#jinako also tbh
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they need to make arjuna figures like those dunmeishi ones
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yotd2009 · 1 year
100% sure that jinako would be infinitely more popular/more merchandised if she was thin and her weight is the only thing holding her back
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melonisopod · 2 years
archetype: Earth is actually very fun to play with :0 looping with her rules
I'm mostly indifferent to her but I do think her animations are very cool. Also A FULL 100% BATTERY ARE THEY INSANE???
Also I like that the non-BB Moon Cancers just get a custom class card. They should make one for Jinako tbh. First Kiara then Arcruied just going "My class now,"
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sundescended · 2 years
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𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙴𝚁𝚅𝙸𝙴𝚆. ( repost, don’t reblog )
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NAME:  Karna, Vasusena, Anga-raja, and Radheya
ALIAS:  Hero of charity, lancer of red, son of the Sun God, launcher, Karna, hero of benefaction.
AGE:  There’s not really a canonical age that Karna has as a servant but physically he’s been summoned as a young adult
FAMILY:  Kunti (biological mother) , Surya (father) , Radha (adoptive mother) , Adhiratha (adoptive father) , Arjuna, Nakula, Yudhishthira, Bhima and Sahadeva (Pandava brothers) and Karna’s brothers from the side of Radha and Adhiratha.
SIGNIFICANT OTHER:  as a servant none.
SINS:  greed  /  gluttony  /  sloth  / lust  /  pride  /  envy /  wrath.
VIRTUES:  chastity  /  charity  /  diligence /  humility /  kindness  /  patience  /  justice.
PRIMARY GOALS IN LIFE:  Protecting history, being of service, offering help to those who need it, keep honing his skills
KNOWN LANGUAGES:  As a servant, all languages
SECRETS:  Not really. Everything one needs to know about Karna can be found in his epic. Him not saying certain things doesn’t equal to him keeping secrets, as a lot of the times its just that the matter has never been asked and/or he doesn’t know when the timing is right to explain certain things
SAVVIES:  skilled archer, knowledge in martial arts and different weaponry, rider skills (son of charioteer), ruling qualities (king of Anga), etc.
BUILD:  scrawny  / bony  / slender /  fit /  athletic  /  curvy  /  herculean  /  pudgy  /  average.
HEIGHT:  178 cm
SCARS / MARKS:  Aside from the torn skin around his chest area from when he tears his armor off, nothing else to note. Headcanon wise, there is a mark around his neck from when he got decapitated by Arjuna during the Kurukshetra War.
ABILITIES / POWERS:  skilled archer, knowledge in martial arts and different weaponry, rider skills (son of charioteer), inhumane speed (agility rank A), high resistance (being able to endure fatal hits for some time), being able to endure the intensity of the sun, etc.
RESTRICTIONS:  Class advantage applies here as a servant, so currently as lancer, he is more vulnerable to sabers. If he were to be summoned under the archer class, he would be more vulnerable against lancers, and finally if he were to be summoned under the rider class, he would have a disadvantage against assassins. In regards to his noble phantasm, technically he would only be able to use it once, however since we are taking in consideration the setting of f.g.o he can spam it anytime he gets sent to a singularity/different space setting. He also has another skill that is said that it cannot be used on an oponent stronger than himself.
FOOD:  birthday cakes are quite fascinating to him. Although he enjoys healthy food, due to Jinako’s habits he’s gotten the opportunity to try fast food and he’s grown to find it quite tasty (just look at these two ce’s heehee 1; 2)
DRINK:  tea of any kind, sodas have a curious and unique taste to him so he tends to enjoy those
PIZZA TOPPING:  whatever is offered to him tbh
COLOUR:  black, gold, red, yellow, white
MUSIC GENRE:  nothing in particular. So long it sounds harmonious or if the individual playing said music is doing his best, it is enough to him.
