#joe kerry mafia
chosovixen · 2 years
mafia!steve x reader they meet unexpectedly and idk😂😂
Wasn't given much to work with, but that's fine; also, I love the idea of mafia steve.
Warnings: guns, drugs, alcohol, cussing, blah blah...
feedback and reblogs are appreciated!!
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Sitting at the bar waiting for your drink, you couldn't help but skim the room out of boredom. You weren't social, but you wanted to try out this exclusive club everyone had been talking about in town. Looking above you—you couldn't help but gawk at the elegant crystal chandelier that fit the lavish room perfectly; it had various-sized crystals that gleamed under the warm light whenever you redirected your gaze. Then, peering to your right—you froze as you had caught a tall, lanky man pouring an unknown substance into a cocktail that had been sitting out; he shoved the veil back into his suit's inner pocket and swiftly scurried away. You sat there dumbfounded as to what you should do. 
Just as you were about to say something another suited man grabbed it, holding it carefully as he walked it over to a small table and handed it over to a grim-looking fellow. He wore a beige suit and paired it with a black tie and black dress shoes that looked way over your budget. His hair was a darkish brown, but when he shifted his head to speak—the light turned it into a soft brown hue, the bit of facial hair he had made him look pristine and well kept, not that it mattered because his soft feature already was doing that for him. You saw as he took the glass in hand, slowly bringing it up to his lips—quickly jumping to your feet and rushing to him; you stumbled, gripping your dress while you listened to the loud clicking of your heels. 
"Ma'am, your drink," the bartender yelled, but you didn't bother as you made your way over to the table. Finally, when you managed to get to him in time, you gently waved your hand in front of his face, and he glanced up. 
"'scuse me," you said.
"Yes?" his voice wasn't deep though you expected it to be with how he appeared.
"Oh, umm, hi, I just wanted to let you know that someone put something in your drink." Your fingers motioned to his glass.
He raised an eyebrow at you. "Really?"
You nodded swiftly, and he smiled. 
"Are you sure it wasn't you?" 
Frowning, you stepped back, shaking your head "what, god no. I would never." Settling the cup down, he stood up and adjusted his suit.
"Could you point this person out?"
"Well, he just kind of zipped out that door; he was tall, skinny, and wearing a black suit with a red bow tie." 
He waved his finger, and someone sitting across from him stood up before leaning over so he could whisper in their ear. Then, as the man walked away—you could only imagine that it was his bodyguard.
"Thank you, miss." 
"Oh, it's no bother, really." you offer him a warm smile just as the bodyguard returns; now he was the one whispering in his ear.
"It seems as though they may have found the guy. Would you come with me to identify him?"
"Yes, of course, I'm happy to help."
He stood up, which compelled a cluster of men to stand along with him, following him out the back exit to the alley. 
Holy shit. 
When you reach outside, two other bodyguards stood behind the bow-tied man as he kneels on the ground. The beige-suited man steps forward, holding the glass in hand.
"My friend here says she saw you put something in my drink."
"I don't know any of you people, I'm in town on business, and I was just about to head back to my motel and go to sleep." the bow-tied man says, he looked uneasy, and you could hear the nervousness in his voice.
"Perfect, just in time for one last drink," he steps forward, hovering the drink in front of his face. "There's nothing wrong with it." he amused. 
"I don't want your drink." the bow-tied man rejected, pushing the drink back. 
The grim man frowned before bending down to whisper into the bow-tied man's ear. Then, after pulling away, the man looked blankly at him and snatched the drink out of his hand, gulping it down.
"Hmm, scrumptious," he exaggerated. "Fuck you, Steve." It was all he could get out before he started choking—clawing at his neck and gasping for air. His body seized up as he fell back on the ground—foam escaping his mouth, and his throat slowly started to disintegrate; it was a sinister sight as you'd never seen anything like that. Then, his body stopped moving after a while as he lay lifeless on the ground. Your legs went numb, and your sight blurred as you collapsed. 
You don't know how long you were out, but you woke with a jolt, twisting your head from side to side, trying to take in your surroundings. You were still in the back alleyway. Steve offered you a hand as you tried to get up, making it a bit easier.
"Thank you," you smiled; now, standing before him, you could capture every detail of his face, from mole to scar. He was indeed a beautiful man.
"How long was I out?"
"Long enough for my men and I to laugh at you," he admitted.
"So," eyes locked on you, he didn't miss a beat. "do you feel the need to tell anyone about what you just witnessed?" 
You hesitated, then peaking over his shoulder, you noticed two of his men pointing a pistol at the back of your head through the dim-lit deli window behind him. 
"N-no, in fact, I thought that guy didn't deserve a throat, to begin with," you joked, eyes shifting to the bow-tied man—you scrunched your face in disgust.
"Good." he let out a small chuckle. And you saw through the window the men lowering their weapons. "Would you like a ride home? It's pretty late after all." he offered. 
You don't know what you were thinking, or maybe you weren't thinking at all, but you followed closely behind, hopping in the back of his four-door as his bodyguard drove you to your preferred location. 
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ladykailitha · 1 month
How I would do a sugar daddy/sugar baby AU. (I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me *side eyes the omegaverse*)
I've seen this well done in this fandom, I'm not saying I haven't, but of the ones I've seen they tend to be omegaverse or mafia/shady sugar daddy.
And I want thirty year old rockstar!Eddie with twink Steve. I said what I said. I think we forget that for the most part Steve isn't beefy. When he's "bulked" up, it's his clothing (Eddie's vest) or its his thighs that are "thicc". But Steve (Joe Kerry in particular out of the role) is thin.
So we have rockstar!Eddie with Corroded Coffin touring the country and doing a couple of dive bars because that's where they got their start and hitting up The Hideout, because again that's where they got their start.
Steve, who recently got kicked out of his parents house because he came out with liking men (gay, pan, bi don't care) and lost his job because again with the liking men thing (small town homophobia for the loss!)
So with his last twenty dollars, he decides to hit up on the local bar and drink away his troubles and maybe even get laid for a warm place to sleep tonight.
He gets dressed in his sluttiest clothes. Crop top, cut off booty shorts, sparkly blue sneaks.
Only he shows up on the night that Corroded Coffin is playing. After paying what he thought was a stiff cover charge (was actually a ticket to see the show) he gets in. He has less money than he hoped but he can only hope that someone is willing to buy him drinks.
He settles in next to the bar and realizes his mistake. The rest of the patrons are dressed in metal gear. Leather, black denim, and lots of chains. Steve doesn't just stick out, he sticks out like a prep in a metal concert.
But he can't afford to go anywhere else, and hopes he doesn't get too harassed tonight. So he keeps he head down and hopes of the best.
Only what he doesn't know is that he has caught the eye of the frontman and lead singer of Corroded Coffin, Eddie Munson. The fact that Steve stands out isn't a detriment, it's a perk.
He wants to find out everything about this boy who stumbled into his enclosure.
The rest of the band is rolling their eyes.
Eddie sends out one of the PAs to make sure that all of Steve's drinks go on Eddie's tab and spends the whole concert watching this guy.
After the concert Eddie sidles up to him and they get to talking. Immediately he picks up that Steve is not old enough to be there. So now he's worried he's under age.
They head out for a smoke and Steve admits that he's not twenty-five like the fake ID says, but nineteen. He shows Eddie his real ID as proof and Eddie is relieved.
They start making out and Eddie takes him to his hotel room to have sex.
In the morning, Eddie asks if he can take him home and Steve starts sobbing. He tells him about his shitty day with shitty parents and shitty boss.
And Eddie's bleeding heart immediately goes out to him and tells him to stay at the hotel for as long as he needs, order room service. Just no booze.
Steve pouts at that but agrees. That as long he stays at the hotel he won't buy booze on Eddie's dime.
Eddie gives Steve his phone number if he needs anything. He transfers the hotel room over to Steve's name, gives him a sultry kiss goodbye and leaves to finish his tour.
Steve doesn't have anywhere else to go and is not willing to look a gift horse in the mouth, so he stays at the hotel. He gets to spend time in the luxurious bathroom with it's fancy shampoos and conditioners and hot tub like bath.
He finds that Eddie keeps sending him clothes and jewelry and suddenly the rich life style that he had with his parents pales in comparison to the extravagant lifestyle Eddie is providing for him.
Through all this Steve is still looking for a job as he doesn't want to overstay his welcome. But news hadn't gotten around town that he was gay and even people he thought he could trust are telling him that they can't hire him.
Eventually he gives up. He talks to Eddie all the time and whenever he feels discouraged Eddie will send him something pretty to cheer him up.
Finally Steve catches the fairy that had been leaving things in his hotel room when he's in the shower or out on the town.
Her name is Robin Buckley and she's a summer intern. Her uncle knew a guy who knew a guy that got her the job. She actually loves it, but she has one more year of high school and her parents won't let her drop out to be a PA for a rockstar.
They're concerned that he'll take advantage of her. Robin thinks it's funny because she's gay. Steve thinks it's funny because Eddie's gay and not into under eighteen year olds.
He tells her his story and over the summer they become best friends. Robin had heard that the Harrington boy had run off so imagine her surprise when Eddie's management had her deliver things to his hotel room. Staying in a hotel room in Hawkins is hardly running away.
Eddie comes back and just continues to throw money and gifts at Steve but doesn't ask for sex again. It's not until Steve tells him that he didn't fuck Eddie for his money or even for a warm bed at that point when he went back to the hotel with him, it was because Eddie cared. And god was that sexy as hell.
When Robin graduates Eddie hires her to be Steve's PA and the pair of them get to travel the world with the band as besties.
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sweet-villain · 1 year
What are you currently working on??
Miles Away~ Part 2
This story is about Eddie coming back from tour, reader is dating Steve Harrington. Wayne had told Eddie to get the reader back, no matter what. Eddie is trying everything he can to do so. Steve does not like one bit.
Hunger ~3
Dacre still doesn’t like the reader, but some things get in the way and he does something to save the reader. Smut in this chapter.
Mafia Joseph Quinn fic
Joe is part of a mafia, he is the best shooter. Dacre Montgomery is his enemy, the reader is Dacre sister. Jamie plays the bartender, that sells illegal guns on the side. Kerry and Maya are part of Joe’s gang while Chester and Mason are part of Dacre’s. Death happens on both sides. Drama and Angst.
Billy Hargrove imagine based on the show You
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Fuente: benjaminfulford.net
Olvídense de las elecciones y acabemos con esto ahora
Este vídeo nos fue enviado cuando estábamos a punto de publicarlo. Parece estar en preparación para un anuncio oficial de la muerte del rey Carlos.
La Sociedad del Dragon Blanco tiene un mensaje para el presidente estadounidense Donald Trump: aguanta o cállate. Si Trump es el comandante en jefe del ejército estadounidense y le robaron las elecciones de 2020, ¿Qué está haciendo entonces prometiendo cambios en noviembre en lugar de ahora? ¿Por qué continúa el espectáculo de terror de Biden? Muchas personas como Steve Bannon y Field Marshall, a la espera de Douglas MacGregor, se hacen preguntas similares.
MacGregor advierte que el Congreso de EE.UU. quiere permitir que los inmigrantes ilegales sirvan
en el ejército estadounidense. "Cuando tus enemigos potenciales se infiltran en tu propio mecanismo de defensa, básicamente estás jodido", advierte una fuente del Pentágono.
Del mariscal de campo Macgregor:
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Además, el representante Byron Donalds pide que el presidente Biden se retire o se enfrente a su destitución, afirmando que “Kamala Harris necesita liderar el gabinete para invocar la 25ª Enmienda”.
Ahora la televisión italiana se burla abiertamente de Joe Biden….
Entonces, ¿por qué sigue ahí? La respuesta es que la mafia jázara está ganando tiempo y dice: "Trump atrapará a los malos en noviembre, así que esperen hasta entonces".
Aquí, por ejemplo, puedes ver Dem. El senador Chuck Schumer queda atrapado en un micrófono caliente y dice: "Sé que puedo culpar a los republicanos y al MAGA(Haz América grande otra vez), soy un profesional". Está hablando con el falso Biden enmascarado sobre retrasar la legislación.
Si ve a alguien que dice ser Donald Trump, pregúntele por qué no arresta a Biden de inmediato. Pregunte también: ¿Se crearán tribunales para crímenes de guerra para los criminales de las vacunas? Pregúntele también si va a organizar un jubileo y devolver los 363.000 dólares que les fueron robados a todos y cada uno de los estadounidenses mediante un fraude del banco central. Si responde que sí, entonces es el verdadero negocio. Si responde que no o evade la pregunta, entonces es un actor que hace de flautista ante los patriotas alejándolos de la acción real.
Recuerde, hay un Trump falso por ahí tratando de arruinar la reputación del verdadero y de un verdadero patriota.
Necesitamos actuar ahora porque múltiples fuentes advierten que la mafia jazara tiene planeada una especie de matanza horrible para abril, de la que intentarán achacar la culpa a un meteorito. Eso significa que tenemos que acabar con ellos antes de esa fecha. ¿Quiénes son ellos? Aquí hay una lista parcial de personas que deben ser arrestadas de inmediato:
Hillary Clinton Rockefeller
Bill Clinton Rockefeller
Nancy Pelosi
John Podestá Rockefeller
John Brennan
James Comey
Maxine Aguas
Adam Schiff
Cazador Biden
George W. Bush
Dr. Antonio Fauci
Huma Abedín
Bill Gates
Antonio Wiener
Álex Soros
Lindsey Graham
Mitch McConnell
Kevin McCarthy
Chuck Schumer
Kamala Harris
Robert Mueller
Mike Pence
Joe Biden
James Clapper
Lloyd Austin
Liz Cheney
John Kerry
Justin Castrudeau
Loretta Lynch
Andrew McCabe
Peter Strzok
Lisa Página
James Baker
Eric Titular
Tony Podestá Rockefeller
Susana Arroz
Harry Reid
Pablo Ryan
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Sally Yates
Mitt Romney
Jerry Nadler
Klaus Schwab Rothschild
Michelle Obama
Barack Obam
Sally Yates
​​Andrew Cuomo
Herbert Raymond McMaster
Deborah Birx
Mark Zuckerberg
Nikki Haley
Vladímir Zelenski
David Rockefeller Jr.
