#jj cohen
duranduratulsa · 3 months
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Flashback Theater 🎥... Back To The Future (1985) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #scifi #actionadventure #backtothefuture #Robertzemeckis #michaeljfox #christopherlloyd #leathompson #ThomasFWilson #crispinglover #ClaudiaWells #JamesTolkan #WendyJoSperber #HueyLewis #elsaraven #willhare #jasonhervey #marcmcclure #FrancesLeeMcCain #jjcohen #BillyZane #caseysiemaszko #LisaFreeman #jasonmarin #CourtneyGains #BuckFlower #vintage #vhs #80s #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsasflashbacktheater
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hepaidattention · 9 months
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gameosity · 2 years
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Return to Dark Tower Review (Including Dark Horde and Alliances)
Return to Dark Tower is a monolithic sequel to a classic 80s game (that Team Gameosity never played, so no
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mrs-weasley-reid · 1 year
An Escape from Reality
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platonic Spencer Reid x geniusbau!reader | part 3
part 1 | part 2 | part 4
Summary: bau!reader kept Spencer up on his toes and consistently became his source of reality, but what would Spencer do when he watched her drop on her knees the same way he did for Maeve? Does he let her drown in a tragic reality or offer an escape from reality?
Warning: details of death, curse word(s)
A/N: not my gif, credits to the owner :)
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Your scream was writhing. A one-syllable word never held so much misery, never sounded so agonizing. Tears ebbed away from your glossy eyes and down to your pale cheeks.
Derek held you back, telling you to stay away from the crime scene. But it wasn't a crime scene. It was your lover's life slowly dissipating. How the damn hell could you stay away?
Your knees almost broke as you fell to where the love of your life lay in his own blood. You collected him in your arms, tears annoyingly blurring your vision. You wiped your eyes aggressively. You needed to see him.
Everything felt too real. His shallow breath. Your pants soaking his blood. Your hands messily pressed on the wound that shot through his back.
"No! No, no, no! Please, no!" And the sobs came stumbling out of your lips, bouncing on every solid matter, piercing through every heart in your vicinity. And that meant a few members of your team.
You craned your neck, finding Derek and JJ standing at a distance. Their worried looks were nonexistent in your eyes. "MEDIC?! WHERE'S THE FUCKING MEDIC?! CALL THEM!" Your throat barely handled your outburst, coughing in soreness while you whimpered in fear.
His hand reached out to you, coughing a smile. "Don't shout, honey. You barely recovered from a cold." His voice was soft and caring, weak and slowly decreasing in volume.
You scoffed. You couldn't believe he had just asked you not to shout when he was a whisper away from death. "Stay awake, Theo. Don't you dare die on me. You can't die on me." You vigorously shook your head for two reasons: shedding tears off your vision and showing your eager disapproval.
Spencer slowed as he watched you hold on for your lover's dear life. He returned from tackling the culprit for you, leaving the rest for Aaron and David to take care of.
It broke his heart. One thing he has wished for you over and over, each night he prayed for peace, was for you to never go through the pain that he went through with Maeve. But it seemed like he didn't pray enough.
"Hey, you forgot your... oh," Spencer halted at the sight of your smile he had never seen before.
You dragged your smile into a straight line as you turned to Spencer. Blush spread on your skin as your eyes widened like a deer caught in headlights.
Spencer wanted to tease you after all your constant bullying over his love life that slowly bloomed once more. But he was familiar with the same look on your face. You weren't ready. He didn't want to push you.
But the man who had an arm around your waist had different plans. "Dr. Reid, right?" He started with a smile, looking at you for confirmation.
You finally recovered from the shock and decided that if it was only Spencer who knew about your lover, it wouldn't be as bad. You cleared your throat, "Reid, Dr. Theo Cohen. Dr. Cohen, Dr. Spencer Reid." You didn't know why you used their respective honorifics as if you weren't a doctorate holder.
"Theo is fine," He chuckles, squeezing your side comfortingly. He turned to Spencer with a friendly smile. "I've heard so many great things about you. It's nice to finally meet you."
Spencer glanced at you and then back to Theo. A smug smirk momentarily twitched his lips, "Nice to meet you too." He noticed how the man didn't move an inch to offer a hand, and Spencer knew then that this man held importance in your life. Why else would you train Theo accordingly to refrain from shaking Spencer's hands? "What are you a doctor in? If you don't mind me asking."
Theo bounced on the balls of his feet, "I'm a trauma surgeon!" He excitedly blurted, prepared to ramble about his passion if triggered.
"Really?" Spencer raised a brow directly at you, who made a promise that you would never date anyone who dove inside someone's body and touched organs. What a hypocrite. He said through his eyes.
You snatched your wallet from Spencer's hands, gulping. "You should go back inside. They're probably looking for you. Go on. It's cold." You rushed, pushing Theo around the car to the driver's seat.
When you came back around to jump on the shotgun seat, Spencer gave you a look. A smile that he only used whenever his heart genuinely felt happy. And your chest tightened.
You paused. A saccharine smile over your lips as you get inside the car.
Theo rolled down the window excitedly, "Let's do trivia night when you have the time!" He peeked his eyes as you rolled the window up from your seat. He was ever the childish one.
Spencer chuckled, shaking his head as he watched the vehicle speed off his line of sight. Finally, his meanest best friend found someone she truly loved. He was proud of you, considering your bitterness every valentine's day. You never failed to point out the fact that it wasn't kissy-face as everyone thought.
The smile never faded off your lips. Spencer approved of Theo. Not that you needed his approval. You'd do whatever the hell you want. However you want. And not that it mattered to you — it did. You couldn't help but feel giddy. You finally chose right. Your genius colleague, best friend even approves. And if that wasn't genuine pride and happiness, you didn't know what else to call it.
Your chest felt tight, "Hey, Dr. Cohen," You started, unsure what to say. "Stop being overdramatic and stay alive. I've been shot worst than this." You bragged, unable to be sweet, gentle, and loving as he knew you.
"Listen, Agent." He retorted with the same tone, except he was quieter and forced. "From a professional's perspective," He laughed blood, making you regret engaging in a conversation with your bleeding boyfriend. "It seems like the bullet created an exit wound. That means I've bled twice as fast. You have to accept it, sweetheart. I will die any moment and need you to move on after that. Don't dread over me. Okay? Promise me you'll move on." It was a dying man's farewell to his weeping lover.
You held his hand closer to your face, leaning against it as if it would keep him alive the more you pressed your skin into his palm. "I hate you. Hear that?" You sniffed in broken words. "I hate you so much. So you better haunt me. Haunt me every single night." Your body shivered as his hand began to lose heat.
He chuckled, sucking in a sharp breath from the pain in his abdomen. "I can't do that, honey. I want you to move on, remember? That means you can't act like this isn't happening." His grasp loosened, breath hitched one last time. And he never recovered.
Agonizingly, your eyes slowly shut. It hit you like a truck. It was real. His body stopped heaving, finally over with the struggle of being alive. His hand dropped limp on his side. His lips stopped quivering from excruciating pain. It was real.
You leaned down to his face, kissing his lips as if, by some miracle, it would wake him up. But you weren't in a fairy tale movie. You weren't a princess. He wasn't a prince. So he remained breathless on your lap.
You gasped, falling over his body. You wept for his life. You cried in despair and heartbreak. The ambulance was too late. And you were one to support the phrase, better late than never. Well, your boyfriend would never come back to life. He was dead. No return after that.
You felt arms wrapped around you, "He's dead. What am I going to do? Theo's dead." You knew the owner of the arms very well, gripping them for support. "Spencer, he died. He left me!" You babbled in sorrow, leaning against his chest.
"I know," Spencer kissed the top of your head, clutching you closer, tighter. "I'm here. I'll be here. It's okay." Even he couldn't stop the tears trailing down his jaw to water down your hair. His heart broke for you. He never wished this type of ache for you, and he felt guilty for not praying hard.