BOOK GENRE:  poetry , historical , philosophy 
MOVIE GENRE:  historical , movies about friendship
SEASON:  summer
CURSE WORD:  Although in the past he’s used bad words, as a servant he rarely would ever use them. In all honesty, his sharp observations tend to cause the same effect.
SCENT(S):  ash, gold, clean pressed clothes. Not much can be mentioned here, though it is not completely impossible to get him to wear cologne or perfume for certain occasions.
BOTTOM OR TOP:  Usually top, however this matter seems not to be of much concern to him and thus he would not mind to switch.
SINGS IN THE SHOWER:  nope! just silent showers
LIKES BAD PUNS:  Does it count if he’s the one who says them tho unfortunately, as how Jinako put it ‘he can’t make a joke’. Now whether he likes them- he finds a certain charm on them even if it might prove to be quite difficult to get him to laugh out loud
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garsideofthemoon · 2 years
tbh jinako kinda rules
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klonoadreams · 3 years
Low-key I ship Venti and Karna because the both like parents. Jinako even call him a older brother. So I picture Venti handed him a kid and he like, “alright.”
Jinako’s mom is already at Chaldea (it’s Parvati), so it’s like...
She’s got two moms and a brother (who says he’s more like the younger brother compared to her lmao).
That said, you got Venti and Karna, taking up the role as parents. Then there’s Arjuna, who also wants in.
And of course, who can forget Arjuna Alter???
I’d also throw in Ashwatthama, because Parvati herself plays the wingman during Ash’s return gift, with helping him figure one out (his gift is effectively a date of sorts). And it’s honestly adorable, tbh.
of course, Karna reigns supreme due to giving Venti a pair of earrings. And she wears them often, usually around him. it’s her *hint hint nudge nudge*
Makes the boy feel happy. :V
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hisui-cotton · 5 years
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I enjoy Ganesha Jinako's design so I doodled her and just kinda felt like drawing Cleopatra. Also I'm hoping for some Cleopatra welfare this year tbh (on JP)
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fgoventures · 3 years
Lostbelt 4-ventures: FINALE
I’ve finally finished LB4! 
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Spoilers Below 
Didn’t really have very memorable moments for LB4 unlike other Lostbelts; that’s not to say that it’s the worst... but I guess it’s just that I had the right servants? Other than the final battle/s, I didn’t really have to formulate strategies for the other battles.  William Tell? Enkidu. Ascle... something Doctor-kun? My NP3 Achilles got him no sweat (and yes, I’ve somehow gotten NP2 and NP3 Achilles from spooks...).
Ganesha was an interesting servant and I could see her being a really good defensive support, though I have to skip her since Godjuna is a higher priority for me... plus, I may have gotten attached to angry boi. Yeah, Asva... something. Angry Boi. Also Karna. I know who I’m picking for the free 5-star now... tbh, was originally going for Waver, but he spooked me on Abby’s(?) banner so yea. Speaking of the final battle...
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This is probably the one time I’m glad that I used my command seals, cause like, Karna was talking about how he was different from Godjuna cause he had me (Master), and I mean, he’s not wrong. We wouldn’t have won that round if it weren’t for my command seal support. Then again, I could have adjusted my team for that battle... but I was too lazy.
