#june prompt fills
onthepyre · 1 month
Hi June! No.1 for the prompt meme if you feel inspired? 💖
hi calli!! thanks for dropping in <3 this is kind of loosely the "dirtiest white boy in america" period but honestly. fuck if i know. it's sad though
send me a number and ill write something angsty
1 - keeping things from the other to spare their feelings
Sometimes Dad had to bail, Mickey knew. When they were little kids, not smart enough to keep their traps shut, he and Mandy got dragged along, lying in the backseat, her head in his lap. Perks of being the youngest two, Mickey guesses. Seeing Indiana before they turned six. By the time Mom was gone, they were told to keep their heads down and wait it out while Dad fucked off to who-knows-where. It sucked, but it sucked less than having him home. It was tolerable.
When the pigs started sniffing around the Alibi, Dad got itchy. They were just around to "ask questions," but the proximity was enough. He had a bag packed in ten minutes, four loaded handguns tucked under dirty underwear and ratty cutoffs. It was damn near a rampage, but Mickey didn't have the sixth sense his siblings did that told them to get the fuck out of dodge. He didn't even realize the depth of shit he was in until Dad pitched a backpack at him and asked what the fuck he was standing around with his thumb up his ass for.
Arguing was useless. If he ran now, Mickey would be dead when Dad inevitably made it back to Chicago. So he took the backpack and stuffed it with a change of clothes and a handful of knives and cash, tucking his busted flip phone into a wad of underwear. In case he needed it, Mickey told himself. So he could contact Mandy if they were gonna be gone long. Not Ian.
That's what he told himself, at least, but when they were halfway to Dad's buddy's cabin in Minnesota and it slipped out that he was wanted for eight counts of trafficking, when Mickey's throat started to burn, he knew.
A nine hour drive meant sitting next to Dad all night. When they finally, finally made it, got out to stretch their legs deep in the woods, it set in. Mickey was very firmly stuck here, at least for the coming days, nobody to keep him company but Dad and the fucking raccoons.
Just about as soon as they set foot in the cabin, Dad was snoring. Mickey wasn't about to take his chances in the same room, only four feet of space between the twin beds. He crept to the bathroom, locked the door, propped a stepstool against it for good measure. He texted Mandy first, short and to the point: sos in mn.
Then there was the problem of Ian. He had, at best, one message to make sure he'd leave him alone. There was no telling how long it would take Mandy to figure out how the fuck to get him out of this three-room shithole, assuming he wasn't cursed to die in it. Mickey couldn't say nothing. Ian would get antsy, go looking for him. Say something he shouldn't. But he couldn't tell him what was actually happening, either, because he couldn't give Ian that false hope. Couldn't let him stay attached, pine, worry, wait for something that wasn't going to come.
He had to let him get over it like a normal heartbreak. Ian could cry for a week and then find some other South Side street rat to fuck instead, a thought that had Mickey gnawing on his bottom lip to distract from the pit in his stomach. Yeah. That was what he had to do.
cant c u anymore, he wrote. dont txt.
Mickey deleted both messages as soon as they went through. He allowed himself ten seconds to let it sink in. Knuckles pressed into his eyes, sitting on the toilet lit bent double, he sniffled once. Then, after a few shuddering breaths, he opened the door, and thank fuck, Dad was still snoring.
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mellowwhumps · 2 days
June of Doom Day 9: “I made a mistake.” | Accident | Acceptance | Blame
OCs: Haley, Ria, Halcyon
CW: aftermaths mostly but also your other local self-doubter 
Deep down, Haley understood he would never be truly welcome in such a place. On the opposing side of the war, he’d killed the most citizens here, after all, ruined so many families and so many lives. He doesn’t know what made him think whatever repentance he could do was enough. 
Blood trickles down his mouth, blending in with the colour of his scarf; he’s about ninety percent sure the crowd broke a rib or two with all their beatings, and that was just the lesser of it. Not that he didn’t deserve it. He accepts it, even. It wasn’t like he even meant to come here anyway, just that the child needed a home and he didn’t want to feel guilty about it all. If he got too hurt to take care of her, he only hoped she could find a better person to stay with. 
He doesn’t even see her in the crowd. She must have ran away. At least she wouldn’t get hurt, he thinks to himself. He’d already convinced the crowd she wasn’t associated with him.
The crowd parts with a sudden commotion. He barely has the strength to lift his head, the person who was tugging his hair up now somewhere unknown, but he sees a shade of blue and almost absentmindedly wonders if it’s her. It is, and with her is yet another stranger. Their boss, then? It takes him a few moments for him to recognize her: the captain of the knights, dragging one foot behind. Yet another one who had gotten injured because of his actions. He dealt that blow, after all.
Sometimes, he wishes he could blame another. Blame anyone else for the atrocities he’d committed on that battlefield, blame the man who taught him how to kill so efficiently. He knows the people of this city are at fault too, but they won and it was resolved and Father died and that was that.
Ria, the child treated so unfairly by the world, approaches him. Go away, he longs to say, but his throat suddenly feels dry. How could he ever tell her? 
She doesn’t know what he is. She doesn’t know what he could do, even without a weapon. Instead, she takes something out of her small pouch, unwraps it a little and lifts his head to put it in his mouth. It’s sweet and melts on his tongue. She doesn’t know he doesn’t like sweet things, and so she continues doing whatever in the world she wants to him.
“This makes me feel wayyy better, so be thankful I shared it with you…!” Ria sulks a little at his lack of reaction, taking his hand and pulling it as though she could ever lift him up. After it becomes clear that isn’t going to accomplish anything, she sits down by his side and leans against him. 
It feels awfully familiar while also not, this sick joke. The weight of her body pushes slightly against the bruise by his chest; he doesn’t have the will in him to push her away. He could bear more hurt than that, anyway. It’s rather peaceful compared to the chaos from a few minutes ago, with most of the people either bowing and running hastily from that knight or waiting in some figurative line to likely complain about his presence.
He suddenly has the urge to at least try and own up. This whole conflict arose because Ria dared to stand up for him, tell the others that he was good. Despite that, what he ends up saying is, “I made a mistake.”
“Of course you have, you always do…Like that time you forgot where we stayed and we were actually at the wrong place!” Firstly, she still doesn’t get it, and secondly, she repeated the same point twice. He suddenly calls to mind how young this child truly is, perhaps born unfortunate like he did.
“…Ria, I hurt people—” 
“—And that was an accident! Why would I blame you, mm? Those bad guys already beat you up and you never did and therefore nobody can prove you did anything, easy as that.” She interjects, once again with zero etiquette. He supposes it’s to be expected for a child who lived on the streets for possibly her whole life, and sighs. Somehow, her words get the point across to him; he finds himself speechless.
The knight, now done conversing with others, hobbles over to him with another armor-clad stranger in tow. The stranger reluctantly obliges when she instructs them to hoist him up and walk with her to the nearest medic, even if he reckoned he could probably walk on his own. 
The child keeps pace with them, rambling about anything and everything under the sun as if she hadn’t nearly gotten in serious trouble. He hopes she never learns the truth. He hopes everyone currently by his side can live in a world where conflicts are nothing but triviality. For now, he can merely convince himself that one day they will all be alright. One day he will learn to let go. Some other, faraway day.
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painonthebrain · 9 days
JuneofDoom Day 2 - “It didn’t have to be this way.”
Content: Violence, female whumpee, “Girl” being used as a name for female whumpee, threat of death, gun use, blood, psuedo bbu-like universe
“It didn’t have to be this way.”
“I know, I know!” She said on her knees, frantic. Blood trickled from her knees to the floor, mixed in with the grime. She pawed at their legs, grasping at their pants. “Please, please, just one more chance, I —”
“What makes you think you deserve any more chances?” They snarled, shoving her away.
Her body hit the floor and she let out a grunt, shaking as she tried to lift herself up. They put their foot on her face, pressing the heel of their boot into her cheek, grinding it into the broken tiles of the kitchen.
She had a perfect vantage point of the shards of glass on the floor.
“I… I don’t know, I just — I…” Her voice cracked.
If she could reach one of those shards…
“Girl. Look at me.”
She almost had it. It was right between the tips of her fingers, if she could just maneuver the shard into her palm —
They kicked her in the face.
Her vision split into facets of pain, stars dancing in her eyes. A stabbing ache in her mouth grew where a tooth used to be. Blood dribbled down her lip and she coughed, clutching her jaw.
She finally looked up at them.
Their eyes were cold.
“Stay still.”
Something in her psyche split apart. She’d been trying so hard, so hard to be a good girl, to be perfect, to be wanted —
She knew what “stay still” meant.
“Please, please, please. Please.” She pleaded, eyes wet with tears. Her body was tense, ready to run. Every muscle was wound so impossibly tight, and every ounce of her being was fighting the urge to bolt.
They reached for their gun.
“You’re a Disposable Girl. This is what you’re made for.”
“No, no —” She was trembling, full-body shudders, breathing hard, big fat tears falling down her face.
“You can’t — you can’t kill me yet. I’m still good. I’m still good.” Her breath shook.
“Not good enough.”
They aimed, and she stared down the barrel of the weapon.
Then she began to laugh. Terrified, hysterical laughter, strained and wheezing, mixed with sobs. Her entire body seemed to convulse with each breath.
Her owner’s hold on the gun wavered.
Then they regained their resolve, aiming again — yet a foreign expression crossed their face.
The shot rang out through the room, deafening.
It missed her.
She was still alive.
She stared up at them, breathing hard.
“Why?…” Her voice shook.
They scoffed. “You don’t need to know why.”
But she wanted to. Staring up with red-rimmed, pleading eyes, she silently begged them to tell her why they spared her.
They didn’t respond, they merely put their gun back in the holster and looked down on Girl.
“Now help me clean this up.”
She sagged, giving in.
“…Of course.”
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welcometololaland · 1 year
Hey! This one looks like fun! 😇 lmk if you’re doing it already.
“helping your partner undress”
The return of Carlos vs. TK (tennis edition)
This chapter is a throwback to Chapter 5 of Love Game.
Jazzerdoc! You gave me three prompts, and I said...for Jazzerdoc let's do all three. So we have "helping your partner undress", "jumping into your partner's arms" and "wrapping your legs around your partner".
Love in Slow Motion - June
“Reyes.” “Strand.” TK cocks an eyebrow and taps the net with the head of his racquet. “Are we temporarily divorced for this match?” Carlos shrugs, bouncing on his toes on the other side of the net as he adjusts his cap. It’s turned backwards, just like old times, and TK tries to ignore the fact that his husband is astronomically hot. It’s very difficult. “You ready to play me again, babe?” “Born ready."
Read on Ao3
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ddagent · 2 years
So I’m now on S3 of Scarecrow and Mrs King and alongside spies!JD I keep thinking about spy!John and civilian!Delenn.
Professor Delenn Mir has her sister, Mayan, and her two adorable nieces move in after her divorce. Their mother, Madrenn, visits often to see her granddaughters and to set Delenn up with her newest attempt. 
John ‘Starkiller’ Sheridan is a career spy who keeps mostly to himself. His wife died when he was on assignment and he’s never truly recovered. He lives in the hotel of whatever city he’s staying at and tries his damn best to keep his crush for Professor Mir in check. 
He and Delenn are often posted to work as a married couple. John is new to this (he always refused to work undercover as a couple because of Anna) but Delenn is a dab hand. It means lots of hand holding and kissing and John has to constantly redraw the lines in their relationship. 
Delenn’s family think John is the publisher of Delenn’s new book series on ancient philosophies which allows him to visit her office regularly and turn up at her home. Madrenn thinks he’s wonderful. Delenn tries to keep him hidden the best she can because as much as she wants him, she knows he’s not ready for a life together. 
The very few times Delenn has to work with someone else - or seduce a mark - John sits outside in the surveillance van being the grumpiest son of a bitch known to man. Susan and Michael throw things at him whenever he makes some sarcastic comment. 
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voicesfortheblade · 2 months
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Donate to The Sarcoma Foundation of America or CareForGaza now and submit your proof in our Google Form to receive art or fic for Technoblade's birthday!
It's really simple: you donate, you send us your receipt and prompt, and one of our lovely contributors makes you art or fic. The finished pieces will be posted on June 1st to celebrate Techno's birthday.
Donating to the Sarcoma Foundation of America happens through their site. We recommend using their Technoblade Tribute page so they know who has inspired you to donate! Screenshot the mail for your receipt.
(EDIT: you can also donate through tiltify as described here)
Example screenshot:
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Donating to CareForGaza can be done through their GoFundMe or directly through Paypal; both can be found on their Twitter page. You can send us a screenshot of the confirmation or from your Paypal receipts.
Example screenshot:
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Remember to cross out any identifying information. If you donate to both charities, submit both screenshots separately to get two prompts filled!
Rules for the prompts are described in the Google Form linked below. You can also mark if you have a preference between fic or art.
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etirabys · 19 days
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Dungeon Meshi doesn't have a kink meme, so I made one. It opens on June 4th, Tuesday at dunmeshikink.dreamwidth.org
New to kink memes? The core idea is that you comment with prompts for fanworks you wish existed, and write/draw fills for other fans' prompts in a reply if you are so inspired. The requests are often shippy and/or sexually explicit, although gen prompts are absolutely welcome as well. You do not need a DW account to participate.
There is a prompts post for manga readers who know the whole story, and a spoiler-free prompts post for anime-only fans.
The prompts are top level comments on the prompts post. Prompts can be very vague, or so exact they are nearly story outlines.
You can reply to prompts with fills, and with comments like "+1, I love the idea that…" or "ooh, what if [additional detail]?"
Rules and a longer explanation are in the intro post.
Kink memes are a more relaxed, collaborative environment where you bounce around ideas, write and draw for people who share your tastes, and occasionally get a gift that makes your week. Come have fun! Ask for your heart's desire! Get weird! Make friends!
