#jiro ono
sundaynightfilms · 2 years
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Jiro Dreams of Sushi, 2011
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lunarmote · 2 years
Pathos: disease, feeling
Something that has always struck me as funny: the fact that one word can define such disparate yet complementary things.
Such a word is pathos, from the Greek path meaning either “disease” or “feeling.” Tethered to ethos and logos, it is often first introduced in English class during the unit on persuasion. Persuasion through the emotions.
I used to think of something volatile whenever I thought about passion or feeling. A burst of emotion that had ruptured at last, unable to be contained. Something that numbs out your capacity to be sensitive and serves as a vehicle for movement. The “fight” in “fight or flight.”
Only recently have I begun to really question this conception of passion. That kind of episodic passion might become your muse for the entire 20 minutes it lasts. But it doesn’t last. And is the blunting of sensitivity really something to be admired?
I am reminded of two of my favorite documentaries. The first one is called The Artist is Present featuring performance artist Marina Abramović. In the titular piece she sits in a floor-length dress in a chair and looks into the eyes of whichever visitor decides to sit across from her. She does this for eight hours a day over three months.
There is a lack of ornamentation in a still, contained space. Yet there is something that is very poignant and tender about this setup. I watch her, and the visitor, with tears in my eyes. Tears are elicited from the visitor too, while Marina herself maintains a stoic expression. She is the root of the performance. 
In an interview, Marina one said that she takes the energy in the room and turns it into art. You might think, “What energy is there? There is no movement. No transmission, no pathos.” I’d encourage you to watch the documentary to see for yourself.
In another documentary called Jiro Dreams of Sushi, sushi chef Jiro Oni is composed. 90 years old, he gets up every day and goes to work. He regards his task with a kind of firm, directed patience. A kind of austerity, but pride. Sushi-making is undoubtedly a physically taxing job, but the documentary shows that there is a lot more than procuring and acquiring the ingredients.
The man’s movements are also not elaborate or passionate (in the old sense of the word). Part of running the restaurant is seeing to the seating arrangement. And there are plenty of shots of them wiping down their workspace.
What keeps Jiro getting up every single day, if not passion?
Visual art
What performance art has for it is that it allows you to be gripped by emotion in the act of doing. But I know way more about digital painting than I do about performance art. What I’ve realized is that in painting, there are both “hot” and “cool” stages. 
A lot of planning is required: mentally taxing, “calculative” tasks such as correcting the anatomy, drawing out mock-ups and rearranging, brainstorming from a word web to its visual representation. It’s gruntwork and it’s repetitive. Sometimes I’ll feel stronger about the process than others, but more often than not I have to put on some music and force myself to show up. In Feng Zhu’s words, the work is “not sexy.”
I will start a piece wanting to capture some emotion. I’ve had a fight with someone, perhaps, and I’m angry. But the idea of that episode of anger being preserved over the days or weeks I spend doing a painting is not realistic. What is the alternative then? Moved by something, the artist works to a fury, hoping to preserve the dying embers of passion. Then the passion is gone and then what? Do the initial stages of the piece dictate the trajectory of it?
I have hit a wall in my art journey where I am unable to transition from this “hot” pathos into a sustained “cool” pathos. I get really impassioned about an idea, I work out the preliminaries and then the feeling stops and I stop. How to move forward? It may require letting go of the idea that my art must be a certain way.
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1000leaps · 9 months
#71 | A life dedicated to sushi
Even after seven decades of professional cooking, the legendary sushi chef Jiro Ono maintained his daily routine in his 90s. He would rise early in the morning, visit the fish market, and start preparing at Sukiyabashi Jiro, his three-star Michelin restaurant. In the Netflix documentary Jiro Dreams of Sushi, he said, “I do the same thing over and over, improving bit by bit. There is always a…
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cumdinewitmoi · 1 year
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everyfilmisaw · 2 years
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Jiro Dreams of Sushi by David Gelb, 2011
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 years
Jiro Dreams of Sushi (2011)
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Jiro Dreams of Sushi could have easily been a fluff piece or, even worse, an advertisement, but it’s so much more. This documentary about an 85-year-old sushi chef is inspirational and fascinating, not to mention mouth-watering.
Sukiyabashi Jiro, a 10-seat restaurant that only serves sushi, has a reservation fee beginning at 30,000 yen. By the end of this documentary, you'll be convinced that number is appropriate. Its owner and head chef, Jiro Ono, is a man who takes his craft so seriously his job isn’t a job, it’s his way of life. This master is constantly thinking of new ways to improve his cuisine. He carefully considers the amount of time spent massaging the octopus to achieve the perfect texture. He observes his clients and adjusts the amount of rice they receive so everyone will finish chewing simultaneously. He’ll position the food differently for right-handed people than for lefties. His restaurant only serves sushi because he noticed guests were getting full before the main course. Unsurprisingly, he doesn't enjoy taking time off from his job.
Seeing that kind of dedication to a craft is a life-changing experience. Will I, one day, be able to dedicate myself to my work, or any topic, as well as Jiro? If I do, will I enter the same zen state he experiences when his customers exhale after that first bite?
Jiro Dreams of Sushi has a lot to say about being the best there is at what you do. It also serves as a lesson in Japanese society. This documentary comments on the environment, the economy and on what is needed to feel truly happy. Don’t mistake this piece by David Gelb for overly sappy fluff, however. Some of the most profound moments are tinged with sadness. Jiro's sons wonder if they will ever be recognized as the great chefs that they are, or if they are forever doomed to hear “yeah, but your father was better”. It makes you think about reputation and how difficult it must be to live in the shadow of a great man.
The content wouldn’t mean much if it weren’t presented well. This is where the cinematography comes in. The sushi makers at work and the food are shot beautifully and the editing is terrific. We move from one idea to the next so smoothly the film passes by like it's nothing. This feels less like a series of carefully curated scenes and more like a free-flowing conversation with a master.
You might be skeptical about a documentary about a sushi chef – world-renowned or not - but Jiro Dreams of Sushi is so much more than images of food while someone narrates over the dishes. Even if you don't like raw fish, you'll be starving by the end of the credits and eager to show the world what you have to offer. (On DVD, December 1, 2017)
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kstaki · 2 months
Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger vs. Donbrothers/Kyoryuger MOVIE SPOILER
Somehow I feel like I went a little all out
Basically both story wasn’t that slow pace it was like totally immediate let get to the story if need recap it very simple and short. Both have a lot of references to main story. If I have to say Donbrothers was ridiculous but it fit them and Kyoryuger was a little more serious.
(If anything is wrong I apologize, also I tend to jusr comment at certain part as I am typing this so…yeah you can ignore them. If there is mistake in name sorry I wrote it after the show which was late.)
Kingohger Vs Donbrothers
It started with Jeramie narrating then it show the scene at Hakabaka where both team are facing off of course he mention they all dead.
