#julius pike
alchemisticramblings · 2 months
marcellus in Fyre, probably:
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...marcellus asked calmly
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Julius Pike, after revealing Castle Secret #23948: You guys are all idiots! Why don't you know any of this?! Marcia: You? Julius Pike: ...
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lovelyisadora · 25 days
Alther and marcellus r friends <3 alther isn't 100% abt alchemy but its been nearly 10 years and also this marcellus got proof that the alchemy disaster wasn't his fault so that whole thing isn't an issue. Tbh if I'm being honest this whole au was kind of an excuse for background marcellus/alther. So that's kind of a thing. Marcia hates it more than anything bc marcellus is her sort-of-parental-figure, sort-of-sibling-idk-its-complicated (who based basically everything he did for her especially when she was younger off what he'd have done for his sisters. And their mother being etheldredda... Yeag) and alther is The Coolest Person On Earth. So obviously this can't be a thing. She finds them kissing in the library and yells at them
Oh my god Marcia and her dads…. She finds them kissing in the library and kicks Marcellus in the shin because she never needs an excuse to kick him in the shin but now she has one
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Welcome to the Roman Senate in the late republic! Here you'll join such upstanding gents as:
War Criminal With Great Hair
Eel Enthusiast
Professional Conspirator
Guy Who Gets Elected And Refuses To Do Anything
Crossdressing Mob Boss
Too Many Names Starting With C
Stray Pigeon
Vestal Devirginizer
No Shirt No Shoes
Three Identical Consuls Named Marcellus
Mr. Bean
War Criminal With No Hair
Aspiring Arsonist
Fist-Fighting Necromancer
Chair That Killed A Guy (don't worry, it's just a backbencher)
Amateur Conspirator
A Second Julius Caesar Who's Surprisingly Normal
Literal Cherry Picker
Streaking Alcoholic
19-Year-Old Mass Murderer In Platform Heels
A Secret Fourth Marcellus
Guy Who Secretly Wears Pants (weirdo)
Your Own Personal Blood Feud
Head On Pike (we can't remember whose)
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youcouldmakealife · 2 days
SOTM: Robbie, Playoff Willy, various Scouts; pull yourself up by the jockstrap
For the prompt: A little more of Robbie's time with the Scouts - Cup party, with the Tweedles and Willy, maybe Julius & Erin. Your choice - just more of that.
(I'm not here, but the tumblr queue is! Well. Probably.)
“Now, I know I have no right to talk about maturity,” Robbie says, then promptly ducks the jock that comes flying at him, the rest of his message going undelivered.
“No throwing shit at teammates’ heads during playoffs!” Playoff Willy yells.
“It wouldn’t hit him in the head if he wasn’t so short!” Bender says. “I misjudged!”
“Misjudging is not acceptable during playoffs!” Playoff Willy says. Robbie wants to write a book of his sayings. Like Sun Tzu but for maladjusted athletes who don’t know how to lose. Which is pretty much all pro athletes, in Robbie’s experience, so it might even sell.
Robbie nudges at the limp jock with his socked foot. It looks sad. Defeated, even. “Bro, when was the last time you replaced this?”
Bender looks to Playoff Willy, like he’s waiting for Robbie to get yelled at, though Robbie’s pretty sure Playoff Willy cares a hell of a lot less about feelings than he does about potential head injuries. Or like — anything. The only feelings Playoff Willy cares about are like, motivation. And probably bloodlust.
“Pike has a point,” Playoff Willy says. “That shit is falling apart.”
“But I wore it in!” Bender says. “None of the other ones fit right.”
Robbie pokes it a little further from him. The visitor’s room floor is sketchy as fuck, but he doesn’t think he can do the thing any damage at this point.
The elastic snaps. Well, snaps is a strong word. The elastic’s too damn worn for that, so it’s less a dramatic death and more feebly giving up on the last thread of life remaining.
“Whoops,” Robbie says. Maybe he should have considered that the thing was an antique before he started poking at it.
“Willy, look what he did!” Bender says. “That was my lucky jock!”
“How lucky can it be when we just lost the game?” Playoff Willy growls.
Bender is, thankfully, smart enough to realize that’s a rhetorical question.
“Still up a game, Playoff Willy,” Money says, and Playoff Willy shoots him a glare, but doesn’t say anything.
Robbie’s still impressed that Money’s got the balls to call him Playoff Willy to his face, and even more impressed that Playoff Willy lets him. Everybody knows Money is his favorite, but as the playoffs have gone on, that seems to buy less and less leeway. Money told him from the get-go that the longer the playoff run, the worse Playoff Willy got. Robbie didn’t really believe him, or maybe didn’t want to, but he’s got to say, Playoff Willy during the Conference Finals is a whole different beast than the first round. Emphasis on beast, there. If he mauled someone Robbie wouldn’t even be surprised. Unless they were playing well, he guesses.
Thankfully, Robbie’s been doing okay for himself, shutting down the guys he needs to shut down, so he’s also currently in Playoff Willy’s good books, at least enough that he doesn’t fear mauling.
“I’ve had that for eight years,” Bender moans.
“That’s fucking gross, dude,” Robbie says. “Genuinely. I did you a favor.”
Bender throws a glove at him. Thankfully, it doesn’t appear to have been around for two presidential terms.
“If I have to leave next game because I got nut shot, that’s on you, Pike,” Bender says.
“Bro, if you go onto the ice without a jock Playoff Willy will cup check you himself,” Robbie says.
He winces, but either Playoff Willy didn’t notice the slip, or Robbie’s earned even more grace than he thought.
“He isn’t wrong,” Playoff Willy says. “Normally I wouldn’t, since it’s a chickenshit play, and an auto major, but I don’t think they really care if it’s your own teammate.”
“Refs won’t give a shit,” Scratch says. “Social media probably won’t shut up about how he slept with your wife, though.”
“I can make it look like an accident,” Playoff Willy says. Robbie does not doubt him even a little.
His brow furrows a moment later. “I don’t have a wife,” he says, sounding almost unsure.
That would be kind of suspicious, but Robbie’s learned that’s just how Playoff Willy talks about anything non-hockey related, like first he has to go consult with normal Willy, who’s being held hostage somewhere inside him.
“That could not matter less to idiots on twitter,” Scratch says.
“Last round they said I slept with your wife,” Money says.
“Why did you sleep with my wife?” Playoff Willy asks, then, after checking with kidnapped Willy again, “You’re openly gay.”
“Like I said,” Scratch says. “Could not care less about your actual relationship status. Or sexuality, apparently.”
“Scratch is still mad about it,” Joey says.
“I’m not mad about it,” Scratch says. “I just think people should do basic—“
“I fixed it!” Bender says. “I fixed it, guys! All it needed was a little super glue.”
Robbie has such a bad feeling about this. Bender’s honestly lucky his balls have survived this long: that elastic was literally holding on by a thread.
“You don’t want kids, right?” Robbie asks.
“Oh yeah,” Bender says. “Not quite yet, but Lacey and I are—“
“Oh, give me that fucking thing,” Playoff Willy says.
Super glue isn’t going do shit to save Bender’s jock after Playoff Willy and a pair of scissors get through with it.
“Have some respect for your testicles,” Playoff Willy hisses, and then marches the remains of Bender’s jock to the trash can.
That one's an instant classic. Robbie is adding it to the book of Playoff Willy for sure.
“That’s one for the book of Willy,” Harvard says. Obviously Robbie didn’t need telling, but he does appreciate that it’s becoming a collaborative effort.
“Hah,” Robbie says. “Testicles.”
“Willy,” Harvard agrees.
“What are you two giggling about?” Playoff Willy growls.
“Nothing,” they chorus, ducking their heads so they don’t accidentally meet Playoff Willy’s eyes. That’s a mistake Robbie isn’t making again.
“It was so comfortable,” Bender mumbles. “Like wearing nothing at all.”
“Yeah, buddy, we know,” Scratch says. “That was kind of the problem.”
“So comfy,” Bender whispers.
Robbie’s never been to a funeral for a jock before, but he guesses there’s a first time for everything.
“R.I.P.,” Money says. “Like rest in peace. Not like rip. Though that is what you did.”
“Before getting hacked to pieces by a madman,” Scratch says.
“May you find peace and serenity in—“
“What the fuck are you guys doing?” Playoff Willy says.
“Scatter!” Money says, and they all flee. Well, Robbie doesn’t. Not because he doesn’t want to, but he’s fucking exhausted. Plus, he blocked a shot last game, and anything faster than an amble makes his leg throb like a bitch.