I know it hurts. I'm here, you can break down. I'll be here, don't worry. It's okay, cry it out.
You both knew the entirety of his vague sentences. So the tears that should've dried up minutes ago kept flowing like a bottomless ocean. You wept, screamed, and sobbed for an hour in the safety of the street and Spencer's breath-crushing embrace.
When the paramedics decided it was time to separate you and Theo's lifeless body apart. The agony had faded to a dull throb. No tears. No sobs. No inaudible cries for Theo to start breathing again.
You moved on. It was real. It was over. You moved on.
You sat at the back of one of the SUVs. You felt a jacket wrap around your shoulders, turning to see Spencer sitting beside you.
You bit your bottom lip, "Theo was going to propose." You wryly chuckled. "Bastard didn't get the memo that his girlfriend is a genius profiler even after two years."
"He asked for my blessing," Spencer admitted, earning another laugh from you. Tonight was supposed to be a fantastic night for you. Tonight was supposed to be the night Theo proposed to you after he finally convinced you to invite the team over to your apartment.
"He thought he was so slick. You all thought you were so slick." Tears tattooed stains of anguish on your cold skin. Theo's blood on your cheek didn't seem to encourage your own to flow back up your face. "What an asshole. Dying after getting my hopes up. I even told my parents. They were so happy someone finally tolerated their presumptuous daughter." You let out a shaky breath, wiping your tears.
Spencer released the lip he held between his teeth, gripping the edge of the vehicle. "You don't have to act like it did happen." He stated, staring ahead at the red and blue lights that flashed across your faces.
Your brows knitted, turning your gaze to him. "Don't you mean, didn't?" You laughed.
"You heard it right," Spencer met your empty eyes. "I'll be your escape from reality." He declared, drilling the idea in your head. "Forget about what happened tonight. Just think this was a horrible case that hit close to home, but it didn't happen to you. We can go for a drink. We can fly to Vegas and rob a bank. Let's get on a cruise and act like wealthy, spoiled, genius brats. You don't have to think about Theo's bloody hands and shirt. And when you have nightmares about this, it's just a bad dream. Lose focus. Just remember Theo's smile and how he beat the two of us on trivia night. He's just somewhere out there. Falter. Breakdown. Get mad. It's okay. I'll—" You cut him off.
Déjà vu.
"But Theo did die, Spencer. He died in my arms after I asked him not to. I told him to haunt me, but he never would. That's real. What happened just now was real. I felt it in my fingertips, Spencer. I felt his life slip away." Pain. That was all you felt.
Spencer rolled his eyes, "I don't remember you making a promise." He blurted.
Your head whipped back to look at him with furrowed brows. "What?"
"Theo made you promise to move on. That's what you're trying to do, right?" Spencer watched as you blinked guiltily. "You didn't make a promise. You just cried. You have the power to do whatever you want. If you want to act like this is not real for a second and feel happy, then do so. No one is holding you back. I fully support it. If you want to act stupid during a case, that's fine. I'll be a genius for both of us. You don't have to face what's real. I still love dreaming about Maeve, about her giggles and us dancing. I still dial her number at a random phone booth whenever I miss her too much. So, just tell me if you want to escape all of this. I'll help you. I'll be your escape from reality. One thing, though." He formed his expression into a serious one. "I can't ever fall in love with you or act like Theo." He lifted his forearms in a cross pattern.
You scoffed, smacking his arms off your sight. "Bold of you to assume you're any match to my boyfriend." You stood up, stretching your arms high as you could. The stars were so bright, and you remembered how Theo loved to point out constellations like they were available for purchase.
Sorry, darling... I don't want you dead yet. Not tonight. You thought as you stared at the brightest star.
You closed your eyes with a smile, a tear falling down your temple, "Spencer," You looked down at him, twisting your body a little. "Theo got called in the ER, but I want to do bomb shots. Wanna come?"
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Took me forever to finish Carmilla but I finally did and god the ending makes me so sad, especially with the historical context that Carmen Maria Machado provides at the beginning. It is true, as JJ Cohen says, that monsters will always return or can never truly be vanquished. And in the case of Laura, the specter that is Carmilla (and all the queer desires she brought with) continues to haunt Laura for years even after Carmilla is brutally murdered. This is supposed to be a scary ending in true gothic form, but with the historical context that le Fanu stole the story from the two very real lives of two queer women who both came to tragic ends, I feel just a deep sadness. Sapphic women have suffered so horribly in life, our complex inner lives nothing more than a spectacle for people to gawk at and Other.
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Midnight | Chapter 3 | S.R
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Previous Chapter
Chapter Summary - Spencer is at a loss after leaving the BAU. You find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time and life as you know it will never be the same again.
A/N - Chapter title from the Set it Off album “Cinematics”. Song lyrics at the end of the chapter.
Pairing - unsub! Spencer Reid / Fem! Reader
Category - dark angst | smut | very eventual happy ending
Warnings - drinking, Spencer’s rapidly declining mental health, nightmares, mentions of blood, swearing, cleaning up a crime.
WC - 4.9k
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Chapter Three - Nightmare
The scraps of paper littered the bed like the world's most depressing confetti in his pathetic party for one. Ramblings of a man on the brink of destruction riddled the torn pages, manifestos of his rapidly declining brain. 
Names and crude drawings of warped human faces seemed to taunt him, coming alive from the paper and wrapping themselves around him in a blanket of evil. 
Linwood Jones.
Rico Hernandez. 
Alex Matthews.
Taylor Gardener. 
Eric Gomez.
Peter Cohen. 
And they were just ones within the District of Columbia. 
He had his bed sheet wrapped right up to his neck, pulling it close around his body like a cape and looking somewhat like a down on his luck superhero. 
It had been two weeks since he’d stormed out of the BAU and he’d only left his apartment once since to buy an obscene amount of scotch. He was down to his last bottle which meant he’d have to venture out again, but honestly, leaving the confines of this room seemed an impossible feat. 
There were days when Spencer’s bed held him hostage, the sheets working like hands keeping him firmly in place, wrapped in a straight jacket of his own mind. But it was preferable to being let loose on the world. There was something about being alone that enabled him to breathe so much easier than when he was surrounded by people. 
But as he brought the bottle to his lips and noticed it was almost half empty, he knew he had to at least make an effort to drag his sorry ass out of bed today, being sober didn’t seem like a safe option for him right now. 
Time had ceased to exist for him, his curtains pulled tightly shut so had no concept of day or night. Once his cell phone battery had died he didn’t have the impetus to charge it. It was a relief to be honest, it meant he wouldn’t have to hear it bleating every time the team tried to call or text him. 
They’d tried to visit too, JJ, Garcia, Rossi and Emily had all knocked on his door and proceeded to try and engage him by talking through the door. It was painfully similar to when he was grieving Maeve’s death only this time Garcia hadn’t left baskets full of food. 
He had nothing to say to any of them. All they’d want to do was talk him into coming back and that was something he categorically could not do. What he was going to do however, was still a mystery. 
He took another swig from the bottle before rubbing his hand aggressively against his eye. A few days ago his left eye had started to twitch, the way it had when he left prison and it was yet to stop. It was growing sore from the way in which he kept rubbing his palm against it. 
He still had PTSD from prison, maybe he always would. And it was only fuelled by the stress of wondering what the hell his next move was going to be. He couldn’t fathom thinking that far into the future. The only thing he could focus on right now was the list of names and the fact that he was rapidly running out of scotch. 
Tomorrow might be better. Some days he was completely fine, a normal functioning human being. Some days he was able to leave the clutches of the bed that held him captive so he could shower and eat. Other times he didn’t leave his bed for days at a time. 
Some days it was one step forward, five steps back. Some days Spencer wished he could cease to exist entirely, become one with the bed, close his eyes and never wake up. Today seemed like it might be one of those days. 