Then it was Haruka turn to narrate and she mention they found themselves in this strange land and yes they are all dead.
Both of them narrate about wondering how it like it came to be like this…where it brings to Shungoddam.
Apparently Gira with the rest of his soldiers plus two Kuroko doing Mochi! Douga was like please try the mochi in which Gira ate it.
It just then Tarou appears saying he got a delivery for Gira who suddenly started choking on the mochi.
Douga was alarmed then Tarou tried help out as he put his hand into his mouth but say the mochi is like really stuck far inside of him. Douga push him away thinking he wasn’t helping. Then well Gira die…
So Tarou leave only to see Shugods (THEY WERE ALL THERE STACK ONTO ONE OF ANOTHER I DONT KNOW WHY BUT IT WAS SO CUTE) especially Kuwagon then he remembered Gii-Chan! (Haruka reminded people who Gii-Chan was that was Kabuto beetle who was his only friend)
Apparently he thought Gii-Chan could be here so he ask Bun if he know where he could find him. Bun say he could be in Hakabaka.
So Tarou lie that he hate Gii-Chan, (Haruka then explains that he cannot lie if not he die) so Tarou die.
Afterward it went back to Donbrothers world where Haruka and Sononi were trying to find inspiration for a manga. (If i remember correctly) they saw Tsubasa & Sonoza being chase by your truly (Takada Masashi!)
Only for accident to have happens where a lorry had hit into Minoru Ono (the guy who turn to Hitotsuki a lot)
Jiro, Saruhara & Kijino appears at the scene follow by the other four. (Takada) ask them to call ambulance apparently nobody had their phone. Suddenly Haruka got inspirational about Isekai that Minoru Ono suddenly got up & change into Ohsamaki then a door open sucking them all into it.
Tsubasa & Sonoza fell into Shugoddam then somehow Sonoza suggested they should start a new where nobody know them. Just when Tsubasa was about to agree, a Shugoddam solider appeared (Takada again 😂) then say they are criminal. Apparently they are wanted in Shugoddam (apparently someone look like them?) so they ran.
Scene change to where Yanma & Jeramie were at N’Kosopa. Yanma had ask Jeramie to read a book only to get prank as he open it only to be punch. (Like jack in a box) Jeramie swear he get his revenge only for Saruhara to appears out of nowhere.
He ask them where he is, Yanma answer him but he conclude he shouldn’t think so much about it. He did a Haiku only for Jeramie to be impressed.
Both of them were like getting all buddy up leaving Yanma to be clueless what going on.
Move on to the next scene whereat Ishabana it reveal Himeno & Rita are watching a new Moffun episode? Movie? Rita was too moved by it and Himeno was concern. Funny thing both Haruka & Sononi were observing them and they intro themselves.
Then somehow Haruka & Rita got into fight about Moffun & Sononi was on Rita’s side but Himeno was on Haruka’s side.
Ohsamaki appears in between the arguments but no one pay attention to him.
Cut to where Jiro had somehow force his way to see Kaguragi to ask where is he. Only for them to be taken back on each other appearance (Mostly their muscles 😂) they were impress with each other body.
Then next was were it show Kijino with Racles & Suzume. Apparently I think Racles was telling Kijino he probably from another world? Only for Kijino to freak out not being able to go back to his Miho.
Suzume was affected by it (like she can’t imagine being away from her love one) that she got too lovely with Racles who was like embarrassed trying to get her stop because they had a guest.
Kijino got overwhelmed despite saying he ok with it end up wanting to go back. Then Rackes suggested he find Kingohger. Also mention how it could help him then he show him on the little tv he had on the Kingohger mecha. It trigger poor Kijino’s memories (Episode 45 of Donbrother) about being defeat by it (he found it super scary) he practically broke out of the cell and run out.
Go back to Yanma Saruhara and Jeramie. Apparently the two were too preoccupied to realize Yanma put the lie detector on them. Then apparently they were commenting how they understood and appreciate their arts (basically Haiku and read btw the line) only to get electricity shock. Yanma was so proud of himself saying how there is no way they would agree with each other. That he didn’t realize that they had grab hold of him so he also got shock. That how they all die.
(From here I forgot which scene came first but yeah)
Cut back to Kaguragi & Jiro having a sumo match apparently…(They are both half naked 😆) Kuroda started the match then they clashed into each other. Only to knock each other off their feet and somehow…they both die.
Then it was in Ishabana the four of them were already knock out well killed (not sure how 😅) Ohsamaki mentions like he did something but I forgot. (Maybe delete scene would explain this?)
Kijino die due to the cold, Tsubasa & Sonoza die from falling because they were being chased and fell into a hole from the bridge when they weren’t paying attention to where they are running.
Back at Tarou and Gira, Gira blame Tarou for his death but he say it the mochi.
Soon the rest started appearing slowly…
Saruhara didn’t take it nicely that Jeramie actually didn’t like his Haiku? He pull Tarou aside saying they are enemies.
Jeramie was upset he didn’t read in between the line.
Apparently Jiro & Kaguragi pop up out of nowhere all set to redo their fight.
Then slowly the rest all appear where they took their place beside their group.
Then they started the fight.
Saruhara was fighting Jeramie & Yanma at N’Kosopa he commented it wasn’t fair 2 vs 1. Afterward Kijino came to back up & he was talking about how horrible the King-Ohger mecha was 😂 (Poor guy like traumatized)
Then in Ishabana Haruka & Rita were fighting while Himeno & Sononi and they were still fighting about Moffun.
In Tofuu Kaguragi & Jiro resume their sumo fight even while discard their weapon. At one point Jiro switch Torabolt then sort of surprised Kaguragi by jumping onto him.
Meanwhile…apparently Tsubasa & Sonoza were like ehhh what to do? Only for Ohsamaki to appears piss off nobody pay attention to him. He practically just stop all their fight forcing them back to where Tarou & Gira are fighting who then agree to postpone their fight to defeat Ohsamaki.
Just before they can start the fight Zenkaizer Black appears saying he got something nice. Reveal the parcel (that Tarou supposed to deliver?) it was crown that spilt into two. Thus allowing them to power-up. (Kaitou just disappear afterwards 😅)
They both started laughing…and laughing and laughing until Tarou tell him to stop.
Tarou then told his group they are going to do their roll call? It not really roll call more like just stating their group name (which I don’t remember what term it was…since usually they do roll call with it 😅) Apparently they were on their usual Tower while funny the Kings were watching from below.
Then Gira wanted to show off also their group however he got totally ignore…Donbrother went straight to battle and the rest of the King join in that Gira gave up and went with them to fight.
Back in the Donbrother world Minoru woke up before (Takada) gave him mouth to mouth 😂
After the fight was over, they didn’t feel like fighting. Like there was some misunderstanding between them. Then somehow Jeramie was like we should like get along & make up or something like that however nobody was in the mood or wanted too. Much to Gira surprised & it was hilarious they all just disappear back into living world leaving Gira & Tarou by themselves.