I was really amused how LB4 reaaally went the DBZ route. I’ve seen memes about it, but I didn’t expect it to really go DBZ... they even pulled a hyperbolic time chamber XD
Not much else to talk about... I guess there’s the final battle? Like, I had to repeat that one a number of times and slowly started removing my handicaps, and yes, I’ve been playing with handicaps aka not using Merlin/double Merlin etc., that kind of thing, Anyway, I like how Karna was like... leaving  his job to Ganesha after everything, and in the final battle, she was the last one standing, and was the one who brought down the tree. Poetic imo. Idk what I’m rambling on anymore... but yea. That’s my LB4 journey! I did keep wondering what’s the relationship between Jinako and Karna? I know they used to be master-servant in that one Grail War on the moon? But idk the nature of their relationship? Like Karna mentioned... Lifecoach? Idk. Sounded like they were really close, and I tried reading the wiki, but it didn’t feel enough to get a read of their relationship. Either way, it’s cute. Now, time to lament my Karna-less Chaldea and cross my fingers for the LB4 Part 2 summoning. If I don’t post about it here... then I just ended up with trash and no Godjuna or angee boi. Wish me luck T_T
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We all agree that Jinako is universally beloved right? I mean look at her, even Goetia would reconsider burning humanity if he saw Jinako being a good
unfortunately jinako haters are real and out there
They seem to hate her primarily because she’s an incredibly significant person in karna’s life as a servant who has the audacity to be ‘conventionally unattractive’ (a bit fat) and kind of annoying- at least a few of these people are quite fixated on karna and consider her a sort of ‘dead weight’ that hinders either him personally or their enjoyment of his character
Which is incredibly ironic because jinako is specifically and explicitly the master who’s had the greatest positive impact on karna as a servant in part because of her own ‘flaws.’ The fact that she was a poor suit for him in terms of will to fight and magical output meant that he was forced to, for once, cool his heels and actually reflect on the events and people around him instead of focusing solely on fighting like in apocrypha or even fgo to some extent. He was forced to also reflect on his own tendencies by sitting and waiting and gained a level of peace with himself he was able to carry into later installments. It was a period of time he clearly felt fondly about with all the times he’s referenced it and to act like she did him a disservice by not let him explosionize things is just wrong- while that may be what he likes to do, he was able to recognize that it isn’t always what he needs and while it was unintentional on her part he deeply appreciates how she helped him realize it.
The simple fact is that their story arc in ccc culminated in him telling her that even if she never changed from the ‘cowardly nobody’ she felt she was, he was sure someone would still be out there waiting to meet her- a message he delivered with as much clarity and compassion as he could muster. It’s the exact antithesis of the people who resent her for those traits lmao. To ignore all that and treat her as a metaphorical shackle around his neck rather than someone who was actively responsible for making him able to relax more as a servant and enjoy himself is actively incorrect even if you resent the fact she’s a woman with an important relationship (whether romantic or platonic is irrelevant tbh) to your favorite anime boy
As for the people who primarily hate her bc she’s fat….uh…get better taste? 🤷
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Possibly, *Probably*, >*Definitely*
Source: vibes
*Angry Mango*
>*Hundred Personas*
Da Vinci
Yan Qing
Wu Zeitan
>*Okita Alter*
Miss Crane
>*Xu Fu*
*Sen no Rikyu*
See I did wonder about hundred personas but ultimately decided unless we went and checked every persona (similar situation w jack tbh) then it probably was more accurate to ‘just’ put them down as having did. Unless they were comorbid…? Which is possible tbh
I totally forgot about diarmuid and miss crane though theyre def on the list. Some of the others I wasn’t sure about bc as much as I love saying everyone has autism I also think it’s important that there just be people who are weird. I also wasn’t too sure about some of the robot/god types but only bc that’s an annoying ass trope in media for the most autism coded guy to also be specifically inhuman, which was why I hadn’t included nezha, the valkyries, and enkidu despite them being rather obvious picks typically (I did include daybit though bc. He’s obviously autistic smh guys come on). I wouldn’t be against including them though….
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I have Arjuna but I don't use him much tbh he's kind of vanilla compared to other Aoe buster archers
He has one of the best debuff immunity skills in the game (5 turns on a 6 turn cooldome fully maxed) and it lasts that full 5 turns unless an enemy has a buff removal skill, unlike servants like asclepius who’s debuff immune only lasts until it’s hit with a single debuff
His second skill, when fully upgraded, gives both the 25% np charge turn one as well as 8 crit stars, +2000 health, and 10% np every time for 5 turns (making the full np charge over 6 turns 75%).