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jazzsonly · 3 months
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pairing(s): cairo sweet x fem!reader
warning(s): stalker cairo, mentions cairo watching reader through their window, smoking, mention of reader’s mom passing away, mentions of reader having a ‘toned stomach’, minor detailed sexual content(nothing too major though).
summary: you become cairo’s newest work.
❝ sadderdays, why do they keep on using me? ❞
cairo sweet didn’t believe in mistakes.
she believed there just was and there just wasn’t, and well, if you really wanted to, you could change the entirety of that was or wasn’t.
cairo also didn’t believe in much of a right or wrong, mankind was and would continue to be the most horrific thing to earth so it really all depended on what the domino effects of the things you did that made those things so ‘wrong’
or right.
in this case, watching through your window almost every night since the start of this summer wasn’t right or wrong nor was it her fault—it had to yours. what logical person, who knowingly had a window that mirrored the house right across the street wouldn’t put curtains up?
if you asked her, it was an invitation.
you prompted her, to watch you as she held a lit cigarette between her lips on most nights, letting the smoke fill her lungs and her mind full with thoughts of you.
you were tempting, all more in the ways she thought miller was. she was far more intrigued with you than she ever could be miller.
of course she wanted you, she wanted you more than anything—how could she not be (to her dismay) enflamed with you? shamelessly letting her hand slip into her pants as she watched you. again, it wasn’t her fault, it was merely yours for inviting her.
entertaining her.
though you’d never spoken, never even made eye contact with the girl she had made it clear to herself and somehow to you that you, indeed, knew all the things you were doing.
and though she felt this way, though she wanted you—her need to write you was far more important than any of that lustful bullshit.
she couldn’t just sit and stare at you forever, she needed to figure you out and figure you out fast before summer was over, though it was just mid-june. she needed something to wow yale.
her college essay needed to be perfect and you were just the target, because well, you just show up in the house that’s gone untouched for as long as she’s been trapped in her lonesome that her parents left her to all alone in this tennesse mansion.
she had a reasoning for being here, she knew her reason for being here, but what was your excuse? cause one thing is for damn sure, you were way too good looking and way too young to be up here all alone.
so cairo set out, being as bold as she’s ever been—especially after the whole miller thing, here she was standing at your door, cocky shades cover her eyes and a cigarette firm between her lips as she knocks.
she didn’t miss the red pick up that sat in your driveway, such a texas cliche, she thought.
hearing the wooden door creak as it opens, she fixes her posture, pushing her shoulders forward as she stood up straight.
“uh, hey?” you question, wiping the dirt from your hands on a faded blue rag.
the girl took a second, taking in the attire of your flared fitting jeans—they were worn out in a handy way, navy blue. she also took note to your light blue top that slightly came up, showing the edge of your, what seemed to be toned stomach.
pop’s. the shirt read in a bold fading yellow font with little things around it.
tempting but she had a mission.
“i’m cairo, i, uh, wanted to introduce myself—i live,” she pauses, pointing to the broad house placed a felid away.
“you live there? i didn’t think anyone lived there. creeps me out, the whole old victorian vibe, no offense. but, i’m y/n—i would shake your hand but uh.” you flash your hands that were scuffed with dirt.
“none taken, it’s actually quite comforting—i didn’t think anyone lived here, i mean it’s been empty for years.”
“yeah, uh, my mom recently passed and this is what she left behind…” you shrug, flapping you arms in lazy manner and let them fall back to your sides with a flat slap.
“mhm,” cairo takes a drag from the malboro.
“i’m sorry to hear that. are you fixing the place up?”
“trying to, thinking about turning it into a summer home, you know?” she didn’t miss the way your eyes flicker back and forth from the cigarette back to her face.
“you want?” she holds the stick towards you.
“if you don’t mind,” you reach up but fail to grasp the cigarette as the girl pushes her hand forward, placing it between your lips herself.
though you couldn’t tell because of the dark shades, she eyes your lips and watches closely as your purse them, taking a long drag before she retracts her fingers.
“thank you—do, uh, you wanna come in for a drink?”
“tomorrow, yeah? gotta a lot of work to do.”
“oh, work? you in high school?” she could see the slight grimace on your face at the thought of her being in high school.
“graduated. i’m in the process of apply for college. yale.”
“oh, hotshot, huh? i go to nyu, transfer from ucla—my second year.“
“but, good luck with everything, i’ll be here all summer so if you need any pointers let me know. i’m just a field away.”
also noted.
“mhm, i’ll definitely let you know.”
exactly four days had passed since the encounter between you and cairo, and if she had to completely be truthful with herself, she was bored.
all she’d done was write and quickly delete the drafts she had made of you, walk to get coffee, and encounter small talk with a few distant friends from school whom seemed to be on big vacations with their closer friends.
she’d never say out loud, and she so reluctantly thought but she kind of missed winnie, in a strange way. who else to make her scandalous and yet superior at the same time?
after the whole miller thing, winnie had made it clear to stay far, far away from cairo, which of course the sweet girl didn’t take much offense to—she’d feel the same way if she were in her shoes, but she’d never so naively fall into a web like winnie had done.
with nothing better to do, and piles of shitty drafts, today would be the day she finally took up you on your offer. she needed new material for her paper anyways.
so here she was once again at your door, book-bag close on her back, dark shorts hugging her thighs with dark shades that cupped her face to match, and to top it off a white tank-top that read tennesse in fine blue print.
“finally showed up, i was afraid i scared you off.” the girl flinches, slightly, when you appear from the side of the house.
immediately she takes notices to the jean short-shorts that you occupied, along with the dirt stained, white baseball cap that took over your head of curls, brown cowgirl boots, and to top it off a plain black tank.
“i’ve been busy. told you i had a lot of work to do.”
“yeah, days worth, huh?” you tease, stepping to the house’s door, opening it and stepping aside for cairo.
“every time i see you, you got these shades on. you don’t like people looking you in your eyes or something?”
“i have my reasons.” she shrugs, letting a playful manner roll over her.
“you got magic eyes? anyone who stares into them falls in love?” you point at the girl again, this time causing her to bite back a smile, that you definitely don’t miss.
as she follows you, she can’t help but notice just how much your house resembles the aura of her’s—if not even more erie, the vacancy was very lit and yet a classic touch of old money overwhelmed the place. you had to be as loaded as she was with a house like this, and in tennesse—trust, she didn’t miss how much land you occupied.
“if you don’t mind me asking, what’d your mom do for a living?”
“ah, real estate and my dad is a lawyer—though, i don’t talk much with him.”
“huh, my parents are lawyers too and we don’t talk much either.”
you bite your lip, nodding in some form of understanding? agreement?
“make yourself at home,” you gesture to the velvet love seat.
cairo pauses for a minute, thinking, she had already made herself too at home—she was already losing sight of why she were here, she wasn’t here for your good looks and alluring aura—nor your flirty jokes.
you weren’t some seduction mission that she was going to trick herself into thinking you wanted her the way she did you, no. you weren’t going to be another mr.miller. she had learned from her mistakes.
you were her college essay and nothing more.
“i’m not a big drinker, so, pretty much all i have is some cherry wine and a little bit of gin.”
you watch at the sweet girl grimaces, “gin?”
“i know, my mom had poor taste, but i’ll take that as wine for our drink of the evening, i’ll be right back.”
why were you so tempting? how could one be so open yet she still knew nothing about you. she’d been here all of twenty minutes all she could get out of you was that your mom was a real estate agent and your dad is a lawy—
that’s it.
“here you go.” you hand her a half filled glass, fingers grazing over her skin before taking a seat across from her in the matching recliner.
“so, you’re dad is a lawyer? what’s his name? just curious if he works at the same firm as my parents.”
“y/d/n y/l/n. i doubt it, my dad owns his own firm and is very hard to work with.”
“hm, yeah never heard of him.” cairo made note to google your father later to lead her to connects with you,
and that’s exactly what she did.
after your drink, an excused rolled off her tongue to go home—she had more work to do, that you so cluelessly wished her good luck on.
one things for sure, you were right, you dad was hard man to work with. he seemed to be a lawyer who’d only worked on high profile cases in his career, how that was even possible? who knows.
he’d also been married three times, your mom being the second wife and you being his second kid.
his latest wife was way younger then him, as usual, she was maybe even your age. they had a son together, just two years old. it must be weird having an older sister in her late forties, while you’re in your earlier twenties, with a younger brother who is just two years old.
all while your dad is pushing sixty-five or so cairo read on the internet—she doesn’t exactly remember his age because she got bored and started surfing your name on google. to her surprise she’d found quite a lot on you.
a soccer star in high school, riding a scholarship for it too. not only that, but you’d been on the swim team in high school too.
you’d taken piano lessons as a kid, and noting the only social media you had was instagram, which to her trouble was private.
ugh, frustration was a minor feeling that creeped over cairo’s body. all she found was cliche background info. on you, no hard hitting stuff. no legal troubles, no mentions of some sort of addiction, no scandals.
there had to be more to you—there was, she could feel it. there was a story to you and she so ever needed it if she was going to wow yale. she had her miller story but something bigger assuredly awaited her blank google doc.
taking a slow, extended drag from her cigarette, the girl reluctantly closed the macbook. she now, once again, had a view of your unfolded window. though, you weren’t occupying it at the moment she waited in setback and anticipation as your truck had pulled into the driveway not too long ago. you’d entered the house with a woman she’d never seen before, maybe your half-sister.
if it were, it would be nice to put a face to the name considering google didn’t hold any pictures of your older sister.
but cairo couldn’t be more wrong and there would be no putting any name to any face because she would watch and smoke as you came collapsing into your room’s open window with your tongue down the random woman’s throat.
cairo couldn’t help but be taken over by a hot-blooded resentment. you were her project her, her puzzle to figure out, not some girl’s sloppy one night. and yet; through her distasteful thoughts, the girl couldn’t break her eyes from the scene that unfolded in front of her.
that was one word to describe everything going on just in these moments. cairo’s hand wandering in her pants, letting enclosed moans falling from her lips as her eyes trained on just how…experienced (?) you’d seemed to be by the way you had been touching this woman.
her eyes were like binoculars on their own, closely she looked as your tongue ran across the woman’s lips—it was sloppy but so enamoring. your hands eagerly everywhere and nowhere at the same time on the woman’s body as you take off her clothes with the haste, the woman doing the same to you.
with you just in your lace underwear, cairo could see a tattoo on your shoulder that couldn’t make out but definitely would find a way to ask you about eventually—but right now, all she wanted to do was be the woman you were so infatuated with in this moment. the way you were shamelessly in the middle of your room, on your knees with your head hungrily between her legs, eating her out with ease. the eye contact you kept drove her even more insane.
she had underestimated you.
you were more untamed than she thought. bolder than you led onto to be.
━━━ 👩🏽‍💻potentially more parts to come.
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au-roulette · 17 days
AU Roulette Challenge 2024
What is AU Roulette? A casual fic-writing challenge encouraging authors to play around with different types of alternate universe stories, which will be randomly assigned to each participant regardless of the fandom they sign up with. The goal of the challenge is to encourage creativity and get authors to write fics with premises they might not otherwise have considered, with varying difficulty levels of participation for writers of all experience levels.
How does it work? Writers will be able to sign up from now through June with a fandom of their choice. At the start of July, each participant will be assigned three AUs from a masterlist using a random number generator. Each author will then have the choice of completing the challenge one, two, or all three of the AUs. Any fic exceeding a 500-word minimum will be considered a completion, so long as it employs the AU premise. The fic-writing period of the challenge will run for a month. Fics can be posted at any point during this time, and authors will have the option of having them added to an Ao3 collection for the challenge if they desire. They can also be posted to tumblr using the tag #AU Roulette 2024
What kind of AUs will be included in the challenge? The AU Roulette challenge will focus largely on popular, staple AU types with broad applicability to any fandom or relationship type. For example, a possible result might be something like a Time Travel AU (encompassing all the possible subsets, such as fix-it time travel, time loops, or other tropes under the same umbrella), but more restrictive AU types like a Soulmate AU that make assumptions about the author’s interpretation of character relationships in canon have been intentionally kept off the AU masterlist. The official list of AUs will be kept under wraps until assignments are given, but will have over 30 different prompts to ensure authors receive a good variety of options, and if you have suggestions or concerns about what AUs are being included, feel free to reach out.
What if I get an AU type that doesn’t work for the canon I chose? Limited re-rolls will be allowed on a case-by-case basis. You are also encouraged to be as creative as you want with your interpretation of your assigned AUs, which may help with making them fit. The goal of this challenge is to encourage weird, creative fanfic, not to have every author who rolls the same result write cookie-cutter versions of the same types of stories. If you were to get a Coffee Shop AU, for example, there is no requirement that the coffee shop in question be a real-world 21st-century Earth Starbucks. In fact, deviating from the mold is highly encouraged. So long as you can make a case that you filled the loose premise of your AU type, you will get credit for having completed it.
Can I participate if I am not a writer? AU Roulette is a fanfic writing challenge, so official sign-ups are for those interested in writing (regardless of skill level or experience writing AUs). However, if you are interested in the challenge but not in writing fic for it, consider having a look at the #AU Roulette 2024 tag or the official AU Roulette 2024 collection on Ao3 once authors have begun posting their stories. If one of them really speaks to you, it might be a nice gesture to draw a piece of art, make a playlist, or create some other fanwork inspired by the fic and share it – in which case you would also be more than welcome to use the official tag!
(Authors are of course also welcome to do this for their or other participants’ stories, too.)
How do I sign up? Fill out this form with your email and fandom of choice.
Looking forward to seeing the AUs everyone creates this year!