Both of them wander a bit longer until they saw Oden stand and when they enter…Sonoi greeted them.
(Yes everyone…IT SONOI HE APPEARED!)
Both of them ask Sonoi what they wanted to do one is find Gii-Chan another is to go back to land of living.
So of course Sonoi questions them he didn’t give them an answers. They found it themselves then Sonoi asked what they wanted from Oden.
When they found it delicious they return back to land of living. Then it reveal by Sonoi actually Gii-Chan is really in Hakabaka.
Cut to Shungoddam, apparently all the Kings were around as Himeno was telling Bun he is only one who can take out the Mochi that stuck in Gira.
Once it was remove Gira came back to life then everyone went over to eat some Mochi. (Yanma was about to leave but Kaguragi stop him)
Then Tarou reappeared insisted on the delivery. Douga was like YOU AGAIN?!? (It was hilarious) Gira say it fine then went over to Tarou to accept it. Then I think Tarou said they made a bond? (They never reveal what in the box but I think is still the Crown)
Then credits started and somehow…Donbrothers are like sight seeing the other countries 😂 also there was small part in Donbrother world along with Suzume & Racles! (Don’t remember the order so I am just going to say all scene credit scene)
Credit show that Minoru & (Takada) talking then Murasame just swing by them (If you can watch back in beginning he appears in the crash under one of the tire from the Lorry, the director mentions it)
Suzume & Racles were having lunch? Dinner? Suzume fed Racles then she was like hinting to him to feed her too. Racles tried but couldn’t then admit he can’t yet Suzume kept hinting waiting to be fed. (They are very cute 😆)
N’Kosopa apparently they saw Tsubasa & Sonoza wanted poster being showcase. They were just walking on the bridge.
Ishabana Saruhara was trying write a Haiku under the Sakura only for Haruka & Sonoza to push him away to show off their dresses.
Tofuu they were offer a feast tons of food.
Gokkan…apparently they were playing with the seat like it a swing 😂🤣 Rita scream in frustration. Tarou apologized and apparently Kijino was snowball for some reason…
Then they were back at Shungoddam where they had a lot of like Souvenir before saying they could give it to Kyoryuger (I was like EHHHH they probably same more stuff but I blank out)
Kingohger Vs Kyoryuger
I am going to comment it was confusing 🤣 jump here and there the timeline. However it EXPLAINS a lot of some plot hole in the main series.
It started with where Uchu Gira were about to execute Yanma, Himeno, Rita, Kaguragi and Jeramie. He was like demanding the people who causing trouble for him to appear.
Soon King appeared then transformed and Uchu Gira did the same. Utsusemimaru was watching then knew he needed go back to Plezuon where Yayoi was waiting for him. Then Chikyuu look like it got destroyed?
I think they went back to their world then Utsusemimaru went to investigate because something was wrong.
Soon Utsusemimaru found out they were in future when Ami pull them aside and ask him to take Prince back into past like how King told her Utsusemimaru would appears to do that. (Of course Utsusemimaru was stunned by the news but overjoyed)
Once back at Plezuon, Yayoi was in totally disbelief of Prince being son of King & Ami (or she just don’t want to think it possible).
Then while Yayoi was doing necessary arrangements to go back in time, somehow Utsusemimaru end up interrupting her work. That they went through another time and Utsusemimaru sort of fell out.
It show he was in 100 years later…(Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger: 100 YEARS AFTER)
Yayoi drops Prince off first while she go find Utsusemimaru.
Prince went off to find the rest but was clueless how to do so until the enemies attack. He tried to defend the civilians only for Souji to appears helping him out.
Prince was happy to see him then pass him a letter written by King his dad. Souji was definitely speechless but he did help train him.
(I honestly forgot when they reveals this part but I think it here?)
It was reveals that King, Utsusemimaru and Yayoi were fighting Dagudedo then he took interest in King and made him apart of his collection. He captured King into amber stone (one like Shugods soul almost) then send both Utsusemimaru & Yayoi away. Just as Dagudedo decide to go back to Chikyuu (Ohsama’s World)
Apparently went Utsusemimaru finally got back, Ohsama already help Kyoryuger to defeat the enemy.
Utsusemimaru was so happy that when after they had send the Ohsama off. He hug Prince only for Prince to start fading away.
Utsusemimaru bring him back to Plezuon where Yayoi was thinking something happen to timeline or something. As Prince call out for his dad for help.
Utsusemimaru panic because he couldn’t save King that time and was upset at himself that he once again accidentally hit into Yayoi sending them to not sure what time.
It cut to Utsusemimaru in Shungoddam who was trying to find Dagudedo because of Prince. Then he witness Young Gira & Young Racles where Gira was eating Rainbow jururira. When Racles left, Gira was upset he finished it and wanted more Utsusemimaru took pity on him and somehow…found a whole tub of it (Where did he find it?!?) he gave Gira just as Yayoi call him back to tell him they are in the past to get back immediately.
Afterward they went back in time to Chikyuu 17 year later? Then somehow they saw an image where Young Gira lost control and grew up defeating Dagudedo on his own. While they were puzzle wha happens just as they arrive to their destination things aren’t what it seems to be.
Utsusemimaru & Prince were a bit at a lost then suddenly Jeramie suddenly appears asking if they were finding people apparently he was willing help them find them. Also He refer himself as Jera-Chi & apparently use a lot of English words. He told them to Come on like follow him.
First they went to N’Kosopa, the scene show Shiokara apparently piss at Yanma probably he did something wrong. Yanma wore his glasses then got onto his knee and was totally apologetic to him saying he will make up for it.
Jera-Chi explain Yanma wasn’t able to do well with technology then fail so he just scrapping through odd job that sort?
Next was Ishabana where it reveal that Himeno is flower girl. Apparently Himeno’s selfishness wasn’t like ignored so they didn’t let her do whatever she wanted she got thrown off throne thus she became a flower girl.
It shown she tried to sell a flower to Sebastian but he treated her coldly pushing her out of the way then she fell as her stomach growls she desperately decide to eat the flower since she can’t sell it. (Marie-San really ate it…)
In Gokkan, Jera-Chi say they like in for a treat as Rita was performing.
Rita step down of Saiban-Cho due to mental illness and became a top star in singing & dancing. They value their freedom a lot. (They felt super free)
Also yes they were performing Moffun song in different tone & dance. (We are so rob from getting actually Rita’s song 😭) it was like super elegant how they performed it they sang it in their usual character voice?