Chrystia Freeland
Úrsula von der Leyen
Olaf Sholz
Emanuelle Macron Rothschild
Brigitte Macron Rothschild
Rishi Sunak
Rahm Emanuel
Esta es sólo una lista parcial. Cualquier político o figura pública que apoye los regímenes comprobadamente genocidas y satánicos de Ucrania (=Khazaria)
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y Netanyahu Israel se ha autoidentificado como un criminal de guerra. Estas personas deben ser arrestadas inmediatamente. Además, si alguna empresa como Google, Apple o Microsoft es sorprendida publicando gráficos por computadora para que parezca que estas personas todavía ocupan puestos de poder, entonces los ejecutivos de estas empresas deben ser arrestados.
No incluimos al miembro del consejo Illuminati y jefe del clan Rothschild, David Rene de Rothschild, en esta lista porque prometió entregar Vanguard, BlackRock y State Street. Esto devolvería el control del 90% de las corporaciones en todo el mundo al pueblo. Sin embargo, cuando lo contactamos la semana pasada para preguntarle cuándo sucedería esto, recibimos la respuesta "no estaba disponible porque estaba de vacaciones para esquiar". Es decir, se escondió en un búnker suizo.
Entonces esto puede estar relacionado con el anuncio de la muerte de Lord Jacob Rothschild.
Mientras tanto, otro miembro de la familia, Emanuel Macron de Rothschild, el llamado presidente de Francia, no puede aparecer en público sin ser apresado por una turba de linchadores y ahorcado en el acto. Esto es exactamente lo que los agricultores franceses que aparecen en el siguiente vídeo intentaron hacer cuando se enteraron de que iba a aparecer en una feria agrícola.
Estamos escuchando que muchos otros llamados líderes occidentales también se han escondido por miedo a los linchamientos. Cualquier líder que supuestamente se encuentre ahora en Ucrania probablemente esté escondido. Entre ellos se incluyen el ministro canadiense contra el crimen, Justin Castrudeau, la presidenta de la Comisión Europea, Ursula von der Leyen, la primera ministra italiana, Giorgia Meloni, y el primer ministro belga, Alexander De Croo.
Es posible que se estén escondiendo porque nuestras fuentes de sombrero blanco en las agencias occidentales y las sociedades secretas asiáticas dicen que algún tipo de gran evento es inminente.
Por ejemplo, a un miembro de la Sociedad del Dragón Blanco que se reunió con el emperador japonés Naruhito la semana pasada le dijeron que el 15 de marzo se realizaría un importante anuncio financiero/político. Fuentes de las sociedades secretas asiáticas Roja y Verde también prometieron un evento tipo jubileo en China aproximadamente al mismo tiempo.
Las fechas han ido y venido en el pasado, así que créelo solo cuando lo veas, pero seguro que fuentes de alto nivel están haciendo grandes promesas.
Los lectores pueden hacer su parte no pagando impuestos. El IRS es una empresa de propiedad privada con sede en Puerto Rico. ¡No sólo no existe ninguna ley que exija a la mayoría de los estadounidenses presentar una declaración de impuestos individual, sino que el Servicio de Impuestos Internos (IRS) ni siquiera fue creado por una ley del Congreso!
Alex Mena, un funcionario del IRS, le dice a O'Keefe Media Group Reporter que el IRS está "persiguiendo a la gente pequeña" y "destruyendo la vida de las personas" utilizando tecnología de inteligencia artificial para espiar a ciudadanos estadounidenses y cuentas bancarias de empresas sin orden judicial ni pruebas.
Recortar sus impuestos ayudará a forzar un jubileo. Si no se hace algún tipo de anuncio de jubileo, entonces el colapso de la civilización es seguro.
Comencemos con las pruebas de criminalidad política que ahora están a la vista del público. Aquí vimos a un Donald Trump obviamente falso reunirse con el presidente argentino Javier Milei (cuyo nombre significa Mileik=Moloch=Satanás) y elogiarlo por robar dinero a los argentinos pobres para pagar la mafia jazara. Simplemente obtuvo un superávit presupuestario para pagar a los banqueros recortando el dinero destinado a comedores para los pobres, enviando a la mitad de Argentina por debajo del nivel de pobreza.
Hablando de Moloch/Mileik, el verdadero nombre del ministro israelí del crimen, Benjamín Netanyahu, es Benzion Mileikovsky, que significa: Hijo de Moloch o Hijo de Satán.
Netanyahu celebró una “ Conferencia de Victoria de Israel” con el rabino Uzi Sharbaf, un supremacista judío que fue liberado misteriosamente a pesar de haber sido sentenciado a cadena perpetua por el asesinato en masa de palestinos. Estas personas están estrechamente asociadas con los nazis asesinos en masa que también apoyan al genocida Vladimir Zelensky.
Mientras tanto, mientras miles de niños mueren en Gaza, el exjefe de la CIA, Mike Pompeo, baila con soldados israelíes. ¿Qué están celebrando exactamente?
Este es el mismo Pompeo que dijo “Yo era el Director de la CIA y mentimos, engañamos y robamos…”
Otra persona que no se molesta en ocultar su criminalidad es el congresista Andy Ogles, quien dijo: "Deberíamos matarlos a todos", en reacción a las fotografías de las víctimas de niños en Gaza.
Aquí hay otro ejemplo de una mente envenenada.
Mientras tanto, el falso espectáculo de circo Biden controlado por la mafia jazara vetó un proyecto de resolución del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU que exigía un alto el fuego inmediato.
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Gracias a su genocidio en curso en Gaza, el producto interno bruto (PIB) de Israel se desplomó un 19,4% anualizado en el último trimestre de 2023. Ha disminuido aún más ahora que los hutíes han detenido los envíos al país. A modo de ejemplo, aquí se puede ver cómo se hunde un petrolero británico atacado por los hutíes en el golfo de Adén.
Se ha dicho a la Corte Internacional de Justicia que “Israel está aplicando una versión aún más extrema de apartheid en los territorios palestinos que la experimentada en Sudáfrica antes de 1994”.
Los judíos están alborotados y los grandes disturbios civiles que se están produciendo ahora en Israel significan que los días del hijo nazi de satanás y sus títeres de Biden están contados.
El otro gran nido satánico en Ucrania también está en grandes problemas. Una vez más se confirmó que el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) depositó ilegalmente fondos destinados a Ucrania en los bancos personales de Víctor Pinchuk y del oligarca ucraniano Ígor Kolomoisky. Mucho de esto terminó en la Fundación Clinton, donde se utilizó para sobornar a políticos.
También sabemos que el régimen de Zelensky ha estado masacrando a ucranianos y vendiendo sus órganos.
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Ahora la inteligencia polaca nos informa que el vampiro Zelensky vendió más de un millón de litros de sangre de donantes ucranianos a Occidente.
Además, Rusia ha encontrado más documentos que muestran que miles de personas han participado en experimentos llevados a cabo para importantes empresas farmacéuticas, incluidas Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Sanofi, GlaxoSmithKline y otras. Se recolectaron muestras de sangre y otras muestras que luego se enviaron a laboratorios y clínicas en Europa y Estados Unidos para su análisis. Es casi seguro que esto fue para la producción de armas biológicas.
También se han descubierto más cámaras de tortura e instalaciones para experimentos con humanos en la caída fortaleza ucraniana de Avdeyevka, nos dicen fuentes rusas.
La caída de Avdeyevka significa que Rusia está ahora cerca de su objetivo de tomar Odessa, conectando Rusia con Transnistria; llegar a Transcarpatia y entregársela a Hungría, compartiendo así la frontera con Hungría, dicen fuentes de inteligencia polacas.
Rusia tendrá que seguir luchando contra Ucrania hasta que tome Kiev, afirmó el ex presidente Dmitry Medvedev. Medvedev identificó la fuente de la amenaza como una “brigada internacional de oponentes de Rusia, liderada por Estados Unidos”, quienes, según afirmó, controlan Kiev.
No es de extrañar que “una atmósfera desanimada… impregnó la reunión [sin] rastro del antiguo optimismo entre los [animadores de Ucrania] occidentales”, dijo en la 60ª Conferencia de Seguridad de Múnich celebrada del 16 al 18 de febrero, la portavoz del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores ruso, María Zakharova.
"Alemania realmente quiere salir de esta mierda de Cluster de la mafia jazara del estado profundo", comenta una fuente de la CIA en este titular:
El Bundestag alemán rechazó la entrega de misiles de crucero Taurus a Ucrania; 182 votaron a favor y 480 en contra.
Los agricultores de Alemania, Bélgica, los Países Bajos y Francia están contribuyendo a la caída del régimen satánico de Zelenskly al llevar a cabo un bloqueo total del tráfico desde Ucrania. Los manifestantes cuentan con el apoyo de la policía y han exigido que el Primer Ministro polaco y otros políticos que se benefician del dumping de cereales ucraniano se presenten personalmente en la frontera para escuchar sus demandas.
En España, multitudes demasiado grandes tomaron el miércoles calles clave de la capital española en apoyo a los agricultores nacionales.
Esto afectará a Vanguard, BlackRock y State Street, que poseen el 40% de la tierra cultivable de Ucrania. China también se verá afectada, ya que compró 3 millones de hectáreas de tierras ucranianas, tierras del tamaño de Bélgica.
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La caída de Ucrania también conducirá a una mayor exposición de la pandemia y la campaña de asesinato en masa de vacunas llevada a cabo por la mafia jazara a través de biolaboratorios allí.
Estos fueron algunos de los peores crímenes de guerra en la historia de la humanidad. La Red Mundial de Datos sobre Vacunas encontró 100 millones de personas heridas por vacunas en sólo 8 países.
También en lo que un científico describió como una “admisión de proporciones épicas”, Health Canada confirmó el jueves la presencia de contaminación del ADN en las vacunas Pfizer COVID-19 y también confirmó que Pfizer no reveló la contaminación a la autoridad de salud pública.
Nunca lo olvides: el presidente de Bayer Pharmaceuticals, Stefan Oelrich, admite que las vacunas de ARNm son una terapia celular y genética y que el público no habría aceptado recibirlas si no fuera por la coerción pandémica.
Ahora han empezado a poner vacunas en nuestro suministro de alimentos. Se acaba de presentar un proyecto de ley sobre la vacuna contra la lechuga. El representante de Tennessee Scott Cepicky dice: “La Universidad de California Riverside ya ha perfeccionado la capacidad de poner vacunas humanas en nuestra lechuga en este momento. Además, los tomates tienen la capacidad de hacer eso para UC Berkeley. — Las grandes tabacaleras, RJ Reynolds y demás han perfeccionado la capacidad de colocar una vacuna humana en los productos de tabaco”.
“Solo ponte la vacuna, es por tu bien”
Ahora escuche y observe al parásito más grande del mundo, Bill Gates, de gira en el museo de parásitos más grande del mundo. ¿Esto le dio ideas morbosas?
La mafia jazara también están tratando de mantenernos lo suficientemente asustados como para que tomemos estos productos. La última pornografía de miedo que están difundiendo trata sobre una enfermedad mortal de los ciervos “zombis”.
“Los científicos temen que la 'enfermedad del venado zombie' 100% mortal mute e infecte a los humanos: 'No hay planes de contingencia'” Entonces, ¿será esto The Walking Dead 2.0?
Ahora Francia propone un año de prisión y una multa de 15.000 euros por criticar el medicamento.
Esto ocurre en un momento en que la compañía francesa de seguros de salud (Assurance Maladie) está considerando hacer que una parte de la remuneración fija de los médicos dependa del número de vacunas realizadas a cada paciente.
La mafia jazara ahora también intentan negar cualquier implicación en delitos relacionados con las vacunas. En un caso de iluminación de gas de otro nivel, el terrorista Tedros dice que la OMS no ha impuesto nada a nadie, en ningún lugar. Creen que todo el mundo lo ha olvidado. Incluso las ovejas están despertando lentamente.
También resulta que la mitad de los miembros del Comité de Salud Transgénero de la OMS no tienen formación médica y la mayoría son activistas.
Mientras tanto, Eduard Pröls, director del grupo provida CitizenGO en Alemania, enfrenta cargos penales por publicar la siguiente imagen
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Y, sin embargo, no se presentan cargos contra personas que realmente trafican con niños para convertirlos en esclavos sexuales. En el siguiente vídeo, el Dr. Phil de la Patrulla Fronteriza, muestra que los contribuyentes estadounidenses están financiando el tráfico de niños migrantes para convertirlos en esclavos sexuales.
Homero Sansón sabe la verdad
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Por cierto, la esclavitud sexual existe desde hace mucho tiempo, como muestra este clip de Pinocho de 1940.
Desde el momento en que los refugiados llegan al aeropuerto, son recibidos por socios de reasentamiento que les brindan comida, vivienda y empleo con la ayuda de HIAS, una ONG judía-estadounidense distribuida por todo Estados Unidos.
Esta es definitivamente una operación dirigida por el gobierno. El exdirector de la Patrulla Fronteriza panameña describe la “invasión” en la frontera sur de Estados Unidos como “migración gestionada estratégicamente” pagada por el gobierno estadounidense a través de la ONU.