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sunnys-out · 18 days
The Star and her Sun | Alessia Russo x Reader
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A/N: Hello everyone! Thank you to those who checked up on me. I'm doing alright now. Still studying for the LSAT which I am set to take on the 8th of June, so send good vibes. I have been working on this one for a bit. This combines three of the prompts that I had and honestly, I'm kinda attached to this one because it is friends to lovers and my ass loves that shit like. I am working on three others that should be coming out soon. Thank you all. (REMINDER: REQUESTS ARE CLOSED)
WC: 7k
Warnings: Family sickness, alcohol, foul language, gendered language (anything else let me know)
The little bells rang throughout the quiet, little, London cafe as it cut through the sounds of a football match playing on a laptop by the counter. 
Alessia saw someone in the behind hunch over what looked to be like a large book and notebook filled with all sorts of highlights and post its. 
“Morning~, can I get something started for you?” A soft voice sounded from behind the fresh pastries as Alessia noticed that you gave a quick look to her and returned to whatever you were doing. 
Alessia approached the counter and peered at you still sitting down with your hair held up and with a floral headband keeping away the stray hairs that still graced your cheeks. 
You close the textbook, using the notebook like a bookmark to not lose your place, smoothing out the apron fully standing in front of Alessia.
She couldn’t help but follow the movement as you went past her eyeline. You were probably over 6’0 and you caught her moment of awe and laughed a little.
“I’m 6’3 if that is what you were wondering” you said as you further adjusted the apron around your waist.
Alessia blushed at being caught, 
“Sorry, uh- I’m new around here and this was the first cafe I saw that was close to my place and open this early so I don’t have an idea of what I want really?” her normally confident tone faltered as she fully took in your features.
A smile crept on your face as you put your hands in the front pockets of the apron and begin to rock back and forth on your heels. You look at the kit bag on Alessia’s shoulder.
“Seems like you’re going to training…Arsenal right? Well, the rest of the girls usually pop on through in the afternoon after practice but I’d always recommend the Apple Crumble pastry and a small, sweet latte with oat milk for morning trainings”
Alessia only nodded at the question, “Yeah, that sounds perfect actually…you a fan?” 
I nod as I bend down with a pair of tongs to place the pastry into a small bag. 
“My mum is a huge gooner, and my pops is a big Man United fan.” You laugh a little before continuing and beginning the process of making the latte.
“I guess I am both as well…grew up in it really, so yeah you can say I’m a fan ” You place the top on the disposable cup and slide the coffee and pastry towards Alessia stopping her before she gets her wallet out.
“First one is on me, little star” you say and are met with a stunned silence from the younger girl. 
She remained looking at you a sense of familiarity hits her as your soft but firm eyes returned the stare but she couldn’t place it for the life of her. It looked like you were waiting for a specific response from her.
“Thanks…uh I’ll see you around” she says as she quickly grabs the things on the counter and heads for the door.
You say quickly to her as Alessia grabs onto the handle of the door, “Oh tell the girls I said my hellos”
Alessia nods and runs out of the cafe and nearly trips over the sidewalk as she continues on to the training center. 
You watch her and she wanders off, Alessia completely flustered by the encounter, shaking your head you mutter as a laugh leaves your mouth 
“Still as clumsy as I remember”.
Bearsted FC, Kent
Being the oldest kid at Bearsted FC meant a lot of the younger kids looked up to you both figuratively and physically. Being freshly ten and measuring at 5’4 was nothing to ignore. You were one of the few kids that did not need any convincing to be in goal. 
You enjoyed it. The amount of afternoons practicing blocking shots with your parents gave you a sense of pride with each ball that flew away from goal or trapped within your gloves.
You had promise of becoming one of England’s best goalkeepers or so said the many adults at your games on the weekends.
Even little Alessia Russo, who would come bounding towards you at the end of each and every game. You both had been playing for both the boys and the girls on the weekend. Again, no one else would step as keeper so no one could really say no to you.
“That was amazing,(y/n)!!!” Alessia jumped towards you with her arms then extended to mimic a save you had done that game.
You shook your head and smoothed out your uniform as you looked down at you teammate. 
“Me? Nah, you were amazing, I mean you have been really practicing your shooting. Got a brace today!” you say patting her shoulder.
“What’d ya mean? It would’ve been perfect if I didn’t slip on the grass” Alessia initially beaming up at you and then frowning as she showed off the grass stains on her shorts. 
You shake your  head, “I mean it Lessie, I mean you got the grown ups saying that you’re England’s next big striker and I agree with them” You continue to pick up your stuff from the side of the goal. 
Alessia only remained silent before firmly saying, “Well only if you’re there, I don’t trust anyone else, you are such a good goal keeper!”
You roll your eyes at the younger girl yes, “you’ll get there with or without me Lessie, trust me” You look over and see your  parents waving you over.
“Well I'm going to head home, see ya tomorrow eh little star?” Who only nods acknowledging the pats to her shoulder as you run over to your parents.
You were enjoying the last few weekends that you had in England. Your parents had already mentioned to you that your father had found a much better job in Florida that required a move to the States.
You were already 10 years old so your time at the league was ending anyways, the only worry you had was finding a new team to play for. Your parents reassured you that there were clubs in Miami that would take you and it’d be a nice change in scenery.
Your last weekend came up and it was going to be a surprise to everyone but unbeknownst  to you, Alessia had fallen ill. Her parent’s not telling her that it was your last time playing there, the last time that you would play in England to save her from feeling worse apart from her illness.
You played well and ended your little “career” with another clean sheet but this time without Alessia Russo coming over to your goal to sing you your praises. She was your best friend and it left you dejected as you grabbed your things from the grass and headed over to your parents. 
“Darling, don’t look down, your father gave the Russos our number so she will call you when she feels better and we are in the states” Your mother sensing the disappointment that clearly permeated from your demeanor. 
That did make you feel a wee bit better that at least Alessia had some way to get in touch with you. What you didn’t know is that, unfortunately for you, Alessia’s father forgot the piece of paper in his jeans and the number was lost in the wash. He didn’t have the heart to tell Alessia of what happened.
Waiting by the home phone proved to be a rather frequent activity until your mother said “It’s ok we are going to visit sooner or later”.  
However, soon became a couple years and not to your surprise Alessia and her family had moved.
She moved somewhere different, so you had to move on from your best friend you so deeply missed.
Upon Alessia’s arrival to the training grounds, the other girls immediately clocked the familiar coffee cup design.
“Oh looks like you’ve already met our favorite barista, Russo” Katie wraps an arm around Alessia’s shoulders.
The blonde’s cheeks grew red at the mention of you. “Uh yeah, she mentioned y’all… said hello”
Katie’s eyes twinkled, “Oh how I love that girl…you got a good look at her didn’t you?” 
Before Alessia could continue to show that she was a nervous mess; Leah intervened.
 “Leave the poor girl alone, Katie. We all know of your little crush on (Y/N), get in line like the rest of us”. 
The rest of the locker room erupted in laughter and in mutual agreement. 
Alessia returned to her area and placing her things in her cubby still reeling from the whole interaction. 
After a particularly exhausting practice, she turned down going with the other girls to the cafe you worked at. She lied saying that she still had some unpacking to finish and why should she go back if she’d already been there in the morning? 
“Don’t need to buy anything, Lessi, just seeing (y/n) is worth the walk down” Katie laughed giving her a quick bump to the shoulder.
An awkward laugh from Alessia escaped her as she shooed away her teammates but not before promising that she would join them the next time….which was a lie because she would avoid the cafe as much as she could to avoid the nervousness that she felt. The way that your gaze affected her…how even in the early morning your eyes were bright, soft, and firm.
After two weeks of, reluctantly, going to any cafe other than the one that you worked at Alessia finally found herself being dragged by Toone towards your cafe.
“Tooney, there are other places with pastries, do we really have to go to this one?” Alessia pleaded to her friend who looked at her confused and pulled Alessia even further.
“Nah, Phallon is there and she said that her old university friend working there will hook us up with some free pastries, you were excited about the free pastries part, what’s got you not wanting to go now huh?” 
Alessia couldn’t think of a good reason, her demeanor did change from excitement to nerves at the realization they were headed towards your cafe…
“I don’t think their pastries are all that” she lied to which earned an eye roll from Ella.
“Don’t care…a free pastry is a free pastry.” Ella said, opening the door of the cafe to see an occupied Phallon leaning on the counter as she scrolled her phone looking for something.
She lifted her head, “Oh hey Tooney, hey Alessia, guess you got her with the free pastries huh?” she said with a smile.
Alessia let out a quiet sigh of relief as she saw someone that wasn’t you walk into the back carrying a box.
“Where’s your friend, Phallon?” Ella went to the counter towards her teammate.
Phallon continued scrolling through her phone and stopped seemingly finding what she was looking for. 
“Oh she had to go get some boxes really quick but she’ll be back. I was going to show her the highlight I had seen of her from two weekends ago, just found it. She’ll kill me but…” She laughs turning the phone screen towards Ella and Alessia as the video began to play.
Toone did not see Alessia’s eyes widen at the realization that you were the one playing; that you were the one in goal. 
Alessia recognized the team as one of the local club teams nearby, a part of the lower leagues. One of the main points of the video that played again slowly was a save that was thoroughly impressive. There was something in the way that you made the save that triggered a memory in Alessia. 
Before Alessia could say anything in response to the video, your voice interrupted her thoughts.
“Been a while, Russo…TJ can you not show my highlights, it’s embarrassing” You say, with a laugh, passing closely to Alessia and hip checking Phallon as you place the two boxes of napkins on the counter. 
Phallon only lets out a laugh, “hey it was a good save (y/n), if you weren’t on this med school route, you’d easily be recruited by a WSL club team…”
Ella immediately agrees and pushes more, “Phallon is right, if you were on another team, you’d be an absolute nightmare for us right, Lessie?”. You look back at Alessia, who at the mention of her name finally blinked.
“Uh yeah, that was a good save. I don’t think I would get anything past you” she says quietly under your firm gaze as she hears your name for the first time. 
You only nod turning away from the group to put away the boxes, “Yeah maybe, well that was the dream but things sometimes don’t go that way you know but hey you can have multiple dreams…aka the med school route Phallon so happened to mention”
Alessia’s eyes followed you as you continued on answering Ella’s array of questions as you put away the supplies needed behind the counter.
Drying your hands you go to pack some pastries for the group, 
“Yeah I was a walk on for our university team and I ended up playing for them for a while, even started more than half the games…decided to just come back home after I didn’t get drafted into the NWSL”. 
The last part came out with some hesitation, you turn back with three small baggies filled with pastries.
Phallon takes them in her hands and says “See you at the game, yeah?” 
You nod, “Course, just remember to send me the tickets this time TJ, now head on off, I know that you all have practice later”.
As the group was about to leave, Alessia stops when you firmly say, “Actually, before I forget…Alessia, you forgot something the last time you were here”
Alessia looked to Ella who, didn’t help at all, said “Oh, we have to head out, I’ll text ya later Less”, leaving Alessia to her own devices 
As Alessia, hesitantly, reached the counter, you pulled up your chair and sat with your elbows on the counter and your head resting at your palms.
“Sooooo…you going to tell me why you’ve been avoiding me or do you want me to guess?” You say already with an answer in mind.
The younger girl messed with her hands and refused to meet your eyes “ ‘m not avoiding you…there’s just other cafes…” 
You clicked your tongue, “sure…anything else because I don’t believe you, little star” the nickname caused for Alessia’s cheeks to turn red…
“Uhhh…well I don’t think Katie would like me hanging around her crush, ‘ppose you like her too…I mean why wouldn’t you…I mean not saying I don’t want to see you but not that I have a crush on you or anything…but you’re pretty but I don’t think…”her thoughts were interrupted by your stifled laughter.
You rubbed your eyes to wipe the tears the came from holding it in.
“Hold on…firstly, I like Katie but not in that way. Second, is that really why you’ve been avoiding me, Lessie?…I thought it was something else, this however, I’m not complaining about” 
You said gesturing over to Alessia’s flustered demeanor.
The look of confusion on her face only added to your laughter, “Lessie, I know you’re not dumb…come on, who else in your life has ever called you, Little Star…I mean your folks started calling you star girl because of it and now the media does but who was the first to call you their little star?” 
You smiled towards her as you took in her slow realization, her eyes widening as she began finally taking in your features. The way that your eyes looked at her was enough proof to her, you were her.
Alessia quickly pulls you into a hug from across the counter, “you asshole, you could’ve just told me. God, it’s been so long”. Her grip on you is so tight that you would think that you were about to fly away if she let go. You feel her bury her face in your hair as you lean into her more.
Another laugh leaves your mouth, “well I thought you would have figured it out but now I know why you avoided me”. She pulls away immediately and sees the smirk that now adorned your face.
“ Someone’s got a little crush on me” you tease as you get up from your chair only to be followed, in tandem, on the other side of the cafe counter by the striker.
“I never said that!” her voice not, convincingly, confident like the day she first saw you again after many years.
You ignore her and only respond with a hum as you adjust your apron and round the corner of the counter and walk briskly towards the younger girl.
“Is that so? Shame because I also had a crush on you but I guess we will never know, of what may have happened if you also had a crush on me” You continue your teasing as you begin to shoo her out of the cafe with a gentle push.
The striker pushes back against you and grabs your right hand as you grab the handle to “kick her out”.
“Hey wait, wait…I was just joking…come on, Sole” You don’t take your hand off the handle but you froze at your old nickname, Sole. 
You hadn’t heard that name in decades at that point…her parents called you “her sole”...”her sun” because she was always pulled to you. The moment she got out of the car at practice she would run to you at goal, the moment the game would end she’d run to you, and eventually Alessia would copy her parents and call you ‘Sole’ in response to your calling of ‘little star’ to her.
You felt Alessia push back against you and you budged a bit. As you opened the door, you used the momentum in one of her efforts and turned her towards you as you lowered your face to hers.