“What the fuck were they doing?” Playoff Willy asks.
“Funeral for the jock we murdered,” Robbie says. Well, Robbie’s crime was jockslaughter at most, but that’s not important.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Playoff Willy says, then bows his head, eyes closed. He doesn’t move for a good minute, and Robbie’s shifting uncomfortably, wondering if he's finally snapped just like the jock did, and if getting Money will help or just make it worse.
He startles when Willy speaks, murmuring, “Sorry I killed you.”
Presumably — hopefully — he’s talking to the jock, rather than saying it to Robbie just before he kills him. Robbie reminds himself he’s safe. He blocks shots.
“It was for his safety, and the greater good,” Playoff Willy says. “Thank you for your years of service.”
He opens his eyes then, and Robbie accidentally meets his eye.
Shit. He wasn’t supposed to do that. He doesn’t think he was supposed to see that either.
“I won’t tell anyone about this,” Robbie says.
Playoff Willy’e eyes narrow.
“Because there’s nothing to tell,” Robbie says.
“You’re a quick learner, Lombardi,” Playoff Willy says. “I like that about you.”
“I block shots too,” Robbie says, just to make sure Playoff Willy remembers his utility.
“You block shots too,” Playoff Willy murmurs, then nods to himself.
“Integral part of the team,” Robbie says, then, aware he’s over-selling it, he awkwardly shoots Playoff Willy two thumbs up.
Playoff Willy’s brow furrows, then, after a long consult with the normal Willy tied up in the basement of his brain, he gives Robbie two thumbs up back.
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crispysnake · 1 year
Hey again yall:) here is pt.2 for my Outfit Inspo Boards for my modern au!
Below are the dudes of vm! The gals are over here if you're interested:)
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Vax: Of course, I had to make him a balance of emo and slut, and he does so effortlessly. A lot of his flannels and sweaters are stuff he's owned since a little after they ran away, and a lot of his t-shirts (and the sheer ones...slut) and his jewelry are totally, 100% paid for, why do you ask? A little more focused on practicality, what he really cares about are the smaller details, always painting his nails to match Vexs, rings and necklaces from every place they've visited, and later on adding small colourful things to his outfits to match Keyleths (also 100% paid for)
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Grog: Similar to his best buddies he prioritizes being comfy, mainly because he is physically active 24/7, his version of dressing nice when they go out is genuinely just a glorified lumberjack outfit, but listen he needs layers because Pike or Keyleth usually ends up stealing his jacket by the end of the night ok??
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Percy: an obscene amount of collars and sweaters, let us pretend he doesn't dress how he does in canon and instead talk about how this man has owned that trenchcoat since high school. Jokes aside a lot of his sweaters were his father's and Julius's, some are thrifted courtesy of Keyleth, he just finds them the most comfortable, he likes being covered also she wear he coat. Addintionally he does have a gold pendant necklace that used to be Vespers and he has not taken it off ever.
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Scanlan: You know I had to hit him with the button-ups, he's father ok It had to be done. Other than those he specialized in band t-shirts, and almost all of them were ones he bought (or flirted his way into getting) at actual concerts and tours, which are also the same ones Pike regularly steals, if it were anyone else he would be a little more pissed cause those are expensive, but also... its Pike. Later on, when Kaylie is in the picture, he gives her all of his special band tees and talks way too long about the story behind each one.
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romeoandjulietyouwish · 7 months
Chapter 3: Waltz of the Snowflakes (The Nutcracker, presented by the Emon Ballet Company)
TW: discussion of abusive relationships, references to child abuse
The apartment that Percy, Keyleth, and Cassandra share is incredibly small.
When Cassandra moved in, she was given the smallest bedroom. Previously, it was only used for storage. Keyleth's box of old pointe shoes is still hidden under her bed.
Cassandra’s bed takes up most of the bedroom. It’s shoved into the corner, piled high with the blankets. The window never seems to close all the way so there's always a cold draft. There’s just enough room on the floor for Cassandra to sit and do stretches.
The walls are bare save for an old picture of her and her parents, a tapestry of a forest that Keyleth gave her, and a dirty mirror. Old pointe shoes are shoved half under the bed. Ribbons and lace are all over. Cassandra blames Minxie, the cat is obsessed with any type of string. Her closet is mostly filled with leotards and skirts and old dance costumes rather than her normal clothes.
When she left the Briarwoods, it had been a sudden decision. She had been afraid of losing her nerve or them finding out. As a result, she had to leave most of her possessions behind. Not that there were many to begin with.
Since she arrived, Keyleth and Pike seem to have made it their life’s mission to decorate her room. They’ve presented her with everything from quilts to little animal figurines to books. Cassandra has never been able to figure out how to properly thank them.
Sitting on her bed, Cassandra taps her fingernails against her mug of tea. Minxie is curled up at her feet, purring up a storm at the gentle scratches Cassandra provides. Laid out in front of her is an open textbook, her pen keeping her place. Her notebook is on her lap. The page is filled with her nearly incomprehensible handwriting.
Despite the fact that she already has a career in ballet, Percy is forcing her to get a high school diploma. It’s ridiculous in her opinion, she hasn’t been in school in three years. The Briarwoods thought her time would be better spent rehearsing and dancing. But since she’s a few months shy of turning eighteen, it’s up to Percy as her guardian. And Percy decided that her little free time was worth spending on online high school. Though she made her protests due at first, she’s come to realize there’s no point.
In the kitchen, she can hear Keyleth listening to festive music as she bakes cookies for rehearsal the next day. The apartment is filled with a wonderful aroma. Cassandra has half a mind to abandon her homework and go join Keyleth.
Percy stayed late at the studio to rehearse with Vex, and Keyleth won’t tell on her for not doing her homework. Cassandra has almost talked herself into it when something catches the corner of her eye.
She turns to look and her eyes widen in surprise.
Outside the window, all she can see is flurries of fluffy snow. Through it, the streetlights look magical, shining between the snowflakes. Snow lands heavily on the roads and sidewalks and the cars parked on the street. Even though it's dark outside, it almost seems like the sky is glowing.
Cassandra leans forward, almost pressing her face to the freezing glass. The smile that crosses her face is almost childlike, filled with joy and wonder. For the first time this winter, it finally feels like Winter’s Crest is near.
It might be her imagination, but snow looks better here than anywhere in the world.
“Cassandra, did you see the snow?” Keyleth calls, just as excited as Cassandra.
“Yeah!” She shouts back.
Cassandra curls her legs to her chest, leaning against the window. Her smile is more reflective now.
She can almost imagine that she’s back in Whitestone. She's sitting in the penthouse as her mother and Julius sing carols. She can almost hear herself begging Vesper or Percy to go outside with her and play in the snow.
Another memory tickles the edge of her mind, though not a happy one. Freezing cold snow landed on her shoulders as she heard the news. Percy’s hand was like ice in hers. Her tears turned to icicles on her cheeks.
The edges of her mind start to curl in on itself, like the burning edges of paper. Burning, burning, smoke and ash. Fouettee after fouettee, the world spinning around her. Never good enough. Blood and bruises and a stinging cheekbone. Smile, Cassandra, you need to keep smiling-
Minxie meows softly, stretching towards Cassandra. The cat headbutts her stomach, demanding her attention firmly. Taking a breath, Cassandra smiles and scratches the cat’s head.
continue reading on ao3 <3
tip jar
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ravenquing · 2 months
Thinking about family and about how it shapes you.
Thinking about friends and their connections.
Thinking about Vox Machina, the dysfunctional family that it was, and thinking about each members' individual families.
So here, take these family trees that are half-canon half-fanon.