El alcalde de Nueva York, Adams, quiere dar a los ilegales 10.000 dólares por persona, sin controles de identidad, sin medidas antifraude y sin restricciones.
Arriba: Usted está en el aeropuerto y lo están registrando tres veces. Abajo: Millones de hombres adultos al azar cruzando la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México, indocumentados e ilegales… ¿Cómo te puedes imaginar eso?
Ahora el gobernador de Missouri, Mike Parsons, ha anunciado el despliegue de tropas y patrullas para unirse a Texas en el cierre de la frontera.
Parece que la mafia jazara del estado profundo está intentando iniciar una guerra civil con los inmigrantes para evitar la soga del verdugo, el pelotón de fusilamiento o las horcas.
Otro ejemplo de programación predictiva en su máxima expresión… Se filtro otro avance de la película de Obama “Civil War”.
Este es el mismo Obama que financió una película sobre un gran ciberataque. Ahora los informes sobre cortes del servicio celular de AT&T, Verizon, etc. se atribuyen a una “gran erupción solar según los meteorólogos”.
Sí, exacto, como si el sol sólo pudiera afectar a determinadas empresas.
Al mismo tiempo, el Sr. Sun parece estar apuntando también a las farmacias.
Mientras tanto, el senador republicano Marco “Rubio advierte que un ciberataque chino será “100 veces peor” que un apagón de AT&T: “Tu energía, tu agua”.
La mafia jazara del estado profundo sentó las bases, la narrativa, para dos posibles eventos del “Cisne Negro”:
Una gran erupción solar (evento de Carrington)
Una ciberpandemia (provocada por China o Rusia, claro)
No sabemos qué papel juega Elon Musk en todo esto, pero este informe de noticias confirma las afirmaciones rusas de que Elon Musk es una fachada de la Oficina Nacional de Reconocimiento de EE.UU.:
SpaceX de Elon Musk está ampliando un programa de satélites secreto llamado Starshield utilizado por el Pentágono y está forjando silenciosamente vínculos con instalaciones militares y de espionaje de EE.UU…. La participación de SpaceX con clientes de defensa también incluye el lanzamiento de satélites secretos y militares.
(Por cierto, Sr. Musk, si está leyendo esto, los masones P3 me han pedido su número de teléfono móvil, que puede enviarme a [email protected]. Gracias).
Tal vez quieran preguntarle a Musk, con sus vínculos con la Antártida, qué sabe sobre los recientes ataques con láser en todo el mundo.
El más reciente fue un enorme incendio de montaña que estalló el 18 de febrero en Bijie, provincia de Guizhou, en el suroeste de China.
Otro fue filmado en México y filmado desde una ubicación diferente.
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Esto sigue a ataques similares en Maui y Chile. ¿Es este el comienzo de la falsa invasión alienígena planeada desde hace mucho tiempo por la mafia jazara?
Y finalmente, esta semana descubrimos otro problema técnico en Boeing. Últimamente hay demasiados accidentes de este tipo por negligencias técnicas… algo anda mal, no es una coincidencia.
Esto es sólo una suposición, pero podría ser parte de una campaña de marketing clandestina relacionada con:
Los asistentes al Salón Aeronáutico de Singapur de la semana pasada fueron testigos de un momento innovador: el debut internacional del avión de pasajeros C919 de China. Beijing tiene grandes esperanzas de que el nuevo avión sacuda el dominio de Airbus y Boeing.
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americanmysticom · 5 years
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Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends  Audible Audiobook – Unabridged
Peter Schweizer (Author)
From the New York Times best-selling author of Clinton Cash comes an explosive new political expose!
Peter Schweizer has been fighting corruption - and winning - for years. In Throw Them All Out, he exposed insider trading by members of Congress, leading to the passage of the STOCK Act. In Extortion, he uncovered how politicians use mafia-like tactics to enrich themselves. And in Clinton Cash, he revealed the Clintons' massive money machine and sparked an FBI investigation.
Now he explains how a new corruption has taken hold, involving larger sums of money than ever before. Stuffing tens of thousands of dollars into a freezer has morphed into multibillion-dollar equity deals done in the dark corners of the world.
An American bank opening in China would be prohibited by US law from hiring a slew of family members of top Chinese politicians. However, a Chinese bank opening in America can hire anyone it wants. It can even invite the friends and families of American politicians to invest in can't-lose deals.
President Donald Trump's children have made front pages across the world for their dicey transactions. However, the media has barely looked into questionable deals made by those close to Barack Obama, Joe Biden, John Kerry, Mitch McConnell, and lesser-known politicians who have been in the game longer.
In many parts of the world, the children of powerful political figures go into business and profit handsomely, not necessarily because they are good at it, but because people want to curry favor with their influential parents. This is a relatively new phenomenon in the United States. But for relatives of some prominent political families, we may already be talking about hundreds of millions of dollars.
Deeply researched and packed with shocking revelations, Secret Empires identifies public servants who cannot be trusted and provides a path toward a more accountable government.
Articles by Peter Schweizer
Books by Peter Schweizer
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tuseriesdetv · 3 years
Noticias de series de la semana
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Netflix ha renovado Love and Anarchy por una segunda temporada
Netflix ha renovado Cidade Invisível por una segunda temporada
CBS ha renovado The Equalizer por una segunda temporada
Apple TV+ ha renovado Central Park por una tercera temporada
Amazon ha rescatado la tercera temporada de Loudermilk que no llegó a emitir Audience Network
La segunda temporada de Special (Netflix) será la última
La quinta temporada de Queen of the South (USA Network) será la última
Claire Foy (The Crown) y Paul Bettany (WandaVision) protagonizarán la segunda temporada de A Very English Scandal. Serán los duques de Argyll, cuyo divorcio fue muy sonado en los años 60.
Josh Holloway (Lost, Colony) protagonizará Duster. Será el valiente conductor de las escapadas de una banda criminal en el suroeste de Estados Unidos en los años 70.
Dakota Fanning (The Alienist, I Am Sam) será Marge Sherwood, americana viviendo en Italia que sospecha de las motivaciones de Ripley (Andrew Scott), en Ripley.
Lucy Hale (Pretty Little Liars, How I Met Your Mother) será Lake Edmunds, nueva agente de policía, en Ragdoll.
Chloe Bennet (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nashville), Dove Cameron (Liv and Maddie, Descendants) y Yana Perrault serán The Powerpuff Girls en The CW.
Gina Rodriguez (Jane the Virgin, Kajillionaire), Jake Johnson (New Girl, Stumptown) y Kesler Talbot (50 States of Fright) protagonizarán Lost Ollie, la serie de Netflix híbrido entre acción real y animación. Serán Sharon y  James, los padres de Billy; y Billy, el niño que ha perdido a su conejo Ollie. Jonathan Groff (Mindhunter, Looking) pondrá voz a Ollie, que ha acabado en una tienda de segunda mano sin poder volver a casa. Mary J. Blige (The Umbrella Academy, Power Book II: Ghost) y Tim Blake Nelson (Watchmen, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt) pondrán voz a Rosy y Zozo, una osita de peluche y un muñeco payaso que ayudan a Ollie a encontrar a Billy. La serie de cuatro episodios ha sido creada, escrita y producida por Shannon Tindle (Coraline, Kubo and the Two Strings). Será dirigida por Peter Ramsey (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Rise of the Guardians). La animación corre a cargo de Industrial Light + Magic (The Mandalorian).
Famke Janssen (How to Get Away with Murder, X-Men) será recurrente en Long Slow Exhale como la doctora Melinda Barrington, la rectora de la universidad.
Annie Murphy (Schitt's Creek, Kevin Can F*** Himself) y Carolyn Michelle Smith (House of Cards, Colony) se unen a la segunda temporada de Russian Doll. No se conocen detalles.
Connor Swindells (Sex Education, Emma.) protagonizará SAS: Rogue Heroes. Será David Stirling, un excéntrico soldado aburrido. Hospitalizado tras un ejercicio de entrenamiento que sale mal y convencido de que los comandos tradicionales no funcionan, decide crear otra forma de ataque y reclutar a los soldados más duros, valientes e imprudentes para una unidad encubierta. Le acompañarán Jack O'Connell (Skins, Godless), Alfie Allen (Game of Thrones, Jojo Rabbit), Sofia Boutella (Modern Love, Atomic Blonde), Dominic West (The Wire, The Affair), Amir El-Masry (Industry, Jack Ryan), Theo Barklem-Biggs (The First Team, Carnival Row), Corin Silva (The Bay), Jacob Ifan (Bang, Cuffs), Dónal Finn (Cursed, The Witcher), Jacob McCarthy (A.P. Bio), Michael Shaeffer (Bodyguard, The Salisbury Poisonings) y Miles Jupp (The Durrells, Rev.).
Leslie Bibb (Popular, Nobodies) y Kevin Dunn (Veep, Samantha Who?) serán Satán y Gene, el padre de Clark (Ben Falcone), que es el mensajero de Dios, en God's Favorite Idiot.
Tom Mison (Sleepy Hollow, Watchmen) participará en la segunda temporada de See.
Katrina Law (Arrow, Hawaii Five-0) se une como recurrente a la decimoctava temporada de NCIS con posibilidad de convertirse en regular en la decimonovena. Será la agente especial Jessica Knight, experta en negociación en secuestros.
Snoop Dogg (Dolemite Is My Name), La La Anthony (Power, The Chi) y Serayah (Empire) serán recurrentes en Black Mafia Family como el pastor Swift, consejero espiritual de la familia Flenory; Markaisha Taylor, esposa de un traficante de drogas; y Lori Walker, novia de Demetrius Flenory (Lil Meech).
Mark Pellegrino (Supernatural, 13 Reasons Why) se une como regular a American Rust. Será Virgil Poe, marido de Grace (Maura Tierney).
Michelle Gomez (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, The Flight Attendant) se une como regular a la tercera temporada de Doom Patrol. Será Madame Rouge, excéntrica con una misión muy específica pero que no recuerda.
Lexi Underwood (Little Fires Everywhere) será recurrente como Malia, la hija de Michelle Obama (Viola Davis), en The First Lady. Aya Cash (The Boys, You're the Worst), Jake Picking (Hollywood), Cayden Boyd (Heathers, Awkward), Marc Hills (Snatchers), Ben Cook (Paterno), Leslie Rodriguez Kritzer (Bridge and Tunnel), Thomas E. Sullivan (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.; Roswell, New Mexico) y Patrice Johnson Chevannes (Chambers) serán Esther Liebowitz, secretaria de prensa de Betty Ford (Michelle Pfeiffer); la versión joven de Jerry Ford (Aaron Eckhart); Michael, Jack y Steven, los hijos de Betty Ford; Martha Graham, profesora de baile de Betty en 1939; Bill Warren, el primer marido de Betty y Clara Powell, la niñera de los Ford; en The First Lady.
Shar Jackson (Moesha) participará en los episodios finales de Shameless como Constance, una prima de Veronica (Shanola Hampton) que vive en Louisville.
Adelayo Adedayo (Timewasters, Origin), Ian Hart (My Mad Fat Diary, The Last Kingdom), MyAnna Buring (Ripper Street, The Salisbury Poisonings), Kerrie Hayes (The English Game, Tin Star), Warren Brown (Strike Back, Luther), Josh Finan y Emily Fairn protagonizarán The Responder junto a Martin Freeman.
Lizzie Broadway (Here and Now, The Rookie) y Jaz Sinclair (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina) se unen al spin-off de The Boys que Amazon estaría a punto de encargar.
Barrett Carnahan (Cobra Kai, Alexa & Katie), Andrea Anders (Joey, Ted Lasso), Benjamin J. Cain Jr. y Nicole Bilderback (Dawson's Creek, Dark Angel) se unen como recurrentes a Cruel Summer.
Ruby Cruz (Castle Rock, Mare of Easttown) sustituye a Cailee Spaeny en el papel de Kit, la hermana melliza del príncipe secuestrado, en Willow.
Midori Francis (The Birch, Dash & Lily), Gavin Leatherwood (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina), Christopher Meyer (Tell Me a Story, The Affair), Ilia Isorelýs Paulino (Queenpins), Lauren "Lolo" Spencer (Give Me Liberty) y Renika Williams (Over-the-Rhine) se unen como regulares a The Sex Lives of College Girls. Serán Alicia, Nico, Canaan, Lila, Jocelyn y Willow, estudiantes de Essex College.
Babs Olusanmokun (The Defenders, The Widow), Christina Chong (Line of Duty, Bulletproof), Celia Rose Gooding (Jagged Little Pill), Jess Bush (Playing for Keeps) y Melissa Navia (Dietland) se unen a Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.
Uyoata Udi será Inspectah Deck en la segunda temporada de Wu-Tang: An American Saga.
Joshua Caleb Johnson (The Good Lord Bird, Snowfall) se une como recurrente a Women of the Movement. Será Wheeler Parker Jr., el primo y mejor amigo de Emmett Till (Cedric Joe).
Dominique Fishback (The Deuce, Judas and the Black Messiah) será Robyn, amiga de la familia que ayuda a Ptolemy (Samuel L. Jackson), en The Last Days of Ptolemy Grey.
Sarah Catherine Hook (NOS4A2) y Imani Lewis (Star, The Get Down) protagonizarán First Kill. Serán Juliette Fairmont, una tímida y amable vampira adolescente; y Calliope Burns, una adolescente vulnerable y valiente cazadora de monstruos.