“I’m joking, little star. Get to practice. I’ll see you this weekend, I’ll find you after the game, Phallon will get me…I’ve missed you by the way”. You say calmly, patted her shoulder and then,gently, pushed her out of the cafe and closed the door behind her. 
Match day against Manchester United came quickly to the Emirates and Alessia was nervous for multiple reasons. She was facing her old club for the first time and playing before her old friend that she definitely had a crush on. 
You never gave her your number and she didn’t want to ask Ella to then have to ask Phallon because then Ella would start wondering why and she couldn’t hide her feelings for you from her best friend. If Tooney found out, oh she would never hear the end of it. 
The team all rallied and began warm ups, the noises of the stadium gradually grew as people filed in. 
Alessia’s eyes would scan the suites where player’s families and friends from either team would be situated…she didn’t see you. 
She’d discreetly do it again during the as the team got into their positions…nothing. Unbeknownst to her, you had an eye on her the whole time; laughing at the way she “discreetly” scanned the family suites looking for you.
You never enjoyed the suites and always preferred watching from a fan’s point of view. You weren’t known so it wasn’t a worry that you’d be found out by fans. You settled into your seat your legs already used to the lack of space. You were surrounded by other fans with your mother’s old Arsenal jacket she got when she was your age with a little bit of a red jersey peeking underneath. 
It was an Alessia Russo jersey from when she played for Manchester United. You got it the moment that you heard that she signed on. Your father being elated that your childhood friend was playing for his team, 
“as she should!” you remember how proud he sounded when you shared the news
Lessie was loved by your family so you purchasing her jersey wasn’t seen as weird or off. You were as enamored with Alessia as she was of you in that moment. As a kid, you had always dreamed that one day you and Alessia would exchange jerseys after a game against each other, the thought caused for a short-lived frown to grace your face. 
You took a photo of Phallon in goal from where you were seated and posted it to your story tagging her and adorning the photo with University of Miami stickers and a caption that said “That’s my best friend!”
You loved your university friend dearly but you hoped that your little star would get one past her. As the game began, you watched Alessia, silently, like you did all those years ago from your goal posts. Placing you feet on the seat in front of you and putting your elbows to your knees and watched in awe. 
Your little star was not so little anymore but she played with the same energy and joy as she did when you were both younger. You couldn’t help but jump up in excitement when she scored. Except this time you couldn’t hit the posts with your gloves from the other side of the field like you traditionally did. 
During halftime, you got a text from Phallon telling you to head down to tunnel before the end of the game. She had already let it be known to security that you would be coming by and to just flash the badge she had given you.
The game had ended with a 2-0 scoreline in favor of Arsenal, earning Alessia a brace against her former club. Phallon came in and upon seeing you, enveloped you in a tight hug. The hug itself started to push off the University of Miami baseball hat you had on from your head.
“Hey you did great out there, was like old times” you said with a laugh as you patted Phallon’s back.
Phallon was a tad upset but nodded at your words, “Could’ve been better but hey this ain’t the NWSL, so I’m happy to have played anyways”. You had stayed in the United States for a year after failing to get drafted and would often fly out to Seattle to watch Phallon at her home games. You wanted to support her for as long as you could; that still wouldn’t be enough to pay her back for all that she had done for you. 
You hadn’t noticed that Alessia had walked into the tunnel with Toone and seen the slight look of jealousy she shot Phallon.
“That’s her best friend is all…goal keeper union and all that. Mary probably knows her too…” as if on queue Mary came by and enveloped you in a hug from behind which earned a laugh from you. Mary’s powerful stature now seemed small in comparison when you towered over her. 
Alessia did not realize that Ella had pulled her towards you and the other girls until she heard you say,
“Oh hey you two, you both had an incredible game, especially you…Russo!” The smile that you had now directed at her, filled with knowing that you had such an affect of her as you noticed that Alessia’s cheeks became the same color as her jersey.
The other girls agreed amongst themselves. “How about a little get together later tonight? Just a couple drinks nothing too crazy, (Y/N), you are always invited” Mary ended the proposal with a pat on your shoulder.
You nod, “Oh Alessia, heard you’d need a ride home, I can take you, since I have to stop at the cafe really quick before I go home anyways”. The offer bringing Alessia out of the trance that she was in. 
“Sure…if it isn’t any issue” she said softly that earned a quick assurance from you.
“Nah don’t worry about it…I’m parked where the players are, so I’ll just text you where I’m at” you say handing her your phone so that she can put in her number.
Once Alessia handed your phone  back, you said your goodbyes and whispered a quick, “I’ll see you soon, little star” to her before heading down the hall. Alessia nodded and turned to see a smirking Toone.
“You can thank me by the way…I could've given you a ride but I am always looking out for my bestie so I made myself ~ unavailable ~ and I expect you to put on your cutest outfit, Less!” she sang the last part as she put her arm around Alessia’s shoulder. 
“I-I don’t-what?”, the blonde quietly whispers to Toone.
Ella rolls her eyes, “Less, I know when you have a crush, you’re the worst at hiding it. Plus she’s a catch and I’m sure she likes you too, so just here to give ya a little push like the good friend I am” her eyelashes flutter towards the blonde. 
The forward did not even try to fight her friend and instead went to the locker room with the rest of her team. After going through the various congrats and photos for Player of the Match, she finally unlocked her phone to a message from an unknown number, you.
“Hey little star, I'm parked in section A spot 29. I’ll be sat in my car so no rush do what ya gotta do 😊”
Alessia smiled down at the message, the nickname flustering her even in just text form. 
“I’ll see you soon, just finishing up here 😊” her message was met with a small, heart like.
You were scrolling on your Instagram, as a random Spotify playlist played from your phone. Your head leaned on the window of your car as you continued completely unaware of your own surroundings. A gentle tap on the passenger window across from you made a big smile appear as you unlocked the car to a still-nervous Alessia. 
“You could put your stuff in the back don’t worry, it's unlocked”. Once Alessia put her things away in the back seat she found herself in the passenger seat, struggling to put on her own seat belt. 
“I’m not going even to ask if you need help,”  you said with a small laugh as you leaned over, grabbed the seat belt, and quickly put it into the buckle.
As you lean back into your chair, you stopped closely to Alessia’s face, 
“That buckle gets everyone, don’t be embarrassed…you don’t need to be nervous around me either but seems like I do that to everyone” you smile slyly as no response comes from her and start the car and you begin to pull out of the lot.
Alessia breaks her own silence, 
“(y/n)...my dad lost your number in the wash…that’s why I never called you. I hope you don’t think that I left you, I really did miss you” You waved your hand towards her. 
“I know that you never meant for that to happen…I didn’t expect to leave so young” 
She only nodded and continued,
“Soooo, what did you end up doing and what’s this about med school?” 
A sigh escapes you, “uh we moved to Miami because dad got a really good job there. Things were great, I was playing club in a nice area and yeah…that lasted two years…then dad loses that job within 2 years because of the recession…we had savings but we had to cut out a lot of things…football was one of them”.
You coughed as you recalled the rest, “The daughter of the coach was so happy I was gone which meant that she could be the starting goal keeper…other girls were funded by other parents who had better means…uh not me”. 
You did not even want to look at Alessia knowing she had a frown on her face. You pinch your nose as you continue.
“When I went to high school, I tried out for the team and I was good according to the coach…but then they asked me if I played club…told them I did but then stopped because I couldn’t afford it. I was cut from the team the next day…money talks there, so I uhhhh didn’t play until I went to U of M” 
“Phallon was actually my roommate…we joked that they intentionally put  the two tallest girls together in the smallest dorm at the university. It was a total coincidence that they put me with her. First day I knew she was a soccer player, she didn’t find out I was a goalkeeper until she came to me worried because her alternate did her ACL and that they needed to try out new people in the next two weeks. I denied at first said I couldn’t afford it and explained why. Phallon talked to her family and next thing I knew…everything was paid for I just needed to try out…rest is history. You already know that I didn’t get drafted and well I came back. Been staying at my aunt’s place, rent free. She’s retired so she’s always away on travel”. 
Alessia nodded, still noticing how you rushed to the end. 
“How are your parents-?” she stops the moment she sees your hands tense at the wheel.
You shift in your seat, “Sorry, my parent’s are fine now, they are still in Florida actually…they are kind of stuck there…Mum got sick recently and dad followed suit…took them forever to convince me to move back, but they are ok it’s just we are in a weird spot. Everything is ok but not at the same time, don’t know if that makes sense”. You glance at her with a soft smile.
Alessia puts a hand to your shoulder, “hey sorry if that’s a sore spot and no it makes sense, it’s been a while since I’ve seen them obviously” She lets out a laugh. 
“Dad was so happy when you signed to United you know? And now, mum has been over the moon since you joined Arsenal” the tone in your voice now lighter. 
As you and Alessia talked it felt as if you had returned to the rhythm that you both had when you were kids. She would scrunch her nose when you teased her and you’d roll your eyes when she made a bad joke. You parked near the cafe after Alessia convinced you to leave her at the cafe and she’d walk the rest home.
You began walking towards the cafe to go pick up some textbooks you had left earlier that morning, beginning to take off your jacket out of habit as you got to the door. Alessia, who had stopped to see you off only saw the deep red of the Manchester jersey you wore, the white letters spelling out ‘Russo’  disappearing into the cafe.
Alessia had practically inhaled the first drink that was handed to her by Toone due to the nerves that she had. Toone looked proud when Alessia arrived with her hair down, gold hoops and necklace with a black crop top and light washed jeans. 
“You look absolutely stunning, if she doesn’t want to take you home immediately seeing you then something is wrong with her” Toone said that earned a slap on the shoulder from Alessia,
“Shut it, don’t need to be so loud about it”. They both decide to get another drink while they waited for you to enter the bar. There respective teammates floating around the bar, laughs and conversations were heard from every corner. 
“(y/n)!!!! Leah told me you were coming!”  Katie’s thick accent now even thicker due to drinks she had already had.
Alessia had already started to feel the buzz of the 2 drinks she had went through minutes ago so the exclamation from Katie felt louder than usual. She turned and saw you talking to Katie who already began to wrap her arm around your waist pulling you closer to her. You entertained her and just held her briefly and it now looked like Katie was a koala on tree. 
Leah finally released you from Katie’s grasp only earning a laugh from you as you patted Katie’s shoulders to save her from the embarrassment what occurred. Alessia felt the tug at her heart when she saw your smile and heard your laugh. Even with all of the noise and movement, it seemed like you were moving slowly and clearly only for her to see. 
Alessia only snapped out of it when she felt a jab into her ribs, 
“You’re drooling, Lessie, I’d wipe your mouth because she’s headed this way, I’m going for another drink see ya”. The forward did not even have time to register what was said by Toone and even worse when you appeared in front of her.
“You ok? You’ll catch flies” You say semi-teasingly, semi-serious, lightly, tapping the underside of her chin as Alessia hadn’t closed her mouth since you had entered the bar. She finally was able to take you in and her silence to what you said only caused you to laugh.
Alessia saw you adjust the rolled up sleeves of your jacket and her eyes drifted to the exposed section of your stomach, then up at the subtle gold chain that you had on, you caught her gaze finally reached your face.
“So, I’m just going to get my one drink of the night, want to join me?…seems you need a refill” You take the empty glass from her hand as you started for the bar with Alessia following right behind you.
“Sorry, for being all quiet, I’m just tired you know” the blush on the striker’s cheeks told another story. 
You nod as you order yourself two drinks and slide one over to Alessia.
“Sure, little star, and I’m the president of the United States” you tease as you felt a tiny push of the shoulder from her. 
The conversation was like any other and the alcohol finally hit Alessia not at once, if you asked her, but when she was pulling you towards the dance floor with all the other Arsenal girls who were equally slightly, stumbling. 
She looked up at you as she brought you closer by your waist and laid her head on a part of your shoulder almost using you to stabilize herself. Alessia took in how warm you were and the woody, almost pine scent from your clothes; she couldn’t help but close her eyes and quietly sigh contently.
She barely registered your hand gently rubbing her back as you both were “slow dancing” in the middle of the bar. Which just meant you were both swaying slowly side to side, well you were more stabilizing Alessia as you moved side to side.
Her eyes opened as she felt the rumble in your chest as you spoke, “Nah she’s ok,...yeah Katie she’s an old friend actually…more now and we’re just catching up on lost time…ok I’ll see you”.
You, gently, tap Alessia’s waist to get her attention and lower yourself to her ear,  “You alright?” 
Alessia hummed and only melted herself more into you as your chest rumbled again but from laughter.
“You want to head out? Don’t want you to fall asleep standing…well you might actually trip over yourself if I let you go.” Alessia doesn’t answer but nods into your chest.
You push her a little so that you can lead her out of the bar waving at the rest of the team to get home safe.
Alessia stops you, “Can you carry me home?” she says quietly as she tries to stabilize herself without your aid but fails only to grab you by the arm. 
Without a word, you get in front of her and squat a little. 
“Come on, just get on my back, I can take you to mine, it’s actually just a block and a half away” 
Alessia, carefully, gets on your back and wrapping her arms around you neck as you hold her legs. 
The lights of the streets are almost blurry as Alessia laid her head on your back.
“I really did miss you, Sole”, you hear Alessia slur out from behind you.
You stop a bit before going up to the door of you aunt’s home, “me too, little star”.
You assist Alessia into some of your clean clothes, obviously fitting way too big on her, combed through her hair, removed her make up, brushed her teeth, and finally lead her to your bed.
“I’ll sleep on the couch downstairs -” you began to say before Alessia, even though she was completely out of it, pulled you down to the bed next to her.
“Don’t be stupid, come on, you didn’t think I saw you with my jersey earlier” she muttered as she made her place in your arms and began to sleep. You only smiled as your fingers went through her hair and then rested at her hip as she feel asleep… you silently wishing that this would be your everyday but when have you ever been this lucky?