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And some of my notes:
I headcanon that Syldor has a sister who he mistreated growing up, that he also used her to separate the twins at times by sending Vex to stay with his sister every once in a while
I headcanon that Elaina's surname is Heatherwood, her father being Tal'dorein while her mother is of half Wildemountian and half Marquesian descent
I headcanon that Vex's legal name after marrying Percy is Lady Vex'ahlia de Rolo Elaina Heatherwood to honour her late mother, but she goes by just Lady Vex'ahlia de Rolo in professional settings
I headcanon that members of the Ashari tribes typically don't have surnames - however, Keyleth would have taken Vax's surname, Heatherwood, had she been given the opportunity
I headcanon that Julius was actually moved out and married with children when the Briarwoods massacred the de Rolo family, that he and his family had been visiting Whitestone for Percy's birthday when the massacre occurred
I headcanon that Vesper was a lesbian and that she was courting a noblewoman from Marquet - her girlfriend never learned what happened to her, she only received a fake letter calling their relationship off after the de Rolo massacre had already happened
I headcanon that, sometime post campaign one, Kaylie and Cassandra got together and eventually got married
I headcanon that Vax'ildan de Rolo goes by Danny for the most part because he feels unworthy of his uncle's name - Vax would disagree
I headcanon that while Wilhand'ildan Trickfoot understands and respects his wild ass name, he goes by Wildan for shortness
I headcanon that Juniper and Wildan had decided to have different surnames so both of their parents felt recognised after Scanlan and Pike got divorced
I headcanon that Grog's mother didn't survive childbirth, being human, but that Grog probably wasn't told about this information
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💀 gimme your finest frights hc's please
When someone actually asks abt my FazFright HCs:
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Okayyy soo, idk where to start but let's go! (this took me like 3 fucking days)
-AU takes place in like 2012-2013 but sometimes there will be stuff from like 2014-2017(or even later) in there
-Umm so first I took insperation from your hurricane paranormal society thing so most of my Fazbear Frights are in some group/organization to discuss "weird" things that they've seen, heard or that have happend to them, Greg is the founder(?) ig, cause he started it some little blog thing and ppl started adding their own stories, so it basically became some online group thing, then they started meeting up irl
-Order that people joined in: Sarah, Oscar, Isaac, Raj, Millie, Reed, Toby, Tabitha, Pete, Julius, Devon, Kelsey and Oswald
-Greg Chapman is Native Hawaiian/Polynesian, he was born December 16th, 1997 and is 15yrs old,
He has a tan/brown skin tone like Carmen ltran (@carmenltran)’s,
complete heterochromia (left eye: blue, right eye: brown) and hooded eyes,
somewhat thin lips (darker upper lip),
a downturned nose, curve starts at the dorsal bridge,
12inch, thin 2A, honey blonde hair, has a choppy wolf cut with shaggy bangs kinda style (he did it himself, or at least he tried❤️),
5’7, slender + he has a lot of freckles across his cheeks and nose and on his body
Has BDD, MDD, and ASD/Autism (Undiagnosed)
Knows some Hawaiian, primarily knows/speaks English
Likes artists like Brent Faiyaz, Steve Lacy, Kali Uchis, Gorillaz, Mother Mother, I Monster, Jack Stauber, Lemon Demon, Will Wood, Tally Hall, Roar, Surf Curse, The Cardigans, TV Girl, Alex G, Mitski, bôa, Caravan Palace, Glass Animals, The Stokes, Radiohead, Hot Freaks, Two Door Cinema Club, Foster The People, Tommy Newport, Cage The Elephant, Tame Impala, Mac DeMarco, Men I trust, Maya Hawke, Eyedress, Wham!, The Cure, The White Stripes, Tears For Fears, The Clash, Queen, October Country, Kate Bush, Sohodolls, The Dresden Dolls, The Crane Wives, Harry Nilsson, Grover Washington, Jr., Marvin Gaye, Gloria Gaynor, Earth, Wind & Fire, etc.
Greg was a nervous wreck when he started the group I mean people could think he was crazy and he was meeting new, random people on the internet + when they planned to meet up he had to come up some sort of excuse for his dad for why all of a sudden he'd constantly be leaving the house, he'd use Hadi and Cyril as an excuse most of the time (even if they weren't talking that much anymore and he was kinda avoiding them) since if he said he had other friends his dad would probably give him a whole interrogation
He got a bonsai tree to take care of, it’s sort of a distraction but he still enjoys it, most of what he does is a distraction anyway
Still does yoga before bed and also still really into science
He likes a lot of "girly" or "childish" things like MLP, dolls, etc.
Kinda isolates himself now so usually stays in his room watching Musicals, trying to get into new books, listening to music, doing random stuff on his laptop, etc
He got into paranormal/supernatural stuff like contacting the dead after the incident (he mostly did it because he wanted to “contact” Kimberly)
He thinks of the “Fazbear Frights” group as a safe place
Has a tinyyy (huge) crush on Millie
-Sarah .G. Patel, her mom is Indian and her dad was Zimbabwean, born April 1st 1997, 15yrs,
Has a brown skin tone like Kiara Pike's
dark brown, slender/thin almond eyes
medium-thick, natural brows + slight unibrow
round, broad nose with a slight bump on the dosal bridge
wide, two-toned lips (darker upper lip, pinker lower lip), kinda prominent cupid’s bow
Dark chocolate brown, mid-length, thick, coiled, 4B afro
5’5, Chubby + has nose, cheek and body freckles and crooked teeth
Has BDD, Bulimia and HPD (Kind of aware abt the Bulimia, well she at least is kinda aware abt eating disorders)
Voice HC: Hollyhock (Aparna Nancherla) + can only speak English but she understands Hindi
Likes shows like: The Baby-Sitters Club (1995), The Breakfast Club, Welcome to the Dollhouse (1995), Heathers (1988), Carrie (1976), Jennifer's Body, Twilight/The Twilight Saga, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Percy Jackson
Likes artists like MARINA, Olivia Rodrigo, Katy Perry, Wonder Girls, Fifth Harmony, Ariana Grande, Beyoncé, Destiny's Child, Rhianna, Aaliyah, Amerie, Ciara, Estelle, TLC, Blaque, Brandy, Kali Uchis, Erykah Badu, WILLOW, Brent Faiyaz, Men I Trust, Eyedress, Tears For Fears, Kate Bush, Madonna, Blondie, etc.
Definitely gonna make her a Constance Blackwood and/or Sayori kinnie
TBB was some sort of fever dream or something, or at least that's what it seems like
She's a bit more closed off at school and home, mostly talks to the others at the FF group
She's friends(ig) with Oscar, Tabitha(H&S) and Greg
-Millie Liú Fitzsimmons, Millie’s mom is half Puerto Rican (has Spanish and Native American descent) and half Irish, and her dad is Chinese-American, Born April 28 1997, 15yrs old
Has a tan skin tone similar to Yve/Toad (@/froggyve)
12inch, soft black, thick 2C hair, often gets frizzy
dark brown, puffy, monolid eyes
medium-thin, arched brows
broad, downturned nose with a curve starting at the dorsal bridge (basically a broad, hooked nose?)
full, tan colored lips with a soft cupid's bow
5’3, Chubby and slightly curvy + has fang-like canines and dark blue braces with elastics
Wears black frame, semi-rimless, Ray-ban Clubmaster perscription glasses with a CosTimo/Weewooday glasses chain (cross or bat ones, mostly cross) + most of the time wears full gothic makeup
Has MDD and ASD/Autism (Undiagnosed)
Voice HC: Jobu Tupaki/Joy Wang (Stephanie Hsu) + Speaks English and her dad taught her Mandarin
Likes The Cramps, The Dresden Dolls, Jack Off Jill, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Rammstein, X Ray Spex, October Country, The Stooges, Bikini Kill, The Cure, The Runaways, Tears For Fears, Metallica, Nine Inch Nails, Talking Heads, Moi Dix Mois, Ghost, Fleetwood Mac, Charles Aznavour, MCR, I Monster, Le Tigre, Mother Mother, The Crane Wives, Sohodolls, Ladytron, MARINA, Queen, etc.
Probably watches/watched: The Breakfast Club, The Twilight Saga, Corpse Bride (2005), The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993), Edward Scissorhands (1990), Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007), Sleep, My Love (1948), Suspicion (1941), The Addams Family (1964-1999), Elvira: Mistress of the Dark (1988), Beetlejuice (1988), The Craft (1988), Carrie (1976), The Scream franchise, The Saw franchise, The Haunting (1963), Possession (1981), Poltergeist (1982), The Exorcist (1973), The Blair Witch Project (1999), Black Swan (2010), Suspiria (1977), The Ring (1998), etc.
Do I HC her to have crushes on most of the female characters? (especially Elvira) Yes.
-Reads books like Frankenstien (1818), The Vampyre (1819), Dracula (1897), Carmilla (1872), Great Expectations (1861), The Silence of the Lambs (1988), The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (1831), also a Brothers Grimm, Stephen King, Anne Rice, Ann Radcliffe, Edgar Allan Poe, H.P. Lovecraft and Tim Burton fan
She and Kelsey are close family "friends", kinda consider eachother cousins, mostly Kelsey, he'll call Millie's parents "Auntie" and "Uncle" and just stuff like that (Millie is very against it)
She's a Romantic Goth
Got into baking recently, asking Kelsey would help a bit since knows more about it but...