       Nuevas series
Natalie Portman (Black Swan, Jackie) y Lupita Nyong'o (12 Years a Slave, Us) protagonizarán Lady in the Lake, limited series de Apple TV+ ambientada en Baltimore en los años 60 y adaptación de la novela de Laura Lippman (2019). Serán Maddie Schwartz, un ama de casa y madre que se reinventa como periodista de investigación tras un asesinato sin resolver; y Cleo Sherwood, una mujer muy trabajadora que combina la maternidad con varios trabajos y la meta de ayudar con el progreso de la comunidad negra en Baltimore. Escrita por Dre Ryan (Colony, The Man in the High Castle) y Alma Har'el, dirigida por Har'el (Honey Boy) y producida por Ryan (The Man in the High Castle, The Exorcist), Har'el, Portman y Nyong'o.
Kaley Cuoco (The Big Bang Theory, The Flight Attendant) protagonizará y producirá una limited series sobre Doris Day. Basada en su biografía 'Doris Day: Her Own Story' escrita por A.E. Hotchner (1976). Producida por Warner Bros TV y Greg Berlanti (The Flight Attendant, Brothers & Sisters). Aún no hay cadena asociada.
Will Forte (The Last Man on Earth, Saturday Night Live) protagonizará y producirá Expiration Date, drama de Peacock sobre un hombre roto que considera suicidarse para que su familia pueda cobrar el dinero del seguro y planea qué hacer en el año que todavía debe permanecer con vida. Escrito y producido por Harry y Jack Williams (The Missing, Liar).
Peacock encarga Langdon, serie precuela de The Da Vinci Code y adaptación de la novela de Dan Brown 'The Lost Symbol' (2009) en la que Robert Langdon (Ashley Zukerman; Succession, A Teacher) deberá resolver una serie de rompecabezas mortales para salvar a su mentor y frustrar una escalofriante conspiración global. Completan el reparto Valorie Curry (The Following, The Tick), Rick Gonzalez (Arrow), Eddie Izzard (Hannibal, Powers) y Sumalee Montano (This Is Us, Scandal). Escrita y producida por Dan Dworkin y Jay Beattie, guionistas de Criminal Minds y Revenge y creadores de Scream y Matador. Producida por Dan Brown, Brian Grazer y Ron Howard, que ya produjeron las adaptaciones cinematográficas de The Da Vinci Code, Angels & Demons e Inferno.
FX ha encargado nueve episodios de Fleishman Is in Trouble, limited series sobre un cuarentañero recién separado y con hijos cuya esposa desaparece sin dejar rastro y deberá afrontar qué pasó con su matrimonio para saber qué le ha ocurrido a ella. Escrita y producida por Taffy Brodesser-Akner y basada en su novela (2019).
ITV encarga tres episodios de The Tower, thriller criminal en el que un policía veterano y una adolescente mueren al caer desde lo alto de un edificio en Londres mientras quedan vivos en la azotea un niño de cinco años y una agente novata que desaparece horas después. Adaptación de 'Post Mortem' (2015), la primera novela de la saga de Kate London, antigua agente de la Policía Metropolitana en la unidad de homicidios y delitos graves. Escrito y producido por Patrick Harbinson (Homeland, Person of Interest) y dirigido por Jim Loach (Save Me, Victoria).
Amazon desarrolla Women of the Year, antología adaptación del proyecto 100 Women of the Year de Time. Cada episodio se centrará en una mujer. Creada y producida por Alma Har'el (Honey Boy).
OWN ha encargado The Kings of Napa, drama sobre una familia afroamericana cuyo patriarca abandona la empresa de viñedos dejando a sus tres hijos luchando por el control. Escrita por Janine Sherman Barrois (Claws, Criminal Minds) y producida por Oprah Winfrey. Matthew A. Cherry (Hair Love) dirigirá los dos primeros episodios.
Amazon desarrolla The Wives, thriller sobre una mujer localmente enamorada de su marido, aunque sepa que tiene dos esposas más que ella no conoce, que un día entabla una relación con la más joven y comienza a preguntarse quién es su marido exactamente. Adaptación de la novela de Tarryn Fisher (2019). Escrita y producida por Kayla Alpert (Code Black, Ally McBeal).
Searchlight Television ha adquirido la saga de novelas fantásticas The Inheritance Trilogy, donde los dioses moran entre los mortales y una familia poderosa y corrupta gobierna la Tierra, para su adaptación televisiva. Producida por Will Smith y Jada Pinkett Smith.
Bradley Walsh (Doctor Who, Coronation Street) y Joanna Scanlan (No Offence, Hold the Sunset) serán Pop y Ma en The Larkins, dramedia adaptación de la novela 'The Darling Buds of May' (1958) de H.E. Bates para ITV. Sabrina Bartlett (Bridgerton, Victoria) será Mariette Larkin, una de los seis hijos de esta familia de clase obrera. Tok Stephen (Grantchester, Holby City) será Cedric 'Charley' Charlton. Escrita por Simon Nye (The Durrells, Finding Alice). Producida por Bradley Walsh. Seis episodios.
Peacock desarrolla Wild Cards, adaptación de las novelas de George R.R. Martin que desarrolló previamente Hulu.
ITV encarga seis episodios de The Ipcress File, adaptación de la primera novela de la saga de Len Deighton (1962) protagonizada por el espía Harry Palmer (Joe Cole; Gangs of London, Peaky Blinders). Completan el reparto Lucy Boynton (The Politician, Sing Street), Tom Hollander (The Night Manager, The Missing), Ashley Thomas (Them, Top Boy), Joshua James (Industry, Life), David Dencik (Top of the Lake, Genius) y Tom Vaughan-Lawlor (Dublin Murders, Love/Hate). Escrita y producida por John Hodge (Trainspotting, The Beach). Dirigida y producida por James Watkins (McMafia, Black Mirror).
HBO Max desarrolla Enjoy Your Meal, comedia que examina satíricamente la cultura tóxica de la industria food media. Inspirada en los escándalos del verano de 2020 en adelante, se centrará en un grupo de jóvenes asistentes negros que se alzaron para destrozar la cultura corporativa. Escrita y producida por Amy Aniobi (Insecure). Ryan Walker-Hartshorn (Bon Appétit) servirá como consultora.
ABC Signature y Searchlight Television han adquirido City of Ghosts, la novela de Victoria Schwab (2018) que sigue a una adolescente que se ve inmersa en una épica batalla entre fantasmas y humanos, para su adaptación. Escrita por David Lowery (A Ghost Story, Pete's Dragon) y Sehaj Sethi (Two Sentence Horror Stories) y dirigida por Lowery (A Ghost Story, Pete's Dragon). Producida por Schwab y Gerard Butler.
ALLBLK ha encargado seis episodios de Lace, que sigue a una prolífica y exitosa abogada de Los Ángeles (Maryam Basir) que no respeta los límites entre el bien y el mal al proteger a su rica y poderosa clientela. Completan el reparto Skyh Black (Sistas), Tanyell Waivers (Queen Sugar), Antoine Harris (Ballers, The Breaks), Terrell Carter (Empire), Leonard Roberts (Heroes, American Crime Story), Kellita Smith (The Bernie Mac Show, Z Nation), Shanti Lowry (Family Time, The Game), Chris Attoh (A House Divided), Nate Walker, Jordan T. Johnson, Taylor Bynoe, Mollie Dolcimascolo y Isaac Stephen Montgomery. Creada, escrita y producida por Katrina Y. Nelson y Michelle Ebony Hardy y dirigida por Jamal Hill (Deuces, Brotherly Love).
Grace se estrena en ITV el 14 de marzo
La tercera temporada de Family Reunion llega a Netflix el 5 de abril
La quinta y última temporada de Queen of the South se estrena en USA Network el 7 de abril
Them llega a Amazon el 9 de abril
La quinta y última temporada de Van Helsing se estrena en Syfy el 16 de abril
La segunda temporada de Bigger se estrena en BET+ el 22 de abril
La segunda y última temporada de Special llega a Netflix el 20 de mayo
Tráilers y promos
Line of Duty - Temporada 6
Family Reunion - Temporada 3
Van Helsing - Temporada 5 y última
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global-news-station · 5 years
WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump pressed Ukraine’s president to investigate a political rival, former Vice President Joe Biden, in coordination with the U.S. attorney general and Trump’s personal lawyer, according to a summary of a momentous telephone call released by the Trump administration on Wednesday.
The official account of the half-hour July call laid bare an astonishing exchange of requests, pledges and ingratiation, including some unrelated to Biden, such as when Trump asked President Volodymyr Zelenskiy “to do us a favor” involving a controversy arising from the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign.
The summary was released a day after House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the Democratic-led chamber was launching an official impeachment inquiry, setting up a dramatic political showdown that threatens Trump’s presidency as he campaigns for re-election in 2020.
The details of the July 25 call drew furious reactions from Democrats, who accused Trump of soliciting Ukraine’s help to smear Biden, the front-runner among Democratic candidates seeking to challenge the Republican president next year.
The call occurred after Trump had ordered a freeze of nearly $400 million in American aid to Ukraine, which the administration only later released.
Read More: As feud heats up, Trump says Biden was subject of Ukraine call
 “What those notes reflect is a classic Mafia-like shakedown of a foreign leader,” said Democrat Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.
In a statement, Biden said Congress must hold Trump to account for “his abuse of power,” adding, “It is a tragedy for this country that our president put personal politics above his sacred oath.”
Trump and Zelenskiy appeared side-by-side in New York on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly and denied impropriety in their call, with Ukraine’s president telling reporters “nobody pushed me.”
Trump denied pressuring Zelenskiy and lashed out at Pelosi as having bowed to “radicals” in her party. “As I’m concerned, unfortunately, she’s no longer the speaker of the House,” Trump said.
According to the summary, Trump told Zelenskiy that Attorney General William Barr, the top U.S. law enforcement official, and Trump personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani would speak to him about re-opening a Ukrainian investigation into a Ukrainian gas company for which Biden’s son Hunter had served as director.
 “The other thing, there’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that, so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great,” Trump said, referring to Barr.
In the summary, Trump never explicitly told Zelenskiy that U.S. aid was contingent upon him investigating Biden, but Trump emphasized the importance of American support before pressing him for action on Biden.
 “I will say that we do a lot for Ukraine,” Trump said. Trump then said German Chancellor Angela Merkel “doesn’t do anything” for Ukraine but that “the United States has been very, very good to Ukraine.”
According to the summary, Zelenskiy responds that Trump is “1,000%” right, thanks Trump for “your great support in the area of defense” and said he planned to buy more Javelins, anti-tank missiles developed by the U.S. military that are now produced by Raytheon Co (RTN.N) and Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT.N).
In raising the Biden issue, Trump told Zelenskiy that “I heard you had a prosecutor who was very good and he was shut down and that’s really unfair.” Trump said he would have Giuliani – a political ally with no formal role in the U.S. government – and Barr call him.
 “Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it. It sounds horrible to me,” Trump said.
Zelenskiy assured Trump that his next prosecutor general “will be 100% my person” and “will look into the situation.”
Zelenskiy, a former comedian, then volunteered that the last time he visited the United States, “I stayed at the Trump Tower,” one of the president’s businesses.
 “I also want to ensure you that we will be very serious about the case and will work on the investigation,” Zelenskiy added.
After Zelenskiy’s promise, Trump invites him to visit the White House, saying, “Whenever you would like to come to the White House, feel free to call.”
Trump never actually asked Barr to contact Ukraine, Justice Department spokeswoman Kerri Kupec said, and Barr has not communicated with Ukraine about a possible investigation or any other subject. Barr, a Trump appointee, first found out about the conversation several weeks after it took place, Kupec said.
The House inquiry could lead to articles of impeachment in the House that could trigger a trial in the Senate on whether to remove Trump from office.
Pelosi said the notes of the call confirm that Trump engaged in behavior that undermines the integrity of U.S. elections, the dignity of presidency and American national security.
 “The president has tried to make lawlessness a virtue in America and now is exporting it abroad,” Pelosi said.
Trump has repeatedly suggested wrongdoing by Biden and his son but has offered no evidence to back up the assertion.
The administration added a note of caution regarding the summary, saying it “is not a verbatim transcript of a conversation” and merely records the “notes and recollections” of White House staff assigned to memorialize the talk. The summary was developed with assistance from voice recognition software along with note takers and experts listening, a senior White House official said.
Trump has withstood repeated scandals since taking office in 2017. House Democrats had considered, but never moved ahead with, pursuing articles of impeachment over Trump’s actions relating to Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election aimed at boosting his candidacy.
Under the U.S. Constitution, the House has the power to impeach a president for “high crimes and misdemeanors.” No president has ever been removed from office through impeachment. Democrats currently control the House and Trump’s fellow Republicans control the Senate.
Justice Department officials concluded last week that Trump’s conduct on the call did not amount to a criminal violation of campaign finance law because what he was asking for – an investigation of a political rival – was not a quantifiable “thing of value,” said a senior Justice Department official, speaking on condition of anonymity.
Trump has defended his actions in the Ukraine matter as appropriate. Trump denounced the impeachment move on Wednesday as “the single greatest witch hunt in American history.”
There has been no evidence that Biden, who served as U.S. vice president from 2009 to 2017, used his position as vice president to help his son in the Ukraine matter.
The United States, European countries and others had pushed for the ouster of the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating the energy company because he was not pursuing it aggressively enough. The prosecutor who replaced him, Yuriy Lutsenko, told Reuters on Friday that no wrongdoing was found on the part of Biden’s son in his relationship with the energy firm.
Ukrainian officials have not said publicly that they would open any investigation of Biden or his son.
Many Republicans came to Trump’s defense and said the absence of a quid pro quo – a Latin phrase meaning a favor for a favor – in the call showed that the concerns of Democrats were overblown. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell denounced what he called the Democratic “impeachment obsession.”
Republican Senator Pat Toomey said Trump’s conversation about Biden was inappropriate but not an impeachable offense. But Republican Senator Mitt Romney said he had read the memo and “it remains troubling in the extreme.”