Over the several weeks, Alessia would come only in the mornings opting to be selfish with the time that she spent with you. She would lean on the counter and talk to you as you were sat in the chair reading over your text book like the day she met you, sometimes even having your parents on the phone to speak with her. She thought, at the beginning, that you weren’t listening to her but you would occasionally insert little quips or observations.
“Ok sorry to say but that video of you in Australia, that Mary shared, was actually really funny”. You said as you highlighted another part of your textbook before setting it down on the table. 
Alessia rolled her eyes, “ok I swear it was going to charge at me, anyways, I’m off to practice…see you tomorrow?”. 
You nod as you lean down and give her a quick kiss on the lips as she practically skipped out of the cafe. 
You look underneath the counter at the opened letter that you had received a week ago. It said of your new schedule that your clinicals would now be mornings and you’d be assigned to a location to travel outside of the city in the afternoons.
“I’ll tell her tomorrow” was the phrase you would say over and over again. Your resolve in actually telling her would melt away the moment Alessia waltzed in every morning with her smile that made you buckle.
Tomorrow would be the last possible day to tell her so you had to tell her, of course, you could only blame your own unwillingness to break her heart. You weren’t breaking up with her just telling her 
‘Hey, remember how we didn’t see each other for a really long time and we found each other and now things are great, well I have to go again but I will still remember you…hope you wait for me like I waited for you…’
The next morning came and you had settled into your seat behind the counter like you always did and waited for your Little Star to walk in with her smile that was so bright it’d make the moon jealous. You hid the sunflowers that you had got her under some newspaper, hoping, it’d lessen the blow of what you were about to say to her. 
The minutes passed and the ding from your phone disturbed the comfortable silence.
“Hey Sole, I’m not feeling too well today, think I ate something bad last night so I’m not coming in and just going to go back to bed,  don’t miss me too much” followed with “ Little Star has notifications silenced”
You sighed with a frown, as you began to speak into your phone:
“You’re going to hate me. I’m sorry-”
Alessia’s heart dropped as she began listening to the voicemessages in her bathroom after sleeping for another 3 hours.
“I’m going to be no longer working at the cafe because I’m going be fully dedicating myself to my studies. Clinicals at the hospital are picking up and I will be going out of town often to work…I won’t be able to see you nor really talk to you. You are important to me and I am stupid for not telling you sooner…makes it seem like this is more important than you but it isn’t… I just didn’t want to break your heart. 
I love you, my little star, since the night at the bar. When you held onto me for dear life as we “danced”. When I brought you home when you were drunk off your ass and could barely stand. I still smell the traces of your scent on my bed sheets; my clothes; my pillowcase no matter how many times I have washed everything…the way you pulled me to bed to just hold you as you slept. I still remember the feel of you under my palms; every curve, every line as I passed my hands lightly on your hip as you quietly snored. I wished for that for so long with someone and I’m glad it was with my best friend.
I want to let you go because you deserve my full attention…I hope that you wait for me like I waited for you, but if not then I hope that I can still cheer you on from across the field as you continue making a name for yourself. 
I love you my little star and always will.
Come by the cafe later, if you’re able, to pick up what I intended to give you…as a goodbye…sorry I won’t be here I’m actually leaving soon once my coworker clocks in…it’s the first day I need to be out of town…I love you”
Alessia finally arrived at the busy cafe; which was an odd sight for her. The cashier, immediately upon seeing Alessia, motioned her over, allowing her to cut in front of the line. 
“Sorry folks, just got to make a quick delivery” the assumed university student apologized to the line before going back and quickly emerged with a small bouquet of sunflowers wrapped in newspaper with an envelope sitting amongst them.
Alessia took them with a sad smile and headed over to an open table in the corner. She pulled out the envelope seeing it was covered in stamps and re sealed several times. 
Carefully opening it she sees a neatly folded napkin, in front of a thicker paper, the napkin itself had written.
“Mum sent me this right after I told her that we found each other again. This was the last time we were together…think you got a hat trick this game.”
The napkin was set aside as Alessia took out the thicker paper turning it over to see it was a photo of the two of you as children.
Alessia’s then dark hair held up in low pigtails with a big smile as you held her up in a hug also a big smile adorning your face. 
Her sad smile was short lived as she looked at what you had written in the white part of the photo,
“The Star and her Sun” 
It was then Alessia decided to wait for you because what is a Star without her Sun. 
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mellowwhumps · 6 days
June of Doom Day 5 & 6: “It’s not as bad as it looks.” | Disfiguration || Flinch | Abandoned
OC: Twelve, Emmei/MC (using he/him instead of they to differentiate)
CW: accidental implied self-harm, self-doubt
It had become routine for them at this point to sit on the counter as the store closed and the blinds were down, its two lone employees preparing to leave and go home for the day. Right now, however, they were forced to sit down against their will and sulk about it.
“Have you ever considered that you might not be fine? I mean, look at yourself. Don’t you dare think I wouldn’t check in on you.” Emmei chides them, glancing at their unzipped jacket and back at their wounds.
“S’ not as bad as it looks…Just a few more cracks.” The cashier squints. “More than a few more cracks,” they bargain, and when it’s clear the conversation isn’t going anywhere, they squint back. It’s always rather childish, their conversations just after closing time, yet this one, they fail to pick up for once, has an undertone to it. Emmei breaks the silence first.
“…I don’t want you chipping away in my store, okay? First time you came here I nearly had a dead body soon to be for sale. I don’t know what your standard of ‘bad’ is, but mine is pretty much this. You don’t even know what you’re meant to be, let alone where you came from.” 
They at least have the conscience to avert their gaze and look guilty, because they really are. They took the other’s time just to make him look after this fragile body of theirs and put him in danger by harboring a wanted delinquent. Their hands start fidgeting once again and Emmei, of course, notices when they move to zip up their jacket again. They’ve both gone too far, pretending this problem never existed for the past few days as though it were as simple as forgetting to restock the goods.
There had always been a fine line between them and the humans, after all; there always would be. For however long they could remember, they were doomed to be alone and forever separated from an identity or life. This disfigured body, the shattered remains of their wings, their white hair and misplaced memories and damned being and— 
There’s a warmth, gentle yet not restraining. They flinch almost instinctively in his hold, something so unheard of it should never have happened because nobody has come so close to them before. One of their hands is at their chipped collarbone; they move it so it hangs limply by their side. They hurt themself again, didn’t they? 
When he pulls away, standing awkwardly and clearly uncomfortable, they almost reach forward after forgetting their two other limbs are still trapped beneath their jacket, and then promptly remember the untimely information of how the price tag is still on the jacket and they never actually paid for it so it isn’t even theirs.
“I—” A third voice speaks and it takes a moment for them to realise that both of them are simply talking at the same time. Emmei gestures for them to speak before they even have the time to retort; the very next second their whole world seems to shatter beneath their feet. It’s a desperate act, the way they try to convince themself to say it even though they know they don’t want to say what they really mean or mean what they really say.
“Don’t need I…I can go.” 
“…And? What after that?” Emmei crosses his arms. They understand all too well what rhetorical questions are, choosing to keep quiet. They’d die out there, get caught or studied or have some other irregularity cut off like she did to them. 
Rough touches, silver on skin. The door looms right beside them, some forlorn escape, and they nearly lose themself in their thoughts for the umpteenth time before Emmei interrupts, saving them once more. 
“Listen, okay? I’m not going to abandon you on the streets, I already made my choice,” he states, “and if you really think you’re useless, I restock the shelves twice as fast with you and actually remember where that one soft drink is. So maybe keep yourself safe instead of killing yourself so I can get off work without being fired, yknow?” Oh. They never thought of it that way.
When they don’t speak up, Emmei sighs and walks to the store’s exit, gesturing for them to follow and halt this one-sided conversation. Just as abruptly as the conversation starts, it ends with them locking the door behind them and rushing to catch up, careful not to step on the pavement’s grooves. 
Stopping and taking a glance at the lazy blue of the summer sky turning orange, they are called back to the word called home; home with him, home where their heart could be, home. Four letters, so difficult yet so easy to understand. 
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painonthebrain · 10 days
JuneofDoom Day 1 - On the run / fetal position
Reverb wakes up after a game of Buckshot and crashing at a hotel.
Content: Guns/gun use, blood, standard buckshot roulette things, demon whumper, demon-turned-human whumpee, emeto/vomit, drug mention, alcohol mention
Reverb woke with a start, breathing hard. He was laying on the covers of a hotel bed, curled into the fetal position, tense — he held fistfuls of the blanket’s material and the covers were dirty from his shoes, mud tracked into the fabric.
The room was dark and musty, coated in a film of grime and filth. The scent of cigarette smoke lingered in its very walls, the curtains, the blankets, everything.
Still taking in shallow breaths, he sat up, clutching his forehead. His head was fuzzy, filled with cotton — cotton soaked in acid, stinging everywhere and sending stabbing pains through his skull.
For a moment, he was disoriented, forgetting how the hell he ended up here.
Roulette. The pain in his skull and jaw.
The money. The gore.
… Of course.
He groaned.
His head throbbed, and he was sure it was from more than just being shot. How many beers had he had? It had to be… god, he couldn’t remember. He’d smoked and drank and… and he faintly remembered using drugs. After all, he had to have taken something in that demon cesspit.
Reverb felt his insides churn. A nasty feeling pressed at the back of his throat.
Forcing himself to breathe deeply, he clutched his stomach, waiting for it to pass.
His mouth watered and he swallowed.
The feeling wouldn’t leave.
Reverb slowly got out of bed, his legs shaking as he made his way to the bathroom, stumbling to the toilet.
He dropped to his knees and bent over it, emptying his guts until there was nothing left but tears in his eyes, saliva and vomit sticking to his chin. Some of it was caught in his hair.
He moaned, leaning back against the wall of the bathroom, sitting on the floor.
Never had he felt so lowly — or imagined things could be any worse than they were before. His throat was on fire and there was a sickly, wet feeling like a leaky pipe inside of his chest, drip drip dripping, slimy and cold and he was sure it was some human emotion he couldn’t identify. A weakness, a flaw he shouldn’t have.
Lilith liked that. She liked seeing the fear in his eyes when she realized he wasn’t really human.
That he used to be one of her kind.
A former demon playing a demon’s game of stakes was the finest form of entertainment there was for her and Reverb knew it.
He forced himself to his feet and wiped away the vomit on his mouth, then flushed the toilet, feeling disgusting.
He really needed a shower.
Once he’d returned to the bed, he laid back down on it, still not feeling well. Instinctively, he curled back into the fetal position.
The briefcase of money sat next to him. Laid out on the bed and wrinkling the covers, it was a reminder of who he was and what he’d done.
He stared at it, dread creeping up his spine. Something tightened in his abdomen.
With his heart beating faster, he unlatched the clasps and opened it, checking. The bills sat in there, pristine, save for splatters of blood here and there. They’d dried and begun to flake, dark and brown. Some of it was his own, dripped onto the case from gunshot wounds that should have been fatal.
The memory was fresh.
Lilith’s body had gone limp when he shot it. She’d crumpled to the ground, lifeless, empty looking.
He knew she wasn’t dead. Demons don’t die that easily.
But for a moment, he’d felt something dark claw at him, deep in his chest as he gazed into their eyes, foreboding and cold; he was coated in both of their blood and he still felt the recoil of the gunshot —
He slammed the thing closed, locking the clasps again. His hands trembled as he pulled them away.
If anyone knew— knew about buckshot, knew about the money—
Reverb’s brows furrowed, and he let out a breath through his teeth. It shook.
He stumbled out of bed and grabbed the briefcase with both hands, gripping the handle so tightly his knuckles were white.
He couldn’t stay here.
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dnd-writes · 7 months
Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Pt. 1
Tags: Non-con, this whole fic is just one whole degenerate lump of non-con, so warning all of you already at the beginning. BFH, very degenerate, unedited, Third-person PoV (cause easier that way), sex slave!Julie, sex slave!Natty, sex slave!Belle, sex slave!Haneul, sex slave!Kiss of Life, sexual slavery, sexual exploitation, contract manipulation, clothing control, slapping, punching, kicking, spitting, deflowering, anal deflowering, painal, dry vaginal sex, facefucking, cum on food, frozen dildos, I think that's all or most of it but you get the point
A/N: 1. First of all, thank you to @fillinforlater for the fic idea. Idk what the fuck happened, at first I was following the plot he laid out, then I changed this part, then I added this part, then this, then that, and I blink and all of a sudden I have this monstrosity of a fic 2. Fic has nothing to do with the song, just thought it would fit as a title 3. If anyone asks, for this fic I "changed the timeline" of KIOF's pre-debut stuff to essentially fit in June 2023, cause y'know, Haneul. 4. Part 1 cause Smite's prompt had a second part that I also want to write but it's gotten so long I decided to split the fic into two? parts.
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It’s finally happened, she’s finally done it! After years of hardships and struggles Natty has finally achieved her goal of being in a K-pop girl group, the dream she once thought to be impossible now becoming a reality as she takes the pen and puts her signature down on the contract with tears filling her eyes. Some might call her crazy or an overreactor for bawling out but for someone who has gotten eliminated in the finals of not one but two survival shows, tears of joy sound like a reasonable reaction. 
Although Natty has already spent nearly a decade training, she is still looking forward to training more with her new groupmates. Even if it might take a decade more, as long as her dream comes alive, to her it’s all worth it. 
Natty expected to be surprised on her first day but she wasn’t ready to face what was in store for her. Having been a trainee for almost half her life, there’s no doubt that Natty has heard rumors about the industry, the drastic measures required to stay in form, the horrible things that happen away from prying eyes, the exploitation, the harassment. Though to her, they were all just rumors, just silly little things that people made up, little did she know that the rumors were just a teaser of what’s to come.