Got into drawing as well
Loves humming and singing out loud but almost never does it
Not sure why she ended up joining the group
Usually doing her own thing, has a bit of small talk with people like Sarah and Greg, talks to Tabitha(Hide and Seek) the most
-Julius' thing was moved
-Devon .B. Miranda, his mom is Jamaican and his dad was Cuban (of Taíno descent), Born June 8th 1997, 15yrs old
has a dark skin tone similar to Anu Oloyede's
14inch, black, medium sized, dreads/locs (Interlocked)
has dark brown, small eyes(idk how to describe them)
downturned nose with a bulbous tip and bump on the dorsal bridge like (333zahra333/itszahraig) Zahra’s
rounded, medium brows
full, two-toned lips (darker top lip and his lower lip is pink) with a soft cupid's bow
has a moderate amount of acne, a mole under the right side of his bottom lip, one next to the left side of his nose/near his cheek + crooked teeth and a gap in bottom two front teeth
he also has a few small scars like a cut across his nose, a scar from a busted lip (it's like a cut running down the left side of his bottom lip), etc.
5’9, Skinny/Lanky
Has BPD/EUPD and ASD/Autism (Only knows that he "possibly" has BPD/EUPD) + Eczema and Asthma
Voice HC: Tyler Okonma 2009-2013(2015?), Speaks English, Patois/Patwa, and he also knows ASL
He likes Jazz, R&B, Neo Soul, Rap, Hip Hop, Indie, Alternative, Rock, Metal, Horrorcore, etc.
And artists like: MF DOOM, Kendrick Lamar, Brent Faiyaz, Odd Future, Tyler the creator, Steve Lacy, The Internet, Childish Gambino, Bell Biv DeVoe, Bruno Mars, Grover Washington, Jr., Marvin Gaye, Gloria Gaynor, Earth, Wind & Fire, Cocu, Santana, Anthony Santos, Joe Veras, Usher, Skee-Lo, Eazy-E, Mix-A-Lot, Eve, Tems, Erykah Badu, Mary J. Blige, Lil’ Kim, Missy Elliott, Brandy, Aaliyah, Kali Uchis, Gorillaz, Tame Impala, Glass Animals, The Stokes, Will Wood, Roar, Hot Freaks, Two Door Cinema Club, Foster the People, Tommy Newport, The Dresden Dolls, Eyedress, Mother Mother, Radiohead, The White Stripes, The Cure, October Country, The Cramps, The Stooges, Metallica, Skindred, Iron Maiden, Talking Heads, Fleetwood Mac, MCR, Le Tigre, Rammstein, etc.
he loves horror, from Goosebumps to Stephan King to H.P Lovecraft to Saw, even The Hills Have Eyes, and he also really loves highly disturbing and graphic stuff (he just really wants to see gore and guts) but Mick HATES horror so he never got to watch it with him much, Kelsey is more into gothic and psychological horror but at the same time he does like the thought of just watching a bunch of gore even if it has no plot, there's a VHS rental near his house, it's pretty rundown but it has a lot of his favorites
Had pretty bad seperation anxiety with Mick
He has a bad habit of biting, he bites his nails, chews on the strings of his Hoodies, there are bite marks on his hands/arms, for some concerning reason...(Just like me fr<3)
Allergic to dust + it makes his Asthma and Eczema act up
Interested in Physics and Chemistry + he likes photography and Literature (Drama and Novels)
Can play piano, kinda likes it (really likes it)
Wants to write horror novels
When he goes urban exploring he’ll take some pictures if he can, sometimes the creepy, rundown scenery inspires a setting for a story, or he just thinks its cool
His mom is a hairdresser and a cleaner
Has a slight lisp
Friends with Pete, kinda friends with Julius as well + annoys Greg sometimes (he means no harm though)
-“Kelsey” Oyindasola Grace D. Mateko, his mom is Nigerian (Yoruba) and his dad is Zimbabwean (Shona), Born September 15th 1997, 15yrs old
Has a dark skin tone like KaDija Kallon's
-Has Carolina blue, almond eyes (his eyes tend to reflect light like in pictures regardless of actual lighting, basically it always looks like he has red pupils/the “red-eye effect”)
medium-thick, bleached, straight brows
flat, round nose with low nasal bridge
full, two toned lips (darker upper lip, most of his lower lip is a pinkish color and the rest is the same color) with a soft cupid's bow
Has a mole under his right eye/close to his cheek, one on the right side of his bottom lip, and another in between his eyes/on his nose bridge more to the left side + dimples
Tooth gap and fang-like canines
Around 12inch, dyed, light golden blonde (with black roots) volumized, curly sisterlocks like Imani Goodridge’s (@imanitaylorgood)
5'10.8, Chubby
Has ocular albinism
Has Audhd, Conduct disorder and possible Bipolar disorder
Voice HC: ????, Can speak English, learning ASL from Devon and practicing French
I like to think we barely know anything about him so I can do what I want with him, I mean some people just straight up think he's not real
Likes artists like Stromae, Kali Uchis, Doja Cat, Eve, Yemi Alade, Ayra Starr, Tems, Ravyn Lenae, Amerie, Rihanna, Beyoncé, TLC, Tinashe, Keri Hilson, Ciara, PinkPanthress, Erykah Badu, Eve, WILLOW, The Internet, Gorillaz, Tame Impala, MF DOOM, Mix-A-Lot, Michael Jackson, Odd Future, Kendrick Lamar, Earl Sweatshirt, Tyler the creator, Steve Lacy, Kali Uchis, Gorillaz, MARINA, Lady Gaga, Foster the People, Millionaires, Gwen Stefani, The Cramps, Mother Mother, Rammstein, October Country, The Dresden Dolls, ICP, Blondie, Harry Nilsson, Grover Washington, Jr., Marvin Gaye, Gloria Gaynor, Earth, Wind & Fire, Caravan Palace, Glass Animals, updog, Hot Freaks, Two Door Cinema Club, Foster The People, Tommy Newport, Cage The Elephant, Tame Impala, TV Girl, Alex G, Men I trust, Maya Hawke, Mitski, bôa, Eyedress, Le Tigre, etc.
Watches stuff like: Boondocks, For Colored Girls, Pose, Velvet Goldmine (1998), The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975), Elvira: Mistress of the Dark (1988), Carrie (1976), The Craft (1988), Get out, Us, The Blair Witch Project (1999), Black Swan (2010), Suspiria (Both versions), Corpse Bride (2005), Lolita, Valerie and Her Week of Wonders (1970), Helter Skelter (2012), Ride the Cyclone, Heathers (1988), The Breakfast Club, Welcome to the Dollhouse (1995), etc. he also likes anime (he babysits Oswald sometimes and he got him in to it
Enjoys drawing and painting also knows how to bake and loves baking for other people
Interested in the Arts and Criminology
Has squared, clear frame glasses, usually only wears them at home
Can roller skate and skateboard but somehow doesn't know how to ride a bike
Has a Nintendo DSI XL (Metallic Rose) put a bunch of stickers and attached a few charms to it + LOVES Princess Peach, she's his main on like every game he has where she can be his main
Either freezes up/zones out or walks out of awkward/uncomfortable situations
Mostly prefers smaller crowds of people, can easily get overwhelmed
He can waack and wants to practise voguing
Plays volleyball after school
Loves Musicals, gets Devon to watch them with him
Sam (Blackbird) is his older brother, Tabitha (TBB) is his sister and he has another older sister
-Oswald Alvaro Guzman y Morales, he's Colombian (His dad is of White and Native American descent and his mom is of African descent) Born, May 1st 2001, 12yrs old
Has a brown skin tone like Jasmine Blandford (chola_girl)
Around 8inch, chocolate brown hair, in two-strand twist locs
-Has chocolate brown, almond eyes
medium-thick, straight brows
short, round nose, low bridge
full, wide, two toned lips (upper lip slightly darker than his skin tone lower lip pinkish-brown color) and a somewhat prominent cupid's bow
Ample(?), 5’1.5 + has a lot of nose and cheek freckles, also has body freckles
Voice HC: "Wybie" Wyborn Lovat (Robert Bailey Jr.), Can speak English and Spanish
Has ADHD (Undiagnosed)
His arm is almost completely healed (it was fractured) but there’s a huge, weird, bite mark looking scar on his right arm
Likes drawing, has had around 2 sketchbooks, first one was just an old, mostly empty notebook he found and his current one is a proper sketchbook that he begged his dad to get him, it’s black has a stickers on the outside, it’s mostly filled with sketches of his usual cartoonish drawings including the mechanical animals
Definitely has/uses a Nokia (2600)
Likes Mangas and Animes like: Nana, JoJo, Death Note, Soul Eater (and Soul Eater Not), Fullmetal Alchemist, Bleach, Black Butler, One Piece, Hunter×Hunter, etc.