Pelosi would not commit to an impeachment timetable but Judiciary Committee Democrat David Cicilline said articles of impeachment could move to the House floor in a matter of weeks, if the allegations against Trump prove true.
An investigation of the Bidens was not the only request Trump made to the Ukrainian president. Even before he brings up the Bidens, Trump tells him, “I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it.”
Trump then mentions CrowdStrike, a California-based cybersecurity company that investigated the hacking of the Democratic National Committee and helped lead U.S. intelligence officials to conclude that Russian intelligence had hacked Democratic emails as part of Moscow’s election interference to boost Trump’s presidential bid. It is not a Ukrainian company and its co-founders are not Ukrainians.
Trump also said, without providing evidence, that emails deleted by his 2016 Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton, who used a private computer server when she was U.S. secretary of state, may be in Ukraine.
The United States has been giving military aid to Ukraine since Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014. The $391.5 million in aid at issue in the current controversy was approved by the U.S. Congress to help Ukraine deal with an insurgency by Russian-backed separatists in the eastern part of the country.
The current controversy arose after a whistleblower from within the U.S. intelligence community brought a complaint with an internal watchdog relating to Trump’s conversation with Zelenskiy. Even though federal law calls for such complaints to be disclosed to Congress, the Trump administration has not done so.
The whistleblower was concerned that Trump was pressuring a foreign leader to take an official action that would help his 2020 re-election, according to a legal memo released by the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel.
The Inspector General’s office found “some indication of an arguable political bias” by the whistleblower in favor of a rival political candidate,” but determined that the allegation appeared credible, according to the office.
The Justice Department concluded that the whistleblower complaint did not need to be shared with Congress because the relevant law only covers conduct by intelligence officials, not the president, according to a legal analysis released by the department’s Office of Legal Counsel.
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler said Barr must recuse himself from any Ukraine-related investigations, but Kupec, the Justice Department spokeswoman, said he would not recuse himself. Barr was not directly involved in the decisions involving the whistleblower complaint or the criminal investigation, she said.
The post Seeking favors, Trump pressed Ukraine president to probe political rival appeared first on ARYNEWS.
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larryland · 7 years
(Pittsfield, MA) Barrington Stage Company (BSC), the award-winning theatre in Downtown Pittsfield, MA under the leadership of Artistic Director Julianne Boyd, is proud to announce the return of The Creative Place International/And Theatre Company production of Kunstler by Jeffrey Sweet, from September 13 – 24 at the St. Germain Stage at the Sydelle and Lee Blatt Performing Arts Center (36 Linden Street).
Directed by Meagan Fay, Kunstler stars BSC veteran Jeff McCarthy (BSC’s Broadway Bounty Hunter, All My Sons, Sweeney Todd) as the self-described “radical lawyer” and civil rights activist, William Kunstler and Erin Roché (BSC debut) as the whip-smart student who opposes him.  The colorful, perpetually rumpled defense lawyer whose best-known clients include the Chicago Seven, inmates involved in the Attica prison riots, and members of the American Indian Movement, makes a case for his often unconventional style, in this wise and revealing play.
(Read Barbara Waldinger’s review of the production when it ran in May, 2017 at BSC.)
An American Civil Rights pioneer and attorney so famous he played himself on “Law & Order,” William Kunstler’s career defending “social outcasts” was as colorful as the man himself. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the ACLU from 1964 – 1972, he gained prominence serving as defense attorney for the Freedom Riders and the Chicago Seven as well as members of the Black Panther Party, Attica Prison rioters, the American Indian Movement, and Weather Underground. As an attorney in private practice in NYC, he continued to court headlines with controversial clients, from defending Omar Abdel-Rahman for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing to notorious mafia figures like John Gotti.
Jeff MaCarthy as William Kunstler.
Curtain call for “Kunstler” at BSC this past May. Jeff McCarthy and Erin Roché. Photo: Stephen Sorokoff.
The production is designed by James Fenton (sets), Elivia Bovenzi (costumes), Betsy Adams (lights), and Will Severin (sound). Production stage manager is Leslie Sears.
Kunstler performances: Evenings Wednesday through Saturday at 7:30pm; matinees Saturday at 2:00pm and Sunday at 3:00pm. St. Germain Stage at the Sydelle and Lee Blatt  Performing Arts Center (36 Linden Street). Tickets: $15-$48. Barrington Stage Box Office: (413) 236-8888 or online at www.barringtonstageco.org.
Jeff McCarthy (Kunstler) At BSC: Kunstler, Broadway Bounty Hunter, Man of La Mancha, Southern Comfort, All My Sons, Sweeney Todd, Follies, Mack & Mabel and a staged reading of Kunstler. Jeff recently starred Off-Broadway in Kunstler at 59E59 Theater. Broadway: Chicago (Billy Flynn), Urinetown (Lockstock), The Grinch Who… (Grinch), The Pirate Queen (Dubdhara), Side Show (Terry), Beauty and the Beast (Beast), Smile (Big Bob), Zorba (Niko), The Pirates of Penzance (Pirate King). L.A.: Les Misérables (Javert), The Three Sisters (Vershinin), A Little Night Music (Frederick), City of Angels (Stone). Off Broadway: Southern Comfort (Public Theater), Sympathetic Magic (Second Stage), Dream True (Vineyard), On the 20th Century (York). Regional: My Fair Lady (Guthrie), Kunstler (Hudson Stage), Fox on the Fairway (Signature Theater), Mame (Kennedy Center), Oliver! (Arena Stage), The Price and The Front Page (Long Wharf), Buried Child and Pantegleize (ACT, San Francisco), A Lie of the Mind (Denver Center). International: Iphenigia in Aulis (Athens Theater Center), Lady Be Good (La Fenice, Italy) TV: “Elementary”, “The Good Wife”, “Schweitzer” (title role), “Letterman”, “Love Monkey,” “Star Trek: TNG” and “Voyager,” “Ed,” “Law & Order(s),” “Cheers,” “Designing Women,” “L.A. Law,” “In the Heat of the Night.” Film: Starting Out in the Evening, Consent, RoboCop 2, Eve of Destruction, Rapid Fire, Cliffhanger. Jeff is the voice of the great Chuck Jones’ creation, Michigan J. Frog. Jeff recently starred in A Legendary Romance at Williamstown Theatre Festival.
Erin Roché (Kerry) Regional credits include: All’s Well That End’s Well, Othello, Two Gentlemen of Verona, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Winter’s Tale, Pygmalion (The Old Globe), Heist!, Post Wave Spectacular (Humana Festival at Actors Theatre of Louisville), Henry IV, pts. I & II (Actors’ Shakespeare Project), Done (Providence Black Repertory). Television: Forever (ABC). Training: BA, Brown University. MFA, Old Globe/University of San Diego.
Jeffrey Sweet (Playwright) plays include The Value of Names, The Action Against Sol Schumann, Bluff, Flyovers, American Enterprise, and Court-Martial at Fort Devens — have been presented in Chicago, New York and around the country. Awards include prizes from the American Theatre Critics Association, the Jeff Award, the Audelco Award, and an Outer Critics Circle Award. Books include Something Wonderful Right Away (about Second City), The O’Neill (about the O’Neill Center), The Dramatist’s Toolkit and What Playwrights Talk About When They Talk About Writing. He is a member of the Dramatists Guild and EST and is an alum of New DramatistsMeagen Fay (Director) is a multiple Jeff Award-winning Best Actress (Chicago’s The Second City), as well as A Day in the Death of Joe Egg (Court Theater), who has appeared on and off Broadway, and been a regular on countless TV series, and films. Meagen can currently be seen as regular, and recurring regular on “Transparent” (Amazon), “Good Girls Revolt” (Amazon), and “Shrink” (Seeso). Meagen is an L.A. Critics Award winning director of Private Stories Public Schools, and Future Boyfriend (Los Angeles SCi-Fest.) Meagen first directed Kunstler for the New York Fringe Festival in 2014.
Barrington Stage Company is a professional award-winning Equity regional theatre located in the heart of the Berkshires, in Pittsfield, MA.  It was co-founded in 1995 by Artistic Director Julianne Boyd and has a three-fold mission: to present top-notch, compelling work; to develop new plays and musicals; and to find fresh, bold ways of bringing new audiences into the theatre—especially young people. Barrington Stage garnered national attention in 2004 when it premiered William Finn and Rachel Sheinkin’s musical hit The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee which later transferred to Broadway where it won two Tony Awards. In 2009, Mark St. Germain’s Freud’s Last Session ran more than ten weeks on Stage 2 and later moved Off Broadway and played for two years. St. Germain’s Becoming Dr. Ruth (which premiered at BSC as Dr. Ruth, All the Way in 2012) played Off Broadway at the Westside Theatre in fall 2013. BSC’s all-time record-breaking musical, On the Town, was originally produced at BSC in 2013.  In 2014, it opened on Broadway with BSC as a co-producer, where it was nominated for four Tony Awards including Best Musical Revival.  In 2016, Barrington Stage swept the​ first Annual Berkshire Theatre Awards by winning 20 out of the 25 awards.  In 2016, BSC produced three World Premieres; Presto Change-O, Broadway Bounty Hunter, and American Son, which won the Laurents/Hatcher Award for Best New Play.
Barrington Stage Brings Back “Kunstler” in September by Popular Demand (Pittsfield, MA) Barrington Stage Company (BSC), the award-winning theatre in Downtown Pittsfield, MA under the leadership of Artistic Director Julianne Boyd, is proud to announce the return of…
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rockomotives-blog1 · 7 years
Hochsteckfrisuren für mittellanges Haar
Mit der Feuchtigkeit und Hitze der Sommer rückt immer näher passen wir unsere Pracht Blick auf die neue Zeit anzupassen. Es scheint, wie jeden Sommer wir erwägen, unter den Sprung in den Pool nicht einfach, gute Ergebnisse. eine kühneHaarschnitt. In der Regel der Pixie Cut ist die oberste Sommer-Frisur - Null Haare auf dem Rücken der eigenen persönlichen Hals und einfache Wartung hilft es den perfekten Wash-and-Go-Schnitt sein. Schauen Sie in einigen unserer Lieblings-Promis und auch Modelle, die die wichtigsten Chop für die besten Pixie niedriger Inspirationdraußen genommen haben.
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Es gibt genaue Wob (wellig Lob), die bestimmten Mob (Meeräsche Lob) und in vielen Fällen das Blob (blond Lob), aber mach dir keine Sorgen zu viel in Bezug auf die "Lingo". Wenn die Haare zwischen Kinn und Schlüsselbein irgendwo erreicht, ist es einLob. Und was einst nur eine schreckliche Bühne musste man durch jederzeit wächstIhr Bob zu bekommen ist eigentlich die begehrteste Promi-Haare schneiden. DakotaJohnson, Taylor-Flotte, Kerry Washington, Jessica Messeskjorte und viele mehr gutesHaar Gebäude haben sagte bye-bye zu ihrer sehr langen sperrt zu Gunsten einer langen Joe Frisur.
Warum sind Promis und so lange Bob Frisuren besessen? Schulterlang Stil ist nicht nur super anspruchsvoll und schick, es ist auch unglaublich vielseitig. Oben oder entlang, Pony oder kahl, mit beachy Wellen oder direkte Stränge BVG sagt, "ist meine Haare schneiden cooler als du." Langer Bob Frisuren erfordern eine komplette viel weniger Wartung als Ihren Klassiker Kiefer-Länge Bob und gegebenenfalls schneiden passend Ihr Gesicht Form und Haar Textur, mit im Grunde alle gut aussehen. Wenn dies Sie gerne weg von ein paar Zoll lop keinen, check out 1 von 3 der inspirierendsten Promi längeren Bob Haarschnitte oben.
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Egal wenn Sie kurze Haare seit Jahrzehnten erschüttert haben oder sind in einem brandneuen Bob oder Lob Lockerung, sollte styling Ihr Kinn Beweidung hacken oben auf Ihrer to-do-Liste immer sein. Kurze Frisuren verkörpern eine modernen Sensibilität ohne durch ihre kurze Länge begrenzt. In der Tat eignet die Atemnot sich für einenwartungsarmen Vielseitigkeit, die zu einer Vielzahl von Stilen, von lässigen schwillt zu einem glamourösen Hochsteckfrisur für Segelohren passt.
Was auch immer kurze Frisur Sie sich entscheiden, ist das Endergebnis Sie kühl seinund Ihren Beauty-Look sofort mühelos zu erheben. Wir sind ein kleines bisschen Inspo von einigen unserer Lieblings-Kurzhaar-Prominenten, darunter Lily Collins' PixieStil und Beyonce kurzlebige Bob (Wortspiel beabsichtigt), Zeichnung und wir habenetwas für jeden Geschmack gefunden. Hier sind 40 schöne, kurze Frisuren für Frauenfür Sie Ihren Look dieser Saison zusammen mit inspirieren zu beweisen, dass kurzeHaare nicht langweilig ist.
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Mit der Hitze zusätzlich Feuchtigkeit der Sommer nähert sich schnell passen wir jedeunserer Schönheit Blick zur Anpassung an die moderne Saison. Es scheint wie jedenSommer, wir erwägen, unter den Sprung nicht einfach in den Pool, aber mit irgendeiner Art von Fett Haarschnitt. Der Pixie Cut ist das ultimative Sommer-Monate-Frisur- kein krauses Haar auf der Rückseite von Ihnen sind der Hals und Rachen und einfache Wartung ist es des ideale Wash-and-Go-Schnitts. Werfen Sie einen Blick auf einige unserer Lieblings-Promis und Produkte, die die großen Würfel für beste Pixie cutIdeen da draußen genommen haben.