Morfonia became their biggest fan. Edit: She fainted after their performance 😅
In Tofuu
Kaguragi was hated by other country for his lie and deceiving he got overthrown then now do like rig Sumo match with his sister arranging it. (He can’t seem to escape Sumo 😂 both film has it)
Prince was totally at lost because they are all so strange. Then he mention about wanting to find Uchu which like Jera-Chi bring them (if I remember correctly I forgot this part)
They went back to Shugoddam where Gira appears with the other Uchu Jesters. Jera-Chi bow & refer to Gira as Gira-Sama
If I am not wrong Gira was apparently questioning who were Prince & Utsusemimaru. Then I think he was like curious why they were looking out for the four of them probably he thought they causing trouble somehow he reveal he had capture them. (Honestly this part I was a little blank out what happen 😅)
(Also I want to comment I wish they show their personalities moreeee like how they interact with each other but oh well…)
When thing was going grim King suddenly appear out of Minongan. Then he rescue Utsusemimaru & Prince by calling Yayoi to pick them up.
Once they regroup. Prince was totally fine, then Utsusemimaru & Yayoi was wondering how was King ok.
King reveals he had witness Ohsama defeat Dagudedo then he broke free of his amber when he heard Prince calling out for him.
He went to find Gira and requested for his help to get to Prince so he can help him (basically to find a way to dimension travel or something?) who suggested using Minongan even though there might be chance it won’t work. King just took it so he free Minongan and enter inside of him allowing him to reappear to save them.
Just as they were figuring out what made the Ohsama like this Yayoi reveals it due to Utsusemimaru’s fault for giving Gira too much Rainbow jururira to eat. (So yeah apparently if he ate a lot he definitely would have defeat Dagudedo but cost him his humanity)
King had a plan where he go find a way to help Ohsama get back to themselves, while Utsusemimaru go stop himself and Prince go find Gabutyra who their partner and needed for the battle
(This is where everything connect from the series 🥹 and where I forget which came first…TIME TRAVELING IS CONFUSING)
So yeah exactly what happens in Episode 40, why Prince went to find Gabutyra. Then why he hesitated in answer Gira question & him hugging him along with being the Nice evil King 🥲
Meanwhile it show back to where movie started but a bit different. Apparently Gira was telling them to like call out for the person help them out & they were desperately calling out to be saved (I swear all their acting is so good you can see how pitiful they look THEY LOOK LIKE THEY WERE CRYING 😱)
King reappears but this time prepared. He had the Venomix Shooter in his hand. (I can’t remember what he said but it was Wah before he shoot them)
He shot the Venomix Shooter at them producing like Spider-Web connecting them together. Apparently their memories were being revival from the shooter into them thus they went back to their normal self but Gira didn’t who kept saying he was Uchu.
(I forgot which part where Utsusemimaru did his part. Like was it after Gira say he Uchu then fighting against the Ohsama or after they had their say then back away)
Jeramie got ask King where did he pick it up, he mention that while he was looking for Gira. It was hinted that the moment he took it when in last episode Jeramie left it on his throne.
Soon something hit him in which Utsusemimaru did his part & stop himself. Apparently he had stop himself by scolding and slap himself.
The Kings knew it wasn’t enough they still had to help Gira so they just fight him. They all fought against him before holding him in place they all had something to say to him. (🥹) then Yanma’s line asking him to wake up Skapon Tanuki! They back away before using their Ohger Slash against him.
(Can I be grateful they decide to do this scene without them transform? 🥹)
The Ohger Slash knock some sense into Gira who laugh only to be clueless what happening.
While they are all relief he is alright they were finished. As apparently Uchu transform Gira appeared with the other Uchu Jesters.
If I am not wrong King-Ohger first transform and cool thing is they Ohgai Busou but haven’t transform yet. They fought the enemy while doing their roll call and only complete their transformation after they said their name. (IT WAS SO COOL)
Gabutyra reappear and change into a new weapon just as Jeramie’s Venomix shooter also.
Soon the other Kyoryuger appears they all transform (they definitely did their dance 😆) before FIRE. Then they did their roll call in transform mode.
Kyoryuger went into armour mode just as Jeramie shoot out his transform Venokix Shooter it gave the Ohsama all new weapons.
Then they proceed with the fight.
Hilbil - Rita Yayoi & Ami
Kamejin - Yanma & Nossan
Minongan- Ian & Kaguragi
Goma - Utsusemimaru & Jeramie
(I can’t remember for Minongan & Goma who fought who but i think is correct)
Glodi - Himeno & Soujin
Apparently Goldi came back to life after they defeat him.
Then Torin appears to take over the fight along with Tessai & Ramiresu and they finally defeat him.
When King Prince and Gira defeat Uchu Gira. King & Prince combine their weapon to create a gun while Gira use the Kentrospiker
The battle end with Utsusemimaru apologizing for what he has done while Gira was like no hard feelings that sort. Then Gira was like asking Prince if he was see him again which he would.
King say definitely before pulling them together to look at the camera saying because they are Sentai
Ending credit
They did the waking king dance
King-Ohger had most scene.
Everyone BUT King dance small part (he only did the Brave pose 😔)
Oh then post credit
Prince return to his timeline with Utsusemimaru escorting him. When they arrive Utsusemimaru was dumbfounded who he call Oto-Chan. As his father didn’t like look like King since the face was like King’s Dad(Shinji Yamashita portray himself as older King I guess?) That Utsusemimaru thought he mess up again and when running back to find Yayoi 😂
I probably should try learning how to do summary better? I just end up typing it all out…dunno I probably just so excited of the movie I need write down everything. 😅
Well hope you enjoy the spoiler…now I need to fix my other report…
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ultimateaclrecovery · 8 months
I am trying to figure out what to get my bf for his birthday. And I am especially struggling because I feel like he got me something really nice for my birthday (a full purple stone dishware set that is like 135 dollars (I looked it up because I have no impulse control he did not leave the price tag on) which was sweet because I previously only had plastic plates and obviously everything I own needs to be purple). But the only things I can think of for him are like little cheap things. I want to get him something nice but like anything nice that he would enjoy I feel like he’d be better off getting himself. Like he knows more about nice cookware than me so I feel like I have no way to pick out something that he’d like and use. And than anything with clothes feels out because sizing is hard and I don’t understand mens fashion. I thought like maybe a nice a wallet? But he has one that seems fun and idk how to evaluate wallets anyway.
I am knitting him a hat that he’ll hopefully like because he does wear that style beanie while hiking and camping sometimes.
And then I am thinking of getting him the conjuring 2 dvd because we watched the first one together and the second is available for streaming. And I keep protesting that it’s too scary for me ( I would not watch it single but it’d be fine for his birthday)
And then I was thinking maybe some sort of Japanese cookbook since he likes to cook and is currently obsessed with japan since we’re going in three weeks. There’s a cookbook by jiro ono on sushi that we watched his documentary together, but I’m not sure if he’s already read it. And then there’s a studio ghibli book that would be cute since we watched a lot of the movies together and will probably go to museum in Japan. But I’m not sure how much he really likes them, or if it’s more he likes them fine and it’s the narrow overlap of movies we both like.