Likes I Monster, Harry Nilsson, Earth, Wind and Fire, Foster The People, Gorillaz, Tame Impala, Tommy Newport P, GHOST (and pals), Guchiri/y, Kikuo, Moe Shop, Maretu, etc.
His gaming console is the Nintendo Gamecube “Orange Spice” and he really likes “the Legend of Zelda” games and Shadow the Hedgehog (game and character), He also likes Princess Daisy, Lemmy Koopa, Kirby, Meta Knight, Eevee, Knuckles, etc.
After his Grandma died he ended up moving to Colorado, Kelsey babysitted him most of the time since his parents were out/busy, he still does it from time to time, with pay ofc
Was only brought to the group later because Kelsey was babysitting him and Devon insisted it was fine if they just brought him with
Talks to almost no one there, usually just the others being "friendly" because he's a kid, Kelsey just let's him play on his DSI since he understands why he wouldn't want to be here
-Sadly I don't have much to say abt Reed, Pete, Oscar, Isaac or Raj, it's been a while since I read their books, but moving on
Millie thinks Tabitha(H&S) is actually pretty (really) cool, she's really confident, talkative, friendly and, loud, but Millie dosen't mind that much, though she acts like she does (she def has a crush on her)
Millie and Oswald talk from time to time, mostly about their "spoiled" cats (they mean it in an affectionate way<3)
No one there is really close with Sarah, I mean there’s Dev maybe but she doesn’t want to make anything seem more than it is (I know this sounds like she has a crush or something but I mostly, mean in a platonic way, like she doesn’t want to make it seem as if they’re close friends when they’re less than that, I say mostly because I actually may make her have a “crush” on him for like comphet reasons) she's mostly just the sweet one and that's about it, she's a bit creeped out by Kelsey though, catches him staring a lot (y'know it's funny, usually she'd be honored if a cute boy was staring at her)
Julius restraining the urge to claw out Reed's eyes every group meet up<3
Julius also desperately needs a wheelchair (walking with crutches for such a long period of time gets tiring) but his parents can't exactly afford it
At group meetings Kelsey literally talks to no one BUT Devon (and well, Oswald) like I don't even mean he only has conversations with him I mean if he isn't talking to him he'll just be standing or wandering around looking lost and shit (he thinks the others seem nice but he can barely even make eye contact)
My AU's Kelsey isn't an entity or whatever he's just a weirdo and got into some concerning shit (kinda like Vanny basically) + Kelsey doesn't get lured into the suit, Dev was planning to but Kelsey got really apologetic and shit and it kinda made him feel like awkward and guilty, Dev was still kinda considering it but then Mick kinda interfered
Kelsey does go missing the same day he was supposed to die, Mick and Devon don't tell anyone about the fact that they were kinda the last people who were aware of his whereabouts, etc.
Either way Kelsey doesn't die (kinda) so that's the important thing
Kelsey has some weird mini Freddy Fazbear robot-doll thing that he keeps in his room, Dev says it's cool but Mick thinks it's, off(Yes, it's a Lonley Freddy, Yes, it's Alec)(when one of your 7-8th grade besties is trapped in some weird robot doll thing you have and you don't even know😋)
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rightpastnowhere · 1 year
Ok ok ok we all collectively will not shut up about how Percy is endeared by Vex's ears, right? well UNO REVERSE CARD! His lil round human ears are so fucking cute to Vex. It's also very funny for her to parse out how sensitive they are vs half-elven or elven ears.
In modern AUs their taste in music seems very different at a glance but meshes SUPER well. Percy is rocking to MCR and anime intros and Fallout Boy and old rock'n'roll (that his dad and Julius loved), Vex is grinding to pop and country, and everyone is like 'surely not' until they pull up to give Pike a ride and are just blasting a Taylor Swift song together (she joins in obviously). Or on a train sharing earbuds and the poor folks the next seats over can hear Monster by Skillet from there and these two are mouthing along and sharing Dramatic Looks.
Trinket keeps bringing cubs home. He's a male bear, bears don't raise cubs in pairs (males don't participate at ALL), but he's a Ranger companion and lives as long as Vex does. And given he's a fit specimen he's probably the sire of a lot of cubs in the area (Vex and the Grey Hunt have got to watch out for inbreeding effects KJTRNHRKN). So every now and then he'll find a hurt or abandoned or sick cub and bring it back, and Vex nurses it back to health (and Dan too), and suddenly they Have Another Bear. Oh Dear. Sometimes Vex and Trinket make a conscious effort to train the cubs to live in the wild and release them a ways away once they're old enough, but the three bears we see in C3 is Only The Beginning.
The first time Percy tried really growing a beard, Vesper made Unhappy Faces when he'd give her kisses and in a fit he shaved it all off. He needed some talking-tos about it. His baby girl was SO upset and it make HIM upset OKAY -
It's advised that guests do not wander the halls of Castle Whitestone alone at night. They assume, naturally, that this is due to Ghosts or Restless Spirits - no the de Rolos are just. like that. Cass would rather everyone avoid the trauma of hearing them having a good time. Also the kids' darkvision means they have shining pupils if light hits them in the dark and someone fell down the stairs once so there's that too.
Percy fucking agonizes over blue now. Getting a gift to match Vex's feather takes up at least 3-12 hours of a given project. At this point he has custom paints mixed for it and will scour stalls and shops for gems of the right turquoise.
He also owns way more fur than he'd expect, because Vex is a ranger and can at least make a decent muffler or trim for mittens or ruff for his winter coat out of some of her more impressive catches. His favorite, though, is a tiny fur thing that's badly worn. Vex insists it's a bird. *it does not look like a bird,* it looks like a pointed rock with two bead eyes. It was the first thing she tried making him and it, well, it didn't come out as she'd expected. He still stims with it often, it practically lives in his pocket - like she was in Pandemonium, when VM were transformed into birds. She says she hates it, but his earnest adoration for this little silly thing she made really makes Vex so damn happy.
YOUR MUSIC TASTES FOR THEM ARE SO IN LINE WITH WHAT'S IN MY HEAD NGKJRNGK. vex imo has the most chaotic playlists because there's just one for all of her music. it switches from lizzo to mumford & sons without rhyme nor reason. and they WOULD be taylor swift stans with pike i LOVE THIS. AND GOD,, THE MENTAL IMAGE OF HER AND PERCY DRAMATICALLY LIP-SYNCING LIKE HUGE NERDS..... MY CROPS ARE WATERED. MY SKIN IS CLEAR
THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING NGKJRNKJGNR i simply think vex deserves an entire legion of bears who love her, and many of them on the castle grounds. only the best for the grand mistress of bears. (trinket mimicking vex's adopting behavior is SO CUTE I'M GONNA CRY)
percy upsets his baby One Time and suddenly he must change everything about himself. i love him so much i cannot stand it
NKGJNKJENG the de rolos fuck nasty and it is a burden upon those who think themselves to be fearless... my heart goes out to the unlucky few who dare. ALSO THE FUCKING. QUARTER ELVES. JUST LIKE A BUNCH OF CATS IN THE KITCHEN AT 2AM WHEN YOU WANT A SNACK. IS PERFECTION.
GERKGNERJN percy will do anything to maintain his wife's aesthetic
VEX CRAFTING HIM THINGS...... PERCY KEEPING HER FIRST LIL BAUBLE BECAUSE HE LOVES HER................ STIMMING WITH IT CAUSE IT'S SOFT................................ picturing vex finding out and endeavoring to acquire so many soft things, making him a bunch more knick-knacks once she's better at it, wearing soft clothes, just, oh my GOD she loves him SO MUCH
thank you again for this absolute unfathomable joy, i squeaked out loud at least 3 times, i am full of serotonin once more
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septimus-heap · 1 year
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essayofthoughts · 2 years
(Same anon again) Why do you think Percy is so besotted by Vex? Do you think it has anything to do with his possible aforementioned ugly duckling syndrome and the fact(?) that no one like that paid him much attention before? Another random thought, do you think if he’d met her as a grumpy teen (with her being older still) he would’ve fallen for her or crushed on her the same way? I kinda headcanon Percy having a thing for slightly older women who’ve been the kissed by the sun lol.
