#jp refs
sang8262 · 1 year
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some extra JP illusts from the companion website, over on https://www.streetfighter.com/6/buckler/en/minigame?status=login
..and more specifically,
these assets were from https://www.streetfighter.com/6/buckler/assets/images/praise/fighter/jp/face1.png
i knew these would get corrupt on twitter cause they're transparent! but i can post them here no prob
these images also gets used in the backgrounds of yohr unlockable title cards, so I'm glad i could get these without a bunch of text covering them
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myiayse · 7 days
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bwakla · 1 year
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all saints street
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wait when has yoko mentioned it was one sided :OOO srry im a bit new to the fandom has this been verified?
Don't worry about being new, anon! However, the fact you happen not to know this is.... Interesting to me. (as in it may be indicative of how certain quotes are presented)
Here's the full infamous "immoveable heterosexuality" passage from Philip Norman's John Lennon: The Life (2008):
As mild and oblique as the comment* was, it seemed to cut John to the heart. On top of the questionnaire inside the McCartney album and the lawsuit, it was like the tipping point between a divorcing couple that turns love into savage, no-holds-barred hostility. Indeed, John’s wounded anger was more that of an ex-spouse than ex-colleague, reinforcing a suspicion already in Yoko’s mind that his feelings for Paul had been far more intense than the world at large ever guessed. From chance remarks he had made, she gathered there had even been a moment when—on the principle that bohemians should try everything— he had contemplated an affair with Paul, but had been deterred by Paul’s immovable heterosexuality. Nor, apparently, was Yoko the only one to have picked up on this. Around Apple, in her hearing, Paul would sometimes be called John’s Princess. She had also once heard a rehearsal tape with John’s voice calling out “Paul … Paul …” in a strangely subservient, pleading way. “I knew there was something going on there,” she remembers. “From his point of view, not from Paul’s. And he was so angry at Paul, I couldn’t help wondering what it was really about.”
*referring to the lyrics "That was your first mistake / You took your lucky break and broke it in two" from Paul's song Too Many People
Caveat: Yoko does not know everything and obviously had a much better window into John's feelings than Paul's, but I struggle to understand why she would make this specific point if she believed Paul had reciprocated. It's not clear to me what chance remarks John actually made so it's possible that if he for example just said "Nothing happened" Yoko then concluded Paul didn't feel the same way. A lot is possible here, since we don't know what John said that indicated this to her.
(Also it's strange to me how the immoveable heterosexuality line is sometimes talked about as if Paul is the originator of that phrase. Either Yoko or (IMO more likely) Philip Norman coined that.)
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coro-sg · 3 months
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Batch of older drawings of Puzzle Branch, some related to HOC some not
(Also, I know stuff about Azran was like a class in MM so pretend the area Des grew up in didn’t have anything about it 😭)
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jichanxo · 6 months
you can try to change, but all you've done is put yourself in a new box.
(png versions below the cut)
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i think my personal favourite of them is the newspaper! none of the boxes are really straight because i eyeballed everything, but i did abuse the colour picker on my reference photos rest assured
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1v1jc · 2 years
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S0 rivals for tumblr user @millenniummmbop happy birthday babygirl 🥳
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maxtothemax · 2 months
okay i'm reading something for my literary theory class rn and it's giving me Thoughts about why the passage of time in max ride is so fucking jarring. i don't think that what i'm about to say is anything that others haven't pointed out about MR before, but i do think that it situates james patterson's writing within a larger literary tradition, SO!
the russian literary scholar mikhail bakhtin uses this term called "adventure-time" (i know, bear with me) to describe a particular style of time passage in novels (particularly in the genre of the greek romance, but it's applicable elsewhere). basically, adventure-time is a form of story-time outside of the "realistic" passage of time, where a bunch of different things happen to the characters that 1) have no impact on their character development, and 2) would realistically take up the duration of years in their life, but by the end of the story, the characters basically haven't aged. a good modern example of this concept is pokemon: ash ketchum has been ten years old for 20+ years, but because the story of pokemon takes place in "adventure-time," he experiences several lifetimes' worth of adventures and never ages.
similarly, maximum ride seems to take place in adventure-time. over the course of nine books, max and the flock only age roughly about one year. their adventures happen in this compressed story timeframe that has no relation to real-world time. others have noticed this; it's not a particularly new thought. adventure-time isn't uncommon in literature, though - these days, a good number of stories for kids in particular take place with this kind of nebulous time-frame (see again: pokemon). since it dates back to greek antiquity, it's a common way to conceptualize story-time.