And even then it’s like I’m getting him a bunch of little things and it feels like I’m being cheap but I also just can’t think of anything better. He likes cooking and outdoor things and horror movies and currently Japan but generally all things Asian. He likes good art and books but none of those interests making for easy shopping ideas! He seem doesn’t have any horror based decor so I probably can’t even go that route
I also need to get my mom a birthday present but she is much less stressful to shop for. (I don’t know what to get her either but there’s zero danger of even worlds worst present damaging my relationship with my mom even the slightest)
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sneezemonster15 · 2 years
Why do u think even some sns shippers are insecure? They have no reason to be but some are. I've seen it myself. Do u think it's coz they hear anti arguments all the time and just end up believing it? Like social conformity where u know it isn't right but u follow what everyone around u is doing anyway so u can be a part of the crowd
Yeah, some of it is due to the urge to conform, like you said.
But I think it's mostly because of the catch- 22 like situation that Naruto manga has created. As per shounen guidelines, the manga can't have gay main characters, also it can't feature a gay relationship so majorly. I don't think it's so much written in stone but just one of those unwritten rules that everyone abides by, and mangakas want to conform to. Shounen mangas usually aren't about love stories, love stories are usually side plots in them and not the main plot. Naruto is shounen manga. And yet its central narrative is about two gay boys in love with each other.
Shounen manga industry is a very competitive industry. Since the 80's, it has flourished greatly. Not that it wasn't functioning before that, but especially after the economic boom in Japan, it thrived even more. When their quality of life improves, people invest in entertainment, leisure and pleasure. If you had to constantly fret about where you would get your two meals from, you wouldn't care about movies and comic books. So when mangakas started to get a lot of patronage and opportunities, the number of professional mangakas soared. So did their creations. Competition increased. Every mangaka wanted to top the other. Even Kishi has a rival. Oda. He talks about him often.
Take Ruruoni Kenshin. Its mangaka Watsuki decided that he wanted to write a shounen manga different from the other ones at the time, to stand out. Ruruoni Kenshin is a 'romance' manga set in a very sensitive historical period in Japan. It did stand out. It's a critically well received and quite a popular manga.
The Japanese are not afraid of working hard and long. It's part of their culture. Jiro Ono is almost a hundred years old and still making sushi, the best sushi in the world. He still insists he has not perfected the art (of making sushi) and still perseveres to excel at it. Boy I am very glad I wasn't born in Japan. Because I love my chill time and resent anything that disturbs it. I would not have thrived there, lol.
Kishi also decided to do something different, to stand out. Kishi was ambitious. You can tell from his interviews and notes from the manga. So he made two male rivals and main characters kiss each other, never been done before in shounen manga's history. And wrote a gay love story as the central narrative of the manga.
So the catch 22 situation was that shounen manga can't have major gay characters or gay relationship and yet Naruto and Shippuden did. But SNS isn't canon because they are gay and this is shounen.
So the SNS fans you are talking about go with the safest take. That it's accidental. Or unintentional. Or just queerbaiting. Doesn't help that most of these SNS fans don't understand how storytelling works. And so when they are confronted by antis who ship the canon couples, they get insecure because their ship isn't canon. And this catch-22 situation confuses them, makes them insecure. They don't wanna be the target of ridicule so they just go on believing that SNS is just in their heads.
Well it's not. Welcome to my Ted talk. Lol.
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dan6085 · 1 year
Here are 20 of the top food movies of all time, along with some details about each and why they are worth watching:
1. Ratatouille (2007) - This animated film tells the story of a rat who dreams of becoming a chef in a Parisian restaurant. It is a heartwarming story about following your dreams and the power of good food.
2. Chef (2014) - In this comedy-drama, a famous chef quits his job and starts a food truck, reconnecting with his family and rediscovering his love of cooking along the way.
3. Julie & Julia (2009) - This film follows the true story of Julie Powell, who decides to cook all 524 recipes in Julia Child's cookbook in a year. The film contrasts her story with that of Julia Child's own journey to becoming a famous chef.
4. Big Night (1996) - Set in the 1950s, this film tells the story of two Italian immigrant brothers who struggle to keep their failing restaurant afloat. It is a beautiful portrayal of the power of food to bring people together.
5. Babette's Feast (1987) - This Danish film tells the story of a French refugee who prepares a sumptuous feast for a group of religious ascetics. It is a beautiful portrayal of the transformative power of food and the joy it can bring.
6. Eat Drink Man Woman (1994) - This Taiwanese film tells the story of a widowed chef and his three unmarried daughters, exploring the relationships between food, family, and tradition.
7. Jiro Dreams of Sushi (2011) - This documentary follows the life and work of Jiro Ono, an 85-year-old sushi master in Tokyo. It is a beautiful meditation on the pursuit of excellence and the dedication required to become a master of any craft.
8. Tampopo (1985) - This Japanese film tells the story of a woman who sets out to become a great ramen chef with the help of a truck driver. It is a fun and quirky film that celebrates the art of food and the joy of eating.
9. The Hundred-Foot Journey (2014) - This film tells the story of an Indian family who opens a restaurant in a small French town, much to the consternation of a nearby Michelin-starred restaurant. It is a beautiful portrayal of the clash of cultures and the power of good food to bring people together.
10. Chocolat (2000) - This film tells the story of a woman who opens a chocolate shop in a conservative French village. It is a beautiful portrayal of the transformative power of food and the joy it can bring.
11. Like Water for Chocolate (1992) - This Mexican film tells the story of a young woman who uses the power of her cooking to express her emotions and win the heart of the man she loves. It is a beautiful and sensual film that celebrates the power of food and love.
12. The Lunchbox (2013) - This Indian film tells the story of a young woman who accidentally sends her lunch to the wrong person and begins a food-based correspondence with a lonely office worker. It is a beautiful and touching film that celebrates the power of food and human connection.
13. Burnt (2015) - In this drama, a once-great chef attempts to rebuild his career by opening a new restaurant and assembling a talented team. It is a tense and thrilling film that explores the world of high-stakes restaurant culture.
14. Mostly Martha (2001) - This German film tells the story of a successful chef who must learn to balance her work and personal life when she becomes the guardian of her niece. It is a beautiful and heartwarming film that celebrates the power of food and family.
15. Spinning Plates (2012) - This documentary follows the stories of three very different restaurants in the United States, exploring the challenges and joys of running a successful restaurant.
16. Toast (2010) - This British film tells the story of a young boy who learns to cook through his relationship with his mother and her boyfriend. It is a touching and nostalgic film that celebrates the power of food and memory.
17. Soul Food (1997) - This American film tells the story of a family who gathers together every Sunday for a big soul food meal. It is a celebration of family, tradition, and the power of food to bring people together.