Sometimes it felt as though he wasn’t alone in his home, like there was evil lurking in the shadows, ready to come forth and pull him down into the darkness with them. He wasn’t sure he would have the energy to fight them if they did, maybe drowning in the abyss with his demons was how it was supposed to end for him.
Maybe it was all the faces that belonged to those names, taunting him, begging for him to do something before it was too late and they hurt more people. But how? How did he defeat these monsters that flew beneath the radar? 
A voice continued to nag him, begging him to do something for these victims who couldn’t help themselves. He had the brains, he had the resources. He had almost a complete puzzle in front of him but he was missing a key piece. 
He continued sipping his scotch while his eyes darted between the scraps of paper littering his bed. At some point he managed to free himself to use the bathroom after going hours without urinating. He kept the sheet wrapped tightly around his body as he padded through to the en-suite, relieved himself and quickly shuffled back into his bedroom. 
His brain was telling him to get back into bed but for some reason his feet kept on walking, no real destination in mind. He did that sometimes, just wandered the rooms of his apartment aimlessly, running his fingers along book spines or his chess set or the back of the couch, maybe in an attempt to keep himself tethered to a reality that was rapidly slipping away from him. 
The cracks in his psyche had become chasms, giant gaping holes in his brain in which his sanity was falling through piece by piece. The isolation didn’t help, he should reach out to someone, use them as a liftline to pull him back from this brink before he dove over the edge. He needed a light to shine through the darkness, to convince him this wasn’t the end for him before it was too late. 
But he was far too stubborn to admit he needed their help, he would rather die in a pool of his own self-destruction than ask any of them for assistance. 
He continued wandering the apartment, sinking his toes into the thick shag rug and keeping the bed sheet tightly wrapped around his body. His eyes darted around but he wasn’t looking at anything in the room, his eyes were bouncing between the names that seemed to follow him everywhere. 
The world would be a better place if those monsters were dead. Even if the cops did get their heads out of their asses and arrest them, prison would only hold them so long. Death was what they deserved. 
Oh how he would love to be the one to put an end to them, to point a gun between their eyes and pull the trigger. No, that wasn’t slow enough, death would be too fast. Maybe he could wrap his hands around their necks and squeeze until life left their demonic eyes. No, not gory enough. They deserved to shed blood. 
He found himself in his kitchen without realising he’d walked through there. The top drawer was open and his hand was reaching inside towards the back. His fingers wrapped around a handle, and he was soon withdrawing an object that had remained untouched in the back of his drawer for over a decade. 
Gideon had bestowed the antique hunting knife on him for his birthday one year, many moons again. Much like most of Gideon’s gifts, Spencer hadn’t understood why exactly his mentor would think he’d require such an item. Maybe he knew. 
Maybe even all those years ago Gideon had seen the evil within Spencer. Maybe he’d always known this was where Spencer’s road would lead him. 
The blade would make the perfect weapon to slice open the throat of a murderer or a rapist. It wouldn’t be an instant death and it would be messy. He could stand over the body of his victim while he watched them bleed to death. 
Suddenly Spencer knew what he needed to do. It all became so clear in startling clarity. It was as though a thick fog had cleared and he was finally able to see the horizon. Those people who flew under the radar, evaded capture from law enforcement deserved to die. 
And it was his job to do that. 
The list of names he’d been building up in his mind for the last two weeks were just the tip of the iceberg. There were hundreds, thousands more out there who had literally gotten away with murder. 
Not anymore. Spencer would make sure of it. He would ensure those men would never hurt another human being. It was all so fucking clear now. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t thought of this sooner. 
Spencer held the blade up to the light and saw his reflection staring back at him on the shiny metal surface. 
For the first time in months, he was smiling. 
“Ok if you yawn one more time, I’m going to start thinking you don’t appreciate my dazzling personality.” Luke cocked his eyebrow at you across the table as you stifled yet another yawn.
You shrugged in apology and lifted your drink to your lips, taking a hefty swig and hoping the caffeine in your vodka cola would help even a little.
“I’m sorry, I’m just tired.” 
“You still having those nightmares?” He sat forward in his chair and leant on the table with his elbows. 
It had now been three weeks since Spencer left the BAU and none of you had heard from him even once. Several members of the team had tried to go to his apartment but he was either never there or simply wouldn’t answer the door. You hadn’t tried to contact him, despite the fact it was killing you not to. And almost every night since his departure from the team, you’d been having nightmares. 
They all followed a similar pattern. You were back at the Fugitive Task Force, hunting down one of the most prolific serial killers the world had ever seen. He was wanted by multiple federal, state and local law enforcement agencies across the country and suspected of killing upwards of one hundred people. You’d received a tip off on his location and gone in pursuit alone. 
You’d traced him to a desolate cabin in the woods on the edge of a lake. It was pitch black out in the woods, leaves crunching under foot as you approached the house, firearm drawn in front of you. There was a single light emanating from inside the cabin on the second floor and it was glowing red. 
Creeping up the front steps you found the door unlocked and before you opened it, you lifted your collar and spoke into your comm system pinned to the lapel. 
“I’ve reached the house, I’m continuing in pursuit.”
“Wait for backup Y/L/N, don’t be a hero.” Luke’s voice came through the crackly speaker in your ear.
“Negative, there’s no time. If he even catches a whiff of police presence he’s fleeing again. This is our only chance.”
“Y/L/N stand down, wait for backup.” Luke hissed. 
You didn’t reply and instead you reached for the door handle and entered the old cabin. The floorboards were a little creaky and you held your breath as you cautiously traversed the first floor. 
Luke’s voice kept sounding in your ear, distracting you from your mission but you didn’t recall what he said, it was always some incoherent mumbles. As you headed towards the stairs you removed your earpiece so you could give the situation your full attention. 
The walk up the stairs was always distant, somehow you seemed to appear at the top of them with a door in front of you. Not stopping for breath you gripped the handle and entered the room. 
On the far side of the room shrouded in red light was a figure with his back to you, looking out the window. His image was hazy, as if the room were filled with smoke. 
“FBI! Put your hands where I can see them!” You screamed at him but he either didn’t hear you or ignored you. 
And then the dream always turned weird. Blood started to pour down the walls and a claret waterfall appeared between you and the unsub. It came down like torrential rain, completely obscuring them from vision. 
“FBI! You’re under arrest!” 
You felt it start to cover you, the warm, sticky substance falling heavily into your eyes, your mouth, soaking through your clothes. 
“FBI, show me your hands!” You spluttered against the onslaught of blood. 
“You can’t help me.” A voice came from the distance, oddly recognisable but you couldn’t place it. 
“I’m not here to help you, I’m here to stop you.” 
“You can’t do that either.” 
And like the Red Sea parting, so did the waterfall of blood and the unsub walked right towards you with a menacing grin on his face, covered from head to toe in blood. 
You gasped as he closed in on you, dropping your firearm on the floor in shock as he advanced. 
“There’s no helping me, Y/N. I’m too far gone.” Spencer chuckled manically seconds before he lifted the blade in his hand and suddenly drove it towards your heart. 
And that’s where you always woke up, panting and sweating and sometimes even screaming. It didn’t make any sense. You knew dreams were interpretive but what was this supposed to mean? You were worried about Spencer clearly, but surely you weren’t that concerned about him? 
You’d made the mistake of telling Luke about your nightmares, something you wished now more than ever you hadn’t disclosed to him. 
“I guess.” You shrugged. “It’s no big deal.” 
“I think it is, you look exhausted.” 
“Thanks.” You pulled a face. “It’s fine. I’m fine.” 
“You could just call him, you know? Or go to his place? It might put your mind at ease.” Luke wore his concern on his face.
“He’s made it clear he doesn’t want to see any of us. Seriously, I’ll be fine.” You downed the remains of your drink and stretched your back. “I should go home though, I am exhausted.” 