Natty goes through the front doors but instead of the vibrant and cheerful place she visited not long ago, the company now has a faint and eerie atmosphere. Lights are off, not a sign of any person in the immediate vicinity, it’s like the place never was alive to begin with. “Maybe I just came in at a wrong time,” she thinks as she navigates her way to her destination. Natty ascends to the fifth floor and as she makes it there, she hears subtle heavy breathing echoing along the halls. She decides not to get too curious and instead looks for the meeting place.
Natty stands just outside the door with a large smile prepared on her face, “This is it,” she tells herself as she gets ready to meet her new sisters. Her jolly expression quickly fades as she breaches the door, sitting inside are two of her three new groupmates. While very excited to finally meet them for the first time, what catches her attention the most are their outfits—both of them revealing way too much skin, a stark contrast to the jacket and jeans she has on. One of them is wearing booty shorts and a crop top cut short enough to barely cover her nipples and Natty notices that she doesn’t seem to have a bra underneath it. And all she can see on the other is a large red shirt barely making its way past her hips. 
Natty forces back a smile, trying to regain the excitement she previously had. There’s just four seats in the middle of the room all facing each other and Natty takes one of the two empty ones. It was awkward at first but the tension slowly dissipated as the three began talking, though a sense of eeriness still lingers behind. They start off introducing themselves to each other and Natty quickly learns that it’s Haneul who is wearing the crop top and Belle is the one wearing the red shirt. Once they got the awkward introductions out of the way, they proceeded to talk about random things. They start to talk about their lives now, their lives as trainees in previous companies, how the two knew of Natty in her time in survival shows. Although, every time Natty would try to talk about their outfits, they would pause and take a deep breath but then they would either play it off as if it was a normal thing or just change the subject entirely.
With no obstructions between them, Natty can’t help but notice some details with their apparent choices of clothing. Natty doesn’t know if she’s just imagining it but when she looks at Haneul’s crop top, she swears she can see a hint of darkness which she can only guess to be are areolas. Then there’s Belle who is sitting in the chair across from her, her short red shirt hikes even higher up her body while she sits down and Natty can see, clear as day, Belle’s pussy just hanging in the breeze. Natty tries to ask her about it but Belle just looks at her as if she was a crazy person.
Eventually the last member arrives, Natty somewhat expected her to also be similarly dressed which she is but the state she came into the room in was what shocked her the most. The last member arrives wearing a yellow sundress though from the looks of it, it might be a size or two too small. As she stands there trying to introduce herself to Natty, she keeps on adjusting her dress, struggling between pulling it over her chest or pulling it below her hips. But her attire is the least alarming part, her hair is all frizzled, her lipstick is smeared, and there’s drops of liquid dripping from between her legs. Natty forces another smile as all four of them start to talk together. The mystery girl introduces herself as Julie, their new leader. Julie takes the remaining seat and, similar to Belle, her dress hikes up, even higher compared to Belle’s shirt, and Julie’s pussy is visible to everyone. No one comments on it but Natty quickly sees that a pool of white is forming between Julie’s legs and it seems to come from her pussy and her butt.
Natty was right in that her first day would be full of surprises, though she did not expect to be such horrible and gut wrenching surprises. On her way home, she starts to recall the rumors she has heard over the years and after thinking back to what she saw earlier, they’re starting to become less like rumors and more like the harsh reality of the industry. But Natty brushes the thoughts aside, thinking to herself that her dream of being part of a K-pop group is being fulfilled and if it means even worse and troubling obstacles, then she will just overcome them too. She has had years of training, what’s a questionable dress code compared to that?
The next day arrives and Natty tries to remain optimistic, wearing another bright smile as she enters the practice room, though just like the day before it quickly drops. There’s a fifth person joining them that day and Natty can only assume he’s their choreographer only except he’s wearing nothing but shorts. While his toned body is in no doubt hot and amazing, given the situation and the very very prominent tent he’s sporting, Natty is deeply disturbed.
She says hi to him and then at her group mates who she has just noticed are still wearing the same outfits as the day before albeit with some slight changes—Haneul’s isn’t even covering her chest anymore, just dangling like a necklace above her shoulders; Belle’s red shirt has streaks of white all over the front; and Julie’s dress has a rip at the top as if her breasts were breaking free. Natty couldn’t even find the time to feel sorry for them as the man starts to talk to her as she comes in. “Hey, you’re the new girl right? What are you wearing?”
Natty stands frozen in place. She hasn’t gotten any sort of instructions or clothing to wear. Has she missed something? 
The man carries some papers over to her. “Did you not read this?” Natty recognizes the papers he’s holding, it’s the contract she signed. He flips through the pages and gives it to her, “See? Right here.” He points at the clause labeled “Attire” and Natty reads through the fine print. “In the company, the members should wear what is given to them or any clothing that they have. Provided that their tops have sleeves not longer than 10 cm and bottoms not longer than 20 cm.” With just her luck, she’s wearing a sweater and jeans that day. Natty couldn’t believe this, she remembers reading every detail of the contract but not once has she seen this. Natty continues to read the page and the next clause is labeled “Sex.” It reads, “The members cannot object to their bodies being touched or used by the employees of S2 Entertainment. The members must follow every order given to them, whether they are willing to do so or not. If the task is impossible to do, the members must accomplish it to the best of their ability. None of this can be mentioned to anyone outside of S2 Entertainment.” Natty could not believe her eyes, such inhuman clauses on her own contract. She hastily checks the last page and there sits her signature, bright as day. She looks at the others in disbelief but they can only stare right back at her with empty expressions.
The man grabs the papers back. “Well? The clothes we have are still in the laundry, so unless you have spare clothes with you or something, the only solution is to undress.” Natty looks at the others again for help but they just shake their heads and Julie mouths “Sorry” to her. “Are you going to do something about it or do you want me to take care of it?” Driven by fear of getting manhandled, Natty turns around and rushes to take her clothes off. Even with her back to everyone, she can feel the stares stabbing into her back. She feels so sick and dirty as she takes her sweater off and as she shimmies her pants off of her hips, she doesn’t realize she was involuntarily shaking her ass for everyone not until the man squeezes her butt.
Natty shivers in the cold room but it pales in comparison to being just in her underwear. Though it’s just the choreographer she has to be worried about, the lustful stare he gives her is enough to make her cry. Julie tries to console Natty but not a second later Natty hears a slap echo in the room, she looks up to see the choreographer in front of Julie who’s holding the side of her face.
The rest of the day goes pretty ok given the circumstances, mostly just going over the song and the choreography that went along with it, though their instructor occasionally helped himself to cop a feel while teaching and he seemed to be most interested in Natty, always focusing on her mistakes, groping and feeling every inch of her body as he “teaches” the dance.
The next day, Natty moves into the group’s dorm. “This time, it will be better,” she tells herself, maintaining that bright and optimistic perspective on life. She hopes that in the dorm it will be much funner and freeing, just her and her group mates living together and hanging out all the time. 
She opens the door and peers inside, to her surprise it’s really clean and quiet. Although she’s been very optimistic about things, deep down she was expecting similar horrors to what she has seen the previous days and seeing such a pristine and spacious living space is enough of a relief for her. After bringing her things through the door, Natty explores the place. In the living room there’s a huge flatscreen TV and a couch big enough to fit more than four people, and in the kitchen there’s lots of space available and a big fridge. Natty checks the fridge and salivates seeing lots of veggies and drinks inside, then she checks the freezer and almost falls to her knees from hunger seeing all the meat. Natty was about to slam the door shut when she notices a red dildo slightly hidden in one of the layers, she gives it a touch and confirms that it is ice cold. She blushes slightly, thinking that one of her group mates is kinky like that.
Natty hops over to the rooms, excited to see what those are like after seeing how extravagant the common areas are. She first checks on the room to the right, as she goes in she’s met with a very odd-looking room, half is very bland and empty while the other half is very decorated. “This must be my side,” she whispers while looking at the empty space. Over in the decorated half she sees Haneul fast asleep in her bed, seeing her wearing pajamas and not some skimpy outfit brings a smile to her face.
Natty closes the door gently as she makes her way to the next room. She barges through the door and immediately regrets it, the dorm which she expected to be their “safe space” away from the shit they have to go through at the company, turns out to just be an elegant looking prison. Natty was so happy about the place but unfortunately, it was too good to be true.
Natty sees three people all in one bed. Nearest to her is Belle, lying on her back and sobbing into her hands while a red dildo is shoved in her ass. Next to her is Julie and some man relentlessly pounding into her from behind. Only the man reacts to Natty’s arrival, looking over his shoulder to smile at Natty, it’s a different man, one Natty hasn’t met before. “Hi, Natty… I’m your… manager… Will you be a good girl and… pull that out of Belle?”
Natty should feel offended by such a crude question but after a week of “training,” she’s gotten to know better. Disgusted and disturbed yet Natty still drags her feet across the floor towards the three of them. “Just pull it out but do it slowly, don’t want to hurt her… even more,” he quickly adds the last part, chuckling as he does so, clearly enjoying himself at the expense of Julie’s and Belle’s pain. 
Natty glances at Belle, her face hidden in her hands, her body red and blue all over, her ass adorned with a bright red toy. She touches the base and immediately recalls her hand, it’s cold, ice cold. Natty considers herself a fool for even thinking for a moment that the freezer dildo was a kink thing, perhaps it might, but not for the person she thought it to be.
Belle’s quiet sobs turn to whines as Natty starts pulling the dildo out, the sound alone is enough to bring tears to Natty’s eyes, knowing that even though she’s helping, she’s still causing some pain. Natty continues to pull but at her slow pace it feels like it would take forever, she doesn’t even know how long the dildo is and as more inches get pulled out, the more worried she gets knowing how far it was in Belle and how much it could have hurt. 
Finally she pulls the thing out which calms Belle, her asshole closes back up, her body relaxes, and her cries die down. Natty looks at the dildo in her hand, the thing is almost as long as her forearm, she quickly throws it away and out of her sight.
Their manager turns to see that Natty has done what he requested, he gives Belle a slap on the ass and then Natty a pat on the head. “Oh nice… you’re a good girl... Natty… So here’s… your reward…” Before Natty could process anything he said or did, she feels her hair being yanked and her face quickly diving towards the bed. He makes her face to the side and starts to paint Natty in his cum. She hasn’t felt cum yet, let alone seen a dick in person, but the warmth and stench it leaves is enough for her to hate it.
“Wake Haneul up and have her clean you up, or you could just drink it all yourself, I wouldn’t mind. Just make sure to record, ok? When you’re done, Natty, meet me in my room, it’s at the end of the hall.”
And just like that he leaves, satisfied and so full of himself, while the three girls lay exhausted and broken.
Julie is the first one to recover among the three of them. “Let’s get you cleaned up. I’ll go get Haneul, he hates waiting too long.” Before Julie can step away, Natty grabs her wrist. “N-No! I’ll do it. I’ll… try to do it.”
“You sure? Alright then. My advice is just do it quickly. Hwaiting.” Julie flashes a weak smile and raises her fist for encouragement and Natty reciprocates the action. 
Julie takes her phone and starts recording. Natty sits at the edge of the bed with Belle just slightly out of the shot. Natty scoops up all the cum on the side of her face, just doing so disgusts her immensely. With most of the white liquid in her palm, she puts everything in her mouth and gulps it all down. For a second all is well but the aftertaste hits her like a truck and she starts coughing again and again. She expected to hate it but it was beyond awful. Only when Natty calms down does Julie stop recording.
“Go to his room, it’s on the left. I’ll just put this back in the freezer,” says Julie as she picks up the dildo from the floor.
“He hates waiting.” Natty repeats, with no time to rest, she gets to her feet and moves to the manager’s room. Natty’s hand reaches for the doorknob but she stops herself before she can even touch it. This time around she opts to knock instead of just barging in. “Come in,” says the voice from the other side. Natty enters the room, it looks much bigger and more grand than the other rooms, a bigger bed, a TV, a mini-fridge, it was practically its own apartment. “So nice of you to knock, you’re still dressed but that’s an easy fix.” 
She notices him ruffling through some stuff in his drawer, she tries to take a peek but he closes it before she can see what was inside. In his hands are a remote and a collar with her name on it. “We just met a few minutes ago but I think you’re my favorite already.” He puts the collar on her, tightening it so it fits exactly around her neck. “Whenever you’re here at the dorm, you have to wear this, ok? And everytime I press this button.” He raises the remote and clicks it, sending a small stinging sensation to Natty’s neck. “You have to come to me. It’s only at one right now but if you’re not here within five minutes of me clicking it, it goes up by one, permanently.” Natty gulps but with the collar snug around her neck, it made it a little uncomfortable. 
“Ok so where’s the video?”
“Ah, Ju-”
As her name is mentioned, Julie barges into the room, phone outstretched with the video ready to play.
“Ah, there it is. Thank you, Julie.” Julie hands her phone over and stands in place, like a robot waiting for her next command. “Aww, look at Belle sleeping so peacefully. Oh wonderful, drinking it all by yourself. See, I knew you would be my favorite.” He hands the phone back to Julie and she starts to leave but before she makes it out he issues one final order for her. “Julie, be a dear and get Haneul. She’s been sleeping all day, I haven’t had my fun with her yet. Actually, you know what? Now that Natty’s here, just get everyone.”
With just the two of them left in the room, he walks over to Natty. Seeing his erect dick twitching so much causes her to involuntarily step backwards and his brows suddenly furrow. “Now, now, Natty.” The sudden change in his tone and expression is enough to strike fear in her heart, afraid of a punishment she puts her foot back to its original spot causing his smile to return. 
“Sweaters. Always so annoying, I heard you’re huge but I can’t really tell with that stupid thing hiding your tits. From now on in the dorm, Natty, only wear tight tops. Oh, better yet, no tops at all. The only thing I want to see you wearing above your hips is that collar.” 