18. Waitress (2007) - In this comedy-drama, a young waitress dreams of leaving her unhappy marriage and opening her own pie shop. It is a funny and charming film that celebrates the power of food and following your dreams.
19. The Trip (2010) - This British film follows two comedians as they travel through the English countryside, sampling the food and wine of various restaurants. It is a funny and entertaining film that celebrates the pleasures of good food and good company.
20. Kings of Pastry (2009) - This documentary follows the journey of several pastry chefs as they compete in the Meilleur Ouvrier de France, a prestigious pastry competition. It is a thrilling and inspiring film that celebrates the pursuit of excellence and the artistry of pastry making.
These movies are worth watching for their beautiful and entertaining portrayals of the power of food to bring people together, transform lives, and express emotions. They celebrate the joy of cooking and eating, and remind us of the importance of family, tradition, and human connection.
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bongianimuseum · 1 year
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Nato nel 1928 a Osaka, in Giappone.
1947 / Frequenta l'atelier del maestro Jiro Yoshihara, dove produce la sua prima opera "Høie".                       
1948 / Prende parte alla mostra "Sette artisti d'avanguardia" presso il department store Kintet-su a Osaka.                                                                                                                                                          
1950 / I laureati del Gakuin University Kansai in Hyugo.                                                                              
1953 / Partecipa alla prima mostra del gruppo Genbi, con Jiro Yoshihara,. Diver si giovani artisti che espongono si uniranno al gruppo Gutai .                       
1954 / Fonda Gutai con Jiro Yoshihara. Partecipa alle più importanti mostre Gutai.                                         
1955/ Alla prima mostra Gutai presenta un lavoro rivoluzionario per essere vissuto e goduto dal corpo: "Prego, camminate qui". Il lavoro è stato ricostruito nel 1993. 1956 / In occasione della mostra a cielo aperto Gutai mostra la sua opera realizzata attraverso l'utilizzo di un cannone a mano che verrà presentata alla Biennale di Venezia del 1993, in cui bottiglie di vetro contenenti pigmenti sono gettati ed esplodere il colore direttamente sulla tela 1957 / Mostra il suo video pionieristico arte alla mostra Gutai prestazioni. Un altro dei suoi lavori, un lavoro sonoro, che può essere considerato come musica concreta, è inserito nella Raccolta Centro Pompidou...                
1970 / Produttore artistico per 1000 spose al Festival EXPO
1976 / Partecipa a un progetto di Mail Art che coinvolge 60 paesi e con una rete di 8000 scambi. Crea una strada con 10.000 giornali lungo il lato del fiume Mukogawa 1992 / Mentre continua a produrre nuove opere, diventa Presidente della Japan Society Arte e Cultura di disabili-persona (ora Arte Giappone) e organizza la prima mostra su larga scala di persone disabili in Osaka. Nello stesso anno viene intervistato di Jane Kennedy Smith per il quotidiano più famoso giapponese, Mainichi Shinbun 1993 / Invitato a partecipare alla Biennale di Venezia come membro del Gutai 1994 / Invitato ad esporre al Guggenheim (New York) 1996 / Shimamoto viene proposto come candidato per il Premio Nobel per la Pace in riconoscimento delle sue attività pacifiste da numerose riunioni Bern Porter, il medico che ha fatto la bomba atomica sganciata su Hiroshima.
1997 / Unico artista giapponese dopo la Restaurazione Meiji ad avere la sua foto in Storia dell'Arte, pubblicato da l'America Album
1998 / Invitato come uno dei primi quattro migliori artisti del mondo dal dopoguerra, insieme a Jackson Pollock, John Cage e Lucio Fontana, a partecipare a una mostra al MOMA (USA) 1999 / Invitato ancora una volta a partecipare alla Biennale di Venezia, con David Bowie e Yoko Ono 2000 / Tiene una mostra a Parigi (Unesco) e propone una collaborazione artistica in Francia, co-sponsorizzata dall'Unesco del Giappone e dalla Felissimo Museo. Inizia la creazione di un lavoro enorme che sarà conservata da 100 anni a Shin Nishinomiya (Prefettura di Hyogo. 
2001/ Invitato alla manifestazione Giappone Anno a Londra. Alcune opere sono assegnati alla Tate Modern da inserire nella collezione.
2003 / Invitato a partecipare alla Biennale di Venezia (Extra 50)
2004 / Performance con un elicottero vicino a Venezia.  Performance Nyotaku a Ca 'Pesaro Galleria Internazionale d'Arte Moderna (Venezia). Tre opere ora appartengono alla collezione della galleria.
2005 / Performance con Elicottero a Trevi e mostra al Trevi Flash Art Museum.  Mostra personale a Reggio Emilia (Pari & Dispari Agency, Italia). Realizzazione dell'opera piccola d'arte nel mondo, utilizzando nanotecnologie, per realizzare immagini sulle estremità delle setole di uno spazzolino da denti (in collaborazione con Ritsumeikan Università di Kyoto)
2006 / Invitato ad esporre alla ZONE ZERO a Duesseldorf. Invitato ad esporre alla Hsinchu City International Glass Art Festival. Exhibition e Performance della gru a Napoli. Invitato ad esporre alla Tokyo International Art Fair
2007 / Espone quaranta opere prodotte dal periodo Gutai ai giorni attuali nella mostra "Shozo Shimamoto: Action Colors 1950-2006" presso la Galleria Pier Giuseppe Carini di San Giovanni Valdarno. Presso il Fashion Museum di Kobe tiene la performance Felissimo WHITE PROJECT; le opere realizzate vengono esposte allo Hyogo Prefectural Diplomatic Estabilishment e al Kobe Fashion Museum. Presenzia al P3 Project per la Biennale di Venezia; qui si cimenta in una performance, Bottle Crash, nel Chiostro di San Nicolò, organizzata in collaborazione con l’Architetto Luigi de Marchi presidente del “ABCOnlus”. Viene coinvolto nell'organizzazione di un evento a Pechino, "Art Challenged Project", cui partecipano molti artisti disabili arrivati dal Giappone. Alcuni dei suoi lavori più rappresentativi vengono esposti nella collettiva "Artempo" organizzata da Mattijs Visser e Axel Vervoordt nel Palazzo Fortuny di Venezia. 2008 / Il 7 maggio realizza una performance a Punta Campanella, Napoli, coinvolgendo un gruppo di danzatrici vestite da spose con la testa ricoperta da bicchieri saturi di colore. Il 9 maggio fa una performance nel chiostro della Certosa di San Giacomo di Capri lanciando il colore su otto tele disposte a terra e su due contrabbassi disposti a lato delle tele, ricoperti da spartiti musicali e sorretti da due giovani donne. Sempre alla Certosa di San Giacomo di Capri espone alcuni suoi lavori nella mostra "Vento d'Oriente".   Presso il Museo Magi ‘900 di Pieve Di Cento (BO) si tiene la mostra Shozo Shimamoto / Yasuo Sumi - I colori della pace, con una performance nella sala Modigliani del Museo. Il 13 novembre 2008 presso il Museo d' Arte Contemporanea di Villa Croce di Genova “Shozo Shimamoto. Samurai, acrobata dello sguardo”, curata da Achille Bonito Oliva.