Luke nodded and finished his beer and the two of you stood from the table and gathered your things. He escorted you out of the bar and onto the street. 
“You wanna split a cab?” He asked with a smile.
“We live in opposite directions.” You chuckled. “But thanks. I think I’ll take a walk, it’s only a few blocks.” 
“It’s late, let me get you a cab.” He tried again.
“Alvez, I carry a gun. I think I’ll be ok.” You rolled your eyes, stepping closer to him and placing a kiss on his cheek. “I’ll see you Monday, assuming we don’t get called in beforehand.” 
He offered you a smile that told you he wasn’t happy about letting you walk home alone but he also knew you could handle yourself better than most people he knew. Not only could you run circles around him but you were also a force to be reckoned with in a boxing ring. He knew you were probably the last person he needed to worry about. And like you’d said, you did carry a weapon. 
“See you Monday, conejito.” He winked at you and you gave him a wave in response before turning and heading on your way. 
You enjoyed walking the streets of DC at night, especially this time of year in late spring when it was still a reasonable temperature. You kept one hand on your purse, like always, your personal firearm tucked inside just in case you ever needed it. In all the years you’d lived here you never had, but it didn’t hurt to be cautious. 
You walked on autopilot, your legs carrying you in the direction of your home for several blocks. That was until you came to a particular cross street and you halted in your tracks without meaning to do so. 
If you carried on left you’d reach your apartment in two blocks. But if you went four blocks right you would end up at a different apartment, one you’d previously spent a lot of time at, but you hadn’t visited for a while. 
You looked up and down the street, your mind fighting an internal battle. You should go home, but if you went home you would inevitably only be inviting more nightmares. 
You could just pass by his place, not even stop, just walk down the street and make sure everything seemed normal. Although, what would you class as out of place? What did you expect to find? 
Before you’d realised you’d made up your mind, you’d started walking again, in the opposite direction of your home. 
Spencer sat in the driver's seat of his old Volvo in the small alleyway behind his apartment building, only illuminated by the moon high in the sky. The ancient engine rumbled, vibrating his seat and echoing around the otherwise silent street. He shut the car off and suddenly the world around him became still. 
His hands gripped the steering wheel, nails grazing over the stitching in the leather. He kept his eyes trained out the windscreen on the narrow alleyway in front of him. His heart beat frantically against his chest even now. But he felt oddly at peace, a wave of euphoria rushing through his veins. 
He stayed this way for several long minutes, ensuring no one was traversing the street at this time of night. He needed privacy for what he needed to do. 
He glanced at his hands and the substance he’d inadvertently transferred from them to the steering wheel. He let go of it and reached into his pocket for the old rag which he used to wipe all around the wheel before using it to cover his dirty hand and open the car door. 
He slid out into the quiet alley and closed the door behind him before rounding the vehicle to the trunk. Using the same rag he opened it and stared down at the mess he’d made. 
The first time he’d panicked, forgetting his years of crime scene training as he’d surveyed what he done in fear of what the fuck he did next. This was the second time now and his head was clearer, he would stay calm and clean up his mess, get rid of the evidence. Getting caught was not an option. 
He would be smarter about it this time around. No need to fret himself. He’d already taken care of the hardest part and now all he needed to do was clean up after himself. 
He used the rag to wipe the residual blood off his hands, he’d worry about cleaning under his nails and all the nooks and crannies later when he was home. He slipped on a pair of latex gloves and grabbed the bottle of bleach from the corner of the before pouring ample amounts of it into the lining of his trunk. 
Using a thick bristled brush he started to scrub, not a single inch of the lining being left untouched. He spent a long time ensuring he’d gotten every little drop of blood, periodically looking up and around to make sure no one had meandered down the alley. It wasn’t a high traffic area, away from central DC. The alley was occasionally used as a shortcut by pedestrians but he wasn’t too worried. 
Once he’d finished scrubbing the lining he poured a little more bleach onto a clean rag which he used to wipe down the lip of the trunk and all the metal insides. 
His clothes were still filthy, he’d take care of them once he was home. It was only an old t-shirt and jeans, he wasn’t stupid enough to ruin his nice suits. He’d strip down, toss everything into a garbage bag and dispose of them alongside his gloves, cleaning rags and shoe covers in the morning. 
He finished cleaning the trunk and deposited his cleaning supplies in a bag along with the latex gloves before closing it. As he turned to get back in the car, a set of wide eyes stared right at him. 
He froze in place, fully aware of the blood stained t-shirt he wore on display. The eyes blinked a few times at him, legs stumbling backwards a little in fear. 
He took a few calming breaths, quickly trying to ascertain a plan, a way to talk himself out of this. But a bloodstained t-shirt coupled with the knife in his waistband which would have been visible from behind, certainly looked incriminating. 
He held his hands up as if in surrender, not daring to step any closer for fear of making his company flee before he had a chance to try and work his way out of this situation. 
“It’s not what it looks like.” He tried to insist. “Let me explain.” 
But he’d barely gotten his sentence out before you were turning on your heels and running. 
Normally you would not be so stupid as to take a shortcut down a dark alley at night but you did have a gun, and it would make the journey to Spencer’s a lot faster. 
Little did you know you would soon live to regret this decision. 
Clutching your purse close to you, you turned off the main street and started up the alley that ran between two blocks of apartments, one being Spencer’s. 
You spotted the little old car parked about halfway up almost as soon as you entered the street but didn’t think much of it. Maybe if it hadn’t been dark you would have recognised it sooner. 
The engine was idling but as you started down the alley it cut it out and soon someone was exiting the vehicle. You found yourself ducking into a doorway, out of sight, not particularly wanting to find yourself in a dark alley with a stranger. You held your bag tighter, ready to grab the gun shielded inside at a moment's notice. 
You heard footsteps in the otherwise silent street and then heard a trunk opening. For a few seconds you didn’t hear much of anything but then a strange sound met your ears. 
Brushing? Scrubbing? Is someone cleaning? 
You swallowed thickly, thinking there could be only one good reason someone was cleaning the trunk of their car at night, off of the main road.
Shit. Shit. What the fuck do I do? 
You tried to calm yourself, reminding yourself you were a damn FBI agent and this really shouldn’t phase you. You could apprehend them, you kept some snap cuffs in your purse. 
Don’t get ahead of yourself. There could be a perfectly reasonable explanation. 
You forced yourself to creep out of the doorway, not drawing your weapon just yet, and slowly and quietly headed closer. 
They had their back to you, leaning over inside the trunk but you could tell they were male, tall and slim. The scrubbing sound continued for a while and you stepped closer. It was too late by the time you spotted the knife tucked into his waistband. 
Soon you heard the rustling of a plastic bag and what sounded suspiciously like latex gloves being removed. Your heart raced in your chest as the man shut the trunk and stood back to his full height. 
You would recognise that messy mop of curly hair anywhere, even from behind. You stopped walking, physically unable to take another step once the realisation set it. 
And then Spencer turned and his eyes landed straight on you. 
Your eyes immediately fell to the blood soaked shirt he wore and your stomach coiled into knots as the pieces slotted themselves into place. He stared at you for a few moments before he raised his hands in surrender. 
“It’s not what it looks like.” He croaked out. “Let me explain.” 
But you didn’t hear him out. Despite your years of FBI training, your fight or flight response took over. And your brain chose flight.
You turned back down the alley and started running as fast as your legs would carry you. You could hear your heart beating in your ears but you could also make out the sound of footsteps chasing after you. 
“Y/N! Come back! I can explain!” His voice carried after you but you didn’t stop, if anything you quickened your pace. 
Luke had always been in awe of how fast you could run. Conejito, that’s what he called you. And if there was ever a time you needed to run like the wind, it was now. 