I mean the thing is... I don't think he's besotted with Vex at first. This is gonna take a few left turns to get back on the right track, so:
Percy was raised in an upper class household - nobles, ruling nobles at that - and while I certainly get the impression he wasn't one to socialise, more focussed on study (at least going on what he said about Julius and Vesper handling matters of court while he studied) from what we see on stream he is very aware of social power dynamics. He knows how to wield that power, and he knows who to be on the right side of.
He also knows the rules of upper-class socialising. When there aren't rules, then he struggles - loose, casual socialising is not something he's easy with, which is part of why Scanlan's rapidfire quips and jokes often stall him a little: he doesn't know how to respond.
Consequently, when he first meets Vox Machina, I think he's aware of the social power Vex wields in their group as treasurer and because when she gives an opinion she's listened to and after everything he's been through, wants to be on the right side of her - hence his giving her his money.
I don't think he's smitten or besotted at this point - I think he's scared. He doesn't know these people, they're strangers who rescued him from a cell for reasons he's not entirely sure of and quite a few of them are unpredictable - Grog is big and at times aggressive, Tiberius is effusive, Vax can veer between friendly and moody, Scanlan is crass. Keyleth is nice, but a bit nervous and awkward, and Pike is lovely but holy - but Vex is someone he straightforwardly understands.
Something you may notice over the course of the campaign, is that when it comes to company, Percy tends to be more easy and more willing to talk when he's in the company of the women. I suspect he feels more secure with them - he can predict them better than he can the men, and growing up with at times precarious formal social situations and then exacerbated by Ripley and the Briarwoods probably means he prefers that stability to the uncertainty of the men.
So... for a long time I think he liked Vex for being steady and largely predictable, the only other adult in the group, as Taliesin once put it, someone he feels safe with and someone with social power - if he stays on her good side, he's safe within the group.
And then... I think he takes offence at how she's treated in the Value of Valour by that elven shopkeep. That's when he first starts making arrows for her, because he has seen the kind of person she is, that she's clever and good at haggling and keeps them safe and in funds, and Percy is a man who values manners and honour: I think he took offence on her behalf at how she was treated and well, he can't change the shopkeep's behaviour but he can make up the lack of those arrows she was trying to buy by making some for her himself.
So he does. And, surprise of all surprises, she's delighted. She kisses him on the cheek. She uses the arrow and is further delighted. And... well he doesn't dare to expect further signs of approval but he likes to see her happy and, as I said, he knows the value of being on Vex's good side, so... he makes her some more arrows.
And then the Briarwoods happen and he's a bit distracted for a stretch. He's not even sure he's going to live, so he's not really thinking about social dynamics so much- he has other priorities.
But. During the Briarwood Arc, Vex supports him. Doesn't doubt him. Shoves him up against a wall and demands to know how he's doing, but she's the one who yells at him to fight Orthax back.
There's a conversation he has with Vax, before they descend into the Marrowglade Loch, where Percy says he's reordered some of his priorities. That what he's doing, now his home is freed and he's still alive, is recognising what makes him happy and moving towards it.
It's worth noting here that Taliesin has said that Percy didn't realise he was in love with Vex until Syngorn. But I do firmly think that Percy at this point recognised that Vex's was company he enjoyed and that he enjoyed seeing Vex happy.
And then they went down into the Loch and the tomb buried beneath it and we all know how that worked out.
The point I'm making with this rather roundabout approach is that the things that all prompt Percy to fall in love with Vex are the things he has always liked about her. The fact she is consistent, that he understands her, that she keeps them safe and in funds, that she is expressive but rarely in such a way as he's uncomfortable (Percy expresses discomfort at hugs a few times, Vex usually keeps to a hand or a kiss to the cheek). He likes her and respects her and from that he likes to see her happy - do you not like to see your friends and loved ones happy? And the best relationships are those that are founded in friendship.
And so, when Syngorn is bearing down on them, and Percy goes to confess his error regarding Garmelie to her and she turns to him to ask Do I look like I come from money?
This person he trusts, this friend he loves, this woman he respects with his whole heart at this point because she has shown herself to be strong and unafraid even as he was bent on vengeance, who's kept them safe through thick and thin - he knows she is worthy of all that respect and trust and love - how can he respond other than he does? How can some part of his brain not go oh. That's what all this is.
All these things about her that he loves - they are all the things that were there already. They were all reasons he already liked her.
And then, she is vulnerable with him, trusts him with that and how can he not be touched that Vex, as closed off as he can be at times, is trusting him? Is sharing this with him, even if sideways - that she trusts him too, respects his opinion, if she's asking him.
Percy respects her capability from the start, and that respect means that Vex likes him, knows she can trust him - and that allows the vulnerability, that they can trust and respect each other. Because, for all their hurts, they each trust that the other will not hurt them if they show these bleeding wounds to them, and they respect them enough to not lie to them.
That's where it comes from, in the end.
As for your other question, I think we can safely say that Percy's type is dark-haired, smart, and able to step on him. For more, well, that I'll write when I get to my No Briarwoods (Yet) AU.
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blorbologist · 1 year
😭😭😭 please i need angst
I like the idea of one of the older de Rolo siblings (Julius or Vesper) not having been present for the masacre. Maybe attending to business in town, or courting a prospective spouse. And then they come home, try to save their little siblings, and get caught. Julius and Vesper, being the heir and spare, are likely well-trained in statecraft and politics, and thus way too big a risk to leave alive (unlike, say, Percy or Cass). So they get axed - up to you if Cass and/or Percy get to see them alive before they go. The ideal candidate for this would be Vesper, given we don’t see her in TLOVM in Percy’s nightmares, yet he notes that she’s dead in his monologue to Delilah, and in canon Tal says she was thrown from a tower - suitable example for the heir who came back to try and save the day.
Inspired by a recent vent with @rightpastnowhere: I think we, as a fandom, idealize the dead de Rolos. Partially because they usually only get written in the context of happy memories or fluffy AUs where they’re infinitely better than fucking Syldor (though that bar is admittedly low as hell). In reality? The kids were likely mostly raised by wetnurses, nannies and their tutors - Johanna was the Lady, fat chance she was breastfeeding much or dealing with diapers. Percy likely was closer to Anders than his father. Cass would have likely been married off for a political ploy. They were likely prejudiced to no small degree - all the happy AUs where Vex is arrange married to Percy, they’d likely look down their noses at her either due to her birth or the half-elven heritage or both (not to the extent of Syngorn, let’s be honest, so to her it would still be a breath of fresh air. But by no means perfect, there’d be microaggressions aplenty). Julius might have unacknowledged bastards running around Whitestone from his time in brothels (ask me about my angsty Julius bastard thoughts). I do think that the pre-Briarwoods were not exceptional nobles - not exceptionally cruel, but not above bias or pettyness or practicality either. However! I think most of that could have been eased with time and exposure. Cass and Percy have both had ample time among the lower class and with their noble past completely worthless, so they’ve had time to grow past this, but both of them likely were huge privileged pains in the ass pre-Briarwoods. But they have to either live with the fact their family would dislike most of their friends today, or cling to a version of them that never existed (worse: their reaction to the quarter-elves, to Gwen). Percy isn't sure which is worse - the choice comes easily for Cass.
Gnomes are long-lived - I’d like to think Scanlan’s father is still alive. Maybe he even comes a knocking, in the decades and decades to come, if he somehow figures out the famous Scanlan Shorthalt is the son of Juniper Shorthalt he knocked boots with. I… highly doubt his reaction would be pleasant lmao. Pike might chase him off with a mace. Scanlan would likely have a long tearful talk with Kaylie, after, because man… he gets it, now. He really fucking gets it and it sucks, and he just wants to hurt this fucker for the years he and his mother spent alone. (In a similar vein, again, gnomes live so long that I suspect they have a strong culture of family bonds - Wilhand lived to raise his great-great granddaughter and that does not seem too abnormal! Chetney is 400+, and given Scanlan likely had Kaylie into his 30s-50s and Pike had their kids in her 30s-40s, you could fit a whole lot of generations in a lifetime. With that said: Scanlan must be so, so bitter that Juniper can’t be around for the lives of his children, and grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. It’s unfair. And because she died when he was fairly young, he doesn’t have nearly as many stories of her to share as he’d like. Sometimes he’s tempted to make some up. He hates the impulse.)
Send me a 😭 for one of my saddest headcanons about a character
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waltwhitmansbeard · 1 year
go on, claim my heart: chapter seven
see my masterpost for what came before this. inspired by @romeoandjulietyouwish's medieval au.