2009 / In occasione di Roma. Road to Contemporary Art , sono esposte sue opere in diverse mostre: Hofficina d’Arte, a cura di Achille Bonito Oliva; Palazzo Barberini, “Cose mai viste II” a cura di Achille Bonito Oliva, dedicata alle opere delle collezioni private degli artisti. Palazzo delle Esposizioni, in collaborazione con la Fondazione Morra, l’Archivio Pari & Dispari e l’Associazione Shozo Shimamoto. Partecipa alla mostra collettiva “Madre Coraggio: l’arte” a cura di Achille Bonito Oliva che si tiene all’interno del Festival di Ravello. Tiene una mostra personale presso la galleria “VV8 artecontemporanea” di Reggio Emilia, in collaborazione con l’Associazione Shozo Shimamoto, dal titolo “La danza del colore”, in occasione della quale ha luogo una performance del coreografo Mauro Bigonzetti e quattro ballerini della Fondazione nazionale di danza Aterballetto che animano gli abiti da sposa realizzati da Shimamoto nell’azione di Punta Campanella.
2011 / Sculture e grandi tele provenienti dalle performance di Venezia, Punta Campanella, Capri e Genova sono esposte nella basilica di Santo Stefano di Bologna in occasione di Arte Fiera OFF in una mostra a cura di Achille Bonito Oliva. Mostra personale presso la galleria “Nicola Pedana” di Caserta. Mostra personale presso la Fondazione Morra di Napoli. Assieme a opere di grandi dimensioni sono proiettati due video di Mario Franco che documentano le performance di Piazza Dante a Napoli (2006) e Punta Campanella. Viene invitato a condurre due performance presso il Moderna Museet di Stoccolma in Svezia in occasione dell’evento “AN EXPERIMENTAL CONFERENCE ON ART AND SCIENCE TO CHALLENGE THE MID-SUMMER SUN” dove reinterpreta la performance con il cannone del 1956 e quella su palcoscenico del 1957.
2012 / Dal 14 marzo al 5 maggio 2012 la mostra personale “SHOZO SHIMAMOTO” c/o la Axel Vervoordt Gallery di Anversa (Belgio). Mostra personale "Shozo Shimamoto, Opere 1950-2011" a Palazzo Magnani a Reggio Emilia. Partecipa alla mostra "Explosion: Pittura in Azione" al Moderna Museet di Stoccolma. Mostra "Dipingere il Vuoto" al MOCA di Los Angeles con una sala dedicata a Shimamoto.
2013 / Partecipa a Milano  al  progetto internazionale di Mail Art  "INviso" curato da Ruggero Maggi. Prima del 25 gennaio  2013,  l'anno della morte, partecipa a Salerno al Progetto Internazionale "Wunderkammer Artistamps " a cura di Giovanni Bonanno, con  una delle ultime partecipazioni alla mostra Collettiva Internazionale in omaggio ai 70 anni di Marcello Diotallevi svoltasi  a giugno. Prima retrospettiva dopo la morte alla Galerie Hofburg a Bressanone con una ventina di dipinti  a cura di  Vittoria Coen. Prima antologica milanese di Shozo Shimamoto  allo Studio Giangaleazzo Visconti di Milano  con 30 opere presentate  in grado di ripercorrere la ricerca dell’artista giapponese.
 2015 / Collettiva internazionale “Add &  Return” con la partecipazione di 97 artisti dal titolo: “VIRTUAL FLUXUS POETRY” che lo Spazio  Ophen Virtual Art Gallery di Salerno dedica all’artista giapponese Shozo  Shimamoto come  evento  contemporaneo ed indipendente  progettato in concomitanza con la 56th Biennale Internazionale d’Arte di Venezia 2015, a cura di Sandro  Bongiani.
2016 / CRUCIFIXION - Shozo Shimamoto, ArtVerona I Art Project Fair 2016 - i7 Spazi Indipendenti Italiani, a cura di Sandro  Bongiani, Spazio Ophen Virtual Art Gallery di Salerno.
2019 / SHIMAMOTO - CAVELLINI – COHEN, IDENTITY OF ARTIST / Marginal Active Resistances, a cura di Sandro  Bongiani, Spazio Ophen Virtual Art Gallery di Salerno
2023 / MEMORIAL SHOZO SHIMAMOTO 2013-2023 . ”Relazioni marginali sostenibili “avere un’idea per capello”.  Mostra Collettiva Internazionale, per il decennale della scomparsa dell’artista giapponese  a cura di Sandro Bongiani e Ruggero Maggi. -  Galleria Sandro Bongiani VRspace e Spazio Ophen Virtual Art Gallery di Salerno.
In  Giappone
Museo d’Arte Contemporanea di Tokyo, Museo d’Arte di Fukuoka, Museo di Kitakyushu, Museo d’Arte di Hyogo, Museo d’Arte Moderna di Osaka, Museo di Nara, Museo d’Arte di Takamatsu, Museo d’Arte di Ashiya, Museo d’Arte di Miyagi, Museo d’Arte di Shizuoka, Museo di Gifu, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea di Osaka, etc.
Tate Modern (Londra), Museo Nazionale di Arte Moderna di Roma, Art Center di Milano, Paris Gallery, Mail Art Museum (Berna, Svizzera), Galleria Internazionale di Arte Moderna Ca’ Pesaro, Collezione Bongiani Ophen Art Museum di Salerno, etc.
Il sito ufficiale di  www.shozo.net  
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sundaynightfilms · 2 years
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Jiro Dreams of Sushi, 2011
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artemisarticles · 2 years
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Wer sind die Berühmtesten Japaner weltweit?
Inhaltsverzeichnis Einleitung Traditionelle Ikonen Hirohito: Der Kriegszeit-Kaiser Miyamoto Musashi: Der legendäre Samurai Popkultur-Phänomene Manga und Anime: Die Welten von Hayao Miyazaki Nintendo: Die Schöpfer von Super Mario Technologie-Titanen Sony: Der Wegbereiter der Unterhaltungselektronik Akio Morita: Der Gründer von Sony Kulinarische Koryphäen Jiro Ono: Der Meister des…
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pulsodigital · 2 months
Shibumi: La Belleza en la Simplicidad y la Complejidad
En el frenético y agitado escenario del mundo moderno, donde la saturación de estímulos y superficialidades es la norma, surge el concepto japonés de Shibumi como una filosofía que nos invita a redescubrir la belleza en la simplicidad y la sofisticación en lo complejo. Shibumi no es solo una palabra, es un universo entero de significado que encapsula una forma de vida que fusiona la estética, el comportamiento y la percepción del mundo.