Maybe it was the fear slowing you down, or maybe Spencer was quicker than you expected, but you didn’t even reach the end of the alleyway before he caught up with you. 
You smelt the metallic blood seconds before a set of arms were wrapping around your torso and a hand was clamping over your mouth to stop you from screaming. 
He grabbed you and shoved you against a wall, pressing his body into your back to cage you in. He was panting from the exertion, but you were just trying to figure out a way to reach for your gun. 
“You’ve got to let me explain.” He spoke into the side of your face. “What you saw…it wasn’t what you saw.” 
You tried to talk back, tried to scream but your sounds were muffled against his hand. He pressed you firmly against the wall and you felt his hand that wasn’t on your mouth scrabbling behind you. And you knew exactly what he was doing. 
You felt him open your purse and seconds later he withdrew your firearm and tucked into his waistband with the knife. 
“You won’t be needing that.” He spoke again. “Look, you’re going to come with me ok? We’re going to go up to my apartment and we’re going to talk. We can either do it the easy way or the hard way.” 
You’d been in situations like this before, more times than you could count. You knew your best chance at survival, your best chance of apprehending an unsub was to do as they said with little resistance. 
You nodded your head against his hand and that seemed to be enough for him as he stepped back a little, but wrapped his hand tightly around your wrist. He slowly removed his hand from your mouth and turned you around. 
His eyes bore into you, waiting to see if you might scream or not but you knew better. You stayed silent and eventually he started walking back up the alley, dragging you by the wrist with him. 
As you walked you couldn’t help but think back to all those nightmares that had plagued you since Spencer’s departure from the BAU. They’d seemed so unrealistic, just a twisted amalgamation of your worry for Spencer. But now it didn’t seem so far-fetched. 
Spencer hadn’t been the same since prison, that much you all knew. But it seemed as though it had awoken a monster inside of him, and now you were trapped in a new nightmare, one you may never be able to escape from. 
They're coming, creeping from the corner,
And all I know is that I don't feel safe.
I feel the tapping on my shoulder,
I turn around in an alarming state.
But am I losing my mind? I really think so,
Not a creature in sight,
But, what you don't know.
Is that my breathing gets faster and so does my heartbeat,
I wish this was over, I wish that this was a dream but,
I created a monster, a hell within my head.
With nowhere to go, I'm out on my own,
Oh, I'm so scared.
I created a monster, a beast inside my brain.
With nowhere to go, I'm out on my own,
My mind impaired.
Awake me from my nightmare.
Wait, something doesn't feel right (feel right),
No, something seems wrong (wrong).
And I've been feeling this way (oh, that's too bad),
For far too long.
As my vision gets blurred, my skin's getting colder,
Appearing young, while I'm growing older.
I collapse to the floor and scream,
"Can anybody save me from myself?"
I created a monster, a hell within my head.
With nowhere to go, I'm out on my own,
Oh, I'm so scared.
I created a monster, a beast inside my brain.
With nowhere to go, I'm out on my own,
My mind impaired.
Awake me from my nightmare.
Walking to the ledge, I find myself looking down,
Frozen still with fear, now I'm plunging to the ground.
If only I knew how to fly,
Then I could convince myself this isn't my time to die.
Instead, I'm rocketing faster and faster,
I dive-bomb to the floor.
And when my body crashes to the pavement,
I'm right back where I was before.
I created a monster, a hell within my head.
With nowhere to go, I'm out on my own,
Oh, I'm so scared.
I created a monster, a hell within my head.
With nowhere to go, I'm out on my own,
Oh, I'm so scared, no, whoa.
I created a monster, a beast inside my brain.
With nowhere to go, I'm out on my own,
My mind impaired.
Awake me from my nightmare (I'm so scared).
Awake me from my nightmare (I'm so scared).
Awake me from my nightmare (I'm so scared).
Awake me from my nightmare (I'm so scared).
Awake me from my nightmare.
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Next Chapter
@andiebeaword @muffin-cup @measure-in-pain @takeyourleap-of-faith @dirtytissuebox @dreatine @dr-spencerr-reidd @spenxerslut @radtwinkie @drayshadow @this-is-doctor-and-its-calm @matthew-gray-gubler-lover @people-whatabunchofbastards @justreadingficsdontmindme @dielgonacoffee @hotchandspencearedilfs @spencer-reid-wonderland @thebloomingeagle
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veryberryjelly · 11 months
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𝐜𝐨𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝐤𝐚𝐢
( including robby, moon, hawk & poly!moonhawk )
𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐨
( including draco, hermione, pansy, theo, poly!dramione & poly!dragonott )
( including james, sirius, remus, lily, regulus, poly!marauders & poly!wolfstar )
(including kate, mj, natasha, peter, yelena, wanda, poly!drukkari & poly!spideychelle )
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜 𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐬
( including challengers, the bear, dc, the hunger games & 9-1-1 )
𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬
( including jj, kiara, sarah, poly!karah, poly!jarah & poly!jiara )
( including anika, ethan, tara, sam, chad, poly!tarad & poly!chethan )
𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
(including eddie, nancy, robin, steve, poly!ronance, poly!stancy & poly!steddie )
𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐠𝐮𝐧
( including bob, rooster, hangman, phoenix, poly!bobnix, poly!bobster, poly!hannix & poly!hangster )
( barbie, cairo sweet, felix catton, jake peralta, jeremiah fisher, conrad fisher, joel miller, leonard hofstadter, luke castellan, newt, nick miller, seth cohen, spencer reid, wednesday addams )
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this isn't always updated, you can search the character you want into my profile and find all my work for them there
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comiiical · 8 months
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In honor of Upload season 3 being out, like for a starter from:
Stephen (Robbie Amell, Froy Gutierrez, Oliver Stark, Rudy Pankow, Chris Evans, Casey Deidrick)
Luca (Max thieriot) - His Twin
Bellamy (Grant Gustinm Rome Flynn) - Younger brother
Preston (Matt Cornett, Ed Skrein, Grey Damon) - His younger brother (although he has his own starter call so for him that one may have priority)
Allen (Brant Daugherty) - His next younger brother
Eric (Chris Wood, Lucien Laviscount) - His babiest brother
Jace (Dominic Sherwood) - His adoptive brother
Phillip Halliwell-Ward (Paul Mescal) - His son
Eri Halliwell-Ward (Danny Griffin) - His son
TJ Halliwell-Ward (Will Poulter) - His son
Sebastian Halliwell-Montgomery (Jack Gillinsky) - His son
Roman (Luke Mitchell) - His best friend
Astor (Mason Gooding) - His best friend
Frey (Dacre Montgomery) - Past life’s lover
Colt (Ryan Reynolds) - His brother-in-law
Prue (Jensen Ackles) - His dad
Andy Jr (Chris Hemsworth) - His cousin from dad's side
Piper (Murray Bartley) - His uncle
David Nolan (Josh Dallas) - His uncle
Wyatt (Jeremy Allen White) - Cousin
Mel (Tom Holland) - Cousin
Phelan (Frank Grillo) - His uncle
Teddy (Max Riemelt, Joshua Orpin) - Cousin
Derek (Tyler Hoechlin) - Cousin
Phoenix (Matt Daddario, Joshua Bassett) - Cousin
Percy (Greg Sulkin) - Cousin
Parker (Brenton Thwaites) - Cousin
Peyton (Gavin Leatherwood) - Cousin
Page (Tahmoh Penikett) - Uncle
Owen (Tom Hardy, Pablo Schreiber) - Cousin
Joel (Glen Powell, Michael Provost) - son of Owen
Tanner (Jacob Elordi) - Cousin
Keith (Nico Greetham) - Cousin
Henry (Ronen Rubinstein,Karl Urban) - Cousin
Brendon (Leo Howard, Oliver Jackson Cohen) - Cousin
Kody Jr (Tanner Buchanan) - Son of Tanner
Piers (Christopher Meloni) - Gramps
Alan (Tom Welling) - Distant ancestor
Charles (Craig Parker) - son of alan
Ken (Wes Chatham) - Son of alan
Xander (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) - distant relative
Colt (Ryan Reynolds) - Brother in law
Clive (Jake Aunstin Walker) - Son of Dacre
Yorick (Ryan Gosling) - His familiar
Penn (Oliver Jackson Cohen) - Long distant relative direct descendant from his uncle's past life
Porter (Max Irons) - Long distant relative direct descendant from his uncle's past life
Pascal or Prescott (Robert Buckley, Jeffrey Dean Morgan) - direct descendants from his father's past life
Patrick (David Harbour) - ^^ and the uncle of the ones above
Xavier Johnson (John Krasinski) - second uncle once removed
Bruno Johnson (Charlie Cox) - second uncle once removed
Gerard Johnson (Derek Theler) - second uncle once removed
Dacre Ward-Johnson (Boyd Holbrook) - second uncle once removed
JJ Johnson (Dylan OBrien) - second uncle once removed
John Johnson (Drew Starkey) - second cousin once removed
George Johnson (Harris Dickinson) - second cousin once removed
Because It is impossible for me to have them all open, I will stick to the few first set that are chosen, and stop there, if someone else is chosen and I don't haev a back and forth reply, then I will close that and make the starters for those I haven't made. I may do exclusively one liners as my brain is not in the right place right now though.