Es ist Wob (wellig Lob), Mafia (Meeräsche Lob) und sogar in der Regel das Blob (blond Lob), aber mach dir keine Sorgen zu viel über die Sprache. Wenn das Haar etwa am Kinn und das Schlüsselbein erreicht, ist es ein Lob. Und was früher nur eine gefürchtete Etappe konnte nur durch bekommen, wenn Ihre eigenen Bob jetzt die begehrtesten Promi-Frisur wächst. Dakota Meeks, Taylor Swift, Kerry Wa, Jessica Alba und viele mehr feines Haar Ikonen haben bye-bye ihre langen Locken für einen langen Bob Frisur gesagt.
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Trendige Promis so besessen länger Bob Haarschnitte? Die schulterlang Stil ist nichtnur super elegant und anspruchsvoll, es ist auch unglaublich vielseitig. Oben sowieunten, Pony oder Basic mit beachy Wellen oder einfach gerade Strähnen die BVG sagt immer: "ist meine Haare schneiden kühler als Ihr eigenes Haus." Langer Bob Frisuren erfordern viel weniger Reparatur als Ihre klassischen Kiefer-Länge Bob und, wenn passend Ihr Gesicht Form plus Haar Textur, gut für im Grunde alle aussehen zu minimieren. Wenn dies Sie bereit, aus ein paar Zoll lop keinen, check out 50 der inspirierendsten Promi längeren Bob Haarschnitte oben
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Ben Ful Links | September 13/2021
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Source: benjaminfulford.net
Ben Ful Links | September 13/2021:
The fake U.S. regime of the rubber-masked impostor “President” Joe Biden is in serious trouble.  They face a September 30th payments deadline they cannot meet.  Since there is a two-week grace period after the U.S. Corporation defaults, this means a repeat of the February 16th, 2020 market implosion is due on or around October 14th.  That is why U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is publicly warning the U.S. will default on its national debt in October, MI6 sources say.  https://thehill.com/policy/finance/571237-yellen-us-on-track-to-default-on-national-debt-in-october
The Global Times further noted that “Hours after the Xi-Biden call, Xi also spoke to German Chancellor Angela Merkel” and ordered her “to urge the EU to adhere to the right policies on China.” https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202109/1233921.shtml
The “White House” responded by issuing the following veiled threat:
“The two leaders discussed the responsibility of both nations to ensure competition does not veer into conflict.” https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/09/09/readout-of-president-joseph-r-biden-jr-call-with-president-xi-jinping-of-the-peoples-republic-of-china/
So, who is the enemy we need to target?  The forensic trail, as usual, points to Switzerland and the Octagon group.  These people, through about 700 high-level operatives, control 90% of transnational corporations.  We know that Klaus Schwab (whose mother was a Rothschild) of the “Great Reset” World Economic Forum reports to Carl von Habsburg. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_von_Habsburg
We also know the Agnelli brothers, who own the Economist together with the Rothschilds, report to Vittorio Emanuele.  These are the people who control the rubber masked replacement of Pope Francis who now wants all humans to be vaccinated with DNA altering concoctions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vittorio_Emanuele,_Prince_of_Naples
In a sign of just what bold-faced hypocrites these people are he also proposed “global action to“tackle disinformation and conspiracy theories and to promote facts, science, and integrity in public discourse.”  OK Gutterface, why not start by providing scientific evidence SARS-Cov-2 and Covid-19 really exist, something nobody has done yet: as proven by multiple court rulings. https://apnews.com/article/technology-health-coronavirus-pandemic-united-nations-covid-19-pandemic-dcabfc7526f46940dc5a992d52737c8b
Anyway, if you are a patriot and want to protect people, shoot on sight anybody pushing DNA altering vaccines for this fake pandemic.
We note that a mass revolt against the pandemic and vaccine-pushing criminals is underway in all Western countries.  Take a look at the huge audiences of football games chanting “fuck Joe Biden,” in unison. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/fk-joe-biden-chants-heard-across-us-college-football-stadiums
Other fake leaders like Justin Castro of Canada and Emanuelle Macron of France cannot appear in public for fear of being ridiculed or even hung on the spot.  There are also trucker strikes in the UK, Australia, the U.S., and elsewhere aimed at forcing regime change. https://www.rt.com/news/534591-paris-clashes-health-pass-protests/
In the UK, Health Secretary Sajid Javid says Covid jab passports won’t be introduced and that he did not expect the country to see any more lockdowns. https://news.trust.org/item/20210912090529-5m6aq
Also, multiple court cases against the fake pandemic and vaccine pushers are starting to have an impact.  For example, a Berlin court ruled in favor of a discothèque that sued over the city’s ban on indoor dancing, forcing the Berlin Senate to allow clubs to reopen.  The New York Times tried to spin this as only applying to the “vaccinated” but that was a bald-faced lie. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/11/style/berlin-clubs-reopening.html
Even more dramatically, German prosecutors raided both the Justice and Finance ministries over “money laundering.”  This is a sign the post-war occupation of Germany is about to end, German patriots promise. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/german-prosecutors-search-ministries-over-money-laundering-probe-2021-09-09/?utm_source=reddit.com
In Japan, bars and restaurants are openly defying government orders to not serve liquor and shut by 8 PM.  Japanese gangsters have been given detailed information about how their fake government tried to kill their own people using contaminated Moderna vaccines and have promised to take action.  It won’t be long before Khazarian Mafia proxies like David Atkinson, Michael Greenberg, Kurt Campbell, and their ilk will be forced to flee the country, Japanese right-wingers promise.
There are also signs of Khazarian rats trying to abandon ship.  This was seen when the long-dead “George Soros” (a Rothschild proxy) denounced the BlackRock fund’s move to China as a “tragic mistake” that would “damage the national security interests of the U.S. and other democracies.”
A BlackRock spokesperson responded to Soros’ comments by telling CNBC  “the United States and China have a large and complex economic relationship,” adding that “total trade in goods and services between the two countries exceeded $600 billion in 2020. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/blackrock-responds-soros-scathing-op-ed-ray-dalio-also-chimes
In order to stop attempts to start WWIII we find ourselves repeatedly warning the Asian elders the Iranian leadership works for the same people as the Israeli leadership does:
“President Rouhani and Foreign Minister Zarif are rats, doing the bidding of the Rothschild Chatham House boys and the Royal Institute of International Affairs.
Rouhani spent 6 years in Scotland getting his Ph.D. in Sharia Law (of all things), hanging with Jack Straw and Lord Levy, one rung down from Rothschild.
Zarif was 20 years in America and very close to Globalist John Kerry. They say half of the Iranian parliament (the pyramid with 33 windows) has a U.S. Green Card.” https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=182314
It is also looking increasingly likely the KM is going to shut down the internet in a vain attempt to stop the ongoing global awakening. That’s why they are talking about a “once in a century superstorm that could knock out the internet.” https://ktvz.com/cnn-regional/2021/09/10/growing-risk-of-once-in-a-century-solar-superstorm-that-could-knock-out-internet-study-says/
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Ben Ful Links | August 16/2021:
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Source: benjaminfulford.net
The publication does not contain links.
The March 11, 2011 Attack on Fukushima and Its Aftermath
After the Fukushima mass murder event of March 11, 2011 (3.11) the Rothschilds sent a representative to explain why Fukushima was attacked.  He said they planned to move their Asian headquarters from Tokyo, Japan to North Korea.  To accomplish this they intended to move 40 million Japanese from Greater Tokyo to North Korea.  They even showed me a map of their planned industrial zone there.
Prime Minister Kan Naoto, who was in power at the time of the attack, told a packed press conference at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan that he had been encouraged to evacuate Tokyo in the aftermath of the attack.  Not a single corporate media outlet reported this.
The other thing that happened was that immediately after 3.11, Israeli crime minister Benjamin Netanyahu called Prime Minister Kan and told him that if Japan did not hand over its entire $7 trillion or so in foreign currency, then electro-magnetic weapons would be used to cause Mt.  Fuji to erupt.
However, at this point, something unexpected happened.  Hundreds of earthquakes hit the Atlantic Island of La Palma immediately after 311.  There was a very real danger that it would collapse into the ocean and cause a 100-meter tsunami to hit the U.S. Eastern and European Southern coasts.  The earthquakes stopped only after the U.S. military contacted the White Dragon Society and promised that no further attacks would be allowed against Japan.
Nonetheless, the Khazarian Mafia headquartered in Switzerland succeeded in re-imposing a slave Prime Minister on Japan.  Abe Shinzo was put in place via a fraudulent election.  Following this, he was invited to be a keynote speaker at the gathering of Western oligarchs in Davos, Switzerland.
At Davos, Abe told the international community that China was like Germany before WW1.  What he was referring to was a plan by George Bush Sr. to have the G7, Russia, and Japan all gang up and attack China.  The plan was to divide China into five or six separate countries to prevent it from ever again being a threat to Khazarian Mafia power.
Abe set up an openly fascist government and proceeded to carry out a massive, secret military build-up to participate in Bush’s planned invasion of China.  A huge amount of military equipment was secretly stockpiled in the Kumamoto region of Japan that is nearest to China.  At the same time, Abe set up a biological warfare facility disguised as a veterinary school.
However, the planned invasion of China was called off because both Russia and the Pentagon refused to go along.  The Pentagon has done war game after war game simulating an attack on China and the end result is always the same.  The war turns nuclear, 90% of humanity dies and the northern hemisphere of the planet becomes uninhabitable.
In 2016, a series of mysterious earthquakes, each centered exactly on a Japanese military base, destroyed this equipment.  The earthquake seismographs all indicated they were artificial earthquakes.  Abe was also secretly poisoned and told that if he did not go along with China he would not be able to receive the antidote, Asian secret society sources say.
At the same time, the White Dragon Society reached out to the global warming faction of the Western elite.  If you recall, the year 2000 U.S. presidential election was a contest between the global warming faction under Al Gore and the Nazi fourth Reich faction under George Bush Sr.
The global warming faction, centered around Queen Elizabeth, believed that the environment could be saved by putting a tax on carbon and using the money to pay third-world countries to preserve their forests.  The Nazi faction wanted to kill 90% of the global population.
This writer has a tape recording of an invitation to join this faction.  They said that in order to preserve the environment it was necessary to eliminate the “useless eaters.”  These were people like subsistence farmers who could feed their families but did not work at factories making things.  They said that war did not kill enough people so that they would use starvation and disease to accomplish this goal.
This is why the Bush Jr. administration set up biological weapons factories all over the world.  They released SARS, Bird Flu, Ebola, Mers, etc. in their attempt to kill people off.  At the same time, they subsidized farmers in developed countries to use their grains to produce “biofuel,” instead of food.
However, the plans failed because none of their bio-weapons were able to kill the intended billions of people.  The attempt to starve people to death was also stopped after insiders blew the whistle and explained that biofuel subsidies were causing starvation crises in 33 countries.  This put an end to those subsidies.
A letter was sent via diplomatic pouch from the UK embassy in Tokyo to Queen Elizabeth asking for her blessing for a campaign similar in scale to World War III but this time the enemy would be “poverty, environmental destruction and everything else that plagues this beautiful but fragile planet we all share.”
Following this, a series of countries, England, Germany, France, Canada, Switzerland, Italy, etc. decided to join the China Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.  The multi-trillion-dollar Chinese Belt and Road Initiative followed this.  The money was spent building highways, ports, schools, railways, hospitals, bridges, and other such infrastructure around the world.
Japan and the United States were the only major countries that held back from this initiative.  They called it a Chinese debt trap.  However, it clearly put the Bush Nazi faction on the defensive.
The other thing that happened in 2016 was that the Gnostic Illuminati decided to form a temporary alliance with the British commonwealth to prevent Hillary Clinton (Rockefeller) from becoming president of the United States.  A meeting was held in Antarctica on the November 8th, 2016 election day that was attended by Skull and Bones John Kerry and many other members of the secret Western elite.
We have interviewed two people who were present at that meeting.  They say a decision was made to flip the election so that designated loser Donald Trump would be elected president with the very votes intended for Clinton.  This was accomplished after a firefight between Special Forces at the underground base near Denver Airport took over the election stealing computers on behalf of the Trump forces.
It is interesting to note how in the 2016 election things seemed to be going Clinton’s way and then they suddenly flipped and went Trump’s way.  The opposite happened when the Nazi forces regrouped around Rockefeller proxy Joe Biden in 2020 and flipped a real Trump victory into a fraudulent Biden victory.  We will get back to that later.
In any case, Trump became president of a bankrupt nation and there really was very little he could do about it.  The $23 trillion raised for Barack Obama was running out.  Trump tried many things, including tariffs to try to turn the situation around.  Remember he also said things like China would buy $200 billion worth of goods every year, He also tried unsuccessfully to take over the World’s largest oil reserves in Venezuela and offered to “buy Greenland.”
However, a nation with a GDP of about $20 trillion and over $200 trillion in debt and unfunded liabilities really has no choice but to go bankrupt.  The U.S. corporate government has external payment deadlines every September 30th and January 31st.
In September of 2019, the U.S. was able to avoid bankruptcy only by stealing Japan’s national pension fund.  In January of 2020, they failed to make their payments.  They were given a two-week grace period lasting until February 16th, 2020 but were unable to make their payments.
That is when all hell broke loose as we all know.  The owners of the U.S. corporation lashed out with a massive 5G electromagnetic attack on Wuhan China.  Remember, mass deaths began in Wuhan only after 10,000 5G transmission towers were activated, subjecting the population to deadly low-level electromagnetic attacks.
The official story that it was a “coronavirus” is provable nonsense.  That is because if it was a biological attack then the pandemic should have spread first to the suburbs of Wuhan and then to other parts of China.  Instead, it was restricted exactly to the 5G zones inside Wuhan proper.