Scanlan Shorthalt is a man of adventure. Of course, to him, adventure can be found while singing bawdy tunes for pennies in taverns and whorehouses across the continent or surreptitiously swiping coin purses from the pockets of rich men whose wives he'd later bed, but adventure, like beauty or musical talent, is a matter of taste. In his personal tastes, adventure has little to do with the danger or heroism he so often waxes lyrical about in his performances, although he's never been allergic to creative liberties. No, Scanlan goes on his fantastical, uproarious, lascivious, ridiculous escapades for one reason only: the stories.
This story, the one in which he currently finds himself at the juicy part of the rising action, did not begin the way Scanlan would have predicted. Just yesterday morning, he had awoken in one of his favorite places, Pike Trickfoot's bed, only to see the radiant gnome to whom he finds himself entirely besotted throwing clothes on, which is one of his least favorite sights. She filled him in on the terrible thing that had occurred in the night, and on her upcoming sojourn to the city-state of Whitestone to retrieve the stolen child. As incredibly sexy as Pike's easy bravery was, he felt this foreign, uncomfortable tug in his chest, which, after dismissing the initial fear of his years of drinking to excess catching up to him, he identified as worry. The thought that she might not come back, that her final words might fall on someone else's ears, that his arcane talents might not be there to keep her around—Scanlan has rarely been so moved to act.
Which is how he has ended up here, on the back of a horse, clinging more tightly to Pike's waist that is strictly necessary, listening to a story he knows will make a truly captivating tragic poem some day.
"I was a boy when the Briarwoods came to Whitestone," Lord Percival says. Scanlan tries not to let his grudge toward the Master of Development for not allowing him to incorporate his incredible weapon into some of his court acts distract him from the narration. "It was but a month before my ninth birthday. Julius had promised to take me hunting for the first time to mark the occasion."
The troupe is traveling at a fast trot, trying to make quick time while not tiring out the horses, so the sound of hooves is not too great to eclipse the pain in his voice. Captain Vex'ahlia reaches over to squeeze his arm briefly—oh, the worst kept secret in Zephrah playing out before his very eyes.
"They were kind, at first. From what I recall, they were requesting access to some area beneath our castle. I couldn't tell you why. My father denied them, and that night...that night they went on a rampage."
Princess Keyleth does not seem surprised by Lord Percival's words, though she does brush tears away. The others, however, look just as horrified as Scanlan feels. He has a sickening feeling he knows where this story is going.
"My sister Cassandra was three at the time. The youngest of us. She awoke at the sound of the commotion and ran to my room." He falls silent for a few moments. "We found our sisters' bodies as we ran for help. I managed to pull Cass around a corner just before she could see Lord Briarwood sink his teeth into Oliver's neck. I don't remember how we escaped the castle, but I do remember saying to her, 'We made it, Cass,' just before a strange bolt of sickly green light flashed out of nowhere." Lord Percival's jaw is clenched so tightly, Scanlan worries he'll crack a tooth. "My baby sister died in my arms. I could not mourn her. I had to run."
Even with the noise of their travel, there is an uneasy silence among the group. Scanlan is a master at finding the levity in all manner of dark moments, but this...this is beyond even him. He is simultaneously regretful of and thankful for his impulsive decision to join Pike on this journey to the scene of such a slaughter.
"Percy..." Vax (Vax'ildan? The Champion? Is he some kind of prince now? Scanlan has yet to figure out what's going on there) seems to be chewing over his words before he says them. "That is...gruesome. I am sorry that such a calamity befell your family." There's a clear but hanging in the air that he does not want to say aloud.
Lord Percival does it for him. "But you want to know why they took Vilya, all these years later."
"I wish I knew. If I had known that those villains posed even the smallest threat to your daughter, believe me, I would have intervened. The fact of it is, I had let myself believe that the Briarwoods were part of my past, something that could no longer affect my life." He swallows thickly. "I apologize for the error."
"Percy." Princess Keyleth, who had been placed at the center of the group for her protection, urges her horse forward to ride alongside Lord Percival. "As...distraught as I am, I do hope you know that I do not lay the blame for any of this at your feet. Your suffering did not cause ours."
Lord Percival lays a hand on her shoulder. "I ran from Whitestone a scared child, but I return a man intent on avenging my family and felling these devils once and for all. I will not know peace until they are dead and your child is safe in your arms."
"Great," Grog deadpans. "How do we kill 'em?"
All eyes turn to Vax, who looks back, surprised. "Why would you all assume I knew?"
"You're the assassin," Scanlan points out. "This is...what you do, is it not?"
"I do not have any experience in assassinating vampires."
"There's also your connection to the Raven Queen," Pike adds. "I mean, if the Briarwoods are steeped in the necromantic arts, surely she would be interested in bringing them to their knees."
At that, wide-eyed realization flashes on Vax's face. He pulls his horse to a dead stop, and Grog, who had been trotting behind him, nearly collides his own horse into him. Everyone else must pull around to not get too far ahead, and Princess Keyleth asks, "Vax? What is it?"
"She warned me."
"Who?" Captain Vex'ahlia asks.
"The Matron. Months ago, before Vilya was born."
Scanlan watches the princess's eyes flash dangerously. "What do you mean she warned you?"
"I thought you were both going to die," he explains, his tone edged with a pleading for understanding. "She came to me in a dream, told me...told me that death and undeath were coming for my family. I was so sure..." He drifts off for a moment, then continues. "But then you were alright, both of you, and we had a child, and I..." His voice falls to a whisper. "I thought the danger had passed."
Scanlan finds a sudden interest in a nearby tree branch, and he sees Pike and Grog doing the same, eager to be looking anywhere but at the princess, who, after a long, agonizing silence, snaps her horse's reins and tears off down the road. Vax groans out, "Kiki...," but before he can follow, Captain Vex'ahlia cuts in front of his mount with her own.
"Let me, brother." Without waiting for permission, she chases the distraught princess down, leaving the rest of the party to look awkwardly at each other.
Lord Percival trots over to Vax and pats his shoulder sympathetically. "Come. We should keep moving." At that, the remainder of the party resumes its previous clip. Scanlan, not having to focus on steering the horse, watches Vax closely, sees the abject misery in his every line. He realizes now that he's stepped into a much stickier quagmire than he had originally anticipated, and though he does still worry for both his life and Pike's, he is ultimately glad he's joined this little troupe; all of this will make an excellent story some day.
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nagargent · 10 months
julia's fodlan profile
template from @shadoll
GENDER: Female
AGE: 18
HEIGHT: 168cm /5'6"
BIRTHDATE: 1st of August, Grann Year 761
CREST/HOLY BLOOD: Major Naga, Minor Fjalar
CLASS: Black Eagles Student
AFFILIATION: The Liberation Army, Grannvale
BIOGRAPHY: Born to Emperor Arvis and his wife Empress Deirdre in Grann Year 761. Aids the Liberation Army in the Final Holy War. Shortly after, she makes her way to Garreg Mach to further her studies in magic and better support King Seliph.
761: Born alongside her twin brother Julius to the Emperor and Empress of Grannvale
770: Her mother, Deirdre, dies protecting her. Julia is warped away with the last of Deirdre's strength. - Julia suffers traumatic amnesia after this event.
Before 777: Is found by Lewyn who cares for her
777: Lewyn and Julia meet Seliph and join the Liberation Army
778: End of the Final Holy War, Julia's older half-brother, Seliph, is crowned King of Grannvale
779 (Imperial Year 1180): Arrives at Garreg Mach
INTERESTS: reading, hiking, gardening, praying LIKES: nature, quiet places, animals, studying magic, hot cocoa, warm hugs, her beloved friends DISLIKES: warfare, cruelty, manipulation, heavy exercise, being cooped up indoors, forgetting things (especially related to people she loves) STATUS. Imperial princess of grannvale & black eagles student CLOSE ALLIES: Seliph, Sara & Scathach
LIKES: saghert and cream, vegetable pasta salad, onion gratin soup, sweet and salty whitefish sautée. sweet bun trio, pheasant roast with berry sauce, country style red turnip plate, peach sorbet, gronder meat skewers, vegetable stir-fry, bourgeois pike, derdriu-style fried pheasant DISLIKES: beast meat teppanyaki, small fish skewers, sautéed jerky, garreg mach meat pie, cheesy verona stew, pickled seafood and vegetables, daphnel stew, cabbage and herring stew
"This is delicious! Thank you for inviting me to share such a wonderful meal, it truly warms my heart."