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belbel19 · 7 months
marylene variants (this is just for fun and ships that pass ME their vibe)
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1. Seth Cohen + Summer Roberts from The OC (2003-2007)
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2. Josie and Isabel from Bottoms (2023)
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3. Romeo and Juliet from Romeo + Juliet (1996)
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4. Monica and Chandler from Friends (1994-2004)
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5. John B Routledge and Sarah Cameron/JJ Maybank and Pope Heyward from Outer Banks (2020-202?)
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6. Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase from Percy Jackson series (2023-202?)
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7. Tara Jones and Darcy Olsson from Heartstopper (2022-202?)
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8. Jim Halpert and Pam Beesly from The Office (2005-2013)
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moremaybank · 7 months
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nathan scott, pacey witter, jj maybank, rafe cameron, ryan atwood, seth cohen, sandy cohen, logan huntzberger, jess mariano, conrad fisher, phil dunphy, damon salvatore, klaus mikaelson, kol mikaelson, kai parker, steve harrington, eddie munson, nate archibald, harvey specter, mark sloan, alex karev, anthony bridgerton, benedict bridgerton, king george iii
brooke davis, haley james scott, olivia baker, layla keating, rebekah mikaelson, hayley marshall, cami o’connell, bonnie bennett, star davis, alexandra crane, simone davis, santana lopez, robin buckley, lorelai gilmore, sarah cameron, blair waldorf, donna paulsen, lexie grey, cristina yang, meredith grey, hanna marin, spencer hastings, mariana adams foster, kathani sharma
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duranduratulsa · 5 months
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Flashback Theater...Back To The Future (1985) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #actionadventure #scifi #backtothefuture #RobertZemeckis #martymcfly #docbrown #michaeljfox #christopherlloyd #leathompson #ThomasFWilson #crispinglover #ClaudiaWells #jamestolkan #WendyJoSperber #HueyLewis #elsaraven #willhare #jasonhervey #marcmcclure #FrancesLeeMcCain #jjcohen #billyzane #caseysiemaszko #LisaFreeman #jasonmarin #CourtneyGains #vintage #vhs #80s #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsasflashbacktheater
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reds-writings · 3 months
Hi hi!
I love the jj universe, and I gotta say the way you write for Rust is *cheff kiss*, his actions and demeanor are on point I can see him acting that way , and it's a difficult task, to capture his essence(as he is a very complex character)but you do it so perfectly!
Okay so I was wondering; do you have any songs or playlist for the jj universe?
PD:do you like Far From Any Road?
Thank you thank you! I love Far From Any Road oh lord (and Train Song!). Here’s some songs I’d put on a potential playlist for our beloved JJ pairing!
Long Long Time - Linda Ronstadt
Love That Burns - Fleetwood Mac
I’ll Be Here in the Morning - Townes Van Zandt (thanks to that one anon from awhile back who recommended this song!!)
Wicked Game - Chris Isaak
Comin’ Back to Me - Jefferson Airplane
Is This Desire? - PJ Harvey
Famous Blue Raincoat - Leonard Cohen
Blue Bayou - Linda Ronstadt
Storms - Fleetwood Mac
Twilight - Bôa
Angel from Montgomery - Bonnie Raitt
Beautiful Child - Fleetwood Mac
(honorable mention: Chemtrails Over the Country Club ✨)
If anyone has any song recs I love receiving them !!
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thundergrace · 2 years
"Lou Trailer #1 (2022)"
Thinking she'd put her dangerous past behind her, Lou (Allison Janney) finds her quiet life interrupted when a desperate mother (Jurnee Smollett) begs her to save her kidnapped daughter. As a massive storm rages, the two women risk their lives on a rescue mission that will test their limits and expose dark and shocking secrets from their pasts. Academy Award winner Allison Janney and Emmy Award nominee Jurnee Smollett star in Lou, alongside Logan Marshall-Green and Ridley Asha Bateman. The film is directed by Anna Foerster from a screenplay by Maggie Cohn and Jack Stanley, with Bad Robot's JJ Abrams, Hannah Minghella, and Jon Cohen producing.
Allison and Jurnee??? Seated.
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houseofwisteria · 6 months
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Rules | PSD/Template | Muse List | Animated Sideblog
@qveens / @vntagetee
Muse list
Gabrielle Cameron - Kook, 15-20 FC Angourie Rice
Celeste Winters - Witch, 22 FC: Kaylee Bryant
Hope Donavan - Street racer, 28 FC: Lindsey Morgan
Sylvie Nightbloom - Seer, 15+ FC Maisie Williams 
Aspen Lightfoot - Elven princess, 21+ FC: Ruby Cruz
Elizabeth Murphy - Teacher, 20+ FC: Dakota Johnson
Alicia Piao - Psychology Student, 20+ FC: Natasha Liu Bordizzo
Tiabeanie Florence - Princess,15 FC: Georgie Henley
Allison Roe-Scott - Fashion designer, 18+ FC: Leighton Meester
Grace Scott - Student, 18 FC: Sara Waisglass 
Alwyn Oakdweller - Half-elf, 25+ FC: Henry Cavill
Dante Moore - Vampire, Forever 18 FC: Quincy Fouse
Astrid Green - Bar / Lounge Owner, 20+ FC: Zoey Deutch
Jacklyn “ Jack ” Esparza - Student, Soccer player, 18 FC: Ruby Cruz
Umi Okoye - Student, animator, 18 FC: Ayo Edebiri 
Sergio Garza - Cps worker, 30+ FC: Oscar Isaac 
Leslie Bishop - bodyguard, driver, 30+ FC: Jesse Williams
Aubree Fraser - Nurse Practitioner, 20+ FC: Jessica Henwick
Peyton Wong - Photographer, 19+ FC: Chase Sui Wonders
Greta Cohen - Event Planner, 18+ FC: Emilija Baranac 
Ryker Cameron - Kook, 20+ FC: Ryan Gosling
Jaden Reeves - Werewolf, 20+ FC: Josh Hutcherson
Jack Reacher (30) - FC: Alan Ritchson
Roscoe Conklin (28) - FC: Willa Fitzgerald
Oscar Finley (33) - FC: Malcolm Goodwin
Francis Neagley (28) FC: Maria Sten
Nick Miller (30) - FC: Jake Johnson
Winston Bishop ( 30 ) - FC: Lamorne Morris