Instantly Natty’s hands start to move, getting rid of any clothing on her torso as soon as the new rule is implemented. She can see it in his eyes, hunger ever growing with each article of clothing she removes. As soon as her shirt comes off, he starts salivating. “My, oh my, you’re huge. Looks like Julie’s got competition.” Natty reaches behind herself to unhook her bra but pauses for a moment, she realizes this is the first time she would show her breasts to anyone, many have touched and played with them at the company but not one has unveiled her boobs. As her bra falls, his dick twitches in excitement. 
The rest of the group arrives. Belle is the first to enter, her legs very tired and her ass still very sore. Next comes Haneul, yawning and rubbing her eyes. Last is Julie, her head held high and her face serious, looking like a guard rounding up the inmates although she isn’t any less of a prisoner compared to the other girls in the room. The four just stand in silence like mannequins and their manager walks around and gropes whatever he pleases as if doing some inspection. 
“Haneul… what did we say?” says the manager very disappointedly. His tone shocks her awake, “I-I’m sorry,” she bows then starts getting out of her clothes. He scoots over to her and slaps her in the face. “I’ll let you off easy this time since Natty’s finally here but I’m doubling the next punishment.”
After Haneul, he moves over to Belle, whose legs are barely keeping her standing. “You cross me again, I’ll make sure you won’t even be able to walk for the rest of the day.” He punches Belle and she easily drops to the ground sobbing, he kicks her while she’s down to add insult to injury. Natty can only shiver upon hearing everything happen behind her, does she even want to know what Belle did to make him so mad?
He moves over to Julie and the first thing he does is spit on her face then he uses his fingers to smear it all over. Julie keeps her composure, just closing her eyes as he plays with her face, not flinching or whining at all. “You should thank Natty for being here, ‘cause you’ll finally have some time to rest.” His hands cup her breasts, giving them a proper feel before he moves on to a bigger and better pair. 
Finally he comes back around to Natty, the only person in the room with any piece of clothing still on. “Tell me, Natty… Have you fucked before?” Natty gulps again knowing the implications, though it was bound to happen eventually. She shakes her head and he smiles. “Oh, a virgin? So many people in that building and not one has fucked you? Well their loss, we’re gonna have so much fun together.”
“Change of plans girls, looks like I need some ‘catching up’ to do with Natty. Go do whatever you want for now, we’ll be here for a full day or two.” 
But just before he dismisses them, he goes back to Belle, still on the ground holding her side. He spits on her face too but this time he uses his foot to smear her face. “Don’t think I’m done with you just yet. Be ready for your final ‘lesson’ when I’m done with Natty. Now go, all three of you, leave.”
It’s wicked really, how sick and twisted all of this is, all the expectations Natty had, completely flipped around. Shining eyes looking up to her turns out to be lustful stares looking down, helping hands turn out to be forceful gropes, and managers turn out to be owners. Natty looks over her shoulder with tears starting to form in her eyes, though her hands remain still, her stare acts like a hand reaching out to save her from the depths of hell but alas, all Haneul and Julie could do is return similar sad gestures as they carry Belle away.
The manager locks the door as the three leave and immediately gets back to Natty, even with all the time in the world at his disposal, he wouldn’t want to waste a single second. With the rest of the group gone, Natty feels even more miniscule and useless, even more of a toy as his gaze is solely on her. He comes up behind her and fills his hands with her tits, with Julie’s he can still grasp the whole thing in his hands but Natty’s can barely be fully contained. He starts to fondle and play with her nipples while slowly moving his mouth closer to her neck.
Natty easily starts to moan loudly, she wants to keep quiet to avoid giving him that pleasure but her complete lack of experience and the resulting lack of tolerance betrays her. He sniffs along her neck, “You smell so good and your tits… so fucking soft.” He finds a patch of skin along the front of her neck and starts to kiss and suckle on it, Natty explodes into a moaning mess, shouting in pleasure as if she’s having the time of her life.
The pleasure gets cut short as his hands move down to her waist. “Sweatpants… another cock blocker. From now on, just don’t wear anything, Natty. Your body is so hot and irresistible, wouldn’t want any clothes hiding your beauty. Don’t worry about getting cold, just come to me and you’ll be warmed up in no time.” His fingers slip into the waistbands and he slides both her underwear and her sweatpants down to the ground. He’s the first one to see her tits and now he’s also the first one to see her bare ass and pussy. As much as she doesn't want to think about it, he probably will be the first dick she takes in every hole.
The manager circles Natty slack-jawed and wide-eyed as if admiring a sculpture he has just made. “Fat ass, soft and heavy tits, pretty face. You’re just the perfect little toy, aren’t you? And a virgin too, just the absolute best, if I could I would just own you forever but sadly I’ve got a job to do. Although… maybe I can have you be my roommate instead of Haneul’s, that’s probably the closest I’ll get.” He leans down and frowns at what he sees. “Unshaved, unfortunate, guess you can’t have absolutely everything but it’ll do. First thing I want you to do when you’re out of this room is get that shaved, got it?” Natty’s been unmoving and frozen in place for so long that it takes her a second before nodding her head.
The manager pushes Natty onto the bed then flips her to face him. Her full body is on display for him, each delicacy just sitting idle like food in a buffet, up for grabs at any time. He licks his lips as he considers his options. 
“Two virgin holes, which to try first? The other three bitches came here already used, so this will be a first for you and me.” He slaps his dick against her pussy, grinding on it and feeling the slight hint of wetness it’s giving off. Next he considers her asshole, very puckered and looking very small compared to the head of his cock as he pokes her with it. He licks a finger and prods inside, the way his finger barely pushes through excites him and the way Natty winces seals the deal for him. 
He lifts Natty’s legs up and hooks them over his shoulders, giving him a perfect angle to ravage her ass. He lines himself up and slowly pushes his way in, not even bothering to spread her cheeks to mitigate the tightness. Natty is already breathing heavily as she feels her asshole stretching to accommodate him. “Please,” she begs. “It… It won’t fit.”
He just smiles and caresses her cheek. “That’s the fun part, a tiny virgin asshole broken open by my cock. I’m gonna remember this forever.”
As soon as Natty’s sphincter spreads wide enough for his girth, he shoves the whole thing inside. “AHHHH!!! TAKE IT OUT! TAKE IT OUT!” Natty fires a blood-curdling scream as his cock swiftly overwhelms her. It hurt for him too given how dry her butt is but only barely, plus her cries only work to alleviate him. 
He locks her legs in his arms and her hips in his hands to keep her from moving. Her hands might be free but Natty doesn’t have the strength or the courage to lift them up. Her ass feels like it’s on fire from the dry friction between the two of them. To her, it’s like hell. To him, the fire feels like an invigorating force. 
Her anal walls hug him so tightly, it’s like Natty’s ass is begging him to fill her up and who is he to turn down such a request. Her ass is so tight, it’s practically milking him dry, any tighter and he might not be able to pull out. In just a few minutes he starts to orgasm, the hardest and fastest one he’s had with any of the four girls. He pulls out and scrambles to find his phone, wanting to cherish this moment forever. “Second load of cum and many more to go. You’re gonna be such a wonderful cum bucket, Natty, milking me everyday. You’re going to love my cum and my dick in no time.”
Natty tries to stand, to do something, anything, but her body is just worn out already, completely exhausted, completely given up. The manager, on the other hand, is the exact opposite, even after tearing Natty’s asshole apart, he’s still hard and ready for another round. This time he has his eyes set on her cherished virginity. 
He hooks her legs back onto his shoulders but this time he carries her then pins her to the wall with her wrists bound by his hand above her head. While flexibility isn’t a problem for Natty, she is now face to face with her assaulter. She closes her eyes and looks away but that doesn’t stop her from feeling his hot breath on her face. His tongue pokes out and licks along her cheek, tasting her tears and her sweat, he leaves a trail of his saliva as he travels from her jaw to her ear. “So salty, so delicious. Everything about you is so delicious, you know that? Now I’m gonna enjoy fucking your pussy, I’m gonna see just how tight you fucking are.”
Tears fall nonstop from her eyes. Natty’s sobbing grows strong as she feels his heat pressing against hers. She so badly wants to beg him to stop, to let her rest, but her voice can’t manage to form words and she knows he wouldn’t listen anyway. 
He lines himself up with her folds and in one swift motion, he pistons his cock inside. “AHHHH!!! FUCK! PLEASE!!!” her voice only manages to come back during moments of intense pain. “Oh, Natty, your cunt. Fuuuuuuck, that’s the best pussy ever.” Her pussy is heavenly, it’s so tight that it’s almost orgasmic when he penetrates her. He just loves the way Natty squeezes around him. He also loves hearing her cry out in pain, to him it’s like a choir of angels. He relishes in the feeling of Natty’s pussy, living in his own twisted version of heaven.
As he pounds into her from below, Natty’s tits bounce freely in front of him and he doesn’t waste a second as his mouth latches onto her chest, after all, a little side dish won’t hurt while he enjoys the main meal. He bites her nipples, pulling and squeezing them with his teeth, only adding more pain to what Natty is already experiencing.
The two of them fucked endlessly in that locked room while the other three finally got some rest, though they couldn’t quite live in blissful harmony as Natty’s screaming kept them aware of their situation, the walls were thin enough to let Natty’s wails of terror flood the whole dorm. While the other three girls were able to sleep through it, in the morning they still heard Natty screaming and begging, though her voice much weaker and hoarser. 
There’s just so much to do with Natty, just pure lust and adrenaline fueling the manager all throughout the night. All the positions he could take her in, all the things he can do, all the possibilities, everything that Natty’s body can offer, he takes. He fucked her all over the room, didn’t even matter how or where, he just slams her down somewhere and fucks her in whatever hole he felt fit. He fucked her face against the wall, then fucked her ass while he pressed her face onto the floor, then fucked her pussy while missionary on the floor, then fucked her ass doggystyle on the bed, then fucked her face while her head hung off the bed, then fucked her ass in the shower. Just so much cum in and on her body in the span of a couple of hours and yet he is still going strong.
The next day comes around and there doesn’t seem to be any lapse in their action. Stretching from before the rise of the sun all the way to after it set, just endless screaming of pure pain and agony coming from Natty. The only time the manager interacted with the rest of the girls was when he asked Julie to cook up a meal for them. The door finally opened again for the first time in two days as Julie brought her cooking.
“Ah, pork belly, I’m starving. Thank you so much, Julie. I see you’ve gotten comfortable without me pestering you all the time,” he says as he sees Julie wearing some pajamas. “Oh, two plates? We won’t be needing that,” he chuckles as he returns the second set of utensils as well. Just before the door closes, Julie takes a peek over his shoulder and sees Natty practically lifeless on the floor. The manager gives Julie a quick smile, proud of his own work, then locks the door.
The manager walks over to the bed and nudges Natty with his foot before getting himself comfortable. Natty, almost void of all energy, springs to life as she smells the delicious food. Natty sits patiently, silently jealous as she stares at her manager eating all by himself. He points to his dick and Natty can only sigh as she lowers her face in front of it. 
The manager puts his hand on the back of her head and Natty opens her mouth, but instead of pushing down he says, “Let’s play a game, Natty. If you make me cum before I finish the food, you can have the rest of it.”
Natty doesn’t exactly have much knowledge on how to pleasure a dick, her only experience being the one dick that’s been forced in her body the past two days. She’s already come to terms with the fact that she might not eat for two days straight but regardless she tries her best. 
Natty employs the small pieces of advice she’s heard him tell her. Even though she’s basically just moving her head along his length, judging from his moans he seems to be enjoying it so she goes faster. 
“Fuck, Natty. Fuck… I’m gonna cum…” He takes over this time, gripping the back of her head as she immediately chokes. “Don’t… swallow it, fuck.” He struggles to squeeze his words out of his mouth as another orgasm makes its way into Natty’s mouth, only this time around it pools on her tongue. She already hates cum to begin with, cringing inside whenever she would taste it but with a whole load lingering in her mouth, revolting is an understatement. She struggles to hold it all in, not just because of the taste but also because of how much he gave her, her cheeks are full and just a little more it would probably overflow. 
He holds the plate of what’s about a quarter of the total meat still left on it. “Spit,” he commands and without hesitation she opens her mouth and deposits the batch onto the plate. “Go on, everything, spit into it.” She does as ordered, mixing the remnants with saliva and spitting onto the food. He spits onto the plate as well and mixes the meat with the “sauce” then puts it on the other side of the bed from her. “Go eat.”
Natty tries to get up and walk to the other side but the manager has other plans. He grabs her hair again and pulls her across the bed, forcing her to kneel down. “Come on, eat up.” He moves over behind her and lines up with her pussy. “Don’t waste anything, when you’re done I want that plate clean.” Natty stares at the disgusting abomination in front of her and she feels even more disgusted and degraded knowing that even when it comes to food she’s being treated like a dog. Her stomach gurgles, no matter how disgusting the food may be, she still has to eat. Natty tries to look at the brighter side of things, at the very least she’s eating actual food and not some slop that looks inedible. 
On the third day of her imprisonment, Natty is completely exhausted and broken. She just lies on her back, barely even reacting to anything her manager does anymore, there’s cum on almost every inch of her body and yet she doesn’t bother to clean it. 
Julie knocks to bring them breakfast, the manager gets the door but instead of just taking the food he tells Julie to give it to Natty. “She’s not fun anymore so I’ll be going back to you guys. And besides, the company is looking for her, can’t have her here forever.” As soon as the manager leaves, Julie rushes over to Natty and tends to her. 
The manager, clearly unsatisfied with Natty’s unresponsiveness and clearly needing a release, turns to Belle for release.