After this, the spread of Covid-19 around the world coincided exactly with maps of where 5G networks had been activated.  To understand 5G think of the defrost mode of your microwave.  That operates at around 200 watts, while 5G is equivalent to about 30 watts.  However, if it is transmitted 24 hours a day, it starts producing symptoms that resemble lung disease.
Japan warned the world about this danger after they subjected 5,000 passengers aboard the cruise ship Diamon Princess to 5G and started getting multiple deaths.  After this, all 5G was stopped worldwide.
So the Khazarian Mafia was forced to resort to plan B.  They went ahead with medical martial law and started renaming influenza, the common cold, pneumonia and tuberculosis, and all sorts of other deaths as being from “Covid-19.”  At the same time, they used their access to fiat money printing presses to pay huge sums of money to doctors to diagnose Covid-19.  Since Western doctors operate under a military regime, they were told to go along with the pandemic story or lose their licenses.
The Khazarian Mafia also used their corporate media to spread pandemic fear porn 24/7.  Also, since the KM failed to kill their planned billions of people with 5G radiation, and since all their bio-weapons had proved ineffective, they next resorted to vaccines.
What has now happened is that the secret government of the West has been exposed by this campaign.  The world’s military, police, and intelligence agencies began a counter-attack.
Next week we will report on the status of that counterattack and also on plans for running the planet after the Khazarian Mafia have been ousted from power.
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Todos los Enlaces de la Publicación del 16 de Agosto de 2021
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Fuente: benjaminfulford.net
Todos los Enlaces de la Publicación del 16 de Agosto de 2021:
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El ataque del 11 de marzo de 2011 a Fukushima y sus secuelas
Después del asesinato en masa de Fukushima del 11 de marzo de 2011 (3.11), los Rothschild enviaron a un representante para explicar por qué Fukushima fue atacada. Dijo que planeaban trasladar su sede asiática de Tokio, Japón a Corea del Norte. Para lograr esto, tenían la intención de trasladar a 40 millones de japoneses del Gran Tokio a Corea del Norte. Incluso me mostraron un mapa de su zona industrial planificada allí.
El primer ministro Kan Naoto, que estaba en el poder en el momento del ataque, dijo en una concurrida conferencia de prensa en el Club de Corresponsales Extranjeros de Japón que lo habían alentado a evacuar Tokio después del ataque. Ni un solo medio de comunicación corporativo informó esto.
La otra cosa que sucedió fue que inmediatamente después del 3.11, el ministro de crimen israelí, Benjamin Netanyahu, llamó al primer ministro Kan y le dijo que si Japón no entregaba sus $ 7 billones en moneda extranjera, entonces se usarían armas electromagnéticas para causar El monte Fuji entrará en erupción.
Sin embargo, en este punto sucedió algo inesperado. Cientos de terremotos azotaron la isla atlántica de La Palma inmediatamente después del 311. Existía un peligro muy real de que colapsara en el océano y causara que un tsunami de 100 metros azotara las costas del este de Estados Unidos y del sur de Europa. Los terremotos se detuvieron solo después de que el ejército estadounidense se puso en contacto con la Sociedad del Dragón Blanco y prometió que no se permitirían más ataques contra Japón.
No obstante, la mafia jázara con sede en Suiza logró volver a imponer un primer ministro esclavo en Japón. Abe Shinzo se instaló mediante una elección fraudulenta. Después de esto, fue invitado a ser un orador principal en la reunión de oligarcas occidentales en Davos, Suiza.
En Davos, Abe le dijo a la comunidad internacional que China era como Alemania antes de la Primera Guerra Mundial. A lo que se refería era a un plan de George Bush padre para que el G7, Rusia y Japón se unieran y atacaran a China. El plan era dividir a China en cinco o seis países separados para evitar que vuelva a ser una amenaza para el poder de la mafia jázara.
Abe estableció un gobierno abiertamente fascista y procedió a llevar a cabo una preparación militar secreta y masiva para participar en la invasión planeada por Bush de China. Una gran cantidad de equipo militar se almacenó en secreto en la región de Kumamoto de Japón, que es la más cercana a China. Al mismo tiempo, Abe instaló una instalación de guerra biológica disfrazada de escuela de veterinaria.
Sin embargo, la invasión planeada de China fue cancelada porque tanto Rusia como el Pentágono se negaron a aceptarla. El Pentágono ha hecho un juego de guerra tras otro simulando un ataque a China y el resultado final es siempre el mismo. La guerra se vuelve nuclear, el 90% de la humanidad muere y el hemisferio norte del planeta se vuelve inhabitable.
En 2016, una serie de misteriosos terremotos, cada uno centrado exactamente en una base militar japonesa, destruyó este equipo. Todos los sismógrafos de terremotos indicaron que eran terremotos artificiales. Abe también fue envenenado en secreto y le dijeron que si no estaba de acuerdo con China no podría recibir el antídoto, dicen fuentes de la sociedad secreta asiática.
Al mismo tiempo, la Sociedad del Dragón Blanco se acercó a la facción del calentamiento global de la élite occidental. Si recuerda, las elecciones presidenciales estadounidenses del año 2000 fueron una contienda entre la facción del calentamiento global bajo Al Gore y la facción nazi del Cuarto Reich bajo George Bush Sr.
La facción del calentamiento global, centrada en torno a la reina Isabel, creía que el medio ambiente podría salvarse imponiendo un impuesto al carbono y utilizando el dinero para pagar a los países del tercer mundo para preservar sus bosques. La facción nazi quería matar al 90% de la población mundial.
Este escritor tiene una grabación de una invitación a unirse a esta facción. Dijeron que para preservar el medio ambiente era necesario eliminar a los "comedores inútiles". Eran personas como agricultores de subsistencia que podían alimentar a sus familias pero no trabajaban en fábricas haciendo cosas. Dijeron que la guerra no mató a suficientes personas como para que usaran el hambre y las enfermedades para lograr este objetivo.
Es por eso que la administración Bush Jr. estableció fábricas de armas biológicas en todo el mundo. Liberaron SARS, gripe aviar, ébola, Mers, etc. en su intento de matar gente. Al mismo tiempo, subvencionaron a los agricultores de los países desarrollados para que utilizaran sus cereales para producir "biocombustible", en lugar de alimentos.
Sin embargo, los planes fracasaron porque ninguna de sus armas biológicas fue capaz de matar a los miles de millones de personas previstos. El intento de matar de hambre a la gente también se detuvo después de que personas con información privilegiada hicieron sonar el silbato y explicaron que los subsidios a los biocombustibles estaban causando crisis de hambre en 33 países. Esto puso fin a esos subsidios.
Se envió una carta a través de valija diplomática desde la embajada del Reino Unido en Tokio a la reina Isabel pidiendo su bendición para una campaña similar en escala a la Tercera Guerra Mundial, pero esta vez el enemigo sería “la pobreza, la destrucción del medio ambiente y todo lo que asola a esta hermosa pero planeta frágil que todos compartimos ".
A continuación, una serie de países, Inglaterra, Alemania, Francia, Canadá, Suiza, Italia, etc., decidieron unirse al Banco Asiático de Inversiones en Infraestructura de China. La Iniciativa China de la Franja y la Ruta de varios billones de dólares siguió a esto. El dinero se gastó en la construcción de carreteras, puertos, escuelas, ferrocarriles, hospitales, puentes y otras infraestructuras similares en todo el mundo.
Japón y Estados Unidos fueron los únicos países importantes que se abstuvieron de esta iniciativa. Lo llamaron una trampa de la deuda china. Sin embargo, claramente puso a la facción nazi de Bush a la defensiva.
La otra cosa que sucedió en 2016 fue que los Illuminati gnósticos decidieron formar una alianza temporal con la Commonwealth británica para evitar que Hillary Clinton (Rockefeller) se convirtiera en presidenta de los Estados Unidos. Se realizó una reunión en la Antártida en los November 8 º de 2016 día de la elección a la que asistieron cráneo y los huesos John Kerry y muchos otros miembros de la élite occidentales secretas.
Hemos entrevistado a dos personas que estuvieron presentes en esa reunión. Dicen que se tomó la decisión de cambiar las elecciones para que el perdedor designado Donald Trump fuera elegido presidente con los mismos votos destinados a Clinton. Esto se logró después de que un tiroteo entre las Fuerzas Especiales en la base subterránea cerca del Aeropuerto de Denver se hiciera cargo de la elección robando computadoras en nombre de las fuerzas de Trump.
Es interesante notar cómo en las elecciones de 2016 las cosas parecían ir por el camino de Clinton y luego de repente cambiaron y siguieron el camino de Trump. Lo contrario sucedió cuando las fuerzas nazis se reagruparon alrededor del representante de Rockefeller, Joe Biden, en 2020 y convirtieron una verdadera victoria de Trump en una fraudulenta victoria de Biden. Volveremos a eso más tarde.
En cualquier caso, Trump se convirtió en presidente de una nación en bancarrota y realmente poco podía hacer al respecto. Los $ 23 billones recaudados para Barack Obama se estaban acabando. Trump intentó muchas cosas, incluidos los aranceles, para tratar de revertir la situación. Recuerde que también dijo cosas como que China compraría bienes por valor de 200.000 millones de dólares cada año. También trató sin éxito de apoderarse de las mayores reservas de petróleo del mundo en Venezuela y se ofreció a "comprar Groenlandia".
Sin embargo, una nación con un PIB de alrededor de $ 20 billones y más de $ 200 billones en deuda y pasivos no financiados realmente no tiene más remedio que ir a la quiebra. El gobierno corporativo de Estados Unidos tiene el pago externa plazos cada mes de septiembre 30 de º y 31 de enero st .
En septiembre de 2019, EE. UU. Pudo evitar la bancarrota solo robando el fondo de pensiones nacional de Japón. En enero de 2020, no hicieron sus pagos. Se les otorgó un período de gracia de dos semanas hasta el 16 de febrero de 2020, pero no pudieron realizar sus pagos.
Fue entonces cuando se desató el infierno como todos sabemos. Los propietarios de la corporación estadounidense arremetieron con un ataque electromagnético masivo 5G contra Wuhan China. Recuerde, las muertes masivas comenzaron en Wuhan solo después de que se activaron 10,000 torres de transmisión 5G, lo que sometió a la población a ataques electromagnéticos mortales de bajo nivel.
La historia oficial de que fue un “coronavirus” es una tontería demostrable. Eso se debe a que si se trataba de un ataque biológico, la pandemia debería haberse extendido primero a los suburbios de Wuhan y luego a otras partes de China. En cambio, estaba restringido exactamente a las zonas 5G dentro de Wuhan propiamente dicho.
Después de esto, la propagación de Covid-19 por el mundo coincidió exactamente con mapas de dónde se habían activado las redes 5G. Para comprender el 5G, piense en el modo de descongelación de su microondas. Eso funciona a unos 200 vatios, mientras que 5G equivale a unos 30 vatios. Sin embargo, si se transmite las 24 horas del día, comienza a producir síntomas que se asemejan a una enfermedad pulmonar.
Japón advirtió al mundo sobre este peligro después de que sometieron a 5G a 5.000 pasajeros a bordo del crucero Diamon Princess y comenzaron a sufrir múltiples muertes. Después de esto, todo el 5G se detuvo en todo el mundo.
Así que la mafia jázara se vio obligada a recurrir al plan B. Siguieron adelante con la ley marcial médica y comenzaron a cambiar el nombre de la influenza, el resfriado común, la neumonía y la tuberculosis, y todo tipo de otras muertes por "Covid-19". Al mismo tiempo, utilizaron su acceso a las imprentas de dinero fiduciario para pagar enormes sumas de dinero a los médicos para que diagnosticaran el Covid-19. Dado que los médicos occidentales operan bajo un régimen militar, se les dijo que aceptaran la historia de la pandemia o que perdieran sus licencias.
La mafia jázara también utilizó sus medios corporativos para difundir la pornografía del miedo pandémico las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana. Además, dado que el KM no logró matar a sus miles de millones de personas planificadas con radiación 5G, y dado que todas sus armas biológicas habían resultado ineficaces, luego recurrieron a las vacunas.
Lo que ha sucedido ahora es que el gobierno secreto de Occidente ha sido descubierto por esta campaña. Las agencias militares, policiales y de inteligencia del mundo comenzaron un contraataque.
La semana que viene informaremos sobre el estado de ese contraataque y también sobre los planes para gobernar el planeta después de que la mafia jázara haya sido derrocada del poder.
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tuseriesdetv · 6 years
Noticias de series de la semana: Otro despido
Despedido el creador de Fuller House
Warner ha despedido a Jeff Franklin, creador y showrunner de Fuller House. No ha sido acusado de acoso por ningún miembro del equipo, pero fue investigado a raíz de una carta en la que guionistas y otros trabajadores se quejaban de sus comentarios sobre su propia vida sexual o de que se llevaba a las citas al trabajo y a veces les ofrecía pequeños papeles.
Renovaciones de series
Amazon ha renovado Lore por una segunda temporada
Comedy Central ha renovado Corporate por una segunda temporada
Syfy ha renovado The Magicians por una cuarta temporada
Showcase ha renovado Travelers por una tercera temporada
Cancelaciones de series
FOX ha cancelado Wayward Pines tras su segunda temporada
BBC Three ha cancelado Murder in Successville tras su tercera temporada
Incorporaciones y fichajes de series
Clara Lago (Ocho apellidos vascos, Al final del túnel) protagonizará la dramedia Playing Dead, en fase de piloto para The CW, sobre una estafadora que pide a su ex (Tyler Ritter; The McCarthys, Arrow) que le ayude a fingir su muerte para huir de la mafia. Les acompaña Luke Youngblood (Galavant, Community).