HOWEVER. another attribute of adventure-time, as it's used in the greek romance, is that it lacks any references to real historical time. basically, any greek romance should be able to be read as though it's taking place in the reader's time, even if it was written 300 years earlier. nothing should jar the reader out of the sense that the story is taking place in adventure-time. (this used to be a lot more common in storytelling, and i feel like it's fallen out of favor because of the specificity of technology in different eras these days - it's hard to write a story now with any technology that feels truly timeless, but i digress.)
as others have pointed out, max's narration mentions markers of time and pop culture references that date the books very specifically. for example, in the second book (published around 2006), ari steals a gameboy from a department store; then, in the 7th (?) book, it mentions that it's 2010, but the flock have only aged about one year since the beginning of the series. by 2010, you likely wouldn't be able to buy a gameboy in a department store, and those are the types of chronological dissonances that readers absolutely latch onto (see: the entire history of the maximum ride fandom).
SO BASICALLY: maximum ride is doing this really weird thing where it's trying to take place in adventure-time (which requires readers to not think too hard about the passage of time), while also inserting very specific references that almost force readers to think about chronological time. if these specific references were taken out, i'd bet that readers would have an easier time excusing the sheer amount of events that supposedly take place within a single year of the flock's life, because nothing in the narration itself would prompt them to think about it.
anyway. james patterson doesn't understand adventure-time. thanks for coming to my tedtalk.
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fruix-collective · 2 months
all these headmates…. ALLLLLL THESE HEADMATES….. and only 2 can front correctly :,)
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sadistpet · 3 months
headcanon that isnt a headcanon because it is canon :
raikov has a butterfly specimen collection ! he loves collecting beautiful dead things ^-^ when he's not ykno. eating them. if you find a pretty bug and give it to him you might just get in his good graces ( small success rate, he will probably just yell at you for handling it wrong / touching it at all )
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akkivee · 2 years
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it’s just!!!!!!!!! really neat to see them in the og solos art style!!!!!!!!!!
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sang8262 · 11 months
JP rambles: default outfit and character design edition
cause i asked about his character design and now I'M thinking about it, also im procrastinating so i have thoughts here goes
mostly about his default outfit, with a tiny bit about outfit 2 at the end. I already know this is going to be a needlessly long post lmao
TL;DR - JP is inspired by playing cards, bartitsu, and vampires/bats. he's a poker faced gentleman through n through
~~also minor spoiler warning for World Tour things, such as having JP as a Master and getting to max level skills/ bond with him~~
This is a safe space and I will be HONEST: I didn't like his default look a lot at first, but I've since warmed up to it!! I still use his outfit 2 (color 10) online tho. I speed ran World Tour for that, I have suffered, and I WILL enjoy it.
Anyway, it was once I realized he has thematic ties to playing cards that really made his default design make sense to me. First, some proof that he takes inspiration from playing cards to begin with.
Once you get Master Skill level in World Tour mode, everyone gets a little cutscene movie featuring their skills, archetypes/ titles, and ends with a quote commemorating your achievements as their student.
JP's starts off like this, with a bunch of playing cards with his name on them falling down the screen:
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(also, btw, where we get more of that bat imagery, but i'll get back to that later)
This is what made it click for me and made it really obvious why his name is stylized the way it is, using the font it uses. His name reads the same way right side up as it is upside down, and looks very much like how the values are printed on these cards.
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Then, the video includes several 'titles' for each character. Some of these get used in other promotional material too, but JP's are as follows:
King of No Country
High-Rolling Pretender
Gentlemanly Tyrant
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In which, again, the poker/ gambling references show up with the phrase "high-rolling", or "king" of no country.
And final proof, is that each Master in World Tour can be given gifts that they will react to in unique ways, and also receive extra bond points for. Sometimes they're things the character likes, or really hates: it's just what gets an interesting reaction out of them.
JP (unfortunately) only has one such gift item he has special dialogue for: antique playing cards.
