleeping- it’s one of her favorite times seeing you naturally beautiful. She smiles and leaves a ghost kiss on your lips before closing her eyes to follow you shortly.
“Good night my sleeping beauty.”
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