"Oh dear. I don't wish to be fussy but... is this edible?"
"It's been a long time since we last enjoyed a meal together. My brightest days were always the ones I shared with you."
"I know it's a simple thing but I'm glad we're finally able to share a table together and break bread, the way family ought to. Thank you for indulging me, brother."
"I haven't touched my food yet? Oh, you're right! Forgive me, I just can't look away. To share this time together means the world to me."
FAVORITE TEA: Lavender Blend, Rose Petal Blend, Chamomile CONVERSATION TOPICS: Children at the market, A dinner invitiation, The library's collection, Books you've read recently, Cats, Forest birds, Likable allies, Favourite sweets, Gardening mishaps, Overcoming weakness, Exploring the monastery, Ghost stories, The ideal professor, I'm counting on you, Someone you look up to, Hopes for your future, Classes you might enjoy, Magical innovations
"Thank you dearly for inviting me. I hope I'm acceptable company." "Well met, professor. May I take this seat?" "A tea party! Oh, I haven't had one since I was a little girl. ...I have missed them dearly."
"Ah... I feel so relaxed. The tea is simply perfect, thank you!"
"This must have cost an arm and a leg! Are you sure there isn't someone else you'd rather share this blend with?"
"Is there a reason you're looking at me so intently? It leaves me feeling rather nervous..." "You have lovely eyes. Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to say that out loud" "I see you enjoy precious moments of calm as much as I do."
"Mmm, delightful!" "Ouch! Too hot..." "Do you hear the birds too?" "Heehee, there's a spot of cream on your--" "Thank you!" "I think that squirrel wants a snack." "Delicious!"
"I'm truly grateful to have been invited. That we could steal away a lovely little moment for ourselves... I promise to cherish this memory."
"Please forgive me. I often find myself lost for words." ANSWER: Chat, Praise "I know my father has done terrible things - has caused so much pain and suffering to people I hold dear. Yet I cannot change the fact that he is still my beloved father. ...perhaps I'm simply being selfish." ANSWER: Disagree, Admonish "I have been told countless times how similar I am to my mother but I am lacking in many ways. My mother is far more gregarious and ingenuous than I am." ANSWER: Chat, Nod, Disagree "It may be impossible but one day I would like to serve tea for my family. My parents, Lord Seliph, Lord Saias and Julius too." ANSWER: Nod, Sigh "Garreg Mach has brought me closer to dear friends, both old and new, than I would have ever imagined. I'm so delighted to be able to attend!" ANSWER: Commend, Agree, Praise "Whilst I've always had an innate talent for magic, I find myself giddy with excitement when I consider how much there is left to learn and understand. What possibilities await!" ANSWER: Nod, Praise "Losing my memory was almost as painful as facing the truth and plenty terrifying. I keep a notebook with me now, to record every detail I can. I refuse to forget." ANSWER: Sigh, Sip Tea "Heehee, I always feel most at peace outdoors. There is plenty to be learned from the forest, if one looks past the trees before them." ANSWER: Chat, Laugh, Sip Tea
FAVORITE GIFTS. Tasty Baked Treat, Floral Adornment, Watering Can, Armoured Bear Stuffy, Arithmetic Textbook, Monarch Studies Book, Landscape Painting, Baby's Breath, Lily, Lavender DISLIKED GIFTS. Training Weight, Whetstone, Smoked Meat, Hunting Dagger, Coffee Beans
"Oh... um... thank you very much. I'm touched by the sentiment."
"Thank you! I promise to take good care of this."
"Oh my, how did you know this is exactly what I want? I shall treasure this fondly, my friend. Thank you!"
Worn-out Notebook: A lavender coloured notebook with dog-eared pages. It's contents contain a wide variety of anecdotes and details, with dates and names in the margins. It likely belongs to someone afraid to forget things. Location found: Black Eagles Classroom Silk Handkerchief: Delicately embroidered with purple flowers. The silk is of especially fine quality. It likely belongs to someone from high society who adores flowers. Location found: Cathedral Pressed Flower Bookmark: Carefully dried and pressed lily petals decorate this bookmark. The lilac paper has a fancy letter J on the back. Likely belongs to a booklover. Location found: Library
"Thank you for returning this to me. I shall take better care of it in future."
"This... isn't mine. You should probably return it to it's owner."
"You bested me. Well done, I'll retreat now, before I end up in the infirmary." [Byleth specific] "I can tell you have a lot to teach us, professor."
"This never gets any easier, no matter how many times necessity forces my hand."
"You... want me to sing? In front of people? I would much rather listen." "I suppose singing in harmony with everyone else isn't so bad. Actually, it's rather fun!"
"I have little experience cooking but I'll try my best." "What do you mean that's enough spice? I've barely started..." "Oh, can we bake sweets? I can't wait to see the glee on everyone's faces when we serve them!"
BAD.  ✧
"Oh no, I lost focus..." Critique: I'm sorry, I really ought to be more diligent. Console: Thank you, I promise to keep trying until I get it!
"Splendid! I'm pleased with the results.""I'll keep working hard."
"Oh my! I hope my parents would be proud of me!" Praise: Heehee, thank you. You're making me blush!
"It seems the horses have had a hard day. Let's be extra kind to them, okay?"
"It's a pity. Who gets to decide the line between weed and flower anyway?"
"The view is beautiful up here and the breeze? Delightful! If only we could stay here forever."
"I'm terribly sorry. It seems I need further study before I can reach such lofty heights."
"I'm rather pleased with myself, although I could not have done this alone."
"I believe the role of a healer to be of utmost importance. I'd like to support my allies to the best of my abilities and keep them safe from harm. My bloodline, that of Saint Heim calls me to light magic. Please, allow me to improve my abilities to heal and fight back against the darkness."
"I find reason magic ever so fascinating. I think my own proclivity for fire magic was inherited from my father. Oh dear, I am rambling! I would be very grateful if I could study the intricacies and theory behind offensive magic, professor. I hope to put what I learn to good use."
"My lord brother is an exceptional swordsman, as are my dear friends Scathach and Larcei. I don't expect to rival them, by any means, but it may benefit me to learn how to defend myself at close quarters. I will admit, I've been inspired by tales of Mortal Savants recently - master swordsmen who can command the arcane arts. It's rather exciting!"
0 TO 2 STATS UP .  ✧
"A bit disappointing but at least I'm a little stronger."
3 TO 4 STATS UP .  ✧
"A good effort. This will be a boon in the trials yet to come."
5 STATS UP .  ✧
"Hard work, well rewarded. I'm quite pleased."
6 STATS UP .  ✧
"Mother, Father - I hope I've made you proud."
"Incredible! With Naga's guidance I will command my own fate!"
"Oh, I do love having room to grow."
"More petals as I blossom."
"Something new? I'll give it a try." "I'll keep working hard." "Though my garb has changed, my soul is resolute."
"Let us go, together."
"Now is not the time for despair!"
LOW HP .  ✧
"I'm beginning to feel a little weary..."
"You underestimate me at your own peril."
“I call on the divine light!”"I will never run away." "Naga, grant me the strength I need!" "With divine protection!" "My faith will not yield!"
"I'll try this!"
"I am always by your side."
"May the gods have mercy." "I had to stop you." "My heart is set upon this path."
"You are a shining light amongst us." "We are ever closer to sweet victory." "Your strength is ever reassuring."
"Thank you..." "Bless you, may Naga guide you forward." "I feel safe and warm." "Ah, I needed that." "Together we will forge ahead." "By your side I will remain."
"I'm holding you all back... please, carry on without me."
"Forgive me, Lord Seliph..." "The light, it's so warm. I'll be with mother soon..."
"I wish to nurture my relationships with others, both with old friends and new alike! However, I often feel a great valley between myself and others. One I feel powerless to overcome. I fear I may be hurting those I love and making them feel unwanted. Whatever should I do?" > Give up. Who needs friends anyway? > Push yourself to be more sociable and you'll find it easier to let others in! > Take your time but try to be honest with your friends. They'll probably appreciate your honesty and be understanding enough to give you the time and space you need to grow truly closer. (Correct answer)
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lovelyisadora · 29 days
Every other week marcias like alchemy sucks julius pike was right no one should ever do this (having a slight difficulty) and marcellus is like oh 😔 I guess I will go back to being all alone forever 😔😔 and she's like wait..no....
Dodjsjaha I can see that backfiring on marcellus. Oh I guess I’ll be alone forever and she’s like good! And storms out. But then she calms down and comes back like okay so that was dramatic and I am sorry
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