El Alma de Shibumi
Shibumi es la esencia de una belleza que se revela como sencilla y compleja a la vez, sutil y profunda. Se encuentra en la naturalidad y la espontaneidad, en la perfección de lo imperfecto y la armonía de lo desigual. Como lo describe magistralmente Leonard Koren en su obra "Wabi-Sabi: For Artists, Designers, Poets & Philosophers", Shibumi es "la cualidad estética que es a la vez simple y compleja, sutil y profunda".
La Manifestación de Shibumi
Este concepto se manifiesta en diversas formas de arte japonés, como la ceremonia del té, la jardinería Zen y la caligrafía. En estos expresiones artísticas, la meticulosa atención al detalle y la búsqueda de la perfección se combinan para crear experiencias estéticas y espirituales únicas. Según Betty Edwards en su obra "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain", Shibumi es "una experiencia estética que es a la vez estimulante y relajante, desafiante y satisfactoria".
Shibumi en la Vida Diaria
Pero Shibumi no se limita al ámbito artístico, es una filosofía que puede impregnar cada aspecto de nuestra vida. Significa vivir con modestia y sin pretensiones, encontrar belleza en las cosas simples, buscar la excelencia en nuestras acciones de manera discreta, sin ostentación. En palabras de Alan Watts en "The Way of Zen", Shibumi es "la belleza de lo ordinario, la elegancia de lo simple".
Un Antídoto Contra el Exceso
En un mundo donde prevalece la obsesión por lo excesivo y llamativo, Shibumi nos invita a simplificar nuestras vidas, a encontrar belleza en la tranquilidad y a apreciar la sutileza en lugar de la ostentación.
Ejemplos Vivientes de Shibumi
- Una taza de té sin adornos, hecha a mano con arcilla simple y apreciada por su funcionalidad y calidez.
- Un jardín Zen con piedras cuidadosamente colocadas, rastrillado de arena y un árbol solitario, que evoca una sensación de paz y armonía.
- Una pintura de caligrafía con tinta negra sobre papel blanco, que expresa la esencia de una idea con trazos simples y elegantes.
Cómo Integrar Shibumi en tu Vida
- Observa ejemplos de Shibumi en tu entorno: en la arquitectura, el diseño, la naturaleza e incluso en las personas.
- Practica Shibumi en tu vida diaria: simplifica tu espacio, aprecia los pequeños detalles y vive con modestia y autenticidad.
- Aprende más sobre Shibumi: lee libros, artículos y mira videos sobre este tema fascinante.
Shibumi nos recuerda que la verdadera belleza reside en la simplicidad, la modestia y la armonía con nuestro entorno. Nos invita a vivir con gracia y elegancia, y a descubrir la perfección en lo simple y lo complejo.
Citas para Reflexionar
- Haruki Murakami: "La belleza no es algo que se pueda poseer. Es algo que se experimenta."
- Yasunari Kawabata: "Lo esencial es invisible a los ojos."
- Jiro Ono: "La simplicidad es la clave de la verdadera elegancia."
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sneakpeek111 · 3 months
Best restaurants in the world
Best Restaurants in the World: A Culinary Journey Beyond Borders
Embarking on a gastronomic journey to explore the finest dining establishments across the globe is an adventure sought after by many food enthusiasts. From the bustling streets of Tokyo to the charming alleys of Paris, the world is adorned with an array of restaurants that tantalize taste buds and ignite culinary passions. Here, we delve into some of the Best Restaurants in the World, where innovative chefs craft exquisite dishes, and ambiance complements the artistry of cuisine.
1. Osteria Francescana - Modena, Italy
Nestled in the heart of Modena, Italy, Osteria Francescana is a culinary masterpiece orchestrated by Chef Massimo Bottura. Renowned for its avant-garde take on traditional Italian cuisine, this three-Michelin-starred restaurant seamlessly blends creativity with tradition. Diners are treated to a symphony of flavors through dishes like "Oops! I Dropped the Lemon Tart" and "Five Ages of Parmigiano Reggiano", each meticulously crafted to evoke emotions and memories.
2. Noma - Copenhagen, Denmark
In the vibrant culinary scene of Copenhagen, Noma stands as a beacon of Nordic gastronomy. Helmed by Chef René Redzepi, this two-Michelin-starred restaurant is celebrated for its commitment to foraging and seasonal ingredients. Noma's ever-evolving menu showcases the purity of nature, with dishes like "Pickled Vegetables and Sheep's Milk Curd" and "Caramelized Milk and Malt". Dining at Noma is a harmonious communion with the land, where every bite tells a story of Denmark's rich terroir.
3. Eleven Madison Park - New York City, USA
Nestled in the heart of Manhattan, Eleven Madison Park epitomizes the epitome of fine dining in New York City. Under the stewardship of Chef Daniel Humm, this three-Michelin-starred restaurant offers a contemporary interpretation of American cuisine. From the iconic "Honey Lavender Duck" to the whimsical "Black and White Cookie", each dish at Eleven Madison Park is a testament to culinary innovation and precision. The restaurant's elegant Art Deco interior and impeccable service elevate the dining experience to new heights of sophistication.
4. Sukiyabashi Jiro - Tokyo, Japan
Tucked away in the bustling streets of Tokyo's Ginza district, Sukiyabashi Jiro is a culinary institution revered for its mastery of sushi. Founded by legendary sushi master Jiro Ono, this three-Michelin-starred restaurant embodies the essence of Edomae sushi, where simplicity and precision reign supreme. Diners embark on a gastronomic journey through the omakase menu, savoring delicate bites of nigiri meticulously prepared by Chef Ono and his team. Sukiyabashi Jiro is a testament to the pursuit of perfection in every grain of rice and slice of fish.
5. Mirazur - Menton, France
Perched on the French Riviera overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, Mirazur is a culinary oasis that marries land and sea with finesse. Chef Mauro Colagreco's inventive cuisine celebrates the bounty of the surrounding region, with dishes like "Oyster with Shallot Cream and Pear" and "Squid, Red Pepper, and Olive Oil". Mirazur's lush garden, brimming with aromatic herbs and seasonal produce, serves as a muse for Chef Colagreco's creations, infusing each plate with a sense of terroir and terroir.
Embarking on a culinary pilgrimage to these esteemed restaurants is not merely about indulging in fine food; it is a journey of discovery, where flavors, textures, and aromas converge to create unforgettable memories. Whether savoring sushi in Tokyo or dining overlooking the French Riviera, these restaurants offer a glimpse into the soul of their respective cuisines, inviting diners to experience the pinnacle of gastronomic excellence.
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