“AHHH!!! Wait, no, please… I’m sorry.” He barges into her room and she immediately shrieks upon seeing him. In the short span of two days, she’s gotten used to not being around him but here he is to remind her of her place. “I promise I won’t do it again, I—” She tries to get away but she’s stuck in the corner and all she can do is sink herself further into it. He doesn’t stop or even think for a second about what he’s doing, he just walks up and punches her face, adding another bruise to the multiple he’s given her. 
“Haneul? Get in here!” he shouts at the top of his lungs. While waiting, he pulls Belle’s face to the edge of the bed and starts facefucking her, all the while alternating between slapping her tits and punching her pussy. 
“Haneul?!” he calls again after a few minutes. After cumming down Belle’s throat and Haneul still hasn’t arrived, he marches over to her room. Not really to his surprise, he finds Haneul sleeping soundly in her bed. For one second he smiles, admiring her beauty before proceeding to ruin it. 
He punches her which brings her wide awake. He tugs her hair to bring her face close to his. “Always sleeping, you lazy cunt. Maybe you need a lesson too.” Haneul screams and thrashes as she’s dragged across the floor by her hair towards Belle’s room.
The next few days and weeks go by with the members somewhat getting used to and coping with the treatment that they are going through. Lots of practicing and “training” happens at the company, mostly the latter, then their manager has fun with them at the dorm. At the very least their manager is kind, all things considered, just as long as they follow his orders, so they still get to somewhat relax at the dorm. And whenever no one is using their bodies, the girls hang out, talk with each other, and comfort each other, growing a bond and giving each other hope to carry on until they debut.
The month ends and it’s finally time for Kiss of Life to debut. The four are no doubt incredibly excited, they finally get to wear clothes that cover most of their body, finally have some time away from the perverts, and most of all, they finally get to debut and live out their dreams of being K-pop idols, though little do they know what their company still has in store for them, even in public view.
A/N 2: So if you made it here, congratulations, you're as much of a degenerate as I am :). Anyway, while part 1 is mostly focused on Natty, part 2 would likely be four "mini-fics" in one, each focusing on one member. Subject to change but most likely it would be like that
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luthien-under-bough · 2 years
Swoon June — Day 11: Pet Names
The sun shone brightly over Skyhold, on a rare day with little wind and pleasantly temperate air. Lira Trevelyan skipped down the steps from Cullen’s office, cheeks aching from a persistent smile that wouldn’t seem to go away. She’d just stolen a few kisses on the battlements before he returned to his work. Lira, not quite as dutiful as the Commander, decided a walk through the garden would be lovely.
As Lira made her way to the open gallery encircling Skyhold's garden, familiar voices drifted over the hedge. She paused to listen.
Lira almost responded, but realized Varric wasn’t talking to her.
She heard Dorian scoff. “You’re not even trying.”
“Sounds like a disease.”
“I thought you were a writer!”
Unable to bear whatever Maker-damned nonsense this was a moment longer, Lira burst into the garden. She placed her hands on her hips and fixed her troublesome friends with her most accusatory glare.
“Exactly what are you two talking about?”
Varric and Dorian turned sharply. Both of them wore guilty expressions, like sticky-fingered children who'd been caught sneaking into the larder.
“Oh you know," Varric said smoothly. "Just trying to come up with you and Curly’s couple name.”
Lira snorted. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.”
“Curly…” Dorian mused. “Could we do something with that?”
Varric tapped his lip thoughtfully. "Curlquisitor?"
It was hard to say whose groan was louder—Dorian's or Lira's.
"I swear to the Maker if I ever hear that again I'll happily relieve you of your tongue," Lira said. 
"All right, all right," Varric said, throwing his hands up defensively. "But..."
"But what?" Lira was almost afraid to ask.
"What if Curly really likes it?" 
"I guarantee you he will not," Lira said, between barely contained laughter. "In fact, if you repeat any of these to him, I'm sure he'll find a latrine that needs cleaning with your name on it.
"Come now, the Commander might find it charming," Dorian said, hardly able to keep a straight face himself.
"Might find what charming?" 
Lira, Dorian, and Varric spun around in unison to find Cullen watching them with a raised eyebrow and an expression of extreme suspicion. 
"You don't want to know, trust me," Lira said. "I thought you had to get back to work?" 
Cullen smiled. "I was just thinking how our...walk...on the battlements wasn't quite long enough. Perhaps you'd care to join me for another?" 
"I'd be delighted," Lira said, grinning. 
Shes stepped away from Dorian and Varric, and linked arms with Cullen. As they exited the garden, Lira threw a glance over her shoulder.
"You two stay out of trouble now," she said, narrowing her eyes.
"Yes, Curlquisitor," Varric said in a low tone.
Dorian snickered, and Lira was sorely tempted to throw one of her knives in their general direction. She scowled at her friends, making a mental note to think up some way of punishing them later.
"What did they say?" Cullen asked, looking back with confusion.
"Nothing," Lira assured him. "Nothing at all." 
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 5 months
Ever since that running aemond pic came out I've been thinking non stop about his thighs so... would you like to write something involving riding aemond's thigh? I have no other wishes and I totally get it if you think that's not enough of a prompt. You can ignore this if you want but I'd love to see what you can come up with!
You asked for this back in June, I'm so sorry for how long this has taken me. I am a shambles of a human being, truly. I hope you've stuck around long enough to see this!
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Warnings: Thigh riding, smut, me playing fast and loose with canon. Word count: ~1.3k
The candle that rests beside her on the reading table burns low as she sits in her and Aemond’s marital chambers. The book that is spread out in front of her, Coming of the Andals, lays unread; her fingers tap anxiously against its pages, as her eyes remain fixed upon the door.
Aemond had been called to a meeting of the Small Council. They both knew why, it has been a long time coming. The injuries that Aegon sustained during the battle of Rook’s Rest have left him bedridden, he is no longer fit to rule, and their grandsire’s capacity for what he can do in his stead has reached its limit. Westeros needs a Targaryen upon the throne, and Aemond is next in line. It is a position she knows that her husband is all too eager to fill.
He ought to be back by now though, it has been hours. The evening grows late, and she has long since sent away her chambermaids, refusing to be readied for bed. She has no desire to sleep until Aemond returns, so she forgoes the comfort of her nightgown, despite longing to unlace the meticulously fastened ribbons that hold her bodice tightly in place against her ribcage.
Tiredness and impatience pluck at her nerves, making her shift irritably in her chair. She startles at a polite rap at the door, if it was Aemond then he would simply walk in, he would not bother to knock. Her brow furrows in confusion as she rises, walking towards the door to open it.
She looks down into the wide eyed anticipation of one of the Keep’s page boys. He clears his throat before speaking.
“Apologies for the disturbance at such a late hour, Princess, Prince Aemond has requested your presence in the throne room.”
She sighs, nodding and bidding the young lad goodnight, before snuffing out the candle and making her way through the corridors of Maegor’s Holdfast towards the Great Hall. The walk is long, and she is grateful she has not yet changed into her nightclothes, as the gown she wears does little to keep the chill of the castle air from nipping at her skin. She would feel annoyed at Aemond insisting she come all this way, were it not for the mixture of curiosity and excitement that flutters lightly in her chest.
Pushing open the great oak and bronze doors, her eyes scan the long carpet that stretches the length of the room, up to the high, narrow steps that lead to the raised iron dais. Aemond sits upon the throne. She stands silently as she regards him. His arms rest on either side of the asymmetrical tangle of jagged and twisted blades, long fingers curled around the makeshift armrests.
He is dressed as he was when he had left her earlier that evening; black, leather tunic, black breeches and leather boots, except this time the Conqueror’s crown sits atop his snowy head of hair, the Valyrian steel and rubies gleaming iridescent in the moonlight. He cuts quite the imposing figure as his single eye stares at her impassively.
Slowly, she descends the steps into the Hall, making her way along the carpet, maintaining eye contact with her husband the entire time. His lips quirk, the faintest trace of amusement tugging at their corners as he observes the unhurried pace with which she moves. It is not until she stands before the throne that he bothers to speak.
“It is not polite to keep your King waiting,” he utters quietly.
“Prince Regent,” she corrects him. “And it is not becoming of a King to rouse ladies from their slumber in the middle of the night.”
He huffs through his nose, smirking at her as he leans forward slightly. “You do not appear to be dressed for sleep. I must say, I am disappointed.”
“It is improper for a lady to greet the King in such a state of undress, or is that how you will have all the ladies of the court attend to you?”
“Hmmm. I have not yet decided how I would like you to attend to me. Will you curtsy to me?”
“Never,” she whispers with a playful giggle.
“Such insolence must be met with the King’s justice.”
She takes his hand as he offers it out, gasping as he tugs her forcefully up to him, her knees landing either side of one of his, as she sits against his thigh. Even through her skirts she can feel the unyielding sharpness of the throne beneath them. She steadies herself, placing her hands upon the smooth suppleness of the leather that covers his shoulders.
Aemond grasps her waist with one hand, the other moving to weave itself into her hair, as his eye drinks her in. She allows her gaze to wander to the crown, taking in the way it sinks into the thick silkiness of his hair.
“It suits you,” she says quietly.
“It looks better on me than it ever did on him.”
“And is this what has kept you from our bed?”
“I wanted you to see.”
He flexes his thigh, raising his leg to brush against her clothed core and she sucks in a shaky breath, the sensation causing a jolt that makes her throb with want.
“I would have seen…” she retorts with a slight whine, as the hand holding her waist moves to her hip, gripping it tightly and encouraging her to grind against him.
“Not like this,” he hisses, tugging her head back by her hair and mouthing hotly at her neck.
She moans, her nails digging into his shoulders to ground herself, as she fucks herself against his thigh, aided by the occasional bounce and flex of the muscle from Aemond. The ache between her legs is almost unbearable, the gusset of her smallclothes growing sticky with arousal, as the sensation of his lips upon her flesh makes her shudder.
“This moment is just for us,” he mutters, pushing and pulling her more forcefully against him, encouraging her to move faster. “But we shall have many more like it.”
“Gods, Aemond, please,” she whimpers, insides clenching around nothing as the friction against her aching pearl grows more intense.
“I will fuck a babe into you upon this throne,” he snarls, shifting his hand from her hair to pluck harshly at the lacings of her gown, before tugging down her bodice and wrapping his lips around the peak of her breast.
Arching against him, she buries her hands in his hair, keeping him anchored to her chest. The warmth of his scalp and the softness of the tresses between her fingers are oddly juxtaposed with the hardened coolness of the Valyrian steel that crowns Aemond’s head, but she has little time to dwell upon it.
She cants wantonly against Aemond’s leg, the pressure in her lower belly increasing, aided by the swirl of his wet tongue against her sensitive nipple. When it finally yields, she collapses forward against him with a strangled cry of pleasure, a rush of wetness soaking her smallclothes and leaving a damp patch on the area of her husband’s trousers that she rests against. Warmth cascades over her body, making her feel boneless as she pants for breath and Aemond’s lips release her with a wet pop.
He holds her steady, leaning back to look at her, as a cat might regard a mouse it toys with. His hooded eye roves over her glassy eyes, her parted lips, her bare chest, before he lifts a hand to adjust his crown slightly. “Hmmm. Yes. It makes everything look better.”
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marvel-ous-m · 4 days
The Stuff of Our Lives
Written for @steddiemicrofic June Prompt: Stuff | WC: 483 | Teen and Up Audiences | Tags: Established Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Steve Harrington Has Bad Parents, Eddie Munson Has a Bad Father, Flight of Icarus Lore Mentioned
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“Do you need help with your other things, babe?” 
Steve looked at the boxes in the back of the van in response to Eddie’s question, mentally reviewing the various contents of each. 
Two for clothes, one for books, tapes, and movies, one for trinkets, and one for miscellaneous shit. 
“Nope! This is it.” Steve caught Eddie’s eye through the rearview mirror and smiled, then closed the van doors. He circled the van and climbed into the passenger seat, not noticing how Eddie’s responding smile didn’t quite meet his eyes. 
“Are we moving the rest of your stuff into the apartment later?” 
Steve frowned, feeling a pang of hurt at the implication of Eddie’s question. “There’s no other stuff. Clothes, toiletries, trinkets. That’s all there is, all I have.” 
Eddie’s eyes darted back to the rearview mirror, glancing at the five boxes that took up almost no space in the van. “No furniture or anything?” 
Steve shrugged. “I figured I’d just buy that from the secondhand shop. My parents are already pissed I’m moving out. My dad would, like, track me down if he found out that I took anything else.” Steve gave a forced laugh, which was silenced a beat later when Eddie’s hand rested on top of Steve’s knee. They fell quiet for a few minutes as Eddie carefully navigated the roads to their apartment. 
Finally, Eddie spoke. “A couple years ago my house burned down. I saved a few of my mother’s records, some books I’d had since I was a kid, but the rest wasn’t salvageable.” 
“Fuck, Eddie, I-”
“My dad didn’t care, but I did. Stuff isn’t forever, and to someone else it may just be a pile of junk, but to me, it’s a physical representation of a memory, and I can think of nothing more... significant than surrounding yourself with those memories. I had some other stuff at Wayne’s when that happened, and have made more memories since, better ones, but it was still hard to let go of those memories in that house.” 
Steve was at a loss for words, and Eddie continued. 
“I know your parents aren’t the best, that they think of things as having monetary value and not much else, but I guess what I’m trying to say is, even though you don’t have much stuff right now, that just means that we have the opportunity to get more stuff together, right? To fill our home with memories of us. You won’t be surrounded by memories of them anymore.” Eddie paused, then grimaced. “Sorry if that, like, makes zero sense-” 
Steve placed his hand on top of Eddie’s, his eyes wet with emotion and his heart warmed by Eddie’s words. “No, I get it. Our stuff, our memories.” Steve smiled. “I can’t wait to get stuff with you, Eds.” 
Eddie glanced over at Steve, offering his boyfriend a soft smile. “Same here, baby.” 
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