Fezco (19+) - FC: Diego Tinoco 
Jules Vaughn (18+) - FC: Hunter Schafer
Cassie Howard (18+) - FC: Sydney Sweeney 
Nate Jacobs (18+) - FC: Jacob Elordi
Kat Hernandez (18+) - FC: Barbie Ferreira
Rick Grimes (30+) - FC: Andrew Lincoln
Carl Grimes (18+) - FC: Tanner Buchannon
Glenn Rhee (20+) - FC: Steven Yeun
Rosita Espanoza (20+) - FC: Christian Serratos
Beth Greene ( 20 + ) - Emily Kinney
Carol Peletier ( 40+ ) - Melissa McBride
Geralt of Rivia (30+) - FC: Henry Cavill
Jaskier (30+) - FC: Joey Batey
Tissaia (35+) - FC: MyAnna Buring
Cirilla of Cintra (14+) - FC: Freya Allen
Becca Gelb (18+) - FC: Gideon Adion
Harry Bingham (18+) - FC: Alex Fitzalan
Cassandra Pressman (18+) - FC: Rachel Keller
Kelly Aldrich (18+) - FC: Krstene Froseth
Gareth Visser (18+) - FC: Jack Mulhern
Gordie Moreno (18+) - FC: Jose Julian
Lucas Friar (14+) - FC: Peyton Meyer 
Maya Hart (14+) - FC: Sabrina Carpenter
Topanga Mattews (30+) - FC: Rachel McAdams
Augie Matthews (14+) - FC: August Maturo
Isadora Smackle (14+) - FC: Cici Balagot
Farkle Minkus (14+) - FC: Corey Fogelmanis
Eddie Munson (18+) - FC: Joseph Quinn
Jane Hopper (14+) - FC: Millie Bobby Brown
Jim Hopper (18+) - FC: David Harbour 
Nancy Wheeler (18+) - FC: Natalia Dyer 
Max Mayfield (14+) - FC: Sadie Sink
Robin Buckley (18+) - FC: Maya Hawke
Carol Perkins (18+) - FC: Chelsea Talmadge
Will Byers (14+) - FC: Jack Dylan Grazer
Tommy Hagen (18) - FC: Chester Rushing
Steve Harrington (18) - FC: Joe Keery
Derek Hale (30+) - FC: Tyler Hoechlin
Stiles Stilinski (30+) - FC: Dylan O’brien
Liam Dunbar (30+) - FC: Dylan Sprayberry
Kira Yukimara  (30+) - FC: Arden Cho
Jackson Whittemore (30+) - FC: Colton Haynes
Mason Hewitt  (30+) - FC: Khylin Rhambo
Nathan Scott (18+) - FC: James Lafferty
Karen Roe (30+) - FC: Moira Kelly
Kieth Scott (30+) - FC: Craig Sheffer
Peyton Sawyer (18+) - FC: Hilarie Burton
Luna Lovegood (18+) - FC: Evanna Lynch
Neville Longbottom (18+) - FC: Matthew Lewis
Rafe Cameron (19+) - FC: Drew Starkey
Kiara Carrera (18+) - FC: Madison Bailey
JJ Maybank (18+) - FC: Rudy Pankow
John B Rutledge (18+) - FC: Chase Stokes
Ward Cameron (30+) - FC: Charles Esten
Wheezie Cameron (15) - FC: Julia Antonelli 
Topper Thornton (19+) - FC: Austin North
Catra (18+) - FC: Lulu Antariksa
Ballister Boldheart (30+) - FC: Riz Ahmed
Vi (20+) - FC: Brianna Hildebrand
Nick Nelson
Charlie Spring
Evie Grimhilde (18+) - FC: Sofia Carson
Merida Dunbroch (18+) - FC: Amy Manson
Ben Florian (18+) - FC: Mitchell Hope
Queen Elsa (18+) - FC: Anya Taylor Joy
Kristoff Bjorgman (18+) - FC: Lucas Till
Olaf (10) - FC: Asa Butterfield
Fawn (18+) - FC: Maia Mitchell
Flynn Rider (19+) - FC: Ben Barnes
Amity Blight (15+) - FC: Kiernan Shipka
Jack Frost (19+) - FC: Thomas Brodie-Sangster
Astrid Hofferson (19+) - FC: Britt Robertson
Miguel Rivera (10+) - FC: As Himself 
Damon Salvatore (18+) - FC: Ian Somerhalder 
Klaus Mikaelson  (25+) - FC: Joseph Morgan
Bonnie Bennett  (18+) - FC: Kat Graham 
Vincent Griffith (30+) - FC: Yusuf Gatewood
Freya Mikaelson (25+) - FC: Riley Voelkel
Dana Ward  (18+) - FC: Lily Collins
Alex Chen  (18+) - FC: Brianne Tju
Chloe Price  (18+) - FC: Emma Mackey
Warren Graham (18+) - FC: Austin Abrams
Stella Hill (18+) - FC: Maitreya Ramakrishnan
Luke Parker (18+) - FC: Ross Butler
Kate Marsh (18+) - FC: Grace Van Dien
Billy Loomis (18+) - FC: Skeet Ulrich
Mindy Meeks-Martin (18+) - FC: Jasmin Savoy Brown
Chad Meeks-Martin (18+) - FC: Mason Gooding
Noah Foster (18+) - FC: John Karna
Dewy Riley (23+) - FC: Dave Arquette
Tatum Riley (18+) - FC: Rose Mcgowan / Christina Hendricks
Wes Hicks (18+) - FC: Dylan Minnette 
Joel Miller
Ellie Williams
Arthur Morgan
Abigail Marston 
Edward Cullen
Charlie Swan
Jasper Hale 
Sakura Haruno
Naruto Uzumaki
Haruhi Fujioka
Tamaki Suoh
Arisa Uotani
Taiga Aisaka
Yui Hirasawa
Vanessa Afton
Dean Winchester
Claire Novak
Meg Masters
Frank Castle
Peter Parker
Tony Stark
Jessica Jones
Selina Kyle
Harley Quinn
Barbara Gordon
Dick Grayson
Ellen “ El “ Dryver (18+) - FC: Odeya Rush
Bo Larson (19+) - FC: Luke Benward
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byersbootyshorts · 1 year
Revenge is Sweet - Chapter Four
Spencer worries that a member of the team may be onto them as he and Harley target a high profile agent.
Word Count: 1,665
Warnings for this chapter: murder, drugs, torture, language
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Series Masterlist | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
“JJ’s onto us,” Spencer whispered to Harley as they drove home from work. “Well, she’s onto me at least.”
“How do you know?” Harley asked, not removing her eyes from the road.
“I just know,” Spencer said. He threw his head back and exhaled sharply. “The way she looked at me. Trust me, she knows.”
Harley thought for moment. She wasn’t afraid that JJ was going to expose them. They had a plan for when someone figured out that all the crimes reflected Spencer’s trauma. Deny, deny, deny. They were FBI agents. People tried to frame FBI agents all the time. They’d simply say someone was setting them up and the team were bound to believe them. They were Spencer and Harley. The cute little married couple of the BAU who wouldn’t hurt a fly if they could help it.
“It’s going to be ok, Spence,” Harley reassured him, moving her hand from the gearshift to his thigh. “Remember what we planned. Even if they make the connections, they’ll never believe that we could be capable of this.”
Spencer nodded, trying to convince himself that everything would be ok. Besides, JJ hadn’t said anything to him. After the briefing she’d gone to do more research on the victims. If she really thought he was behind everything, surely she would’ve confronted him.
Two days later, Spencer and Harley were standing over the unconscious body of their next victim. They were thrilled when they discovered that the Chief of Staff of the FBI lived alone. He was a surprisingly easy target considering his high rank. The plan was simple: kidnap him, bring him to the same shipping container that had been the sight of their first torture, and kill him. This time the method of killing was reminiscent of Spencer’s close call with Anthrax.