Although his reaction to them are... less than positive (he literally calls them 'trash'), he also points out how old cards can't be used to play actual games, as it is against the rules.
Within the game's universe, it shows that he cares, or at least knows enough about cards to even have these notable responses to them. Considering it outside the game, the devs specifically decided to make his special World Tour gift a set of Antique Playing Cards, instead of any other item. They wanted to make this connection between him and cards for a reason.
So to me, I think this is a lot of evidence that shows a clear and intentional relationship between JP's character design and playing cards.
In retrospect, I honestly think he does look like the face cards quite a bit lmao. The white hair and beard + mustache, the cravat, the colors too (really strong orange/ red, paired with gold and that bit of marble on his cane), and the cane paralleling a scepter/ sword.
Speaking of, more about the cane: the devs had an interview answering fan questions, and at one point they explain the inspiration for JP. I'll link the video here with the timestamp for this question:
But basically they say they wanted to have a character use a cane, and cites bartitsu/ Sherlock Holmes as well. So, even if they worked backwards from 'cane', all the way to 'gentlemanly tyrant who likes chess puzzles and launders money through fighting game tournaments', I think they made it work well with the playing cards aesthetic too!
Finally, I'll go back to the bat imagery that I think is pretty interesting.
Parts of his design subtly incorporate bats, such as his brooch on the default costume:
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And more directly in his alt costume 2, seen on his buttons and coat pattern:
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And I have to imagine the brooch on his default outfit is somewhat invoking of a bat (with wings and large ears) because of his WT skill Mastery video having a giant BAT in the middle of the screen. I also thought it might be in reference to the Shadaloo organization symbol, which is a skull with wings.
Then even further from the comics, Kalima-- his assistant while organizing the fighting tournament in Nayshall-- warns Luke that JP is like a "vampire who will suck this country dry". The vampire analogy just works so beautifully with how he works as a criminal, not to mention the other aesthetic associations with it.
All in all, I really REALLY love JP's personality and whole modus operandi as a character and villain so greatly in his design. I definitely also feel that his outfit 2 isn't nearly as symbolism laden as his default one, but I am a sucker for formal wear and suits, so I am just, in love. Plus the subtler nods to his bat/vampire-ness is there, if only very minimally.
Edit: noticing this as I literally posted this AH. But also on the playing cards from his WT skill video, it has two different faces, it has both the Jack (or possibly King...) and the Joker:
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It continues to add to his duality/ hidden true nature/ deceiver type character so much, it's perfect. And of course, with his name, or pseudonyms starting with "J". So either Jack or Joker works perfectly. I mean literally, he isn't the king of any country... but he'll still bring it to ruin all the same.
Edit #2: omg i keep remembering things i meant to add thank you adhd very cool
BUT, in the original Japanese version of the Mastery skill video, his titles are SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT. As is the Korean translation, which is a more direct translation of the Japanese one than the English is.
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'So "King of No Country" was originally also: "No-Life King of a Ruined Country"
And turns out, doing some good ol' googling, that 'no-life king' has some established meanings to it:
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Basically, it's related to other media including vampires, undead, monsters, so I'm guessing 'no-life' is closer in meaning to 'immortal', having no natural lifespan rather.
So yeah, even more references to vampirism for ya
but aNYWAY,, Thanks for reading my silly observations!!
I think I got pretty much everything but if there's anything I didn't mention or something to add please please do, I love reading replies and the tags (this site's so much better for this kinda stuff lmao)
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The species of grass lilies are specifically Ornithogalum umbellatum
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moogghost · 2 years
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hi so i do plan on digitalizing. both of these later for accuracy's sake and bc i might change some details but here are jp and saxen's new refs <3 with added details of their stationery powers
if it seems like there's a theme with my main los having sharp/metal teeth no there isn't (lying)
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“One time, we were worried that Gerry and the Pacemakers were going to be “the ones” to do it. In fact, John and I bought a lot of Mersey Beats when there. Figured, well, we’re allowed to. Because we wanted badly to win that poll. We felt it was, like, that would make the difference, whichever group “made it.”” – Paul McCartney, fall 1980
from All You Need Is Love (2024) by Peter Brown and Steven Gaines
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lcpmon · 6 months
i have too many tabs open rn and its frying my brain but i genuinely need most of these bc if i bookmark them ill forget where to find them
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