3 arts cards mean that he also tends to get to np relatively quickly compared to lore buster oriented archers
His main downside at this point in time is simply that his np is slightly underwhelming, but with Koyanskaya on the way he can easily buster farm with her even with the awkward 25% on turn one, and append skills also help with that. That aside, he’s also incredibly useful in challenge content as he’s incredibly hard to kill, and his second skill is essentially garden of Avalon on a battery instead of a np which means putting him with double Merlin to boost his np can create hilarious amounts of np+health refund. The debuff immune is also incredibly useful in content like that
Like sure, he doesn’t have a 50% battery on turn one. He’s useful in other ways though? I saw someone clear full power beast kiara with him, jinako and nightingale which ngl I really want to try that.
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the gang gets a college education
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I don't think fgo's Nemo is supposed to be the historical Indian version (though he would much be appreciated), more leaning over the European Triton angle, thus I don't think it could be considered white washing. I too want an adult Indian man Nemo but I just don't consider out current Nemo as him. He's more of an original character at this point
ngl this ask confuses me bc captain nemo isnt a historical figure, he's a guy from jules verne's 1000 leagues under the sea who is later identified as Prince Dakkar, the son of an eastern indian raja who lost his family and kingdom in the indian rebellion of 1857 (this is the same war lakshmi bai fought and died in btw). he's a book character given a background based off of irl events?
fgo nemo is then also combined with triton for some reason, but if im being totally honest i dont see much of him in the character-he was typically depicted as a merman, which fgo nemo is decidedly not. they do both have a conch shell? he's also described as being sea-hued and ruling the sea...tbh their main connection is the fact they're both aquatic- he's much more nemo than triton, and if anything it seems more like a case of zhuge liang/waver or ganesha/jinako where one party is just not present. of course it could be that later on triton DOES pop out, who knows i cant read
i do alsoknow that irl india is an incredibly diverse place and people have a lot of skin tones there, but the fact that fgo consistently picks the palest option more often than not is annoying to me personally even if it isnt technically whitewashing, and it DOES reek of colorism. not to mention we have so many blonde blue eyed people, can we have a break from it? please?
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It’s rather telling how lostbelt 4 and ooku are like that due to how Minase gets told to write an actual story instead of just fetishes and restrained from being an degenerate like both lostbelt 4 and ooku are decent but it’s not that great you know?
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see its interesting because ooku is much better than agartha, and lostbelt 4 is in turn better than ooku (probably bc it doesnt focus on a sakuraface tbh) but at the same time why did he get two plot heavy parts back to back after the mess that was agartha???
and there ARE good parts to lostbelt 4, like lakshmi bai's thing with sherlock and nemo is handled pretty well as far as i can tell; and i do appreciate that it doesn't shy away from calling out the ableism of destroying people for minor injuries etc as thats not something that often happens in these sorts of media; tell was handled beautifully; there wasnt any fucking p*do shit thank god
it could ALSO have been so much better. junao's backstory needed expanding and elaboration, nezha was literally just there to exposit and die; while jinako/ganesha and karna's callbacks to ccc were v cute it also falls very flat to an international audience WHO STILL HASNT GOTTEN A RELEASE OF CCC OUTSIDE OF JAPAN, jinako has a lot of fatphobic jokes that get run into the ground quickly, theres the fact that they're either unwilling or unable to explore literally any aspect of karna v arjuna other than 'uuhhhh they fight'; as some other tumblr denzien mentions: rama walks into the lostbelt asking where his wife is and they never pay it off.... (i also recall seeing somewhere else someone compare rama and karna's relationship like rama was karna's squire, which, ouch, but not untrue...)
plus there's ooku which is like, how are you going to have created something like heaven's feel which ultimately tells a story that says even abuse survivors who behave in ugly ways deserve to heal and move on and then hand over a person wearing THAT CHARACTERS FACE to a guy who will let that person then experience an intimate trauma again while being told that they cannot fundamentally understand true love. how. nasu i am rapping on your window give me answers.
i could...go on tbh but you get the point. junao and kama are mine now no takebacksies
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