“But how are we going to maintain our MO?” Harley had asked when they were planning. “If we give him Anthrax how is he going to die from Dilaudid?”
“Anthrax is slow acting,” Spencer explained, picking up the bag of white powder. “We can expose him to this and still give him Dilaudid after. Since Dilaudid a fast acting drug, he’ll die from it before he dies from the Anthrax.”
“You’re a genius,” Harley smiled, kissing Spencer’s cheek.
A lot of preparation had gone into this kill. They were administering the Anthrax in powder form and therefore needed protective clothing, respirators and goggles so they didn’t contaminate themselves.
They stared down at the Chief of Staff. His name was Dwight Cohen. His hefty figure lay limp on the cold metal floor and he showed no signs of coming to. The gash on his head where Spencer had hit him in order to kidnap him was still oozing blood.
“Is he ever going to wake up?” Harley asked impatiently.
“You know we could just infect him now,” Spencer suggested. “He doesn’t have to be conscious.”
“Yeah, but don’t you want to see the look on his face when he realises he’s going to die? Don’t you want to see his eyes fill with dread when he dies for his ignorance?” Harley said a little manically.
Spencer couldn’t argue with that logic. He shrugged his shoulders and slumped against the wall. They waited a further few minutes before Harley ran out of patience.
“Wake up, you piece of shit!” Harley screamed, kicking the man in the ribs. He was bolted awake from the pain and doubled over to grab his stomach. His eyes flickered open and he sat up. He touched his forehead and saw the blood that was trickling out of the wound.
“W-what do you want?” he asked, his voice shaking with fear.
Spencer was about to recite the speech he’d been planning about how the FBI didn’t care about him, but Harley grabbed his arm to stop him walking over to Cohen, and instead, she sauntered over to him.
“You’re fucking petrified, aren’t you?” she said with a demeaning attitude. The way his body trembled the closer she got to him gave her an answer. “You’re the Chief of Staff of the fucking FBI and you’re practically pissing yourself with fear right now.”
When Harley walked closer to Cohen his eyes filled with realisation. Spencer and Harley hadn’t bothered to put on their respirators yet so their faces were on show. It didn’t matter if Cohen saw them. He’d be dead soon anyway.
“Agent Kruger?” he said in disbelief. He squinted his eyes to focus on Spencer who was still standing at the back of the room. “Agent Reid? What the hell is going on here?”
“What’s going on here, Chief Cohen, is you’re about to die,” Harley smirked.
Cohen stuttered incoherently. He was thrown off by the familiar faces that stood before him.
“B-but, this is, it’s outrageous,” he stammered, his fake authoritative tone not masking the hint of trepidation in his voice. “I’ve done nothing wrong. You’re FBI agents, for God’s sake. Why are you doing this?”
Spencer walked towards the man on the floor when he heard his question.
“The fact that you even have to ask that question is exactly why we’re doing this,” he said, his voice so quiet is was almost a whisper. “You have no idea what shit we go through for your benefit, do you?”
“I know you went to prison,” Cohen said desperately. “And on behalf of the FBI I apologise for that.”
“Oh wow, you remember something that happened to him a mere few months ago,” Harley said, clapping her hands sarcastically. “What about things that happened to him ten years ago. Things that, to this day, he still gets nightmares about.”
“A lot of things happen to a lot of agents. I can’t possibly remember everything,�� he shouted, waving his arms in anguish.
“Maybe this will jog your memory,” Harley said, reaching into a black duffel bag and pulling out a bag of white powder. She handed Spencer his respirator and pulled on her own.
When they were both safe from the deadly powder Harley opened the bag and threw it in the Chief’s face. He coughed and spluttered, having already inhaled the virus before he even knew what happened.
“What the hell was that?” he asked, trying to convince himself that it wasn’t some lethal poison.
“That was Anthrax, sir,” Harley revealed her voice muffled by the respirator. “But I’m sure you still don’t remember the time Spencer almost died from exposure to this stuff, huh?”
Cohen shook his head frantically. Of course he didn’t remember. The man sat in his office all day counting the number of unsubs that were caught. He wasn’t counting the number of agents that suffered in order to catch said unsubs.
“Look, I’m sorry, ok,” he choked on the powder he was inhaling. “Maybe I can change. This Anthrax isn’t going to kill me right away. Get me to a hospital and I’ll make sure I know everything that happens to my agents from now on. I won’t tell anyone about this. Please, I’m sorry.”
Spencer shook his head. He reached for the oh so familiar bottle of Dilaudid that was sitting on the table. He’d had enough of Cohen’s rambling. Even moments before death he was seeking a way out. Pleading for an escape. Spencer didn’t get that option. So neither would Cohen.
“Apologies aren’t going to cut it, sir,” Spencer’s voice murmured through the respirator. His gloved hands fumbled with the needle, the thick protective material making it hard to manoeuver the miniscule instrument. Eventually, he managed to fill the needle with the deadly drug. “Anthrax isn’t fast acting, but this stuff is.”
Cohen back away into the corner of the room.  “No, get away from me,” he whimpered. “Agent, I order you to stop.”
“You don’t get to order him around anymore,” Harley said, stepping out from behind Spencer. “Only I get to do that.” She smirked, although no one could see through the large mask covering her face.
The Chief kept backing up until he hit the rusty metal of the storage container wall. He gulped nervously as Spencer and Harley continued to advance towards him. He was cornered. He considered running past them but he was still blind with pain from his head wound and he could feel the Anthrax starting to take effect. Add that to the industrial padlock he saw on the door, and he knew he had no chance.
“Are you really just accepting your fate?” Harley asked, her tone condescending. “You’re not even going to fight back? You’re pathetic.”
Cohen sank to the floor, his loss of hope leaving him weak and helpless. Spencer grabbed his arm and he lazily attempted to pull it away. He relented when Harley slapped him hard across the face. Spencer dosed Cohen with the drug and, for the fourth time, he and Harley watched as the body succumbed to the toxin.
When they were sure the Chief of Staff had breathed his last breath they gathered their stuff and moved the body.
“Let’s get out of here,” Harley said, unlocking the padlock. “I know we have these ugly suits on but I don’t want to be in here with this Anthrax any longer than we need to be.
They hauled the body into the trunk of their unregistered car and drove it to a park, just a mile from FBI headquarters. Sweating from exhaustion, they pulled the heavy figure into the middle of the grassy plain. Once the sun came up it wouldn’t be long until he was found.
They dumped the car in an alley on the way home. “It’s probably riddled with Anthrax now too,” Spencer explained.
Finally, after a long night, they arrived home. They showered down their protective gear and dumped it in the bath, too tired to dispose of it right away.
“I can’t wait for tomorrow’s briefing,” Harley smiled as she climbed into bed beside her husband. “They’re going to be so confused.”
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monstrousdesirestudy · 2 months
I'm deeply passionate abt both the theoretical and the, ah, practical side of monsterfucking - whether it focuses on exploration of taboos, celebration of imperfections, finding comfort among fellow outcasts, or simply wanting a bunch of tentacles on you because that's HOT - so lemme tell you I am DELIGHTED by the existence of your blog and the research it catalogues.
I've yet to sink my teeth into the bulk of your research so I don't know if you already have it in your source library, but I have a pdf of JJ Cohen's Seven Theses aka what a monster represents in culture & I can throw it your way if you don't already have it.
Oh YES I LOVE JJ Cohen’s Seven Theses it’s so wonderful. It’s funny because it truly encapsulates my work in like. 20 pages hahah. Really wonderful stuff that gets to the heart of monsters and their allure and why we just can’t leave them be. If you enjoyed that I HIGHLY recommend The Monster Theory Reader edited by Jeffery Andrew Weinstock it’s practically my bible and so so fascinating.
I hope you enjoy my ongoing work! I’m always looking for recs on different readings or cultural monsters, especially non western erotic monsters and queer erotic monsters :)
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