Jessica Alba (Fantastic Four, Sin City) protagonizará el spin-off de Bad Boys junto a Gabrielle Union. Será Nancy McKenna, compañera en la policía de Los Ángeles de Syd Burnett (Union).
Gina Rodriguez (Jane the Virgin) será la novia de Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) en la quinta temporada de Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
Josh Stewart (Shooter, Dirt), Floriana Lima (Supergirl, The Family) y Giorgia Whigham (Scream, 13 Reasons Why) se unen a la segunda temporada de The Punisher. Serán Josh Pilgrim, la psicoterapeuta Krista Dubois y Amy Bendix.
Adam Scott (Ed), Iain Armitage (Ziggy), James Tupper (Nathan) y Jeffrey Nordling (Gordon) también estarán en la segunda temporada de Big Little Lies.
Bebe Neuwirth retomará su papel de juez Claudia Friend (The Good Wife) en la segunda temporada de The Good Fight.
Maya Thurman-Hawke (Little Women) se une como regular a la tercera temporada de Stranger Things. Será Robin, una joven aburrida de la rutina que busca algo de emoción en su vida y, sin duda, lo encuentra.
Betty Gabriel (Westworld, Get Out) se une como recurrente a la segunda temporada de Counterpart. Será Naya Temple, antigua agente del FBI recientemente contratada por la oficina.
Denis Leary (Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll, Rescue Me) será recurrente como Billy, el padre de Deran (Jake Weary), en la tercera temporada de Animal Kingdom.
Elena Kampouris (American Odyssey, My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2) protagonizará Sacred Lies. Será Minnow Bly, una joven sin manos que escapa de una secta. Kevin Carroll (The Leftovers, The Catch) será el doctor Wilson, psicólogo forense. Kiana Madeira y Ryan Robbins (The Killing, Arrow) serán la compañera en detención juvenil y el padre de Minnow.
Brett Tucker (The Americans, Mistresses) participará en varios episodios de Station 19. Se desconocen detalles.
Olivia Sandoval (Fargo, Medium) participará en varios episodios de For The People interpretando a Celia Chavez, asistente judicial.
Amanda Payton (Animal Kingdom) se une como regular a la segunda temporada de Trial & Error.
Mercedes Mason (Fear The Walking Dead) será la capitana Zoe Andersen en The Rookie.
Lorenza Izzo (Feed the Beast) será recurrente en la cuarta y última temporada de Casual como Tathiana, una amiga que Laura (Tara Lynne Barr) hizo viajando.
Dawn Olivieri (Heroes, House of Lies) será recurrente en SEAL Team como Amy Nelson, nuevo interés amoroso de Jason (David Boreanaz).
Patti LaBelle (American Horror Story, Daytime Divas) será recurrente en la tercera temporada de Greenleaf como Maxine Patterson, amiga de la universidad de Mae (Lynn Whitfield).
Emma Appleton (Clique) y Luke Treadaway (Fortitude) protagonizarán Jersusalem. Serán Feef Symonds, una joven que acepta espiar a su propio gobierno para los americanos en 1945, y su amante americano.
Mamadou Athie (The Get Down, The Detour) y Kelly Marie Tran (Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi) se unen a la dramedia de Facebook Watch protagonizada Elizabeth Olsen, que se titulará Sorry For Your Loss.
Chosen Jacobs (It, Hawaii Five-0) será recurrente en Castle Rock como Wendell Deaver, hijo de Henry (Andre Holland).
Joy Bryant (Parenthood) será recurrente en la cuarta temporada de Ballers como una exitosa abogada y madre de una futura estrella del fútbol.
Gabriel Chavarria (East Los High) y Jessica Garza (Six) protagonizarán Purge. Serán dos hermanos, él marine y ella miembro de una secta.
Laine Neil será recurrente en Strange Angel como Patty, medio hermana de Susan (Bella Heathcote).
Faith Ford (Corky), Joe Regalbuto (Frank) y Grant Shaud (Miles) también volverán al revival de Murphy Brown.
John Magaro (Crisis in Six Scenes, Orange Is the New Black) se une como regular a The Umbrella Academy. Será Leonard Peabody, interés amoroso de Vanya (Ellen Page).
Rhyon Nicole Brown (Lincoln Heights) y Porscha Coleman serán recurrentes en la cuarta temporada de Empire como la hija de Poundcake (Da'Vine Joy Randolph) y la prima de Porsha (Ta'Rhonda Jones).
Pósters de series
    Nuevas series
Sarah Wayne Callies (Prison Break, The Walking Dead), Shawn Doyle (The Expanse, Big Love), Camille Sullivan (The Disappearance, The Man in the High Castle) y Michael Shanks (Saving Hope, Stargate SG-1) protagonizarán Unspeakable, miniserie de CBC y SundanceTV  sobre la llegada del VIH y la hepatitis C a Canadá en los años ochenta. Creada por Robert C. Cooper (Stargate: Atlantis, Dirk Gently) y basada en los libros 'Bad Blood' de Vic Parsons y 'The Gift of Death' de Andre Picard.
Luz verde directa en Apple a diez episodios de un thriller psicológico escrito por Tony Basgallop (Berlin Station, 24: Live Another Day) y producido por M. Night Shyamalan (The Village, Unbreakable). Se desconocen detalles de la trama.
Reese Witherspoon (Big Little Lies) y Kerry Washington (Scandal) protagonizarán y producirán una miniserie adaptación de Little Fires Everywhere, la novela de Celeste Ng sobre un pueblo dividido tras la adopción de una niña china. Escribe Liz Tigelaar (Casual, Bates Motel).
BBC Studios prepara The Watch (seis episodios), basada en la saga de novelas Discworld de Terry Pratchett. Adaptación escrita por Simon Allen (The Musketeers).
Netflix ha encargado Jinn, su primera serie árabe. Es un thriller sobrenatural sobre un grupo de adolescentes que deben detener a una figura espiritual, que se les ha aparecido en Petra, antes de que destruya el mundo. Seis episodios.
Fechas de series
La segunda temporada de Ransom se estrena en Global el 7 de abril
La novena temporada de Archer llega a FXX el 25 de abril
Tráilers de series
Cloak & Dagger
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larryland · 7 years
(Pittsfield, MA) Barrington Stage Company (BSC), the award-winning theatre in Downtown Pittsfield, MA under the leadership of Artistic Director Julianne Boyd and Managing Director Michele Weathers, presents The Creative Place International/And Theatre Company production of Kunstler by Jeffrey Sweet, from May 18 through June 10 at the St. Germain Stage at the Sydelle and Lee Blatt Performing Arts Center (36 Linden Street). Opening night is May 21 at 3:00pm.
  Directed by Meagan Fay, Kunstler stars BSC veteran Jeff McCarthy (BSC’s Broadway Bounty Hunter, All My Sons, Sweeney Todd) as the self-described “radical lawyer” and civil rights activist, William Kunstler and Erin Roché (BSC debut) as the whip-smart student who opposes him.  The colorful, perpetually rumpled defense lawyer whose best-known clients include the Chicago Seven, inmates involved in the Attica prison riots, and members of the American Indian Movement, makes a case for his often unconventional style, in this wise and revealing play. 
An American Civil Rights pioneer and attorney so famous he played himself on “Law & Order,” William Kunstler’s career defending “social outcasts” was as colorful as the man himself. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the ACLU from 1964 – 1972, he gained prominence serving as defense attorney for the Freedom Riders and the Chicago Seven as well as members of the Black Panther Party, Attica Prison rioters, the American Indian Movement, and Weather Underground. As an attorney in private practice in NYC, he continued to court headlines with controversial clients, from defending Omar Abdel-Rahman for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing to notorious mafia figures like John Gotti.
  The production is designed by James Fenton (sets), Elivia Bovenzi (costumes), Betsy Adams (lights), and Will Severin (sound). Production stage manager is Mary Jane Hansen.
  On May 20 following the 7:30pm performances there will be a special post-show (at 9:00pm) talk-back with playwright Jeffrey Sweet, who will discuss the process of writing Kunstler. Artistic Director Julianne Boyd will moderate.
BSC’s popular Conversations With… series kicks off June 3 at 1pm with Conversations With…Karin Kunstler: An Up-Close Portrait of Her Father, William Kunstler, which will be moderated by Artistic Director Julianne Boyd.
  While all Conversations With… events are free, reservations are highly recommended.  All seating is general admission. Call the Box Office at 413-236-8888.
Kunstler performances: Tuesday through Saturday at 7:30pm; Thursday, Saturday and Sunday at 3:00pm. St. Germain Stage at the Sydelle and Lee Blatt  Performing Arts Center (36 Linden Street). Tickets: $15-$48. Barrington Stage Box Office: (413) 236-8888 or online at www.barringtonstageco.org.  
Jeff McCarthy as William Kunstler. Photo: Carol Rosegg
Jeff McCarthy (Kunstler) At BSC: Broadway Bounty Hunter, Man of La Mancha, Southern Comfort, All My Sons, Sweeney Todd, Follies, Mack & Mabel and a staged reading of Kunstler. Jeff recently starred Off-Broadway in Kunstler at 59E59 Theater. Broadway: Chicago (Billy Flynn), Urinetown (Lockstock), The Grinch Who… (Grinch), The Pirate Queen (Dubdhara), Side Show (Terry), Beauty and the Beast (Beast), Smile (Big Bob), Zorba (Niko), The Pirates of Penzance (Pirate King). L.A.: Les Misérables (Javert), The Three Sisters (Vershinin), A Little Night Music (Frederick), City of Angels (Stone). Off Broadway: Southern Comfort (Public Theater), Sympathetic Magic (Second Stage), Dream True (Vineyard), On the 20th Century (York). Regional: My Fair Lady (Guthrie), Kunstler (Hudson Stage), Fox on the Fairway (Signature Theater), Mame (Kennedy Center), Oliver! (Arena Stage), The Price and The Front Page (Long Wharf), Buried Child and Pantegleize (ACT, San Francisco), A Lie of the Mind (Denver Center). International: Iphenigia in Aulis (Athens Theater Center), Lady Be Good (La Fenice, Italy) TV: “Elementary”, “The Good Wife”, “Schweitzer” (title role), “Letterman”, “Love Monkey,” “Star Trek: TNG” and “Voyager,” “Ed,” “Law & Order(s),” “Cheers,” “Designing Women,” “L.A. Law,” “In the Heat of the Night.” Film: Starting Out in the Evening, Consent, RoboCop 2, Eve of Destruction, Rapid Fire, Cliffhanger. Jeff is the voice of the great Chuck Jones’ creation, Michigan J. Frog.
  Erin Roché (Kerry) is thrilled to be making her BSC debut! Regional credits include: All’s Well That End’s Well, Othello,Two Gentlemen of Verona, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Winter’s Tale, Pygmalion (The Old Globe), Heist!, Post Wave Spectacular (Humana Festival at Actors Theatre of Louisville), Henry IV, pts. I & II (Actors’ Shakespeare Project), Done (Providence Black Repertory). Television: Forever (ABC). Training: BA, Brown University. MFA, Old Globe/University of San Diego.
Jeffrey Sweet (Playwright) plays include The Value of Names, The Action Against Sol Schumann, Bluff, Flyovers, American Enterprise, and Court-Martial at Fort Devens — have been presented in Chicago, New York and around the country. Awards include prizes from the American Theatre Critics Association, the Jeff Award, the Audelco Award, and an Outer Critics Circle Award. Books include Something Wonderful Right Away (about Second City), The O’Neill (about the O’Neill Center), The Dramatist’s Toolkit and What Playwrights Talk About When They Talk About Writing. He is a member of the Dramatists Guild and EST and is an alum of New DramatistsMeagen Fay (Director) is a multiple Jeff Award-winning Best Actress (Chicago’s The Second City), as well as A Day in the Death of Joe Egg (Court Theater), who has appeared on and off Broadway, and been a regular on countless TV series, and films. Meagen can currently be seen as regular, and recurring regular on “Transparent” (Amazon), “Good Girls Revolt” (Amazon), and “Shrink” (Seeso). Meagen is an LA Critics Award winning director of Private Stories Public Schools, and Future Boyfriend (Los Angeles SCi-Fest.) Meagen first directed Kunstler for the New York Fringe Festival in 2014.
  Barrington Stage Company is a professional award-winning Equity regional theatre located in the heart of the Berkshires, in Pittsfield, MA.  It was co-founded in 1995 by Artistic Director Julianne Boyd and has a three-fold mission: to present top-notch, compelling work; to develop new plays and musicals; and to find fresh, bold ways of bringing new audiences into the theatre—especially young people. Barrington Stage garnered national attention in 2004 when it premiered William Finn and Rachel Sheinkin’s musical hit The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee which later transferred to Broadway where it won two Tony Awards. In 2009, Mark St. Germain’s Freud’s Last Session ran more than ten weeks on Stage 2 and later moved Off Broadway and played for two years. St. Germain’s Becoming Dr. Ruth (which premiered at BSC as Dr. Ruth, All the Way in 2012) played Off Broadway at the Westside Theatre in fall 2013. BSC’s all-time record-breaking musical, On the Town, was originally produced at BSC in 2013.  In 2014, it opened on Broadway with BSC as a co-producer, where it was nominated for four Tony Awards including Best Musical Revival.  In 2016, Barrington Stage swept the​ first Annual Berkshire Theatre Awards by winning 20 out of the 25 awards.  In 2016, BSC produced three World Premieres; Presto Change-O, Broadway Bounty Hunter, and American Son, which won the Laurents/Hatcher Award for Best New Play.
Barrington Stage Presents Jeff McCarthy in “Kunstler” (Pittsfield, MA) Barrington Stage Company (BSC), the award-winning theatre in Downtown Pittsfield, MA under the leadership of Artistic Director Julianne Boyd and Managing Director Michele Weathers, presents…
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